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E ear eouse will b purst to r of t hose of nuy, 2 t chair willw recoize membsrom submit s foroing h ini debate. E chair ll alterna ecnietwehe ies. Te shbequly dnovetshall bate rtie majoritynd mority. M. And minorityl be mited to fiveinut. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Thompson, for five minutes. Mr. Thompson thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i rise today to recognize october as National Cyber Security Awareness month. This month is collaborative effort between the government and industry to raise awareness about the importance of Cyber Security and our increasingly Technology Driven world. We must emphasize the importance of Cyber Security and take proactive steps to enhance our security, both at home and in the workplace. That includes making a concerted effort to train dedicated professionals that work to protect citizen privacy, consumer data, and ecommerce. Training post second students in Cyber Security related fields of study will be an instrumental part in protecting data antiflow of sensitive information. Thats why i join my colleague, congressman jim langevin, in introducing a bipartisan bill to strengthen sishe Security Education in career and Technical Education programs. H. R. 1592, the Cyber Security skills integration act, directs the department of education to create a Competitive Grant Program that integrates Cyber Security education into new and established post secondary career and Technical Education programs this. Bill also requires the second of education to coordinate with the department of Homeland Security which oversees the defense of our Critical Infrastructure and networks. To promote a robust ecosystem of sibber Security Education and training. We must prepare our next generation of learners to have the most sophisticated and comprehensive Educational Programs to protect our nations critical asset sit thames and networks. Despite the real harm and damage that can result from sishe attacks, Cyber Security is rarely covered enough in our current Work Force Development programs. Thats why together with my friend, congressman langy virnings we have introduced this bill to langevin, we have introduced this bill. Madam speaker, we must continue developing the 21st Century Work Force to meet the technical demands of our country is facing now and in the future. This includes our Cyber Security. I encourage my colleagues to support this bill and for every citizen to learn more about protecting their privacy and data online during this Cyber Security Awareness Month. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from maryland, mr. Brown, for five minutes. Mr. Speaker, as we bourne or dear colleague, eby gentleman cummings, i rise today to say farewell to a good man. A faithful servant, and true friend. During the past two days much has been said about elijah. His life was well documented although his new millity prevented him from seeking the attention or limelight in life or death. I admired and spreekt him. I looked up to him. When i was first elected in 1998 to the house of delegates, elijah was one of the first calls i got. He didnt call just to say congratulations, although his kind words meant a great deal to me, but rather he called to tell me about my responsibility. My responsibility to the people who i serve. Elijah told me if youre going to be your best, you can only o be so if you focus your work on empowering the people we serve. Years later when i struggled with the decision to run for Lieutenant Governor i called elijah for his advice. During hur conversation he didnt tell me what to do but rather elijah challenged me to do that which best positioneds me to empower the people. For elijah, everything we did was about empowering the people we serve. In elijahs first floor speech delivered 23 1 2 years ago after winning a special election he told us he was on a mission and vision to empower people, to make people realize that the power is within them. Elijah, you did your job. You fulfilled your mission. Elijah was not an order man who lived an extraordinary life. No elijah was an extraordinary man who did extraordinary things during his life. Things to empower people. Raised out of poverty and through adversity, he achieved many successes despite the odds and the obstacles. The son of sharecroppers he earned not only a law degree, but received 128 honorary doctoral degrees all of which represent his dedication to empowering people. I, like so many in this chamber, was the recipient of elijahs again rossity. His greatest gift to us generosity. His greatest gift to us was to do bet earn not accept things as they are. He would say we are better than this. He led by example, taught us by doing and showing and not just talking. Although his talk, his speech, his quiet advice and powerful oratory was truly inspiring and matchless. When i ran for governor he supported me. While always remember is not that he stood by my side on the stage on the evening of my primary election vicktry, but rather that months later he was standing by my side late into the night as i experienced a difficult general election defeat. That was elijah. His support was unwavering. His friendship unconditional. And encouragement uplifting. When i success fully ran for congress, elijah and mella were there for me and helped us prepared for the rigors of congress. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always picking up the phone, answering my text, tending an ear, and offering a word of encouragement, advice, and support. Mr. Speaker, elijah was extinguished. He not only mastered the science and state craft of govern, he was conexpeditious in the art of understanding and representing his constituents, the people of the city of baltimore, the treatments and aspiration, their challenges and frustrations. Elijah possessed the keen intellect and understanding of government as a vehicle to empower the people. He possess add a radiant, remarkable compassion that was calming as only elijah could accomplish. Whether elijah was wielding a gavel as chairman of the oversight and government reform facility o. On a bullhorn in the city that cherished and aboard him, he was always leading at the intersection of intellect and compassion. Bringing just right the mix at the right moment to address the right issues and moved us and his people in the right direction. That direction was always towards righteousness. History will be kind to elijah even others will not because elijah did his work with kindness and compassion and moral clarity. Mr. Speaker, elijah closed his floor speech in april 199 with a poem. He said i only have a minute. 60 seconds in it. Forced upon medy not choose t but i know that i must use t give account. If i abuse it, suffer. If i lose it, only a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it. Elijah, what you did with the minute that god gave you will last an eternity. Rest, my dear friend. Rest well. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. Rutherford, for five minutes. Mr. Rutherford thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in opposition to the secretive and unamerican impeachment investigation taking place right now in the house of representatives. Behind closed doors our president is being tried. Tried by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, using an undemocratic process that wouldnt hold up in any American Court of law. Democrats talk about russian collusion while using sovietstyle investigative techniques against President Trump. Denying him due process. In fact, one of my democrat colleagues from new york recently said, the president says hes innocent, so all were saying is prove it. Really . Really . Mr. Speaker, i spent 41 years in Law Enforcement and i know a Little Something about due process. And that sure isnt it. What is taking place before us is an insult to fairness, a mockery of justice, and political witchhunt designed to reverse the will of the american voter. Over 62 million who voted for this president. The speak hasnt even formally held a vote on whether or not this is an impeachment inquirery. If this is an impeachment inquiry like the speaker says come to the floor and hold a vote. Some have called this process fair because republican members of certain committees, only certain committees, are allowed to be in the room during depositions and interviews. However, they are not even allowed to call witnesses or openly discuss the smears which are then selectively leaked by the democrats. This is not about us. Its not about the members of this congress. Its about transparency for the american public. The American People deserve to know whats going on. Lets recap the last three years of searching for a smoking gun that did not exist. First, democrats claimed that the President Trump colluded with russians to influence the 2016 election. That was a message played every single night on television. Collusion, collusion, collusion. Then democrats appointed Robert Mueller, go find that collusion, which he didnt. So they dragged Robert Mueller into a congressional hearing room and this time they had no problem being open and transparent before the cameras. But when that failed, i thought the dogandpony show was going to be over, hi to hope my colleagues on the other side would get this legislative body back to work for the american public, but no. Here we go again. We have a whistleblower with secondary information which the only way they could do that was change the rule in secret. Secret depositions in the underbelly of congress targeted leaks, and rampant speculation. Mr. Speaker, this is a house of representatives not the k. G. B. Its about time my friend on the other side of the aisle started acting like it. If you actually believe the president has committed an impeachable offense, why hide the truth from the public . If you dont like this president , youll have an opportunity to vote against him in november. Of 2020. Until then lets stop wasting the taxpayers hard earned money on frivolous, expensive investigations to nowhere and come together to solve americas problems. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Green, for five minutes. And still i rise, mr. Speaker. And i rise today with a heavy heart and tears welling in my eyes, i rise. I rise because how dare the lynching to pare impeachment. How dare he do this. Does he not know the history of lynching in this country . Does he not know that thousands of africanamericans were nched, mobbed mob violence. Does he not know this is the equivalent of murder . How dare the president compare article 2, section 4 of the constitution, a lawful constitutional process, to mob violence and lynching. Mr. President , do you not understand the history that you encroaching upon . Continue to weaponize racism and bigotry, this makes better than those who were screaming blood and soil, us. Will not replace it makes you no better than them. It makes you no better than those who burned crosses. Makes you no better than those who wear hoods and white robes. What not understand youre doing to this country . Importantly, do we, the not rs of this congress, understand how he is den grading and denigrating and berating decency in this country . Say enoughnt we must is enough. Move on tont we must impeach. Speaker, i beg you would reconsider your thoughts. For fear you may not, i will say more on this tonight, promised 30 been minutes, and i will use these 30 inutes to talk about what you have done and to also talk about to continue this impeachment movement. Hold this it to office. Yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. Reminded to urther reminded to address their remarks to the chair and not to a perceived viewing audience. The chair recognizes the montana, mr. Gianforte, for five minutes. Speaker, i te mr. Rise today to bring attention to the state of our nations cattle markets. Following the august fire at plant in packing kansas, live cattle prices hit a fiveyear low. Same time, retail beef prices rose. It makes sense. Ou can process less cattle, theres an oversupply in the market, which increases retail beef process. Hoe come processing Processing Plant only of beef. Fives hit the level low in years. Asked secretary perdue to analy investigation and it is expected to wrap up at the end of the year. I ask that america do the right ranchers and cas also look into this cattle market. Montana ranchers produce the beef. S best but Current Conditions in the market are hurting them. Deserve an explanation and to be treated fairly. To a full ard accounting of the cattle market, and with that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman arizona, mr. Ohalleran, minutes. Mr. Ohalleran mr. Speaker, i rise today to discuss the high in of prescription drugs this country. This year, ive held 26 town arizonas first Congressional District. I hear and every one, from families, seniors, and concerned about the overwhelmingly high cost of drugs. Rescription i hear it from people like karen arizona, a 74yearold widow who cannot fford her prescriptions and often goes without them. Or elizabeth from tucson, arizona, who said, i dont have hope. An american that says, i dont have much hope. Unacceptable in america. 2017,n the years 2012 and the average afternoonual nnual cost of prescription drugs treatment increased by 50 . Than way above inflation rates. While the annual income for increased by only 12 . 2017, 26 of arizona taking s stopped medication as prescribed due to cost. Skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs has become a country, and something must be done. Come critical that we together to identify commonsense, bipartisan address these costs ensure that hardworking care andcan access the prescriptions they need at affordable prices. Im working with my colleagues to oth sides of the aisle bring down these costs by approachng a wholistic that allows medicare to negotiate for lower prices, caps outofpocket drug expenses for improves access to drugs. Ost generic throughout this process, we must forect innovation and allow the research and development of new drugs on the market. We discuss these solutions, e must also remember the ways this crisis disproportionately underserved, lly rural, and tribal communities. Solutions toentify address their unique needs, americans deserve quality, affordable care, zip code. Of their no one should ever have to make he choice between the medication they need and putting food on the table. Im working hard to ensure this americans. Y for all let us all start to begin to have hope again. Thank you. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman oklahoma, mr. Minutes. R five r. Hern i fear that in the quote, transparency, my colleagues have crossed the line. This bill would be called the registration and surveillance act, because thats exactly what it would do. Would require americas Small Business owners, those with 20 or fewer register their confidential information with the federal Law Enforcement and they have e agency never heard of and allow that aency to surveil them without subpoena or warrant. As a former Small Business owner for 34 years, i know that incredibly burdensome and Small Business owners have to file paperwork themselves. The big banks, they dont have compliance departments to out. This information legislation s this will cost Small Business owners 10 years. On over c. B. O. Estimates that this bill impact e a significant on 25 million to 30 million Small Businesses in america. Slap in the face of the Business Owners who have done nothing are doing achieve g they can to the american dream. Mr. Speaker, i urge my on h. R. S to vote no 2513, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Desaulnier, for five minutes. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize the service of an esteemed public activist and a great soskin. , betty reid betty is a constituent, friend, contracosta f valley in california. Shes fondly known as the ational Park Services oldest serving ranger at 98 years old. The world war ii Home Front National historic california. Mond, as an park ranger for the past 13 years, betty has educated visitors about the roseys and her own experience as in ung black Woman Working richmond during world war ii. She worked as a file clerk for Boilermakers Union a36, a crow, allafricanamerican union auxiliary. An activist her whole life. She fought during freedom activist during the vietnam war, and hoped with aithbased racial healing work in the Unitarian Universalist hurch and became a delegate to the 1972 Democratic National convention. Betty also served as a the lative aide for berkleigh city council and field representative for two Assembly State members which led to her designing the park. Her advocacy ensured that their lized communities, narratives, was included in the arks historical exhibits in richmond, california. In 1995, betty was named the year by the legislature. Ate she was also named one of the nations 10 outstanding women in 2006 by the National Womens project. In 2015, she was formally ecognized by president barack obama who combaf her a gave her a silver coin with the president ial seal. In 1921, betty has lived through many pivotal moments in history and is a crucial voice in speaking to the value f american democracy, the realities of the africanamerican struggle, and he importance of continued progress. In an interview for her feature Glamour Magazine betty said, quote, when she was woman has been r, democracy experiencing these periods of 1776 and they come and go and its in those periods democracy is redefined. History has been written by got it wrong, but the people who are always trying to have always prevailed. True, betty not said, i would still be a slave my greatgreat grandmother. Friends, lleagues, fans, deeply admire her activism, leadership, and dedication to social justice and to america. Her positivity, sense of self, doing what is to right in preserving and honoring us past continues to inspire all. Please join me in congratulating nd celebrating this wonderful americans dedicated service and in wishing her a speedy recovery good health. Her strong spirit and perseverance are an inspiration all. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman georgia, mr. Carter, for five minutes. Mr. Speaker, i rise blood cancer nize Awareness Month this past september. Leukemia, nonhodgkins and oma, hodgkins lymphoma more, around 14,000 americans are diagnosed with blood cancer month. Although a staggering statistics, doctors and researchers across the globe advances significant since the 1960s. Cancers, survival rates have more than quadrupled. Detection is important. So i encourage everyone to see get a checkup and discuss whether they have had any symptoms that could be related to blood cancer. You have had bone pain, tiny red osebleed or spots on your skin, i encourage you to see your doctor. I will continue to supporting to make further advances in eradicating these diseases. Rise today to recognize october, 2019, as ational disability employment Awareness Month. Workplaces that welcome the talents of all people, including disabilities, are a critical part of our efforts to build an Inclusive Community and economy. In the first Congressional District of georgia, i want to goodwill recognize southeast georgia, which is working to raise awareness about issues andemployment elebrate the many and varied contributions of persons with disabilities. Activities they are working on his month reinforce the value and talent with people with disabilities add to our workplaces and communities while affirming goodwill southeast georgias commitment to an Inclusive Community. Encourage employers, schools, and other community countrytions around the to observe this month with programs and activities and to dvance the Important Message that people with disabilities re capable of surpassing any obstacle. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to mr. Scott issacs for receiving the hospital to zero harm ive leadership award. As the director and c. E. O. Of h. Johnson v. A. Medical center in charleston, outh carolina, he oversees 3,100 employees who are some of the best the v. A. Has to offer. Of its kind in south carolina, mr. Issacs and is v. A. Medical center are being recognized for their exceptional work of creating a reliable and hly eliminating harm from all facets of care. Highquality care is particularly important to the first Congressional District of large , because of the number of veterans using the. A. Medical center there in charleston. Our veterans are our nations heroes, and they deserve the be when they return home, which is why i am so proud to ee mr. Issacs working hard to achieve this goal. Thank you, mr. Issacs, for your service to our veterans, and congratulations on your award. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to remember the life of mr. James w. Boykin who passed away at the age of 80 on october 3. In jessup, georgia, nearly everything and everyone seems to have been impacted by him. During his term serving as wayne county commissioner, he was a staunched supporter of projects to boost recreation opportunities and now there is even a Community Lake named in his honor. He took over his fathers Construction Company in 1975 and worked to grow the business for over 25 years, being largely responsible for its size and success today. But whether in business, government, church, or simply playing sports, mr. Boykin was always well respected and continuously mentoring all who knew him. Through all his passion to improve his community antilives of others, never let his four battles with cancer ever impact his attitude or dedication. I am proud to have had someone like mr. James boykin in the first Congressional District of georgia. His family and friends will be in my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizing the recognizes the gentleman from washington, mr. Larsen, for five minutes. Mr. Larsen mr. Speaker, i rise today to speak on strengthening americas elections and democratic process. The task we face is very simple. Congress should secure elections from foreign interference and break down barriers that prevent americans from accessing the ballot. And the shield act, which congress will vote on this week, protects elections from foreign meddling by increasing oversight of Campaign Contacts and online political advertising. U. S. Citizens have a right to ballot box heir choices without concerns of foreign interference. The 2016 election taught us in the United States many lessons as foreign governments sought influence in the outcome of our election. Antishield act builds on Lessons Learned from the 2016 election by creating an obligation to report and the shield act build on Lessons Learned from the 2016 election by creating an obligation to report campaigning by foreign nationals. It ensures the same standard apply to political ads will extend to the new advertisements. So, mr. Speaker, the house will vote on the shield act this week. And i urge members of the house to vote for the shield act to strengthen our countrys democracy. With that i yield back the alance of my time. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon today

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