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We follow you. Good morning. Good morning. How are you . All right. We follow you. [laughter] thank you. Good morning everybody. [inaudible conversations] governor, i did not realize they need a photo of you actually signing the eggs. Get a pen. Sharpie . You do not want to lay an egg. Dont break an egg. [laughter] you know they are recording, right . Yeah. [laughter] [indiscernible] that might be uncalled for. Your signature egg,en he gets to the last the handwriting may be an initial . Did you get one . [laughter] heregreat tradition clicking photographs] can we just keep going . [indiscernible] great turnout. On short notice. Longtime admirer. Youre doing a great job. Did everybody get their egg . You . W are this too early though. Good morning. Good morning, everyone. I just want to say that four days notice, this is a sellout crowd. We sold out on friday. We are auctioning off this is amazing, this kind of crowd with a level of interest today here for this great politics eggs breakfast. We do these things because we have great sponsors who are we do these things because we have great sponsors who are here. Their names are around the room to help us put these on. We have been doing quite a few of them, of course, and i want to just mention that comcast, they are always front and center, always willing to help but comcast is going to be in this room in about two hours and they film their newsmaker segment. As soon as this is over, we go right into comcast mode, so other exciting week. Another exciting week. We have a lot of great dignitaries. But i just want to recognize heather, who really got the Harvard Institute of politics off the ground and running, and its a great partner with us. Im so happy you are here today. [applause] [applause] neil we have a great partner, the New Hampshire partner is a great partner with the new England Chamber of commerce. Jim and i basically have breakfast, lunch and dinner together and i want to introduce jim, jim brett, for the purposes of introduction. Thank you. [applause] jim let the record be known that i pay for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. [laughter] forget about it. I also want to acknowledge the presence of a former Lieutenant Governor of massachusetts, tim murray is here. We welcome him in his first visit here. [applause] and i too would like to welcome all of you on behalf of the new England Council here. I want to thank the entire team, for their wonderful Ongoing Partnership with the new England Council. I think with a Record Number of candidates this year, we had a Record Number of politics and eggs programs. I believe today is our 20th politics and eggs. I dont know about you, but the doctor says my cholesterol level is going higher and higher and higher, so its going to come to an end soon but i want to thank st. Anselm for all they do to make these programs such an outstanding must stop to say the least. And, of course, gratitude goes to all the sponsors. They are the ones who make it possible to have the venue and the breakfast here, and they are corporate citizens of New Hampshire and new england. If you know anyone affiliate with any of them you should thank them for this wonderful, Wonderful Public Service they provide here. 2019 has been an incredible year for the new England Council and we have a few more events in store before the years end. I believe we over 70 events here this year and all six single state and in washington with the governors and the congressman and senators, president of president ial candidates and cabinet secretaries. We even had the speaker of the commons speak at the new england british council. We havent taken our foot off the gas pedal. Next week we host congressional roundtable in boston. With congressman bill keating and congresswoman Katherine Clark on the evening of tuesday, december 3. We hope you will join us for our annual Holiday Celebration at the Kennedy Institute for the United States senate. Needless to say its a wonderful, wonderful evening. I promise it will be worth the drive here from New Hampshire. Our final d. C. Event of the year will be held on december 10 in washington where well host congressman Stephen Lynch for a capital conversation. Our guest today is someone who i know needs little or no introduction in this room. But let me take a moment to remind you of his very impressive background. Born and raised in the south side of chicago, he first came to new england to pursue his education. First at Milton Academy and later at Harvard University where he received both his undergraduate and law degrees. Went on to achieve great career success. Both in the Public Sector as an attorney, as president bill clintons justice department, and in the private sector. Holding leadership positions in major corporations like texaco and cocacola. Some have questioned his decision to jump in the president ial race. The word underdog has been used by many a pundit, but let me remind you that exactly what he was in 2005 when you decided to run for governor of the commonwealth, as a political newcomer he defeated wellknown longtime public official in the democratic primary, wellknown Lieutenant Governor in the general election. During his eight years as chief executive he pursued ambitious agenda which included implementing the states first of its Kind Health Care Reform law, investing in Public Education to close the achievement gap of minority students, and setting Ambitious Goals for expanded Renewable Energy in the state. All of this is to say, he is a man who is not afraid of a challenge or an uphill battle. On a personal note i had the opportunity to work with and get to know the governor pretty well during his tenure at the statehouse where he appointed me as chairman of the Governors Commission for the people with intellectual disabilities. Needless to say, i always found him to be kind, very generous, very effective. More importantly, very compassionate. Hes been out on the campaign trail for the past two weeks and today we are pleased to welcome him home to new england and to politics eggs. I know all of you are eager to hear about his vision for the future of our country, and why he thinks hes the best candidate to take on president next year. Please join me in welcoming the former governor of the commonwealth, my dear friend, the honorable deval patrick. [applause] mr. Patrick thank you. Jim, thank you so much for the extraordinarily generous introduction, and to you and the new England Council and two st. As and the institute of politics. Thank you very much for having me. Thank you to ladies and gentlemen, for coming out this morning. Its an honor to be with you. Im delighted that Lieutenant Governor is i guess we are out of state. Lieutenant governor murray, just to be sure, we are all talk about the same person, and many of the friends are here today in the room. You already know my story. Perhaps for those of you who dont, i apologize to those who do. I want to start there because it provides i think important context for why im running for president , and then we can save most of our time for conversation. As jim said, i started out on the south side of chicago. Much of that time on welfare. I lived there with my mother, my sister, my grandparents and other relatives who came and went, at least after our parents split when i was four. In our grandparents twobedroom tenement. My mother, sister and i shared one of those bedrooms in a set of bunkbeds, you go from the top bunk to the bottom bunk to the floor. Every third night on the floor. I went from big, broken, overcrowded, underresourced sometimes violent, Public Schools and still my grandmother would always tell us, you are not poor and were not poor, just broke. Because broke she said is temporary. For all the things we didnt have, one thing we did have was a very strong community. That was a time when every child was under the jurisdiction of every single adult on the block. If you messed up down the street in front of ms. Jones, she would go upside your head like you were hers. And then call home so you got it two times. What those adults were trying to get across was membership in community is understanding the stake you have in your neighbors dreams and struggles as well as your own. The other lesson i learned mainly from old ladies in hats in church was that we were supposed to do what we can in our time to leave things better for those who come behind us. Its the same ancient lesson everyone of us are learned from our grandparents, that each of us bears a responsibility for the next generation. These lessons of community and a generational responsibility have stuck with me. They are the home i keep being called back to. Through college and law school, through my u. N. Work in darfur, sudan, from a civil rights work at the Legal Defense fund or the department of justice, through my assignments in business and my terms as governor. Whether representing haitian tenants in eviction proceedings, defending Voting Rights organizers in alabama making fair andent practices open, expanding health care, to over 90 of our residents in massachusetts hoping to grow a company that delivers dental services to poor kids, i have always worked to leave things better for those that come behind me. Getting results in those settings and in others requires building bridges. Never once have i taken an assignment where i left my conscience at the door. In my experience, confidence in my values alongside an openness to working with others is the formula for change that lasts. Thats why im running for president. We need leadership thats about bringing us together not tearing us apart. We need leadership thats about leaving things better for those who come behind us, not about scoring partisan points. We need leadership that understands that unity makes us not only stronger, but successful. In other words, leadership that is about doing the job, not just having it. I am a democrat and proud of it. Democrats are the party of strivers and strugglers, the folks who look to america to offer a way up and a way forward. We are the party of families who want a home they can afford in a neighborhood thats safe, of students who want to further their education without being enslaved by debt. Of workers who want to earn their way, of seniors who want to age with dignity. Of immigrants who want a lawful path to mainstream american life, of the incarcerated who want a second chance. Of all of us who Want Health Care that we can afford and count on. Thats us. The party of active government when it comes to protecting the planet and civil rights and the party of government restraint when it comes to endless war or a woman making her own Health Decisions or any one of us marrying whomever we love. I believe that the american experiment is deeply invested in aspiration and common cause, in basic fairness that it works where we build community and bear our responsibility to leave things better for those who come behind us. Thats the kind of party that these dark times require. Thats why im a democrat. But i dont think that you have to hate republicans to be a good democrat. I dont think you have to hate conservatives to be a good progressive. Or to hate business to be a good social warrior, anymore than i think you have to hate ward to be a good civil war your or you dont have to grow up poor and stay poor to hate chronic poverty. I try to be the kind of man who rejects false choices not for the sake of tamping down disagreement and smoothing things over, but because of the range of my Life Experience has taught me, so many of the choices that we present each other in politics are in fact false. So i want you to understand that i am proud to be a democrat, but i am not running to be president of the democrats. Im running to be president of the United States. And theres a difference. Im not talking about a moderate agenda, that is the last thing we need in times like these. Im talking about being woke, as my friend says, while leaving room for the still waking. Im talking about what it takes to govern, what it takes to actually make change that lasts. The values of community and generational responsibility are essential for the American Dream to flourish. It was because others here and abroad fought for, prayed for and died for civic ideals of equality, opportunity and fair play that i and so many others, maybe even some of you here, have experienced an improbable journey beyond our circumstances of birth. Grit, determination, resilience, High Expectations and good fortune are fundamental to be sure, but so also are good schools with wellprepared and supportive teachers. So also is food and shelter you can count on. So also is an economy that has a place for you when youre ready to go to work. Most people i meet arent looking for government to solve every problem in everybodys life, just to do its part to help people help themselves. Where theres just no denying that over the years weve seen policies shift away from the values of community and of generational responsibility. The obsession with shortterm quarter to Quarter Results i saw in my business life, has crept into the way we govern, where we govern from election cycle to election cycle and news cycle to news cycle. Weve tilted our economy toward the well connected. Weve come to associate poverty with the unrelated concept of fault. And weve bleached justice slowly, but methodically out of the Justice System. Common cause, let alone common decency, has vanished for much of our National Politics and weve so diminished and belittled government over the years that the publics confidence in it to address common needs keeps shrinking. Leaders who spend every waking moment trying to divide us have made it worse. Caging children and demeaning the weak and vulnerable have made us all ashamed, but the troubling fact is that before the Current Administration, the poor were stuck in poverty and the Great Recession exposed how the middle class are just a paycheck or two away from being poor. The frustration, alienation and even betrayal that folks feel in farm country or in coal country, in small towns across america and many a suburb today is remarkably familiar to me, from my life on the south side of chicago. The American Dream i have lived is up for grabs, but it doesnt have to be this way. There is a way up thats not about tearing people down. There is a way to build together. I know this because thats what we did in massachusetts. We faced the worst economic crisis in a generation, just like all of you. And because we stuck together, and made shared sacrifices in the interest of shared prosperity, we emerged stronger on the other side. After eight years of hard work and focus through those values, massachusetts ranked first in the nation in student achievement, in health care coverage, in veterans services, in Energy Efficiency, in entrepreneurial activity just to name a few. We helped to revive an economy hammered by recession by turning it into a Global Innovation powerhouse creating a 25year employment high. We developed a National Model for addressing climate change, by working with our neighboring states on the Greenhouse Gas initiatives, planning for and investing in resilience and recovery, closing coal fire d power plants and building a solar, wind, and Energy Efficiency sector that both generated ample alternatives and created thousands of jobs. We made meaningful reforms in transportation, criminal justice, the ethics rules, our state Pension System and we did it with responsible budgets and by earning the highest bond rating in state history. Now, we did not get everything right, nobody does. But we got these and other results because we worked hard every day to do all the good we could for all the people we could, in all the ways we could, for as long as we could. We governed for everyone everywhere, not just the people who voted for us, by asking people to turn to each other rather than on each other. If we want Affordable Health care for everyone everywhere, if we want an economy that offers a future for everyone everywhere, if we want a Justice System that is just, an immigration system that works, a tax system that makes sense, we need leadership that builds bridges. A politics that says we have an agree on everything before we Work Together on anything, that offers government by slogan and shortterm wins is exactly the kind of politics that brought us to this point. Substituting our version for theirs is not actually going to deliver change that lasts, if it delivers change at all. In the coming weeks, well be rolling out our policy agenda. Youll hear about a reform agenda that proposes fixes to systems like the tax system, immigration, health care, and criminal sentencing, systems that need to work in order for the American Dream to work and a democracy agenda to end the hyperpartisan gerrymandering, excessive money, much of it dark, and Voter Suppression that have steadily and cynically choked off the fundamental acts of citizenship and they must be addressed so that its easier for everyone to make Representative Government meaningful. But first, youll hear about the agenda about how we grow the economy out to the middle and marginalized and not just up to the well connected, because treating our challenges, as if everything is a zero sum game, is neither necessary, nor in character as americans. Beyond the redistribution others are talking about, we need to expand the economic pie and enable more people to earn their way in it. Changes that meet the scale of our global challenges, changes that last, will require more than indignation however , righteous that may be. Because more than the character of the candidates is at stake this time. This time it is the character of the country. This time, its about restoring the American Dream so that it works for everyone everywhere. This time its about whether we are prepared to do the work of rebuilding our National Community for today, and for tomorrow. People ask quite rightly why i am running for president , especially when the field is so full already. You sound tired yourself. Jim. Urself, [laughter] the answer is experience, both range and depth. I have two terms of accomplishments and reforms as governor, a record of successful leadership in business, a demonstrated commitment to fighting and winning for the most vulnerable as an advocate and a life that epitomizes the American Dream and what it takes to make that real. And i have learned from all of that that building a Better Future requires building bridges and rejecting the false choices we so often pedal to one another. Rejecting false choices to build a better way Forward Together is not fanciful, its not Wishful Thinking or a talking point, it is my life. I got a break, as jim said, when i was 14 years old for a program called a better chance, to go to Milton Academy, you know, a boarding school some of you know in a leafy neighborhood in outside of boston. Arriving there alone in 1970 before classes began, felt to me like a different planet. They had a dress code then, boys wore jackets and ties to classes. When the closing list arrived at home my grandparents splurged on a new jacket for me to bring to school, but a jacket on the south side, you have to understand, is a wind breaker. Right. So on that first morning while all the other boys were putting on their blue blazers and the tweed coats, there was i in my wind breaker. I had a lot to learn. As i met new friends from strange places, some who had their names on the buildings and used summer as a verb, i was full of curiosity about them and their lives, but they were curious about so much about me and my life back on the south side. By the same token, my friends back home were curious about so much about my life at milton my friends back home were curious so much about my life and those at the academy. I began to sense that i was straddling these two worlds where the price of admission for one was rejecting another. Hadive my fullest life, i to decide who i was, and to be that all the time, whatever world i happened to be traveling through at any given time. The tough lesson to grapple with. Being true to who i was made it possible to build bridges. I learned how to not lose myself or my way. Straddled two worlds from time to time. The land of hope and welcome and of enslavement and illusion. A land where extraordinary wealth and transformative kindness can exist sidebyside with abject poverty and hate. It still makes my heart ache to think that this nation can and thentalitarianism disenfranchise the black veterans who helped achieve that victory, when they came home. Fairplay must endure. A matter of the american character, and they still offer the best hope for american kind. Especially in dark and challenging times like. Hat we had a stake i am hopeful for america. I am hopeful because more and more people are coming off of the sideline and standing up for america. Time, activism like we see today may make some people in power uncomfortable, but in the end, these activists are our neighbors. They have taken to the legislature, the boxes, to the , toets, to the courtrooms lay claim to a better democracy, andtter National Community to the best of american character. And if we together leave room for the still waking, we might find that we have before us the best chance in generations to build for our children and ourselves a fairer, more just, Great America that understands our greatness comes from our goodness. That is the kind of goodness i am about, the kind of man i tried to be and the responsibility i will bear as president of the u. S. Thank you. I look forward to your questions. [applause] he indicated to me that he will stay until the last question. Justu have any questions, raise your hand. Just identify yourself. Hello. I wanted to thank you for your leadership on the Global Solutions of the Global Warming solutions act. What is your priority day one as president for climate . I like the people asked me day one or 100 day questions. Day one is figuring out the route from the residence to the oval office and back again. On a serious note, it does not get your question, but it is advice i have given in other settings. Good one is understanding who the Emergency Management team is, where they are and what they control because surprises always come. The reasons why we were as prepared as we were for the marathon bombing was because we have had hurricanes and 100 year loss ofand the drinkable water for the eastern half of the commonwealth. On a serious note, the first thing is understanding where the resources are and how to pull them together. Change,ion of climate there are some things that we can do, if i am right about the calendar. If i am not right about the calendar, then we have to get back to the table. , itd if the condition of coming in is that we raise our own game, that is ok and important. That some of the other approaches to climate are e those that we took here im sorry, there. I am very excited about the prospect of a carbon free economy. I am very excited about that, but i think we need to go there in that is not about frightening people, but about how we bring people along. I cannot remember who made this point. The stone age did not end because we ran out of stone. It ended because we had a better idea. We are pretty good about transition excuse me, innovation. The people in coal country as i understand from those who have been, they feel very threatened by a carbon free economy, and i understand that, but no one ever said to them, how about we consider coal country as the center for developing a portion of this new sector . How about you have a stake in this future instead of feeling like the future is happening to them, we are building this new future together. Those are some ideas that i have. Mary, mike is right here. Welcome toning and New Hampshire. You or ask youto a question about something that really encompasses all of the country. It does not matter if you are a senior, a child or middleaged. A lot of us have experienced the high cost of medication. My grandmother had to pay 400 a month and did not have any income. I can give you the second. Thing thatthe first you would do to lower the cost of Prescription Drugs . Are right. That is one that you hear all over the place. Have a Prescription Drug economy. The cost of investing and developing drugs is born by this country. The cost and weeping of the return is born by us. There is a way to smooth that out so that the rest of the world has a stake in the investment. It is a benefit that spread around the world and is not just worn by us. It is also nuts that for a period of time, the federal government could not negotiate drug prices, not with the industry and not with the jurisdiction. We are perfectly fine with the Global Economy and others we say , no we are going to do it this way. We can talk about cost control price controls in particular. Longnot sure that is a term solution. I will step back from your question and say it is an important piece, but just a piece of the Health Care Cost equation. Its just darned too high. I remember when we were dealing with this when i was in office and a couple of you here will remember this. We had folks from the Insurance Industry and providers, advocates. We had doctors and other professionals around the table. When prices were going up and double digits, even during the worst of the recession, and i said, look, we have done all of this work to get access to everybody. Why do costs keep going up . The answer would always start this way. It is complicated. Then it would go like this. The doctors would say, its not us, its the hospitals. Hospital say its the insurers. Theres less transparency into how all this fits together then it ought to be. We do need a much more rigorous collaboration on the costcontainment side systemwide. In massachusetts, we had a collaboration on expanding access. Its beyond your question, but drug prices as part of how we should be thinking about solutions. Another question. Unless you have a better idea. Do you want to make . I know rob does. He has a whole stack of papers. [laughter] mike get the microphone over here . The honorable justice. Can i just say before, this doesnt have to be a oneway thing. If you have an idea, offer it. I wish i did. I have a question. Thank you for coming here today. Servedof background, i the chief justice of this state. , i havelast 3. 5 years been doing the most important work of my life and going around to speak about Mental Health awareness. They would understand the crisis in this country. A Mental Health care system. If you were president of the u. S. [laughter] you have to get those hands up, everybody. What would you do or promote . Nobody talks about this issue. What would you do on Mental Health in the u. S. That would make a difference . Thank you for the question. These are issues that we dealt with in our family. Monthsa bumpy first few in office when i was governor. Years i always point out, we do not have term limits in massachusetts. She was a brilliant but reluctant first lady. In those first few months, the stress was twomonth too much. She ended up in the hospital. I remember going to visit with her. The troopers in my security detail worked with hospital about slipping in and out, going in secretly and all that. T was ridiculous i remember diane saying, this is crazy. Just do notamed, i feel well. She said, you should Say Something about it. Against the advice of her excellent clinicians, we explained she was suffering from anxiety and depression and asked for respect for that. From the media on, people were fabulous. Here is the point. And thousandsnds of notes and messages of encouragement and thank yous because she made it ok to talk with,what she was dealing and what we as a family were dealing with. I think one of the things she is most excited about them being first lady of the u. S. Is being a leader on those issues because some of this is about bringing light where there are shadows, getting past the shame. Thatd that, or alongside is a question about treating developing thend capacity, so we can respond to the needs that people have in their stations of life. About where they are in their own journey. There was a settlement that i read about where the teachers had secured an agreement to have a nurse in every school. Is required to have training in recognizing Mental Health issues, particularly anxiety and depression, so that they can make a prompt referral, and so that they can encourage young people to get past the shame and deal with it. Aboutderlying secret expanding health care is that if we do not expand capacity, if we do not develop primary care physicians alongside specialists, medical professionals and spread the responsibility among the longrange of professionals, we will not meet the objective that we set out. , i am trying to think about these things as. Ystems and all the elements thank you. Student in the back here. Thank you governor patrick for being here. My friend from east milton. Small world. My question relates to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border. Many of these people come from Central American nations filled with Gang Activity and drugs. How would you address this crisis . There are two parts of it, maybe three. We have to get root causes. There is a way to engage globally that does not make us Americas Police person, it doesnt make us responsible for every hot spot in every part of the world. But it does engage in ways that we know work. That serves both our humanitarian aspirations and our practical interests. Just saying to make it come in, by the way, its amazing to me, asylum is a legal process. We lump it all into the same pocket of outsiders and unwanted. I think that has to change. When the Obama Administration was facing a similar this is to how we deal with the crises today, when the Obama Administration was facing a similar crisis when i was in office, we had calls, sever several Governor Scott calls overview whether we would be prepared to shelter young children, as young as two years old. Anybody in here apparent . Can you imagine sending your twoyearold unaccompanied and what that means . What motivates you to do that . Really . A drivers license . No. You are worried about the safety of your loved one. Look to thehat you u. S. For safety and dignity, and that we treat children that way when they seek asylum is just wrong. I do think that there are likeerships with governors the ones that the Obama Administration asked about. , do not they ultimately did it but i think as partners and bridge builders, they should be willing to help with resources and support. Causes, itet at root is just a bandaid. Comprehensive Immigration Reform has to include border integrity. Business about this democrat believes in open borders. That is ridiculous. ,e need modern, humane responsible systems and rules. And we do not. One of the reasons we do not is because capital is global but labor is not. People go where there is opportunity, but we do not make a way for that opportunity that is transparent and straightforward and fair. You dont have to trade that for border integrity. We should have border integrity. I think we can resolve this if we can drain the racism out of the debate. Someone made the point recently very well that to some extent, it feels like the Current Administration would rather have the issue than the solution. They want to have it. This administration is not the first like that. Gentlemen in the back . I am with the Educational Justice Institute at m. I. T. We provide College Education in massachusetts. Im sure you know we incarcerate more people in this country than any other country in the world. We are putting lots of people away and they are all coming back. I applaud some proposals, but i am adjusted and what you have to say. A couple things. Thank you for what you are doing. Government i slogan earlier. Three strikes and youre out sounds clever, but it a failed policy. Example, but only it is a failed policy. Generation,housed a mostly of black men, but not exclusively, and then we by understanding that 97 or 95 come out one day, understanding that. We still compound the ability to come out and rejoin productive life. Out. Ration for coming back you cannot get Public Housing or benefits in some places, the things that you need to get back up on your feet. Because we strip so much of that it should nots, surprise us that people come out feeling more dangerous than they went in and that there is recidivism because there is nowhere else to turn. People do dangerous and desperate things when they feel desperate. The notiont putting of rehabilitation back into the system is important. Minimum mandatory system needs a huge overhaul. Shifting of decisionmaking than to prosecutors rather to judges. It produces problems. I can talk about things on the Death Penalty and how that tends to go up around election time for district attorneys. I think that there is a way. It is not that we are just looking. Way. Is a there is a way to think about the Justice System, which is about preparing. Have people do their time, but repair folks to come out, which is the overwhelming majority to reenter productive mainstream life. General jack hammond was the general of the program in the u. S. That takes care of all the returning afghanistan veterans. Hero. A National Thank you for your service. As mentioned earlier, massachusetts has amazing programs. Have you given any thought to the v. A. With respect to the growing epidemic of veteran suicide . We are losing about 20 to veterans a day. But ithat is reported, is low and underreported. 10 million have some loose affiliation with the v. A. Five are getting treatment. We have seen the budget grow to 200 billion plus today with little to no improvement. Increase in the suicides of special operations soldiers. We had a multigenerational war where they were born after 9 11 and grew up in military families, knowing nothing but mom and dad deploying for two decades. We have no idea of the impact on a child who grew up in that environment. The solutions do not seem to be working. Have you given any thought on how we can modernize the v. A. And bring it into the first century, so it is effective . Have you thought about getting bit of the v. A. . I have. I listened to that argument and there is concerned with that. Omar bradley was the first administrator. He cautioned us on staying toused on the mission and avoid getting into chronic care, but as the veteran population preponderance of the treatment they were caring for were cancer related, cardiac care and a lot of stuff dealing with older age because we did not have a lot of new veterans. Ofcame into this two decades war and had a large influx of combat wounded. We were illprepared as we entered that two decades of war. Part of the challenge is, what should the v. A. Be working on . They still care for all of these older veterans. How can we more effectively treat this . The v. A. A few years ago. They have to get up at 6 00 in the morning and catch a bus, go all the way to austin for an exam. Better, more costeffective solutions without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We can care about people but do it more efficiently. We can be the best at it. I am reminded of what it was like when i was campaigning in cambridge, massachusetts. They asked me a question and they had already written a book on the subject. [laughter] i think you have made a couple points that jump out at me because to some extent, you are failure of the larger Health Care System and the default to the v. A. , which has added to the scope. Saying i simply am not simply saying and you are not, but i want to be careful. Chronic care, unrelated to combat injuries, your point about the original mission, it should be done by the general Health Care System. I am reluctant to say that is good enough without fixing the larger system. Justill hear if i could drop a footnote here, it is very accept the way that we do policy in silos. Do you want me to wait . Lives inle live their ways that the policies intersect. Back tot enough to go the Founding Mission of the v. A. , and i recognize that is not what you are saying or what i am saying, unless we have a general Health Care System that can catch and meet that need. My fatherinlaw, dianes dad, is a navy veteran from world war ii and he got all of his care near the end of his life both in new york and when he was living with us in boston and most of his social life at the va. And loved both. But i do understand the strain on the system and the importance of rationalizing it, but again, i think it has to be rationalized alongside larger systems. There are other things happening in the broader system i just in health care generally. Put in place under the Previous Administration and still moving forward that i think could be promising. And one is telehealth. You know, full disclosure, im on the board or was on the board of a company that does telehealth. This is a notion of a lot of primary care and even urgent care, being available, you know, at the other end of your computer screen. Now, that depends on whether you actually have access to high speed broadband. This is what i mean by interconnected. I think that infrastructure is a part of this. But help me. Thank you. One or two more. Thank you very much. First of all, governor, i cannot tell you how happy and delighted and overjoyed i am that youre in the race and bringing your superior intelligence and insights and wisdom to this process. I think its making a difference. Its making a difference here today and across the country. And thank you very much. [laughter] i want to im going to make my question about your fourth day in office and you did three and this is day four. And you appointed me to chair the board of Higher Education. In young Higher Education is such a critical and important part of everything that we do. On one hand, what do you think . What can we do to better its support and give resources to our institutionses of Higher Education to be more successful . But i actually want to focus my question on younger people and something that you said today about when you left chicago and you came to massachusetts to school and theres a lot of young people like you in chicago that dont get the opportunity to come to massachusetts to get this amazing education. Gov. Patrick you are exactly right. You are the same person when you were 14 as you are today, but the power of education has enabled you to do what it is that youre doing and i think that this is such a critical message about what you can bring to this country. There are poor kids in New Hampshire across the United States and just like you, every color of the rainbow, who need the type of education that you got. And i think as the president of the United States, you if could commit yourself to making that type of educational system available to children in the United States, i think thats the kind of transformative force that can lift up this nation and lift up the population of this country to recognize the bout of what we have to offer and what recognize of what we have to recognize the beauty of what we have to offer and what we can do for the rest of the world. I mean, can you promise me that once you get elected on day four, that education is going to be your priority . Thank you. Gov. Patrick so you and i have worked on these issues together and i thank you for that partnership. I do think that i do think we have to commit not just i have to commit, we have to commit to worldclass education, prek through higher ed and frankly into Skills Development and retraining and Lifelong Learning because thats the economy were becoming. And it shouldnt be scary for people. We have a im going to come to reducing the cost of public higher ed in a minute. We have a middle skills gap in this country which i mean, if you think about it, it will blow your mind. At the worst of the recession we had 175,000 people out of work in massachusetts, i think just about, and 125,000 vacancies, and what those and many of them socalled middle skills, so, folks that needed more than a high school degree, but not necessarily a college diploma. They needed skills of some kind that were tailored to the opportunity. What Many Employers told us they couldnt find people with the skills necessary for the jobs they had in a recession and that, i think, will be true of our economy given the pace of change for some while. That will be true of our economy, given the pace of change for some while. Thing, a a brilliant differentiator, not the skills ap, but meeting and being differentiator for us economically and culturally or socially, i think, in this country. It does start with having high quality schools everywhere, everywhere. By the way, thats not going to be, as you know, the same solution everywhere. There is going to have to be leadership about the goal, but were going to have to let, with accountability, state and local authorities engage on how to meet those goals. I think it does include universal access to preschool or to prek, universal. By the way, in milton where we lived for years and years, we do that for our kids. A bet a bunch of you do. If you live just walking distance, you cant and you wont and not that you dont want to, but not that you dont understand how high quality ed can make a difference through your educational career, but you dont do it because you cant do it and by the way, if youre right on the edge where paying for it means you have to work work, but working means you cant afford anything else, you know, that trade that so many couples and families are having to are having to make, its that doesnt work. I think also and i think youre probably baiting me to talk about the readiness agenda which we worked on together, which was a compilation of these strategies, i think the public has to come back into Public Education, including public Higher Education. We did what we could through recession to reinvest in the Public University in College Systems by doing a 5050 match, but you know, what Public Colleges and universities, i think, have done in massachusetts and elsewhere, god bless them, is, you know, try to do this strategy you see in private colleges where theyve raised tuition as much as they think the market will bear and promise to raise tuition aid for those who cant. Except that tuition aid never keeps up with the cost of College Tuition and for a Public College in particular, it should be a meaningfully more affordable opportunity, quality, but meaningfully more affordable and i think thats in the nature of the burden we all bear in order to leave things bet are better for those who come behind us. So, i dont think that the answer is about everybody going to Milton Academy or schools like it. But i am very, very conscious, as i think you know, there are lots of other young people just as creative, just as ambitious, just as determined as i was, who didnt get that opportunity and they need and deserve because they are our kids, a way forward, too. Governor, whats the proudest accomplishment as your eight years as governor . Gov. Patrick so the question i hate the most is what did you going to do on day one and the one i hate next is my proudest accomplishment. I think, you know, i mentioned some of them and i mentioned them in a list, not for the bragging purposes, but because i do think they connect in real peoples lives, they connect. You know, you can have a great education and no growing economy afterwards and so what, in a way, is how people are left to feel. I think that there was a tone we set that we could think big and deliver, that i think was enormously important and i think we saw it in some ways most starkly after the bombing at the marathon. You know, that was a time when a moment where there was chaos and fear, and quite justifiable, where we didnt know, you know, that wed think about it now, there were two guys, two bombs, and as if that was known at the time. We didnt know. I remember on the day of the at the end, you know, you all know about some of the drama, but you dont know that we stopped the train, the amtrak train headed to new york out of south station early this that morning, stopped it outside of new haven and had it searched, that we had detained someone who fit the description of one of the bombers in the fenway, in a taxi, with an explosive device in the trunk or that federal authorities were chasing somebody else who fit the description out by the federal courthouse or that the fire at the kennedy library, remember, was thought to be related to the attack as well. I mean, there was you dont have complete information, but you still have to make decisions and you still have to encourage people to not be overcome by their fear so they can do the job. And doing the job turns out not to be the responsibility of the officials alone, not all of us. Asking people to turn to, not on. And its a it sounds like a rhetorical thing, its real. And those acts of kindness that people show, the way they brought runners in when the race was stopped and brought them into their homes and hydrated them and explained what was happening and reunited people with their families the way that the public through their, you know, cell phone pictures and videos helped us find these two terrorist needles in a haystack in 100 plus hours, 100 plus hours. It was tragic that we lost the lives that we did at the site, but given the nature of the industry of the injuries we should have lost many, many more, but not a single lifethreatening injury resulted in death because we had an Emergency Response plan that the hospitals had practiced with us for times like these. We turned to each other and we were stronger as a result. And so, as a kind of a snapshot of what im talking about, you know, how you can step up stronger by that kind of leadership, by the whole team, not just me, i feel very strongly that that was a pretty special accomplishment. Jim well, this has been a pretty special morning to have the governor here and i think were going to see an awful lot more of the governor here and as someone who also was at a service in boston shortly after the marathon bombing of the cathedral and the south end of boston where they brought together all of the clergy from the different religious affiliations, the president was there, but i really dont think you were at the you were at the very best of expressing sorrow and compassion and also being a ceo knowing were going to get through this and were going to bring people together. That day was memorable for me, but it also reflected so well on you and all the institutions in the commonwealth of massachusetts working together, but talk about stress under a disaster, you exceeded all expectations and made us proud and we are very proud of you. Good luck on your campaign. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] inaudible conversations] really happy to have you here. Im a junior. Im studying politics and criminal justice. I dont know. I like political analysis. So maybe something with that. You mind taking a photo . No. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. [inaudible conversations] oh, yes. Oh, my i feel hike yeah. Eah. Inaudible conversations] inaudible conversations] inaudible conversations] thank you. Thanks for coming. My first time. Youre really inspiring. Ery excited. Inaudible conversations] thank you very much. Nice to see you. Hows everything . Very well. I saw him at his going away party. We happened to be there. We happened to be in london. Nd he invited us up. We said hello. He was giving me a hard time. Whats the matter with you . [inaudible conversations] you know, all these people talk about how old i am . I am. Beautiful place for school. Migrating north, more and more north. . An you take my picture [inaudible conversations] thank you. No problem. Good to see you again. Ill be doing this in college. If you go of the convention wed love to s, do that. [inaudible conversations] thank you. I look forward to the invitation. Governor, thanks again for coming. We are from l. A. Governor, nice to see you again. Move in a little closer. 1, 2, 3. Good luck, governor. Are you guys able to wait a minute . Are you okay to wait just a minute . Dont leave. Stay. Stay. Stay, right there is good. Tell me your first name and where youre from. You lead heavily on your experiences as governor as massachusetts. How do you convince those on beacon hill that you are good for president . First of all, im running to be president of everyone everywhere, and i am very, very proud of the work we did together on beacon hill. I think sometimes folks make much of the fussing that goes with it, but the fact is the legislature gave me 95 of what i asked for. Not when i asked for it, and not always in the form i asked for it, but thats the part of giveandtake. As you are here on boston tv right now, lots of Michael Bloomberg ads. Is it frustrating, your jumping in the race and getting overshadowed by someone with billions of dollars . No. Ive been up against odds like that in the past. We are going to do the work. I happen to believe that the work is much more about connecting with people personally and where they are in every sense of the term and also we are governor, you talked about criminal justice reform. They implement bail reform. A lot of people getting out who didnt get out before committing crimes and refitting. Reoffending. Some people have been arrested 12 times. How do you write says criminal justice form in a place like New Hampshire . Youll learn learn as you go. One of the things we all are hungry for is innovation and Public Policy just as we see in the private sector. But to have successful innovation, you have to be willing to try things and learn from them. I dont know that the examples youve given me, all the examples that would point to what the right solution is, but we have to get over our fear of the policies being punished if it doesnt go perfectly. I remember when the aca was first rolled out. Do you remember there were troubles with the website . We had troubles with the website in massachusetts, as well. Healthcare reform was about extending access to everybody, and so, fixing these problems, sticking together, Refining Solutions is going to do what is necessary to make all the reforms that i and the other candidates are talking about actually work. Governor, nicole with cbs news. You spoke earlier about not wanting to put data in a large bucket. Under your administration, which you support the repeal of section is that the decriminalization . Yes. Can you explain why . Asylum seeking is an authorized way to come in and we have to make it functionally successful by having ways to come in and process people. Toi said earlier, we need deal with the serious but also isolated part of this. [indiscernible] given the very abbreviated timeframe you have, will you be spending the vast majority of your time in New Hampshire . First of all, i want to be respectful of the calendar and the process. But i also want to be respectful of the roll of the people everywhere who are looking at this next president ial election. Not just in the early stages. But also where people feel politically overlook the and unseen. As a practical matter, we are going to try to spend a lot of time in New Hampshire and South Carolina but we will be active in iowa and nevada as well. Hello, nice to see you. 10 days into this is that all . Any specific challenges you have faced so far . It is interesting. Last thursday, we filed in New Hampshire and we went from New Hampshire to california to nevada to iowa to South Carolina , d. C. , and newa york before starting it all over again yesterday. I will be off to South Carolina tomorrow. I think what i have seen is that the path we knew was there is wider than i had fully appreciated. It is a wideopen race. And the fact that folks have been in for a long time and campaigning for a long time and raising money for a long time is not resolved. I think about the importance of money or lack of it. Announcer cspans 2020 is with President Trump live tuesday at 7 00 p. M. Eastern as they hold a Campaign Rally in ront of florida. Watch online at cspan. Org or listen with a free span radio appear. Former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg traveled to rfolk, vag sense his first l. A. Stop mr. Bloomberg entered the race and took a few questions from reimportanters. Well, thank you. An good afternoon, afternoon. Its great to be here in norfolk. Let me start by saying i was glad to support. Nancys campaign for the house of delegates. She is going to be a strong leader on the big issues facing this community and the whole statement including climate change. Im happy to also say that i supported 14 other virginia democrats who won election, next to the good work thanks to the good work of so many volunteers and supporters who knocked on doors. And in january, democrats will take charge of the State Government for the first time in 25 years. Its about time

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