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We are waiting for President Trump to appear at a rally in bossier city, indiana. The the First Time Since impeachment increase was begun. There will be another hearing scheduled for tomorrow with marie yovanovitch. She served as u. S. Ambassador to ukraine before being let go in may by the trumpet administration. You can watch the hearing live tomorrow at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. Cspan. Have that on at org or on the cspan radio app. While we wait for things to get started, take a look at some reaction to yesterdays impeachment inquiry on capitol hill. Also this morning, from the front page of the Washington Post, testimony putting trump closer to the scandal and from the financial times, reality tv, the trump impeachment goes public. With you, as that well as the upcoming schedule. John. Witnesses, 5. 5 hours of testimony yesterday. First, from the Huffington Post this morning, it begins with a bombshell with the headliner they went with. From new york magazine, the headline there, the impeachment inquiries get up to a subdued start. The New York Times, consequential, but dull. The New York Times writes it began without a bang. Lost,ms of who won and that is up for interpretation. Politico, writing trump exposed. From the conservative websites, taylorstbart, bill bombshell repeats what is already known from the phone call and transcript. Roastssman jim jordan star witness, ambassador taylor. The headline writer is likely going to be pretty busy over the next several days. Heres the schedule. As steve noted, they continue tomorrow. ,he u. S. Ambassador to ukraine recalled from her post in may. She is set to testify before has intelligence tomorrow. It continues next week on tuesday, the morning of november 19, jennifer williams, an 82 will testify, alongside a cancel aid that was on the phone call with President Trump and president zelensky. The formerfternoon, u. S. Special envoy to ukraine will testify along with tim morrison, National Security council eight. On wednesday, november 20, the morning u. S. Ambassador to the European Union gordon sondland, will testify. A lot of conversation about him at yesterdays hearing. On wednesday, laura cooper, a Deputy Assistant secretary deputy of defense for Eurasian Affairs will testify alongside david hale, the under secretary of state for Political Affairs. On thursday, they end with fiona hill, the former white house russian expert will be on capitol hill to testify. When it comes to headlines, there may be a few memorable hotlines headlines tomorrow. President Trump Holding a Campaign Rally tonight in bossier city, louisiana. We are airing that tonight on cspan or on a radio app. From the headlines from the wall street journal, hearing a new claim from bill point bill taylor. He is a west point graduate from the class of 1969. He was appointed by mike pompeo to take over after marie was relieved of her duties. She will be testifying on friday. A lot of questions from democrats and republicans on what she saw. One of the headlines they came from yesterdays hearing today is what bill taylor told the committee about what he heard. Friday, a member of my staff told me of events that occurred on july 26. Ambassador and i visited the front, members of my company joined mr. Solomon. In the presence of my staff at a restaurant, and bester sandland called President Trump and told him of his meeting. The member of my staff could hear President Trump on the phone, asking ambassador silent about the investigations. And bester sandland told President Trump the ukrainians were ready to move forward. Ambassador sound went somnolent sonland told President Trump the queens ready to move. He said he cares more he said that President Trump cared more about the investigations of biden who was competing with them next year. I was not aware this information , i am including it here for completeness. As the committee knows, i reported this information through counsel to the state departments leader legal advisor, as well as the council for the majority and minority of this committee. Its my understanding the committee is following up on this matter. That new development from ambassador taylor yesterday. One other headline from fox news 1 putting pressure on modern democrats. Democrats. They said all eyes were on democrats in swing districts wednesday night. After the first run the public hearings wrapped up with no major revelations. Also highlighting witnesses in the democrats key witnesses who relied on secondhand information and never once interacted with the president. The house is comprised of 431 members, meaning democrats need to hundred 17 yeas to impeach the president. There are currently 233 democrats. They can only lose 16 of their own and impeach the president. 31 House Democrats represent more moderate districts. Lets get your phone calls. Democrats line. And reaction to the hearing what you are looking forward to. This asi see in all of we are avoiding the element the elephant in the room. President trump is essential to all of this. He has obstructed testimony. It is time for him to be subpoenaed to testify. See hisle need to testimony in front of the next and quit because he andnot want to testify president clinton, he testified. He set precedents. He was a sitting president at time. Trump is not a king. Before the testify taxpaying citizens of america. Thanks for the call. On our twitter page, this is it from bill kane. He says the impeachment inquiry is over and it is has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the president tried to bribe the ukrainian president of a military aid. What do set republicans do . Guilty or acquit . Isther says, one take away it all depends on what side of the aisle the frequent. Ted is on the republican line. What a waste of taxpayer number. Money. Adam schiff, he reminds me of on the show where he would talk and talk and he wouldnt say anything. Theres no proof. I dont blame the president for not watching it. Thank you. Send us a text message. Tells her first name and where you are texting from. This is eric and seattle. Trump me to testify under oath. He has a lot of lies. He can defend himself and clear of ending up everything up. Good morning. I am blessed. Did you watch the hearings . I watched it yesterday. I know he is guilty. His family knows he is guilty. Republicans know he is guilty. The callers know he is guilty. He needs to come and testify. Trump is guilty. Guilty and he is the worst president besides nexen we have ever had. The gop attempts to usurp the hearings, the refutable to the point of being absurd. A formerg gym, wrestling coach at ohio state. Jim jordan fell flat on his face while every Conspiracy Theory was debunked by facts. Trump supporters do not have a leg to stand on. On our republican line from massachusetts. Good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I did not watch the hearings yesterday, but i did this morning of mr. Taylor. American,gnborn which is often used against me by democrats, i did identify with them and some of the presentation. I walked away from the impression that they present themselves by way of pedigree. They are the lords appearance of u. S. Foreign policy. They demonstrated their ties with the deep state. And their views, whatever they may be. When america should be doing and its interference with foreign nations. Its dangerous business for everybody. Gentlemen, they arent doing the deep state any favors by the nature of their presentation. Host when you refer to the deep state, what are you referring to . How do you define that . As efforts byt those in elected office and in various administrative Foreign Service to carry out their view of what they think the world order should be. Be, ase structure are to opposed to what americans, by their generous nature would prefer it to be. Is trying to move us into a direction that is much more reflective of what Everyday Americans values and sense of justice calls for. Did host you watch the testimony of bill taylor yesterday . I mentioned earlier that i did not watch it yesterday. Did you find ambassador taylor credible . At the end of his hisimony, i would say credibility is tied to his relationship with interest that are probably not those of most americans. Exercise someg to sort of influence in ukraine, with regard to russia. I dont take it is very reflective of what what americans would like. Germany and poland not fully engaged in helping the u. K. Ukraine . Host john, what do you have . I want to come back to the clip he played for our viewers a few minutes ago. William taylor, describing what a staffer told him about. An incident in which the staffer overheard a phone call between ambassador sonland and the president of the united states. The abc news group nbc news is reporting that a source close to the matter said that that staffer is john holmes, a state department official. David holmes, a state department official. They will be hearing from him. Two officials added to the closeddoor deposition list. David holmes is one of those efficient expected to testify. The other official that was affer, and an omb st will be testifying behind closed doors on saturday. Moore and david holmes. As the counselor for Political Affairs in ukraine, he works directly with taylor. One more tweet on that front. Kyle griffin, and nbc news reporter. David holmes received an award in 20 14 for speaking up against the obama administrations afghanistan policy. Complicatestly republican plans to paint him as a partisan. We will likely hear more about him from the days to come. We will be letting you know if and when the president tweets. President at 6 54 to. Eastern, referring congressman radcliffe, the republican congressman on the house intelligence committee, asking the two star witnesses, where is the impeachable event in that call . Both stared straight ahead with a blank look on their face. Host this, from carol, sent us a text message. She writes the democrats into witnesses acted with purpose, and professionally. To get to the truth from republicans. Playing to an audience of one. Their lord and master in the white house. All must be loyal to him and him alone. This from the new york post. Congressman adam schiff insisting he does not know the identity of the whistleblower. That was another 10 instant tent exchange yesterday. Tense exchange yesterday. We will not permit the outing of the whistleblower. Not respond tol these requests. I will intervene. Other than that, anyone can ask any questions they like. This is an opportunity for members the gentleman is not recognized. [mumbling] otherwise, members will have an opportunity to ask any questions they would like. He would seek recognition for which purpose . I would like to subpoena the whistleblower for a secret deposition, so the questions that should be asked by our side and your side may be asked. I would prefer that, rather than that being the single decision, that the committee speak to that issue. It wont be my single decision. We will entertain a decision a request to subpoena anyone. The motion will be in order, but it will be suspended after the witnesses. You anticipate when we would vote . What purpose does mr. Jordan seek recognition . Do anticipate when we might vote on the ability to have the whistleblower in front of us . Something you and the 435 hours of congress, you are the only member that knows who that is. Your staff is the only member of staff that has had the opportunity to talk to that individual. We would like that opportunity. When might that happen . Thats a false statement as you know. I dont know the identity of him. Sure that to make identity is protected. Youa will have an opportunity after the witnesses testify to make a notion to call the witness and culvert. That was with jim jordan and adam schiff. Back to your phone calls. Art is joining us on the republican line. What did you hear . My take away was the one representative mentioned to the two key witnesses, the two key people talking, the ambassador and the other aid, that he had more information from a church its ridiculous. I dont know if the da would prosecute me for doing Something Like that in this county. I would think they would want to legislate and fix the andastructure of america make America Great again, trump 2020. Host we welcome our listeners on cspan radio. Andhe free cspan radio app coasttocoast on serious. We getting your reaction to we are getting your reactions to the house impeachment angry. We will continue that tomorrow entity next week. You can listen to the hearings live on cspan radio and the cspan networks and the free cspan radio app. We are joined on the democrats line. Good morning. Morning. Ood what is wrong with these people . Anything trump tells them, they believe it. Obama is not the president of the united states. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. E is guilty [indiscernible] byebye. Host from john harris, the headline from politico. Com. Tropics post, a brutal day for the president. Andoads, writes, impeachment inquiry is because social exercise, a living expression of the world of law rule of law. There was breaking news, but it was mostly a matter of detail. There was a new diplomat any dirt from diplomat taylor about President Trump haranguing a subordinate to keep up pressure to investigate the biden family. This was a validation of the existing narrative rather than a twist of plot. In a more profound way, the day beingportrait of trump trapped, obsessive, hectoring, intemperate, is partly transactional about military aid as he would be about a midtown real estate deal. Impeachment is not merely an inquiry into president ial misconduct. Its a violent intrusion to intimate regions of the president s psychology. There is no way to compartmentalize that. John harris at politico. Com. Skip to joe from massachusetts. Independent line. Im trying to correct the record. I was listening to you last week. Somebody called and asked about the whistleblower act. Enacted . It i think he said in the late 1700s. I worked for the federal government. Was passed in april 1998. It was passed with Civil Service people, so that they wanted to they wouldout fraud, be protected as far as losing their job or getting demoted. Steve there is indication that those within the government should be able to speak freely without any retaliation youre right about the more recent legislation. The roots of it go back to federal statements. I never heard about that and i was in the government when it passed. The other problem is there is no protection of id if i said you did something wrong for example, the coworker has a right to know who said it and question it. Have a right to question me, where did i get the information . You cant just believe it someone because they are saying something. Steve steve you think whistleblower should testify . Caller of course they should. Said i saw you rob a store, i have to come to court and be a witness. That analogy, what he is saying is that he heard that happen. If you are a witness to a crime, they want you to testify. If you hear there is a crime and do tell police, does that mean you should testify . Caller sure. I could just accuse you of doing anything. No way to prove it. We will end up with people saying whatever they want and not having to prove it and then not being exposed for saying it. Thats crazy. Steve rick has this tweet. Is it not a Security Breach to talk on an answer for phone call from a restaurant in ukraine . We have john has been looking into that. John one story on that front. This comes from todays Washington Post. U. S. Ambassadors cell phone call from a restaurant in the capital of ukraine was a stunning breach of security issues, exposing the conversation to surveillance by foreign intelligence services, including russias former intelligence service. Thestory noted trumpsonland conversation, and that was one of the key moments from yesterdays hearing. It took place today after the july 25 call. The president was eager to secure a white house visit. Alan because she micros onto note that it was noteworthy that investors dont typically pick up a phone and call president s. They never do that to discuss ukraine policy according to the u. S. Ambassador to russia, michael mcfall. He said doing it from a cell phone met the whole world was listening. The kremlin has no hesitation in leaking them out when it suits their interest in early 2014. An intercepted phone conversation between the then secretary of state Victoria Nuland and then u. S. Ambassador to ukraine appeared on youtube on that call. Talking about dismissively about european you movementEuropean Union efforts to address a crisis in ukraine. Thats the Washington Post today. I want to followup on your conversation with joe a few minutes ago. The history of the whistleblower protection act. Late 80s. T was the april of 1989 was the federal s passage. Er act according to the official with the blower whistleblower center, the roots to go back to the revolutionary war times. 30, then 1778, on july Continental Congress passed what could well be the worlds first whistleblower law. The National Whistleblower center noted a revolutionary forefathers noted that when someone had conducted misconduct by the highestranking people official andaval were being prosecuted, they agreed to act. They spent precious moneys to secure that the blower had lawyers to defend them. They voted to reverse all the records documenting their concerns. If you want more on the history of National Whistleblower appreciation day, to the National Whistleblower center. Back to your phone calls. Charles is joining us from michigan. The republican line. Good morning. Sayer i would just like to that this impeachment stuff is almost a circus. At the media have a good day. York. This is what i would like to know. When array going to speak to Mitch Mcconnell . Mitch mcconnell stated on camera he was looking for what happened to that money. Then he stated he was unable to find out what happened to it. Purse fors the notica and says he does know what happened to the money, that is extremely scary to me, because we have a division of the president does not have the right to the power of the purse. Surped that power. Host catherine, thank you. In ohio. Ear from jerry hi, steve. Number one, i am 70 years old. I did watch the entire hearing yesterday. The whole time i am thinking, this song going through my head, back in my childhood, reo speed wagon. I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another you have been messing around. [laughter] testimony, firsthand somebody who actually knows something, not somebody who thinks they know something. Host thank you. Nothing yesterday changed your mind . These guys were embarrassing. I was waiting for the clown car to pick them up afterwards. Host thank you, from golden valley, minnesota. You. Good morning. I agree with that gentleman. It was like watching a kindergarten class, trying to separate them. Everyone knows this is a twisted ploy to take over our government and this only shows the American People that they will destroy anyone who goes against them. The next person could be you. Host we will go to john from new jersey, democrats line. Did you watch the hearings yesterday or last night on cspan . Yes, i did. Host your take away . I am quite taken aback by little jimmy jordans comments. Whistleblowerthe because it is a law that they will not give up the name. My comment is, where the lady fundingropriations for projects that they have in congress are allocated for what the project is. The president or the republican party, which did not allocate that, has no right to spend that wherever they want to. They have tried to divert Hurricane Relief and they have diverted this money for ukraine. A buffer zone between us and i wont forget the men who died who gave that life to me i have to stand up next to you aint no doubt i love this land d bless the usa [applause] [cheering]

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