Ocasiocortez. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage congressman Bernie Sanders. [applause] thank you. Hello, new york. I am so pleased to be with you all. An extraordinary man that we all support, congressman Bernie Sanders. I see people from every single town. Yorkelting pot we call new. Hereof our ancestors came to america to find a better life. Escapeme from ireland to famine and poverty. Bernies family came to escape antisemitism and poverty. Create a things help better life for future generations here in america, and they could. Years, that last 40 promise has been eroded, and burning plans to change all that. Improving the quality of life for all americans and building a country based on fairness, ofpassion is at the core bernies message. [applause] you berniee to tell is back. And he is healthy and he is more than ready to continue his lifelong struggle to fight for the working people of america. You will be hearing from some Extraordinary People today, and nobody has embodied the agenda that bernie is fighting for more than the Oscar Awardwinning filmmaker and bestselling author, michael moore. Michael has followed the lives of u. S. Mastic and foreign policy. And if i the excesses of capitalism. Has been his whole life exposing hypocrisy at the highest levels of power, from the ceos to the president. Michael moore is committed to making america a more caring, compassionate country, and thats why today i am so proud to introduce the next speaker, our true friend, michael moore. [applause] michael thank you. First time i spoke at a rally was when he got his seat in congress in vermont in 1990. They tried to find celebrities so it could be a big crowd. He said we could bring in a bigger crowd. Wasbiggest are at that time crocodile dundee, milli vanilli, vanilla ice. Couldnt get any of them. Two guys fromget vermont who made ice cream. [applause] and one guy from michigan who ate ice cream. But it was amazing that day, in vermont it seemed like an impossible task. Only did he win that election, he won a different election, to be the only and for that, he became a senator. Record in the history of the United States of , no one has spent more time in the United States congress. Remember asking what exactly is a democraticsocialist . Simple, it isery what the Democratic Party used to be. [applause] he said to me, what it means is that it is everyone. Everyone has a seat at the table. Fromveryone gets a slice the pie. If it means we need a democratic. Conomy essentially the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Thats it. Right, it starts there. And here we are now. Look at this. [crown chanting bernie] the powers that be are very unhappy that you are here. Are very unhappy that. Ernie is back so they are doing everything they can to throw everything they can come up with to get people to think differently about bernie. People repeating their truths. We know what they are. Pundits all the repeating it on the news. They want the average american the teaching it. So what are they saying . Bernie is too old bernie is too old the is what is too old, Electoral College a 7. 25 minimum wage, that is too old women not being paid the same as men, that is too old thousands and thousands of dollars of student debt, what is that . Two old too old a 10,000 deductible for your health care, what is that . Too old. Superdelegates . Fossil fuel . Two old too old that is what is too old it is a gift that we have a 78yearold american running for president of the United States. You know why it is a gift . What has a 78yearold seen . A pay raise. How about that . A 78yearold knows what a payraise is. A 78yearold knows what a pension is. Remember . Look it up. I 78yearold knows what it looks like to defeat fascism and White Supremacy a 78yearold knows what it open like to have your every single day of the week. A 78yearold knows what regulations are. I am glad he is 78. And we will benefit from his wisdom and experience. I am only talking about the health of this planet a Green New Deal. Green new deal [crowd chanting Green New Deal] mr. Moore what about the health of the kids in flint, michigan . Talk about that on cable news. What about the health of 4 Million People who live in poverty . Health of the young black male shot in the back by the police . Black lives matter [crowd chanting black lives matter] the only we should is the one about that wall street has from Bernie Sanders next one is that bernie cannot win. [laughter] mr. Moore bernie cannot win . He won 22 states in the 2015 election 20 election. 2016 election. [crowd chanting we will win] mr. Moore we will win make this clear. In 2016, bernie won michigan bernie won michigan bernie won wisconsin bernie won minnesota won, of the 11 states that border canada, bernie won 10 of them states what was the 11th, the one state he did not win . You are standing in it. We can fix that. We can fix that there it is. Chanting not this time] mr. Moore of the five states that touch the pacific ocean, bernie won four of them of the six states of new england, bernie won four of those what about the south . Bernie won West Virginia and not just some of West Virginia. Bernie won all 55 counties in West Virginia are we out today with bernie . Month, hein the last has been number one in nevada. Is merely tied in iowa n early tied in iowa. In september, he was number one in new hampshire. That is where bernie is at. More than anybody else. When you say bernie cannot win, you are lying to the American People. Win, bernie will win [crowd chanting bernie will win] mr. Moore and finally, people said he cannot win because, bernie is a socialist [crowd cheering] when they say that on tv, they should always say that the American People have loved socialism for the last seven years. The American People love their Social Security. The American People love having a free Public School. The American People love medicare and medicaid. The American People love their fire department. Hese are all social what they dont really want to do is tell you the truth. They dont want to tell you the truth. If we structured our economic policies differently, if we structured them with democracy instead of a feudal system called capitalism, and if not for it is not the capitalism of your great grandparents. It is a new form of greed and thatshness and making sure just that those at the very top strugglesryone else to live from paycheck to paychecktopaycheck if they have a paycheck at all. Are afraid of is that taxes on the rich will go up with Bernie Sanders. [crowd cheering] mr. Moore and when they explain tax the rich] and here is my favorite. So depressing during the debates last week, watching democrats go after medicare for all. [crowd booing] mr. Moore what would Franklin Roosevelt say about these democrats . Afford t we cannot afford it we cannot afford medicare for all oh, really . Can somebody explain to me how does canada afford it . Canada no offense, but all that money for all the Free Health Care. What do canadians sell that gives them all that money . Kat bar isthe kit the canadian invention. Maple syrup. Yeah, thats it. The canadians sell so much maple syrup, everybody gets Free Health Care that if theassing canadians can figure it out, if every other country can figure it out, why are we unable to figure it out . They dont want to. They say to say bernie, they say to elizabeth youris part of the big why taxes are already up. Here is the difference. Tax in theall it a United States. In canada or france or finland or any other developed country, they not only get Free Health Care, they have free or nearly free daycare, they have free or and may paycollege, a little bit more chances than we do for those things. Now, what does the average american pay who has kids and needs childcare . To pay off your Student Loans . An average of almost 4000 a year for yourou pay deductible and your copays, your premiums . That is another 6,000 a year too damn much is right daycare, health care, and Student Loans, that is an average of 20,000 a year, and we do not call it a tax they pay a little bit more tax in those countries and they get all those things for free or nearly free. It is a ruse that has been played on the American People and that is what needs to be figured out and explained to people. How sad is it that you see a honeybee these days . Bees]chanting save the i lovere in closing, at thet that we are here park. Behind you on that island in manhattan is the headquarters of corporate america. On that island behind you, that is the headquarters of corporate media. On that island bindon that islas the headquarters of wall street so much misery has been visited upon the American People. That has to stop. They have to hear this they have to hear you across the river goldman sachs, can you hear us . [crowd roaring] host fox mr. Moore fox news, can you hear us . Us . P tower, can you hear us . [crowd roaring] mr. Moore it is the scene of the crime over there. We are Like Washington crossing the delaware, except today, its just the east river. Like bernie says, this is not just about defeating trump. This is about defeating that which gave us trump, the rotten system that has got to go thathe polls will show this former democrat hillary beat him. It is not enough. We will not only crush trump at the polls, we need to fix this rotten, corrupt Economic System i am proud today to offer my endorsement of senator Bernie Sanders you know what [crowd chanting bernie] mr. Moore reading your one sentence. One sentence. When i heard this, i thought this is really the best description of what we all want. It is really the best description of what democratic socialism is or what the Democratic Party we hope will be. I would like to just read this sentence to you. I am, it says it all, and inspired by bernies whole idea that this is not about it is about policies. This is the sentence that best describes this. Listen to these words. We, the people, in order to ,orm a more Perfect Union promote the general welfare and liberty, the constitution of the United States of america. He swears he will defend this country. Thank you, everybody. Thank you thank you we will win [crowd chanting we will win] mr. Moore we will win now, it is my honor to introduce original, as the , the put it, nasty women brave and courageous and juan,ary mayor of san rto rico hello, new york. September 20, one of those days when your life changes forever. Two hurricanes, not one, had hit puerto rico. There was no food, no electricity, no water, no medicine. Help was not getting there. , and President Trump was killing us. His his bureaucracy and inefficiency. We are on an island surrounded by water, lots and lots of water, ocean water. In the midst of all that darkness, one man came down to visit me. He came down to sign one, san juan, puerto rico. Just a man with a big heart with a lot of passion and a lot of compassion, and he won me over. Won me over because bernie is consistent, he is courageous, and he is committed to changing the lives of each and every one of us know we will win. We will win [crowd chanting we will win] mayor cruz come on chanting we will win] why do we have, to win . We have to win and this is why you and i stand with bernie because somewhere in new york, in hawaii, in puerto rico, there is a man or woman that cannot afford to buy insulin. And they must decide whether to live or die we stand with bernie. Because medicare for all is the answer to ending corporate greed that allows to get the medication they need, and for those that do not have to die. We must win say it with me, we must win [crowd chanting we must win] mayor cruz we must win we must win because bernie together. S if anyone of us is left behind while there is a man, a woman, a the lgbter, people of community, our muslim brother and sisters, our jewish brothers and sisters, we are all in this together. That is why we must win. [crowd chanting we must win] mayor cruz come on. Everybody. Come on. Come on. Come on, new york. [crowd chanting we must win] mayor cruz we must win. We must win because of our fundamental, universal values, to goeople should be able to college and afford to have a life after college. We must win because of the thatmental value that says power is in the street and that government is to serve the people and not to serve just the 1 . It with me. We must win. Because there is more to say. It is about whether we believe that people are equal. It is about what we believe that up hows end everybody. House everybody. We must win but we also must win. [speaking spanish] [crowd chanting si se puede] no, Puerto Ricans are not transgender people have a right to serve in the military. Trans rights are human rights. Womens rights are human rights. Afroamerican rights are everybodys rights. All one and together. Agenda thatal really, really makes us be uncompromising. Say it with me. Let me be absolutely clear. Right . Say it with me. [crowd chanting let me be absolutely clear] againstuz we will band those who make 100 million in hour and pay their workers starving wages. Thosee will stand against that want to take away a womans right to choose. Will stand against separating families at the southern part of the border of the United States. Win to end family separation. We must win to ensure that everyone, everyone, anywhere it doesnt matter what the color of their skin is it doesnt matter. Order to taken in on Climate Change [crowd chanting Green New Deal] ] mayor cruz i am just going to take a few more minutes of your time. I am no Climate Change expert. I am a Climate Change survivor. [applause] mayor cruz i dont know how warm the ocean is going to get or how high the tides are going to go. Say it louder. Say it louder. Say it louder. I do know this one thing. Climate change is real. Climate change kills. 3000 Puerto Ricans did not open their eyes this morning because the president s chief concern was looking good rather than doing good. And yes, we are not going to spend too much time talking about a racist demagogue, xena phobic race racist [crowd chanting lock him up] mayor cruz you know what . You know what . Lets vote him out. Vote him out. Vote him out. [crowd chanting vote him out] mayor cruz the time is now to be uncompromising. The time is now to be relentless. The time is now to be fearless. The time is now to be stand with Bernie Sanders. [crowd cheering] mayor cruz we have got to respect every other candidate. But we know there is one name and one name only that can get the job done. That is bernie. Bernie. Bernie. Bernie. [crowd chanting bernie] mayor cruz [speaking spanish] lets be united in one voice. One progressive voice that will spread across generations. That will not divide us, but unite us. That will make sure that on that day when bernie walks into 1600 pennsylvania avenue, it is the real values, the real humanity, the real compassion, and the n no middless u relentless no middle, unrelentless, no middle ground, no baby steps, with bold moves that will move this country forward. Are you with bernie . Let me hear it one last time. Yes, we can. [crowd chanting yes, we can] puede ruz si se e ]wd chanting si se pued mayor cruz yes, we can. Lets do everything we can. Lets not leave anyone. Lets move forward on the path of a Progressive Agenda that will make sure we all understand that we are equal. That no life is worth more than another. [speaking spanish] we will win and we must win. We will win. We must win. We will win. We must win. [crowd chanting we will win and we must win] mayor cruz i cant hear you. Louder. Thank you, new york. [crowd cheering] mayor cruz and now, please welcome to the Stage National cochair, senator nina turner. [crowd cheering] [crowd chanting nina] [applause] sen. Turner queens queens where are you at, baby . Where you at . Yall dont mind if i pull my notes from the Southern Bank and trust, do you . Oh my god. Can i just say that . Queens, where are you at . [crowd cheering] sen. Turner i know we are feeling the burn, but we need to this country to feel queens, baby. Queens, i am proud to have you put these hands together for your own new york pride. For these leaders, you have dealt with amazon. [cheers] sen. Turner you have dealt with the nationwide airport protests after trumps muslim ban. Youve pushed the needle for District Attorneys. [cheers] sen. Turner you passed the 15 an hour minimum wage and guaranteed sick days for all workers. I need you to put it together for these amazing sisters and brothers who are in the elected ministry. We have the youngest to serve in youngest woman to serve in the history of ny state senate, senator julia salmon. Hello, somebody. We have the champion of this years historic victory for queens own senator Jessica Hamel a queens original, the powerful and bold senators who like his name twin is leading the fight, public, bank, and Economic Justice senator james sanders. This next champion empowered marginalized communities by defeating the citys oppressive law because this revolution has dancing, baby. Lets give it up for councilman rafael sandoval. [applause] sen. Turner the champion of the ,ew york state dream act senator lewis sepulveda. Holding it down all the way up from upstate new york, attacked wall street, assemblyman philip stack. Your own homegrown queens wonderful, fighting on behalf of dreamers, seniors and the economy that works for all workers, assemblymember ron kemp. And last but certainly not least, the man who took a stand against corporate greed and helped lay the smack down on jeff bezos. Who in his spare time pushed the most progressive legislative session in new york state history, Senate Deputy majority leader mike hello, somebody. Listen to my and brothers. Listen, sisters and brothers. [crowd chanting new york squad] sen. Turner sisters and brothers, i need yall to do something. You know how Bernie Sanders always talks about this movement, this president ial run not being about me but about us, so all the folks in the elected nowstry on this stage right i call you the ministry because you care about the people you serve. Come on, somebody. Come on, somebody. We want to do this. Are you ready for that . [crowd cheering] three, two, one [applause] [crowd cheering] right. All right, queens. [crowd chanting new york squad] sen. Turner here we go. New york squad, baby. Now, can i just say something, queens . On my way in, and i was on the train, i was listening to another new yorker, and i should have brought my phone so you could hear him for himself. I was thinking about senator Bernard Sanders and all he has been through, and the fact that his first major rally with the people is in queens. I was thinking about a brother named ll cool j. Can i just quote some of these words . And dont yall hold it against me. But dont call it a comeback, ive been here for years. Come on, now. He has been here. Dont call this a regular jam. Im going to rock this land. Take it by storm, senator Bernard Sanders. Ll also said, im just getting warm. How many of you feel the burn . Now heres the most important part. Im going to knock you out. Mama says knock you out. [crowd chanting knock you out] sen. Turner Bernie Sanders is going to knock the special interests out of d. C. Hes going to knock out the multibillionaire class that doesnt believe the working day people of this country deserve a good life. So not only does mama say knock them out, the people say knock [crowd chanting knock them out] sen. Turner dont you hold back. Im trying. Knock them out. Now, my foundation comes from congresswoman barbara jordan. And she said these words. She said what the people want is very simple. They want an america as good as its promise. Thats it and thats all. So we are looking for an america where folks dont die because they have to ration out their insulin. We are looking for an america where hospitals are not frozen in philadelphia. And hospitals are closing all over this country, particularly in rural areas. What the people want is very simple. We went clean water, clean air, and clean food. Thats it. And thats all. We also want, finally, to have a Justice System that doesnt gun down black folks in they house. [crowd cheering] [applause] sen. Turner can we get some of that . Dont even get me started on that. We have a place in this country , you cant breathe while black, sleep while black, do nothing while black. We are going to clean up the criminal inJustice System. [applause] sen. Turner what the people want is very simple. We need to have some truth and reconciliation about the ravages of racism in the United States of america. [applause] sen. Turner thats it, and thats all. What the people want is very simple. We want a Health Care System that is not commodified. Thats it. Thats all. What the people want is very simple. We must, we must, we must take care of mother earth right now. [crowd cheering] sen. Turner thats it, and thats all. And when i say, queens, that there is nobody quite like senator Bernard Sanders, i mean that. We have some folks in the mainstream and neoliberal side who really cant understand the difference. [crowd booing] sen. Turner but im going to break this down for you. They are people who do not have the same guts and the same to run as Bernie Sanders did in 2016. There are some people who sat on the sidelines when it was hard. There was only one person who stood up to the establishment and his name is Bernard Sanders. So yes, we got a lot of confidence. There is only one candidate in 20 who told the multimillionaires and billionaires in this country, there is only one candidate who works with the working class people. But because it is hello, marriott workers. Hello, amazon workers. Hello, verizon workers. Hello. Come on, somebody. And i dont know about you, but i hail from a position that you will know the tree by the fruit that it bears, and senator Bernie Sanders bears good fruit. People want to talk about a framework. People who stand up in other folks living rooms and say to them, multimillionaires and billionaires, and nothing will fundamentally change for you. Well, people of queens, nothing fundamentally changes for multimillionaires and nothingires, and fundamentally changes for you, and you, and you. We finally have somebody in our lifetime who will be unflinching that his only special interests are sisters and brothers and queens. His only special interests are sisters and brothers in bismarck, south carolina, whose only special interests, hello, flint, michigan. His only special interests are the people of this great nation. So yeah, there are many copies, but there is only one original. I dont know when you would take the copy when you can have the hello, somebody. He voted against these rotten trade deals that steal wealth from our communities. There is only one senator Bernard Sanders, but let the record reflect that there is only one, in case folks dont understand that. Being similar is not being the same. Come on, somebody. Theres only one. Theres only one. Theres only one. Theres only one. Theres only one. Theres only one. And it just boggles my mind how in a nation where we claim moral progress, accepting ageism is all right. Senator Bernie Sanders was the only one to get that question. As somebody who lost my mother at a young age my mama was 42 , years old when she left this plane of existence. Life happens to us all. And so, if you are going to ask all the president ial candidates about their health, do not call out the senator. Come on, somebody. Because one day, we all have it coming if the lord blesses us to live long enough. We might run for president at the age of 78. Memo to the mainstream media, memo to the haters, bernieisback he never went anywhere. We just postponed. I want to close with these words, queens. And this is awesome here this is important. I know all of the family is here, important people are here n thing. Ng the dam its not just important for families to get together. We have to hit the streets. This battle will be won in the streets. And queens, we know how to do battle in the streets. We will elect the most progressive candidate in our lifetimes, one who will not sell us out down the road, one who does not say one thing and the primary and then sell us out in the general. Come on, somebody. Black if you are , brown, if you are indigenous if you are poor, this system is is rotten to it the core. We are going to unrig it. Thats it. And thats all. We need you to sign up your friends, sign up for helping this campaign, and we are going to make history with senator Bernard Sanders sworn into office. So let me close with this. I need you guys to do something for me, and i ask this whole country, because this is real pit i love you, too, baby. This is real. This is love. And i do want to say that i am mad as hell. I know i am a black woman, last time i checked. [laughter] sen. Turner i know sometimes, people talk about the angry black woman. But let me tell you something, if you are not mad about whats going on here, something is wrong with you. [crowd cheering] sen. Turner mad with a purpose. So as an angry black woman, we taking applications. Yall can be mad as hell with us. Come on, somebody. Come on, somebody. Mad about a system that allows ceos to make money hand over fist while other folks got to grovel for a living. Mad at the five that we all have leaders who equivocate in standing up for the people. Mad about folks living on the street. Mad that people are too afraid to go see a doctor because they cannot afford it. Mad because our babies need to be educated and our teachers need to be paid. But we are going to be glad because we are going to use this energy and this synergy that we have to help senator Bernard Sanders make it to the white house. And may be, when we get to the white house, i need you to do something for me. Raise one hand for yourself and another hand for somebody else. Dr. Maya angelou said we have to have the courage to stand up for ourselves first and the courage to stand up for somebody else. And with these hands we will , have medicare for all. With these hands we will cancel , student debt. With these hands we will cancel , medical debt. With these hands we will make an , investment on main street and tell wall street to go straight to hell. With these hands, we will make sure that every baby in this country can aspire to live a good life. With these hands, lady, we wil l with these hands, we will combat climate chaos. With these hands we will do , something about income and wealth inequality. And with these hands, baby we , will elect senator Bernard Sanders. The next president of the United States of america. [crowd chanting] sisters,rothers and please welcome to the stage, queens born progressive activist and former candidate for Queens CountyDistrict Attorney, tiffany caban. Ms. Caban hey, yall. Some of you might know me. My name is tiffany caban. And i am a 32yearold queer latina public defender and activist. And i have spent my entire adult life fighting to bring justice to working people. And this year, i came pretty close to becoming the District Attorney of queens. [crowd chanting you got robbed] ms. Caban but you know, it is completely surreal for me to be here with you all. My grandparents came here from puerto rico, and my parents grew up in Public Housing not too far from the Housing Units that are right across the street. They grew up with mold, chipping paint, asbestos. Crumbling series. Name a Serious Health risk, and my parents had it. And early on im short,. Im short, yall. Early on, our family learned the government didnt really care about us. Our schools were overcrowded. Our apartments and homes were crumbling, and our neighborhoods were overpoliced and resourcestarved. So my dad became an elevator mechanic and my mom went to looked after other peoples kids. And they saved up to send me to high school. And for me, the long bus ride into a different neighborhood might as well have been to a different planet. I thought that when wealthy White Communities needed help, they got access to resources. But when we needed help, our government sent cops. [crowd booing] ms. Caban so believe me when i tell you that i never thought someone like me could run for office, let alone almost become the District Attorney of queens. I grew up with a far more limited sense of what is possible. And then came alexandria ocasiocortez. [crowd cheering] [crowd chanting aoc ] ms. Caban and i am sure that every one of you here remembers the first time you saw alexandria, the 28yearold bartender ferociously knocking her way through her district while the political machine laughed and mocked her. And i am sure you remember the first time you heard alexandria speak, this young latina woman who was finally telling the truth about our broken political system and what we needed to do to fix it. [crowd cheering] ms. Caban who was railing against the democratic establishment. And i remember feeling hope, and also incredibly energized, and , it became a part of my story. I decided to run for office because i saw that no one else in the das race would fight for real justice for working people. To decriminalize poverty, mental health, and Substance Use disorder, to decriminalize sex work, and to treat violence as a Public Health issue. But i only believes it was believed that it was possible in the first place because alexandria showed that a working woman could run for office and win. By championing the real issues affecting our neighbors. She showed me that you dont need wall street bankers and Real Estate Developers writing 5000 checks to run for office. You dont need the political machine. You dont need the democratic establishment. You just need the people. And so, for me, thats what alexandria really represents. She is a congresswoman, a moral leader, and a clear voice for action on workers rights, medicare for all, and Climate Change, but most of all, she is a symbol for a different kind of political system. A political system led by multiracial workingclass people fighting to make government work for all of us, not just the white, wealthy, wellconnected few. A system led and powered by public defenders, and bartenders, and Public School teachers, and librarians. And you know, when i was running for da, i had to talk to a lot of different elected officials and democratic organizations to ask for their support of our campaign. And they would ask me, how much money do you have . Who else has endorsed you . Whether i have run before . And i remember vividly the first time i got on the phone with alexandria. Because it was so wildly different. She didnt care about how much i raised or who had endorsed me. She just wanted to know if my neighbors were behind me. [crowd cheering] ms. Caban how many volunteers we had brought in, was their real grassroots enthusiasm behind our message, were we doing the work to build a local coalition, and how are our contributions, or were we just cashing checks from rich people . And by the way, no big deal, but the answer is that that final campaign weekend that final , weekend alone, we had 1400 volunteers knock on over 100,000 doors. Because when you run a campaign for working people, the working people of queens show up. But my point is the questions alexandria asked about focused on volunteers and coalition building, not checks and endorsements. This is who alexandria is. Behind closed doors, when the cameras are off, her northstar is still pointed in the direction of the people. And lets be real. Thats who senator Bernie Sanders is, too. He showed alexandria that you dont have to sacrifice your values, your beliefs. You dont have to appease the establishment. And you can build a movement of working people. Right, yes [crowd chanting not for sale ] ms. Caban and its why she makes choices other elected officials just wouldnt. She joined a sit in at nancy firsts office in her weeks. Months since, shes challenged conventional wisdom in d. C. Every single day. Every chance she has gotten, she has used her platform in service of the movement. Backing candidates like me across the country who are fighting to build a government powered by the people, too. Now, i came up short in my race this year. [crowd tenting you got robbed crowd chanting you got robbed] ms. Caban but i am genuinely so hopeful about our future. So, to every young person, woman, queer person, black or brown person thinking about running who doesnt have the money or support, or know where to start, not only should you run, but we need you to. We only win when working people lead this movement, people like all of you. So it is my honor and my privilege to introduce my homegirl. [cheers and applause] congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez. [cheers and applause] congresswoman ocasiocortez holy cow whats up, new york city . Let me ask you again, what is out, new york city . Thank you all. Can we please hear it loud and proud for all of our volunteers, our staffers, our organizers for putting in the time putting in , the work, putting in the sweat and the tears to make sure that we bring a workingclass revolution to the ballot box of the United States of america. Thank you. I love you back. Do you all like my haircut . It got a lot of attention last week. Damn. [laughter] rep. Ocasiocortez thank you, new york city. Thank you you, queens. Lets acknowledge the ground that we are on. This is ground zero for the fight for Public Housing and fullyfunded dignified housing in the United States of america. Not only is this about Public Housing, this is the ground for Environmental Justice, because just beyond this park is a power plant that spills and spews up toxins to the poor, that shows exactly the fight of Environmental Justice that we are up against. But thats ok because theres a Green New Deal. We are going to center frontline communities, working class communities communities of , color, and Indigenous People to transform our future, take it back, and preserve our planet. [crowd chanting Green New Deal] rep. Ocasiocortez Green New Deal. Last year, last february, i was there is a lot in our way. But last february, i was working as a waitress in Downtown Manhattan. I worked shouldertoshoulder with undocumented workers, who often worked harder and hardest for the least amount of money. I was on my feet working 12hour days with no structured break. I didnt have health care. I wasnt being paid a living wage. And i didnt think that i deserved any of those things. Because that is the script that we tell working people here and all over this country. That your inherent worth and value as a human being is dependent on an income that another person decided to underpay us. But what we are here to do is to turn around that very basic lie. It wasnt until i heard of a man by the name of Bernie Sanders [cheers and applause] rep. Ocasiocortez that i began to question, and assert, and recognize my inherent value as a human being that deserves health care, housing, education, and a living wage. I was born across this river. And like many first, second, and Third Generation americans, i grew up between two worlds. In multiple contexts. My mom was born in puerto rico. My dad was born in the south bronx while the bronx was burning. And again, lets listen to our history. My dad was born when the bronx was burning, when landlords began to turn into arsonists because the insurance payouts were more valuable than the families that lived inside those buildings. [crowd booing] rep. Ocasiocortez now, that was the backdrop by which my parents started their lives. Which backdrop upon i started mine was in a onebedroom apartment in the bronx. They worked hard. We had a mattress on the floor and a crib in the closet, and thats how we started our american dream. Now, it was shortly after that that my mom and my dad looked at the quality of education in the bronx, and they looked at 50 dropout rates. They looked at the inequity of education, the inequity of education funding, the fact that teachers werent paid, the fact that kids werent given the tools to succeed, and that , frankly, it not only had to do with their income, but it had to do with their melanin, too. So they made, and my family made, a really hard decision. And my whole family chipped into to buy a small house about 40 minutes north of here. And thats when i got my first taste of a country who allows their kids destiny to be determined by the zip code they are born in. [crowd booing] rep. Ocasiocortez and so, much of my life was shuttled between these two worlds, and not just the two worlds between the bronx and westchester county, but the continental u. S. , new york state, and the realities of puerto rico, where my family is, too. And we saw the divisions between these two worlds. I grew up where income inequality was an ingrained fact of life of my childhood. And it took everything in us to try to give that next generation a chance. When i was 18, my dad died of cancer. And all of the work that we did in a generation, like that, was wiped out. And i know that that story isnt just mine. It is all of our stories. We are all always, it feels , like, just one accident away from everything falling apart. And we have to change the fundamental logic of a system and a politics that puts corporate profits ahead of all human and planetary costs. So when you rewind on that story, when i was a baby, my family relied on planned parenthood for prenatal care. Then, Bernie Sanders fought for me. When i was growing up, and education was being gutted for kids in the wrong zip code, Bernie Sanders fought for us. When i was a child who relied on chips so that i could see a doctor, Bernie Sanders fought for a singlepayer Health Care System. When the federal government decided to discriminate and abandon my queer family and friends, Bernie Sanders was putting his career on the line for us. When i was a waitress and when it was time for me to graduate college with student debt, Bernie Sanders was one of the only ones that said no person should be graduating with a life crushing debt at the start of their lives. Bernie sanders did not do these things because they were popular. And thats what we need to remember. He did these things and he fought for these aims and these ends when they came at the highest political cost in america. [crowd cheering] rep. Ocasiocortez no one wanted to question this system. And in 2016, he fundamentally changed politics in america. We right now have one of the best democratic president ial primary fields in a generation, and much of that is thanks to the work that Bernie Sanders has done. I am in the United States congress now. And thats a long, long way from being a sexually harassed waitress in Downtown Manhattan one year ago. However, in this new, historic freshman congressional class, in overwhelming amounts of them now reject corporate pack money. Corporate pac money. Thats thanks to bernie. And enormous amounts of the house of representatives endorses medicare for all. Thats thanks to bernie. More people now than ever recognize the Climate Crisis as an existential threat, but also our greatest Economic Opportunity and thats thanks not just to the climate work of Bernie Sanders, but the climate activists that are part of Mass Movement politics in the United States. Now that i am on that other side, i can tell you, the halls of congress are no joke. It is no joke to stand up to Corporate Power and established interests. It is no joke. It is not just about standing up and saying these things, but behind closed doors, the twisted, political pressure gets put on you and every trick in the book, psychological and otherwise, is used to get us to abandon the working class. [crowd jeering] rep. Ocasiocortez and it has been in that experience over the last nine months that i have grown to appreciate the enormous , consistent and nonstop , advocacy of senator Bernie Sanders. [crowd chanting bernie] applause]d now, oneiocortez thing i will say is that its not just what we are fighting for, but it is how we are going to do it. And how we are going to do it is with a Mass Mobilization of workingclass people at the ballot box. Thats the only way we are going to win this thing. Because one of our Top Priorities is not just defeating donald trump, but defeating the system of which he is a symptom. That means that what we need to do in this country is organize a fundamentally positive and welcoming movement, one that is mindful, not only mindful of the ugly history that created our present inequalities the racism , of housing segregation, the classism of the Hyde Amendment that tells us that lowincome women should not have access to health care, but we also recognize the imperialist and colonial histories that contribute to our endless wars. And our immigration crisis. Not only do we need to recognize that being underfunded by over 30 billion is not an accident it is an outcome. ,it is not an accident it is an , outcome of a system that devalues the poor, that devalues working people, and that prioritizes buildings like those over buildings like these. [cheers and applause] rep. Ocasiocortez and so, not only must we recognize what is broken and that has resulted in why we are here, but we need to recognize the principles that will drive us forward. Because the logic that got us into this mess is not going to get us out. So we need to build a mass onement in america centered the working class, the poor, the middle class one that is , actively antiracist, that is rooted in principles of universality. Everybody has a right to health care. Everybody has a right to an education. One that is rooted in principles of cooperation, that is participatory, that combats not only racism but misogyny, antiqueer discrimination, we have to actively center those principles to drive us forward, because the future and our future is in a public system, a publiclyowned system. Because we need to take power over our lives again. I dont know about you, but i dont want Mark Zuckerberg making decisions over my life. I dont know about you, but as a but the waltons have already been making decisions over our lives and what we got was , nothing. Thats right [cheering] rep. Ocasiocortez we need a United States that really, truly, and authentically is operated, owned, and decided by and all people in the United States of america. It ishat multiracialm multigendere, multiracial, multigendered multigenerational, and , multigeographic. We have to come together not ignoring our differences, but listening to them, prioritizing them, understanding injustice, understanding that we evolved in we operate in a context where jimery evolved into crow, evolved into mass incarceration, evolved into the realities that we have today. With that, i am proud to say that the only reason i have any hope in launching a longshot campaign for congress is because Bernie Sanders proved that you can run a Grassroots Campaign and win in an america where we almost thought it was impossible. And with that, i would like to introduce the man, the ally. I call him tio bernie. Maybe to my goddaughter, maybe to some others, he is brother. But he is my tio, Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] [entrance music] bernie ]ting [cheers and applause] sen. Sanders let me [crowd chanting bernie] sen. Sanders let me [crowd chanting bernies back ] sen. Sanders thank you. Let me begin by making an apology. We got a permit for 20,000 people, and we had to close the doors. [crowd cheering] sen. Sanders so to all of those who could not get in, thanks so much for being here, and thank all of you for being here today. When i look at this huge crowd, brothers and sisters, i have no doubt that the Political Revolution is going to sweep this country. [crowd cheering] sweep donald trump out of office. [crowd cheering] sen. Sanders and bring the change that this country has long needed. Thank you all for being here. What our campaign is about is not just defeating the most dangerous president in the history of this country, it is about transporting this country. Transforming this country. It is about creating an economy and a government that works for all of us, not just the 1 . [crowd cheering] sen. Sanders for 45 years, there has been a class war waged against the working families of this country by the billionaire class and the corporate elite. Well, we have some bad news for them. Things are going to change, and we are going to have a government of working people, not the 1 . [crowd cheering] sen. Sanders let me begin by thanking our great musicians for their great music. Thank you, guys. Let me thank my wife, jane. Father was a cabdriver from brooklyn. She was going to make an outstanding first lady for our country. Let me thank my four kids and seven grandchildren. This is a family you will be proud of. Let me thank michael moore. For his support for so many years. Michael followed work on an Assembly Line at General Motors in flint, michigan. Michael knows what side hes on. Let me thank the mayor of san juan, puerto rico, who has stood up to trump in the fight for justice for puerto rico. And i want to thank her for being one of the cochairs about of our campaign. Let me thank senator nina turner. [applause] nina grew up in a low income family in cleveland, and at the age of 14, started working parttime jobs in order to support her family. Nina knows which side she is on. [applause] and let me thank congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez. [cheers] aoc aoc aoc sen. Sanders you know, i have been around politics a few years. And it is hard to believe the degree to which in less than one year this woman, the youngest woman ever elected to congress, it is hard to believe the degree to which she has transformed politics in america. Coming from a struggling family from puerto rico, she has been a fierce defender of the working class of our country. She has taken on the greed of wall street with legislation to put a cap on interest rates. She has been a leader in the fight against gentrification. For rent control. For Affordable Housing. And all within one year. She has electrified this country when she introduced the concept of the Green New Deal. [cheers] deal ]chants green new sen. Sanders alexandria has become an inspiration to millions of young people not just here in new york but across this country. Who now understands the importance of political participation and standing up for justice. Alexandria, thank you so much. [applause] and i am so delighted that alexandria is part of our campaign, and i look forward to traveling with her all over this country. [cheers] let me also on a personal note take this opportunity to thank the many people across this nation who, in my time of illness, sent me and my family their prayers and well wishes and their love. It has meant the world to jane and me, and i think you so very much. [applause] and along with the great medical care i have received, i am happy to report to you that i am more than ready [cheers] more ready than ever to carry on with you. The epic struggle that we face today. I am more than ready to assume the office of president of the United States. [cheers] i am more than ready to take on the greed and corruption of the corporate elite and their apologists. I am more ready than ever to help create a government based on the principles of justice, Economic Justice, racial justice, social justice and Environmental Justice. [applause] to put it bluntly, i am back. [cheers] [crowd chanting bernie ] senator sanders there is no question that i and my family have faced adversity over these last couple of weeks, but the untold story is that people everywhere in this country, and in the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, are facing their own adversities. Tonight in america, over 500,000 people will find themselves homeless, and right here in new york city, over 130,000 people, including 45,000 children, slept in homeless shelters last year alone. Today in america, half of our population, 50 of our people, the working class of this country, is living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to pay their rent, their mortgages, their light bills, or fix their cars. Dealing with the incredible stress of struggling to just stay alive and feed their families, that is adversity. Today in america, 87 million of our people are uninsured or underinsured, unable to go to the doctor when they get sick, because the United States maintains the most dysfunctional and cruel Health Care System in the world. That is adversity. Today in america, in a country that once led the world in terms of the quality of our educational system, millions of workingclass families are desperately searching for affordable childcare. Hundreds of thousands of bright young people are unable to fulfill their dreams because their families cannot afford the outrageous cost of higher education, and tens of millions struggle with the oppressive burden of student debt. Today in america, millions of Senior Citizens are unable to afford the prescription drugs they desperately need, because our government has allowed the crooks in the pharmaceutical industry to engage in pricefixing and political bribery, while at the same time, trump and the republicans are desirous of cutting medicare, medicaid and Social Security for our seniors. [crowd booing] as all of you know, while in the midst of all of their suffering, there is another reality which is taking place in this country. And that is that while the working families of america have seen virtually no increase in their inflation accounted for income over the last 45 years, the top 1 now have more income and wealth than they have ever had before in the history of this country. [crowd booing] and brothers and sisters, congress may not talk about it, the media may not talk about it, but not only will we talk about income and wealth inequality, we are going to do something about it. [cheers] [crowd chants we will win ] sanders damn right, we are going to win. And we are going to win, because the American People want fundamental changes in our national priorities. They are tired of the 1 getting richer while they are struggling to put food on the table. That is why we are going to win. [cheers] today, unbelievably, while we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth, 25 Hedge Fund Managers make twice as much money as all of the kindergarten teachers in america. [crowd booing] we are going to honor our teachers, not the Hedge Fund Managers. [cheers] that is going to change under our administration. Today, the three wealthiest americans own more wealth than the bottom half of american society. And the top 1 have seen their wealth increase by 21 trillion over the last 30 years. Today, we say to wall street and the billionaire class, you aint going to get it all anymore. [cheers] [crowd chanting bernie ] sen. Sanders justice longoverdue is coming to the United States of america. [cheers] but it is not just wealth and income. Today, so many people in new york state, vermont, all across this country, are working two or three jobs to put food on the table. 49 of all new income goes to the top 1 . And when we talk about justice and immorality, please remember that unbelievably, the richest people in our country live 15 years longer than the poorest people. [crowd booing] in other words, poverty is a death sentence, and we are going to end that death sentence. [cheers] it is not a radical idea to say that all of our people, regardless of their income, have the right to live long and happy lives. [cheers] and i must also say that in the midst of all this massive wealth and income inequality, there is also a Racial Disparity within the overall disparity. Today, the average white family owns more than 10 times the wealth of the average black family. [crowd booing] black women are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy than white women. And the infant mortality rate in black communities is more than double what it is in White Communities. Meanwhile, as a result of a broken and racist criminal Justice System, black men are sentenced to 19 more jail time for committing the exact same crime as white men. And africanamericans are jailed at more than five times the rate of whites. Now, that is where we are today. That is where we are, a nation in which, a few miles away from here, people on wall street make unbelievable amounts of money and live in incredible and ostentatious luxury, while right here, across the street from us, people are struggling day after day just to survive. But it is not just here in new york city, it is also in West Virginia and kentucky and alabama and mississippi, and other states where people continue to work for starvation wages, and are worried to death about the future their children face. That is why we say today that in america, anyone who works 40 hours a week will not live in poverty. [applause] we are going to raise that minimum wage to a living wage, at least 15 an hour. And we are going to make sure that every worker in america has the right to join a union. [crowd chanting union ] sen. Sanders millions of workers in this country want to join unions, and today their employers in illegal ways, are making that impossible. And that is why our labor law opens the door. In our first four years, we are going to double the number of workers in this country that belong to unions. [applause] brothers and sisters, it is clear to me that what our campaign is all about is that the enormous problems facing our country cannot be solved by the same old, same old approach to politics. The time is now to tell the corporate elite of this country that enough is enough, and we will no longer accept their greed and the corruption and their attacks against the working families of america. [cheers] [applause] brothers and sisters, we need a new vision for america, and that is what this campaign is all about. And in terms of political struggle, in terms of how we bring about the transformative changes that we desperately need, i am reminded of a statement made by nelson mandela, one of the great leaders in modern history. [applause] and this is what mandela said. He said, and i quote, it always seems impossible until it is done. [applause] do you all understand what that means . It always seems impossible until it is done. In other words, what the establishment, whether it is the economic establishment, whether it is the political establishment or whether it is the media establishment, what they want us to believe is that real and fundamental change can never occur. [crowd booing] they want us to believe that our vision for the future is unrealistic, that it is a pipe dream, that it is simply utopian thinking. They want us to believe that the only reality that we can live under is the status quo. That real change is impossible. And by the way, it is not just republicans that give us that line. That is exactly what i heard on the stage of the democratic debate in ohio a few nights ago. [applause] so let me respectfully disagree. Let me respectfully disagree with those who believe that real change is not possible, and let me tell you exactly the kind of america we are going to fight for when we are in the white house. For starters, unlike donald trump, we are not going to divide the American People up based on the color of our skin, our gender, where we were born, our Sexual Orientation or our religion. In fact, we are going to do exactly the opposite. We are going to bring our people together. [applause] we are going to bring our people together, blackandwhite and latino, asianamerican and native american. We are going to bring our people together whether they are gay or straight, male or female, young or old, and together we are going to fight every vestige of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and religious bigotry that exists. [applause] our administration is the administration that will take America Forward in ending all forms of discrimination. But we are also, as we bring our people together, going to push through an agenda that addresses the pain of the working families of this country, because we believe that economic rights are human rights. [applause] we believe that education is a human right which enriches us all and enables us to get the goodpaying jobs we need in a competitive global economy. [applause] that is why we will implement policy that provides for universal, affordable childcare. Every working family has the right to know that their kids are in high Quality Childcare and are getting the emotional and intellectual nourishment they need in order to grow. [applause] and we are going to rebuild Public Education in this country. [applause] that gives our teachers the respect and the compensation that they deserve. I want to thank teachers all over the country, that have literally taken money out of their own pockets in order to buy the School Supplies the kids need. We believe in education. We believe in our teachers. And under our administration, we are going to have the best Public Education system in the world. [cheers] and because we believe in equality, we are going to make our public colleges and universities tuition free. [cheers] we are going to adequately fund our hcbus, and by the way, we are going to cancel all student debt in america. [cheers] yes, if the congress [crowd chanting bernie ] sen. Sanders if congress 11 years ago could get my vote to bailout the crooks on wall street and provide them with trillions of dollars of zero interest loans, if donald trump and his republican friends would give over 1 trillion in tax breaks to the largest corporations in the 1 , if we can spend 750 billion a year on the military, you know what . We can cancel all student debt in america with a modest tax on wall street speculation. Hey, wall street, can you hear us now . [applause] when we talk about workers rights, it is my belief that every american who wants a job should be able to find a job through a federal job guarantee program. Which pays workers good wages, and provides union representation. There is an enormous amount of work to be done in our country, and we need skilled workers to do those jobs. Brothers and sisters, this is the United States of america. We can create up to 15 million goodpaying jobs rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. [applause] roads and bridges, airports, water systems, it is not a radical idea to say that in america, when you turn on your tap, your faucet, you have a right to drink clean water. [applause] we can create millions more jobs as we expand childcare, education, health care and services for Senior Citizens. Let me say a word about an issue that ive been working on for decades, and that is my belief, and i know it is your belief, that health care is a human right. [applause] [crowd chanting] bernie. Bernie. Bernie. Senator sanders together we are going to end the International Embarrassment of the United States of america being the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all of their people. [applause] brothers and sisters, we will end the absurdity of america spending twice as much per capita on health care as the people of almost every major country on earth, while at the same time 87 Million People are underinsured or uninsured, 30,000 americans die each year because they dont get to a doctor on time, and 500,000 go bankrupt because they cannot afford to pay their medical bills. [crowd booing] we will take on the greed of the Insurance Companies and the Drug Companies and pass a medicare for all, singlepayer plan. [applause] and now let me thank, or give a special thanks to congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez, for helping our country recognize that Climate Change is an existential threat to our planet, and that we must implement a Program Consistent with the goal of the Green New Deal. [applause] [crowd chanting] Green New Deal. Green new deal. Green new deal. Senator sanders one of the proposals i have introduced during this campaign is the most comprehensive Climate Change plan ever introduced by any candidate running for federal office. In other words, we are listening to the scientists. [applause] our legislation will hold the fossilfuel industry accountable. It will create up to 20 million new jobs as we transform our Energy System away from fossil fuel, to Energy Sufficiency and Energy Efficiency and sustainable energy. It will give us the tools that we need to help lead the world in combating Climate Change, and save this planet for our children and future generations. [applause] right across the street from where we are at this moment is new york citys largest fossil fuel power plant. Let us be clear. It is no secret that that plant is located right next to the citys largest Public Housing development. Together we will pass a Green New Deal that will end the environmental racism we see right here in queens. [applause] and in similar communities all across this country. Together, not only will we clean up our environment, but we will finally put an end to environmental racism. And in the richest country in the history of the world, alexandria, you and i believe that every american should have a fundamental right to a safe, decent and affordable home. [applause] it is absolutely unacceptable and unamerican that veterans and families with Young Children are sleeping out on the streets of new york city and all across this country. It is unacceptable that 18 million families in america are paying over half of their limited incomes on housing. And it is unacceptable that wealthy Real Estate Developers in new york and across the country are gentrifying neighborhoods. And it is absolutely unacceptable that the largest Public Housing development in north america, right across the street from us, lacks decent heat and hot water and is he is in urgent need of repair. The Affordable Housing program that we will implement will establish the funds necessary to build nearly 10 million new apartments and homes throughout this country. [applause] our program will eliminate homelessness in america. [applause] it will end the gentrification taking place in cities like new york, seattle, San Francisco and all over america. [applause] and our legislation will create a National Rent control standard. Landlords all across america will no longer be able to rip off their tenants and throw them out of their homes. [applause] and our proposal will provide 20 billion to new york city Public Housing authorities to repair and modernize Public Housing stock, to make all Public Housing accessible, and to provide access to highspeed broadband for all of its residents. [applause] let me say a word about an issue i know is on the minds of all of us. And that is that we are going to end once and for all the broken and racist criminal Justice System that exists in america. [applause] we are going to end in the International Embarrassment of having more people in jail in america than in any other country on earth. Instead of spending 80 billion a year on jails and incarceration, we are going to invest in our young people, in jobs and education, jobs and education, not jails and incarceration. [applause] we are going to end private prisons and Detention Centers in america. We are going to end the horrifically destructive war on drugs, and legalize marijuana. [applause] and we are going to end the disgrace of 400,000 people right now locked behind bars because they are too poor to afford cash bail. We are going to end cash bail. [applause] we are going to redefine criminal justice in america. It seems to me a little bit absurd that we have people in jail right now for selling marijuana. [crowd booing] when we have crooks on wall street and the Drug Companies who have killed people all over this country not facing any criminal charges. How do you pay billions of dollars in fines for illegal behavior, and yet no criminal charges are made against the ceos . What we believe in is equal justice under the law whether you are rich or whether you are poor. Today, we say to the American People that instead of demonizing the undocumented immigrants in this country, we are going to pass comprehensive Immigration Reform and provide a path toward citizenship. [applause] on our first day in office, through executive order we are going to provide legal status to 1. 8 million young people eligible for the daca program, and expand that program to their parents. [applause] we are going to develop a humane border policy for those who seek asylum. We will not be a government which snatches babies from the arms of their mothers, or throws children into cages. [applause] and we will put an end to the disastrous raids of the ice agency. [applause] [crowd chanting] today, on another issue that disgusts the American People, we are sick and tired of seeing these Mass Shootings taking place all over the country. Our administration will take on the nra. [applause] we will move aggressively to end the epidemic of gun violence in this country, and pass the commonsense gun safety legislation that the overwhelming majority of the American People want. [applause] under our administration, people who should not have guns will not have guns. [applause] and today we say loudly and proudly that it is the women of this country who have the right to control their own bodies, not the politicians. [applause] i promise you i will never nominate anyone for the u. S. Supreme court who is not 100 proroe v. Wade. You know, when i talk about the proposals that i think we should adopt to protect the working families of this country, i am often criticized, and people say, bernie, it is so expensive, how are you going to pay for these proposals . Well, let me tell you exactly how we are going to pay for these proposals. We are going to tell the wealthiest people in this country that they are going to start paying their fair share of taxes. We are going to rescind the trump tax breaks for billionaires and large corporations. [applause] we are going to end the insanity of providing hundreds of billions in tax breaks and subsidies to the fossilfuel industry. And in my view, we do not have to spend more than the next 10 nations combined on defense spending. [applause] [crowd chanting] end all wars. End all wars. End all wars. Senator sanders standing before you today, i believe more than i have ever believed that we are at a moment and our great countrys history where all of us coming together can create the america that we are entitled to have, the america that we know that we can become. [applause] we can create a new america, true to the principles that are supposed to be the foundation of our democracy. And i want to ask all of you to and i want to ask all of you to do me a favor. Take a look around you. Take a look around you right here, just this assembly of people. And if you look around, what you will find is that we have people here of every race, every gender, every gender identity, we have different religions, we have different ethnicities. We have men and women here, we have people who are young and we have people who are old. We are a reflection of the diversity and the strength of the movement that we have built, and it is that movement, black and white and latino and Asian American and native american, all of us coming together, it is that movement that is going to transform this country. [applause] [crowd chanting] let me just tell you what you already know. Our opponents, whether it is the republican establishment, democratic establishment, whether it is wall street, Insurance Companies, Drug Companies, the fossilfuel industry, militaryindustrial complex, prison industrial complex, the whole damn 1 , they are not going to give us their wealth and their power without a fight. And the question that we have got to answer together is, are we prepared to stand up to them and transform this country . [applause] [crowd chanting] we will win. We will win. We will win. Senator sanders i want you all to take a look around and find something you dont know, somebody who doesnt look like you, somebody who might be of a different religion than you, maybe they come from a different country. My question now to you is, are you willing to fight for that person, who you dont even know, as much as you are willing to fight for yourself . [applause] are you willing to stand together and fight for those people who are struggling economically in this country . [applause] are you willing to fight for young people drowning in student debt, even if you are not . Are you willing to fight to ensure that every american has health care as a human right, even if you have Good Health Care . Are you willing to fight for frightened immigrant neighbors, even if you are nativeborn . [applause] are you willing to fight for a future for generations of people who have not yet even been born, but are entitled to live on a planet that is healthy and habitable . Because if you are willing to do that, if you are willing to love, if you are willing to fight for a government of compassion and justice and decency, if you are willing to stand up to trumps desire to divide us up, if you are prepared to stand up to the greed and corruption of the corporate elite, if you and millions of others are prepared to do that, there is no doubt in my mind that not only will we win this election, but together we will transform this country. Thank you, all, very much. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] campaign 2020. Watch our live coverage of the president ial candidates on the campaign trail and make up your own mind. Cspans campaign 2020, your unfiltered view of politics. Shopping and see what is now available at the cspan online store, including our allnew campaign 2020 tshirts, sweatshirts, and hats. And browsen store all of our products. Journals washington live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up this morning, Florida Republican congressman ted yoho joins us to talk about the trump impeachment inquiry and syria. Then the latest on the House Democrats impeachment efforts and a discussion of how u. S. Troops are being used in syria and saudi arabia. Be sure to watch washington journal live at 7 00 eastern this morning. Join the discussion. Senator Elizabeth Warren holds a town hall in norfolk, virginia, the second largest city in the commonwealth and home to the Worlds Largest naval base. The Campaign Event took place [cheers and applause]