Queen elizabeth my lords and members of the house of commons, my governments priority is to deliver the United Kingdoms departure from the European Union on the 31st of january. Prime ministers will bring forward legislation to ensure the United Kingdoms exit on to make the most of the opportunities this brings all the people of the United Kingdom. Thereafter, my ministers will seek a future relationship with the European Union, based on a Free Trade Agreement that benefits the whole of the United Kingdom. We will also begin trade negotiations with other leading global economies. The integrity and prosperity of is of the kingdom utmost importance to my government. My ministers will work urgently to facilitate talks to restore the government in northern ireland. My government will embark on an Ambitious Program of domestic reform that delivers on the peoples priorities. For the first time, the National Health services multiyear funding settlement, agreed earlier this year, will be enshrined in law. Steps will be taken to grow and support the National Health services workforce. And a new visa will ensure qualified doctors, nurses, and Health Professionals have fasttrack entry to the United Kingdom. Hospital car Parking Charges will be removed for those in greatest need. My ministers will seek consensus on proposal for longterm reform on social care. They will ensure the social care system provides everyone with the dignity and security they deserve. And that no one who needs care has to sell our home to pay for it. My ministers will continue the work to reform the Mental Health act. Modern, fair, pointsbased immigration system will welcome skilled workers from across the world to contribute to the United Kingdoms economy, communities, and Public Services. My government will bring forward measures to support working families, raising the National Insurance threshold, and increasing the National Living wage. To ensure every child has access to a highquality education, my ministers will increase levels of funding per pupil in every school. Measures will be brought forward to encourage Flexible Working to introduce the entitlement to lead for unpaid carers, and to help people save for later life. New measures will be brought forward to protect tenants and to improve building safety. My government will take steps to support homeownership, including by making homes available as a discount for local firsttime buyers. My ministers will develop legislation to improve internet safety for all. My government is committed to a fair Justice System that keeps people safe. My ministers will establish a Royal Commission to review and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice process. New sentencing laws will ensure the most serious violent offenders, including terrorists, serve longer in custody. New laws will require schools, police, council and Health Authorities to Work Together to prevent serious crimes. My government will ensure they those charged with knife possession face swift justice, and that the courts work better for those who engage with them, including victims of domestic abuse. Legislation will be brought forward to support victims of crime and their families. Measures will be developed, the measures will be developed to tackle hostile activity conducted by foreign states. My ministers will bring forward measures to ensure that every part of the United Kingdom can prosper. My government will invest in the countrys Public Service and infrastructure, whilst keeping borrowing and debt under control. Maintaining the sustainability of the public finances through responsible fiscal strategy. My government will prioritize investment in infrastructure and worldleading research and skills in order to unleash productivity and improve daily life for communities across the country. It will give communities more control over how investment is spent so that they can decide what is best for them. To support business, my government will increase tax credits for research and avelopment, establish National Skills fund, and forward changes to business rates. New laws will accelerate the delivery of gigabyte capable broadband, to ensure people can capable broadband. To ensure people can depend on a transport network, networks will be developed to provide for minimum levels of service during transport strikes. My government will continue to take steps to meet the world leading target of net zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050. It will continue to lead the way in tackling Global Climate change, hosting the cop 26 summit in 2020. To protect and improve the environment for future generations, a bill will enshrine in law environmental principles and legally binding targets, including for air quality. It will also ban the export of polluting Plastic Waste to countries outside the organization for Economic Cooperation and development. Newestablish a worldleading independent regulator and statutes. A constitution democracy and Rights Commission will be established. Work will be taken forward to repeal the first six Term Parliament act. My government will continue to invest in our gallant armed forces. My government will honor them and further cooperate into law. And the commitment to spend at least 2 of National Income on defense. It will bring forward proposals to tackle claims that undermine our armed forces. We will continue to seek better ways of dealing with legacy issues that provide Better Outcomes for victims and survivors. My government will work to promote and expand the United Kingdoms influence in the world, and integrate the security, defense, and Foreign Policy review will be undertaken to reassess the nations place in the world, covering all aspects of international policy, from defense to diplomacy and development. My ministers will promote the United Kingdoms interest, including freedom of speech, human rights, and the rule of law. My government will work closely with International Partners to help solve the most complex International Security issues, and to promote security globally. It will stand firm against those who threaten the values of the United Kingdom, including and including by developing a sanctions regime to address human rights abuse, and working to ensure that all girls have access to 12 years of quality education. Members of the house of commons, estimates for the Public Services will be laid before you. My lords and members of the house of commons, other members measures will be laid before you. I pray that the blessing of almighty god may rest upon your councils. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] some of ourlook at featured programming this all it a week on cspan. Tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, the vale symposium on religious freedom. Then at 9 30, watch the festivities surrounding the White House Christmas tree. On Christmas Day at 10 00 eastern, view this years decorations with first lady melania trump. Plus, a look back at previous years decorations by former first ladies hillary clinton, laura bush, and michelle obama. At 1230 eastern, a discussion about Global Technology issues at the manhattan institute. At 8 00 p. M. Eastern, john miller on the history of journalism and fake news at the liberty forum. On thursday at 5 45 p. M. Eastern, a joint Economic Committee hearing on the high cost of raising a family. Then at 9 10 p. M. , Justin Pearson talks about occupational licensing requirements at the federalist society. Watch this holiday week on cspan. Campaign 2020. Watch our live coverage of the president ial candidates on the campaign trail and make up your own mind. Cspans campaign 2020, your unfiltered view of politics. Earlier today, President Trump called Service Members overseas, sending them well wishes over the holidays and thanking them for their service. This is over half an hour. Hello everyone. I want to wish you an amazing christmas and happy new year. You are tremendous warriors and we appreciate it so much. We are in florida right now speaking to you through this technological advance that has been made that has been incredible what they have been able to do over the last number of years. Incredible. We will be talking to you in a little while and you will be asking me some questions. We have the media here. Our friends from the media, dear friends, sometimes they are good. We are honored to be joint in this call by five units deployed all of the world representing the branches of our armed forces. We have,