Lines to you. If you are a republican, your number is 202 7488001. If you are a democrat, we want to hear from you at 202 7488000. Independents, your number is 202 7488002. And we are opening a special line this morning for evangelical voters. If you identify as an evangelical voter, we want to hear from you at 202 7480003. Keep in mind, you can always. Ext us at 202 7480003 and we are always reading on social media, twitter cspanwj and on facebook, facebook. Com cspan. Again, President Trump spoke to the value voters Forum Last Night and here is what he had to say. [video clip] towe believe in the right free speech. We believe in the right to life. Thank you. Andnow that families churches, not government officials, know best how to create strong and loving communities. It has been that way in our country. This. All else, we know in america, we dont worship a government, we worship god. Thank you. You were there from the first minute of my presidency. I have taken historic action to defend religious liberty. Well. Nows that very sure what ireally would say at the beginning. He was saying what do you bury . I dont know him well. But i think you are very happy now, tony, right . Proud of, im very stopped the Johnson Amendment from interfering with the right of a pastor to speak their mind. You can do whatever you want. You are the people we want to hear from. We want to hear from you. We are protecting a conscience, those and think of this rights of doctors and nurses, teachers and groups like the Little Sisters of the poor. They are incredible people. We are preserving this countrys tradition of faithbased adoption. Here is how the New York Times summarized the appearance last night. President trump took his post up each meant message of grievance directly to the political right, telling them the democrats were trying to undo the results of the 2016 Campaign Host , we are opening our telephone lines to you. Should evangelicals continue to back President Trump . Lets go to the lines and talk to david, from texas. He identifies as evangelical. David, good morning. Caller whats up . How yall this morning . Host we are doing fine. Should even java goals continue to back President Trump . Caller all the way. I have already got my ticket and i will be at the rally on thursday, airline center. Hearing a lot of talk about syria and how some even jellico leaders think the president s move on syria to put christians in the country in danger. Does that affect your support of the president in any way no, let mark caller them take care of their part of the world and we will take care of ours. So, david, you say you plan to go to the rally in texas. What do you expect to hear from the president . Caller the same thing i have been hearing. I love him. I absolutely love my president. Host tell us a bit about why you plan to continue to support the president. Caller because he is real. He talks real. He will call you and sop if you arean smb an sob if you just love him. Hes my favorite president since Ronald Reagan. Host lets go to bob, minneapolis. Good morning. Caller thanks for taking my call. I dont think that the evangelicals should continue to support trump. That est reason being towershere are two trump in turkey. He is putting his business interest ahead of the kurds who stood by us to fight isis. And we just now betrayed their trust by pulling out. What they get for standing by us well, they are going to get killed. Is as immoral as you can get. , if youre a christian put your head in the sand and pretend that this isnt happening . I dont think that there will be a place for you at the table. The other thing is letting other countries interfere in our elections. They they were pressuring, the trump people were pressuring the government over there to biden. Rt on not just find it, but manufacture it. When you start running elections like that . We dont have a democracy anymore. On the patriotic end, i would issueat that would be the. On the christian end, its totally immoral to do what they did to the kurds. That would be my comment. Thank you. Do, ets talk to 20 juanita, calling from kentucky. First of all, i would like to say that i appreciate this platform. Noti do believe it is balanced. Host all right, go ahead with your comment. Caller in this country we are for liberty, we are for peace, and we love the lord. God almighty. People in this country still have a right to choose. Thats what im going with. So, who are you choosing . I think we lost her. , calling fromeve robert saville, missouri. Steve identifies as evangelical. Steve, good morning. Caller good morning, thank you very much for taking my call. Im independent, ex marine. I think that our biggest problem is that we dont have a thirdparty. You know, last week we had biden going to a gay rally and trump, it looked like a nazi party rally. The whole Republican Party is a fraud. Trump is a fraud. He has deserted the kurds. Being a marine, we dont leave our guys in the field. Dont never do that. Them people are going to get allghtered before it is over with. Its all about money. How come he takes troops out of syria and puts them in saudi arabia, if it is such a big deal having troops over there . Its all a lie. All of these evangelicals who think he is gods chosen one . Bringingk you will be in jesus christ . He may be bringing in the antichrist. Said you identified as evangelical yourself. Who are you supporting for 2020 . Dont support either one of them. The closest one i can think of is elizabeth warren. Shes a little bit too far to the left. The problem is, we dont have an independent party to pull for. We dont have nobody in the middle, like i said. Biden is going to a gay rally and trump is going to a nazi party rally. Trump is a fraud. The worst of the worst. He is bringing down our democracy. Es working for putin its obvious. Its right in front of everybodys eyes. Everything he does is for prudent. You are going to get what you asked for and its going to be on the wrong end of the stick. Lets go to joe, new rochelle, new york, independent line. Joe, good morning. Joe, are you there . Up. If you are there, speak all right, lets go to cornell, works, from waterford new jersey, democratic line. Cornell, good morning. Caller good morning, jesse. As far as me, my opinion for the tongelicals, i have no right god gave us all a free will. , whohose who support trump went to a lynching straight from church, trump says he was prolife . He was prochoice until a couple of years ago. Prolife, what about the quality of life . If you were truly prolife, children inve cages . The damage we are doing when we , thehildren in cages ramification of their development, we will pay a price for it later on. As far as the even jellicos, its all about money. The Christian Community on the upper level is about profits. Its not about feeding the poor or the hungry. This is the first time in , speaking about africanamerican unemployment over the decades, but they wont say that africanamerican lowestership is at the in over 50 years. Side, they the other give tax breaks to llcs. If you have a lot of homes that is how my new chin get steven board. Got on the when everything fell apart, he bought up all the homes that people lost. In that tax bill they give tax breaks to the llcs and they took away the opportunities for firsttime homebuyers to even get fha loans. They have increased the rates and made it harder for firsttime homebuyers to buy homes. Go to everett, calling from grand junction, colorado. Everett, good morning. Caller good morning, jesse, how are you . Host im good, go ahead. Caller well where do you begin this morning, anyway . [laughter] caller good morning to everybody. I was basically raised catholic, but i would say that im either agnostic or atheist now. And thats ok. Our constitution gives us the right to believe in what we want to and we are lucky in this country. Something else i would like to say though to everybody out there. When you make accusations to people, be sure that you know what you are talking about. I will give you an example. A few days ago i was listening to the same program and there was a gentleman that called in and said that the president was a draft dodger. Military guys out there, ones who fell under the draft, they talking about. You can look at the Selective Service and go by the date of birth that you are. President is june 14, 1946. His draft number was 356. The only called up 195 in 1970. The next year that the draft was still going on when vietnam was going on was 1971. The draft number was 363. They only called 100. 5 out of 72. His draft number was 113. They only called up to 95 people and there was no draft in 1973. That is the kind of research that people need to do. Also, under our constitution, and please listen to this, everybody. Are afforded equal protection under the law. The president down to the poorest person in this country, you fall under the constitution. I, i dont know what else to say to people. Its frustrating to me. I normally call in about taxes and stuff and they are really frustrating, but i will leave it there. To bill, calling from branson, missouri. As evangelical. Caller good morning. I watch you all the time. I get so much information from you. I would never turn on the news. I wanted to say that i love is theearly and that he reason i am who i am, the wisdom and everything. But i wanted to say, lord help me not to get all rattled, i, i know that america will not work without judeochristian values. Because then we have no wisdom. I have family members who are democrats. Dear family members and i always ask lord, why are the democrats, there is a big void, you are not going to change it. Whenrd in the bible that jesus at the beginning, when they cast the people out of heaven, they double down from heaven, one third of the demons when the devil came down from heaven, one third of the demons came with him. The demons are in the Democratic Party. That is who is running it. Not all the people. Some people are just fooled by the devil. I know my dear family members and i know they are good people, but we have got to get to the lord. That is the only hope. Flawedrican system is because we give the vote to democrats and republicans. That is who has the power to change the world. Unless they are informed in the dont have jesus on their side, without jesus they have no wisdom. Im not being mean, i love everybody. Host let me ask you, you said that the american system is flawed because democrats and republicans both have the vote no, its flawed because the founders, they said that this will only work without judeochristian values, that is what you get your wisdom from. The democrats, they dont have that. They are voting against jesus and against god. So they dont have the wisdom to do the right thing. So that is what im saying. You have got to have jesus in your heart, judeochristian, and you or you wont have no wisdom in your heart to vote the right way. For god. Right now its the republicans. It could be a democrat, too, but for some reason democrats, they think its ok to kill babies. By the way, i just watched trump on your station and they was talking about he told why hes getting out with the kurds and its not what youre thinking. Also told that obama wouldnt let any christians come into the United States. So, there you go. Im not against obama, neither. I love all of them. But im telling you, its not the persons fault. Without judeochristian values, you dont have the wisdom to know how to govern and vote right. Thats all im thinking. I came to that conclusion. Earlier on the show, earlier we had pastor robert jeffrey, a member of President Trumps evangelical advisory committee. He was on fox business earlier this week. Here is what he had to say. Caller the evangelicals [video clip] the evangelicals, the president says he is more energized than ever by the evangelicals who are supporting him. Your thoughts, your perspective . Was in tennessee speaking to 5000 evangelicals who had come in from around the nation. These evangelicals love god, but they also love lou dobbs and they love President Trump and they are seething with anger over what they perceive as an attempt to steal this presidency not just from donald trump, but from the American People that voted for him. They are going to stand with him. I predict that this will fail and he will be reelected by the largest margin of evangelicals in history. Look at some of our followers on social media to see what they have to say. Here is it tweet from troy church who says everyone should back the president and wish him because he is our president and we all want good things to happen for our country. That is the way it used to be at one time, it is called patriotism. Heres another comment host once again, the question this morning, should evangelicals continue to back President Trump . Once again, republicans, your number is 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Ndependents, 202 7488002 evangelicals, we want to hear from you at 202 7480003. Now, there are some religious leaders who are questioning some of the actions of the white house when it comes to syria. In fact, here is a tweet from reverend franklin graham, who tweeted earlier this week that the kurds are the ones who have been leading the fight against isis in syria. Pray for the christians who the kurds have been protecting. Host and here is a story from business insider, which is says host lets go back to our phone lines, talking to cheryl from san antonio, texas, good morning. Good morning. My name is cheryl, calling from texas. Thank you for this format, number one. Number two, the first comment i would like to make is about christians, republicans, and democrats. Where would christians vote . Would they vote for democrats who are always demonizing christianity . I mean lets just really get real here. We have people talking about democrats talking about eating babies. Anytime you are in a ,onversation with a democrat they never want you to speak about the bible. Its almost as if they are atheists. I used to vote democrat until i realized they were eroding at my christian values. Democrats have done to africanamericans, of whom i am one. Over the last 50 years, africanamericans stop listening to Mainstream Media and just looked at their condition, they would realize that they are far more worse off than they were 50 years ago. If you look at mass incarceration, if you look at homeownership, all of those things. Family eroding the black due to democrat policies, as , they had ablican hand in that too. We wont just put that off. It took the congress and the presidency. Under bill clinton you had more humans incarcerated, 64 were black men. In thisn anywhere else country, in the world. Yet they voted for hillary. I shake my head in shame. I dont understand it. Im so disappointed in Mainstream Media. Abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc. There are democrats who are journalists. Look at impeachment. They never report the full story. The only time we get a full story is when we are looking at your particular format and when we are looking at when we go on social media. They want the president to stop tweeting because they cannot lie on him like they did different elements in the 80s and 90s because we didnt have the internet. So, when you hear someone he needs to stop tweeting . Thats the only way he can get his story out. Im so disappointed in democrats. Voted fored i ever one. Im so glad my family has stopped looking at i used to love rachel maddow. Now i look at the manipulations. We are always victims. Black people are. We are not victims. We are some strong, strong people. Lets go to kyle, calling from new york. Caller good morning, jesse. Amazing show, im so grateful to be on this format with you. Im from massapequa, long island, republican. I may be a little extreme with how i say things, but its to get peoples attention. I really, you know, my favorite president was lincoln until this point and the reason i draw a comparison and not to offend anyone is that this country is in such a great civil divide, you know . Whats going on, its a sign of the times. When someone strikes accord, people start to take sides, you know . I believe that this is an evangelical conversation because i truly believe that we are blessed with this president because we have someone who has not only the awareness of the problems going on in this country, but he is actually taking action, you know . The can has been getting kicked down the road long enough with the issues hes addressing. A republican, voting straight republican ticket, i didnt take to the streets, have people put out of their restaurants, cause chaos and, you know, picketing and all kinds of which everyone is absolutely entitled to do. For abama was elected second term, you know, i sat back, this is the choice of the country and i let it run its course. I think we should truly be grateful that we have an intelligent person who weighs the pros and cons and the values of whats going on in this country and is putting us first and hes smart. You know . They just dont like it. They are trying to tie his hands with congress, but he is finding ways around it to get things done. To go down int history as a bad president. He is going to leave the country in a better place when the book is closed. Be grateful that this man loves this country and does not like to be a loser. He is not going to let anything get in his way. We should be grateful because he loves the country as equally as what he loves about being a winner. This is an incredible man. Who has got the energy. Take five president s we have had, role their Energy Together and tell me who holds a candle to this guy. I mean hes just not going to quit. Host lets talk to mike, calling from dundalk, maryland. Mike, good morning. Caller hey, how you doing . That one call you had said everything i wanted to say about evangelical christians. I dont know. I think a lot of the socalled evangelical christians probably need to check themselves, you know . They need to ask themselves, am i really saved by god or not . I mean, how could you believe in a god that says there are good and bad people on both sides . Thathes a friend of a guy shot down innocent airplanes. Talking about the russian president. I dont want to judge nobody, but i just dont understand, you know . Host lets go to chuck, calling from charleston, West Virginia, democratic line. Asler i will try to keep it brief as possible. Most of the christians i know in my life value qualities like empathy and humility. Adulation forous donald trump really mystifies me. Playing allgh hes these christians for suckers. Its almost as though they have been hypnotized by the guy. Donald trump will invite evangelical leaders to the white house and they will surround him, they will lay hands on him and they will prey on him and he will just close his eyes and bowed his head obediently for ow his head ofis hea b beginning for the cameras because it plays well to the base. But anyone who believes trump is anything remotely like a godfearing man has got to be a very, very poor judge of character. And thats all i really have to say. Warner, of the ethics and Public Policy center was on the program this summer and had this to say about evangelical support for President Trump. [video clip] selfproclaimed evangelicals are conservative in their ideology and politics. Donald trump represents the Republican Party, which has traditionally been the more conservative party. So, donald trump is advocating policies, particularly in areas that evangelicals care about, cultural issues in the courts, abortion and others that they agree with. So it would make sense that they would support him in large numbers. They voted for him in huge numbers. More evangelicals voted for trump than for george w. Bush. Thats understandable. Let me tell you my criticisms of evangelicals. Im someone who has been a part of the evangelical world for most of my christian journey, though i no longer consider myself an evangelical. My criticism of them is not that they support his policies or even that they voted for him over Hillary Clinton. I o is understood that. I didnt vote for either but that was a valid argument. Where i criticize a lot of evangelicals, particularly white evangelical leadership and politics, people like Jerry Falwell junior and robert that, is people like that they wont hold donald trump to account. They wont on the one hand say, look, we appreciate his prolife policies and think theyre good, but the fact that this man is engaged in a fullscale allout assault on truth, is a pathological liar and engages in the dehumanization of his opponents, cruelty and crudity for goodness sakes, the man is an unindicted coconspirator on hush money payments to a poor and star, literally was having an affair on his third wife after their son was born. If that had happened to a liberal democrat . Bill clinton or barack obama . And you imagine what the evangelicals would say about it . When it is donald trump, they go silent. Or they even defend him. That to me is the indictment of not all evangelicals, i have friends who are evangelicals, people who are conflicted on donald trump who are generally troubled by him, but there are far too many in my mind to our enthusiastic supporters. They view this as an existential struggle, and apocalyptic fight. The danger of that is that you will make deals with the devil and satan if you think that is the gist of the struggle. So, what do white evangelicals think when it comes to the impeachment process . Ox news did a poll earlier this week of white evangelicals. Four of white evangelicals say to impeach and remove. The fact that the actual number was 28 of white evangelicals saying impeach and remove President Donald Trump. 3 said to impeach and not remove. 64 said no impeachment. Either way, those numbers correspond with all voters. Among all voters, 51 say impeach and remove. 4 say not to. 40 said no impeachment. The phone lines and talk to john, calling from ipswich, illinois, on the democratic line. John, good morning. Caller one republican said that trump would never let anything stand in his way. The fellow from colorado was talking about draft numbers. Trump dodged the draft in 65 and 69. Then he got the gumball number for the fellow in colorado. Another fellow said something about all the people on the southern border. Mostly those are christians. Everybody will admit. My point, for all of you republicans that call in, mention your complete name and then mention that you would let your sister, your daughter, or your mother or grandmother go out with a man like that. For all of you republican women out there that call, mention that thats the type of man that she would like to go out with or that you would let your daughter or mother go out with. For the republican men, even admit that you might let your exwife go out with a man like that. I agree with all the comments that peter just mentioned to the listening audience. So you republicans out there, mention your complete name so that we recognize you instead of trying to think that that is you. This way you we know that you would let your daughter, your wife or your mother go out with a man with that type of character. Thank you. Larry, callingto on the independent line. Larry, good morning. Caller are you there . A high, wisconsin. I was originally from massachusetts. I am an independent voter. I am a gay man who has been with the same partner for almost 40 years and i wholeheartedly support President Trump. Im really tired of him taking a rap for being a racist, being a gay hater. There are a lot of gay people out here that love this guy. Gay hater,k hes a take a good look at the ambassador to germany and his husband, which President Trump appointed to represent the United States in that country. The wholeng tired of racial thing. Tired of the whole religious thing. This is the United States of america. If we dont come together to do whats in the best interests of this country, we are just going to fall apart. Aty should start looking universities and public schools. All of the rhetoric coming out of these teachers is just to hate. Hate christianity, the United States of america. People embarrassed of the flag. This is totally disgusting. People have got to catch themselves. If they dont think that they have it good here, let them go to venezuela or england or france. Or russia. The 1. 5 million muslims that the chinese have tonded up and put into camps reevaluate their way of thinking so that they think like chinese communists rather than religious. People need to start thinking about these things. Host lets go to gary, calling m pacific,s missouri pacific, missouri. Gary, good morning. Go ahead. Caller im watching the program and it seems like the Little Things are not even being addressed. Things that dont account for much. Issue,ake it back to the what should we be discussing . Should evangelicals continue to back President Trump . Killer. Hes not a baby the left has seemed to think that thats what they need to do. It is totally against the will of god. If we go against the will of god, we are in trouble. I dont care who is president. The things that im saying is that evil dont even really know whats going on. And we hear the media producing things that simply arent true. Thats our issues. We are being directed by the media. If you step into it a little farther and you look and see whats really going on, you will see a difference. Thats what the problem is. People are talking and not doing. We dont have enough movement. Gary, you say that people are being misled by the media. Whered you get your news question mark how do you find out about the news that you think people should see . Actions. I see Hillary Clinton promoting baby killers. Christian, you cannot be a moral person if you baby. Someone to kill a you cant be. Its written. Is the start of all knowledge. Are we blind . Can we not see it . Its black and white. This racial thing, i dont, i dont see color. I see the person for who the person is. I dont care if hes black, blue, green, yellow, or orange. If he comes against me and against god, i have a problem with it. If he is in the right order, i dont have no problems with him at all. Is he for other people . Hes not selfish . He promotes a good life for good people in general . To me its basics. Its the simple basics of life. Ken, fromk to san diego, california, on the independent line. There, how you doing sir . I might buy the border, number one. Number two, im a combat that that served this country and im glad we have had this discourse. The military we defend the constitution. About evangelicals supporting the president . Thats their choice, ok . We in this country have choices. Everyone has aat political opinions about things and they disagree or agree. This separation of church and state . When was the last time that we swore allegiance to a bible, koran, or torah . We swear allegiance to the constitution of the United States, to defend the constitution. What President Trump does and says, so be it, he won the election. But when it comes down to how he attacks another human being . That is where it hurts. Because again, talking about christianity. Any religion says we are supposed to treat our fellow man as we treat ourselves and that has not happened and it starts at the top. Look at how since this man has been elected. How many times have people gone into churches and synagogues and murdered people. Gone to mosques and murdered people. What is he say . Good people on both sides. How can you have good people on both sides, like in virginia where an innocent woman was mowed down . How can you say that there are good people when dylan roof went into that church and murdered worshipers. I didnt fight in this country and almost die in two wars to come home to see this. It starts at the top. When president obama was in office, home the times did you see him going to church and he said he was a christian question mark what did this person say question mark first that he wasnt born in the country. Then says that his father is a country and whatever else. And then what did he say . They are blank hole countries. Someone who attacks another human being, a fellow brother human being and still they support him . Politico is coming out with a report on one of the nations most popular conservatives, ralph reed, and his new book that will come out before the 2020 general election. Here is what politico had to. Ay about ralph reed posit book host lets actually go to some of our tweets that are coming in about this topic this morning. Here is one of our texts, it comes from amy in richmond, virginia. She writes host once again, the question is, should evangelicals continue to back President Trump . Republicans, your number is 202 7488001. Democrats, your number is 202 7488000. Independents, your number is 202 7488002. Evangelicals, there is a special line for you this morning, 202 7480003. Lets see if we can get some more calls and before the our ends. Michael, ohio, independent line. Michael, good morning. Good morning. Host go ahead, michael. Caller good morning. , i justant to say that want to say that i listened to everybody who has talked and its just hard to believe, to hear what im hearing. Good morning. Caller michael, go ahead, we can hear you. Host yes, go ahead, please. Caller yes, jesus, god host michael, we can hear you, go ahead. Caller god, god, god put donald trump as president. I think michael is having a few issues on the phone. Lets go to alan from thousand palms, california, republican line. Allen, good morning. To point would like out a few things about syria that is not really getting on the news. Thats one of the things that will take some evangelicals away from trump. Going back to 2015, the russians fought with the kurds. It was after the rebels shot down the airliner and took 224 russians and putin went in with boots on the ground and he fought with the kurds and then he pulled out. So, we were not the first ones. O join in or up with the kurds in turkey right now, they have got all of those refugees that paying to keepas the refugees there. That started after brexit past. Erdogan is putting them on the border as a human shield. I heard Jeanclaude Juncker complaining about that. Turkey has always had his hatred for the kurds. They weree a since born, probably. But that is because of the pkk inside of turkey. That ones they are are in syria, are the ones they are fighting with. You would have to set up a Permanent Base inside of syria, just like in south korea, have a Permanent Base there. When are you going to pull out . So, that was my point i wanted to make. Host lets go to jim, who is silo, ohio, on the republican line. Jim, good morning. Caller good morning. I will state my whole name, since the one guy wanted to know everybodys last name. My name is jim wagers. The only thing ive got to say is, i didnt vote for obama. But i voted for trump. But they are both my president s. Either one after i got into office they got into office. Im a patriot and i believe that everybody should be able to vote for whoever they want. T doesnt make any difference democrat or republican. Once they are in office, they are our president. That is how we stayed united for all these years. All of these other countries have revolutions, civil wars. It goes on and on. President obama was my president. President trump is my president. And now all the rest of them that was elected by the people should be our president. And in the future they should be our president. Jim, do you think evangelicals should continue to back President Trump . Do, whates, sir, i President Trump on before he was in office was his personal business. What he does after hes in office, i cannot hear you, sir. Host we can hear you, go ahead, jim. They doneyhow, what before they was in office, his taxes, whatever, its not what counts. Its what they do after they are in office. Lets go to virginia sue, calling from bethany, oklahoma, on the democratic line. Virginia sue, good morning. Quite awell, its morning, isnt it . I love hearing from everyone. You are doing a masterful job of ing there. I have been thinking about the pledge of allegiance to the flag , and that might be over simple find it, but i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. To the republic for which it god,s, one nation under indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Now, that sounds, again, over simple if id. But i have had to come back to the simplicity of that to think about ok, all the evangelical people are calling the democrats and making judgments. How dare people decide who my god is and who i should worship pledge ofe that allegiance to the flag that sounds so simplified . All the information we have been getting from all of the different veterans, i so appreciate. But there is this thing, i have been watching donald trump for many, many years, it had nothing to do with him running for president. He has a frontal lobe problem, in my opinion. After watching people for many years. There are people with the i just resent people saying that democrats arent christians and that we dont care about people. Quite the opposite. I, again, with the electoral college, that was one of the things. He got elected with the electoral college. Whether i liked hillary or didnt like hillary is besides the point. But there are people who are following him like sheep. Steve bannon stirred up a lot of things years ago. All of that is where a horror a lot of the warmongering is going on. Ok, i tried to say too much, too fast. Thank you for this very much for this opportunity to voice my opinion. Televangelist Pat Robertson had a warning for President Trump last week about the turkish invasion of syria. Here is what Pat Robertson had to say. [video clip] chargeey is ready to into syria, putting our allies the kurds in great danger. But we have learned is that they could tip the balance of power in this volatile region. Plus it is a threat to the u. S. Ladies and gentlemen, i want to say it right now. Thatabsolutely appalled the United States is going to betray those Democratic Forces theorthern syria to allow turkish to come in against the kurds. Ogan is a thug who has taken control of his country as a dictator. He is a strong leader. They say that he is an ally of america . Thats nonsense. Hes in for himself. The president that allowed khashoggi to be cut into pieces without any repercussions whatsoever is now allowing the christians and the kurds to be massacred by the turks. I believe, and i want to say , thewith great solemnity president of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven if he permits this to happen. Lets go to brian, who is calling from casco, michigan. I think that mr. Roberts went overthetop a bit of that there. But as far as the president , i dont think that when he went into office he had many religious beliefs. But i do believe he has done a lot of soulsearching in that area. He has had to because he has taken the religious stance and he cannot say lord is christ without the strength of the holy spirit. But on the other hand, i have no respect for the lutherans, the catholics, none of them. Preyber the muslim pay for under obama . Church took 49 million of Social Security money to relocate his mother muslims. The Catholic Church took millions of dollars. If they really believed in the cause, why didnt they use their own money . Why are they using social therity money to relocate muslims . Everybody is a hypocrite. He has that a lot of soulsearching and come closer to the board the lord. Obama went to cairo and said the u. S. Is no longer a christian nation. Remember . Welcome Muslim Brotherhood question mark he paid for the muslims to come here. Please, before you want to trump, who isld at least trying, personally, trying to find himself, at least. Is heart is in the right spot everybody is corrupt. Churches are corrupt, everybody is corrupt. Unless the churches want to give me back my Social Security money, they had better shut up. Coming up, we are going to get two differ perspectives on efforts to impeach donald trump. First will be Stephanie Hamill and later we will be joined by mieke eoyang, the National Security Program Vice President of the group third way. Newsmakers weeks interviewed the chair of the Democratic National committee, tom perez, and he talked about defende dnc should do to joe biden against republican attack ads suggesting wrongdoing in ukraine. You can see the entire interview with tom perez today at 10 00 a. M. And 6 00 p. M. On cspan. You can also hear it on cspan radio or watch it online at cspan. Org. The Trump Campaign has been hitting biden with millions of dollarsdollars in attack ads. This has been going on for days. Your committee has not done much to provide joe biden with cover, has not done much to defend him. I am wondering why you have made that decision. Let me correct your premise. Every allegation take about Vice President and connection to ukraine has been unequivocally debunked. Iss is about a president who attempting to distract attention from his own impeachable fitonduct by deflecting to attention onto the Biting Campaign and the Vice President. What has taken place is wrong is is wethe dnc has done have called for facebook, for other networks not to air ads that have full information. I do not think it is the place of the dnc to take out ads, but i think it is the place of the media to be taking down and refusing to air ads that include information that is false. Facebook has said they are not going to take down those ads. Are you worried that even if you and the Biting Campaign claim dide are false why campaign claim these are Biden Campaign claim these are false that the narrative will damage the Campaign Next year . People are smarter than that and understand that this is a impunity who lies with or tries to lie with impunity, who has been involved in areations with ukraine that unconscionable. This is an abuse of power. Washington journal continues. Host we are back with Stephanie Hamill, video columnist for the daily caller. Good morning. Guest good morning. Host tell me what a video columnist is. Guest we are in 2019 and everything has a lot to do with video and social media. I am the Video Department of the daily caller. When they first started, they were mostly print, and now we have this growing Video Department. I do monologues where i give opinions on the political issues of the day. Names. View big i will do reports. So i doopinion person, let people know i am conservative and that is not something i am hiding. I will say i used to be an independent and had only worked on democratic campaigns. I switched. Host you switch back and forth. You identify as a conservative. Guest i ended up switching from independent to republican so i could vote for President Trump in the primary in california, not that it wouldve made a big difference. I did it to make a point. Host how do you see a difference between what you at the daily caller do when it comes to covering washington as opposed to other news organizations . Is there a difference . Guest it depends. If you look at the newsroom, we have people who are trump supporters, people who are liberals, who do not vote for trump, will not vote for trump. Nts,ave independe libertarians. You are free to write as you want area no one is telling you how you should write a story. We are careful about facts. Be told i am spreading fake news. We are careful about the sources we use. There is a long process before a story makes it to print. We are pretty good about it. We hardly ever get it long wrong. Host you had a sit down with Rudy Giuliani last week. What was your big take away from that sit down with former mayor giuliani . Guest the former mayor is very frustrated because he is under attack. The president is under attack. He feels like when we are talking about ukraine and corruption we should be talking about the bidens. This is something he has been looking into for quite some time and he feels like he has gathered a lot of information. If you look at the story on its face, it does not look right s son when he was Vice President was working for this Energy Company in ukraine, making so much money, when he did not really have any specific skills in that department, in natural gas, energy, or oil or ukraine. Gots unusual that after he booted from the military for having a drug problem that he was immediately in this huge position for the Energy Company. It is something i will look into. Follow the money. There could be something there. Evidence, more documents, and Everything Else to back up those claims. Me and the mayor is the lack of curiosity from the Mainstream Media. There were a lot of people who did not even want to look into it. To be fair, this all started with news outlets like politico that were scratching the surface on this. Now, this comes as a blackout. It is all about President Trumps phone call. We read the transcript. If you hate trump and are not a supporter, you see a different and you want to impeach him. Everyone else i do not see anything there. I feel like the white house or President Trump would not have allowed for it to be released if you thought there was something so corrupt there. He is very transparent about it. Host your interview with former mayor giuliani came before these two Giuliani Associates were arrested in florida. Now we are hearing rumors that the white house may start themselves from giuliani. Do you think do you think that is going to happen. Do you think that will have anything to do with giulianis relationship with the white house . We heard from Anonymous Sources that the white house is going to distance itself. I listened to an interview on saturday evening with President Trump on fox news. Is notnt trump distancing himself from his attorney, personal attorney, and friend for a long time. They have known each other for 30 years. They are close. I think President Trump is all about loyalty and has very few people he can really trust. I think the mayor is one of the people he can trust. As for these two associates of giuliani, i believe the names are igor and lev. They are american citizens, which is getting lost in the title. They are ukrainians, but they are american citizens. Been they have donated hundreds of thousands of andars to Trump Campaign other conservative candidates. I think there were allegations that may be this money came from other ukrainians or there was some sort of they are trying to influence candidates or potentially President Trump on policy. Really, there is no hard evidence on this now. That is something i will continue to follow. As for where giuliani falls, he has not been accused of anything. Does he know them . Yes. There were pictures of him having lunch with these two u. S. Citizens, but we will have to wait and see what happens. I think it is fascinating how these people how fast the Government Works when they are going after a Campaign Finance violation but the bidens no one is looking into that. They move quick. When people say there is a two Tier Justice System in this country, they are not wrong. Host if you want to join this conversation, we are opening our regular lines this morning. Republicans, your line is 202 7488001. Democrats, your line is 202 7488000. Independents, we want to hear from you at 202 7488002. Keep in mind you can text us as and you 202 7488003 can always contact us on social media on twitter cspanwj, on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Heres what President Trump tweeted about Rudy Giuliani this week. Legendaryre after crime buster and greatest mayor in the history of n. Y. C. , Rudy Giuliani. He may seem rough around the edges sometimes, but he is a great guy and wonderful lawyer. Such a onesided witchhunt going on in usa. Deep state. Shameful. Doesnt sound like President Trump is distancing himself from Rudy Giuliani and that wheat. Not at all. Guest not at all. If you look at mayor giulianis record, this is the mayor who took on the mob, who was very strong after 9 11. Both sides. Ted on now you see people flipping because he supports the president. It is such a shame. I do not think it is fair to drag mayor giuliani through the mud. Part of our interview, he was discussing i asked him why did you take matters into her own hands when it came to collecting some of this alleged dirt against the bidens . Why didnto you go straight to the Government Agencies and let them know immediately rather than holding onto this information . He told me he was disappointed in our Government Agencies, specifically the fbi, and he had mentioned when he was going after the fbi after the mob that the fbi was behind him. He did not feel comfortable going straight to the fbi. Theres a reason for that, as you know. The whole russia probe hoax, if you will, that we had to look into for 2. 5 years. Divided our country. It turns out President Trump was not an agent of the russians. Of fbi agents were fired for lying. James comey people take issue with him. You remember the Text Messages between peter strzok and lisa page. They were all for Hillary Clinton with these were officials who should not be taking political sides. Having an insider view of this discussion and stuff that was happening among top officials at the fbi would make a lot of people feel uncomfortable. These people have so much power. It is one of the most powerful agencies in the world. Host lets talk to mike, who is calling from los angeles, california on the democratic line. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. I agree with impeachment. We have seen a lot of trumps unacceptable policies and actions that can lead to the decline of United States power. Many World Leaders believe United States cannot be trusted. Situation. Ful how can we claim we are the and that our world nation has respect for human values . With ukrainian president is a clear abuse of his power. Situation acceptable this on acceptable unacceptable situation should change and we should respect human rights and honesty. Guest the first thing that stood out to me is obviously mike is not a huge fan of trump. Impeach him for what . Mike mentioned kids in cages. This is a narrative put together by the left and spun around by the media. These detention facilities were built under the obama administration. These are the same policies they had under the obama administration. People like mike care about it but did not before. There has been a lot of brainwashing by the media. I am the daughter of an immigrant from mexico. I care about human rights, but i also care about our borders. Human rights are not being violated. It is rude to accuse our Border Patrol agents and to the people taking care of these migrants because they are doing the best they can with the resources they have, which is why President Trump has implemented this remain a mexico policy. We are sending the wrong message to other countries. We are saying if you come here we are going to catch and release, which is we will give you a little piece of paper and you return to court. No one returns to court. 90 of people do not return to court after they have been let go. We have to get a handle on this. , ifor the other policies think it is unfair. I think our president is doing a good job. We have record unemployment rates in this country. Job. S done a fantastic none of that is reported. You only hear bad news herein does he speak like Ronald Reagan or obama . Not exactly. I am more about actions and words. Host lets talk to elizabeth on the republican line. Couple good morning generalities, namecalling are so destructive. Every issue is very complex. Need kneejerk and have opinions before we even know all the facts. Controls what people know. The other comment is christians have opinions all the way from one spectrum to the other. Of a grouperalities of people it is so dangerous. In all what i see conversations media, social media. It is all generalities and we are fooling ourselves. I think there are a lot of generalities in social media. Social media has good things, which is it connects people. Host we love our social media followers on cspan. Guest exactly. I get people that reach out to me from all over the country and im able to interview people because they messaged me and let me know about their stories. I think these are stories worth telling. There is a lot of focus on certain things. There is a narrative being driven and it is dangerous. There are other things going on other than President Trump and his rhetoric. We need to get back on track and focus on things that are important in this country and that actual Americans Care about. I read an article that dozens of rural hospitals are shutting down. That should be national news. I live in a Rural Community in arizona for a few years. I am imagining people having to drive hours to get hospital care because they do not have the hospitals they need to go to. It is like at a tennis match between trump and democrats. There is so much going on that we should really focus on. Rural areafrom a myself in mississippi where there was one hospital. If that hospital goes away, it is an hour drive for anyone for medical care. I agree that is an issue we should look at more in this country. We have a little bit of news that came in this morning , according to bloomberg. Com, is stepping down from the board of a chinese back private Equity Company and is promising to forgo all foreign his father is elected president in 2020. After mostly keeping a low profile as President Donald Trump leveled a marriage of unsubstantiated accusations barrage of garage unsubstantiated accusations. What you think it says that hunter biden is taking this step saying he will forgo foreign work if his father wins the presidency . Guest it sounds suspicious. If he was not doing anything wrong, why would he step down . It is funny because that is what he did right before his father announced he was running for president in april. Theped aside from national Energy Company in ukraine. If there is nothing wrong, why would you feel like you need to step away . Host lets go to our next caller, duane from mississippi on the independent line. Caller i am glad you allowed me to . To call in. I think you doing a great job. I pray for these independent News Reporters because the truth needs to come out. I am one of those christians you talked about earlier. Theres a reason why i voted for trump. Trump is more conservative than the democrats. We believe he is going to do a lot of things we feel are in our wheelhouse. I have a problem with you all asking this question about christians voting for trump when nobody has asked the same question about obama. Democrats voted god in jerusalem author platform. There is a reason off their platform. There is a reason we do not vote for democrats. Are praying for the president. We know this is a spiritual war. There is mode more going on than it appears. I wanted to find out why did biden get this job . What did he do for the company and why has he not done an interview . Guest if you could just imagine if this was Donald Trumps son making this type of money from foreign governments, that they were working out deals with, you would just imagine the media would be outside from our or wherever Donald Trump Trump tower or wherever donald trump, jr. Lives. Where is hunter biden . Where are the reporters looking for a scoop and story on him . We heard this report today that he is stepping aside from his deals in china, but this lack of interest in the bidens i went to Journalism School. Journalismi studied is because we were supposed to be the watchdogs of america. We were supposed to expose corruption. Now you go to Journalism School to carry water for the democrats. That is insanity. It is an embarrassment for journalism. I would argue that journalism, for the most part, is dead. Not u. S. Cspan. You at cspan. Host i was about to push back on you because i also teach at Journalism Schools. I would not say journalism is dead. Guest i think local news markets are more fair. There was bias back in the day and i have stories about that. Theres always going to be people that have slant. People need to be professional. The national sense, you have these top people at cnn writing press releases. At theople national level, if you do not think one way, you get shut out. We see that all the time. The is in hollywood, in comedy sketches, the magazines. As somebody who used to work for democrats, i find myself openminded and independent. I judge things for what they are. I am very disturbed by what has happened. To disagreel agree on the state of journalism. We will save that conversation for another day. Lets talk to connie from new jersey on the democratic line. Good morning. Host go ahead. Ladyr i want to ask this journalism for whom . Not for me. I have been in this country since i was 17. Im going to be 79. A lot ofen through president s. I am judgingt myself. Not a democrat, not a republican, not an independent. Just an american person. I have never seen, in my life, Something Like this. He represents everything represents. He does not represent the people. He is not prolife. They want to investigate so much hunter biden. Lets investigate trumps children. There is a lot to unpack their. Obviously this person is unhappy with President Trump. I guess im going to push back. I think President Trump has proven himself. Promises made, promises kept on a lot of issues. There is more to be done. He has had pushback from the courts, from the donothing democrats who had every turn pushback. President trump even tried to do a docket deal with the daca deal with the democrats all of a sudden they are not for daca. All of these democrats who once were for Border Security are not for Border Security or fences. As somebody who lived along the border for almost my entire life from arizona to san diego, if you talk to anyone who lives by the border, they are think will for the wall. Most walls were put in under bush and there were some fences put up under the obama administration. No one pushback on that. Pushback on that pushed back on that. Host there was an editorial earlier this week. Donald trump have should not have been on the phone encouraging another country to investigate his political opponent. Some republicans are trying, but there is no good way to spend this is a good idea. Those in control of our government use it to advance their political goals, we become another of the worlds many corrupt countries. America is better than that. That is why it is good there are investigations looking into the extent to which the obama fbi may have used our government and foreign governments to crush trump in the last election. The key question with trumps ukraine calls whether the president s actions rise to the level of an Impeachable Offense. It is hard to argue they do. That came from the daily caller. Do you agree with that . Guest no. I do not know who wrote this article. Piece. N opinion i read the transcript over and over again. There was no part of the transcript where he specifically said you have to look into biden or i will withhold military eight. Aid. That did not happen. Complex, very complicated subjects. It is not just about the phone call. He goes back to early 2015 and where this whole steele dossier came from that was given to the courts and where that information came from. According to reports, it came from ukraine. This whole russia scandal happened in ukraine. ,hat is what he is looking into investigating the investigators and the origin of the russia probe. There is still investigation into that. Attorney general william barr is looking into it. I hope they will find that information before the election. It is taking too long and that was something i asked mayor giuliani. He said these investigations take a long time, but he agrees it is taking a while. There was no quid pro quo. The foreign minister of ukraine said there was no pressure exerted on the president of ukraine to look into a political opponent. Keep in mind biden is part of the russia probe according to reports of people looking into this. It is all connected obama, clintons whoc, the ,aid for this steele dossier which was salacious and full of fake information. The stuff in there was pretty wild. They were using reports to corroborate. There was leaked information that went to these reporters. It is such a mess. The fact that this went to the court as a reason to spy on carter page is wild. Host that editorial came from the cofounder of the daily caller. That was there editorial. I want to be clear that that is who that came from. Guest like i said come at the daily caller, we are allowed to have our own opinions and that is an opinion piece. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I did not see anything in the transcript where i think there was you can think that phone call was inappropriate. Host as they said, inadvisable. Guest what is it an Impeachable Offense . I do not think so. Host lets go to bob from illinois on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. The Mainstream Media is very biased against President Trump. The Washington Post, the New York Times i read them after the 2016 election. They wrote that the impeachment process begins today. We have that. Senator schumer warned President Trump that the intelligence destroy him six ways from sunday and the president never had a honeymoon with the press. I believe him when he says there is a witchhunt with impeachment. Working 20vers are to nullify our vote. The people of our country voted him in. Imagine how much President Trump could accomplish for our country if the resistance stopped and democrats got behind the president. Imagine what the country could do. Adam schiff when he made of that story but the president and read that into the congressional to go, is there anyway into the correction congressional record and correct that . That is forever. That goes into the library of congress. For adam schiff to make up a story and make trump sound like some kind of evildoer i thought that was very terrible. If anybody should be impeached, it is adam schiff. Guest i agree with you that it was inappropriate for the chairman of that committee to come up with this fake transcript and his own version of it. If the transcript was so horrible and if there was an Impeachable Offense and their, wouldnt he have just read it straight . What is misleading about it is there are people who thought what his version of it, his dramatic reading, they thought that was the real transcript. I think it is confusing and misleading. Uss is the same guy who told he was his own eyes saw evidence that President Trump colluded with the russians and President Trump was putins puppet. He was wrong about that. He brought up the fact that there has been an effort to impeach trump since he took office. You are right. That is why this whole ukraine phone call controversy seems dishonest to me. Even before that happens, we had the House Judiciary Committee starting its effort to impeach trump. They did not know what they would impeach him over a, but they would find something. If they were serious about impeaching trump, they should do a house vote rather than doing this in a Side Committee in secret. Now we cannot even the whistleblowers want to rather than speaking type out a testimony rather than speaking before the committee. It does not give republicans an opportunity to ask questions. Serious matter. This should not be taken lightly. We are talking about impeaching the president , undoing election right before another election. The way the democrats are handling it is revealing what they are up to. Lets talk to chris on the democratic line. Caller good morning. I would like to ask and point out that there is a smokescreen that donald trump throws up every time there is an issue. Wereabout the people that are in jail now my going to jail now, going to prison now that were his cabinet members or in his talk election top Election Officials . This smokescreen we are throwing up now about biden, who cares what joe bidens son does . Who cares what Hillary Clinton does . She is a hasbeen. She did lose the presidency. President donald as a because i am a veteran and i think we should support our president. Somebody withrt dirty hands like that. Host respond. Guest i was confused. Support who with dirty hands . Host he sounds like he supports President Trump but had issues with him. Guest can we asked r. I. M. To clarify . Host he is gone. Guest he is talking that some of the people and from pauls innercircle in trumps circle. I want to remind everyone that no one is serving time for colluding with the russians, which is what that whole investigation set out to find. Instead, people got in trouble for taxes and lying under oath, other things. I think if you did that to any side, a lot of people would go to jail for tax stuff and Everything Else. There is a two Tier Justice System. , youu are a conservative go to jail. There could side, be corruption and no one gets in trouble. Host we were showing a pole earlier in the show. That was a fox news poll showed 51 of voters right now approve of impeaching and removing the president. Other voters want to impeach a not remove and other voters say they want no impeachment at all. We were talking about why evangelicals those numbers are different. 64 of white evangelicals say no impeachment, with 20 saying impeach and remove. What you see in those numbers . Guest that is if you believe the poll. I do think this media frenzy is influencing the way people see this. If you go out in the streets and ask people, no one would articulate it. They want to impeach him because we do not like him. I am not taking these polls to serious. I know that before this ukraine phone call the majority of americans did not support impeachment because it is a waste of time, it is divisive. We have one year left before an election. Why do it now . Why not let the Voters Decide . Will be betterit to wait until the next election and let people speak. Interesting polls and i do think the media has an influence on people in the way they think. If the democrats thought there was reason to impeach, they would emulate take a house floor vote so it is on record. It is unprecedented, the way the democrats are handling this. Host President Trump seems to agree with you about pulling. Here is what he had to say about a fox news poll. From the day i announced i was running for president , i have never had a good fox news poll. Thanews is also different it used to be in the good old days. With people like andrew napo litano, who wanted to be a Supreme Court justice. President trump seems to agree with you about fox news polls. Polls have never been kind to President Trump. If you think about the way they do the surveys, no one wants to admit they support President Trump because they do not want to. Host why do think that is . Guest 70 called me one time to ask a political question and i hung up. Host why do think that is . That is one of the things we have seen, that people support President Trump but do not want to say it. Why do you think that is . Guest look around you. Look what happens to trump supporters. I regularly get calls like white supremacist and nazi and racist and that i hate brown people. Half my family lives in mexico. Crazy. Are literally trumped arrangement syndrome. If you look at some of the universities, i believe i hear conservative students say they are punished. Ga hats. Not wear ma people are afraid of what will happen to them. I hear conservative friends they cannot let you would know they are trump supporters. Anyone know they are trump supporters. They fear retaliation. People do not know where the information is going. I do not think people should have to hide. It is unfortunate that we are at that point were people do not have the right to express themselves unless theyre supporting democrats. Host lets talk to curtis, who is calling from tulsa, oklahoma on the admin align. Independent line. Are you there . Good morning. The first thing i would like to president elieve that trump should be locked up and put in jail before they impeach him. That is what i feel. I would like to say that. Is the proper road for america to take, not just the democrats them about the republicans also. Is in the same situation or condition hello . Host go ahead. Caller america is in the same situation and condition that nazi germany was in prior to the second world war. I would like to say before i go oklahoma isthat nazi germany and tosa is berlin tulsa is berlin. I was born in mississippi. Im 85 years of age. I stayed there for 18 months. IanAmerican People separate them from people from the caribbean. As africanamericans that are only African People forced to come to america against their will. His entourage, all of them should remember what happened to mussolini and his wife and hitlers and his wife. It is not going to get better. Is going to get worse. Host go ahead and respond. Guest i really dislike when people try to make comparisons and the way wet are living under trump. I thing it is disgraceful. I do not see any comparison to that. Racism andect anything like that. When people throw around the tler, it watersi down real racism and what the Holocaust Survivors and victims of the holocaust went through. Don on thes talk to republican line. Are you there . Yes, here i am. Have you read the book open borders . Guest i have not. Caller it is a very good book. I have only gotten halfway through it. How can a billionaire like george soros because all this trouble in the first place . He has personally financed the border crossings. He has paid for organizations to fight for them, to get them tutored to know exactly what to say when they come across the border so they get into detention instead of getting turned around. You saw on the news every day that they had money to buy food. They had transportation. It was very organized. It has cost america billions of dollars. Why isnt he in jail . , i haves for soros heard a lot of these reports. I have not done any personal investigations into it, so i think it is interesting. I have heard people say he has been funding these groups. Youre right, it was interesting to see a lot of these migrants put on shuttles, buses. In south around fast america and mexico. They have the internet and they know what they need to say. You claim asylum because you fear you could be the victim of drug cartels and this and that. People know how to game the system. Trumps remain in mexico policy of sending a message to people that they do not want to stay in mexico. People who are coming from honduras and other countries. That is why there has been a big drop in decline and the numbers at the border. In thehat you expect news on impeachment at President Trump . Guest we know the white house is not going to start turning over things because a lot of the officials technically were not subpoena. There will be headlines like mayor giuliani subpoenaed but it was a letter, not official. There will be conversations back and forth and House Speaker nancy pelosi will test the waters to see where america stands on impeachment and if it is worth it for her to take it to a house floor vote. There are 30 or vulnerable democrats they are trying to save. If those democrats vote for impeachment, their futures could be in jeopardy. The discussion this week will be about impeachment. They need to do a service to the and let american voices be and let american voices be heard. Host we would like to thank Stephanie Hamill. I forgot to say earlier cohost of like it or not on fox five d. C. In washington, d. C. Toing up next, we will talk mieke eoyang, the National Security Program Vice President of third wave. Stick around. Tonight on q a, historian jeff guinn discusses his book the vagabonds about road trips taken by henry ford and thomas edison. The idea was they wanted to go out and have fun. They wanted to demonstrate you can do these things. Toy were not going to have light their own campfires. They were not going to eat cold beings out of cans. They were not just going to put a blanket on the ground. They had different amenities. They had refrigerated car powered by edison batteries so they could have fresh dairy. They had chefs to prepare gourmet meals at night. In the morning, they were dressed in freshly ironed clothes. They were so famous in america was so grateful to them that that did not matter. Was we are out in cars traveling and seeing these things. You can do it too. Guest tonight at 8 00 tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. Campaign 2020 watch our live coverage of the president ial candidates on the campaign trail and make up your own mind. Campaign 2020, your unfiltered view of politics. Continues. On journal host we are back with mieke eoyang, the National Security Program Vice President of third way. Good morning. Remind us what third way is. Guest third way is a centerleft think tank in washington, d. C. Host what do you do . Guest we do work trying to preserve the middle of american politics and work to advance helping movee america forward. I run the National Security program and we do work on anding members of congress the legislative branch be better at National Security issues. Earlier this week, the white house said it is not going to cooperate with the house impeachment probe. They sent a letter to the hill coming to Speaker Pelosi, that says given your inquiry lacks legitimate constitutional foundation, any pretense of fairness or the most elementary due process protections, the executive branch cannot be expected to participate in it because participating in the inquiry under the current unconstitutional would inflict lasting constitutional harm on the executive branch. You have left the president no choice. Particular, his obligations to preserve the right of future occupants of this office, President Trump cannot permit his administration to participate in this partisan inquiry under the circumstances. How do democrats respond to that . Guest i think many people who read that who have a legal background think this is a legal temper tantrum but not based on law or the constitution. The end of this week, what we saw as the federal courts rejected this line of argument from the white house. They said in a case where the Trump Administration is seeking to block access to his tax returns that congress has a legitimate legislative purpose and the right to get these documents. Ukrainet even on the investigation, which Speaker Pelosi has specifically deemed as part of the impeachment inquiry, which is obviously a legitimate legislative purpose. The administrations argument is designed to channel the president s frustration but it is not a legal argument. The we heard earlier from daily caller that the president s call with ukraine was inadvisable but did not rise to the level of impeachment. Do you think that transcript we to, that has been referred do you think that rises to the level of in a peach offense for the president of the United States . Impeachable offense for the president of uniteds great United States . Guest the president is talking to the president of ukraine about military aide come about the relationship going forward. He says i need you to do me a favor. They talk about the investigation of joe bidens son. They talk about this reference fake scandal that perhaps the russian 2016 election interference started in ukraine. It is clear from the Text Messages released by kurt volker, the president s special envoy, that it was not just a phone call itself. There were phone calls between the president s aides in advance to set the context that this was something that the president wanted from ukraine if they were going to get military aid necessary so they could defend themselves against the russian aggression that has occupied the eastern half of the country. It is important to remember that ukraine is literally fighting for its life and needs this aid. When a president says i need a favor, they are inclined to feel a lot of pressure to deliver that favor. This is not a favor for americas National Security interests. This is for the president s personal political interests. It is about trying to create a negative narrative around his most feared political rival. In america, we do not want the president of the United States and listing governments to help him in his own personal politics to preserve the power of one man. You want the president of the United States looking at and making decisions for the nation on behalf of the entire nation. Leveldoes this rise to a to the level of a crime . Guest let me make references to things in the constitution. Article one, section 9 no title of nobility shall be given to the United States and no Person Holding any office shall without the consent of congress except any emoluments, office, or title from any king, prince, or foreign state. This is known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits the president of United States taking a thing of value unless authorized by congress. The president was not authorized to receive Opposition Research and election help under the constitution. For those readers who do not have the constitution in front of them, the other claws we Pay Attention to is article two, section four. The president and Vice President shall be removed from office on conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. What you see here when we talk about bribery is the president of the United States asking for something of personal value from a foreign country. This is one of the specific terms for removal of office in the constitution. Host if you want to join this conversation, republicans, your line is 202 7488001. Democrats, your line is 202 7488000. Independents, you can call at 202 7488002. Beacon text is that you can text us at 202 7488003. Andre on twitter cspanwj on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Your title is National Security Program Vice President. Is what the president is doing affecting our National Security . Does impeachment of the president affect National Security . Guest what the president is doing effects National Security. We have long been supporting ukraine in its attempt to rid itself of corruption. Withhave a real problem trying to use offices to enrich themselves and also for ukraine to join the west. One of the things they have been doing and we have been helping them with is helping them become more independent from russia. Try to get theto more independent and be able to patrol their own country. Russia has been trying to interfere in ukraines process. Ukraine is potentially an important u. S. Ally, but one of the things we see is the kind of attacks russia tries there they often bring later to the united infrastructure, election attacks on their infrastructure, election system, to bribe officials. We want to know what kinds of attacks russia will use against americans. We can look to ukraine to understand what that is going to be. Staffer somee a years back. How is adam schiff handling this inquiry . Guest i think he is being careful. He is a prosecutor. I worked with him on the committee. He is a very thoughtful, thorough member of congress. What you see in this is his attempt to go carefully through all the evidence, to speak to all the witnesses. When he eventually brings charges forward, they will be supported by evidence. He was never a partisan firebrand. He would consider both sides carefully. What you see now is his tremendous frustration and alarm actions. Esidents the president has betrayed his oath of office. Host lets talk to chris, who is calling from florida on the democratic line. I cannot pronounce your name to save my life. There are a lot of vowels. Forgive me for not referring to properly. Reference theou constitution and read from it. Was, aslly struck me was,se ambiguous as it it sounds like joe biden threatening the ukrainians to withhold taxpayer money unless they fired the prosecutor that was invested getting his son, more into would fall that characterization that anything President Trump did. Obviously is another arm of the socialist agenda in washington to attack President Trump. The would you say to obvious crimes that joe biden committed and the obvious fraud that his son was involved with with collecting millions of dollars from the ukraine and industries he had no experience in whatsoever unless this prosecutor that was investigating it . People whot, i think are actual socialists would be appalled that you think third way is a socialist organization. Biden wasen joe talking to the ukrainians about the particular prosecutor, he was urging ukrainians to be more aggressive in their pursuit of corruption in the country. I went to ukraine in 2016. I have been to the house of the former ukrainian president , who fled to russia. Pro quotepeople who gifts is part of their way of life. This story of corruption has by associates of Rudy Giuliani who were arrested for trying to flee the country for spreading Campaign Contributions to get them to go easier on corruption in ukraine. This is not about joe biden or joe bidens son. This is about the president of the United States come his actions in office. He is surrounded by a halo of people who are engaged in corruption and who are taking ukrainian oligarch money for years. Host while were on this subject, i want to talk to get your reaction to news that came out of bloomberg this morning about former Vice President joe bidens son. According to bloomberg, hunter biden is stepping down from the board of a Chinese Private Equity Company and promising to forgo all foreign work if his father is elected president in 2020. After months of keeping a low profile as President Donald Trump levels unsubstantiated accusations at him, the younger biden is bowing to avoid conflict of interest. Guest i think that is important. The children of the president of the United States should not do business with foreign entities. Joe bidens son should not be doing this. Donald trumps son should not be doing this. Joe bidens son is taking steps to remove conflict of interest before his fathers even a nominee. The president s children are still engaged in negotiations with foreign entry entities overseas while personally profiting. That is nepotism. That is the kind of thing, if it were done by lowerlevel officials, we would have the fbi knocking on their door and unsealing indictments against those people. We keep talking about joe bidens son. Son, when he was a private citizen, his father was a private citizen, running for president , and we are not talking about the business dealings of the president s children. Host lets talk to diane, who is calling from pennsylvania on the democrats line. Caller good morning. How are you today . Host just fine. Go ahead. Caller ok, the impeachment on President Trump, how can that be successful with the senate just not cooperating at all . It has to go through the senate. I believe that trump should be impeached. I believe that he has committed high crimes. Frome been watching this day one, since he was running for president , and all of the things he has done are obscene, actually, and he has no qualms about milking the public. He thinks that it is ok. He thinks that he is the chosen one. He thinks only he can do what. Eeds to be done for guest it is certainly true that this presidency will have a Lasting Impact on america, the weight operates in the world, on our economy, and on our government. Agree that he is a unique danger to the United States. When he was running for office, the things he said were critical, but this impeachment is about his actions while in office. This impeachment is about what he did as president of the United States, from the Global Office the oval office, to benefit himself personally. I think there is a lot of concern that there are republicans in the senate to say it is ok for the president of the United States to use the awesome powers of this country to benefit himself personally. You see a few republicans who are willing to say no, the office should not be used for your personal benefit i mean, we fought a revolutionary war in order to say the country is bigger than just one person. Evidence comehe out, candid republicans in the senate honestly look at themselves and say, this is ok, and this is not a betrayal of the constitution. I have a hard time thinking that on the facts and what well seen already and what is still to come that you could say he has been true to his oath of office. I do not think that he has. Conversationsome earlier on this show about former mayor of giuliani and the work that he has done for President Donald Trump in ukraine. A couple of former mayor giulianis associates have been arrested for Campaign Finance violations. What does this mean for the impeachment investigation, and does this give democrats in the house more fuel for their cause for impeachment . Guest i think one of the clearest signs that this arrest this week shows that for other people than the president , it is very clear that for in Campaign Contributions are illegal and a crime, and that these two people were arrested for spreading around this kind of money, for taking ukrainian money and trying to influence this process, that the oj the fbi considers this a very serious crime. Is we have to decide the president above the law, or if he held to the same laws that apply to everyone else . And i think that if you believe in the role of law, that you believe we are a nation of laws and not individual men, that the president is in real trouble here and should be held accountable. Who lets talk to sheila, is calling from massachusetts on the republican line. Sheila, good morning. Caller good morning. And thanks for taking my call. Just a few comments i would like to make. First of all, joe biden was influence peddling. Adam schiff lied and put it into the congressional record. Why are you not saying anything about that . Dont we have a treaty with ukraine to root out corruption, and president had a perfect right to ask that they find the corruption there. In that statement, did trump actually say, i need you to . Are those words in that transcript . Thank you very much. You talk a good game, and fast talker, thanks. Guest um, first of all, we do not have a treaty with ukraine. It is an a shared interest of both countries that we root out corruption, exactly the type of corruption that Rudy Giulianis associates were arrested for this week. And a Legal Standard are not just some magic words that trigger a sense of would trigger you into being guilty of soliciting a bribe, or soliciting a foreign emolument, o setting up a quid pro quo, we know the contents of what related exactly what was happening here. To avoid ao exact criminal charge, i need you to, we would never be a liquid or any organized crime or any criminals in jail. That is not the standard here. It is the totality of the circumstance was the president holding something that the ukrainians valued and till they gave him something that he wanted . It is very clear from the transcript that that is what he would do. Host you said you knew adam schiff when you work for the House Intelligence Community . Guest yes. Host adam schiff had this to say at a rally earlier this week President Trump had this to say at a rally earlier this week. Pres. Trump we released a transcript that was so good, that that crooked adam schiff this guy is so crooked [crowd booing] to make up ahe had fake conversation that never happened, and he delivered it to the United States congress and the American People. [crowd booing] pres. Trump it was a total fraud. And then nancy pelosi said, oh, i think the president said that. [crowd booing] pres. Trump these people are sick, i am telling you, they are sick, and you know what . Waited one day longer, they would have had a transcript of the actual call, word for word, it would have been perfect. Theyad, they released it, went early, they said all of these horrible things. You know why . Because they never thought in a million years that i was going to release a transcript of the call. Host is adam schiff becoming too much of a part of the story . Guest he is the lead investigator, so he will be part of the story regardless. The president has been very clear that he likes to attack and said someone else up to be has oil, whether that is bob , shepard smith, the president likes to go after people who bring the truth to the American People and hold him accountable, so of course he is going to make adam schiff the story, but that is not the issue beer. The issue is not what adam schiff is doing or what he said and the opening statement, the issue is what did the president do . How did the president s and understand what he did, and what was the effect on that . It is the president at issue, not adam schiff. Host lets go to lionel calling from West Virginia on the independent line. Lionel, good morning. Caller good morning. An awful lot going on with this lady you have on television. Trump never use the word me, he said the word us. Adam schiff is known and guilty of falsifying congressional records. We know that the clinton , the obamahe dnc justice department, and the obama ove oval office conspired with foreign governments and fou foreign to prohibit we the American People for a particular outcome in a president ial election. That is the definition of treason. And, maam, i am sorry for you, i really am, because youre nothing but a pathetic, pathological liar. Host i will let you respond to that. Guest look i know it is really hard for people to believe that someone they support could actually subvert the constitution like this. We have never had this happen before in the history of the United States. And i know it is hard to believe that someone you think is working in your best interest actually is not. But this is a president who has a history of only being out for himself. And im sorry that you feel the need to insult other people and go down this road. I think when you look at the president s actions, though, and what he has done in this using his office, it is very clear that he does not have americas best interest at heart. The lawnct, stood on of the white house and said to the chinese, hey, give mitterrand joe biden, in the middle of a tariff negotiation, over whether or not American Farmers could sell goods to chinese, he said to china, hey, what matters to me is political dirt, not the economy of the United States. I know it is hard to understand that this man is not in it for america, but he is not. You arece again, mieke, the National Security Vice President at third way. The president has just tweeted about what is going on in turkey. This is what he just tweeted very smart not to be involved in the intense riding along the fighting along the turkish border, for a change. Those mistakenly guided into foreign wars are still pushing the fight. They have no idea what a bad decision they have made. Why are they not asking for a declaration of war . What is your response to that week that just came out of the white house . Guest i mean, i feel like it starts in one place and is in another, it starts with lets not go to war, and ends with lets go to war, but that is of the inconsistency that we see out of this white house. That we are saying to turkey, you pull right out, and you can he is sayingand they are allies, meanwhile, the turks are shelling u. S. Forces on the ground would have been fighting isis. The president s inconsistency here, his inability to plan, his inability to say what is going on is making us less trusted our allies,es by and is likely to result in a resurgence of isis. All of the kurds, two have been trying to hold the isis members as prisoners for us, we are abandoning those people. They fought sidebyside with the americans. More kurds have given their lives against isis than americans, and the president has pulled the rug out from underneath them, and you see republicans all over the hill being incredibly frustrated and breaking with the president over this particular policy, which is making america less safe. Host lets go to maria, who is calling from mechanicsville, new york, on the democratic line. Maria, good morning. Listen, impeachment is a waste of time. Lets get the peoples work done. As a democrat, i cannot vote for a democrat when they are for a agenda for abortion and promoting a socialist agenda. This is not the party of jfk anymore. Host go ahead and respond. Guest the Democratic Party is very much true to those values. I dont think that the Democratic Party has embraced socialism. There are a lot of people who are really working to make sure that we have opportunity widely throughout this country, and that people everywhere have the opportunity to earn a good life. I do not think that what you are saying is true about the party, and im sorry that you feel that way about democrats that you cannot vote for democrats, but i personally would not feel comfortable voting for someone who thinks that the oval office is just for his own personal benefit and is not interested in the welfare of all americans. Jay who, istalk to calling from scottsville, virginia, on the independent line. Jay, good morning. Caller hi. Thanks for taking my call. As a veteran who has taken an oath to protect and defend the constitution, i actually thought about that first part, solemnly swear to protect and defend, and you actually protect the intention of the constitution, which i thought about. That is protect and defend domestic tranquility. Um, i dont see the president of the United States, as we speak, doing anything protection doing anything but protecting his business operations. Managementcting the hotel inhis, uh, turkey, and, uh, he is protecting his business operations, so it is not even political. He is protecting the business operations, as he is using our government as a business. Now, it seems to me that we can either view our rights coming from man, as they do in russia, and in helsinki, the president aligned himself with the russian federation, or we can view our says in theg as it declaration of independence, as coming from the creator of the universe, from providence. And those rights are infinite. And if they come from man, you , as donnellribute club the donald trump declared himself the chosen one, and he seems to react in that manner. Host go ahead and respond. Guest i think people are concerned that this president , unlike any president before, has comingled personal business with the business of running the country. I think that is why democrats are seeking his tax returns and seeking to a understand exactly what is going on. See these Financial Transactions that are occurring between Deutsche Bank and the president , i think there are no questions about whether or not the president is actually doing this for himself or for, as you say, his hotel chain, and that should never be a question that the American People have. They should never wonder whether or not the president is putting their interests first or his pocketbook first. I think of donald trump were actually true to his oath of office, he would do best himself completely of all of his hotel holdings. He would get his children out of the white house, and he would separate government from his personal business. Host lets go to jerry, who is calling from west bend, wisconsin, on the republican line. Jerry, good morning. Caller yeah, good morning. Host good morning. Go ahead, jerry. H, i wasyeah, u wondering, did anyone look at some of the four trump was president and he was up against Hillary Clinton, how much money did the Clinton Foundation get from china . How much did they get from russia for their campaign . And another question did anybody ever ask barack obama when he was sitting with putin, when he made that statement well, when imic, get reelected, i will have more power . What did he mean by that . And the thing with the mueller investigation, with the fisa abuse and all of that, to me, that just showed that they were won, neverrump had thinking that he would. Lisa page even made the comment, well, we have got an insurance policy, just in case that whatever happen. What did they mean by that . Host go ahead. Guest i have no idea what they would mean by that. I think there are people who feel like the president s actions as a candidate are from his actions as president. Obstruction of justice is one of the things that congress has typically impeached a president for. They did it for nixon, and they did it for clinton. As for your question about the Clinton Foundation, there is no allegation that money from the Clinton Foundation founded way into the clinton campaign. Those are separate things. Now, does president clinton have a foundation, and whether foundations are, are certainly canthing that the people ask questions about, but has nothing to do with the running of government because Hillary Clinton is not president of the United States, something that i am personally disappointed about, but my question is how has President Trump used his office, what has he done while in office to stay true to the constitution or betrayed because of vision, and that is what this investigation is about. Host well, President Trump has continued to tweet about Foreign Affairs this morning. Since you are an expert in this area, i want to let you know what he is saying and get your reaction to this. Here is a new tweet from President Trump who says, do you remember two years ago when iraq was going to fight the kurds in a different part of syria . Many people wanted us to fight with the kurds against iraq, who we just fought for. I said no, and the kurds left the fight twice. Now the same thing is happening with turkey. The kurds in turkey have been fighting for many years. Others may want to come in and fight for one side or another. Listen, we are monitoring the situation closely. dless wars what is your reaction to that . Guest i am not sure what he is saying when he said they wanted to attack the kurds. The kurds are spread through southern iraq in western iran. They are one of the people who do not have a sovereign country of their own. 2003happened after the iraq war is that the Kurdish People in Northern Iraq were able to establish a semiautonomous region there, which actually has tended to prosper. They have trade there, it is very stable, and they have been staunch allies of the United States and our efforts to root out terrorism in that part of the region and also in trying to bring political stability to that area and work within the Iraqi Government to try and really restore peace to that country. To abandon the kurds now is it is just cruel. It is just cruel after all they have done for us. Now, it is not the first on the u. S. Has abandoned the kurds, which we did after george h. W. Bush iraq wars in 1991, but i think what is really, really damming here is that we have left the kurds at the mercy of the country who has deemed them a threat and has a history of engaging in genocide. Host lets talk to rose, to is calling from oakland, maine on the democratic line. Rose, good morning. Caller good morning. I just have a couple of problems. I am horrified by what has been going on, and as far as the to comment onwant that briefly, because i do not know enough about it, but i do to theobama was kurds, so i just find it, everything you are talking about this morning is heartbreaking to me, and i think you are being totally hypocritical, and you are having a double standard about everything. That is what is totally wrong. This is not an impeachment for he in the house. ,his is actually a committee because impeachment inquiry would involve republicans, which you are not doing care you are not taking a vote, youre not doing this in the open, you are doing it in secret meetings 30 talk about the tweets or the text that came out, they only leaked out the text that help to their cause, so release all of the transcript from these hearings that you can come and release all of the text, not just what benefits your side of the argument. I am a democrat, embarrassed, because i voted democrat a lot, and now i am actually supporting the president now, because i think the abuse of powers by congress, and they are not above the law, and there are separation of powers to the president , he answers to the senate, not to a committee of democrats, so you are disenfranchising a whole group of voters, millions of americans that actually voted for him. When need to go back to a time when we worked together and got things done in this country, and you have gotten more done than democrats in four years. There are americas with real problems, and we need real solutions. Infighting is what got trump elected it i am sorry you do not like him, but at least he has gotten somes f done in four years. Host go ahead and respond. Guest i think the president s time in office have actually been quite weak. The yield curve inversion shows markets are actually quite nervous about the way he is handling the economy. Look, i think that also the caller fundamentally misunderstand the way that impeachment works, constitutionally. Impeachmentocess of goes to a grand jury. Prosecutor goes and investigate, they look at a whole bunch of Different Things, they gather a bunch of evidence, and then when they are ready, they present a list of charges, and those charges get voted on. Right now, we are in the investigative stage, so they will look at a whole bunch of Different Things and say, which allegations have enough evidence behind them to put them in the house and which ones they want. At that point, once the particular charges are laid forward for the president , then there will be a vote on them, and then they will proceed to the senate where the president while the right to look at the y are presenting, and he will have a chance to answer them, and the senate will vote. The senate process is more like a trial. It is a twostage process here. Jurynormally in a grand process, what happens is only the prosecutor is in the room. Nobody there on behalf of the defense is in the room. And even the witnesses that go in, they are not allowed to bring their lawyers into the room. They would have to step out to ask a lawyer a question, and then step back into the room. In this case, when you see the closeddoor hearings happening in the house, is republicans are present, and my understanding is the right to ask questions of the witnesses, which is why these hearings are going on for hours an hours, and witnesses have the right to have a personal lawyer present. So there are people on the in thents teams who are rooms were hearing all of this testimony at the same time that the democrats are hearing the testimony. This is actually much more fair than what you would see in a traditional criminal process to bring an indictment. So i just feel it is important clarify that for the viewers, but the way that the caller understand the process is not actually what is happening. Host lets talk to dorothy, who is calling from baltimore, maryland on the democratic line. Dorothy, good morning. Caller good morning. I just want to know how people dont understand that all of this confusion that is going on is actually caused by trump. Trump is not trying to bring the country together. Trump, every rally has is about criticizing, infighting, and Everything Else. That is not what i want to say. Things, and that he pretends he is fixing what he actually broke, like the iran deal. That was going fine with all the other countries, they was complying and everything, and then he broke it. We always went to war with iran. He did something to make that happen. About the impeachment theater there are Text Messages from ukraine to one of his aides, or whoever it was, that stated that they understood him forant him to do a favor him, because he was holding up their military money. Two, why is the personal lawyer of the president going to investigate anything or anybody . If trump had any evidence of this, which you dont somebody probably told him on fox news to do this but he could go to the doj, the cia, the fbi how is the president going to get his own lawyers to investigate a citizen of the United States . That what is that . Guest that is messed up, is what that is. I agree with the caller, this is really problematic. But at the same time the president s personal lawyer is investigating this scandal, his associates are also receiving millions of dollars, from russianbacked ukrainian playings, so he is both sides of this thing. I think it is very problematic, and if i were the president s lawyer, i would be very nervous for my client, because there are only a couple of options for him third he is either doing on behalf of the president , so he is complicit, getting ukraine to do this could be considering or onting a bribe, behalf of your critic lance come in which case he is committing a foreign registration act violation, for which he could also go to jail. The third possibility, which no one believes the president has already set is working for him, is that he is doing on his own, freelancing, then that is a violation of the logan act, a private citizen conducting for policy for the United States without authorization. So either way, Rudy Giuliani has broken some laws. Host lets talk to carlos, who is calling from athens, tennessee on the republican line. Carlos, good morning. Caller good morning. To you. I have been watching all of these things going on and on, and i really, really feel sorry for President Trump, but i feel more sorry for this lady. A lot of democrats have failed , in every chance that they had, they failed. I can see her face twisted around in her eyes blink around, and that is because she aint got no more answers. We keep putting up with lies and lies about the president. A lot of journalists try to become lawyers, and a lot of lawyers try to become sometimes i can tell, you know, these people do not love the United States like this president loves. Host go ahead and respond. Guest i have never been accused of not having an answer before. I thank my family would be very surprised to hear that. Look, i think that there are people who are really frustrated at the situation. There is an old adage that says if you have the facts, if you dont have th argue the facts. If you dont have the facts, argue the law. If you dont have the law, down the table and yell a lot. The president pounding the table and yelling a lot could i have sworn the office of the constitution, and i believe in that. Host lets go to tony, who is calling from marietta, georgia on the independent line. Tony good morning. Caller good morning. Eoyang. We, being carried by a swamp master, i called the show 2, 3 ears ago, and said that he would introduced tons of lizards and all these things into the swamp, because he is the swap master. I saw a report on msnbc that there was some type of mental or psychological algorithm played on the public, and mostly fox news watchers, in guyr words, just like the called and said, he could not pronounce your name, two syllables in both names. It is ignorance. And seriously, donald trump needs to be impeached immediately, no inquiry, just impeached. He cannot carry even gerald fords jockstrap, politically or intellectually. Host go ahead and respond. Guest i agree with you that the actions warrant impeachment, but i think in a country where we live by rule of law, an investigation to look at all the facts and evidence is still worth doing, because i think it is important that we do not rush to judgment based on some pressure was, that we give press reports, that we give the time to actually investigate. And to your report about bringing the creature to this one, you will recall that this is a president who said he wanted to defend the southern border by digging a moat with alligators. Host what you expect to see this week when Congress Returns . Guest i expect to see a lot more hearings coming forward. They are going to take a bunch more dust resistance. I think depositions. I think you will see a lot of reviewing by committees over the break, and i imagine you will see the president continuing to rage on twitter. Meanwhile, i think nancy pelosi has been very clear that the house is still going to try to move forward on issues like trade agreements, on health care, on education, and that work continues. The house is able to do a lot of Different Things at the same time. Theres 435 of them. Host we would like to thank mieke eoyang, the National Security Program Vice President for third way, for spending part of her saturday morning sunday morning with us. Mieke, thank you so much for coming in. Guest they for having made. Host our question of the day should evangelicals continue to back trump . Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Ndependents, 202 7488002 and evangelicals, we want to hear from you, 202 7488003. We will be right back. Monday night on the ommunicators, the former Senior Advisor to fcc chair tom wheeler and another talk about the recent d. C. Appeals Court Decision on net neutrality. The court said that the fccs decision to regulate Broadband Internet access as an as itation service, a largely has been, was permissible. When the sec declassified broadband as an Information Service rather than a Telecommunication Service and also said another part of the communications act, section 106, did not provide authority for regulation, it washed its hands, it advocated its authority to oversee the broadband market. Monday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan2. Thinking about hispanic and guest s 2020 thinking about participating in cspans 2020 studentcam competition . Check out our Getting Started and downloads pages at studentcam. Org, for information, footage, and c teachers resources on the page to help introduce stuff to your students. I would like to welcome everyone to participate. If you are truly passionate, pursue it as much as you can. This year, we are asking middle and High School Students to introduce something you would like the president ial candidates to address during the 2020 campaign. Cspan will award 120,000 dollars in total cash prizes, plus a 5,000 grand prize. Go get a camera, a microphone, and produce the best video that you could possibly produce. Visit studentcam. Org for more permission today. Washington journal continues. Host once again, we are going to our question of the morning should evangelicals keep backing President Donald Trump . Once again, republicans, your line is 202 7488001. Democrats, yours is 202 7488000. Independents, you can call in at 202 7488002. And evangelicals, we have a special line for you at 202 7488003. Et us, youso tweak can also text us at 202 7488003. And remember, we are always reading on social media, on twitter cspanwj and on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Welcome once again, President Trump spoke at the value voter summer last night to evangelicals supporters, and here is what President Trump had to say. [video clip] pres. Trump we believe in the right for free speech. We believe in the right to life. [cheers applause] [crowd chanting four more years] pres. Trump thank you. We know that families and churches, not government toicials, know best how create strong and loving communities. It has been that way in our country. [applause] pres. Trump and above all else, we know this in america, we do not worship a government, we worship god. [cheers applause] pres. Trump thank you. You were there from the first minute of my presidency. Toave taken historic action defend religious liberty. [applause] pres. Trump tony knows that very well. Was saying what do you think . I dont know him very well, but i think you are very happy, tony, now, right . [applause] pres. Trump something i am very proud of, i stopped the Johnson Amendment from interfering with pastors rights to speak your mind. You ca are the people we want to hear from. We want to hear from you. [applause] pres. Trump we are protecting the conscience, rights, and think of this, those rights of doctors and nurses and teachers and groups like the Little Sisters of the poor. They are incredible people. And we are preserving our countrys vital tradition of faithbased. Adoption. Host there is a column in the Washington Examiner written by kimberly ralph that i want to discuss. Here is what kimberly wrote host once again, the question is should evangelicals keep backing President Donald Trump . Lets go to our phones and talk to kathleen, who is calling from new york on the democratic line. Kathleen, good morning. Caller yes. Host go ahead, kathleen. Caller yes, ok, i am so sorry. Ridiculous it is that anybody actually backs this guy, ok . [laughs] caller lets be honest, you know . I always heard satan is the father of all lies. Every time this guy opens his mouth, he is lying. Think that he says things, does not really believe in them in his mind or heart, but he says things, you know, to gain support. You know what i am saying . I just, seriously, sir, i dont like this guy. I dont like him, you know. You know, look what is happening in syria now. I dont like him. Host lets go to rob who is calling on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Hopefully give me a few minutes. This has been a very interesting morning with mieke on there. First of all, evangelicals are behind trump, because he is not antichristian. He is not making them feel embarrassed where they cannot say christmas and those kinds of things. He has made that very clear. I think he is for religious freedom. It is very obvious. I would like to take a minute here and point out something. I think cspan is getting to be used by the long arm of the Democratic Party, and dont just punch me off, because i have watched you for over four or five years, and every day for the last couple of weeks you have had somebody that is proimpeachment, proimpeachment, proimpeachment, like mieke is. That is all she is talking about is impeaching the president , but she had no facts. You pulledt is, if up the column on the Robert Mueller questioning, he asked the question, specifically, did the president in the you in any way, and mueller said, no. Nobody said that fact. Everybody is saying i feel the president is lying, i feel, collins specifically asked mueller if he impeded this investigation anyway, mueller said no. Host now, rob, did you miss Stephanie Hamill on the show earlier today . Caller i tell you, every day you give more time to the people trying to impeach the president every day. First of all, isnt a man innocent until Proven Guilty . Sense when doesnt even the president have that right, innocent until Proven Guilty . There is not anything they got on him on the mueller investigation, nothing, zero, and now because i got nothing, adam schiff has turned and twist which they should change his name from adam schiff to mr. Wizard, dont look behind the curtain. Dont look behind the curtain, because he has nothing. Before they started that he needs ton, unequivocally prove that he has all the evidence that President Trump violated the law and colluded with russia. Those are the exact words from adam schiff. And the bottom line is the president is the highest law of the land. Over the justice department, and if he wants to us great about information of some dirt on individuals that would be colluding with ukraine, getting back to the root of how that thing all popped up with Hillary Clinton. Another thing, they say trump is a liar, bill clinton pointed out the camera and said i did not have sex with that woman, monica lewinsky. That is a liar. Michelle,s go to calling from illinois. Michelle identifies herself as an agen evangelical. Caller good morning. My name is michelle could i am an evangelical pastor. I converted when i was 18. For make him a political leader is always flawed, so i look at the range of who they are and what they do. Qualify on does not anything in the range of somebody i could possibly support. I have been disappointed time and time again. The word of evangelical means good news. Christians may call themselves evangelical, but they are not, they may be fundamentalists, but they are not evangelical good ists love andchr foundation. Is about affirming others are i never felt my lives were impinged in any way as a christian pastor and 40 years. Thank you. Host lets go to murphy in shreveport, louisiana on the independent line. Murphy, good morning. Er host murphy, can you do us a favor and turn your television down in the background . Caller ok. Ok. Host now, go ahead. I am just calling about the evangelicals and stuff, and i think they are still with trump,ecause he needs because he needs prayer. People are hollering whited joe bidens son take that job and make that money . If it were my son, i would be happy that my son made that kind of money. And look at trumps kids. It had nothing to do with joe biden. And they did that with hillary, and the republicans went on and just beat them across the head. , dont know why they, cross, with clinton, clinton dont had nothing to do with this. , it is about ukraine just a whole bunch of mess, and some of that has to be accounted for. Host lets go to diane, who is connecticut, and diane identifies herself as an evangelical. Diane, good morning. Caller good morning. I am totally for donald trump, mainly because he is the only president who has ever stood up for evangelicals and for christian believes. He is against abortion. He has tried to pass laws against it. The democrats are totally for abortion. I think the democrats are hypocrites. They say that they care about children who are being caged, but they do not care about abortion. That is not the right thing to believe in. Abortion is killing unborn infants. Also, they believe in samesex marriage, which is awful, hypocritical, and not right. Homosexuals cannot have children. I think democrats are totally against children. And donald trump should not be impeached, because he is the only one who is standing up for the right thing. We have no other choice. Evangelicals have no other choice but to vote for donald again,when he runs th and i do not think he should be in these because joe biden did something wrong, joe bidens son did something wrong, but the democrats are not looking at that. They are only looking at what donald trump is doing. Host lets go to colleen, who is calling from california on the democratic line. Colleen, good morning. Caller good morning. That definitely think, uh, donald trump needs to be impeached. He has done nothing but lies he has became president. He said there were more people let his inauguration than anyone elses, and there were into seats in the mall, halfempty. The pictures speak louder than the words. Evangelicals the having believing in right to life, everybody believes in right to life, at least i do. But if a woman uses birth control, she wont get pregnant and need to have an abortion, and that is what all the clinics are doing, helping women stay healthy, and as far as worshiping god, and because of vision, it says we are all free to worship as we choose. What about atheists . And do not believe in god, they should have a voice also. Trump, ands back that is fine, but we are all immigrants. Relatives came over in 1640, so everybody in the United States is an immigrant, because the only people that lived here prior to that were american indians. Host lets go to beverly, who is calling from new smyrna beach, florida, on the republican line. Beverly, good morning. Caller good morning. It is good to speak with you. I am not going to waste all of my time trying to defend the stability that i the stupidity that i am listening to. If people do not want to watch more than one news channel, please, people, get off of cnn and msnbc and try to figure it out for yourself. Just a few things that President Trump has done, and he is just doing an a credible job. Try, sod the right to that people with cancer and other diseases can pass federal qualifications so they can try these medicines, so that they can get better, and some of them are. He passed the Johnson Amendment, so it secured pastors rights. He wants to do away with what the democrats call lateterm abortion. 25 million, that is what my research shows, Illegal Immigrants that are in the United States, how are we going to support that . And then the dems dont want to help with the border . Abortionthe lateterm is like, for me, i cannot believe that there were actually inocratic people, uh, authority, governors and things, wanting nine months abortions up to nine months. And as far as the kurds are concerned, you know, they asked us to be there. It was supposed. To be a 60day affair. S two factions of kurds all turkey, an wants is a safe zone should also, President Trump is bringing remains from our soldiers that were in korea. I mean, he is getting so much done. I cant host President Trump actually just tweeted again about turkey, and i want our viewers to see what President Trump is tweeting. Is his tweet host so things are moving right now inside the white house on the situation with syria and turkey, so we will keep our eye on that as we conclude the show here. Lets go to matthew, who is calling from seminole, florida. Matthew is an evangelical. Matthew, good morning. Caller good morning. I have been enjoying the show today, and the last woman who called, i liked a lot what she had to say, but the main thing that i want to talk about right sensee just the facts, trump has President Trump, which a lot of people do not call him, they call him mr. Trump, and they need to seriously call him President Trump, has, since more for this country than almost any president combined, all of them, and should be praised for that. I would have been a lot more angry than he was. Basically, he has been holding his own, doing this, constantly getting attacked, and still accomplishing more, and no none of the donothing democrats are helping at all. The attacks on him should stop. I think the lady on before sat there and said you want to support a president who was to dig a moat around here and put alligators in it . First of all, that was never proposed. That was kind of in a way just talking, joking, how do you get things done, if you cannot put up a wall or anything like that. It was funny, but it was never serious. Stop putting words in his mouth and saying that every accusation is true. None of this stuff has been proven yet, all right . And the stuff that has been proven shows that the democrats and their attacks have been lives. Host lets go to rachel, who is calling from forney, texas on the independent line. Rachael, good morning. Caller good morning. He did not make the johnson act. That has been in there since johnson. He tried to change the johnson act. Cindyont you google yang, she is a fundraiser for trump. Own massage to parlors where young girls were trafficked for sex, and that is one of the places that kraft, the owner of the patriots, was arrested for having sex. She has run her business out of maralago. She has also been invited to the white house. She is running money for trump for his reelection. She is raising money for his reelection. Why has no one talked about this . Are you still there . Host yes, go ahead. Caller i just wondered why hasnt anyone brought her up. She is good friends with epstein, and he has done the same thing, and this is going on at his golf club. I mean host lets go to amy, who is calling from georgia, on the democratic line. Amy, good morning. Caller good morning. To answer your question, evangelicals should continue their support for trump, because, like trump, evangelicals have always been lacking in for the and compassion for those who are not ignorant, willfully hypocrites. This guy has been married three times. They are ok with that. Evangelicals have always been intellectually and morally dishonest in a pathological way. They are cruel for sport. Should continue support for him, because they are just like him. Host lets go to jane, who is common from orlando, West Virginia on the democratic line. Jane, good morning. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. Number one, how could anybody who says they are a christian support somebody that has sold over 14,000 lives that has been proven by fat checkers . Fax checkers . Two, he has committed adultery on his wifes, and i consider him committing adultery on our country now get a so you all continue supporting him, and all of you will end up in hell with him. Thank you. Host lets go to gregory, who is calling from pennsylvania. Gregory, good morning. Did i pronounce the name of your town correctly . Caller yes, that is correct. Host go ahead. Caller i think President Trumps strategy is brilliant. What he is actually doing is vilifying and victimizing the congress. They and the bidens are the head of the snake. And bringing the troops back from syria is an excellent move, because we do not have to engage in combat with a nato ally. What is going to happen when it comes to a vote in the congress is these very enemies are going to raise their hand. As onve trump straight his strategy. Thanks again for accepting my call. , who ists talk to mark calling from oxen hill, maryland, on the independent line. Marked, good morning. Caller good morning. Good morning. When it comes to your question, i mean, obviously evangelicals should not support him, because andanat the tithetical to everything they are. When it comes to this whole kurdish question, it is ridiculous, because these were our allies. Without these men and women, we would not have defeated isis. Isis. We would not have defeated isis. Just to respond to the other people, we would not be fighting turkey, because there is no way turkey would have attacked these people if we would not have agreed to back up. I we need to, you know, struggle when i think about how to talk to all of my republican fellow citizens, because a lot of them seem to read conspiracy theories. That you would google properly and look at your sources, because when i have arguments with you guys, we cannot even talk on the same playing field. We would like to thank all guests and callers today on washington journal. We want to talk about the new it poll with ipsos reid wilson, then we will talk on the originnnon of the house impeachment agree, then we will have mark sanford to talk about his candidacy against President Trump for the republican nomination. So stick with us. We will be back tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. For another washington journal. Everyone, have a great sunday. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, here on cspan this morning, newsmakers is next with Democratic National Committee Chair tom perez talking about the 2020 president ial campaign. Thats followed by Canadian Party leaders meeting for their only english language debate ahead of this months federal election. And the Supreme Court begins a few term by hearing oral arguments on cases concerning lbgtq employment discrimination. Announcer joining us on newsmakers is the chair of the Democratic National committee, tom perez and joining us with the questioning from Washington Post and politico. I want to begin with the dnc rose for the debate peered we sat down with john delaney one of the candidates and he is one of a number of candidates who said we understand why dnc put in place these debate roles but still feel it is unfair that the dnc and not voters are deciding who is in or out of this race. We have given unprecedented access to candidates. It is hard. Our first set of rules were put in p

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