Congressman Mike Gallagher of wisconsin cochairsor to Cyberspace Commission discuss the recommendations to defend against cyberattacks. [video clip] in the critical time fight against the virus, we made a lifesaving move with early action on china. Now we must take the same action with europe. Host that was President Trump last night in an Oval Office Address announcing his plan to block travelers from Continental Europe from entering the United States. It came hours after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic. Negotiateontinues to and aid package. Here are phones are open to hear your reaction for all of this. Emocrats, 2027488000 2027488001 republicans, it is 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. You can send us a text. That number, 2027488003. Please include your name and where you are from. Otherwise, catch up with us on social media. On twitter it is . It is cspanwj. You can start calling in now as from theou more of Oval Office Last night. President trump i have decided to take necessary actions to protect the health and there will be exemptions for americans who have undergone screening send these prohibitions will not only applied to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but other things as we get approval. Anything coming from europe to the United States is what we are discussing. These restrictions will also not apply to the united kingdom. At the same time, we are monitoring the situation in china and south korea and as their situation improves, we will reevaluate restrictions and warnings that are currently in place for a possible early opening. Host that was President Trump last night. The white house putting out a fact sheet about travel restrictions announced by the president. It applies to foreign nationals from or who have recently been to 26 countries in Continental Europe over the last 14 days. It only applies to the movement of people, not goods or cargo. President trump clarified that in a tweet after his address. American citizens coming home will be directed to certain airports for screening for coronavirus. The acting secretary of Homeland Security with his own statement after the president s address. He says the actions the president is taking to deny entry to foreign nationals will keep americans safe and save lives. These are not easy decisions, but they are required. Also vowednt emergency aid to workers and Small Businesses impacted by the coronavirus. Here is more from the president. [video clip] to ensure working americans can stay home without fear of financial hardship, i will take emergence and Emergency Action to provide financial relief. This will be targeted for workers who are ill, quarantine, or caring for others due to coronavirus. I will be asking congress to take legislative action to extend this relief. Because of the economic policies we have put into place over the last three years, we have the greatest economy anywhere in the world by far. Our banks and Financial Institutions are fully capitalized and incredibly strong. Unemployment is at a historic low. This vast Economic Prosperity gives us flexibility, reserves, and resources to handle any threat that comes our way. This is not a fan at financial crisis, this is a temporary moment of time we will overcome together as a nation and a world. Host the president last night from the oval office. We are getting your reaction on the washington journal. Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. The president talking about the he isncy aid package looking for. Negotiations continuing as far as the details. Here is the story from the New York Times, leaders reaching to read racing to reach a deal. Members of congress scheduled to leave at the end of this week. Chedules could change the New York Times noting by nighttime there was still no deal. House democrats were pushing ahead with their own emergency beenf package they have calling the Families First Coronavirus Response act. Some of the details released from Nancy Pelosis office on the act. It would involve coronavirus testing, paid emergency leave, enhanced unemployment insurance, strengthen Food Security initiatives, protections for frontline workers. Increased federal funding for medicaid included in the package democrats are proposing. We will see what happens today with what sort of day might come together. Etting a reaction to all of it there is the headline from the wall street journal. Marion massachusetts, good morning. Caller hello, how are you doing . Host i am doing well. What did you think of the president s address last night . Caller i found it really sort of odd because he had his in 1918. Ndfather die for him not to have a relationship with what a pandemic is, i find that amazing. If we are going to help with the they shoulds, maybe become floating hospitals, not peoplewith the pandemic, who are sick, but not necessarily invasive with a tagious saying that would through the air ducts and stuff. They could become floating hospitals. Caller subsidizing the airlines because they will not be flying as much. The cruise ships, they might as well use them as floating hospitals. Host janice out of brooklyn, good morning. Caller good morning. Laughable iresponse spending place blame on here up. And in t fingers and people who call in and say this is fake news, whatever, we do fire drills and in buildings and after, they tell you what they should have done. We heard announcements on tv this is only a drill and if this was a real emergency, this is what we need to do. He did not do that yesterday. He did not specify what the medical needs to do. He did not specify what he was going to do to help the states. To him, this is all about if he 50 billion, everyone will say we are saved. He was supposed to stand up and be a leader. He did not say this is what we need to do to move forward. Host to your point about the countries this travel restriction applies to, 26 countries in Continental Europe known as the schengen area. That term from the schengen agreement which abolished checks within the unions internal borders. Those countries that applies to, the u. K. And ireland, the schengen agreement does not apply to. Those 26 countries listed by secretary chad wolf in his. Tatement he released yesterday austria, belgium, czech republic, estonia, finland, germany, france, greece, hungary, italy, with a weighty, liechtenstein, netherlands, norway, poland, slovakia, spain, sweden, and switzerland. Homelandg secretary of security noting restrictions do not apply to legal permanent residents of the United States and immediate family members of u. S. Citizens and family members identified specifically in the proclamation. The acting sec. Promising guidance within the next 48 hours on how the restrictions will go into place. Jeffrey out of new york, good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, jeffrey. I approved caller i approve of what the leadership is doing and i look forward to voting straight republican on election day. The you are calling on line for democrats. Do you still consider yourself a democrat . Caller i am registered democrat. All the crazy things that have been going on have changed my opinion of democrats and i am voting straight republican come election november and election day. Host june in wyoming, you are next, go ahead. Evidently in wyoming we have our first case. Ims senior. I am very upset because south 20,000 peopleng on our and we have sat hands, blundered the whole testing idea in the United States. A mistake was made at one of the labs. I understand completely why we are doing this. It is political. These companies and labs are owned by private concerns. We need to contact congresspeople in each and every state and get this thing under , get these testing things they are using in korea or the United States. We are not the best country in this world for this virus, korea is. I am a native of wyoming, but violent intimes more death than any other flu. Korea has a hand on it, lets get korea in here now. We dont need 300 some people sitting out in the ocean waiting base put into an air force that is not even active. Host we have been coming back to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus dashboard trying to stay on top of the numbers around the world and around the country. The numbers around the world, cases. 6,000 confirmed expect those numbers to change by the hour. The total deaths around the world, 4641. The vast majority in china, over 3000. That green number we have been tracking, that is the good fromr, the total recovered coronavirus, now over 68,000 around the world. If you want the numbers in the United States, 1321 confirmed so far. D 38 deaths 30 of them in washington, four in california, two in florida, one in new jersey, and one in south dakota. In north carolina, independent, go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. I hope the president announcing last night about the travel ban does not become a fall machine for Something Else he said, suspending the payroll tax. Social security and medicare paid for the payroll tax. I am hoping this is not a backdoor approach to privatizing Social Security and medicare. I hope you cover that in the mornings to come. Tennessee is cecil in. Good morning. Five he cannot tooting his own horn. He cannot keep from tooting his own horn. When he starts bragging on what he has already done. He is putting politics in there. So terrified of losing the presidency that he cannot stop the political party. Host the one thing the president talked about he has done is on january 31 in his first public response to the the u. S. Announced it would bar citizens, do you think the president should not be talking about that . Caller that was great. How at these other things he is trying to downplay the virus until last night. Host you dont think he is downplaying it anymore . Caller i havent heard that. Losing therrified of presidency and pray god he will. Host what did you think of the president s remarks last night . Caller yeah, i watched it. I also watched february 28 at a rally and said this is a democratic hoax, all fake news. I also watched on sean hannity and he said people should go back to work, this is nothing, just like the flu, only 15 people got it and they should go back to work. He is a double standard president. A fox news president. February 28, he stood in front people. Hose host richard, your thoughts on the president s remarks last night from the oval office. Caller i think these democrats should stop whining they lost the election. Schumer and pollution and schiff nadler. This is a crisis. It is time to get behind the president. This is disgraceful to the democrats. I will never, ever vote democrat about. Host less than 15 minutes left in this segment, we will be congressman Mike Gallagher will be here for discussion. A new report out on u. S. Defense against cybersecurity attacks. The house is in at 9 00 a. M. Eastern and we will take you there for life gaveltogavel coverage. It is a two hour show, but we comments from the secretarygeneral of the World Health Organization making the announcement yesterday. [video clip] in the days and weeks ahead, we expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries. Limb even higher assessing then outbreak around the world and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming action covid19 can be characterized as a pandemic. Pandemic is not a word to use lightly. If misused, it can cause unreasonable fear or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary. Uffering and death describing the situation as a pandemic does not change posed by theat violence. It doesnt change what w. H. O. Is doing and it doesnt change what countries should do. We have never seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. This is the first pandemic wesed by coronavirus and have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled at the same time. W. H. O. Has been in full response mode since we were notified of the first cases and we have called every day for countries to take urgent and aggressive action. Host the director general of the World Health Organization yesterday. If you want to watch his full remarks or the president s full remarks or any of the other hearings we have been covering, all available at our website for you to see unfiltered. It is cspan. Org. Ray in new mexico, independent, you are next. Caller i enjoy your show very much although it gets my Blood Pressure up a little bit. I am independent and i will be voting republican. The thing i was worried about is on the cruise ship industry, those Companies Register those ships in other countries so they do not have to meet all the more stringent safety regulations. They are americanbased companies. They dont employ a lot of americans on the ships. I hope they pay us back with interest. That is all i have to say this morning. Host does your Blood Pressure go down when you have a chance to call in and tell us what you think . Caller yeah, it does. I try not to lose a train of thought. It is nice to hear all the different views of different people from political parties. Host it is a 30 day rule between calls. We want to hear from viewers around the country and we hope to hear from you every 30 days. Thelma in reston, virginia. Caller i think the president s speech fell short of addressing the main concern that everyday citizens have. He should be focused on the business aspect. By restricting travel and excluding great britain, it still allows those other back and to travel forth, so what is the restriction . The u. K. Ed specifically because he has businesses in those country. I think he is focused on his selfinterest. Host what was put out by the white house is that these other countries that are part of Continental Europes schengen agreement that have abolished checks within their internal borders. The explanation is these countries were more of a concern and that is why they were put on this list specifically. Caller but they can travel freely back between britain and the other countries. Host your country your question is what is the point of a restriction if you can get around it . Caller yeah, they can go to britain and enter the United States. Host we will see what comes from the guidance and what is put out by the department of Homeland Security. The restriction specifically says if you have been to one of those countries in the last 14 days even if you are coming from another country, you would be restricted. The white house saying it whoies to foreign nationals have been to or are from those countries. Caller i still think he had his golf courses in mind when he excluded britain. That is my comment. Thank you. Host in new york city, republican, good morning. Caller good morning. In to comment. The address our president stated last night. I agree we need to unify as a country to handle this crisis. It is not something that is republican or democrat, but we are americans in need to handle it. My second comment is more of a question of how we can be more reactive. The situation exists, but we need to act more positively towards it and thrive in it. It is a challenges, but when challenges present to us as a nation, we need to rise and take action and show the rest of the world what we are made of. We need to take care of each other. I would suggest having a mass testing of everyone whether they showed symptoms or no symptoms to prevent the spread. It is stated you could be infected for numerous days and not show any symptoms. Within those days, you come in contact with many people and you are spreading it. That is my only comment to unify and take more preventive measures. People may not be showing symptoms at the time being. That is my only comment. Host kathy in new york, you are next. Caller thank you. Put lady had it very well that we should come together. I have two concerns. , i like toendent background check. I have friends that get on the computer with the freedom of information act. From what i understand, this is the offset and offset of the h1 virus. Why wasnt something done years ago to start a vaccine . There is a big thing saying he does not go far enough with information of this or that yet the other day on a program i watched 45 minutes of trump speaking with the cdc control people and afterwards with pence. I went down all the channels and nobody covered the entirety of what he was saying. The information is getting out. Host i believe we aired that in its entirety. Caller yes, you did. There was a couple channels that did not should have been covering it that i like to watch and i kept going down to it and said why arent they covering it . Little id go with ncerpts and then they would have Governor Cuomo speaking. Most people watch certain channels or i like to go on them all and try to get information canthen compare it all so i form my own opinion. There are times it is out there, but the other ones are not covering it, so people get misled to think it is not. Host we are running out of time and there is a lot of other callers, did you want to finish your statement . Caller i agree with the lady that we should start coming together, stop pointing fingers and i think he did try to do something, but he needed funding and it did not come right away. Host we will be talking more about that and what will happen with funding and legislation when it comes to the economic effort to stem the impacts of coronavirus. We saw congress moved the 8. 3 billion emergency supplemental to deal with the medical and supply, but promises by congress to move forward with something this week and you heard the president talk about what he would like to see from congress. The president talking about efforts to move forward with his own authorities when it comes to loans from the Small Business administration. Robin in pennsylvania, thanks for waiting. Caller good morning. I just called to say i approve of everything the president is doing. Together. E to stick i am very sick. I have a cough. I am having a hard time so i called my doctor yesterday. She told me to go to urgent care. I could not believe she told me that. Instead of coming to see her, she wanted me to go to urgent care. I called urgent care, there was only one person. They said i had bronchitis, really bad sinus infection. I could not believe my doctor would not take me. I got my antibiotics and the pills are so big. I dont know how i will swallow them and now that i know they are made in china, that scares me more. Host we hope you feel better and recover quickly. Ken in montana, democrat, good morning. Caller i have one question proposed last night, the payroll tax cut. If you are not getting a payroll, what good would a payroll tax cut do on your payroll taxes . I was an employer and it is split 5050. Of all the dumbest solutions and the reason i bring it up is somebody earlier said to get intor way cutting Social Security and medicare. Thank you. Host that is our last caller in this first segment. Plenty more to come this morning including up next, new Congressional Study finding the u. S. Not prepared to deter Cyber Attacks from countries like north korea and iran. We will talk to the coauthors of the study, angus king of maine and Mike Gallagher of wisconsin. We will be right back. Announcer sunday on after words, kt mcfarlane gives insight into the political process and the Trump Administration in her latest book revolution trump, washington, and we the people. She is interviewed by daniel mclaughlin. [video clip] we are constantly reinventing ourselves not just as individuals, but a nation and government by its very nature is stuck. It is a status quo institution. We will do things the same way and it is people who get stuck. America is set up to have political revolutions. We had one in the very beginning and in the american revolution. Revolutions have played out in the ballot box and that is what we are in the middle of now. Announcer bought Katie Mcfarland with her book, revolution trump, washington, and we the people. Season,g this election the candidates beyond the talking points are only revealed over time. Since you cannot be everywhere, there is cspan. Our programming differs from all other political coverage for one simple reason, it is cspan. We brought your unfiltered view of government every day since 1979 and we are bringing an unfiltered view of the people seeking to steer the government this november. In other words, your future. Go deep, direct, and unfiltered. See the biggest picture for yourself and make up your own 2020with cspan campaign brought to you as a Public Service by your television provider. Washington journal continues. Senator angus king and Mike Gallagher at our desk this morning. The cochairs of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission. Your reaction last night to the president s Oval Office Address . I am not trying to make this about politics, but it was a partial address. He did not lay out much in the way of detail. He talked about the travel ban which apparently does not apply to americans. If you are an american in the middle of milan, you can get on a plane and come back. If it is a health measure, it was not complete. There wasnt anything about testing. I thought it was an incomplete address. The address i would have liked to have seen would be the president and nancy pelosi saying we have come together, we are in control, we will pass an important measure to help people affected by it tomorrow to really instill confidence. I dont think it was awful. I think he did what he had to do, but i dont think it does not appear to have been terribly reassuring. Host congressman gallagher, your take and will the house move forward today with some sort of joint bipartisan measure . I would like to live in that alternative reality where people are working together and not politicizing the crisis. I support the idea of an extension of the travel brand van in europe. It is unclear why the u. K. Was not was exempted per dino they are part of schengen exempted. I know they are not part of schengen. We need to scale up our ability to test all over the United States. We bought ourselves time with the travel ban against china. We also had some stumbles getting testing out. Success south the is clear itit will take local, state, and government working together to give us that chance. T we talked about the later for think it is over a week when we could need to consider more emergency measures. What is the continuity of government plan of all members of Congress Need to come back and bid next week . I think we should mid next week . I think we should be having this debate. Host what is your sense of what the senate will accept . Guest my sense is the biggest impetus is toward doing something for the people immediately affected. In other words, unemployment. Enefits, extended part of our society has paid family leave. Aid for people for childcare whose kids are suddenly not able to go to school and have to go to work. I think that is where the focus should be. Havelike Mike Gallagher, i not seen it and we are probably going to vote on it this afternoon. I want to see what the details are. The general outline sounded like it made sense to me. Host in terms of what congress can work on and details we have, cyberspacet from the solarium commission. We have another crisis for you. Host a yearlong study of cyberspace capabilities. Is the the bottom line is we do not have a current credible posture and it working ine partnership with the federal government in order to secure our interest in cyberspace because we have seen examples in a cyber attack Eastern Ukraine spreading even more quickly than the coronavirus around the world. We may think we are not at risk in the United States, but i can tell you every single day we are under attack and we need to be aggressive to protect our country. The best in the world when it comes to cyber offensive and defensive capabilities . Think we are the best in the world, but that does not mean we are not vulnerable. We are the most wired society in the world, that is the good news. The bad news is that means we are the most vulnerable. Part of the thrust of our report is how dangerous the situation is. Ay we are talking about we are under attack later today. 3s systems are attacked million times a day. 3 million times a day major utility. T could be nationstates often nationstate actors, but also gardenvariety criminals. Putin can hire 8000 hackers for the price of one jet fighter. It is low cost and what we tried cash was raise the cost make our ad material make our adversaries think twice. It is because of our open society and our first amendment, we dont want to clampdown on speech. That makes us vulnerable to disinformation and hacking. What if somebody hacked into the Voter Registration database in florida a week before the election . The russians were in every. Tates election system in 2016 it looks like just about every state they were engaged and they did not change any votes. My question is why were they there . Where they practicing . That is what worries me. T congressman king and senator angus king and gallagher will be with us this morning. They will be discussing the Cyberspace Solarium Commission report. It is available for the public to read. Explain the genesis of this report and how this is different from other cyber reports from that apartment a defense or a white house strategy . Guest 2 let me say what a pleasure it was to work with senator king on what was a nonpartisan effort and what makes this unique is we had 4 sitting members of congress, republicans, democrats, independents. Represented as from every National Security agency in the executive branch and outside experts including represented as from the private sectors. We had a diverse range of perspectives that made the report different and we hope to distinguish ourselves in that every instance where we are recommending congress do something, we have already taken the time to draft out the legislation necessary to effectuate that change. We dont want this to be something that is just fun to read or interesting and collects dust. We wanted to be a blueprint for action. This takes inspiration from competitiverium, a design strategy exercise that allows us to think through how we would confront the soviet union. We evaluated three alternative strategies for where we need to go in cyberspace and we have taken elements of all three to arrive at a conference of approach we are calling layered cyber deterrence and we hope to shape the debate among our colleagues and the executive branch. Host how do you deter an enemy where it is so hard to figure out where attacks are coming from . Guest that is a good question, you should have been a member of the commission. The issue you raised is attribution. How do you figure out where it came from. That is one of the points we talked about because if you cannot figure out where it came from, you cannot retaliate. One of the things we recommend is a heightened capacity within our government to do that. The fbi has extraordinary capability in this area. So does nsa. Does cia. So we are talking about and all of government response on the attribution question. Generally, you can, although it is getting harder, you mentioned at the beginning we are probably the best at this, but this is not a static situation where your opponents are Getting Better all the time. We are Getting Better all the time. The idea is to start with attribution and then there has to be some response, some price paid by the adversary. If they are sitting around in the great hall of the people in into saying shall we get this election in the u. S. . I want them to say, if we do, we are liable to get whacked. I want them to be part of their risk calculations. Host in the international community, there are war crimes, lines we do not cross, chemical weapons, gas weapons we have decided as an international community. In the cyber field, is there a line the u. S. Should not cross . Guest that is one of our major recommendations, we should be olved in organizational International Organizations to set up guardrails and rules of the road. We have had 1000 years to figure out war crimes and war and which weapons are in bounds and which are not. This is an area we have only had about 20 years of experience. Is an our recommendations undersecretary of state to engage on these issues in order to have that because if you get to the place you want to impose cost and retaliate, it is much better if it is a worldwide with allies kind of deterrence rather than just the United States by itself. One of our major recommendations is build the consensus on what are the rules of the road . Host would it be easier to build that International Consensus with a cabinet level official that is in cabinet meetings with the president to speak on these cyber issues . Guest 2 absolutely and one of the core recommendations is a creation of a National Cyber director in the executive office of the president which would be a Senate Confirmed position. Not only would it give the president a Single Person who could be held accountable for coordinating all the disparate activity in cyberspace and the federal government among all the different agencies, but it would give congress as well a single bellybutton we could push to do more effective oversight. Host who coordinates cybersecurity on capitol hill . What committee is in charge of that . Guest 2 another core recommendation guest there are somewhere between 50 and 60 committees and subcommittees that have jurisdiction. Our recommendation is the creation of two committees related to cyber. Right now it goes through Intelligence Committees. Host if Chuck Schumer has a question on cybersecurity, who does he go to . Guest he could go anywhere from Homeland Security to the Intelligence Committee and multiple subcommittees. You are frowning and that is appropriate because what i said yesterday when we announce this is one of my principles of life is structure is policy and if you have a messy, incoherent structure, you will have messy, incoherent policy and that is what we have. Solarium Cyberspace Commission report is available for the public to read . Guest absolutely. It is solarium. Gov. Guest 2 leader liberally wrote an unclassified report because we want not just Government Experts to read it. Everyone is affected by cybersecurity and i would urge listeners because i know they are dedicated, to demand their representatives in Congress Read this report and we Want Congress to take action on this because we spent a lot of time thinking through this and we got some of the best minds in government to help us and we want this to be part of a broader debate about what we need to do to secure our country. Host and we want this to be a start of a discussion this morning for our viewers. Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. Harriet from alabama, a democrat. Good morning. Caller i would like to know if either of them think Cyber Attacks would have any effect in our battle against the coronavirus problem and how can we communicate better with our representatives . For instance, i have heard nobody suggest people that have not had their flu shots or ammonia shots get them now so they do not get sick and clog up the hospitals. I dont understand why we dont have something going out into every mailbox in this country saying this is the proper way to wash her hands, this is the proper way, the general theory behind what handwashing does, a so we can have the information to fight this. Guest we dont have any information that there is a cyberattack tied up in the coronavirus issue. Going after hospitals it could happen. There is no intelligence to that effect and i am on the Intelligence Committee and get briefings on these issues. I think the suggestion is a good one. One of the problems we hopefully wont face, but likely will is crowded hospitals, hospitals all over the country are postponing elective surgery to clear space in the hospital. We have a very finite capacity, number of hospital beds. 20 or 15 years ago, we had Something Like 200,000 hospital 100,000. We now have this could be a real bottleneck in the fight against the virus and keeping people out of the hospital who do not need to be there is a good way to ameliorate the problem. Host you dont have information about a active attack, but we talked about vulnerabilities and that is what your report looks into. Where does our Health Care System rank in terms of your concerns about vulnerabilities . Guest 2 i dont think you need to use much of your imagination to play out the level of chaos that can be created if at a moment of vulnerability a malicious cyber actor decided to not necessarily shut down the website of a hospital or mess with peoples Online Health records, but merely created with information on social media or told people to go to a testing facility that was misplaced or did not exist. That is why we need a more robust deterrent posture to send a signal constantly to countries around the world that would seek to mess with us that if you choose to do so, not only will we survive, but we will strike back with speed and agility and thereby impose costs on you for such activity. We have not seen any indications right now, but it does point to why we need more resilience built into the system. Guest an important point is a cyberattack does not necessarily have to disable. All they have to do is sow fear and distrust. Franklin d roosevelt was right. In many cases, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and the chaos in this situation people and that is why we are so vulnerable. Any system connected to the system the internet is vulnerable. That is why one of the major thatmendations is states still have online voting should move to paper. We have this high Tech Commission recommending paper and that is one of the things we have to do to avoid the sewing sowing of confusion. Host how often are we focused on sowing chaos . What are our other goals . Straight is to stand to our adversaries. We can cause them trouble if they cause us trouble. The idea of deterrence is it doesnt happen. War. Nt want a we are building large ships to deter war so people know there is a high price for attacking the United States. We want the same kind of theory of deterrence and it doesnt mean you send a missile. It doesnt mean you do a cyberattack. It may be targeted sanctions. There has to be something that tells the adversary if you do this, this will happen to you. Host jonathan in leesburg, virginia, republican. Go ahead. Do cyber sector intelligence and public and private work. I wanted to address the previous callers question. Because the fear is out there, it is easy to phish companies to play to the fear. It would be easy to expect people clicking on emails such as that. It will give them an end for Financial Institutions and Government Entities so things like that can be utilized to gain entry. In terms of deterrence, you will never be able to deter Cyber Attacks because it is so easy to do and obscure occasion bsfuca ion o obscure given your background, i hope you feed you read the report. Phishing. Part of what we are talking about is in establishing norms is how do we enhance basic Cyber Awareness . Guest it is the cyber equivalent of washing your hands. Host it is a smokey the Bear Campaign for citizens. Oftentimes it takes one person clicking on an email in order to expose vulnerability in a system. That is a great point and it will require cyber education in k12 schools to prevent that. As to your broader point about deterrence, i would make a distinction between Strategic Nuclear deterrence where there is no room for failure. Throughout the cold war our objective was to avoid war and cyber deterrence where we start with the assumption we are failing every day and you cannot defense, but you severity ande establish norms. Guest the terrence is not the only piece, this is a 110 page report. Part of it is building up resistance to these attacks and a lot of it is individuals. Two factor authentication going into your Network Connection and be smart about what you click on could reduce vulnerability by Something Like 90 . It really is they call it cyber hygiene. Is theolarium. Gov website with the report both members have been asking the public to read. We hear from mike in massachusetts, independent, good morning. Caller good morning. Cybersecurity and almost Everything Else these days, i have such little faith in the u. S. s ability to prevent anything that will be detrimental to us. I could give maybe the military some credit, but i feel like they are in their own bubble and when you separate the military world in the u. S. From our daily lives and government interactions, i have no faith whatsoever and the same goes for the coronavirus. The same goes for climate change. There have been so many seeds sown of misinformation and you layer on top of that the political corruption in terms of citizens united. I have no faith. I really have no faith and it is a sad thing. Wasew up thinking the u. S. Stronger than what i see today and it is truly sad. Been at wish you had our commission meetings. We met every week for about a year with this group of people from congress, both parties and me, independent and outside experts. This was a serious discussion. I am in the middle of a congress that doesnt get much done. I understand your feelings. It is allt agree bad. We have confident people within our government. There is an agency in dhs that is often in disarray this part of it, which deals with these threats, with secretaries of state across the country are doing a good job and a highly competent job. Is it good enough to fully protect us . Thatut there are pieces are working. Keep the faith. Host a democrat, good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, thomas. Caller good morning, gentlemen. Ave little faith second. Ld on one we are going to try again. Caller good morning. I have little faith in this president resident of the white house who did not serve and i served and he said he knew more than the he knew more than the generals. Coronavirus is serious. We need steady leadership. We need mental leadership. Will yall discuss the 25th amendment . Thank you. Host congressman gallagher. Guest thank you for service. Prior to being in congress, i spent seven years in the marine corps. Everyone thinks they are in charge at the same time. It creates confusion. I would say this. Had a very robust debate with the executive Branch Participants on the commission. Their contributions were serious and some stantec. Though we all recognize, particularly in 2016, we learned hard lessons in terms of foreign interference and things like that. We also had some educated provincial professionals who have learned their lesson and did extraordinary work in the 2018 election. They had thisy, doctrine of defend forward, which corresponds with an engagement in the nsa. A lot of what we are talking about is how do we build on the success we have had in the area and extend it the on the military, across all agencies in the federal government. The importance of this issue should not wax or wayne, depending on who is in the white house. It is such a serious issue that there should be a repository of expertise, regardless of who is president. Host can you name names of who you are working with within the administration on this report . Guest the commissioners are named in the report. It includes the director of the fbi. The secretary of defense, people who were therefore almost every single meeting. The general was not a commissioner but he engaged with our commission. We had representatives from the dni as well. We had extraordinary representation from everybody in the executive branch. You have host host yo host you have alex in texas on the republican line. Caller i had a question on the coronavirus pandemic. Considering the technical logical technological advances we have, do you theider it important for federal government to use technology such as skype to meet with people . Guest in my office, we are looking at exactly that. We are trying to cut back on meetings or at least have meetings with our constituents online. If they are in the office, i probably had 100 people in the Office Yesterday from maine. I did not shake hands with any of them. Boy, is that hard for a politician. Facetime will resume or whatever those technologies, that is a sensible alternative. Social isolation, trying to just not touch each other so much is an important part of what we have to do here. That is why, i was disappointed. I was interviewed yesterday and somebody said Vice President pence said he is going to keep shaking hands. And is not the right policy it is a bad example. We need to walk the walk. Politicians, whether in congress or in the white house, have to start taking their own advice. Senate staffer tested positive for covid19, the first coronavirus case on capitol hill. It was a staffer for senator maria cantwell. Congress, weole have three or 4000 people around here in terms of staff and we are backandforth all the time. Everybodylast month, shakes hands with everybody else. Leaving atw youre the end of this week. Guest that has never happened. The principle is it is good to have human interaction. People are walking around. I think that is something we may have to consider. How radical is it to not have fans at march madness . If College Basketball can do something that serious, maybe we should be thinking about it too. Host are you ok with voting remotely . Guest i think we should go to ncaa rules right now. It should be members of congress and essential staff here. I would argue we should stay here in the event of a crisis and debate what the proper response is. A long time ago, we should have shut down. Yesterday, i walked in the cafeteria and hundreds of people were in close proximity. Remote voting, i had not considered that. Ofsked what is the plan continuity government . You would need people to vote. I havent gotten a great response yet. It is interesting, to tie it back to our commissions report. In the mid 50s, when we contemplated the unthinkable, the event of a soviet Nuclear Attack on the United States, we developed operations plans. We need to plan for continuity in the economy in the event a major cyberattack disrupts our ability to show up in d. C. Or our ability to do basic things online. Host the continuity of government plan is a deterrent to say it we will come back and find you, even if there is a massive cyberattack. Guest exactly. Given that so much of our economy relies upon sharing data and digital networks, we need to extend that to say if there is a massive cyberattack, what industries are able to start right away . The other thing is to put the dhs and cyber structure Security Agency in the lead position of the federal government to develop that planning. Host less than 10 minutes left with you. , call from South Windsor connecticut, democrat, good morning. Caller good morning and thank you, cspan. A thought crossed my mind. A cyber attack is usually meant to harm a country and a suicide bomber is meant to harm a country or people. Host senator king, do you want to respond . Guest i think that is not an irrational fear. Someone who has it and decides they will harm other people by maximizing their contact. Hand, this is a tricky matter for our leaders. I think the president is having a hard time navigating this. You want to calm people down. You dont want panic. But at the same time, you have to be straight with them about the level of risk. I think one of the reasons the administration got into trouble was they were too reassuring and did not take it seriously enough. There is a question of credibility when they say we have this under control. The suggestion the caller made, there have been historical examples of people using. Mallpox as a chemical weapon host out of charlotte, north carolina, independent. Caller thanks for taking my call. Our whole network was compromised in a cybersecurity attack and we had to go through a ransomware payment process and such. We are one of millions of companies out there that are liable to have this happen. Our take away from the experience was that, at the end of the day, there is no guarantee we can completely defend ourselves. What we can do is have great backups and be able to recover as quickly as possible. Host do you mind if i ask how much it cost your company to get your systems back . Caller it was a relatively small amount. 10,000. It was a nobrainer for us and our insurance company. It got us through. Recognized that those who were harming us. It may require certain backups and capabilities to withstand that attack. Cutflow of money could be off and bring the whole ecosystem into a weaker place. Host i love it. Happened ontory has at least 10 occasions in my district. Ransomware attacks continue to grow. Guest we are trying to get the Cyber Insurance market to work where it does not create more hazard or incentive vibes the wrong incentivize the wrong things. We want them to go under mandatory penetration testing. We have to keep a record of that. In the event of a major breach, we can interrogate that data to determine if anyone is negligent. That is huge problem. Thank you for sharing that. Guest one of the recommendations in the report is that Public Companies should have to certify there cyber solvency like they have to certify their financial solvency. That has been a recommendation of the securities and exchange commission. We are suggesting that should be mandatory. That will get pushback in the business community. We just think that we have got to diminish this private sector of vulnerability. Senator king brought up Election Security as a big part of this report as well. I just want you to respond to this piece report from the New York Times when they are writing about the report. President trumps staff was famously reluctant to bring which mr. Trump considers tantamount to questioning the legitimacy of his presidency. I think it would be wise for the in a seat brief the president. Not to brief the president. Their leader, the director, has been phenomenally forward leaning when it comes to engaging in state, local and tribal and Territory Government for how we should secure our election. Have officials who learned the right lessons in 2016 and took forward leaning action and 2018. He has great people prioritizing Election Security. Our report provides a variety of ways we can build on that report work. Guest that is part of our recommendations. It is not about relitigating 2016. This is forwardlooking. What we are trying to do is create a blueprint for how the deal with this risk and threat in the future, which is very serious. Election security is part of it. Fellowompanies like the who just called in from texas. It is our telecommunications system. It is your bank account. We dont see money anymore. It is all electronic. What if that disappeared overnight. That is the kind of thing we are trying to focus on. Election security is part of it. This president has shown, at anst in huawei, he has shown awareness of the threat. And he has been correct on that issue. I am hoping that we will be able to convince him that we are not trying to relitigate 2016. We are trying to protect the country. Host pamela dixon, tennessee, democrat, good morning. Caller good morning. I am an older lady. Ransomware and could not afford to pay anything. I no longer have the end of that internet. If they would attack someone as small as me, what will they do to Large Companies . Have they considered arranging things to where we can go back to the olden days before computers. We dont have Analog Services anymore. How will we have no decay notifications if we dont have our smartphone. How are we going to deal with that . Thank you. I dont see a scenario in which we will go back. This will be a bigger problem. With 5g internet, we will be more connected and at every point in our day, we will have internet be a thing. Recommend,at we particularly for Companies Involved in Critical Infrastructure is that they effectively maintain analog systems in the event they cannot go online and we have to weather a massive cyber attack. We tend to talk about all these big state on state, san juan, etc. , think about how this affects daily life. U. S. Paying off you are paying off your student debt and you make a payment on your first house and you try to why that money to what you think is there a cyber criminal intercepted and there goes your life savings. That is happening every single day in this country. Everyback to this idea, citizen is on the front lines in this fight. This is not just nationstates writing. Guest as i mentioned before, the caller wants to make things simpler. That is one of the things we recommend when it comes to elections. Paper ballots. Host we will end with an independent. Timothy in lakeland, florida, good morning. Caller good morning. It is harder its like 2003. Same place, same city. Something came out. Same place, Something Else came out. Host i will give you the final minute. Guest he talked about biological weapons. Wes is not a morning where are adding threats to threats to threats. A perilous world. That has always been the case. We have to try to react to it and bring it back to the work we have done over the past year. We are trying to minimize one of those risks. As we heard from the callers, that is a very real one to people across the country. We are trying to figure out how to stop that. We have a solid report, in order to do that. The bottom line is we have people here who are trying to make the Congress Country safer. Host congressman gallagher . Guest i want to echo what my colleague has said and encourage listeners to go to the website, read the report themselves and demand their representative from congress do the same. Viewers ought to take it from the fact that we have a republican ended independent who have worked together on this. I can tell you that in 35 or 40 meetings, there was not a with a partisanship. It was all good people trying to solve a problem. Republicans get the idea that it is not all fighting and we dont hate each other. Thank you both for your time this morning. Guest thank you. Guest thank you. Host back to your phone calls, getting your reaction to President Trumps Oval Office Address reaction last night. Democrats, 202 7488000 republica. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. President trump talking about the federal governments work with the health care industry. Pres. Trump early this week, i met with the leaders of the Health Insurance industries who have agreed to waive all copayments for coronavirus treatments, extended insurance and we are cutting massive amounts of red tape to make antiviral therapies available in record times. These treatments will significantly reduce the impact and reach of the virus. Additionally, last week, i signed into law any . 3 billion funding bill to help the cdc and other funding agencies to fight the virus and support vaccines, treatments and distribution of medical supplies. Testing capabilities are expanding rapidly. Day by day, we are moving very quickly. ,he vast majority of americans the risk is very, very low. Young and Healthy People can expect to recover quickly if they should get the virus. The highest risk is for the Elderly Population with underlying conditions. The el deeley pop Elderly Population must be very careful. We are advising that Nursing Homes for the elderly suspend unnecessary medical visits. My administration is coordinating directly with communities with the largest outbreaks. We have issued guidance or school closures. Social distancing and producing large gatherings. Smart action today will prevent the spread of the virus tomorrow. Host one of those actions that the president took last night, announcing new travel restrictions from Continental Europe. Some 26 countries in Continental Europe. We are getting your reaction for the last 40 minutes of our. Rogram phone numbers, democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. We will go with your phone calls until the house comes in at 9 00 a. M. Eastern this morning. Kathleen, bronx, new york, democrat, good morning. Caller hello . Host go ahead. Caller my name is kathleen. Im from the bronx. I am a retired nurse for the past 10 to 15 years. I just wanted to say that it is just crazy, while i am seeing. Especially with this president. He has not prepared the country. This thing was going on for such a long time. It was going on in china and we should have been ahead of the game. The fact that we dont even facilities and the testing should have been prepared a long time ago. The personw whether they placed in charge knows up from down. It is terrible, what we have to go through. Not even knowing what is going on, what is happening, i dont think they know where it is coming from. They are telling you just to keep yourself isolated. We knew about handwashing from the very beginning. Those are things we have learned. The thing is we dont actually really know where this is coming from. This is what is frightening people. They are saying it is something from persontoperson. I dont think they really know whether it is person to person or if it is something that is just going around. I hate to say it in the air. You mentioned the president s response, the New York Times points out the president s first public response to this Ongoing Health crisis was january 30 first, when the administration announced it would bar entry by most foreign citizens who had recently visited china. Here we are, today, the Washington Times with three different maps, best to look at it from bottom to top. Starting back on march 3, over the course of 12 days, at least 1200 effect in the United States. Six deaths as of march 3. At least 200 infected and 14 deaths in the United States. You can see the states where it was reported as of march 6. March 11, yesterday, at least 1000 infected and 37 deaths. The darkest in california and washington. The blue is the states where the coronavirus has been confirmed in the United States. Cases. 323 confirmed 38 deaths so far. This is next out of fairfax county, virginia. An independent dennis is next out of fairfax county, virginia. An independent. Are you with us . Dennis. Time for for not hitting the button correctly. Like weit just seems know those viruses and biological threats are out there. We have a military that is prepared for an attack. We buy tanks and all kinds of weaponry. Billions,lions and almost a trillion dollars in our military. Why arent we doing something considering this is an obvious and continual threat with biological viruses. Why dont we have an infrastructure preset . There needs to be a cultural respect to the budgeting for this. We need to prepare ahead of the time and prepare for all of the viruses. The human coronavirus is listed on the back of a lysol can. We know that 99. 9 of the viruses are out there. Lets start a man hadnt project Manhattan Project on a universal test kit and have them stockpiled, so that we are ready for the next one which will come in two years. Who knows what it will be. Lyme disease and mad cow disease. We need to get ahead of it now and spend the money now for whats going to come in the future. Host thank you. That is dennis in fairfax county, virginia. Democrats, republicans and returndents, i want to to the congressional reported. Jennifer, good morning to you. Lets start with what could be happening on capitol hill today with this economic stimulus bill in response to the coronavirus. That they haver released their plan. Take us through the negotiations right now and a potential vote today. Guest the house does plan to vote by the end of the day. The house rules committee, which is a hurdle to get to the house floor, started this process late last night. They wouldd and said get input from the white house and house republicans. They just reconvened a couple of minutes ago to restart that process. We expect the vote by the end of the day. This is a fastmoving bill. The legislation did not come out until last night. A lot of folks are getting familiar with what is in there. We expect democrats to widely support it. House republicans and the white raised a bit of skepticism but have not completely ruled out supporting it. Host nancy pelosi and her office releasing that bill, late yesterday. It is called the family first Coronavirus Response act. Here is what nancy pelosi put out. Free coronavirus testing for everyone who need to test, including the uninsured. Paid emergency leave with 14 days of paid sick leave and for jean up to 30 months of paid medical leave. Frontline for workers, including Health Care Workers and other workers for those who are in contact. We are expecting a house floor vote today. Where are we on the senate side. Has Mitch Mcconnell brought anything to the floor where are we on the senate side . Has Mitch Mcconnell brought anything to the floor . Guest no. As of yesterday, reporters were asking Senate Republicans lots of questions. Now feelinge right a lot of pressure to do something to address the Economic Impact of the coronavirus. They are due to leave town today for a oneweek recess. They want to get something done. Of whate been skeptical the house would come up with. Especially the white house, if it ins up not supporting this deal, it is hard to see it theing anywhere in senate. They could move quickly if they decide they like this package. They could try to get something passed very quickly in a day or two. Host the white house has said they would support a payroll tax holiday. That was not in the legislation nancy pelosi released last night. Guest the president has stressed he wants the payroll tax holiday. Hands been pretty roundly on capitol hill. Democrats dont like the idea and republicans say it is too much, too soon. They have not ruled out the idea of it being something that might need to be enacted eventually. They consider it too soon to enact such a drastic measure. Unlikely to be seen in this kind of package. Further down the line, it could be a possibility. Getting yourare day started on capitol hill, can you talk about the latest changes in response to the coronavirus in that building over my soldier shoulder. Jurors were stopped tors were urs were stopped. Guest reporters have a tendency takings like folks are puerile and handwashing more seriously. Tons ofy, there were tourists walking through the capital and lawmakers were signing concerned that that is not a good idea. Dianne feinstein said perhaps the capital should close because there is 535 lawmakers, thousands of staffers, many reporters and we are all in tight quarters. Whatems the opposite of Public Health officials are encouraging right now. Host is there any talk of extending the recess week beyond just next week . Guest not much more than the rumor mill. Has beennancy pelosi pretty adamant that Congress Stay in session. They are the last folks on the ship. I could see a scenario. Things are day by day in a situation like this, where the situation is constantly changing. You open the door to recess being extended. See where it is delayed or extended a couple of days if there is not more legislation to vote on. I think it will be one of those situations where it is a day by day situation. Host jennifer of the los angeles times. L. A. Times. Com is where you can see her work. Thank you so much. Guest thanks. Host it is just after 8 30 on the east coast. The latest changes amid the coronavirus being declared by the World Health Organization, a global pandemic, yesterday. Houston,s next out of texas. Republican, good morning. Caller good morning. Given the recent counter restrictions, Many Americans are finding themselves in the same predicament where the travel insurance is denying their claims to pandemics. What kind of world do we live in where you pay for a service by insurance and then when that service is not provided to you, you cannot get a refund even through your own insurance . Host were you planning on traveling anywhere . Caller i was. My wife and her family were going to travel. My travel was covered by business. My wifes travel, i booked it through a refundable ticket. I was able to refund hers but i have not received the money yet. I am waiting to find out. The rest of my family has not gotten any refunds. Airlines are going to maybe give you credit. We are not going to travel to spain anytime soon. Host thanks for the call from houston. This is jd out of alabama. Independent, good morning. Caller good morning. Trump has totally, totally, up. Lly fouled this one incredibly regrettable. He has had his katrina moment. This is the Hurricane Katrina moment that bush had. Trump is experiencing it. We are seeing absolute failed leadership from the head down, as Michael Dukakis said. A great, old greek fishermans expression. Cindy is next in oak island, north carolina. Independent, good morning. Caller hi. I saw trump last night. He really has screwed this up. I think it is a little too little and a little too late. Hopefully it will help. Basically, he should have done this as soon there was an outbreak overseas. They should have been making kits. I think the cdcs numbers will be way off. People can carry it with little to no symptoms for quite a while and still be spreading it. We just dont have enough test kits to know the accurate numbers, yet. I am on the east coast and our numbers are low down here. Accurate, ibers are just hope everyone stays safe. I hope the republicans actually pick a worthwhile candidate next time. Host that was cindy in north carolina. The house is coming in in about 25 minutes. Hearing abouty be the coronavirus on the house floor today and the senate floor as well. You can head to some Committee Hearings today, including a Coronavirus Preparedness hearing, taking place at 11 00 a. M. Today. That is part two of the hearing that happened yesterday with dr. Anthony fauci, dr. Robert redfield, that hearing before the oversight and Reform Committee in the house. I want to show viewers a little bit from that hearing, yesterday. Dr. Anthony fauci talking with the chairwoman of that committee, Carolyn Maloney about the road ahead when it comes to the coronavirus. Is the worst yet to come . Yes, it is. Can you elaborate . Whenever you have an outbreak, that you can see Community Spread in and you do not know what the index cases and the way you approach it is by contact tracing. When you have enough of that, it becomes a situation where you will not be able to effectively and efficiently contain it. When you look at the history of outbreaks, what you see now, in an uncontained way, though we are containing get in some respects, we keep getting people coming in from the country who are travel related and are seeing that in the states that are now involved. When you get Community Spread, the challenge is much greater. We will see more cases and things will get worse than they are right now. Willuch worse we will get depend on our ability to do two things. Of people the influx who were infected coming from the outside and the ability to contain and mitigate within our own country. Bottom line, it is going to get worse. Dr. Anthony fauci, before the oversight and government Reform Committee. You can watch part two of that today at 11 00 a. M. On cspan3. Bacteria phone calls, jaclyn, philadelphia, republican, your next. Caller good morning. A little too late. I was yelling at my television set, three weeks ago, stop flights coming into our countries donald trump did not say that. I voted for him. Bunchk we are raising a of spoiled brats. They want to fly and they can get on planes and fly. Quarantine yourself, selfquarantine. Stay in. It is frustrating for me to watch this host when did you start quarantining yourself . Caller maybe two weeks ago. My husband died. I have a funeral to go to on friday. I am wearing gloves. Willgoing to tell people i put my hand up, dont shake my hands. I will understand. Host i am so sorry for your loss in philadelphia. Thanks for the call, good luck to you in philly. Next in bakersfield, california. An independent. Caller yes, i am. Host goahead. Caller yes, i am. Host goahead. Caller hello, i am speaking. Host we can hear you. As wel let that work out go to sylvia in virginia. A republican, good morning. Caller good morning. I have had ocd all of my life. I have had therapy for it. For some reason, i have the peace of god that everything will be ok. I think everyone should wash their hands. Be careful that the hands do not get so washed that they get cracked open. Germs can go in that way. We have a wedding coming up and they told the 80yearolds not to come and the 80yearolds said really . We are coming anyway. The world is not going to stop because of this virus, thank you. Chelsea in oklahoma, independent, good morning. Caller i didnt expect anything different from trump. I have two comments. I think we need to seriously take another look at article 25. Thank you. Host dena is next in connecticut. Republican, good morning. Caller can you hear me . Host yes. Caller i want to make comment about the corona. Search. Medical team peopleould search for who are spreading this disease. Disease never comes by itself. Somebody ends up doing something. That is my comment. Host we are talking about President Trumps oval office. Ddress he made the remarks at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. That was a few hours after cnn sat with mike pence to talk about the administrations response. The pence talked about project by the administration to help out hourly workers. This is what he had to say to cspan. Economicegard to the impacts today, President Trump is developing with congress and through his own executive , actions that will make sure that hourly workers at medium and Small Businesses who may not have paid family leave can stay home if they are quarantined, if they believe that they are sick from the coronavirus, if they contract the coronavirus without risk of losing their job. They want to ensure that hourly workers in america who may suspect they have contracted the coronavirus can stay home and , even if theires company does not provide for paid family leave. You can watch the interview in its entirety at cspan. Org. Overseas, tom hanks, who has been in australia announced that he has contracted coronavirus. He posted that he and rita wilson, his wife, have tested positive for the virus while in australia, shooting a movie on elvis presley. They had colds and body aches. Rita had chills that came and went. Tested for coronavirus and we were found to be positive. That is what tom hanks wrote on that posting. And then, coronavirus also reaching for the first time to capitol hill. Marias the story from cantwells office. They said a dcbased staffer had tested positive for covid19. It is the first known case on capitol hill. The individual has been in isolation since starting to have symptoms. Has closed her washington, d. C. Office for deep cleaning and the staff will be. Eleworking th the staffer who tested positive has no known contact with the senator or other members of congress. Rebecca is next from youngstown, ohio. Republican, good morning. Caller good morning. My remark is i dont understand why everybody is criticizing our president. I said our president. He is the president of everybody in the United States. It is not his fault that it got started like this. And he is trying to do everything he can to get a handle on it. I dont understand why people hate him so much. What has he done to this country that has hurt any of us . Thank you. Is next out of south carolina. Also or publican a republican. Good morning. Caller i just want to say i am behind President Trump. Thingsve he has done quicker than anybody else. I am a Health Care Worker and the mother of a son who just passed away on february 1, who had six sick Cystic Fibrosis and a double lung transplant. It is scary out there that people go to work and are sick and expose people that dont know, like my son, who are immune suppressed. Usingk we need to be common sense, wash your hands. If you are sick, stay home. I dont like the criticism and people making this a political issue. President trump has gotten on and is doing what we need to do. We as human beings need to use some common sense and do handwashing and stay home when youre sick. Him and sorryor that he is criticized. I think he is doing a good job. We as americans need to take some responsibility. Host peggy, i am sorry for your loss. Virginia in washington, independent, good morning. Caller hi, i have worked in a nursing home most of my life. I know where these diseases come from. It is from outside people. When the ship docked in seattle, they should have quarantined it and not let any of these people off to spread that disease, until they recovered. The same for all people coming into the United States. If they have a disease, they should be quarantined and put into a jail or something. Host deb is next from white plains, new york, a democrat, good morning. How close are you to new rochelle . Caller can you repeat the question . Host how close are you to new rochelle . Caller 15 minutes. Host what is happening . It is the epicenter of the United States for coronavirus. There was one man, it is a textbook case of how one man was affected and how he traveled and how people in proximity to him traveled and traveled throughout the community and throughout the country. Spreads like wildfire. I know firsthand. I am in selfquarantine because i was exposed to an infected person and we cannot be tested unless we have symptoms. If we dont know who is sick or appears sick, the best thing to do is selfquarantine because we dont know. Otherwise, we cannot wait until we have symptoms to quarantine. Then it spreads it further. I urge all of my fellow americans, please take this seriously. Listen to anthony fauci, the head who is speaking at the hearing this morning at 11 00 on cspan. Ok . It is serious. And containtigate this now, because it is so infectious, we are going to be dealing with exponential numbers , like they are in italy, like china, like europe. Why President Trump is probably blocking travel from there. Thee are deaths in hundreds, numbers of infected in and hospitals are overwhelmed. They do not have enough respirators. People die because they have to choose who is going to die because they dont have enough respirators to give to people who are suffering from pneumonia. Host we are airing the hearing at 11 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan3. Dr. Anthony fauci and Robert Redfield are back on capitol hill. We are airing get on cspan. Org and streaming get there. A few tweets from congressional reporters. This is from andy. There is no Coronavirus Briefing today. Vice president s aid notes that he did all five morning shows senatorning and that tom cotton of arkansas has elected to close this d. C. Office. He said i have close my d. C. Office. Other congressional employees are likely to test positive in the days ahead. The senator referred to the dcbased staffer from Maria Cantwells office, who is the First Official case of coronavirus on capitol hill. Amy, from louisville, kentucky, republican, good morning. Go ahead, amy. Caller mi on the air . Host yes, maam. Caller i just want to say that our president is doing everything he possibly can. Viruses,ad tons of some really serious. I have been in the Health Profession for 30 years. I remember how scared we were when they first came out with aids. This right here does not bother me near as much. It doesnt. , we went through that, all of that. The swine flu viru, we went thrh that. All of that. The only thing i can say is people need to relax a little bit. Stop being worried about this flu. It is the flu and it will affect some people, badly. For the most part, it will not make that many people that sick. We have had a few deaths from it compared to what we had with swan and some of the other flus like a bola ebola. It was kept in africa. This is like nothing. Host that is amy in louisville, kentucky. We are talking about the president s address from the oval office, last night. The president , at the top of the address, announcing his new travel restrictions taking place for Continental Europe and applying to foreign nationals who have traveled in the past 14 days, to cut the trash Continental Europe. It applies to the movement of people past 14 days, to Continental Europe. It applies to the movement of people. That isident says expected to go into place, late friday. From the department of Homeland Security said they will come up with more details on restrictions in the days to come. Valerie in richmond, michigan, democrat, good morning. I just want to question the president path decisions president s decisions at maralago. A man tested positive for coronavirus. Yet, he is down there mingling with lord knows how many people. They are going to be super spreaders. The president does not want to get tested. I just dont understand. You know . He is in such close contact with all of these people. Running around, making it a point to shake hands. He is not practicing what they are telling us to do. Michigan, thein headline in todays wall street journal, the virus and leadership. Trumps main opponent is not joe biden, it is coronavirus. They say disaster and crises can make or break presidencies, not from the event itself but from how the president response. Michigan, the was a step toward more realism. The pandemic continues to build has understan understated the importance. Mr. Trump seemed to recognize that the threat to the public has a chance to rise above is a chance to rise above narrow partisanship and speak to the whole country. That is in todays paper. Amir in washington, d. C. , independent. Caller good morning. When i look at the president s response, the fact that they are focusing on companies, followed by saying things about protecting workers and not protecting their wages and , it seemsyroll taxes like more and more and more, the governments reactions to responding to these instances is by pushing the economic into packed impact on to Younger Generations. The response is first and foremost to protect income needs that we have been bailing out. And then, putting the way on the Younger Generation to deal with it later. I find it frustrating. Michigan, is randy in a democrat, good morning. Caller yes. This is randy. I am calling in about the Pandemic Response team that was in 2016 and back this administration wiped it out. Wall isious what the doing for america now . People should wake up, next november. Host tell me about the Pandemic Response team you are talking about. Are you referring to efforts during the ebola crisis . Caller yes. The a bola, the swine. , it was put in 4 ebola swine flu, it was put in for this type of stuff. Host here is the Immediate Impact on the page of the wall street journal. Dows 11 year bull market has come to an end. Here was a 20 decline they fear the economic expansion that began during the financial crisis could be on its last legs. Stocks have crumbled and oil prices have tanked. Today. The lead story george in jacksonville, florida, republican, your next. Caller good morning. I am a chemical and electronic engineer. Trump started two months ago, trying to get the characteristics of this thing they called the flu at first. Dnachinese refused to give and structure. Enough and31, he had he started banning people from coming in from china. The doctors it detects it using an Artificial Intelligence system. I have used it. I have had it for 12 years. They have standard care. It is made in europe. It is only 20,000. That is the same price it has been for some time. The pharmaceutical companies would quickly be able to check the safety of any new vaccine or antiviral. Sendingtarted information to congress and to the president s people a few days ago because i got enough information put together. Host what line of work are you in . Caller im retired. I worked in paper and power. The oil industry has hospitals overseas, by the way, i was poisoned in saudi arabia with over 300 infections. Because one of our people was making alcohol. This unit took care of almost everything that i had. Swan with this after 8 30 a. M. Eastern. He is not yet comfortable of with the idea of canceling joe bidens Democratic Convention in milwaukee and replacing it with an online july Democratic Convention in milwaukee and replacing it with an online convention. This is jeff in washington, d. C. , a democrat, good morning. Caller good morning. I wanted to explain to my fellow countrymen that the reason we are so frustrated with President Trump is because less than two weeks ago and up until maybe 10 days ago, he was saying this was a democratic hoax. There are a lot of elderly people who do not believe that this virus is real and they have to Pay Attention to it. That is why we are frustrated. Host what do you think those people are thinking today after the president s Oval Office Last night and how he talked about this virus and how his administration is reacting and responding . Caller i think it is a half measure, to be honest. The thing i think the president missed was the opportunity to say that this is a worldwide problem. It is not a foreign virus. And is a worldwide problem to put it in foreign terms or to blame it on europe does us no good. That is how i feel. Thank you. The virus is officially a global pandemic. It is declared so by the World Health Organization. 112 countries and regions around the world. Defines a pandemic as a disease that has become widespread around the world with an impact on society. That has only been applied to a few diseases in history. H1 deadly flu in 1918, the 1n in 2009 h1n1 in 2009. Said we have never before seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. Commentsccording to that you can watch in their entirety at cspan. Org. As we get ready for the house to come in at 9 00 a. M. Eastern, we

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