Mayor buttigieg sounds like we are ready for that . [cheering] mayor buttigieg i think it cannot come soon enough. It is going to happen one way or the other. It will be a relief when it does. Putting the chaos behind us. Putting the corruption behind us. Putting the tweets behind us. [laughter] mayor buttigieg but honestly, the reason i am asking you to picture this is not just to give us something to look forward to. The country will be better off only no longer have a divider occupying the oval office. That is beginning of the work that must come next. If you could picture what it will be like on this in this country on that day, the sun will come up in the United States that is even more divided than we are right now. Even more polarized, even more torn up over politics. With everything we have been through, with everything we are about to go through, that day our country will be exhausted from fighting, and more in need of unity than ever. And yet, Something Else is also going to be true that day, which is the problems we are up against as a country will be more severe. None of the issues are taking a vacation for the impeachment process of the Trump Presidency. We are still going to be dealing with a climate that is approaching the point of no return. We will still be living in an economy where the numbers on a page go up, the stock market goes up and our lives dont necessarily get any better because half of america does not see that benefit. We will still be living with a crisis of gun violence that has students on active shooter drills and these two things will be troop. The need for bold action and to do for something, about these emergencies, and the need to figure out a way to do it that can bring the American People together. I am running to be the president who could stand that day when a Trump Presidency is finally behind us. Pick up the pieces and guide us towards a future where we are dealing with those problems together because the only way to get it done is to get it. That is why i am seeking the presidency. [applause] mayor buttigieg i will be honest, we were not expecting over 1000 people to join us today. [cheering] mayor buttigieg last time i came out they said we had 1400 people, but that is not too big for this to be a conversation. We have gathered up questions from members of the audience and i will ask you as our moderator, to welcome back to the stage, former mayor sue francis, who will guide our discussion. [applause] as the mayor just said, what a tremendous crowd, and a large crowd. In my role as a paramedic and public servant, i want to remind everybody if you need to exit the building, there are four exits. Two on the side into and back, now lets proceed. Mayor buttigieg thats the kind of pragmatic mentality mayors bring to the table. I love it. The famous fishbowl. Ok, it says what is your plan for combating Climate Change . Mayor buttigieg great question. If that came from you, i am guessing a few folks came in with that on your mind. This is the defining challenge of our time, nationally and globally. Its here. It went from a theory, to her prediction, to an observation, to an emergency. Its happening to every community in different ways. This is not just for the north polar on the coast. Mild community, i have read to activate our Emergency Operation center twice to deal with floods that are happening once every thousand years and they came less than two years apart. We will be judged for whether we solve the problem. I have a plan starting with aggressive action to doubled in mono Renewable Energy on the grid by 2025. Which we need to do, then we have to get transportation. We could do light vehicles by 2030. Carbon neutral by 2040 and industry by 2050 because we need to be a Carbon Neutral economy by 2050, or it will be too late. [applause] mayor buttigieg let me add to that a little bit. Every candidate ought to have a plan to get us there by 2050, and many candidates do. The real question is, how will we get it done . All these plans will be multiplied by zero. One thing i think that is very important is that we recruit the energies and enlist the capacities of every american to be part of the solution. I and to get about this from the perspective of my hometown. An auto worker ought to know how they fit among the 3 million net new jobs we will create what we tackle Climate Change. I want to make sure a person that is cultivating the coin in soybean fields understands agriculture has to be a huge part of the solution. Knowing what we know about soil management, never forget that the original carbon rendering technology is called plants. American agriculture can lead the way on this. As we do that we have to invite people who may be have been made to feel like accepting Climate Science would be a defeat for them personally and let them know that we need them in order to be part of the solution so we can rise nationally and get something done. Why do quite smart, quite acceptable candidates shoot themselves in the foot i making outrageous promises about single issues . [laughter] mayor buttigieg if you would rather remain anonymous, that is ok. Probably not my place to weigh in on any other candidate, but i will tell you this, its really important to make promises that we can keep. Its really important to offer things that can get done. Dont get me wrong, we are not watering down our values. What i am proposing we do to health care, for example, will be the biggest thing done to health care in my lifetime. Since medicare itself we have not done something as big as what i am proposing we do to make sure that every american gets coverage. And there will be some was they, and lest you go to the extreme, that does not count. This bid, pull generational reform is not enough. We are seeing that on a lot of individual issues. The important thing is, that is not needed in order to solve the problem. We can solve the problem and hold together a new american majority majority to get this done. If we can unify the American People again, we will not get everyone to agree. If we can hold it together, the next presidency will be the beginning of a decades long era of progress in the country. The likes of which we have not seen in my lifetime. Dont let anyone tell you that wanting to unify the American People means its off. Its important to find the problems without alienating half of the American People. Its an issue for governing. You get to washington and you have to keep those promises you made in places like New Hampshire. If we hold that american majority together, that is what we will do, that is what i will do as your president. [applause] how do you plan to fight the nra and support of common sense gun regulations . Mayor buttigieg so, the nra does not speak for most americans. It does not even speak for most gun owners. The vast majority, even of gun owners and of republicans believe that we should at least be doing universal background checks. There is no good argument why you would not want universal background checks and closing loopholes. Right now if the background check comes back late, they just give you the gun. Can you imagine in a hiring process if the background check came in late and they said, just hire them anyways. You have to actually keep people safe. This is a safety issue. We have the red flag laws that disarm domestic users and identify risks. It helps us deal with half the crisis of gun violence, which is suicide. Something that should be on our hearts and minds and calls out for action. [applause] mayor buttigieg its time to confront the nra with the types of weaponry i try not to go to afghanistan, do not belong to an American School and should not be sold for profit in the United States of america. [cheering] mayor buttigieg we have two things going for us in the fight against the nra. The first is that the American People are with us. There is an american majority to do more than them we have done in my lifetime. The second thing i think that will lead to changes the Generational Alliance i see mobilizing to get it done. You look at the march of our lives, students in the streets asking a question that commands an answer. What are you doing to keep me safe . When somebody not yet old enough to vote asks that question of anyone in office, of any adult, i think a voice goes off in the mind of any right thinking adult saying, do let do not let this person down. [applause] mayor buttigieg and i think that helps to explain why this moment is very different than what we saw any previous area era where we saw young people marching against their parents. This time i am seeing on issues like gun violence and climate, young people leading the way, marching in the streets and i see bear parents and grandparents cheering them on. That is the kind of Generational Alliance that will change the politics of this country. [applause] ok. I am so glad i wore my glasses today. Given the current president s immature and dangerous personality. Are you worried about how he could compromise the security of our nation after he is removed from office . Mayor buttigieg given the way he has compromise the security of our nation before he has been removed from office is something to be worried about. Helps if i can look right at you. I am very concerned about this. You have a president who just wont put this country first. We sought again the other day, it mightve gotten lost in the news because so many things are happening at once, but the president confessed in Court Documents that you legally misdirecting funds that were supposed to go to charity for veterans. There is no sense of commitment to uniform and flag. There is just this corrupt selfpreservation going on. But, thats what our constitution is for and its what elections are for. Washington is not always known for delivering the right answer, which is why even though the impeachment process much dust much must take place, it may not lead to his removal. The good news is, if congress does not remove him, we will. That is what elections are for and that is what we will get done. [applause] if elected president , which specific steps would you take to strengthen democratic guardrails and rebuild confidence in american democracy . Mayor buttigieg great question. Right here . All right. Democratic reform question, my favorite kind. Our democracy is in trouble and i have shared some of the things i believe needs to be done. There are things we could do right away. You look at hr one, the prodemocracy, anticorruption bill the house passed. Many good bills, it went to Mitch Mcconnell and senate and died there. It is full of things that would make a difference on removing the role of dark money in politics. Making sure its easier to vote, making election day a holiday. Same gabled to registration, early votes. These will make our democracy more democratic. I think we should contemplate reforms to the Supreme Court, because we cannot go on with the court being a nakedly reviewed institution. In need to be a serious national process. And a country that has changed things many times and what we expect from the court, we have to expect it cannot be a Political Institution and has to stand apart. That is an important part of our democracy. [applause] mayor buttigieg we need a lot a reforms on the way our elections are run. We cannot allow that to happen in the future. Some might take constitutional reform. This is the problem with citizens united. It may take constitutional action to establish that we do not believe that an corporation has the same political soul and rights as a human being. If thats what it will take, that is why the founders gave us the option of a constitutional amendment. Dont tell me and a country that change the constitution so you cannot buy a beer, and then changed its mind, that we cannot interchange the option of major constitutional reform to secure our democracy for the centuries to come. [applause] this is from and he is asking dear mayor, would you support eliminating senate rule for filibuster in order to pass a progressive legislation . Mayor buttigieg great question. Are you here . Hello. The answer is yes, i would. The reason is not something to do lightly, but we have seen the way the filibuster has been abused. We have seen a senate that is no longer operating in good faith. Do you remember when Mitch Mcconnell said it was a matter of principle that in an Election Year you can never vote on a Supreme Court nominee. That is what he believes deep in his heart in 2016. Then somebody asked him in 2020 if there were a nominee would you vote and he said yes. Which means they are not even pretending. When it comes to some of these norms that have outlived our usefulness, i believe it is time for a change. Harry reid, who is someone who honors the tradition of the senate, has said that this needs to be done. I believe that it needs to be done. Not just to get progressive legislation, but to make sure the senate is more responsive to our democracy. It cannot just be a place where good ideas go to die. Yes, it should be a moderating influence, but now it has become a total brick wall. Which is one reason why it might be a good idea to nominate a veteran from the industrial midwest to see to it that Mitch Mcconnell is no longer the majority leader of the senate in the first place. [cheers and applause] we have a question from jonathan. How can universal health care be obtained while the Insurance Industry and forprofit health care lead the population . Jonathan. Mayor buttigieg the Insurance Industry is fighting my plan because they dont want the competition. They like things the way they are but it is not working. Yes, we had tremendous progress with the Affordable Care act. Things i care about have been saved by the Affordable Care act, but we continue to have the problem of people who are uninsured and underinsured. The premiums are too high or the copay is out of control. Even people who thought they were taken care of, gets a surprise bill and wind up being wrecked financially by whats happening. Which is why we have to deal with the cost of health care in addition to delivering universal health care. We have to confront the cost of prescription drugs. On my watch we will not allow companies to get outpatients with price increases that are not based on the necessity or research. They are doing it because we can and we need the power to enforce against that. [applause] mayor buttigieg on the hospital side, we need to ensure that surprise billing is a thing of the past. We have a radically different prices for the same procedure just based on what kind of plan your on. We have a problem and thats why there needs to be more transparency and a cap for outofnetwork tilling. As for the insurers themselves, here is what will happen when there is medicare for all who want it. We will have a superior plan that will have caps on its cost. Even if youre outside of the regular subsidy window, never more than a. 5 of your income can going to premiums. I think it will be the best plan. That means that the private insurers will have to shape up and do better, or they have to go out of business. Frankly, i dont care which, as long as you get coverage. I suspect our plan will be the best for everyone. If we are right, more and more people will opt in until it becomes the singlepayer. If we are wrong, at least in the case of your family, maybe you got a good deal through your union negotiations, you took concessions on wages to get that good plan, then we will be really glad we did not kick you off. We will give you the choice. When americans are empowered to vote and live better public alternative, than the private plans will have to out can p it or go out of business. I am ok with either outcome is on this you get quality affordable household coverage. One more question. I feel the great pressure here. We dont have a name on the back. How are the democrats going to agree not to disagree . [laughter] mayor buttigieg interesting. Are you here . Here is what you can tell her. We are going to disagree on some stuff. First of all, our values are the same. We are together on probably 80 of what to do. Part of what happens in the primary as we hash out that other 20 . We decide which better, medicare for all who want it or medicare. Whats better is college for students are making it free for everyone, even a child for a millionaire or a billionaire. These are important policy disagreements. They are honest contexts over policy. At the end of the day, the 25 or so people running for president. The 24 mood do not get to be the nominee have to step up and rally immediately around the one who does because we know what were up against when it comes to this white house and we are one team. [applause] mayor buttigieg one more big thank you to sue francis. Thank you for everyone for coming out and let select our next president of the United States. Mayor pete who to judge. Mayor pete buttigieg. Mayor buttigieg thank you very much. [applause] mayor buttigieg are you ready to help us win this . [cheering] mayor buttigieg are you ready to turn the page from the Trump Administration and build that new future . Can i count on you to tell your friend so that we win New Hampshire . I think you will make me the next president of the United States. I will work to make you proud and we will make history together. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. [indiscernible conversations] thank you so much. That was brilliant. Shes running the race today. This is the first that we started with the renovation here in franklin. The mayor has been overseeing it for four or five years. We were one of the first. We have been here for four to five years. I am a native. This is our 1878 building. We have a cafe. We do coffee, we do all kinds of baked goods. We have made in New Hampshire stuff that is really cool. Then we will go through the outdoor, which is the waterpark. It just open a couple of weeks ago. We are really excited. We can make our way to the counter and show you a little bit. Mayor buttigieg thanks for coming. My best friend. It was wonderful. [indiscernible] this is my daughter. Mayor buttigieg a lot of hours at this place. Yes. My mom works here. Its a whole version of we dont do a lot of it. Do you want anything with it . Mayor buttigieg nope. We are the owners. Its very good. Cream or milk . No. Its very good. Mayor buttigieg not any old ordinary coffee. No, not at all. Mayor buttigieg good oldfashioned coffee. They are saying this is the best coffee. Is out of amherst. By our state magazine and several others, it has been rated really, really good coffee. Mayor buttigieg do you know if this is, as if from costa rica . Is it from costa rica . It could be. Our decaf was from mexico and then they moved it someplace else. Mayor buttigieg so did you always know you would be expanding . Um, our original plan we were trying to build. We are recovering well. But i will i really felt we needed a place for people to come. Where people could come and sit. We have wifi. A lot of our artisans here are customers. We have some wonderful gifts in the league of New Hampshire caliber. We are able to provide some really good new anyone else want a cup of coffee while i am brewing it . [laughter] it is for our people here. We have had great people, we have been here for an half years. I made a video when i first opened. One of the things i said was if it can happen in franklin because when i was here as a kid mayor buttigieg much of the challenges getting people to believe. Exactly. I am not a millionaire, but the fact that we stayed and show them we could do it. Mayor buttigieg it takes that first move to get others to follow suit. It does. He is going to talk about his wonderful idea for a waterpark. Our brewing opened up about three weeks ago. Its the best beer around. Really, really good. Mayor buttigieg we went to a mayor buttigieg they keep bringing me to these breweries in the middle of the day. I left one yesterday called throwback. They are all good. Its like portland, maine, they have 46 microbreweries and doing well. We have a one. And one up the road, hes doing great. Its good. Whats really nice now, even i dont know if you saw miller out there, we are beginning to build a loft community, miller is a comfort dog. The Company Originally trained with him to do ptsd veterans. But, golden retrievers or lab labrador retrievers, they love you, they love you, they love you. Now, we bring him in to the store, where he has assisted in some suicide experiences, which has been fantastic. He was there yesterday when we lost a teacher in our middle school. The nursing homes. Shes in the hospital. And hes just a big guy. He just loves everybody. And it is such a boon. And its nothing. Its like 1,000 to bring a dog into a community. And have that kind of stuff. All of thats building. Its just moving. And here he is. This is miller. Hi, miller. Mayor buttigieg taking it all in, huh . Nice to see you. This is where he gets his doggy ice cream. Yeah. Mayor buttigieg got any on hand . Yeah. Hi. Hi, miller. [laughter] we also have another dog in town. We do in the two of them, we have between the two of them, we have the two best handlers of dogs in the state. Awesome. Mayor buttigieg clearly a good ambassador. Yes. We have been very busy. But he loves his job. He loves kids. He loves being around people. Mayor buttigieg how long did it take to you qualify . Took some training on your part, too . Its a little different, because patrol work is more expensive training. Hes basically just [laughter] yeah, we are going to finish up his training this year. Mayor buttigieg obviously, hes still in training. Ok. Hes a big guy. An apprentice. Yeah. Happy to be a part of it. Thank you for your service. Mayor buttigieg thank you. Let me show you nextdoor real quick. Hes a comfort dog. Enjoy New Hampshire. Thank you. This is just our shop. Everything here is made in New Hampshire. This is part of the fundraising the city did, which is cool. I have one that makes the fundraiser for miller to help. Funds go to feeding, training. 100 of the profits go to his funds, to feeding, training. Mayor buttigieg it is a crowd sourced dog, basically . A crowd sourced dog, and the city is responsible. That is really cool. You can kind of see around. Weve got jewelry, weve got anytime you like. And it has gone over well, because everyone knows their neighbors are in here. Mayor buttigieg it is local. Yes, it is. Ive got about 35 different people who shop there that are on consignment. They dont pay inventory. I take a percentage when they sell, but it has worked out really well for five years. Mayor buttigieg you have been doing this the whole time you have done the coffee shop . Yeah. Mayor buttigieg thats terrific. I could use one of those. Thats great. They are 20. Which color would you want . Mayor buttigieg i want the gray one. Absolutely. Cool. [indiscernable conversations] [cheers and applause] i dont know, what do you want to see . Down here, it is very shiny. Mayor buttigieg lets check it out. I just picked the smallest spot, to make it difficult. [indiscernable conversations] it is all the way in the back, but the kitchen we have a friend doing that for us. Everybody has been really positive. [indiscernable conversations] [indiscernible conversations] we have quite a few locals who come in pretty regularly, so yeah. Hes got a question. [indiscernible conversations] mayor buttigieg could you imagine just shutting down the city because absolutely not. What you are seeing, all of the volunteering, it is all because we get along. We dont always agree on everything, but we get along. We sell things and move forward as a community. Mayor buttigieg there is a lot of energy here. We can feel there is a lot of energy here. [indiscernible conversations] it ought to be a prerequisite. Thank you, really enjoying it here today. All right. How are you doing . Great to see you. Weve got high hopes. Thank you, appreciate it. A pleasure to meet you. Good to know you. We are going to be working on your campaign. Thanks, we need all the help we can get. Mayor buttigieg great to be here. Hello. I met you in jacksonville and asked you [inaudible] mayor buttigieg i remember that. I think i told that story once on the trail. I told you it would come to me eventually. How about that . And here we are. We need a picture. Do you have a camera . That was in january. My camera is ready. Bash mayor buttigieg mayor buttigieg this one actually does work for cnn. Thank you for running for office. Yes, thank you for giving us some hope. Mayor buttigieg we are here to spread some hope around. Do you live around here . I do. Mayor buttigieg what do you like most about your hometown . Do you have a favorite place to go to or a thing to do here . [indiscernible conversations] we need help. Mayor buttigieg help is on the way. How are you . Mayor buttigieg hello. Hi. This is katie may. Mayor buttigieg nice to meet you. She just finished three basketball games. Mayor buttigieg are you tired . I would be. Nice to meet you. How was your trip . Mayor buttigieg good, we are really enjoying your town here. We are on the precipice of Something Big here. Mayor buttigieg once you have permission to believe in a place it starts to in some places, 40 years of decay or trouble, it is harder for people to believe in an identity or path forward, but i think here, we are making progress. Mayor buttigieg feels that way, reminds me of home. How did the Whitewater Park affect your town . Mayor buttigieg oh, it was huge. The first time that had been done in north america and now we are seeing Oklahoma City has a big one, and we do every thing from recreational stuff to our Fire Department runs a River Rescue School there because they can control the flood. It has become a fun part of the city. How many people does it pull in a year . Mayor buttigieg i should check the stats on that. Im not sure, but it is definitely a good draw. We just folded it in. It is part of our parks and rec department, and we will do staff competitions between the different offices in the city, i. T. Versus parks. We only had one person fall in while i was there. Do you guide them . Do you guide those . Do you captain the ship . Mayor buttigieg usually. You paddle along . Mayor buttigieg youve got to call the stroke. Thats right. Actually, if we kind of swivel, our Whitewater Park concept is slightly different. In south bend and oklahoma, and charlotte, north carolina, those are all the kind of parks where everything is artificial and engineered, right . Ours, this town is only here because of the river. You know . 150 years ago, there were nine rapids out there, and each one, the rapids had a dam or mill on it. Now, those remnants, those pieces are all in the river. Mayor buttigieg you have to clear a lot of stuff out. We do, but in the course of doing that, we can engineer features, trussell view park, which is kind of the gateway to the downtown. Theou came down and saw kayak statue, that was right out here, the kayak man. Thank you, katie. That is the beginning of our downtown, and we will have a whitewater feature, one between the two bridges, and one 1000 feet up, so this will be the new face of when you enter town. Mayor buttigieg that is so great. We have a little kind of terrace. Yep. I think here, we have been at this about four years. Mayor buttigieg great. We have been a part of about 2. 5 million in grants went to the city, both for the project and other pieces. This is how you get people to believe, i think. Mayor buttigieg folks can visualize. How long do you think it will take to realize the vision . Where iss the milk the milk . Right now we have an engineering package that has, i dont know, 26 drawings or so, and we submitted that to the des, the department of environmental services. Our permit is in, and we also have enough funds, not yet, but in about december 31, we will have enough funds for that feature, so we are very close. Mayor buttigieg great. We have to sell some tax credits, but after that mayor buttigieg new markets . Not new markets. It is a state program where you can offset your state taxes, or businesses through profit taxes for Business Enterprise tax and those companies can invest in the project rather than send their tax dollars to the capital. Mayor buttigieg very good. Ill be excited to hear how that takes shape. Yeah, you need to come back. We will take you whitewater paddling. I can you let you. Yell at you. Mayor buttigieg i can take orders. It is awesome meeting you. Mayor buttigieg i love the way you create confidence. Yep. And, you know, i think when people picked the ball up and move it along, other people see that. And you do it. You go out there and create more followers or create more people who believe in the idea, and they become the next form of leadership. Mayor buttigieg true. Very good. Thanks for sharing it. Thank you all for coming. Mayor buttigieg sure thing. Thank you. [indiscernible conversations] thank you so much. Appreciate it. I will. Hopefully, we will see you again real soon. Take care. Hey, you got a little color. Whoever wants to grab a seat. We havent named the bus. Mayor buttigieg thats true. It has to be something that what do you think we should name it . [indiscernible conversations] mayor buttigieg it frankly reminds me first of all, it is always nice to see a rivertown. You can tell a couple of businesses downtown created license for others to be there. Like the coffee shop in the gift shop in the brewery. And the gift shop and the brewery. It reminds me a lot of south bend. If youve been to Downtown South bend, the hardware and chocolate company, those were it as recently as 50 years ago. There was little else in terms of daytoday retail, and when they made that investment, more and more happened. You can tell this is a prize. The mayor was talking about his desire to be more responsive to communities. You can feel the pride. They are putting that together. They are working on whitewater. Your theme of unity and how it has developed your message when you started, was more generational change and [inaudible] mayor buttigieg i think the idea of generational growth is what has matured into the importance of the day after. I still think it is really important to keep that stake in the ground for the idea that were not returning to some state of normal that was just fine before. But in order for that to work, you have to think about what the new normal looks like. One of the features has to be a greater sense of belonging in common. We are going to have some fierce contests from a governing perspective to get some of these policies, but if we are asking, what is this future era we are trying to build that is different from the one we are coming out of . Clearly, you can tell one of the things americans are eager to get out of is the level of polarization right now. It has been more clear as we have been campaigning and speaking to voters, even voters who are very progressive in terms of what they want to see happen. I also believe we need to get the country to a place where we are less at each others throats. It is important for us to speak to that. Ideal focus on that . How do you focus on that . You mentioned that. Mayor buttigieg i dont remember a particular moment that led to it. The question on identity and how we can take identity seriously while also being more unified, its that idea of belonging. Importantso seen how it is from a Mental Health perspective, and a lot of issues that are social, political, and even medical. The more we have looked at it, the more central it feels like it has become. That moment was kind of a revelation. I realized we are doing something on the campaign that speaks to people whose exclusion may be is not even one that i have called out in particular or name checked. There is still meaning there. It helped me clarify the purpose of the campaign. Do you mind my asking, you talked a little bit at the liberty and Justice Center for the first time, in more detail than i have heard you talk about before, about the toll being in the cockpit took on you. You felt you could never hold office while married. I wonder if you are talking about the sense of belonging. [inaudible] mayor buttigieg yeah, i dont want to pretend i have experienced something other people but i think whenever something puts you at odds with your surroundings, with your community, or put you at odds with your country, you feel the pressure that creates. I think a lot of the different forms of exclusion we have been dealing with as a country have kind of rhymed with each other, so it is somebody who cared about this country but wasnt sure if my contributions would be valued or accepted, in the military or in elected office, and wondered if it was even incompatible with who i was, i think it makes me id like to think it makes me more conscious of what other people feel when they are made to wonder or continually be reminded of being different in some way, it takes energy to negotiate. It takes something out of you every day to negotiate that. Being positive does that in one way. Being out does it in a different way. Being different does that in all kinds of ways. But i know that people experience exclusion whether it is around race, disability, or whatever it is, have often spoken to me about that. That extra weight that comes. What would you say to people who are maybe feeling excluded, perhaps felt excluded by the Democratic Party . Maybe members of state or people who are, i guess and that sort of side of things . Mayor buttigieg one of the challenges we have to overcome is a dialogue on just trying to be as inclusive as possible, but also calling the party to be more inclusive. Part of what has created an and strange rent enstrangement it is one of the reasons created enstrangement when someone says they are a republican at an event, i dont want to minimize the fact that i have a lot of different values than you. I want to make sure it is honest, but i want to make sure an honest thing i can say is i am glad they are there. We should think about that as we try to grow our majority and grow our coalition, that people feel frankly, that they need to feel it is safe to come our way. We have to create that sense of belonging. Obviously, you are polling well in iowa and New Hampshire. Do you expect the results in iowa and New Hampshire will automatically lead to results in those states . How do you view your path to nomination beyond a strong position in iowa . Mayor buttigieg New Hampshire could really help, for sure, because a lot of voters in South Carolina are looking for the message. Weve got that. They are also looking for engagement. They are looking for a sense of viability, which you can demonstrate. The very first thing. The other thing that drops off as you get out of these states, is for people to know who i am. Part of that is getting on the ground. There is a huge boost in that. If we can succeed here. Do you think your viability in iowa and New Hampshire could be adversely affected by people here looking ahead and saying ok, he can do well here but South Carolina, nevada, beyond that, he is polling in third place. Mayor buttigieg it creates a lot of problems. You just psych yourself out. I just have to convince voters here that want the best president , and if i do that, i will succeed here and everywhere else. [applause] mayor buttigieg thank you so much. All right. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you to our host. We are in the middle of a bus tour that has taken us to every corner of the state of New Hampshire, and im encountering so many voters who are getting into decision mode. I remember when it was get to know you mode, and i can tell now voters feel they are here to make a decision about where you are going to put the thumb on the scale, that New Hampshire has in deciding the future of our nomination, and therefore, the future of this country. The stakes are always high in a president ial election, but this is the election of our lifetimes. We will remember this for the rest of our lifetimes. Books, volumes will be written, assuming books are allowed to be are still allowed in the future, volumes will be written about the decisions that we make in 2020. [laughter] mayor buttigieg i know we are pretty cozy here. I dont want to just talk at you. I want to have a conversation. We have some microphones going around. Once i call on you, stick up a hand, and lets have a conversation. Yes, sir. Term limits. What do you think about them . Mayor buttigieg i think there are definitely folks who need to go in washington. My preferred way to bring that about is just beat them, and one area where term limits have been raised that hasnt been thought about in the past but is worth some thought is the u. S. Supreme court, because weve seen the situation where people are timing their departure from the bench, and they used to just retire like everyone else. It feels like people might be forced to time their departure from this earth to try to make sure it is under the right kind of president who agrees with them, and that is no way to run the highest court in the land. That is one of many reforms i think we should consider. Some go deeper than that, making sure we have a balanced bench on the court or rotating people on and off the appellate bench so we dont have an apocalyptic fight every time there is a vacancy, but we need these kinds of reforms. But i also think that the best thing we can do for the congress is to make sure we have more competitive district to begin with. An election on average, one out of ten races actually is competitive because of the way those districts are run, and they set the outcome before the first vote is cast. That is not democracy. Thanks so much for coming. You will get the last word. Im from a wonderful little town. Behind every strong man is a strong woman. And that was your mother. We appreciate your sincerity, your compassion, your integrity. And, your honesty above all. Mayor buttigieg thank you. [applause] wow, look ateg that. Look at this. [applause] mayor buttigieg wow. Thank you so much. [applause] mayor buttigieg what a note to end on. Thank you. Thank you. That is so great. You made me look pretty good over there. Thank you for acknowledging my mother. I think shes terrific, too. She is, and thanks so much for the support and thanks to all of you for being a part of this. I am convinced we can deliver a day where we will be proud to look it is hard to look at a 14yearold who is asking you what you are going to do to make them safe. We are facing bleak times, but that is what elections are for. As challenging as it is now, i am convinced if we take the right steps now, we will look back at 2020 and be able to say, sorry for the way it got the way it did, but look at what we did to make a life of this country better and im glad i can count on you to make this better. Thank you for the support, thank you for joining us today. I hope to win New Hampshire and the presidency, and i hope to make you proud. Thank you. Thank you so much. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] announcer here are some feature programs on cspan this weekend. Saturday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, the house ways and Means Committee hearing on the difficulties in caring for aging americans. Eastern, ted danson testifies on the environmental impacts of plastic pollution. Sunday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern, for campaign 2020, cspan speaks with president ial candidates Deval Patrick and Michael Bennet. Deval patrick talks about his background, friendship with president barack obama, aspirations if elected president , and his late entry into the crowded democratic field of candidates. At 9 30, Michael Bennet on why president ,to run for and his stance on various policy issues. Watch cspan this weekend. We go to david next and also, oklahoma on the democrat line. Tulsa, oklahoma on the democrat line. Thank you for taking my call. Network that one President Trump did not criticize. It is the one network that will open the phones to the speaker, to myself, and i am going to state as a democrat, for all 77 that voted for trump and 2016, i say this with enough evidence in what i have seen, which is unfiltered on cspan and without commentary from millionaire anchors. There needs to be a trial in the senate. Let the process work its way out. If trump is not guilty, that the process work its way up. Announcer coverage of the impeachment inquiry and Administration Response on cspan. Cspan, your unfiltered view of the impeachment inquiry. Impeachmentouse inquiry hearings continue next week as the House Judiciary Committee talks with constitutional scholars. Will take recommendations from members of the Intelligence Committee and want to hear about constitutional grounds for president ial impeachment. The committee has invited President Trump and ask questions. Watch on cspan3 wednesday morning starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, also live on cspan. Org where you can listen live with the free cspan radio app. Recently, democratic president ial candidate senator cory booker visited with voters at a house party, a brewery, and coffee shop. Here is a look. Hello, everybody

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