The eaker pro tempore house willer. The chair lays before the house a communication from the peaker. The cler the speakers room, 26, ngton, d. C. , february 2020. Hereby a honorable shawn casten to act s speaker pro tepore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi,peaker of the house of repreentatives. The speaker pro tempoe of thet to the order house of j2020, the chair will now recognizemembers from lists submitted b majority and minority leaders for morning ho the chair will al recognition between he parties. With time equally allocated between parties and each mmber other than the maority and minority leaders aty whip limited to fe minutes. But in no event ate contiue beyond 11 50 a. M. Man from texas, mr. Green for five minutes. Mr. Reen thank you, mr. Speaker. And still i rise, a to be a rican, proud citizen of the greatest country world. A ud to proclaim that i am liberated democrat, speak to ruth about power, unbought and unbossed. Wit my ud to be here pneumonic notes. Lik to talk to you about discrimination in america, the greatest country in the world. In this house e who believes that invidious discriminaion is appropriate. Believe hat every member of this house will go on record this, the greatest country in the world. Give some evidence of the o is xistene of this invidious discimination and then say a ord or two about possible remedies. Testing ad a investigaon. 2019, newsday released a scathin report detailing an investiation into naure and extent of real long sales practices in island in new york. W, do not confuse the fact long island with the notion that doesnt happen i other places. It coul have happened in my texas, and my bt happens evry day in a good many plaes around country. He evidence continues with this. Th report entitled long island comprehensive culmination of a investigation entailing 240 ours of secretly recorded meetngs with Real Estate Agents and analysis of 5,764 house listings. That the newsday report revealed 19 rate of iscrimnation against asian americans, 39 rat of discrmination against latinos 4 rate of discrimination against africanameans. It appears that the persons who the agents, the gents who the persons beingspoking o by peoe seeking opportunities, it appears these agents refused to provide of color. Customers some of them. Not all. Far pfewer homes than their wh counterparts, provided information t borrowe made erses of color, inappropriate states on orrower of color and steere potential customers based on wold agreehis house appropriate. Everybody in this i believe, would condemn th. This is where the rubber meets the road. Point. Dhats a talking we can have the greatest talking the world but this talking points an action e it. There are things we cn do to prevent this level of invidious discrimination. The queston is not whether there a way. We have the is do will to challenge ad take on discrimination. Because of the remedies that are proposed, the one that stand is increasing the fair housing testing, to do xactly whatthey did with this report, to go into various thiss and test and acquire impurecal evidence. Nobody wants to see this happen but we cannot stop it by siply talking about it. Pthe action item s testing. D plater on this week because this theres legislation right here this house that we can bringto the floor of this pass, and we can prevent this kind of behvior taking lace because when we acquire the evience we can then confront tose who do this, we can also educatethem and pass generations of succss in ending invidious discrimination. I thank you, mr and i ield back the balance of my e. Ld back the balance of my the speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewman for virginia, ms. Foxx, five minutes. Foundin in nce its 1917, the future farmers of the next s prepare generatio of chemists, andrinarians, entrereneurs premiere agriculture professionals. Solve the worlds challenge of providing resources to growing populations. The future olina, farmers of america continues to grow. 20,000 ar it had over members and its 321 chapters more than one million Service Hours across the state. Young people hese in their dark blue jackets with are seeing m, you leaders and patriots. To do, doing to learn, earning to live, and to serve, the future armers of america ensure that our nations agriculture future remains bright. Speaker, id be remiss if i imprudent ress comments wiabout our nations armers that were recently brought to light. In an Oxford University event in 2016, Michael Bloomberg offered commentary that was truly unsettling. Quote, i could teach anybody, even people in this room to be a farmer. A process. You dig a hole, you put a seed top, add t dirt on water, and up comes the corn, quote. When you write off americas the rs, you write off country. Of our to show you the impact of our farmers, well look at the facts in just a moment. The idea, as Michael Bloomberg said, that farming is that ple, the truth is farmers must be among the most ntelligent, innovative and creative people in the world. They face challenges every day threaten their survival. Now, lets look at the facts. The u. S. One u. S. 166 people in the u. S. And abroad. Billion of american agriculture products were world. D around the 98 of u. S. Farms are operated by hardworking families. 11 of u. S. Farmers are serving or have served in military. Compared to only 2 of the general public. Showing that American Farmers very patriotic. These facts speak for themselves. American farmers goes far beyond Michael Bloombergs claim of simply holes, planting seeds, and adding water. Represent over 7,000 farms and over 11,000 producers in the ifth district of north carolina. Collectively they generate over 1 billion every year and north nt almost 10 of sales. As agriculture recently, Allegany County honored some of its farmers, young and old, and to hear of their efforts and dedication inspire anyone. I commend and thank our farmers our future agriculture leaders for their unwavering families, to our communities, and to our country. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman pennsylvania, mr. Thompson, for five minutes. Mr. Thompson i rise to thank penn state students who have pent the last year dedicating countless hours to support a antastic cause benefitting pediatric cancer patients. Than. Alking about this thon. T includes a 46hour dance marathon to support more than 4,500 families with children who cancer. Ling thon was founded in 1973 by penn tate fraternities and sororitie sororities. What began as a small fundraiser bringing in 2,000 in its inaugural year has flourished effort with wide more than 16,000 student volunteers across the pennsylvania. F students penn state raised 11. 7 million. And to date, students have raised d records and nearly 180 million, making thon studentrun fill world ort in the hilantropic effort in the world. Its about the children and the families fighting cancer. Over the years, thon has 4,000 ed more than families with a child battling pediatric cancer. Pennnts are treated at the state Hershey Medical Center and of these thon, many families never receive a medical bill. Thon is for the kids and its families. Celebrating more birthdays, piano recitals, other ions, and every milestone that a child should celebrate without fear. One day ts so that parents will never have to hear the words, your child has cancer. Mr. Speaker, im proud of these students, but more importantly, im proud of the children and the amilies who have courage to fight back against pediatric cancer. Speaker. , mr. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman nebraska, mr. Bacon, for kni minutes. Mr. Bacon thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 35, antilynching act. Well be voting on this later this afternoon. Pleased to see the house taking steps in finally addressing this issue. Despite our nations ugly history of lynchings, i was shocked to learn there was no lynching a federal hate crime. Is unlike omaha area many towns across the country ith a gruesome past of lynching. One was murdered in october, 891, and this past fall marked the 100th anniversary of the urder of will brown on the steps of Douglas County ourthouse during the red summer. The hands of lawless and angry mobs in omaha beat and lynched men in what can be only be characteriz haracterized as racial terrorism. We cant erase the history. To heal from tion must withes, we at least 500ynchings in our is ons history, this bill important as an acknowledgment that this evil did occur, that in their elt fear homes and communities, and that many feared for their lives their dads and their sons and that this formal help ledgment will faciliate reconciliation. Last year, i was approached by communitycanamerican leaders to look into antilynching legislation. From senatornguage layer is senator harris ill that passed by overwhelming, bipartisan support in the senate, was the right one to support here in the house. Make s how were going to a bill and get it signed by the president of the United States. Its because of these reasons i to introduce the senatepassed language in the house. Voting on today contains language of my bill hat i introduced eight months ago verbatim. The not complain because in end, i want results. We want results. We are closer than we have ever been in making lynching a crime. The action is long overdue. Going back 200 attempts since today were going to make history once and for all on this issue. My privilege to be an advocate on this issue. And laud senator harris congressman rush who have championed this bill for years. E will finally get this to the president s desk to be signed into law in order to close one ugliest chapters in americas history once and for all. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Cloud, for five minutes. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to wish coldwell county resident, bill moyt, a happy 100th birthday. He served as an army medic in world war ii. He stormed the beaches at normandy on dday fighting for the allies in the name of freedom. Prior to the war, he had quit school at an early age to help care for his father who was sick. Representing the ethos of a generation who understood that commitment to family and country sometimes comes at a personal cost. After the war, he worked in the oil fields he instilling a strong work ethic in his family. In 1943, he married his sweetheart, lucy, and they remained married for 72 years until miss lucy passed away in 2015. Together they had four children, 14 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren. We in south texas are incredible thankably for his sacrifice at such a critical time in our and the cause the cause of freedom. Happy birthday. Thank you. May god bless you. I rise today to congratulate nathan tutor for receiving the Texas Hospital Association pioneer award. Each year this award is given to rural hospital administrators who c. E. O. Who demonstrates creative and innovative leadership within the organization and community. This year the award was given to one of their very own. He came onboard as the c. E. O. Of elcampo Memorial Hospital in 2017. Since he has been on the team, the Emergency Department has expanded by 11 beds, three new campus care clinics have been opened within the community, five walkin clinics have been added, and new physicians have been recruited. Elcampo has benefited from the expansion of services but so have the surrounding communities. We are thankful for mr. Tutor and those working with him at the hospital for their efforts in improving and expanding Health Care Services for the area. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon today. Capitol hill testimony today. Well take you live to the House Appropriations subcommittee shortly they are going to be hearing from acting Homeland Security secretary chad wolf on capitol hill for a secretary day of testimony. Answering questions today about the president s 2021 h. H. S. Budget request. Hell also likely be asked about the administrations response to the coronavirus. Should get under way in a few minutes. The acting Homeland Security secretary is chad wolf. He was on capitol hill yesterday before a senate committee. This morning before a House Appropriations subcommittee. Likely answering questions in addition to the budget request, hell answer questions about the coronavirus as he did yesterday. While we wait for the hearing to get under way, part of a conversation from this mornings washington journal on the latest on the coronavirus. Host what is this virus, and how is it from something that went from an animal to humans . Guest its a respiratory virus. There are coronavirus that is circulate upon the population. But this new one, seems to be producing more severe symptoms than a regular common coronavirus. We have fairly good evidence that originated in animals, at some point jumped over to humans, then became capable of being transmitted between humans. When that occurred we dont know. The outbreak, initial outbreak was detected at thend of december. Its likely it started a month before then but possibly earlier. Host do you howe does it jump from animal to human . Guest the mechanism isnt known. Its likely a human came in contact with an animal that was infected. That virus just mutated so it could live in humans. Then became more adapted to being in humans and then able to spread between new hans. Bind to the human lungs. Host ingesting or touching . Guest thought largely to be spread by a droplet transmission. Somebody who is symtomatic can expel virus and directly on you. Or potentially on a surface you touch and touch your face or nose. Host what about from the animal to the human . Is it they touch this animal or eight the meat . Guest its unclear at this point. It might have been that they eight the meat or could have been ate the meat or could have been involved in some other preparation. Host is that where all viruses originate . From ingesting Meat Products . Guest we dont know that it was ingested. I should say the evidence that we have is that this virus likely came initially from bats. Most people think there was an intermediary virus, possibly a mammal. We havent figured out what that mammal is or was. We dont fully know. We dont actually know how people were exposed to it. Host where do these viruses why do these viruses originate from animals to humans . Guest it feels like the stories that you read about new viruses emerging are increasing. It is true. There are increase incidents. And the vast majority of them are wildlife in origin. Partially they are new viruses and partially people encounter them and then if the virus just changes in a little way then it infects humans and humans dont have immunity they are able to transmit it. Thats where you see these outbreaks. Host why dont we have the immune system to combat this virus . Or do some people have it . What makes them stronger than other people . Guest this virus is new. Its not thought that people have existing immunity. We havent fully done tests to understand what level the population may have been infected already. So its quite different from the common coronavirus that circulates. I dont think there is much thought if you have got yep a cold and have that virus that would protect you from this one. Host what happens when you get this disease . How do you know, or what should you do if you think you might have it . Guest well, first of all depends where you are in terms of whether or not you are likely to be teft. Its tricky because the tested. Its tricky because the virus starts off like many others, maybe fever, sore throat, initial symptoms. The vast majority of the people who have been infected with this virus, over 80 , continue to have mild symptoms throughout the course of their illness. But there are some portion that go on to have severe illness. And some portion to go on to have critical elness and some portion that die. Illness and some portion that difmente in terms of how you could be tested, in the United States if you want to be tested you essentially have to have traveled to would you wuhan. And thats one city in china where its thought this global epidemic started. If you have traveled to broader china and sick enough to be hospitalized its also possible to be tested. Unfortunately if you dont fall into either of those categories, they are not testing you. Host even with outbreaks in italy, iran, south korea . Guest i think a number of us who have been studying the situation are quite concerned about that. That as this epidemic has evolved. And active debate whether or not we should call it a pandemic at this point. Regardless, we know many countries have reported transmission. I think it was three or four countries yesterday. Many of those countries are reporting active, intense epidemics that are spreading locally. Many of us have suggested that those very limited criteria for testing are probably no longer applicable and it would be really beneficial to expand testing beyond those very limited categories. Host what is the definition