my name is alex brody, director of meetings at the association of the united states army and thank you for being here. i can't think of a better way to kick off the 2020ausa breakfast series than to do so in this very special location with the chief of staff, general james mcconville. appreciate everyone being here and wish you a happy new year. to get started, i'm going to introduce ms. tammy call, the director here at the museum. she'd like to say a few things about this wonderful museum we're all in today. please help me welcome mrs. tammy call. [applause] >> good morning, everyone. thank you for being here. general mcconville, general ham, all of our guests, welcome to the national museum of the united states army. we look forward with great excitement of opening the doors to the public on june 4, 2020. four and a half months away but nobody's counting. [laughter] you're getting a glimpse of what a phenomenal museum this is going to be and we encourage all of you to help us spread the word as we prepare to become the front door to america's army. so with that, welcome to the museum where we will honor and welcome hundreds of thousands of visitors every single year. so welcome, enjoy your day. [applause] >> thanks, tammy. thank you very very much for this wonderful facility. how many of you are here visiting the museum for the first time, for the very first time? ost everybody. how many of you are here for the last time? nobody, not a single hand. this is truly impressive and even in just this large open area, you get but a glimpse of the tremendous history of our army. so we are very, very proud to artner with the national hiorical foundation and welcome you to this breakfast. we can't do ausa events without ponsors to include ones like this at this great museum and this morning's sponsor, general dynamics, represented this morning by mr. chris marzelli. chris, for you and the general dynamics team who have been a great partner with the army for many, many years, thank you very much for this morning. [applause] i could spend about the next 40 minutes introducing the people, the luminaries who have gathered here this morning but chief has told me not to do that so i'm not going to do that but with a ouple of exceptions. i am going to single out a couple of very special guests, very special guests, joining us this morning. the 32nd chief of staff of the united states army, general dennis reimer. [applause] the 33rd chief of staff of the united states army, general eric shinseki. [applause] we're pleased this morning to have the civilian leadership of the united states army represented by dr. casey wadinski and dr. alex buehler, assistant secretaries of the army. [applause] two former sergeants major of the army, ken preston and dan daley. [applause] and our civilian aide to the secretary of the army from washington, d.c., mr. woody oldberg. >> that doesn't mean the rest of you aren't special. you're just not quite that special, right. but we're very, very thankful that all of you are here. our allies and partners who have joined us this morning, some of the troops are here, the sergeants major, representative across the total united states army. we really are very, very pleased that you're all joining us this morning. members of the congressional staff who are here, as well, an important friend and partner to keep the army on the straight and narrow so thanks very much for that. before i introduce the chief, a couple of upcoming events to take note of. our february breakfast series ill be on the 18th of february with lieutenant general thomas worlander who will tell us about the budget rollout. the president's budget will be elivered on february 10 so the 18th of february, he'll tell us exactly where all that money's going to go. o pressure whatsoever. we hope that many of you will join us in huntsville. know dr. wadinski will be there, his home, the march for the 2020 global forest symposium n huntsville, alabama. if you need a break from the cold weather, plan on going out to hawaii in may for land pack and in june for the first time we will host an event in partner with army futures command in austin, texas, 23 through 25 june in austin and general mcchristian would counsel me if i didn't remind everyone, 266 days until the annual meeting. we are honored this morning as we are in most januarys to welcome our chief of staff, the chief of staff of the united states army. many of you have had the opportunity to meet and serve with general mcconville in his many and varied assignments throughout his time in the army. we got to see him more publicly last october at the annual meeting where he rolled out his vision for the army, his views for the army, his priorities and i would tell you, chief, the word that i heard more often than any other from people who had not known you before, who had not heard you before, said, that man is genuine. i think one of the things we would recognize in this room that soldiers have lots of attributes and characteristics. one of them is soldiers have pretty refined bullshit detectors. and i think when the chief spoke, everybody recognized that he was speaking from the heart. he is a soldier's soldier, exactly the right leader that the army needs at this time. please welcome the 40th chief of staff of the united states army, eneral jim mcconville. [applause] >> good morning and thank you, general ham, for the kind introduction. it's great to have the 33rd chief of staff here, the 34th chief of staff. that's all right -- chiefs do that, we got these numbers. i'm the 40th, you kind of work that around. i checked. it was on the information highway so we're ok with the numbers. but also, general allen, general campbell, general wagner, general hartsog, assistant secretaries, majors of the army, daley and preston. you have left us a proud legacy that we strive to live up to every single day and it's always a great day in the united states army because we serve with the world's greatest soldiers and if you saw their performance over the last couple of weeks, it was absolutely amazing. so how about a hand for our soldiers. [applause] >> today's a great day because we get a sneak preview of our new army national museum and as was said, the grand opening's in june and i've had a chance to walk around. this is going to be a world-class facility. it's going to be a fitting tribute to the heroism and heritage of our soldiers in our army so i really encourage everyone to come back. 'm certainly going to come back. people first, winning matters. it's more than just a slogan. people first is a hilosophy. i believe that the united states army is the best army in the world because we have the best people in the world. our soldiers, our civilians, our amilies and our soldiers for life are retirees and volunteers, the greatest strength of our army and i believe if we take care of people, we get them at the right jobs at the right time, right place, they will deliver on our army priorities of readiness, modernization and reform. and winning matters is an attitude. it's an attitude that we say in the united states army somewhere e're not going to participate, we're not going to try hard, we're going to win. and there's no second place or honorable mention in combat. and that attitude was evident in the 82nd airborne division when we alerted them and they deployed on no notice -- and i mean no notice -- absolutely no notice, on new year's eve day to iraq and they did it in incredible fashion. it's that attitude that's in all our troops serving in harm's way round the globe. we are blessed to have secretary ccarthy. he and i report trying to fight the last fight better. we're focused on winning the next fight. in order to do that, we recognize the need for transformational change and we can't do that without ncremental improvements. i brought my lunch here. it's not my lunch. some of you may recognize his. for those who are over the age of 30, this is what a phone used o look like, ok. and when i was a kid, this phone was on the wall, you know. many older people in the front rows, this phone was on the wall, right. and if you made a phone call, you went up the wall, you dialed this little thing and that's what you did, ok. but then people said, you know, we want to be able to walk around the house with the phone, right. so we put a cord on the back of it. it was a long cord and we were able to walk around the house with the cord. and that was what i would call incremental improvement. not transformational, informational. then people found that the cord was caught on furniture so the phone company said let's get rid of the cord, right? so then people said, well, we can walk around the house with a cordless phone. his would be great if we could go outside and drive around and talk on our phone, right? and what happened was that ruined meals and dinners and anniversaries and birthdays forever because we'd all be on ur phone while we were out eating dinner. but anyway, what happened along he way was someone said that what if we could take a picture with a phone. and i like to imagine this in an army context. i can see a lieutenant coming to a general like me and he or she saying sir, i got a great idea. we should be taking pictures with phones and i'm sitting there, guy like me saying, ok, how do you take a picture with his phone? really? selfie? wait a minute, i think we could use this phone to navigate. ow do you do that? we got these great things. they're paper, they're called maps. that's how we navigate. or we can watch tv on the phone and i can see us going, hey, lieutenant, that will be all. and when he or she walks away, we're sitting there, these wise generals, we say something along the line, why that's why he or she is just a lieutenant. but there were innovators and there were some transformational change agents to gave us this, the mobile device. they transformed our understanding of what a phone ould be. it still makes phone calls, although most people who have kids, they won't call you. they'll text you. ut it navigates. it takes photos. it does hundreds of other functions we never would have imagined 40 years ago. and the point i'm making is that as we go forward, the army needs help from our soldiers, our noncommissioned officers, our officers. we need help from our civilians. we need help from industry partners, our allies and partners in achieving transformational change. not so much of this, but more of this. and we need transformational change, not incremental improvements. that's what an incremental improvement looks like. because transformational change is how we get over-match and how we get dominance in the future. it's how we compete. it's how we deter great power competitors and if required, it's how we win on the future battlefield and as we pursue the kind of transformational change i'm describing, it's important that we can't be constrained by our experiences. experience is important. it's great. but sometimes new and different perspectives are necessary for nnovation. and though that innovation may come from a colonel, may come from a general, it might also come from a lieutenant, a sergeant, or someone from industry or academia or a combination of many. so we have to encourage innovation, look for it in unexpected places and we must embrace it when we find it. that's how we get to transformational change. i would suggest that the last major transformational changes in our army took place as we came out of vietnam in the late 1970's and 1980's and many of the great leaders in front of us led that change. we changed the way we fought with the development of doctrine, new doctrine called air-land battle. out of the ashes of a field escue attempt. think about this, in iran, we developed new organizations like ranger battalions, special operations aviation regiment, special mission units. and look at the incredible work hat they've done over the last couple of decades. we've built out combat training centers under national training center and joint training center where we hone the combat readiness of our forces. we modernized our war fighting systems with the development of the big five -- the abrams tank, he bradley fighting vehicle, the apache helicopter, the black hawk helicopter and the patriot and there were quite a few other nes. and we transformed our people processes -- we take this for granted now -- by instituting the all-volunteer force which gave birth to our incredible noncommissioned officer corps which every other country wants to have. our strategic leaders then recognized that we were strategic at a flection point, engaged in great power competition with the soviet union and witnessing technological advances which were reshaping the character of war. the leaders of that day and some f them are here recognize that incremental change wouldn't deliver the army we needed to compete with the soviet union. so they resourced and built a new army, an army that deterred soviet aggression, an army that won desert storm in 100 hours, an army that has fought so well against terrorism for the last two decades. in fact, the transformational change of the post-vietnam era built the army today that has 187,000 soldiers commissioned to support 140 countries around the world and accounts for more than 60% of our combatant commanders requirements. we began building the army of 2020 more than 40 years ago. and since then, we're incremental improved our weapons systems that we failed in the 1970's and 1980's and i would tell people we're starting to run out of letters. that's why we need new systems. when you get to the z model, you need something new. take the m-2 bradley, one of our key fighting vehicles. over the last 40 years we've upgraded the bradley to m-2, a-1, and improved it to one version after another. we added improved armor, increased the power capabilities, upgraded night vision sights and made many ther improvements. although the bradley is a formidable fighting vehicle, it will be the centerpiece of our mechanized infantry formations. we are reaching the limits of technology and designs in the 1970's. we can only add so much weight, can only make our helicopters fly so fast and so far. and not only that conditions have changed. we recognize we will be contested in five domains, land, in the air, on the sea and in space and in siber in the future. we realize we will have to penetrate robust anti-access in aerial denial, which we call 2d ad defensive networks. we know that we will face emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, hypersonics, robotics, and the modern battlefield will look very different from 40 years ago. which is why i will submit that we are at a similar inflection point to the one our leaders faced coming out of vietnam. and like them, we have to ask ourselves are we building the arm that can compete and win over the next 40 years? i believe transformational change will build our army. that is what we are doing with the development of the multi-domain operations concept. we are changing the way we are going to fight in the future, where we will be contested in every domain. that's why we are building organizations, like the security forces systems brigades, the multi-domain taskforces, and information warfare command, which will enable us to compete below the level of armed conflict. that's why we are developing cyber rangers, so we can rain cyber in a particular c.t.c.'s.t to our drt that's why we are developing training environments, by we are laser focused on developing and fielding the six modernization per reduce with 31 signature systems. and that is why we must implement 21st, century measurement system. and one of the initiatives, the battalion assessment program, is going on as we speak, and a lot of our majors are excited about that. and much of this is happen ling right now. not in 10 or 20 years. example of transformational change is the integrated augmentation system. you can see it there. that is not just an incremental improvement to night vision goggles. it is like putting on a slightly larger pair of sunglasses. it has both night vision and thermal capability in that heads-up display. but it's much more than an improved night vision device. in this device, our soldiers can see a three-dimensional map with friendly data. they can receive video from drones or other sources as they're on the battlefield. they can make their weapons sight for faster aiming and they can shootaround corners or from ehind cover. what i would argue one of the most transformational concepts about the system is you can use it with one world terrain. think about it. you are on your way to a real-world mission. and you can train with your team or squad or in whatever echelon you desire on the actual simulated terrain that you're going conduct the mission in virtual reality with less time and fewer resources. but not only that, and this is why i want to encourage industry, the transformation is how we develop. we took an innovative idea from hange agents and went from initial development to a real-world system being used by our soldiers right now. and the soldiers are help develop this in less than two years. it has the potential to fundamentally change the way we train and fight, all from the heads up display our soldiers are going to have. as this gets out, there's going to be a whole bunch of things we can use with this. with how we operate under armor, how we interact with remote or thomas vehicles. it's going to fundamentally transform the way we're doing usiness. in the long-range portfolio, we have early successes at the speed of relevance. we conducted successful tests on a precision strike missile last month. i am confident we will engage targets at ranges of more than 500 kilometers very soon. we project to have this system fielded in the next two to three years. also in our portfolio, we have the extended range cannon, which has demonstrated the ability to engage targets precisely at 70 kilometers with potential for significant increases in the future. we project to start building the systems in about two to three years as well. i know there is a lot of interest in hypersonics, especially claims by our competitors. we are aggressively developing these capabilities, and we expect to start testing and fielding hypersonic weapons systems over the next three years. we are developing mobile air defense systems, because we know we're going to be contested from the air from our maneuver units. and we begin fielding them next year. we've had successful tests. we integrated battle system, ibcs, which will be transformational and allow us to link multiple centers to multiple shooters on the battlefield and provide a holistic defense against enemy air, missiles, and unmanned aerial systems. you know, we are developing next generation weapons of the rifle and the machine gun. and they are set to be fielded starting next year. and they will significantly, significantly increase the range of our soldiers on the battlefield. future vertical lift, flying before buying. we are pleased with the innovation we are seeing from industry in this area. we plan on developing and fielding a long-range assault aircraft, and a future attack reconnaissance aircraft in the next eight to 10 years. note, these are aircraft and not helicopters. the transformational requirements we have passed from industry are not resident in traditional helicopters. i want to mention the next generation combat vehicle. we made the decision to ncel the solicitation we had for the vehicles. we are fully committed to replacing the bradley fighting vehicle in the future. however, like the future of vertical aircraft, we want to drive them before we buy them. and for industry, that is the strategy we will take, experiment, prototype, see what we have before we invest a large amount of money in these programs. but we found out early in the process, after minimal investments, that our aggressive timeline did not permit industry to meet the requirements. we have taken a pause for solicitation, reset the requirements, acquisition and -- strategy and timeline, and then we're going to come out and aggressively pursue this critical weapon system we need for the future. i know we have allies and partners represented here this morning. thank you for being here. being united with allies and partners allows us to deter our competitors and negotiate from a position of strength. our allies an partners are critical to what we do. and i don't see that changing. i met with 75 of my counterparts from around the world in the last five to six months. i can tell you this was very helpful when i talked to them during the last couple of weeks about some of the actions we were taking. all of them want to work closely with the united states arm. it's important we work close with or allies and partners not only to innovate and realize trance for national change but insure that we maintain stability and security and interoperatebility throughout the world. we need to pursue the high payoff initiatives that build strong relationships with our allies and partners. these initiatives include, the international military education and training program, which we call emed. i can't count the number of chiefs of army and senior leaders that have been exposed to our military and country through this program. another, i have found the foreign military sales program was a great opportunity for partners to improve their open capabilities and capabilities while increasing interoperability with us. also a great opportunity to reduce costs and maintain our organic industrial base. finally, the implement of our ecurity force assistance brigades to advise, along with combined exercises with allies and partners is increasing their capacities an capabilities along with building interoperability. you can't show up and be expected to operate effectively if you've never worked together. we have defender 20 coming up in europe this year. it will be d largest exercise in 25 years. over 20,000 troops coming from the united states. in a version in the pacific, a smaller number this year but a bigger number next year as well. these exercises will be a tool we use to strengthen relationships and build capability both ours and our allies and our partners. so to all our allies and partners here today, you are incredibly important to us. our vision of future includes close, productive ties with all of you. and we want to continue moving forward together. let me close by saying it is an exciting time to be in the army. we have a unique opportunity to set the army on a course that will reserve overmatch and dominance in the next 40 years and ensure we can compete with and deter great power competitions and if required to fight and win. we aren't looking for longer cords for our phones or faster horses for our cavalry. we aren't trying to fight the last fight better, we want to win the next fight. and it's going to take transformational change to get there. and it won't happen to incremental improvements. i look forward to this people first, winning matters. we remain army strong. thank you. [applause] gen. mcconville: i think we would take a few questions. i guess we have a few questions out there? allies and partners, remain strong. >> my name is major dave from the australian defense force. you spoke about the technological advancements ensuring the army remains relevant. -- in a multidomain operation. the initiative to select the right person for the right job through the back tallian command assessment command program is a vital step to achieve this. do you believe that the mid to senior rank levels that there is a deficit in understanding advancements in ai, robotics, and how do we achieve better education for senior leadership? gen. mcconville: that is a great question. one of the points i was trying to make was, if you don't know about artificial intelligence, robotics, get the right people surrounding you that do, and don't be held hostage by your experiences. as i have learned in this job one of the biggest things we can do that i want to learn about is data. think about it. i want to talk to you about data. if you look at what were trying to do, a control system, shooter linkage, machine learning, artificial intelligence, it all comes down to data. the ability to, you know, standardize data, the ability to move data, the ability to secure data and all the -- the transformational advantages that we'll get involve data. you don't understand that, you will not get there. what we can't do is slow down, you know, maybe some of the yoirning people that have experience in that. so i'm throwing things out there. help me figure out how to get ata. give some intent and not constrain young, innovative people who want to get after this. that's what i'm saying to the general officers. i have to use analogies because i don't know exactly what i don't know. i don't want this. i want this. and, you know, we need to get the right people who know about so that's what we're trying to. do so thanks for the question. over there. >> jen with defense news. you talked about the man fighting fickle. i know it's been highlighted through this siwation that the acquisition community and the modernization community, who have had friction when it comes to decision-making, so i'm wondering what the army is doing to try to smooth things ver with the acquisition community army futures command modernization command in the future so that there isn't any butting heads and they're able to work together especially ecause time is of the essence. gen. mcconville: once again, have to make sure, friction and heat makes you stronger, i will leave it at that. i think it's very, very important that our -- you know, one of the reasons we went to -- one of the reasons we went to cross functional teams is we want to bring operators, technologyists andacquisition professionals together. we want to move away from the linear, industrial-age process that we used in the past that would take us three to five years to get a requirement straight and would go through the acquisition process, three to five years, proposals, then getting a program under contract, then five to seven years later they field that program. and after billions of dollars of expenditure you may have something that's no longer relevant. we are trying to bring people together early in the process. some people aren't as comfortable as they should be, but they are getting that way. because that's how we're going to do business. we are trying to show the value of working together early in the process with everybody involved, and i think what you will see and even during this tactical pause is -- i've been with acquisitions professionals, and they understand the importance of working together. if there was a football game, they are going to back in the huddle, calling another play, coming out to the line of scrimmage, getting after it, and scoring a touchdown, so this will happen. thank you. >> thank you. good to see you again. can you talk about the transformation you are trying to t underway at army cyber transforming it from the traditional cyber warfare operation? it's sort of a big change. thanks. >> as we look to the future, we are standing up different organizations. one of them is the multi-domain task force. a lot of people say what is a multi-domain task force? well multi-domain task force what it does it has the ability to deliver both long-range precision affects and long-range precision fires. you look around the world, people talk about information, the truth matters, and what we see with some of our competitors is operating below the level of armed conflict, they want to put this information out there. it happens every day. we want to make sure we can get the truth out there. that is part of information operations, tied into cyber, electronic warfare, space, and all these elements come to. and we want an organization that will synchronize those. >> we have one more question over here. >> hi, sir. "jane."uke with i want to follow up, the army had warning from industry after proms with the timetable and requirements -- problems with the timetable and the requirements. what would they do different to address these shortcomings that have come up time and time again? gen. mcconville: what we learned from going through the process was what industry could produce. we knew it was an aggressive timeline going in, but the feedback we got from industry is they can do it. after a minimal investment timeframe, we are going to say show us you can actually do this. as we come back around with industry, we're going to say, how much time will it take to get to the requirements that we need? so there is some more negotiation that will go on. the way we are prototyping now, we don't necessarily have requirements out there like in space. you know, we meet with industry and we give them a problem set. and we say we want a vehicle that we think should have this many people and should have this many things. come back to us with a sketch what this looks like. we take a look at what they come back with, and if you can do this, how about a design, a more rigorous design that shoice hat this looks like? then we can select from that. how about coming back with a model that shows us, a prototype that we can see and drive before we buy it. that is the process we will take. then we will make a decision on time versus requirements. if you give us six more months or one more year, we can have this capability in this vehicle. because we want a transformational vehicle. we don't just want incrementally improve the bradley. we want a transformational vehicle that has open architecture that we can continue to improve over the next 40 years. i don't want a chief of staff trying to figure out the numbers. maybe chief of the staff army number 50 sitting here saying how come mcconville left me with all that stuff? they are looking at equipment 40 years from now that's only 40 years old, not 80 years old. and i think we need to do that. >> give the general a round of applause. gen. mcconville: thank you. appreciate it. [applause] >> thanks very much, chief. thanks for getting us off to a great start this cold january morning as we begin 2020 and indeed the army has been busy. i would just say before this crowd and to you, chief this association will do all that we can to support you and the soldiers civilians with the total army as you move forward on behalf of the nation. thanks for sharing your time with us this morning. for all of you, one of the ways that we are able to support the army is through your membership. if you are not a member, i would ask you to consider joining you can do so this morning, or you can go online. we value your membership. we need your membership to continue to support the army in the way that the army richly deserves. chris, to you and general dynamics, again, a hearty thanks for your sponsorship for this wonderful event here this morning. thank you very, very much. -- doing that. tammy, for you and the team here at the national museum of the united states army thanks for hosting us at your home this morning. we look forward to continued progress and i think each of us looks forward with great anticipation to june 4th and the official opening of this magnificent facility. if you want to learn more of the national museum of the united states army, see tammy, see general herzog, any of the folks at the army historical foundation or go to their website or the national museum of the united states army. see all the goodness that's being built here to recognize what is inarguably the most powerful land force on the planet, the united states army. thanks each and every one of you for joining us this morning. let's have an army strong day. thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.visit] announcer: next week, we'll have live coverage of the house debate and vote on two measures to limit military action against iran. california democratic representatives barbara lee and roe cana will try to repeal the congressional operation for use of military force against iraq. and to block federal funding for being used to take military funding against iraq without congressional authorization. live coverage next week on c-span.