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For it. I will come back to that though. You have the same relationship with the National Weather service as our current president . Sen. Bennet exactly. Thanks so much for taking your time this weekend to join us today. Thanks so much for taking the time to join us today. My only son and his girlfriend, someone we consider to be on daughter, they talked about not having children because of the potentially devastating changes related to global warming. Cases we can now see, that her children just when generation back, face decisions about serious issues that simply did not exist would debbie and i started out. I dont think its an exaggeration that in addition to Climate Change, we face more threats to our way of live than any other time in history. Because of this, feel the most important time in my live. We need leadership that is guided by steadfast leadership. We also need leadership that is not the extreme left or the right. But center and practical and reasonable. Responsible to. Senator bennett has all of these qualities. He also has educational background, war and legislative experience to his country. Since debbie said after the first time we met michael and house party three weeks ago, he separated from other candidates. Please welcome him. [applause]. Lets give these guys are round of applause. Thank you. Thank you michael and debbie and thanks for having me. Thanks to all of you, for being here. I was actually in time we have lots of students from all around the world that are stuck at the bottom of the driveway. They are here. It this good and they will be part of our conversation which this great. I also want to introduce you to my wife susan, who this here today, shes been with me in New Hampshire. From most of the whole race. She and i met about 25 years ago. She this the reason that we are lucky enough to live in colorado. We are raising our daughters there. Shes on Public Interest share club legal defense. She ran the Rocky Mountain region for that organization for years and years and years. I mostly just want do you get out of the practice of law. Offended way to do that in colorado. I was in business for a while would i got out the restructuring companies that were failing and had the chance to be superintendent of the rePublic Schools. I tell people in the campaign tell trail, about 95000 kids in denver colorado, most kids are leaving in poverty. It is a billiondollar question this about three times the size and indianas budget just to put on perspective on that. I went into the senate about ten years ago, i was appointed would i arrived and i have been there ever since. If i had to summarize for you the last ten years of town halls in my say which this exactly the third democrat and on third independent and on third republican. It this very easy to do it. It this people coming and staying, we are working really hard. We cant afford some combination of housing and healthcare in higher education, Early Childhood education. In other words you can afford to live middleclass live. And we cant say. We think our kids are going to live on more diminished live than on live we lived. I think about the families if my old school district, as i said most of whom are leaving in poverty, what they would say if they came to the town hall, which you dont typically do because the working too and three jobs. Would they would say this no matter what we do we can get her kids out of poverty. I think these are the central challenges that we face a sneak democracy. Democracy will not do well if we have math and economic and inequality. And no economic mobile. This been the story of our economy for the last 50 years. It works well for the people at the trump and not so well for everyone else. I think thats one of the reasons that donald trump was elected president. And nothing else seems to matter or make much of on difference so maybe we had to have somebody go to dc to blow the place up. I ask why people voted for donald trump. And i asked them again why and they say we just want to have somebody go blow it up. And i told him congratulations. I think whats at stake in the selection this her kids. I think the election of donald trump has brought the source of all of our problems. I think he is the symptom of our challenges more than he this the cause of all of these problems. Although he has certain made managed matters worse and he certainly not sold them. And he certainly making that much of course all across the world because i believe he this the weakest Foreign Policy president that we have had in my lifetime. Every single day, another day passes that he this weaker and weaker and weaker. That is the reason we really want to move him out. But if i think about my own families history on little bit. And would i was in the second grade, everybody in my class was asked to stand in line up based on who had been here the shortest period of time and his family had been here the longest period of time. I turned out to be the answered to both of those questions. My family my dad side has all of the way back to the mayflower. My dad this been on Public Servant mostly in washington dc and taught me that its noble and he worked on capitol hill would our Congress Actually functioned. He worked in the Say Department of the time would we were actually setting examples for the rest of the world. I think it was important, if my mom news Family History couldnt be more different. Therefore jews who survived the holocaust. Everyone in the family was killed except for nana my mom. If my grandparents. They lived in poland for too years after the war was over. Then they went to helsinki for on year. And stockholm for on year. Clinical places, they went to mexico city for on year. Then, they came here. The only place in the world where they could for where they thought they could rebuild their shattered live. In fact they did rebuild their shattered lives. My mom was the only person in the family who could speak english. And she rolled herself into Elementary School that actually graduated and went generation from the college. I traveled our country very broadly but before this president was elected and after he was elected. I can tell you that i met lots and lots of immigrants in my say and other places. I have intimate any that have on stronger action in my parents if my grandparents. Stronger patriots than my grandparents were. They knew what this country meant to the rest of the world and it wasnt because we were perfect. It wasnt because they saw us this some privilege people. They knew that would we were at our best, we were actually working out the imperfections that we had. Working hard this american to make the country more democratic and more fair and more free. That has been our imperfect story from the very beginning of the country and really until now. Think donald trump is the threat to all of that in my view. Which this why we need on when term president. The making him on when term president isnt enough. Weve got to govern the country as well. I believe i have on unique agenda in this race. Recalling this the real deal. It was addressed the actual lack of economic mobility. The lack of Educational Equity in our country and the importance of dealing with clement change and the importance and investing our infrastructure. Crating universal healthcare in the country and coming our healthcare costs. In reforming the way our democracy works in the way our government to works and we can actually deliver for the American People because we dont have a lot of time left. Ill speak for myself. I dont feel i have a lot of time left on this planet. I want to make sure that would susan and i are turning it over to our own kids who are turning this democracy over to the kids working so diligently in the Public Schools every single day, try do you get an education and participated in our economy and democracy meaningfully. I would turn that democracy over to them that we can continue be something that we can continue be proud of. And working on the generational issues. To do that we have to win not just the presidency, but also the majority of the senate. To do that, we have to win for both states. I am the only candidate in this race that is it won on National Election on scream say. Ive been there twice. No when else has done it. The longer i go in this election, the more certain i am that is really different to iran in the commonwealth of massachusetts. I know you know im not pulling as high as other people in this race. Im not as well known, have raise as much money. I have committed myself to New Hampshire. I spent more time in this state than anybody else in this race. Ive done 33 town Hall Meetings just like this one when i announced i do another 50 before this was all over. In the next two weeks, i will have impeachment stuff and i will have to go back and work on that as well. In many ways, your state in my state are very much the same politically. My belief is that if we nominate somebody who can win your state, we nominate somebody in my state, we can win the presidency in our majority in the senate and we can begin to govern the country again. If we nominate someone who cant, we wont and it will be shame on us for having put this guy back in office. I just cant accept that. Thats why even though my numbers have been as high as others in part because i dont New Hampshire is less decided today that you were six weeks ago. Les decided today than you were six month ago. The reason you are, i think, without being presumptuous is you havent decided which one of us can take on donald trump and when. I think thats exactly the question we need to ask. If you think, as i do, maybe the American People will look for the opposite of donald trump. I dont thank you can get opposite of donald trump more than i am. They will give us a chance to beat him. I want to thank you all for being here. I would love to take whatever criticism, questions, anything you wouldnt ask another politician because you might be worried would hurt their feelings. I was a urban School Superintendent for years so you cant hurt my feelings. [laughter] it was beaten out of me a long time ago. Thank you for getting us started. [inaudible] in the last 15 years, it has declined by 35 . Due to Climate Change primarily. The lack of snow. As a result, New Hampshire has a great deal on tourism. Its a big industry. I like to know, i would like to present you thank you very much. [laughter] thank you. [applause] thank you. I like to know what you would do with first 100 days of your presidency . Thank you for that wonderful question. So on new years day, susan and i took a walk in one of your beautiful towns with a forrester whos telling the group who was there about the changes going on in the force of the ashtrays were dying because of the Climate Change. We talked about most population and we are having all of the in colorado as well. Beetle infestation as a result of Climate Change is just like New Hampshire. Exactly the same thing, the winters are no longer getting cold enough to kill them off between one winter and the next. The first plan i put out in this election was my climate plan. I could have put out in it Education Plan but i put up a climate plan for all the reasons mike said, which is from the next generation points of view, this is the worst we face. I think this is the existential crisis our democracy faces. In the plant that i put out, i laid out how i would spend the first day working on climate, not just the first 100 days. That would be summoning all the people needed to write a plan along the lines of the american payment plan which i proposed from his campaign to do the work over nine months to try to get something through the congress. If we cant get it passed in congress, at the end of nine months to use every executive Authority Available to try to do what we can on climate. The young people that are from here that have so much to be sore about our record with respect to what we are delivering to them is pretty pitiful when it comes to the national that we put on. The fact that we reduced what we spend on our investment by 35 , the fact we are not investing in our infrastructure so theyve got to figure out how to preserve that. Our parents and grandparents thoughtfully felt that for us but we didnt maintain. The fact they had to borrow 25 years worth of debt for the privilege of going to college, all that should enrage them of what weve done. But nothing would enrage them more than our failure to address Climate Change if we dont do it. We got a big task in front of us. Its not enough to act virtuously, its not enough to say this is what i will do on the first day. We need a solution for a generation. A solution that will actually last. You cant solve Climate Change two years at a time which is why i want to argue to you today, you cant accept the fundamental politics because thats the politics i put my ideas in for two years. I put them in for two years, the other side, thats what weve been dealing with in healthcare for the last ten years. You cant solve climate two years at a time. Sometimes people say okay, we should do just what mcconnell does for what trump does. I think thats the wrong way to look at it. Theyre not trying to do what we are trying to do. Mcconnell is not trying to do Climate Change. He doesnt care. He cuts taxes for rich people and he can do that whether institutions rubble. We cant actually achieve something that will last for the next generation. We have to have something that we think as american climate policy. We used to have something called american Foreign Policy and when we elected a president , the president knew what their job was in respect to the soviet union or cold war with respect to the atlantic alliance. Im not naive. What is naive is believing we can continue doing what we have been doing the last ten years and deliver a real solution for the next generation. Which is why on climate, i proposed paying farmers and ranchers in forresters to sequester their soil and trees to build a broader coalition of people to sustain a durable approach to Climate Change over time. I know it seems unimaginable today when our policies capitalized the coke brothers the way it is, captured by partisan gerrymandering but we cant lose sight of the importance of having to make longterm commitments and decisions like other americans have done during this democracy. All of which is to say, its a reminder of how our politics is. The only way to fix that is with an agenda that appealing to the American People. Allow us to overcome the special interest in washington. If we do put that agenda together, theres every reason we should be able to do that. I want to make one must point. You said this is important to New Hampshire. Thats what you said. We lost the campaign and in large part from donald trump lost because we lost an economic argument on Climate Change. He argued if we deal with Climate Change, will destroy the economy. Ignore, the economy will be fun. Thats preposterous. Thats ridiculous. Its a ridiculous argument in colorado where i was in South Carolina where they got cities who will be underwater because of Climate Change. I would never lose the argument to donald trump. I had a conviction that our economy will be destroyed if we dont deal with Climate Change. If we are willing to deal with Climate Change, we will be able to out innovate the entire rest of the world and leave them into the 21st century that can be fossil free and uphold the promise we have to the next generation. Thanks for that question. [applause] i have two questions. One, theres no way for real process. You have to help the senates will administer justice and remain there. A motion in the senate that went the senate chambers, theyve already promise 51 votes. The other question is, nancy pelosi about ten different people, National Address before this starts. Explain whats going on, he should be convicted. They still dont know whats going on. How about taking ten minutes of your time i think thats an interesting idea. Id be happy to talk to her about it. I believe we didnt give the Mueller Report enough time. In this new cycle that just turns day after day after day, sometimes you have to leave time for people to actually see what the facts are and make up their own minds. Nobody thought this was a big deal, nobody thought donald trump or sorry, Mitch Mcconnell the impeachment, much less resign. They began to change their minds. Anything we can do to get the facts up, including nancys, im not dodging your first question but i would say that probably quarter entertain that unless i thought i could get 51 votes but i dont think we will be able to get 51 votes. Nice try though. [laughter] you mentioned Foreign Policy, comment on iran, the middle east and north korea. So i was reading someplace this week that Jeff Goldberg had a piece about the trump document. I had a different trump document which is take a terrible situation and make them a million times worse. Thats one and step two, connell your enemies and betray your allies. Thats what hes said for the last three years. We are far less safe as a result. In iran, i voted for the iran deal, nuclear deal in 2016. It was the one thing our posters said i couldnt recover from. But i met with all kinds of people from all over the middle east and all over america and i decided, this was the right thing to do. I voted for and by the time donald trump became president , what we knew was what our intelligence agencies were telling us which is iran was now a year away from the ability to break out nuclear weapons. They had been two to three months away from doing that and i voted for the deal. Why is that important . Because if you have a year, thought allows the american president to be interested in doing this to galvanize our allies and decide how we are going to try to put an effort to box the program if we can. Before we have to decide we will use force, which is a bad outcome for everybody. We end up in a war with iran. Today with what donald trump has done, he gave the hardliners in iran everything they wanted when he broke off the negotiation because they sent the deal. They always said you cant trust the United States. You shouldnt do this deal so soleimani was one of these people. When trump broke the deal, he fulfilled what they said and the folks that had signed on to the deal were marginalized as a result. Thats sort of the way it toys been. Trump has put the hardliners in a stronger position with the fascination the other day. Hes taken a region where three weeks before, there were hierarchies protesting in baghdad to get iran out of the country. Now they are protesting to keep iran in the country get the United States out of the country. Donald trump looked at the situation in Northern Syria and after five years of fighting sidebyside, when we lost five guys and they lost 10000 people that we put isis in a box. Trump walked away from that and send the iranians a signal about steadfast. I would do the opposite of that. I would engage our allies, pushback on marine and conventional threat and nuclear threat. They are a very dangerous country and dangers in the region. Incredibly dangerous to israel and to us but we are not going to fight them successfully by ourselves. We could but is probably if we did, it could be another 20 year war like the last two wars. I think we need to learn something from the last two wars weve fought. One, iraq war says the iranians won that war which i think i agree with. We didnt even participate but they one because of what theyve been able to do in yemen and iraq and northern and southern iraq and syria and lebanon. They also said in afghanistan, after the First Six Months of that war, we basically have an objective weve been fighting for. Thats the backdrop. In respect to north korea, its more the same. Donald trump spent three years saying i love kim. Kim loves me. We are writing love letters to each other. This is literally what hes saying. The problem is solved. Sleep well tonight. These are all things hes tweeted out or said. We are in love. He said it over and over. What that has given is given three years to recover for kim. Thats made us less safe her. He wouldnt stand up to putin on the attack for the elections in 2016 the funding of the ukrainians which is subject of the trial in the senate. I believe, he may think differently but i believe with respect to china, hes painted our entire country into a corner because of how poorly hes negotiated this trade deal with the chinese. Hes going to get to the deciding if they want to elect donald trump or not. I could buy 50 billion of Agricultural Products to give donald trump a victory to tell farmers in america look at what i have achieved on your behalf while kicking to the backdrop the most challenging issues. I think hes the weakest Foreign Policy president weve had enough my lifetime. Certainly the most ignorant. Theres not a republican president thats come before trump who have managed these situations the way he has. So i would do the opposite. I was pleased to read you are working on a program for children. I would like to know in bipartisanship, what you ask any republicans or third parties to serve in your administration . I have a policy that i think is better than the others that are being put forward, a huge increase to Child Tax Credit called the American Family act. Sheriff brown and i are the people who proposed it. It would cut childhood poverty in one year by 40 . One year. As a former School Superintendent, it would make more of a difference for kids all over america than anything else we can do in respect to education. It would and 2dollar a day poverty in the country. Part of the reason we can do that is we make the credit fully refundable which is what they call going down to the first dollar of income. Today there are millions of americans, the poorest children who dont received a benefit of that credit because its not fully refundable because there are some who believe kids should have to work before they get the benefit of the tax credit. I dont believe that. I was really pleased the other day that romney joined me in a proposal similar, its not the same but its similar and is the first time a republican in the senate has signed on to a fully refundable tax credit. Just that bill alone would change the fortune of millions of americans. To the answer of the question, i lost the rest. Bipartisanship and bro hawkins serving the next president should have the best people from all walks of life in the cabinet and they are likely to be republik and. Overall what i want, the people in the country from the private and Public Sector and Nonprofit Sector in the most diverse cabinet. My feeling that Climate Change, some of this will be outside of the u. S. I look at whats going on in brazil and in australia. How would you approach working with other leaders that may have different priorities for the countries about whose impacts can be felt around the world . Forcible with brazil, one of the things you are seeing their they are topping down the rain forest down there to grow soybeans while we have soybeans sitting in our warehouses because of trumps trade war with china. One way we could headset off is by going soybeans here and selling them around the world so the rain forest is not as likely to be chopped down but second, we are seeing on every dimension what happens when america doesnt lead. When we have a president who doesnt lead in climate is as obvious as any other problem. The last meetings in europe on climate, they all cratered. Theres nothing accomplished and nothing being accomplished because america is not there bleeding. We are a climate denial country because our present doesnt believe Climate Change is real. If i were present, i would put back in the pairs accord. I think we have to do better than what that requires us to do. As we show in the u. S. , you can contend with time in a meaningful way, growth in our country which im convinced we can do because of all the work we can do making sure every single building in this country is retrofitted in a way that benefits the environment admissions by 50 by 2030 and build Climate Emissions by 2030, new jobs that are already been created and Technology Like solar and wind that havent yet been thought about and cant be exploited overseas, i think we will be able to drive the rest of the world. Thats one of the reasons my plan calls for establishing something likely export import Climate Technology so it can send americans Climate Technology around the world. Other places like india can benefit from the work we are doing here. I think you are very right and it would be wrong to say this is not a Global Challenge. It is. I believe its a Global Challenge that cannot be solved without the leadership of the u. S. And i also believe the fact that it is a Global Challenge and it does not excuse us from doing the job we are supposed to be doing. I often hear colleagues say we cant do it, we cant make it. As long as china is doing what china is doing in india is doing what they are doing, we cant make a difference if we dont try to make a difference. If we are going to leave, i think we can make a profound difference. Including countries like brazil and others around the world. In fact, we have two. [inaudible] [inaudible] there are female candidates out there, looking to get out there. Not just thirdparty but female. My second question, a mission that is shameful. The cutting of the eta and represent those standards, Climate Change is one. How would you go about rebuilding the United States citizen rate . New hampshire lowered standards. [inaudible] on the first part, i am well aware of the importance of having a ticket diverse in representing the country in all respects. Belief that not as at present but as a american citizen and i believe i somebody who its literally true that i get up every day and go to bed every day, evaluating the work i do in the work we are doing in washington. Against the prospects of the children in poverty i used to work for in the Public Schools. I want them to be able to look at the ticket and say we know these are people who will represent us well and think about what we care about. That goes not just for the ticket but the ministrations wealth and i hope very much we have a chance to do it in over exceed whatever expectations you have for me on this ground. Ill take that but i want to come back and have you say wow, i wasnt really expecting that. [laughter] second, the way ive always done it, ive been working on these issues since before anybody knew there was this issue because we had a Community Around our air force bases in colorado and El Paso County and Colorado Springs where it was detected almost before anybody else in the country detected it. Weve done what we can to try to bring the Water Systems down there and try to get money from the air force to help fix the problem they created and also to make sure its regulated in the way it should be regulated. We worked on this for years and years and years. If you had 90 people like maggie in the senate, we have 95 approval rating. Its not that hard to figure it out. So we have to continue to do that and clean water, what ive said to people, i say what did you learn running for president . Do people want the government to do everything for them . I say no, people are too resilient for that but they do want the people they love to be able to live in dignity. For them, that means being able to travel back and forth to work and wrote that art filled with potholes. Send your kids to a school thats better than the school you went to your stuff. It means having healthcare your entire life so you dont go bankrupt because of the things people in other countries dont have an it means having clean water and clean air. It means having a governmental structure that takes things seriously the regulatory requirements that we have as a nation and we have seen donald trump going exactly the opposite. Like why . How could we have a president who would go back in and root out the regulations that require us to capture methane from natural gas . When even in this industry supporting the regulation, how can we have a president whos so committed to whatever it is hes committed to that hes taking away the fuel economy standards for automobiles . Why . So we make the least productive competitive automobiles in the world . There is no outer limit. Last week or the week before, he had a bunch of rules to make it safe for light bulbs all over again. If he spent five minutes at home depot or in this house, he would know thats not actually where we are headed as a country. The reason is its sort of the drill ethic that halen started in that party, it doesnt represent all republicans but part of the week and the party is trying to grab every regulation they can on their way. We have a clean air act. It it possible to argue that when opera because we have the clean water act. We need politicians on our side to be able to make that case in a way that is convincing and compelling to people. I think we can and i think it will allow us to them. I think were on these issues and women. There will be nice for a change. [inaudible conversation] with the secret sauce wouldbe. I think it it having an opening. Visibly has brought trying to make up their mind about watch they believe in. Based on watch it going on in social media on any given day. The stuff i presented in this race, they at up. Its called the real deal. That is all the stuff ive been working on for ten years. In a public auction option for ten years as well. And by the way, im not the most stubborn person youll ever meet. I am capable of changing my mind. It it an ethic that comes out of running the state of the in the third sentence where taxing and where i have never seen with the virtuous and having a Bumper Sticker or something that i cant actually do but i have seen a lot of virtual thing getting it done. That is one part of it. It to make sure we nominate somebody who knows watch they believe in. With sharon mcdonald. The second thing, it calling him out the lines that he makes. We will. We have to do it. We cant just go around it. If you accept that we our leaving in a post environment. You might except that our democracy it going to make it. We have to do it reestablish a market for the truth. Reestablish the idea that we do look up the word integrity, we do try to describe to kid watch it it to have integrity or be honest. And be humane or care about your community or be a patriot. You can not and it that person. We should have a president like that. Our kids need it to have a presently separate in the next generation, they desperately need to do it and i think with trump on the stage, looking more like them that he will. I think the last. I would make it another record not really watch enough with it was barack obama. And watch it looks like donald trump has been there. Hes not going to intimidate me. Do you know most people dont know this, i hope somebody do. The average monthly job creation on donald trump it actually lower than it was in jericho, and the last four years the barack obama was president. All of us nobody knows that. It it true. Keeping put a great take on me it it. A sneak worse economy than watch he said was the terrible economy on barack obama. At least if you think about it not in terms of wall street in terms of job creation, and i think its important to both accept. The stuff we said earlier about the international environment, i will repeat again. I can make strong arguments on all of his cases. My final. It weve accepted a standard of behavior that should be unacceptable. If anybody has its been the weekend tweeting out, even worse than that, said the whole weekend watching Cable Television and the tweeting of the day watching Cable Television, the toll that donald trump does as good on the Real Estate Agency or law firm or bank or a Public School system here in New Hampshire, on monday morning that person wouldbe meeting with the Human Resource department. [laughter]. And the Resource Department at that enterprise wouldbe safe. They wouldbe staying, you need stuff to eat stuff out. If you keep doing it, we will have to let you go. Its true. If your answered to that was dont worry about it. I am a staple genius. [laughter]. Watch would your answered be. For your answered, dont worry about it, i have unmatched wisdom. He wouldbe done. The guys president. And he does speak and all weekend watching cable including stuff out. The result of that is that high and in one weekend, he deals with other countries. It was 40 percent of the economy. And iran has been doubling the numbers that they our using too hundred rich uranium. We need to show the American People with the opportunity cost it having and watch it will be if he stays there as president , and we cant, we will have to run right at him. Were not going to have crump trump. They dont think. [inaudible conversation] i will be really brief if my answers. I will go around to people who had their hands up. [inaudible conversation] how do you plan to reform the Education System. And prepare the next generation. And watch about people whove lost their jobs due to automation. Watch you live. Thomas ohio. I would first of all drag our Education System into the 20 persistence. It wouldbe a good starting. Because is it too much of it it or belongs to three centuries ago. Going to school, nine months of the year and taking them off because that was watch was demanded of the economy 300 years ago. That is not the demand today. Get the should be in School Longer for now. I wouldnt light display that from the white house that is watch i believe. I work with others who were willing to do that. It drives me crazy that he did the focus group of the American People and asked them today, watch it the party stands for. I have four more into preschool that i am calling for i am much more. [applause]. Than i am much more. Question watch we do with the 7t graduated from high school and dont go to college. Today theyre burning minimum wage we could put them in a position of earning a leaving. I dont think kids should graduate from high school that went out the skills to earn at least minimum wage. We need to reform our high schools and colleges so that we do graduate, you can earn a leaving wage. It would automatically change the outcomes for americans. Weve got to pay teachers in america. [applause]. The reason were not paying teachers in america, relates to our not operating in the 21st Century School system. So system of paying teachers and inspiring teachers and compensating him and trading him belong to a labor market that we used to have. They discriminate against women. He could be a teacher or nurse. And if you are willing to be a teacher, we say okay, he will teach area for 30 years of your life will pay you this ridiculously low salary did no one else would ever accept because we our discriminating against you. If you stay with us for 30 years, which will because we our discriminating against you. No one less to do anything else. If you can get a pension you can retire on. Thats of the World Leaders in today. We our losing 50 percent of the people from the profession in the first five years has brought paying them by professionals that we our. You have something here. [inaudible conversation] the question it if you met a trump voter, i say yes. Very recently i was doing a demo just like this in a bar. But a bunch of people who came to hear me that i had a bunch of people at the bar that i apologize to when i walked in because i said, you are here just to have a drink and i know you dont hear a politician talk so i hope and then the alternate to be trump voters. Soy started do you get booths in the middle of the conversation. And then i started was a vietnam vet, it in helping people but half addressing the 12 people staying, how can you not want to stand up to the state department people. And to testify the way they have. And that got into a discussion like my uncle died in world war ii and their base dead and iran. In a similar sorry. Let me tell you, i messed somebody at southern New Hampshire in the norcal temple and it in my dad and i were in different sides of the term collection and we didnt talk for the last too years and he died. And after he died, or when he died, he left me about a flag from the confederacy, and a metal plate from the union. The family represented both. Besides in civil war. And he said this can be the way this is going to go. I cant be the way its going to go. We cant win this race just like galvanizing the democratic base. Weve also better when the 9 Million People voted twice for barack obama. And once for donald trump. And you are uniquely among the people was a running for this office, and i think it can allow up to do that. We wont get everybody back but enough people so that we can continue actually win the election. Can you address cost disease and infrastructure. Bridge in the harbor. Yes, if i had been president for the last ten years, linda built every single inch of infrastructure we could build. Even if i had to borrow all of the to do it because the investment we would make a 0 percent interest would only gotten worse if we hadnt done it. Thats one. Second, we gotta do more cheaply in more quickly than they were doing it around the country. It takes forever on these projects. I say that standing and permitted my wife, who is the former leader of the Earth Justice Organization in colorado. I may not be able to rise but i got tuesday it in front of all of you. It it true, it takes a long. We need to speeded up, who our not doing anybody any good. Its not just cost. Watch our your thoughts on financial inequality and how to solve it. To me this the Biggest Issue that we confront. It it why i will say candidly, i have no interest in fighting a tenure losing battle for medicare fall. There will be nothing to address the issue that you are talking about. Our better off passing my family act. Increase the income stacked credits. To raise the minimum wage. Kids graduating from high school, millions of them to our leaving. And they invest in infrastructure and have universal healthcare to a public option. If you do those things we our well on the way. [inaudible conversation] i have actually proposed a wealth stacked. But my focus it, my perspective it, i have proposed 6 billion in spending in this race. I have shown how i would pay for the spending in this race. That is more the mayor pete, more than joe biden, far more than Hillary Clinton or barack obama ever proposed. To give you a sense of the scale of how you want to think about it. And where i am where bernie it. No, shes proposed 41 trillion. Thats much money it going to spend over the next ten years. Im not staying were spinning that money well you to make. Do you think will be able to double that of the next ten years effectively. Bernie has proposed 55 trillion basically paper moment not it. When iw that is more progress and frankly watch i propose because i think watch i propose, we can actually do. And we actually do watch i proposed, it will make a big difference to the kids that i used to work for and then we our dealing with the income equality that we have. And by the way, we should also note this the good of the order today our Education System in america it actually reinforcing rather than liberating people because of the best predictor his income it the equality of the kids it education. And the parents income. Flavio comes in here and says they have a plan for economic mobility, and it does not address education squarely and beyond staying im were calling for people because they hope to vote for me. You should cast them, really care about economics. I wish these kids, we wouldbe great to see exactly the right people if they did. And our policies wouldbe better. Love to trillion of my 6 trillion it watch i call a smart will stacked, i believe it can be administered. It would recognize the fact that in the last, and the last 50 years the people at the very trump of benefited created everybody else has brought. And as part of addressing and getting involved in the country some it very appropriate to do that. You get the last word going. About money out of politics predict. We gotta get money out of politics. Think about it, they both talked about this today. This economics i just talked about with you, the universal preschool, the 17 percent kids more graduating from college. The trillion in infrastructure, dealing with state that will create results. Universal healthcare as i described earlier, and in my mind. We havent talked about this time. Im the only candidate in the recited during the immigration bill 2013. I think that was a good bill and this we need to be. In the last piece on the way out the door, reforming our democracy. Thus the agenda we can run on. And when its happening, it can make a profound difference. I was the first senator to sign up to that exam that we can continue get money how do policies do you get people back in our politics people and i wouldbe privileged to go to every one of our 50 states and read turn the citizens. We accommodate, but i didnt end itself. Americans were no and ended in the work on the government. Thats how they started it. The reason why women have the right to vote today it that we pass a constitutional amendment during the progressive era do you get women the right to vote. We ended the direct election of senators striving the waste through state legislators do you get to washington do you get themselves the rights. We can do that again. I was the first member of Congress Senate were republican, but in the bill the said we should in person hearing in this country. For political purposes, that is another side of that coin. For ten years, i had a bill which never do you get anybody support that would say if youve had the privilege of streaming the house of the senate, you should accept a lifetime ban on ever becoming a lobbyist in washington dc. Over half of the people believe the senate and dont retire become lobbyist in washington dc. When a message we would send the American People if we could change that. And then i would say in addition to all of that, in addition to all of that, we should work to find ways of making it easier for people to vote. How make it harder, we need to make it easier. Good do you get to a place where we have got 79 percent more people playing. If we were doing that today, we wouldbe dealing with all of the issues that we our talking about. We could overcome the intrinsic incidences of freedom of bedford kabul and the tea party. That we dont have people learning, we cant do that. I definitely would like the support for the selection. In New Hampshire will make a big difference in the selection bridge i think you can and we would love your help and we would let you to volunteer and assigns. My house your house to. [laughter]. Let the other thing, and the close, we have this amazing opportunity seeing improvements right now which it to do our jobs in america. Just as people in prior generations the business. No one it ever done it perfectly. As i said earlier, that is the mic. The boy it it it after all of us to make sure that everything percent in this country, that is eligible to cast a vote, actually cast about. This is right there on the strip. To make sure that every Single Person in this country has brought registered to vote, it registered to vote and then cast a vote. If each of us would take on that responsibility, not averted, its a privilege to live in a country that went out actually makes a difference. We could transform the way that this country operates. I tell people all of the time, college kids on when i am on their campuses. If your school with the First College in america where hundred percent of the eligible voters voted, i guarantee you a 20 years from now for 30 years from now when you are looking back at this time, they our staying how did they get rid of trump. And how did they come out of this to actually work on Climate Change. And had the answered the question, how our you ever going do you get anything done and how did they put the Freedom Office back into the fox. And overcome Mitch Mcconnell so that we can continue have judges interpret the constitutional property and how to think it immigration reform. In the beginning of that story it going to stored some enterprise in america. Probably college. It was a hundred percent of our people were going to vote, 100 percent of our people to go, and result that, we appear were able to have the country. Watch a luxury. Our we going to lean it or to do it. I believe we will lean into it. That is why i am running for president. Thank you for having me. [applause]. I have to go. Im going to take this. [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] 2027488000 the impeachment of president trump. This week the house will vote on impeachment managers, sending the articles of impeachment to the senate. Live onhe process cspan, on demand at cspan. Org impeachment and listen on the free cspan radio app. Live tuesday on the cspan networks, the u. S. House returns for general speeches at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. And at noon, members take up legislative is is focused on protections for older workers. On cspan two, the Senate Returns for work on peter gainers nomination to be the next fema administrator. At 10 00 a. M. , the House Foreign Affairs committee looks at the situation in iran and the actions by the administration. At 2 00 p. M. , a house subcommittee examines low morale at the department of homeland security

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