everybody is going to be watching monday, that is iowa caucuses. with allng argument the candidates have been focused on who is the best to beat president trump. if a male candidate wins, i am curious to what message that sends to voters buying the argument that a woman can win and defeat president trump. at thisi am looking next monday is a wide-open caucus. it is hard to know where things are going to land. you have got candidates bunched up and await -- it has been a long time since you have had four candidates bunched up in the polling consistently like we have seen with sanders, biden, warman, and buttigieg. klobuchar, sneaking her way up. it is going to be wild. it is going to be interesting to see what happens. the thing about this race and electability, i think we are overanalyzing electability. what voters are looking for here is a leader that is going to bring this country back together, fight for their family, make sure folks have opportunities. we all want to -- on the democratic side, and a lot of independents and a few republicans want to be donald trump. i don't believe you beat donald trump with one person. i believe you beat him with a movement. that movement we have seen, whoever becomes the nominee and i have no doubts we will have a strong nominee to the end of this process. it is going to be the movement around that person. whoever she or he may be to win this race. really is about the people who are going to activate and make sure we win. >> i know several women running get to adent, if we point where there is only one woman left in the race, can you see emily's list endorsing that candidate? >> i can. this has been a unique experience. longert it to be no unique in the next race, and the one after that. i would like to remind people that emily's list in our 30 five years of supporting pro-choice women, we have endorsed one woman for president and we endorsed her twice. that was hillary clinton. moment likestoric this presidential primary where we have four -- or had four incredibly qualified women senators, a couple other women running as well. this is a real seachange moment. i think it is a cultural moment for us that we expect to see for a long time coming because it has taken us 35 years to get to a place where there are this many women ready to step up in this presidential capacity. wire, a fewto the days out from iowa and we will see how one -- senator warren and senator klobuchar do. we could not be more proud of both of them. they are extraordinary leaders. we are hoping to get one of them to the top of the ticket. that is what we would like to see. they're going to have to fight it out. dr. can i follow up on that, the timing of the endorsement. when you were on this program in july, you are asked about this and you said you would be monitoring, looking for a way emily's list could help a woman get to the talk -- top of the ticket. with super tuesday coming up to me are we at that point now where research could make a difference? are you running out of time to >>gh in on this primary echo we haven't even started. we start from monday, and every week from their there are contests that are going to be driving this process. everyone of give our women we have been longrting -- we have existing relationships with both senators klobuchar and warren. in no way did we want to make a trace. i don't know how we possibly could have made a choice between these two talented women. watch the iowa caucus very closely, and make assessments following that. try to figure out what the best path is to ensuring we have got a chance of getting a woman to the top of the ticket. as i said, this is a first for us. we are trying to figure this out. particularly with women we have known for a long time and have immense respect for. i think they would both be good presidents. at makes this heart -- that makes this hard. >> if warren or klobuchar are not on the ticket, how much pressure would you put on the democrats to pick a female running mate? >> i can't imagine we have a democratic ticket without a woman on it. we will be very focused on that. we tend to have the top of the ticket. about how democrats win, and how they won in 2018, think about that historical election where we were able to add 41 new women to the house of drivenntatives that was one, by an electorate in battleground districts. the electorate itself was 54% women. supporter gap, the those democratic candidates were getting from those women is why we were able to take the house. is really driven by women. how we arethat is going to win this election. it is going to be women of all backgrounds. african-american, latina, white, we have seen swings in the suburbs where we have women looking for someone who's going to stop the chaos and focus on the family. i think it would be very wise of whomever makes up this ticket ensures that there is a woman on it. i think that's what the voters will expect. >> would you put the odds at 100% there will be a woman on the ticket? i can't put any odds like that but i will tell you emily's list will be pushing very hard to ensure there is a woman on the ticket. top.hoping she is at the >> shifting gears to the down ballot. mcgrath was vocal about not seeking the endorsement in her house facing kentucky. she is now running against miss mcconnell -- which mcconnell has she approached emily's list? >> amy mcgrath has not sought the endorsement. far the bests by candidate to take on mitch mcconnell. we are thrilled she is running. if she wants to have that conversation, we are willing to have that conversation with her. we think her background, her story, so much of this is about the story and the perspective that women bring to the process. we think she has got a great one. as i said, i think she is the best candidate to take on mitch mcconnell. that is not an easy race. if she would like to have a conversation, we are here to have one with her. >> i also wanted to ask about the maine senate race. emily's list endorsed sarah gideon. endorsed thed not 2014 challenger who is also a woman. i want to ask you why emily's withdecided to a, engage this race fairly early, and also what behind the decision to endorse gideon? absolutely. >> absolutely. every election cycle we are looking at the political dynamics. , looks att of pulling analytics, the political environment. we're trying to make the best strategic decisions with our resources so we can get the maximum number of pro-choice democratic women elected. we believed early on, because of the dynamics of 2020 that senator susan collins was going to be vulnerable. we also knew there were a lot of partners out there that were going to be with us in that endeavor. to ensure that her history of being a moderate is really history, and she has become a partisan in the last two years, ainersmebody we think m are looking for. when we looked at the democratic candidates and its workers went, what we found was sarah gideon as someone who is deeply talented, hard-working, has a great story. we think she is by far the best candidate to take on susan collins. it is nothing against anything -- anyone else who is running. we are in it to win it. the persondeon is who can put together the coalition and the resources and the volunteers, all of the things you need to take on a sitting senator like susan collins. going to take every bit of energy, resources, activism we can get. we think sarah gideon is that candidate. we are proud to have supported her early. host: [indiscernible] >> speaking with senate races, some democrats picked up opportunities in arizona, north carolina, colorado, the top democratic candidates there are men paradigm curious if you -- i am curious about your thoughts. emily's list has a deep spot for mark kelly. as you know, is the husband of our dear friend gabby gifford to be proudly support. when she was in the legislature, when she ran around congress, we consider her -- we consider them family. it is an extra soft spot in the hearts of emily's lezz. emily's list. when you get to the u.s. senate rate -- race, you look at what the pipeline looks like and we talked to a number of talented democratic women in colorado and north carolina. none of them were quite in the on,e and ready to take this particularly when you have somebody like in colorado, the caliber of governor hickenlooper, someone with that kind of depth in the state, that makes that race hard for someone without as much statewide recognition. what i can tell you in states like -- like all three of those, we will have the candidates next time. trulye do have are historic numbers of women running in the legislature, the colorado state how to -- the colorado state house is a majority female statehouse. we have a lot of rising stars and all three of those states. we had great success in getting kyrsten sinema through. have women mayors in three of the major cities in arizona. we are going to be engaged in a number of races in north carolina. they are coming. we may be did not have the right candidates at this very moment, but i can tell you the benches looking good in all three of those states for the years to come. you understand strategy. limit go back to alex's question, why would a candidate like her in kentucky not want your endorsement? has to runndidate the race they are most comfortable with. that is important. we don't force ourselves on anybody. the best majority of democratic women who run for office come to us. on occasion, and it is rare, a candidate feels that she wants anyither not be tied to kind of national organization, or as -- has a different strategy that she wants to execute. i think that is probably the case here. if she changes her mind, we will entertain that. do truth is, even though we not have the women in the colorado senate race, we do have great women running in maine, -- teresa greenfield has a great shot at joni ernst. we have a senate race in kansas that is interesting. we think we have the right democratic candidate in barbara boy a. we have an interesting primary in texas where we believe a woman is going to come through. amanda edwards. we have other great women running. to be very much part of this majority making year that we need to have with senator schumer. >> let's turn to alex clearfield. >> you mentioned the texas senate race where there are a number of women running. it is a very crowded field. it is seeming lately that that creek -- that race is going to go iran off. between mj hagar or amid edwards or christina remain -- christina murray 85 -- light would emily's list get involved in that primary if it is between one of the women and a male candidate? >> yes. dynamicunoff is that , yes. it is hard to tell. that race is interesting. i can't quite tell who is going to come through that. you are absolutely right. there will be a runoff. it will be a competitive one. be oneill definitely woman. it is possible there is two. then, we will have to assess the situation. >> staying in texas, there is an upcoming primary there. aily's list has backed primary challenger against congressman henry cuellar to. two the last remaining pro-life democrats in congress are diane curious if you can talk about how involved emily's list is going to be in these primaries? >> we are very involved in both of these primaries. jessica cisneros is our candidate in texas. we think she is a rising star. she has such good energy. she has put together a great organization on the ground. you are going to see our engagement directly with the campaign, and we are going to be partnering with other organizations on the independent expenditure side as well. you're going to see the same thing in illinois. last time, we just barely missed that victory. again, we are not alone in this. we have great partners in planned parenthood and some of our union partnerships. in texas we have partnerships with the conservation movement. about -- thisst is about electing good strong democratic women who are going to share progressive agendas for workers, conservation, and reproductive justice. are some ofd, these the very last anti-choice inocratic tests -- democrats office and i think it is time for that to change. members ofhink these congress lose, which looks possible, does that send a message or cement the notion that there is not room in the democratic party anymore for pro-life members of congress? ? voters are ultimate -- --lter aboutcare deeply reproductive justice and access to safe abortion in this country. we believe in the right to choose and providing women the options to do what they need to do that is best for them and their families. that is the party that we are. willme places, voters choose democrats who have a slightly different view. that is ok. our job at emily's list is to support talented pro-choice democratic women and there are so many stepping up to run all over this country. in fact, we still have women signing up every day at emily's list wanting to run for local office, the legislature, we are well over 50,000 women who have raised their hand saying they want to run for office either now or down the road. that has all happened since 2016. the time is now. this is not about a moment, this is about a generational change where democratic women want to make sure there voices, their families voices and their communities are being representative at every level -- represented at every level. we do not see it slowing down. looking at the house races and 2018, democrats recaptured the house based off their success in the suburbs. with a wave come a lot of top -- tough seats you have to defend in the next cycle. some of the orange county seats. i know that emily's list has backed when he davis and christina hale who are candidates running around the suburbannd these next seats. the democrats are going to need to win to hold onto the house and keep their majority. how does emily's list help? these candidates while also having the resources to defend incumbents were facing tough races? >> great question. our first priority is incumbent protection. we reorganized our entire campaign department to have a solely focused on incumbent protection and making sure candidates like kendra horn -- lucyahoma, losing mcbath, mikey cheryl, we think there is probably -- we were focusing on the 24-25 that came in picking up red-blue seats. turning the seats blue, i should say. willnk ultimately we probably have to really focus on maybe 10-15 of those. those incumbents have been doing a phenomenal job. they are focusing on their districts, they are talking about health care, they are on the ground, they have built good organizations. they are building good campaign structures. every quarter that goes by, i am hoping we have fewer incumbents in trouble. we have thus far endorsed, i believe, i might be off by a little bit, but about 15 women who could pick up additional seats for the democratic majority. our goal here is to increase that majority. we think we have the right candidates in the right places to do that. jackie gordon being one of them. tito ortiz jones in texas who just barely missed the last go around is also going to be one of them. if i may bring up a number of great candidates who just barely missed winning in 2018 who decided to run again in 2020, which i am excited about. i was thinking about this. somebody asked me, that must be normal. honestly, i remember for years we would go to those candidates who just lost and bags that they think about running again and maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't. jean ortiz jones, carolyn juan, betsy drakes, there is a good long list of them. wey were like, we are in, are going for it, we are going to run. we are close, we can do this, we have learned a lot. that is why i think we have a real opportunity to add to our majority. >> you are pushing for the democrats to win the white house. we have reelected for the last five presidents to a second term . if donald trump is reelected, if democrats keep this up a majority, it if there is a vacancy on the supreme court, what effort would receive from your organization and others in washington? >> i would imagine you would see a massive battle over who that person is going to be end what is going to happen. is set list as an entity up to be an electoral arm of the party and the movement. electrst job is to pro-choice democratic women. the best fitted prevent that scenario's to make sure that senate is in democratic hands no matter what happens. onare so hyper focused winning the senate, winning in maine, winning in iowa, winning in kansas, hopefully catching a break in texas. is it is of the matter all about who is sitting in those seats into is going to make those votes. the fight is now. the fight is not when there is an opening, the fight is right now in 2020. we have to win as democrats if we want to see a strong fair justice sitting on the u.s. supreme court. if you care about the court, you have got to get involved right now. this election matters and it matters immensely for the judicial system, all the way down. in our mind, the fight is now. it's about getting good candidates in senate seats and do every thing we can to change the white house. the importanced of these senate races, most of them except for maine and therado are states that president carried in 2016. what could be the potential down valid impact of the presidential race and how concerned are you if there is a nominee more liberal it could make down valid races more complicated for democrats? we are in such an environment that there is great partisanship. i do believe that whoever the nominee is on the democratic togetheroing to pull the winning coalition we need. this is about donald trump and the direction he is taking the country. it is a dangerous direction. country.d all over the my family is from the midwest. i grew up in montana. montana, estate that despite voting for trump, reelected my former boss jon tester last year. there are folks that are looking for leaders to bring the facts together. that is what this election is going to be about. it is going to be about ensuring folks have access to health care, good jobs and wages. that health care fight is going to be really big considering with the trump administration has done to health care. i think we're going to build the winning coalition to do this. that is all the way up and down the ballot. on a final note, i think what is really important is that we have really good candidates all the way down the ballot that we are putting up strong democrats in legislative seats. city council, county commission, you name it. in onethis goes together big moment to say to the republican party that you have no longer put country in front of partisanship. we are better than this. i think that is what this election is going to be about all the way up and down the ballot. i am ready for that, but i am confident we are going to have a nominee that is going to pull this together because we are going to have candidates around to help. >> the president of emily's list joining us from boston. we appreciate you being with us here. >> my honor to be here. >> let me turn to the questioning. let me begin with the battle of the senate. so much focusing on iowa, new hampshire, but the senate battle will loom large. -- i think we are agreeing. >> as stephanie was talking about, the top races to watch with republicans largely on defense this cycle. i think the question we are talking about, what is the potential down valid impact of the presidential race which is going to take up all the oxygen and attention? that is a big unanswered question. that, evend on passed the senate there are a lot of competitive how seats out there. there are seats that democrats barely one in 2018. there are seats -- there are seats that democrats barely won. it is a matter of fighting for that attention to it from a party perspective, having people looking down the ballot and keeping them engaged on the battle for the house. it looks like democrats will keep control of the house, having a bigger majority is always better. is sofocus on iowa, there much attention on the caucasus, but there is also a competitive senate race. potentially all four districts could be competitive. said axne eight recently -- howou cover emily's list, influential are they in terms of the endorsement? i thought it was interesting the whole amy get mcgrath dynamic because kentucky is a different state, perhaps new york or california. >> emily's list can be in troop -- influential in primaries. they are willing to spend a lot of money on tv ads to bolster candidates, especially if people come in with not a lot of name recognition, they can be a difference maker in these primaries. we have seen them have success in seats elevating female candidates. that has really helped bolster the number of women in congress. >> incurred -- in kentucky, this is a state that has a lot more moderate or conservative democrats. district in 2018 was a conservative district around the city of lexi can. -- lexington. in a state like kentucky, that is not going to be in that benefit for her. like stephanie said, they're going to have to run the races they need to win in their states. going to that is involve not taking the endorsement from emily's list. help that candidate fundraiser. it is a signal to donors that this candidate is viable. amy mcgrath doesn't really need that. she has been pulling in big numbers because senator mcconnell is such a national figure and can energize democratic donors on his own. >> to look at another race where emily's list has endorsed one female over another, texas 24 in suburban texas. stop.s rated as a top listbridget said, emily's back and could be a signal to people who are paying less attention to races across the country but want to get involved in a candidate that is worth watching and something who can bring something to the table. the final process unfolds, if it is pete buttigieg or former vice president joe biden, or senator sanders, it seems to indicate from her that they almost have to select a woman as the running mate. shehat was the message's sent for sure. democrats tont for bring women into the full. that would be an important part of the ticket. can win in, women these races. it will be interesting to see how that would play out. 2016, i thinkk to politically it becomes more imperative for them to have a woman on the ticket, whether it is as the nominee for the vp nominee. building off of all of the women that want seats in the house in 2018. i think it would be politically tricky to have two men on the ticket. the both of you, thank for joining us. dr. thank you. -- >> thank you. >> mr. gomer to. >> no. >> the article is agreed to. >> article one is adopted. >> pontius pilate afforded more rights to jesus than the democrats have afforded this president. >> the president's are impeachable. >> you just don't like the guy. you haven't liked him since november 2016. >> i need to be very clear that this candidate -- this president will be hold accountable. no one is above the law. >> the question is now whether senator mcconnell will allow a fair trial in the senate. is the senate's time is at hand. announcer -- >> do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of donald john trump, president, do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws so help you god? >> since the president was sworn in, there was a desire to see them removed. announcer: the impeachment of press -- president trump. watch the trial on c-span2, live with same baby years. follow the process on at the free the go using c-span radio app. announcer: for the third time in u.s. history, a president is on trial in the u.s. senate. right now, we will show you some

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