When he was chair. Told them hem and that fisa was not used of thely, that the power government overstretched their the other ven when elements of government says, no, even when others told us everything was fine with fisa, it was not until the Inspector General got his report and the truth was known. And i want to thank congressman nunes for being the truth and telling it to the American Public and staying with it when others wanted to lie. Thats why we are here today. Thats why this will never continue or happen again. You know, madam speaker, at the heart of our constitution is a simple idea, the idea of checks and balances. These principles protect americans freedoms by providing safeguards by governments overreach of power. Unfortunately in 2016, those checks and balances were not in place to stop individuals at the highest level of the f. B. I. And Justice Department from spying on carter page, an american citizen, who could have been one of us, but used the secrettive fisa court to keep americans safe from foreign enemies to attempt to undermine their political opponent, at that time, donald trump. After years of independent investigation, we now know the truth. What happened in 2016 was politically motivated and it was completely unjustified and it was never happen again. This Bipartisan Legislation addresses the need for greater accuracy and accountability in the fisa process. It does not damage the legitimate authorities of our Intelligence Community relies on to keep us safe, but it does strengthen protections for civil lits. Among the reforms in this legislation increases the punishment for unauthorized disclosure and unauthorize the amicus to political activity and enhances oversight by congress and creates a new office of compliance. These reforms are an astonishing accomplishment in a period of divided government. But that just tells you how important fisa reforms and checks and balances truly are. Outside this chamber there are quotes from famous americans to dedicated their lives to preserving their freedoms. Patrick henry was so passionate of his defense of freedom he famously said, give me liberty or give me death. We can learn a lot about his devotion. We can learn a lot from those who are willing to stand up to oppressive Big Government who would use an arm illegally against a check and balance just to have a certain outcome in a political race. We can thank those like devin who stood for the truth and jim jordans and doug collins. And we would not be here today in getting a new Compliance Office, a check and balance to make sure what happened in 2016 cannot happen again. I do arch all of my colleagues to vote yes. I do urge that this is a turning point. That even though in these committees, they could have told us and they did, that there was nothing wrong, that we had to continue to fight to have an Inspector General to get at the truth. We will not have to wait for that even if somebody tries to use it in the wrong manner and cannot happen again. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Schiff. Mr. Schiff im proud to recognize representative lofgren of california for two minutes. Ms. Lofgren i am especially thankful to chairman schiff for yielding me this time since i will reached a different conclusion on the bill than he has. I would like to quote from the American Civil Liberties union letter received today. The American Civil Liberties union strongly urges us to vote no. They say over the last several years, it has been clear that many of our surveillance laws are broken, but that disappointingly, the reforms contained in this bill are minimal and many cases representing a codification of the status quo. The ac lmp u says it will be a step backward even from our flawed current law. Aclu goes on to say that the bill fails to require that the individuals who receive appropriate notice and access to information when fisa information is used against them that the bill fails to fully address deficiencies with the fisa court that led to illegal surveillance and it fails to limit the type of information that can be collected under section 215, that the bill fails to appropriately raise the standards for collecting information under section 215. And that the bill fails to appropriately limit the retention of information collected under section 215. I agree with the chairman that the roving wiretap provision in the act is important and should be removed. And i cannot support the bill that is before us today. And i say that with tremendous respect for chairman schiff. We have had very candid and useful discussions. I appreciate the effort that he has put into this. I have put in a lot of effort, too. But in the end, we have a bill that i think should not be supported. I intend to vote no with tremendous respect for the chairman and the efforts that he has put into this and i thank you again, mr. Chairman, for yielding me this time. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Nunes. Mr. Nunes yield two minutes to the gentleman from texas, mr. Gohmert. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Gohmert thank you, madam speaker and i appreciate my friend for yielding to me and i appreciate my colleague, mrs. Ve greens comments lofgrens comments. Any law based on a law is a problem. The law starts with the initial f. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. There is no attorney. Since i have been here, whether the patriot act or reauthorizing the fisa act which american citizens have nothing to worry about because the only american citizens that get caught up in the fisa court is someone dealing with a known terrorist or terrorist organization. Avoid dealing with terrorists and you are going to be ok. The problem is, i keep hearing this is a good first step. This isnt a first step. This is the last step. And as as my friend says, it doesnt go far enough. As my friend michael cloud said, under the current bill, they ignored the penalty for lying to the judge, which was a fiveyear sentence. And under the new law they can ignore an eightyear sentence. That doesnt preserve anybodys rights. This was not done in the committee. It did not have proper debate. The secret court had the bill pulled away so we couldnt debate it and pulled into a secret negotiation that many of us were not part of. Having the attorney general sign it doesnt work it and shouldnt be a special category for federal elected first. Attorney general stein rosenstein, he signed off on one of the applications himself. Obviously that is not a deterrent. We need to fix the fisa court. This doesnt do it. I will vote no until we have adequate reforms until it does. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Schiff. Mr. Schiff we have no further speakers and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Nunes. Mr. Nunes i yield three minutes to the gentleman from utah, mr. Stewart. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Stewart let me state a fact. Fisa has been abused by those trusted with authority and we cannot let it happen again. This is what we know are also facts. Opposing Campaign Paid a foreign citizen to dig up dirt on President Trump. These allegations produced by the way by a foreign citizen known as the steele dosier. The campaign sent these bogus that the f. B. I. , c. I. A. And the department of justice and the state department and the f. B. I. Used this as a secret wire stap on the famous mr. Carter page. The f. B. I. Deliberately hid the fact that these allegations were both known to be bogus and the Campaign Paid for them. The application on mr. Page cited a news article cor baiting the allegations but the f. B. I. Hid the fact that the source of these articles was the source of the dosier. The f. B. I. And d. O. J. Investigators had enormous bias that with words, he wont become president. And timely the Inspector General revealed that an f. B. I. Attorney altered a document to deceive a document. These are shocking abuses of power. And the reforms in this bill will stop them from happening again. Im proud to be the author of the bill. It requires an amicus review against u. S. Citizens and requires a court to require a transcript i have read this fisa application and begs the question to be asked and dont know if the judges asked questions. It requires the government to keep a log that enhances the penalties for those who deceive the court and allows agencies to terminate individuals those who do. It is incumbent on us as an institution to ensure these abuses dont happen again and u. S. A. Freedom authorization act will accomplish this. And let me end by saying this, to those who oppose this bill, if you vote against this bill, you keep the status quo. Fisa remains in place. The ability to abuse fisa doesnt change. Vote yes on this bill or accept future abuse. That is the choice we have before us. I hope we dont do that. And with that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from california, mr. Nunes. Mr. Nunes we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. I believe the gentleman from california, mr. Schiff, is prepared to close. Mr. Schiff i am and will reserve until we do. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Nunes. Mr. Nunes i yield two minutes to the gentleman from arkansas, mr. Crawford. Mr. Crawford i rise in support of u. S. A. Freedom authorization act of 2020. I associate my comments with mr. Stewart and applaud the efforts of the distinguished the gentleman from california, mr. Nunes, whose tenacity brought this to bear. I appreciate his leadership. This is a bipartisan piece of legislation that makes urgent and necessary reforms to the fisa process which Inspector General found three months ago was misused to conduct surveillance on carter page. This requires to ensure all applications are accurate and complete. This requires a Compliance Office at the f. B. I. Who is responsible to make sure f. B. I. Agents are following the law. This bill heightens criminal penalties to deter bad actors. Finally the bill reauthorizes three counterterrorism tools which are significantly important to our National Security. I rise to support this bill and urge a yes vote from my colleagues and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from california, mr. Nunes. Mr. Nunes madam speaker, just a couple of comments. For some of my colleagues who i know are concerned that this doesnt go far enough, one of the concerns they have is there is an Ongoing Investigation led by the u. S. Attorney in the state of connecticut and consternation that nothing has been done yet. I assure my colleagues even if that gets to a point where people are held accountable for what we believe to be criminal activity, these reforms that are in this new piece of legislation where we opened up title i, we believe that we have all the reforms that are necessary to prevent this mall feesance from happening again in the future. If this doesnt work and if this does happen again, then you will have what some people want, which is a complete elimination of the court and this entire system. I hope that we dont get to that point in this country, because these tools have worked well as along as the people who are using these capabilities dont decide to turn them on political opponents. So i i want to assure my colleagues that these reforms are as far as we need to go at this time, no matter what the conclusion of u. S. Attorney out of connecticut, what his ultimate conclusion is on whether or not to bring charges against those who perpetrated these crimes and criminal activity. Madam speaker, i am prepared to lose at this time. Madam speaker, in closing, the weaponization of fisa as exhibited in 2016 should have never happened and this bill aims to prevent future gross abuses from occurring again. Id like to thank my staff, particularly allen souza, lawyer remarks megan, andrew, and betsy for all their efforts to reach this bipartisan compromise. They worked many, many hours with members of both parties and colleagues o both colleagues of both parties and staff of both parties from both the Judiciary Committee and both the republican and democratic leadership to reach this bipartisan compromise. Im also fairly confident with the remarks that have been made on the senate side that this will be a rare opportunity where we actually pass a bill and it appears like the senate is prepared to accept a complete house produced product which i think means a lot to everyone involved in this process. That rarely happens, especially in this day and age. So with that, madam speaker, i urge adoption of h. R. 6172 and yield back the balance of our time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from california, mr. Schiff. Mr. Schiff thank you, madam speaker. I want to, for my democratic colleagues, provide a reality check on some of what they have heard during this debate. Its important to remember that the inspector genre port which, by the way, doesnt go to the expiring provisions that we are here to reauthorize today, but the inspector genre port found no evidence of spying on the Trump Campaign. The Inspector General found no evidence of political bias, in bias influencing Decision Making in the investigation of the Trump Campaign and its connection to russia in the 2016 election. The Inspector General found that properly gation was predicated that investigation into many of the more than 100 unexpect unexplained and often falsely denied contacts between the Trump Campaign and russians during the 2016 campaign, including a notorious secret meeting in trump tower between the president s son, soninlaw and Campaign Chairman with russian delegation that was set up by a series of emails in which a russian delegation offered dirt on Hillary Clinton to the Trump Campaign and the president s son on behalf of that Campaign Said that he would love it. Nd set thaup secret meeting. Now, my colleagues dont think thats collusion, the american do. Bob mueller, for his part, as much as his reports is misrepresented, makes it clear he doesnt address the issue of collusion, only whether he could prove criminal conspiracy. Its important with that reality check to once again return to the bill before us. And with respect to the bill before us, we do make important changes to strengthen the privacy protections, the Civil Liberties protections. We also retain the important tools necessary to help protect the country, the Business Records exception, the Business Records provision, the lone wolf provision as well as the roving wiretaps, the roving wiretap provision for example, allows the government, when someone, for example, in the midst of planning a crime of terrorism uses phones disposeably and gos from one phone to another, it is not necessary to go and get a new warrant every time they change phones. Rather the warrant can follow the individual rather than the phone. The Business Records provision has also been very important in terms of our efforts at foreign intelligence gatheringering as well as counterterrorism. Those authorities would be retained but new protections would be put in place such that Business Records couldnt be retained more than five years unless certain exceptions applied. Protections where Business Records gathered in the fisa context is used in a criminal proceeding theres notice given to people that theyre being used in a criminal proceeding. Theres amicus authority, so we have amicus involved in a broader scope of cases so that the court has the advantage of independent judgment. Some of those reforms come out of the Inspector Generals recommendations in looking into the fisa application involving carter page. Many of those recommendations have nothing to do with carter page and are longstanding interest of the privacy community in trying to strengthen some of the privacy protections. I want to also take this opportunity to thank representative lofgren and representative jayapal. We worked extensively, have spent hours ourselves, our staff, consulting and trying to make this a better and stronger bill. While i regret that we couldnt get it to the point where those two esteemed members felt they could support the bill, nonetheless, their input made this bill better and im grateful for their hard work and advocacy on behalf of a strong on behalf of stronger privacy and Civil Liberties protections. This vote today is the culmination of many months of negotiations therefore with our diverse caucus, with my friends in the other party who as youve heard today we have strong disagreements over russia investigation, the Trump Campaigns conduct, as well as the fisa process, but nonetheless in the interest of our nations security, we were able to get to Common Ground on this measure. Giving the government the critical tools it needs to protect the country while advancing Civil Liberties an privacy rights. This bill creates muchneeded change to the way the government uses fisa, ensures the government is more transparent and accountable and i urge my colleagues to support the bill. With that, madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. All time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 891, the previous question is ordered on the bill as amended. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to amend the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act of 1978 to prohibit the production of certain Business Records and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is now on passage of thbill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. For what purpose does the gentleman from california, mr. Schiff, rise . Mr. Schiff on that i ask for the yeas an nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number rizz , the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This will be a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore the yeas are 278 and the nays are 136. The bill is passed. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. He house will come to order. For what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition . Madam speaker, i have an amendment at the desk to correct the name of the bill to the federal initiative to spy on americans. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the amendment. The clerk amendment to h. R. 6271, amend the title so as to read a bill to be known as the federal initiative to spy on americans fisa act. The speaker pro tempore the amendment is not debatable. The question is on the amendment offered bring the gentleman from colorado. Those in favor say aye. Opposed say no. The noes have it. The amendment is not adopted. Mr. Buck i ask for a recorded vote on the motion. The speaker pro tempore a recorded vote is requested. Those in favor will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 35. The nays are 376. Adopted. Dment is not without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The house will come to order. 1c of rule lause 19, further consideration of enate joint resolution 68 will now resume. The clerk will report the title. The clerk senate joint joint resolution to direct the removal of the from States Armed Forces hostilities against the Islamic Republic of iran that have not congress. Rized by the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman recognition . Ek mr. Mccaul madam speaker, i motion to recommit at the desk. The speaker pro tempore is the gentleman opposed to the joint resolution . In its current form. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman qualifies. The clerk will report the motion. Mr. Mccaul of texas moves to commit the joint esolution, Senate Joint Resolution 68 to the committee on Foreign Affairs with instructions to report the same house forthwith with the following amendment. Section 1, aph 5 of insert the following 6, for qassem n two decades, soleimani posed a deadly threat to american personnel and of the s as Commander Quds force of the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps which irans nsible for and territorial, military, clan d operations. To train terrorists in lebanon, of ain, led to the deaths more than 600 United States troops. Late 2019, soleimani had attacks on americans, including the assault of the States Embassy in baghdad and a rocket attack that killed n american citizen and wounded four United States Service Members in iraq. Soleimani s death, was traveling around the middle east coordinating further attacks on americans. Removing Qassem Soleimani from the battlefield has increased the safety and ecurity of american troops, diplomats and citizens of our partners and allies, including he state of israel and of the world. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. Rule, the the gentleman from texas is recognized for five minutes in support of his motion. You, madam thank speaker. Here we are once again debating war powers. Fact is we are not engaged in hostilities against iran. Why are we waiting wasting precious floor time when all the care an people really about today is coronavirus . W. H. O. Declared it a pandemic. Hat is the biggest threat to our nation today. So why are my colleagues partisan more political attacks against this president for taking justified action to protect americans against one of the orlds most dangerous terrorists . That is dwhy my motion states was a terrorist and that the world is safer him. Ut safer ke the world was when president obama ordered the strike on bin laden, when democrats came together to praise his decision. President obama conducted thousands of unauthorized unrelated to ya, protecting americans. Nd at that time, leader pelosi said that she was satisfied he ad the authority for those strikes. Soleimani was a mastermind of terror in the middle east. Two decades. And that is why president obama as a designated him terrorist. Soleimani funded, trained, and irans terrorist iraq,s in lebanon, syria, yemen, and afghanistan. Madam speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is correct. The house is not in order. Please take your conversations off the floor. The gentleman may continue. Mr. Mccaul soleimani is the one to fight ced russia for assad. Tens of thousands of innocent syria are dead today, victims of war crimes because of soleimani. Soleimani played a key role in the crackdown on protesters in killed hundreds of iraqis, and most importantly, he has the blood of over 600 american soldiers on his hands. Under soleimanis command, iran to assassinate the saudi mbassador to the United States in a washington, d. C. , restaurant, less than four miles rom where we are standing today. The danger he posed to the United States was not just a thing of the past. Directing a campaign of terror and violence against us which killed one merican and injured four other servicemen. He orchestrated the attack on our embassy in baghdad. Picture. His this is not simply a brushfire, madam speaker. Stormed and attacked our embassy under soleimanis orders. More evidence do we need this . And soleimani was not done after his attack on our embassy. Wasnt on a vacation when he went to meet with his top damascus, in lebanon, and baghdad. Pompeo testified to our committee that soleimani was plotting ion actively to kill americans. To as going to report back tehran, to the ayatollah to plan attacks. And what if our president had nothing . Nothing . And our embassy was attacked, with like in 1979 diplomats taken hostage . The house is not in order, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the suspend. Will the house will be in order. Please take your conversations the floor. The gentleman may proceed. Mr. Mccaul what if the president did nothing . More United States troops were killed . Side hen would the other of the aisle be saying . Mr. Speaker madam speaker, enemies of our country are watching this debate right now. Need to know darn well that or injure americans, you will pay the price. President reagan, i am a Firm Believer in peace through strength. We we show strength like did with this necessary strike, down. Emies back so madam speaker, i call upon my their ues to drop partisanship and stand as americans as we did when obama struck bin laden simple fact,t this that the world is a better place without soleimani. The peaker pro tempore expired. s time has for whatto the rule purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Hoyer i rise in opposition motion to recommit. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. I thank the speaker, speaker. I doubt that there is a person disagrees withho the premises that mr. Mccaul stated. Soleimani was a bad person. I said i said during the of debate on the slotkin amendment, which referenced that premise, that no lamented the loss of mr. Soleimani. No one. Is s not what this bill about, nor is that what this about. Nt is his bill, which is called a partisan bill by mr. Mccaul, had of the republicans in the United States senate vote for it. His bill, called a partisan bill, says the bill were on, the bill were going to pass, says, members of the and d States Armed Forces Intelligence Community and all those involved in the planning 2020, strike 2, on Qassem Soleimani, including trump, t donald j. Should be commended for their mission. N a successful thats what the bill that we are vote for says. Does that sound to you like a document . Ow, ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of this amendment is to bill. His this is a senate bill. It will send it back to committee. It will not allow it to pass with an amendment. It will preclude it from going to the president of the states. Now, what this issue is about is our constitution, about of the r of this body, responsibility of this body, of to authority of this body declare or not declare war. Thats what this bill is about. In this may be some body who want to shrink from responsibility and send it o the president of the United States, but our founders believed thats not what our ought to be. It ought to be the representatives of the people to war, not a president , any president , or republican, to take us to war. Is about our responsibility. It commends President Trump, commends our armed forces. Allows them to defend attacked, but it stands for the proposition that are for. L of you is, we, the representatives American People oughwho ought o decide on their behalf whether their sons and daughters of the spear, at war. Not just one person. There are a lot of countries in world where one person decision. Theyre called dictators. Did not ing fathers america. Ators running say to my colleagues, of course, our republican friends neverfered this amendment vote for an m. T. R. Because read the litany of quotes from so many of you and. T. R. Is simply to delay defeat. Your quotes. Mine. O i ask all of us, without exception, vote against this m. T. R. To the send this bill president of the United States. 15 of the republicans in the United States senate. A partisan bill. Doesnt attack President Trump. Says our troops and President Trump ought to be commended. Bill. N the dont tell me this is a partisan act. It is not. Is an act of responsibility and to our oath of office and to of the united n states. Vote no. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. Without objection, the previous question is ordered on the motion to commit. The question is on the motion. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The knows have it. Mr. Mccaul i request a recorded vote the speaker pro tempore a recorded vote has been requested. Those favoring a recorded vote will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, this five minute vote on the motion to commit will be followed on passage of senate joinlt resolution and agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal if ordered. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeasre 19 , the nays are 212 and with one answering present. The motion is not adopted. The question is on passage of the joint resolution. Hose in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The bill is passed. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Mccaul i request a recorded vote. The spker pro tempore a recorded vote is requested. Those favoring a recorded vote will rise, a sufficit number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. By electronic device. Eir votes this is a fiveminu vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, c. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of t closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. Housef representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 227 and the nays are 186. The joint resolution is passed. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the question on geeg to the speakers approval of the journal which the chair will put de novo. The question is on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. And the journal stands approved. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from oregon the gentlewoman recognition . Eek ms. Bonamici i ask unanimous consent to take from the h. R. Rs table the bill 4334 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill and the Senate Amendment. The clerk h. R. 4334, an act to act the Older Americans of i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the reading. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the reading is with. Sed without, the Senate Amendment is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. Does the urpose gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourn today it 9 00 a. M. Meet at tomorrow. The speaker pro tempore without objection. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection revise and and to extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is minute. Ed for one mr. Payne madam speaker, i to celebrate a scoring sensation in my rakia sellers. The senior guard at college of t. Elizabeths scored her 1,000th career point in february. She began her basketball career Ivy Hill Elementary School in newark, new jersey. Rom there she continued to shine as a standout player for jaguars of newark high school. Er scoring milestone came in a colonial state athletic semifinal. Her team, college of st. Beat notre dame 6751. Final, rakia nce had three steals. Eagles of st. Her lizabeth lost to the keystone giant 7261, but that does not dim her accomplishment. Shining star of newark, nd i am proud to highlight her today. And with that, madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition . Without objection. Madam speaker, today i rise to celebrate and honor the life david l. Rice. Dr. Rice was the founding and first president of the united Southern Indiana where until ed from 1967 retirement in 1994, but before at the university of indiana, he earned a bachelor of science in agriculture and a doctor of cience and philosophy in education all from perdue university. Met his wife there, betty, shortly wedded to one another. Year, rd the following he answered the call from his country and served in the army korea. Y from after serving in the military, dr. Rice returned to indiana he taught Public School advanced ing his degrees in perdue. E was appointed to lead the evansville campus at the indiana. Y of the campus became its own separate university, the university of Southern Indiana. The g his tenure, university of Southern Indiana grew enrollment from 192 to 7,443. Expanded the curriculum from programs to a comprehensive range of back lohr yet and mnangagwaser bach erolete and master degrees. The Evansville Museum of arts and history and cience and starting an Organization Called leadership everyone. The group looks to develop community who are committed to utilizing and creativity in order to bring positive change. Legacy in achieving excellence will live on through he lives he impacted and through dr. David l. Rice and is wifes president ial scholarship. Most importantly, his memory will live on through his family. By his wife of 69 two children their along with six grandchildren. With that i yield back the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition . Unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Speaker. You, madam i rise today to share my sympathies for lives lost due to and offer my s gratitude to the first responders, health care and others working to respond to this Public Health emergency. Kilmer now is the time for action. Last Week Congress approved 8. 3 to assure theding federal government steps up to the escape and seriousness of crisis. Wing Public Health funding, support to state and local health agencies, investments in r d for vaccines and a measure i led to help our Small Businesses who are already feeling the impact. The federal government should go further to help workers and families across he country, and im proud the house will be moving to ensure paid sick days and economic workers,e for impacted to increase capacity of the medical system, to protect first to make testing more widespread and free, and to for the cess to food most vulnerable americans. There is no time to waste. Act now to ould ensure the safety and security of the American People. Back. Hat i yield the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. You, madam speaker. I rise to recognize the agnew ements of harold from knoxville, tennessee. Harold ars young, continues to be a barber. A farm south on carolina but came to call knoxville home in his adult years. A 61 years, harold has been barber and still works six days mechanicsville. Anyone thats had their haircut gifted d knows he is a singer that sings gospel while works. He released his latest album lord in rving the 2019. At 91 years old, harold has a optimisticrsonality, optimisticesdayed attitude. One of the leashings from his lyrics songs is sometimes when you are nobody somebody. Mr. Burchett congratulations, arold, in all your success and keep going an outstanding member of our great community. Speaker, i yield back the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from virginia seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. I rise to recognize payton taylor, our central virginian of the week. Taylor graduated from Pharmacy School in 1979 and began raduating, he operating his pharmacy to provide patients with Health Services to tailor their needs. Despite the evolving pharmaceutical landscape over mr. Taylor ade, remains committed to providing Personalized Service to those in community. Ms. Spanberger his deep concern for the rise in prescription has made him a vocal dvocate for those in the community. And his knowledge of the hallenges facing small pharmacies has been vital for team. To me and my mr. Taylor has the best interest of his community at heart and i years of for the 40 area. Dication to the i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Ams ma, i ask unanimous to address the house for one minute madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. Recognize womens history month, a time to highlight the many often female contributions to our national history. Undoubtedly ave helped make america great. From spano from capitol hill to impact is , their un r. Spano now across our land, womenowned businesses are thriving in our booming economy above all others. Ver the past five years, these businesses have grown by 21 ompared to 9 across all other sectors. An example of this entrepreneurial spirit is seen lakelands own angie rough. Her dedication and passion for creating good, local has since arehouse tripled in size and her head count quadrupled. For her and entrepreneurs like her looks bright. Because of those like angiangie that we can proudly say america back and open for business. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new jersey seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. I rise today to honor the seeing eye dogs for being named the state dog of new jersey. Ms. Sherrill it is the cutest export but that alone does not and re the inspiring important work behind an organization thats partnered dogs inn 17,000 Service North america. The seeing eye is the worlds dog school dedicated to enhancing the independence, dignity, and who confidence of people are blind. Headquartered in morristown, they breed, raise, and train dogs and work with blind individuals to handle and care for their dogs. K9 conduct research on health and development and help to lead the passage of the act. Cans with disabilities ive seen the care the organization puts into pairing the right dual with dog fundamentally transforming their owners lives. To thank the seeing eye and 1 years of leadership the state senator for their work new ke the seeing eye jerseys state dog. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the and to r one minute revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Van drew thank you, madam speaker. Proud st saturday, i was to attend the Eagle Scout Court f honor for thomas Scott Jefferson in whitesboro, south jersey. Troop a member of the 104. T. J. Not only was an exemplary a 4. 0 , maintaining g. P. A. Throughout his high chool, but he was also a committed volunteer at ccwi, homework club, among aingschool afterschool activities. Has an avid love for the arts, performing and starring in operas, and s, choirs. His has been recognized for singing voice and hes continued to perform not only across the even training on broadway in new york city. We are so proud of you, t. J. I look forward to big things you. I am confident you will live up jefferson. Thomas congratulations to you and to your family. Some people look to sports or stars or, heaven forbid, politicians, as role models. Like you ndividuals that inspire me. You are one of my heroes. Future is bright and may god bless you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from New Hampshire seek recognition . Cust cust ms. Kuster i rise to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Kuster thank you, madam chair. Last night i was so pleased to hold a telephone town hall with my colleague, representative chris pappas, New Hampshire Public Health officials and over 10,000 granite staters to provide an update on the impact of the coronavirus. I continue to hear from constituents who are concerned and a reoccurring theme for many is a lack of access to paid sick leave which complicates our ability to address this Public Health crisis. When faced with an illness or medical issue, Many Americans face a challenging decision to put their job and their income at risk or risk their own health and the health of their colleagues and their community. Im proud to support my colleague, rosa delauros, legislation to expand access to paid sick leave so that workers are able to follow the directives of Public Health officials and stay home from work when they are feeling ill. As Congress Continues to address policies to protect the American People against the spread of coronavirus, i urge consideration of this important bill. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition . I seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. I rise to celebrate the historic bipartisan legislative package introduced this week to address the United States urgent Maternal Health crisis and im referring to the black Maternal Health monnibus. Each year 700 women in our country die from pregnancy complications, but three in five of those deaths could be prevented. The United States Maternal Mortality rate is exponentially higher than that of any other developed country. And black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancyrelated complications than white women. Ms. Scanlon a glaring disparity that we cannot ignore. In my community, organizations like the foundation for Delaware County and the Maternity Care coalition have stepped up to address this crisis. But we must do more. Im proud to join congresswoman Lauren Underwood and alma adams, senator kamala harris, and other congressional leaders in introducing the black Maternal Health momnibus. It provides a comprehensive approach to Maternal Health, and particularly black Maternal Health, by Funding Community based organizations, investing in social determinants that influence health outcomes, and growing and diversifying the prenatal work force. I urge my colleagues to support this important legislation for all our families and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore are there any further requests for oneminute speeches . The chair lays before the house the following personal request. The clerk leave of absence requested for mr. Fortenberry of nebraska for monday, march 9, and the balance of the week. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the request is granted. Under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from florida, mr. Yoho, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mr. Yoho thank you, madam speaker. I appreciate the time and what id like to do is just for the few minutes is to talk about the Awareness Campaign and talk about china. We all know about china. A big country, wealthy country, country thats come out of poverty and has become an industrial powerhouse. Theyve become a world power. Yet a lot of people dont understand what china really is doing. And when one really studies the history of china and sees where theyre going, its pretty remarkable that many of our countries around the world or our companies around the world do business with china. The communist party took over in 1949 and thats when a man came to power. He laid out a vision that i think any world leader would be proud of. He laid out a hundredyear plan. In fact, they call it the hundredyear marathon. Weve seen a remarkable advancement of china. But unfortunately it was at the expense of many along the roadways. We look at what theyve done and their goal, if you listen to what she jinping has said, we had came to power, he said he wanted to remove any western influence from china. This was not too long after Tiananmen Square where people in china were promoting liberties and democracies and then the Tiananmen Square massacre happened where thousands of people were run over by tanks in the streets. As the world watched. Yet china has taken that history and swept it under the rug and pretends it didnt happen. But yet we know, weve seen the videos. Since that time, xi jinping has come out with a strong statement. In the 2017, in the 16th Chinese Communist party congress, he made a statement, and i think its a warning and it should be a wakeup call for all people that are buying products from china. In that statement he said, the era of china has arrived. No longer will china be made to swallow their interests around the world, its time for china to take the world center stage. As we looked into that, and weve talked to people from hong kong, from china, their intent is very, very real and its very true and its very out front. Theyre not trying to hide anything. Their goal is to be a world dominant power or the world dominant power. And what were seeing today in the world is a shift in world powers that we havent seen since world war ii. China has made very clear what their intent is. And then theyve marched on a they said ce 1949, they could not compete with america or Japanese Technology and manufacturing, but what they could do is they could corner the market on rare earth metals. So as china came into the modern world, america and other countries helped china in technology and science and research, in advancement of weaponry. Thinking that china would come along and become more a western democracy in their thinking. Thats the furthest from the truth. As china moved on, the vision came to realization. They talked about cornering the market on rare earth metals. Today they control virtually 100 of the rare earth metals that are needed in our electronics in our cell phones, in our missile guidance systems and our satellites. China has gone on to corner the market in the a. P. I. s in our pharmaceuticals. The a. P. I. s are the active pharmaceutical ingredients. They control approximately 85 to 90 of that. They control the majority of the minerals and vitamins that go into our livestock feed. And so their intent is very clear. Yet they hide behind policies that favor china. You know, in the w. T. O. , when they became a member of that in the 1990s, they entered as a developing nation status. Today theyre the second largest economy in the world. Theyre building five aircraft carriers. Theyve got a space program. Theyve expanded around the world through their one road, one belt road initiative. Yet today in the w. T. O. , they claim developing nation status. Its time that we let everybody know these things and wake up the American People and our manufacturers. China has risen but yet its been at the expense of other nations. Its been through coercion, intimidation, not honoring contracts, not honoring law that are world norms. A good example of that is what is going on in the south china sea. Theyve reclaimed land masses and theyve went ahead and built facilities on these. To the point where they have military installations, runway strips, military barracks, offensive and defensive weapons on there. Military radar systems. Yet xi jinping when he was here visiting president obama in 2015 said that they had no intention of militarizing those structures. Yet today theyre militarized. China has encroach crouch encroached on nations in the east china sea, in the south china sea. And theyve gone into the exclusive Economic Zones in those areas, not honoring the world norms or the laws of the sea. In fact, the philippines took them to court at the court arbitration. China lost the case. They said they had no claims to the lines that china claimed that the philippines challenged them on. The philippines won. Yet china ignored that ruling and kept doing the dredging of the land masses, destroying thousands of acres of coral reefs and laying claim to that area. China has used their heavy hands with our corporations. When somebody does something unfavorable to what china sees. The Marriott Hotel employee that had mentioned something favorable about taiwan. That person got fired. Weve seen that over an over again with different industries. I mean, just recently the manager of the Houston Rockets tweeted in favor of the protesters in hong kong to stay strong for liberties and freedoms. And we all know what china did. And the nba backed down to placate china. Weve seen this with corporation after corporation. Weve seen nike do this. Weve seen other cooperation corporations. Corporations. And i think today in the modern world, today, what were going through with the coronavirus, another gift from china, is the supply chain that they control of so many products that the world is dependent on, and i think this is a wakeup call. That we need to remove manufacturing from china. We cant do it as a government. But our manufacturers can. And this is something that weve drafted a policy, its called manufacture the abc method. Thats manufacturing anywhere but china. When we make a product in china, china benefits from it. China introduces their Chinese Communist Party Members within that corporation, many times our corporations have to get up give up their intellectual property. And so china benefits from this by the theft of that property. Plus the production of that property. And they counterfeit so many of our manufacturers products and our manufacturers go out of business. Weve met with many manufacturers that went over there initially for cheaper labor. Within five years china has copied that product, that product is competing against the original manufacturer, its being sold cheaper, and its inferior quality. So it ruins the reputation of the manufacturer and they wind up going out of business and china just keeps producing. We see it over and over again that they keep doing that. E see constant abuses of human rights that we have seen over and over again. These have been reported in the news. So many times we stand up for human rights around the world and if we really truly believe that as a nation, we believe in those values of liberty and freedom, that all people are created equal, that they have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, they have the right of due process, they have the right of court of law. If we believe in those things, we have to look at our trade policies. Why are we trading with a country that blatantly ignores those . I think i want to just kind of pivot to hong kong. I think everybody in the world agrees that hong kong is a province of china. In 1997 the Great Britain and china came to an agreement and they would allow hong kong to go back to china over a 50year process. And that was going to be from 1997 to 2047. Hong kong had the ability and the guarantee that theyd be a semiautonomous region, a portion of china. That they would have an independent judiciary system. They would have their own election process. Yet 22 years into that process we see the heavy hand of xi jinping and the heavy hand of the Chinese Communist party. 22 years into that agreement, xi jinping came out publicly and said as far as he was concerned, that agreement is null and void. We saw the extradition bill that was brought up by their chief lamb. Ve officer, carrie we know she didnt bring that up by herself. That was at the direction of beijing. What that law did is it was robbing liberty and freedom from the people of hong kong. And its sad because the people of hong kong have always known liberty and freedom. In the days in todays modern world. But unfortunately the people of china, xi jinping and the communist party, they unfortunately ha never experienced liberty and freedom, because they have lived under a communist, repressive regime that weve seen only grow stronger. And so we did a floor speech down here on Tiananmen Square with the anniversary, it was last summer. Shortly after that, within weeks, there were protests in hong kong about the extradition bill and when you have two Million People coming out in the streets in a province of china that has less than eight Million People youve got a quarterf your population an it was young people, it was old people, it was educated people, businesspeople. Mothers, fathers, childn. And they were all protesting against the heavy hand of china because what theyaw was freedom and liber being taken away from them. If that was an isolated case that would be one thing. What weve seen with cha is the intimidation, the erasing of cultures as theyve done with the tibetans, as theyve tried to do with other ethnic minorities in their country, whether its the uighurs, the east turk stan region, the kirks east turkistan region, the apology t they make no for it. Their one road, one Belt Initiative goes on wape to the Chinese Communist party. They do predatory lending practices that put other countries in debt. They cant take it back. Theyve done this strategically around the world, theyre in the western hemisphere and marching on. The purpose of this special order tonight is to get people to Pay Attention to what china is doing. Who are we going to do business with in the future . Weve got a country that their goal is to take over the world. Xi jinping says and their philosophy is you cannot have two suns in the sky at the same time, meaning one has to come down. In their philosophy, that would be us. Again, those are very confrontational points of view that theyre pursuing and theyre pursuing them rapidly. Weve seen the intimidation of them with corporations. Weve seen the intimidation of china and their heavy hand with other couldnt res. The Czech Republic was going to have the speak over the house go to taiwan to do some business there, china told them if they went there, the Czech Republic, their auto company could no longer do business in china. Weve seen this do this with many mercedesbenz if they dont buy chinese batteries, they can no longer market in china, even though the majority of the corporation is controlled by a chinese individual. Weve seen the race for the 5 it isg phone network with 5g phone network with huawei and z. T. E. In this country there was in this body here in the House Intelligence Committee and the Senate Intelligence committee, both z. T. E. And huawei in 2012 were deemed a National Security risk. Yet they keep going on and claim to be private enterprises. Yet we know that the Chinese Communist party and the government have invested heavily into those companies and what theyre doing is theyre using their technology that will be able to be able to be invaded by through the back door by the Chinese Communist party to be able to spy on people. Today china has the most cct cameras, closed Circuit Television cameras, to where today in modern china, theyre using these Television Cameras to grade their citizens. They have good citizen scores. If you dont do what the Chinese Communist party tells you, you dont travel, you cant bank, you cant, you know, go to the restaurants. Its 1984 its 1984, George Orwells story, happening right now. Theyre doing that to suppress people. They have offered that technology around the world. Theyre using it in hong kong. Theyve offered it to maduro in venezuela, to control his people. The iranian, ayatollahs want to use that technology. Vladimir putin wans to use it. What were finding is any authoritarian or despotic government, once that technology, so wants that technology so they can control their citizens. If you look in the region of east turkistan, thats been an area in that asian area of china for over 100 years. When the communist party came in, they took it over, recently they renamed it to a name that means New Territory. I bring that up because its home to a muslim population. The uighurs. The kirks, that are being suppressed by china. I think weve all heard of the concentration camps that are going up all over china. Weve done hearings. I sthoint Foreign Affairs committee, chair of the asia pacific subcommittee last year, Ranking Member this year. We had hearing after hearing on the human rights suppression, just the terrible things theyre doing over there. When we looked into it, we have enough reports to feel this is true. That what theyre doing is china has interned over a million uighurs. Other ethnic group the kirks, the turkistans. Put them into these socalled reeducation camp bus theyre not reeducation camp, theyre concentration camps. They have armed crematoriums around the country soshed with these camps. And my question when we were in the Foreign Affairs committee doing this hearing, why do you need an armed crematorium . The people that are supposed to be there are supposed to have passed away. But we recently met with some people that i found it very interesting, the people we met with were from east turkistan, they had a cossack person with them who had just won an award from mike pompeo and First Lady Melania Trump for her courage, women of courage award. What we found, listening to the story, is this family, an educated family, the husband was a schoolteacher, the wife was a medical doctor, practice, i mean they were model citizens. The husband saw what was happening to his relatives, what was happening in this New Territory so he got passports, took himself and his kids out, the wife, the doctor, applied far passport, china would not allow her to go. And so they felt she needed to go to the reeducation camp. This is a lady thats a doctor that was practicing. China puts them in there saying it was a threat to our country. She was a terrorist. They need to be reeducated. What china is trying to do is erase other cultures. Weve just seen this over and over again. So when we spoke to these people that were in our office this week, i asked them, do you have reports of abuses . And they went on and on about the abuses. How they strap people in chairs. They elect are cute them. Torture them. Pull out their fingernails. The women being raped. People were being i conditioned say murdered because they said they would disappear an never be seen again. These are things, you know, its not just hearsay. Weve got reports from all kinds of magazines, all kinds of researchers, here is one from radio free asia. China secretly transferring to detainees from province prisons. Theyre held in he reeducation camps, ill put quotes around that, theyre not reeducation camp, theyre concentration camps because the Chinese Communist party is the highest of the hierarchy, nothing can be higher. If you have a religion and have a deity above that, that puts the communist party in fear because they dont know thousand control free thought. These people are being sent to prisons in those provinces. China to address an overflow in the overcrowded camps where up to 1. 1 million uighurs and other ethnic minorities acused off harboring strong real jus views an political incorrect ideas have been held since april, 2017. This is something thats been going on not just three years but longer than that. But its coming to light. Weve asked their ambassadors, have they had the western press in there . Free and open presses . And they said oh, no, theres no need. These arent going on. But we know theyre going on. This is just one report. I have another one here, madam speaker, information concerning china killing prisoners to harvest orr begans. This is something weve heard over and over again. Weve had hearings on this. S that multibillion dollar industry in china. It happens to anybody that doesnt agree with the communist party. They get picked up. They get imprisoned. Health checks are done. In fact this person that was in our office is a medical doctor. She would do the Health Checks on these young muslim men and they would get a red check if they were healthy. And in the darkness of night they would disappear, never be never to be seen again. The china tribunal which was a tribunal put together to look into this has published its final judgment, the tribunal concluded that forced Organ Harvesting has been committed through years throughout for yeared throughout china on a significant scale and they had no evidence that the significant Infrastructure Associated with chinas transplantation industry has been dismantled and absent a satisfactory explanation as to the source of red lay available organs concludes that the forced Organ Harvesting continues still today. I dont know how a civilized world can tolerate such atrocities. When i see of the armed crematoriums or the uighurs being taken from their homes, forced from their homes, forced into a concentration camp, and then being rented out or sold as chattel to manufacturers and this is well documented, i dont know how we can tolerate that or how we can look at our trade policies to do those kind of deals with a country that works like that. If they treat their own people that way, how do we expect theyre going to treat any of us . Weve talked about tibbett. Weve talked about the east turkistan, the purging of individuals, the social credit scores, coercion, intimidations, i havent touched on the theft of intellectual property. Eres over 600 billion of intellectual property theft that goes and erodes economies all ver the world. I want to read an article here just real briefly. Chi ma come pet come pells uighurs to work in shoe factory that supplies nike. I dont bring nikes name out to put a ding on nike. It says the workers in standard an presse jackets glue together about eight million pairs of nike sneakers each year at the qingdon shoe company, a nigh chee supplier for 30 years and one of the American Brands largest factly factories. They turn out pair after pair of shoe the shock, with their signature shock absorbing. But hundred of these workers dont choose to be there, they are uighurs from chinas New Territory region, sent here by local authorities in groups of 50 to toil far from home. After intense International Criticism from the communist partys campaign to forcibly assimilate the mostly Muslim Uighurs minority by detaining more than a Million People in reeducation camps, Party Officials said last year that most have graduated, graduated from a work camp and again, if you talk to these people, ive talked to pharmacists, ive talked to lawyer, ive talked to engineer, ive talked to doctors. They didnt need to be reeducated. What china wanned to do was intimidate them and basically brainwash them from their habits of a religion, of practicing their religion, and become good model chinese citizens that bow down to the communist party. But theres new evidence to show that the chinese authorities are moving uighurs into governmentdirected labor around the country as part of the central governments initiative for the party. This would help meet its Poverty Alleviation goals. This is a doctor, theyre saying we need to alleviate their poverty. But also it is to further control the uighur population uighur workers, theyre the uighur workers at these facilities are afraid or unable to interact in this town they went to, beyond the most superficial of transactions at the stalls or in the local stores where they go. They wont talk to anybody. The people at these towns says everyone knows the uighurs did not come here on their own free will they were brought here, said one of the fruit sellers at her stall. The uighurs had to come because they didnt have an option. The government sent them here, another vendor told the reporters that they were sent here forcibly. The report we read did not ask their names out of concern for their safety so they could not discuss the issues. An i said, we met with thnic cossack from eastern turkistan, now called xinjiang. She is a true freedom fieger. As we move on and look at what china is doing, theyve controlled so many of the so much of the supply chain and then when we see what happened with the coronavirus, the coronavirus came out, it started off in Hubei Province in wuhan, the epicenter was supposedly a fish market or a fresh market. You want to study it. China didnt do that. We had a hearing, we had two epidemiologists there. They did not do the proper studies. Yet they destroyed any evidence that was there. Then the doctors that tried to report this wound up being put in prison, in jail. They came down with the virus. And then they died. And china has done this over and over again and then that virus spread around the world. This will be reported, im sure in history, as the chinese plague. That they tried to hide and nceal like they did sars and merz. So as we look at this, as a nation, and we make trade agreements and we work with these countries around the world, we should look at who ere trading with. We have a standard thats known around the world. We have a rule of law honoring our contracts. When we look to do business with people, we should do business with people we know, like and trust. And i dont think those apply to china. When you see the heavy hand of what theyre doing, i just think, as a nation, and our trade agreements, and with our businesses going over there, we all need to relook at what what at what were doing. If theyll treat hong kong that way, with those students over there, and then the threat of taking over taiwan, and their goal of taking over the world, i think thats something we all need to look at and just say, you know what, we need to diversify and thats why were kind of proud to talk about the manufacturing policy, the a. B. C. Method. Anywhere but china. Go to vietnam. Go to indonesia, go anywhere. But a country that wants to take us over. And i want to close on two things here. One is, we had the students of hong kong that led the protests that came to our office and they brought me this plaque. And it says, democracy now, stand with hong kong. And they brought this plaque up and, as ive been able to travel around the world and ive seen how other countries look at america, and they look at the ideals and the principles of this country, thats what they want. And it made me think that americas bigger than a presidency, its bigger than a republican or a democratic party. Its those ideals. And its those ideals that these students in hong kong that brought us this plaque, they were willing to take a chance and protest the Chinese Communist party. They burned their flag and held up the American Flag because that represents liberties and freedoms. Taiwan is a different subject. Taiwan has never been part of the peoples republic of china. The communist party. Nor will they ever be. They have their own borders, they have their own military, their own economy, theyre a western democracy. But yet china wants to claim them as their own. I think this is a wakeup call for china. If youve got a quarter of a population in a province that knows theyre part of china, you cant do that to taiwan. Because, you know, when you look at the agreement we have with taiwan, we have an agreement to make sure they have the equipment to protect themselves in a defensive manner. But i just kind of want end to with what we started with. When we looked at the students from hong kong, it made me think, i think weve all seen a picture of grass. Its green, tender, new shoots, theyre very tender. If we were to compare that with pavement, this is hard road. This is asphalt. And if i were to ask you, which one is tougher, which one is stronger . I think wed all say, the asphalt is, right . But if we say, this is freedom and liberty and this is repression from communism, which ones more powerful . Because liberties and freedoms will breakthrough that force thats trying to suppress them. Thats whats going on in the world and thats why china will never succeed long term in what theyre doing. Ats why the people of xinjiang, the ugers, will win. Because uighurs, will win. Because they have the strength of a blade of grass that can grow through the asphalt. I think i shared that with you guys the other day. These are the people that are standing up strong through that suppression. These are the people that have been there. And my heart goes out to those people because i can look back at our country when it was formed. We were under the suppression of another power and we decided that we werent going to live there because were not designed that way as people. Madam speaker, i appreciate the opportunity to be here and i want people to think, when they go to buy something and it says, made in china, find a different source. Find somewhere else. Encourage your manufacturers, your nikes, your basketball teams, go somewhere else. Dont go to a country that is doing virtually genocide today. And if we look back to world war ii, when eisenhower went to the auschwitz and the concentration camps and they saw the death and destruction, and he said, never again, we as a nation have a responsibility to move everything that we can so that the Chinese Communist party has to change their way. With that, madam speaker, i ield back and thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from texas, mr. Green, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority eader. Mr. Green thank you, madam speaker. And still i rise and still i rise. And i rise as a very proud american. Proud of my country. Proud to be a part of this great nation. Also proud to be a liberated democrat. Unbought, unbossed. Speak truth to power. Speak truth about power. A liberated democrat. And i rise tonight with a very pegs message special message at this time in the history of our country. We find ourselves now in a state of fear. Unfortunately too much of what we have based our response to the Novel Coronavirus has been fear. Not facts. We should act on facts, not fear. My hope is that after i say a few words tonight, i will at least cause some persons to rethink some of what they have already concluded. I am a person who believes that there is a philosophy, an adage, if you will, of live and let live. This is not my philosophy, live and let live. It simply says, you go your way and live your life, ill go my way and live my life. If this philosophy prevailed, i would not be in the congress of the United States of america. Because a good many people did not embrace live and let live. Dr. King did not embrace it. A good many people embrace a philosophy that i now embrace and that is live and help live. It is because of other people who made great sacrifices that im able to stand here in the well of the congress of the United States of america. It was a live and help live philosophy that made it possible for me to be here. There were persons who lived and some who died so that i would have this opportunity. Goodman and cheney to your attention. They were not africanamericans, by the way. They lost their lives in the cause of freedom along with goodman who was an africanamerican. They were trying to help somebody that was a live and help live philosophy. There was john shalady in austin, texas, naacp field worker, who was beaten by a mob. He was trying to help black people. So in a sense, theres a debt that i owe. And whenever i have the opportunity i try to repay it. So tonight, with our country in this state of fear, id like to ask some things of people. And share some thoughts. The first thing that i want to address is, what we expect from others. We now expect others who are sick to stay at home. If youre sick and you think that you have a virus and youre concerned, we want you to stay at home. Of course see your physician. Get an opinion from your physician. But if you are ill and you may be contagious, we believe that you should stay at home. Thats what were saying to people across the length and breadth of the country. And we believe this is the patriotic thing to do. To stay at home. Do what you can from home. Work from home. Well, that can work for a lot of people. It can work for members of congress because we will be paid if we work from home. We will be paid and we will be appreciated for staying at home because we dont want to spread an illness from one person to another by being in the workplace. That works quite well for members of congress. But what about the person who works for minimum wage . 7. 25 an hour is still the minimum wage, the federal minimum wage in this country. A good many places pay more than 7. 25 an hour. But it is the federal standard. For minimum wage. 7. 25 an hour, thats not a lot of money for most of the people who work here. But to a good many people, it is the means by which they maintain their dignity and keep food, clothing and shelter for themselves and others. A good many of them are not on jobs that will pay them if they stay at home. Theyre being patriotic americans, theyre doing what we are asking. But they wont get paid. They have to make a choice. Do they stay at home and do that which we deem to be prudent . And necessary . Or do they come to work so that they will be able to put food on the table . So that they will have the shelter necessary to protect them from the environment. Will they have the Necessary Clothing so that they may continue to traverse through the elements . But even at 7. 25 an hour, theres another case to be made. Because some workers make less than the minimum wage of 7. 25 an hour. These are the persons who work and they receive tips. They make 2. 13 an hour. We expect them to stay at home if they are sick. And many of them work in the food service industry, people who serve our food. We want them to stay at home if theyre ill because we dont want them to contaminate the food. But these persons who serve our od, 2. 13 an hour, patriotic americans, if they stay at home and they are not paid, they have a choice. Do they stay at home or do they ome to work ill . I say to the employers, please, give consideration to your minimum wage workers. 7. 25 an hour. Perhaps its 15 an hour. Give some consideration to them. And especially those who are working for 2. 13 an hour. Give them some consideration. Help them through this time of crises. Because theyre helping us through this time of crises. They are there for us by staying at home. Theyre doing their pat rotic thing. We should do the patriotic thing and give them some consideration. I plan to support legislation hopefully that will emanate from this house that would give persons some amount of money. I think that were at a point in our history where people who are going to have to stay at home are going to have to be accorded some sort of emolument. Because we dont want them to come to work and contaminate others. And we dont expect them to do that which we would deem to be unpatriotic. So weve got to help them. I heard someone this morning talk about 1,000 to persons who need help or 1,000 to persons in general. Some amount. Im not sure what the exact amount should be but i do know we have to give some consideration to persons who are working for minimum wages and especially persons who are working for 2. 13 an hour. Tips. There are those who contend that well if youre working for 2. 13 an hour youll get a lot of money in those tips and youll be able to do what some will say i did and thats not me saying i, but im now speaking the words of others. They will say, i was able to work my way through college on tips. Well, good for you. A good many others are not. Able to do such. A good many others are barely getting by on 2. 13 an hour. I talk to people when i eat at these various cafeterias and i have spoken to people who work in cafeterias in houston, texas, who tell me that they have gone home and made not more than 2. 13 for each of the hours, they didnt get any tips. There are days when they get no tips. I would hope that they would get an abundance of tips. But the truth is, there are days when they do not and they deserve some help because they are doing what we are asking when they stay at home. If they stay at home and dont come to work, i would hope that we would give them some consideration. Live and help live. Thats the philosophy i embrace. That is the philosophy that will cause an employer to conclude that he or she or the company should help people that were asking to stay at home. Live and help live, not live and let live. Im going to live my life uric stay at home, sorry. Cant help you. No. Lets help those persons who have to stay at home because theyre ill and are wage earners. Live and help live. Live and help live is a philosophy that i think we should embrace when we speak of are of different ethnicities. Most specifically im going to talk about people of asian ancestry. Im standing here tonight to speak on behalf of persons of asian ancestry. Ill speak on their behalf as it relates to the Novel Coronavirus because ugly things are happening to persons of asian ancestry. Im here because i want to live and help live. I want to help them through this time crisis. When they are having to experience xenophobea and nativism. I have here some examples of what persons of asian ancestry are experiencing and im here to lift and help them live and help them live. I believe somebody helped me to get to where i am and i have a debt that i owe that i pray that i will be able to repay. And tonight i would call to your attention the person in new york, a woman on a subway, who was attacked by persons who said that she was diseased and they used the a word that i would is what it b word was called in this forum tonight, because she had on a facemask. People have assumed that this is beneficial. It may not be. The many scientists are saying to us, the persons who are supposed to know, the persons who deal with these things, who have studied these things, that the mask doesnt help people in general. It does help the persons who are aiding and assisting us, perhaps physicians and nurses. But be that as it may, if a person chooses to wear the mask and happens to be of asian ancestry that person ought not be attacked. That person ought not be spoken to in harsh language. People have a right in this country to wear the tape of face gear that they choose and if they choose to wear a mask so be it. We are to respect people and not assume things and say things about them because of their ethnicity. Because of their ancestry. Another example. Mung n who was is of ancestry, was checking in at a hotel, and was told that asians were not welcome. Asians are not welcome. Thats not a live and help live philosophy. That is a form of nativism and xenophobea that is invidious, that is harmful to our society and harmful to this person. Trying to check into a hotel. I remember a time in this country wren there were certain people certain places i could not check into simply because of the hue of my skin. I was not allowed. There were signs that said no coloreds allowed. Those were the polite signs. There were some that had words i will not repeat. But i remember this. And when i remember this, i relate to rsons of asian ancestry, told that they cant come into a given business place simply bause of who they are. Im here because i believe in live and help live and i want to help them through this ti of cris. In california, a 16yearold High School Student was sent to the emergency room afr being attacked by bullies who accused simply because of his ethnicity. I have been attacked in my life, chased, because of my ethnicity. I reflect on this and it causes me to understand the plight of this person. And i stand here tonight to speakp, to speak on behalf of people of asian ancestry who are being assaulted, who are being accused, who are being denied simply buzz of who they are. I have indication that even just looking asian has been enough to incite attackers and to hurl insults. And accuse individuals of being disease carrie. Friends, this is a time for us to band together and come togeth as a nation. This is not a time for us to engage in this sort of phobia, this xenophobea, this nativism. This is not the time. This is this disease is not something that is related to any ethnicity. It is not related to any party. It doesnt assault or attack republicans or democrats because they happen to be of a certain party. It doesnt matter what your gender is. This disease attacks you because you are a human being. And because you have been exposed to it in such a way as to allow to it enter your body. We ought to see each other now as people of one race, the human race. We ought to see each other as people that we should help live. We should embrace the philosophy of live and help live. Help the minimum wage worker. Help those who are not as fortunate as we are. Help those who may not be of the same hue as you. Help those who have been accused and attacked. This is a time for us to send a message that we wont tolerate it. Im here because i believe that asian americans, those of asian ancestry, should not have to defend by themselves. Defend themselves by themselves. I think that its important for persons who are not of asian ancestry to send a message that we stand with them and we stand against the islamaphobia that might ensue, the homophobea, the all of the various invidious phobias that can ensue from persons deciding theyre going to attack people because theyre different. Aye moved on from the asian ancestry now to persons who are different. And in this country, we ought not attack people simply because they are different. I believe that the differences that we have can make a difference in the culture. And it makes us richer for having these various differences. Theyre good for the country. So let us send a message that we will not tolerate persons being assaulted because of who they are, we will not tolerate persons being denied the opportunity to have access to various places within our society that we ordinarily would have access to simply because we happen to have the bill of fare, we can pay our way, in we can pay for the hotel room. I think we ought to allow people to have access. But more important than all of these, i think that it is important for us to treat each ther with dignity and respect. Simply because we are people of the same creator. And that creator, i believe, expects us to treat each other the same regardless of our hue, regardless of our various differences, this is an opportunity for us to pull together. I believe that this is a great adversity but i also believe that it provides us a great opportunity to come together and stand up for each other. Let us live and help live, let us not live and let live, simply leave people to find their way as best they can. Lets help people through life. Im here because somebody helped me. And i want to be there to help others. I promise i will do what i can to be of service to man and human and women more specifically men and women in this society. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore thank you, the chair lays before the house the following enrolled ill. The clerk senate 1822, an act to require the federal Communications Commission to issue rules relating to the collection of data with respect to the availability of Broadband Services and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona, mr. Schweikert, for 30 minutes. Mr. Schweikert thank you, madam speaker. We try to come here every week were here and do sort of a combination of economic reports and what we believe is a solution to longterm debt and often we sort of get a little, shall we say, tech nickal if not a bit geeky. Tonight im going to try to do a little boist that but also try to put it in context to where i think we are. We in the joint Economic Committee and also some of the staff from ways and means and bless their souls for tolerating my questions, have been very helpful. But theres still a lot of things we dont know. An o start off with encouragement. About 20 minutes ago, i got off the phone with my father. My father is in his mid 80s. Still doing pretty darn well, still had some health issues. How do you turn to a Family Member like that, hes blessed to live in scottsdale, arizona, which is a beautiful, beautiful place. And say, father, for the next few weeks, you may actually want to sort of not go to the different activities that i know he loves and the art shows and art walks and all these things that are activities in our community but for the next few weeks, because the things were learning about the coronavirus, the populations that appear to be most at risk are those with a series of health issues. Do you have heart issues, do you have diabetes, do you have lung issues. But particularly are you in your 70s . Or in my fathers case his mid 80s . So the moral outreach im going to ask everyone to think about is, my call to him was hey, we have family in the neighborhood. If we can convince you to maybe spend a little more time around the house and avoid crowds and some of your activities, well be happy to make sure food and things are dropped off at the house, you need your pharmaceuticals picked up, well be happy to go out and do that. Well try to be good family and be supportive. Why dont we take that same concept as both democrats and republicans and sort of say, the v. F. W. Or the legion or my knights of Columbus Club or some of the other things in our community, are you reaching out to the they making the decision to follow what our country county and state Health Department is discussion jest suggest, what the c. D. C. , h h. S. And others are suggesting, if youre in those more statistically vulnerable populations, youre going to stay home, avoid the crowds, those things. T least for a few weeks. We were having the conversation of puttingy little daughter a little more so he could facetime and have that contact with his granddaughter. But also picking up the food. The pharmaceuticals. Other things so that we dont create a situation where we take a vulnerable population and make them isolated from everyone else. So just a little moment of kindness, a little moment of thought of if its our grandparents or the friend from over at the v. F. W. , and they happen to be in those age brackets, they have what they mispronounce ys it, so forgive me. What do we as a community do to reach out and be supportive and be helpful . These are the sorts of things that we as members of congress, we go to all these briefings, we hear all the statistics, were moving money around, were trying to get the manufacturing of testing and all these things where they need to go. A lot of good things are happening. And we know theres a lot of really smart people going as fast as they can. But nows the most also for a lot of us the moment also for a lot of us in our communities to reach out and say, look, the experts are saying, at least for the next few weeks, maybe the best thing is if youre in that defined vulnerable population, stay home. And how do we, as their friends and neighbors, make sure that away,e not feeling locked isolated, that theyre still loved, theyre still part of our community, and also our moral obligation to reach out and help our neighbors, bringing things to their doorstep . Thats one might have calls for and thats not republican or democrat. Thats just actually being human. And so just that idea of, lets make that happen. This evening im going to do a telephone town hall in our district and thats actually going to be one of the themes. Weve already been on the phone reaching out to a number of the Veterans Service organizations because we know a lot of their organizations, their mean ages are much, much older. So how do we get the younger veterans now to actually be that contact with the world for those older veterans . That may be choosing to isolate for a little bit. And, look, math is math. We see the data that so many that are young seem to be doing just great. Someone like myself, im a fairly severe asthmatic. I worry a little bit. But were washing our hands, were taking the basic precaution would you take during any severe flu season. We actually now have a little timer in our office and every couple of hours were washing the door knobs and doing things like that. Its a little compulsive but its also the right thing to do. So i just sort of ask all of us, dont be macabre. Dont be looking down. This is just part of life. But lets treat it like adults. Lets treat it respect the professionals and their talents and the information theyre providing us and lets work through this. Lets do the right things. But also, lets not isolate those populations that were being told are vulnerable. On one hand were saying, you really should stay out of crouds, stay out of these things for a few weeks. We have the moral obligation to make them know theyre still loved and cared for. So lets do that. All right. A couple things i do want to go through. Because were trying to get our head around whats happening economically. And the fact of the matter is, we just dont know yet. We dont have enough inbound data. I can give you some great data where we were a week ago. Has that changed . I promise you, its changed. But how much . The good news is, we went into this march actually surprisingly economically healthy. Do you remember last friday, the jobs report number . Remember that jobs report number is looking back over the last month and working out over the last particularly the last week. But when youre doing over 273,000 new jobs, thats pretty amazing. Particularly where we were in the cycle. Forgive me for reaching back here. I hope im not breaking a protocol. But i actually subscribe to an app called g. D. P. Now. Its the atlanta feds calculator. On march 6, thats the last update, they were at 3. 1 g. D. P. For this quarter. Thats wonderful. Do i think were going to end up there . Probably not. But at least lets you know there was something really, really positive happening in the economy. When you start seeing numbers like this where we were hitting 3. 5 unemployment, but and im going to touch on just because im fascinated with Labor Force Participation and what that means to Economic Growth, but also what it means to our numbers of people in our community that are choosing to come back into the labor force, come back to work. These are people who quit. You know, theres fancy economic terms of the marginally detached from a societal standpoint from an economic standpoint, when those who are not looking all of a sudden start popping up in the data as coming back into the labor force, these are wonderful things. And we were clicking along pretty darn well. When you start to look at the february jobs report, we as all americans should have been really happy of the economic robustness and stability. Im going to also show another board and demonstrate how were also the engine thats basically saving the rest of the world. Economically. Were pulling the rest of the world along. Where just a few years ago, three years ago, the rest of the world was actually moving up and they were sort of pulling us along. Now thats somewhat reversed. And you always have so have to put that in context because it gives you a sense of how strong the last couple years have been economically. Particularly for labor markets and ive been behind this mic a dozen times showing the wage charts and the miracle thats really happened the last couple of years for the working poor. Its a certain societal cruelty weve had for the last couple decades of our brothers and sisters who didnt have particular skills or may not have finished high school, the really smart economists were functionally writing them off. They were going to be part of the permanent underclass. And in many ways, if you step back, theres a level of cruelty in just that, taking any american and saying, you dont have certain things like we think theconomys going to look for, were writing you off. And one of the great miracles weve had the last couple of years is that population, that bottom 10 of income earners, we often refer to as almost the working poor, because they often have very moderate to low to none in the way of skills, their wages have actually been going up the fastest. Double the mean of everyone else. So part of our theme is also growth is moral and you can see it in society, in how many people who have had a pretty rough decade, seem to have come back the last couple of years, but now were going to have to face the issues of what does the next couple months look like with the coronavirus, what sort of disruption, what do we do as a body to maximize economic stability, also be rational, and then get back to the pattern that actually was helping so Many Americans start to have these opportunities . And, look, hopefully that doesnt become partisan. Hopefully thats just math. And smart people coming up with ways because those picies actually affect peoples lives. You know, thats the decision, whether you can buy that new vehicle or buy a house or some of these other opportunities out there. This one is one weve been working on as a concept. Concept slide. Its a little noisy and these are really hard types of charts to read and look at. But its really important. We had lots of smart people a couple years ago basically saying, were getting older as a society, were never getting back to those days of, you know, the mid 60s in Labor Force Participation, its just not going to happen. And then we started to break apart some of the numbers and we found this really interesting thing out there. We have functionally millions of americans who were not looking, ey basically had quit in previous years, who suddenly are coming back into the labor force. So this is a slide of share of newly employed from outside the labor force. So these are folks we dont consider as traditionally as, well, theyre part of our unemployment statistics or theyre part of the Unemployment Benefits or theyre looking or even outside the marginaly attached population. These are functionally folks who were not even looking. And whats stunning is you can ee the wild ride weve had and post the 2018 recession 2008 recession, this population had just sort of detatched. They were in the mid 50s of looking at working, coming into the labor force. Today this population is starting to approach the mid 70s. And its substantially happened inust the st couple of years. I want to argue this is a combination of lots of cplex things. And its something we dont talk about enough. Because theres been wage growth, the value of their labor has gone up. You may actually get some things that are uncomfortable to talk about and the numbers are difficult. So its still theoretical. Some things that have happened with immigration that have also made their labor possibly more valuable. The other thing its also is work has changed. If we went back 10, 15 years ago for parts of this population, theyre not picking up bags of concrete. Now the work has changed. Is that part of it . We have these fancy economists that come in and walk through all these Different Reasons and were trying to get our ad around it. But the one thing we know is theres something good happening in our society. How do we as policymakers, those of us on theore conservative side, our brothers and sisters who might bon the more liberal side, and some of the people in the middle that call themselves moderate, how do we actually come up with ways to keep these good things happening . And how do you do that in a society right now where our politics are often so polarizing . And i want to argue, we actually have a moral obligation to figure out things that are working, figure out whats making them work, and do more of it. This is a slide im just putting up because it rounds out a discussion we were having a couple weeks ago of what happening in the world. Look, if you seehe blue, thats the g7. That has the United States i it. If you look at e orange, thats actually the g7 without the United States. And the green is the United States. If we sort of go back to the numbers that were coming out in 2017, you see the rest of the world through Economic Growth was very similar to the United States. They were helping us, we were helping them. But you can also see the last coup years, the United States Economic Growth is dramatically suras dramatically surpassed the rest of the industrialized world, the bigger economies. Theres th pushpull concept in economic grth. In the last couple of years we basically, if you look at the last two sections of the graph, you start to understand, were the engine that functionally have beeneepi much of the rest of the world afloat. You can also see the incredible spike in growth and the continued growth posttax reform. The fact of the matter is what we did in the u. S. Tax reform, in the Economic Growth it brought, did things for t entire world. And its in the charts. Its in the data. The other thing i want to put up and i try to puthis e up its that continuing cause conversation of, you know, we often get lost in our rhetoric and we get a piece of rhetoric in our head. We get bind microphones we say it over and over. And then later on, find out that the rhetoric. Lly doesnt mch this is what we call tax receipts. Many of you will think of it as revenues but t proper term from the. R. S. And from those in the ways anmeans committee, its receipts. These ar revenues as theyre bookednto treasury. And its just really, really important to get your head around this. 017,018, 2019, even though wer posttax reform, though were posttax reform, and we had really smart people, mbers of congress, econost who were saying this chart was going to crash this w, it didnt. As a matter of fact, if you look at this chart, those are the highest receipts in u. S. History. So its just i beg of us, a some point those folks who will spend their time attacking e tax reform, i understand its an election year. The math tell the truth about the ultimate test is, are we getting the revenues inr not . The mix ofevenues has chang. Corpate taxes are down. Individual taxes are way up. Particularly mor payroll, because more amerans are working. But at was the idea. And it wasnt just aepublican if you go back during the obama years, president obamas Economic Team actually recommended much of the same thing in corporate taxes. The difference is it happened over here so therefore it must be vilified, even though thats truly unfair. This has been an econic concept for years. We finally got it delivered and its working. This is he chart that i will get the most phone calls. We need to update it. E chart is not adjusted do constant dollars. Over the next 3 years, you will reduce the numbersy a third and reduce the numbers. The chart is very, very simple, though. And its one where we are trying to communicate. The future debtnd it is overwhelmingnd is coming, those of us who areetng older. We earne Society Security but we didnt set aside the actual cash. Here is the simple chart. Is is Social Security and medicare. If we pull those out. It is like 28 years, weould have 2 trillion in the bank. We roll them back i, the end of the 0 yearsrillion at the they are functionally 80 trlion deb and its reallharfor this body to talk about is sayi we made promises. With we are goi to find a way to keep them. There is a way to do that. But yove to be willing to engage in something that is ound here that is complicated. Difficulty doing one mor concep and we need to do all of them immediately and what is so frustrating, all o these turn into partisan and we will nd aay to make partisan and create the ecomic groand the disruption in health care and 80e illin at the end of the 30 years is medice. Lets look i use this sli over and over, a tax code, a regulatoryode, immigraon the labor force. E right now have a millenial males problem. Last 20 months of females. And how about peoplwhare could you design to stay and me back in the l forgs with their lab talent . Willing to unleash technology. These arthe presentations. I was here on theloor showing thatould crash. We brought a slide therwas a joccess in being able to pancreic cls in a mouse that were growing insulin. Whenou go from a mouse experiment, its a decad buthe previous slide you saw the math n medicare and it is e driver of u. S. Debt, 0 of medicares bt is diabetes. As aody, lets maksure that the resources, the talentsall the this wcan did do is not a cure because its good policy and moral ethical thi to do debt. Azing thing to do in and deebt. Ere is ao immune issues. It is complicat. If we are go to have an impact sm it turns out ithe same discussion of technology, a ouple of year ago, i became fascined with the flu and the Gates Foundation has ved 60 million and we started to move some research ney into that concept and we are tot is complited and told it is a couple y away from having a vaccin think about the disruption we believe we are epping into its not going to last forev, but it will last for a little while. Universal vaccine that this this disruption never happens again. My argument is i can frly elegant. We need to dall this is goat and cost disruptions and if we do them, i beliee can make an argument that the ability keep promises are promises to Social Security and medare. There is a pat its just uncomftable because when you use the word disruption becaus someones Business Model , technology and whave used how manyf youent to you stream your entertainment we nee to make sure those types of disruptions are helping in th Care Technology and who knows what else. We are seeing it in energy genetion. There aath. We dontave to b dour. D we need to be optimistic and make it a realityhis body eeds to stop being dysfunctiol. We shodn accomish nothing of value. We areetter than that we know theres a path. We know the math. Letget our act togethe mada speaker, withhat, i ield back. The speaker pro tempore under e speakers announced picy of january , 2019, the chair recognizeshe gtleman fm wiscn, mr. Groth for 0 minutes. Mr. Grothman i assure you i wonbe gng tt long. One mo time we have to address what i feel 10 years from today wille vieweas the most significant issues and that immiation. I want to mention the issue, i nt to therizona border to see what is going on and i ve talkedo a leader of the union of the borr pa agents. I say this is the st important issueecause ourmmigrants deteine what america is li 10, 20 years. Progress and we have to remember al this promise is caused by our promise. Lets recount prose. In arizona, i saw 12 miles ilt. Whats possible, it is very difficult. Thwall is 0 feet high and very diult and can get 0 feet up and sometimes wire at the top which causes pele to be stuck at the top and very difficult. So that is so progress. We made pgrs d reached agreement withexico saying if you ar coming he for asylum and haveo held on e mexican side of the border not onldose this cause people central arica or africa or uth amera from coming here cause prior to President Trump reaching an agreement, people would come here d ulbe placedn the unid states a not show up. Erefore, this is the way we got ma pple whore going to wind up ng in america. Ird thing, he put in a publi chargeule, covering people come here illegally sayg we dont want you in this country if y take advtage of our Public Benefits. Not too strica law a alls ople to stay. But obvious given we cata whoever we want arod the world and want to take more pplwho ar taking moneyutf this system rather than putting money in the system. The question is what should congress do as we begin to take we have to persol ithe evently cnge our aseal l la. We know we a dealing with and not should be taking people. If you are in venezuela and in risk for your life, what would you do,ove to columbia. You wldt go throu six or sevenountries tget to the United States. Secoly,have t hire more people at the border. As we putp our wall and as we ld people sou othe borde more peopleld sneakn as more people, it is more peopl we have border ants. Sophticated and ey have re equipment that is superioto the equipnt tt ourwn Border Patrol has as lonas we continue to allows hapn, the cartels break up famiesy ing minors 16, 15, 14 yearolds go to smug t. American jailsll not end up i anhe thing tt we have to ok ats weuld pass a bill saying no bu plic benefits. Historicly i this country, manyeturn to their cry of country of orig. They are not ae toind work here. We ought to say no Public Benefits for peo who are not citizens. As far as the situation that c generous america cabs who do feel these people shou stay in he country but should not be a guaranteed right. Get d of the rule ats he ed to as the citizenship rth rul ther reason. Want to properly vet the new families. If we say anybody who a child in t united stat becomes a citizens, the parents withill foll and n gerations will not be proper vetting the future immigrants. Our intent ha never been if yo t a green card and he on a student visa and sneak in illegally that your chiren becomeitizs. I think it itant that we dealith these issue promptl. I say that, because we wi go people bei ap psent heppeded if we have a pnt who doesnt ahead with these congressmensenseeasures. I imple the press to on report any progress on the iues d public the progress me by President Trump. It wilult in a permanent change america. Again, we wa immigrants. President trumpas increased the numb of people legally sworn in this country b we have tpick ouimmits and if we do not, we willnge an amica ich we like. Thank thspear pro tempore pursuant to claus 12a of rule

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