Spkr. Pelosi good afternoon everyone. On behalf of the u. S. House of representatives, indeed the congress of the United States, i think the Spanish Government for its leadership in combating the Climate Crisis. Now prime just minister president sanchez convention the u. N. On Climate Change here in spain. Build aaid we must Global Economy this prosperous, fair come a ecological and socially just peered we complete their grade. I also want to commend the government of chile, president cop 25 foridt of leadership in putting together the conference of the parties 25. It is exciting for us to be here. Copsome it is the first meeting. My first one was called earth summit in 1992 in rio, brazil. We had certain goals than. Clearly we have not met them. We will meet the goals of this ,. In august i 25 was honored to represent in france with the g7 has a parliament where we focus on parliament committed to the oceans. I am so pleased that this cop 25 has this blue ocean priority. Lead thisivilege to very distinguished congressional delegation from the house and senate to continue this crucial conversation. By coming here, we want to say to everyone, we are still in. The United States is still in. I am honored that we are joined by senator Sheldon Whitehouse of rhode island, whom you will be hearing from. The chairman malone of the Commerce Committee. Chair Bernice Johnson of sign space and technology. Raul grijalva from arizona the chair of the National Girl resources committee. Chair cap street castro florida chair of the select committee on the Climate Crisis. Delegationinguished that includes betty mccollum, chair of the permissions subcommittee on Natural Resource and interior and also members of the select committee on climate with Castor Castor chaired annual hear more about. Have memos of that committee including not only the senior chairperson but also members of our freshman class. Among them members who are with us, represented Suzanne Bonamici of argan, Julia Brownley of california, rep senate of Jared Huffman of california, represented scott peters of california. Did i tell you im from california . Representative Debbie Dingell of michigan, mike levin of california representative sean casten of illinois and representative the goats of seanado jonah goods, kasten and mike lennon are all representative of our freshman class. Our delegation is here to send a message that Congress Commitment to take action on the Climate Crisis is ironclad. We must act because the Climate Crisis is a matter of Public Health the clean air, clean water for our children survival, our economy advancing Green Technologies which will lift everyone up as we addressed income disparity in the world, national security, combating extreme weather events, and resource competition that drives values ofand other justice and equality. Our moral responsibility, if you believe as to why that this planet is gods creation, we have a moral response billy as stewards of it. If you do not share that belief, we all agree we have a moral responsibility to our children, to pass on this planet in a very responsible way. Know about the latest emissions you and the latest you and emissions cap report. That our to say collective failure to act early and hard on climate means we now must deliver even deeper cuts in emissions. And we intend to do that. Un emissions gap report. My colleagues will talk about some of the actions we have taken and somewhat of what we have learned on this visit. I will mention the conference i was in for the with the g7 has a parliament. I will be hosting that in washington next year. Our seem our theme is addressing the Climate Crisis with economic and Environmental Justice for all. Meeting the needs of the vulnerable state, the multiple people, the indigenous people. What the president talked about this morning of inclusion and ambition and what the secretarygeneral spoke about, a vision we all share. Again, coming from the congress of the United States, we are still in. With that i will yield to a distinguished member of the United States senate, senator whitehouse of rhode island. Whitehouse it is an honor for me to be here surrounded by powerful has to tear folks powerful mems of the house. It is a project per tower full members of the house. It is a point of pride to be on the delegation led by Speaker Pelosi. As speakers pelosis presence here at this cop 25 is not a leasing ticket in its own right, it also signals the broad consensus is not only significant in its own right, but also signals the broad consensus of the United States in favor of Climate Action, at the state level, at the city level, across the public and in a great deal of corporate america, we are indeed, still in. Unfortunately, we are having to fight our way through a bit of a blockade by the fossil fuel industry. You may hear statements from the fossil fuel industry about what their what their hopes and exit tatians offer Climate Action. My firsthand experience is the statement from their lips do not match the expenditure of their funds. Still dedicated to maintaining a significant political apparatus of denial and obstruction. But that will not prevail. And the america that you know, the america of leadership, the america of progress. The america of confidence. The america of clean and green energy. People like secretary kerry and president obamas work at the original paris cop is some thing we should all reflect on what we are here today. That america will be back. Anna Speaker Pelosi said, yes, we are still in. Spkr. Pelosi now im pleased to yield to the stickers chair of our select committee on climate to the distinguished chair of our select committee on climate. This cop, the conference of also labeled the cop of action. This delegation from the United States is here to say that we are committed to Climate Action now. All across the United States of america, cities, states, businesses, academic institutions are lowering their Greenhouse Gas emissions and taking Climate Action. This year, the house of representatives passed Bipartisan Legislation including the Climate Action now act that says United States of america will remain committed to the goals of the paris climate agreement. We are also focused on the future. In march of 2020, under Speaker Pelosis leadership in the united consensus of democrats in the congress, we were lays Climate Action plan. A plan for United States of america through its Congressional Committee to tackle the Climate Crisis, to reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions and to begin to adapt in a greater way to the Climate Crisis and its impact. Plan will beaction an extraordinary opportunity to begin to really invest in the Clean Energy Economy. We will see in future years this transformation and opportunity in the energy sector, in the transportation sector, and agriculture for our farmers, and how we build buildings, where we build buildings, and becoming more energyefficient. We intend to follow the science. We intend to ensure the vulnerable communities all across america and across the globe have every opportunity to participate in this Clean Energy Economy and transformation. Together we will solve the Climate Crisis together. I am honored to be a part of it along with the outstanding members of the select committee on the Climate Crisis to. Spkr. Pelosi thank you madam chair. Is my pleasure to yield to the distinguished chair of the energy and congress committee. Water touches it, wind blows on it, it is about health, it is about wall street, it is in that committee. Thank you madam speaker. I want to stress what Speaker Pelosi says, that we are still in. She mentioned that congress is committed to taking action, states are committed to taking action and cities are taking action. In the energy and Commerce Committee which i chair and we have several members from our committee here with us here today, we have already done a number of things. And we plan on doing more. As kathy castor said, we passed hr nine which is the legislation in the house that says we do not want to withdraw from the Paris Agreement and we are still wanting to be in. In addition to that, we have already laid out and tasked passed some initiatives. We passed a number of Energy Efficiency bills out of the committee, things like giving grants back to the states so they can take efficiency action, which again empowers the states to do more and the towns to do more on the local level. A bill called the lift america act which deals with infrastructure needs like grid modernization and Pipeline Safety bill that deals with leaky pipelines and methane pollution. And we set out a goal in our committee in july of what we call 100 by 50. This means we are determined determined to draft legislation so the issues on climbed action within our committee so we can reach a goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2050. What did i learn today . I learned the secretarygeneral has a similar goal. He talked about that European Union meeting that goal of 2050 and using that as an example for the United States and other major countries. So i felt very empowered today. When i came here to hear from others about what we can do and i believe that we are moving forward with that commitment in congress and elsewhere. Again, i want to thank the speaker for bringing us here. I think we have given out the message that we are still in, madam speaker. You veryosi thank much mr. Chairman. Now we will hear from the chair of the science and technology in space committee, congresswoman eddie Bernice Johnson. Thank you very much. And good afternoon. Im delighted to have the expense of being here to see the thousands of people who stand together the experience of being here to see the thousands of people who stand together to look out for the planet. I am part of that group and i have not just started at this conference. Being chair of the science, space and technology committee, we have already addressed a number of issues. And we will continue using sound science. And we have also had the experience of many catastrophes throughout our nation that we are forced to give attention to. Seen in our transportation infrastructure where i have focused on resilience. Even where we have the technology in the jurisdiction of my committee that predicts weather. And is obviously saved many lives by the information. We have not saved as much materials. With infrastructure and housing are what have you because we have not really addressed it very seriously. But it is encouraging to see that people throughout this planet have come here to share ideas and get ideas and look at the exhibits and see what is moving, see what we get utilize for the future, to create a a path and aand lot of green jobs. Im dismayed when i hear that to clean the planet and give attention to the environment causes us to lose jobs. We have not found that in our research. I hope that we will all continue to speak out and speak loudly and help to educate, because this is every aspect of our life and we are talking about. We are talking about our health and environment. For all living creatures. Whether on land, water or air. , tom delighted to be here have this experience and my work will continue. Thank you. Thank you, madam chair. Now to the chair of the Natural Resources committee, chairman raul grijalva. Thank you madam speaker and im glad to be part of this delegation. I appreciate the opportunity. There was a comment made at the panel this morning. Vulnerable nations and communities. The comment was, do we delay and pay or plan and prosper . I thought thematically that was a critical comment. As isability is a reality the urgency to do something immediately about Climate Change and quit wasting time. Legislatively, our Natural Resources committee will be moving forward with legislative packages to deal with the critical issue of Climate Change , provide adaptation and mitigation to that issue. In the United States, our public lands and coastal areas are 23 of the problem and they can be 23 of the solution. Incorporate the issue of vulnerability. We have to incorporate the issue of human rights. We have to incorporate the issue of the necessity for clean air, clean water, Public Health protections. There should be no Climate Change discrimination. There should not be a misery index were some people get to offer more as a consequence not everybody doing their full part. To deal with the issue of Climate Change. , the unitedrd to it states needs to be and is committed in the form of the people that are here today plus millions of others. The vast majority of the American People support urgent action on Climate Change. That is the issue we are following. That is the opinion we need to have. And im certainly glad that i am here today to learn, to listen, and the same time, to be renewed for what happens next, what happens next is to deal with the issue of Climate Change with a great degree of urgency. Spank him out of speaker. Spkr. Pelosi and thank you mr. Chairman. Thank you madame speaker. You, mr. Osi thank chairman. We came here to say we are still in. We are here to listen and to learn and to recognize the challenges for the most vulnerable. This includes the indigenous people. We heard from the scientists this morning, the scientific presentation, the challenge of the Climate Crisis, the reality of taking action. As we take action we want to do so inclusively and working together. To think entrepreneurial he and in fresh new ways. Again, listening and learning from each other. With that i would like to, with the spirit of opportunity, opportunity, opportunity, give some of you the opportunity to ask us questions. First Jeanette Newman of bloomberg. Spkr. Pelosi let me just tell you one of the privileges of being speaker is when you get a difficult question, you assign it to somebody else. [laughter] i hope this is not a difficult question. A question on u. S. Politics. What dide recess week, democratic lawmakers from swing districts here from their constituents regarding the impeachment proceedings . Spkr. Pelosi i appreciate your question, if you have another when you may want to ask it because we are not here to talk about impeachment or the president of the United States. We are here to talk about, i of codes will be travel abroad we do not talk about the president in a negative way, we say that for home. Nonetheless, we are here to talk positively about our agenda to save the planet for future generations. We and our congress right now are doing many more things other than reviewing the possibility of impeaching a president. Our colleagues have talked about some of the initiatives. Right now we are talking about a mexicou. S. Canada trade agreement, we are talking about lowering the cost of prescription drugs, we are talking about expanding and strengthening voting rights, we are talking about an array of legislative, many in the communities of jurisdiction of our chairs who are here. Is only one paired where legislating, we are litigating, we are investigating. We are focusing today on legislating, thank you. Anotherill hear from reporter. Hello, i and from the spanish newswire. In his opening remarks, the saidsh president sanchez only fanatics deny the evidence about Global Warming and the climate emergency. Would you apply this category a fanatic to someone in your country . It could be a politician or a corporate shell . I think youll have to ask president sanchez who he was referring to in that comment. Does anyone want to comment on any of that . [laughter] words i would say three that describe how we address this. Signs, science, and science. For, science again. If we can stick with the science we can come up with some solutions to it all. Dont hesitate to chime in. Hello, yes i wanted to ask if, given the strong advocacy from some emma craddock, many from many democratic president so candidates for a gray new deal omma what it is about that plan a Green New Deal, what it is about that plan that is stopping you from gracing. Embracing. And whether you can back proposals from candidates like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren and if overall you think a Green New Deal is necessary . Earlier,osi as i said i was at the earth summit in 1992. So i have been working on this issue for a very, very long time. When i was speaker the first time, i established a select committee on Climate Crisis. We passed under the leadership of our house Congressional Democrats and also signed by president bush, the greatest energy bill in the history of our country, the equivalent of taking millies of cars off the road, reducing millions of cars off the road, reducing emissions by raising the standards. Comprehensivevery strategy on this is very important to all of us. I salute the enthusiasm that it has engendered. I do think the idea of working together is very, very important. I think there are many aspects of the Green New Deal that we have all been advocating for a long time. We do want, though, to have our friends in labor at the table, our friends in the labor movement, that is. And we want to have the private sector at the table and the rest. So we can really produce results. To reduce the omissions. Because this is a generational and existential to reduce the emissions, because this is a generational and existential threat to humanity. So i salute what theyre doing. But in terms of how we go forward that is what congresswoman castors selectivity on climate is doing. Then we will recommend to the legislative committee on legislative actions. In terms of the two president ial candidates, i do not know what particular things, i do not follow everything so i do not know what youre referencing exactly so i cannot say whether i supported. That it is probably something within the realm of what we have been advocating for a long time. To others if any of our colleagues have something to add on that. I will start by saying we of the the ambition Green New Deal. What is happening now in the United States congress is a hardworking that is necessary to develop the policy proposal, the details policy proposals in the energy sector, how would you carbonized the energy sector, the same for the transportation sector, agriculture, Energy Efficiency. When you develop detailed policy proposals, you are going another layer deeper. Then all of the legislative committees over the coming months will turn those policy proposals into concrete legislation. We hope to build bipartisan support for a number of them. And we must do this with a sense of urgency. All of the science points us in the direction that we do not have time to waste. Waste anyot intend to time. The time for action is now. To isnt this refreshing have president ial candidates in the United States of america debating the fine points of Climate Action . It is inspiring and we intend to meet the challenge. Im a new freshman member. I spent 20 years in the Energy Industry before i got into this line of work. Giving cement you that access to energy has been our greatest single success as a species and the hardest problem we have ever tackled. We would not sustain that population and the standard of living we all have in this room without figuring out how to do that. Figuring out how to maintain that access to energy in a zero carbon way is an order of magnitude harder. What has happened with the youth activism and what has happened with the discussions across the political spectrum about people who are saying this problem is so urgent that we cannot afford to get bogged down in the complexity, i except the first part of that. We have to deal with the urgency. But it is a really hard and, located problem. And i am delighted we are talking about it. But it is going to be complicated and it is going to take all of our collective work. I do not think there is anything inconsistent with what we are trying to achieve and the Green New Deal. To what degree new 2030. Ays, it talks about it primarily talks about 2030 and the power sector. You mentioned a president ial candidate. I mentioned i remembered when Bernie Sanders, for example, talked about the Green New Deal and said 2030 for the power sector, 2050 four everything else. Beyond the power sector. Even he, in discussing the Green New Deal, and he is one of the champions, is very consistent with what we are saying. We are saying 100 by 2050. It is also contingent is also consistent with the secretarygeneral today. He used the European Union and said they are trying to achieve 45 reduction in rehouse gases by the end of the next decade, 2030. But he said we want, it will take us till 2052 get to Carbon Neutral itll take us until 2050 two get to Carbon Neutral. This is the same as our 100 by 50 in the energy and Commerce Committee. We have to dispel the notion that we are not incorporating the Green New Deal and a lot of the ideas that are so enthusiastic about it. I do not think you should in any way think anything we are saying is inconsistent, i really do not add i really do not i really do not. Add, welosi i want to are not about incrementalism. We are about being transformative. That is what the conference is about as well, being transformative in the solutions we advance. Because time is taking its toll on the planet. We thank them for the enthusiasm. The other enthusiasms that are out there as well. That have been out there for a long time and growing impatient and rightfully so. Times . Ancial which one . Tempt you if i could to talk about an International Issue . President trump announced today tariffs on argentinian and brazilian aluminum and seal. There is obviously an International Issue, trade issue. It is not just to the messick politics issue. Im wondering if you have thoughts about that it is not just a domestic politics issue. Im wondering if you have thoughts about that. Spkr. Pelosi that is news to me. I do not realize President Trump had done that so i do not know the context or purpose of why he is doing that. I do think when we are talking about trade, we have to talk about it in a way, for example china is a big issue for all of us on trade. I think the way we can counter some of the violations of our own trade relationships, the violation of art trade relationship with china is to do so in a multilateral way. I do not know why the president did what he did this morning are what the justification was. Two and if you . Do any of you . No, you are breaking news us here. Lets just say that globalization has its challenges. We all need to recognize how much leverage we would have if we worked together in meeting the challenges of those who do abuse our trade relationships. And i would just have to see what his basis is for what he did. As i said earlier, we are hoping to come near to conclusion on a u. S. Cup in mexicocanada trade agreements and still have some issues related to enforcement. Because if you do not have enforcement you just have a nice conversation at a list of nice things. But you do not have a fair deal for workers in any of the countries. And that is what we want, not just a good deal for american workers, but for all workers. O that everyone can thrive that has impact on our economies, migration, and international relations. And it was a better face on globalization which is inevitable, as we know. Thank you all very much. Thank spain for its hospitality. For being the intellectual resource in all this, as well as the united nations. The secretarygeneral showed a great vision for the future in terms of climate. He showed a great knowledge of the challenges we face and the need for action now. And he showed Strategic Thinking about how to get it all done. Again, we cannot do it without working together. Thatg the opportunities are there for everyone. We are still in. We are still in. [laughter] thank you all. Announcer the house impeachment inquiry hearings continue this week on cspan. Tuesday the House Intelligence Committee will vote in a closeddoor session to send their findings on President Trump to the house judiciary committee. Then on wednesday, live at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, the house judiciary committee, led by jarrett Jerrold Nadler will hold a Public Inquiry hearing on the constitutional grounds for potential and peach meant and will hear testimony from law professors. Nora feldman of harvard our school, pamela s carlin of stanford law school, Michael Gerhart from the university of North Carolina school of law and Jonathan Turley of the George WashingtonUniversity Law school. Follow the impeachment inquiry. Watch live on cspan3. Online at cspan. Org or listen on the free cspan radio app. Announcer washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up tuesday morning, we will talk about the future of nato with defense priorities benjamin freedom and then a discussion about Life Expectancy in the u. S. With dr. Stephen wealth of the center on society and health at virginia commonwealth university. Be sure to watch he spends washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern tuesday morning. Join the discussion. On the cspany networks, the Senate ForeignRelations Committee looks at the future of u. S. Policy toward russia. That is at 10 00 a. M. On cspan. At 2 00 p. M. , the u. S. House returns for work on several bills including legislation regarding u. S. Citizenship for children of Service Members and Civil Servants born overseas. On cspan two, the Senate Returns at 10 00 a. M. Eastern to continue work on judicial and executive nominations. On cspan3, the Senate Armed ServicesCommittee Meets to review the military privatize housing program. And at 3 00 p. M. , a Senate Judiciary subcommittee examines trademark system fraud. And we will be spending this hour talking about the impeachment process going on in the u. S. Capital with two men who know the subject very well