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Obviously anything you have in writing, you can enter for the record. We welcome you, we congratulate you and miss granger for bringing all of this together and all of the appropriators, and we will begin with you. I thank you for your congratulations but you have a great team. I will accept the congratulations on behalf of all of my colleagues and all their staff who brought us to this day. I know you are all eager to support this great product. Mr. Chairman those raise funding for Critical National priorities. I am particularly proud we have fully funded a fair and accurate to0 census, provided money states to secure their elections, and appropriated 25 million for gun violence prevention research. These are just a few of the highlights of these bills and our cardinals will provide details on many more examples of investments that will strengthen our nation. Of critical importance, the bill limits the administrations deviateto redirect or from congressionally directed spending levels. Mr. Chairman, the appropriations with one of charged congresss most awesome responsibilities, the power of the purse. I am proud we have used that power to make investments that will give every american a better chance at a better life. Forquest inappropriate rule Floor Consideration of these packages. , state to my bill foreign operations, i am proud we have reached bipartisan agreement on a robust bill that rejects the shortsighted cuts proposed by the Trump Administration. 54. 7 billion in iscretionary funding, which 2019 andion above fy 11. 3 billion above the request. To confront todays global challenges from poverty to civil war, Climate Change to violent extremism, our bill provides strong investments in security, humanitarian, and develop it assistance, basic education, Global Health programs, nutrition, db, and malaria. Last yearstinues isel of 6. 1 billion, which 659 million more than the request. It also restores the state department and u. S. State staffing to 2016 levels and increases funding for many of our critical partners like the National Endowment for democracy, the global fund, the u. S. Institute of peace, the interamerican foundation, and the u. S. African development foundation. , the extraneous matter carried in the appropriations bill i do not think i have to do that now, i mixed my pages up i am you forng and i thank your consideration and im very happy to answer any questions. Thank you very much. Ranking member granger . Members of the committee, i thank you for allowing me to testify on the appropriations packages for 2020. I wish we had been able to pass all of these bills by the beginning of the fiscal year but im glad to be here today. I have to take a moment to thank my friend and my Committee Chair for her efforts. ,hough we do not always agree she is respectful of other opinions and works in good faith. I also want to thank our Ranking Members for their hard work and leadership this year. There is a lot in these packages and is worthy of our support, but neither side can win on every issue with agreements like this, so agreements like this are reached. The bills before us today will fund the government for the fiscal year, ensuring our military men and women in particular have the resources they need. It also will prevent further continuing resolutions or a government shutdown, both of which wouldve had negative impacts on our government and our national defense. I look forward to bringing these bills to the house floor tomorrow, sending them to the senate, and getting them to the president s desk before funding runs out on friday. I will answer any questions you may have. Thank you very much. Mr. Rogers . Thank you for letting us come here and plead our case. I will talk a minute about the state and foreign operations division. This is a good bill. It is fair. It sticks to the terms of the budget agreement. The chair and i may differ on some issues, but we represent the priorities of congress and support of our National Security. In Foreign Military financing for israel, continued support for allies and partners, including egypt, jordan, countries facing russian aggression. In our own hemisphere, the bill prioritizes funding for latin america as the region continues to face instability from the crisis in venezuela. To address the growing threat of. Hina poses to our security the bill provides robust funding for the u. S. And a pacific strategy. It also fully funds the request for the Development Finance corporation, including 150 million on a new Equity Financing tool to help counter harmful chinese diplomacy. I would also like to note that even though the funding allocation for state and foreign operations is below the levels in both the house and the senate bills, i am pleased that many bipartisan house priorities were protected. This includes increases for Global Health, and for the first time in eight years, and increase for International Basic education programs. Mr. Chairman, i hope the committee will report out a rule that allows for consideration of this bill in a timely manner so we can complete our work for fiscal year 2020 on behalf of the american people. Thank you very much. You members of this distinguished committee. The energy and Water Division of this bill makes critical investments in energy and Water Systems to sustain life on earth, to combat Climate Change, to build public Water Infrastructure and invest in nuclear security. I would like to thank our ranking i want to thank our partners in this effort. President sects the shortsighted proposed cuts that would harm our nations interests for today and tomorrow. Instead, our bill increases investments to meet serious national priorities, addressing the needs of the future economically and environmentally requires that our nation be at the forefront of global innovation. The energy and water portion of this bill moves our nation forward on that front. American Companies Require advanced means to produce and ship goods efficiently in a highly competitive and uneven global marketplace and we seek to advantage them. Finally, ensuring water and electricity for millions of americans seems fundamental but there are new challenges. We provide a bit additional wrist port we provide Additional Support for those priorities. We provide 6. 5 billion dollars engineers. Y corps of point 66 billion for the bureau of reclamation, 110 Million Dollars above 2019, providing 38. 6 billion for the department of energy, two point 9 billion above 2019 will stop within the department of energy, we fund our Nations Nuclear deterrence while providing a significant boost for vital nonproliferation efforts. Our bill increases the department of Energy Renewable energy programs, the advanced Research Project agency and the office of science to sharpen americas ability to advance the future and ensure energy leadership, security, and independence generations to come. The energy and Water Division of this bill invest in innovative programs to yield. Underpin National Security and we bolster Economic Security and trade. Our Work Together prepares our country to mitigate, adapt, and intelligently manage the awesome challenges of Climate Change such as the significant water events across our country including in our great lakes region. We want to move america forward. We are living in a digital era and i look forward to answering any questions you have, thank you. Thank you for allowing us to testify today on the energy and water appropriations bill. I would like to thank chairman capture and are colleagues in the senate for another cooperative and successful conference process. I and granger in their support in this effort. There are many members who wish to testify so i will be brief. The bill fully funds the modernization of our Nuclear Weapons systems. It exceed the annual target for funding for Harbor Maintenance and establishes a new advanced Nuclear Reactor Demonstration Program to move toward commercialization for the neck generation of carbon for Nuclear Energy technologies here and globe. I am pleased to support this bill and i agree with the remarks thank you. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity and i want to thank mr. Calvert and the assembly of transparent. It was bipartisan. There is a large amount of money in the defense appropriations bill. There were 4. 6 billion dollars below the administration request. Our bill has 1. 8 billion for Natural Disaster and includes funding for states such as florida, california, and georgia. We have tried to have an emphasis on helping and making sure our Service Members and their families are taken care of. We have increased funding for Sexual Assault prevention and added 110 million for child million fories, 45 current year levels as far as military schools and their improvement as well as an Environmental Restoration projects in and around bases and communities in which our personnel live and we will be happy to answer any questions. I mr. Calvert. Thank you. I wish we would have done this some once ago. We may go into overtime but in the end we get it done. I would like to thank the chairman for his leadership and friendship and courtesies. After thoughtful negotiations between house and senate, we have a good, balanced bill and i look forward to passing both chambers and getting into the and getting it to the president for his signature. I agree with everything the chairman has said. It is a good villain i urge your support and thank you very much it is a good bill and i urge your support and i thank you very much. I will be as brief as i can. You and thosek about to come up for the hard work you have done. This is to avoid a shut down and avoid another cr and get our work done for the year. , there aresan relief things in this bill and the overall package that i like and something some not too crazy about. But there is not a lot i can do at this point anyway. Its been negotiated, is done and our job is to get it to the floor. I want to thank you and your staffs for all their hard work that has been put into this. Thank you very much. Can you answer me whether or not it thea has included in federal aviation employee i think hes referring to the family medical leave provision. On how about under title 38, the va employees on family medical leave . In mail call i believe. It ndaa . Er it is, is i dont know. I want to go back again to employee,l aviation there were 35,000. It is not unusual that we have extraneous matters carrying the appropriation bill. They are all being negotiated or have been negotiated in a bipartisan, bicameral manner and the appropriate authorizing committee can provide you with more information about the details of each of these provisions. We certainly its deeply appreciated. We will pass them on, thank you. I will follow the standalone and watch it. Mr. Cole . I have asked unanimous consent of our colleague mr. Carter. Could that be introduced . Without objection. I sat through every Committee Meeting with these folks. I drank and smoked with all of them who were willing to. [laughter] i want to testify to the great work they do. I get to serve with their departing friend who has done a brilliant job on the most complex bill in the whole package in defense. I want to be tickly thank him for his leadership on the committee for many years. Obviously, i want to thank my chairman and Ranking Member, both of whom have done an extra ordinary job to put this together. Its amazing how many freeloaders they pick up with their hard work. We have quite a few of them on they dont bear any responsibility for and many are things i support. But i particularly support the work that came out of each one of these subcommittees and certainly the wonderful work that the chairman and Ranking Member did. Thank you very much. Want to enter the statement into the record by chairman schultz on behalf of the Veterans Affairs appropriations bill. Ms. Torres. I want to thank each and everyone of you. Also as a member of the Appropriations Committee, we appreciate all of your work and its amazing to me how much time and how much we are willing to senate finally, when the returns our phone calls, the you were there at the table. Most of all to the staff on both sides. I know how hard they worked throughout the weekend so i very much appreciate every single one of you for all of that and i yield back. Mr. Perlmutter. I want to thank you. We saw you a lot the first month of this year like every other day. As we worked our way through the shutdown, a very difficult time for so many people especially the employees of the United States of america. I am very happy that you are all here at the end of the year to bring this to a very positive conclusion and i yield back. Mr. Burgess. Thank you. I say . N there is stuff i like and their stuff i dont like. Repeals, the Health Insurance tax, if i got my numbers correct, thats number 77, 78, and 79 for the repeal of obamacare. That will be bipartisan. Dont spoil the moment. [laughter] worried that the hospital issue has not been resolved. Its simply been delayed and i worried that that will turn into another sgr phenomenon if we let it go too long. Its more than just the Appropriations Committee but we do have to work on a solution for that. The Public Health portions that are part of this bill should never have been left this late. Routinely criticize this and waited until well past the time of expiration so here we are 2. 5 months past the expiration of many of these things but they are getting done. I guess i should be grateful for that. I know this represents a significant amount of work. Thats not lost on us here. We appreciate you bringing this to us today and avoiding what would be the inevitable consequence of another appropriations flak. I was never critical of anyone on the rules committee. Mr. Chairman, i want to repeat again something i think i said. I appreciate your comments. Find somell authorizing language in the appropriations bill. We would be delighted to see the authorizing Committee Deal with these bills so they would not be part of the appropriations process. If you have additional questions, you might reach out to the authorizing committee to complete this. None of this authorizing language would be here if it hadnt been negotiated in a bicameral, bipartisan way. Although they shouldve been done as separate items, not as part of an appropriations bill. I am obligated to point out that youre authorizing language for the house authorizers, in the energy and commerce level, was done in plenty of time before the end of the fiscal year. The difficulty occurs with the other side of the rotunda, i yield back. I want to echo my colleagues and thank you for your hard work putting this together. Compromise of legislation, everybody is not going to be happy with everything but it certainly does a lot of great things for my district and i am very grateful so thank you. Thank you, mr. Chairman. No questions but i want to say thank you for all your hard work. I would echo that. This is a herculean tax and i thank everyone who played a role in doing this and i want to signal out my fellow new yorker and dear friend chairwoman lowy for her extraordinary work. And we are often delighted to have her again today. I wanted to offer my congratulations as well and reassure those supporters of baylor that they have only 13 times compared to 27 times for oklahoma. [laughter] congratulations. Its nice to have a kumbaya moment. I want to thank you again for your work and this panel is dismissed. Thank you and i want to thank again or extraordinary staff who have not had too much sleep. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] as this panel is about to leave, the next panel is mr. Dash as miss dilauro, ms. Colma, mr. Price and mr. Fleischman. All right, we are all here . We will begin with you. The committee will be in order. Why dont you begin . Thank you very much, mr. Chairman. I am proud to discuss the fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill for labor, health, and Human Services and education related agencies. A big thank you to nita lowey for her leadership at a personal partner, to my congressman cole. Its a wonderful, strong relationship we have in this bill. Labor has been shortchanged for years and were making up for lost ground and we fought with the senate to win crucial investments in education. 550 million increase for childcare, the same for headstart post up 25 Million Dollars increase for preschool developing grants, 400 50 million increase for title i, 400 million increase for special education ida. A new addition to in social and Emotional Learning including safety 5 million in innovation grants. Formillion increase minorities serving institutions and a 150 increase in the pell Grant Program. Point 6alth area, two billion increase for National Institutes of health, 637 million for centers for Disease Control and prevention including tobacco prevention, Public Health data, modernization, and suicide prevention. Full funding for a new hiv initiative to initiate new omissions of hiv and continued high fending for state opioid grants. I was disheartened that the republicans obstructed us from defending Womens Health from the administrations attack on the title x program. We will continue with that long fight and we will win in the near term. All womens Reproductive Health must be on equal footing. Proud to say for the first time in 20 years, we have succeeded in getting 25 million for evidencebased gun violence prevention research. It follows our hearing on gun violence research, the first hearing in two decades. The significance of this achievement cannot be understated. 48 millionbor dollar increase for worker protection, 30 Million Dollar increase for workforce innovation and opportunity act, state grants, 25 Million Dollar increase for job corps and at 40 million grant for Community Colleges to train people for in demand jobs. A sample of the wins in this positive, hard foot bill where that we can make opportunity real for the people of this country. Happy to take questions whenever anyone is ready. I will yield to mr. Cole on the appropriations and rules committee and he will question himself. [laughter] can i just say one thing . Let me know about the drinking. I dont smoke. We have had a glass of wine together. I would like something more robust personally. Chairman, i want to begin by thanking my chairman, my friend, will my working partner, ms. Dilauro. She has been every bit as gracious and fair and tough and determined as a chairman. I am very proud she is bringing our first bill as chairman in front of this committee. She has done a wonderful job on this in my view. I am proud of the hard work before us. We were not able to complete this bill to start the fiscal year but thats an institutional problem on the others. Ingot our work done on time, full in the summer and we are ready to negotiate from us before the senate showed up to do that. I will point out there was considerable compromise. The previous version of this bill really did have an unrealistic allocation. The bill in front of us, 11 billion lower than the bill we voted on but still not for all the increases my good friend laid out. I am particular pleased with the 2. 6 billiond to dollars which is a product of bipartisan hard work for five years. We have really turned it around as a congress in viable medical research. It does a lot of good things for the country it does a lot of good things for the country. For her commitment on the educational front. There are other programs in their like trio and gear up they got increases in successive years, those are important programs. We are getting first Generation Opportunity to go into something nobody else has been able to do in their family. Thats an important item in this bill. Has kept all of the prolife positions that have been there before. We have a Republican Senate and a republican president so there will be some differences in those areas. What some of us might consider disappointments, others consider hardfought victories but thats the nature of a compromise. Thank chairman lowy, Ranking Member kay granger, my chair, rosa delauro, ms. Lowy and ms. Granger are just tremendous leaders of this committee in navigating all of difficultgh some very decisions. Their knowledge of the issues in their perseverance is impressive. I want to acknowledge the negotiating i asks of the chair of laborh. Scommerk my chairmanning, my partnering, my friend, ms. Der delauro. I believe there are very few members of congress who know this subject matter better than her. I would say none. She knows every line of this bill. She assembled a great staff, and you are staff worked together very, very well. So im very pleased with the product in front of us. I think that i also would be remiss not to just quickly thank our negotiations partners on the other side of the rotunda, senator roy blunt, senator patty murray. We worked this bill together now for five years. Fifth year, i will once again be voting with my chairman who was kind enough to vote with my bill all four tinals final passage all four times on final passage after we negotiated. I look forward to voting for her bill on final passage as well. I know our two Senate Colleagues will do the same thing over there. I would just urge people, look, in a bill this big, 192 billion bill, Something Like that, second largest in congress, you can find a lot of things not to like, a lot of things you wish we could have done more on. But if you look at the thrust of the bill, look at the impetus on biomedical research, look at the emphasis on education, the emphasis on First Generation College students, you look at the emphasis on early childhood, its pretty hard to fault a lot of the things that have been done here. Quite the opposite. These are important investments for the american people. Theyve been made in a bipartisan, bicameral way. So i certainly urge all of you to look at these and support the final passage of the legislation. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Mr. Price. Mr. Price thank you, im happy to apear and answer any questions you have about the transportationh. U. D. Appropriations bill. Im here with Ranking Member Mario Diazbalart who very ably chaired this sche for a number of years. Of this subcommittee for a number of years. I was privileged to work as his Ranking Member, our roles have been reversed but our collaboration continues. Its a true pleasure to work with mario. Also our bicameral partners, the four corners, susan collins, jack reed, compatible group. Give us a good topline, well work out a bill in a harmonious fashion and we have done that. The th. U. D. Section of the omnibus invests in americas transportation and housing infrastructure with a particular commit to safety, to addressing the needs of the most vulnerable, and to mitigating the impacts of Climate Change and increasing frequency of devastating disasters. We have 74. 3 billion in discretionary funding, an increase of 3. 2 billion over 2019, and 15. 8 billion above the president s budget request. Much of this increased allocation suzz absorbed, im debt absorbed, im afraid by was absorbed im afraid by rising housing costs and rental expenses and decline regular seats for the f. H. A. Declining receipts for the f. H. A. I believe this is a bill we can all proudly support and i urge colleagues to do just that. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Mr. Diazbalart. Mr. Diazbalart chairman mcgovern, thank you. Ranking member cole. Thanks for the opportunity to appear in font of you. In front of you. I would be remiss if i didnt mention three other people in the committee that were at today, a member of the th. U. D. Subcommittee, mrs. Torres has been an active member, particularly in our subcommittee, thank her for her leadership on this bill and my two dear friends, floridians both, mr. Hastings and ms. Shalala, always a pleasure to see you. Chairman price and i worked with senator collins and reed to craft a fair agreement to our housing needs. Its a total of 74. 3 billion, 1. 53 below the housepassed level. The pressures on this bill were significant, particularly for the chairman. Ill talk about that a little while. We required 2 billion above last year to meet housing inflation. Another 2 billion to make up for lost house regular seept. Thats housing receipt before we started even looking at the bill. So we met the allocations by making tough choices where each side sacrificed some of our priorities while making key investments in our nations infrastructure, including 2 ppt 4 billion for highway grants, 1. 4 billion for build grants, 2. 5 billion for ports infrastructure. I got in the habit of calling the th. U. D. Bill the infrastructure bill. These Infrastructure Investments bring real benefit to our communities in so many ways, whether its improving flow of goods throughout the Transportation Network or improving, frankly, the quality of life of the people that were honored to represent back home. This bill also meets our commitment to provide Housing Assistance to our most vulnerable citizens including the elderly, disabled and our hero the veterans. The agreement we reached on these 12 bills shows we can Work Together to meet the priorities of the american people. I think its important achievement that we should not overlook as this bill starts to get us out of the cycle of endless continuing resolutions. We can agree that these are wasteful and counterproductive. I hope this group of bills puts us on the path to get all 12 bills done next year. This is the proper way to exercise our constitutional responsible and something we owe the american people. Once again, i want to thank chairwoman lowey, we have all den that and Ranking Member granger. They led us through this very difficult effort, these negotiations, by working day in and day out and never giving up an never listening to the noise out there. And finally, as i mentioned i would do, i want to end by thanking chairman price. For his friendship, his partnership, i could not i could not ask for a better person to work with. That transparency and the collegial attitude also reflects your staff, the majority staff, the minority staff, and so im extremely grateful and proud to work with chairman price. Again, somebody somebody who now i consider a friend. Im pleased to support these bills. I encourage the committee to pass the rule and get this bill to the house as quickly as possible. I yield back. Mr. Mcgovern ms. Roybalallard. Ms. Roybalallard id like to take this opportunity to thank my Ranking Member, mr. Fleischmann, who has been a great partner in what i believe is probably the most difficult of the 12 bills that we have to deal with. The department of Homeland Security appropriations act provides 50. 5 billion for d. H. S. This is . 2 billion below the budget request and 1. 1 billion above f. Y. 2019 enacted level. This bill significantly enhances oversight of our immigration and detention enforcement activities, including increases of 10 million for a new office of immigration detention ombudsman, 20 million for the Inspector General and 14 million for i. C. E. s office of response to believe the increase detention inspections. The bill increases funding for the office of targeted violence and terrorism prevention, including 10 million for a Grant Program to help communities develop strategies an programs to prevent targeted violence. For c. B. P. , the bill is 43. 7 billion below the 2019 enacted levels while continue to continuing to invest in Border Security technology and the hiring of customs officers. For i. C. E. The bill increases resources for alternatives to detention but does not increase detention beds above the f. Y. 2019 level. There are no increases above 2019 levels for Border Patrol agents, Immigration Enforcement personnel or border barriers. The bill provides resources for t. S. A. To manage increased passenger volume and procure advanced detection technology. The coast guard to meet increased mission requirements, the secret service to management candidate protection for next years president ial election and increased resources for fema Grant Programs including a total of 90 million for nonprofit security grants. The bill also includes multiple oversight reporting directives realing to Immigration Enforcement and detention and allows members of congress to make unannounced oversight visits to detention facilities. Unfortunately, particularly because of the administrations antiimmigrant policy which is are turning back most Asylum Seekers at the southern border, the bill vastly overfunds detention bills at the expense of personnel accounts and funds more miles of border barriers at the expense of higher priorities. It also does nothing to reclaim congress pow ore they have power of the purse by preventing the president from diverting other money to border barriers border barriers and detention bed funding. Mr. Mcgovern mr. Fleischmann. Mr. Fleischmann i want to begin with heartfelt sincere thanks to ms. Roybalallard. This was the hardest of the 12 bills and the way in which you have handled this from the inception, i want to thank you. There were some major differences. Lets face it, about 90 of the bill we can agree on but the 10 has been the hard part and we got it done and my sincerest thanks. I want to extend those thanks to ms. Granger and mrs. Lowey our Committee Chair and Ranking Member and to our friends in the senate. And more particularly, our staff. Majority and minority staff have worked tirelessly on this. Mr. Chairman being an appropriator is a privilege. At a time when there are different views in this capital, we come together and work hard and this bill as all the bills, all 12 bills are evidence of the fact that we can actually Work Together, sometimes grit our teeth and say gosh i dont like that. Other times claim wins. But in the ent we got this done for the american people. I believe this is a good bill. I support both of them. The homeland bill provides nearly 1. 4 billion for continued construction of border barriers in high Priority Areas identified by the customs and Border Protection and provides funding for the same level of detention beds in fiscal year 2019 while maintaining the same transfer and prereprogramming authorities. Looking at the bill beyond the investments in border and Immigration Enforcement, there are so many activities, programs, and initiatives that we all agree on across the aisle, across the capitol, and really across the country. Ive said it before. 90 of the funding on this bill we all can agree on. We have solid investments in our great United States coast guard. These are the fine men and women who were punished, wrongfully, earlier this year because theyre not part of d. O. D. These great men and women performed a Great Mission without pay and thank goodness we are protecting them and their initiatives in this bill. That can never be forgotten. This bill provides desperately needed new air and Marine Assets to them as well as reinvesting in personnel. Weve had plus ups for the secret service to continue leading Law Enforcement, National Special security events and for protection for all, i stress all, of the president ial candidates. Its very important. We have plus ups for the Cyber Security Infrastructure Security Agency to help keep our government i. T. Systems secure as well as providing Technical Assistance to states, tribes, and localities. With more than 1. 7 billion for fema disaster relief, which is very important, but i must stress to get funds to all of these important Homeland Security activities, we need to pass the defense, c. J. Financial services and homeland bills. Further, western support the agreements and fundings proposed in other packages as well. Again, my thanks to everyone involved, id be remiss if i didnt this thank our colleagues of the up the hall, the United States senate, mrs. Capito, mr. Tester, for their hard work in getting this bill done as well. With that, i yield back. Thank you all for your incredible work. These bills arent perfect. To be honest with you, the Homeland Security bill and the defense bill give me a lot of angst. But i know that you have all worked as hard as you could to try to come to some sort of a combination and i appreciate that. I think each members going to have to work out how theyre going to vote at the end. The work you guys have put in, i appreciate it and respect it. And i have no question. Mr. Hastings . Mr. Hastings i have no questions. Mr. Mcgovern mr. Woodall. Mrs. Torres. Dr. Burgess. Mr. Burgess if i could just ask a question of the laborh portion. Someone perhaps on the staff can direct me as to where i can find the funds for the research and development of methods of combating acute flaccid myelitis. This spikes every other year and while ive been working on authorization language this coming august will be another one of those spikes. So if we dont if we arent doing something now, well miss the next episode where that could increase in frequency. 5 million for c. G. C. For that purpose. Mr. Burgess thank you. I yield back. Mr. Perlmutter. Mrs. Lesko. No other questions . Thank you very much. The panel is dismissed. Ms. Delauro thank you very much. Thank you. Tom. Tom. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Mcgovern thank you, lucille. Thank you. Well done. Mr. Mcgovern ok. All right. Next panel. Next panel is mr. Bishop, mr. Aderholt. Ms. Mccollum. Mr. Joyce, mr. Ryan, ms. Herrera beutler, and mr. Graves. And we will begin with mr. Bishop. Mr. Bishop thank you very much, mr. Chairman. And members of the rules committee. I appreciate very much the courtesies that you continue to extend to us as we come to present these bills. I also would like to take the opportunity to thank our chair, ms. Nita lowey, Ranking Member ms. Granger, my subcommittee colleague, the Ranking Member, mr. Fortenberry, who is not here, but im happy that he cared enough to send mr. Aderholt to represent him. Hes on a could he dell. Mr. Aderholt very ably represents the subcommittee as chairman previously. Of course i want to thank our staffs, both majority and minority. They worked together tirelessly and collegially and i think weve come up with a very good bill. I appreciate the opportunity to present our division of the bill. The 2020 ag bill provides 23. 5 billion in discretionary funding, 183 million above the f. Y. 2019 enacted level. In addition, it provides the latest estimates for mandatory programs required by law. I believe that the zip code in which a youngster is born and which his family or her family lives should not prevent him or her from realizing their full potential. I think that this bill goes a long way to achieving that goal by investing nearly 3. 8 billion in Rural Development programs. This includes 545 million in water and waste grants, 640 million for Broadband Programs, including 555 million for the reconnect grants and loans, an issue that has very, very strong bipartisan support. It funds all of the domestic nutrition programs to meet the anticipated needs for f. Y. 2020. We also strengthen snap by ensuring that it will be funded at the 9 billion level and increase an increase of 3 billion which will provide additional certainty that the beneficiaries would not suffer in the event of a shutdown. With rejected the proposed eliminations of the International Food assistance programs and instead we funded the food for peace and another program at record levels. The bill also makes critical investments in Agriculture Research by providing 3. 2 billion, an increase of 171 million over f. Y. 2019, to ensure that america retains its role as leader of Global Agriculture science. The bill provides 1. 8 billion for farm programs and it provides increased funding to address Staff Shortages at the county offices. F. D. A. Receives 3. 16 billion in discretionary funding, with specific funding dedicated to fighting rare cancers, laying the foundation for more efficient generic drug reviews, improving our response to foodborne illness outbreaks. The bill funds the Commodities Future Trading Commission at 315 million which is a necessary and a long overdue increase. The subcommittees known for its bipartisanship and id like to thank my colleagues and their staffs for their hard work and cooperation in producing this bill. Thank you very much and i look forward to answering any questions that you might have. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Mr. Aderholt. Mr. Aderholt thank you, mr. Chairman. I appreciate the opportunity to appear before the committee today on behalf of Ranking Member fortenberry to discuss h. R. 1865 and in particular revision b. The agriculture Rural Development food and Drug Administration agencies related bill for 2020. Just last year, as the chairman mentioned, i had the privilege to chair the ago subcommittee and i had the honor to work with the now chairman, chairman bishop, and i understand that mr. Fortenberry has also developed a very positive working relationship, thats evident by the legislation thats before us. I sincerely commend chairman bishop and Ranking Member fortenberry for their ability to work hard to find ways to fund in a bipartisan manner the parties of the house. The ag portion of the package includes support for our farmers, ranchers and producers who provide people across the nation and the globe with fresh, safe and diverse food supply. The bill also includes funding streams for building and rebuilding of prit krall of Critical Infrastructure needed for rural communities. From housing to utilities, economic development. On a particular note, as was mentioned by chairman bishop, the house was able to successfully secure more than more funding for the Rural Broadband and that was through the reconnect Broadband Program that included 555 million, a program that we started two years ago. This represents a great improvement over the senate bill that failed to include any money for this program, for this basic needed utility. The bill includes an additional 87 million for other Rural Broadband initiatives. The bill includes increased funding for Public Health initiatives at the f. D. A. Such as blood safety, opioids, generic drugs and food safety. The bill before us maintains a number of important provisions such as the buy american requirement for water and waste Water Infrastructure, a ban on f. D. A. s acceptance of genetically engineered applications and flexibilities for child nutrition programs. One of the new provisions for the benefit of our youth is the mandate that all Tobacco Sales to individuals be 21 years or older and this mirrors the bill that i had filed in april of this year. So in addition i was pleased to see that the bill maintained the separation of powers, strengthened by the oversight and reprogramming of funds but it allows the move of two Research Agencies to proceed. Pleased to see the bill will now will not include a number of other poison pill rides that are unnecessarily tied the hands of the secretary. While the bill does not include everything we fought for, it provides quite a number of benefits for constituents back home. I thank you for consideration and im happy to answer any questions. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Ms. Mccollum. Ms. Mccollum thank you, mr. Chairman. And Ranking Member cole, members of the rules committee. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the interior environment and related Agencies Division for fiscal year 2020. I want to thank chairwoman lowey for advancing this process, along with Ranking Member granger and i want to thank all the staff on both sides of the aisle for all the long hours that they put in. A very special thank you to Ranking Member joyce, thank you for your gift of buckeyes. I like you so much i will not bring you the gift of lutefisk. \[laughter] for fiscal year 2020rks the interior Environment Division provides 36 billion, which is 437 billion more than fiscal year 2019 enacted bill. This bill, though, does reject the cuts proposed by the Trump Administration that would have hindered the ability of the e. P. A. To keep us healthy and zeroed out the water fund. This summer i testified before you about the important programs funded in the house bill. Although we were not able to keep the entire robust allocation, i am proud of what we were able to fund. As a result of our work, the house was able to provide an additional 24 million to e. P. A. Enforcement and compliance activities, the first increase in a decade. The largest increase in a decade for the National Endowment for arts and the humanities, each funded at 1. Excuse me, at 162 million. And the land and Water Conservation fund is at the highest level ever since 2003 with 495 million in new funding. The bill enhances the e. P. A. s ability to protect human health and the health of our environment by providing 9. 08 billion, second highest level ever for the agency. The bill includes an alltime high for Environmental Justice funding, over 10 million. This funding is critical to ensure that every community has the ability to realize the Health Protections that our environmental laws provide. Im also proud that we continued our subcommittees nonpartisan approach to addressing the issues facing our native american brothers and sisters by investing in programs critical to the health, safety and wellbeing of native people. And finally, this bill shows that were serious about addressing the Climate Crisis and recognizes the importance of science in understanding how our planet is changing. We prioritize funding by providing 52 million for Renewable Energy development, 416 million for Climate Change research, and adaptation activities received a 30 million increase. This bill makes important investments in the health of our communities and our environment and id like to thank the members of the rules committee for an opportunity to testify and share. Thank you. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Mr. Joyce. Mr. Joyce thank you, chairman mcgovern, Ranking Member cole and the distinguished members of this kevment its an honor to appear before you today as the Ranking Member on the interior environmental and Appropriations Committee. Im pleased to be here with the chair of this committee, my friend, congresswoman betty mccollum. And whatever youre going to give me from minnesota, it sounded great. These are homemade buckeyes. \[laughter] they would go very well with the mcgovern tea and \[laughter] \[indiscernible] bourbon. \[talking simultaneously] mr. Joyce everything goes well with bourbon, i understand. Weve worked over the past month to negotiate a reasonable compromise in order to be able to develop a product and avoid a government shutdown. Its not the bill i would have written but there are things here i may not necessarily agree with, i believe theres so much in this bill that unites us than divides us. There is indeed the conference agreement that provides 36 billion for the department of the interior, Environmental Protection agency, the forest service, the Indian Health service, the Smithsonian Institution and more than a dozen related agencies. This conference agreement enhances our nations Economic Prosperity in many ways. By increasing americans investment in its own Abundant Energy resources, by funding the payment in lieu of taxes program which is critical to counties with federal lands and by investing 1. 8 billion for maintenance and construction at our Nations National parks, wildlife refuge and other public lands that fuels a multibillion dollar tourism economy across our country. Furthermore, this conference agreement also continues to make critical investments in our nations Water Infrastructure by providing 2. 8 billion for the clean water and Drinking Water state Revolving Loan funds and 60 million for the Water Infrastructure finance and Innovation Act Program which will be leveraged with private investments to finance more than 10 billion in Water Infrastructure projects nationwide. This agreement also provides 1. 6 billion for the department of interior and u. S. Forest service to fight devastating wildfires that threaten our communities, introduce the and reduce the severity of future wildfires. This provides an additional 392 million for health care, Law Enforcement and related programs to honor our countrys sacred trust and treat obligations to the American Indians and alaska natives. In closing, i want to sincerely thank chairwoman lowey, Ranking Member granger for their leadership and the staff on both sides of the aisle. It was hard work to get an annual appropriations bill over the finish line once again. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Mr. Ryan. Mr. Ryan thank you, mr. Chairman. I also want to thank mr. Joyce for the buckeyes. I had one missing because we were the last panel. \[laughter] a little hungry. Im pleased to join my colleagues in requesting a rule in support of h. R. 1865, division e of the legislative branch appropriations. My thanks to full Committee Chairwoman lowey, her Ranking Member kay granger, and my minority counterpart, representative herrera beutler. Theyve guided me and supported me in my first year taking the helm of the subcommittee. Im pleased we have the resources to start on a path to strengthening congressional operations. Funding in this bill totals 5ds. 049 billion for a 213 million or 4. 4 increase above fiscal year 2019. The bill gives members and committees the funding needed to improve their Constituents Services and legislative oversight responsibilities. With this bill, we have been able to increase the members representational allowance, support committee budgets and resfor funding shortfalls in the account that pays house health and retirement benefits. Intern allowance will increase from 20,000 to 25,000 per member office. So that a more Diverse Group can apply without worrying about the financial burden of working for free. The bill includes continues to fund the Wounded Warrior program, as well as the new congressional gold star family fellowship program, which was established this fall. We have provided firstyear funding for both the office of diversity and inclusion, and the office of whistleblower ombudsman so congress has the cools to encourage greater staff dwerts and to effectively handle whistleblower complaints. The bill also includes sufficient funding to extend the select committee on the modernization of congress, we look forward to the implementation of those recommendations. We see increased funding in this bill for c. B. O. , g. A. O. , g. P. O. And the capitol police. Members will be pleased to learn that our bill provides another 13408 for the library of Congress Visitors experience project for a total of 20 million provided to date. Once thats developed, the project will result in better displays of many of the treasures in the librarys connection, clearer communication of the librarys mission and more activities targeted to children and youth. Finally, im pleased that the bill includes a provision that permits an increase in the pay level of senior congressional staff. Now that we will be able to slightly increase the most experienced senior staff, a higher rate will make the house more competitive to recruit highly skilled employees. Id like to thank chairwoman lowey and her team, all of the staff who have put in so many hours, especially over the past few weeks. They go unnoticed many times around the country but theyre essential to what happens here on capitol hill. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Ms. Herrera beutler thank you, chairman mcgovern and Ranking Member cole and members of the committee. Committee. Thank you also to my chair of the legislative branch committee, chairman ryan. This is also my first go, leading the helm of this subcommittee. As was shared, i had the recommendation for fiscal year 2020 provides a 5. 049 billion, this is 4. 4 above 2019 level and below the budget request. Im pleased to support some of the items in this bill that i think are really critical that we all share. It supports the capitol police. As well as funding for really important and critical security upgrades to keep the Capitol Campus safe for members and staff and visitors. And also supportive of the funding for the library of congress, the visitors experience enhancements. This is one of the things the goal here is to bring the library outside of the beltway. Only a few of us, of our constituents, regularly could even come to the library. Our goal is to get the library out into the states and into the hands of the people to share this treasure. Finally, the bill supports upgrades to the capitol complex, facilities for visitors and staff with disabilities. This is one of the things we regularly hear about and im pleased that were trying to make this completely accessible for everyone. Again, this is not our building, its the peoples building. Wasnt to make sure that all folks we want to make sure that all folks with all abilities can come and experience it. I appreciate chairman ryans cooperation and support on several initiatives that are important to us and to this institution. Big thank you to the staff who were up all night last night and i respectfully request that this committee grant a rule. That will move this process forward for house consideration. I yield back. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Thank you all again for your incredible work. I now yield to mr. Hastings. Mr. Hastings i have no questions. Mr. Mcgovern mr. Cole. \[indiscernible] mrs. Torres. Mrs. Lesko. Mr. Perlmutter. Mr. Perlmutter just a comment. I dont want to rain on anybodys parade. But im glad that minnesota beat ohio state in basketball before last night, before you guys resolved all of this, because it could have been a problem for you buckeye types. \[laughter] knowing that your third ranked ohio buckeyes lost to the minnesota gophers last night. But i do specifically want to thank that committee, your subcommittee, betty, because Renewable Energy piece of this is very key to us in colorado. I just want to thank the entire group of you. Im kidding about that, i dont want to sow any dissention on your committee. I thank you for your work. Mr. Mcgovern i think mr. Aderholt had another statement to make. Mr. Aderholt thank you, mr. Chairman. Ill make it short. I just did want to mention the commerce, justice, science and related agencies appropriation act and reiterate my sincere appreciation for everyones support on that. The chairman, mr. Serrano, he was unable to be here today and but i want to thank he and his excellent staff for all the work that they have done to make this a very good bill. It of course includes nasa funding at 22. 6 billion. Thats an increase of 1. 1 billion from f. Y. 2019 level. Also another highlight of the bill includes 7. 3 billion in support for the 2020 census, which is critical for funding for the federal Law Enforcement and also for the departments of justice, f. B. I. , United States marshall service, tobacco, alcohol and firearm and explosives, and furthermore, the bill provides valuable support for our local Law Enforcement back home. All the programs in this bill is very worthy, but i once again like to thank chairman serrano who was unable to be here for his collegial spirit as hes led this committee and i yield back. Mr. Mcgovern thank you very much. Any additional questions . Hearing none, thank you very much. This panel is dismissed. Are there any other members who wish to testify on the appropriations measures . Seeing none, this closes the hearing on h. R. 1158. H. R. 1865, the consolidated appropriations act. Without objection, the committee stands in recess subject to the call of the chair and i would just say that i think we have a dinner break and so people should go have dinner. I think it will be at least an hour but maybe a little bit more from what were being told. Yeah. Im with you. But with that, the committees in recess subject to the call of the chair. \[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] \[captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] today, the House Rules Committee decides parameters for the impeachment debate on the house floor. Watch our live coverage of house rules at 11 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan three. Then on wednesday, the house is expected to vote on the two articles of impeachment against president trump. Watch our live, unfiltered coverage of the impeachment debate on cspan3, online at www. Cspan. Org impeachment or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Minutes, up in 45 Bipartisan Policy Center discusses the 1. 37 trillion Government Spending deal that would be voted on in congress this week to avoid a government shutdown

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