That will be to continue the investigations. When we came to congress, we raised our hands to support and defend the constitution. Thats what todays vote was about. In these hearings, we will seek the truth and ensure the American People can see it for themselves. The final vote along a partyline vote largely to 32196. 2 democrats voted no. They represent districts the president won in 2016. Justin amash also siding with the democrats. As you watch this process unfold, what you saw earlier today, tell us what you think. Connie is joining us on the republican line. I think this impeachment inquiry they need to get on with business and work for the people. I think it is embarrassing, it is horrible for our country. I think nancy pelosi and adam schiff need to do their jobs. Thank you. Sham,y need to stop this this circus they are running. The president calling it a witch hunt earlier today on his twitter account. David is joining us on the democrats line. I feel like this is the best thing we can do. Impeachment needs to go on. I feel he has abused his power. We have to set an example where we no longer given to that presidency, that they cant take over everybody and shut out the people. People wantf the this impeachment inquiry. It is the best thing thats happening. Next step in the process, there will be Key Committees, including the intelligence committee, that will hold hearings. Hearings will take place in public. We will be covering them in their entirety. Based on their findings, the articles of impeachment would be drafted by the House Judiciary Committee and sent to the floor for a vote. The timeline for the hearing expected from midnovember to late november after things giving. Expect a floor debate in midtolate december. Clifford is joining us from tampa. I agree with what jim was saying, and the other two people. It makes the u. S. Look very bad. President impeach a and go through all of this, which is not necessary when they put trump in office. A lot of people knew he didnt know anything about politics. The wholearrassed United States with his antics. I think he should be impeached. You can follow the impeachment process on our website at cspan. Org impeachment. Its also on the homepage. Lisa is joining us. Good evening. Im calling in for the two gentlemen to let them know they are clueless on whats going on. What they are doing to the president is wrong. He didnt do anything wrong. Its nothing joe bidens son went out with money. Wake up and smell the coffee, you people are clueless with these democrats that have gotten in a lot of trouble. Is really sad. Thats all i have to say. The White House Press secretary issued a statement after the houseboat was completed. She said nancy pelosi and the democrats unhinged obsession with the impeachment proceeding does not hurt President Trump, saying it hurts the American People. Read it on the white house website. Mary is joining us from louisiana. Thank you for taking my call. I am so disgusted with this. Im 78 years old, i have never out ofch discussed democrats. Disgusting because . Workingve a president his but off for us. Hes done more than any president has since reagan. This is an independent speaking. They are people. If this congress doesnt get off of their cans and do the jobs they were hired to do, they have done nothing. A couple of comments on our facebook page. Follow us on facebook at cspan. Org facebook. This is great. Republicans wanted transparency and they got it. What i find funny is they voted against what they had been pushing for. Time for we the people to see and hear it all. The president will be traveling to mississippi tomorrow evening. We will have live coverage of his rally tomorrow evening at 8 00 eastern time. That will be live on cspan2. Be live in we will des moines, iowa for the Democratic Party dinner. It will include as many as 18 Democratic Candidates. Thats at 7 30 a. M. Eastern time on cspan. Listen to it on cspan radio and all of our coverage on the web at cspan. Org. Wilma from north carolina. As an american citizen, we just got a clown in the country. Democrats, all of us as human beings need to stand together. Tom with another comment on our facebook page. Follow us at facebook. Com cspan. Com facebook. Pretty hard to take the democrats seriously at this point. Instead of doing their jobs, they continue getting nothing done and spend all of their time trying to get rid of trump. Election in one year and they have nothing to run on, so lonely thing they do is play political games. This is a smear strategy, a disgrace for the American People, people who are not political hacks can see right through that. How is joining us next. I do agree with the impeachment inquiry. I dont think the process is fair. I think the democrats are doing the same thing they are accusing the president of doing. We have to be careful about that. Everything seems to be personal. Republican line, danny. Good evening. Today, aw on tv 55yearold veteran who loves this country 100 , and i believe we have a president doing exactly what he said he would do in his campaign. It is disgusting for me to see nancy pelosi and her contraband of idiots quoting thomas , especiallyincoln the words of lincoln coming out of her mouth, this country is divided by the Democratic Party and is leading them into a dangerous time in the future. Trump, godonald j. Bless the United States of america. Us from battleg creek, michigan. Good evening. You are on the democrat line. I have never seen a president who has been so disgraceful to this country. With his language and what hes done. If hes so honest, why wont he show his tax returns . Hes nothing but a criminal, fraud, and a liar. What the houseto is taking up, which is that phone call and allegations the president tried to withhold u. S. Aid to ukraine in exchange for assistance to look into the former Vice President and his son. What is your view on that item . If they would have found anything, republicans could have found it a long time ago. I believe this president should have been impeached from the getgo. Hes nothing but a liar and a fraud. Salem, massachusetts. Good evening. Listening to this has been a trip. Listening to both sides. I agree with the democrats moving forward with this. Withholding been everything he has been asked. If hes so innocent, prove it. It is just that simple. Why do we have to go through this in order for him to prove his innocence . It doesnt make sense. Knows. Lt is he i dont get this. People can see it. Im not even that educated and i can see through it. Maybe because i used to be a con myself. I see a con. Thats how i feel about him. Im glad we are moving forward with this. May god bless america. We need it here. Brief house will be in a pro forma session tomorrow. They are out next week. The senate is in session. There will be the continuation of closed door sessions by the Key Committee in the house as they piece together information before the public hearings later in november. Keeping track of the congressional leadership and reaction, including this from the House Republican leader, kevin mccarthy. By using secret interviews and selective leaks to portray the president s legitimate actions as an impeachable offense, democrats spent the last 37 days trying to undermine his presidency and divide the country. Nothing today glosses over that. From iowa oning us of the republican line. Good evening. Been since he got weo office until right now, have spent enough money on investigations of this man to fix the infrastructure in this country. Nobody has given him a chance. He does this, we argue about it, he does something else, they argue about it. He has been against the wall since he started. We will go to joseph in wisconsin. Democrats line. Good evening. Would i have to say about this ones are and the other doing a great job. Ive never heard of a president holding rallies after he becomes president. Man that couldnt contractors, his bankruptcy, this, that. Republicans should take off their blinders and see what this man is really like. Everybody else that was president showed their taxes. How does he get away with not showing his taxes . We will hear from House Republican leaders. They held a News Conference after the vote this morning in the house of representatives. Later, we hear from house democrats, including jerry nadler, the chair of the House Democratic conference. Melvin is joining us on the republican line. Turn the volume down on your set. It would here we would hear you much better. How are you doing . Your reaction to what happened earlier today in the house . I am a republican. Believe we are either blind or just too stupid to see the truth about whats going on. I refused to compromise on truth. I see what trump is doing. A president should never have too much power to where he does what he wants to do and gets away with it. I disagree with what hes doing and i think he should be impeached on the grounds though what hes doing is putting himself above the law. Lie living a our own self values that we wont even admit what is going on is wrong for this country. A former amash is republican member of the house, now independent from michigan. He voted with the democrats to proceed with the impeachment. On his twitter page he wrote this president will be in power for a short time, but excusing his misbehavior will forever tarnish your name. To my republican colleagues, step outside your media and social bubble. History will not look kindly on disingenuous, frivolous, and false defenses of this man. Charles is joining us next from indiana, independent line. President had a very efficient fundraiser. Hes kind of used that against themarty as a form of voting with him on everything and backing everything he does. He doesnt want anybody to testify. He uses his privileges to keep them from testifying when they have been subpoenaed. Held withmon man was a subpoena and didnt show up, we would be arrested. Im surprised they have not gone that far, they need to do that. We need to find out what is going on over there with those calls to ukraine. It doesnt sound like it is legitimate, but hes complaining everything is fake news. Withdy that has close ties him, he doesnt want them testifying. Is ifrious as to why that there is nothing wrong with it. Why would he not want them to testify . Gerald is joining us from florida on the democrat side. Watched this and today. Republican friends calling it a sham. For me, i find it strikingly amazing that they identified a process that they have been entrusted with as a sham. I think back to myself, whether it is the president dealing with ukraine, how he challenged china on trade and hurt our farmers, theres a host of things that are concerning about the president s behavior, or his whole approach to the presidency. I think this is the best course of action. Ironically, hitting into november, where there is thanksgiving, all americans should wake up more thankful that the process is playing out like it should. We will cover all of the hearings on this network and on the web at cspan. Org and cspan radio. We hope you follow the process as it unfolds. Moving to a different phase, it will include a much more public set of hearings. It will be open to cspan cameras. Kayla is joining us from virginia, independent line. The impeachment inquiry is really just a waste of taxpayer dollars. The Trump Administration is doing the best they can to keep this country running smoothly. The Trump Administration has increased jobs by almost 4 million since he was elected. Some of the biggest tax cuts formed in history that we have seen. Waste ofm being a taxpayer dollars, if you talk to democrats, all they say is he is a bad person and he needs to be punished, but they cant give you any facts about what he has done specifically, because they are completely unaware of what the administration has accomplished in such a short time. Sad that the democrats keep pushing for this impeachment. What happened today really sets the ground rules. It was a largely partyline vote, with democrats moving ahead to directly committees to begin the investigation on a more public level. Also authorized as public hearings. It gives the Republican Party certain rights. They will be requesting information from the Trump Administration. If that is withheld, it can change the rules, in terms of what democrats put forward. Sabrina is joining us from the bronx in new york. I need to say this. Hard President Trump works, no matter how hard he tries, no matter what he does, they will not let him alone. Lets put the cards on the table and say it as we see it. Democrats have their way, republicans have their way. This is your president. If you dont want him voted in again, then dont vote him in. There are plenty of president s in the past i had voted for that after i voted for them, i wasnt so happy with myself. However, to impeach him, havent there been president s who have done a lot worse . Personal, or whether it be whatever lets be honest. He really is getting a raw deal. He has done his best, and they have not gotten off of the bandwagon since the day he was sworn in. I think its a waste of money, a waste of time. Thanks for the call. Thathis is the fourth time the impeachment process was underway, of course Richard Nixon resigned before he faced a full vote in the house of representatives. Bill clinton and Andrew Johnson were both impeached but not convicted in the center in the senate. You can follow the entire process on our website. We have chronicled all the major events on the site at cspan. Org and you can check it out as we continue to follow the story. We are back on the campaign trail tomorrow in des moines, iowa for the Iowa Democratic party dinner. Live coverage at 7 30 eastern here on cspan and on the cspan siriusxm,and on including all the Democratic Candidates in the race. That Program Going well into the evening. And at the same time President Trumps in tupelo, mississippi. Live coverage can be seen on our companion network, cspan2. We are back tomorrow morning with washington journal, now that a more formal set of rules has been put in place by the House Rules Committee and voted, 196. Inal vote was 232 reaction from house democrats, capitolt this from hill. Thee just had a vote on floor. In march of this year, speaker