Mr. Papadopoulos thank you, everyone. Thank you. [applause] wow. Wow, wow, this is wonderful. Is this thing on . Lets get this thing on. Handheld . Can you hear me . Perfect. I walked in with one of these big, i dont know what you call them these satchels, but im because thatng it is what you do when youre with friends and family thats what you do, right . I wasnt going to sit here and bore you all with a 20, 25minute well rehearsed speech. Thats not my style. Its not the style of my former boss we all love here, right . Donald trump. [applause and cheers] mr. Papadopoulos so what i came out here, first of all i want to thank the organizers of this. This is wonderful. This is exactly what america needs. We need this all around america, but of course this is a nations biggest in the beautiful city of west palm beach, and i love it here. [applause] you know i have come a long road, ladies and gentlemen. Its been a long two years. [laughter] a very, very long two years. Im going to start by telling you that things werent easy. Initially we were in this chaotic moment, this coup that i lived from the beginning and unfortunately i couldnt speak loudly. I had no voice except for my wife simona who is here who i , think everybody should applaud. [applause] yeah i remember it like , yesterday. It was the summer of 2015, i was working in the swamp in dc. I was one of these young, up and coming energy analysts, Foreign Policy guys who was tired of the establishment. I was working with all the establishment types. Scooter libby. Great guys. But they were running an administration that i think americans did not want. They didnt want another bush. So i knew jeb was finished. They didnt want [laughter] hes a good guy but hes a little low energy, am i right . [laughter] we were in a moment, ladies and gentlemen, when isis was going around cutting peoples heads off. Christians and jews were being persecuted unlike any time in this millennia. The economy was in a rut. Illicit illegal immigration was running rampant all around this country. We did not feel like it was the america we grew up to believe it was. Im 32. Theres some people younger here than me. Some people older than me here. I guarantee you under obama we didnt feel like that was the america we recognized, am i right . [applause] so i said to myself, my colleagues over at the Hudson Institute told me go get your feet wet. We are going to get you in with one of those establishment campaigns. You are going to do great. You are 28. You are going to move up the ranks. And obviously people were predicting clinton might have won, get your feet wet and come back and continue working in the swamp. That would have been the safe choice, ladies and gentlemen. Not the choice to victory. So what i did was i told them im not interested in that. Im getting out of here. Im going to go off and im going to join the ben carson campaign. And that is exactly what i did. Who loves ben carson here . [applause and cheers] if there is one who represents the american dream, its ben carson. Ill give you a little story about dr. Carson. I remember i was living in london. I was working over there in the energy business. I got a call from a guy called larry bennett. He was the Campaign Manager at the time. He was like, look, we need help out here. Why dont you come out here . I said look, im living in london. No problem. We will get you on the next flight to bethesda. I get over there. I move to alexandria, virginia. I help dr. Carson out. He tells me and tells the Group Christian judeo values, that is the heart of the American Social fabric. It struck me as somebody who is i a christian myself. Am i was raised in the suburbs of chicago. But for somebody who had his beliefs at the root of his heart and how he acted every single day made a great impression on me. Before every meeting we prayed. At the end of every meeting we prayed. And it was dr. Ben carson who explained how important education is and the family structure. While he did not have a twoparent household, his mother was his rock, and his mother instilled in him the belief that you had to be educated to move up in this world, and you shouldnt look at each others colors or beliefs. And you should all want to make a positive impact on society. And he ended up becoming one of the worlds greatest renowned surgeons in history. [applause] so dr. Ben carson taught me a lot with america. It was that moment i saw americans i have never seen before. I saw great patriots there. I saw people, evangelicals. I saw whites, blacks, latinos. People standing up and saying this is a man who represents me. And i love that about dr. Ben carson. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Shortly after he drops out of the race, i looked around, and i saw if he endorsed donald trump, he was going to take away ted cruzs votes, and donald trump would end up becoming both the nominee and next president. I contact corey lewandowski. I saw corey a couple days ago in miami, and we laughed about it because i havent seen him in about three years. I was persona non grata for so long, so it was nice to see my old colleagues once again. I told him and mentioned it during the conference i was pestering you corey. , i knew you had a winner here, but i ended up joining carsons campaign, and you brought me on, and thats what happened. I joined Donald Trumps campaign in march of 2016 when he was going to be the nominee. I think he became the nominee around that time or the next month. The moment i joined this campaign, ladies and gentlemen, i saw the setup. I saw what was going on. I saw the foreign governments involved. The media detested this guy and they were going to do Everything Possible to stack the deck against him. Thats what happened. What you are starting to see now when people like the New York Times or the Washington Post have written some good articles about me, too, and some bad ones, but they are shocked at what william barr and what john durham are up to all around the world. Ok . This investigation by john durham and william barr is going to change American History [applause and cheers] and the fruit of the results of this investigation, im telling you, im marking my entire reputation on it in front of all my friends here, that it will also change world history. [applause and cheers] the Mainstream Media wants to call us all extreme right conspiracy theorists because we believe that our president was not colluding with russia. [laughter] they want to call us fringe people because we believe that some of the key actors in my story and others were not working for the russians. We were probably working for the cia. People like Joseph Mifsud who you have all probably heard of. Stephon, charles, some of you have read my book. You probably are familiar with these names. Others havent. Probably heard them on some my interviews. These people were not there to ever root out or find out if donald trump or his campaign was colluding with russia because these people, ladies and gentlemen, know what you had for breakfast before you even had it. They were tailing us for months and months and months. There were fisa warrants issued. Michael flynn, the great michael flynn, right . [applause and cheers] seven months before i had this bizarre stefan halper, the guy they call the walrus from cambridge, he was targeting and spying on him. Seven months before i even met michael flynn. They are starting to say that this was all just because we believed that the Donald Trump Campaign and associates of his were in the pocket of putin. This was a setup. This was preplanned. This was orchestrated. And this came approximately from the top of the Obama White House. Ok. I dont [applause] i hear a lot of pundits go on tv and say it came from the white house. They are just saying it. I know it did because these foreign governments, that were involved in my case, which william barr and john durham are now going all around the world, whether its australia, the u. K. , italy, ukraine, these governments and representatives of these governments wouldnt even go near an american let alone spy on him unless the u. S. Government told him to. Ok . Thats just how things happened. I was in dc a long time. I worked in the middle east. No one goes near you when they know you are politically involved and an american unless you are being told to go after this person. Who told people like joseph, alex, stephon, others to target the campaign . Brennan. Mr. Papadopoulos brennan. Exactly. I think comey was the errand boy. I dont even think he knew what was going on. This came up from brennan and the Obama White House and the heads of the doj, and they used comey to get these illicit fisa warrants which we are now just starting to understand much more of. When carter paiges fisa came out people were trying to understand why would he have a fisa warrant on him. What did he actually do . Why was he never charged . We later find out that a fisa warrant allows doj and the fbi to snoop in on everybody. In on everybody within the campaign. They wanted to assure that if donald trump did end up winning, and i guarantee you that they thought he had a better chance of winning than the pollsters thought he did, thats why he was targeted the way he was, they wanted to handcuff him. They wanted to try and humiliate him. They didnt allow him to properly govern this nation. Im surprised the nation is doing as incredible as it is considering how much hes been handcuffed. [applause] historic unemployment rates. Africanamerican unemployment rate, hispanics, women in the work force. The world respects us. These are not fallacies. These are, this is reality. I know the media wants to tell us its not happening. It is happening. The world does respect us. What donald trump said during the campaign about promises, hes keeping them. How many politicians have done that in the past . [applause and cheers] none. Promises made. Promised kept. Thats something that what he said he was going to do, hes doing it. He moved the embassy to jerusalem. Great choice, right . [applause] as somebody who worked in israel for a long time, that was one of the most beautiful things i ever saw. You had so many president s who were determined, in quotes, to move the embassy to jerusalem. But they never did it. You had other president s like obama who were hostile to our greatest ally in the middle east who were spying on netanyahu, who tried to interfere in his election because he didnt like him. So dont be surprised he was trying to interfere in our election, too. [applause and cheers] thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we are at the precipice. And i dont say that lightly. We are going to finally get to the bottom of what happened in 2016. [applause and cheers] if i, somebody, who went through hell and back with my wife am fighting and standing up and going public with my story and bringing more attention and more heat on me from these people who would rather see me disappear than talking to groups like you, if i am out here doing it, if i am vigilant, if im talking, and being active, i really hope all of you are remaining active, too, for our democracy. [applause and cheers] i said 2016 was the most consequential election in u. S. History. I really think 2020 is. [applause] [indiscernible] mr. Papadopoulos that is right. That is right. [indiscernible] mr. Papadopoulos its sorry . Winning. I like to win, everybody. I dont know. You all winners in here . [applause and cheers] i dont like to see scams against my country. I dont like to see scams against my president. And i dont want to see my name run through the mud for nonsense. If i was a guilty guy, if i was up to no good trying to harm my country, the last thing i would be doing is talking in front of patriots like you tonight. [applause and cheers] the coward is the one that hides. Thats why all these cowards who went after us that brennan sent after us who are trying to spread this disinformation against all america, to try to cause chaos and division and create this bizarre impeachment issue that we are going through right now, these people hate america. These people dont respect your votes. They dont respect what you all believe in, what you stand for. That is what the deep state is. Its not a euphemism. Loosely. E that word so i dont. I saw what people like muellers team wanted to do. They wanted to crush me. They wanted to crush michael flynn, roger stone, to make us sing or compose to Say Something , that wasnt true to harm our president and the change of direction of this country for the worse. I would rather go to jail for life than be a traitor to my country. [applause and cheers] so with that, ladies and gentlemen, i just wanted to thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to come out here to share some of whats going on, where i see things going, keep faith in william barr and john durham. These people are patriots. They love america. And it is the year of the boomerang. These people are going to get it back. [applause and cheers] thank you. Mr. Papadopoulos thank you. Usa usa usa usa usa usa well take just two questions and then hes going to head off to sign some books. Do we have questions . Where is mr. Papadopoulos i think a lot of people had the question about wheres joseph thats one of them. Could you i dont know if you can share about this bribe that you were given and what happened with that and where it is and a little bit of the background with mifsud . Thank you. Mr. Papadopoulos sure. This is a part of the story that not even the media has covered probably willfully because it changes the narrative. As i explained earlier in this conversation, if there was one country i knew inside and out it , was israel. It wasnt russia. Thats where all my business used to be and thats where all my work used to be. What happened was after the fbi comes to my house, they start to question me, where im happy to answer all their questions, i find out that they are looking for some sort of perjury trap. That is what it seemed like. It seemed like they knew exactly who this Joseph Mifsud was and i get caught up in mixing up dates and i get in some sort of charge for that. What happened was after i thought i was helping them, i guess i didnt think i had enough. They didnt have enough on me to bring me in for whatever they were trying to do. So all of a sudden i notice in my email gets hacked. The week after i am meeting with these people. Two weeks later i meet this bizarre man named Charles Towell who characterizes himself as an israeli american businessman who knows everything about the oil industry in israel. Exactly what i was up to in my life. The only problem is he actually didnt know what the hell he was talking about, so right away i was very suspicious about him. Biden. Mr. Papadopoulos exactly. He was like a hunter biden kind of guy. Hes going around telling me hes the most well networked guy in the world. He knows everybody. But i looked around. I didnt know who he was. Never heard of him. So im on vacation with my then girlfriend now wife in greece at the time summer of 2017. This is at the time when there was actually the fourth fisa warrant issued on carter page. This is going to get interesting. There was a fisa warrant issued on carter page. There are rumors. I was told by abc news and the New York Times they had executed one on me. I cant wait to see what they put in there because im planning on suing when i actually see the fraudulent stuff that they put in there if there was one. This individual tells me come to israel for the day. Well talk business. I fly to israel as i have done seven other times. The only problem is we werent there talking about business. The moment i get there, it was a very bizarre, i am being introduced to people that i should not have been and felt like i was being entrapped. He tells me, heres 10,000. Why dont you keep this as a retainer for our future business dealings . And i kept thinking to myself, and my girlfriend at the time and wife, warned me. She said this guys up to no good. [applause] women are a little wiser than us men, you know . [laughter] [indiscernible] mr. Papadopoulos she saved my life a lot of times. [laughter] so i definitely i take this money right away. Take it. I give it to my lawyer. I said this guy no one gives you 10,000 in cash unless they are in the mafia or setting you up. I give it to my lawyer. I contact the individual, dont ever contact me again. Take your money. I fly back to dc. Two days later i have eight fbis waiting for me. Wheres the money, george . What money . Looking through my bags. It was a setup. And this money is now under intense scrutiny by both congress and by the department of justice. [applause] guys give it up for george , papadopoulos. Simona, thank you for coming and protecting him through this process. Wives happen to have a sixth sense about these types of things. [applause] there you go, thank you. Announcer 1 President Trump held a Campaign Rally after going through a new ranch house and a store in texas. He talked about turkey, criticized democrats, and talked about his 2016 election victory. The rally was held at the American Airlines center. It is just over an hour and a half. Trump thank you very much. Hello, dallas. It is great to be with you tonight. Thank you. [cheering] and i am thrilled to be here deep in the heart of texas. ,[applause and cheers] where we just opened a beautiful

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