Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the on ordering the previous question on House Resolution yeas and nays he are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. Numberrk house calendar 74, House Resolution 866, esolution providing for consideration of the bill h. R. 2339, to amend the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act with respect to the sale and marketing of Tobacco Products for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on ordering the previous question. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 224. 189. Ays are the previous question is ordered. The question is on adoption of the resolution. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Adopted. Ution is mr. Burgess madam speaker, i nays. The yeas and the speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the rise. Nd nays will a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from brooklyn, new york, seek to be recognized . Mr. Speaker, by direction of the democratic caucus, i offer a privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The clerk will report the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 870. Resolved, that the following named member mr. Jeffries considered as read and printed in the record. The speaker pro tempore the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. He house will be in order. He house will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition . Mr. Scott i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Scott thank you. The house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. He house will be in order. He house will be in order. The gentleman from virginia is recognized. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on monday morning our nation lost a truly brilliant mathematician and pioneer, miskatherine goble johnson. While i knew her and her family personally for many years, like Many Americans i never fully appreciated her work until her unfold story was reveal in the book and movie hidden figures. She had a long career at nasa, but also had a tremendous impact on the Hampton Roads community that she called home. She was president of the chapter of the alpha, capita alpha sorority. And served as a trustee of the her church in newport news. She served as a role model for countless children. Shile she did not reach the stars like the astronauts whose trajectory she calculated. In her career she did. We remember a her as a true American Hero and i send my deepest condolences to her family and all who were inspired by her remarkable life and work. Mr. Speaker, i ask that all members now join me and congressman luria who represents the hampton area and the virginia delegation and others in a moment of silence in honor of ms. Katherine goble johnson. The speaker pro tempore the chair will now entertain requests for oneminute peeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Did unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one inute. Mr. Speaker, i apologize, i rise today to honor charles hall jr. As part of my black History Month celebration. Mr. Payne mr. Hall is the president of the Retail Wholesale Department store union, local 108, in maplewood, new jersey. His commitment to his members is without equal. For more than 21 years mr. Hall jr. Has improved wages, Health Benefits, and working conditions for workers throughout the northeast. He has increased diversity in his own staff and Companies Across the area. Recently he organized more than 2,000 exploited latino workers and got them higher wages. In addition, he got Health Benefits for local nursing home workers and their first raise in 10 years. His contributions to my district in immeasurable. That is why i celebrated his work during black History Month celebration on february 21. Hes a great man and deserves all these accolades and more. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield ack. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from arkansas seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, 96 air strikes, eight cluster bomb attacks, 231 artillery and missile attacks. Thats what the people in syria experienced yesterday. Mr. Hill from the forces of the brutal dictator assad and his russian protector, putin. These attacks hit 10 schools and one hospital, killing 26 and injuring over 100. After nearly 10 years of death and destruction, it is becoming the greatest ue mantarian disaster of this long conflict. As i have said on this floor for nearly three years, the lack of a comprehensive approach for u. S. Policy in syria has allowed the atrocities led by assad, russia, and iran to continue with impunity. The u. S. Government must use the tools that we have at our disposal to end the death and destruction in syria, bring about a political solution to the conflict, and hold those responsible for these war crimes fully accountable. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from virginia seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. I rise today to honor the life of a great American Hero, katherine johnson. Katherine was a skilled mathematician, a loyal nasa employee, a mother, daughter, most importantly, a trailblazer. In 1953, she began working at the National Advisory committee for aeronautics Computing Unit where she wrow provided equations and computations essential to the early space program. Mrs. Luria as nasalangley she played an Important Role in nasas Mercury Program from 1961 to 1963. Without her expertise the space travel of alan shepard and john glenn would not have been possible. She was part of the team that calculated the apol joe 11 mission to 1969 that sent the first three men to the moon. Now her work will ensure the first woman and next man will take steps on the moon by 2024. This is the legacy of katherine johnson. Im proud to recognize her today and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to celebrate the career of judge charles sue sano jr. Retiring after 25 years of service after 20 years on the court. He will fin hish his career as the lodgest tenured state appellate judge in the history of tennessee once he retires this upcoming april. He was a lifelong knoxvillian and dedicated public servant. After graduating magna couple laud from notre dame in 1958, the judge served in the United States army for two years before he was honorably discharged. Mr. Burr shut he mr. Burchett he earned his juries doctorate in 1963. For the majority of his life he dedicated himself to the law. He spent 30 years as a legal partner between two knoxvillebased law firms until he was appointed to his position with the Tennessee Court of appeals, eastern section in march of 1994. The judge was elected statewide to his judgeship four times throughout his Public Service career and issued over 1,000 opinions during his time on the bench. Hes also active in the Knoxville Community through service of many nonprofit boards and his church. The state of tennessee is lucky to have had his public certificate vase throughout the years. Judge, i wish you the best in your retirement and hope it is filled with quality time with your wife, children, and grandchildren. On a personal note i want to say thank you for being such a good friend. Mr. Speaker, i relinquish my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Withoutker pro tempore objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. I believe we have a duty to resources responsibly, of we cant make the kind cuts that hurt american workers, seniors, american middleclass families. S it currently stands, the administrations proposed budget would recklessly slash funds for for medicare, and for medicaid. The cuts to medicaid alone, over are nearly 900 billion. R. Cartwright they would seriously jeopardize rural ospitals, combating the opioid crisis, and seniors access to longte longterm care. Do you know six out of 10 seniors in Nursing Homes depend on medicaid . Last year, democrats and republicans in congress came together to reach a twoyear deal that invests in the American People. We need to honor that day over coming months and reject this current reckless budget come out of the white house. Back. D toipd for what purpose does the gentleman from the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman recognition . Seek mr. Carter i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Carter mr. Speaker, i rise two units cognize from the 87th combat sustainment their battalion for participation in operation tlantic resolve in poland, romania, lithuania, and i want to welcome them back home to the irst Congressional District of georgia. Stationed at fort stewart, they in our akt to be ability to be successful overseas. Combat sustainment support battalions have supplied transportation and more for branches of the u. S. Army ighting to restore democracy abroad. As part of our operation atlantic resolve, these hard to s worked increase their readiness and build cooperation between our wn forces and our allies in europe. At any one time, there are 6,000 american soldiers participating resolve, conducting countries. Mong 17 o Lieutenant Colonel david lvarez, command starj raymond stamos, and everyone involved in the support battalion, thank you and welcome ice home. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from massachusetts seek recognition . Unanimous ker, i ask consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, today i rise to honor my constituent, friend, mentor, joe lawless. Home ark he loved his city and his city loved him. He was a longtime supporter of and of the erican immigrant learning center. Malden on the housing authority, as deputy mayor. Legacy of jgenerosity is best described what he did scenes. He i remember joe while suffering back pain, bilitating serve ing ice cream to sundaes for seniors. Only to find the backseat of his car and trunk filled with food need. Bt to those in while i was not unfortunate to in his classrooms in high chool or in suffolk, he was a rare friend who made everyone whose lives he touched feel seen appreciated and we will all trive to live the wisdom and lessons, in friendship, integrity, in service he gave us. Thank you, my friend. Rest in peace and love. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for revise and nd to extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is minute. Ed for one thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise this afternoon to proudly the nce that today marks start of the 2020 strawberry florida,in plant city, which celebrates the strawberry harvest. Spano this community 1930. Ed event baegan in and is one of the top fairs in north america. Y district is one of the largest Agriculture District ith my district known as the strawberry capital of the world. As a near 1 billion industry, we love our strawberries. Who love and pick them, and we love the culture surrounded them. A wide range of entertaining including livestock queens pageant that collectively bring over half a attendees annually and serves to unite our community. Has strawberry shortcake and lots of it. This is the strawberrys 85th anticipate many more to come. I cant wait to be back home to my family this of end and fwith those district 15. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for the purpose does gentlewoman seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Today in honor of the micky campbell. She was a Guiding Light for her those who n all knew and loved her. He was a loving mother to shawanna and incredible grandmother. Know you can tell a lot about a parent based on their child. Personally ow her but i know the type of love she shared with the world because of ccampbell. Enzel m ms. Mccampbell hailed from alabama and studied at both university and Wayne State University in detroit. Love for led a humani humanity and her family and 13 district strong is forever her mark that shes left in this world. Today, we honor ms. Mccampbell her for instilling the love for humanity in her isily and 13 district strong forever grateful. My heart goes out to the mccampbell family. Hope knowing that shes in heaven watching out for all the lives shes touched can bring peace to those who are remembering and celebrating her life. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from mississippi seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous house to address the floor for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is minute. Ed for one polling shows great optimism about our country. As americans believe they are off today than they were before President Trumps onservative economic policies were enacted. According to a gallup poll 5, almost february 60 of americans say they are etter off financially now than last year. And close to 75 say that they even better off financially in one year. Mr. Guest this is the highest on record. Strong conservative principles historically low levels of unemployment for americans, regardless of their age, religion or gender. Our nation was built by create a working to Better Future for their children and their grandchildren. And republicans must fight the growing calls for instead support the proven conservative policies implemented by this that allow our economy to grow and help build a Brighter Future for generations come. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . To ask unanimous consent address the house for one minute and po revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Engel thank you, mr. Speaker. Speaker, our nation is in the middle of a Youth Tobacco pidemic driven by the increasing popularity of flavored ecigarettes. In my home state of new york, ecigarette use rose by and 2018. En 2014 i want to commend chairman frank h. R. E for his work on 2339, which will help turn the crisis. This i would also like to thank the chairman for including my in section 107, which update Youth Tobacco prevention campaigns to include programming for americans 21. Een the ages of 18 and my provisions will help ensure that this group of young left out and ot receives the support and education they need to avoid tobacco dangerous products. I urge my colleagues on both support the aisle to chairman pallones legislation and help pave the way for the tobaccofreeion of americans. I yield back. For peaker pro tempore what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without the gentleman is minute. Ed for one mr. Van drew i would like to for hise william artist rank of eagle scout. Troop in of the melville in south jersey. Eag rank scout is the highest and the prestigious honor estowed for only the most worthy and qualified individuals. Only 4 of all boys ever achieve prestigious recognition. Eagle scouts are much more lives to dedicate their to service, becoming future eaders in the military, in business, and in politics. Y office was proud to be at williams shaceremony to celebr his achievement earlier this week. Be prouder of williams accomplishments, and i look forward to big and bold him in the future. As americans, we all look for heroes. Look to celebrities, god help to washington, equally god help us, but i want you and your ss family, william. Now i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from alabama seek recognition . I seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to honor the memory incredible accomplishments of katherine johnson, a whees nt mathematician, trail blazing work was instrumental in American Space exploration. Passed away earlier this week at the age of 101, leaving behind a legacy not only dedication but also of vitally important advancement in stem fields and africanamericans. Ms. Johnsons affinity for numbers was evident from an early age. Graduated from High School Early and went on to study math and french at West Virginia state college. The first became africanamerican woman to attend gradua graduate school at West Virginia university. Mr. Palmer in 1953, katherine ohnson accepted her first computing job with the agency that would become nasament discrimination during her years at nasa, she could. Arriers where she eventually, she hand calculated the flight math for americas crew Space Mission in 1961 nd helped tra jekt the calculate the trajectory for the moon landing. Whe glen asked for johnson to ask for the calculation. If she says the computers right, ill take it. He impact of katherines ohnson groundbreaking work in math and science cannot be overstated. They reached many milestones her genius due to and commitment. She opened doors for women and fieldsamericans in work previously closed to them. I stand with my colleagues in the house and with countless americans in gratitude for ms. Johnsons hard work and pie earing spirit that have Pioneering Spirit that have undoubtedly made our country a better place. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Today to remember and honor the life of my acksonville office director, barb baker who suddenly passed away earlier this month. Then in 2002 by congressman ray lahood, barb what it meant to be a public servant, working for illinoiss 18th congressional 18 years. Or the last mr. Lahood she was an incredible asset to our constituents. A constant presence in the Jacksonville Community. She helped and assisted so many in jacksonville and throughout Central Illinois. Barb was also the past present rotary club, receiving the paul harris fellowship award. He was past president of the pilot club, the Morgan County republican womens club, the Illinois Association of court and served as treasurer for the city of jacksonville board. Stem barb blessed the Jacksonville Community and our office with a decency fewrmth and could rival. She leaves behind an indelible jacksonville and Central Illinois as a selfless person eeply committed to her family, her faith, and her community. Ost importantly, barb was an incredible daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. Dearly, and i rb ask you to continue to keep her and her family in your prayers and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from texas seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Jackson lee recent news has indicated that an individual in the United States has been designated with the coronavirus who has not been assessed to have traveled in any of the countries that have been listed for travel advisories, has not been listed as having had any of the normal processes or patterns of getting this particular virus. With that in mind, i think its extremely important that the Congress Play a major role in addition to its role of discerning the kind of funding, and with that in mind we will be organizing a Coronavirus Task force thats bipartisan, that will assess how we reach effectively as members of congress all of our constituents that are dependent on information that we receive. The waiters and waitress the traveling public, the aviation persons, Public Hospital providers, all of those persons are in my are in our district and i encourage my colleagues to join the task force. Let us Work Together because it is a crisis and we are in a position to help the American People in the best way we can. That is information. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore are there further requests for oneminute speechs . The chair lays before the house the following personal request. The clerk leave of absence requested for mr. Lewis of georgia for today and tomorrow. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the request is granted. Under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Grothman is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mr. Grothman were not going to go that long so you dont have oto worry. But i do stand today to address and congratulate President Trump on imposing the public charge rule with regard to Public Benefits. Around here we get along on many different items, bipartisan in nature, and i enjoy working with my democrat colleagues. But one issue that i think is at the crux of the disagreement and dislike of President Trump is something i agree with him very strongly on, and i think all of the American Public ought to be know ought to know about it, thats something referred to as the public charge rule. Ever since the 1800s in this country, we have tried to make it a point that people who come here from other countries not come here and wind up on Public Benefits or welfare or what have you. Unfortunately, we werent doing a very good job enforcing this rule until President Trump stepped up and put a rule that went into effect last october saying that if you are here as an immigrant, you are not eligible for food stamps, youre not eligible for lowincome house, youre not eligible for medicaid, youre not eligible for other meansbased benefits. President trump, having a soft heart, continues to allow immigrants, immigrant children, lunch, e free reduced medicaid, and even are eligible for student loans. Nevertheless, i think it was a very good thing for President Trump to do. Our immigrants are the future of america. Right now in america, our immigrants are far more likely than the native born to take advantage of Public Benefits. A study shows that 63 of noncitizens vs. 35 of native born are on some form of Public Benefits. With regard to food assistance, 45 of the immigrants compared to 21 of the native born. Are on Public Benefits. Anybody can go through a tough time. I should point out that President Trump does not remove your ability to stay here just to be on Public Benefits for a month. It has to be a period of several months and once youre on those benefits we want you remove. The reason for that is, for the future of america, we want people who are selfreliant and paying taxes. We already take care of our native born to a huge degree who for whatever reason have to rely on our fellow citizens. Right now, we are in a position in which a much higher percentage, like i said, a much higher percentage of people, 63 of noncitizens vs. 35 of native born, are taking advantage of some benefits. If you look at food stamps 19 between 2004 and 2019, the total number of people on food stamps in this country went up 50 . Thats a huge increase. And its particularly huge increase if you take into account the economy in 2019 was about as strong as its going to get. I therefore applaud President Trump for stepping up to the plate and trying to restrict immigration to people who can take care of themselves, all the while making sure that were taking care of the children of people who are here. I also want to point out that people who are here legally should not be people who are here illegally should not be eligible for those benefit bus again and again i hear from people in my district and comments from people like the governor of california or the mayor of new york that i dont believe local officials are at all times prohibiting people who are here illegally from getting benefits. In any event, particularly as long as we have birthright citizenship, i think the policy before President Trump got here is misguided. And ultimately will lead to a decline in the quality of life in america. Im therefore very glad that the Supreme Court allowed President Trumps rule to be upheld. But we have to caution america in that this is not a statutory thing. This is not something thats passed congress. The only reason we are trying to hold down the number of people who are here, who are not citizens from getting benefits is President Trump. It could easily be true that by this time nextee well go back to the days in which a high number of noncitizens are taking advantage of Public Benefits. Like i said, i think for some people, the generous i have to the Public Benefits will encourage people to adapt a lifestyle in which they are eligible for them. Which is a real crime. But in any event, id like to case more time, in President Trump is watching, thank you, President Trump. At a time of trillion dollar deficits for stepping up to the plate an trying to improve the immigrants that we have coming in the country. Thank you and ill move is there i yield the remainder of my time if theres somebody else speaking or i can move adjournment. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Mr. Grothman i yield back. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentlewoman from california, ms. Porter is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. Ms. Porter thank you, mr. Chairman. As members of congress we have promised to serve the American People and this means keeping American Families safe and secure. But for too long, congress has put femality to the special interests of the gun lobby put feelity to the special interests of the gun lobby above public safety. I cannot afford to live in fear of interble interest special interests. Why . Because every single day i send my children off to school, i fear for their safety. See the pain on the faces of parents whose children never came home from school. Parents who hugged their children goodbye in the morning never knowings it would be the last time. No parent should have to mourn a child lost to preventable gun violence. And because as your member of congress i have the power to fight for change. This is the power that congress has and this is why one year ago we passed landmark legislation to reduce gun violence in this country. Under current law only federally licensed vendors must conduct background checks. But this creates loopholes for private sellers. This means that there are no background checks on private sales including gun shows and online transactions. The bipartisan background checks act closes this loophole and would ensure that nearly all gun sales are run through the National Criminal background check system. This legislation is commonsense. In fact, two former g. O. P. Congressmen wrote an oped in the Washington Post in support of the legislation. They said, quote, this bill doesnt take away anyones guns. It represents a critical step in the right direction at a time when more and more americans are touched by gun violence. Unquote. This is a clear, commonsense, american solution that is now being held hostage by senator Mitch Mcconnell, the president , and the gun lobby. And this is a uniquely american issue. No other country experiences the same epidemic of gun violence. In fact, guns are the second leading cause of death for American Children and teens. Nearly 1,700 are killed by guns every year. In my home state of california, an average of 2 children and teens die from guns every year. Since the beginning of 2014 in california, over 14,000 people including heartbreakingly 120 Law Enforcement officers, have been injured or killed due to gun violence. 47 of those people hurt or killed were in my district in Orange County, the 45th. We have lost 34 members of our community in just four years. All to gun violence. Orange county families have made it their have made their feelings heard time and again. They want us to strengthen gun violence prevention laws. I am standing here as proof that Orange County wants action on gun reform. Keeping our families safe is at the heart of our communitys values. I want to share a story of one Orange County family with my colleagues here in congress. This is a story of a family who experienced loss from gun violence and yet found the strength to dedicate their lives to making sure that others dont experience similar tragedies. Mary lee and charlie black have fought tirelessly for commonsense Gun Legislation in california. Their son, matthew black, was only 21 years old when he was shot and killed while visiting new york city. He was a victim of an Armed Robbery by teens using a small jump n, also known as a gun, in memory of their son, they founded Orange County citizens for the prevention of gun violence in 1995, for five long, hardfought year they advocated for safety regulations that would rid california of the type of gun that killed their son and they succeeded. California used to produce 0 of the junk guns for the nation, california no longer produces these junk guns and has enacted Safety Standards for handguns. Still today, the blacks are vigilant in preventing the gun lobby to find a way to sell dangerous handguns in california. They now lead the Orange County chapper of the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence. Im personally very grateful for their efforts. No family should have to go through what they suffered. But too many in our own communities have. And because the senate has yet to act, nothing has changed. It has been one year since we passed h. R. 8. It has been almost two years since the Parkland School shooting. And over seven years since the sandy hook shooting. Until this congress, there has not been any change coming out of washington. Time is running out. Congress has the power to stop more people, more children, from dying from gun violence. An we must act. Now, more than ever, we need the American People to insist that our colleagues on the other side of the aisle stand up to the gun lobby and stand up to join in the fight to reduce gun violence. We all have a duty to be leaders. Not shills for the gun lobby. Not cowards, afraid to lose an a rating. Our children deserve our courage. Our children deserve leaders who will fight to ensure that families are safe at school, in park, at the movies, and at concerts. As you remember as your member of congress, as a mother, and as a member of the orange count Orange County community,y nil never i will never back down from this fight. I will not be bought and i will not be silenced by the gun lobby or by the president. With that, i reserve the balance of my time and would like to yield to my colleague from wisconsin. Me thank the anchoring this interventionortant in special order hour. I wasnt really sure whether or i would have the strength to today because u weve yet another mass shooting last day. E seems like this is a daily event. Happened, unfortunately, n my own hometown, milwaukee, wisconsin. And when these things happen, you try to distance yourself them. You say to yourself, you know, t doesnt have an impact on me personally. Unfortunately, of the five victims, i knew one of them very well. Been knowing him since 1992. Immigrant who was a father, a grandfather, a person who left the soviet union to come and seek a him and his or family, a life of freedom only with death. Been a year s today, i believe, that we sent over to Mitch Mcconnells while our constituents are planning on putting their ones in the grave. Its sandy hook, its columbine, newtown, oak which is adjacent to my florida, the pulse, he florida mass killing, parkland, churches, mother church, the sikh temple, houses. For god sake, an elementary school. Run, nowhereere to to hide. Nd what i have come to learn too quickly is that it will have personally. You as it happened to me last night. To erday, my friend went work and today his family is rest. Ing to put him to of course, my heartaches for because aches for them i knew them, but i knew all of the victims of gun shooting. I say, how long is how long . Heres the reality. I know peopley make the argument, mr. Speaker, i know lady gentlelady, we make the argument, oh, need to do something about Mental Illness. Theres Mental Illness all over world, but there are not these shootings because theres the easy access to guns. And we ought to use the tools in our tool kit to be able to vet they receive these guns. My restimulated memory of xena daniel, a mine, who of the spa services in ndustry and her estranged exhusband put out an ad saying, i need the gun sold the gun was in a fast food parking lot. Vetting. No background check. Gun and all of the all of the indicators that he was up to no good. I want a gun. Gun. Ind of any caliber and i want it now. Thats how xena daniel and lives. Workers lost their xena daniel leaving children on for with to be cared no mother. You know, while i dont know circumstances of the weapon that ight, i can tell you we see our citizens with weapons, nothing that can be justified for the hunters that we have in wisconsin. Mutilate people and managele the nd ody of mangel the bodies of children, disfiguring people so badly they cant be identified at their parents show up the morgue. Ar15are stories of these brutalizing these bodies so the bly that its just second source of trauma for their deceased children in this condition. Young as 6 years life,arely at the dawn of dead from gunfire. Cries go not let their unheard. E need the senate to pass omprehensive Gun Legislation yesterday, because one death is many. And i speak for the students who lead protests all over this demanding more. Who ak for the moms diligently march and protest demanding more. Of the citizens n our districts who have wept too many times. And i speak for those children who dont feel like that they get an opportunity to grow up and to have a voice. Who cannot vote and adults,depending on the adults like Mitch Mcconnell to act. Know, i pray that Mitch Mcconnell does not experience pain and agony that im experiencing today. That airplane n friend since e my 1992 and her children in the of this. I hope that he will rest tonight i will not be able to rest tonight. Perhaps this is just one person that died. Just five people in milwaukee who died. Important s a very person to my friend. Of our a part community. Part of our industry. E was in a very important part of the millercoors family. He was our neighbor. Was a human being. Nd we are calling upon the humanity of you, senator to explain yourself wife, to his two grandchildren is why, why we cant have a background check piece legislation. Someone that i love very much is way to the graveyard. Dig up our legislation rom your graveyard, senator mcconnell. And with that i yield back to the gentlelady. Ms. Porter thank you to my colleague, the gentlelady from isconsin, for her powerful words in this time of tragedy in your district. Thank you for bringing the oices of those that we lost to the United States congress. I really appreciate your passion compassion. With that i yield the remainder of my time to the gentleman from florida. Mr. Speaker. I thank the gentlelady from california and the gentlelady rom wisconsin for their passionate words. Particularly the under aker pro tempore the speakers announced policy 2019, the 3, gentleman from florida, mr. Soto, will control the remainder of the hour. R. Soto thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentlewoman from california and wisconsin for their wise words and for invoking the angels that in florida as well. In honor of womens history would like to recognize carmen. Is a graduate of new orks beroute community beirut Community College and earned a certification from columbia university. Worked as administrator for community in harlem, new york. Since joining the council in 19 1992. Carmen worked with residents and leaders to initiate and sustain serving seniors and disabled adults. The owes yoela on ociola council on outstanding ing enior center in the state of florida. Her background as a bilingual teacher led to the first english for Spanish Speaking county. N osceola they led her become the founder f bravo, a Nonprofit Organization that provides necessary information and eferrals to newly immigrated hispanic population in Osceola County. Of en was also named woman the year in 1994. Carmen assisted the council on aging with the opening of the hispanic site, central americano edad de oro, roberto gavarohe center. She partnered with southwest irlines on a home for the holidays program, organized volunteer activities for aarp days, organized hispanic outreach for the south Florida Water management started an Intergenerational Program with new beginnings Educational Partners with atrisk High School Students and social in various activities, operating the ederal Emergency Food Assistance Program and local food bank that supplies poor and area the organizations feeding the poor n Osceola County and was appointed to the florida tfat ent of agriculture Advisory Board by our former ag commissioner. Ms. Carmen, we honor you. In honor of womens history to honor deborah gale. Ra deborah guerrera gale moved to florida in 1978 from upstate new where she worked as a banking accountant after olster county college. Once in florida, she decided to a tch careers and became drafts person by studying engineering at valencia college. For Walt Disney World ride and show engineering an electromechanical designer for 10ers into. For 10 years. She later returned to college at of 40 to Barry University and held positions in human resources, rganizational development and information services. Deborah was raised by caring, andressive parents, barbara john guerrera, who instilled in her a belief in the basic human of all people. Through them she learned that she can make a positive world and thathe she could achieve anything with hard work. Inspired a drive for volunteer service in the community. For as organizing projects oster teens residing at the grove, an adolescent residential teens, and trisk help now, a Domestic Abuse shelter. She also served as president of club, ebration womens supporting womens charities and college scholarships. Celebration, she was a Founding Member and resident of the democrats of celebration. After retirement, deborah turned her attention full time to civic and founded the democrats of st. Cloud club and as elected as chair of the Osceola County Democratic Party in 2019. Can ahs belief that she make a difference has fueled her passion to advance causes that make our community and our county a better place for the generation. Deborah lives in st. Cloud with womack. And, michael they have one daughter, jenna, treston james. And for that, mez deborah ms. Guerrera gale, we honor you. In honor of womens History Month i would like to recognize rellon. Gina she was born in venezuela and moved to the United States in 1996. Since then she earned a masters in tv production and journalism and a ph. D. In social psychology. She has extensive experience in television, print and radio and worked in various roles for telemundo orlando, and other local news outlets. Currently she works for the city of orlando as the director of the office of multicultural affairs. She has been very involved in the Business Community and the local government of Central Florida. She has been recognized for her work with the following awards the don quixote awards profession oofl the year. Girl scouts of citrus women of distinctiony wards visionary of the year. Orlando Business Journal 40 under 40 award. Working together outstanding Community Service award. And the executive of the year habla awards. Dr. Pinedarello snmbings a member of crimeline and girl scouts of citrus, shes chair of Hispanic Chamber of commerce metro Affairs Committee and a member of the Central Florida commission on homelessness, family homelessness committee. She was a former board member and chair of the Hispanic Chamber of commerce of metro orlando. The Economic Development commission. The Orange County membership and Mission Review Board Coalition for the homeless, hispanic Heritage Scholarship fund, easter seals, former president of the National Association of hispanic journalists Central Florida chap per as well. Shes a member of the National Association of professional women, National Association of hispanic journalist, the American Association of marketing and Public Relations, hispanic Public Relations association, Hispanic Chamber of commerce of metro orlando, and a lifetime member of the National Association of latino elected and apointed officials. Shes married to our Orlando Police chief, the first puerto rican to ever hold that position and she has two stepchildren and three grandchildren. For all this and more, we honor rellon. Pineda in honor of womens History Month, i would like to recognize falconetti. Garcia a native floridian and daughter of cuban exiles who completed their degrees at Florida Colleges, dr. Falconetti has a personal commitment to the Florida College system and ensuring that all students have a chance to receive a quality education. She has developed a vision to strengthen Student Success and has advocated successfully at the state level for critical funding. Her two decades of service and three states in three states include extensive experience in all aspect of Higher Education administration. She holds a bachelors beg with bachelors degree with specialization in communications and education cogni from the New York University an a masters and doctorate degrees from Educational Leadership from the university of north florida with specializations and instructional leadership and Postsecondary Education and adult learning. E later completed an endowed postdoctoral fellowship and community in Community College leadership with university of texas at austin while working as Research Associate for the Community College survey of student engage. Engagement. At a National Level she served as Deputy Assistant to the assistant for Community Colleges in washington, d. C. Prior to being named president to have Polk State College where she now serves as Vice President of institutional where she then served as Vice President of institutional advancement at the virginia western Community College and as executive director of the foundation. Dr. Falconetti continues to serve as a leader in national, skatewide and local organizations including the American Association of commun Colleges Commission on institutional infrastructure and transformation, the Florida College System Council of present steering committee, the Florida Association of colleges and yuferes than eflorida Chamber Foundation board. She lives in winter haven, florida work her beloved husband robert, and their daughter and the light of her life sofia. For that, dr. Falconetti, we honor you. In honor of womens History Month i would like to recognize dalia saput jones. First Sergeant Jones was born and raised in jamaica until the age of 15. In 1979, she migrated to boston, massachusetts, and later joined the army in 1982. She served active duty for 22 years and retired in 2004. During her military tenure she served in many positions including squad leader, platoon sergeant, training noncommissioned officer, customs supervisor, plant supervisor, Area Support Team leader, korean linguist, Senior Transportation sergeant, and st acting Division Sergeant major. Her duty assignments including fort juice its a, virginia, seoul, korea, fort sergeant, an bragg, north n sergeant carolina, haiti, honduras, albania, bosnia, germany, orlando, florida, and southwest asia. Bragg, north Meritorious Service medal, Army Commendation medal with two oak leaf meritorious se medal, Army Commendation medal with two oak leaf clusters, Army Achievement medal with three oak leaf clusters, humanitarian service ribbon, Armed Forces Expeditionary medal, noncommissioned officer professional development ribbon, overseas service ribbon, parachutist badge, expert weapon marksmanship badge and the german civil marksmanship badge. First Sergeant Jones currently serves as president of the the association of United States army sunshine chapter in orlando and chair of the Orange County mayors veterans advisory council. She is an active member of the women in defense Central Florida, Kappa Epsilon Psi Military Sorority inc. , Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club decora include the legion of merit, bronze star, orlando, National Defense Industrial Association u. C. F. Active minds, from 20 to over 200 members in one semester. Yasmin has worked various clinical roles as la amist dambings Behavioral Health services and at the Mental Health association of Central Florida. Smin worked as the Program Director for the orlando united counseling, providing longterm counseling for those affected directly and indirectly. During this time, yasmin also set up events to destigmatize Mental Health in lgbtqplus communities, latin, black and immigrant communities as well. She has since shifted from working in clinical environments to the peer professional environment. She believes in the power of peefers peers with similar lived experiences, particularly from within marginalized communities and works to train and support them in using their own experience with Mental Health in order to guide and support others. She has passion about breaking the Mental Health stigma that leaves people suffering alone and uses her experience as a suicide survivor living with ptsd and disassociatetive disorder to help others. Her nonprofit, peer support space, has helped over 2,500 individuals with Free Services during its inaugural year and they have recently opened Central Floridas very first peer respite in my district. Nd for that, misyasmin flasterstein, we honor you. In honor of womens History Month, i would like to recognize catherine hayes. Originally from indiana, catherine now lives in orlando, florida. She is known to be a dedicated volunteer, member and supporter of the Central Florida veteran and military community. 14 years ago she realized veterans werent receiving information about events that would be helpful to them. In order to fulfill that need, she created a massive email distribution list that includes veterans from six counties who are served by the orlando v. A. Medical center in lake nona. As part of her patriotic duty, she regularly greets the three honor flight hubs at the Orlando International airport. Once she greeted and thanked over 3,000 senior veterans for their service. Catherines patriotism is inherent. She can trace her familys military history back to the revolutionary war where her family served and became americas first veterans. Almost every generation in her family has served our country, including her son, andrew, who served in the United States navy. For several years, catherine has volunteered with the wall of faces National Project whose goal is to match a photograph with every name that appears on the Vietnam Memorial wall in washington, d. C. Last year she found a florida vietnam war casualty without a photograph by using re photograph. By using reverse genealogy, she found the veterans family, received his photo and found where he had been buried in an unmarked grave for almost 50 years. Catherine has been finding photographs of war casualties across the nation for years and recently began focusing her efforts on puerto rico. Where she has faced several challenges in locating nearly 100 pictures of their remaining vietnam war casualties. One of her favorite quotes is, well behaved women seldom make history. Er motto is, the souls of soles of my shoes seldom cool off, and neither do the tires on my car. Catherine is supported by her husband, joseph, in her continual efforts to support our Central Florida veterans and military community. And for that, ms. Catherine hayes, we honor you. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Does the gentleman have a motion . Society society mr. Speaker, i move mr. Soto mr. Speaker, i move to adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to adjourn. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted. Accordingly, the h Speaker Pelosi answered questions during todays weekly news conference. Ms. Pelosi this morning, leader schumer and i put a statement on the coronavirus threat. It is probably in your inbox, we said that the United States government must address the spread of this deadly coronavirus in a smart, strategic and serious way. We must stand ready to work in a bipartisan fashion in congre

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