Cspan, cspan. Org or listen wherever you are on the free cspan radio app. Senator Bernie Sanders held a roundtable with Public Health experts and leaders in detroit monday. The president ial candidate criticized the Trump Administrations response to the spread of the coronavirus and outlined the role he wanted the federal government to play in response. Later he took questions from the audience. Sen. Sanders let me thank everybody for being here and let me thank our very esteemed panel of people who have spent their entire life fighting for Quality Health care and disease prevention in this country. Let me just very briefly introduce some of our panelists before we began. Anddoctor is a physician epidemiologist and a Public Health expert and former Health Commission for the city of detroit. He was formally a professor at columbia Universitys Department of epidemiology and columbia universitys science program. The llison is director of yale center for Infectious Disease model and analysis. Should this is the youngest yale school ofhe medicine. Dr. Victoria is a boardcertified Family Medicine physician and healthcare and has worked very hard to make sure that all people in michigan receive health care as a human right. Deborah burger is a National Nurses united president and a National Nurses united is the Largest Nurses Union in the country and she is one of the countries top nursing leaders. And an outspoken advocate for health care for all. Former special assistant, assistant secretary nuclear, chemical and biological Defense Program at the department of defense. He worked for the Obama Administration and will speak to the creation of a defense response of epidemics and how the Trump Administration has failed. I think the main point that i want to make the four i turned is that,o the experts when you have a global crisis, which is endangering people all over the world, the people of the United States, and people in the world who look to the United States for leadership, want to know that we have an administration in this country whose decisions and comments are based on science. Tweets that have no scientific basis. Not based on politics. Not based on policies designed to protect the wealthy and the powerful. And let me just quote, if i might, just a few. There are many more. Byments made recently president trump. President trump is quoted as ing that he has a natural natural ability to understand the coronavirus and that the virus will end by april. Not have ap does natural ability to understand. He coronavirus his reckless statements are confusing people in this country and all over the world. Congratulatedas china on its effort, when in fact the entire world understands that because of the lack of transparency in china, the situation is much worse than it should have been. That weump has said have thousands or hundreds of byusands of people that get by sitting around and going to work, some of them go to work. Incrediblyve an wholeious disease and the world is wrestling with how we prevent the spread of that disease to suggest to people that when you go to work it might be the stupidest advice ever made by the president of the United States and on and on it goes. The first point that i want to make is that we need an administration whose efforts are based on science and that means that we should not have somebody like Vice President pence heading up the Coronavirus Task force. That task force should be a 100 nonpolitical task force. Led by scientists experts not politicians. If there is ever a time you dont want to mix politics with a health care crisis, this is that moment. Importantly, we remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all as a right. And the absurdities of that situation becomes clearer every day. And while we move towards a medicare for all Health Care System, so that every person in this country has health care as a right, what we must do right now, today, is make sure that every person living in this country right now, including the be able to gomust to a doctor or a hospital in order to determine their health status. In other words, we do not want anybody who is sick today who is saying, i have some symptoms, i wont go to the doctor because i cannot afford it. That is terrific for that person and certainly for anybody that that person has contact with. The federal government, right now, must make sure that we are paying all of the costs of those doctor and hospital visits. In the midst of a potential pandemic, no one should be stopping themselves from going to a doctor simply because they are afraid that they cannot afford it. At a time when half of the people in this country live paycheck to paycheck, and when people go to work every single day, even when they are sick because they need an income to take care of their , the United States remains the only major country on earth not to guarantee paid sick leave and paid family leave. That is absurd and a general sense, but it is particularly dangerous to the moment we are at right now. And that means that today, there are people who are going to work to may well have symptoms of the ,oronavirus, or other illnesses and in the midst of this crisis, what we do not want people going to work who are sick, who may have the coronavirus, we must those who do not go to work or self quarantine themselves as they think they may have the virus receive a paycheck to keep their families and their own lives going. Not a radical idea. If we were living in the system that i want to see, everybody would have paid medical leave. But we are not there. Andhe midst of this crisis a want anybody, because of lack of income to have to go to work and perhaps infect others because they are afraid they wont receive an income. Thirdly. Goes without saying that the work withtes must scientists around the world to aggressively develop a vaccine for the corona or coronavirus. The Trump Administration has mightted that the vaccine be too costly for some people to afford. Is that idea . Get if you are rich you can the vaccine. If you are poor you cannot get the vaccine. Trump companies can make their outrageous profits. Not acceptable for the American People. When that vaccine is developed, and it must be developed as quickly as we can. We are working with folks all over the world. Obviously it should be made free to every person in this country and every person in the world. Thereof all, right now are doctors, and we will hear more discussion. There are doctors and hospitals that do not have the necessary testing kits that they need in order to determine whether or not people have the coronavirus. There are hospitals all across the country today, even before we do not haves the necessary units that they need. In issue we must focus on. Every hospital in america must have the proper number of icu units and other Doctors Office must have the testing kits they need. I think third of all we talk about this. Makeederal government must sure that doctors, nurses and all other medical personnel have the knowledge and protective equipment they need in order to remain healthy. We want everybody to remain healthy. Frontline fighters, doctors and nurses go down because of the illness, who is there to protect the American People . Got to be working to make sure every doctor, nurse and medical professional in this country has the equipment they need to protect themselves and the knowledge as to how they can protect themselves. The United States government must do a better job working with other governments around the world. This is not an american issue, this is a global issue impacting countries in every part of the world. We have got to be invested in and working with the World Health Organization and other International Health organizations. Again, today you have a president of the United States who does not even recognize the reality of Climate Change let that we haveanding to work with the entire Global Community to address this crisis. Perspectives as the United States senator of what the government should be doing. But i want to get to some of the medical professionals specialist on this. Im going to be talking specifically from the background of a health official. That respective is really focused on the epidemic response. And where they might have gone wrong and what it would look like if it went right. Is just ascertainment, that there is something wrong. Our countries focus on this has really been framed around a Global Health security agenda. Of theenda was born out rubble a crisis that thankfully was largely delegated to west africa because of the heroism of our u. S. Public Health Service in our cdc. Experienceom that they decided we need to make sure that we have bases worldwide, 49 Different Countries where we can be constantly looking to survey of. For the past several fiscal years in a row, that funding has block. T on the chopping 80 has taken us from 49 Different Countries to 10. It is not that the funding went through, thankfully the leadership of Congress Stop that from happening. You can imagine working in an institution where every year you were told you will get cuts. How do you plan on terms . What does that due to the work you do daytoday and keeping us safe abroad . Pathogen in a time of International Conflict between the United States and china in the form of a trade war. You have to ask, how do you actually work with another sovereign nation when you are hearing in the media all day that these folks are trading jabs over trade. That might have curtailed our ability to engage in that context. Painstakingmeans work of identifying everybody who has been exposed to the virus, and then figuring out who they may have exposed and subjecting them to quarantine or isolation depending on their exposure status. Thatder to be able to do and do it well, it takes a lot of human power. What happens when you cannot rule out a case of monks somebody who has been exposed . What happens is you say, three people have been exposed. All three people possibly have the virus. You then have to trade all three of their contacts. Which then gets to nine and 27 and it keeps going. Becauseited resources, Public Health funding has been cut over and over, you realize that that person is not a case because we did not have the testing kate kits and the capacity to do that. That level of folks you had contact with exploded quickly, overwhelming our ability to do the basic work of containment. And then lastly, we are now at the cusp in a number of communities where we go from containment and we are focused on every and original case to mitigation and control. That means large scale interventions around reducing of people, of such that you are reducing the virus spread between people. , andhallenge with that that the stock market is telling us, is that this can be extremely challenging for society and the economy. Stopping the flow of people is basically stopping the flow of the economy. That point now in a number of these outbreaks, specifically Washington State where we have now moved from containment to mitigation. The question becomes for us now across the moves United States, certain communities will be able to contain. What does it take for us to invest in the capacity so we can avoid some of the more troubling and challenging mitigation measures that we might need to see . I want folks to be thinking about the dynamics of that. What does it mean to have the resources you need to do Public Health work, and where has the cdcs public funding been over time . And where has state and local Public Health funding been . Decline since the great recession. And, what will it mean for us when we are in a position as a society where we have to be investing in the kind of mitigation effort that puts a huge damper on our ability to be in this. And what the consequences will look like for foreign working people, small businesses, and entire sectors of the economy. Hereould not have been should we just had we invested in health appropriately. Had we invested in taking on these emerging Infectious Diseases in the moments that they are merged. We would not be here as a society. Our country has done that work in the past, and under this administration it has failed. Sen. Sanders lets go to dr. Allison, the director of yale center of Infectious Diseases. Strategies to effectively minimize mortality. During the of allow break in west africa, my team and i worked with the minister of health. It exacerbatedt transmissions because people were too fearful to seek diagnosis and treatment. Gaining trust was instrumental to the timely hospitalization of cases, which played a fundamental row role in curtailing the epidemic. Accurate and honest communication that people can trust is essential during this crisis. As senator sanders highlighted, covid19 is exposing the systemic frailties and our pandemic preparedness. For the millions of people who are uninsured or underinsured, the medical bills may be a very real deterrent from seeking health care. Compounding the problem, families living paycheck to paycheck will disproportionately be impacted by control measures such as school closures. People to ensure that have been means to stay at home if they or their children feel unwell. Adequateo not have ventilator and icu capacity to handle the likely growth of the pandemic. According to our epidemic stimulation, it will only be a matter of weeks before critically ill covid19 cases exceed the number of available ics. We have evaluated a range of scenarios across Different Levels of parameters. Andite uncertainties factors, the vast majority of scenarios at the peak of the epidemic, we will need many more thousands of icu beds and ventilators that are currently available. The majority of infections are very mild. That is good in a sense. The problem is that mild infections can still transmit covid19 to people who may be vulnerable to severe infections, such as the elderly. This makes it a challenge to control and makes diagnostic testing paramount. Sen. Sanders thank you very much. The doctor is a family practitioner in michigan. She is on the front lines. Has to deal with this crisis on a daytoday basis. When you look at the symptoms veryis virus, they are nonspecific, fever, cough, shortness of breath and runny nose. That is what i see at this time of year. That means for people who have mild to go they dont want to go to the doctor to pay their copay when all they need to do is stay home and drink more fluid. Currently, we have such strict guidelines of who can be tested, meaning you have to have known exposure. We just discussed, people can have mild illness. In michigan, you can only get tested if you have severe illness in the icu or know you have been exposed to coronavirus but how are we supposed to know when the symptoms can be so mild . We are not testing enough people so there is a shortage of testing and that will lead to more people getting sick. We are not testing the amount of people we need to test so it is safe to say we have x amount of tests on hand, but if you are only testing people who obviously have the illness then no, you are not doing enough testing. People who are most vulnerable like People Living with diabetes, a lot of People Living with diabetes cannot afford their insulin because of the way the Health System is now. Honorablee who are who cant even afford to take care of their chronic illnesses and those living with chronic illnesses will be the most Vulnerable People to illnesses like this. And you have problems with thing like masks. I cannot order the masks i need to protect myself to take care of my patients. When doctors and nurses are exposed to cases because we are not testing appropriately, what happens when we all get sick . Then you have no doctors or nurses to care for you. I feel at if we learned anything from this epidemic, and this will be the only 1 in michigan we had a few years ago an epidemic of hepatitis a, transmitted through food. Because we dont have a minimal this country,e in we got hold of the epidemic for making the vaccine free. If we learn anything from this epidemic, i hope we learn as a nation that we all deserve health care. We all need health care, and it should be free at the point of service for everyone. We deserve health care in this country, not just wealth care. Sen. Sanders dr. Dooley, thank you very much. Deborah burger is the head of the National Nurses union. I want to thank senator sanders for inviting us to come share our expertise on covid19 and most importantly for showing leadership in this health crisis. Andame is Deborah Berger ive been a registered nurse for over 40 years and im president of National Nurses united, the Largest Union of professional association of registered nurses in the country. As you all know, nurses are on the front lines of our Health Care System and at the same time, we are also scientists to understand well how Infectious Diseases spread, so we are uniquely positioned to recommend what we need to do at the ground level in our Health Care Facilities to contain and stop the spread of covid19. As union nurses, we have the freedom and protection to speak up on behalf of ourselves and our patients. Protect theto health of our patients and the public, as well as our nurses and our colleagues. Nurses are eager to take care of patients and make sure that our communities are safe, but we need the right staffing, equipment, supplies, communication, and training to do this safely. Put simply, if we are not protected, our patients are at risk. This became clear at Uc Davis Medical Center in Sacramento Covid patient resulted in the quarantine of 124 hospital workers including 36 registered nurses. Burden of taking care of all other patients in the hospital is putting a burden on the remaining nurses and other workers in that system. Nurses follow the precautionary principle in covid19, which is another way of saying, better safe than sorry. You alwaysns that take a safer route, wear the higher level of protection, a stronger standard, even when you dont know for certain that there is something dangerous or not. This is particularly important when very much we simply dont know about this virus. Ofis is not the approach 0fo the Trump Administration, the federal and state agencies have taken. A survey of nurses conducted by us across the board shows that a majority of our Health Facilities are nowhere near prepared to handle this virus safely. They dont have the equipment, they dont have the stockpiles, they dont have the isolation rooms, they dont have the procedures, and they arent communicating with their staff. They have no plan. Instead of relaxing standards and efforts, which some agencies have urged, we need to be stepping it up. National nurses united has the cdc andsha and many agencies in california, the epicenter of the disease in the United States to do just that. Thank you, senator sanders for this important event. Im happy to be part of the do suck a russian discussion. Thank you so much, senator sanders. I am Gregory Whitman as i served in the Obama Administration for seven years as a special assistant to the secretary for biological Defense Programs. Im here to talk about how are our diplomatic effort through this disease and how we can rebridge what we did in the Obama Administration and what senator sanders has been talking about for a long time. The Trump Administration has made us isolated from a lot of the world and specifically the trade battle and everything with china has caused us not to be able to share data about severe diseases like this. This is one of those diseases but it will not be one of the last diseases. They will get more very lent and more ability tos vira lent. We need to work with the who and allies, but also not with our allies to transmit data so we safer. Be to look forward to answering any questions and i thank you for having me here senator. Sen. Sanders thanks very much. I want to ask the panel some questions but before i do, i want to pick up the point many panelists have made and that is how far we are behind in so many basic needs compared to other countries and we are the richest country on earth. In detroit, someone correct me if i am wrong here, in this one city, there are tens of thousands of homes where people cannot access water. Their water has been shut off. Can you believe that in the year 2020 in the richest country in the world in a major american city, people have no water because they cannot afford to pay their water bills. We are told everybody up here come all the doctors will tell you, especially, wash your hands. Handsle bit hard to wash and keep clean if you dont have Running Water because you are too poor to pay an outrageously high water bill. Im glad that in the midst of the crisis as i understand it, the city of detroit today have stopped the water shutouts. Thats us shut offs. I hope everybody does the same because people cant be clean if they dont have Running Water. That gives you an example of how far we are behind the rest of the world in dealing with basic human needs. Heree open the discussion and i will started off and other people can jump right in. We are notact that getting good science from the Trump Administration, people would like some kind of expert knowledge about where you think things are going to go in the future. Where are we going to be a week from now, two weeks from now, two months from now. I know nobody can predict with certainty, but what is your best , from the epidemiologist among us here. Sticking close to the evidence, if you look at studies published out of wuhan where the pathogen originated, we often look at two numbers. R1, you can look at the value, the number of cases you expect to emerge from anyone case and second is the doubling time. How long does it take before one case turns into two, two to four and in the wuhan case, youre looking at seven and a half days doubling time. Inyou look at the cluster Washington State right now, the doubling time is six. That doubling time can change based on the density of a community and how ready the Public Health infrastructure is to absorb a new pathogen. We are looking at a doubling time of six. The latest estimates suggest we are around 500 cases, which if you follow that map, you expect about 1000 and keep going from there. My hope is infrastructure is strong and we start seeing capacity for containment in some of the communities that have not been hardhit or yet have a case because they have the time to ramp up because we will hopefully now have what is needed to support the containment efforts i discussed earlier. Knowhallenge here is we this virus doesnt affect everyone equally. For younger folks, folks without chronic disease, the probability of serious illness is low and the probability of death is lower but among seniors and those with chronic illness, that probability is substantially higher. Thats why unfortunately, if you look at the outbreak cluster in Washington State, that is the picture. It is the event you never want, but that is the picture, or you have a group of folks who are particularly vulnerable to both a serious illness after acquiring the pathogen and to death, in one Community Space where it may pass between them. Those are the kinds of spaces that will be hit the hardest. Are that thises is really going to stress our reallycare system and we need to be thinking about what it means to ramp up early to anticipate the number of serious illnesses that will require Ventilator Capacity icu with negative pressure room so you are not passing the disease out of those rooms. The other thing ill say on that front, that the mitigation protocols that we can expect are going to include, as we have seen in Washington State, mandated reductions in congregation, limitations on public transit, reduced interstate travel, and potentially closing Public Schools and workplaces. Economyequences for the as the stock market is showing us can be dire and the cost of that is going to be far worse for those living paycheck to paycheck because you can imagine, lets say you are a waiter or waitress at a restaurant. Folks arent going to restaurants in this context. You are living tip to tip and that goes way. Aboute to think not just mitigation to protect our most vulnerable, but also about mitigation for the economic and that willsequences really hurt people that because of the system we live under right now are barely making it as it is. Sen. Sanders thank you very much. I would like to address the question by talking about cases that will need icu treatment so we have a range of scenarios that we simulated just mentioned. Under assumption of self isolation, a lot of people will start mingling less socially and that will reduce transmission. I do expect the transmission rate will be declining. Forver, even saying that, relatively conservative scenario , about 2. 5 is even higher in Washington State, but taking casesccount only 5 of data, 5 of wuhan cases will need to be hospitalized and 5 of those will need to be treated in the icu. Also taking into account it is about a two weeks, 13 week 13 data, we will need almost 300,000 icu beds in one example in our simulation scenario and that will be at the peak of the outbreak, which we expect to occur, according to that scenario, in the next few months. Compare what we have in this country, 90,000 icu beds. About 60 are already occupied. T any time another point to make is the spatial distribution of those beds so when we are talking about we need 300,000 perhaps, but is across the country we have to think about the spatial distribution of this, that we might have a cluster of cases and we might have availability of icu beds in locations but we have to think about how are we going to get the patient to the open icu bed or what strategies we are going to employ . Sen. Sanders let me go to some of the frontline folks who are what theysk them need. Dr. Dooley, what does your office and family practitioners all over this country need right now in order to be better prepared for this crisis . Dr. Dooley we need more tests and we need the right acquisitions to see who can be tested versus stringent criteria that will miss a lot of people. Those are going to include people who dont have an obvious known source of exposure to someone with coronavirus and we need masks. All the masksng and doctors and nurses run out and get sick, there is no one to take care of you when you are sick and they have done studies on people who wear masks, they are less stringent about hand hygiene and hand hygiene is key. It is crucial, more important than the mask. When you are wearing a mask, you are less likely to wash her hands. It is shocking when i go to the theater or mall, the people who leave the bathroom without washing their hands are rich their hands, dont wash their hands. You have to wash your hands, lather, get between your fingers and dont forget about the backs of your hands. Ability to test people, we need masks, and we need hospital beds for when patients get sick. I amsanders correct me if wrong, we need hand sanitizers that are affordable. Interestingly, i applaud the governor of new york on this. Seen opportunity to make a lot of money, they are raising their prices and in new york state, they are producing things at the statewide level which is the right thing. Nurses are nervous, are they not . They are concerned. They are not nervous. We know if we have the proper equipment, we can take care of these patients safely. To that end, we have made six major demands of our employers, which is that they have plans and protocols in place and using precautionary principles that they clearly communicate with other nurses and Health Care Workers about their exposure to the covid19 possible exposure, that they provide education and training and not the just in time training, but where you can practice it. Weve also asked that they provide functioning negative pressure rooms and personal protections for nurses which, right now, or being kept under lock and key by managers and the nurses have to go and get the key to get the masks and have been told during a code hold your breath. I mean, it is startling that these things are happening. Then, also plan for surgeon patient a surge in patients. One who took care of coded patients work 80 hours in one week. That is obscene. And other sure Nurses Health care workers that get put out home quarantined get paid and that they actually put those patients, Health Care Workers in quarantine. There was a nurse that was exposed and they said she could work because she wasnt symptomatic. The cruise ship gets better quarantined and Health Care Workers that are actually working with the virus. Of the federal government, we have asked for the highest levels of protection. We want to enforcement that is mandatory. Right now, the cdc guidelines, all of those recommendations are guidelines. They are not mandatory, so thees cant, without backing of the federal government and some state governments, actually make sure they can enforce them. They are merely suggestions, which dont care for us and we need more funding in an emergency spending package to get these Public Health systems up and running and functioning better than they are now. Sen. Sanders greg, did you want to add anything . Greg what this underscores is our reliance on china. Large Group Purchasing organizations and ceos of health networks, a lot of the supplies come from china, generic drugs, you talked about the most basic thing, rubber comes from china, which is rubber gloves that all doctors have to use, so as these pandemics start to grow and in the future we need to be able to start looking at our infrastructure within the united how we can look at making these things either here or with countries under so we are not so reliant on other countries because as border start shutting down and there will be less preparedness for doctors and other people. I want to open it up if there are any questions the media might have. [inaudible] sen. Sanders it is something we have thought about a lot. We do not hold a rally without conferring with health officials. It goes for theater events, basketball games across the country and that is an issue every organization, every sports team is going to have to look at. To answer your very good we do not go forward without consultation with local Public Health officials. To that, have you thought anything you can do at your events . Sen. Sanders she doesnt have masks at her office. That would absolutely not be a good idea. They havent been available, or . It wouldnt be a smart thing to do. Every mask we find should be rerouted into the Health System, not wantonly handed out in a public space. With regard to flu transmission, it can exacerbate transmission because people end up touching their face a lot more to take their mask off and adjust their mask, so if they are used properly, they can be effective, but the general public using masks could even be harmful. The cdc said today people with Underlying Health 60,itions over the age of they were to take particular precautions. What for cautions are you taking . Sen. Sanders well, im surrounded by medical personnel. Thank you for asking. Im running for president of the United States and that requires a whole lot of work. There we go, ok. [inaudible] are you worried the coronavirus will have an impact on your campaign, out on the trail knocking on doors . Sen. Sanders obviously, everybody in any area of life in america is concerned about the coronavirus. Workers,acturers, my if i am working in an office, what does that mean . Think, that every organization in america is taking a hard look at what the coronavirus will mean to their operations, yes, that is true of our campaign, as well. If youll forgive me, i dont want to get too much into politics. Isay, what i wanted to do talk about what happens when you bring knowledgeable people together in terms of how we go forward to address this crisis. Yeah . If the vaccine is so costly that some can afford it, how will you pay for that . When i was growing up, we got the polio vaccine for free and nobody asked how you paid for it. They saw were children in iron lungs that were going to be damaged forever. It tosane and cruel is suggest that we have to figure out how to pay for it when you can actually go to war and not ask one question, but to prevent this kind of disease, would have to say how can we pay for it . Im sorry, i the cost of not paying for the vaccine is going to be orders of magnitude much more expensive. Spending a few cents for a vaccine rather than spendingople die thousands of dollars on hospital care, i think it makes more sense to invest a few cents in a vaccine. This deals with the pharmaceutical industry. It is a top priority this is a nobrainer. If you would ask a question like that almost talks about one of the Serious Problems facing this country. Does anybody in their right mind rich,e that if you are you should be able to afford a vaccine to save your life and if you are poor, you should die . Is that where we are at in the United States of america . Obviously, we will make vaccines free to every man, woman, and filed. I, of course, would take that further. There are people who are rationing insulin because we are paying 10 times more for insulin in this country in canada. Than in canada. I will tell the industry if you dont lower prices to what other people are paying, we will make generic drugs that are affordable to all people. Yeah. One thing we have to remember here. Value of vaccine isnt just in protecting the individual who gets the vaccine. It is in protecting literally everyone they come into contact with. I bet if you told all those fortune 500 ceos whose stocks took a tumble today and asked would you be willing to find that . They would say definitely. What was your reaction to the stock market today . Sen. Sanders obviously, i think the Global Economy is reeling right now. Supply chains are being threatened, workers are not this is going and to impact economies all over the world. This is obviously a difficult issue, but it would help if the world and the people of our own country had confidence the administration of the United States of america, that our government was making decisions and im telling you the truth. If we had a president who doesnt lie all the time. When you have a president who is a pathological liar, it is one thing when you have to deal with that politically. It is another when you are dealing with the healthcare crisis. What is he saying that is true or a lie . People dont have confidence and that is a major concern. I apologize. Im going to have to get going. Let me thank the panelists for this excellent discussion. Follow the federal response to the coronavirus at cspan. Org coronavirus. You can find white house briefings, clearings with key Public Health officials, and interviews with Public Health specialists. Any atthe latest events cspan. Org coronavirus. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up tuesday morning, Michigan Republican representative fred upton in California Democratic representative Nanette Barragan on discuss the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak. We preview tuesdays primaries and caucuses in 16 states with the