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Understanding that a businessman would have when hes about to the speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain, ms. Verna teller, southern tiwa, pueblo of isleta, new mexico. The chaplain o creator and great mother, having asked and received your permission to invoke your blessings today to all directions, to the east, north, west, south and the center we thank you for the life you give to all your children, the two legged ones, the four legged, those who live in the waters and those who watch over us from the skies above. Sacred pollen, sacred earth mother, sacred water that man fests your desires, o creator and great mother, we thank them for the nourishment they give us equally with no regard to race, color, or creed. Creator and great mother, bless those standing before you who carry a sacred trust to all of us who inhabit turtle island, our homeland, and i pray today that you will give them the wisdom and the courage to carry out their sacred trust with the same equality that we receive from the sun and rain. Thank you. The speaker thank you, ms. Teller. The chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to he house her approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from california, mr. Peters. Mr. Peters please join me in the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker without objection, the gentlewoman from new mexico, ms. Haaland, is recognized for five minutes. Madam speaker, i am honor to have a fierce woman from my district to deliver a historic opening prayer. Pueblo chief judge verna teller is the first native american to deliver the opening prayer in the u. S. House. This is a special time in our countrys history and in honor of native American Heritage month, a time to reflect on the contributions of native americans to this country. Chief judge teller made her own history in new mexico. She broke barriers when she was elected as the first woman pueblo governor. Because of the history of colonization, many pueblos generally dont allow women to hold leadership positions, but that didnt stop judge teller from knowing her value as a tribal leader. I am proud to stand with chief judge teller to highlight the resilience of Indigenous Women and our perseverance to uplift our girls and our women in all of our communities. Yield, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain up to 15 further requests for oneminute speeches on each side of the aisle. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. Mr. Higgins i rise today to recognize our everyday heroes, police and fire personnel who sign up to rush into dangerous situations most people would run from. Today i want to take this opportunity to commend the outstanding members of the Niagara Falls Fire Department and new York State Park police. Last week a man was discovered in a fierce and fridged rapids of the niagara river. Without hesitation the firefighters and new York State Park bliss took quick action, entering the water yards away from the brink of Niagara Falls. Under the most dangerous of circumstances completed a successful rescue. We are grateful for the brave and Selfless Service of these First Responders and others across my community and this nation who risk their own safety and save the lives of others. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition . Mr. Newhouse mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from washington is recognized for one minute. Mr. Newhouse thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to celebrate debbie bone harris as she begins her retirement from the franklin public utility district. Debbie began working for them in 2003. And has held many roles throughout the organization. Shes been a stalwart advocate for hydropower in the northwest. She has spent countless hours educating our community about the value of the clum why and Snake River Dams and shes worked with both state and federal legislators to advocate for their protection. Shes a leader not only with the franklin p. U. D. But Greater Community as well. She has served on numerous boards and held leadership roles with community organizations, including Pasco Chamber of congress, tri cities legislative counsell, northwest Public Power Association and Pacific Northwest Waterways Association and others. As you begin your well earned retirement, our community wishes you the best as you enjoy spending more time with your grandchildren, going on hot rod adventures with your husband, and attending those rowdy sewing conventions. Thank you for your advocacies, deb. And congratulations. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize the 100 anniversary of the Fleet Readiness Center southwest at Naval Air Station north island in coronado, the birth aplace of Naval Aviation maintenance. In 1912, the entire Navy Aviation squad consisted of four officers and three planes which called north island home. As more planes routinely landed at sea, it became necessary for the navy to have an official aviation maintenance facility. Shortly after the u. S. Government obtained the island in 1917, it established the overall and repair department, the first Maintenance Repair and overhall facility in the department of defense. Now designated as the Fleet Readiness Center southwest, the goals are the same. To produce Quality Equipment and provide support to our nations aviation war fighters through the overall repair and modification of the u. S. Navy and marine corps frontline aircraft. Encompassing 358 acres and over 80 buildings, the Fleet Readiness Center is one of the Largest Aerospace bloy ployers in san diego county, employing approximately 3,500 civilians and 900 military personnel. Please join me in honoring one of the best facilities in the u. S. Navy, the Fleet Readiness Center southwest at Naval Air Station north island on its 100th anniversary. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Yesterday i proudly announced my first piece of legislation as a member of congress, House Resolution 5037. Every bill that goes through this great legislative body is important but its fair to say every members first bill carries with it an importance in its own right. It marks the beginning after new path forward and i wanted mine to begin in the remembrance of my predecessor, friend, and mentor the late congressman walter b. Jones jr. Congressman jones served the great people of eastern North Carolina for over 20 years. Mr. Murphy he supported our military, he supported our farmers, and he supported our coasts. As his successor, i pledge to do the same. This bill, which would name a post office in the town congressman jones was born and raised in the great town of farmville, North Carolina, is the least that we can do to honor the remarkable statesman and steward that he was. In this time of great divisiveness, it is wonderful to have an issue that we all can rally around and support. I look forward to this bill becoming a reality for the people of eastern North Carolina. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from iowa seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman iowa is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today because the price of Prescription Drugs is too high. And Prescription Drug prices have risen 44 in five years. Big pharmaceutical companies have raised the cost of the most commonly used drugs by 100 . Im talking about everyday basic Prescription Drugs like insulin for diabetes or add vare for asthma. Ms. Action any ex mrs. Axne experts say there is no end in sight. I recently heard from joan who said the cost of her generic suddenly skyrocketed and there is nothing she can do because if she doesnt take it shell need a liver transplant. I heard from john who discovered his inlynn refills literally cost more than the price of gold if you broke it down by price per ounce. Thats why im supporting h. R. 3, the lower drug costs now act. Iowans and americans cant wait any longer. Every dollar spent on overpriced drugs is stealing money away from someones retirement, from someones college fund, and from buying a home. And its putting someones life at risk. Must act now and pass and support the support the lower Prescription Drug costs now. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Thompson mr. Speaker, mr. Speaker, us consent request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. In 1987 speech in wes berlin president Ronald Reagan famously declared, mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall. For nearly 30 years east and west berlin were separated both physically and ideologically, on november 9, 1989, freedom prevailed. East germanys communist government and berlin wall, one of the starkest symbols fled cold war would fall. That evening on a west German Television channel, reporter hands fredericks proclaimed, quote, this ninth of november is a historic day, east germany has announced starting immediately its borders are open to everyone. End quote. While east and west germany would no officially unify until the following year, east and west berliners rushed to the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate this historic moment that would lead to the end of the cold war let today serve a reminder that freedom is always worth fighting for. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. One year ago today i took the oath of office and was sworn in as a member of the United States house of representatives. Mr. Rose it is truly the honor of the lifetime to represent new yorks 25th district and im grateful for the opportunity to serve the community i love. Im so proud of the work we have done in the past year to improve the lives of everyday americans. The house has passed landmark legislation, universal background checks on all gun sales. We are taking action to lower the cost of Prescription Drugs and make health care more affordable for working families. Mr. Morelle we are fighting to strengthen our economy, close the gender pay gap, and ensure everyone has access to quality education. Back home im working with Community Partners on strategies to reduce poverty and give opportunity to all of our citizens. Im proud of our work, but there is so much more still to be done. I look forward to another year to continue our work for the people of my community antipeople of the United States. Thank you, mr. Speaker. For eaker pro tempore what purpose does the gentleman from New Hampshire seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. On monday, we gathered around the country to honor our veterans to whom we owe a tremendous debt. But sentiments expressed at parades and ceremonies ring hollow if we dont follow our good words with meaningful deeds for those who served and sacrificed so much. Although the v. A. Has countless care providers and employees who dedicated their careers to veterans, they work in a system that has Serious Problems and must be addressed quickly. Mr. Pappas its unacceptable that the Health Network has remained on the highrisk list. Thats why introduced reducing high risk to Veterans Services act with my colleague general bergman, to improve the management and care at the v. A. Its also unacceptable the v. A. Has not met the needs of a growing number of women veterans. We made a solemn promise to our veterans and we should be working together every day to fulfill that promise. These pieces of legislation are an important step forward and i thank my colleagues for supporting these bipartisan bills. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. He officers jeffrey johnson, michael pollock, elizabeth, and tiffany along with detectives nichlas and jason prevented what could have been a devastating tragedy. Im eternally grateful for their brave and swift actions and im proud to recognize them this month as they are honored with the new jersey p. B. A. s Unit Citation award for their heroism. Mr. Speaker, Police Officers are the good guys with a gun in america. Mr. Malinowski they are the good guys with a gun. How many times do we have to experience these tragedies and close calls before Congress Finally acts to protect them and us by keeping dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands. The house has passed sensible gun safety legislation. Its time for the senate to act. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . To address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Its skin mr. Chairman, an outrandalling that its President Trump president erdogan to the white house. Rdogan beat up protesters at sheridan circle. To the world his contempt not only for human rights but the rule of law in country. He should have been banned in america until he makes all of his victims whole. Visit coincides military ys Savage Campaign in syria, something from driven millions their homes, over 160,000 people, threatened our national massive, and produced a humanitarian crisis. Ust weeks ago, the u. S. House passed house joint resolution 77 and h. R. 4695, the protect conflict by turkey act, which denounced turkeys military actions against the people in northern syria. We also cannot overlook oppressive ntinuing actions against the turkish people. He executed a campaign of against anyone who dares disagree with his barbaric policies. His meeting should not be taking place. The speaker pro tempore the expired. s time has suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or on which the vote incurs objection under. Lause 6 of rule 20 the house will resume questions on postponed questions at a later time. For what purpose does the entleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Raskin mr. Speaker, i move o suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1663, the foundation of the ederal Bar Association charter amendmentes act. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. 1663, a bill to title 36, United States code, code to revise the federal charter of federal Bar Association. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from maryland, mr. Askin, and the gentleman from georgia, mr. Collins, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from maryland. Mr. Raskin thank you. Unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and to on ude extraneous material the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Raskin i yield myself such consume. May i am proud to have served as the lead democratic cosponsor of introduced by my friend from ohio, mr. Chabot, h. R. 1663, the foundation of the Association Charter amendmentes act of amendments act of 2018. Bar association serves as the Bar Association for attorneys, both in the private and public sectors in the federal courts. This bill will permit the foundation to better fulfill its as the only institution in america chartered by congress to promote the federal justice, the of advancement of federal injured prudence and practice of law in providing courts by it with the organizational flexibility that it needs to contemporary mission. He original 1954 charter created a framework thats erved f. B. A. For the past six decades. It has strengthened federal promoted nce, effective legal practice. The organizations initiatives ave also directly improves the lives of our people. For example, one community foreach program, the willes veterans initiative, is a pro bono project where f. B. A. Provide the drafting of of wills and other projects. Many veterans have benefited from it. Another establishes a mentorship for law students to work alongside experienced attorneys. Charter must be amended to have greater operation and growth. Codifies strict membership and governance requirements that constrain Member Development and governance of the organization. This rigidity presents as the organization eeks to expand its critical charitable initiatives. This bill will give the f. B. A. In the ed flexibility new century. In the place of legislative fixed legislatively criteria, it permites f. B. A. To establish and update membership the bylaws ough process. Similar provisiones provisioness provisions uthorized the improvement of the federal justice. A similar legislation was introduced last year which on a voice is body vote but not passed in the senate for various reasons. Nondiscrimination provision did not prohibit basis of tion on the ender identity, as most of the discrimination legislation does. I am pleased that the federal Bar Association took it upon bylaws to mend its include the following language the terms of membership may not discriminate basis of race, color, eligion, sex, disability, age, gender identity, or national origin. As a cosponsor of the equality introduced by my good friend, mr. Cicilline of rhode island, i fully support equal for all. The proactive amendment of the bylaws, i believe, makes clear intent of the federal Bar Association that everyone must protected against discrimination. Will help his bill the f. B. A. To flourish for many decades to come. Look forward to the f. B. A. s continued involvement in our nations federal legal system all my colleagues to support the bill. Mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from georgia. Mr. Collins thank you, mr. Speaker. Support of h. R. 1663, the foundation of the federal Bar Association Charter Amendments act. And reciate the gentleman his fine laying out of what the bill actually does. Him and to thank congressman steve chabot for their work on this legislation and for their support of the federal Bar Association. With that i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from maryland. I want to thank the gentleman for his comments and i the to yield two minutes to congresswoman from the district f columbia, ms. Eleanor holmes norton. Ms. Norton i thank the gentleman for yielding. Bringing the r bill to the floor. I thank the federal Bar Association. Support passage of h. R. 1663, which would give the foundation operational flexibility. As i did when the house passed a congress. Rsion last however, i would be remiss if i did not note my concern with 6 of this bill. Federal law requires the tondations Principal Office be in the district of columbia. Section 6 would amend that equirement and allow the foundation to have its Principal Office at any location in the states, decided by its board of directors and specified its bylaws. Currently, the foundations Principal Office is arlington, virginia. Violation of federal law. Im speaking on this bill, not oppose it, but to make a larger point about the location of federal agencies. The foundation is a federally chartered corporation and operates independently of federal government, h. R. 1663 comes to the floor at a trump en the administration and many members of congress, among them my epublican colleagues, be are working to relocate federal agencies outside the National Region. Recently, senators josh holly and Marsha Blackburn introduced bill that would relocate most the nationside of capital region. Discuss ways to make government work better for the american people, but such bills should not be part of that discussion. These types of bills or Administration Proposals are talking d for cheap points against the National Capital region and federal are intended to of federal e work agencies the bills proposal are to help. 85 of federal employees work capital he National Region already. Hundreds of federal employees and their families have already by the recent relocation of two u. S. Agriculture agencies, as has the work of those agencies. Congress cannot do its job without the unvarnished facts nonpartisan that agencies give the house and senate almost daily. Language eady gotten in appropriation bills that would block politically otivated moves outside of the National Capital region, and i will continue to fight agency at cationes with every tool my disposal. About 63 is not relocation. Thank the i would gentlelady, who is a great hampion of the people of washington, d. C. Relocate is trying to agencies away from the National Capital region, and i stand tomly with her in opposition that disturbing trend. As the gentlelady noted, the bar ation of the federal association operates independently of the federal government and is currently headquartered in arlington. I received assurances from the f. B. A. That they have no plans to relocate their principal as a result of passage of this bill. F. B. A. s mission and nstitutional interests in advancing the quality of justice n the federal judiciary necessitate location close to washington, d. C. If the gentleman from ohio is close, i am as well, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. Mr. Collins the gentleman from georgia is not prepared to close frankly, the gentleman from ohio is on his way. I will do the best i can here. Interesting discussion today. I could go on. Think its an interesting, again, sometimes we get lost in the formalities and everything lse whats going on here but the discussion of moving offices outside the district and, you know, moving around is an discussion. It should be had. I think there are some very vital to being here in the or as indicates of this organization, arlington, just district, but then theres also some very real concern how we can discuss that. One of the things we lost and this here iscuss since we are in this mode, of having honest back and forth on legislation or pieces of legislation or where things need to be. Mr. Speaker, this is something vitally missing, probably from both sides of the aisle. I think especially this year as at the context of built of bills and stuff thats gone on without the true bipartisan discussion. I think of the arbitration bill recently on the floor in which there were very real concerns that republicans had, real concerns that democrats had. Unfortunately and when i mentioned this to the chairman, thinking we could get a bill that had 370 votes on the yes, my chairman said, you think we could have . I said, yes. F we could have engaged in dialogue to fix whats going on and not do a whole rewrite to get something made into law. Kind of the discussions that, you know, are very good. I think these are the kind of make it, and i appreciate so much the gentlelady taking up for the columbia. F thats exactly why we come here. Perspective rom a of northeast georgia. You come from maryland. She comes from the district here. Members bring their ideas and their thoughts of their constituents to the floor and and ially in markups especially in bills which not everything at the end of the day rom a republican or democratic standpoint at the end of the day, as someone that authored legislation, as the gentleman did as well, the things criminal justice reform, Hakeem Jeffries bridged gap in the sdwied to divide works. Something that six years to discuss and six years to be a part of and, you members of ou had the body of ended up being to sit this not willing down and talk to each other at the beginning of this process and at the end of the day having a major ccomplishment, bill that was passed because of bipartisanship. That gave on both sides. I appreciate the gentlelady bringing those things up. I think its an interesting, you know, correlation between the federal Bar Association and the excellent work that they do. I have no problem with the work that they do. We look at this i will reserve if the gentleman would like to share and respond on what we just talked about. Let me reserve for a second. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Raskin thank you, mr. Speaker. Wished and nk the always eloquent gentleman from georgia for his comments on a number of interesting things. One is the question of bipartisanship and us working together. I think the gentleman correctly invites us to study the record of legislative success and achievements in our body. It is true that the best legislation like the Voting Rights act, for example, is legislation that came through a bipartisan process where we had both parties to work working together. All of our great president s are people who themselves were involved in partisan politics and often in a bareknuckled way. Also once they were in office called the country to try to speak across party lines. Jefferson said we are all republicans. We are all federalists in his inaugural address in 1800. Are ln, of course, said we friends. We must not be enemies. We must be friends. And we must not be enemies. And president obama said we are not the red states of america. We are not the blue states of america. We are the United States of america. We have to try to aspire to that. Even though we work in a party system. The reason we have a party system is because we are not a one party dictatorship. One way to get rid of partisanship you get rid of Political Parties and have one party state. We dont believe in that. Have Political Freedom in america. At the same time once we get in the same way that we render constituent service to all of our constituents without regard to whether they are democrats or republicans or independents, we should try to render legislative service to the whole country at the same time. Let me just make one other point to my friend about the seat of government clause. As the gentleman knows the distinguished gentlelady from the district of columbia represents 700,000 people who have no voting representation in congress. The basis for that what i think is a historical accident is the existence of the district clause that. Congress exercises exclusive legislation over the land that is ceded to congress for the purpose of the seat of government. I suppose to the extent that there is an attempt to justify us being the only country on earth where the people of the capital city are not represented, it has to do with the fact that this is where the federal government is located. The district of columbia is involved in a statehood struggle, which i support. Like every other american they want to be part of a state. As long as they are in the socalled seat of government seems to me that the gentlelady makes a good point which is that truly federal functions should not be stripped away from washington, d. C. , and relocated around the country. Most federal employees dont live in the National Capital area, like 80 pezz or 85 of them live across america at army paces or post office. Departments of justice around the country. They work in all of those federal functions around the country. But there are certain things that do belong here. The federal departments clearly belong within the seat of government. I think that the gentlelady was just identifying theres been an effort to strip away essential federal functions and to relocate them to other parts of the country. Leaving her constituents with the worst of both worlds which is no representation the way that our constituents are represented, but at the same time a gradual stripping away of the federal offices and departments. Am prepared to close. Mr. Collins one more speaker and ill yield the balance of the time. When he yields back well close. I appreciate that now that the airplane has circled enough. We are out of fuel and on to the next topic. I appreciate the gentleman discussing that. At this point in time i will yield the remainder of this time to the gentleman from ohio, mr. Chabot. Mr. Chabot i thank the gentleman for yeeng yielding. I want to thank the gentleman from maryland, mr. Raskin, for his leadership on this particular piece of legislation. Im going to discuss now and i rise in support of my bill, h. R. 1663. Put simply this bill helps toe support those federal attorneys who prosecute major drug traffickers, white collar criminals, and others who commit federal crimes and those federal judges who preside over cases heard in their courtrooms. In a few short months the federal Bar Association will celebrate the centennialny of of its founding, with the mission to promote and support Legal Research and education, to advance the education, to advance the science the jurisprudence, to facilitate the administration of justice, and to forse improvements in the practice of federal law. Back in 1954, congress chartered the federal Bar Association, but in the decades since receiving its charter, it has neither been updated nor amended. As a former educator and attorney and current Senior Member of the Judiciary Committee, myself, i recognize as many of my colleagues do the important work that the federal Bar Association does to bring Civics Education to classrooms. In my state of ohio and throughout the country without legislation like this h. R. 1663, it would take an act of congress, literally, an act of congress to allow the federal Bar Association to make simple changes to its bylaws. More specifically this legislation gives the association the ability to choose the location of its Principal Office. Restricts its officers from engaging in political activity. And makes other technical changes to conform to commonly used language by other congressionally chartered groups. This legislation being considered today serves to provide the federal Bar Association with the ability to continue its important work and scholarship in communities throughout the country. Finally, i want to again thank the gentleman from maryland, mr. Raskin, for his support of h. R. 1663. I want to thank both chairman nadler and Ranking Member collins for bringing it to the floor today for consideration. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support it and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia. The gentleman from maryland. Mr. Raskin i want to thank mr. Chabot for his excellent work on this legislation. I want to thank mr. Collins for his thoughtful intervention. And, mr. Speaker, this bill was advanced to allow the federation of the federal Bar Association the flexibility it needs to successfully manage its own affairs. As mr. Chabot pointed out. I urge its passage. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 1663. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The in the opinion of the chair, the 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the entleman from arizona seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 4258, the reauthorizing security for Supreme Court justices act of 2019. The speaker pro tempore support the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 223, h. R. 4258, a bill to authorize the martial of the Supreme Court and Supreme Court police to protect the justices, employees, and official guests of the Supreme Court outside of the Supreme Court grounds, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from arizona, mr. Stanton, and the gentleman from georgia, mr. Collins, will control each 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona. Mr. Stanton mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Stanton mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman virginia tech. Mr. Stanton i would like to thank chairman nadler an Ranking Member collins for moving h. R. 4258, the reauthorizing security for Supreme Court justice act of 2019 through the Judiciary Committee and swift manner. Id also like toe thank my friend and fellow member of the Judiciary Committee, congressman steubey, for joining me in introducing this important piece of legislation. The Supreme Court Police Currently has Permanent Authority to protect justices on Supreme Court grounds. However, its authority to protect them outside of the Supreme Court grounds is temporary and has been reauthorized in a bipartisan manner since 1982. H. R. 4258 is a bipartisan bill that will permanently reauthorize the authority to protect the justices outside the Supreme Court grounds. With the increase of potential threats against the justices of the Supreme Court in recent years, and the current authorization set to expire on december 29th of this year, this bill is needed to remove the threat of disruptions and security gaps caused by the temporary authority. I urge my colleagues to support h. R. 4258 and hope the senate acts swiftly and considers this bill. It is critically important that we protect the justices of the highest court in our land. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins thank you. I rise in support of h. R. 4258, the gentleman has spoke well of what it actually does and will not do. I support that. I would like to congratulate him and mr. Steube on this legislation. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from is recognized. Mr. Stanton i have no further speakers, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 4258. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. N in the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to sider is thravenlt table. Is laid upon the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass 3537. Ll h. R. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. 3537, a bill to. Amend the Small Business act to business boots to program and for other business for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the illinois, mr. Schneider, and the gentleman from ohio, mr. Chabot, will each minutes. 0 the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois. thank you, mr. Speaker. I mr. Schneider thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and remarks and include the neous material on measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Schneider i rise in support the veteran Entrepreneurship Training act of 2019. Spano for mr. Joining me in introducing this legislation and helping lead this effort to improve the veterans can ure continue to take advantage of the boots to Business Program. To be here today to celebrate and honor our nations veteran entrepreneurs. Celebrated ek we veterans day and last week, we marked National Veteran small week. Ss every member of the military has already demonstrated their love f country by committing everything, including otentially their lives in the service of our nation, and when their service in uniform is completed, many veterans direct starting a n to business. Such dedication to nation and community should be recognized every day. Patriotism and not a partisan issue. Hats why im pleased that the Small Business committee can once again highlight how we put aside the differences we may and now bringreas these bipartisan bills to the today. Entrepreneurship has always been a bedrock of the american economy, particularly for our returning vets. Hats why our committees focused on Bipartisan Solutions to repay our veterans through policies designed to ease the of starting and running a business. I thank chairwoman velazquez and Ranking Member chabot as well as the Committee Staff for working the us to increase opportunities and resources for veteran entrepreneurs. Bolsters the Small Business administrations boots to Business Program to enhance ensure it is effectively serving aspiring owners. Business there are approximately 2 1 2 million veteranowned 1 inesses, generating trillion in receipts. Such successes are a draw for many of the men and women the Service Today to become their own bosses. Provides a ship promising opportunity to continue serving their country, local g jobs in their communities while supporting their families. As wering vets to succeed entrepreneurs should be a viable option for people trained to inspire, and achieve remarkable things. It spurs local Economic Development and demonstrates our commitment to their aspirations of entrepreneurship. Can be ting a business complex and sometimes daunting. The process can seem verwhelming, but programs like boots to business offer resources and assistance from experts giving aspiring the lessons of others previous experience. 2012, the launched in boots to Business Program offers transitioning Service Members military spouses insights into selfemployment and Business Ownership. Are trained centers and empowered to deliver these services to over 180 military installations nationwide. 2018, over 200,000 veterans nd spouses participated in the twoday course. Service members are distinctly qualified to start and run their serving thees while military, they learn how to make ood decisions in chaotic environments and are natural, confident, and driven leaders. 200,000 , more than Service Members make the transition from military to life. An transition assistance is critical to ensure that those ho serve in the military have opportunities for meaningful employment. H. R. 3537 addresses the many we heard from veterans by updating manies a ekts of the many aspects of the program and codifying it for the next five years. Mr. Spano and the committee for their work on this important bill. I ask my colleagues to support this bipartisan piece of and i reserve the time. E of my the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot thank you, mr. Speaker. 3537, in support of h. R. The veterans Entrepreneurship Training act of 20619. 2019. Pi speak before i speak on the bill, i want to thank chairwoman velazquez, who is unable to be us, so the gentleman from illinois, mr. Schneider, for running this committee in a passion. N today we have yet another strong package of five bills that are fully bipartisan. I want to make sure we recognize and have a seat at the table on the committee. Todays five bills focus on veterans, disabled veterans, reservists, their spouses. Last month four veterans testified before our committee and reminded us of the contributions those who have served our country make. Hey have made extraordinary sacrifices, put their lives on the line, and kept our country safe. Their service to the nation does they end the military. Research has shown that service are qualified to start and run their to start and run their own firms. While serving in the military, they learn to make decisions in chaotic environments and are driven and confident leaders. There are a myriad of programs and services across the country help them. At the Small Business committee, we have the unique opportunity to support our nations veterans embark on their next adventure Business Ownership. He s. B. A. Offers funding, training, federal contracting resources tailored to meet the needs of our veterans. Making the tted to s. B. A. s programs and services ore accessible to our nations veteran entrepreneurs. At the hearing from earlier this continuing to serve from military to heard eneur, we firsthand from veterans that it former military spouses. D their originally launched in 2012, the boose to business Program Business Program Helps with selfemployment and Business Ownership. A twoday s complete inperson entrepreneurship can access additional training through online programs. Act of 2019 codifies the boots to business crucial solidifying a piece of veteran entrepreneur support network. Through this program, participants are introduced to s. B. A. And its resourced partners who will have their back as they experience new business of ownership. The programs success is a intraagency collaboration that we have give support the wholistic they need. This holistic support they need. Like to thank the gentleman from illinois, mr. Schneider, and the gentleman from florida, spano, for working together to increase Business Opportunities for our nations heroes. Ask my colleagues to support the bill, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider i reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Like to yield as to time as he may consume the gentleman from florida, mr. Spano. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized. You, ranking ank member chabot. A like to support the bill, bill i was proud to introduce schneider. Entative it reauthorizes the boots to Business Program for five years educational s opportunities for veterans and their families to help them start and manage their own businesses. Often have the natural to erament and requirement be successful entrepreneurs. They know how to make tough decisions in very, very environments. However, many veterans often retire from the service with all tools but lack the knowledge on how to apply them in the business world. Business Program Fills this gap. As a pilot program, it provided of opportunities to educate veterans and entrepreneurship. He flagship offering of the program is the introduction to ntrepreneurship course, a twoday inperson course on the undamentals of Business Ownership. Specifically, the course teaches participants how to recognize create aopportunities, business plan, be and consider the legal and financial aspects a business. Erate this allows veterans to come to the course with the beginnings idea and leefsh with the tools to turn it into a viable business model. Follows business also this introductory course to cop articulars such as conducting Market Research and revenue readiness. Beyond these educational boots to business provides veteran entrepreneurs access to free consultants for and to help stions them navigate loan programs offered by the Small Business administration. Personally seen the positive impacts of the boots to district. Rogram in my introduction to entrepreneurship classes are regularly offered at air force base and so far 100 courses have been given throughout florida. The program has been a great benefit to the veterans in my ommunity, and i am confident that it will continue to benefit veterans across the country. Fromill passed unanimously the Small Business committee, and i urge my colleagues to support this legislation. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider i continue to reserve. The peaker pro tempore gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot thank you. Member to speak, the gentleman from ohio, mr. Alancederson, and wed balderson, and wed commend him for his leadership on this as well. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Balderson id like to speak on the bill i cosponsored, h. R. 537, the veteran Entrepreneurship Training act. This bill would authorize the boots to Business Program, which veterans who ons are transitioning back into the workforce and grow launch and grow their Small Businesses. Our nation just celebrated eterans day, and while its a wonderful way to show our appreciation for those who have erved in the United States honorably, its important that we honor those veterans year round. We must never forget our highest commitment, which is to support our Service Members, veterans, and their families. To Business Program is one such way we can do that for veterans. By providing them the tools and resources they need to be successful entrepreneurs in our modern world. Boots to Business Program is an important way for our country fundamentally American Values Small Business and military service. Encourage my colleagues to support h. R. 3537. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Mr. Chabot i have no further members seeking time. If the gentleman is prepared to well close. Thank you. Id like to commend the illinois, mr. Schneider, the gentleman from lorida, mr. Spano, and mr. Balderson, for their work on this bill which increases pportunities for our nations veterans. S mr. Balderson mentioned, we attended various veterans day events earlier this week, and i think hes absolutely right, something where we can continue every day of the year to help those who really do seek to start a business, to grow a business, and create more jobs for veterans and for other of the american society. Support. Its its Bipartisan Legislation. It supports our nations veterans and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider thank you, mr. Speaker. My n, i want to thank colleague, the Ranking Member from ohio. By developing new products, advancing research and creating aw markets, entrepreneurs are vital force in our economy. Over the years weve repeatedly seen the Important Role veterans play in this process. Due to their leadership, training, perseverance, knowledge, procurement processes, other skills required in the military, veterans are exceptionally well qualified to launch and manage their own business. Veterans own one in 10 small firms in our country and five million han jobs. Despite being positioned to succeed as entrepreneurs, transitioning into civilian life face obstacles starting their own Small Business. Business program is designed to alleviate these challenges by providing a path veteransreneurship for without compelling them to attend business school, which can mean more time away from families. Boots to business is unlike any other entrepreneurial by lopment program offered the s. B. A. Because its curriculum focuses on educating about the basic concepts of business, s. B. A. Resources, realworld insight, how to manage expectations and its directly tied into programming. Ion the training act not only codifies the program for the next five years but also ensures information is accessible and readily available members wishing to test the waters of entrepreneurship. T our hearing on the bill, a it red Service Member said will take a, quote, step in the direction of entrepreneurship nd foster and xhanl the warrior channel the warrior ethos that helped them that help them in the boardroom. His bill is a commonsense move and one supported by the American Legion. I, again, thank my we observe veterans day on monday. Every day, we must give Service Members the education and tools to seize the opportunities of interviewership. I thank the chairwoman for her support and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3537. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. I ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until a sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition . I move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3661 as amended. The clerk h. R. 3661 a bill to upport interviewers entrepreneurs and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Schneider i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. I yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise in support of h. R. 3661 rnings patriotic employer protection act of 2019. This commonsense legislation recognizes the service of our reservists and the companies they work at by broadening the ability of Small Business employers to access Small Business loans. Across the country Small Business owners are actively employing military reservists. Congress recognizes the strains when employees are deployed. This distinguished body created the military reserveist program which are the Economic Disaster repayment program. These two programs provide emergency working capital and loan flexibility to spal Business Owners who have an essential employee who is an active duty reserveist called into action. Our reserve forces have experienced a shift from a Strategic Reserve to operational reserve. This expands the pool through the restructuring of the programs so they are not limited to periods of conflict. This minor modification in addition to the coordination between the s. B. A. Will lead to targeted outreach in education about the programs while modernizing them to meet the needs. I would like to thank congressman kim for working with me to improve access to affordable capital for Small Businesses especially those owned by or employ reservists. I urge members to support this piece of legislation and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot i yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise in support of h. R. 3661 the patriotic employer protection act of 2019. Nearly half of all employees in the United States work for small combisses. They come in every state and territory and they serve our nation proudly. When they are called up for military duty the Small Business they work for may be at a disadvantage due to their absence. If a Small Business experiences an economic loss, the Small Business has the ability to apply for a military reserveist economic loan through the s. B. A. H. R. 3661, this bill adds employees who are on fulltime National Guard duty to the eligibility list. This further alliance this s. B. A. Program with the way the military operates. I thank the gentleman from tennessee and mr. Kim working on behalf of the United States military Service Members. I thank the chairwoman for moving this legislation forward in a bipartisan manner and i urge my colleagues to support it. And it was favorably reported out of committee by voice vote and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider it is my privilege to recognize the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Kim, who is the sponsor of this bill and i yield to him as much time as he would like to consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Kim i rise today to stand up for Small Business owners across our country who want to do the patriotic thing and provide Economic Opportunities for those serving in the military reserves. I am home to maguire lake hurst, 5,500 reserveists are serving at our joint bases and 95 of our businesses in new jersey are Small Businesses. Those who are members of the reserves, there is uncertainty and risk that come with unexpected deployment and activation to active duty. During times of war, we not only ask them to sacrifice during their service but sacrifice their economic wellbeing. In 2003, a Small Business owner and Service Member named Stanley Adams was called to active duty. Mr. Adams who owned two livestock Trailer Companies had to close one down and saw revenue plummet during his deployment. In an interviewh he said, quote, everything came to a halt. And all this money still had to be paid. We owe our Service Members more than that. Serving our country shouldnt be a barrier to those who want to work or start a Small Business and we should reward these patriots and not create an environment of economic uncertainty. Thats why im proud to introduce the bipartisan patriotic employer protection act. The patriotic employer protection act would restructure two programs, the military reserveist Economic Injury disaster loan and repayment deferral for active duty reserveist programs so they better reflect the current deployment trends of reservists. The bill would allow these programs to be used for a period of more than 0 consecutive days, broadening the program to more people in need. The bill would create a new Business Training program to provide counseling and assistance to support members of the reserves and spouses as well as direct the Small Business administration to develop more targeted and effective outreach to reservists and Small Business owners. The American Legion who has endorsed this bill has called these programs underutilized because eligibility restrictions do not reflect current deployment practices. That and Small Business owners will provide a path to the American Dream to those Service Members who fight to protect it every day. I hope you join myself and congressman bunch et in supporting this bill and i yield back. Mr. Schneider i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot i yield such time to the republican leader on this particular bill, the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Burr chet. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Burchett i rise in support of this act. Im proud of this Bipartisan Legislation that encourages Small Business owners to hire military reservists. Military reservists bravely serve america and member of our Small Business work force. In east tennessee, Small Business owners rely on the abilities and skills. When they answer the call of duty, Small Businesses shouldnt struggle while that employee is absent. This improves access to military Economic Injury disaster loans and repayment deferrals. These programs offer Financial Support to Small Businesses that lose valuable production enwhen the reserveist is activated for military service. By improving access to these programs, Small Businesses can continue to operate while appear employee is serving in the military and gives Small Businesses the peace of mind that their business will not suffer. It takes courage toll put your livelihood and career on hold to serve your country and Small Businesses should be proud of their employee military commitment. It has been an honor to sponsor this legislation and i encounseling my colleagues to support this bill. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Chabot im prepared to close. Mr. Schneider imas well. Mr. Chabot a Small Business should not be disadvantaged if the men and women that they employ are called to military duty. H. R. 3661 updates the military reserveist Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program to make sure it is in line with todays military. I encourage support on this Bipartisan Legislation and i thank my colleagues for their leadership on this. And i yield back. Mr. Schneider i commend and thank representative kim and the Small Business committee on a whole commends those Small Business owners who support their military and there by support our national security. They fulfill their duty in a variety of ways. We rely on them like natural disasters and can be tapped to serve abroad. They protect us and communities by leaving their communities behind. Though they may be called on temporarily, their absence is noticed by families and employers who rely upon them. The bill before us today takes their absence into consideration by reflecting how our nation has changed the way we call upon them. Loan and he s. B. A. repayment and deferral programs more accessible to Service Members and their employers, we are helping to sustain Small Businesses, families and local communities. This legislation makes sure that the s. B. A. Can be a resource that they support their workers on deployment. I urge my colleagues to support the bill and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3661 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Mr. Schneider i move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 499. The clerk Union Calendar number 187, h. R. 499 a bill to amend the Small Business act to clarify the treatment of certain surviving spouses under the definition of Small Business concern owned and controlled by Service Disabled veterans. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, will the gentleman from illinois, mr. Schneider and the gentleman from ohio, each will control 20 minutes. Mr. Schneider i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to include extraneous material on the measure under consideration consideration. Without objection. Mr. Schneider i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Schneider i rise in support of this bill by providing a Transition Area period to keep Small Business owned status in the event of the owners death. It codifies the differences between s. B. A. And v. A. We know that running a Small Business involves many members of a family. By steppeding spousal rights to the definition, we are honoring the sacrifice a deceased veteran made to our country and providing stability for the business and employees so they can remain competitive rather than being penalized. I want to thank Ranking Member chabot to ensure when a Business Owner passes the law does not impose insult to injuryy pi penalizing the surviving spouse. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot i yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise in support of h. R. 499. First, i would like to thank chairman takano and Ranking Member roe of the House Veterans Affairs committee for their leadership and collaboration on this issue. I would like to thank the gentleman from new york mr. Delgado, for his willingness to work with me and be a leader on this legislation. I like many members hear from constituents on a wide range of issues. One issue that is important to me is to ensure that veterans and their families are treated fairly by the government that they serve so bravely. Many of our men and women come home and decide to use their talents to become Small Business owners. Unfortunately, the laws and regulations around starting a business can be difficult to navigate, almost prohibitive when they shouldnt be. Further exacerbating the problem one part of the law is one thing yet another part of the law says something different. How can they be successful entrepreneurs when our lawyers are unclear. While congress has codified in title 38 a commonsense policy allowing the surviving spouse of the Small Business owner to retain the status for a certain length of time, the Small Business act has no such policy and this lack of parity creates legal uncertainty in the application of the law and confusion for veterans and their families. This bill ensures continuity across the government in the way we treat our veteran entrepreneurs and their families. The bill amends the Small Business act to align with title 38 guaranteeing that the surviving spouses of Small Business owners can keep the Small Business designation nation for their companies for a certain period of time even after the veteran owner passes away. Correcting this misalignment is the least we can do with some measure of comfort and peace of mind especially in dealing with this type of family tragedy. I urge my colleagues to support the bill and reserve. Introduced with members f both mr. Schneider thank you. I yield as much time as he may consume to the gentleman from new york. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Delgado thank you to my friend and colleague, representative schneider in illinois. Rise in support of the first bill i introduced as a member of congress. Legislation service burdens. Arry enormous heyre integral to the transition back to civilian life. The Service Disabled veterans continuation act seeks to address many of the burdens carried by our spouses military veterans. Rightfully so, both the Small Business administration and the preferenceontracting to Small Businesses owned by servicedisabled veterans. Owever, currently, when the veteran dies, only a small handful of spouses can retain that contracting preference. Thats because its only given o the spouses of veterans with 100 disability. Disdisabled shoulddisabled veterans be given regardless of rating. This bill ensures all spouses of servicedisabled veterans have preference no matter the severity of that veterans injury. Spousesl give surviving the opportunity to remain competitive in the federal and help g market ensure that businesses are not their d after death of veteran spouse. I want to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for this issue ation on and commitment to the families and spouses of our veterans. Caring for our nations heroes should never be a partisan issue. Urge the house to support this legislation and yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Schneider i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot thank you, mr. Speaker. No further speakers seeking time. Im prepared to close. Mr. Schneider i have no speakers. Im ready to close. Mr. Chabot mr. Speaker, this commonsense bill fixes an oversight by congress to align way the federal government treats the surviving spouse of a veteranowned ed Small Business. The bill simply aligns title 15, with all business act, title 38, ensuring continuity across the government for this important policy. In bill will provide our heroes and their families with peace of mind. I urge this bills adoption and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider thank you, mr. Speaker. Both the department of Veterans Affairs and the Small Business administration value the of americas veterans and in particular, servicedisabled veterans remain their country by starting small firms. In that vain, the v. A. And have contracting preferences for servicedisabled veteranowned Small Businesses. These the success of programs, neither adequately addresses what happens when the ervicedisabled veteran owner dies. The death of a loved one by tself is already a devastating event. Compounded by meeting the duties of running his or her small and is often da bill dating. Debilitating. A toll on the spouse of the deceased veteran, the Business Operations and the employees. Business employees. His bill recollect fies an inherently critical oversight. Setting forth the rules of which retain ing spouse can the servicedisabled veteranowned Small Business surviving veteran, spouse and the business. The government has the those ibility to help ith Small Business passions to even upon prosper their death. I ask my colleagues to pass the bill and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 499. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. 2 3he opinion of the chair, having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Mr. Schneider mr. Speaker, on ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the requested. Ays are all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3734, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the title of report the the bill. The clerk h. R. 3734, a bill to comptroller general of the United States to report small ss for credit for Business Concerns owned and controlled by covered individuals, to require the small trator of the Business Administration to report on the Veterans Task force, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from illinois, mr. Schneider, and the gentleman ohio, will h mr. Chabot mr. Chabot, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Schneider thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and include remarks the neous material on measure under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Of mr. Schneider thank you. Mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Schneider i rise in support the successful entrepreneur for reservists and act. Ans act, or the serv the s. B. A. Helps aspiring and veterans entrepreneurses grow their businesses. Ut more must be done to make sure our veterans are aware and utilizing them. Intraagency task force was developed just to do that. Its chaired by the s. B. A. And of representatives appointed by the s. B. A. s administrator from a variety of the s. B. A. sluding office of Veterans Business development, the department of and se, labor, treasury, Veterans Affairs, the General Services administration, the office of management and budget, and four representatives from Veterans Service and military organizations. With sk force is charged coordinating efforts to improve capital access, business evelopment, and contracting goals for veterans. Unfortunately, it hasnt filed an annual report since fiscal 2015. This delay is wholly face. Ptable or its considering we hear from veterans about the niedz for more needs for more outreach businesses,tion for it only makes the delay more painful. Todays legislation requires the. B. A. Administered to report annually on the appointments made, highlighting the activities of, and plan for engagement by the veterans Interagency Task force. Responsibilityem and give us the ability to have proper oversight. It enable congress to make modifications where they are needed in a timely fashion. Davids and ank ms. Ranking member chabot for your clabation on this collaboration on this bill. I urge support on this piece of legislation, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot thank you. I i yield myself such time as i support me and rise in successful , the entrepreneurship for reservists the serv act. Or the Resources Available to our veteranowned Small Businesses as effective and as efficient as the owners themselves. Act requires the s. B. A. O outline the agencys veteran outreach plan and veteran promotion plans to congress. H. R. 3734 requires the Government Accountability office to evaluate credibility virnts, ity of ervicedisabled veterans and veteranowned Small Businesses. I want to thank ms. Davids for orking with me on a bipartisan manner. I want to thank chairwoman velazquez for advancing this commonsense legislation that as they st veterans work to launch and build strong Small Businesses. Urge my colleagues to support the serv act, which was favorably reported out of and i ee by voice vote, reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider thank you, mr. Speaker. Time its my privilege ms. Ecognize my good friend, david from kansas. I ms. Davids from kansas. Representative as much time as she may consume as cosponsor of the bill. The speaker pro tempore the entlewoman from kansas is recognized. Ms. Davids thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you to my good friend and colleague from illinois. Thing id like to do s thank the chairwoman velazquez and Ranking Member, mr. Chabot, for continuing the mall business committees bipartisan efforts. I rise today to urge my yes on h. R. Vote 3734, the successful ntrepreneurship for resifshists reservists and veterans act, or the serv act, introduced with Ranking Member chabot. This bipartisan piece of legislation helps veteran succeed by ers studying the barriers they face, including lack of access to credit. And it helps ensure that veterans are aware of all the resources vailable to them through the Small Business administration. I was fortunate enough to spend this past weekend on veterans at home in the district i represent in kansas. Of i was meeting with the brave served women who have our country and was hearing about the issues and have. Unities that they after everything our veterans have done for us, we must have back. They deserve nothing less than access to jobs, health care, and deserve. Ces that they that includes the ability to start and grow a Small Business. Possess many of the leadership and entrepreneurial small to start and grow businesses. But they face unique challenges, accessing ifficulty capital and credit. Since its tough to accumulate needed to credit start a business during your time in service, those issues what the serv act is intended to address. It requires a report from the general of the United States on the ability of veterans, reservists, small access owners to credit. The report will include new information and analysis on the credit that veterans and other military veterans others reservists use to start and maintain their business, as well as affectsbilities, how it credit. Studying the problem of access to credit for veterans and is a crucial first step in finding the right solutions. This legislation also helps existing terans to programs in the Small Business administration that are aimed at elping veterans transition their military skills from service to business. Like veteran Business Outreach centers, be boots to business, or the Service Disabled development hip training. These programs provide vital veterans because if these programs need to be known without ns because understanding the programs, veterans are not going to be them. O access thats why the serv act requires develop a planto for outreach and promotion of these incredible programs. The task force is responsible coordinating federal efforts to improve capital access, usiness development, and contracting opportunities for veteran and servicedisabled Small Businesses, but the task has not submitted a report to Congress Since 2015. Serv act would require an annual report to and ess on its appointment outline for outreach on these veterans, ams for servicedisabled veterans and reservists and their spouses. To ge all of my colleagues support the serv act and to help set our veteran entrepreneurs up for success. Thank you. I yield back. Mr. Schneider i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot thank you, mr. Speaker. I have no further members seeking time. Illinois tleman from is prepared to close, well go ahead and close now. Mr. Schneider i have no further members. Im prepared to close. Mr. Chabot thank you very much. Veteranowned Small Businesses resources to help prepare them for future growth. In order to improve our capital for our ograms veteranowned Small Businesses, we must fully understand what they are facing when seeking to affordable and reliable capital. Will ipartisan bill provide future congresses with the better picture of whats available to them and what is and where we can plug the gaps for them. I urge my colleagues to support this Bipartisan Legislation and yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Schneider this will leverage a combination of government and private efforts. Despite progress weve made, hundreds of thousands of veterans and families continue to struggle demonstrating how much more must be done. The interagency veteran task force is part of this effort and hold agencies accountable to ensure they are meeting the duties placed upon them. H. R. 3734 does just this by requiring regular reporting to gather snap shots of outreach and education to veterans and asks the Government Accountability office to study the many issues raised by veteran entrepreneurs with the difficulty accessing credit. Doing so enables us to take additional steps to ease the burdens of not just coming back to civilian life but risk more to start a business. It is incull bent that Service Members that are held in high regards. I thank representative davids to make sure we hold agencies accountable. I support the bill and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3734 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended. The bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The yeas and nays are requested. Those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. A sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8, rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Mr. Schneider i move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 1615 as amended. The clerk h. R. 1615, a bill to transfer the responsibility of verifying Small Business concerns owned and controlled by veterans or servicedisabled veterans to the Small Business administration and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from illinois and the gentleman from ohio, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Schneider i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and stepped their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. I yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise in support of h. R. 1615, the verification alignment and Service Disabled act. I want to take this opportunity to thank chairman takano and Ranking Member roe. This bill is a culmination of years of collaboration to be sure we are doing right. I thank the gentleman for their cooperation and recognize the staff of the respective committees, both majority and minority. Mr. Speaker, i would ask unanimous consent to include in the record jurisdictional letter exchanges with the committee on veteran affairs for consideration of this important consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. So ordered. Mr. Schneider considering how veteranowned business increase Competition Congress created the program to maximize the participation in the federal marketplace. In 2018, the servicedisabled Procurement Program awarded 20. 6 billion to over 180,000 contracts. Such awards accounted for 4. 2 of all contracts exceeding the 3 statutory goal. While this accomplishment should be applauded, the structure and resources have not kept pace with the greth. The Department Requires all participants to go through a rigorous certification process. The s. B. A. Allows businesses to selfcertify if they meet the regulatory threshold. The problem is simple. It creates confusion for Business Owners and Contracting Officers alike. This bill harmonizes the two conflicting contracting programs by eliminating the program and transferring it to the s. B. A. And there is a certification process to prevent concerns of fraud and abuse. I thank all the members of our committees because this is a step in the right direction to eliminate confusion between the two agencies. This Bipartisan Legislation will make it easy to do business with our government. I urge members to support this bipartisan piece of legislation and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot i yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise in support of h. R. 1615. Before i speak on the bill, i want to thank the gentleman from mississippi, general kelly, and the gentleman from colorado, mr. Crow, both veterans, for their leadership on this important legislation and for their service to our country. We appreciate it. So many of our nations heroes come home to become entrepreneurs and many continue their service by entering the federal contracting space. Federal contracting can be a confusing minefield of red tape and bureaucracy and it is up to us to make the process as easy as possible. Unfortunately, the process is complicated and arrive with disparities. There currently exists necessary duplication of Small Business programs see v. A. And s. B. A. Veterans attempting to make sense of two programs feel overwhelmed and frustrated sometimes to the point they decline to join the federal marketplace. We need to encourage veteran entrepreneurship. Is well past time these two programs consolidate under the s. B. A. And all rules regarding this program are unified for the benefit of our veteran entrepreneurs. H. R. 1615 takes that critical step in the right direction. I thank both of these gentlemen for their leadership. I urge my colleagues to support the bill and reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider i yield as he may consume to my friend and colleague, the gentleman from colorado. I rise in support of the verification align smnt Service Disabled act. I would like to thank my friend and colleague from mr. Mississippi, mr. Kelly, or as a former army captain, i call him general kelly, for his leadership and friendship and hard work on this bill as well. Veterans are uniquely qualified and have a valuable perspective as they start and manage Small Businesses. In my home state, there are over 52,000 Small Businesses owned by veterans that continue to give back to the country, community and our economy every single day. These veteranowned businesses have proven to go above and beyond including those injured in the line of duty. Servicedisabled veterans have to go through a complicated, confusing application process through both the department of Veterans Affairs and the Small Business administration. The v. A. S. B. A. Act cuts red tape to ensure the federal government can provide the support and resources that our veterans deserves and ensures that veteranowned Small Businesses is located at the Small Business administration, which is uniquely equipped to serve veterans who want to start Small Businesses. This will ease the burden by cutting unnecessary red tape. I thank chairwoman velazquez and Ranking Member and mr. Schneider and all my colleagues on the Small Business committee. This is an example of bipartisan cooperation where we have come together to do the right thing by our veterans, a true winwin for our country and the communities and i urge my colleagues to support this bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinoisry serves. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Chabot i yield to the gentleman from mississippi, general trent kelly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from mississippi is recognized. Mr. Kelly i thank chairwoman vessel as questions and Ranking Member chabot to bring this bill to the house floor. I want to thank my friend, mr. Crow and cosponsor from colorado for working on this very important legislation. I thank all of them for being champions of both our veterans and our Small Businesses all across america. As we have heard in the hearings heard, the v. A. Proactively verifies veteranowned Small Businesses. This process creates inconsistent outcomes such as a business qualifying as a servicedisabled business for v. A. Contracts but not for other federal agency contracts. While the awards are subject to scrutiny, the lack of verification leaves the door open for fraud and abuse. We made significant strides in the right direction. The National Defense authorization act instructed them to unify the definitions for veteranowned Small Businesses and moved regulatory responsibility from the v. A. To the s. B. A. This administration has made substantial improvements in streamlining certifications for Small Businesses, federal pro qurement program. This marks the next significant step towards unification under one umh bella at the s. B. A. And reduce red tape and confusion for Small Business owners. Thank you for supporting this bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from mississippi yields. The gentleman from illinois. Mr. Schneider i continue to reserve my time. Mr. Chabot i now would like yield such time to the gentlelady from puerto rico. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Miss gonzalezcolon today i rise in full support of h. R. 15, known as the v. A. S. B. A. Bill introduced by my dear friend trent kelly general kelly from mississippi. And why this bill is important for me in puerto rico, we have more than 100,000 veterans registered in the v. A. System. And our men and women in uniform are invaluable asset during their time of service and separating from the armed forces as well. One of the challenges is ctually securing employment. Many decide to open and operate their own business allowing the communities and generating for gains to our economy. According to the Small Business administration, close to 2. 5 million businesses are minorityowned by veterans with a total revenue of over 1 trillion. Yet erto rico, its not there are additional measures to consider and thats why this bill is presented today. Both the department of Veterans Affairs and Small Business administration are both in the process of certifying american disabled certified businesses. These businesses have the option to selfcertify with the s. B. A. For contracting with the federal government. But the Veterans Affairs administration has its own process for certifying these same businesses through a more rigorous for federal contracts within the v. A. And that is a hardship for many veterans. Having to pass for what is erbleerblely the same outcome can be confusing and creates opportunities for fraud, waste and abuse. This bill will help rectify this problem by streamlining the process and making it clear Certification Requirements for disabled Small Business owners and shifting it to the Small Business administration. It has the Technical Expertise to administer Small Business programs and properly work with their cases. By releasing the v. A. From this task we help eliminate inconsistencies and previous loopholes that impact federal contracting and allow the v. A. To focus on their main mission. We also have helped the v. A. s attention to its core mission of administering the Health Care Services for our veterans. Im a proud cosponsor of this bill. And i think we should all vote for it. With that, i yield my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio. Mr. Chabot we have no further members seeking time and if the gentleman from illinois is ready to close. Mr. Schneider i have no further speakers and ready to close. Mr. Chabot it is vitally important to reduce the red tape and bureaucracy our nations heroes endure to try to contract with the federal government. There currently exists unnecessary duplication of programs which operate under conflicting standards. This bill is a step in the right direction to eliminate some of that red tape. And i urge my colleagues to support the bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Schneider as the largest purchaser of goods and services, the federal Government Supports veteranowned business. Navigating this process is difficult. This First Step Towards contracting with the federal government is the most important but also the most complex. This is due to the fact that sba has its own program and v. A. Administrators established their own program as well. Although the two programs share the same goal, each has its own participation requirements. Creating more confusion they can selfcertify, ones by the v. A. May not be eligible to get a setaside contract and vice versa. Coordination can allow the federal government to reap the benefits of goods and services. I would like to thank the chairman and Ranking Member. I congratulate germ kelly to put the needs of our Small Business owners in mind. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. Amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Suspend the house rules and pass house bill the rosielution 1773, the riveter Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2019, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the of k will report the title the bill. The clerk h. R. 1773, a bill to gold a congressional medal, collectively, to the women in the United States who join the workforce during world ii, providing the aircraft, ammunition, aponry, and other material to win the war, that were referred to as rosie the riveter, in recognition of their the united s to states, and the inspiration they ave provided to ensuing generations. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the entlewoman from texas, ms. Loudermilk each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas. Mr. Arcia thank you, speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and to extraneous material thereon. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Garcia i yield myself such time as i may consume. The peaker pro tempore gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Garcia during world war ii, merican women entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers. More than six million women duty, d the call to filling jobs in factories, shipyards, airplane factories, institutions left vacant by those who left overseas. They faced harassment by their male colleagues, family members, of minority se women, longheld policies of discrimination. To theless per severed provide critical equipment, weaponry, and ammunition to the war effort. All while continuing to serve as primary caretakers for children household. S of the hard work and sacrifices of also women during the war paved the way for the development of childcare and other federal, state, and local level policies and pport working mothers families. Today, the iconic image of rosie riveter, the first popularized as part of a wartime Recruitment Campaign for female workers, continues to be a andol of female empowerment inspiration for women who wish o serve and strengthen their country. R. 1773 recognizes the brave patriotic women who stepped up to serve their country in its whose need and eadership and spirit of power continues to inspire ensuing generations. Of i thank ms. Speier for introducing this bill this congress, and i urge members to vote yes. You, mr. Speaker, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the texas reserves her time. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Oudermilk thank you, speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Loudermilk thank you. Son of a world war ii veteran and the brother of a as a veteranan and myself that served during the desert storm and other conflicts, understand that not solely attle is due to the soldier on the airman thats the flying over the battlefield or sailor. Ne or the its as much the responsibility of all americans and those who actually supply the weapons and machinery of war that is so desperately needed by those who battlefield. We saw this play out in a great world war ii. As our young men and women were the pond throughout the pacific pond, throughout the fighting against tyranny, many at home stepped up and fulfilled the positions that vacated to go fight on the battlefield. Were honoring such of those being rosie the riveters, where six million answered their make sure the to airmen had the aircraft to fly, infantry men had the bullets and the guns they needed to defend this country, that the equipment, the ships, and the weapons to fight marines as, and the that were invading the islands held by the japanese had the materials they needed. Could not have seen that ictory in world war ii if it werent for these brave patriots who, not only took on the roles nd the responsibilities that others left to make sure that we had the weapons and the materials and the logistics that needed, but also raising families at the same time. To in june, i was honored be one of the official delegates as ravel to normandy representing the United States and the house of representatives or the 75th anniversary of dday. I was especially honored because my dad was one of those who the shores of normandy during that battle, and in the audience waiting on the president to give there were three lovely ladies sitting in the row in front of me and we began to in conversation, and i found out that they were rosie the riveters. To have a rse, i had selfie with rosie the riveter. The stars, regardless of the number of embers of congress that were sitting in the audience, those three ladies became the focus of were there, and rightfully so. Nd because of their deeds and their patriotism, i fully support this legislation. Speaker, i encourage all of my colleagues to do that, and i time. E the balance of my the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Mr. Speaker, i require through the chair if my remaining as any speakers on his side. Mr. Loudermilk we have one speaker. Ms. Garcia i reserve the balance of my time, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. Is gentleman from georgia recognized. Mr. Loudermilk thank you, mr. Speaker. I reserve what time he may the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Fitzpatrick. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. Fitzpatrick mr. Speaker, the rosie the riveter Congressional Gold Medal Act the 20th century icon that unified women and inspired and to join the workforce help with the war effort. Throughout our nations history, countless americans have serve d the call to during times of conflict and turmoil. During world war ii, women cross the country left their homes for factory jobs in support of the war effort. Riveters, buckers, welders, and electricians. Hese rosie the riveters embodied that we can do it spirit forever connected with the famous poster. Recognize these home front heroes. Especially my constituent, mae. Shes 93 and in the chamber with us today. Hes levels in my hometown in pennsylvania. During the war, determined women like mae manufactured trains, jeeps, Everything Else that was needed to defeat the enemy. We has said we worked, danced, and we slept on sundays. Most of all, we were dutybound. Mae has been dedicated to get the reallife rosies recognized for over 30 years. While this bill serves to get a single medal to the important symbol that is rosie the riveter, it truly is bestowing the honor and recognition on the millions of women like mae. Im proud to recognize these heroes as an original cosponsor alongside of reps now 289 ep huffman and of my colleagues. I commend senator casey for introducing this bipartisan bill in the senate. This legislation is supported by the Pennsylvania Veterans of wars, awars foreign the philadelphia Veterans Memorial fund as well as organizations that support our veterans. I urge my colleagues in the house and senate to vote yes on important legislation so we can see these strong american women honored by congressional gold medal. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas. Mr. Garcia mr. Speaker, i yield minute to the gentleman from california, mr. Desaulnier. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Desaulnier thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank my colleagues for their on this and for my and my colleague from texas for yielding. In support of this bill and thank my colleagues, again, for their bipartisan leadership on this bill. World war ii, thousands of women joined the war effort shipyards in richmond, california, now home to the rosie the riveter world Front National historical park as part of the ational park system where they produced over 700 ships, the most productive shipyards in history. Dedicated women broke barriers by taking jobs as iveters, welders, and electricians. Forever changing the role of women in the workforce, they the we can do it motto. Among them is betty reid, a friend, and a pillar of my local community who is now the National Park service oldest serving ranger and works at the rosie the riveter world ar ii home Front National historical park at the age of 98. He has been instrumental in educating thousands of visitors about the rosies and sharing her xperience as a young black Woman Working on the home front. I am so proud to have this in myant piece of history district, and i urge my colleagues to support this rosies Invaluable Service to this country. Thank you and i yield back the time. E of my the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Time. Arcia i reserve my the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Loudermilk thank you, mr. Speaker. S we have no more speakers on this bill, i just urge my colleagues on both sides of the support emphatically this legislation, to give recognition to those who stepped and served our nation in such an important way during one of in our nation es to ensure that not only we but we home the victory liberated millions of those in oppression and tyranny across the globe. With that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia yields. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Garcia mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Garcia im pleased to bring forward a bill celebrating women who in walks of life, difficult dark days chose to rise to the occasion and serve their country. They did not let themselves be confined to notions to what can or cannot do, can or canno they let others dictate what a womans place is in society. And let me remind my colleagues also hese rosies were rositas that came from all parts of our country, including our hispanic community. I would just like to read from of those ew with one ositas from texas who laid out how so many latinas contributed. Quote, in the valley, there were sheds where they packed tomatoes and lettuce. There were not enough men to they started hiring women so that when it started to little more in womens lives. They were calling for the government for women to go and in the factories. Then, they started calling women into the army. Like, oh, my was goodness, dios mio. Women go over there by themselves. Everybody was shocked, because we were not used to seeing women leave the house. You didnt leave the house until senoritas,rried with everything was so straight, and change, and i think it was wonderful because it opened a new role for women. Be howed that women can independent. This was a real break for women, end quote. The example of this and continue to place a of for the working women today and future leaders of tomorrow. I urge my colleagues to join me important ng this piece of legislation, and now i yield the balance of my time to sponsor of this legislation, ms. Speier. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Speier thank you, mr. Speaker. The gentlelady forgiving me this opportunity to speak on this really very bill. Ant rosie t rosie the riveters who are left deserve a ntry congressional gold medal, and one of the most challenging of our american history, omen stepped up to serve this country. Six million women entered the workforce for the first Time Offering to war ii, build weapons and vehicles and ammunition that helped us win the war. This changed the course of World History and blazed a trail for todays working women. They could work and succeed in jobs and industries that had long been maledominated, africanamerican women contributed to the war effort. Nd because of the rosies, u. S. Businesses worked on child care programs. The famous image of sleeves rolled up and muscles flexed and bandana in place has inspired generations of women and girls to embody the strength, patriotism and we can do it that raidiates on the poster. The image cant do justice to defied life rosies who expectations and made victory possible. Its been one of the great honors of my career to work closely with several of these women during my time. Hyllis guled wanted to go to Welding School to get a job working at a shipyard in california. She was one of the first women accepted into the boiler makers union. At 97 years old, she still works tireless never to make sure we forget the sacrifice and hard work that american women. Phyllis sister went on to work at 17 years of age as a drafts maverpb in the shipyard in california. The world war ii home Front National historic park preserves the legacy for future generation. May crier went to work at boeing helping to build b17 and b29 bombers. Today she is the foremost advocates fighting for recognition of the tremendous wartime contributions of american women. Betty reed, park ranger at the rosie the riveter at the National Historic park worked as a file clerk. Today she is the oldest National Park ranger in the country dedicated to bring the legacy to life for visitors. Sheros and all the women who served on the home front deserve recognition from the country which they sacrificed so much. I urge my colleagues to stand with us and honor them with a congressional gold medal and i yield the rest of my time to ms. Garcia. Ms. Garcia i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 1773 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid n the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Garcia i send to the desk a concurrent resolution and ask unanimous consent for its immediate consideration in the house. The clerk house concurrent resolution 72, concurrent resolution directing the clerk of the house to make a correction in the enrollment of h. R. 2423. The speaker pro tempore is there objection to consideration of the concurrent resolution . Without objection, the concurrent resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider s laid on the table. The chair lays before the house a communication. The clerk the honorable, the speaker, house of representatives, madam, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2h of rule 2 of the u. S. House of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on november 13, 2019 at 11 20 a. M. , that the Senate Passed with an amendment, h. R. 1865. Th best wishes, i am, signed sincerely, cheryl l. Johnson. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12 ive a of rule 1, thats exactly thats exactly why im here. Since you learned it from others, you could be wrong, correct . I am telling you i heard them tell me. And they could be wrong or they could be mistaken or they could have heard it incorrectly, right, ambassador taylor . People make mistakes. Right, so you could be wrong. I yield the rest of my time to

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