That this is somehow manufactured outrage, on the part of us, or republicans in general, and does not fit with the way these comments came across either. I want to read for you from cnn, Supreme Court reporter and i quote schumer speaking at a rally for abortionrights supporters, appeared to threaten cavanaugh and gorsuch president trumps two Supreme Court , nominees who were confirmed after bruising nomination fights. That is the interpretation not a fox news, but of cnn. And i think we need to be very clear when comments like that are made that threaten an independent judiciary in this country they need to be called out in the needs we walked back. Out and they need to be walked back. And i appreciate the fact that the democratic leader acknowledged today that he should have said it differently. But it does not in any way diminish what was said or the context in which it was said. Or the attacks that were made on the Supreme Court. It needs to be recognized as that and i think all of us need to be as United States senators aware no matter what the audience, particularly when you are the democratic leader of how these things come across. And what they mange the people who have been threatened by them. Colleague headed across the street to join a rally where he made deeply disturbing comments about two of the justices sitting on the Supreme Court. He said these words and i quote, i want to tell you gorsuch, i want to tell you kavanaugh, you you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You wont know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions