Terrifying. Because we are going to have to handle all of you when you come in. So the second show of hands i want to see is how many of you are registered to vote as a democrat . Ok, thats a good sign. We at Grinnell College have new democrats every four years here. We want to make sure you have an opportunity to register as a democrat. Because we are going to have to handle all of you when you come in. So the second show of hands i want to see is how many of you are registered to vote as a democrat . Ok, thats a good sign. We at Grinnell College have new democrats every four years here. We want to make sure you have an opportunity to register as a democrat. It just makes it so much easier no matter who youre supporting that well be ready for you on caucus night. We have three of the campus democrats, copresident s out here tonight. Olver, ali, they were holding clipboards. And nat all the way in the back. If you are registered as a democrat, it just makes everything go so much better. If you can register on the way excited tol be so see you back, many of you on february 3. Without further ado, i wanted to do a quick introduce of someone who were very excited to welcome back to grinnell. Hes been here three times. I dont know if you were here the first time. It was a group of 20 students who were interested in meeting a young mayor from south bend, indiana, who president obama said might be a new leader of the Democratic Party. And so we got to meet with him. We sat around a seminar table. At that time, we were able to talk to him and we were really excited. We felt like he might the leader of the Democratic PartyGoing Forward at that time when i got to introduce him, i was so concerned i said buttigieg the right way i forgot about the other things to say about him. One, it is inspiring, as someone who has been a democrat for 25 years, when i became a democrat, i never would have imagined that people in the Lgbt Community would have almost full rights of citizenship. It was a dream, it was an aspiration. It was not something that we thought was possible. [applause] thank you. And so for the idea that someone not only could be a full citizen, can be someone who can be married, can be in the military and do all these things, but also could be running for president , which is something we never thought was possible. Testament tos a what people have done around the country. There is still more work to be done, but its exciting to see this happening. The second thing that i would say is, we hear so much that the road to the white house, to take back the white house, goes through the midwest. Goes through towns like green bay, wisconsin, or grand rapids, michigan, and places where democrats havent been doing so well. And places like south bend, indiana. The fact that mayor pete has been looking at these challenges for the last eight years, looking into issues about housing, looking into issues about when employments changing, he has someone who has looked at these issues and people look at what he does in south bend and they like it, this might be a model for democrats. So its experience that really matters. The third thing i would mention is he is someone who has his service as mayor was interrupted for a time, which was to be in the u. S. Military. So thats something that he spent eight months in afghanistan in the Navy Reserves and its something that so many people, regardless of the wisdom or lack of wisdom of our policymakers, people who join the military are doing it because they believe in what the United States can be and try to make the world a better place, and i know that thats something that people make real sacrifices for that, and i know that pete has done that. That hes been close to people who have done. That hes seen the families who have done that. Thats something that i think is worth considering and keeping in public life. The last thing i would mention is sort of why a 37yearold, why does a 37yearold need to run for president . Is this the right time . Something he said in those small meetings when we met is, were a generation thats impatient for change. Were a generation thats seeing things like Climate Change, like economic inequality, seeing things that we really feel like need to change, and this is something that is not just about the next election, but is about generations to come and what theyre going to face, and thats something that he was saying is something that he wants to see, the leadership from his generation, that its not time to wait. So those are the things i would want to say about mayor pete, and right now i want to make sure that we all give him a warm welcome. Without further ado, here comes mayor pete buttigieg. [cheers and applause] mr. Buttigieg thank you so much. First, a big thank you to john and the county Democratic Party. I would say the county party chair is in many ways the unsung hero of democratic politics. I know im here by way of the 2020 election. But lets make sure that we never get caught treating the presidency like the only office that matters. Because the work were doing in the state and local democratic races is critically important too. And we want to lift that up. [cheers and applause] mr. Buttigieg and i want to thank all of you for, first of all, making me feel so welcome. Each time we come to grinnell, theres more folks, theres a bigger room and a bigger crowd. And the conversation grows big ger, too. So im looking forward to the conversation were going to have today. I want to ask begin by asking you, in as much detail as you can, to picture something that is definitely in our future. A day thats going to come one way or the other. And that is the first day that the sun comes up over america and donald trump is no longer the president of the United States. Just hold that image in your mind for a second. [cheers and applause] mr. Buttigieg the sooner the better, right . We cannot go on like this. And i think were all ready to put that chaos behind us, to put the corruption behind us. To put the tweets in the rearview mirror. Just not wake up to that anymore. Wouldnt that be nice . [applause] but part of why im asking you to really picture that day is to think about the challenges were going to have that day as well. Just think about it. The suns going to come up over a country thats going to be even more divided. Even more exhausted from fighting and torn up over politics than we are right now. Very much needing to be brought together. Because of everything weve been through. And everything were about to go through right now. And on the other hand, Something Else will also be true. Something else will be facing the next president , which is the simple fact that the issues before us, the crises that have brought us to this point will still be there, crying out for action. The issues like a climate that is this close to the point of no return. The fact that we have a gun violence epidemic that has kids getting active shooter drills before they learn to read. An economy where, even if the stock market is looking good, more and more americans are left out. And today, there is not one place in the United States of america, not one county, where somebody on the federal minimum wage can afford a twobedroom apartment. Those problems are crying out for action. And so you see whats going to be required of the next american president. On one hand, were going to need Bold Solutions to solve these and other major problems that cant wait. And were going to need a way to do it that can actually draw the American People together and have us less divided and galvanized rather than polarized. That is the kind of president that im running to be. And its why im asking you to caucus for me here in iowa. To be the kind of president who can help america pick up the pieces, come together in common cause, and get these big things done. And while that sounds like a tall order, this is what the presidency is capable of, and its what the presidency is for. Not the glorification of the president , but the empowerment and unification of the American People. [applause] mr. Buttigieg thats why im running. Now, the road map to get that done lies in American Values that do not belong to one party or the other. Theyre our values. But if you take them seriously, i believe they lead in a progressive direction. I will give you an example. Patriotism. Love of country. The flag does not belong to one political party. And if we want to honor the flag, then we have to to honor what it stands for. Its going to take more to live up to the honor of patriotism , the value of moving our country. Its going to take more than the cheap nationalism of a president who hugs the flag, literally. Or worse, a president who thinks that its pro military to overthrow military justice and pardon war criminals, feeding into the falsehood that theres no difference between a war fighter and a war criminal. That is not patriotism. That is not right. That is not making our country safe. [applause] mr. Buttigieg when i talk about loving our country, im starting with the understanding that our country is made of people. And you cannot love a country if you hate half of the people in it. Im talking about a richer, deeper sense of love of country. That understands what its going to take to protect our country and the part of that is to protect our values. To protect the honor of the United States. Thats why it matters as a question of National Security that the word of the United States is trusted, and that no ally ever have reason to question whether its a good idea to bet your life on the credibility of the United States of america. Thats a matter of National Security and patriotism. [applause] mr. Buttigieg but protecting our country, protecting each other, that starts right here at home. And so it is also for reasons of security and protection of this nation that we must act to make sure that the Second Amendment can never again be twisted into an excuse to do nothing at all to save american lives when we need commonsense gun laws like background checks, red flag laws and action on assault weapons like what i carried in the military. That will keep us safer. [cheers and applause] mr. Buttigieg and if we really mean business about protecting our country, then we have to protect our countrys future. That is why we must act here at home and lead the world to face up to Climate Change as the Global Security threat of our time and be ready to meet that challenge with the actions that will resolve it in our time. To conquer that challenge before it conquers us. Thats where my patriotism takes me. [applause] mr. Buttigieg so you see how that value can lead us to the right place and help us hold together an american majority that is increasingly ready to do the right thing. The problem is theyre pitting us against each other around the very values that could be uniting us. You think about a value like faith. First of all, this is a country designed around the idea that our constitution, our nation and our government belong to people of every religion and of no religion equally. That is a core premise of the United States constitution. And at the same time, to those who are guided in their moral formation by religious faith, im offering a presidency where you dont have to wake up in the morning, look at the news, and think to yourself, whatever happened to i was hungry and you fed me . I was a stranger and you welcomed me. What you did to the least of these, you did to me. [applause] mr. Buttigieg thats where faith leads me. I believe that American Values like democracy can lead the way towards us doing a lot better. I am not just talking about democracy as a system. Im talking about democracy as a value. The moral weight to ensuring that every vote is counted and every voter counts. That must be honored, where we are talking about districts that are drawn in so many parts of the country, to where politicians pick out their voters instead of the other way around. Or the role of money in politics, where Citizens United has basically held that corporations have the same political soul as you and i do. Or the simple fact, and some folks say im going too far on this, but i think in a democracy, it might be appropriate, come november, in the future for us to just pick our president by counting up all the votes and giving it to the person who got the most. Like we do in every other election. [cheers and applause] mr. Buttigieg as a matter of democracy. And i believe that the core American Value of freedom can guide the way toward a better life in this country. But that means we have to rescue freedom from the way its been shrunk, the jar its been put into by our friends on the other side of the aisle when they get to washington. Im not interested in preserving when i talk about freedom, it is not about saving amazons freedom not have to pay any federal income taxes at all next year. It is not about cutting every regulation and every tax that was there. Sometimes freedom means that we have to get government out of the way. Like getting government out of the business of dictating to women what their Reproductive Health care choices ought to be. Thats certainly an important part of securing freedom. [applause] mr. Buttigieg but then sometimes in order to become more free, we need the Public Sector to step up. Thats why cities and towns and counties are organized to pave roads and deliver water. Thats why we have School Districts that, by the way, deserve to be supported by a secretary of education in washington who believes in Public Education and supports our teachers. [applause] mr. Buttigieg and also, in order to deliver on that idea of american freedom, i believe the Public Sector must step up when it comes to health. Because i dont think youre free if you dont have health care. So my proposal, medicare for all who want it, means that we take a version of medicare, we allow anybody to enroll on it, we allow you automatically if you are uninsured. But i trust to you decide whether you want it, and if youd rather be on some other plan, thats fine. The important thing is to make sure theres no such thing as an uninsured american and we need to step up to do that in the name of american freedom. [applause] mr. Buttigieg so the point im making is, if we follow our values, they lead us toward that urgent action that cannot wait. We cant wait 10 years to solve these problems. We cant wait four years to solve these problems. We have got to act on issue after issue. On our climate, we cant wait any longer than we have. On safety. On a minimum wage thats actually livable and paid family leave in this country. We cant wait. We cant wait to take steps to make sure that, in this country, your race has no bearing on your health or your wealth, your life expectancy, or your relationship with Law Enforcement. We have to act on that right now. [applause] we cant wait any longer about an escalating crisis of deaths from despair in the United States of america that could claim two million lives in the decade ahead. We have to act right now to see to it that addiction and Mental Health are addressed as vigorously and discussed as openly as any physical health or other medical challenge in the United States. Its time, and we cant wait. [applause] mr. Buttigieg i could go on but the point is on issue after issue, weve got to do this now. And we can. And when we do, we can also do it in a fashion that heals this nation. Im not pretending were all going to agree. Thats not going to happen. Thats not the point. But i can offer you a presidency where you can turn on the news, see the white house, and actually feel your Blood Pressure go down a little bit instead of through the roof. [applause] mr. Buttigieg and even more importantly than that, respond to the crisis of belonging in this country that i think is propelling some of those Mental Health challenges that we face well as whats wrong with our politics. Because the white house is going around this country, and the white house is fueling it, that says, you dont belong. To different people in different ways because of who you are or the language you speak at home or your race or religion or disability, whatever it is, people are being told, you dont belong. And my message, is yes, you do. And we all have to support each other in building that sense of belonging. And were working to do it, not just in the white house that i proposed to set up, but in the campaign that were running too. This is very important to us. Its why were reaching out to everybody who sees the need for change. To progressives, to moderates, im meeting a lot of future former republicans out there who may not agree with me on everything, but see why we have to have a change right now. And we can build a movement that will be big enough and will win big enough not just to put an end to the trump presidency, but to end trumpism and to set us on a better course not just politically, but governing this country for a better day. [applause] mr. Buttigieg that is what i am here to deliver. So hopefully thats more than enough by way of monologue. I want us to have a conversation, make sure im responding to whatevers on your mind. We have folks with mics. They will hold a mic for you as we go around the room. I see one, two. So, just sit tight and the mic will come to you. Youre up. Yes . [indiscernible] i think and care a lot about the needs and priorities of the Lgbt Community and the epidemic of so i think a lot about how there is a large epidemic in terms of the murder of trans women of color, specifically. And knowing that the gay and trans panic defense is only banned in eight states, which largely started in 2013, and thats only six years ago. Youeak universally, when are elected president , what are some of the things would you do to help protect and uplift the queer and trans community, knowing theres so much damage that has been done historically to our communities . [applause] mr. Buttigieg yes. Thank you for lifting that up. And youre right. I worry sometimes theres a sense out there that because Marriage Equality happened, everythings fine for everybody in the lgbtqplus community. And while im very thankful for Marriage Equality, and thank you, iowa, by the way, for helping pave the way and show what can be done in the midwest on that. [cheers and applause] mr. Buttigieg but we have a long way to go, when you look at the policy war on trans americans, when we see violence against black trans women, we see what were up against. There are two levels with how we have to deal with this. Policy level and something a little higher. The policy level, we cant go on with the gay panic or trans panic defense, first of all. The harm that that is used to justify is unacceptable. Secondly, we clearly need an equipped federal equality act no matter what the Supreme Court decides in this case theyre hearing right now on discrimination, we need to make sure everybody is covered by a federal equality act that says you cannot be discriminated against because of gender identity or sexual orientation. I will sign it the moment it gets to my desk. Third, it matters whats going on in the departments, in the agencies, from the department of education, which needs to make sure that acceptance is being promoted in everything from policies to make sure everybody can go to the bathroom, because barring a medical miracle, everyone will need that for as long as im alive. And all the way through to making sure people understand the culture and history and meaning, because a lot of trans people are being defined out of existence by the message that comes through. In addition to making sure that all kinds of policies across health and human services, for example, reflect the medical an d health needs of trans americans. And by the way, we need hate crimes laws in every state in the union. Unfortunately we dont have that even now, including in my state. [applause] mr. Buttigieg so thats the policy part, but theres Something Else. Thats what im getting at with this idea of the crisis of belonging. We need a president who, both through representation, who is invited to the table and put in positions of power and through the language. A lot of it is through what you dont do, but a lot of it is through how we lift up people who have been made to feel i think a lot of us here made to feel sometimes like youre taking up space, that youre not sure if theres room for you. Weve got to turn that on its head. I know that doesnt sound as concrete as a policy thing, like the equality act, but i think it might be the most important thing the presidency can do, to send a message, set a tone, that we support people for who they are and want everyone in this country to be able to thrive. [applause] mayor pete, i also come from a family of educators. We both know that decades of cuts to education have led to skyrocketing tuition and crushing debt for students and worsening treatment of faculty and staff. Our Higher Education system leaves people out, especially black and brown and poor students. Your Higher Education plan leaves in place a system which is impossible to navigate. And your campaign is spreading lies about who benefits from public goods. As a member of iowa student action, our vision of Higher Education is one that is free, accessible, and inclusive. Were not asking for college to be merely affordable. We are fighting for the right to make a choice. Whether that choice is college, technical school, graduate programs, or no Higher Education at all. Our vision is a free Higher Education for everyone, including formerly incarcerated, international, and undocumented students. You have the opportunity here to be a leader, to stand with us instead of against us. I am asking you to do the right thing, again. Will you support free college for all . Mr. Buttigieg i will support free college for most. First of all, it is nice to see you again. [laughter] and thanks for speaking up. Mr. Buttigieg i dont think either one of us has changed, but we put a little more detail in our plan since i saw you last. Doesnt sound like ive quite won you over, but lets try to do this. Lets talk about the areas i think we agree on, and then lets negotiate or at least daylight the ones it sounds like we probably dont. First, i agree on making sure that cost is never a barrier to Higher Education. You mentioned the formerly incarcerated. One thing i want to make sure is clear is that the exclusion on pell grants for people while theyre incarcerated is wrong. It makes it harder for folks to get ahead and i would eliminate that. What weve set up, youve probably seen is that we would make Public College tuition free for the first 80 by income. That gets you to about 100,000. You get past, north of that 80 , between 80 and 90 , sliding scale. If youre in the top 10 by income, dont get me wrong, i wish you well, but i think you can handle your own tuition costs and that you should. If that leads to death that is a very to debt that is a barrier, we still need incomebased debt repayment. We should have your debt forgiven for public service, as an incentive to do public service. [applause] mr. Buttigieg theres a program now for that, but its almost impossible to take advantage. Last i saw, it was like 1 of people actually are able to take advantage of it. So we can make it more generous, more user friendly. Another thing we can do is make sure the irs and department of education talk to each other so that that hard to navigate system you mentioned were talking about things being automated in the economy, but not this. This you fill out a fafsa, your time is being wasted. The government has that information, but the systems arent talking to each other. I think the part where you and i part ways is that it should be free for everyone. I respect where you are coming from, because there are a lot of goods like k12 education that should be free for everybody. But everybody in my vision should finish at least high school. I just dont think that everybody i know that not everybody wants to go to college. Everybody who does, cost shouldnt be a barrier. But we know that not everybody does. I do worry when we say it ought to be universal, were sending a message that you cant get ahead unless you go to college, or that college is a fundamental need that every single american should have. I think every single american should have access to it, but i think we have a responsibility to make sure that everyone can thrive whether youve been to college or not. And some of those dollars that could go to funding the free ride tuition for that top 10 , i guess my more progressive instinct is to spend that in other ways on those who need it most. I hope you feel theres a lot of overlap between where we are even if i cant win you over on some of it. Thanks again for coming. [applause] mr. Buttigieg i really appreciate hearing you talk about the need to address and destigmatize Mental Health and addiction. Im a little curious on your stance on response to the opioid crisis, maybe some of the more controversial approaches, methadone and Needle Exchanges. I know that can be divisive. Mr. Buttigieg it can be divisive, but leadership can get us in the right direction. My president ial leadership will get us in the right direction. We know assisted therapy, methadone assisted treatment, it works. And were finally turning the corner on understanding that this is a medical, not moral, problem. The moral problem is if we know theres something that would reduce harm and we dont do it. So weve seen the success of i visited a Needle Exchange that thengovernor mike pence, of all people, reluctantly approved in southern indiana, only after he was left with no other choice, because of a massive h. I. V. Outbreak that grew on his watch because he wouldnt do it sooner and declare an emergency. It is commonsense that if you can prevent the Harms Associated with injection drug use, you should. So i would call for more physicians to be qualified to prescribe methadone and lift arbitrarywe caps, knowing these prescriptions save lives. That is not all. Weve got to do a lot of work to bridge people, people recover from an overdose but it could be weeks before someone can see them, and their lives depend on what happens in those weeks. We have a provider shortage when it comes to Mental Health and addiction. We have to put resources and dollars behind making sure its one thing to make sure theres parity on the books, but it is important to make sure there is parenting and there is parity and we fund it accordingly. Many states are looking into supervised injection. I dont think we should stop states that are looking at that. I think they should have a to prove it can save lives. If they do, we shouldnt stand in the way. Now, when were talking about more enlightened approaches on opioids, we do need to pause for the question of Racial Justice. There are a lot of folks, especially in my community, mainly the africanamerican community, who have said, mayor, its great that everybody is so forward looking now and turning the corner on the opioid crisis, where were you in the crack epidemic . While i was not in a position of responsibility during the crack epidemic, i feel the sense of responsibility now to look at other cases where there were sentencing disparities where it was a Law Enforcement only approach. Thats one reason why in the course of reforming the drug policies of this country, including decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana, we need to look back at harms done in the past and reverse those harms for people who are incarcerated right now, in cases where we know the incarceration is doing more harm than the offense ever did. Thanks. [applause] mr. Buttigieg yellow hat. You. Ill come to an elerly black man was killed in his own home by a white Police Officer in south bend, indiana. After that happened, you met with police before mr. Buttigieg you should probably start over. An elderly black man was killed in his own home by a white Police Officer in south bend, indiana. And once that happened, you met with the press before you met with the mans family. And you met with the police, i think, before you met with his family. And the officer wasnt fired because of that. Thest wonder what justification was or what your thought process was behind that . I was reading about it, it really upset me. Thats not something i think should ever happen in our country. Mr. Buttigieg thank you for asking. A few details are incorrect there. I want to clear it up. This did not take place at the gentlemans home. It took place in a parking lot at about 3 00 a. M. There was a phone call that somebody had been going through cars, and a Police Officer responded to that call. According to the Police Officer, he was attacked with a knife. But, his body camera was not activated at the time. So theres no way weve not seen any evidence that clears that up. It is one of the reasons i called for an outside investigation on what happened. That investigation is going on right now. I also met with the family of the individual who was killed. His name is eric logan. I met with that family that day. I knew some of his family members from before. And have had conversations throughout that week and ever since with Community Members and family members and of course with the police about what this meant for our city. What i believe about the importance of Police Legitimacy is that every life is endangered as long there is a wall of mistrust between especially africanamerican residents and Law Enforcement. This contributed to that mistrust, even as the details are still being worked out. We knew we didnt have to wait for an investigation to come back to start acting. So what we did was, we came together, side by side with activists, not always agree, sometimes it was lively, sometimes there is a lot of emotion. Thats fine. Thats healthy. I knew that sometime it was my job to be there an absorb a lot of anguish that was going on. Through that, other the course of a few months, we have been able to structure Community Conversations where we have empowered Community Members to build on work we have already done in the city. To change policies around the use of force. Around how body cameras are used. Around recruiting. Because we also have a challenge, as so many communities have, especially since ferguson, of recruit manager diverse members to be on the police department. One of the most important things you can do to build up that trust and eradicate bias from policing. I cant say that we have solved the problems around policing in america, in our city or any city. What i can tell you is that we have worked sidebyside to make enormous progress and that because i have seen the anguish that this causes in a community that im responsible for holding together, i know what is at stake in making sure that we have a president who is committed to supporting police accountability, police he yit macy, and Racial Justice in every community in the United States. Police legitimacy, and Racial Justice in every community in the United States. I would invite you to continue to look at what we do Going Forward as well as what weve done to understand why im practicing what we preach back at home. [applause] come. Ttigieg it will mr. Buttigieg there we go. She can hold it. So in 2011, president obama intervened in the libya crisis, saying, that the u. S. Had a duty to protect the civilians of libya under the tyranny of gaddafi. Almost eight years later, its one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. It is in the midst of a civil war. Do you have any intent to go back on the promises obama once made . Mr. Buttigieg heres the standard i would set for the use of u. S. Military force. It either has to be a case of imminent threat to the u. S. Homeland, or it has to be something where we have an obligation to our treaty allies as part of mutual protection. Or, where we are part of a legitimate International Action to prevent crimes against humanity. That legitimate International Part is really important. It cant just be something that is stitched together to look like an International Action, like what happened in the iraq invasion. Not every problem, including frankly, not even every problem that has been created by mistakes in the past, can be solved with military intervention. We need to take on board the lessons of the last few years and the last few decades in understanding that there has to be an extremely high bar before were deploying force in that kind of way. And having seen how hard it is a war we wereeven forced to get into like the afghanistan war, i thought i was one of the last troops turning out the lights when i left, and that was years ago, and we are still there debating how to get out. It is a powerful reminder of why this should be a last resort. But what i will say, for the suffering thats happening, whether in north africa or anywhere else in the world, it is exactly for this reason that we need to be a leader in the international community, in accordance with our values, which, by the way, are not just American Values, the desire for human rights, safety, democracy, are shared aspirations. Even, or especially, in cases where maybe were not going to pull the trigger on military intervention, we should use all tools in our toolkit, diplomatic, economic, and alliances to nature that we are a force for greater security, stability, peace, and democracy everywhere in the world. [applause] mr. Buttigieg just one more . All right, youre up. I spoke with you in february or march, last time you were here, and it was right after the Green New Deal had been released by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and other representatives. I asked you what you thought about it and if you would consider implementing it. You said it would be a good blueprint for Climate Policy moving forward. Now, i was excited about your and then as youve released more excited about your campaign at that point in time, and then as youve released more policy, ive been disappointed. Because i feel like youve gone back on those promises, those progressive promises you made. So in a time that is a time of crisis, that is generation defining, how can we trust you, while youre taking money from corporate donors and attacking progressive leaders like Elizabeth Warren and bernie sanders, to lead our country into a Brighter Future . Mr. Buttigieg first of all, im not attacking anybody. We definitely have policy disagreements and we lay them out, but thats what a campaign is for. Were going to do it respectfully and were going to do it honestly. Secondly, i dont take corporate p. A. C. Money. We have over 700,000 individuals, human beings, who have contributed to this campaign. What i think all of them must know, im sure most of them dont agree with me on every single issue, or maybe dont agree with each other on every single issue, but what they know is what i propose to do, since i laid it out there. Since i saw you last, i published my idea of what my Green New Deal looks like. I hope you will support it, because what it does is gets our economy Carbon Neutral by 2050, which weve got to do, and what all the different plans look at in some way or another. Admittedly biased, but i think mine is the best, heres why. I dont think we should measure the bigness of the idea by how many trillions of dollars it costs. If theres a way to do it that can be more efficient, we should. [applause] mr. Buttigieg similarly, i dont think we should measure the boldness of an idea by how many of our fellow americans it can alienate. One of the important things about getting this right is we cant let climate is too important, our lives are on the line, it is too important to let it keep being another partisan battlefield. Its one of the reasons why part of the emphasis in my plan is not just to do the things we know we have to do policywise, carbon tax, fleet conversion, but also calling more people into being part of the solution. That is why we have such an emphasis on agriculture. I want a lot of Rural Counties and communities and families, who have been given reason to believe that accepting Climate Science would mean saying theyre part of the problem because of the way they receive the Politics Around this, to say, were recruiting you, we need your help, and to bring them in, to break down some of these political walls. Its like if there was a disagreement politically over whether we ought to treat cancer or not. Its too important for that. But the reality is, look, every good candidate ought to have a plan to get us Carbon Neutral for 2050. If we dont, we are screwed. The real question is, can it get done . Otherwise, the excitement and elegance of our plans and their impact gets multiplied by zero. It is why i focused on putting together a plan that gets the job done and can happen. Im not just talking about the politics of navigating congress. Im talking about the need as a governing imperative to do these things in a way that calls the American People together. Not that everybody is going to agree, not going to happen. But to keep, rather than blow up the american majority thats ready to do the right thing. I dont know if ill win you over or not, but thats why i believe this is the most responsible progressive approach, whether on climate or anything else. [applause] mr. Buttigieg im told my time is up. Im glad we were able to have this conversation. I am really glad it was as candid as it is, too. Do you want to do the thing . [laughter] mr. Buttigieg might want to pass it down a little. Still cant make it out. You will kill us . Thats really mean. No, im here to help you. Pro Corporate Funding equals climate chaos. Thats why i dont take corporate p. A. C. Money. And wall street pete. I remember when they said the same thing about obama, he set up the cfpb, put Elizabeth Warren in charge of it and delivered some of the toughest regulations on wall street. Thank you for being here. I look forward to seeing you on the trail. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks very much. Congratulations. Thanks. Rep. Walden it is part of how we campaign. Mr. Buttigieg cant miss my chance. Wow. [indiscernible] do you want to get another one . Mr. Buttigieg thank you. [indiscernible] mr. Buttigieg thanks for sharing him with the country. [indiscernible] mr. Buttigieg i dont know. It is my favorite color. Have to stick with it. How are you . Good to see you. Do your thing. [indiscernible] mr. Buttigieg things a lot. Thanks for coming. Thank you. Mr. Buttigieg thanks for coming. Appreciate it. We are here to help. That was great, thank you. Thank you so much. [indiscernible] mr. Buttigieg appreciate it. Thanks for coming. Thank you for answering all the questions. You are so good with it. Hi, so nice to see you again. Weve met. Thank you. [indiscernible] Elizabeth Warren is calling you to open up your fundraisers. Why not open up . Mr. Buttigieg i think that is one of these process things thats a bit of a stretch from what were really doing. I dont know when its appropriate to introduce it into someones home. I do know what i stand for. Anybody who sees me speak anywhere will hear the message that i have for america. We have and how i think we can unify america. What do you make of her calling you out by name in the last 24 hours for the first time in the campaign . Whats that a sign of to you . Mr. Buttigieg could be a sign were winning the policy argument. I will leave it to the analysts. Any other questions . Youve got some demonstrators here today, kind of getting the frontrunner treatment. How confident are you . How does the campaign stand up to that additional scrutiny . Mr. Buttigieg i think its important for us to demonstrate that we can. Were talking about the american presidency. You ought to be able to demonstrate that you can stand up to difficult questions. There were a lot of difficult questions today, and they were really important and really good questions, and im glad we had the chance to go through it. Definitely feels like the treatment sometimes, but we asked for it by running for president. Is senator warren wrong that she suggests shes the more transparent candidate in the race . Mr. Buttigieg i think it would be good for her to release tax returns like i have over the entire career in the private sector. Thats one way to show transparency. I believe in transparency and being as open as i can about my story. Your issue with opening up fundraisers is people may not be comfortable having reporters there or a Pool Reporter there . Mr. Buttigieg we can keep having the conversation, im open to it. I think its interesting when somebody suddenly decides thats important after doing it a different way for a long time. I think we have all found it important for a while. It would be great for you to take the inspiration. Thats it. Thanks all. Mayor pete thanks, so much. Appreciate it. [indiscernible] go shopping and see what is now available at the cspan online store, including our allnew campaign 2020 tshirts, sweatshirts, and hats. Go to cspan store. Org and browse all our products. Cspans washington journal, live with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up saturday morning, politico reporter discusses the status of the new mexico, canada, u. S. Trade agreement. Watern the troubled author discusses Drinking Water in the u. S. And electronic Privacy CentersMark Zuckerberg htenburgng mike braug on testing. Atch washington journal join the discussion. Earlier today, President Trump held a roundtable discussion on Small Businesses and reducing regulations. He was joined by Trump Administration officials and also talked about november jobs numbers and the economy. This is 40 minutes. President trump thank you