Could have been working to deliver our unions for all messages for all of the candidates and thankfully, senator warren has been a long advocate of working people and unions. Senator warren and her team have been eager to engage with members, tweaking statements of support for our Rockingham County workers we recently organized as well as voted to unionize back in october, recording a video greeting for our convention and submitting responses to our president ial candidate questionnaire. Just last week, her oped published in the seacoast today talked about our own rocking ham unionizing efforts and now, she is here in person. I will turn it over to her for opening remarks and thoughts, and we will open it up to you for questions to ask for senator warren and with that, i would like to introduce senator warren. [applause] sen. Warren thank you. Thank you very much. Hello, hello sciu. It is great to see everyone. Im so glad to be here. I am going to talk a little bit at the top and take as many questions as we can possibly do. Let me just start by saying what i think the election of 2020 is all about. I think it is about who Government Works for. We have a government that works great. I just want everyone to know here that we have a government that works fabulously for giant drug companies, but not for people trying to get a prescription filled. We had a government that works have a government that works great for people who want to make money in investing in private prisons and private detention centers, but not for people whose lives are destroyed by those places. We had a government that works giantthat works great for Oil Companies that want to drill everywhere. It is just not working for everyone else who sees Climate Change bearing down on us. You see a government that works great for those who have money and doesnt work so well for much of anyone else, that is corruption. And simple and we need to call it out for what it is. [applause] sen. Warren what it is. It is corruption, and if you have an issue that brought you here tonight, whether it is how we strengthen our unions, how we raise pay, how we pay for health care, how you pay for Prescription Drugs, housing. Whatever issue brought you here tonight, i guarantee if there is a decision to be made in washington, it has been influenced by money. It has been shaped by money. It has been nudged by money. Money, money, money is influencing every decision that happens in washington. But here is the good news. In 2020, we have a chance to turn that around. 2020 is our opportunity and that is how i see this. Look at it this way. It is about how we run our how we make the decisions about who is going to be president of the United States of america. It is the only way you can get to be president of the United States if the only way you can get to be president of the United States is be a billionaire or suck up to a bunch of billionaires, do you know what kind of government we are going to have . They will be a government that keeps working great for billionaires. But our chance is to understand what is wrong in this country, how to fix what is wrong in this country, and then build a Movement Together to make that change. That is what unions are about, that is what movements are about. That is what big structural change is all about. There it is. [applause] sen. Warren im in this race because ive lived it. Understand this. My daddy had ad, really serious heart attack. My family went a long time with no money. Our last chance before just losing the house, tumbling down the stairs financially, was when my mother got a minimum wage job at sears. She was 50 years old. Shed never worked outside the home, she was terrified, but she got the job, she saved our house and more importantly, she saved our family. The thing about that story is it is the story about my mother, how strong she is. It is the story she taught her daughter. For matter how scared you are, no matter how hard it looks, you just go forward, but it is also a story about government. Acause when i was a girl, minimum wage job in america would support a family of three. It would pay a mortgage, it would cover the utilities, and it would put food on the table. Today, a minimum wage job in america will not keep a momma and a baby out of poverty and that is wrong. [applause] sen. Warren it goes back to the central question i raised at the top. Why the change over time . Why hasnt minimum wage kept up with costofliving . Gone up every year the way all your costs have gone up every year . The answer is who Government Works for. Go back and check. When i was a girl, the question asked in washington is what does it take a family of three to five . What does it take a family of three to get a total hold in americas middle class . What does it take to have something solid they can build on . Today, the question asked in washington, where do we set the minimum wage to maximize the profits of National Multinational corporations. I dont want one that works for multinational corporations. I want one that works for families. [applause] sen. Warren im in this fight and im honored to be here with you tonight, because i truly believe that americas best chance to be able to rebuild our democracy, to rebuild our country, to be the country where every kid gets an opportunity, is through our unions. We need more power in the hands of workers and that means making it easier to join a union and give unions more power when they negotiate. [applause] sen. Warren unions built americas middle class and will rebuild americas middle class. Weve just got to do this together. [applause] sen. Warren so im going to stop talking. Thats really hard for someone like me to do, because they raise just so much i want to tell you about, but why dont i stop and we will take as many questions as we have got time for tonight and ill do my best to give short answers. It will never work. We have two mic runners here and one mic, so this will be interesting. We will try to get through with the difficulties we have, so i will call on members and the runner will come to you. I will try to point out the second person so that there will always be one in que to move things along as we can. Stand up, state your name, where you work, and keep your questions concise, to the point, and we will try to get through as many people as we can tonight. I will take the liberty of the first question. Last week, you published an oped on senate bill 148 am a bipartisan bill that would support the right for us to be on worksites and engage nonunion members, the right to work governors vetoed that no bill new bill. What would your administration do to counteract that . Sen. Warren let me do two hands to the answer. The first is to give me a democratic majority in the senate and the house, im willing to roll back the filibuster. I am tired of the giant corporations effectively having veto power over everything we do in the United States senate, but give me a democratic majority in the house and the senate, committee answer is i will roll back every right to work law in this nation. [applause] sen. Warren done. We can pass a federal law to preempt now, the second part of this is what can a president do all by herself . [laughter] an. Warren the answer is Labor Department that is actually on the side of labor. [applause] and when i say on the side of labor, i dont just mean they are more likely to be with labor than with management. I mean that actively and aggressively is on the side of labor. I mean a Labor Department that enforces the labor rules, because when you enforce, youve got more opportunities. A Labor Department that is willing to work for more norbssive regulations, an that is on the side of labor to make sure labor is protected when it is trying to organize, labor is protected throughout the process. I think it is both hands. There is a lot you can do by yourself. The Labor Department has a lot of room, but lets get a majority and lets actually change laws and make them work for workers. Thank you. [applause] senator warren, thank you for coming tonight. Sen. Warren im delighted to be here. Tell me your name. I work for New Hampshire fish and game department. Sen. Warren good to see you gary. I have a question about underfunded programs. The u. S. Bureau of labor statistics, in 2018, 7. 2 million employees in the Public Sector belonged to a union and the unionization rate was about 34 of available jobs. Unfortunately, only two states have fully funded their state Employment Union Pension Plans and the average shortfall was 45 . In particular, New Hampshires state pension fund had a shortfall of 37 . This is not an issue that can be negotiated effectively on a statebystate basis. Assuming the senate can be returned to control by the democratic party, describe the federal legislation you would propose to require states to fully fund state Pension Plans. Sen. Warren thank you for the question, gary. The answer is pretty much in your final sentence. A majority in the house and senate, we will require states to fully Fund Pensions and put the kind of protections in place that they are funding going forward, so we dont hit these shortfalls over time. Can i add a couple more pieces i think are relevant here . A second one is, what are we going to do about the unfunded Pension Plans . We can pass laws, but there will still be bad shortfalls in this. I just want to be clear with everyone in this room, i was there when the United States government ponied up 700 billion to bail out giant banks. When their ceos kept their jobs, and their investors continued to get the money, and my view on this is when we have been shortfalls that are going to have catastrophic effects throughout our economy, we have a collective responsibility to deal with it. People who negotiated for pensions, they agreed not to take a certain amount of pay. This is not some gift that is being given to them. Likeay i look at it, it is someone said ill pay you 10 to do this job and you said ill tell you what, ill take eight dollars, but the two dollars of that and put it in my pension. You dont get to come along 10 years or 20 years later and say do you know what . It turns out we dont have as much money or it is inconvenient, im sorry. Nope. That was the agreement. That was the labor that was agreed to. You put in your half. It is now the obligation of the city, the state, the federal government to come up with the money to make sure you got your part on the other end. This forommitted on all of the folks who negotiated for pensions, that those pensions be fully funded. It is part of the obligation that we have agreed to as americans and when our government agrees to it, whether it is local government, State Government, or a federal government, then by golly, we all stand behind it and make it happen. [applause] in many cases, the legislatures come back and change the rules. Theres nothing we can do. Ms. Warren this is my point. Federal law overrides state law. The idea you can steal someones paid, and say we wish you you eight dollars instead of 10. They are not allowed to do that. It should not be allowed to do it this way. Theres more of us than them. Lets get organized and change the law. [applause] local 1984, if you are not at the table, you are on the menu being eaten. What will you do to show us labor has a seat at the table and we can move forward and you will hear us . Ms. Warren part of it starts with making sure weve got a secretary of labor who is an advocate for labor. Att means you have somebody every Cabinet Meeting in the heart of it. Best wayd part is the to describe this is my idea for how we are going to make change in this country, my idea is its going to take me and you. I cant do it by myself. Frances perkins is my favorite story on this. Im sure people know frances perkins. Remember the short version before the fire factory. People had been out marching. Them. Ctory owners heard they were not going to cut into their profits and make changes to protect these women. They went to albany where State Government was. They went to albany and greased enough palms nobody made them change the law. Frances perkins said you keep marching. But lets Work Together on the issues weve gotten. You keep marching and pushing and im going to albany to work from the inside. Im going to get the laws changed. Aws started with the fire los and move to the labor laws. Franklin roosevelt becomes president and brings her along, first woman to become a cabinet official. She becomes secretary of lab or. What can one persistent woman backed up by millions across the country accomplish . Let me remind you what she accomplished. Social security, minimumwage, the end of child labor. The right to join a union. And the weekend. [laughter] so you ask how you can be at the im not running for president so i get to try on the outfit. Im running because i want to make change. What it is going to take to make change is weve got to have the unions out there. Out there pushing for change and the unions grow. Pulling in more members, grow in strength. That is how we are going to hold congress, democrats or republicans, how we are going to hold congress accountable. Itt is the america we want to be. That is why im in this. [applause] thank you, john. Good evening. My name is carol. I work for the department of health and human services. Im going to change gears. My question is about health care. When im in discussions with friends, sitting around the fire pit talking about the different candidates, and the various Health Care Plans that are concerns some of the that have risen up, folks are concerned that the change in Health Care Plans, if you were to change the plan, so it is medicare for all, they would lose some of their benefits. That the quality of their Health Care Plans would decline. How do you address these concerns when we are sitting around the Kitchen Table and for those folks on the fence . Ms. Warren i appreciate the question. I spent a big part of my life learning about why American Families go broke. Number one reason, healthcare costs. Familiess studying that went bankrupt, two out of every three had health insurance. It doesnt cover everything. Costs go up every year. For one minute stop and think about where we are going to be if we dont do anything. Make that the background. Where are we going to be if we dont do anything . About 11ng to pay trillion over 10 years. That is what it is going to cost. Right now for the average person who has employersponsored health care, by the time they finish the deductible and copay and the specialist they need to see that is not covered, and the Prescription Drug that isnt isered, the average family out over 1000 a month. That is when nobody gets really sick. It is not the god for bid. The god for bid, i met a couple the other night. Said, i have the best insurance on earth. Wonderful health insurance. He said i thought it was right andntil he had an aneurysm his wife was diagnosed with cancer. 100,000e have about outofpocket medical bills. People are making decisions not to have prescriptions filled. They try to cut them in half. They dont see doctors. This is happening. Are four sources right now paying for health care in america. The federal government. The State Government. Medicaid. Required ifo are they have more than 50 employees to provide health care for their people at a certain level. You when you reach in your pocket. Here is what medicare for all proposes. Staysne is that the state the same. Stays thecontribution same. They pay it all to medicare. The employer contribution is the same. They pay it all to medicare. The part that changes is the part you are paying. Trillion over the next 10 years, i propose we do this through progressive taxation. The top 1 in america, the giant corporations, and my favorite, the tax cheats at the top. You squeeze on them, those sources, they will give us 11 trillion over 10 years. That means the cost of your health care goes to zero. Think about that for a minute. Think about it when you think about the plan you have now. The plan that does not let you go to the doctor you want to see is gone. Every doctor is covered. The specialist you need to see is covered. The drugs are covered. Is,ever your health care youve got it. You are covered. Think about it. It should be about you and your doctor. U. N. Your kid and your doctor. Today its about you and your health care company. Health Insurance Company. Want to guess how much doctors are spending on fighting with Insurance Companies . To spendhospitals have filling out insurance forms and arguing with Insurance Companies when they say cannot have an mri. How much hospitals are having to spend on billing people who have health insurance, but it turns out the bill has another 5,500 that did not get covered by insurance. Families cannot afford it and hospitals are suing people because people with insurance are not able to pay their health care costs. All of that goes away. We suck a lot of cost out of the system and you have full Health Care Coverage because to me, that is the heart of it. Health care is a basic human right and as a country, we should be fighting for basic human rights and that is what we can do with medicare for all. Keep this in mind. If we dont do anything, you see how costs have gone up. The next 10 years do not look better than the last 10. It is going up faster than your income. Youre reaching in pocket and reaching in pocket and the Insurance Company is shrinking up what you can get to and shrinking what you can get to. This is not good for you and it is not good for america. Anyone who is running for president , medicare for all is the cheapest possible way to provide Health Care Coverage to all of our people and i figure out a way to do it that does not cost a middleclass family one dime. Billionaires are not going to like it, but the rest of us should like it a lot. That is going to be my pitch. [applause] thank you for coming to New Hampshire. I work for the department of Human Health Services here. My question is building on the basic human rights you are talking about just now, but it really goes to the immigration and border issue down in mexico. My concern is those individuals that are fleeing violence and oppression from various states. Mexico is looking at that from the perspective of people wanting to flee their situation. But we had statesponsored terrorism pakistan, south yemen, and sudan. How does your approach to this picture address those issues of people fleeing oppression from those states as well and will you be able to provide more funding to provide more services that are needed and also to increase the number of Immigration Judges so badly at this point . Ms. Warren thank you for the question. Let me just start with the statement of values. Immigration does not make our country weaker, it makes our country stronger. [applause] it does. That means i have an immigration plan. Look at it online for lots more details. Part one, we need to expand legal immigration. Its a good place to start. The Current Administration has shrunk it up and we need to expand it up. Part two, we need a path of citizenship for the people who are here. We need to bring them out of the shadows and im not just talking daca. The day after the Supreme Court has heard the case, im talking about grandmas who have been here for years and years and talking about much younger siblings, people who came here to work agriculture and have stayed overstayed student visas. They are our neighbors, our friends and contribute to our economy and contribute to our country and we need to get a fair and achievable path to citizenship to bring them in. It will strengthen the labor protection overall. In the shadows and cash under the table, they are exploited every day and it undercuts every working person in this country. Part three is the crisis at her is trumpmade. Let me to you a little bit about this. When word leaked out that this administration was separating children from their families, i went down to the border immediately and it was before they started locking out senators. I want all of you to picture this. It was like a giant amazon warehouse, only it was dirty and it smelled bad, and when i first walked in on my left were cages, one to another of bars maybe 10 feet wide, 40 deep. One toilet in the corner. Cage after cage of women and i walked into the main room and saw the cages of little girls. About the size of the groups together. Little girls. They did not not have any toys, they were so sad. There was a guard tower in the middle and in a cage of little girls and a cage of little boys and back in the corner, a cage of nursing mothers. I stopped and spoke with some of the mothers. One mother told me a story that sticks in my head. She said she gave a drink of water to a Police Officer and the next day the word came back. The gangs believed she was working with the police. She knew that meant she would be killed. With not much more than a blanket, she ran all the way to the border where she got picked up. The United States has cut our assistance in Central America that has undermined the government, made the gang stronger and it has made women like this who are not looking to emigrate, but who suddenly are caught in the crossfire and caught in a crisis come here running for their lives, so the first step is we need to restore aid in Central America and around the world in the hotspots where people are fleeing for their lives. We need to change policies in yemen. So that is the first part, try to reduce the pressure, but the second part is when people come to us in fear, people come to us that are terrified and asking for asylum, when people are coming for temporary protected status, we are a country that should say yes. We should share that with our allies and say let us help, we will do our best to try to help because no great nation tears children away from their parents, from their families, no great nation does that. [applause] no great nation lets Companies Profit from locking up little children at the border. [applause] we want to get our immigration policy right, we need to live our values every day, spend the money we need to spend, but live our values every day and i believe we can do that. That is the kind of people we need to be. [applause] hello, i am sidney perkins. Thank you very much for being here. Its a good thing. I have noticed that when funding processes change in an agency, the values automatically follow, even if the leaders do their best to keep that from happening, so in this country, you have to raise ridiculous amounts of money to run for office. Ms. Warren hmm. I have heard that. [laughter] i thought is, what ideas do you have for Campaign Finance reform so people are no longer beholden to the billionaires so that the values can return to the people and all that . Ms. Warren theres a whole bunch of things we can do like overturn citizens united. Democracy is not for sale. [applause] i also have a plan for public funding, so somebody could raise 10 from an individual donor and then we put in another 60 so that individual donors really matter in the system and the bigger the donation, the less leverage on how it works out. Here is the basic thing we should be looking for. I get it billionaires are going , to own more shoes than you do. They can own more cars than you do. They may even own more houses than you do, but they should not own a bigger share of democracy than you do. [applause] and our current funding system is tilted way over to the side of billionaires. By the way, you may have noticed that i hurt some billionaires feelings recently. [laughter] boohoo. Heres the thing that really gets me. How many billionaires have you seen talking about my wealth tax . This is a two cents tax on fortunes above 50 million. Just so you can relax, your first 50 million is free and clear. But, your 50 million and first dollar, you have to pitch in two cents and two cents for every dollar after that. Anybody here own a home . You have been paying a wealth tax. It is called a property tax. All im saying is that your property tax should not be limited to real estate. It should include the stock portfolio, the diamonds, the rembrandt the , yacht. We count up all your assets two , cents wealth tax on everything above 50 million and by the way, im not someone who is cranky about millionaires. Im not after them. Heres how i see it. You built a Great Fortune in america, good for you. But you built it in least in part, that all of us paid to help educate. You built it on roads and bridges all of us help build. You built it with the help from firefighters and police that all of us paid for. We are glad to do it. We want to make the investments so everyone has opportunity. All im saying is when you make it really big, top 10th of 1 big, pitch in two cents so everyone else gets a chance to make it in america. [applause] i wanted to hear this. Do you know what we could do with a two cent wealth tax on the top 10th of 1 . We could pay for child care for every baby in this country from zero to five. Think about that. Universal prek for every threeyearold and fouryearold in america. Raise the wages of every Child Care Worker and preschool teacher in this country, for 800 billion new federal dollars in our Public Schools k12, provide technicalcollege, school, four here college for every kid who wants an education all on the same two cents. 50 billion into our historically black colleges and create a level playing field. Last one, you can do all of that on two cents, plus you can cancel Student Loan Debt for 43 million americans. [applause] so here is my question. How many billionaires have you seen talking about this and having the vapers. My gosh, my wealth would not have grown as fast. I would have 10 billion less, a billionaire actually crying. We have done the billionaires. How many of the 43 million americans struggling with Student Loans have you seen interviewed . How many of the people struggling to pay childcare have you seen . How many of the teachers working the second and third job to try and make ends meet to try and pay off their student loan . I am sick of an america that works for the billionaires and does not work for anybody else. [applause] and heres the deal. This one comes straight down to you. Think about this in 2020. You will have a lot of candidates talk to you. You have already had some folks. Find out where they get their money, ask which democratic candidate has Political Action committees funded with dark money which means we dont even know where the money comes from because understand this, we had a chance to say heres the deal, we are going to build this thing grassroots and then build the movement to make it happen. We will make this work at least 10 contribution at a time because that is how we are going to make change, make this country work not just for a thin slice, but for everyone in New Hampshire. This one is going to be up to you, we can do this. Thank you. [applause] time for one more question . Hi. Ms. Warren im glad to be here. I work for department of health and human services. I live in concord. My question is, i want to piggyback off the question that carol number one had. Medicare for all. Ms. Warren i number my husbands, too. Never a good sign. Im only on the second one, so it is not too bad. My concern is if there is medicare for all, all medical providers and facilities be required to accept it or would they have the option to not take it and require people to selfpay . So im not sure how it would solve that problem and also, the medicare reimbursement rates are really low. Would that change . Ms. Warren here is how i see it. Where we are aiming for medicare for all, not all of the transition has been worked out. Where we are aiming is every doctor and provider is covered, every health Insurance Company is covered, every Prescription Drug is covered and as for the reimbursement rate, here is the long arc on the projection. You use the medicare reimbursement rates generally for doctors, the medicare plus 10 for hospitals, for rural hospitals, we have to keep those open and they have different economic pressures that are absolutely critical. It is kind of three levels, but here is what i want you to understand on that. Doctors talk about medicare does not pay as much. But, look at what happens to i dont know about you, but do you ever look around when you are at your Doctors Office . You see two doctors and six people filling out forms. Right . And a nurse on the phone with an Insurance Company and somebody else is doing the billing for the bad debts and the things out of pocket and things somebody cant cover. Weve got all the way to medicare for all, that costeffectively to zero. It is the medicare cost. Youve got one form and it is pretty simple. It goes all to one place and there is no more than debt collection, so the idea behind it is they are going to get paid a little more than they are paid will bew and their cost a whole lot less than the cost is right now. That is actually one of the core savings and how medicare for all works so much better, you actually take some of the costs out of the system by saying that instead of having hiring all those extra people, what health care is about health care and making sure people have got health care on this, so that is the basic idea behind it. Those jobsliminate is not going to impact peoples livelihoods . Sen. Warren so what ive done on the proposal i have done, when i put together the numbers on how to do this, it is no one gets left behind. Insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, other kinds of insurance. Other people will go to other parts of the Health Care System that will need them. Some of them will go to medicaid but nobody gets left behind, and there is money because i always watch the money. You can count on me to watch the money, right . Plan is money right in the for us to transition to medicare for all so nobody loses a job and gets left behind. That is not what we are going to do. This is about making sure everyone gets taken care of. Good question. Thank you. [applause] sen. Warren hi. Good evening, senator warren. I work for health and human services, as well. Sen. Warren all right, hhs rocks. Racism and discrimination have been enabled under the present administration. Sen. Warren im sorry, i didnt hear you. Racism and discrimination have been empowered and enabled. Civil rights are threatened. Do you have a plan to undo this damage . Sen. Warren yes. Know, what donald trump has done to stir up hatred and division in this country is not accidental. Actually has a strategy, and the strategy is turn people against people because if you can turn people against people, then nobody notices what happening when he is lining his own pockets, when he is taking care of himself politically. It is whitef this, against black and brown, it is christian against muslim, it is straight against gay, in particularly trans. It is everybody against immigrants, particularly immigrants of color. It is all the way through the system. Just whatever he can do. Lob another firecracker, see if you can start another fire, if everyoneecause will look over there, no one will watch what is really happening, and what is really happening is that the corruption that was in washington long before he got there he did not invent the influence of money in washington. He did not invent the corruption in washington, but he has taken it to new heights. He has made it unbelievable. Foreign countries who want to come here to ask for foreign aid or some special contract, what do they do . They go pile into the trump hotel. Ive heard this story about wanting to make sure that someone at the white house knows that they stayed in the really expensive suites in the trump hotel for day after day after day, because who does that help . It helps the president had his family. And his family. This whole business that he in the middle of an impeachment inquiry over was over what . Taxpayeryour money,ollars in aid to ukraine saying instead of what do we need to do to protect against the russians who are threatening at ukraines border . Put that all at risk so donald trump can go advance his political interests, try to attack and investigate Donald Trumps political enemies, so the way i see it is that what donald trump oh, it just died. I think ill swing next. [laughter] sen. Warren the way i see it, donald trump has a strategy but it has become so open and so visible that it actually creates opportunity. Hearts filled with optimism because now it is the case that people see it. Not everybody. I get it, donald trump still has his supporters, i understand that, but there are a lot of people that are now off the sidelines. There are a lot of people who have said i have had it up to here. There are a lot of people saying i am not watching the trump show anymore. Ive had it and i am ready to move on. I think this is the moment. We have come to the fork in the road. What happens in 2020 is not just about the next four or eight years. This is the whole direction our country goes, whether we will be a country that continues to run for the rich, for the billionaires, for the giant corporations, or whether we are going to be a country that actually runs for the people, that we live our best values everyday, that we pick up each others fights as our own, that we pick up the fight over and pick up the fight on how our children are losing out on Public Education whether we have children in Public Education or not, that we pick up these fights, that we pick up the importance of protecting our pensions, whether we have a pension or are decades away from a pension, that we pick up each others fights for our own because if we turn the corner, if that is what we manage to do together, we can build the america of our best dreams. One of the things i think a lot about is this is our chance for big ideas. Dont sell america short. Dont go for something small. Dont nibble around the edges. This is our chance for big change, for the kind of change that really would let us build an america where not just some of our kids get opportunity, but all of our kids get an opportunity. Where we really do secure retirement, where we really do hold our heads up around the world because we are a proud nation that lives are values every day. This is our chance. Im not running a campaign that is shaped by consultants and i have plans that are carefully designed not to offend big donors. Ive passed that a long time ago. Im running a campaign that is based on a lifetime of fighting for working families. I am running a campaign from the heart because i truly believe that in 2020, the door has opened just a little and that we really have a chance if we dream big and we fight hard, and we run at that door, we can crack it open and actually make this a nation in which all of us have a chance to build a real future, so thank you. Thank you all for being here. [applause] thank you so much. Ok, thank you, senator warren. What we would like to do is a couple things. Senator warren is going to stick around and anyone who would like a photo with the senator, we line up to the right but before we do that, we would like to get a group photo. The senator and i will turn around and we are going to get a group photo. We are going to do a group photo. You are in the photo right here. We want to get the banner in front of you. Sen. Warren ive got it. [indistinct conversations] sen. Warren do you see everybody . No blinking back there. Unions for all. Re good . Are we good . Sen. Warren you got it . [applause] [indistinct conversations] thank you so much. Sen. Warren you are a great guy to have in the front row. My kind of guy. Thanks for being here. It. E got to do you bet. Ready, 1, 2, 3. Great. Good to see you. Thank you for coming. [inaudible conversations] you. Warren nice to meet im asking, if you wouldnt mind. We dont do sound for photos. [inaudible conversations] governorssachusetts Deval Patrick made his president ial candidacy official thursday through a video from his campaign. He went to New Hampshire to file his paperwork to get on the states primary ballot. , i used tol patrick be governor of massachusetts but that is not where i started. I grew up on the southside of chicago with my grandparents, mother, and sister and our grandparents. To broken, overcrowded Public Schools. My grandmother used to tell us we were not poor, just broke because broke is temporary

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