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Hello, manchester. [cheering and applause] sit down, sit down. It is good to see you all and thank you for the great interaction. Thank you. It is great to be here with all of you today including captain america. Right . Love it. Love it. It is good to be here today. I thought what we do is i will just tell you a little bit about myself, tell you about why i am we will doe, and some questions, and then for anybody who wants to, we will do self fees. [cheering and applause] i am aou may know, little horse. I think i picked up a little of a cold, one hug too many in the selfie line. Nevertheless, i persist. [cheering and applause] so, i was born and raised in oklahoma, total silence. [laughter] ok, there are not that many okies. I was born and raised out in oklahoma. I do have an okie. Good. I amng raised in oklahoma, what used to be called a late in life baby. Referred always just to me as such a prize. Brothers whoolder to this day are referred to collectively as the boys. To distinguish them from the surprise. Brothers wenty off and joined the military. Wasldest brother john reed career military. About five and a half years off and on and combat in vietnam. We were lucky to get him back. John,ond brother, stationed overseas for a little over a year. My third brother, david, trained as a combat medic. That has given rise to a rule in our family of long standing. Never choke in front of david. [laughter] he carries a sharpened knife and he is convinced he can perform an emergency tracy out to me. It makes for some exciting moments at thanksgiving. [clears throat] and we just back out of the room. I love my brothers. Up, ourwere growing daddy had a lot of different jobs for you he sold paint, he sold carpets, he sold fencing, he sold housewares, and then when i was in middle school, at that point, the boys were all gone and it was just my mother, my daddy, and me. Attack. Had a heart he pulled through, but he could not work. For a long, long time. Day,still, to this remember when we lost the family station wagon. I remember how my mother used to tuck me in at night and she would kiss me on the forehead and pull my blankets up and then she would always give me this big smile and today, a fulltime minimum wage in america will not keep a mama and a baby out of poverty. It is wrong and that is why i am in this fight. [cheering and applause] understand this. That difference is no accident. It did not happen because of gravity. That difference is about who Government Works for. Girl, the question asked in washington about where to set the minimum wage was, what does it take a family of three to survive . What does a take a family of three to get a tow hold in americas middleclass . What does it take a family of three to have something solid they can build a real future on. Today, the question asked in washington about setting the minimum wage is where do we set the minimum wage to maximize the profits of giants multinational corporations. Have a want to government that works corporations. I want one that works for our families. [cheering and applause] like i said. And joinedl went off the military. Me, ive had a different dream. I knew what i wanted to be in second grade. You laugh, you did not decide until what, fourth grade . Fifth grade. I can always tell who is in the background. Me, i have known what i wanted to be sent since second grade, and i have never varied from it. I wanted to be a Public School teacher. Can we hear it for americas Public School teachers . [cheering and applause] i want to do this. I invested early. I used to line my dollies up and teach school. I had a reputation for being tough but fair. [laughter] it is what i wanted though. Talked about all the time, this is what im going to do. But the time i graduate from high school, my family did not have the money for College Applications much less to send me off to four years at university. So like a lot of americans, i do not have a Straight Line the story. I have a story that has twists and turns and pieces to it. Heres how my story goes. I was a high school debater, and i got a scholarship to college. Yay [cheering and applause] at 19, i fell in love, got married, and dropped out of school. [cheering and applause] yay now look, it is something i chose, nobody made me do this, and it is going to be a good life. Going to be. But i thought i had given up on the dream that i would never, i would never be able to teach school. We are living down in houston texas, and then i found it. 45 minutes away from where we lived, there was a commuter college that cost 50 a semester. Price, that i could pay for, on a parttime waitressing job, i finished my four year diploma, i became a special education teacher, i have lived my dream job. [cheering and applause] i loved it. Now, do you have any Public School teachers in here all while. We have a bunch. I need you to back me up on this, it is not a job, it is a calling. I love this work. I have four to six year olds, and i remember the things we worked on, i remember our our notes, i remember so successes, i love those kids, and i probably would be doing that today, but my story has some twists and turns. By the end of the first year, i was visibly pregnant, and a principal did what principals did in those days. Wish me luck and hired somebody else for the job. Ok, so that is what it was like. I am, i cant get a job, i have a baby what am i going. O do i know, i will go to law school. [applause] yay hip, found a public law school, we are living in new jersey. 450 a semester. Did three years of law school, graduated visibly pregnant, you will discover a pattern to these stories [laughter] graduated, took the bar, and practiced law for 45 minutes. [laughter] and then went back to my first love which is teaching. I traded little ones for big ones and i have spent most of my grownup life teaching in law school. Made other changes in my life about this time. Hint, it iser one, never good when you have to number your husbands. [laughter] and i partedr 1 ways, and that is when i found bruce and i have had him ever sense. So. [cheering and applause] what a sweetie. Here i am, i am teaching and law school, and i do not know if this is everybody, but for me, growing up and a family that was kind of hanging on to our place in the middle class by our fingernails,. If it was about money, i was in there. I taught contract law and commercial law, payment systems, corporate finance, partnership thatce, law and economics, our creditor law, Bankruptcy Law if it was about money, count on me, i would come. But there was always one central issue that i worked on, and that is what is happening to americas working families. Middleclassas being hollowed out . Why is it that people who work every bit as hard as my mother ,orked two generations ago today find the pass so much rockier and so much steeper. And for people of color, even rockier and even steeper. [applause] the answer . It is just like the answer over minimum wage. It is who Government Works for. Think of it this way. We have a government in washington that works great for giant oil companies. It just does not work for the rest of us who seek Climate Change bearing down upon us. [cheering and applause] great for people who overlly want to make Money Private prisons and private Detention Centers down at the border. It just does not work for the people whose lives are destroyed by those places. [applause] it works great for giant companies, right . Just not for the people who want to get a prescription felt. [applause] heres the thing. When you see a government that works great for those with money and doesnt work so great for everyone else, that is corruption pure and simple, and we need to call it out for what it is. [cheering and applause] yep. Corruption. The thing is, it is the money in washington that is everywhere. And touches everything. It is about campaign contributions, but it is about more. It is about the armies of lobbyists and lawyers that bought and paid for think tanks, the bought and paid for experts. Think of it this way. Whatever issue is the one that gets you up in the morning, whatever is the issue that keeps you up late at night, whether it health or help care, or gun violence, whatever issue it is, i guarantee, if there is a decision to be made in washington, it has been influenced by money. It has been reshaped by money. It has been nudged by money. Money, money, money. Let me tell you a quick story about this. 1990s, we early knew what was happening on Climate Change. We did not have quite all the numbers on how fast it was coming, but we had the basic, the scientists were clear on this. Tossing this much carbon into the air is not good and not sustainable. Heres the thing. In washington, democrats and republicans were working together, working together. They were asking questions like do we need to expand the power of the epa. Doing to put more money into the cleanup. Do we need other regulations in place. And then along come the coke brothers. Booing] i see you have heard of the ch brothers. They get together and in effect serious, if congress is about this climate thing, if they are going to change the regulations, that is going to buy into our profits. That is going to cost us money. So they have an Investment Decision to make. They could decide handwriting is on the wall and we are getting out of petroleum they dont do that. , we are goingide to pull all of our r d money they do not do that. They make an investment. They invest in politicians in washington. They invest in making sure that nothing happens. Here is one of the ways they do it. They invest in bought and paid for experts. You know these guys, the climate deniers. Think about it. These are the guys who stand up and say, hi, i am a doctor and let me tell you, climate has been here for a long time, it is always had a lot of climates, salad was good and the old days, the dinosaurs loved it whatever they say. Right . Would aself, why handful of folks spend so much money to lift up the climate deniers . Why would they do that . The coke brothers do not do this because they dont understand the science. They did it because those experts could build something, they built an umbrella that politicians could hide under and keep taking money from the coke brothers, from the oil industry, from the big polluters, and if voters asked, they say, it is all controversial, i am not a scientist. You want to understand the Climate Crisis we face today. It is 25 years of corruption in washington that got us here. [cheering and applause] so the money is everywhere. It is felt everywhere. If we want to fix this problem, it is not going to be enough to say we will mop up a little of it over here, we will get a statute over there, no. It is going to take a big structural change. [cheering and applause] big structural change. The place i want to start is lets go up against the corruption head on. We just have to fight it. Im ready. [cheering and applause] enough about playing defense against this money. It is time to go on offense. We can do this. I have a plan for that. [cheering and applause] here it is. Here is the good news. I have the biggest anticorruption plan since watergate. That is the good news. [cheering and applause] here is the bad news. We need the biggest anticorruption plan since watergate. It is a big plan, it has a lot of moving parts to it. Let me give you a sample. End lobbying as we know it. [cheering and applause] block the revolving door between wall street and washington. [cheering and applause] here is one you may never have thought about, but it is a really good one and that is, make the United States Supreme Court follow basic rules of ethics. [cheering and applause] i could do these all day long. Let me just do one more. Hose out somet to corruption in washington, here is one. Make everyone who wants to run for federal office put their tax returns online. [cheering and applause] ok. That is part one. That is attack of the corruption head on. Just come after it. Here is the thing, you start to disrupt the influence of money, the influence of the giant corporations, the influence of the billionaires, now you have the chance to start making real change. Here is where i want to go, i want some structural change in this economy. We have some real problems in america right now and that is these giant corporations. They have swallowed up the little businesses and mediumsize businesses. They have swallowed up what used to be big businesses. The problem is the power it gets done. Power over their employees, power over their customers, powers over the communities where they are located, and power in washington. President who a has the courage to enforce our antitrust laws and break some of these guys up. [cheering and applause] big tech, we are coming. That is part one. It will help a lot. The rest of it, we need more balance in the system. Corporations have so much power. We need more power in the hands of workers. That means make it easier to join a union and to give unions more money when they more power when they negotiate. [applause] unions built americas middle class. Unions will rebuild americas middle class. So that is the second way you can get some structural change in this economy, and let me tell you a third way. It is time for a wealth tax in america. [cheering and applause] and yeah, i have a plan for that. Let me explain the plan. Top 1 10 ofx on the 1 . Heres how it works. Your first 50 Million Dollars is free and clear. Exactly, wow. Canwoman over here i deal with this woman. She is not unreasonable. And first50 million dollar, you have to pitch into cents. And to sense on and two cents after that. Just so everybody thinks about how this worked, anybody own a home our group in a family that owned a home, you have been paying the wealth tax. It is just called a property tax. All im saying that is different is for the top 1 10 of 1 , their property tax is not just real estate, it is also the stock portfolio, the diamonds, the rembrandts, and the yacht. [cheering and applause] i know you are going to be shocked to hear this, but there are some billionaires who have taken exception to my wealth tax. I know. I know. Gone one Even Television and cried about it. So sad. I worked hard for this, to which i also want to say, unlike anybody else. They say i worked hard, and i get it, if you are a billionaire, good for you. You have had a great idea, you followed it through, you worked hard, you got a lucky break, good for you. Good for you. But understand this, you built a Great Fortune here in america, you did it at least in part using workers all of us help paid to educate. [applause] you did it at least in part to getting your goods to market on roads and bridges, all of us ed pay to build. You did it, at least in part protected by police and , firefighters all of us paid the salaries for. And here is the thing, we are glad to do it, we are americans, we want to make these investments in opportunity. All we are saying is when you make it big, i mean really big, i mean top 1 10 of 1 big, pitch in two cents so everyone else gets the chance to make it in this country. [applause] thats it. Two cents. Because here comes the fun part. What can we do with two cents . The answer, i will tell you where i start, we can do universal childcare for every baby in this country age 05. [applause] universal prek for every threeyearold and fouryearold in america. [applause] and we can stop exploiting the women, largely black and brown women, who do this work, we can raise the wages of every childcare worker and preschool teacher in america. A twocent tax on the top 1 10 of 1 pays for all of that for our babies, plus a historic 800 billion investment from the federal level into our Public Schools. Think about that. [applause] two cents. Quadruple the funding of title i schools that teach low income children. [applause] a personal favorite for a special ed teacher, fully fund i. D. E. A. So children with disabilities get the chance to get the education they deserve. You can do all of that and the math works out that way can put 1 million into every single one of our Public Schools for them to spend in the ways that will help them be the Excellent Schools they want to be. [applause] think about it. Two cents. That same two cents got us all of that for our babies, all of that k12, and i am not through yet. That same two cents will also permit us to provide tuition free technical school, twoyear college, and four year college for everyone who once in education. Education. S an plus, we can help level the Playing Field and put 50 billion into our historically black colleges and universities. [applause] all of that and just one more. We can cancel Student Loan Debt for 43 million americans. [applause] two cents. I want you to think about that. Whether the two cents stays with the billionaires or whether it comes down to invest in an entire generation. One more i want to mention when , im talking about the structure in the economy. Understand this we talk about budgets, and most people think budgets are numbers. They are not. They are statements of our values. I will tell you one more value i think we need to protect. After a lifetime of hard work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting and expanding Social Security in this country. [applause] and heres my plan for that, by asking the top 2 to pay a little more, we can extend the life of Social Security for decades to come, and increase every Social Security check and disability check by 200 per month. That will make a big difference. [applause] so that is part two, some structural change in our economy. Part three, protect our democracy. [applause] we need a constitutional amendment in this country to protect the right of every american citizen to vote and to get that vote counted. [applause] its time to pass a federal law to roll back every racist Voter Suppression law in america. [applause] while we are at it, how about a federal law to ban all political gerrymandering . [applause] and just one more, overturn citizens united. Democracy is not for sale. [applause] there it is. I just want three things. [laughter] attack the corruption headon, make some structural change in this economy, and protect our democracy. To me, that is what this is all about. Those three things are related to each other in this way. They address the fundamental question of what kind of america we are going to be, and who is going to have opportunity in this country. Are we going to be an america where opportunity is reserved for those born into privilege, or an america where every single child in this country has the opportunity for a first rate education . [applause] we can do that. Opportunity. Remember, i was a special ed teacher. Opportunity means a lot of Different Things to different people. Opportunity to live independently, to get a good job, to start your own business, opportunity to love who you love and build the family you want to build. [applause] not in a million years did i think that i would end up on a stage like this. Here is the thing my daddy, he ended up as a janitor. But his baby daughter got the opportunity. The opportunity to become a Public School teacher, the opportunity to become a college professor, the opportunity to become a United States senator, and the opportunity to become a candidate for president of the United States of america. [applause] dream big, fight hard, lets win. [applause] thank you. Senator cavanaugh, come on up. State senator kevin cavanaugh. My biggest fear was tripping on one of those steps and dumping this whole basket. Everyone had the opportunity to grab a ticket to ask a question of the senator. We put all the tickets in a basket im going to randomly , pick three until we have three people to ask questions. If we pick your number, please ask the volunteers with the microphone to come over, just wave your hand. All the tickets start with 846. The first one is 5860. 5860. Sen. Warren do we have a winner . [laughter] 5860. Sen. Cavanaugh we are going to pick all three right now just to save time. The next one is 5811. Sen. Warren bingo, thats what it feels like. Sen. Cavanaugh one more. Will be offering a waffle iron. Sen. Cavanaugh 5837. 5837. Sen. Warren is that right . All right. Thank you, senator. We got three out of three. [applause] hi. Hi. Senator warren thank you for , being here. Sen. Warren tell me your name. My name is forrest. My question is about housing, New Hampshire has a less than 1 vacancy rate, there is a homeless crisis here. What is your plan for Affordable Housing here in New Hampshire and the country . Sen. Warren i have a plan for that. I am ready for you. First, can we talk about the dimensions of the problem . You have identified it. Why is there a low vacancy rate in New Hampshire . The answer is supply. It is very straightforward. Over the last halfcentury, two things have happened the first is private developers who used to build small, Affordable Housing i grew up in a two bedroom, one bath, garage converted to hold my three brothers. That was our house. They are not building houses like that anymore. I am not mad at them, but they are off building mansions, because that is where the profits are. If you are in the mansion market there is a lot of supply for you. The other is the federal government has pulled out and has not made the investment in public housing, in low income housing. My plan is to make a much bigger investment in housing, i have a plan to build 3. 2 million new Housing Units in america. That will be a big start right here in New Hampshire. [applause] and the idea behind it is to put the money in so we build the units, but understand this, it is up and down the line. It is for middleclass families, working class families, for the working poor, for the poor poor, its for seniors that want to age in place, for people with disabilities, for the homeless, across the board. We dont just need one kind of housing, we need lots of different kinds of housing. This is a key place. This is how i see it. Thinking about the role of the federal government. The federal governments job is not to say, this is the kind of housing you need. Or this is the kind of public amenities you need. It is to say, we have the capacity at the federal level to do progressive taxation, and ask those at the top to pay more, and then invest that money all across america in the way that New Hampshire, or anywhere else, you best think it can be done. Moody says we will bring down rents by 10 with this housing bill. Well also help lots of people get into ownership. We will help people get off the street. The idea is to move lots of people in this country. The way i see this, housing lies at the intersection of everything we try to do. Without good and stable housing, Peoples Health is at risk. Their children have a hard time in school. It is hard to hold down a job when you are not in a steady you in a steady place. I talked today about the two cent wealth tax and how we invest in an entire generations education, but i also have a plan, fully paid for, to invest in housing. We need to make these pieces work together. Those two, plus health care, thats how we build an economy that works for everyone. Thank you. [applause] love it. Hi. Hi. Welcome. Sen. Warren tell me your name. My name is dave williams. Sen. Warren it is nice to see you, dave. If you win the nomination sen. Warren i like that. [laughter] i think the other side is going to characterize you as socialist, you are going to be the reincarnation of lenin. That is what they think. How are you going to fight this characterization that they are going to smear all over the airwaves . Sen. Warren here is how i see this. Part one, they are going to go after whoever is our nominee. Can we just be clear about that . They are going to come after and they are not going to care what is truthful and what is not truthful. Zillionade it clear 100 times. Check the videos. I believe in markets. I believe in what markets can do. But i also want to be clear about this. Markets without rules are theft. [applause] the billionaires dont like the fact that i think that we actually need markets with rules. This is why i think the banks needed rules, so they dont get to crash our economy, why i think the oil industry and other Petroleum Industry need rules. So they dont get to just destroy our earth. On and on through the system. Im going to make clear what i fight for. Here is how i see this we have two tools that i think youre going to be primary as we go forward in winning this election. I like winning this election. [applause] part one is we are not just on defense, we are not just on trump is a bad guy. If we spent all of our time talking about trump, we are going to have a hard time winning this. We need to talk about what we stand for and what we are going to get out there and fight for. [applause] on these core issues, like the two cent wealth tax, let them talk about it. Let them call it whatever name they want, you talk about that two cent wealth tax, and it is popular. Not just among democrats, not just among independents, a majority of republicans think it is a good idea. [applause] when i talk about canceling Student Loan Debt for 43 million americans, that is not 43 million democrats. It is democrats and republicans and independents. [applause] we want to be the party that sees what is broken, the things that touch peoples lives, show that we know how to fix it, and we are willing to get out there and fight to get it done, that is how we are going to win. [applause] that is half the answer. What we fight for and we show we are willing to fight. The other half, i believe, is about how we fight. I had to make a decision when i decided i was going to run for president. I knew what i would be fighting for. These are the issues i have worked on all my life. It is a chance to get out there and fight for it. But it is also a question about how to fight. And i decided from the very beginning i was not going to spend my time selling access to my time to billionaires and corporate executives. I wasnt going to do it. [applause] i was going to fund this campaign from the very beginning on grassroots donations. People said to me, you cant do that. The way you win elections is you scoop up a bunch of money, or you have a bunch of money, and you buy a bunch of tv ads, and that is how we are going to win primaries and the general election. But understand this. We have no comparative advantage in that. If this is a bunch of their tv ads versus our tv ads, if this is what they are saying all day long on fox news, if this is what they are doing on internet feeds, we have no comparative advantage. We are high, but we are not ahead. That is not how we win. How we win as we build a grassroots movement. That is how we win. [applause] when i decided i was going to fund this campaign with 5, 10 people pitch in and said this is how im going to do it, the first dollars that came in, you know what i did with them . I hired field organizers. I hired people to be out there and help bring in volunteers. Give them a place to be, build a movement. And why does that matter . Why is that the answer to your question . Because here is the thing. They can lie about us all day long, they will lie about us all day long. Whoever is our candidate. But the one thing that beats the lies, we know this, the one thing that beats back the misinformation, the distortion is facetoface. It is talking to somebody. It is a live human being. It is someone who knocks on your door, who talks to you by phone. Somebody who reaches you out because they were your neighbor because they were standing , behind you in line at the grocery store, because they were pumping gas next to you. We build that Grassroots Army right now, and that is how we be back their lies. Thats how we show them what democrats are going to fight for. [applause] that is how we are going to do it. That is the plan. [applause] sen. Warren by the way, if you think that is a good idea, go to elizabethwarren. Com and pitch in five bucks. That was my promotion. Ok, dave gave me a good chance on that. Where is my other question . Hi. What is your name . Miaka. Sually go by my question specifically relates to medicare. I have a preexisting condition. A heart condition that i was born with. Medicare has been my hot button topic for years. My entire adulthood, i have voted primarily on how do i get good access to Good Health Care that is not going to break the bank. Because i have maxed out health care more than once with surgeries that were experimental back in the 1980s. I want to know more about family medical leave. I think it is more of a state level than a federal level. But, i saw something that said you had back stepped on medicare for all and i want more information. Sen. Warren lets start with the basics. Health care is a basic human right, we fight for basic human rights. [applause] sen. Warren i mentioned earlier about the work i have done my whole grownup life. There is another way to describe it, and that is why families go broke . Why do working people go broke in america . One of the number one reasons is the cost of health care. Back when i was doing this study, one of the really shocking findings we hit was that, about two of the three people who filed bankruptcy following a serious medical problem had health insurance. Health insurance is not getting it done in america. The fundamental question in this country is, how do we get the most help to the greatest number of people at the lowest possible cost . That is where we need to be as a country. Here is my plan. First, i am going to do everything that a president can do all by herself. [applause] sen. Warren and that means, on day one, i am going to go after because we can do this on executive authority the Drug Companies on some of these big drugs. Like insulin, epipens, and lower the cost on them right from the beginning. [applause] sen. Warren that is going to save families hundreds of millions of dollars and reduce costs in the health care system. The second thing i will do on my own is defend the Affordable Care act from the sabotage of the trump administration. [applause] sen. Warren protect people with preexisting conditions. Make sure that everyone under 25 years old is still covered on your parents plan, and so on. Then, in the first 100 days, heres my plan, if we can do this i dont want to get too much in the weeds, but we can do this through reconciliation, which means 50 votes, i want to offer 135 million americans full medicare for all coverage at no cost. [applause] sen. Warren everybody under the age of 18. Everybody that has a family of four with an income less than 51,000. And for anyone else who wants to buy in, you can do so at a modest price. In addition, in the first hundred days, i want to lower the age of medicare from where it is now down to 50. So, everybody its eligible 50 years old and above. And, its time to expand the coverage of medicare. So its also dental, vision, hearing [applause] sen. Warren and, longterm care. We have got to cover longterm care. The idea here is that tens of millions, maybe we are up past 40 or 50 of the population experiencing it. Here we are, we are covered at no or little cost. We have seen what expanded health care is like. Then, in my third year, we make the transition to medicare for everyone. Lets bring a lot of people along in that. That is my idea. [applause] sen. Warren because we have got to get this done. We have got to get this done for families across the country. I want to talk as we close up here, because we have to save time for selfies. I want to talk for a little bit about getting things done. I dont want to go to washington, to the white house just to try on the outfit. I want to go to make real change. That is why i am in this fight. Real change, because this is the moment we better do this. I want to tell you a story about a toaster. You did not see that coming, did you . [laughter] sen. Warren when i was a young mom, toasters could burn down houses. Those little toaster ovens did not have automatic shutoff switches. It was entirely possible to put four slices of bread in, flick the thing on, hear the baby cry, go to the other end of the house and deal with the baby, then when you come back, the flames are leaping eight inches high. With any luck, it caught the kitchen curtains on fire and the kitchen cabinets. Ask me how i know. [laughter] sen. Warren all i will say is, my daddy, for christmas bought me a fire extinguisher. Consumer agency, Consumer Product Safety Commission worked on that and said, enough. Enough. They issued a rule and said you cannot sell a toaster in america that has a one in five chance of burning down your house. Done. That was it. They put Safety Switches on them and that was the end of toaster house fires. By 2000, in america, the mortgages were so dangerous and so complex that one out of five that were being sold were going to cost a family their home. Not through fire, but through foreclosure. But this time the federal government was not on the side of the families. This time there were so deep in the pockets of the big banks, they let them just keep selling those mortgages. So much so they crashed the entire economy. That is what happened in 2008. I had an idea for something we could do about that. The idea was for a Consumer Agency only for financial products, like the toaster. You should not get cheated on mortgages, credit cards, student loans, payday loans, you just ought to be able to understand them. The idea was, lets create an agency like the Consumer Product Safety Commission. I went to washington and i talked to everybody i could find about this idea. Pretty much they all told me the same two things. The first, that is a great idea. You could actually make a real difference. Structural change. The second, dont even try. Dont try because you will be up against the big money. You will be against big banks, the republicans, you will be up against half of the democrats. You will never get it done. I get it. Big structural change is hard. But it was also the right thing to do. So we got in the fight, we took on wall street, we took on the big money. Here is the thing, barack obama signed that agency into law. We won. [applause] sen. Warren here is an even cooler part. That Little Agency has forced the banks to return more than 12 billion directly to people they cheated. [applause] sen. Warren we know how to make government work for the people. [applause] sen. Warren so what did i learn from that . Part one, even if the big banks dont like it, even if big money does not like it, even if the billionaires dont like it, we need big ideas to meet the problems of our time. [applause] sen. Warren we need big ideas to inspire people. To get out and vote. We need big ideas to be the lifeblood of our party so everyone understands who and what democrats will fight for. We need big ideas to take back the senate and put Mitch Mcconnell out of a job. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren yeah. We need big ideas and we need to be willing to fight for them. Look, i get it, its easy to give up on a big idea. Its easy to say, im so sophisticated and so smart, thats too hard, we are not going to do that. But the problem is, this is not about picking a fight, this is about the fights that are already out there. People that are struggling to pay their medical bills are already in a fight. People who are getting crushed by Student Loan Debt are already in a fight. People who are getting stopped by the police because of the color of their skin are already in a fight. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren and these fights are all of our fights. Understand it this way. Our country is in a crisis. Washington insiders, media pundits, people in our party dont want to admit this. They think that running some vague campaign is somehow safe. If all democrats can say is business as usual after donald trump, then democrats will lose. We win when we show that we have Solutions Big enough to meet the problems in peoples lives. [applause] sen. Warren i am not running a campaign that has been shaped by consultants and that has some tepid proposals designed not to offend big donors. I passed that a long time ago. [laughter] sen. Warren i am running a Campaign Based on a lifetime of fighting for working families. I am running a campaign from the heart. Because i believe that 2020 is our time in history. Our time to win the fight for a Green New Deal and save our planet. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren our time to win the fight for medicare for all and save our people. [cheers and applause] sen. Warren our time to win the fight for a two cent wealth tax and invest in a whole generation. [applause] 2020 is our time. Our time to dream big, fight hard and win. [cheers and applause] [respect by aretha franklin] hello, everyone. The senator has some time for selfies and photos if you like. If you have young babies or young children, please go to the front of the line. Just like airport boarding. Stay put and the senator will come over to you. Thank you very much for being here, senator, and have a great night. [aint no Mountain High enough by marvin gaye] sen. Warren

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