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problem to go away is a really great idea. thank you so much for having the campaign 2020 coverage. >> if you have missed it all, you can find it on our website. from cape coral, florida, a republican. >> i'm voting for donald trump, and the reason is because 52 ofrs old, i'm sick and tired these candidates telling us they are going to do something and then they don't do it. i want to vote for someone who is going to do what they say they are going to do. if they can't, then i have to vote for somebody else. obama --or obama, and you know, our country is being sold out. we are giving money to all these countries, and we can't be the welfare state that takes care of everyone, you know? the democrats don't have anyone electable. they said they were going to impeach trump before he was even in office. people need to wake up and pay attention. if you watch the news now, they never say anything good. trump does good things. he does some things i don't like , such as i believe a woman should have the right to choose, but you have to look at the good and the bad. anyway, i'm voting for drop. -- trump. i've got to go with people who do what they say they're going to do. we've got to stop voting for people who say they are going to do something and don't do it. it's counterproductive to me. >> a republican caller and supporter of president trump. rick, san diego, democratic caller. >> i'm a big burly guy, and i feel like the democrats are -- a big bernie guy, and i feel like the democrats are trying to put bernie aside. rulesried to change the so he loses. if you look at joe biden, his entire family has made a fortune off him being vice president. it was not just his son. it was his brother, his other brother. you've got everybody feeding at the trough. i am a great supporter of bernie , and i hope he pulls through and is not cheated out of the nomination like last time. >> you probably have seen the polls that were taken leading up to monday, showing bernie sanders having a slight rise, but stillness can with the former vice president. following those two candidates, you have warren and buttigieg fighting for third. the last poll, the des moines register/cnn poll, is expected to come out this evening. a lot of people are waiting for the tea leaf to see what will happen monday evening when the caucuses get underway. mark in california, a republican. hi, mark. mark, good evening. you are on the air. go ahead, mark. >> i think mark might be off. >> ok, well, who am i talking to? >> i've been on hold. i'm from california. >> go ahead, what are your thoughts on campaign 2020? >> i am voting for donald trump in 2020. i think donald trump needs another four years in office. i think he was not given a fair chance from day one. the democrats have not been able to work with this president, the elected president by many of us. ithink he's the only person know of that has gotten a lot of things done. he has kept most of his promises. i tell a lot of people he might not be an elegant speaker, but and the other candidates, but i think he is the one person that will get the deal done. one more thing, as far as socialism, socialism does work. if you don't believe so -- doesn't work. if you don't believe so, go to venezuela. that's a good instance of socialism working. >> let me go to larry in indianapolis, a democratic caller. who is your candidate? >> mayor pete. outsider.shington he is not involved in the washington politics, and i think he can bring people together on both sides of the aisle. >> ok, larry. well, if you missed the former south bend, indiana, mayor, he was here in waterloo earlier today, talking to the voters in the area. there were about 530 or so people there according to his campaign. you can find it on our website along with all our campaign 2020, and we will continue through the weekend on c-span and have coverage of the iowa caucuses as well. raymond in virginia, a republican. >> how are you doing tonight? i'm for trump. trump has been a great man. i've been in business for a long done morei've business under the last three years under trump and i did the whole time under obama. obama was just not the man for me, and i don't think biden would be the man for the job. ok, jeff, springfield, ohio, democratic caller. >> let's see if we can get this whole thing straightened out. the people are calling in saying have taken oney trump ever since the beginning and all this, but what they don't realize is trump had the russians in his campaign from the beginning, and they tricked the suspicions of the fbi, and that's why trump was being investigated. that's just simple. it's not the fbi's fault. i'm going to skip over to health care, though. people keep talking about we are going to lose our health insurance, but in actuality, everybody needs health assurance, because truly everybody is going to need to go to the hospitals at some point, or dr. care, some kind of medical care. we are always talking about getting health insurance, but we need health assurance. we all need it. >> i'm going to leave it there. we are standing outside the venue, and we just saw the joe biden campaign bus approaching into the parking lot, so he should be arriving any minute. while we wait, though, let me show you, real quickly, michael moore from last night, the filmmaker who has been stumping for senator bernie sanders here in iowa, this is what he had to say about the former vice president. michael: this is why on monday, we have to elect bernie, because if not, we are stuck in the same old rut with the corporate ' goldman sachs becoming the number one for thetor person running for president of every time i saw the commercial and job -- for joe biden today on tv, i'm like -- [crowd booing] michael: you know what he said? vote for me, i'm the safe candidate. on your safe choice. i'm like, what? that's how low the bar is right now? you just have to be safe? you don't have to be on work release? you are not on a list of offenders? you are just safe? i mean, seriously, if you are single and you are on our any of those dating sites, saw a sigh guy -- in his profile, "i'm safe," you are not safe! [laughter] [applause] michael: and i'm going to tell you, joe biden, here's who is not safe. those who voted to send us to evade the nation of iraq -- invade the nation of iraq. you did that, joe biden. you are not safe. every time we have run a democrat who voted for the war, erry, hillary, and now biden, we have lost. argue tired of losing? -- aren't you tired of using? =-- losing? [cheers and applause] know, something else i figured out this week in iowa, bernie can't win, bernie can't win. bernie can't win! well, i like burning, but he can't win. really? that's why he's number one he all these polls? that's why he's the most beloved elected official in the country? [cheers and applause] michael: i believe that's our only chance to win, because we need a fighter in this race. we need the person who's going masses, and that is messes,anders! -- the and that is bernie sanders! hasoe biden's campaign bus arrived, as well as the journalists embedded in his campaign. they are getting in position for tonight's rally. we are expecting the former vice president to make his entrance soon. before he does that, though, we are taking your phone calls on your impressions of camping 2020. from portland, oregon, democratic caller. joe biden is amy klobuchar. mr. trump has thrown everything he can possibly throw at the bidens. i think he is scared of joe biden because of the difference in their morality. we need to get rid of mr. trump. i would like to see amy on the ticket, as she is very effective with congress. i think it would make a remarkable ticket. bernie and elizabeth warren have great ideas. i really like mayor pete. if anybody runs on the democratic ticket, i'm for them. in portland, oregon. to our line for republicans, ray in arkansas. >> hi. 100%.r trump, these people are moon bats. they are crazy. they are lunatics. this guy has turned the country around. he has made the country 100% better. i don't know what they want. president trump, as you may well know, won the state of iowa in the general election in 2016, 50 2% -- 51% to hillary's 42%. flipped the state of iowa from president barack obama winning in 2012. ron in michigan, republican. ron.r: this is i'm just saying i'm for trump. he's the one who has made this world better. biden and them are crooks. in that other country, telling that country what to do. biden is no one to have for president, buttigieg board none of them. buttigieg don't know the difference between a man and a woman. nyla, you are -- in iowa, you are a democrat. are you going to be caucusing? ller: we are looking at that, but i'm going to try and get there. i'm in joe biden's corner, but i think they are all great. joe biden, however, is going to be able to get the job done if you give him a chance. record. great he believes in the things my family believes in. has the experience, obviously. i think he will unite the people whereas trump has divided the people. i just don't understand how some of these people, the republicans that call in, are so anti-democrat and so pro-trump. hear logical explanations at times, such as the man who was pro-choice, just a moment ago. but some of them sound a little redneck and just don't seerstand how they can't some of what trump has done to divide the country. not kept most of the promises he has made and has basically instilled fear in people with the rhetoric we see. i think more people would love to see their military brothers and sisters home rather than they are always fighting. so there could be compromise, and i think that's the route to go, and that's one of the reasons i like joe biden so much, because -- host: i think we lost you. let's go to john in porterville, california, republican. caller: i will be voting for donald trump. i think the man is a brilliant individual. i think he made a lot and has brought a lot of changes for the american people. i think he is doing a great job. what i can't understand is why the democrats, they are always saying that he is divisive. i don't feel that. i am an american latino and i am very proud of this man. my whole family is so excited about donald trump because he has really made the changes that he promised to make. mr. biden, you know, he has been in office for what, 30 years, and yet never really accomplished anything. i was so disappointed in obama. i thought obama was a man of change, but he let the black community down. i don't think americans are ready for someone like bernie sanders, the socialist agenda. i can't understand that either. it's not going to happen. can't understand why americans would actually vote for an -- mr.ual who does not buttigieg, he is a gay man, and there's nothing wrong with that if that's who he wants to be, but i don't think the country is ready for someone like that. because at the end of the day, you don't want your president being with another man. host: let's move on to eugene in kentucky, democratic caller. caller: i'm with yang. i think yang will stop the heroin coming over where companies are flying planes from afghanistan -- to afghanistan, bringing heroin back to the united states, making oxycontin and everything like this. this was planned when bush junior was in office. he took saddam out of power and wanted to widen the baghdad airport so they could bring the commercial planes in there, get refueled, and fly back to the united states. the heroin is going to be flooded in the black community. airspaceusing iran for to get to afghanistan, then fly to baghdad, get refueled, and then fly to the united states. that heroin is going to hit the black community. it is already hitting the ohio region, where they are selling oxycontin. they are making addicts out of people. it's real bad in the ohio region where i'm from. there is and overdoses going on, you know what i'm saying? when they start bringing that heroin in, the corporations are getting a slap on the wrist for selling heroin and everything like that. host: per your point. bobby and cedar falls, iowa. in cedarve -- bob falls, iowa. do you have a candidate? caller: joe biden. host: tell us why. caller: my candidate is pete buttigieg. my backup candidate is joe biden . trump four years ago and made a mistake. i'm embarrassed by it and i'm correcting my mistake by supporting buttigieg and biden as a backup. we've got the 15% cut that everybody has to make, so if my first choice does not make it, i will caucus for joe biden. host: so, bob, are you a registered democrat? caller: i am a registered independent, but i was a republican. i voted for marco rubio in the caucus is four years ago on the republican side. i will reregister as a democrat tomorrow, or monday, excuse me. host: right, because under the caucus rules, you can come to the caucus that night and register as a democrat or a republican if you want to do so, so that you can participate in the caucusing. helen in sacramento, california, democratic caller. caller: [indiscernible] >> there's like, stuff all over it. host: helen, having a hard time hearing you. from maryland, a republican. caller: hi there. i am a huge trump supporter. i was a democrat, and i did vote for obama in his first term. it has been very difficult when you are raising -- i have five children and went from paying zero to health care to $768 a month, no raises. trump has kept every promise. his foreign-policy has been amazing. obama has just gotten us in trouble. the employment rate is bringing the country more together. i find that the democrats have divided the country, and that is why i left the party. i feel if hillary would have accepted her loss graciously, this country would not be as divided as it is. i think that we are going to see a lot come out from the doj and fbi and people will actually see ,hat our president was spied on and there are people who are going to suffer the consequences .or that, and it was not a hoax i hope trump keeps doing what he's doing. my family, i have four daughters and a son, ages 18 to 26, and they are all trump supporters. i have nothing to do with that. it makes me proud. we are tr up all the way. -- trump all the way. host: bob, riverside, iowa, independent. are you undecided? caller: no, i definitely am for trump. he is a true american. the business of america is business. i'm a history teacher and trump is headed for mount rushmore, as far as i'm concerned. i know people are throwing up when i say that, but it is true and there is no better president that has come down the pike except for him. he is the most dedicated american i think we've ever had. , and i thinkold the democratic party -- i used to be a democrat, but they are in such disarray. and socialism. you can see the countries that michael moore has supported, venezuela and some of those, and the riots they pet. they sound good for a while, but like margaret thatcher said, socialism is great until you run out of spending other people's money. that's exactly what bernie and warren are doing. biden would have been a great candidate, but every one of his family members are under investigation or would be and will be under investigation the day he would be elected. , pretty muchmoney tax dollars, that were given to other countries. it's unbelievable how they could even think of voting for biden. around -- i have seen signs around iowa city, iowa, "impeach biden" already. there is no way the democrats are going to win this election. from bob was calling riverside, iowa, an independent saying he is voting for president trump. charlie is in west texas, a republican. caller: jaime trump supporter. i voted for him in 2016 and i'm going to vote for him again in 2020. host: all right, charlie. thise in waterloo, iowa, evening, waiting on the former vice president. we know he is here at the venue. we are waiting for him to come inside and start this event. the room is packed. full tar in their seats, waiting to hear from him -- folks are in their seats, waiting to hear from him. we will continue taking calls. rusty in tennessee, a democratic caller. caller: my candidate is pete buttigieg, because any man who would lay down with another man is my candidate. host: timothy, leesburg, florida, a republican. caller: no party affiliation. the reason i don't vote democrat or republican is because for the last two months, the party is more important than our country, and that's just tearing everybody apart. notice thated to these kids that follow bernie, they don't realize what ussr is. folded before they were even born, so they need to study that a little bit, because socialist is in the middle of that country. and you see what happened to them. anyhow, it's going to be a landslide. host: all right, timothy. robert is a democrat in hartford, connecticut. do you have a candidate? caller: yes, i love elizabeth warren. i think she's the best candidate today. policies.eve her is nothing but a convict for president. thatve all his friends helped him in new york, they are under in jail or they are suspicion. i think we need someone who and who isruth beholden to the american people, instead of themselves. host: larry, cedar rapids, iowa. do you have a candidate? caller: yeah, i'm going to probably vote for joe biden. i voted for donald trump in 2016. i was a retired environmental professor, and i think he has done more to hurt the environment. we've got to look out for our future kids and grandkids. he's no role model. i wouldn't want my granddaughter or great-granddaughter or anything like that to have a role model like that running this country. it's just terrible. donald in kentucky, a democratic caller. donald, are you watching to hear from joe biden, or do you have another candidate? caller: i'm for joe biden. we support joe biden 100%. are 100% joe biden. we are totally negative for donald trump. i hate to say anything bad, but he has not fulfilled one campaign promise he has made. for workingt people. he will do anything to hurt working people. so yes, i'm for joe biden. host: we have covered joe biden in the state of iowa along with all the other candidates. if you missed any of our campaign 2020 coverage, you can find it on our coverage continues throughout the weekend. covering the iowa caucuses, the first in the nation contest, on monday night. from north palm beach, florida, republican. caller: i've got to say i'm an independent, but right now the vote is for trump. like clinton said, it's the economy, stupid. as far as the whole thing that just happenedschiff hired -- as far as the whole thing hiredust happened, schiff the whistleblower's best friend after that was blown. people need to do their homework. biden has been around 50 years. the most dangerous democrat is yang. that's a smart guy. head-to-head against trump, he would give him a heck of a battle, but the democrat establishment aren't even going to let him get close. that's all, thank you. host: donald, virginia, republican. caller: my name is donald. i'm calling from maryland. i'm a hispanic, and my cousins are actually from central america. i am voting for trump as a hispanic. obviously for many things, one of them the economy. i want to tell everyone that is watching now that my son came to this country because of communism having in central america -- happening in central america. i asked him, what happened in central america that they introduced communism and socialism? exactly what's going on right now in the democratic bench, how they are selling communism and socialism is how it was sold in our country which turned out to have a civil war, and there were a lot lives that were lost. i urge everyone to vote for trump because he is anti-socialism, anti-communism, and all of the lies the democrats are trying to sell you, they are lies. nothing is free. college is not going to be free for everyone. someone has to pay for it. i urge everyone to vote republican, because the democrats are just telling a lie. host: all right, we are waiting for the former vice president to enter the venue here in waterloo, iowa. we were here earlier today, listening to former south bend mayor pete buttigieg. if you missed what he had to say to the residence, you can find that on our website, this is the last event for the former vice president for the evening, just a couple days away from the monday night iowa caucuses. mike in rochester, new york, democrat. caller: hello, i would just like to say i'm not decided on who i'm going to vote for yet, but i would like to hear your comments on it. i know a lot of the candidates talk about medical insurance and i don'tke that, but hear much about what the pharmaceuticals are charging or even what the hospital charges cost. they are tremendous and blame thewants to insurance companies for all these high costs, but i am curious to know what any candidate is going to do about the extreme costs of a simple babyr visit or to have a or anything like that. what are they going to do about that? host: jerry, republican from missouri. your impressions of the candidates. trump. i'm 100% for he has lifted restrictions on pipeline work. i have been a pipeline welder. he has lifted restrictions where we can work and have more job opportunities. against theaction -- overseas, the people overseas. the democrats talk about division, but a few calls back, the lady said all the republicans calling sound like rednecks. i have 180 college hours and i work full time, and i am not just a lazy redneck or whatever. also, on the debate, i think it's the third democratic debate, all the ones that were were furthering the transgender -- keeping them safe and stuff like that, and i think i'm completely against it. host: as i said, we are here at the national cattle congress, a place that has been open since 1910. it's for farmers and others to show their wares. we were here earlier today, listening to and brought coverage of mayor pete buttigieg. we want to show you a little bit of what he had to tell the iowa voters earlier today. mayor buttigieg: whether we are talking about gun violence, whether we are talking about an economy, whether we are talking about mental health and addiction, whether we are talking about mass incarceration, whether we are talking about climate change, on behalf of everyone old enough to vote right now, our responsibility is to figure that stuff out so that by the time you are old enough to run for president, you are dealing with a different set of issues. we are going to take care of these things. that is our moral responsibility to the next generation. [applause] mayor buttigieg: and that's what we have a chance to bring about. that's what i'm asking you to be a part of. in 56 hours and 10 minutes. [cheers and applause] mayor buttigieg: i'm going to leave you with the case for hope. i know the word hope kind of went out of style in american politics, but because of the bleakness and the division and the meanness and cruelty we are seeing right now. but i believe that some sense of hope must be what propelled you into this room this morning. i think you would not be here if you did not have some hope that it matters who the next president is going to be. [applause] mayor buttigieg: that's why i'm here. i don't think it's a coincidence that they took the word hopeful, turned it into a noun, and they used it as another word for candidates. "on may 2020 hopeful," that's what i'm doing here. running for because congress is an act of hope. i want you to tell your story to those in your life who may be on the fence about whether to get involved, whether to come out, whether it is worth the trouble my end to let them know why you think it matters -- worth the trouble, and to let them know why you think it matters. the great thing about iowa is you have a neck for changing -- knack for changing what people think is possible in our presidential politics. the first time i set foot on this stage in 2008, i was here as a volunteer, knocking on doors for senator obama. [cheers] mayor buttigieg: i saw iowa change what america thought was possible on caucus night. and then a couple years after that, about a decade ago, i was not here in iowa, but i was watching when you all changed what people thought was possible once again and gave someone like me permission to believe that one day i would be able to wear this wedding ring that i got on my hand. you did that. [cheers and applause] mayor buttigieg: so, are you ready to make history one more time? [cheers and applause] mayor buttigieg: are you ready for caucus night? are you ready to bring your friends? i believe you can make me the next president of the united states, and i will work every day to make you proud and heal this nation. thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] you forttigieg: thank caring and thank you for being here. we will see you on monday night. host: mayor pete buttigieg from earlier today. we are in waterloo, iowa, waiting on the former vice president, taking your calls on campaign 2020 and what you think of these candidates so far. larry, iowa, do you have a candidate? i'm still this point, undecided, but i am a registered democrat leaning towards trump. that's because of the economy. i don't think there is any democratic candidate out there that is being truthful and honest. they are talking about giving everybody free this and free that. in iowa, there is nothing free. you have to work for everything you get. it is time the american people realized that. and the schama politics the democrats are playing on my think it hurts the entire country. host: all right, larry. it sounds like the event is getting underway. we are going to bring you inside here on c-span. it is great to be joined by them and to know that they also have the back of our next president of the united states, joe biden. [cheers and applause] but, before i introduce him, i just want to first of all say thank you. it is an honor to get to be your congresswoman and be one of the first congresswomen ever elected from the state of iowa, along with cindy in iowa three.

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