Ommittee and have pledged to oppose it here shortly. Again, this mcadams amendment release for ess democrats, so amend and pretend, cadams day with the m amendment. I want to be clear i do not oppose the amendment. And am opposed disappointed that my democratic olleagues have offered another amendment thats a stunt, another stunt provision for this deadend bill. We had a bipartisan path forward, and democrats are wasting floor time with this enacted will never be into law. I reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. I yield one minute to the gentlelady from california. Ms. Waters i thank the gentleman for offering this important amendment. This will amendment builds on the important work of the the gentleman from new york on combatting illegal opioids in this country. The cost of their involvement in the illegal trade, do not get benefits. Xim i strongly support the gentlemans amendment to strengthen this bill with respect to preventing illegal trafficking of synthetic opioids and urge my colleagues to do so. And i yield back. The chair the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from ohio. Mr. Davidson this isnt about getting the provision in the law. Im confident a recorded vote will be requested because it is all theater and not meant to change the law in a substantive way but to provide cover. I yield. Mr. Mcadams the bill before is us a strong measure to support job creation. The legislation improves the agencys ability to support Small Businesses. It is supported by businesses and labor and it does this all at no expense to the taxpayer. Of the ident and c. E. O. World trade center utah says this plays an Important Role in promoting you ta to compete with china, brazil, u. K. And germany. Direct access to the finance and Risk Management programs provide utahs Small Businesses with economic tools. I agree with him and im a strong supporter of the underlying bill which reauthorizes exim for 10 years. My amendment is a commonsense addition to the bill to ensure we are not doing business with opioid traffickers overseas. I urge a yes vote on final passage. I yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. All time has expired. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from utah. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. I request a roll call vote. The chair burnt to clause , rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from utah will be postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 5 printed in house report 116289. For what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition . Mr. Davidson i haveage amendment at the desk. The clerk amendment number 5 rinted in house report 116289 offered by mr. Davidson of ohio. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 695, the gentleman from ohio, mr. Davidson, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio. Mr. Davidson i support reauthorization of the Exportimport Bank. It is eaning important tool that American Companies can stay competitive and used as an Important National security encountering countries like china. There are several reforms that could improve the agency which are not being considered under this bill, which is why im offering my amendment. My amendment is under the fentanyl sanctions act introduced by max rose and cosponsored by french hill. In the senate, Senate Minority leader, Chuck Schumer is the lead sponsor joined by republican senator pat toomey. Under the bills, the president could waive sanctions against reign stateowned banks if a Foreign Government is cooperating. This amendments approach is similar. It says that the United States will oppose exim Bank Assistance to a government in the entities it controls if the president determines that the government isnt cooperating with us to stop the flood of opiods into our county. China and mexico have been identified by the u. S. Drug Enforcement Agency as primary producers. This amendment is not targeting those who need assistance from the United States most. T would provide a waiver where Government Protection is needed for government goods and services. We want to help those that need assistance and we must protect the americans. According to the centers, the pioid deaths in america linked to synthetic drugs. Areas in southwest ohio have some of the highest per capita opioid Overdose Deaths in the nation and this is an epidemic impacting us. 28,000 deaths in the United States involve synthetic opiods and deaths have risen in nearly half of u. S. States. . Short, this is a problem that touches all of us. In close cooperation with countries receiving assistance is essential. If we dont if we do care about stopping this epidemic, my amendment is a small but important step that should be able for all of us to agree on. I urge my colleagues to adopt this and countries that have problems like china or mexico, dont eliminate their problem but they need to cooperate with the United States. And when they do, the exporti will port bank can function well where it was designed to function well. I reserve. The chair the gentleman from ohio reserves. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from california rise . Ms. Waters to claim time in opposition. This amendment is a fundamental misunderstanding about what exim does. The beneficiaries of exim assistance are u. S. Exporters and the American Workers they employ. It is in americas interest to have a fully functional exim because it allows u. S. Companies to compete. His amendment would ban using the exim bank and china or mexico to try to put pressure on governments of mexico or china to cooperate with the u. S. To stop the trafficking of synthetic of u. S. Opiods. Exim is the wrong agency to achieve Foreign Policy outcomes. If mexico or china do not cooperate, those countries will not be harmed by this amendment. American companies and workers will be. The mexican or Chinese Government are simply byproducts from another country that is willing to sell them exports. If the goal is to fight the Opioid Crisis, we need to support programs like exim that will be creating good, well high paying jobs all over the country and support Small Businesses that are the drivers of Community Investment and development. And if we want to put pressure on Foreign Governments to cooperate with the u. S. In preventing the trafficking of opiods, we need to bolster our sanctions program which can deny the bad actor. I understand his stronglyheld desire to address this Opioid Epidemic and exim being accessed by criminal networks. That is why i strongly support mr. Mcadams and mr. Roses amendment to directly cut off financing from those criminal entities. Including violations of the foreign narcotics kingpin designation nation act. Pending has legislation to bring sanctions for illegal opiods. Mr. Davidsons concerns are under standable but this would limit support u. S. Jobs and Small Businesses and further exacerbating the conditions that have contributed to this Opioid Epidemic. I urge my colleagues to vote against this amendment. And i reserve. The chair the gentlewoman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from ohio rise . Mr. Davidson i would like to make the point that this bill this amendment that i have offered has substance because it expects something for americas assistance. At least some of my colleagues are consistent and dont want the president of the United States to expect anything from a foreign power in exchange for american participation. They want nothing in return for our dollars. No condition on their behavior. In fact, rather than trusting the United States of america to determine whether our country is cooperating with us on our effort to stop synthetic opiods, they want to trust the people who are using the system. Selfcertification. m sure the cartel would say they dont participate in that. That is what the version that our chairwoman has chosen to support. And i believe it is the wrong path. I encourage people to support this amendment if they are serious to stop opiods and if they are serious about using the Foreign Policy tools including trade that the United States has to offer. I yield. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Ms. Waters i yield one minute to mr. Heck of washington. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Heck i thank the chair. I understand the temptation to dabble in Foreign Affairs. We have seen a lot of that today, but there is a reason why we have separate committees in the house so members can supply apply expertise. Financial services put repository and it shows in this approach. Let me be clear, no one here wants to support the troosking of synthetic opiods. There is a right and wrong way and this is the wrong way. If my friend of this amendment and i do consider him a friend, if you want to ensure those who are sanctioned for dealing in illegal opiods cannot use this bank, vote in support of the mcadams amendment. It is a strong amendment that is targeted and in fact is going to get at the underlying problem without costing american jobs and without hurting american businesses. I urge you to join the Foreign Affairs committee and support the mcadams amendment. I yield back. The chair the gentlewoman from california. Ms. Waters i yield myself the balance of my time. The chair the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Waters this misguided amendment is going to hurt American Workers. This is not the way to get at the issue. The gentleman from ohio is concerned about. He should be supporting the mcadamsrose amendment if he wants to do that. I urge my colleagues to vote against this amendment and i yield back. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from ohio. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the oes have it. Pursuant to clause 6, rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from ohio will be postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 6, printed in house report 116289. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from michigan seek recognition . Ms. Tlaib i have an amendment at the desk. The clerk amendment number 6 printed in house report 1162896 tlaib from s. Michigan. The chair the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from michigan. Ms. Tlaib thank you, mr. Chair. My amendment would require that exim provide an annual report to the United States congress on the agencys activity and economically disadvantaged areas and efforts that they are taking to support those areas. Government must be about people first. When we talk about economic opportunity, mr. Chair, we must ensure we are using every tool possible to uplift communities who are struggling, like my district. After the Great Recession of 2008, the country experienced an 20112016ecovery from where vulnerable communities missed out. There is no question that some communities suffer more and take longer to recover. And sometimes it takes decades longer, but shouldnt be this way. There is evidence that adequate reporting and proper investment may be able to speed that pace of recovery for these kinds of communities. According to the economic nnovation 5237b9 Million People or 17 of the American Population experienced an average 6 drop in the number of adults working and a 6. 3 drop in the number of business establishments. Workers and their families living in especially hard hit communities face challenges such as unemployment that are often arises from mass layoffs associated with declines in specific industries and businesses. For communities like mine, 13 district strong, the impact on employment and income can be extremely persistent. Currently detroit is one of the fivecies with cities with the greatest number of people in distressed zip codes and ranks number 10 as the most distressed city in the United States of the countrys 100 largest cities. Wayne county, michigan, which i represent, ranks second in the nation for inequality with job creation. Addressing the economic and social corses associated with persistent localized distresses requires adequate reporting as it is essential to addressing the causes and costs of economic distress for workers and their communities. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment, to help ensure we have tools toup lift every Community Across the country like mine inch yield back the rest of the balance of my time, r. Chairman. The chair does the gentlewoman reserve or yield back . Ms. Tlaib i reserve. The chair the gentleman for what purpose does the gentleman rise . I wish to claim time in opposition though im not opposed to the amendment. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Republicans unanimously voted we will not support the bill on the floor. This amendment is a fine one. This amendment, along with so some other amendments made in order, as i understand it they made in order 19 democrat amendments and two republican amendments so quite a ratio. But i think theres a point where additional reporting requirements and other mpdates can burden and agency with diminishing returns. If you want the Export Import Bank to be effective its often better to advocate for initiatives in the bank like the watersmchenry bill and make the bank focus on priorities. Mr. Mchenry this is one area with Opportunity Zones that we support in a bipartisan way to get investment in disadvantaged communities across the country. Those Opportunity Zones are part of now tax law. That bill stand alone was a bipartisan one last congress and the congress before that had great consensus. The gentlelady from michigan is advocating here matches up nicely with that to make sure the bank is focused on the same areas that have been historically disadvantaged or economically left behind. Some of those areas are in my district, some are in some are in her district. But theyre throughout the country. As i said, i do not oppose the amendment, i support the amendment, i think its important for the bank to focus on important communities across the country but especially those that are economically disadvantaged. So with that i resthemb balance f my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. Does the gentlelady have Closing Remarks . Ms. Tlaib i think its great that the gentleman mentioned the Opportunity Zones. Five out of the hundreds of Opportunity Zones, five did not qualify under the poverty guidelines requirements for Opportunity Zones. Report like this creates transparency and accountability and thats why its critically important we dont make the mistake again to support these kinds of tax breaks and loans and opportunities through the federal government without any accountability and followthrough with the United States congressal annually. Thats why its critically important. Weyer talking about five communities that should not have gotten the Opportunity Zone designation, including two in the city of detroit promoted by billionaire dan gilbert. It never should have been designated. They didnt qualify, mr. Chairman. Thats why its important that we have these kinds of amendments and requirements that the United States congress can then proceed to create transparency. I fully support obviously opportunity to develop and in communities that deserve it,est pearly representing the third poorest Congressional District in the country. However we cannot allow those political donors to pick and choose where those Opportunity Zones are designated. However, weyer talking about exim today and lets do this weyer talking about we are talking about exim today. Again i rise in support, i hope my colleagues support in in rising 234 support of this amendment to make sure we do our Due Diligence as members of congress in making sure that no other kind of scandalous controversy that we see now currently with the Opportunity Zones in our country. The chair the gentlewoman reserves or yield back . Ms. Tlaib reserve. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mchenry i would say to my colleague from michigan, under the Opportunity Zones provision they have provision of the tax bill we passed last year, governors designate census tracks. If the gentlelady has a problem with the census tracks designated in michigan thats a problem with the governor of michigan not the underlying important tax law. I would also commend my colleague, this is her first term in congress two congresses ago this was a bipartisan bill. Had wide bipartisan support. We had a similar number of republicans and democrats support the Opportunity Zone legislation. And i think its really important, powerful legislation and important law now that is going to have a strong impact on those economically disadvantaged communities. Many in my district and those across the country. I think its going to have a very positive effect long term. So, as i would say again, i support this amendment. Oppose. I oppose. I reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. The jerusalem. Ms. Tlaib thank you so much. Again i completely agree thats the process. However it is our responsibility that we are the ones who created these bipartisan support of Opportunity Zone. However it doesnt make it exempt from corruption and thats whats happening. So thengovernor snyder may have gave his friend an advantage by not complying with the Opportunity Zone requirement that it be a poverty stricken census track. That its within those guidelines that did not happen. So its our Due Diligence, because we allowed the pathway for Opportunity Zones to have accountability, in this amendment basically allows us to check in, mr. Chairman, and make sure that they are following those guidelines and thats exactly what didnt happen with the Opportunity Zones. Just because its bipartisan doesnt mean its exempt from corruption, its exempt from accountability. I hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle join me in having transparency and accountability. It is our responsibility. It is our tax dollars. It is our programs that we have to, again, hold accountable. For those that take advantage by using the system and taking that process. Thank you so much, i yield the rest of my time. The chair the gentlewoman yields her time. The gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Mchenry i yield pack. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from michigan. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 7 printed in house report 116289. For what purpose does the gentleman from hawaii seek recognition . Mr. Case i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 7 printed in house report 11627, offered by mr. Case of hawaii. The chair the gentleman from hawaii, mr. Case, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from hawaii. Mr. Case thank you, mr. Hairman. I rise in support of my amendment to ensure that native hawaiians and alaska natives are included in consideration for the office of minority and women inclusion. Im proud to be joined in offering this amendment by any friend and colleague, the dean of this house, the gentleman from alaska, mr. Young. In reauthorizing the exim bank of the United States, h. R. 4863 would create an office of minority and women inclusion for the new u. S. Export finance agency. This office would be responsible for engaging with minorityowned and womenowned businesses. This includes outreach to those businesses to ensure their awareness of the expert assistance provided by the agent sthirk laudable policy goal of the office is to increase access to export assistance and foster overall business for underrepresented communities. However, h. R. 4863 currently uses references to section 1204c of the Financial Institutions reform, recovery and assessment act which define, quote, minority, unquote, as any black american, nate i american, hispanic american or asian american. Bays of the unique statuses that native hawaiians and alaskans have, the terminative american, unquote is not always 20u7bd include native hawaiians and alaska natives. My amendment is a clarification that for the purposes of the office of minority hand women inclusion, those groups are included as they are for many other comparable federal programs. Adopting this amendment ensures that native hawaiian owned and native alaskan owned businesses will be able to benefit from the assistance. In my home state of hawaii, thativeowned businesses are an essential part of our economy but this is true treu in other parts of the country. According to a 2012 survey, there are almost 26,000 native hawaiian owned businesses in the United States. Improving outreach to native owned businesses provides the businesses the chance to grow and expand opportunities for the families and communities they support not just in hawaii but across the country. Native hawaiian owned businesses contribute to the economies of every single state and the district of columbia. Nearly half of those businesses operate outside of hawaii. These statistics demonstrate the involvement of native hawaiian businesses in our Business Community bus they also do not adequately give voice to the exdont which their businesses contribute to the overall empowerment of native Hawaii Hawaiian communities. Nor do such numbers tell the story of countless lives improved and communities strengthened as a result of their innovation and entrepreneurship. Everything that i have said here today applies equally to skea natives as im sure mr. Young would be quick to point out. This amendment will ensure that the reauthorized agency will help native hawaiian owned and skea native owned to pursue new business opportunities, support businesses across the country and sustain and enrich businesses they support as will be the case for other minority and womenowned businesses. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment and reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina rise . Mr. Mchenry i wish to claim time in opposition though im not opposed. The chair without objection, the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Mchenry first, the republicans unanimously voted for the watersmchenry bill but weyer not going to support this partisan bill. I would note that the amendment offered here clarifies the definition of minorities under the section of the bill that was a priority for the chair of our committee, chairwoman waters. Which is the office of minority and women inclusion which is referred to as omwi. The democrats prioritized omwis over the national and Global Security threats posed by china and other threats. Omwis are important, we included it in the bipartisan bill, that was part of the tradeoff, including something that was a priority for chairwoman waters. Also in the bill were agreements tough on china. I thought it was a fairer trade in order to get a bipartisan bill. Omwis are and tough on china are not mutually exclusive ideas. But my colleagues on the other side of the aisle felt they needed to prioritize and so they chose omwis as opposed to ational stance against chinese aggression or even russian actions. So to the extent that mr. Cases amendment clarifies language that will have no impact and will not be enacted anyway, i dent oppose it. With that i reserve. The chair the gentleman from North Carolina reserves. The gentleman from hawaii is recognized. Mr. Case thank you, mr. Chairman. I appreciate very much in the middle of the remarks of my colleague i certainly heard and detected support for this amendment and i also appreciate that. I appreciate my colleague and the minority recognizing the importance of minority and women owned businesses throughout our country and their contributions to our export community and this is certainly consistent with my colleagues earlier comments that they fully support the provisions of this bill that do in fact recognize that the disadvantaged communities throughout our country often need extra assistance. Again as i said earlier this is consistent, very much work other federal programs and i would certainly to the gentlemans comments about china and russia and other countries emphasize that in this particular area the more american businesses that can participate in export related activities throughout the world, the better we will all be in this country with respect to our relations with other countries. I yield back the balance of my ime. Mr. Mchenry its important we have robust global trade. Exim had its strongest year supported just shy of 2 of american exports. But most exports are done through the private sector without a Government Program like exim. I would also say as a matter of our national interests, we shouldnt be subsidizing with china Foreign Policy or their island building in the pacific. We shouldnt be subsubsidizing their actions in hong kong. So thats what we negotiated in the mchenrywaters bipartisan bill. Im disappointing we are not dealing with that and the majority decided to go with the partisan route. The majority leader has said it is dead on arrival and the president is going to veto. We could have gone through a bipartisan outcome. The majority is the majority. But that means, i dont need to vote for bad policy just to get along. I tried to negotiate a good bill. I support the amendment and i would yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from hawaii. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the mendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 8 printed in house report 1116289 for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . Ms. Speier i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 8 rinted in house report 116289 offered by ms. Speier california. The chair the gentlewoman from california, ms. Speier and a member opposed each will control 20 minutes. Ms. Speier i commend the chair woman and the committees efforts to support Energy Efficient technology. When it comes to exporting green technology, electric vehicles need to be at the top of the list and states that Energy Efficiency includes he electric vehicles as well as the batteries and charging infrastructure needed to make them move. They are good for the economy and our national security. Zero emission electric vehicles will help combat the Climate Crisis. It accounts for 15 of global Greenhouse Gas emotions. Electric vehicles present a huge opportunity for the u. S. Economy. We know now know that four million jobs are reliant on us continuing to build new innovation. We will lose hundreds of thousands of jobs if we dont recognize the importance of building more electric vehicles. The Global Market and letting the rest of the world will cost us mightily. But the United States was home to the first highwayready allelectric cars. Chinese competitorsville outpaced out. China sells half of all electric vehicles in the world while the United States sells a mere 10 . The figures for domestic battery production is more stark. China controls 75 of global battery capacity, 15 times more than our 5 because batteries are the backbone of the economy and essential to our national security. For a future of clean energy, i ask you to support this amendment and im introducing comprehensive legislation to incentivize electric vehicle use and stimulate american jobs and i yield 90 seconds to congressman kildee of michigan. Mr. Kildee thank you, mr. Chairman, and thank you to congresswoman speier on climate issues on in general. We are suffering a Climate Crisis right now. In my home state, Climate Change is changing our environment, impacting the great lakes, record lake levels, Invasive Species like asian carp. We have to act on commonsense policies that support climate solutions. I support this amendment because it will make explicit the exim role in supporting clean energy in our domestic exports, especially electric vehicles, their components and vehiclecharging infrastructure. As the congresswoman said, china makes more electric vehicles than anybody else in the world. That doesnt have to be the case. We have to invest in policies that supports electric vehicles so that the u. S. Can lead the future in transportation. This amendment would help to do that. I come from flint, michigan, a community with a great auto istory, but i have seen jobser sent overseas over the years and the livelihoods of families i represent go along with those jobs. We fail to see around the corner and claim that future for ourselves. This amendment will ensure one additional piece to make sure we have a claim on the future and be the leader in electric vehicles. I support the amendment and i support the underlying legislation. I yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Ms. Speier i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentlewoman from california reserves. Mr. Mchenry i would like to spend time in opposition but im opposed. Republicans unanimously voted in the Financial Services committee to support the bipartisan bill that combat chinese. But we are not going to support this bill. It does seem strange that the sponsor that Energy Storage, which already refers tore batteries. But i think it is a good thing, and fine thing, but Energy Storage is the broader terminology that we had discussed in terms of negotiation between chairman waters and i. And we both share and as i do with the amendment sponsor, the need for more options in the marketplace. Including better batteries for cars and for mobility purposes, for sure. Would commend the upon sores and it is a good thing. And growing support among republicans for sensible policies that would have a positive impact on our environment and at the same time have more options in the marketplace for consumers so they can choose how they seek to power their homes and their cars and their lives. O what chairwoman waters and i goirted, which is in h. R. 3407, that bill pushed exim to devote no less than 20 of its authority to technologies of tomorrow. This was a priority of mine. And that was that bill does not end the bill before us today. That was a missed opportunity. That included Energy Storage and energyefficiency technologies. Those provisions would have a strong impact. And im saddened that chairwoman waters rejected that in terms of the bill she filed us before today, the technologies of tomorrow would have the most powerful impact on reducing Carbon Emissions and making sure that the globe is sustain able nd the technological break throughs we should prioritize. I think there is opportunity for us to legislate in a bipartisan way. I commend ms. Speiers amendment and i dont think this bill will become law and wont have the impact we need. On separate legislation, i would like to work with the sponsor of amendment on those tech technological improvements for my children and grandchildren. And have a job at the same time. Since the technological breakthrouse that are going to take us there and i commend the amendment sponsor i support its adoption. And reserve. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Speier i like the fact that we are speaking the same language. Its wonderful to have that opportunity and i look forward to working with the gentleman on the other side of the aisle on the legislation im about to introduce. We might see bipartisan work. This is about getting green jobs. We have to secure the jobs for the rest of the century, in the Auto Industry and not going to do it unless we move into electric vehicles. With that, mr. Chair, i return the balance of my time. The chair the gentlewoman from california yields. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from california. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it and the amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 9 printed in house report 11289, for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . The clerk amendment number 9 printed in house report 116289 offered by mr. Rue ease of california. The chair pursuant to house the gentleman from california will each control five minutes. Mr. Ruiz im offering pi many bill the increasing american jobs and exports act as an amendment. My amendment is simple. It will allow the ex importantimport bank up to 3 of its profits for five years to open new region atlanta offices. These offices will grow Small Businesses to increase their exporting capacity and job growth ability. This bill will grow american jobs, increase exports of American Goods and strengthen our local and regional economies around the country. The exim bank is important for our nation. Over the last 10 years, it has supported 1. 5 million jobs at absolutely no cost to the american taxpayer. The bank has helped grow americans jobs at no cost and returned more than 3. 4 billion to the United States treasury. The Exportimport Bank helps grow Small Businesses and help grow our economy. This is important to my district , specifically the inland empire. It is one of the Fastest Growing economic regions in the United States and hub for international trade. The Riversidesan Bernardino region is 38 nationally in total export value, sixth in california in total export value and let me remind you that california has the fifth largest economy in the world. The Riversidesan Bernardino county region is home to 6,200 exporters and 10 billion of exported products. Exports are important to my district and within the agricultural district, there are 500 million, fruit, nuts and vegetables and they are exported to more than 50 countries. I want this repeated across my district and the entire nation. The problem is that the closest exportimport Regional Office is more than 2 hours away in san diego. It serves four counties and three states like montana, wyoming and arizona. Small Business Owners who have the products, vision and ability to expand their businesses deserve to have Regional Access to export services. The potential is there. We just have to unlock. Regional financial offices help small farms and businesses. 75 of fewer than 50 acres in size and last year the exim Bank Financed 1. 5 billion in and 81 of those were Small Businesses. With more we can continue to grow american jobs and help smaws businesses compete. I urge support of this and reserve my time. The chair for what purpose does the gentleman rise . Mr. Mchenry i claim time in opposition an im opposed to the amendment. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mchenry i rise in opposition to the amendment not because its goals are objectionable. The gentleman is right to focus on exports, especially given the economy in his district and state. But the reason why im opposed to it is it doesnt appear based on any imper call study of exim needs and may hinder think the bank working effectively. It would allow 3 of surplus to be used for Administrative Expenses on top of what it already has. Im unaware of concerns by exim its unable to cover its Administrative Expenses currently. They are supposed to go back to treasury to reduce the deficit, something that both republicans and democrats have long supported and i hope will continue to support. In addition the amendment seemed to only provide for this during half of the reauthorization period. What happens in the second half of exim banks reauthorization under the bill and would leave them without recourse to the funds. We need to consider this carefully. Finally the amendment would require that at least one third of the new surplus funds for Administrative Expenses be used to expand regional finance centers. Regional finance centers are fine. What is the budgetary need. Age little more work need to be done, we department have the discussion in the markup or the hearing, the single hearing we had about exim and since the one third requirement in the amendment would fruct wait from year to year, its divorce from exims actual assessment of needs for its regional operations. So there are a couple of technical issue heres. I appreciate the gentleman for offering the amendment. And his interest in serving his constituents. But for these reasons he outlined im opposed to the amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. Since im in opposition i believe i have the right to close and am willing to close. The chair the gentleman reserves. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california. Mr. Ruiz absolutely. I want to clarify something, that the 3. 4 billion surplus goes to the u. S. Treasury, my bill will not take one third of that, only up to 3 . P to 3 . That would be available for regions that would like to have a Regional Finance Office near them, for example, in North Carolina, of which my esteemed colleague is from, his constituents have to drive all the way to south florida to miami to get services from the Exportimport Bank. It is in my constituents interest as well as the interest of my colleagues that a Regional Office is financed closer to his state so that his businesses can acquire the capital necessary to increase jobs and increase exports. In fact, there is data to show that the cluster of businesses that benefit by far are those that live in the surrounding Regional Offices. So it is commonsense to assume that if you open an office near the reeg region, more businesses will benefit and you will have created more jobs with more exports. So with that, i want to thank the chairwoman for her work on this important legislation and for her support for my amendment. The Export Import Bank has been a Success Story and can continue to grow and todays legislation will further that success. The Bank Supports american jobs while also returning money to taxpayers year after year. My amendment would not cost the taxpayer a single dime. My amendment would grow jobs, businesses, by exporting American Goods and i urge my colleagues to support my amendment, the increasing american jobs and export act. With that, i yield back my time. The chair the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Mchenry i yield myself the remainder of my time. On this amendment, in one year this would be hundreds of millions of dollars. In another year in other years it would be zero. So to finance regional finance centers, you probably want to have more Stable Funding than that fluctuation. Thats the technical problem in my view on this not that these regional finance centers are a bd idea. Theyre not a bad idea. In fact, i think its important that exim focus on Small Businesses and do more outreach with Small Businesses. The bill i negotiated with chairwoman waters raises the Small Business mandate. This bill fails to do it nell 0th year. That focus on Small Businesses would require exim to have deploy their resources more effectively across the country. And thats something chairwoman waters and i agreed. To that need for greater outreach. From just a couple of urban centers where theyre currentry planted, as you said. So while i support the laudatory goal of, the functionality of it is not workable and id like the bank to actually work. Of course thats not part of the debate. I would actually have that view but i do want the bank to work and be effective for american businesses. But so its really just a technical problem of how you allocate resources here. Thats why i oppose it. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from North Carolina yields. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. He amendment is agreed to. Ms. Waters mr. Chairman. The chair for what purpose does the jerusalem from california seek recognition . Ms. Waters i move that the committee rise. The chair the question is on the motion that the committee rise. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted. Accordingly the committee rises. The speaker pro tempore mr. Chairman. The chair mr. Speaker, the committee of the whole house on the state of the union, having had under consideration h. R. 4863, directs me to report that it has come no to come to no resolution thereon. The speaker pro tempore the chair of the committee of the whole house on the state of the Union Reports that the committee has had under consideration h. R. 4863, and has come to no esolution thereon. The chair will entertain requests for oneminutes. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman s recognized for one minute. Mr. Veasey mr. Speaker, i rise to congratulate a high school in the district that i represent, the northside high school, theyre also known as the steers. For the past couple of decades, this school has exceled in sports like cross country, soccer, baseball and volleyball but not under the friday night lights of texas in football. However, for the first time in 40 years, the Football Team has made it to the State High School playoffs. If yall are from texas you know that is a really, really big deal. The school has a population of round 1,800 student, 95 are latino. Northside high school is helping dispel the myth that the community cant succeed on the gridiron. I want to congratulate principal Antonio Martinez and coach Joseph Turner who was given the job five years ago despite having zero head coaching experience and all the Football Players on the steers team for their historic accomplishment. They are a prime example of hard work and dedication and how far it can take you. I hope that this will not be the last time the steers make the playoffs. This has been a great story for the entire fort worth in dependent school districts. Tomorrow night on friday, go steers. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to proudly announce the introduction of a bipartisan bill to combat Human Trafficking. The hope for victims of Human Trafficking act. Too often trafficking victims are forced to do things that they would never choose to do. Sometimes theyre forced by their captors to break the law. This bill creates a legal presumption which states that Human Trafficking victims who commit a covered offense while being trafficked are presumed to have committed that offense under coercion unless the prosecution can prove otherwise. Consequently, this bill will stop many unjust quirkses Human Trafficking victims face which will better allow them to find employment, seek additional education and recover from their trauma. Im proud to cointroduce this bill with my friend representative alcee hastings. On behalf of the many Human Trafficking groups, including shared hope international, rights for groups, sale of freedom and others, i encourage my colleagues to support this legislation too. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from arizona, mr. Schweikert is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mr. Schweikert thank you, mr. Speaker. This is something we try to do every couple of weeks, is come here and actually typically our opening board here is weyer talking about what are the head winds to our society, whats the head wince to our country in particularly over the next 30 years. Well get to that we have it on some of the boards that come a little bit later, talk about our economic promises, Social Security, medicare, Certain Health care entitlements and the fact of the matter is, they consume every incremental dollar. Well get to that. One of the reasons im starting with this board here is this week, i believe the democrats actually held what they call a member day. With the Global Warming or environmental change committee, forgive me for getting the name wrong, and we werent able to be there because we had jay powell and other people here this week but we wanted to come here and actually start to share with our brothers and sisters in this body some of the Amazing Technology that is here that i dont know how to get individuals in this body who care about the environment to start to understand, youre living in a time of miracles. You all saw, right, last week, m. I. T. Had a major breakthrough in ambient carbon capture, right . Ok. So yeah. He frustration is, i will hear people get behind these microphones and talk about how much they care about Global Warming. How much they care about Greenhouse Gases. How much they care. And then they dont spend time reading the miracles that are happening in the technology. This is technology that just came out in the painer from m. I. T. They crashed the cost of yanking arbon directly out of the air. Its negative carbon cap purr. Its capture. If you have a generation source, say youre a concrete plant, power generation, this and that, you could actually be using this, it uses shockingly little electricity. They basically came up with this concept of lets run these plates, lets put nanotubes on it, well run certain low voltage through the plates, and itll capture the carbon in the air. The technology doesnt care if youre at one part per 400 million or heavy carbon. Just is an example of technology is about to provide us a revolution on how we protect our environment and its here. How do we actually as policymakers incentivize these Technology Breakthroughs to happen and how do we get these Technology Breakthroughs to become part of our society. Its not enough to come up here and virtue signal coming behind these microphones, telling us how much you care and then not to understand. The revolution of technology is here that if you actually care about carbon in the environment and the its effects on Global Warming, guess what . Weve just had a major, major breakthrough because can the u. S. Stop china from building its, what, 33 coalfired plants that are going up right now that basically have no carbon apture . This type of Technology Becomes part of the solution. I wish i could get my brothers and sisters to be antiscience and be willing to keep up with the incredible progress we are making in environmental science. Anyone who is listening, please grab your phones and lets mitambientcapture. They have a simple explanation how it works. This is a big teal. The republicans did something we credit and 45 tax the concept was if you are an energy producer, if you would capture your carbon, we will give you attacks credit. If you turn it into other uses, we will give you another credit. We had we had the cost breakthrough of capturing that carbon. This isnt republican or democrat issue. This should be hope of optimism and the only way we could accomplish these things is crashing our economy, that the end of use of hydrocarbons and we will walk through some more of this. And you will see how this will tie together, at least i hope you will. This is an example of the facility in the current state of technology. This is going up in cappeda. Bill Gates Foundation and others are investing and this is an active carbon capture. And we were giddy about this. The previous board may cut this price in half. This is a big deal when we just had not and incremental improvement but a may scror, major improvement. Mining the air and pulling carbon out of it. Lets think about facilities like this. This facility is up and running outside of houston. It is a natural gas power plant and does president have a smoke stack. They created something and i believe it is the allen cycle. This engineer had this idea. This concept saying we burn the natural gas and take the steam, why not plow up the and spin the turbines and capture the co2 on the other side. It is up and running and incredibly efficient. I think they will go up toll dramatically increase the size. No smokestacks and it works. Guess what happens . On the other end, it captures the co2 and see questions fer in concrete, but we know how to do this. It is running today. How much discussion, how much praise, how much interest do we get from this on our brothers and sisters who claim about the environment that we had the engineering breakthrough because it doesnt fit the command and control craziness that is our discussion here, that we must shut down the hydrocarbons. You need to open up your hearts and signs and use our energy and do it in away that we are most concerned about. Its here. Lets have a little moment of joy that science once again ran faster than we thought it would. So the other thing also to walk through and i do this one because im fascinated and i have the microphone. Had a may s year, we had a may scror breakthrough in synthetic biology. Does everyone remember their High School Biology class where we basically learned, you are a plant cell and plant cells have an inherent inefficiency. They want that carbon molecule to grow sugar and sometimes the plant cell growth doesnt getting that plant fuel molecule and has to spend this time and energy purging that. It is the university of illinois and a couple of federal agencies have been playing for this a while because the original thought was could we do tweaking of Plant Technology to create a carbon thing and they hit the holy grail. And that holy grail, they can make that plant, always grab that plant molecule so the plant grows more efficiently. Think about, what does it mine to society and the world. We perceive the world for next couple of. And it means its going to be disruptive to the foreign land and agricultural pricing and agricultural. It is here. Is technology. If you are someone who likes bio fuels with this type of technology that you just change the pricing structures. Did you just this is coming. The technology has already succeeded in teeb. We use tobacco tobacco and we used the gee noem and they are expanding in row crops and there is disruption coming to the world that actually change everything. And now i need you to think more creatively. Thought experiment. World agriculture is said to produce 2. 2 Greenhouse Gases. Ok. If you are using crops that had this Technology Associated with it and groups using this crops would remove them from the face of the earth in its Greenhouse Gases. You have to be willing to eat something that equals g. M. O. So once again, the science is here, we have had this amazing breakthrough and United States leading the way and also, this technology can be used to growing forests, changing the grass in your ball field and other things thats here. We did it. And yet, i see no one else coming behind these microphones to talk about the optimism, if you care about the environment, embrace, read, study, understand, the breakthroughs that make a difference. So i do this one just as a continuation of the thought experiment. How many of you live in a community, those of us here in d. C. Where you are not allowed to have a plastic straw. How many plastic strauss are in the ocean, virtually none. It is theater. We do this to conceal better care. If you actually cared, it turns out the math will set you free. The math says 90 of the plasti if you in the ocean comes from two in asia and if you care about plastic of the ocean, thinks about strauss that are never going to be in the ocean and start covering about the plastic that comes from 10 rivers and we know where they are. Change Foreign Policy. Change our Technical Assistance and go to the 10 rivers, change it and remove 90 of the plastic of the ocean instead of having this n. G. O. And having no tule effect. If you actually care, do something. Dont engage in the political theater that makes you puff up your chest. Help us. Those on the republican side, we are working on trying to change those technical aids and Technical Assistance to do this. Help us do this. It shouldnt be democrats or republicans. It is technology. We have ideas on how to add value so it never ends up in those rivers. Go to the source where the problem is. Stop the crazy virtue signalling about strauss in your community nd help us go where 90 of the plastic in the ocean comes from. And i know, i may be sounding sarcastic. We have been demonstrating this one for a year and i still cant get many of my brothers and isters on the left to say god, i know where it is. It is math. It makes no sense. Re we going to take away a talking. Loved scuba diving. Help us. Take credit for it. We want the right thing to happen. It is going to where the problem actually is. Lets make a circle and see if i can tie this in for what it means for our future. This is one of the things i have come to this floor on for years because we are having the wrong discussion here. We as a country are buried in debt and the debt is going to get dramatically bigger. Those who own calculateors and have a moment of honesty. The debt is driven by our demographics. Its not republican or republican. We have 7 million of us who are baby boomers. 74 million of us. Congress didnt Pay Attention of us who are going to turn 65 and step into our earned entitlement. If you look at this chart, 1965, 34 thats what mandatory was spending. You earned your Social Security, your medicare, and veteran benefits. And because if you are a tribal group or a certain income. Today, its crossing over 70 of all of our spending on formula. When we stand on this floor and vote for appropriations, we dont even vote on that red and on, that 70 of our what is remaining . Half of it is defense. The blue area is defense. The green, thats all we really have. And if you look at what we call discretionary, nondefense discretionary, it has been flat for the last 10 years. Its just math. So if i come to you and say Social Security, medicare, health care entitlements, just the growth in those, in the next five years, just the growth, will equal the spending of the defense department. Every 10 years, we will add two full defense departments and that is the and we know where the problem is but it is terrifying for elected officials to talk about it, because you have to explain something that is hard, but it is manageable if we do everything. I chart,ery last chart we have done the math and keep it at 95 of g. D. P. This isnt the absurd conversation because 10,300 of us turn 65, we need to deal with the truth about the math. It isnt republican or democrat. Its math. So first off, number one pillar we have to engage in because it makes Everything Possible is as robust, as powerful, as strong an economic growth, the robustness of the economy, the participation in the labor force, we must do Everything Possible, whether it be changes in the tax code, whether it be changes in trade, whether it be oing to smart outsource, regulation, we must grow. If we dont grow, you cant make any of the mact work. On how many told us the world was coming to an end . Fact we just last month got the revenues. Excuse me. Called receipts. Total receipts into the federal government turns out to be the highest ever. We grew over 5 in our receipts tax reform world. A parade of economists from the left telling us it ould not happen but it happened. How about the parade of economists from the left who came and told us we were going ourselves into recession . It didnt happen. How about those that said you the 60plus, 61 , 62 , 63 Labor Participation . Happened. You could never possibly see, 2018, unmarried women with no partner at home rise in 7. 6 rise in their income but it happened. You could never caught the you could never cut the poverty rate, a full half a percent in a single year, but we did it. You would think things like that would bring joy in this body, country. Ss the we have an economy thats working. E had working. We had jay powell here yesterday, the Federal Reserve chairman, talking about, were in a sweet spot. Its working. In most stable economy modern times, the healthiest modern times, the best Employment Situation in times, the debates we should be having behind our how notnes is should be to screw it up, understand hats working and do more of it. Because remember the previous slide that talked about the rowth of debt, where our allocations go. If we grow the economy, it gives us a fighting chance. Still have to do a bunch of other things. And this is back to the ultimate point. Ive been trying to argue now multiple years there is a ath where we dont have to be buried in a financial Collapse Society because we built up stunning amounts of debt. And i know some dont want to it, but its the math. We believe we have built a math we can kiss up 95 of debt through and hold it the baby bombers. Baby boomers. Little girl. Arold she deserves to live in an america that works, that grows, provides opportunities. Remember, we are in a world right now where if we can keep growth, about of every 30, 35 years, the standard of living doubles. To the bad old days of just a couple years ago g. D. P. Was so slow and so fat, the standard of living about y going to double every 70 years. So how do we do this . Just walked through, first, ur financial levers that are solely responsible. We own the levers of immigration policy that uses goes to a talentbased system, that growth. S we own the levers with the administration on smart regulation. We own the levers, ultimately, trade agreements that are economy. Grow our but we have to do other things. We have to change many of our structures toment incentivize work. F youre on Social Security disability, dont create a cliff. Create a glide path so you are to be in the labor force. Because think about it. When the models were done after tax reform, the smart economists said, well, said, well, our capital stock, would there be enough money to finance the growth . Turns out there is. We did it. Americans are saving. Some of that is demographic. Some of it is because of tax reform. Out repatriation, turns out 140 billion come back more expected. It ourns out because it turns out because we have a healthy from y, capital is coming all over the world, so we have grow. Pital to invest and the other is labor, available workers. Have. Great problem to we need to think of every lever we have in society. With the dealing Opioid Crisis to incentives to force. Pate in the labor come to phoenix, arizona. We have something called our shelter. There is an organization there called st. Joseph the worker. A 100yearoldplus Catholic Charity and you walk in and theyll show you, they have a stack of job most unities for the disaffected of our society. Their rying to get on program. Trying to deal with Mental Health demons and Substance Abuse demons and those things, theyre there. Theresould be joy that such a label shortage that our brothers and sisters in the willing community are o take a risk on our brothers and sisters who are living in a omeless and sisters who are living in a homeless shelter. That part weve proven works. How do we expand participation labor force . Incentivize o now the other end if youre healthy, if youre fit, if youre sharp, want to, do we actually start to say, well, youre 72 years old, you want to were going to start adding certain levels of taxes, of your ake parts Social Security . Just the opposite. E want as much of our society to stay in the labor force and if you want to and youre older, of these sign some incentives to stay in the labor force. We ur millennial males that saw the math problem entering the labor force and the other curve, lets fix it. Its policies. Republicans or democrats . Its rational policy to keep the growing. The other thing i come to the loor to speak about is the disruption of health care. His is one of the moments i seem to succeed in offending everyone so maybe its the right thing. A. C. A. , obamacare. Lets have a moment of truth and reality about it. Substantially a finance mechanism. It was about who got subsidized, who had to pay. Alternative, well meaning, had a number of kickers and incentives in it. About who got subsidized, who had to pay, it andabout who got subsidized start dy needs to thinking about what we do to price. He actual delivery turns out theres a revolution of technology out there. Into thatyou can blow can tell you that you have the flu. It can bounce off your phone, and your medical records, then order antivirals except for the problem is that technology is illegal. Under the way our laws are written today. Coming. A revolution the other side of the spectrum is drugs like the single shot ophelia. Heem you saw hemophilia. We may have the drug to stabili cystic fibrosis, a. L. S. These will be really expensive. Miracles in the biologic, pharmaceutical world. We need to work on the istribution of these pharmaceuticals that cure our brothers and sisters with chronic conditions. 5 of our member, population with chronic conditions is the majority of our Health Care Spending and we a about to start curing number of them because a few years ago the republicans in his body, we passed the cures act. And its working. Is the left is moving a bill called h. R. 3. It made it through the ways and it breaks myee and heart because they are about to incentives very that have created these miracles start curing to individuals with these chronic conditions. Get our d, if we could act together, if we could actually start to understand the disruption the thats here, we can start to crash the price of health care instead of having the absurd who should get subsidized and who should have to pay. Is that republican or democrat . Just technology. An when you work in environment where rage is the of exchange, ty how do you ever actually get the solutions . Then the last one, which will be the most difficult one, is we have to have an honest of what to do in he actual incentives or the things we can do in the incentives of staying healthy, you deliver medicare, and b. Icare part and an and some a and b. If you want to work longer, you can get spiffs and those things. If we do those things, we can make the math work, that we as a country do not cliff. Fall off the debt and its the hardest thing you an imagine for a body thats ompletely calcified in its ability to do anything of value because it would require owning a calculator. Thinking. Equire it would require some creativity. Nd it would require doing everything at one time to make the math work. You cant just do one of these and pretend away, you did something. Something. It all has a sinner jettic synergetic feed. The trong economy needs technology. The Technology Disruption needs a strong labor force to grab rotated may have been in the economy. Together. To work and my heartbreak as i come microphone is the eason im here is to save this country. And save it from that huge monster that is our debt because i have the worlds greatest little 4yearold little girl, a way to oing to find fix this for my country but also for my daughter. Ive been coming behind this microphone now with this for year. We have meeting after meeting meeting after meeting on theres path theres a path. T requires having to actually draw some of the crazy ideology and actually use the calculator things that d the actually grow the economy. Of rage has ogy blinded us from, i think in many ways, from doing the right thing for working men and women, for my little girl, for this country. Nd i dont care if youre on the right or the left. Ou should be having your soul ripped out. Weve been here, what, 10plus squandered we have almost every day weve been here because we know the path we have to go down and, yet, in many weve done is make it worse. And with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back to you. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the texas, mr. Om gohmert, is recognized for the as the r of the hour designee of the my north leader. Minority e of the leader. Mr. Gohmert thank you, mr. Speaker. Times, andnteresting i build more respect for my every time irizona hear him speak. Very grateful for his presence efforts. At this point, id like to issue, this ongoing ongoing for only about three because it was immediately upon President Trump elected president that we hearing all tarted of the saber rattling that we guy, hes each this not qualified, hes crazy, hes and weve beens, hearing for nearly three years, heres no question, theres lots of direct evidence President Trump has committed crimes, a lot more than, you think, in fact, a lot more than circumstantial evidence. Oh, its overwhelming. From so many people for nearly three years well, years now. Ver three over three years. To it. N we get down the great hope was the man that believe did more damage to the f. B. I. Han all of the directors for the last 50 years, a guy named mueller. He ran off thousands and years of our best experience. Apparently just wanted yes people. He didnt want people that had tell him erience to when he was on the wrong track. No reason to pologize when he destroyed the lives of innocent people and, yet, thats the person thats this charge of investigation. And what did he do . Hired over a d dozen people that absolutely espies donald trump put them to destroy our sitting president. And they harassed his family and him, business associates, people in the administration, threatened their families, threatened them. And even after all that, after virtually nearly two years of investigation by the mueller cabal, they had nothing. They had nothing. And i think mueller would have been happy to keep on investigating and using up millions and millions of taxpayers dollars, tens of millions, as he had been doing. But fortunately, his investigation came to an end after thousands of witnesses. They had nothing. No russia collusion. It was a hoax. Thats what it turned out to be. And so, when it was clear there was no russia collusion of course its not a crime to clued, its a crime to conspire. Nobody with the Trump Campaign and the russians its clear that the russians, people who have dug into this, they wanted and what they always have wanted, back when it was the soviet union, they want to divide america and want to destroy this republic. Nd unfortunately, they found allies, willing or otherwise, here in this country, to take absolute lies that were created or spun up, were twisted, had the foreign intelligence court, the fisa court, manipulated fraud upon the fisa court, which is exposed to me as a former judge and chief justice that since we have seen nothing from the fisa courts of outrage as a good judge should have when they realize there is a fraud upon the court, nothing. Which tells me, we either need to totally get rid of the fisa courts or we need to have some dramatic changes and we certainly need to change the fisa judges themselves. Because either they were unwilling or unknowing accomplices with the fraud upon the court or they knew what was going on or he, she or they were laying a part in drying to destroy the Trump Campaign or the trump candidacy. I think its interesting this call between President Trump and president zelensky, july 25, when so many people, we find out now, so many people were on the call, four stenographers, taking down every word i have been in courts for my whole adult life and you might have a stenographer miss a word here or there, they are amazing. They hardly ever make mistakes, but if you have four stenographers sitting on a call, you arent going to have four stenographers miss things. Tea thats not going to happen. I had one of the best Court Reporters in the world. You put four people taking down the words and they dont make mistakes. But it had some send schiffers p the spines of anybody in our Intelligence Community that it worked with ukraine ains, former i6, ba tallians, ause ailians, to try to destroy President Trump. It had to get them concerned, oh my gosh, this president is going to close in on us, because this new president , he is honest, thats what we keep hearing, he wants to end corruption in ukraine. I think there were maybe 10 or 12 that be didnt vote for the ill in 2014 that talks about ukraine indiana corruption and how we need to push them in ending that corruption. Everybody on this floor and the no votes, not only a desire not to end corruption and we had the same goal and concern about different parts, but the fact is, people know. There has been a lot of corruption. And president zelensky wants to end it and you put that with a president who doesnt mind rattling cages trying to change the way we do things for the better. And of course, it offends those whether they are part of the deep state or not. The people that work here who arent elected here, but think they run this country and those in the embassies they are assigned to do, they run Foreign Policy. And we have gotten a taste of that through these hearings, witnesses and through their testimony. And the star witness yesterday. , mr. Taylor, i dont impugn his ilitary s had been the gossip r at west point as he turned in the state department, he wasnt gone very far. They would have destroyed his career and in the west point he would have gotten the lowest ratings. This is a different mr. Taylor than the one that went to west point and served honorably well in the well in the army. As ambassador sondland testified. Ambassador recalls that tim orrison told that i told morrison, that i conveyed this message to yermack in connection with Vice President s Vice President in a meeting with Vice President see zentiony. Astounding. And that is where mr. Taylor says he got his clear understanding of what had happened. And if you look at his testimony, you get a real sense of how this honorable serving military member, fine graduate of west point has been tainted over the years. You look at his testimony. First of all, he said something like, in answer to questions, he had never seen aid conditioned on political interests. And yet, what he probably had in his mind is, he never seen aid conditioned on something he dread with. But most of our aid is conditioned on something. And if its not, we need to find it and get conditions on it. And as i have said, ever since i have been here. You dont have to pay people to hate you and they will do it. We will pay dictators to hate us. It ought to be conditioned on making those conditions less corrupt and this is what this house has tried to do on both sides of the aisles to end corruption in ukraine. You get a sense of things this is his testimony, page 11, mr. Taylors, the first summary of the july 5, call that i heard from anybody inside the government was during a phone with dr. Morseon morrison. And thats what he was talking about. He got it from tim morrison that conveyed a message that yermack ambassador sondland about Vice President pences visit. And it goes on and next paragraph, by august, i was becoming concerned. Yeah. Mr. Taylor was becoming concerned because he had fourthhand the president wanted to end some corruption in ukraine that was affecting the United States election. I thought thats what everybody wanted to do. Thats what we have been hearing from the mainstream. But the left wing. They have been saying how horrible. You have a president trying to do something about it. And mr. Taylor, the wonderfully serving army man is now concerned about the fourthhand account he got about what the president did. And we are told, by the way, i heard about a staffer who the conversation rsation between the ambassador and the president and he mentioned the interviews that have some questions about the interviews and how they are going. Oh my goodness, they wanted to know how the investigation was going. Gee, how horrible that we had a president that wanted to know about corruption in ukraine that was affecting the United States. And then we get down and i think this tells us about a great deal about his star witness and a star witness who heard a conversation. Mr. Taylor says, a formal u. S. Request to the ukraineians to conduct an investigation based on their violations struck me as improper. My understanding was the havent wants to know about corruption in ukraine that may have violated american law, our laws. Work with our u. S. Attorney general to try to get to the ukraine indianas, not ukrainians se, but effort to affect our elections. This offends these people that dont like a president that see things like they do. How dare this president comes in and exert his Foreign Policy that he got elected to put in place. He doesnt understand that we thing that runs things. I am the judge, the per vayor of whats right in my realm and you find that in a number of state department. You run things. I have worked for this many president s, carried out their Foreign Policy. I carry out their Foreign Policy as long as they do what i tell them or i ignore them and carry. He goes on. And i recommended toll ambassador volker, we stay clear taylor, know r. Much better than the elected president and the attorney general and i know better than these clowns. Who are they to go around what i think. And he goes on, to find out the legal aspects of the question, however, i gave him, the ambassador, the name of a Deputy Assistant attorney general whom i thought would be the proper point of contact for seeking a u. S. Request for a foreign investigation. How dare President Trump tries to go around the way, i, mr. Taylor thinks, that Foreign Affairs ought to be handled and the way corruption ought to be addressed. How dare him. I know. Not this clown president sm it is pretty clear of what was in his mind and needs to stop. I would suggest if we have a ote to send this matter of mpeachment, actually impeach this president for violating the propriety of somebody state and eep in the in the intel that they dont like somebody coming in trying swamp, they think thats what they want o impeach this president over, trying to end corruption in our ne that affects election, well, then, the senate i know some have said, were not going to have a vote on that. Ell, imagine they probably will, and theyre going to need to have a trial. Looking back and researching this, again, you of , there are no rules evidence for impeachment. There are no rules of procedures. Provides for it, but the impeachment trial in the understand it, the senate had to may have ven gone to the Old Senate Chamber to have a session out from under cspan cameras to the rules of evidence and procedure, limit time, limit witnesses, how questions are that, they have to come up with that every impeachment. New set of rules. Would point to article 3, of ion 3, for a little bit guidance here. 3, section 3, talks about treason, and president not guilty of any treason. Hes not been accused of treason except from people that are thats g from ptsd, President Trump stress disorder. Will but otherwise, there be no charge of treason against because it didnt happen. Such an important issue when you talk about removing a duly elected first time in he our history, and theres a rule on treason. In the constitution. No person shall be convicted of reason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act. Direct evidence, no hearsay. Its two people that actually despicable act. And i would submit to the senate that removing a president properly, duly elected for the our history, even and there were ukrainians russians trying to help the democrats to keep him from being he still won. Got a huge majority of the college votes. His would be every bit as serious as charging someone with treason. The senate ought to set a rule says, we have to have two irect witnesses to whatever saying is he did wrong. We are not going to take hearsay or removing the president for the first time. And i would suggest the senate do that. Hey wont have to worry about setting time deadlines, witness deadlines. Ust put that requirement on, and it will be a very short trial. No direct re are witnesses of any allegation that rise fought level of rise to the level of what is here. Accused now, i want to turn quickly to of our united me tates military personnel who have been unfairly treated. Who saw it as their patriotic duty to sign up and risk their ountry, life and limbs and their as a Family Member to serve this country. Greater love have no one jesus told us they would be illing to lay down their lives for their friends. And thats what these people do. Group, my four years on ctive duty, we were never sent but we have currently a secretary at the department of trying to stop efforts and came out and publicly basically threaten president. Dont you dare try to write what are right what you wrongs, people that have been railroaded by a broken system. Justice he Reason Congress created the ucmj, where military members rights en get all the that we give to terrorists, Foreign Terrorists illegally in country. We dont give our military as many rights as they have. And the reason we had to did back r congress when the ucmj was passed was because both sides of the aisle youre in a hen combat theater, you dont have have a go back and thorough investigation, gather up all the forensic evidence, then come back and have a nice jury trial in america. Quickly o deal with it and get back on the battlefield. Weve seen over and over when the military for political expedience or Political Correctness purposes or when to satisfy a terrible iraq like maliki was in who created all kinds of trouble for that country, we send a vice over to stand by him and say were going to get these guys. To tell karzai, a corrupt afghanistan, oh, yeah, were going to prosecute our killed t turned out i. E. D. s thatated killed americans, people that ere taliban trying to kill americans. And yet, weve hung some of our own people out to dry. We have a letter, a bunch of us do, should go out in the the defenseuess, to secretary. Myself e words in there that i think if he doesnt realize that there need to be corrections within military justice so we dont keep sending innocent people defending our ountry, defending their brothers and sisters on the battlefield, if we dont stop prison, then o i and bring them back to allowa for a trial, dont the defendant to bring witnesses theater. The combat oh, no. But the c. I. D. And our officials deals with taliban or with people in iraq that want to destroy our country and us, if theyll come over and say about our ings military member, well put them n prison and well give them visas. And that happened with Sergeant Derek miller. We have a bunch of people. Clint hoping the president would act. Apparently got slowed down by the defense secretary jumping in. Hatly, two bronze stars. Should have gotten a silver star, but that was apparently pulled as a recommendation. Bahana, corey klagett, we have a whole bunch criminal and we have a justice for warriors caucus here thats working on this. Got a guy who recognized a taliban member from the day he had his ak47 and grabbed him in the middle of our u. S. Army camp in afghanistan and tarts questioning him he starts lying through the interpreter. Oh, i was here to fix electrical. No, i was here to fix plumbing. And that sergeant pulled his gun demanded answers. And uy grabs for the gun, in a struggle, the taliban member was shot. Back ergeant was brought to america. He translator, who they told separate stories i mean, they told separate stories, but they story told e separately, yet, after the got through promising or thatody promising this guy had been trying to get a visa into america, turned down every come to america and testify that the taliban member his gun, then well give you and your family visas. Be able to getly citizenship. Oh, ok. Then, thats my story now. He never tried to grab the gun. You threatened the other witness that was there. Politician if you dont turnaround and change what you turn around and change very ou said from the beginning without any influence from sergeant miller. Nd you put the guy in prison for premeditated murder. You dont have the weapon. Oh, no. Ou dont let him have the weapon. You dont have it examined so it can show that the fingerprints taliban member were on that gun. He did try to grab it and he is premeditated murder for the rest of his life. Ell, we have that turned around. We got it paroled. And thank god we did. Of the finest people ive ever known. Sergeant miller here working for hes working for our caucus. Nd we have a system thats broken and we need to fix it, nd if our secretary of defense doesnt recognize that, he needs to go and we need to take the money that weve loud them to drag people back to america, away from the combat ield, away from juries that have combat experience. We need to put them on trial in and let ederal court them have all the rights and as ileges they should have american citizens. If youre not going to do it in combat theater the proper way with a proper investigation, bring them back. Use your money from defense, use that, not in court martial, but ere in the United States in a civil court. The speaker pro tempore time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for one minute. Today, i want to acknowledge a Medical Center as they celebrated 100 years of service to the south jersey community. Staple to the area since its creation and has volved over time to meet the changing needs of salem county. Medical rew salem Center Offers cutting edge edical services and an ray of an array of services so have the health care they need. They have been expanding in providing s, thus, patients with more technology and Higher Quality care. The salem Medical Center for their Reliable Service to south jersey. For the past 100 years, and hope hey continue to flourish in salem county for 100 more. Their nurses, their doctors, all our hnicians are heroes. All of their employees. Thank bless them and you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back my time. He speaker pro tempore and does the gentleman from new jersey have a motion to adjourn . Mr. Van drew yes, i do. Motion to adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is

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