Thank you, mr. Speaker. Number one. Number one, mr. Speaker. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Immediately after questions today i will be opening the debate on the inquiry report but try to i know the whole house will want to join in recording that after ten tumultuous years this is your last Prime Ministers questions. And as a distinguished former wimbledon competitors just that up there in your highchair and not just as an umpire, ruthlessly adjudicating on the finer points of parliamentary procedure with your trademark tony montana scout, mr. Speaker. [laughing] nudges as a commentator offering your own opinions on the rallies, but above all as a player in your own right. Pitting every part of the chamber with your opinions, like some tennis ball machine. [laughing] delivering a series of literally unplayable, and returnable volleys and smashes. [laughing] and although we may disagree about some of the legislative innovation jeff favored, theres no doubt in my mind that you have been a great servant to this parliament and of this house of commons. Hear, hear. You have modernize your access, cared for the needs of those with disabilities, and you have cared deeply for the rights of packages that you have done more than anyone since Stephen Hawking to stretch time in this particular session. [laughing] and as what must be the longest retirement since Frank Sinatra [laughing] mr. The whole house what ton me in thanking you and hoping that you enjoy in your retirement the soothing medicaments that you [laughing] and i know members from across the aisle want to join in wishing you the very best for final in the world cup. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. And dr. Alan whitehead. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I would like to fully assess myself with the comments of the Prime Minister about your service as speaker, and to wish you a long and successful life after your speakership has come to an end. Later we will be producing a strong offer on Climate Emergency and net zero and forthcoming election including a full ban on extension of extraction fossil fueled by fracking. What chances did the Prime Minister think he has a matching this offer particularly in light of the news the conservative manifesto will be written by a lobbyist for the fracking industry . Mr. Speaker, will shortly be making an announcement about fracking in this country into a very considerable anxieties. In addition to being raised by the earthquakes that followed vers fracking attempts in the uk and we will certainly be following up on those findings. Because theyre very important. I know we are concerned to bibbs roundhouse but i must say this government, nobody in our enthusiasm reducing co2. We are one of the first European Countries to commit to net zero by 2050 and that is what were going to do. We can do it because we believe in a strong dynamic economy that is delivering the solutions in Clean Technology that are absorbed by the Party Opposite. On behalf of these benches conifers of all wish my right honorable friend the best of good fortune on the 12th of december . Hear, hear. Last week there was some insert. There are 426 people who have very much rely upon the health grant to give them dignity, care, and support. That grant comes to an end in a few years time, mr. Speaker. As chairman and on behalf of those 426 recipients, but i urge my right honorable friend to end their uncertainty as soon as possible by signaling a renewal of that grant to give them the peace of mind which i have, hope the whole house would agree they most certainly deserve. I i congratulate my honorable friend on everything he does for his constituents and, indeed, for the victims. I can reassure him that the Current Health grant which is indeed as he rightly said subject to review in 2023, will be reviewed and then getting the confirmation of that for my right honorable friend the Health Secretary and hope you will pass those assurances to the victims. Jeremy corbyn. Thank you, mr. Speaker. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker here i hope youll indulge me one moment what i say a word about you. Im sure you will. [laughing] i want to thank you, mr. Speaker, for the way that youd use your speakership in the decadelong tenure you had. You have done so much to reform this house of commons, not democracy is stronger for the way you done it. You have served for ten years, given real power to back benches, fast expanded the use of urgent question which is been overwhelmingly popular with all government ministers, and opened up number the number of emergey debate which is even more popular with even more government ministers. And in the traditions of the great speaker, you stood up for parliament when has to be stood up for and i thank you for that. Because youve also carry that message into national as well and the role of parliamentary democracy and parliaments Holding Governments to account. And as we hope to form a government in the future we hope to be held to account by parliament as well. But i also think and im sure the whole house would agree with me on this, you can exit working opening of parliament to visitors, exhibitions, and children. And you reduce some of these strange customs and strange garments that people wear in this building. Its all right, its all right. I know you are all jealous of my time but its okay. And the way in which a future office, mr. Speaker, to increase diversity amongst the staff in the house and make this a much more lgbtq friendly place. Youve taken away from the Gentleman Club which happened to be in a royal palace to a genuinely democratic institution. I want you to accept our thanks and pass on our best wishes to sally, freddie, oliver and your wonderful family for the support theyve given you and with a great salvation today and im sure the whole house will join us in this is when you and i, mr. Speaker, celebrate as beating liverpool tonight. [shouting] the labour party loves lets a e and loves a bit of banter. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Ministers mr. Speaker, the Prime Ministers plan deal with donald trump means [booing] [shouting] means yet more National Health Service Money being siphoned off into private profits. Channel four dispatches reported reported that the cost of drugs and medicines has repeatedly been discussed between u. S. And uk trade representatives. Why did the Prime Minister previously say the Health Service wasnt on the table in any post brexit trade deal . Mr. Speaker, the argument that is simple, it is not on the table. And by the way i pay tribute to the officials of the nhs just done a brilliant job in reducing the cost of all candidate so made in america by the way so Cystic Fibrosis stops get the treatment they need at a cost that is reasonable to the taxpayers of this country and if he wants to know how the people of this country are able to afford these stupendous investments that we are now making in in the nhs as 34 biln times the biggest ever investment in the nhs, 14 hospitals that were building as a result, as result of the decisions that we are taking [shouting] it is because this is the party that supports wealth creation. And the reason we are able to invest in nhs is that for the last nine years this economy has been growing. It has grown by 19 since the controllers Computers First command office, and he would ruin this economy and ruin our ability to fund the nhs. That is the reality. [shouting] mr. Speaker, mr. Speaker, we all welcome the fact that provided in this country under the nhs and we thank those that campaign for it. They shame is that we are not told what the deal is with the company concerned. And as for these fabled 40 hospitals, that figure dropped to 20 and then finally dropped to six. Mr. Speaker, we learned this week that government officials have met u. S. Pharmaceutical companies five times as part of the Prime Ministers plan trade data. The u. S. Called for four full Market Access to our nhs which would mean prices to some of our most important medicines increasing by up to sevenfold. Mr. Speaker, whilst the government is having secret meetings with u. S. Corporations, its patients are they continue to suffer. Can the Prime Minister explain why the number of people waiting longer for urgent Cancer Treatment has tripled over the last nine years . Mr. Speaker, as he knows, as he knows very well, this government is investing 34 billion pounds into the nhs. We are seeing improvements in cancer survival rates across the country. We are seeing improvement cancer survival rates. Thats for the investment this government is making. Its satirical that he should get credit for cancer or other drugs delivered at a reasonable price, that is the work of the uk government. That is the work of the nhs to ensure people in this country get affordable treatment. He may not be aware of it, mr. Speaker, but the company that makes comes from america. Is he seriously forgetting, is a socially suggesting the nhs should not engage in negotiation to ensure that british patients get the drugs they deserve . If he is so phobic of American Company that he would forbid them for having those discussions . Mr. Speaker, not for the first time the Prime Minister is talking nonsense. [shouting] of course we need to import medicine from various places. I just want it to be done i just wanted to be done in an open and transparent way. I dont want secret talks between government officials on behalf of ministers with big pharma corporations in the usa. And last year, mr. Speaker, 34,000 Cancer Patients waited more than two months for treatment. And whilst Early Detection is obviously very important, the longer people wait, the less chance there is a survival from cancer. Prime minister knows that. I know that. The whole world knows that. Why cant you did and put the necessary resources into the nhs to cut the waiting time . [shouting] if he would just be patient for 30 seconds. He says, mr. Speaker, he claims, mr. Speaker, the nhs is safe in his hands. Why then has nhs privatize asian doubled under this government with nearly 10 billion pounds being spent on private companies within our nhs . Mr. Speaker, the nhs is receiving unrivaled and unprecedented sums of taxpayers money. But if you seriously saying he would not like a dentist, opticians, nurses to work with the nhs that if they keep franken must be out of his mind. [shouting] let me tell him a cancer survivor rate had increased year on year since 2010. Cancer survival rates and more and more people are seeing within the right waiting time thanks to the investments we have and i think he should pay tribute to the hard work of nhs staff and he should recognize and stop talking down their incredible achievement. And he should recognize we intend if we are come if we come back as the next government we will invest massively in that nhs and take it forward with the funds we will make available from a strong and growing economy. The reality is he would wreck that economy. Mr. Speaker, what we dont want is private Companies Like Virgin Health care suing out nhs for contracts they didnt get. Our nhs should be focused on making people better, not the wealthy few richer. The National Health service ae department, mr. Speaker, had just had their worst september on record. This morning the Royal College of emergency medicine says this winter the nhs needs over 4000 extra beds. Could could the Prime Minister explain why under his government the number of people in england waiting for operation has now reached a record high of 4. 4 million . Mr. Speaker, theres a reason why more people are receiving nhs and thats the nhs is working hard and achieve more than ever before. If he wants to look at what, if the house wants to look will labour would be like in office can look by the way, i should say the snp government negotiate a much higher price, it occurs to me. They wait, they did come pick up the price totally wrong. He should have word with them. [laughing] but if you come if the people of this country want a horrific foretaste of what life would be like under a labour run nhs, look at the nhs in wales were all Health Targets are routinely missed. The 80 waiting targets have not been met and 2000 and impatient of patient have met since augus. Urgent Cancer Treatment, he talks of a Cancer Treatment, mr. Speaker, hasnt been better since june 2008. That is how labour runs the nhs, mr. Speaker. Jeremy corbyn. A surprising that while his government has cut so much from the Welsh Government budget. [shouting] and from a government that has cut 15,000 beds out of the nhs, that has cut 7. 0 social care, i dont know how he is got the brass to say what he is just that. The reality is, mr. Speaker, his words are hollow. Anyone whos tried to get an appointment who sees a overworked our nhs staff are when you visit a hospital, and the stress nhs staff goes through when they cant deal with all the patients that are coming in, he needs to think about this. Ill give an example. A lady wrote to me this week. Yes, its a real case of a real person. And i will quote her if i may, mr. Speaker. Jillian says my mother died in february as a direct result of the gp shortage in the uk. Last years were marred by long waits of treatments and for interventions. Whenever she got care, it was given by overstretched that very dedicated people. But it always came after painful and debilitating delays. Why should that happen to her mom or anybody elses mom . The problem is the shortage of gps, the shortage of nurses and excessive waiting time for people with very difficult conditions and deep pain, they should be sympathize with and supported. Well, mr. Speaker, are certainly say we will deal with his constituent jillions concerns, but i can tell, i can tell him, i can tell them that there are 17,300 more doctors, and over 17,000 more nurses on our wards since 2010. And i think frankly mr. Speaker it is time to differentiate between the politics of protest and the politics of leadership. He should apologize, mr. Speaker, because the attitude that unit thinker in the interest of its all very easy to say he sides russia over what happened in salisbury or to see of 196 billion pounds program of renationalization, or continually to flipflop when we are the other now leave, now we make him refusing to respect the verdict of the people in the referendum on the eu. Leadership means standing up for the people of this country, standing up for our police, standing up for our nhs can making sure it gets the funding it needs and stand up for our economy and for our wealth creators. Above all it means getting brexit done and ending the delay. The time for protest is over, mr. Speaker. Its time for leadership and that is what this government provides. [shouting] mr. Speaker, it seems a bit odd. My question, my question, mr. Speaker, my question, mr. Speaker, was about somebody whose mother died and she believes thats because of the shortage of staff within the nhs. I wouldve hoped the Prime Minister wouldve tried to show some empathy and after that question. Because gp numbers are falling. There is 43,000 nurses shortage in the nhs and it has suffered the longest spending squeeze ever in its history. Mr. Speaker, the choice that this election couldnt be clearer. [shouting] people have a chance to vote for real change after years of conservative and lib dem cut. Privatization and tax handouts for the riches. This government that supports or this election is a a once ia generation chance so and privatization in our nhs to give at the funding it needs and give the doctors, the nurses, the gps, and all the other staff that it needs. Despite the Prime Ministers denials, our nhs is up for grabs by u. S. Corporations in a trump style trade deal. Isnt the truth, mr. Speaker, order. Right honorable gentleman will not be shutting down on the 80 circumstances. He will complete his inquiry to the satisfaction of the chair, people who think otherwise will quickly learn that they are, as usual, wrong. Jeremy corbyn. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Despite his denials, the nhs is up for grabs by u. S. Corporations in a trump trade deal. Isnt the truth and the government may not like it, isnt the truth that this government is preparing to sell out our nhs . Our Health Service is in more danger than at any other time in its glorious history because of his government, his attitude, and the trade deal he wants to strike. [cheers and applause] country do a indeed agree theres a a stark choice facing this country at the next election and its between economic catastrophe under the labour party, under the labour party, 196 billion pounds program taking away money from companies of putting in their own renationalization programs, putting taxes on corporations, people, pensions, businesses and the highest level in all of your, mr. Speaker, that is a catastrophe, economic catastrophe but it is worse than that because the it also offers a political disaster. Consigning neck she would should be a wonderful year for our country to two more referendums, mr. Speaker, mr. Speaker. Another referendum on the eu because he cant make up his mind what he thinks, flipflopping his way and that and another referendum on scottish independence. Why on earth, what on earth should the people of this country spend the next year which will be a glorious year going through the toxic referendum thanks to labour . We want next you did a great you for our country, mr. Speaker. We wanted to be a great you because were going to invest more in frontline nhs services. Were going to reduce Violent Crime with more police officers, 20,000 if thats what i pledge on the steps of downing street and we didnt get were going to invest in every one of our schools, primary and secondary across the country. Thats what i pledge on the steps of downing street and were delivering it. Were going to invest in a fantastic Infrastructure Program for our country. Thats what i pledge across the steps of downing street. That is what were going to deliver. And we are going to deliver a fantastic deal by which this country will come out of the European Union, a deal that he has tried to block and that we will deliver. That is the future for this country. That is the choice this country faces. [shouting] mr. Speaker, for more than 30 years the Royal National hospital was promised a rebuilder and the conservative government we have the first days of hear, hear. To match the worldclass treatment provided by the medical team there. However, we have two problems. 11 is that the next phase is caught up in nhs bureaucracy, and sadly, two imminent nonexecutive directors have been dismissed from the board. Can my right honorable friend sweep away this nhs bureaucracy so it can provide the medical facilities that are required . And also order an investigation as to why the nonexecutive directors have been removed by the board by nhs london . Mr. Speaker, i congratulate my honorable friend whenever the campaign for his constituents in a particular for his hospital. I can assure him that we will be making sure that that hospital along with many others will be in line for the funding he requires. But may i tell him that on a specific point about the administration about hospital and will indeed be asking my right honorable friend the Health Secretary to deal with his concerns. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Can i on behalf of those of us on these benches wish you all the best for your pending retirement and salute you, sir, for the way that youve stood up for the democracy of this house and in this time of crisis . We trust that you enjoy your many passions in retirement. You will always be welcomed up in scotland and if you need you will always be welcome at [laughing] let me, mr. Speaker, let me, mr. Speaker, wish you all the best for the rugby season. Mr. Speaker, this Prime Ministers extreme brexits wrecking ball to the economy [shouting] and scotland and the United Kingdom up to 70 ilion pounds. Mr. Speaker, we can talk about the impact of brexit because they know the reality that will damage peoples lives. If the current Prime Minister is willing to throw scotland under his big red bus to deliver his brexit, no matter what the cost. Mr. Speaker, as the right honorable gentleman knows very well, the greatest damage that can be done to the scottish economy will be the reckless plan to break up the union with the uk. 60 of scotlands business, scotlands exports is with the rest of the uk. They would be throwing away not just the biggest block grant in history but, of course, all benefits of membership of the most successful Political Partnership in history from shipbuilding to building the glasco Climate Change summit next you, mr. Speaker, which will be a glory, glory up her whole United Kingdom which is come to scotland precisely because scotland is part of the United Kingdom. And they would throw all that away with that plan for borders and barracks and great and you scottish currency, mr. Speaker, or joining the euro, worse still, going into the European Union handing back control of scotland fisheries, scotlands spectacular marine wealth just in the moment that they have been one backed by this country come handy back control of those fisheries to brussels. Thats their policy, mr. Speaker. I look forward to contesting it. You know, mr. Speaker, i thought it was Prime Ministers questions, not a rant. [shouting] i have to say [shouting] order. Im seriously worried about your conditions. Calm yourself, man. Im very concerned for you. Calm down. Ian blackbird. I certainly wish all the best for his future because hes not coming back like so many of the scottish conservatives. [laughing] we hear that the Prime Minister is going to be coming up to scotland in the election campaign. Can i tell the Prime Minister hes welcome because each time you come to scotland they [inaudible] mr. Speaker, scotland we wont have it forced upon us. Isnt it clear that the Scottish National party is the only Party Standing up for scotlands interest . And respecting our democratic decisions to remain in the European Union . Mr. Speaker, this coming election will be one of the most important in scotlands history. Only a vote for the snp can secure the escape route for scotland the way from this brexit mass, from the chaos of westminster, the austerity of the tories and to protect scotlands rights to choose our own future as an independent country in europe . Well, mr. Speaker, im sorry if i seem to rant at the right honorable judgment that if i may so he doesnt rant quite a lot [laughing] about independence for scotland. He wants to consider what the snp government is actually doing, mr. Speaker, and they are wrecking and their diabolical for the scottish economy. They have the highest taxes in the uk. They are not running either health or education grid that is why smashing the union and actually when you look at the good things that are happening in scotland, it is very often thanks to scottish conservatives. [shouting] who are delivering 200 Million Pounds come 200 Million Pounds, mr. Speaker, for scottish farmers all thanks to the intercession of the scottish conservators, the biggest ever block grants from london to scotland, mr. Speaker, and, of course, it is scottish conservatives who could be relied upon unlike any other party in scotland, unlike labour, unlike snp, to keep the union together. The most successful political Labour Partnership in history. Order. The truth is one persons rant is another persons string of passion and uninterrupted eloquence. Mr. Edmonds. Thank you, mr. Speaker. As your former deputy speaker, can i say that nobody has sat in that chair who has done more to defend or promote the rights of lgbtqia people in this country at threat the will and with so may people live in fear being formed the way they are, i salute you. Thank you. Hear, hear. Prime minister, the Guardian Newspaper last week reported that the largest number of happiness people live in the ripple valley. [laughing] and and i believe you have the capacity to make them happier. Will you ensure that of the 153 extra police that are coming to lancashire, ripple valley gets its fair share, that we get our fair share of funding for Health Services like the Health Center and we get equal funding for people in our schools . And finally will the inshore that for the 57 who voted brexit and for the almost 100 who believe in democracy that after the general election when he is Prime Minister he will deliver the brexit people voted for . Well, mr. , mr. Speaker, i cn certainly give him an assurance on the second point and the only way to deliver a great brexit is to vote for this party and for this governor. I would like to make it even happier still by pointing out that only the 153 153 is just e first wave, mr. Speaker, for ripple valley in part of the 20,000 more police that we will be putting on the streets of this country. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I wont have never known this place without you here, and its going to be different. Its a delight to see your children here watching today as i know what you have a responsibility to parliament that you take your responsibilities as a parent incredibly serious also. And now to the Prime Minister. [laughing] today, today is my sons 11th birthday. Happy birthday. Thanks by the Prime Minister hundreds of children are in supersize classes and only being educated for and half days a week. I i dont want to hear his fancy stuff about brexit or russia that hes been giving from his little folder. [laughing] i want to hear how youre going i know what the Prime Minister speed both representatives of the dispatch box spoke with force and folly. The honorable lady is not going to be cut off by people ranting at her. She will be heard. If the people who dont want to hear it, they are welcome to leak that i dont think she will cure and neither will honorable ladies question will be heard and at the end of it. I dont want to hear his campaign because my son will not be able to go to school on friday so his campaign does nothing for me as a parent. I dont [shouting] im so glad you think its really funny that people can go to school five days a week. The Prime Minister is responsible for the children in this country and while he might struggle with that delay, i would like to know, will he today commit that there will be a minimum number of children in every class post the election and every single child will be able to go to school for five days a week . Well, mr. Speaker, can i first of all wish a happy birthday to danny . And i can reassure her that i believe under this government, under this conservative, he wl have the best possible job not only of having the funding for his school that he needs because when investing in every primary and or secondary school in the country, and mr. Speaker, also 14point pounds to level of funding both in primary and in secondary school. And mr. Speaker, i believe that danny will have a better chance of a great job and look at what weve achieved already, record, record implement as of this government and a better chance of being able to find eventually his own home. So danny has a great future under this government, mr. Speaker, and hope she will reassure him on that point. Thank you very much, mr. Spe. In the scotland, nicholas and snp are alleging wonderful nhs staff [inaudible] Capital Investments have been slashed and 1 billion pounds backlog. Does the Prime Minister agree that rather obsessive independence referendum, should and the neglect of scotlands nhs . Mr. Speaker, i congratulate my honorable friend on everything that he does for his constituency. Hes absolutely right, and that is why as a said earlier that is why they rant so incessantly about independence because they wish to distract them they wish to get cat as the saying goes from the failures of the snp government in scotland and hes entirely right, if this goes a think the snp will forfeit all right to manage the in a set the nhs in scotland. Thank you very much, mr. Spe. Politics can be entertaining. Unfortunately fireworks and explosives can cause great distress to people and livestock. Snp got discovered honor and receives over 16,000 responses. 94 of respondents said that was welcome [inaudible] on the sale of fireworks. Consumer protection and explosives and Animal Welfare law. Has the Prime Minister ever considered banning the sale of fireworks . Mr. Speaker, i think its about to strike a balance and people should be allowed to celebrate occasions but hes right they are very disturbing for animals. I know my right honorable friend the business sectors looking at this very meta. On annual Animal Welfare that e measured with a potential outbreaks such as banning sound barrier crates, banning the less export of animals that we would not otherwise be able to do. That is one of the reasons why we need to get brexit done and take this country forward. Mr. Speaker, thousands of british people have family and friends on one or both sides of the line of control in kashmir with some a serious allegations of human rights abuses been made, does the government accept this is not merely some Foreign Policy issue to be dealt with by others but is the ship most immediate and profound concern in towns across the uk . I thank my honorable friend turkeys actually write that this matter is very much not just to him and to his constituents but the welfare of communities in kashmir, profound concern to the uk government. And he also knows of course it is the longstanding position of the uk government to see a crisis in kashmir is fundamentally a matter for india and pakistan to resolve, and it is not our last since with that at the very beginning of this crisis you understand the longstanding reasons it is not for us as the uk to prescribe a solution in that dispute. In my constituency spending has met we have onethird fewer police that we had in 2010. We have almost lost half of our childress and at the state of disrepair for the hospital is so astute the last week the Outpatient Department almost closed because of leaking sewage. Sewage. How then can the Prime Minister justify squandering 2 billion pounds of public money on no deal exit preparation following his people pledge to exit the eu tomorrow, do or die . Mr. Speaker, i might ask her how she can justify spending another billion pounds per month by this country on the length exit from the European Union, which is what she voted for. I might remind her that under this government we are spending 225 Million Pounds more per year on policing in london than was the case with i was mayor of london, mr. Speaker, and she might ask a friend the mayor of london what he is doing with that money and why he cant do better. Because frankly his record of policing in london is utterly shameful and she should be holding him to account. Thank you very much, mr. Spe. I welcome the significant additional investment in stockport schools, thanks to the Prime Ministers work. When my right honorable friend that Prime Minister congratulate the Excellent Schools in my constituent a pledge for the resources so they can continue to deliver an extra education for our young people . Mr. Speaker, i i would be vy happy to congratulate the schools which i believe is the alma mater of my honorable friend, and to confirm what i think he knows, with the whole house knows, that those schools and every other school in the country is getting working billion pounds more to level up funding for every pupil in this country. That is possible because of the policies pursued our conservative, are one nation conservative government. And it will be run by the labour opposition. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Health and meet in my north constituency live an average of 16 years less than in his. So would the Prime Minister agree its time my area with the new hospital promised ten years ago that was asked by the Tory Coalition . Mr. Speaker, i will certainly look at what we can do to ensure that he does get a new hospital in his constituency but i can tell them because we have a huge program now underway, but i can tell them the only way to deliver that investment 34,000,000,000 pound investment in the nhs, the biggest in modern history, is to ensure that java dynamic one nation market economy of the kind that we have. Im afraid all that his party would do is lack of taxes on this is, on companies in such a way and to destroy the viability of the uk economy, and thats the program he supports. Mr. Speaker, matt take vacation of your last Prime Ministers questions joint in the tributes to the own role in the chair . During your decade there have been unprecedented potential to try to at times increase the power of the executive at the expense of this parliament, and you have been very formidable in maintaining the duty of the government to be accountable to this house. I trust your successor will try to live up to a very considerable achievement. And to show that it better if he can still look to the future, even one whos retiring from the house, can ask my right honorable friend to give me some clarity on what he will seek to achieve by chance he wins this unpredictable general election, by way of the permanent relationship that he will have to negotiate between the eu and the United Kingdom as an exmember . In the years of negotiation that you have to undertake, with the seek to ensure that we maintain trade and investment between the whole of the United Kingdom and the European Union that are free of tariffs, free of custom controls, largely free of regulatory distinctions . Indeed, as near as possible to the Single Market and the customs union. Just talking about a Free Trade Agreement is an extremely vague aspiration, covers a wide range of possibilities. So can you demonstrate he really is a liberal free trader at heart . Indeed, mr. Speaker. As he knows the advantage of the partnership that we will build is that not only will we have zero tariff i should devote, zero tariff, here quarter original with our european friends and partners but we will also under the current deal which is a fantastic it we will be able to do free trade deals around the world, mr. Speaker. And it will be many ways in which of course we will stay very close with our european friends and partners, many, many ways which we will stay close but it will also be important ways in which we may seek to do things differently and better. Ive already mentioned Animal Welfare. I mention tax breaks for new technology. I made mention cutting i mention free ports, mr. Speaker, all sorts of ways. I might mention different regulation on biotechnology, im millions areas in which this country now leads the world. That is the opportunity for our country to do a great freetrade deal with our european friends of partners, which im sure my right honorable friend with thoroughly approve but also to be a champion for free trade around the world. That is what we are going to do. As the father of the house leave this place after 49 years without interruption, i for one want to salute him. The right honorable and learned gentleman is one of the most popular and respected politicians in our country. [applause] for her service to this place, for his service to his constituents, and Foreign Service to our country, he deserves the warmest appreciation. For my part i thank him for his support and friendship over decades. The right honorable and learned gentleman, as i think is most sensible people know whether they agree with him or not, is a great man. Hear, hear. Mr. Jonathan reynolds. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I dont do it on the set of us would would like to associate themselves with those comments. Mr. Speaker, one of the most district to meet people with special Educational Needs not getting the support they need, something i know you personally support a great deal. This Year Councils in england alone spend over 400 billion pounds and even then there is simply not enough resource in the system. So Prime Minister, how could any government like yours justified going ahead with Cutting Corporation tax 18 when children with the greatest need in this country are simply not getting what they should . Well, im afraid that fundamental division between us, because i think what you need as a strong economic economy and the evidence is that if you reduce Corporation Tax you deliver more ingrowth and that is how, that is how we been able to commit now to spending another 780 Million Pounds of special Educational Needs, schools, and allowing communities to set up new schools where they deserve them. We will back them with the funding that is made available by that Strong Economy. That is the fundamental difference between him and me. Is my right honorable friend aware during her time in office, mr. Speaker, and the 326 Prime Ministers questions of which you have presided, thanks to decisions made ivycovered and by this house, the british taxpayer has paid for lifesaving vaccinations more than 140 million children living in the poorest countries of the world. Mr. Speaker, at the time of considerable division in our country, is that not an achievement for which the whole of britain can take real pride . Mr. Speaker, it certainly is an achievement which i think the whole house should be proud, and i know as the right honorable gentleman or my right honorable friend has done a huge amount to champion the cause of overseas development and he can be absolutely certain that this government will continue not just to provide support for vaccination around the world, but, of course, to ensure that we continue to lead the world enter overseas development budgets. Because our commitment i i mayy is followed and respected by countries around the world. Yesterday it was reported that former staff member of the secretary state of wales had in the world of the trial judge single helicopter liberally rape trial by referring to the victims sexual history. The trial had to be stopped and start again from scratch and the defendant was convicted. Unbelievably, Party Opposite been selected mr. England as the welsh candidate with the secretary of state endorsement. Is the Prime Minister owing to backstab england . It would be inappropriate for me to, to comment on that. Order. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker its also my last try mrs. Question and like to follow the comments that been made about your very strong leadership from the chair and your strong, to my friend. I would also like if i may take this opportunity to thank the staff of this place, particular those indicated department who do so much to keep us that and hearty. I would like to thank my for a number of friends and codes across this place including right honorable friend who have been so personally kind to me over the last few months and so supportive of our policies, particularly net through legislation that i would like to thank the people who have given me their trust for the last nine years and it has been the privilege of my life to serve here. Hear, hear. I would like to ask the Prime Minister a question. Does he believe like me that there is no planet b . And we should take the opportunity of this brexit blockage breaking election to move on, move the country on and focus on the incredible things that we can do as the u. N. Global Climate Change tax which may be in glasgow so that we can help world ticket on a deal with the problems the next 30 years how we repair our climate . Mr. Speaker, met at a tribute to my right honorable friend for everything she is that interparliamentary and, indeed, her ministerial career, and i do agree with her, by the way, mr. Speaker, which a comment on my right honorable friend as well. What i know that she is actually leaving this place to do something perhaps even more important, which is to run our cop 26 summit next year in glasgow and emotional do an absolutely outstanding job and i think shes completely right that it will be far more wonderful for this country to focus on what we can do to lead the world in tackle the problems of the environment and tackling Climate Change and fruiting awake yet more political time and capital in two more pointless referendums. I thoroughly agree with her proposal. Mr. Speaker, can i say to you from the highlands hear, hear. Prime minister my constituent rachel has been separated from her two Young Children and husband and forced return to malaysia because her 2000pound special visa application was refused, it was refused because her husband was not included. The problem is that its not a requirement of the uk checklist and she called and emailed and was told no further information was required. Does he consider this to be fair . With the personally look into a new 2000pound application to ensure this family is reunited by christmas . Well, mr. Speaker, i thank him for raising his constituents problem with a uk and i will make sure my right honorable friend, the home secretary, addresses it immediately. We all remember that the opposition parties never wanted to give the people and eu referendum, Even Opposing our amendment to the 2013 queens speech selected by you, mr. Speaker, and early brexiteer [laughing] to regretting the absence of a referendum bill. Given that theyve done everything they can to delay our departure, may i urge the Prime Minister as we head into christmas, whatever their antics that he leads a positive, descent, one nation campaign, a Strong Economy to help those less fortunate which addresses the divisions in our country, and we wish him well. Mr. Speaker, i think my right honorable friend for putting it so succinctly and so will. That is exactly what we want. I think its what the people of this country want. They want to get brexit done and want to move forward with a one nation agenda to unite this country, level across the country with better education, better infrastructure and fantastic new technology. That is our agenda. Their agenda is years more of political dither, delay, and division. Mr. Speaker, with scotlands changing status since lafortune, why will the Prime Minister not agree to section 30 . Why has reviews section 30 as a route to enable independent referent for scotland . Mr. Speaker, i think the honorable john spinoza or entity that which is the was a referendum in 2014, the result was very clear. People were promised they would be once in in a generation referendum added dont think we should break that promise. Thank you very much, mr. Spe. Its a pleasure to see you. Im sorry the leader of the opposition is not worn his own. Mr. Speaker, before i go on and asked the Prime Minister a question, and i thank you not just for give me a voice in this place, but for giving representation to my family and those i grew up in buckingham, that you served so well as the local mp. The aspen to pass on you will be missed dearly by them. They asked me to pass on you will be missed dearly by them. We should look to the left where we might see a misfiring striker more than a home of 1970s. Prime minister. I say my honorable friend, youve done a good job of my own footballing skills. I could do it, mr. Speaker. I could do it, i enjoy it, but the most important thing is to have a team that is united and that will deliver a great future for this country and thats what we offer, mr. Speaker and im afraid its a sharp contradiction from the labor party. Last night thing a hundred of them couldnt be bothered to vote for a general election shortly about. What kind of confidence is that in their leader, mr. Speaker. And visiting i dont think well see your likes again, but we will miss you in this house. And now, coming to the close of nine years of tory misrules, misinformation and broken promises, leading us in this merry dance is the Prime Minister a lord of missed rules in the symbolic christmas election. And mr. Speaker, in wales, we have a simple choice, we can vote or let down once again by one of these deeply divided parties who offer nothing, but more brexit chaos. Mr. The Prime Minister be honest for once with wales . Is there only one way out of this chaos, isnt there . And that is to remain in the European Union. Prime minister. Well, i thank the right honorable lady for her beautiful welsh i couldnt get all of it, but the most important thing the most important that she might bear in mind is that her constituents, the people of wales voted to leave the European Union and that is what that is what the welcome of this country voted for. Thats what the majority of the constituents voted for and its high time that they honored that promise. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, some of the worst Traffic Congestion in the country and they tell me that completing lincolns bypass would make a huge difference to their lives. Can there be support for building of this bypass . Mr. Speaker, not only could i confirm that, but i can thank both her and Lincoln Mccartney for everything theyve done to campaign for that bypass. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Can i on behalf of members of my party thank you for your service to this set of very, very turbulent and challenging times. Youve been protecting the rights of back benchers and we thank you for your service. Would the Prime Minister please do something for the victims of historical institutional abuse in Northern Island . North ireland questions theres still time in this parliament to get this legislation through. The victims have been waiting for so long now, it is crossparty, crosscommunity support. Would he please act on that . Minister. And the right honorable point that hes made and campaigned on that issue. The government pull filled the promise to introduce legislation on the matter. And the secretary of state for Northern Island has had productive meetings with representatives from victims victims and survivors grupt. The most powerful way of addressing this issue, as he knows, is if we can all Work Together to get the storm executive back and running to deal with the matter themselves. Thanks, mr. Speaker. It will never be, because there could never be a more articulate eloquent speaker. Well miss your style and remarkable encyclopedic grasp of detail and ill mix the references by the way. Mr. Speaker. The only real voice of discovery consists nothing having new highs and hard working british patriots left with fresh highs in their sights. The liberal elite trying to steal brexit from them. There, there. Will my right honorable friend, as he broadcast from elsewhere, and, too, in the coming days and week simply evangelize this plain and message. Theres only one way to take this country forward sn that is to get brexit done and i can tell hes a campaigner for his constituency and across the country and if our government is returned, as i hope it will be and work hard to ensure that it is, the people of this country will be seeing regard investment paychecks, improvement in wages through the big eexpansion in memory and reduction of the cost of living. Because its one nations conservative policies relied on to take that country forward and its that party that would take it backwards. Thank you, mr. Speaker. From the liberal democrats we wish you well and congratulate you on a decade particularly as a modernizing speaker it promoting diversity within the staff of the house, to reforms, to support. You have helped to drag this institution off of the past so it can face the future. At this general election, voters deserve better than a choice between two tired and a debate. People deserve to hear from those who want to stop brexit and build a better future. Will the Prime Minister commit today to take part in those threeway debates or is he going to run scared . Mr. Speaker, i think what the people in this country is their promises kept. Im not disposed to believe in the promises of the liberal democrats when theyre leaflets in london say they want to revoke the refer dup. The leaflets in the southwest of the country dont mention brexit at all. That said thats what they stand for. A bunch of hypocrites. They stand for nothing except a policy of dither and delay. And the policies on education of a kind of i think will appeal to all of her constituents. She should join for this party and vote for this government and support our general election. Thank you, mr. Speaker, if i may join with your service and your speakership. Even though our 30year friendship notwithstanding, i havent agreed with everything youve done recently, but ive been a big supporter of you in the chair and youve allowed the chamber to hold in a very good way and i can say the best of luck to you and your family. Could i when my right honorable friend was standing for the leadership of our great party. He spoke about ending the witch hunt. He said we need to end unfair trials of people serving queen and country. He says the first veterans over troubles in Northern Ireland have got to stop. Given there was nothing in the queens speech. Can he give a clear manifesto, if hes with the government he can bring forward legislation as quickly as possible to end this injustice . I thank my friend for everything hes done to campaign on that issue because he knows the new legislation was only concluded a few days ago and i can give him reassurance well bring forward legislation to make sure there are no unfair prosecutions of people who serve this country faithfully and well, when theres no new evidence many provided. Prime minister said at the start that i had demonstrated that i was stretching time and i want want to disappoint him. Two final contributions from colleagues who i know are leaving now. Mr. Ronnie campbell. Mr. Speaker, ive been in parliament for 32 years and ive seen many speakers in the chair and i must say youve been the best. As we see it in the northeast, to the welsh. And given a bad deal in the pension. Come the framers or have the framers any plans to put that wrong right. Prime minister. First of all, mr. Speaker, can i pay tribute also to the honorable gentleman as he leaves this house and indeed, again, repeat my congratulations in all members who are standing down on the service they have given. On the specific issues he raises of the issue, its a difficult issue and highly emotionally charged. We have done our best to try to satisfy that group and another billion pounds has, i think, been allocated to the support of what the pension is. But i would remind the honorable members opposite chattering at me, under the labor department, i seem to remember the tensions went up by 75, and that was their approach to pensions, right, so, we are and mr. Speaker, we are indeed looking at what more we can do to satisfy that issue, but it is as he knows a very difficult issue. Issue. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Can i wish you well and can i add to the laudets the way youve represented my father fathers and he was asked by the news whether there was a chance of him becoming Prime Minister and he thought there was more chance of being decapitated by a frisbee. Can i say that i take great delight and continue to take great delight he has defied those odds if he can commit to today to continue the countrys bold ammunition on conservation where were a world leader. Prime minister. I thank my right honorable friend for all the service he has given and this country, and he has i remember vividly campaigning with him one occasion we were interrupted by a dog show, i seem to remember. But he has also done particularly important work in conserving ocean and he has helped to ensure that this country has Global Leadership in establishing Marine Conservation areas around the country, you name it, mr. Speaker, to protect one of the expanses of the oceans, of any country on earth and thankfully work of my right honorable friend that weve put that issue at the forefront of our politics, protecting marine life and not just the fish, but the penguins as well. And as you will note, a third of the worlds emperor penguins are brickage and he has done a job of protecting their penguins and i thank him for voted to hold a special election on december 12. You can watch coverage of ministers questions when they cspan2. Ve on joining us is russ feingold, a former senator from wisconsin. Talking about these Interesting Times during the break. Take us back to another interesting time, 1990 eight, you were just reelected for a second term. Bill clinton was being impeached. What was the time then compared to now . It feels very different, the president made some

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