Italians have blessed our country with great art and music. Whoonor the italian voyager led a voyage of discovery to the new world, a gentleman known as christopher columbus. To me, it will always be called columbus day. Some people dont like that, i do. Today, the United States and italy draw strength from our cherished heritage as we Work Together to safeguard our people and promote prosperity as nato allies. Our countries cooperate closely on a wide range of critical defense issues, including the protection of our nations against radical islamic terrorism. The problem is, italy is only paying 1. 1 instead of the mandated 2 , which by and of itself is a low number. Only eight of the 28 nato ,ountries are paying the 2 meaning 20 of the countries are delinquent in the payment to nato. Years. Ve been for many germany is 1. 3 at most, spain is that less than 1 , turkey, believe it or not, is almost current and paid up. I want to thank the secretarygeneral because he is going around saying that President Trump was able to raise over 100 billion last year, which is true. But is still only a large fraction of the amount of money that is owed by many countries that are not paying their dues. We hope that italy will boost its defense spending in order to meet natos minimum two percent of gdp. I will say that they have just purchased and we learned about it today, 90 brandnew beautiful f35s. The Strike Fighter program is doing phenomenally well. One of our major challenges and the challenge facing nato today is instability in the mediterranean and north africa in areas. Standardse volatility stems from libya. We were talking about that at great length. Libyang alluvial conflict has led to a migration conflict, placing unfair burdens on italy. I have asked that the European Union gets much more involved. They do very well with us on trade. They had a trade surplus with the United States over the last five or six years of about 150 billion a year. They have to get more involved. The Italian Government has stepped up as a leader to fight to this ilLegal Immigration. We urge our nato and European Partners to take firm action to halt Legal Immigration and sovereign borders. Immigration control is crucial to National Security and essential to the wellbeing of our citizens. Nations must be able to properly manage entry and admission into society. You know the legislation we had passed, we had no help from the democrats on our borders. Absolutely nothing. The closure of loopholes which they refused to do. They want open borders. Italy does not want open borders. Our numbers are good. I want to thank also mexico and the president of mexico for the great help they have given us here in the United States, we are taking genetic action to secure our borders and shutdown Smuggling Networks and speed to the removal of illegal immigrants. Are moving the ms 13 gang members out literally by the thousands. Or dropping them out of our country and they cant come back. We have done with guatemala ,nd honduras and el salvador they tell me its close to a miracle the agreements we have signed. They accept them back if they keep them back. Its a different relationship that we have ever had and i want leadership of those countries are given working very well together our messages if you enter illegally, you will be promptly returned home. It takes a long time because we have had years of people coming in and staying and thats the end of that. Discussed of the steps we must take to enhance commerce and Economic Growth between the two countries. I nations are already investing nearly 70 billion in each others economies. , as unfair burdens as they are, imposed by the European Union. We would have a much higher number than 70 billion. However, we can do more and we can achieve fairness and reciprocity. Americas trade deficit with italy accounts for about 20 of 100 70 billion, could even be a hundred 78 billion annual trade. The deficit with the European Union. We welcome italys support for a mutually beneficial trade agreement with the eu ensures a level Playing Field for American Workers and has not been that for many years i could solve the problem instantly but it would be too harsh. It would involve tariffs on european products coming into this country. Right now, we will try and do it without that, but that would solve the problem instantly because the United States is not being treated fairly. We also welcome italys partisan in combating predatory trade practices, especially in technology. We must Work Together to shield our intellectual property and data security. I applaud italys recent commitment to use only safe and ,rustworthy technology especially relating to the five g networks. We will Work Together to take further steps to secure the technology of the future. And speaking of five g and how it relates to china we have done an incredible trade deal, phase one for our farmers and for the finance industry. It has been a really quite amazing. Is there a problem back there . It has been quite amazing. Level of receptive the the reception has been very different. Have made atatives deal from 4050,000,000,000 dollars in Farm Products and agricultural products. People said we were hoping for 20. The agreements so we hope to have it signed sometime prior to chile. We will probably do a signing it all getsassuming finished up there as been a lot of goodwill between the United States and china. Frome signing 4050,000,000,000 dollars. It was incorrectly reported in the press, shockingly. Hat will take place it has already started and they are purchasing a lot of Farm Products. The banking regulations and Financial Services and other things included. Many things included that we wont stop about but all of that is moving along rapidly. Bob lighthizer is with us and he is in the process of getting it pleaded. Completed. It is a true pleasure to host you in our nations capital, you and that family. Your deeply personal relationship, you love your country so much. I see how much you love italy and i can understand that. Its an inspiration, a testament to the patriotism and pride of the italian people. Great spirit for italy. America is grateful to have friends and allies and citizens of italy. We have such a great relationship with the people of italy. United states is likewise thankful to be home to more than 60 million italian americans. Will celebrate our deep friendship with italy and the really incredible italian people the u. S. Italian alliance is stronger than ever of be celebrating that tonight in the meantime thank you very much and we would love to have you say if words. Ds a few thank you for the welcome to myself and the entire delegation. The relationship is marked by a deep friendship and common interest. Both strengthened by the presence here in the u. S. So Many Americans of italian descent. That is another reason why i am so happy to be here on this visit in october. Dedicated this year again to italian heritage. Whatld like to go back to President Trump was saying when he mentioned christopher columbus, who opened up new horizons. He got to know connected continents which i ignored one another. And it seems to me he did a good in italy, the u. S. Is not only a fundamental ally. It is also a country with which it shares the same half of democracy. Which shares the same values of freedom, the , ofection of human rights the respect for minorities of the rule of law. Vision isternational alliance,he atlantic which over time lead to european integration of the European Union, which was a consistent these are essential elements in our Foreign Policy and our cooperation. United. We are united due to our history, common references, and the references we share. Very intensee human relationships we have between our fellow citizens as President Trump mentioned talked about nato. Nato is first and foremost a community of values, which italy recognize and participates in and very factually. Italy has always contribute very to Nato Missions and operations we have substantially supported the activities of the lines. I would like to remind you of the fact that besides being the fifth to jupiter to nato, italy is the second contributor in terms of troops to Nato Missions , we ranked number two in troops participating in nato operations. Along with the other efficiently perform through the u. S. The coalition against terrorism. I would like to remind you of , sixact that, as we speak italian f35 of the air force are patrolling the skies over in the framework of the second nato mandate as a way of ensuring peace and security. Italy has constantly reiterated that the transatlantic spirit has to be nurtured and protected. And all of our strength of the dimensions of the relationships we share. This bearded mind, we hope i hope, that with the new fiveyear parliamentary term and European Union, you can foster our corroboration on trade between the u. S. And eu. To defineing solutions that can strengthen our relationships. Because commercial trade tensions are to the benefit of no one. We feel that imposing tariffs on one another mutually is counterproductive and damages both of our economies. Weould like to add that share with the u. S. The belief reformedwto should be as a way of making us more efficient and effective. Trump mentioned, we talked about syria. Byare deeply concerned turkeys offensive in the northeastern part of syria. This attack has already caused a ofber of casualties and tens thousands of refugees. Victimse plenty of amongst civilians as well. Which also hasck another risk, namely that of offering new space which was unthinkable a few days ago. And to his criminal terrorist activities in syria, and not just in the middle east. And other continents around the world. Italy is in line with the use and condemns the Turkish Operation which are ongoing. We also talked about lydia. Libia. We talked about this topic with a spirit of friendship. The Current Situation is a source of deep concern to us and we are convinced of the fact that the violence and military attacks can destabilize all of north africa. It increases the threat of to anism and contributes environment which fosters all kinds of illegal trafficking, and of course, jeopardizes the production in the country. Most of all, it denies the people the possibility of finding a peaceful solution to which it deserves after so many years. We talked about our relationship with President Trump. Through open dialogue with china worldant to defend the order based on clear rules with the u. N. At the center of the world order and an open and fair which complies with the principles of the wto. From this point of view, we have discussed to topics. Namely, security including new technologies not referring to 5g. Italy has an paying close attention to our National Security requirements and it will continue to do so we have also underlined the need to have fieldl level playing so that there can be a fair and healthy trade relationship. There needs to be access to the market which was does not discriminate and protects intellectual property for all economic players involved. Weref these topics discussed in the full spirit of friendship. This was also an excellent opportunity to reiterate the friendship between the u. S. And at the very strong relationship between our two countries. For that reason, i want to thank President Trump for his talks. Again ateeing him afternoon on an occasion filled with a great many elements of meaning and importance. [applause] President Trump thank you very much. , wewto, as everyone knows oft 17 . 5 billion because unfair trade practices that will be distributed in a fair way around areas countries in europe. Were talking to the president about that as it pertains to italy we dont want to be harsh on italy so we will look at that very strongly. Please, after you. I wanted to ask about turkey. Decisiondent erdogans surprise you . And if they did not, would you make the same decision you made before . That a we just heard deal may have been worked out. If i can get your reaction to that. And if i could ask you about the digital tax. Did the two of you discuss a possible digital tax as it relates to amazon and google . What progress were you able to make . The decision did not surprise me because he has wanted to do that for a long time. He has been building up troops on the border for a long time as you know. Our soldiers are mostly gone from the area. We had under 50. It is a very tiny force. All isnot surprise me at unnatural for us but natural for them. They fight and they fight long. They have been fighting syria for a long time on the border. I say, why are we rejecting syrias land . Syria also has a relationship with the kurds, who are no angels. There arent too many around. Syria has a relationship with the kurds they will come in for the border and they will fight. Russia went into afghanistan when it was the soviet union and it became russia. It became a much smaller country because of afghanistan. You can overextend and do a lot of things. But if russias guide to help, thats a good thing. It would be led by syria. In syria does not want turkey to take his land. But what does that have to do with the United States of america . Are we supposed to fight a nato keeps theirat syria land . I dont think so. But syria does have a relationship with the kurds. The thing in common is that everybody hates isis. Probably more of a terrorist threat in many ways been isis, so it is a very complicated, not to complicated if youre smart, but a semicomplicated problem i think its a problem we have nicely under control. We have two countries wanting their land, one country that once land that does not belong to them because they want a 22 mile strip. They call it freedom. They want to get terrorists out. Going they are going to have to work that out. That said, mike pence is going there, leaving tonight or tomorrow. Was going to leave yesterday but they have to have certain security done. Its very important. He will be leaving with secretary of state pompeo. We already have representatives they are negotiating with turkey. We put massive sanctions on turkey and we have additional sanctions. I ran, i ran on a basis of bringing sold tobacco. Bringing soldiers back home. Some people, they would like me to stay. Withf the problems i have the witchhunt, yet people who want me to stay and fight forever thats what they want to do. A lot of Companies Want to fight because they make their weapons based on fighting and not peace. I want to bring our soldiers back home. We are not a police force, we are a fighting force. We spent trillions over the last three years rebuilding our military. It was an absolute mess. It was totally depleted. People know that. When i was thinking about having to do something, one of our generals said we dont have ammunition. I said thats terrible. He said we dont have ammunition. Now we have more ammunition. We have our missiles, we have more rockets. Our nuclear gear has been updated. Hopefully we never have to use it that we have the most powerful nuclear base by far in the world. We have things we have never had before. We have had a great system of modern military but that does not mean we will wasted or deplete it like we did before. Turkey and syria will hopefully work out between themselves. Hopefully, isis will be guarded. I spoke with a wonderful man yesterday. A general from the kurds. Some of you have seen the letter i put out to everyone. Your soment erdogan of you have seen it with the general. Just to create more happened. Havoc and someme political exposure for the president of the that they. We were the ones that got isis. Specifically me, because i gave the order. When i came in, isis was a disaster all over that area. I was the one that got them. We were the ones that captured them. And i will say this. Iran, syria, and to a slightly lesser extent turkey, they all hate isis as much as we do. The world. Part of we are 7000 miles away. I campaigned on bringing soldiers back home and thats what i am doing. That includes many other places. Statutorily, it takes time. Diplomatically, it takes time. But we are in many, many countries. Im embarrassed to tell you how many. It is so foolish. We are in countries that dont even like to take advantage of us. They dont pay. Saw that weprobably are sending additional troops to saudi arabia. I appreciate the fact that i negotiated a matter of minutes and they have agreed to pay for the full cost of all about deployment more. And very rich country, they should be paying them and show and so should others. Same thing with nato. Other countries are at 1 . In European Countries benefit much more than we do there for a perhaps we benefit but not nearly as much as the european companies. Some say we dont benefit of all. We put ourselves in harms way we do that for europe but then they treat us that the untreated. I would say we are in a great position, doing what i said. We have two countries that will argue over the border. We will try and work it out. Our Vice President is a capable man and he will do well tomorrow. He is going to meet with president erdogan. He would not meet with anybody but he took it back just if they dont have a successful meeting, the sanctioned and tariffs we will do. It will be devastating to turkeys economy. The Previous Administration tried but were on able to do. I did it very quickly but see bet happened i think we will successful but weve got to get out of the endless war i go to walter reed and gave up the heart on friday. I see the incredible soldiers in a coffinto dover and on areas that we have nothing to do with me of nothing to do with. Its heartbreaking. I signed letters all the time to parents whose son was shot in different places in the middle east, mostly. Its heartbreaking to see, very heartbreaking. Ive said it. If the strength, not the weakness. , just leave them there. But i cant do it. Probably politically better for me to say we would just leave but they dont even know what they are fighting for. Its much more difficult politically. Its not politically expedient, its just the opposite. Sidewalk to fight. Why are we fighting . We dont even know so we have syria and turkey are going to argue and fight it out but our men arent getting killed over at seven fighting for hundreds of years hundreds of years. So a long answer them up but i think i got much of it out there think very much. Out there. Thank you very much. [inaudible] president , i was asking if you had discussed a possible digital tax and where that might be going. I understood the question. No, we did not talk about this. Is an openthis issue. It is very important and has been discussed in a number of Different International contacts so that this important issue can be discussed and solved. The digital tax is interesting to i discussed it with another European Union member, france. They are basically doing the digital tax. I am no fan of those companies. Some said i lost 2 million votes because of facebook, but these are American Companies. They are great, big, American Companies i am not happy with a digital tax where france and the European Union is taxing the companies. As you know, we impose a big tax on french wine. So just to answer your question, im not happy about the fact that they are taxing our companies. Another fan, but if anyone will taxes companies, it should be the usa, not france. It should be the European Union not the European Union. , as far as syria is concerned in recent days, you have talked about the risks europe runs in terms of numbers. In recent days, some European Countries including italy have discussed a ban on selling weapons to turkey. Could this be an adequate way to respond . And considering turkey continues to be a member of nato. Trump, on the 27th, attorney general barr met with intelligence officials. I need to know if you personally talked with Prime Minister content to arrange this meeting and kind of information he was looking and if you are satisfied. I dont know the details, i just know our country is looking into the corruption of the 2016 election. It was a corrupt election whoever. T was maybe it goes right up to president obama. Butppen to think it does you look at brennan and you look at klapper and you got some real beauties. They are looking into the corruption. I dont know anything about the meeting but it would be appropriate. You read it in the same papers i do that they didnt go to other countries to try and hide what they were doing. Italy may have been one of them. So you have to ask attorney. Eneral barr yes, turkey is a member of nato. That is something very important, of course. I would like to remind you that there is currently an italian contribution to turkey. We have an antimissile system which italy has been having in turkey for a number of years with the context of a nato mission. Said, something more important than my friendship is the truth. The relationship of friendships and alliances of course dont mean that we cant say the turkish attack on syria was a mistake and have condemned the attack due to the reasons i mentioned. The solution of course does not lie in sanctions. If it continues, sanctions will and italy has made announcements as has the European Union. Solution is your to stop all operations and retreat. Go ahead. I wanted to pick up on your comments on turkey and syria. ,ven after all you have seen isis prisoners freed some of the humanitarian disasters, you have any regret forgetting erdogan the regret the green light to invade . It so deceptive. Its just the opposite of green light. We have virtually no soldiers there and they were mostly gone they would have been an harms way. It is a massive army of the other side. More importantly, i did not give them the green light. I wrote a letter right after that conversation, a very powerful letter. They have been wanting to do that for years and frankly they have been fighting for years. When you ask a question like that, its very deceptive, almost as deceptive as you showing all of the bombings taking place in syria and it turned out it took place in kentucky. Im not even sure abc apologized for that. But it was certainly a terrible thing. Im like, wow its pretty bad, and it was in kentucky. I think abc owes an apology. Lindsey graham just set of your remarks that if you keep talking like that quote this will be a disaster, worse than obamas decision to leave iraq. Lindsey graham would like to stay in the middle east for the next 1000 years. I want to get out. He should focus on the judiciary. Like the donothing democrats. They are doing nothing, getting nothing done. Usmca. Not getting the between canada, the that states of mexico. Lindsay should focus on the judiciary. If you want to find out what happened with comey and mccabe, lisa, peter strzok about what happened with president obama and brennan. That is what lindsay often focus on. That is what the people wanted to focus on. The people dont want us to get into a war with turkey, a nato member, or syria. They have been fighting for a thousand years the people of South Carolina what see the troops come home. Whether it is good or bad. If you look at this country, i would be willing to bet anything that that is what the country wants. Im not getting involved in a ,ar between turkey and syria especially when, and i say this. This with great respect, the kurds are no angels. Isis respect pkk because they are tough for tougher than isis he take a look at a lot of the things having to do nobody wants to say it. Where making the kurds look like angels. We have paid tremendous money and given them massive fortunes. And you know what, its wonderful. They fought with us but we paid a loss a fight with us. But understand, we were the ones that captured isis. They opened a couple of doors to make us look as bad as possible we have a situation where turkey taking land on syria. Syria is not happy about it, let them work it out. Get your accounts correct and you should not be showing buildings blowing up in kentucky. That really is fake news. You dont think the country is worried about isis . You mentioned earlier that some countries might hate isis more than the united dates. States. Absolutely. Russia hates isis. Iran hates isis. We are fighting a war for russia , for iran. Isise over there killing and dont forget, we are 7000 miles away. We are 7000 miles away. Russia is much closer. Iran is right there. They all hate isis. Turkey, a little bit less so. Russia had a plane blown up by isis. Russia wants nothing to do with isis. Russia is tough, they can kill isis just as well on saying is this. Im not going to lose potentially tens of thousands of american soldiers fighting a war between turkey and syria. Syria is not our friend, a sod is not our friend. Please ask a question. He said he withdrew 28 troops. We thought it was 50 but its 28. Accounted for. But look at what has happened since this troops were withdrawn. You know whats happened . No american soldiers have been killed. Will go in. Ople its very easy to read capture those people that the kurds let go to make a Stronger Political impact. And thats ok, i fully understand your we are bringing our soldiers back home and we have done a great job. We were supposed to be in syria for one month and we have been a police force. Its time bring our soldiers back home we have had no soldiers injured or hurt as i am. I am president. We have the most powerful those are in the world by far. What is the view in your about the presence decision to . Ithdraw i already answered a question regarding syria. I am not here to judge what other countries do. My position is what i mentioned we condemn what turkey decided to do in recent days with no possible immediately. Ambiguity. A question for the president , seems open top discussing possible tariffs. Do you think it will be possible to avoid tariffs being imposed . We all President Trump, know your concerns concerning huawei. Are you satisfied with the measures that italy decided to . Implement . I am satisfied that they have a very accommodate. Accommodating. Thank the Italian Government. And i haveminister long conversations with my friend and they were very nice we just discussed the same conversation with the president we are very satisfied. Thank you. As far as the topic of following the wto decision, i already mentioned our belief. Let me repeat it. Within the transatlantic relationship and with the friendship that there has always , it between the u. S. And eu would be preferable to discuss our respective decisions so that find find a solution. One that takes into account both parties. The alternative is that imposing tariffs. Currently, following the wtos , there may be tariffs. There may be tariffs in six months time concerning the subsidies given to boeing. This is a miracle race between tariffs and mutual tariffs were i think it would be best to meet and to deal with our mutual needs so that a solution to be found. But if we dont do this now, it will have to be done soon. And i believe it would be best to find a solution immediately instead of imposing tariffs, which would then lead to other tariffs and the damage for both of our economies. Actually, the tariff situation is interesting. Like we said with china, it turned out to be true. Of tariffsose a war because the imbalance is so the United States. We have tens of billions of dollars of parents and have given some to the farmers. Now, theyre going to have a bigger contract than they ever thought possible i think they will because they are incredible. They will just have to buy larger tractors which is butably what they are doing in a war of tariffs with the European Union, the trade amount is so great cannot lose. We cannot lose. They do more business than we do , and that is unfortunate. The word reciprocity is my favorite word. These words and , itsomplicated at all got to be reciprocal. They have taken tremendous advantage of the United States. Thats the good news. But the bad news is that they have been very smart. John Claude Juncker has been brilliant. He has been brilliant at really helping them and not helping us. So that is changing now. We cant lose that particular war of tariffs because the trade imbalance is tremendous. Tremendous. If you look at the barriers they put up, they put up tremendous barriers to doing business in europe. Tremendous barriers. A monetary standpoint and what they call nonmonetary barriers. Its very tough. Its hard to get cars in but they send mercedes, bmw, volkswagen, renault, its a tough situation for us for many years but now its a tough situation for them. I can remedy the situation for them easily and there is not any financial counterattack. Hopefully, i dont have to. That said, we are talking, talking with new people. In europe. Will be successful. That way, we dont have to talk or worry about it because our relationship should be a great one but we have to be treated fairly on nato and trade. Thank you all very much. Announcer heres a look at our live coverage thursday. On cspan the house is back at 10 00 a. M. Eastern for general speeches with legislative business at noon. On the agenda, a bill requiring the securities and Exchange Commission conduct testing on the effectiveness of proposed s. E. C. Disclosure rules concerning individual investments. Then in the evening, President Trump holds a rally in dallas as part of his 2020 reelection campaign. On cspan2 the senate is back at 10 00 a. M. And will vote to override a resolution terminating his National Emergency declaration at the u. S. Southern border. Senators will also consider a resolution from democrats that would reverse the trump things new e. P. A. Rule on carbon emission standards for power plants. And in the morning, on cspan3 the House Administration subcommittee on elections holds a hearing on vote being rights. That gets under way at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Sunday night on q a American University distinguished professor of history, alan crout, looks back at policies on managing immigration. I would argue that the current ways of nativism, of antiimmigrant sentiment of xenophobia is not different from the past. And seems to be pep werd acts of violence and ferocity there have been other acts of violence, antiimmigrant riots in the period before the civil war. Antiimmigrant riots in the 1880s. There have been a lot of moments in American History when the antiimmigrant sentiment has been translated into true ugliness. Announcer watch sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspans q a. Next, a Senate Foreign relations hearing with brian hook. He serves as the state Department Special representative for iran. He was asked about Irans Nuclear capabilities and the potential impact of withdrawing u. S. Troops fro

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