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Renovation and research looks at Election Security as camping 2020 approaches. We will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. Washington journal is is next. 24 hours ago at the white house, President Trump announcing the death of isis leader albaghdadi after a late Night Saturday raid in syria by u. S. Special forces. This is washington journal. We will start with your calls and comments on that raid and what it means for u. S. Military presence on the broader war on terror. Republicans, call 2027488001. For democrats, that line is 2027488000. Independents and others, 2027488002. You can send us a text as well. That is 2027488003. Make sure you put your name and where you are texting from on that. You can tweet us at cspanwj and we welcome your posts on our facebook page, facebook. Com cspan. That announcement coming just after 9 00 eastern yesterday morning during part of this program and we will show you some of the comments from President Trump in that morning announcement. A headline here first from Foreign Policy magazine. Baghdadi is dead, but isis remains emboldens emboldened. A special Operations Forces killed the leader of the leader during a raid in syria. The Islamic State still poses a threat in syria particularly since hundreds of fighters and family members escaped detention during a turkishbacked incursion that upended months of relative calm. Part of the article from Foreign Policy. Wanted to show you the picture you may have seen from the situation room at the white house late saturday afternoon. Mikeresident surrounded by pence to his left, your right and chairman of the joint chiefs and others. Lets hear from the president yesterday and then to your calls. [video clip] last night the United States brought the worlds number one terrorist leader to justice. Albaghdadis debt. He was the founder is dead. He was the founder and leader of isis. United states has been searching for many years. Capturing and killing baghdadi has been the top priority of my administration. Forcesecial operation executed a dangerous and daring nighttime raid in northwestern syria and accomplished their mission in grand style. The u. S. Personnel were incredible. I got to watch much of it. Lost in the were operation while a large number fighters and companions were killed with him. He died after running into a dead end tunnel whimpering and crying and screaming all the way. The compound had been cleared at this time with people either surrendering or being shot and killed. 11 Young Children were moved out of the house and are uninjured. Werenly ones remaining and hei in the tunnel had dragged three of his Young Children with him. They were led to certain death. He reached the end of the tunnel. S our dogs chased him down he a knighted his vest, killing himself and the three children. Host republicans, your line is 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents and others, 2027488002. Headline in the associated press, islamic leader Islamic State leader leaves a legacy of terror. Sought toablish brought caliphate terror to the heart of europe and set up shortlived organizations so extreme it was. Hunned even by al qaeda with a 25 million bounty u. S. Bounty on his head, he steered his violent and disciplined followers into New Territory by capitalizing on feelings of supremacy and disenfranchisement at a time of tumult that followed. Some comments on twitter from mylan who tweets trumps claim that killing Abu Bakr Albaghdadi is bigger than killing Osama Bin Laden, how unpatriotic of him. Unlike President Trump, i havent forgot. He ruins even his best moments. Lets hear from cindy in connecticut, republican line. Caller i am not surprised that trump is going to get criticized for this because he cant do anything right, it seems like. Surprised theyll werent told and they are mad because they werent told because it was done in secret, so were the impeachment inquiry hearings, so take that. Republicans had enough grief grace to complement obama because it was a good accomplishment weather you agreed with his politics whether you agreed with his politics or not. We should agree with this president. Host edward in maryland, democrats line. Cspan. Good morning, and i phd in sciences work for nasa at the spaceflight center. I am ashamed of this president and this action that took place in the capture of baghdadi, donald trump had absolutely nothing to do with that operation. Our people happen to be in the right place in that right place. O track them down our advisors over there kept track of that. Let me say one thing, cspan. I want to try to make this quickly. The United States is in a constitutional crisis. This president was elected by the Electoral College, he cannot win the popular vote and he knows that. Hillary Rodham Clinton won by almost 3 million votes and he wants to do everything to try to counter what barack obama did and win barack obama when barack obama capture the criminal he captured and he cannot do that. He knows he cannot win the popular vote and he is trying to do everything and violating our constitutional laws. This president swore on the bible that he would protect this country from domestic and foreign enemies. I know the Electoral College system and how it works. Wants to dont everything to win the peoples vote again. Lets hear next from angel in washington on our independent line, talking about your comments on the death of the isis leader albaghdadi. Go ahead. Caller hello, cspan. Thanks so much for taking my call. I find this a little bit tragic oursense that the president comes off so arrogant in the sense of we are supposed to be the better people. We are supposed to be the first world nation and he is bragging about us killing this guy like a dog. The guy comes off as a schoolyard bully. Lets get rid of evil, but lets not brag about it. It boggles my mind. I think that is good we are getting rid of isis. Get rid of inn this world humanity deserves humanity. We deserve to be treated humanely. This disgusts me. Thank you for taking my call. Host here is an editorial view from usa today. Isis leaders demise is a triumph for civilization. Like the of baghdadi killing of Osama Bin Laden years ago helps fulfill a promise george w. Bush made. We will route out the terrorists. No matter what cave they think they can hide in and bring them to justice. From that editorial, they write trump deserves credit for bringing the terrorist leader to justice in a daring raid that officials said resulted in no american casualties. A should be recognized as significant milestone for the u. S. Military and the commanderinchief, who would have been blamed and secondguessed had the mission gone tragically arrive. Awry. Caller good morning and thanks for taking my call. First of all, i am a 73yearold vietnam veteran and i swore an oath to protect this country from all enemies. Votedmwhat i have always. Ipartisan i am looking at what happened yesterday and looking at the president explain this and i was kind of disturbed because of the way he talked about this person even though this person is a terrorist, i dont think the president should get on national tv and talk about this man like he is a dog and saying those kind of things. The next thing is i think i read where the russians said they were not notified about this and still he said the russians had been notified. If someone knows about this and can call and talk about it, i am more than willing to listen and thank you for allowing me to speak. Host news from michigan on the death of john conyers. This is the detroit news. John conyers, longest black member of congress in history dies. A korean war veteran, the longestserving africanamerican member of congress. A lawyer for mr. Conyers was shaken by the news. The only thing i can do is confirm his passing. It has gotten us all out of sorts. Conyersis 53 years, mr. Built a reputation as a champion for civil rights. Promotes the legislative concerns of black and minority communities. His legacy was clouded by allegations he sexually harassed or missed treated several female staffers. Indiana, good morning to. Eroy on our independent line caller i think that is a good thing that terrorist is dead because he killed so many people down through the years and i think it is a good thing. Host wisconsin, randy on the independent line. What did you think when you heard the news yesterday announced by the president . , i think tell you what that was some awful good news, thanks President Trump for all he does for this country and all these democrats calling in saying this is not a good deal, this guy was a murderer. He lined them up as far as you could see. He chopped 25 heads off at one time. Look at the four americans he killed and look what he did with that poor woman. Murdered and brutally her. Anybody want to pick up for him to be a nice guy . President trump has got this country rolling. Poll numbersuge by this time. Host President Trump headed to chicago fundraising at the trump hotel. Ahead of that, he is speaking to the police chief. This is the wall street journal with perspective on where this raid occurred. The headline inside the mission that killed baghdadi. The hunt has been an American National security priority ever since the u. S. And kurdish allies captured the last desert hold out Eastern Syria in march. One former member of Islamic State held at a counterterrorism prison in Northern Syria told the wall street journal while incarcerated, he was interrogated by americans and asked about the whereabouts of senior commanders. They focus on the map to give you perspective on where the compound we will show you photos of the compound destroyed by u. S. Forces, here is turkey, the northern border of syria and the area is a town in the northwest section of syria. In North Carolina, joe on the democrats line. Good morning. Caller good morning. America, are you really thinking out there . It seems to me nobody is thinking. Is fake news. This common sense, the timing is fake news. You mean by that, joe . Caller you have a con artist in the white house and he has con artists backing him and they are all wealthy and what they are doing is they have this country stone stupid. How dumb can people be . They talk about they believe in the bible and follow god and then they follow the devil . Goodbye. Host this is john in west virginia, republican line. Aller good morning host go ahead, you are on the air. Caller i was born and raised as a democrat. Was a democrat all my life, but the Democrat Party is no longer democrat. They are complaining because trump did not tell them what was going on. Had he told them what was going on, they would may be had sabotaged it and maybe it would place. E take took maybe we would have gotten people killed. I praise what this president has been doing. He has helped the economy and democrats have done nothing but obstruct. I will remain as a democrat on registration, but i will never, ever vote for another democrat in the white house in any form, whether it is congress, senate, or what. Host did you vote for President Trump last time around . Caller i did and i will again. Host john in west virginia. On the republican line, angel in maryland. Caller good morning. Preface this by saying i am activeduty military and i was thinking about what i was going to say. My entire career has been during the war on global terrorism. I was listening to one of the there is a i think little bit of a problem with the American People being out of touch and it has gotten to be so accustomed to us being at war with terrorism. I think we tried winning the when theinds of president gets up and talks about that guy, baghdadi and the weight talks about him the way he did, a lot of my coworkers and i dont have an issue with that. I dont think a lot of the people calling trying to humanize this person, he is a human being. At some point in life he was a good person. Think a lote did, i of the people would be well served by watching videos of behest. S did at his someone who has been active duty military for 14 years, it is demoralizing to hear people talk about the actions that we take it wasnt the president that went in and took out these people, it was normal american men and women in uniform who, behind the scenes, were researching this guy, doing intelligence gathering and the actual men who got on the helicopters and flew the helicopters and the ones who got on the helicopters and got in combat with baghdadi and his men were the ones that did it. No matter what he said, dont take anything away from the men and women who put their lives on the line to make sure this country is safe by taking out these people. I think there is a disconnect between the American People and the military. It is what we have been going through for the past 18 years. Host did you serve overseas in iraq or afghanistan . Caller yes, sir. It is angel, by the way. I have been in afghanistan and served overseas. Terrorism is not exclusive to the middle east. I also served in south america, asia. Terrorism has many faces. I served in afghanistan many woundsnd i have seen the that result in combat and i have met the people in those countries that really want a better future. It is a select terrible, terrible few that gives those countries and regions a bad name. My first time in afghanistan, i came in with that ignorance everybody here is a terrorist and we have to watch our backs and you meet the people on the ground, the people at the bazaar carpets and the people that cut your hair, and serve you food, they are all afghans. You kind of have this hope you are fighting for a better future. Or these people the way these people that call fellow americans have this disconnect as to what is going on on the ground and we are doing this because President Trump is trying to cover up what is going on here by having a highlight mission, it is upsetting. Thanks for taking my call and thanks for listening. Host thanks for your perspective, we appreciate that. This is the headline in usa today. Trump withheld details of the raid from democrats. President trump did not give nancy pelosi or other key members of Congress Advanced notice of the raid that ended in the death of Abu Bakr Albaghdadi. This is what the president said yesterday during his comments at the white house. [video clip] we were going to notify them last night, but decided not to do that because washington leaks like i have never seen before. There is no country in the world that leaks like we do. Washington is a leaking machine and i told my people, we will not notify them until our great people are out. I dont want to have them greeted with firepower like you would not believe. We were able to get in, it was topsecret, it was kept. The only people that knew were the few people i dealt with in the joint chief of staff were incredible. We had some tremendous backup. Robert obrien, secretary esper, pence, i toldeo, you, he was great. There was of a very small group of people. A leak couldve cost of the death of all of them. Speaker,ction from the excluding some congressional leadership from advanced notice, she said american salute the heroism, dedication, and skill of our military and our intelligence professionals and acknowledge the work of our partners in the region. We are relieved no u. S. Personnel died during this daring raid. The death of albaghdadi is significant, that the death of the isis leader does not mean the death of isis. The house must be briefed of this raid. And on the strategy in the region. Our military and allies deserve strong, smart, and strategic leadership from washington. Some news from capitol hill, this is roll calls reporting of represented of katie hill. Represented of hill resigns amid allegations of improper relationships with staffers. Mired in scandal over allegations she had an improper relationship with a congressional aid and elevations anotherevelations about aide katie hill announced sunday that she is resigning. It is with a broken heart today i announce my resignation from congress. This is the hardest thing i have ever had to do, but i believe it is the best for my constituents, my community, and our country. Our conversation this first hour on the u. S. Raid killing isis leader albaghdadi. 2027488001 for republicans. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents and all others, 2027488002. You can send us a text at 2027488003. Make sure you tell us where your name and where you are texting from. Larry in memphis on the democrats line. It was the kurds that gave the information to kill baghdadi. They have to figure out what is and the with trump russians. They put them out to dry where they could be killed and murdered and he gave all the credit to the russians. Somebody has got to find out what trump is doing with the russians. He compared what he did to president obama. This man was on the golf course when this happened. You cannot believe anything he says. He told them he was going to get impeached. Host nancy on our republican line, go ahead. Nancy in pennsylvania, you are on the air. Caller hello. I am i wasnt sure you were calling me. As our commanderinchief, this mission would not have happened without him giving the word to go. Thank god for our men and women in arms and what they do. God bless them for what they have done. Right,sident is washington is full of liars and leakers and had the word gotten we mightve lost the lives of everybody on this mission. I realize there is a lot of people that dont like our president , but if they would open their eyes and stop listening to the biased media, they would see all the good he has done. Maybe he doesnt speak perfectly, he is not a politician, but he loves this country and that is all i have to say. Host comments on text, 2027488003. Texting bakersfield California Independent voter and i would like to thank our kurdish allies in syria who provided the intelligence that made this mission possible. The American People ask our kurdish allies not to give up on us. We will replace americans who know who our friends are in syria. Feltson in illinois, trump it was important to inform the leaders of russia, turkey, syria, and iraq, not the leaders of our own congress, that seems very unamerican to me. In boston on the independent line. Caller hello . Host you are on the air, go ahead. Trump. Yay i cant believe those crazy people calling in and cant even give him credit for something they see he has done. It is unreal and that what is cspan and hes on was questioning the navy seal to gettried in every way that navy seal to say Different Things and the seal spoke up at least three or four times. And id i never said that just said that and adam turned around and he was disgusted because he could not get him to say things he wanted him to say. Host our republican line, harold in new jersey. Caller hi. What a glorious day. 96yearoldd as a veteran. Our infantry division, we lost 9000 casualties. This is a day of great pride. In the meantime, our all volunteer army deserves the credit for this. By the way, i think we should have the draft again. They may not have to go in the less but we would have suicides and happier young people if they did service. The way to happiness is to give service. They deserve the greatest credit thes is obviously first people who called in three of them were antitrump. Especially cnn, and outfits like that including, by the way, cspan has been antitrump, in my opinion. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you do. Some of your programs i would say essentially are antiamerican. Host why do you think they are antiamerican . Caller i have no idea i listen and listen and i have no idea. One of the female people there. You and me talk all the time. In the past, they have cut me off very quickly when they see i am a conservative person. The first four people who called income only one was for trump. Host appreciate your call, sometimes that is the way the calls. We have four republicans or independents as in a row. They take them as they come and try to get viewpoints from every side. We appreciate yours and appreciate your service as well. This is an afp piece. Trump wins big and intends to milk it. President trump took a victory lap over the killing of albaghdadi and he is likely just getting warmed up. This is the biggest news there is, reaching into his customary arsenal of superlatives after announcing the dramatic raid. The raid was, by u. S. Accounts, a remarkable success of intelligence gathering and cooperation with Foreign Military powers and the ruthless helicopterborn his. The victory to be the views of the afp as reported by yahoo news. Lexington, south carolina. Raymond. Go ahead. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. I will agree with that other caller about cspan. If it wasnt for cspan and fox able to getd not be any of the real news i am getting. People listening to other news stations like cnn, msnbc, back,n to all of them, backandforth just to figure out what news i am getting. In my humble opinion, the people listening to these Mainstream Media stations are not getting the news. I have heard somebody referred to donald trump this morning as a bully because of what he did over there in syria to get this guy off the map. You can be a bully when it comes to somebody like that, we need to get them out of there and knock them off the face of the earth. They talked about the fact trump notified russia about what he was doing, but did not notify congress, he did not. He did not notify russia what we were doing. He told them there was an operation that was important and told them to stay out of the way. He never told them. If you are new stations that people are listening to our telling you trump told the russians he was going into get baghdadi, that is absolutely not true and the truth of the matter our governmentst and i dont consider trump to be part of the government. He is not a politician. Host he is the leader of the government, the commanderinchief and in the case of the military, he is the leader of the military. Why is the president not the leader of the government . Caller he is the leader of the government, but he is not government, he is a citizen of the United States who does plain talk. He was never a politician and he never was before because he doesnt care which way the wind blows. If you are a piece of crap, he will tell you. I have heard him criticize Lindsey Graham, who has been a staunch advocate of his. You have these generals trying time trying to tell trump he did a big mistake with the kurds. These are soldiers, their game is war, that is what they do. Host the headline in the New York Times this morning, leader of Islamic State dies in raid, u. S. Says. One of the pieces they have has background on how this raid developed and the president knowledge of it, the president knew the syria withdrawal made it harder. For months, intelligent officials kept mr. Trump apprised of what he said was a top priority, the hunt for albaghdadi. Orderrupt withdrawal disrupted the meticulous planning underway and forced pentagon officials to speed up the plan for the risky night raid before their ability to control trump troops, spies, and aircraft disappeared. Raid occurredhe largely in spite of, and not because of mr. Trumps actions. It is not clear how much mr. Trump consider the intelligence on his decision his location when he made the decision to withdraw the troops. What is clear is it put commanders on the ground under more pressure to carry out the complicated operation. More than a halfdozen pentagon intelligence and counterterrorism officials along with mr. Trump, who gave an account during the white house News Conference sunday, provided a chronology of the raid. Planning began this last summer when the cia first got surprising information about albaghdadis general location in a village deep inside the bythwestern syriacontrolled al qaeda groups. Your calls and comments and thoughts on the death of the isis leader. 2027488001 for republicans. Democrats, 2027488000. Others,ents and 2027488002. Well. Come your texts as tom in springfield, massachusetts. Republican line. Caller hello . Host you are on the air, go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. The only question i really have, i support President Trump 100 . I would like to know why nancy pelosi believes she should have been notified. She didnt have any reason to know what was going on with our troops and that is all i have to say. Host thank you. Doug in california, also a republican caller. Caller i think a lot of people dont realize the socalled war on terror is not a war that is going to end quickly. It is not a war against a nation or a specific people. If you want to know what the war on terror is going to be like, look at the nation of israel. They have been fighting a war on terror since the modern state of israel came into existence. This is what we are facing. Killing albaghdadi is important. It is not the end, but it is something we will have to continue to do for the foreseeable future. The president s description of mr. Baghdadis death is to point out the people leading this socalled these terrorists are cowards. In their name or the name of othereligion and the issue i think is important for people to realize is the reason so many people hate trump is applee he is upset the cart in washington, d. C. Is not playing their game. The country is succeeding. That is not something that happened under previous administrations and when republicans and conservatives are in office and democrats and liberals say and do what they want, republicans have not been fighting back. This president fights back. He is not only not afraid of a fight, he welcomes it. Thank you very much. Fire real problems with not far from there, californias blazeriven lays spurs spurs massive evacuations. Nearly 200,000 people order to leave their homes. Californias governor declared a statewide emergency sunday. Millions of residents remain without power after the largest utility cut electricity as upper caution to prevent more areas from igniting. Officials are deploying every resource available to respond to the wildfires, including a large blaze in wine country powered by gusts that reach more than 102 miles per hour. The fire has grown to more than 78,000 square miles and containment dropped from 10 . In raleigh, North Carolina, dorothy. Democrats line. Caller thank you. Good morning. Just give me a little bit of time as you did the last two republicans. I am not going to take anything away from the killing of albaghdadi by trump, that is not the reason i would be in favor of him. I want to let republicans know the reason trumps poll numbers are low with minorities and others and you dont see a lot of blacks or hispanics or asians at his rallies is because what he is saying is not true. We are all not doing wonderful. If we work, his poll numbers would be up and everything. Except know what it is the stock market and tax breaks for the rich. I am on Social Security and i get a pension and i had to pay taxes for the first time because of what he did with those exemptions. I dont hate trump, but trump is doing foolish things. They said fake news, but the news is reporting exactly what trump is doing and saying. You are reporting what he does, you are not saying anything wrong, you are reporting exactly what trump does and they get mad and want to justify it, but the man cannot run our government alone, he must be involved with congress and senate, he must. We have a democracy. They are asking for a dictatorship, the republicans. Young people are going to be the ones that take over. Us old folks on here, forget it. Those young people know and they are intelligent and they know trump is not leaving the country properly. Host thank you, dorothy. We will spend our next hour looking ahead to what is ahead on capitol hill and washington. President trump made the announcement yesterday. Less than 24 hours ago after 9 00 in the morning, here is more from that announcement. [video clip] a couple of weeks ago they were able to scope him out. These people are very smart, they are not into the use of cell phones anymore, they are technically brilliant, they use the internet better than almost anybody in the world perhaps other than donald trump. They use the internet incredibly well and what they have done with the internet through recruiting and everything, he aed like a dog, he died like coward. He was whimpering, screaming, and crying and i think it is something that should be brought out so his followers and all these young kids that want to leave various countries, including the United States, they should see how he died, he did not die a hero, he died a coward, crying, whimpering, screaming, and bringing three kids with him to die, certain death. End,ew the tunnel had no it was a closed end tunnel. Not a good place to be. Was this going on before you made the announcement i have been looking for him for three years. I started getting positive feedback about a month ago and we had some incredible intelligence officials that did a great job. Host there is news on brexit. This is the headline at bbc news, european leaders agree january. To 31 they have agreed to extend brexit until 31 january, 2020, meaning the u. K. Will not leave as planned on thursday. Donald tusk said it was a flextension, meaning the u. K. Could leave before the deadline if approved by parliament. Back to your calls and comments on the death of the isis leader. Nd in saturdays raid a south carolina, good morning. Caller hello. I am a black veteran calling in protest. I have been listening since 7 00 this morning and republicans complain about democrats almost complement and the leader of we appreciate him and not the president killing him. The president did his job. His job is to kill whoever threatens the United States. It is not that the democrats are complaining about. We are complaining about what he is doing the government and policies. I think it should be corrected when republicans call and act like we dont like the president doing his job, that is all i have got to say. Host kevin, fort lauderdale, florida. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. Hopefully i will get a little time as a true independent. As a teacher, i am very concerned with everything. I am taking a look at what happened this weekend and everybody is going on both sides. I like to look right down the line. Is getting this guy a good thing . Yes, absolutely. He is a threat to not just the United States, but of the world and he deserved to be taken out. I am hearing this as our syria,nt destabilized whether it is intentional or unintentional, it doesnt matter, we also lost 10 high level isis combatant leaders in that mess. What about those guys . If you are going to be a leader, you cant take one and make us worry about another 10 that he let go away. People are talking about one side is saying from can do no wrong and the other says trump is nothing, i look right down the line, we have a systemic problem. We have people saying the president s job is to beat up police around the world, no, your job is to be a diplomat. The congress and the senate is supposed to deal with war, that is why they are the only ones that can declare war and the president has to get permission. Creating situations that instigate military action not very legal, especially the way things are happening and i am confused by the way people are listening. I hear people are blaming cspan for being too conservative or liberal or letting calls go too long or too short, but people like me, we are in the middle and we seem to be caught in a civil war between people declaring themselves democrats and republicans, not real conservatives, not real liberals because people like me in the middle have to deal with the outcome and a perfect example is taxes. I am teacher. I am on a four year freeze, i dont get a raise. Lets see how well the economy has done for me. I am getting 1500 less per year since the new tax laws making the same amount of money, cost of living going up and taking more money out of my pocket to pay for classes as education is being massively defunded nationwide. Host kevin in fort lauderdale, appreciate that, we go to our democrats line next and we hear from beverly in the nations capital. Make sure you meet your Television Set and go hot mute your Television Set and go ahead with your comment. Down. i turned it to tell you the truth, i am one year in the district and i have been treated like a foreigner. 15 judges, all of them, denied tothe evict causing a tenant of rent, it isrs severe injustice to me. Host a little off topic, we are talking about the raids saturday to kill the isis leader. 2027488001 for republicans. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents and others, 2027488002. A little over 10 minutes of your calls on this topic. Win with caveats is the title of the piece. The meaning of the raid is similarly positive, but also more complicated. The successful elimination of the Islamic State commander and his top lieutenants will offset some of the intense criticism mr. Trump has been receiving for his decision to pull back american troops in syria, allowing the u. S. Kurdish allies to be pummeled by turkey. Jan the initial glow of success, more troubling undercurrents remain. The raid served to underscore that baghdadi and a large contingent of top aides and family members were continuing to operate in syria even while forces were leaving. Isis, in many ways, remains intact and is a threat in the vacuum left by an american departure. I am calling because nancy pelosi made a statement and some of the people of the Democratic Party that they were not notified of the raid that took place. People remember when president clinton was in office, we were and i cann remember the pictures of marines coming to shore in somalia and cnn was notified ahead of time and these guys were trying to get onto the beach and there were cameras in their faces. Whoe leakers go back from knows how long. If you tell one person, somebody else is going to find out. When we have american soldiers on service peoples lives the line and everybody wants to be the first one there with a story, it is totally ridiculous because if you tell one person, five minutes later, 20 people know about it. People are calling about the what het gloating about did, i remember the pictures of Hillary Clinton, president obama, and everybody else in that same war room they showed shotthey went out and they laden. A bin it was the same you talk about a photo op, you cannot leak in washington. You cannot leak when peoples lives are on the line. When we have a certain president in there and other people, they did not tell anybody what they were doing and we got out of there. When the administration changed, we were telling our adversaries a week ahead of time what we were going to do. You cannot have the leak. I am glad of the way he did it, you wait until its over and like it they said on i forget what station yesterday. If it would have fell, they would have been jumping all over him because it fell. Host this is the tweet at the donald trump. Stop congratulating obama for killing bin laden. The Navy Seals Killed Bin laden. Summit, new jersey, joe on the independent line. I just want to say with the democrats, they complain, complain, complain, and they dont do a thing. With this guy getting killed, they are saying he didnt do it, it was the special forces did it, the same thing happened with obama. They gave obama all kinds of credit for killing the other guy and they did not say they should have done this and shouldve done that some casesu think in both in the case of president obama and now President Trump, that the special forces by their very nature dont want the publicity of who they are and what they do . But theyight, granted, both take credit for it. One side says this and the other side says this. The seals did it and then when obama did it, they did not say a damn thing about who said what, they just said it was obama made the commitment. When she is on tv, questions, she walks off the stage. What else can i say . [laughter] host judy and ohio. In ohio. Caller hi. Host you are on the air, go ahead. Caller i wanted to say i think President Trump is the best president the United States has ever had, we should all be grateful. He is brilliant, he did not need to notify the leakers in washington. If he had, our soldiers may have been killed. He did the right thing. Host front page of the Washington Times this morning, u. S. On guard for next isis move, a broader photo of the president , the photo released by the white house from the situation room and part of the writing of the Washington Times they say the Islamic State was well prepared for the eventual loss of its leader and likely is already taking steps to fill the vacuum left by his death over the weekend. President trump announced baghdadi died whimpering and crying inside a tunnel in syria northwestern syrias northwestern province. Into a powerful religious caliphate that controlled large swaths of iraq and syria and boasted tens of thousands of welltrained terrorist fighters. His death marks a major victory in americas war on the group and a significant foreign win for mr. Trump. In North Carolina, beverly on the democrats line. Caller good morning. How are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller my little mess will be very, very short. Thisrd President Trump say was very powerful what i did, not like bin laden, bin ladens mess was nothing. He only brought down the world trade center. This is the president of the United States totally discrediting those murders done by bin laden. Another thing i could not notifiedd is some were they were supposed to be notified. He did notify russia and syria. You know what i believe . I am going to be frank with you. I think this is a political ploy. I dont even think the man is dead, i really dont. I think this is all a game. When i looked at them sitting there in that little picture, that is all it was, a pose. You have a good day. Host bob on our independent line. Caller thanks for taking my call. What made me call is when the notifynt said he didnt pelosi, i thought that was the smartest thing anybody could do because i consider i was, at one time, a hardshell democrat and a teamster member. They are not the democrats of old, they have evolved into the traitorous party. If you dont believe that, all you have to do is look at the sanctuary cities, knowing well they are taking the federal law breaking the federal law and protecting them breaking the federal law. If you have an operation, you cannot be telling democrats anything because just like he said, they will leak it. Host here is the reporting from cnn, trump leaves key democrats in the dark about the baghdadi raid. Adam schiff called the rate an operational success, but said he was informed about the raid before it took place. Had this escalated, had something gone wrong and had we gotten into the firefight of the russians, it is to the administrations advantage to say we informed congress, they were aware of the risk, we gave them a chance to provide feedback. International falls, minnesota, republican line. Caller good morning. Something i think the American People need to know that even cspan is doing it, propagating everything against trump. I think there is something wrong i am serious about this, there is something wrong with cspan. Steve at thefing top of your list here and i dont know what is your problem and if you think you are going to be in line for something because democrats are controlling anything, you are foolish. There is nothing wrong with what trump did, but you want to keep pushing this narrative democrats did not get to hear or werent notified, there is no reason to notify them of anything because all they really do is leak information. Look what happened when he told about the raid. We have people ice raiding certain cities and when they find out they are going to do it, the next thing you know it , even you and cspan, youre becoming the most unAmerican People. You should think about leaving the country. Hempstead, newin york. Your thoughts on the killing of the isis leader. Caller good morning. Im happy that if this is true you took down a bad guy. But what i found to be very disturbing during his speech yesterday, it was very lengthy. Nd he went on about his books i wanted to really hear from the generals. Let them speak for five minutes. They are the professionals. They are the ones that conduct these things. I just thought it was bizarre. Should not have taken that long for him to brag. Host thank you, penny. More ahead washington journal. We will look ahead to whats coming up this week in washington on capitol hill at the white house and elsewhere. Andre joined by alex wayne teller mcmanus. As campaign 2020 continues there are new questions about the security of election systems. We get an update from david becker for the senate of elections innovation and research here in washington journal. Heres a look at some books being published this week. s bestlon Bundo Christmas ever, a look at the holidays in washington dc through the eyes of the pet rabbit. In the truth will set you free but first it will pitch you off, author and activist Gloria Steinem provides a collection of memorable quotes from throughout her life and career. Andrew roberts examines the military tactics of nine leaders from Napoleon Bonaparte to Dwight Eisenhower, in his latest book, leadership in war. In the american story, plant the best and washington dc businessman David Rubenstein profiles american historians. Republics hymns of the recalls the final year of the civil war. In how to beat trump, Mark Halperin provides advice on how the democrats can win the next president ial election. Guy snodgrass recalls his time working as director of toications and speechwriter secretary james mattis in holding the line. Watch for many of the authors in the near future on book tv on cspan 2. Campaign 2020. Watch five coverage of the president ial candidates on the campaign trail and make up your own mind. Cspans campaign 2020. Your unfiltered view of politics. Tonight on the communicators when it comes to facebook, the ftc recently find that company. How do you come up with 5 billion and where does that money go . To take your second question first, the mine goes to the u. S. Treasury. In terms of the Monetary Fund obviously the monetary fine is only one aspect of the relief we obtained from facebook at 5 billion for a penalty but also brought injunctive relief that constrains the way in which facebook can handle consumer data Going Forward. Watch our interview with commissioner Christine Wilson at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on 2. Mmunicators on cspan washington journal continues. Host our weekly look ahead in washington on washington journal, joining us this week, alex wayne, white house editor for Bloomberg News, and Catherine Tully mcmanus who is with roll call and carruthers capitol hill. Lets start with the raid over the weekend. The comments from a number of callers questioning about whether the president should have informed Democratic Leadership ahead of time. In his comments he mentioned he didnt. Do we know what president is typically supposed to do or by tradition has done in these situations . Katherine typically the president would inform the gang of eight. It is leadership in the house and senate, republicans and democrats as well as a Certain Committee chairman including the Intelligence Committee chairs. One of the reasons i imagine trump will continue to hit on is adam schiff leading the impeachment inquiry is one of the traditional people he would have told ahead of this raid. And that did not happen. He specifically said leaks were part of his rationale for that. Host Foreign Policy success for sure for the nation and a political success. Alex gives him a boost just when he needed it. Anddeath of albaghdadi this dramatic operation in syria which the president recounted in detail. We will see how long it lasts. Thats not going to derail impeachment. Democrats are still coming after him. I think he will see a pop in his polling just like obama enjoyed after the death of Osama Bin Laden. Host the president goes to chicago today speak into a gathering of Police Chiefs in chicago. Do expect the baghdadi rate will be alex he might mention it a couple of times. A good look at how the president will use the raid in his campaign. His speeches are usually materially not very different from what he says at make it at the make America Great again rallies. Host the inquiry slowed down last week with the death of elijah cummings. Some of the testimony was postponed. Is o we know that closeddoor ten testimony . Katherine they are getting back on track after the delay. Today it is unclear whether Charles Cooperman will make an appearance. He had been called to testify today. A challengetted the whiteurt and house has specifically requested that he not comply with the request to testify. We will wait and see on that today. Later this week there are scheduled testimony from a number of National Security Council Professionals as well as someone from dod to discuss the ukrainian aid and whether that stray confirm or maybe from previous testimony from fiona hill and others. Host has the white house taken takingh in are they an individual approach in terms of allowing Administration Officials to testify before these committees or have they made a blanket statement that no Administration Official could testify . Alex trump made a blanket statement that no official should testify but a lot have shown up anyway. Weve seen the white house has sent personal letters to some officials, agencies including the state department have sent personal letters to officials warning them not to comply with subpoenas. A lot of people have done it anyway. You dont want to get crossed with congress if you can avoid it. Hes tried to resolve what because the constitutional difference. His position is that he is thele to comply with both congressional subpoena and the presence direction. There coequal branches of government so he wants the court to tell him what he should do. Host has anybody suffer the consequence of having testify before the committee and been either transferred, moved, or fired from the alex we have said not seen any evidence we have not seen any evidence. Bill taylor, the Ukrainian Ambassador acting ambassador and the former ambassador to ukraine who was pushed out. Both delivered pretty damaging accounts to congress and as far as i know remain in their jobs. Host alice will alex wayne is with us. Catherine tilly mcmanus covers capitol hill for roll call. Policy wise across the country if the, 202 7488001 line. 2 7488000, for democrats is the line for republicans. 202 7488000, for democrats. Independent. 2 for we mention postponing of the hearings last week. But just starting the week we read this story earlier that katie hill is resigning because of allegations of relationships with staffers. , itdeath of john conyers seems like leader pelosi has a lot of things added to her plate , in addition to those hearings. What is the fate of things like bigticket legislation like usmca . Katherine Speaker Pelosi has made it a big priority to convey and press conferences and even after caucus meetings that those things are still happening, still on the table. As recently as last week she mentioned usmca as something they are working on with the path forward, hoping to find compromise on that deal and move forward with that. She has made a big point of leading every press conference, every speaking engagement, with other policies. Shes trying to convey that the democrats can both work on it impeachment inquiry and legislate and govern congress. Host i guess this would be more of a political question for the white house but does the white house see an advantage to getting these with a rather see these things pass or use them more of a cudgel on the campaign of not being able to get them past . Democrats blocking these efforts. Alex accuse them of being a donothing congress. Im sure the president will try that angle. I think you would rather have achievements. Reelection campaigns are a referendum on the current president. Its not usually voters going to the polls and voting against congress or other politicians. They are expressing an opinion of the president and i think you would like to have legislative accomplishments. Host would you rate this rate over the weekend, the death of baghdadi among his top Foreign Policy achievements . Alex certainly. It is an a compliment. Host houston, texas on our independent line. You are on the air. Caller good morning. Directing my statement mainly to the press of the United States. I think the press has been played by the president. If they should do their job ,orrectly and report facts dont worry about whether you are biased or not biased. Every human being has their own personal biases. Im blaming any problem that comes up about the reporting because you see people are going to supporting the president. People not supporting him. But the fact that the press will let the president dictate on his own terms what he says, he lets them talk like little kids when hes boarding the plane. The normal white house briefing, they have gone away from that in the press that him get away with it. Host lets hear from our white house editor. Alex the president , one of the biggest advantages, the biggest powers the president has, is the bully pulpit. He can go out and talk to us reporters and press whenever he wants to under virtually any circumstances he wants to. We are limited in our ability to force him to talk to us. If he does not want to hold press briefings in the formal briefing room, he does not have to. He wants to talk to us on the rope line before he boards marine one, he can do that. We dont like it much. Those marine one departures are really difficult to cover. He sort of wanders back and forth. Sometimes you cant hear him over the helicopter. Not ideal for us but that is how hes chosen to communicate with the country. That is his right as the president. Host lets hear from bill in syracuse. Democrats line. Caller thanks a lot. First of all, as i understand war, we primarily attack the troops. We do not spend our time assassinating people. Ofelieve that is a violation conventions. Point, what the president someone mentioned there are no neutral networks anymore. I think that primarily has been done by President Trump. He has attacked the media enough so that the media is now striking back and its not as neutral as it once was. Thank you host . Bill in syracuse. Any thoughts on what he had to say . Katherine i think its interesting that he notes a reaction to President Trump. I think the challenges of trump. G from covering a very unique element in the white house. Host let me address bill said assassination. I wanted to point this out from the New York Times their reporting on the raid by special forces. This is from there peace on the raid itself. They write the Delta Force Commanders under fire where they shot and killed a number of people as the Delta Force Team reached breached the wall, a linguist advised children and other noncombatants how to flee. Saving 11 of the children mr. Baghdadi had in his compound. Fort lauderdale, florida, the week ahead in washington. Good morning, tony. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I wanted to bring up something ive never heard this cost. Maybe i dont listen to enough tv. I dont think they will ever impeach President Trump. If they impeach him, he gets a trial in the senate. Senate controlled by republicans cycle into the election get to call up witnesses. Julyou imagine june or because mcconnell can drag it out, him bringing up obama and joe biden, nancy pelosi, having them under oath on Television Every Night westmark having biden have to explain his dealings with china and his son, his dealings with ukraine, have obama answer questions, its never going to happen. Nancy pelosi has not lost her mind. If everybody would just about this, i just want to go on record. Im tired of being right. You all have a good day. Host timetable question mark any sense of a timetable for impeachment in the house and potential senate trial . Katherine i can tell you House Democrats are using the word expeditious more than ive ever heard them use the word over the last couple of weeks. Host pre2020 . Katherine we have pressed leadership and the Committee Chairman on that issue and we have not gotten a clear timeline. Most of them say as republicans are calling for, they want a full period of open hearings and maybe even public hearings, than that takes time and that will only come after this private investigation period. Basically, they are providing the answer that is if you want to see this out in the open, that is a whole second phase. We are not rushing this is what democrats are saying. Host the people you talk to at the white house, what are they preparing for . Alex i think articles of impeachment are a foregone conclusion right now. Ive be surprised if the house conducted this inquiry and did not impeach the president. Theres a question of how extensive a trial is conducted in the senate. A lot of republicans in the senate would like to dismiss this and have a fiveminute 10 minute trial and dismiss the president of any wrongdoing. Theyis inquiry goes on and turn more damaging information, that trial can be extended. Host are they dedicating staff to this alone at the white house in the west wing . Alex the White House Counsels Office is working on this primarily. I think he much everybody in the white house at this point is a little distracted by impeachment. Its on most like the whole building is a war room. The president has been criticized by some of his allies by not employing an impeachment czar. Host Vice President pence on face the nation asked about the source of this impeachment inquiry. This is adam schiff, the Intelligence Committee chair yesterday talking about the update on the impeachment inquiry. [video clip] we will be doing public hearings soon. And a couple of weeks before the thanksgiving . I dont want to give precise timing. We are struggling with the white houses continuing efforts to obstruct our investigation and witnesses coming in. My guess is they will fight us having john bolton in for example. John bolton is an important witness. We know from the testimony of others that this is someone who is concerned that people in the state department, sans lind and others, cooking up a drug deal and by that he meant a corrupt withholding white house meeting or withholding of aid as well for these political purposes. He has relevant information and we do want him to come in and testify. Host just be clear, adam schiff chair ofint man as a the intelligence. There are three committees involved in this. Katherine it is the house Intelligence Committee led by adam schiff, House Oversight which lost its chairman elijah cummings, but is currently led by temporary chairwoman. Also the Foreign Affairs committee. Host lets get back to calls. Gail, oceanside, new york independent line. Good morning. Im calling. I think every american should watch the president when he speaks. Watch the speech and go back and , msnbc, andh news fox, and see who really portrays it the right way. That is when you can get a meter on who is fooling you. As far as shift goes, i wish as far as adam schiff goes, i wish the democrats would give President Trump the same respect that the republicans gave bill clinton during impeachment hearings. I think its underhanded. I think its all a bunch of nothing. Truly, it just burns me that this could go on in our country and people dont see through it. Ive called schumer on at, ive it and iter king on said how could you be a part of this. You have to stand up. This is just wrong. It should be aboveboard. We are america. We dont hide things in the bottom of rooms and dont let people see it. Its wrong. Houseahead to what the and senate may be up to. The senate is going to be voting this week on another effort at overturning a Trump Administration rule on health care. What else should we look for of interest on the house and senate floor . Katherine taking steps to move toward funding the government for 2020. Their constitutional duty. A large package of fiscal 20 spending bills which include transportation, housing and urban development, environment, agriculture, huge package. The house has passed most of their spending bills so this is the senate playing catchup. They were waiting on the white house, is what their argument was. That will be taking up most of the senates time on the floor this week. The house is taking up a mixed bag of things. A measure to protect the grand canyon from nearby mining efforts. A resolution on armenian genocide, which president s republican and democrat have decided to not refer to that early 20th century event as a genocide previously. There are also turkey sanctions on the floor. Turkey,e sanctions on opposingt the idea of the decision by the administration to withdraw forces . Does this take some of the air out of that effort . Katherine im interested to see r raid impactsi the voices of the president s decision to back away from supporting the kurds in the region. All things that weve seen about this raid, kurdish intelligence was definitely part of the effort. So if we reap the benefit from kurdish intelligence in this case, will those republican voices against the president s decision be just as loud this week because the kurds were so helpful or will they be quieted because this was a huge Foreign Affairs victory for trump . Host it really seems Lindsey Graham has risen to being among President Trump cost top contacts on capitol hill. The president was critical over the decision the end of the week last week proposing a senate resolution. Opposing which would oppose the house investigation, the impeachment inquiry. Alex Lindsey Graham came out as one of the most vocal opponents of the withdrawal in syria but then turned on a dime as soon as trump acted to try to clean it up. Gave president erdogan of turkey every thing he wanted and diminished u. S. Influence in the middle east but it seems to have tamped down the violence. Trump has reasserted u. S. Support for the kurds by promising to protect the oil fields that are in their territory it held a call with the kurdish commander last week which turkey did not like at all. Seems to have brought Lindsey Graham back on board with some of those moves. Host nehemiah in new mexico, independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Hows it going cspan . I just wanted to comment because ive heard a lot of calls saying cspan is kind of leaning right or left. I dont agree with that. Im a Political Science degree major from Penn State University and i spent a lot of Time Military officer served in the u. S. Navy and i just think its important to realize if you are obligation is to allow people to voice their opinions, whether that is support of trump or support of valid,osite which is seeing how outrageous he can behave, but i think its important to realize we are standing to defend peoples opinionso voice their and when you eliminate that it sort of deflates the obligation that you have and takes away from the constitution. Important tots uphold and defend the constitution and that should be how you view peoples opinions and that will allow opposition and discourse for us to advance as a nation. Host let me ask you about covering the white house. Last week the white house announced the white house itself and federal offices will and subscriptions to the Washington Post and New York Times. I think they will be ok. Host does that make your job broadly as reporters more difficult when news sources are ended or criticized in that way by the decision not to . Alex the Washington Post and New York Times do a lot of their Business Online now. Washington post gives frese obstructions to government employees. If you have a. Gov or. You can get a free subservient to the post. I dont think it really subscriptionsages to the tradition of the paper. Dual game that a goes on in this administration. The president likes to beat on us and use us as a prop in his political rallies but we have not been kicked out of the white house. We have not been kicked off of air force one. Still in close proximity to the president. He talked to us a lot. A lot of news that comes out of the white house. A lot of people in his Administration Talk to us. They work with us. They work with the press they understand the value of the press and the people who work for him. Its a lot of what goes on i think is for show host host . Show at of perhaps for least a got a lot of attention last week with the republican members of the house trying to enter this secure location on capitol hill. What was behind that . Katherine they are very theseated that some of proceedings are going on behind closed doors. I think its important to note and they stormed the garnered much less attention mostly because a large number of members of the republican the House Republicans who are on those committees and are permitted in that room to hear every what brought the attention last week was the five of the group because those members who could have been in there listening to the testimony came out to join their colleagues. Actuallyhose members had full access to the preceding. , thather thing to note democrats are pushing back saying this is typical. They need to do some of the testimony behind closed doors because you dont want someone hearing or reading about testimony one week and tailoring their own if they were coming in or to part ways with whats already been said. Host you mentioned the term skiff. Katherine its a secure facility very much locked down. Press cannot get within three doors of that room. There are no cell phones allowed. That was a big part of the controversy that really elevated that protest in a way that had not been elevated before. Republicans in their haste to get into that secure room did not leave their cell phones at the door and most National Security experts ive talked to have really stressed that cell phones have been determined by the National Security and Intelligence Community for decades now as nonsecure. We know our phones are not the safest place to keep information and that could have led to access. Host one of those key members from the republican side, jim jordan of ohio. His no jacket look. Democrats accuse republicans of limiting access to document. Lets hear from emmanuel of rockville, maryland on our democrats line. Good morning. Caller i wanted to make a comment regarding comments the president made yesterday. Its striking that i hear everybody giving him high praise this morning. The victorynd comes from god. I just wanted to say this. Trump dont get the victory in this. Lives were given up for this victory weve not acknowledged. I hear all the guests talking about trump gets a bump in the polls. Obama did not kill Osama Bin Laden it was our brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for that. We forget thats the people week we should be honoring today. The ones that gave their lives up. People in those countries over there, those people deserve the high praise this morning, not the president. He made a decision. All he did was give the ok. Host any thoughts . Alex thats a fair criticism. We do need to acknowledge the death of baghdadi was not President Trumps personal doing. He gave the order but u. S. Servicemen and women that accomplished that mission. The same for the death of Osama Bin Laden. The facts are that the president , the president s benefite those orders politically. I think President Trump will enjoy a bump in his polling this week after baghdadis death. Host the president doing this with relatively new leadership in place in mark esper as the secretary of defense and mark millie as the noon chairman of joint chiefs. Alex leadership is always changing these days. Those guys have been around for a while. I dont think those leadership changes were turbulent or dramatic for the pentagon and for military services. Host heres jr in lorton, virginia. On the republican line. I just wanted to make a few comments. Army. Serving and our ive been enlisted in a program its really truly breaks my heart to see some of these words between some of the callers that have made some strong opinions about what our president is doing. The first comment is on how he mentioned the killing of baghdadi. It need to understand paints the picture of what most americans dont know. That is the reality of things. At the same time, we had to see the opposite side. How some people may be shocked by what the president said. And i think thats the biggest problem. And people not understanding how things work. These proceedings people are not being let in, its just people whatsng knowing required and some of the things they have a lack of understanding and the education that we have. That is how people get anchored in their positions. That is what creates some of the chaos and arguments amongst each other. We are ignorant of the processes. Thank you for taking my call. Host any response . Katherine i think its interesting that he says people dont have a full understanding of how the impeachment process works. Part of that is because while congress does have the full constitutional power of impeachment, it does not lay out any kind of detailed framework for how that will proceed. Tothat does leave it up congressional leaders at the time. We are seeing some deviations from the clinton impeachment and the nexen inquiry. The allegations are completely different and leadership are completely different so they get to make their own choices and i think you are also seeing that tension on capitol hill among lawmakers. Some of whom participated in the clinton inquiry and would like to see it aligned more closely with that or have more openness. It is never the same case again and that is what makes strong comparisons. Host there is been some talk if the speaker would only hold a vote to officially start an inquiry it was shut down criticism from the white house. Alex i dont think this peter really cares much about that. I think what she does care about is putting her members in a difficult vote. Some members dont want to be seen voting to impeach the president. I think thats a fact. Washington is a difficult thing. I think generally the caller is right that theres a lot of i dont mean this to impugn anybody, its a difficult thing to understand how that building in the Capital Works and how work together. I think most americans dont have a good understanding of it and i dont blame them because its not taught in schools, not explained very well by lawmakers and if youre not reading a publication like rollcall every day you will not get a good sense of whats going on over there. Weekend rashida taleo Endorses Bernie Sanders following on the heels of outlander ocasiocortez. Ocasiocortez. About theirthink political influence, both in the caucus and more broadly . We see her endorsing sanders. How has political influence risen . Katherine its an interesting endorsement. Not unexpected but sanders faced a lot of criticism in 2016 for his following being very young, white, and male. To have this counterbalance of young, very famous freshman considering how most how freshman, no we knows their name, women of color supporting bernie sanders. That flips the narrative a little bit. Where people cannot look at his campaign and say its bernie bros. They are very much aware of their influence. They know how differently they are being perceived than previous classes of house freshman or even their own colleagues, they know they wield this power and they are going to use it and they know every outlet is going to cover who ocasiocortez or rashida to leave endorses. Talib endorses. More have to answer for what these new progressives are pushing for. No longer does the speaker just say what goes. The speaker has to answer for or against these proposals and policy pushes coming from the left side of her caucus. That is an interesting level of bottomup leadership from the freshman. John,we will hear from mechanicsburg, pennsylvania on the independent line. Caller thanks for taking my call. I have a question about the responsibility of the press. Let me preface it. I went to College Graduated from Shippensburg University in pennsylvania back in 1984 with a journalism degree. Actually had lines lunch with helen thomas. Our dean of our Journalism Department and i was the president of our Journalism Club and all of that. Anyway, i was a naive and young guy again journalism was objective. Question to your guest, you folks are definitely involved in the press, in the media and disseminating information. I recall learning in college in 1984 about objective reporting and news and trying to cover the news fairly, i dont see it anymore and i think youve heard a lot of that this morning from other callers. What i like to ask the guest, what is your opinion as part of the press today with the whole feeling that it is onesided . That they take sides and say i support all democrat views and policies or i support all republican views and policies . What is your view on that . I think when you have a media that takes sides in their reporting, it is damaging the country. Its damaging washington, middle america. Its just not good to have a media that takes sides. Host we will get a response. Has i think partisan media blossomed in the last couple of decades and has contributed to the ideological divisions in our country. There are a lot of very conservative they dont pretend to be objective. There conservative media that have really succeeded in targeting conservative readers and viewers. Fox news is a great example. The primetime fox lineup, they dont pretend to be neutral. They are partisans. There still is objective reporting. Katherine works for a neutral, objective news source. And newsr a neutral organization in our reporting. I think you can find it if youre still looking. The New York Times and the post are largely neutral and objective despite the criticism of them from both sides. New york times really gets it from liberals these days for not being tough enough on donald trump. There has i think been such a change in the media landscape itself compared to when the caller was studying journalism. The internet itself, so many more sources of news. So if you are getting your news from very specific sources and not a range, you can fall into an echo chamber. I also think the pace has changed so much over the years , after aleads outlets nancy pelosi press conference, a story on the nancy pelosi news of the day. Whereas filing for a paper deadline 25 years ago, you would have a whole day be talking instead of having a separate story about what republicans said so that readers could, in getstory, get both sides or a wider range of viewpoints. Host this must be the way new journalism students or people in Journalism School now folks coming into your profession must know the landscape they are expected to have. This pressure to turn out reporting on issues. Alex i hope Journalism Schools are teaching students these days that the new cycle is no longer a day long. It is seconds. Katherine people would be best served to also interrogate a little bit. Especially broadcast and other outlets where its harder to tell if the person on the screen is a talking head who has been brought on to address a certain side of an issue, or if they are an objective journalist like you or i are guests on the show as journalist as opposed to a trump supporter or elizabeth warrens spokesperson. Those people on the same boxes on your television and you may not be able to differentiate and just making sure that you know who you are listening to. Host lets hear from terrence come up early in honolulu on our republican line. Myler thanks for taking call. A longtime cspan listener. Im talking decades. I called and many times. I want to ask, wheres the justice. Right to duethe process except our president. They want to take away his right to free speech area they dont want to hear what he has to say. I heard an earlier caller talk about his behavior being atrocious. What does that do if its legal . This man has been investigated for three years prior Justice Department, they found nothing. House of representatives is going to make up some stuff . Theyre not even allowing him to defend himself or confront his accusers. Anyone of us picked up by the police, they were have to tell us what we were charged with. Give us an idea of what crime we broke. This president is not given any of those rights. And the press in general want to ignore all the corruption that has been exposed over the last three years with the mueller investigation, the whole russia thing. They want to ignore that and continue to go after this president. It does not make any sense. Host thanks for joining us from hawaii. Back to we talked about how the president is portrayed in the media but i wanted to ask you about his relationships with capitol hill following that famous fall out of a couple of weeks ago with nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer leaving that meeting at the white house, are there back Channel Communications between the white house and capitol hill . Does the white house have a point person that can communicate with congressional and particular with Democratic Leaders . Alex they got a former mcconnell aide who is the legislative liaison these days. He is a former republican aid in congress. Plenty of republican aides working in the white house to have relationships in congress. On the lower levels of the government, any the principles, nancy pelosi and donald trump, there is a working relationship to get things done expending bills. There definitely is a broken rope relation special brokered relationship between the Democratic Leaders of congress and the white house right now. I dont think we should expect them to be getting along that well. Jasmine on the new york city democrats line. Caller i just wanted to tell this guy isthink dead. Trump is only doing that to take peoples minds talking about he killed the isis guy. Host carrie is in northport, alabama. Welcome caller . Thank you for taking my call. I would like to say good morning to cspan and to your visitors. , in i would like to know is agree with the caller from new york. The one way earlier. She talked about the differences between the media. I am for trump 100 . I think nancy pelosi is cutting her own throat. I think shes letting them push her to the point where they are going to lose and they are going to lose big and i cant wait to see it. So happy bill barr is going after the democrats who conspired and went after trump. Resigned to get him to using the saying he was unfit. I cant wait to see brandon, klapper, the whole bunch go down. Thank you for host host taking my call. On her point about bill barr of the attorney generals investigation. The investigation was given subpoena power. When do we expect any sort of report out of that . The investigation into the origin of the 2016 mother investigation. Prosecutory a career , a guy named jeff durham. We dont know very much about this investigation at all. There has not been much information provided about where they are headed by the Justice Department. Outlets have reported its turned into a criminal investigation which gives durham subpoena power. We dont know who his targets are. We dont know who might be charged exactly what they are looking into. We think they are essentially trying to substantiate some sort of rumors about the origins of the russia probe. They are clearly trying to substantiate Donald Trumps accusation that the Obama Administration spied on him during his campaign. Which have been theres not much to support those allegations. Host is there any anticipation or anxiousness, especially with the committees of jurisdiction, Judiciary Committee on what the attorney general, this investigation might reveal. Katherine i have not heard too much trepidation about that. I think the focus is still so squarely on the impeachment itself. I know the Judiciary Committee is so anxious to have all the information at hand before anything moves forward. Host lets hear from randy in iowa. Caller good morning lady and gentlemen. I want to comment on the report today. Youre doing a fine job. My point today is the theatrics around the skiff and all the disinformation is being put out by the white house, who has refused to give up information that he holds in secret, that could clear him of any wrongdoing. Hes hiding it. Thething of it is, back to skiff and the theatrics, the republicans put the rules for this, approve them, john boehner, the judge on fox news, legal analyst, reported it was john boehner signed these rules into effect in 2015 under a majority republican congress. The point is, all these ,heatrics and disinformation telling the democrats, calling the democrats the wrong party in this when they are abiding by the republicans rules and regulations they put into effect , its not a witchhunt. This is our choice to a witchhunt. Ais is our choice to lynching, in trumps words. These are the things the republicans put into motion when they were in power and now the democrats are using them in a judicious and honest fashion and the republicans and trump are hiding the facts and truth from the American People and using disinformation. I watch Bloomberg News for my financials and stuff like that. And i recognize rollcall as a frequent guest on the program. I wish you all well. I think indepth reporting, factual reporting is still alive and well in this country. A lot of people dont want to take the time to educate themselves and be immersed in it. Host thanks, randy in iowa. Kind of touched on the incident at the skiff last week with republicans. Anything else you heard . Katherine i cannot speak to the rules that were adopted by john boehner. I know the committees themselves and the house adopt the rules fresh at the beginning of every congress. What is different and what lawmakers may not have had on their minds when adopting those rules at the beginning of the 116th congress is that there are not specific rules for impeachment inquiry so all of the rules that are being laid out and republicans are saying theyre being broken and democrats are saying they are republican rules, those are all silosing very specific that all come together to be an impeachment inquiry. There are rules for depositions but not for impeachments as a whole. Host we talked about the president going to chicago today. We know if he has any Campaign Rallies in the coming weeks . Host i saw 1 alex i saw one coming up in mississippi i think on friday. A strange place for this president to campaign buddies going there on behalf of the gubernatorial candidate. Host the election is the week after. Alex he faces a credible challenger in the states attorney general. I think any democrat who can win statewide mississippi is a threat. The president will go down and try to get the republican candidate a boost. Host long beach california, democrats line. Thatr i wanted to say there are rules governing impeachment. Those were set down in the constitution. Bere are supposed to gathering information in secret at first and that is how they gathered all the information in previous impeachment trials. You do it in secret at first and then it is done in public. Host did you want to Say Something . Katherine i just understand that that is president. The constitution is incredibly broad and the powers impeachment given to congress so the details, there was nonsecure compartmentalized facilities at the outset of the nations founding. Alex the rules that john boehner approved back when he was speaker, were used to investigate the benghazi incident multiple times. The republicans conducted five separate investigations of what happened under barack obama. While they didnt call that an impeachment inquiry, it was an impeachment inquiry. If republicans turned up something during the benghazi investigations that they couldve hung around obamas neck and impeached him with, they would have. Whats happening today, what democrats are doing today, is not a whole lot different from the way republicans investigated the benghazi investigations except the democrats have to only do it once. Host in benghazi was anyone f fired . Alex they turned up no terminal behavior on the part of the administration. The big revelation was that Hillary Clinton had been using a private server to handle emails and that led to the fbi probe of her email handling. Other than that, there were no real consequences. Host we go to al and salisbury maryland. Good morning. Caller good morning. I tried to stay out of politics but what id like to do what i would like to ask is if anyone can really tell me about quid pro quo, because,. As youo quo is used scratch my back and i scratch yours. Every politician does that. Politics has become dirty. By cant not be corrupted political influence now, even if you are elected. I guess im a little frustrated. Where are the honest people . How can they succeed . Alex happy to speak to quid pro quo. It is standard for president s to quo onquid pro behalf of the United States. We help allies in exchange for allies helping us with our National Strategic goals. The problem trump has with congress and the reason he may be impeached is because there is an allegation, pretty well substantiated at this point, that he conducted u. S. Foreign policy in order to personally benefit his campaign and reelection effort. That is whats at stake here and really that has been substantiated and what we are debating at this point is whether it is impeachable conduct. Host here is pat in miami, florida. Welcome. Caller good morning to all. A followup to the prior caller because there were also two if not three criminal referrals from trump appointees, the cias top lawyer, National Security council top lawyer, and i thought another, referring this matter to the Justice Department regarding ukraine. The Justice Department did nothing. I think in terms of the republicans now complaining about the procedure, in terms of the clinton impeachment and the nexen, the Justice Department did conduct thorough, private to whatations analogous the congress is doing now. I think the issue of bar should light. Ght more to how he has stopped this process from proceeding under the normal, lets say prior president the way the procedure occurred most recently. About the usmca earlier. The president parting for chicago making some comments on that. Lets see what he said. Economic advisor, he tends to say nice things about nancy pelosi as well, there is genuine effort going on in the capital and the white house to get this deal past. It is something that democrats are talking about, not something they are trying to push off the table or off the house agenda. Like you said, they took a meeting last week with Robert Lighthizer among House Democrats, especially those specific concerns, so they are moving forward on this. I think it is an incredibly large and complex agreement, so to make any tweaks one way or the other is complicated, and it is taking time to come to common ground. The senate, what i assume would be in pretty good shape. Guest i believe so. Host lets get one more quick call. Democrat line, go ahead. Caller good morning. Thanks for cspan. Tookentleman from florida the words right out of my mouth, as far as impeachment. Attorney general barr has completely dropped the ball on process. E in the past, clinton and nixon both had special prosecutors through the Justice Department to do the work that congress is doing right now and it is so frustrating to be here. It is a sham process, they are sneaking around behind doors, the republicans are saying this is a complete fabrication. Donettorney general barr his job to begin with and done an investigation like what theyve done in the past, it would not be up to congress to have to do this. Host teresa, final thoughts . Guest i think that democrats they will have open testimony from people related to this ukraine issue. A continued to say and republicans are, of course, impatient for that. Guest i think there are reasonable questions to be asked under william barr and the way he handled both the Mueller Report and now the ukraine incident and the very Serious Investigation of the origins of the russian probe i think raises reasonable questions about how independent he is from the white house. Great to have you both here with us. Guest thanks. Host there is more washington journal ahead. Coming up, as campaign 2020 steams ahead, there are new questions about the security of election systems across the country. We will get an update from david becker on the center for election intervention and research. That is coming up. Thinking about participating cspans 2020 competition but you have never made a documentary before . No problem, we have resources on our website. For producing information and video links to footage in the cspan library. Teachers will also find resources on the tedious materials page. Teachers materials page. It is a fun topic that we are truly passionate about. This year, we are asking middle and High School Students to create a Short Documentary on the issue that you would like the president ial candidates to address during the 2020 campaign. Cspan will award 100,000 dollars in total cash prizes plus a 5,000 grand prize. Go get a camera, go get a microphone, and go start filming. Studentcam. Orgt for more information today. For 40 years, cspan has been providing america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and Public Policy events from washington, d. C. And around the world, so you can make up your own mind. Nine, cspan is brought to you by your local cable or satellite provider. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. Tonight, on the communicators. When it comes to facebook, the ftc recently fined that company. How did you come up with 5 billion and where does that money go . The money goes to the u. S. Of they, and in terms Monetary Fund, obviously the monetary fine is only one aspect of the release that we obtain from facebook. Brought injunctive relief that constrains the way in which facebook can handle consumer data Going Forward. Announcer watch our interview with the ftc commissioner tonight at 8 p. M. Eastern on the communicators on cspan 2. Washington journal continues. Host we are going to talk about the 2020 election with david becker who is the cofounder and the executive director of the center for election innovation and research. Tell us about the work. We were founded in 2016 after i worked for several years at the election scheme and before that, a lawyer at the Justice Department, forcing federal voting laws. Tot we do now is we work ensure the security of the overall election system in the United States and also worked to improve access and convenience for all voters. Host you are at electioninnovation. Org. How are you funded . By donations and other donors, you are completely nonpartisan and nonprofit. Host looking back to the 2016 election, what is the biggest lesson that you personally learned from that . Guest i think what weve learned, and these are facts that have been presented by both parties, the senate Intelligence Committee, our foreign adversaries are going to try to undermine our confidence in our own democracy and they are going to use whatever means at their disposal. Theyre going to try to attack our election infrastructure. Attempted a spear phishing attempts on vendors and Election Officials in florida. They are also going to flood of our social media platforms with misinformation, trying to make us think that we cannot trust that our votes are going to be counted, we cant trust that our votes matter. What the senate Intelligence Committee and others have concluded is that russia was enormously successful. 2016 could not, have been the first year that russian or other foreign entities tried to mess with our elections nationwide. How did it become such a turning point . Guest this comes largely from what the senate Intelligence Committee included. Course, in 2016 we are at a high point of social media use. Their news siloing consumption with people that they only agreed with. For the kindy ripe of divisiveness that russia theres also6 and substantial evidence that russia specifically wanted to help Donald Trumps campaign and hurt secretary clintons campaign. Host is among your concern that , just thennovation mere threat of tampering with elections keeps a voter turnout down . Guest that is a huge concern, and i think there is good evidence that that is exactly what russia and our other adversaries want. They want citizens of our democracy and other democracies to lose confidence that their votes matter, that their votes count. The more that citizens of democracy lose faith in the democracy, the more autocracies like russia can fill the vacuum and we are seeing that now. Host we are talking about Election Security particularly in 2020. We welcome your calls and comments. 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488002 for independents. You can also text us, 202 7488003. Make sure you put your name and where you are texting from. Heading now into 2020 how confident are you that serious changes or improvements have been made in Election Security nationwide . Guest im pretty confident. There has been remarkable response from Election Officials and others to further secure the ballot in 2020. I think its fair to say 2018 with the most secure election we had ever had until that point and 2020 will be even more secure. For instance, paper ballots are really important for Election Security, and we had about 75 of voters voting on paper ballots in 2016. We are going to be up to around 90 in 2020 and that includes premuch every battleground state. Minnesota,gan, colorado, new mexico, arizona. All paper ballots. That is the first part. The second part is more and more of those ballots are being audited than ever before. We are seeing audits to confirm that the scene machine andlations are accurate, lastly we are seeing some funds for additional cyber security. Another 250 million is going to be appropriated in the states. That is not enough, there needs to be a regular appropriation because states need more resources. This problem is not going to go away, but it is a good start. Host which state do you think needs the most help right now, that may be behind the curve . Guest its hard to pick out one because so many have made great improvements. The states that lack a paper ballot and the ability to audit those are the ones that are potentially most vulnerable. Texas probably has as many of those paperless ballots as anybody. Host what are some of the potential downfalls or trouble spots for paper ballots . Guest one of the problems with paper ballots marked by hand, there can be challenges in reading those at times, defining voter intent. What we are seeing is some jurisdictions moving to ballot marking devices which are touchscreens that will market paper ballot that could be confirmed by the voter and audited and those have fewer problems. They are also accessible for people with disabilities. The hand marked ballots are very convenient, so i think it is a good tradeoff to move to the ballots through papers. Host david becker is our guest, we look forward to your calls and comments on Election Security. Inr how things are going your state and locality as we head into 2020 and some elections happening nationwide. A number of states in the coming week or so, lets go to scott of Michigan First and here from brian on the independent line. Caller thanks. So much of the Democratic Convention that came out and first announced to the nation that russia had got into the server and caused so much trouble. Is that when have i worked intelligence, the problem i had with that is how quick the fbi made that assertions and of course they find out a few days later it was in the fbi, it was shawn henry. The president has brought up lately having to do with crowd strike. Im not saying hes a bad person, but he is totally tied in with Timothy Geithner which goes all the way back to uranium one. This has been my problem all along. There is so much confliction here that what is going on, whether it be Robert Mueller who gave shawn henry his last big promotion host a little offtopic, but any thoughts . The things we have to recognize from 2016, we were dealing with some relatively new challenges. We hadnt really seen that and i thek its clear that federal government was trying to figure out how best to address this, it was a for significant threat from adversaries. Little question that foreign adversaries were attacking campaigns etc. In those were things that we needed to address. I think one thing we can say for now is the department of Homeland Security has done a really good job of coordinating efforts and that is one of the bright side that got off to a little bit of a rocky start in both the obama and Trump Administrations but now we are in better shape with regard to Election Security. Chicago. E is anna in hi. Er i just wanted to say about the voter fraud in, it is a local problem. Know, andchicago, you i think most of the voter fraud is done by Illegal Immigrants. They come into the country, they are given drivers licenses and they are told to go to the polls and vote. Had 313 was the actual number of Illegal Immigrants were found voting for obama. I am a black american, i am sick b. S. Fromof this bull the democrats because what they are doing is harvesting votes from Illegal Immigrants and poor, ignorant blacks who live in chicago. Im on my way to Mccormick Place now because trump is coming in. We have almost 400 people from my community who are going to support him. We used to be democrats. We are no longer democrats. Democrats are ruining this country. And that is all i have to say. Host david becker, let me ask you. You mentioned russia, are there other countries that we should be worried about in terms of nefarious action in error 2020 election . Guest the Intelligence Community and others have pointed to north korea and china as other potential actors. Mediarely more on social and other news like that, i think we can anticipate well see more of that and it really highlights the bipartisan nature of the challenge. We can never say it might appear that russia preferred President Trump over secretary clinton, but it might be that another country preferred the democrats over the republicans and thats why it is so important that we address this in a bipartisan way, because we dont know which way a particular adversary might try to impact our election. Host Election Security came up last week. We heard fromle was representative from the Election Assistance Commission. I wanted to play some of that hearing that we covered on cspan. There were a number of responsibilities that Election Officials have and i believe that the Election Commission should be more empowered at to work on those but the reality as i mentioned, my Opening Statement is that we are a 7. 95 million agency. We have one lawyer, we have one or since itsson, inception, the Election Assistance Commission has been kicked around like a political football and we have never been in power or funded in a way to actually help Election Officials in the way we can. I think that right now in this time, we see the need for a federal Clearing House and i would just ask you all to help make that possible. Hovland saying they have been kicked around like a political football. Guest i think its one of the challenges, its very easy to look at Election Security or any of the other issues as purely what is going to help my party or hurt the other party and we are seeing that to some degree on both sides. Has had thehe ac challenge of partisanship and polarization to deal with. I think one of the things were seeing is there are people like commissioner hovland who are trying to depoliticize this process. Efforts wese are should support because its really important. Host you touched on some of the funding that they have distributed. 2018, Election Assistance Commission, 380 million, 41 states and their election cyber security. 34 states purchased new voting equipment, 29 states improved voting registration. By said that you thought 2020, 90 may have a paper ballot . Guest thats right. States like pennsylvania which previously had the majority voting on paperless systems, they are moving to all paper. Georgia, they are moving to paper in time for 2020. We are seeing this in other states as well, south carolina. It is unusual now for states to voting and as states moved to paper we are seeing better and more audits. We are going to have the most secure election that weve ever had. Which is not to say we are going to cross the finish line. Host is in the ultimate challenge that states run their own elections . It is a National Election. Standards by which a state can be held to account in terms of running their election . Guest sure. Think of a always National Election every two years or four years what we actually see are thousands of little elections, not just the states of the counties and the local jurisdictions. Is important to spread best practices and we are seeing more of that than ever before, where atups are getting together the federal, state, and local level around their voter databases. Things like Strong Passwords and multifactor authentication to make sure that authorized users can use it and no one who is not authorized can. We are seeing election offices re more Skilled Staff but we are going to need to keep that going. We are going to need that Going Forward because we are going to rely on technology more and more and whenever you rely on the elegy, there is no system that is unhackable. Host virginia, democrats line. Ofler with the possibility deep state and the socalled back channels that the Trump Administration has with russia, i mean, Everybody Knows how he cant headimir putin, just run it back down and say hey, look, stop it. Just stop. Just stop. Guest you kind of faded out there, robert, sorry about that. I got the gist of the question. I think its an important point that there need to be consequences for foreign engage in thist behavior or try to interfere in our elections here in i think that has honestly been the part that has been missing. We havent seen leadership to deter our adversaries and prevent them from engaging in this behavior. Certainly, russia has paid virtually no cost if anything for what we know they did in 2016. And our adversaries need to be dealt a set of consequences that make them think twice before they ever do this again. Host once a foreign adversary has been held to account or otherwise chastised or had their Funding Limited because of any actions taken against the United States . Guest there has been talk of sanctions but honestly if you look at what has happened over the last several years with focusingomehow being inward on its internal divisions and retreating from some places in the world, you dont have to look very far for syria to see the elevation of a country like russia and our retreat from the area. Host here is jerry, mississippi. Go ahead. Caller yes, sir. And a lotmississippi of people around here has got bumper stickers on their the russians says didnt make me vote for donald trump hillary did. I think that makes a lot of sense to me. Valid i think its a point, one of the things that is clear from the investigation, the 2016 is the most heavily investigated in history. There is still no evidence that a both were changed. I dont think we have a shred of interferedat anyone with the technology to change the outcomes from how people intend to vote on election day. But there is a lot of evidence russians were involved in trying to influence americans prior to election day, on election day, and to get them to mistrust the results when they happened. By all accounts, that is going to continue. Host what efforts is your group doing in terms of social media . Guest we dont work so much in the social media, we work a lot and disinformation as it relates to the voting process. For instance, disinformation that might relate to where people vote, whether they are along lines whether there are long lines or problems, whether machines are working properly. Officialsth election in particular to help try to get the word out and give them the tools necessary to make sure their voters know how they can vote easily, that its very likely they will be in and out in 30 minutes and their vote is going to count. Host what do you see your groups role as leading up to 2020 . Guest weveguest already been working to help implement paper ballots in georgia. The cochairing in Michigan Center security to ensure that michigans elections are secure and they are on a great path, they are leading the nation. We will be working to help states implement audits for the true time doing pilots and audits in 2020, november of 2020. And to further help educate voters and the media about the security of the elections, the improvements that have been done so far, how they can best fight back against foreign interference, those types of things. Host and on georgia, part of your piece and the atlantic journal, you wrote that only through strong audits can we be sure the count was correct, regardless of whether that ballot was originally hand marked were marked by a ballot marking device with or without a barcode. Both must be audited to be secure and both are secure when audited. Lets hear from robert, new york. Republican line, welcome. Caller good morning, thanks for taking my call. Lady whoree with the called back from illinois, i agree with her 100 . I think the problem is the democrats are actually making up these stories to interfere with our elections. Look at whats going on right now. Im sick and tired of listening to it. I think the democrats have totally gone crazy. Host we lost you there a little bit, we would go to the georgia in louisiana on the democrat line. Caller good morning, i live in louisiana and we are having a runoff for our governor here. I want to know, do we have paper ballots in louisiana . Guest louisiana is one of the very few remaining aids that does not have paper ballots. I know they are trying to move to that point as soon as possible. I think its unlikely to happen by 2020 but louisiana is one of be the onlyight remaining state that is entirely paperless. Host in georgia, can you vote absentee . Caller yes, we can. Host ok. Caller and im going to be out there. Guest appreciate that. Host lets hear from larry in savannah. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. Im for id cards for everyone. Its amazing that anyone protested regarding vaping and buying alcohol and all those ,hings that requiring id cards but when it comes to voting, there was a huge outcry. If one of our citizens cannot afford an id card, i think the government will help them buy one. The democrats just seemed to cant get over losing the election. Are afraid that trump will win again so they are doing all they can to impeach him. The sad thing is they are doing anything for the American People. Trump has been able to accomplish some of the things that help us in every way and im very pleased. The democratshatred for the president supersedes love of our country. Its very sad. Thank you for taking my call. Host david becker, does your group look at voter id at all . Guest we dont really work in that area. A couple things i want to say about the idea of voter id and voter fraud, it was studied by the bush Justice Department, parttime while i was there. It was studied by President Trumps Election Integrity commission after it came into is been studied by republican and democratic secretaries of state. There remains zero evidence of widespread fraud in any kind of significant numbers and i can tell you as a former federal prosecutor its one of those crimes that there would be a lot of evidence of. You have a lot of witnesses at the checkin table. One of the ways that we found the recent fraud on voters in North Carolina, the mail ballot fraud was because of the evidence that was there, it was not hard to find. That was not fraud committed by voters but fraud committed on voters. I should say that also with regards to confirming the integrity of the vote which is very, very important, there are states all around the country that do it in various ways. There are various ways to make sure the person who came into vote is the right person. Many states are using ways to do that but they also want to make sure that they are not accidentally creating a barrier that an eligible voter cant get past. Balancing those things out is very important. Host why do you think the notion of widespread voter fraud still exists in the u. S. . Guest i think this goes back to what russia is trying to leverage against the American People. D ourselvesgely into only hearing media that validates our position. People who are predisposed to believe that vote hacking is the reason they are losing elections, they are going to continue to believe that despite the evidence. I dont think senator burr from North Carolina has come to the conclusions that russia definitely interfered. I dont think he is someone who is trying to help the democrats in any way in any kind of look and the Ranking Member senator warner have come to the same conclusions about russian interference. Host as i just mentioned you worked the Justice Department in the bush administration, the voting section also at the and now theogram director, the cofounder of the center for election innovation and research. We got a couple more calls here. We will go to carol in new york, independent line. Yes, im afraid you guys stole my thunder. I was going to ask a question about the followup about the woman from chicago who was about to go out to hear President Trump speak. She was very specific that there was Something Like 300 Illegal Immigrants that voted in chicago and my question was, what is the evidence of Illegal Immigrants that do, in fact vote, and whether the do or do not have any impact on the elections . Host and i thank you, i think you talk about that a moment ago. Question from florida, please ask mr. Becker, which he believes affected the 2016 election most . The election process, the Electoral College, or foreign interference. Guest it is really hard to be able to weigh those things out. There is no question that russia did interfere, there is no question it had an impact. Whether that impact change the outcome of the election in terms of changing the minds of voters is also quite likely, getting people so fed up with the system and so distrustful that they decided not to show up and vote. But we dont know that it changed the outcome. It could have, it might not have. I think one of the real challenges is that we got to get away from looking at these problems as whether we got the outcome we want. Of americans according to a poll from usa today will not trust election result if their candidate loses. That reflects a real problem in our country. If we have foreign interference, it really doesnt matter if it affects the outcome or not, its a problem, its an attack on our sovereignty and we got to do something about it. Host how much of your program is educated voters do and identifying potential voter issues in terms of nefarious acts . Guest quite a bit. Working with the media and Election Officials, trying to make sure voters have Accurate Information on the election process, that they know where the trusted sources of information are. One of the things i strongly advise is to get out of your silo. Listen to news media that might challenge you, that you might not agree with, so you are not always hearing the same thing. If you are constantly hearing that there is voter fraud, try to get out of that philo and listen to something else. If youre are hearing that our election systems are incredibly vulnerable, get out of that to try to hear what the real story is. Host lets go to john in virginia, democrat line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I think that the guest is right. I think democrats did lose the election, no matter how many points we got. But the point is this president is not acting as a president ial. That is the problem. Peoplea country that need to understand whether you are a democrat or republican, our country comes first. Being the president has a responsibility. Those people from chicago are saying that Illegal Immigrants voted. It doesnt matter, the fact that Illegal Immigrants cannot vote in this country. The bottom line is we have to put our country first. It,reason that im against that is one thing im very angry about. Russia is our enemy, no matter how you slice it. We need to protect our elections. Tot lets get one more call robert in columbus, ohio, independent line. Yes, i had a question i want to askon. Is the stuff with the republicans and the democrats. I dont know whether to raise this issue or not because the way that everything has been going, it seems like it doesnt matter who we vote for, it is just who they want to put in office. Theother thing is that declaration of independence was shot so many times that there are so many holes in it that you they took a vow to stand for the Constitutional Rights but neither one of them wants to do it. Host robert in ohio. David becker, any final thoughts . What im hearing from the collars and from a lot of people is a real concern about war and interference, a real concern of how it could possibly impact and what i get often asked is how can voters do something about this . Outside of making sure you are reading news media and consuming news media that challenges you, the most important thing any voter can do in the United States of america is to vote. Its not just some idea that it is good to vote. Every single vote is a data point. If there was any kind of interference with Election Technology or infrastructure, the more people who vote, the more likely we are to discover that. Vote ander people early voting is now available to more voters than ever before, mail voting is now available to more voters than ever before. The more people who establish these data points if possible, the more likely we are to do something about it. Host s group is the center for election innovation and research. Thank you so much for coming by this morning. Guest thank you. Host as the week starts in washington, your top Public Policy issues. Leaderth of the isis over the weekend, the impeachment inquiry ahead in washington on capitol hill. The lines are the same, republicans 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. And independents and others, 202 7488002. We will be right back. Here is a look at some books being published this week. Secondt christmas ever, lady karen pence and her daughter charlotte offer a look at the holidays in washington, d. C. Through the eyes of their pet rabbit. In the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off, Gloria Steinem provides a collection of memorable quotes from throughout her life and career. Historian Andrew Roberts examines the military tactics of nine leaders from Napoleon Bonaparte to Dwight Eisenhower in his latest book leadership and war. And philanthropist and washington, d. C. Businessman David Rubenstein profiles american historians. Also being published this week, republic,e advice on be trump, how the democrats can win the next democratic election. Look for these titles in bookstores this coming week and watch for many of the authors in the near future on booktv on cspan2. Announcer tonight, on the communicators. When it comes to facebook, thattc recently fined company. How did you come up with 5 billion and where does that money go . The money goes to the u. S. Treasury, and in terms of the monetary fine, remember the monetary fine is only one asked echo the relief that we obtain from facebook. Yes, the penalty, but also broad injunctive release that constrains the way in which facebook can handle consumer data Going Forward. Announcer watch our interview with the ftc commissioner tonight at 8 p. M. Eastern on the communicators on cspan2. Washington journal continues. Host for the rest of the program, asking you your top Public Policy issues. Leader,h of the isis the continuation of the impeachment inquiry, President Trump off on the road today heading to chicago to speak to chiefs of police there. Heading to the windy city and later, the week will be holding a rally in mississippi. Back on the impeachment inquiry, from the hill this morning, the headlines, former white house aideial will testify top to john bolton will not testify before congress on monday as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry, his lawyer told democratic investigators. Cooper, the attorney said his client will not testify until a court ruled on a lawsuit surrounding his appearance according to a letter delivered sunday the democrats in the Intelligence Committee. Your top Public Policy issues, the lines are 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. And for independents and others, 202 7488002. You can send us a text, 202 7488003. Tell us your name and where you are texting from. We hear from paul next in wisconsin, democrat line. What im calling about is im concerned that the young people arent really listening to the news anymore. I think theyve been really they just think that everyone is attacking each other and they dont listen to the news. And come home from work they are watching netflix and they only have so much time to watch and i think that its really important that they start watching the news because there is some very frightening things going on in this country and im worried about repeating the mistakes that were made in germany with this president because i think hes very dangerous. I watched several news sources and im not a fan of fox news at all. I typically watch the pbs channel and anyway, that is one of my comments. The only other thing i would like to say is that i feel that in wisconsin, our Voting System is very gerrymandered to the twot where we had almost thirds of the people in wisconsin that voted democrat and yet we have republicans in our offices and they are even trying to block one of our governors. Im very concerned about this country. Host appreciate that. Gaithersburg, maryland, also a democrat line. Caller hello. Host either. High, there. Caller of, i wasnt sure you could hear me. I have a question about the paper ballots. I cant read barcode and i cant verify it. Id my understanding is that kind of want to get a clarification of where we are at, because if it is 90 hand mark ballas, thats awesome. Host that was ever previous guest, david becker. Caller ok, i put it on hold too long. Thank you very much. I really would have liked an answer to that question. Host check the website, it may be there. Caller ok, byebye. Host not a good weekend for the washington nationals, but the Public Policy part of that, the president at the game last night with the headline in politico. Lock him up cheers at the series. They write that boos lock him to the chains used against Hillary Clinton in 2016 but there has in some negative reaction from a maybe unexpected corner and that is from democratic senator chris coons. He criticized the world series crowd going trump. Deservese of president respect. Chris coons criticizing the crowd and their chants from last night. He didnt bring the nationals any luck, they lost game five. Mississippi, democrat line, go ahead. Make sure you mute your television, go ahead with your comment. Caller i was talking to my neighbor about the recent killing of the isis leader. And the comparison to the killing of Osama Bin Laden. A sum of bin laden was killed right before the election in 2012. Why didnt trump wait until right before the election in 2020 b to getagdhadi . Host independent line, what is your top Public Policy issue . Caller thank you for taking my call. My number one issue is im sorry. I have worked for the past four years as inhouse counsel for multinational corporations. Im an attorney. And my number one issue is the fact that corporations have purchased a government. The insolence of corporations on extreme nownt is so and i feel like the American People do not understand the insolence that corporations have. They break the laws for their benefit, not for the benefit of the American People. Host give us an example of where you see that influence most glaringly, in your opinion. So, i have interfaced with a lot of the federal on and on, and for example, the fda, they work for the Drug Companies. The Drug Companies have enormous influence over what drugs are and ied, not approved, actually had an experience with the fda and a drug which killed my husband. Sawctor who is a resident that drug kill people over and over and over and the fda already knew. They are not operating to protect us, they are operating to protect the Drug Companies. As one example. Host conrad, next up. Atlantic city, new jersey. Just give me a moment, now. When Osama Bin Laden was killed, they were people outside the white house to cheer president obama and the military and everybody. Therenald trump comes out and he speaks for nine minutes. Donald trump comes out and gives a 40 minute speech and its mostly about him. Game ando a baseball gets booed. Trumps poll numbers are already set in. These people are not comfortable with this man. Democrats need to just chill and they need to just calm down because hillary lost by 3 million votes. Him but nobody likes his small base. Thank you so very much for letting me get this off my chest. Host the reporting of financial crimes on the raid, the death of you as more symbolic than damaging. They write that analysts estimated that the number of isis fighters, facilitators, and other supporters dispersed across iraq and area still number between 40000 and 30,000. Just some background, his importance to isis will get his death a particular staying sting. He was a cleric before going to fight the u. S. Occupation of iraq. Briefly detained by u. S. Forces, he is thought to have made links are in the time with the newly formed group al qaeda in iraq. Once released, he led the Islamic State of iraq. He gained international notoriety in 2013 when he broke with al qaeda and announced the formation of isis, becoming the head of its caliphate. Officials around the world must now grapple with what his death will mean for the groups future. In michigan, jack, good morning. Jack, i have you on the republicans line. Caller thanks for taking my call. I wont hold you up long. Getting back to the impeachment issue, im up in my 80s, i kept up with the impeachment stuff nixon. Inton and in nixons case, they have the evidence and in clintons case, they had the evidence. Tape to justn on try to protect the people. I dont know why they did it, but he was trying to protect his own people and they had it on tape. Clinton admitting he live under a. They never brought him to trial at the senate. I do think they would with trump, either. Host bill clinton went to trial in the senate, 1999. You remember early 1999, but he was acquitted. Caller i didnt remove him going to trial. I know they didnt find him guilty. The republicans would vote to impeach him. It was a partisan issue. People talking about the popular vote. That may be a little bit wrong about the popular vote. Taking 100 of the votes in that state. Probably the most fine way to do it would be to break it down to the states, but the Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they left it to the Electoral College because if the more apparent way to me, my opinion, would be have each state looked down on the votes that cap percentagewise. Host ok, for ship your input. We stay in michigan, southaven now. Caller thank you for taking my call, i appreciate it. Number one, if the republicans are crying about the democrats going behind closed doors about the impeachment queried, arent they the ones who started the process of going behind closed doors . Writing in this mornings politico. Once state that very closely their rising senator in the other party is decrying the white house smear campaign. Was 1998 and it was president bill clinton who was under siege by an impeachment inquiry. Just as donald trump is now. At the time, Chuck Schumer was blasting the impeachment drive while Mitch Mcconnell called for all sides to stick to the facts. Larry, illinois, independent line. Good morning. One of my policy concerns was discussed in your prior segment. Registration, making sure proper people voted. I think myself and Many American isizens, our citizenship always something we should cherish. Illinois, you could register if you get a drivers license, and the illegals can get a drivers license. And your prior guest mentioned out,when they checked this they got people at the voting tables checking people, and i can see where they are checking thattration, but i think is kind of just on the honor system. I got a Fishing License the spring, and you can go and register to vote when you get your Fishing License online. So, could you do a segment to show us how they checked to make sure these people that are registering our legal citizens . That is my main concern, thank you very much. Host good suggestion, larry. On johnthe reporting conyers, the former michigan congressman, the longestserving africanamerican house member in congressional history died sunday at the age of 90. Of detroit, the United States, and the world lost a fearless civil rights leader and hero. ,ongressman John James Conyers a spokesman for the Conyers Family said in a statement. No word yet on a memorial or Funeral Service from the Conyers Family. Angers in texas, republican. Go ahead. Thanks for taking my call. Ii,a 92yearold world war korea, and vietnam vet and my main policy is i just dont understand why two groups of people could be 180 degrees apart. , theazes me that anything democrats will condemn it and wont agree with anything. I think if he were to walk across the potomac the democrats would say that idiot dont know how to swim. It is just amazing, i first voted in 1948 and i have been a republican ever since. I served under a great many president s but i cannot ever gets as muchthat hate as this president does today. Host thank you, andrew. Trump is tweeting this morning on his way to chicago, likely there by now for a speech this afternoon. Hit anthat the s p just alltime high, this is a big win for jobs and frankly everyone. Our country is doing great, even killed longsought isis murderer, we are stronger than ever before. Great upward potential. Democrats line, what are some of the top policy issues you are looking at . Caller hello . Host go ahead. I have been a democrat all my life, and this stuff is the democrats that the democrats are doing right now is a complete waste of time. They should be out there theticing and working clubs, the organizations. If they want to take over the , and of representatives the senate, they are not going to do it. With this fiasco they are doing right now. Opinion of thehe wall street journal this morning, their lead editorial. They write mr. Trump has been sending mixed signals to Northern Syria after a phone call with turkish president. President trump now says he wants to keep enough u. S. Forces on the ground to control the local oil fields. Word is leaked that the pentagon may send as part of the job. This suggests that withdrawal is not as simple as trump likes to say when he is playing tie solution iss. When he is playing to isolationists. The u. S. Homeland has not suffered a successful jihadist attack, for plan, or inspired in some time. The isnt an accident, its result of Persistent Security and intelligence work that coordinates with allies to pursue jihadists wherever they are around the world. In his better moments, mr. Trump seems to understand this as he basks in the success of the raid. He should rethink his retreat from syria in a still dangerous world. To rochester, minnesota, this is joe, democrats line. Hi, i just want to remind people that we elected donald trump president. He works for us. We are not here to do his bidding. He is here to be a leader and ask us what do we need for our country. As far as the democrats doing they have approached tons of projects to Mitch Mcconnell, and he has turned his back on every single one of them. People need to realize those things. Donald trump was hired for four years, to be the leader of the people and he has done neither. He has expected us to do his bidding and i think its about time that people spoke up and said ok, this is what we need. Not what you need. So that is my comment. Host we appreciate your comment and all your thoughts. Please text comments and calls this morning on washington journal. We are back tomorrow morning at 7 a. M. And look forward to seeing you. Thanks. This morning on cspan, President Trump talks with reporters about the raid that killed the leader of isis. Hear a conversation between columnist ann coulter and david from. Eastern today, the house gavels back into session including the say online sale minors. Arettes to the results of the new report on the physical state of cities around the u. S. The National League of cities analyze fiscal trends for their 2019 report stop live coverage report. At 12 15rage begins p. M. Et President Trump spoke to

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