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Democratic representative Suzanne Bonamici, who has coronavirus cases in her state discusses the outbreak. Discusses response to the outbreak. Host good morning. This is the washington journal for march 4. Joe biden enjoyed victory in nine states yesterday. Bernie sanders emerged with victories in 4 states, including the delegate rich state in california. Congress. Tinuing in Vice President pence will speak on capitol hill today about the response and the Coronavirus Task force holds a briefing this afternoon. You can give your impressions on the conclusion of super tuesday or the federal response to u. S. Coronavirus. You can do so at 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. And independents, 2027488002. Ou can text us at 2027488003. Weet us at cspanwj and our Facebook Page, you can post in at facebook. Com cspan. There is a lot of information coming in after the results of super tuesday and here to help us throughout the three hours this morning is john mcardle. Start inant to california, just half an hour ago the Associated Press called that race for Bernie Sanders and here is what it looks like now with 75 reporting Bernie Sanders at 32. 8 . Oe biden at 24 Michael Bloomberg at 15 . ,hat is the delegate threshold where you need to show viability in order to get some delegates from that state and Elizabeth Warren below the threshold at 12. 2 . Plenty more to go from california. Despite that victory in the delegaterich states, it was a night for the former Vice President , joe biden. Here is how politico put it. With his unlikely romp across the super tuesday map, joe biden reshaped the 2020 primary and withhe twoperson race Bernie Sanders that seemed like a pipe dream a few days ago. Here is what it look like for our visual learners, the purple states are the 9 states that have been called by the Associated Press including minnesota, oklahoma, texas, arkansas, alabama, North Carolina, virginia, and massachusetts. Vermont, utah, california will be shaded soon when the New York Times updates their map and colorado as well. Want to focus on a couple of those places where joe biden won, especially in texas, battleground. A joe biden won by over three points, nearly four points with 92 reporting at 33. 6 . Bernie sanders at 30 , Michael Bloomberg below the 15 threshold he would need and in massachusetts, joe biden, 33. 7 . Bernie sanders, 26. 6 . Elizabeth warren at 21. 2 . 91 reporting, so not all the returns are in. Michael bloomberg below the threshold and there is one outstanding state, maine, joe biden leading in maine at 33. 9 . Ith 81 reporting that is less than a point ahead of Bernie Sanders at 33. 1 . Itn all is said and done, comes down to the delegate count and how many delegate each candidate can gather. Timess the new york breakdown, their estimate of where the delegate counts delegate counts will fall. They expect no biden to have earned 45 of the total delegates up for grabs on super tuesday. 670 some delegates. At 589. Anders Mike Bloomberg just over 100 and we will waitren and see until all the results are in. Weighing in this morning before we went on air, the president from twitter just before 7 00 a. M. Said the democratic establishment came together and crushed Bernie Sanders again. Even the fact Elizabeth Warren stayed in the race was devastating to bernie and allowed sleepy joe to win massachusetts. It was a perfect storm with many good states remaining. The road to the white house continues just a week from today. Idaho, michigan, mississippi, missouri, washington, and north dakota have their primaries or caucuses on that day. Another 500 16 delegates up for grabs and for delicate delegate rich states of florida and ohio on march 17, some 663 up for grabs and so on down the line. We will break down the results for you and give you updates throughout the morning as more races are called. Host you can talk about the results of super tuesday and the response to the coronavirus during our three hours. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. Independents, 2027488002. You can also text us at 2027488003. If you look at the congressional breakdown map of texas as a result of yesterday, a lot of green throughout the state. That signifies support for joe biden. Toward el paso, san antonio, austin, and dallas, more support for Bernie Sanders and some support for Michael Bloomberg. Our first call is from texas. This is leslie. You are on the air, go ahead. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. I voted early in jefferson county, texas, voted early for joe biden and was watching the coverage last night and noticed there was a lot of places throughout the United States in super tuesday states where people stood in line 5, 6, 7 hours and it was difficult for them to get their votes cast. Thank god those people were able to stay in line and assisted by participants with water and food to make sure they were able to cast their ballot. I think joe biden is the best candidate to defeat donald trump. Donald trump is already namecalling. Americans have put up with this long enough and it is time for a change. Host when did you make a decision about joe biden . Caller i made my decision early on. I wish he would have run four years ago against donald trump, but it was not to be. I think joe biden is the wert best person to lead this country the United States and get President Trump out of office. Host another super tuesday state, arkansas, kathy, independent line. Hello. I am on the trump train joe biden does not need to be president. E doesnt remember things he is not going to beat President Trump. Host we are going to have to let you go because the connection you have is a little muddled. If you want to try again, do so, see if you can get a better connection. Republican line in louisiana, metairie, this is clay. Caller good morning. I watched the results last night and while i do feel and have President Joe Biden is opinion, i am my a super senior, so to speak, that President Trump is going to take most of the States Joe Biden won last night, maybe with the exception of massachusetts and california. I think while there is a lot of , i thinkgoing on President Trump will beat joe biden. Host why do you believe that . Caller for instance, most of the southern states. I am from louisiana, most of the southern states, trump is going to win hands down. The only states that will make any difference are pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. Last time, against all odds, President Trump took those states. He is the bluecollar president. Joe biden is the establishment oldline democrat. Host that is clay in louisiana giving thoughts on the results of super tuesday, talking about joe biden. It was the former Vice President in los angeles last night talking about the victories he gained across the United States and super tuesday. Here is part of his statements. [video clip] it is a good night. It is a good night. It seems to be getting even better. Super tuesdayl it for nothing. This is my wife and this is my sister, they switched on me. It is early, but things are looking good. For those who have been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. Just a few days ago, the press and the pundits declared the cameign dead and then South Carolina and they had something to say about it. We were told when we got to super tuesday it would be over. It may be over for the other guy. Its not over for the folks of virginia, North Carolina, alabama, tennessee, oklahoma, and maybeminnesota even massachusetts, it is too close to call. We are still waiting for texas and california and a few other. Mall states, but looking good i am here to report we are very much alive. Ont more of that available our website. Some responses coming off our social media sites. Kp is shocked. I dont want more of the same, i want a revolution. Last night america spoke and said we do not want a revolution. We do not want chaos. It proved we want normalcy. Last night proved America Needs and wants joe biden. Kurt talking about Mike Bloomberg who won American Samoa saying maybe bloomberg could have done more for the people with the millions he wasted advertising himself or president. Ou can text us at 2027488003 you can post on twitter at isspanwj and our facebook facebook. Com cspan. Very disappointed in the Election Results and the fact Elizabeth Warren did not endorse bernie. Bernie disappointed in texas and massachusetts. The American People need to develop Critical Thinking skills and decide what are the top 4 issues my president kent address can address and compare and contrast those issues with the different candidates. I feel like people are voting based off a motion. People are voting based off 2016 when hillary ran. I think joe is going to lose in the primary election. Host what are the issues and who are the candidate to best meet that . Caller the issues are health care, education, money and global warming. Those are the top 4 issues for everyone voting in this election. Host who is the candidate who best meets that in your opinion . Caller definitely Bernie Sanders, 100 Bernie Sanders. I have my daughter listen to washington journal every morning and i tell her, do not base your vote or your thinking off of feelings, always based your decisions off of logical reasoning and Critical Thinking. Host tell me can address those issues, give me specifics. Caller he is the only one fighting for those issues, saying we need medicare for everybody. Nobody should ever be allowed to he is going to fight for free college for everybody. Host do you think he has made the case for how he will pay for things . We can go back and about who is going to pay for these things. Are you telling people telling me people are going to pay for countries they cannot pick off a map, but not for equal amount of money for health care . Turn on online media. Stop listening to cnn and msnbc. Host we will continue with your calls about either super tuesday, which you can comment, you can also call and comment on the u. S. Response to coronavirus. Here is john mcardle. Host 2 want to give viewers an update on where we are on the emergency aid package to fight coronavirus, expected to be around 8 billion, but we have not seen a deal yet, members of congress continuing to work on that yesterday and into the night. That deal is still in flux amid vaccine and other disputes. Here is how the hill puts it. Final roadblock to getting a deal on funding to combat coronavirus. Negotiators are hoping to unveil a funding bill soon. Tuesday evening, lawmakers were haggling over the final sticking point. Democrats are pushing to include the cost controls of vaccines or testing kits developed in response as they prepare to sign off on billions in new funding. Republicans say the bill will include substantial amounts of money toward developing vaccines, which Government Health care experts say is between a year to 18 months away. That is the reporting from the hill on the status of that legislation. This from fox news, the capitol hill producer still no text of the coronavirus supplemental. The house has been advised they still could consider it today. That was the latest guidance from house leadership late yesterday. We are waiting to see if that comes out today. Some things to watch on the issue of coronavirus, the Vice President scheduled to speak to the republican and Democratic House caucuses this afternoon. We are likely going to hear responses from members after that and also this afternoon by hearing on the role of global aviation and containing the spread of Infectious Disease has been scheduled. Mark morgan is among the witnesses before the Senate Commerce aviation subcommittee. You can watch that happening live at 2 30 eastern on cspan 3 and you can watch it online and listen on the free radio app. Ist committee, the chairman ted cruz and he tweeted late yesterday about that hearing and said he will be examining the role of air travel and how that plays in the spreading and containing of the disease and steps congress can take to protect lives. If you want to watch that, watch on cspan 3. We are expecting a briefing from the Coronavirus Task force being led by mike pence happening at 5 30 p. M. Eastern. A lot going on on that front. Host ed is next in connecticut. Ofler i think the results the election were encouraging in that it showed you cannot buy an election despite billionaires spending hundreds of billions of dollars, they basically did not play with their party. I thought that was an encouraging feature of the primaries so far. I would be concerned if we go forward if somebody does not win outright and you go to the superdelegates. In our society, it should be oneperson, onevote and that does not happen if superdelegates come into play. Yes, i want to thank everybody that got out yesterday and voted. There was a lot of things going on in the United States and they still stepped up to the plate and win out and voted and i appreciate that. I want people in my opinion, i think if biden does get into office, which i hope he does, i think he is a reasonable man and i think he knows the job and he will take into consideration what will be best for us all the way around from our health care to economics to the safety of the country and immigration. He has been around a long time and i understand that, but i think he is a decent man and levelheaded. A few people have made comments about the mess ups he has had he used, of the words super thursday instead of super tuesday. Once all the excitement of the campaigns are behind us and he can step up to the plate and do his job, he knows what to do and just like with every other president , there is a cabinet and people around him and i think he would respect rules and obligations to his office and congress to wear those in office job ingress can do their a proper fashion and i would also like for people to take into consideration all the activists and protesters and everybody that stepped up to the plate and tried to protect our rights and things like that over the last few years, they have got out and done things for a lot of people that are not able to get out and speak out other than through a vote. Intoed to take that consideration in november and be there to support all the actions of other people took on behalf of citizens of the United States. Host chicago, illinois, charlie. You are next. Caller good morning. I am from chicago. I want to praise senator clyburn because before he endorsed senator biden, he was dead in the water and he made a speech that touched a lot of black people and woke them up and that is one thing i am proud of. Thank god for you. I think you should be Vice President. Host do you think africanamericans were not supporting joe biden before the endorsement . Caller most of them, but he made that speech and he touched me. I appreciate that. This will be a reckoning election, black people are going to vote. Get ready. Host wendell in tennessee, democrats line, good morning. I voted for joe biden. I like joe biden. I am a 22 year veteran in the military and i dont see how these people, especially a veteran stand up there supporting this draft dodger. Whod people in the military volunteered and lost their lives on the line defending this. Ountry running around grabbing on womans hearts. The why do you think former Vice President will be better for the military . Caller he stands for the military. This president taking from the itary, supporting the wall ,e is taking money from them sitting around making deals with the devil. You cannot dance with the devil. From peter inar florida, independent line. Caller one of the comments i saw i watched fox and msnbc. I will split home with two clear points of view. I get to watch both channels. MediaSouth Carolina, the clearly00 on msnbc was towards biden, antisanders and i did not see bloomberg on tv at all. At one point, i watched for two hours and it was 100 pro biden. I really feel that is what changed the election. They came to the realization sanders was going to win. Host even with Mike Bloombergs constant commercials throughout the United States . , netflix,tween dvr even cbs access, i avoid the commercials. Bloombergseen any commercials because of the way i watch tv and i am wondering even if you look at the percentage of votes, it did not seem to change anything. Biden bank spent 4000 in social media in california. Bloomberg spent 78 million and he got 11 of the vote. I am not sure if advertising is the way it did not seem to help hillary. She outspent trump in 2016. I am not sure advertising is necessarily the wave of the future in campaigning. Host here is senator Bernie Sanders last night after the initial results coming in from super tuesday making comments about the goals for the rest of the campaign. [video clip] we have two major goals in front of us and they are directly related. We must beat a president who apparently has never read the constitution of the United States. A president who thinks we should not a democracy. Second of all, we need a movement and our developing of movement of black, white, native american, asian american, gay, and straight. People who are making it clear every day they will not tolerate the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality we are experiencing. Breaks tot give tax billionaires while half a million americans sleep out on the streets. Of incomet allow 49 to go to the 1 when half of our people are living paychecktopaycheck. Host you can find more of his comments on our website. Lets hear from lola, North Carolina, democrats line in burnsville, good morning. Caller good morning. Call and iou took my am supporting the democrats and we need a change in the white People Better open their eyes and pray because god is our ruler in the United States. Host when it comes to democrats if it is either joe biden or Bernie Sanders, will you support either one of those candidates . Caller i am hoping one of them trump gets because he is a cheater and i hope in they we get a change United States in the white house because if we dont host which of the Democratic Candidates are you supporting . Joe or bernie, either one, or mike. Joe in. The formerupport Vice President over the other two . Win, i will give the vote for one of them. Republicans, you can call about last nights results. 2027488000 is the line for democrats. Republicans, 2027488001. And independents, 2027488002. If you prefer to make comments ext, you can do so at 2027488003. On thek state, dominic independent line. Congratulations to joe. Like the guy from tennessee that called and said about the did more forody the military than President Trump. Obama was going for his second term, this country was in bad shape. He gave billions of dollars to companies that went out of the country and they still voted for him. How could you not vote for trump . I dontoe biden, but even know what he stands for. Him, it isyou hear about beating trump. Host even after the Campaign Stops and the campaign he participated in . Caller i think the man is more confused than anything else. I like the guy, he is respectable. What trump did for this country, how can we let him lead leave, that would be insane. More of your take calls. Another 2. 5 hours to go. We will take your comments since it is an ongoing thing about the u. S. Coronavirus response. For another 2. 5 hours, we will do that today. Just just want host 2 want to show some of the headlines viewers are waking up to starting in virginia. The virginianpilot is one of the newspapers. Biden wins virginia, state favors a moderate again. Bidenarlotte observer, wins North Carolina, part of southern come back. Virginia and North Carolina one of the earliest calls last night. Moving to the boston globe out of massachusetts, biden keeps momentum going, sanders shows strength out west. Than there is the Portland Press herald out of maine. Biden and series divvy up. That race currently is too close to call. Here is the latest on where the 34 . Stands, joe biden at Bernie Sanders at 33 in maine and that is the status of the race. We will continue to give you updates, you can see Elizabeth Warren at 16 , above the threshold to get delegates. This is out of alabama, biden ntum. Joeme a , this isme what joe biden posted on his twitter page yesterday as the results were coming in about 9 22, it was clear last night he was going to do better than expended expected. A picture of the former Vice President with sunglasses and the. I want to come back to the alabama newspaper to show you the side headline, the lead story on the right, to prevail and sessions lead the field, they are talking about the republican primary for the senate race in alabama, that is the race to take on doug jones is going toe overtime, headed to a march 31 runoff in alabama. Here is the latest. Tommy to prevail is the former auburn coach that was in the crowded race leading at 32. 2 ahead of the former senator for 20 years in alabama and former attorney general Jeff Sessions. Radley burns is the congressman running in the race coming at 28 point 6 . It will be to prevail and sessions that head to the march 31 runoff. Also running was the former chief justice of alabama trying to get the nomination for the senate seat. Jeff sessions, the attorney general who left the trump administration, left with not the best relationship with the president , this is the tweet he has had throughout this campaign , out of 100 United States senators, i was the first want to stand with President Trump and i will keep fighting for him and his agenda, Jeff Sessions running with the president in this senate race. Host we will take more of your calls and your tweets. Mark saying bernie supporters are going to send a message to democratic centrists. Off of facebook saying we need to stick together no matter what the turnout. Cast your vote no matter what happens. Vote democrat, stop the divisiveness and namecalling. Facebook is a way you can give us information or tell us what you are thinking. Text us at 2027488003. From jack on our republican line from michigan, hello. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. I would like to make a couple comments what you talked about with Jeff Sessions in really it doesnt matter, democrats are not going to let bernie get the nomination anyway. It would not matter, but he will beat biden. Biden was saying he would beat him like a drum. Bernie doese to not have a chance to win and they are not going to let him have the nomination even if he got enough delegates. Host why is that . Why do you think democrats will not let sanders win . Caller they wont let him win. You said that. Why do you think that . I know how they operate, which is fine. It doesnt really matter as far as trump goes which one is nominated, but they figure he will be sanders easier than they can beat biden. That senate race in alabama sessions, my brother knows jeff personally. He worked on his campaign when he was senator. He was the first one and he will be for trump. Jetp was attorney general, trump let him go for some reason. Honest guy and he will win. Host mark in maryland, democrats line. Good morning. He hung up. Kendrick in South Carolina, independent line. Caller give me a little bit of time. If you ask this man why the Democratic Committee would not let Bernie Sanders win, just like they told joe biden when he wanted to run against hillary, they told him chill out, itss is hillary it is hillarys turn. Joe biden is part of the same old, same old. I want to tell you about joe bidens voting records. For a crimevoted bill that destroyed the black community. In 1995, his counterterrorism bill became the patriot act. Against gaywas marriage. In 2001, he voted for the patriot act again. Host you are saying that would work against him if he were to become that candidate . Yes, but i dont see why the democrats are praising him. He is supposed to be pro middleclass. His voting record proves different. Host tell me why you think Bernie Sanders is a different candidate. What makes them different and able to win the contest between him and President Trump . Nobody expected donald trump to win. Bernie sanders is talking about something different. I know he cannot get that free college. If he can save the middle class some money it will be hard, but you never know. Same status the quo. You are not getting anything different from him. Host before we go back to calls, another quick visit with john mcardle. Were2 a minute ago we talking about the Alabama Senate race and you had a caller talking about the senate race and President Trump was tweeting about the Alabama Senate race. We mentioned how Jeff Sessions has been trying to run as a supporter of donald trump. President trump retweeted this headline from late last night a few minutes ago. Jeff sessions finished well short of a majority in his Alabama Senate primary and now faces a runoff against tommy to prevail. March 31 is when that will take place and the president said this is what happens to someone who gets appointed attorney general of the United States and does not have the wisdom or courage to stare down and end the phony russia witch hunt. Rick uses himself on the first day in office and the mueller scams begin. That is President Trump talking about his former attorney general and now someone in the runoff vying to be the person to take on doug jones and what republicans hope will be the key pickup opportunity in the senate. The president weighing in on a couple other super tuesday storylines as well. This was the president about 7 15 am saying it is selfish for Elizabeth Warren to stay in the race. She has zero chance of coming close to winning, but hurts bernie badly. So much for their wonderful, liberal friendship. He should not. Is with the president said about them speaking again. Host more tweets from our viewers. Earl saying karma wins the day, bernie is the only way forward. Socialism brings poverty, poverty brings death. Saying aff of twitter little early for anyone to be declaring themselves the nominee. Hopefully Mike Bloomberg bows out. Speaking of that, here is Elizabeth Warren from last night. [video clip] now. Ting is going on right i know results will keep coming in through the night. What i see happening is a lot of folks trying to turn voting into some complicated strategy. Pundits, friends, neighbors all saying you have to secondguess yourself on this, playing games about prediction and strategy, guess what your neighbors are up to . Terriblen has been a business and the pundits have over. It wrong over and here is my advice. I have some advice i want to start with. Here is my advice. Cast a vote that will make you proud. Cast a vote from your heart and vote for the person you think will make the best president of the United States. I want you to think for a minute about this democracy. You are the ones who get the pick the person who will be the next president and it is an awesome thing. You will do it here in michigan next week. People are doing it in california right now and that is what it means to have a democracy. I am in this race because i believe i will make the best president of the United States. Line, tom,rats hello. Caller thank you for taking my call. The reason why joe biden did so good last night, this is the most important election, next november, it really is and we do want a moderate. Bernie sanders will break the country. 66 trillion dollars alone for medicare for all, it is ridiculous. Many people are happy with their health care. Even during trumps state of the union he stands up and says he healthg to protect the care things, the things for all, the preconditions preexisting conditions, he is fighting against it, he is trying to remove that. If people knew the truth about trump, 18,000 lies. Host we had a previous caller listing a series of votes the Vice President has taken over the years saying that might cause concerns. How would you respond to that . And at everybody changes that time, that is what he thought was best. Listen to him today, he is the only one that can beat trump. Bernie sanders cannot beat trump. Only one,e is the give me a specific how. Caller he is a moderate and that is what democrats want. They dont want somebody to come in and break their country. What trump has done is ridiculous. You cannot believe anything he says. Host ohio schedule to hold the primary the 17th of march. Jenny in lancaster, ohio. Caller good morning. You guys make my day because i always want washington journal and i had back surgery and i have been here in the nursing home. I think it is really neat i turned you on and got on tv. I think it is really sad because our country is becoming there are these people that want to blame other people for why they are the way they are and everybody talks about fixing health care. They need to take one person like me that is on medicare, medicaid. See how the money is spent and see how it is done. Do someey should studies on certain people and see exactly how the money is spent. I dont hear anybody talking about that. All i hear are these promises, you have Bernie Sanders taking all the money away from the billionaires. I seriously doubt he is broke. You cannot have socialism. You take two people and you see somebody go to school and one person becomes a doctor and the other person not. The people who do go to school. I am not jealous if somebody has more money than me. It is an equal opportunity country. Everyone has just as much opportunity in this country. People need to quit blaming other people for why they are the way they are and take some responsibility for yourself. Host that is jenny in ohio. Heres to a quick recovery as you watch sn thank you for watching. Independent line, jersey city, new jersey. Hello. Say i am annted to independent voter and i am still up in the air as to who i am going to vote for. As an independent voter, i am also a former Government Employee and i am still up in the air as to when it comes down to two democrats or republicans, who i will vote for. In this particular situation with the democrats, i think what win is the fact that senator sanders does not show any validity as to how he is going to pay for the programs he is proposing and ultimately, classld hurt the middle as well as the rich. Going down the line, i dont if president nk trumps response to the coronavirus is going to be successful, i think if we combine that, people will want to stay the course for another 4 years. What i dont like about President Trump Going Forward is the fact that the way federal employees have been treated. Is to his budget ideas take away the Social Security supplemental retired employees get. If he does that, that would hurt me and i dont know how many thousands of federal employees afteruld who retired 48 40 years, but before the age of 62. Host how do you think joe biden would respond or treat federal employees . What convinces you one way or the other . Caller i think it is too early to call. I think we would have to see what joe biden says. I will tell you the main attack due to influence from forth, therend so has been a terrible attack on federal employees and that never aslly hits the news as far how employees and former employees of domestic agencies, how they are being affected and how they have been hurt over time with the executive orders he has put out and so forth. Maybe alike to see better response from Vice President biden as to how will he treat federal employees in the future. Right now, i think it is uphill. Because the economy is booming , people areig working, people are eating. At an event yesterday with the health and Human Services secretary alex azar during a visit at nih, he talked about the current risk of contracting coronavirus. [video clip] for the average american, the risk of getting the Novel Coronavirus is very low. If you are around individuals who have the coronavirus, the risk is higher. The efforts we are taking with washington and Santa Clara Valley are around community to bringwhich the level of disease spreading down. We have been educating providers about the need to be on guard against respiratory syndrome and when we have this case of a longterm care facility in washington, we sent out special alerts to be mindful about Infection Control isolation with the most vulnerable seniors and other individuals. That is what we have been seeing around the world, the prevalence and those who have other forms of medical fragility, being on high alert in our Nursing Home Community is called for. Host more of that you can find. T our website a press briefing expected at 5 30 this afternoon at the white house and you can go to our website for more information. We will go first to john mcardle. Host 2 want to update the viewers on some of the other races that took place super tuesday. Some of the races being watched around the country. While there were 14 states and American Samoa and democrats abroad who held president ial primaries, it was just alabama, arkansas, california, North Carolina, and texas that had congressional primaries. Want to focus on a few of those this morning including up first out of texas, out of the 28th district of texas where Henry Cuellar was in a close race being closely watched against Jessica Cisneros leading in that race, but only by less than three points and still being watched whether he could be knocked off in the primary, sitting in a state seat in texas. If he does win, he is expected to continue to serve in congress after that. One of the other closely watched 2th congressional district. There. Anger she is sitting in a solidly republican district. With 58 lled that race. 96 of results reported in that 12th district in texas and heading out to california, the 50th district of california, the primary race there features a familiar name, darrell issa, the formal former congressman from Southern California looking and inrn to congress california, viewers know it is a top to primary. The top two finishers head to the election regardless of party. It looks like who ran in that district last term against now resigned from congress, congressman duncan hunter, he is expected to head to the general election as the democrat. Darrell issa continues to be in a tough race against carl demaio , the two republican splitting the republican vote in the 50th district. Darrell issa ahead at the moment. Ith 96 reporting we will wait and see what happens in that district before calling that race before saying darrell issa will head to the general election. Plenty of house races to watch around the country. Senate races as well including texas. Mj hager, who ran for congress in 2018 and lost the election running in the senate. A hager could be headed to may run off in texas. She is backed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee. They see her as the best candidate to knock off john cornyn. To do so, she will have to win a may run off. We will keep you updated throughout the morning. Marion texting us saying what a night for the democrats, i think the state will go blue. I am proud to be from texas. Dave off of twitter saying they showed up and they were outnumbered in many states. People dismiss the silent majority and the democrat who longs for progressive ideas, but does not want to blow up the system to get them. Also off of twitter, catherine super, super tuesday is suspicious. Joe was at a dead end and now a favorite. Supporters sanders feeling about all of this . Is how you can tweet us. Democrats line, sue, you are next. Caller i happen to be a progressive democrat and that means i am voting for Bernie Sanders. Urs comes up next week disappointed in everything that has happened. If people want to look and see how he plans on paying for anything, they can look him up on the internet and they will see how he plans to handle that and a progressive. Thes, it seems Like Democratic Party is republican light. They dont get on it and start. We were ivan even the first ones to bring out barack obama. I worked in my state on the others of the state into idaho and oregon and everything just gettingpeople start enthused over him and that was the progressives that started over barack obama to start with. Host when it comes to senator sanders, how does he plan to pay for these programs and initiatives he wants to have . Caller i dont want to go into all of it right now. I wanted to talk about the coronavirus, too, since i am in the middle of it. Host generally it would depend on a wealth tax. Is that something you would support . Caller yes. Host why so . Caller i did not hear exactly what you said. Host if it depends on a wealth tax, is that something you would support . Caller i would not mind of some of the support came from there, but he does not plan on doing it that way. Everybody has to be in the game. You have to pay some for your insurance, you dont just get it for nothing. Just like how we have to pay for insurance now. You are assured of getting everything, your medical, dental, eyeglasses, everything. Paypay in, just like people into medicaid and medicare right now. Di host does not depend on the middle class . Caller they are all beasley trying to steal this from bernie, you look at Elizabeth Warren remaining in, the fact that she has won something, taking votes away from bernie. You see buttigieg and klobuchar dropping out, within 24 hours and then endorsing biden. I dont think that the establishment doesnt want bernie because hes a socialist or that, i think they have no problem putting a farleft political person in the white house, but they dont think he can get there. Its not a matter of socialism, they dont think hes electable. They want to candidate they think appeals to suburban, white, middleclass, upper middleclass voters. And bernie doesnt do that. Biden is the best shot at that. I think if they could get bernie in the white house they would have no problem with that, they know that despite his image shes easily he bends the knee. Any time he has gone up against the establishment, like the capital tax votes, when it comes up against the establishment he capitulates and falls in line. Look at 2016 with Hillary Clinton and the dnc did. They screwed him over time and he do anything about it and fight back . No, he fell in line and endorsed hillary. Same thing, every time he has a snafu with biden or buttigieg or warren, every time he drops his lead and apologizes, the establishment is not afraid of Bernie Sanders getting in their, in there. Because they can control him. They just dont think hes electable. Next, on thes democrats line, in nevada. Caller ive been watching the show, all these people that are so you boogie that are so beingboogie about sanders a socialist, id rather have an competent socialist in the white house then an ignorant, incompetent monster. Host what do you support about sanders . Caller he works for the people. And i like my candidate to be working for the people. Theyre driving the women off the tickets, gonna be another whitehaired man. Sophia have to choose between biden and sanders, i to sanders. Host as their woman you wouldve preferred to see . Caller yes, warren, i like her. Host why . Caller shes not afraid to speak the truth. Experienced,ated, host when you say shes not afraid to speak the truth, can you give me an example . What do you mean . Boy, which time was that. Now that you got me, because ive been looking to her host will generally, what do she advocate that you agree with is what im trying to figure out. Give me one thing you might agree with her on. Caller Womens Health care. Global warming, the paris accord, we have to get back on that. Ad that shehat one was running about a week and a half ago, one of the things shes going to do is fire betsy devos, that should happen, that woman should never have been appointed. We have these billionaires and cronies and we need them out of these important posts and put in people who know what theyre doing. Host ellen, calling in on the line for democrats. You can do the same in our remaining two hours if you want. You can talk about one of two things, the super tuesday results which many people have talked about during the course of this first hour, or talk about the Coronavirus Response by the federal government. Heres how you can reach out to us. For democrats 202 7488000, for republicans 202 7488001, for independents 202 7488002. You may want to texas on your phone at 202 7488003. , andu go off of twitter you can also find us on facebook. By the way, if you have not liked that page, you can do so. And follow us on twitter. We would appreciate it. That was ellen, from reno, let go to tennessee, and super tuesday state, cookeville, on the independent line, don. Good morning. Caller how are you doing today . Host i am well. Caller id like to touch base , its coronavirus affecting millions of people, and we are still seeing Single Digits on this. [indiscernible] , a bit ofer tuesday i do not think i was watching a candidate race i thought i was watching wrestlemania. Biden. Versus [indiscernible] most of your state went into support of joe biden with some areas outside of nashville and knoxville showing support for Bernie Sanders, did you participate yesterday question mark yesterday . Caller no i did not, im a conservative independent. Host what you think about your stay going for joe biden . Caller i think hes a better choice than Bernie Sanders. He never claimed how he plans on paying for things. [indiscernible] at least hes not promising pieinthesky. Host thats don, in tennessee. John, in new jersey, on the independent line. Caller i would like to make a comment here, i live in the northeast corridor, that entails princeton, and the university of penn, and all of the fornological industry of john and all of the labs here, here in new jersey, and pennsylvania. I would like to say, its the incompetence and the egotistical way that the president controls himself and a few comments that office that drove me from being a republican into a democrat. As ive callednt on the independent line. He should have been aware of thing happening months before it buddyed because his good from china and his good buddy and his good buddy from north korea should have been in the know of whats going on in their country. And he should have been talking to them about that. Not about the election, not about getting involved in our election, not involved with lying to the public and everything else. For having me you on air to vent my frustration. Us, wherere you leave our u. S. Far as a president ial candidate . Caller i was leaning towards bloomberg, because he was intelligently about the state of the economy and where he was going. I dont like to hear people talk where they are at on impeachment. This not of been elected. I was a strong mccain supporter, and i dont see how he got in. Host could you expand on why you are supporting bloomberg particularly . Caller im looking adam, i dont support him yet. Im looking at him because i saw , a wholebate stage bunch of infighting among themselves, to try to get into number one. Its the american public, donald trump is not a king. Hes not an oligarch, and is not a dictator. Hes a public employee. Host but why your interest in Michael Bloomberg . Caller im looking at him funds to goas the with a party that has run away. John giving his thoughts andichael bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg coming out of super tuesday last night. [video clip] let me make you this promise, we will be donald trump in florida and around the country. [cheering] the polls are still open and a number of super tuesday states, here is what is clear. No matter how many delegates we win tonight, we have done something no one else has thought possible. In just three months, we have gone from 1 of the polls, to being a contender for the democratic nomination for president. [cheering] enthusiasm they dont lack. All across america ive been speaking with voters. My message is simple. I am running to be donald trump. To beat donald trump. And to start rebuilding our country, and to start getting things done. Host lets go back to calls, but first a hit from john. Our viewerss for today, super tuesday results and the coronavirus, heres the intersection of the two. Polle looking at an exit by nbc news among super tuesday democrats who said the coronavirus was an important factor in their vote. 47 , sanders run 29 , bloomberg won 10 , war in 19 . Heres a bit of the sign of the times at polling places. Somebody standing in line, wearing a mask as they waited to vote in california, and this a bottle of hand sanitizer, waiting for voters as they enter the gymnasium at a high school, waiting to vote. This tweet from one of the reporters covering the race out of texas. Travis county Election Officials tell us that fear of coronavirus may have kept poll workers and election judges at home, causing some of the problems and the delays for voters that we have heard about through the night, when it comes to National News about the coronavirus, this is the headline. The death toll in Washington State now up to nine related to the coronavirus. With headlines coming in from aound the world, and statement out of london, that the london book fair, set to take place from the 10th to 12th of march has been canceled following the escalation of the. Oronavirus and saudi arabia has banned citizens and residents from performing the pilgrimage in mecca over fears over them iris. Over the virus. In the Vice President s meeting the task force, and he will be on capitol hill today, briefing both Republican House members and Democratic House members, and is expected to hold a press briefing taking place later , thats at 5 30 to talk about the latest in the Coronavirus Response. Theyve been tweeting this morning, noting that today marks one week since President Trump asked the Vice President to lead the task force, he said he could not be more proud of the surgeon general, the secretary of health and Human Services, alec cesar, and others, saying the team we put together, the health and safety of the American People is being put first. Mike pence on twitter this morning, in one more tweet, we continue to follow the ins and outs of the emergency ending legislation, expected to be in the area of 8 billion. John bresnahan tweeting about the status of that 15 minutes ago, House Democrats still hope to vos to vote today or tomorrow on a funding package, despite the fact that there is no deal yet on the legislation. Them aquatic leaders do not want to leave town without a vote with those negotiations going late into the night yesterday, and expected to continue until some sort of deal is reached. Few textstax a this morning. If you listen to joe biden you can hear the fight in his voice, and you can hear his resolve to lead the nation and a healing that needs to take place. Saying, from aliquippa are we really going to have to choose between bluecollar and whitecollar corruption . You can text us at 202 7488003. Vanessa is next in washington, d. C. On the democrats line. Good morning. Caller good morning. First i want to congratulate both joe biden and Bernie Sanders on a great super tuesday. Voter,re of a moderate but i do want people to stop calling bernie a communist. Hes not a communist. Hes not a socialist. Hes a democraticsocialist. Something this country is very familiar with, we have public schools, public libraries, Social Security, we went full socialist when we gave farmers money. I also want to say to my fellow democrats, moderates and progressives, we have to get progresses found progressives found that out last night and moderates founded out three years ago, we have to get it together or we will all lose. Host do you think its possible between the two factions of the Democratic Party . Caller absolutely. We know how to be very inclusive of many people. We just have to figure out the right specimen to get it together. That i think we can do it. Im very proud of both bernie and joe. Im hoping to get donald trump out of office. Host who do you think is the better choice between the two . Caller i will be honest with you, because i am more of a moderate, i like joe biden. However i would vote for bernie if it came down to it. Is thatbernies problem the young progressives are not coming out to vote. I dont know whats can it take to get them out i dont know what its going to take to get them out. Im in d. C. And i have not voted yet, i dont know who i will vote for as of yet, if it comes down to biden and burden biden and bernie, it would probably be biden but a wet paper napkin over donald trump. Host and on the republican line in omaha, nebraska, brenda, good morning. Caller do you mind if i ask a couple of questions . Host i will answer to the point that i can. Caller Bernie Sanders, ive watched them for years and hell was used to complain about billionaires until he became one, is anyone able to see how he was buying so many homes after the loss of the last election . Host there have been stories taking a look at those but i cannot recall a specific one. But i did see them online. Ask about the press conferences. I have noticed, when i watch on cspan, which i think is better than any News Organization that shows them, what disturbs me is when nancy pelosi is up there,he room is full of reporters she will lie and nobody will question her. If she yells at them they take it. With republicans, there is maybe six people in the room. Is there reason why that happens . Are they barred . Host i dont know the specifics is welcome toress attend either republican or democratic responses, usually once a week, the leadership holds a press conference to talk about issues during the week, whether its capitol hill or the white house. I could not give you a strict answer on why, or even of those perceptions are right. But if you go to our website at cspan. Org and go to our video library, every week when they have this press conferences we tape them and put them in their. So if put them in there. So if you want to watch them for the content and also to see who turns up in attendance to question either the speaker or on the senate side, the majority leader, you are welcome to do so. You can do that at cspan. Org. Sylvia, in South Carolina, on the democrat line. I voted for joe biden, i have concerns with Bernie Sanders, my main concern is that he is introducing quantity for Free Health Care and college education, but what about quality . Quantity versus quality, what do you mean by that . What can be offered versus the quality of whats being offered . Caller thats correct. He saying that college would be free, that health care would be quality ofhat is the the services . What would they be . Unsure that hes offering all of these services, but what will the quality of the services be . Host why did you start thinking about it that way, im curious. Its because of the coronavirus. Already bestem pushed, with quantity. And if we came up with another catastrophe, would we be able to how we are health care be . When it comes to the virus, what is your level of concern . Caller under our Current System we are able now, our infection rate is low. Of i feel like its because the quality of our health care in the United States. And some other countries, if they offer free, or if everything is free, their infection rate appears to be higher. Is theern with bernie quality of the system that he is offering, will it be a high quality system . Nothing quantity, it appears with the bernie voters, they are saying we are going to have free everything. Always means not that you are receiving the quality services. Sylvia, in South Carolina, talking about the infection in light of coronavirus. Topics,ne of the two our next caller. At the ioked hear about President Trump being a draft dodger, and i looked at the other gentleman in the race and they all have medical deferments. Thats all i have to say. Glenn, in tallahassee, florida, also on the republican line. Caller hello, i just wanted to in 1917, itrussia, only took 5 of people to overthrow the government and then stalin killed about 100 million. Mostly by starvation. Elected, sanders gets and any of the democrats, if they get elected, this november, i predict that the coronavirus will not be the main killer in the next 10 years, it will probably be lead poisoning. Host what do you base that on . He hung up. , ins go to deborah connecticut, on the democrats line. Caller good morning, how are you today. Im a very liberal progressive democrat, but im also a grownup. Im voting with my head this time, so i will be supporting joe biden for our primary. I feel like bernie and his are the leftwing version of donald trump, more of a cult of personality. , and him and his supporters will probably cause more divisiveness rather than the healing our country needs. Host deborah, were you a bernie supporter back in 2016 when the contest was between him and Hillary Clinton . Caller i was a hillary supporter. I think its time for a woman to be president. Many other democratic countries. Ave had female heads of state its unfortunate that our country does not see women in that kind of leadership role. The other thing i wanted to say, is that my retirement account has been very good the past several years, but i feel like the country, and our democracy is more important than my personal interests and wealth. Ask, you have framed this as a head and heart argument when it comes to Bernie Sanders, if you speak to other people who support joe biden or Bernie Sanders, when you make that sort of argument, whats the response . Im notunfortunately surrounded by many people in my ore who are either democrats people who are politically inclined. So i have not discussed it much with them. Basis, i haveal who are veryple rabid Trump Supporters and i dont seem to get very far in our discussions. Ust thats deborah, giving a call talking about her support of joe biden after super tuesday. The goal of any of the candidates running as the gaining of delegates in the process. To give us a rundown or an update on those issues, we are back to john. Delegates up1338 for grabs on super tuesday yesterday across 14 states and American Samoa and democrats abroad to win on the first ballot in the july 13 through 16th convention, the democrats are holding in milwaukee, a candidate would have to have the majority of pledged delegates, this is the magic number to win on the first ballot, there are 3970 nine pledged delegates total, i want to show viewers where the New York Times estimates delegates will stand after everything is said and done after super tuesday. Remember, there is more accounting to be done, and its very important to the distribution of delegates. This is an estimate at this point, when all is said and done, joe biden will have 670 delegates, thats including what in previous dates. That includes 45 of those available on super tuesday. Thats their estimate. Bernie sanders would have 589 delegates according to their estimates, including 39 of the delegates on super tuesday. Michael bloomberg who made his focus the super tuesday states, half 1 billion in spending to make himself viable on super tuesday, they expect he will and 104 total delegates elizabeth at 97. I want to show you Michael Bloomberg, that estimate of 104, because he only won in one place yesterday, thats American Samoa, but the very small delegates, he only gets four delegates from winning that contest. So the way he got delegates, the way he will be getting delegates is by meeting the 15 viability threshold in super tuesday states. If he hits 15 , he is eligible to receive some share of the allotted delegates. I want to go over the states where he is at 15 or more, or just about close to 15 , starting in colorado. Mike bloomberg came in third in the colorado democratic primary, 69 reporting at this point, he is at 20. 9 , clearing that 15 hurdle. We will be picking up delegates there. Arkansas, another place where Michael Bloomberg be the 15 with 100 at 16. 7 reporting. That was a state that joe biden won. Tennessee, Michael Bloomberg also in third place, 15. 9 of the vote, picking up delegates there as well. From tennessee to utah, a place where Michael Bloomberg did well , 16. 9 , and california, the race that was called this morning by the Associated Press, 92 reporting, Michael Bloomberg is close to achieving that 15 . We will see what happens when the final results come in, Michael Bloomberg at 14. 7 , the california race called for Bernie Sanders this morning. , theace is not yet called main democratic president ial primary the main bank the maine president ial primary prebut joe biden slightly leading. We will give you updates as they come in. Host during this hour we will be joined by two legislators to talk about various issues on capitol hill, the first is representative ted budd, republican of North Carolina serving on the Financial Services committee. Thank you for joining us. Caller glad to be here. Host could you update us on the current debate about response Emergency Response to coronavirus and where that is . Caller we are looking at a funding debate, which today or tomorrow, perhaps even next week, the president has requested to billion dollars. A lot of that has been reprogrammed on the a bowl emergency of 2014. They were able to get ahold of that early the ebola emergency toy 14 through they were able to get a hold of that early, so we want to reprogram that for covid19. The democrats are asking for a lot more and we dont know what that number is. North of 8 billion. We think we would probably start with 2 billion. Nobody, republican or democrat is going to deny anybody in need of the amount of funds to get this under control. Host why start at the lower figure than a higher figure, especially given the current concerns on capitol hill and elsewhere about the spread of coronavirus . Caller its not all about dollars guest its not all about dollars, when the dollar needs are there the money will be there. Host as far as your state is concerned, the first case discovered in North Carolina, it was discovered yesterday. What have you been told about it . Guest we are seen these pop up all over, because theyre such a long dormancy, we imagine the numbers are going to grow, of course, you have to use the same types of preventions that you would want to use to prevent the flu, even though this is much and we want to backtrace this to see who was in contact, and if we can get ahead of this, we want to prevent this we want to get ahead of the spread. Host what have you been told about how far could go . Guest we dont know yet, its all pretty new, we want to be careful. The funding will be there on the federal level for whatever we need. We just want to make sure we are fiscally responsible in the face of an emergency. Host so you are seeing a call for repeated levels of funding, rather than just one lump sum . This is anlutely, ongoing challenge, but why give out 8 billion when 2 billion would do for now and you can keep coming back every single week until we get this under control. Host the Vice President is expected on capitol hill to talk to leadership, what you asked him to say and what questions would you like to ask specifically about the federal response . Guest what is the funding . Do you have everything you need . Do you have the talent you need . We have put the best people on this, the cdc is on this, if the Vice President s point man, he will bring in scientists and people from the pharmaceutical companies. He will bring in the right doctors and will have everybody that he needs. Its not a partisan issue. Do you expect a dollar figure to come from the Vice President . Guest it will all rolled up to him and he will be the one who makes the request. If its 2 billion or 8 billion we will have what we need. Host as far as the response, how would you grade it, particular yacht attesting . Guest we see a lot of Smaller Companies are very innovative in how they are approaching this. So we think we could even have some preventatives ahead of time, some vaccinations perhaps ahead of schedule. But we want to certainly allow the innovation in the free ,arket offer what they can combined with experts in the government and the nih and cdc. Host you serve on the Financial Services, what was your reaction to the dropping of the Federal Reserve in order to compensate for the coronavirus . Guest it was probably a smart move. When you have the coronavirus and the potential panic from an epidemic like this, you always wonder how are the markets going to react . We seen volatility, weve seen the markets go up and down. We will expect a little volatility, but we want to do whatever we can to reassure people that the markets are going to be ok. There will be some shortterm volatility, but we will make sure the American Economy is strong. This is not just a u. S. Problem, its a global problem. But the u. S. Is the best place to invest your dollars. Host when you hear the president talking about more cuts to compensate, what is your reaction . Guest its already historically low. You want to make sure you are using the right tools to make sure the American Economy is strong, we have to ask ourselves, is a rate cut for that . Are there other tools . You have to make sure we are looking globally. Is it an Interest Rate problem or Something Else . Now, its a health fear, not necessarily an economic fear. It is showing up as market volatility but we want to make sure that we are treating these treating this epidemic with the right tools. What was your reaction to the results of super tuesday . Guest glad to see the results. It was interesting to see that the democrats did everything they could to take down Bernie Sanders. So far they were successful. They did it to them in 2016, using different methods. Last night they did as well in North Carolina. Host when it comes to the senate side, i know you are in the house, but there is a challenger to tom hillis, what do you think about the senators chances of reelection . I dont the gaza track record of performance, tom has done a fabulous job in the senate, i carry a house version of the bill that he has done on the senate side, thats for justice in victims of sanctuary cities act, tillis has great legislative experience in the state, he knows the state well and has been a great servant of the folks in North Carolina. Host this is her senator ted budd, on the Financial Services committee and the republican of North Carolina. Thank you. Calls, go back to your in maryland, on the independent line. Good morning. Joseph . L. A. , ino next to ocala, florida, on the republican line. Caller i loved hearing to show this morning, i dont listen to it a lot, i dont have a chance because i run a small business, i find interesting about super tuesday, everybody calling in has said the people are talking about healing the country. My concern is that it takes people to heal the country. When we elect a president , as we have, when we elect a president , his job is to make sure that we ave this country running as business, because thats what it is. It disturbs me to listen to the age groups of people that are calling in and calling the president names, they think that thats any different than bullying someone. These are the messages we are sending to our kids, people say why arent young people voting, what is motivating them to vote . When weve talked about health care, do you know im from detroit, when i came out of high school in 1981, everybody had health care. It was never an issue until everybody stopped paying attention to the things that were going on politically, in the country. Peoplewe have a group of and we have this intergenerational gaffe going on with and this country has to continue to move forward. The president is doing an excellent job. Democratssed that the sham to Bernie Sanders out of is atsition, and where he this particular point. I am more than certain that biden will be the nominee, but i think of the country is going to trustim not putting my in a country of debt country of men. God,ed to put our trust in and start doing the work. Host brenda, on the democrats line. In new york. Caller hello, im calling because i think bloomberg is the best man. But since hes not really getting the electability that he needs to possibly win the nomination, i may have to jump on the biden bandwagon. But i think the blue that bloomberg is the best man of the job. Unfortunately, americans are so unforgiving, they dont trust him because hes rich. Hes trying to use all of his resources to get this man out of the white house, for us. And people announcing that. Host as far as Mike Bloomberg is, what should he have done differently . Caller for the people to support him . Host yes. Caller i dont know, hes trying his best. Hes using resources, but the people are not willing to support him. Concern aboutther Bernie Sanders possibly becoming the nomination, if he does, the areruntled Trump Supporters not going to go that far left. Trumpre going to jump on and trouble be the president again. This is a great concern of mine. Giving us a call talking about Michael Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders. Lets go back to john. I want to remind viewers, that while there were over 1300 withates up for grabs super tuesday, the vote ahead has plenty of delegates, just a week from today, the march 10 primary, 516 pledge delegates are available in the states of idaho, michigan, mississippi, missouri, washington, and North Carolina. Later, florida, arizona, illinois, ohio. Muchly fourth, the 24th. And marshall he fourth, georgia and puerto rico. Candidates are already and on march 24, georgia and puerto rico. The Sanders Campaign releasing three new ads in the states voting next weekend the week after. Here is a sample of one of them, about Bernie Sanders protecting Social Security. When i argued that we should freeze federal spending, i included Social Security. I meant health care and medicaid. I met every single solitary thing in the government. Once, it only tried it tried it twice, a third time and a fourth time. Well we have some bad news for them. We are knocking to cut Social Security. We are going to expand benefits. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this method. Host senator sanders, one of three ads that he is this morning. And the call from the Associated Press at 6 30 this morning, in california, 415 delegates up for grabs and Bernie Sanders will get the majority of them out of california, winning with 32. 8 , joe biden at 24 percent in california, Michael Bloomberg just on the threshold of receiving delegates in that contest, 70 6 reporting in california, plenty more counting to go. If you look at the district host if you look at the disturbed map of arkansas, most of the state supporting joe biden with one district going for Bernie Sanders, that the arkansas map courtesy of the washington post, our next caller is on the independent line from lakeview, arkansas, on the independent line. Coronavirus, go ahead and run the stats on how may people die from the regular flu this year and look at the coronavirus. Never said never let a good disaster go to waste. This is another hype, the cdc asked for 2 billion and Chuck Schumer started waving his hand saying 8. 5 billion. More fake news to get you to not look at whats going on, the dnc, the Democratic Party has been taken over by the communists. Host how so . Caller bernie is an open communist, joe biden has ties to the communist party, bloomberg supports the communist party in china because of his business interests. Host ok. Johnny is next, albany, georgia, on the democrats line. I was calling because i was getting tired of hearing people say that the democrats are trying to take this from bernie. Nobodys trying to take anything from bernie, if bernie wins, bernie wins. If you loses, he loses. The problem with bernie, he knows and i know and most of us know that theres no way hes going to get any of the stuff hes talking about giving to the people. He cannot do it alone. He has to have the congress, the house, the senate, and about half of the Supreme Court in order to go along to get the things hes talking about. If you cannot get all of those people in line, then bernie cant do anything he says hes doing. Not even one of the things hes promising people. So if hes knocking to get anything, why should you vote for a person whos offering something he cannot give . At least joe is sensible about what hes doing in the stuff hes doing and talking about. He says im gonna have to work with both houses to get it done. Host several of our callers have said this morning when it comes to Bernie Sanders they go back 2016 and the backandforth between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in excess and concerns for this time around. That doesnt register . Caller what registers is that this is not Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Its joe biden and Bernie Sanders. Its not the same voters voting at that time. Same but the claim is the when it comes to keeping sanders from the nomination. Fromr lets get away talking points and get to truth. The truth is that Bernie Sanders cannot do any of that stuff that he says he can do without the congress. [indiscernible] so it will go to the Supreme Court. Host some of those points that you say or republican talking points, have been mentioned by democrats during the course of this morning as well. Lets go to ron, in florida, on the republican line. Yes. R host you are on, go ahead. Caller can you hear me . Host yes, you are on. Caller i believe that bernie , heers is powerhungry things he can take my Health Insurance away from me, that ive had for years through the company that i work for. Idea of taking everything from everybody and giving it to somebody else, when we work hard for what we have. I dont understand, the Common People should wake up and see where this man is coming from, hes a communist. Host are you concerned he will be the nominee . Caller he could be. Never count amount. Like the other man said, he could win or lose. He has a strong following. Young people dont understand where hes coming from. Host ok. Lets go to alexis, in new york state. On our line for independence independents. Caller ive been listening through your callers, with the coronavirus, its more of public safety. Its not really about who has health care and who doesnt have health care, we all have health quality, but its not its quantity. In other countries like canada and finland, they have Free Health Care and people are happy. They have day care and Employment Agency take care and employment agencies, allowing play employee to work and be happy. And i think for a woman of color, 36 and living in the u. S. , im tired of seeing white men run this country. Its affecting women like me when it comes to reproductive health. When it comes taking care of my family. My husband and i are middleclass and we are still suffering. Its hard to pay for housing. Its hard to pay for daycare and we work really good jobs. I think even when it comes to picking candidates, we have to change how candidates are picked because of financial things. Thats why we should have cory booker or kamala harris. Because of the way the system is set up, people cannot get in the door if they are people of color. In bloomberg, he made it hard for people of color like me to walk the streets with stop and frisk and on other policies. Im a survivor of hurricane sandy, he handled in the worst way possible. Host with all of that, is there a nominee for you . On the democratic ticket . Caller i wish it was a woman of color, i wish Michelle Obama had gotten into the race. But unicorns dont exist. Host thats alexis, in new york, on the republican line from michigan. This is rebecca. Hello. Agree with theto i watch thelers show every single day, i watch Congress Going into the house and i listen to everything being said. Pelosi stated that democrats would do anything to bring down donald trump. Andreporters confronted her she said anything. Ive watched the debate, last night, all of these democrats thepromising things that gentleman said that they cannot do this without congress and the house, the senate, stuff like that, he was absolutely right. That adultsalled are calling into your show, and our bullying these people. Whether they are republicans or democrats are independent, does not matter. I am strongly a christian, i believe people need to be more opinion,far as their but dont be woollies. Bullies. Lynn, ands hear from california, on the democrat line. Until hello, i waited yesterday until i could vote for mr. Biden. I do like republicans, some of them. I liked john mccain, he was an honest republican. I have voted republican before. But i also believe that the coronavirus, we need the test here. Im one of those that seven age where they said of an age that they said would die if i get it. So im trying to avoid it. But what am i supposed to do . Hibernate . I would like to test out there. And i would like them to be honest about it. And i would like to supreme request rule on trumps to disallow previous conditions. Its very scary, just about everybody has a previous condition. And i think its a good thing to keep the kids on the insurance until they are 26. Host will back to super tuesday for a second, why did you wait until yesterday to vote for mr. Biden . Caller because i wanted to be sure who i was going to vote for. I did not want burning, because hes too outrageous. I waited to see what was going on, and i finally made up my mind. I would have voted for bloomberg and i thought of him even though he was a republican. I want bidens knowledge, i want him to pick a good Vice President. This is what we need. A younger Vice President , dont you think . Host such as who . Like bennett from colorado, hes excellent. I like cory booker. I like a lot of them, the younger ones. Host thats lynn, from california. One of the super tuesday states. One of the conversations that we have been having. We continue on with that conversation on super tuesday. And the Coronavirus Response as we go forward, we have been joined by members of capitol hill throughout the morning, represented Suzanne Bonamici is joining us, from the First District of oregon. Guest thank you for having me. Host we are hearing about three cases of coronavirus in your state, can you update us and where it is going in your state . Guest thank you, it was just last friday when i was on my way home to oregon from washington, d. C. When we found out about the first presumed case, which has now been confirmed. Constituent to be a of mine who has been hospitalized. One member of that persons just threeresumed, cases right now, i spent the weekend on the phone with our Public Health authorities, with our governor, with health care toviders, school districts, make sure that they are getting their questions answered, and we are here in washington, d. C. , working to get them the resources they need. Our state in oregon can now do testing, which is a good thing. We need to make sure people are we need to make sure that our Health Care Providers have the protective equipment they need. We can get the protection equipment, and also the test kits. We spoke with ted budd earlier, to talk about the heding debate going on, would see more of a lower figure with the white house request, where u. S. Far as i number when it comes to emergency money . We certainly need more than the white house requested. Ive been speaking with the appropriators, this is something we can address with funding but it will take a lot of resources to make it to make should the number one we have the protective equipment, number two we had the test kits. We need to make sure that we have support for our small businesses, were heard economically. We need to make sure people who are concerned about reaching out to their Health Care Provider because they may not have insurance coverage, or concerned that they will get stuck with the bill, we need to make sure that they can be supported as well. I have not landed on a final number, but certainly its going to be robust and more than the white house and administration has proposed. You become triple with the 7 billion or 8 billion dollars being discussed . Guest i have to look at the details of the bill. My concern is that we have the robust funding and we get it out to our states so they can get it through our Public Health clinics and make sure that we are doing everything we can, to emphasize everything we can. People really need to follow the guidance from our Oregon Health forority and the Center Disease control. Theres a lot of handwashing, making sure that if people feel sick that they stay home. I know that is challenging, especially for people who need to go to work. We have paid sick days in oregon, but we need to make sure that anyone who is sick can stay home. Robust funding to make sure those needs are met. Host and one of the sticking points reported was the cost of the potential vaccine for people who would get it, do you get the sense that that issue has been resolved . Guest i dont know if that issue has been totally resolved. I do know it is important to develop a vaccine, that does not happen immediately. Our current needs are to get those test kits and the protective equipment out to our Public Health office. As well as the resources they need. When i think about the district i am honored to represent, i have a rural county with no hospital. We need to make sure that we get support to those places that dont have staff, so that if they have a case or presumed case, that they can reach out to people who have been in contact with that person. We need to get those resources to our Public Health offices. Get more information out to people in oregon and across the country to make sure they are doing everything they can to protect themselves. , share the concerns of many with our neighbor to the north in washington, the nursing home, im very concerned about the elderly and vulnerable populations. Host back home what are they saying about their satisfaction with the federal governments response . Guest now is not the time to criticize. It is time to work together. We need more test kits. We need more protective equipment. We have known about this for quite some time. If we have been able to do more early, i think we could have prevented some of this. Right now we need to do all we can to get Accurate Information out to people to make sure that people are seeking health care if they need to without fear of our and to make sure that Health Care Providers are protected when they are caring for people who are diagnosed. President ise expected on capitol hill today to talk to representatives about the response. Will you have a chance for a conversation with him . Guest i dont know if i will have a chance to have a vice conversation with the Vice President. My question would be when can we get the resources out there and what are you doing to convey Accurate Information to everyone across the country and Going Forward we absolutely have to do that. There is a lot of misinformation out there. I want people to be looking at accurate scientific information. I am concerned about some of the discrimination we have been seeing in our asianamerican community. It is ok to go to an chinese restaurant. People are really concerned about that. We want Accurate Information about how this disease spreads and how people can protect themselves. Host on this day after super tuesday, where are you in your declaration for support of a candidate . Guest i have not publicly supported a candidate yet. Our primary is not until may 19. I want to make sure we have an opportunity in oregon to make a difference. I want to make sure we have a strong candidate. Host what are those determining factors . I want to make sure that we have someone who inspires people and can get out the vote and can win in november. Host is one of those Bernie Sanders or joe biden . Guest i am not narrowing it at this point. Host a democrat from oregon joining us. Thank you for your time. One more hour to go. 58 minutes or so as we continue our conversation about not only the result of super tuesday but the Coronavirus Response as you heard the representative talk about. You want to ask or make comments four that 202 7488000 democrats. Democrats. For republicans. Our Facebook Page on facebook. Com cspan. Lets go to maryland on our independent line. Start us off in this last hour, thank you for waiting period go ahead. Caller good morning. All i would like to say is this seeing. Er way of the president is not doing the right thing. I used to be a republican. After all of this covering up trump s stuff he has been hiding, i became independent. I was very sad at the beginning because democrats did not really have a good choice but i got happy because bloomberg jumped in. Then everything changed and thanks to Elizabeth Warren after the first debate, it seems like you turn everything off for mr. Bloomberg. Biden finallyt came up. Biden is a candidate i will support. Host why are you supporting joe biden . Independent. An the farleft will always vote farleft and the farright will always vote farright. I think joe biden can get the people in the middle. That willrepublicans not vote for trouble, i am sure they will jump in to help biden win this one. That is my view. Host from a, that was walter. We will go to phoenix on the democrats line. Caller good morning, how are you. Host i am well, thank you. Go ahead. Caller im a little depressed listening to everyone call. I watched all of the voting last night. I see how the democrats and the establishment are planning to maneuvering to get bernie cast aside. I ama bernie supporter and depressed when i hear people say he is a communist and all this sort of thing. He is more like a jfk democrat. We are going to have a billionaire with 60 billion in our party and we have joe biden, we are left with joe biden who clintoni feel your pain . I am 65 years old. For the last 40 years i have seen our party move so far to the right that we are almost fascist. Biden voted to change the bankruptcy laws so they can go after our kids. Biden has never met a banker he does not love and he always votes against the consumers. That is what we are left with. If you look on youtube there is he wash by jfk, where calling for health care for everyone. After he was assassinated lbj was able to get medicare starting with old people and they meant to say that in eventually. They said we will let the old people pay for 20 of it and the government will play for pay for 80 and you still have to buy your supplemental policy. This is not pieinthesky. Several democrats this morning have questions about the way of paying for it. Do you think he has addressed that adequately echo . Caller i have called into cspan several times. I explained to you when they got ready to bailout the bankers back in the 2008 crisis nobody asked where ben bernanke got the money. He cleaned it up after under quantitative easing visually printed 20 trillion under quantitative easing to bailout the bankers and their gambling. Host back to senator sanders, has he adequately explained how he will pay for it echo . Reserveif the federal can lower the Interest Rates, this is what tells you who controls our money supply. If they can print up 20 trillion to bailout the bankers, they did not ask where the money was coming from. There is a new book coming out in june, you should have the author on cspan to explain to her how the money system works. It is not how many dollars you give yourho you dollars, it is what are the resources and what is your political wheel. Sandersesnt senator have a responsibility to explain to supporters about how he is going to pay for these things . Has he done that . Caller i am explaining to you. Was an advisoron to Bernie Sanders. She is a phd in economics and she will explain to you. You can go to youtube. It was said that we can print up all the dollars we want to cover anything. What we must do is do we have the resources . Phoenix, that is calling in to talk about support for Bernie Sanders. We will go back to john mcardle. We talked earlier about how the coronavirus impacted those coming out to the polls on super tuesday. I did want to take a minute to note how the deadly tornado outbreak in tennessee impacted super tuesday in the volunteer state. Deadly tornadoes touching down just before dawn on super tuesday. You are looking at one of the local abc news stories. It is the fourth time in 87 years that a tornado touched down on super tuesday in tennessee. The death toll is at 24 with dozens still unaccounted for. Damages spread across 50 miles including four counties, 50 buildings in nashville collapsed as a result of those tornadoes. That local story noting that at least a dozen voting locations in nashville were damaged and open late on super tuesday. A judge ruled some polls in Davidson County would stay open until 10 00 p. M. Last night to get people who could not vote on Tuesday Morning the chance to do so. Here are the results from tennessee from the president ial primary. Joe biden 41 point 5 dominating in tennessee. Bernie sanders at 24. 7 . Michael bloomberg above that threshold at 50 threshold with 98 15 reporting and Elizabeth Warren at 10. 1 . If you add up all of the numbers of democratic voters in votersee, some 500,000 in the democratic president ial undery, that beats 400,000 voters back in the 2016 president ial primary. Tennessee is an open primary state where voters can pick their primary that they want to dissipate in and plenty part is a bit and in the republican primary in 2016. Participated in plenty participated. More numbers continue to come in from tennessee and from several states this morning. Host speaking of senator sanders here is what he had to say in part. This is mentioning texas and california at the time. Here is senator sanders from yesterday. I do not know what is going to happen later tonight. We are doing well in texas right now. [cheering] we won colorado. [cheering] i am optimistic that later in the evening we can win the large estate in the country, the state of california. Largest state in the country, the state of california. [cheering] happens, i dont know what will happen, but if it comes out to be a campaign in which we have one candidate standing up for the working class and the middle class, we are going to win the election [cheering]. [cheering] if we have another candidate who has received a contribution from at least 60 billionaires, we are going to win that election. If there is another candidate in the race who is spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, we are going to tell him in america, you cannot buy elections. [cheering] i am excited about where we are. We have come a long long way. [cheering] i want to once again thank the great state of vermont and all of the people in the state. [cheering] not only for the victory you gave our movement tonight, but for the years of love and support you have given me and my family. From next up is romney North Carolina, republican line. Caller i think it is funny how you always ask the bernie fans how he is going to pay for this thethey always stream to left and cannot give you a direct answer. Between bernie and biden, i dont think none of them have a chance against trump. The economy is doing good right now especially in North Carolina. You can talk to a lot of people around here. People are working, houses are going up, people are selling houses. I think if you get sanders up there, his views are so farleft and radical i think we will be in a recession within a year because i think things are going good right now. Host lets go to mike in new york, the macaques line. Hello. Aller this is mike this, the is democrats had a good shot of winning the senate and the house if they played their cards right then they can block donald trump the democrats, if they blow it this time, they are finished. Around you better get it right or be in big trouble. Cards should they play if they need to play their cards right . Caller to control the senate and the house and they can block he stillump and also faces serious charges and he may not survive a second term. Host which candidate should the democrats support . Caller what . Host which candidate sued the democrats support which candidate should the democrats support . Chuck schumer becomes. Ajority leader host im talking the president ial race. Is there a candidate that you support . Right now i am neutral. I want to wait and see after the convention. Host ok. Veronica in new hampshire, republican line. Caller hello. Host hi, you are on. Caller i have been listening to your callers. They are getting all the information from the press. Half of it is lies and half of it they do not know what theyre talking about. I wish they would listen. That would be a unique idea. , i am biden and sanders sure they are nice people. Im sure they are. Sanders idea is socialist. This country could never go socialist because you would ruin the country. I lived socialist country. I know what im talking about. Why wouldnt senator sanders ideas work . Caller they have medicine for free. Why did they come into this country for treatments . Because they do and i know that for fact. Host veronica, why would it not work in this country . Caller socialism . Host why would not senator sanders approach work in this country . Caller it would take away peoples incentives. They would have everything handed to them. It would be like babies in a cradle. They would not have to think for themselves which they do not now. This country would lose everything. To getd lose its ability up and do something. It would be disastrous for this country. Host when you say it would lose everything, how does that apply if people did get health care under sanders plan . Why would they lose everything because of that. Caller because they would not have any incentive to work. Host how do you apply that kind of thinking when it comes to what senator sanderss approach . Caller because it is socialism. Host ok, kevin is next from maryland. Independent line. Hello. Caller this is kevin. Thank you, pedro. I wanted to say i have a candidate andthe their policies and my yardstick any thriving civilization needs sound social policies. That is totally different from my familyor any ism. Migrated to the u. S. , we sold everything and bought our way and paid our way to come to the u. S. Not because it is a socialist country. Because there is opportunity and competition. Understood, i have gone to school, i have Student Loans on my hands. There are a lot of good ideas about relieving the pressures. I understand there are a lot of who are finding an opportunity to address their historical grudges. I feel that if we look at the issues writing on the Democratic Party, mr. Biden is a very seasoned politician but there is a lot of history behind him and a lot of people talk about it. Ofre is mr. Trump, a lot people do not like his attitude. To keepo who is going theica america and keep spirit of competition going. One may do a better job than the other. Who is that person host who is that person . Caller the more i think about , i tend to go toward mr. Trump. I think he is the one who can lead to future of this country. There are pitfalls, there are. Ssues that can be corrected it is not that everything is perfect but america is about competition and opportunity. Host you talked about sound social policy. What is it about mr. Trumps policies that fall under that category . He may not be addressing any social policies to the level that many people may like. Because there are enough social policies already and they can be finetuned. I think he is not addressing those because there are more important things at hand. You have to present this country from going down the slope of becoming another third world to become under the domination of some dictatorship of some kind. We did not come here to recreate the third world country that we left. We have seen socialism, we have seen communism. Whoever invented the idea that people have to become universal herds. We are families. We have always been units of family. Host that is kevin in maryland giving us a call. We have about 40 minutes before the house comes in. We will continue taking calls on super tuesday plus Coronavirus Response. We are back with john mcardle for an update. Response,coronavirus as store we have been tracking for days now is the status of that emergency funding bill expected to be in the range of 8 billion to fight coronavirus and to allow communities around the country to prepare and the federal response. The latest on that is late yesterday that funding bill held up by a roadblock over vaccine costs and concerns about what vaccines could cost when they finally are created. We are waiting to see what happens with that roadblock with the members of congress can move through it. Here is the latest reporting from this morning from fox news. It is possible the house could still handle the coronavirus bill today even if it happens late and ship it to the senate tomorrow. The senate processing the bill requires some cooperation. It is unclear any sitter wants to be the one holding up the coronavirus bill. Any senator. We will see what happens. We have not seen any text of the legislation yet. Whatever that number comes out to be will eventually pay for. Some congressional offices are trying to limit contact. Staff instructs visitors not to shake hands. They carry out protocols to clean table surfaces and chairs and doorknobs after meetings. There have been reports on that especially with all of the visitors that come to capitol hill on a daily and weekly basis. Today there is a whole lot of new visitors on capitol hill just across 1st street outside the Supreme Court. Outside thescene Supreme Court. It is the first argument on a major Abortion Case since President Trumps appointments on the court. Advocates are trying to speak over antiabortion advocates blaring dance music. Here is another picture of the scene outside of the Supreme Court. Npr with their story about this case before the Supreme Court today. That story noting that abortion rights are on the chopping block as the Supreme Court hears arguments in a case identical to one decide to one decided just four years ago. It is the first major Abortion Case to come before the court since the 2018 retirement of Justice Anthony kennedy making it the first time the majority of justices here in the Abortion Case have antiabortion rights judicial records. 316 they noted that in justices struck down a texas law that required Abortion Clinic doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. Before the court today is louisiana privileged law that the state concedes is identical to that texas law. That is happening at the Supreme Court today. A couple of other tweets about it. Members of congress are keeping an eye on what is happening. Congresswoman from isorado noting that she playing to make her voice heard as they take up the forced first abortion related case. One more tweet from mike johnson yesterday saying the Supreme Court will hear the arguments in that louisiana admitting privileges law. If it makes the right decision, it could change the landscape of abortion law for the better and will be decades overdue. That is the congressman from louisiana. In maryland. Jim democrats line. Hi. Caller how are you doing, pedro. Host i am fine, thank you. Caller everyone is looking for the proper candidate. I always say Elizabeth Warren is the best because she tells you how she is going to pay for every program she wants to accomplish. The fullave her congress with the senate and the congress behind her, she could work wonders for this country. Whatever candidate the democrats put up, trump will lose. He will not repeat as president of this country. Host will you support any candidate . Caller any candidate that the democrats put up will be donald trump. Host will you support any candidate . Caller yes i would. Sanders andn and warren, warren is the best candidate. About this coronavirus. The doctors are telling the people not to wear gloves and masks. That is the best thing that people could get because the virus is transferred through sneezing and coughing and these people are sneezing on somebody or coughing on things and you come along and you touch it. You catch the virus. They will find that out soon. The best thing people could do and theand sanitizer masks and wear them until they get this thing situated. Host lets hear from walter in indiana, republican line. Caller thank you very much for taking my call. You, youve got a nice cup of coffee there. Host dont worry about me but thank you. No ahead. The first thing in the morning to hear that coffee bun firing up, life is good for a few minutes. Host what you think about yesterday . Coronavirus, ie think there is an injustice or truth that is not being told. They are running around with their heads on fire saying trump is not proactive and has not given enough money to fight the coronavirus. If you look back at it when president obama was in office when they had the swine flu, over 1000 people in the United States died under obama, im not blaming obama, but under obamas presidency over a thousand people died before he first started to take money to combat it and it was 1 billion. Trump, before anybody dies in the United States, released over 3 billion. Funding hat he cut the lie is that he cut funding. He did not. They are saying trump is terrible. When the coronavirus started coming around to stop travel flights certain countries. What did the democrats say . He is a racist, this is terrible. Now they are complaining about that. You have to just read between the lines and look up actual facts and figures. Those are actual facts. As far as the democrats are concerned, i think it is wonderful. I am sitting here with a big smirk on my face. You have to listen to what the democrats are saying. Older and i understand you start to forget things and your memory and the words but biden, it is pitiful to see what they are doing to biden. I think he is a very nice man. I would not vote for him. He seems like a nice man. It is a shame what they have done. They pulled his caucus out. He does not know what day it is, does not know what state it is, hundred and 50 Million People died by gun violence. It is a shame. People died by gun violence. Host when it comes to coronavirus itself, the World Health Organization saying that it is deadlier than the flu. The global mortality rate is 3. 4 . On capitol hill one doctor who heads up the agency that deals with Infectious Disease telling the Senate Health committee in discussion with senator Lamar Alexander of tennessee between the differences of the flu and coronavirus. How Many Americans who have to estimate have the flu this year . Probably 30 plus million infections. In the United States. How Many Americans die every year from what we call the flu . To 20,000es from 15 to the high year we had in 2018 which is 70 plus thousand people. About 70,000 people. The flu is a respiratory disease like coronavirus, is that correct . That is correct. How do you know if you have the flu as opposed to coronavirus . The definitive test would be to get a test for the flu or a test for the coronavirus. So you would need a test. There are overlapping symptoms. The situation was coronavirus is aedominantly fever and respiratory infection as opposed to an upper respiratory infection starting off. You might get a preliminary involvement which is flu. What is a lower respiratory . Your lungs as opposed to north road and sneezing snort torso and sneezing. When you have a long virus, you can get that with flu. So a fever and a coffee . A fever and a cough could be either of them. What should you do if you have fever and a cough . It depends on the circumstance. We are in the middle of flu season right now and you have fever and a cough, it could be pneumonia. You should see a physician. Risky are a person in a condition, during the flu season, you should see a physician because we do have antivirals and you can be helped by doing that. Should be Wearing Masks . No. Why . There isnt anything going on in the community that is calling for the broad use of masks in the community. Why do healthcare workers wear masks in the hospital . Health care workers are taking care of someone who is known infecting infected with the transmission of the virus. It is different than working down the street wearing a mask. Host richmond california is where linda joins us from. Democrats line. Good morning. Caller i want to talk a little bit about super tuesday and the coronavirus. California is a big supporter of bernie. I have not heard too many people talking about joe biden out this way. People outhad doortodoor and Elizabeth Warren campaigning for him. He has not pushed too much out here, joe biden. Bernies history. I love bernie. I am really not for trump at all. Bernie seems wonderful to think about him in place of trump. In al that we do not live bubble. As i watch the news i see that other people are for joe biden. They fear that he is a safer and bernie is more to the left and that joe biden is more to the middle. He is more of a better candidate, some other places. California is huge and they are behind bernie and so am i. I am happy that we have a couple of people that we fail good about running that we feel good about running against trump. Host if that person was joe biden instead of Bernie Sanders, would you have that kind of support . Caller i would. Host is that enthusiastic or reluctant . I would be more enthusiastic about it than reluctant. A lot of people like Elizabeth Warren and what she is four. When you look at the united countries ander Hillary Clinton. I think she was a strong candidate. For reason they are not ready for women to be president. But they arerstand not ready for that. That is linda in california. Massachusetts is next, republican line. Sheila, go ahead. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. Ofouple of comments, first all i think we put too much faith in the World Health Organization. Whati would like to know John Hopkins University new in october what they knew in october when they did their event. People need to look that up. They did a mockup scenario of what would happen in a pandemic. That was in october before there was any word of coronavirus or pandemic. I would like to know exactly what they knew then. I would like to say to the democrats, before you cast a vote look into the democrat platform. A new way forward is going to ruin this country. The green new is going to bankrupt us the Green New Deal is going to bankrupt us. Close up all of the medical insurance companies. People better look at that new way forward bill that is in congress that has democrat support. It is the decimation of this country. Host that is sheila in massachusetts calling in. We go back to john mcardle. Inn with sheilas interest coronavirus, a lot is happening on both ends of pennsylvania avenue on that front. I want to go over the schedule. There is a lot happening behind closed doors. The Vice President who is leading the Coronavirus Task force will be Briefing Members of Congress Today starting first with the republicans in the house. The republican conference will be briefed at 2 00 p. M. Today according to the white house schedule. Democrats getting their briefing at 2 30 p. M. Both of those happening behind closed doors. The Vice President is expected to participate in a coronavirus briefing. The Vice President will be Coronavirus Task force meeting at the white house at official briefing on that is expected to take place at 5 30 p. M. From the white house. It is unclear if the president will be at that briefing as well. It is expected to be before the cameras. That is scheduled at 5 30 p. M. Eastern time. When it comes to the coronavirus also, congressional hearings taking place today. This afternoon a hearing on the role of global aviation in containing the spread of Infectious Disease. The acting u. S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner is among the witnesses before commerce aviation subcommittee taking place at 2 30 eastern. You can watch them cspan3. Also online at cspan. Org. You can listen to the hearing as well on the free cspan radio app. Scheduledtrump is today, here is Something Else on his schedule, Kelly Odonnell reporting that sources say the president will meet this afternoon with Kim Kardashian and Alice Maria Johnson for three women that he recently pardoned. That Maria Johnson President Trump granted clemency to suggested that he would want to hear their stories and he agreed. That according to kelly o. Onnell the president is headed on friday to the great state of tennessee. The president saying that the usa stands with the people of tennessee 100 . The tornadoes were of record size and velocity. God bless your loved ones and all of the families affected. That was the president about 15 minutes ago talking about his trip coming up later this week. Market opened up for the day a few minutes ago. It rose up sharply on wednesday and rebounded from the previous session. A surprise rate cut from the federal deserve to ease investors concerns over the coronavirus. It also adds that a strong showing from joe biden on super boost. Was giving a that is from the street website. Speaking of joe biden, when he was addressing the crowd last the places were closing, it was reported that during that address someone rushed the stage. A protester. It was a protester who was chanting, let him die. Wall street did not build this country. You built this country. The middle class built this country. And unions built the middle class. [cheering] let [inaudible] die. [booing] the middle class is getting clobbered. People. Guess what, this is a place where we come from. Is where we are raised to where we are raised. That is a reason why i am a democrat in the first place. Host new hampshire, independent line. Caller good morning, cspan. It seems to me it is an anybody but bernie because of the universal health care. It is almost eight trumpbiden it is almost trumpbiden ticket. Also when people are frightened and scared as they are, you dont want to have nuance and reason, you want to reach for what is familiar. The bidenat helped thing as well. That is just my observation. Host from Columbia Station ohio, republican line. Good morning. Ofler on the results tuesday, it will go down to trump and slumber Vice President biden. Former Vice President biden. He already ran for president twice and lost. That is the best theyve got. Socialist,ers is a complete farleft. Be jump was trump washe thing ahead of the thing years ago. They were wrong about the Democrat Party in the news and they are hyping it up. Bernie sanders was to take over companies in this country. He want to use executive order when he cannot get through congress. He is unbelievable. He is going to tax property taxes, the middle class, the direction of this country. , if he does win against trump, let the live debate start. Even when they write his stuff ahead, nothing against him, i hear he is a nice man, he is not filthy rich and Bernie Sanders has millions. Trump is only one that is not. On biden, he is not filthy rich but his kids are. That will come out when it comes down if he is running against trump. He is going to get destroyed. Sharon in florida, democrats line. Caller good morning. I am extremely upset about the is roads results of super tuesday. It is unbelievable. It to see the support that bernie had in texas and california and to call the resurgence of joe biden who honestly is very corrupt trying to sell his house seat you first got elected to congress. To his credit card joe. He does not care about the people. The Democrat Party does not care about the people. I have watched it go from an liberal institution to just another rightwing party. That is proven by the resource of thomas frank. On the other hand i cannot believe how People Choose their candidate the day of or the day before. That indicates they have done no research, they have no commitment to anyone. Believe anything they are told. Host let me ask you what convinces you that Bernie Sanders cares about the people if you say that joe biden does not . Caller bernie has 40 years or more of a consistent message of doing things and wanting to do things for the people. I know that he could not get past many of the programs that he runs on. On the other hand, i have seen the Democratic Party move so far people. Ight to support host the Democratic Party was responsible for the passage of the Affordable Care act joe biden was Vice President. Caller the Affordable Care act is a disaster. People pay for very little coverage. I did not know why that is considered a good democratic move. Host versus what senator sanders would propose as far as health care is concerned . Caller i think a system where you choose your doctor and the government simply paid for the bill is what he is proposing. People are seeing it as losing their right, losing their choice. In the are not getting anything better from the system that we have right now which is incredibly expensive. People are going without medication because they cannot afford it. They cannot afford their premiums. Healtht of getting insurance in this country is outrageous. You ofhat convinces senator sanders plan and what you think his approach is sustainable . Caller because they find the money for anything they want when they want it. It is considered too disruptive a move to the powers that be and that they are going to squash him again and keep him from having any kind of influence over this country to pull it back maybe to a moderate level. We do not have moderates anymore. We have two rightwing parties and we need to bring sanity back to our this country and how it functions and have it really represent some of what the people want. The working people their wages have been busted down so low, it is hard to survive in this country anymore. Host that is a sharon in florida talking about her support of Bernie Sanders. Here is more from sony Bernie Sanders last night. We have two major goals in front of us and they are directly related. First, we must beat a president who has never read the constitution of the United States. [cheering] a president who thinks we should be an autocracy, not a democracy. All, we need a movement in our developing of black, white, latino, native american, asian american, gay, and straight. [cheering] people who are making it clear every day they will not tolerate the grotesque level of income and wealth and equality we are experiencing. [cheering] not give tax breaks to billionaires one half a million americans sleep out on the streets. [cheering] allow 49 of all incomes to go to the 1 when half of our people are living paychecktopaycheck. Host livingston new jersey, independent line. Hello. Listening to everybody on the phone. The one thing mentioned and nobody paid attention to it when you read that article, it threw me off, i have to say. When you read that article about the Supreme Court making a ruling by june. Just remember one thing. If the Supreme Court rules thenst roe v. Wade, democrats will win on a landslide. That will be the monkeywrench that will be thrown. If you think College Educated women are not watching that going through the court, that aside. I did not want to go that way. When i heard that i said that is the monkeywrench. Having said that, i listen to the speeches last night. I find it interesting that every time bernie comes up, he is always attacking the democrats. I do not get it. I get that he is not a democrat. I get that. If you are going to run in their playing field, do you always need to attack them . I would think he is an independent. You would attack the people that you are running against which in this case would beat trump. But he went on and on attacking can it be said that, i am playing devils advocate. In 40 years,d that even myself i make bad decisions once in a while. He even said he made a bad decision in voting for the war. Perfection, there is no perfect candidate. We want a candidate who cares about us. More importantly, right now keep has the court is accepted the decision regarding the Affordable Care act. They made a purpose decision that they are not going to vote on it until after the election. Can you not hear what is happening . Our health care is going to be for us who need it. It will be thrown out there. I am just throwing that out there. I am trying to be the devils advocate and seeing it both ways. Unfortunately, this is not for us. Host that is josephine in livingston, new jersey. Just a few minutes before the house of representatives comes in for its elite session. Before that, we will go to john mcardle. For its daily session. Morning far this including that two North Carolina Senate Contest. Cal cunningham is backed by the Democratic Campaign committee. He won his primary yesterday for the chance to face republican senator in the november election. Cunningham a former state senator and army colonel and the Senatorial Committee thought had the best chance of beating him in november. Contest,omes to senate mj hager from texas ran for the house last cycle but did not win and is running for the chance to face john cornyn in texas Senate Contest this year. She will head to a may runoff winning 23 of the vote yesterday. She will be in that runoff with state senator royce west which is what it is. That is expected to take place in may. One other name that we talked about that you might have heard about on the ballot yesterday is former white house physician Lonnie Jackson running for congress in the 13th district of texas. He also is headed to a may runoff in the Lone Star State to see if he will go from serving in the white house to serving in congress. I also wanted to note that debtor that there is one state still not called. ,he latest results from maine joe biden keeping the slight lead on Bernie Sanders with 85 reporting from maine. Bernie sanders at 33 . Elizabeth warren above the 15 threshold looking likely that she will get some delegates out of the state of maine. One more for you before we from, the tweet yesterday a democratic congressman, a video he posted about a surprise birthday that democrats in the house held for civil rights icon and longtime congressman john lewis who is currently battling pancreatic cancer. Here is the video of that surprise birthday celebration. Surprise. [cheering] [singing] [applause] thank you. This was a big surprise. [laughter] old. Ars i cannot believe it. Good to see each and every one of you. Thank you for all of your , i feel honored and blessed to be in your presence. I am still here. To michael ingo pennsylvania, democrats line. Caller good morning, pedro. The electorate of the Democratic Party sees that joe biden is a middleoftheroad candidate. There have been previous bad decisions but there have been previous decisions from everyone. Bernies plan is the revolution. Some of his things sound good, his inflexibility is vulnerable and that mesa him a vulnerable candidate. He does not want to give that makes him a vona candidate. You have to have some vulnerable candidate. Platformood on this for many years but where has it got him. A lot of people love to hear this pieinthesky stuff. Some of it i agree with. I think in order to beat drop, need somebody in the middleoftheroad that is going to garner support. I think bernie since he is an independent should support at the end of the convention, he should tell his followers vote for whoever the candidate is. Im wondering if he is going to do that . Jim in fort lauderdale, florida. Republican line. I dor i do not to be not like to be pessimistic. I have watched this. The thing that fascinates me is how bernie was the lead. He was rocking. Saturday night something happened where biden won. Here we are. Biden sweeps. How did this happen . He bookies even got this wrong let me go back a little and say what has been going on in the country for four years we have been told that the president was a liar, a trader and we are traitor. Believe a it is sad to watch what they are doing to this man. This is a disgrace to the Democratic Party of which i used to be a member. This is shameful. How did this happen with biden just sweeps. Somebody tell me your somebody tell me. Host do you think the previous candidates have something to do with that . This is the real problem that i have is that i do not believe anything. What we have been told. Nobody has gone to jail for what they did to the American People. Host that is jim in florida. About to comeust in so go right ahead. Caller i will try to go really quick on two points. One on the conspiracy of what is going on now. I think extreme exception to those being led by the establishment. That they are busy ending be in my choice. Representing me in my choice. Mean that they waited to makefile for choices. Make thoughtful choices. It discounts ability the validity of our votes. We are going to have an nominee. I am for joe biden. I am antitrump. It is really important and i am troubled about those that endorse any of the democrats in the primary. Yolanda in winchester, democrats line. Go ahead. Make it quick, please. Caller good morning. Voted for joe biden i am hearing about the medicaid for all. My question is do they know where it is coming from. Nothing is free. Taxes. Oming out of it is ridiculous. People want things for free but it is not going to be free. That, we willout have to leave it there. Thats go to the house of representatives. R. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. March 4, 2020. I hereby appoint the honorable g. K. Butterfield to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 7, 2020, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between theti

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