To do. Im going to yield so he can speak briefly. Thank you, madam chair. I thank my good friend for yielding a quick moment. There are a few people in washington, d. C. And america who have had the impact of senator Johnny Isakson. When we think of senator isaacson, there are so many things that come to our mind. Senator, you have been an incredible statesman. A phenomenal leader, both in georgia, here in the senate, and in our country. We want to say thank you for all you have done for us. Congress,st came to you are one of the first individuals to reach out to me and give advice and encouragement. To this day, every time i see you, you do that. You will never know how much that means. Thatt to publicly state senator isakson is a hero for people all across this country. Your brilliant mind and your leadership will always be here. We say thank you from the bottom of our heart. May god bless you and your family as you go into this next chapter. Today, mypeaker, colleagues and i rise to honor the legislative legacy and life of my good friend and fellow georgia bulldog, u. S. Senator isakson. Tirelessly fighting for the people of georgia. Aring his tenure, he has been bellwether for many in our location. Once, i haverd it already a thousand times. Where is johnny on this . What does johnny think about this . Have you spoken to johnny on this . He has offered counsel that has been learned through his 40 years of Public Service that is invaluable to me and many of us in the georgia delegation and throughout this nation. I have many personal stories about johnny, some of them are appropriate for the four, some of them are not for the floor, some of them are not. Callrst recollection was a i made as a young teenager when we had a mutual friend and i needed a little help getting him through the ballot process at the fraternity house. Senator isakson picked up the phone and called. A few minutes later, the president walked in and said, i am not sure who spoke to senator isakson, but this is the way the next vote is going to go. That is all it took. Lastnot tell you over the 20 i should say 30 plus years how much you have meant to me and my family. When i am back home, i tell people the respect our delegation and all the members of the house and senate have for you. You have brought forward a sense of bipartisanship for the good of all georgians. He has played a key role in building and maintaining his reputation. I look forward to the special tradition continuing in the coming legislative sessions. Public service is more than just the service of the member. It is also the service of the family. Senator i sakson, your children, your wonderful wife. Their impact cannot be understated. We look forward to you enjoying wartime with diane and drawing more time with diane and your entire family. His character, godliness, and statesmanship will be greatly missed in washington, d. C. His faithful in washington, d. C. He is a giant among men and dogs. Dedicated and deliberate. It has been an honor to work alongside him, fighting for the good people of georgia and the veterans of the United States of america. I yield to my colleague and fellow georgian, mr. Lewis. Speaker, i would like to thank my beloved colleague and my friend for yielding. I would like to thank our colleague, mr. Scott, for tributeng this special to the great man and a wonderful human being. Rise madame speaker, i rise to recognize senator Johnny Isakson, a son of atlanta, georgia. Is a specialon man. He is a good man. I want to thank him for his years of service in the Georgia State legislature in the United States house of representatives and now in the United States senate. On february 25 19 99, i introduced johnny as the newest member of the georgia congressional delegation to the house of representatives. He came to congress as a graduate of the university of georgia and a successful businessman. Before coming to congress, he served as a member of the Georgia Air National guard. Leader,e House Minority a state senator, and as the chair of the state board of education. On that day, i said, you brought a wealth of knowledge with him. Colleagues her to our colleagues that in his decades of Public Service in our home state, johnny delivered a greattion or developed a reputation as a bridge builder. Beliefs itas strong is also willing to work with others to get things done. Very quickly, members of the house and senate discovered how true this was. The senator does not make a lot ability, but he has the and the power, the capacity to speak to power. When johnny served in the house of representatives, we always found a way to come together. Tradition whenat he was elected to the senate. We worked on many issues like housing,ation, water, and veteran affairs. We always find a way to get along and to do the good work that people deserve. Time and time again, he stood with us. Uplifted with us to africanamericans in the state of georgia, to recognize individuals like dr. Martin luther king jr. And jackie robinson. He did not just talk the talk. He literally walked the walk. Senator, you are not only you not only supported the reauthorization of the Voting Rights act in 2006, but a few theater, you even congressional delegation to selma, alabama. You,hose of us who know agreed that you are always thoughtful and mindful. A warm and welcome gentlemen. Teamwo decades, you lead a that could cross the aisle without compromising your values. When a constituent came over for a meeting with you, and your heard andy felt respected. Do not mind, but i would like to share a moment that stands out for me and will always stand up for me as long as i live to this very day. One morning for i was scheduled to read the 13th amendment on the house for, you asked the house for, you asked me to come and speak with your staff about service and my own experiences. We had an honest and thoughtful discussion. It was one of the most meaningful, memorable experiences from my years in the congress. Annot remember to this very moment what you said. 20 years have passed since i stood on this floor to introduce you to congress. As you return to private life with your beloved wife, diane, and your wonderful, beautiful children and grandchildren, i would like to thank you, johnny, for your years of service. I would like to thank you for the service to our state, our nation. Happiness. Health and enjoy a some time to beautiful and wonderful life in the state of georgia. You have been very good to the state of georgia. And blessed togh call you a friend and a brother. Hank you so much almostspeaker, it is difficult to yield back the time when i speak with this good and great leader from the state of georgia. Thank you, brother, for your service. I will come over and meet you, brother. Madame speaker, i wish all of america could be here to see that. Two icons from georgia embracing. What a wonderful site that i think is preventative of the days of the past and the days to come and how we should Work Together. Thank you both so much. Not just for what you did but who you were. Madame speaker, i yield to my colleague. Thank representative scott for coordinating this power of tribute this hour of tribute to a good friend. My friend swore me in just the same. We could take. More than an hour this could take more than an hour. I know this is a georgia delegation moment, but senator, im certain that if the house would allow number after member and state after state would come down here. As members, we get up each and every day. We work hard to make sure our constituents have a great place to live and provide for our families. It is not often we have the opportunity to share about the impact a Single Person might have made on our lives. Today is one of the rare occasions for me. I get to do that today through the recognition of one of georges giant. Today and to do this take the opportunity to share our first interaction. My first introduction to senator isakson. It was november 6. 1990. Was your average 20yearold college student. I was apolitical. Meal looking for a free that night. I was an idealist. I was invited that night by my roommate to attend a political gathering. My roommate happened to be the , who isreddie stevenson a dear friend of ours. That was my very First Political event ever i had attended. It happened to be the Gubernatorial Election night celebration, that is what i anticipated that night. I can remember that evening as if it were yesterday. As can so many others. The north georgia country boy, i did not grow up in wealth or politics. I just worked hard every day. That night, i was impacted. There was a lot of energy. There was excitement in the room. That is infectious. That is not what it was that night. I was impacted or so then anything by a Single Person. A person i did not even know yet. A person i would soon get to know very well. You might suggest i was impressed by his resume, his history, and what all he had done. We glossed over what has been accomplished. In the georgiaa national guard. He was cochair of a president ial campaign. President of one of the Largest Real Estate Companies in the country. He was a georgia bulldog. That is not what captured me that night. I was totally unaware of all those things. What his future might be yet. That was so many years ago. The fact he would one day run and be elected to the state senate, that he would be a candidate for the u. S. Senate in 1996 and head the state school great sworn in by the john lewis. Five years later, elected to the United States senate. That was something so much more. Something more there was so much more than that that we had yet to know. It was more than your resume. It was more than your title. It was more than you were going to accomplish that stirs me or any individual. It was on that night in 1990 were a man i had never met with a name i certainly cannot pronounce, with a history i did not know, and a future yet untold. My first impact by a political figure in my life was that night in 1990. When the results were not what they had hoped for or what the senator had hoped for or what they had worked for, and yet, they were in a room of friends and supporters. They had to address them that night. If you were an onlooker like me and a 20yearold college student, what you expect . You expect maybe there is going to be bitterness. There is going to be regret. There is going to be blaming. It sounds so familiar today, but it was different. Took theJohnny Isakson stage with grace, respect, with dignity, with vision, and with a confidence i never expected in person. Whether he knew it that night,e chose to impact and inspire and he chose to inspire me. I know the story is not unique to me. There are 45 years of stories like that. I just happened to be one. He was paying forward before it was a thing to do. 29 years later, i can stand before each of you i stand before you as one who served in the Georgia House for 10 and a half years. I stand here in the congress. I get a stand here before you and say thank you. Thank you. Hank you, senator isakson thank you for caring. Thank you for being an example of what is needed today. It is with deep gratitude that i get to paid tribute get the pay tribute in your farewell. The one who mightve lost the election in 1990, but who won the respect of a college student. Thank you so much. May god bless you in the days ahead. I now yield to my friend and colleague, mr. Bishop. Debt i thank the gentleman for yielding. I think my colleagues for this special order, giving tribute to a good and great man. Winston churchill once said, you make your living by what you get. You make your life by what you give. Isakson, hashnny given so much to so many for so long. He has truly made a life. Has been a true statesman in his remarkable career of service for georgians. I first met johnny in 1977 where we served in the georgian general assembly. He developed a friendship that has endured through our Work Together in the statehouse, the u. S. House of representatives, and during his service as our georgia senator. He has not viewed issues from a partisan perspective, but for the good of all americans. Innny served as a republican both chambers of the Georgia State legislature, but he was appointed by georgias democratic governor to be the chairman of the Georgia State board of education. His integrity, his kindness are invaluable qualities in a legislator and have no doubt been a defining measure of his success. I am honored to call johnny my friend. We will miss him in the delegation. His loss will be felt deeply. He is very much deserving of a happy retirement spent with his wife, diane, their children, and grandchildren. We wish you the best, johnny. Strange said, isnt it clownsnces and kings and and caper in sawdust rings and common folks like you and me are builders for eternity . Tools andven a bag of a set of rules. Life has make their flown a stumbling block or a steppingstone. , theeople of Georgia People of our nation, and people all across the world are so blessed that you have used your life and career not as a stumbling block, but as a steppingstone for a higher, better quality of life for humankind. Thank you and god bless you. Thank you, mr. Bishop. I want to thank senator isakson as well to his service as well for his service to our nations veterans. Veterans our military faithfully for many years. I want to yield the floor to my friend in carly, mr. Collins, one of the men who serves as in multiple capacities, both in the air force and as a member of congress. I appreciate it. To hear the accomplishments of , one of theson people as you go along, you have to know them by title or the state ofin georgia, when you say johnny, everyone knows who you are talking about, especially when it comes to our politics. To rattle off everything that has been said it is breathtaking what you have accomplished. Those are the things that are worthy of the page in your life. For many of us here, just as my friends were saying earlier, you have a personal attachment to many of us whether you realize it or not. For those of us who come forward in Public Service, and you need role models and Public Service, and you hear about those who succeeded and failed, which is something many of us have to get used to. For me, it is watching you in the times when you did not know you were being watched. The times when i watched you as a young person in the statehouse in georgia going to a meeting. They recognized and said, johnny is here. Would you like to see a few words . For most of us, struggling to come up with a couple of words that sound good together. Johnny would stand up and rattle of a peach a speech that you wouldve sworn was being written for years. I watched you do it so many times. You listened. In this business, that is pretty impressive. That is why you got stuff done. I remember every time i would come to you, there will be times where i would be asking a question. You would answer. You would listen. I went away feeling better just by being with you. I remember when i talked to you right after you announced you were going to leave a big hole in our delegation, and the first thing you said to me when i picked up the phone, as you did almost every time, doug, thank you you are doing a great job. Knew, that probably was not true. When you understand what it takes to lift people up, you leave a mark. You leave a special mark. For those of us in politics who struggled to go into groups that would call us names and not like us even when they were supposedly on our side, i watched what you did. You would go into those groups. You would sneak into the back after the meeting started. They would see you there. They would recognize you. You stood and spoke. You never backed down. But you made a lot of converts simply by being there. For those of us in Public Service, if you showed me or anybody anything, it is that being in the room, being a participant, listening to people, and caring about them even if you disagree with them is the largest step we can take to make sure we have a union that matters. , for a and my house needs rolewho models, we stand on your shoulders. You are the giant in the room. From our perspective of watching what happens and how it happens. One i got a washington, d. C. , i knew the one thing i wanted to do was actually passed legislation. I heard you say one time before, why do we come up. If we do not get anything done . Theny, you are far beyond policy. You are to the heart of people. It will be missed in this place. It is alive now. We turn to you in that vision more than anything. As you know, i still represent part of athens and clark county. You are a georgia graduate. As we say around those parts, you are a dam good dog. I yield. Colleague. Eld to my the gentle from georgia, miss big math. Ms. Mcmath. Toim so glad we are here honor our carly. It is an honor to represent the sixth district in congress. It is an honor to hold the seat that senator isakson once held. Senator isakson has spent decades in service to the state of georgia and our great nation. Left ancy has unforgettable mark on georgia and the United States senate. He is known in our community for being a Friendly Neighbor and for being a truly good man. I am honored to call you my friend. We share a passion. A passion to make georgia the best place to live and to start a family. We share a dedication to making america a more perfect union. I know i have not been in the georgia delegation all that long, but i thank you for putting people over party and for your coment tohe best policy, which is not always easy we live in an age where loyalty comertisanship has often at the expense of the American People, and we live in an age where compromise has become a dirty word. Age where the American People have become disillusioned with the american government. Senator isaacson, senator isakson, you have defied that age. Senator isakson has always been open to that tough conversation, and you have always been open to finding Common Sense Solutions to forge on common ground. Proud tois why i am so follow in your footsteps as the representative from georgias sixth congressional district. It is why i work so hard to make sure we are passing bipartisan bills, bills that will help protect the communities that we truly love. I thank you, sir. I thank you so much for your service, for the people of georgia, and for your service to the freedom of our country. Godspeed, my friend. God bless. I yield back the balance of my time. I think the gentlelady, and i now yield to my friend and colleague mr. Woodall. Think i thank the gentleman from yielding. I want to talk about the partisanship conversation. Old andas six years senator isakson was elected as a u. S. House member, it was 23 out of 180 members of the house. I dont know how many there were before you got there, senator. But being a republican in georgia in 1976 was not a popular thing to do, and i think about all the things we want to do together in this body. I think about folks who say, we cant do that, it is too hard. It will take too long. Lets do something today, but lets not focus on those longterm goals. You might think that when Ronald Reagan was elected in 19 80 that that was a big jump in georgia, but as i recall, there were still 23 members in the georgia 1980. In georgia in 23 out of 180. Somebody had to be the first one to stand up, and we talk about partisanship in this institution like it is a bad thing. What i have always loved about you, senator, is you have never been embarrassed to be a republican. You knew what you believed. You knew why you believed it. You may not like the way someone else expresses their republican values, but you lived with your heart. You sat right beside a democratic euro and i could not tell the difference when it came to southern gentility. But you will never be embarrassed to share who you are as a republican. That is what it takes to grow from 23 members in a 180 number body into the institution that tom graves had an opportunity to serve in, an institution that so many of our colleagues had the opportunity to serve and. We talk about bipartisanship as the holy grail. It requires partisanship to get there. If but for the example you set, we would not have the Republican Party in georgia and we would not have isakson values and that party values in that party. I want to talk about people as the second part of that. I imagined the roughest part of being a United States senator is that you lose that oneonone contact that you had. In a congressional district, you can get to know people. You can be with them in community. Your entire career has been about people. I watch you when you walk into a room. Folks that i know who they are, i cannot remember. I have seen you go up and greet them by name. Folks that have come into the room from all different congressional districts, you have got a relationship with them, maybe from back in 1976 when you were trying to grow the state, may behe from back when you were leading education, maybe from back in the sixth district, maybe back from your time as a United States senator, but you have always put people first. I have seen that in every speech you have given in gwinnett and forsyth counties. This is my favorite time that we spend together each year. If you dont know, the isakson academy day is a statewide event that brings all the young men and women who love and opportunity they can do anything they want to with their life. They want to serve the United States of america. They want to be the future generation of leaders. Even as young as ninth grade, they come to this event that senator isakson puts together. Talk about all the lives you have changed here in this institution. Dont even get started on the number of lives you have changed as it relates to leadership and opportunity to serve through your academy day. Thinking about you being a republicans republican. I think about Reba Jennings and Forsyth County. For folksdcore who dont know, Forsyth County is one of the most conservative counties in the state of georgia. They have been building the Republican Party up there for as long as anyone can remember. We lost her in an untimely way. Everyone loves you on the way out the door. You remember a tough primary season where folks come to you and say, johnny, why arent you more angry about this . Why arent you doing this . We tend to eat our own. And Reba Jennings, the first time i met her, was fielding one of those questions. Someone came up and said, we have to get somebody to challenge that Johnny Isakson in the next primary. You know reba. She does not have any softness in her. She went right to your backbone. She took it to that whole crowd of republicans, saying, you can pour out anyone you want to in this town, but you cannot pull out Johnny Isakson because he has done more for the Republican Party than anyone in this state has, and let me tell you how. It is not hard to find the tractors out there thi these days. It is hard to build the lifelong friendships that build that gift of relationships that you have offered so many. You have offered it to me. I am grateful to you for it. I would not be standing here today if but for the work you have done those years. Is a part of the rules committee, and we need to prosper a procedural motion. And we need to pause for a procedural motion. A reportat the desk from the committee of rules for filing a report. The title . Report to a company, House Resolution 713. 09, to direct the secretary of labor to issue an Occupational Safety in Health Standard that requires covered employers within the health care and social Service Industries to develop and implement a comprehensive Workplace Violence prevention plan and for other purposes. Providing for proceedings during the period from november 22, 2019, through december 2, 2019, and providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. The speaker pro tempore referred hot house calendar and ordered printed. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Scott madam speaker, i yield now to my good friend and colleague, mr. Carter. Mr. Carter thank you, mr. Speaker. And thank you, representative scott, for putting this together. Indeed, something well deserved. You know, i rise today to recognize a great georgian and a great senator. You know, senator isakson, ive been blessed in my life. The grandson of a tobacco farmer, the son of a paper mill worker. And here i am walking the halls of congress. In the short period of time that hive had to serve here, ive things. D many great got to listen to the pope. Something i never thought i would have the opportunity to do. One of the great religious leaders in the world. Right here in things. Got to this room. But i think what i just saw just a few minutes ago, when i saw not only two great georgians but two great americans, john lewis and Johnny Isakson, embrace, you know, i pinch myself sometimes. How did this happen to me . How did i get to witness all these great things in my life . I want to thank you both and i want to thank you especially, senator isakson. Ive been fortunate to call you a friend and a mentor for many years. Ive had Many Political mentors in my life. Tom triplet, tom coleman. Just to name a few. And Johnny Isakson. I can remember hearing the story from thenminority leader of the house of representatives in the Georgia State house, when you, senator isakson, would tell the story of leading such a small group that general custer had better odds than you had at that time. Ill never forget that. And you know, it taught me perseverance. It taught me to always work hard and to continue on. And ive always looked at that and admired that in you and i appreciate it very much. Your dedication to hour state and our nation has truly been unmatched. Its something that ive admired throughout all my time in Public Service. Senator isakson, youre one you are the only georgia to serve in the Georgia State house and senate and house of representatives and United States senate. I got three out of four. I dont know if i will make it across over here, but if i do, im going to catch it, because i have had the honor as well. And at each of those levels that you served, you have been successful in pushing policies for the benefit of the state of georgia and United States of america and i think that is so important, everywhere youve been, every step of the iowa way. Its always been for the people and for the benefit of our state and our nation. During the time in our political history in which americans seem to be increasingly divided, i have always looked to you as one of the most important achievements that i think you made us to build bipartisanship, is to reach across the aisle, is to come together. You know, i hear my staff tell the story of, you dont hear about senator isakson being involved in a big fight over in the senate, but in the background, hes in a nice fight and hes winning. Senator, thats what we aspire to do. We want to be statesmen and be successful and win our matches, but your and we dont even know about it most of the time. For example, you have always been a staunch supporter of our nations veterans and that is extremely important for us to remember. Chair of the Veterans Committee for so many years. I have heard the stories of problems at the v. A. And of senator isakson picking up the phone and calling a Family Member and apologizing. This is the chair of the Veterans Senate committee and calling a Family Member apologizing for a problem at the v. A. Center. But thats what we admire. V. A. Rhaul to the veterans choice and modernizing programs, all these signed into law as a result of your efforts. Every year for over a decade, senator isakson has held a barbecue in the russell building and fed his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. We will lose one of our great political assets and you made the point that you will sprint to the finish line and that is important. I thank you, senator, to our service to our state and nation. And thank you for the example that you have set for people like me. Thank you for always being a step above of the political infighting to do what you thought was best. What you continue to do what is best for your health, you and your wife will be in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you, senator, for your service to our country. God bless you. Mr. Scott can i inquire as to how much time we have remaining . E speaker pro tempore the gentleman has 18 minutes remaining. Mr. Scott i now yield to my friend and colleague, mr. Loudermilk. Mr. Loudermilk thank you, representative scott, for this time here and thank you for organizing this. Its a moment that im sure all of us are having mixed feelings. There has been a lot of accolades given here today to senator isakson and talk about his accomplishments, which are absolutely many. What a lot of people dont understand about georgia, we have legends, there are legends from georgia, if you go to any history book and talk to anybody, they will recognize those names as georgia and james ogelthorpe. Luther ch, dr. Martin king and the legendary coach of the university of georgia and tom murphy, longest speaker of the house in the nation that served in the Georgia State house that i know that senator isakson served with when he was in the state house. I believe that Johnny Isakson is one of those legends as well. He is the only one in the history of our state, in the history of this nation to serve in both houses of the state legislature and both houses of the United States legislature. An accomplishment that no one else has ever achieved. The one thing i know about senator isakson is the character of the man, that he didnt accomplish those things because it was a personal goal but because of a heart of service. And one thing that i have been able to consistently and honestly say about senator isakson is that he is a statesman. And that is something that seems to be lost in the line of Politics Today of those who are true statesmen. And things about him and statesmen that are common across the board. One is truthfulness. And i can tell you that senator isakson, johnny will tell you the truth, even if it is something you dont want to hear. He will tell you in a way that you will appreciate that, because he is doing it to uplift you and make you better and not to draw you down. Faithfulness. He has been faithful to his faith, his god, his family, his political beliefs, his party, but more importantly, this country and the institutions he has represented. Another is trust. That is something that is lacking in modern politics, but i can tell you this. Johnny isakson has never ever told me something that i ever questioned after that. If he told you he was going to do something, it was going to happen. Loyalty. Loyalty is another area that he has always been loyal to those who are his friends, for those he represents, for his nation and for his state. Commitment. He is a very committed person to those things which he believes in. Civility is one of those that is really lost today, but as many have spoken here today, he has not only reached across the aisle but reached across the state to bring civility back into politics. And the last one which i think is most important to me is friendship. The mark of a statesman is all of those, but mostly friendship. I was in another member of Congress Office lately and senator, there was a poster and it made me laugh and there was a poster who said if you wancht a friend in washington, get a dog. I dont think that member meant Johnny Isakson. He is a friend not to only me but to georgia and United States. Thank you for your service to our state and nation. You will be missed. And i am so honored to be able to say im a friend of the legend from georgia. God bless you. Mr. Scott as i yield to mr. He n, sir isakson is a dog, is a georgia bulldog. Mr. Allen thank you for organizing this time. As many times said, he is a legend. I never thought i would be standing here in front of two georgia legends as i speak specifically about one, but i do rise today to honor migrate mentor and friend, senator Johnny Isakson. Along with greetings to diane and your wonderful family. I was there last saturday to witness your bulldogs to beat my auburn tigers and congratulations on this and i hope and pray they will go all the way for you. And i think that would be a great tribute. Johnny has been a champion for the state of georgia for decades as a reflection of his many years of service. As has been mentioned by all of the accomplishments, a life of political service. But and also mention about his influence on education. You know, when i was first elected, i had not been in politics before and i didnt know how to get things done up here. But i did, as my service on the education and labor committee, was attracted to a bill called the every Student Succeeds act. And i worked feverishly to get that bill passed in the house. Votes, gin of mere five 218213. Sometime later as we get together in georgia for lunch, johnny was asking me about that legislation. And i told him, i said we are going to return control to the states and try to get the federal government out of the classroom so that teachers can have more time to teach. And you quickly became a champion in the senate and helped garner bipartisan support. Now this is the way things should work. That bill, the every Student Succeeds act, passed the senate 8117 and went to a Conference Committee all because of the influence of this incredible man. When that version then came back to the house, im standing right there looking at our Ranking Member and that bill passed in this house 35964. I had never seen anything like that, johnny and all owed to you and the impact on education is goings to be felt throughout this nation. It is quite a influence in these halls of congress. Throughout your service, you have demonstrated the true meaning of Servant Leadership by always putting the needs and priorities of georgia first. The greatest servant leader in history said there is no greater love than to give your life for a friend and you have given your life to a big part of it to this country. As someone who came from the Business World and had not served in Public Office before, im thankful for your leadership. Georgia has been named the best state to do business in the last seven years and there is no coincidence you had a lot to do it. I called on you for sound advice and guidance and now you are retiring this year, i hope you know we will be still reaching out to you for advice. We will deeply miss you and your impact and it will be missed for generations to come. There is no doubt that georgia has big shoes to fill and i think our delegation is up to the task, which is a testimony of your lp and my colleagues. We will do our best to make you proud and honor your legacy. We wish you and your wife all the best in this next chapter. God bless you and your family. And i yield back. Scott scolt i now yield to mr. Scott i now yield to my fellow colleague, mr. Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson thank you, mr. Scott. Senator isakson, that feels a little formal saying it, johnny, is a constituent and how i know you. I want to thank you so much for your dedicated service to our state. Others have talked about their first meetings with you, i remember mine fondly, unlike not unlike my colleague, mr. Graves who is at the university of georgia. I was a freshman sitting on the steps of a fraternity house, completely clueless about the world and not having an understanding and i remember sitting on the steps, as you who you were, ea and you talked to us about a brighter future. You talked to us about what it meant to be a who you were, and you georgia n. I remember thinking two things of that moment. That is probably the nicest person i have heard in my entire life. I was pretty touched that someone was looking out to my future that didnt even know me. As i watched you and began to follow you, i saw that play out firsthand. I saw how important the state of georgia was to you, and what made it important for the millions that you love and care about. The ones that you dont know, the ones that you do know, the once who are yet to come. Your unwavering commitment to make a better state and nation is something not to be forgotten. You are a gentleman and statesman that we should all follow. It is pretty remarkable that we as the georgia delegation are getting to sit here today and not only speak to you, which our Dear Colleague john lewis as well, because many of those same things that we say about you, we have to say about our colleague, mr. Lewis. As a again you inlove for our people, the sense of optimism, desire for a bright future, all of those things come through, not just in your words but in your actions. I want to thank you for that. 40 sir isakson, i have been told that i cannot call you johnny on the floor. Could, i would say, thank you for your service to the great state of georgia. The world is better because of the service you have for your fellow man. With that, i yield the floor. Announcer Congress Returns next week. On the agenda for december, the house will work on a Prescription Drug pricing bill and Voting Rights legislation. Both the house and senate have until december 20 to pass all 12 spending bills for the rest of fiscal year 2022 avert a government shutdown. They also hope to finish work on a policy bill before the end of the year. The house returns on tuesday. The senate will vote on the Energy Secretary nominee on monday when they return. He is currently the deputy Energy Secretary, and if confirmed, would replace rick perry. The senate will also continue work on judicial nominations. Follow live Senate Coverage on cspan 2, and the house on cspan. The impeachment inquiry hearings continue next week, when House Judiciary Committee chairman nadler holds president inquiry into trump, focusing on the constitution and the history of impeachment. Our live coverage on cspan3. Chairman nadler extended an invitation for the president and his counsel to appear for the committee. Read the letter to the president on our website, cspan. Org impeachment, and follow the impeachment inquiry live on cspan 3, online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Last week, former House Speaker john boehner wasnt honored at the u. S. John boehner was honored at u. S. Capitol

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