For ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to congresswoman porter. We have the next president of the United States with us today in rochester, where i live. [applause] ive had the pleasure of knowing joe for quite a while. What i have seen on his personal side is his warmth and caring in the way he takes time out to hear people. Its a lovely, beautiful trait. There were so much more that defines joe biden. Joe bidens intellect is incredible. Joe bidens understanding of the world and our place in it and his understanding of what people live through in this state and in america every day. After he got that passed, he didnt just leave it be. He made sure that legislation was incremented. He made sure that women would be protected and that women would have their voice. Joe has stood there through the years for all of us in legislation to make sure that women get heard, seen, believed. The next thing that joe did that was very, very life changing for so many in this room and for others is that he worked so hard on the Affordable Care act. He understood about how sickness affects families and about loss. He heard these stories from his own community, his own area, and he heard it across the country. And so i was there while he was working on the Affordable Care act and it was a hard pull as you all know and there are many, many times that some of us would just want to throw our hands up in the air and think are we ever going to get this done. Not joe biden. Joe stayed on it because he knew that americans needed to have this so he was there. I was privileged because i was one of the people who worked on the Affordable Care act in the house to be there at the white house for the signing and to watch his face. We had children that had been impacted and whose lives that were changed for the better in the room with us while the president signed that bill and to watch joe bidens face was to know everything that you need to know about joe biden, that he was there from the beginning and understanding and caring and making sure that it happened and working with the house and the senate to make sure that this went through. I also want to tell you that joe, i spent almost nine years on the House Armed Services committee and during that time, i had the privilege of traveling around the world and talking to World Leaders as we do, you know, congressional and hearing what was on their mind and worries and concerns and talking about the United States and our role as well. And always, it was so wonderful, always joe bidens name brought the greatest response, affection, understanding, appreciation, knowing that joe biden cared about our allies and cared about what was happening in the world. What were seeing right now is outrageous, frightening, devastating in every way. When joe biden becomes president , what we will see is somebody, a world leader welcomed on the stage, already is if you hear comments that people make abroad, you know how they feel about him. He will be able to turn this around. Change what people are thinking about us right now. He will be able to prove to the people of the world this is just a moment in history that we are better than what we are seeing right now and we are still the greatest nation in the world. [applause] this matters. This matters greatly. Having traveled with joe biden as Vice President and President Trump was in office, the difference could not be starker. Im asking you to please go out and tell your friends we have an opportunity to elect a man that has the greatest respect, affection around the world. He will bring us back to the point where we really are the shining city on the hill. I am ready. Are you ready . [applause] it gives me great pleasure now to introduce again not that he ever needs it. Joe biden has spent a lot of time in new hampshire. I will tell you quickly when i was in portsmouth and having lunch with joe biden, i had lunch with about 5000 people from portsmouth. I think he took a selfie with every one of them. That is who joe biden is. Joe biden is your friend, your leader, the man he will make us feel proud every single day and make us feel safe. It is my great pleasure to introduce joe biden. [applause] mr. Biden hello folks. Hello, hello, hello. Thank you, thank you, thank you. A lot of you have been involved in public life. Some of you have run, some of you have been elected. A lot of you work for other candidates. I must tell you as i listened to her talk, one of the great benefits that comes from serving in public office, and i mean this sincerely, is that you get to make some of the deepest, most profound friendships in your whole life. You watch people going through great difficulty. You watch them taking political risks for what they think is right. You can find the ones who always are guided by basic morality, basic decency and basic sense of honor. Carol, you are at the top of the list. Thank you. [applause] mr. Biden the fellow you heard from earlier has gone way out of his way to be helpful to me. Senator chris coons now occupies the seat i held for many years in the senate. The only thing i can say is he is outdone by 36. I am proud of him. This is a man who has a moral center that is real, profound and deep. I remember years ago talking about when he had other jobs and other offices. When i first got elected at age 29. People said there had to be a special secret if i won. The secret is have you figured out what is worth losing over . Have you figured out what is worth losing over . That you will not compromise on certain things that are deep, abiding consequence to you. He figured out without any help from me what is worth losing over. That is why he has won. Thank you for being my friend. [applause] i have a fairly serious series of comments i would like to make. This state was built on fierce pride and independence, pride in your reputation, pride in the character of new hampshire. That has been true from the earliest days of our nation when live free or die was not a motto. It was an imperative. Its spring from the determination that no one would decipher the American People who would control our future. Only the American People. When those Freedom Fighters earned independence and cobbled together a nation capable of selfgovernance, of meeting threats foreign and domestic, they knew we forget that sometimes they knew the battle for our nation did not end at yorktown. At the time one of the biggest concerns was foreign nations would interfere in our democracy, in our experiment. That is why we have been emoluments clause to prevents president from being bribed or paid off by foreign governments. George washington specifically warned against foreign nations meddling in our affairs. He said since history and experience prove foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of a republican government, we have to be alert. We have been consistent in our vigilance to keep foreign nations our of our elections. That was until president donald trump. Last week, on the white house lawn, President Trump invited china to get engaged in deciding our elections and who are nominee would be. He did it while standing in front of reporters and cameras like i am at this moment in the broad light of day. It was a foreign power that we know if he is asked to interfere on behalf of the democratic proceedings in the United States of america. Interfere with them. Russia, if youre listening, i would like for you to do us a favor though to the president of ukraine. China should start an investigation. It is wrong. It is the thing washington warned about. It undermines our electoral process. It is unamerican. Go to any city or town. Go to any schoolhouse. Go to any town hall, vfw post, football or baseball game and asked the question, is it ok for foreign nation to meddle in our elections . To spread lies about opponents. Specifically at the direct invitation of a sitting president. The answer is obviously no. As americans it offends every bone in our body. The ballot box is sacred ground in america. That is where we make our voices heard. That is where we decide who leads us. That is where we chart americas future. It is where we fulfill our duty as citizens. It is not complicated. It is called democracy. We believe americans should decide american elections, period. But donald trump will do anything to get reelected, including violating the most basic forms of democracy. It is stunning and dangerous because it directly threatens our democracy. This is not hyperbole. It is a fact. No president in American History has ever dared to engage in such unimaginable behavior. With his words and his actions, president has indicted himself by obstructing justice, refusing to comply with a congressional inquiry. Hes already convicted himself. In full view of the world and the American People. Donald trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation and committed impeachable acts. [applause] mr. Biden to preserve our constitution, our democracy, are basic integrity, he should be impeached. That is not only because what he has done. To answer for the guest committed acts sufficient is obvious. We see it in his own words. We see it in the text from state Department Officials that have been made public. We see it in his pulling the government into his corrupt schemes, his appointees. We we have to remember impeachment is not only about what the president has done. It is about the threat the president poses to the nation if allowed to remain in office. One think about this president is clear. I dont think anybody can contradict this. He has seen no limits to his power regardless of what the constitution says. He believes the United States government can be corrupted into furthering his political needs. Hostage to his personal political demands. He believes if he does he believes if he does something, it is legal, period. He believes there is nothing we can do about it. He believes he can and will get away with anything he does. We all laughed when he said he could stand on fifth avenue and shoot somewhat and get away with it. It is no joke. You shooting holes in the constitution. We cannot let him get away with it. [applause] mr. Biden folks, we should have no illusions. We should have no illusions. This is a president who decided this nation does not have the tools or power or political will to stop him from doing whatever he wants. Trump is testing us. He is laughing at us. He has no sense of decency. He doesnt care about the law. He doesnt care about people and nations believed people and nations that follow the rules are anything but suckers and fools. We have to prove him wrong and demonstrate our constitution, our government, our elected officials, including republicans are up to this moment. This is especially dangerous for this nation because we know the pressure on trump is only going to increase. With that pressure increasing he will only become more volatile, more erratic, more selfserving and more destructive. He has another year in office. Im serious. Think about that. Think about that. He will stop at nothing to save himself. No individual, institution, nothing we felt sacred for more than 200 years will be safe. If he was just a reality tv star it would not matter. Hes responsible for the largest economy in the world. Is commanderinchief of the most powerful military in the history of the world. Hes supposed to be the leader of the free world. Yet with the free world under threat of advancing authoritarianism donald trump complete the advocated americas global leadership. At a time when china is engaged in human rights abuses that are staggering, calls for enormous concern, more than 100 muslims are president socalled reeducation camps in the west. Hong kong, protesters increasingly being met with violent oppression as a demented democratic rights they were promised, they were guaranteed by us and the rest of the world. Does he speak out for human rights or stand for the people in hong kong, or the people in reeducation camps . No. He promises to stay silent. Trumpets emissaries have sought to extort the existential fears of ukrainian leaders for political advantage, holding up Political Support of vitally needed military aid to pressure ukraine at a time when it is engaged in a live war with russia. There is a war going on now. A war costing thousands of ukrainian lives. This is not a game. That is what it is all about. Here is the kicker. The people around the president know what he was doing was wrong, profoundly wrong. They tried to cover it up i hiding the evidence. Classifying it like no president has tried to cover up his conversations. We know this because of the whistleblower stepping up to protect our country. Trumps scheme has been exposed. Look folks. Trump did it because like every bully ive ever known or read about in history he is basically a coward. Hes afraid. Hes afraid. [applause] mr. Biden he is afraid about just how badly i will beat him next november. [cheers] mr. Biden he has targeted me and my family with lies and distortions and smears. That is all they are. He thinks it will undermine my candidacy for the nomination and the presidency if i am the nominee. He is just flat doing what he has always done, lying. Even though he was called up for his lies. Do you recall a mainstream reporter interrupting and saying he is lying . Maybe. I dont remember. He is spending tens of millions of dollars this early in the campaign to spread lies. He is trying to orchestrate campaign where truth and facts are irrelevant. In globalist terms, you say it long enough, often enough, people might believe it. It is lying. Its matched only by his manifest incompetence. [applause] mr. Biden i believe at the outset by announcing they would be no level to which he will not stoop. He has insinuated that the people spoke to the whistleblower should be executed. Here is what trump said in a closed door meeting with u. S. Diplomats. I want to know who is the person, who was the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that is close to a spy. You know we used to do in the old days when we were smart. Spies and treason. We used to handle it a little differently than we do now. What president has ever used such language . Think about this. What president has ever used such language . And now, allegedly, the whistleblowers are worried about their safety thanks to our president. It is shameful. He has no shame though. Trump even dared to say if he was removed from office i should not say quote. I will be precise. It will spark a civil war. Rightwing Media Outlets [laughter] rightwing Media Outlets are full of baseless conspiracy theories. The darkest regions of the internet are awash with vile attacks. He is spending millions of dollars right now of Campaign Money from a specialinterest group who hate me and the democrats to spread his lies. That is what they are, lies. There is no truth in his charges in his attacks against me, my son. Zero. Every independent News Organization found them to be flat out lies. Trump knows it. But the method he has used since he was a businessman, repeat, repeat the lie. My insistence that a prosecutor who was viewed as corrupt be replaced was the official position of the president of the United States, the United States government, supported by the republican senators who sent a letter in 2016 calling for the removal because of corruption. Supported by the european union, the International Monetary fund, our allies, including the u. K. , france, germany. What trump did to ukraine was carry out a secret policy for his own personal political benefit in the hope he would not have to face me and my guess is anyone else he thought likely to win. What it did was to replace a weak prosecutor we hoped would go after corruption. The rest of the world was threatening not to continue to support ukraine unless they dealt with the corruption. What trump did was hold hostage Political Support and hundreds of millions of desperately needed dollars to a country at war to advance his own political demands. If it had been written as a sitcom it would not have been believed. Now there is a report and only did trump send rudy giuliani, i man of great integrity [laughter] [applause] mr. Biden his personal lawyer to carry out the scheme. To coopt the state department. It has been alleged the allies of giuliani working on us ideal to make millions in ukraine. I dont know for fact. A corrupt scheme with the additional helping of corruption and selfdealing on the side. Classic trump. The abuse of power is a defining characteristic of trump presidency. He acts, he reacts, he twists and turns according to what he thinks is good for him, for his ego, for personal politics, for Campaign Money. Virtually every day he left is a barrage of tweets to assault and threaten anyone who not only criticize him but do not bathe him and praise. Think about it. Everything he was he a cabinet meeting. Yes, the president is the greatest person in the world. [laughter] think about it. We have become so by this ridiculousness. Anyone who challenges his outrageous behavior, behavior beneath any president at any time under any circumstances. Think about the way he tweets and talks about women of color who dare to their minds against him in are sitting members of congress. Think about the way he turned on the fbi and Intelligence Services that pointed out that russia and putin were engaging in trying to interfere with our sovereignty. Nobody. Nobody doubts it. On the world stage he said i believe putin. He repeatedly demonstrated his desire to advance his own personal gain ahead of public good. He will do anything it takes to stay in power, to protect himself. He knows how to power he may be a lot more vulnerable. We need to be clear about something. This isnt just an academic exercise in political theory. A president who puts his own selfinterest ahead of the public good and National Security also poses a threat to each and every american in our daily lives. He already threatened the whistleblower and anyone who talks. An additional whistleblower is coming forward. I dont know for a fact. I just know what you know. Someone with information that how he was pressuring ukraine. The pressure he may have put on the irs about his taxes. By the way, even nixon released his taxes. [laughter] mr. Biden where are his taxes . What is he hiding . What is he afraid of . What is buried in those returns . Why cant the American People see them . Why cant he release them . [applause] mr. Biden i have released 21 years of my tax returns. Every penny i have made. He will use the Justice Department against anyone he believes threatens his power and ability to stay in office. The Justice Department is intervening on trumps behalf in his personal lawsuit to hide his finances from the public eye. Trump has proven he will use the state department against anyone who believes he believes threatens his power ors ability to stay in office. He will order the removal of career diplomats who will not carry out his whims without question. Does anyone doubt he would use any other part of the government, any power available as president to destroy anyone . Anyone he believes threatens his ability to stay in power or behind the veil . The ability to stay in office . When i announced my candidacy, and i did it here as well, i said i was running in order to restore the soul of america. It was not hyperbole. It wasnt just what we saw in charlottesville, virginia. People coming out of the woods and fields carrying torches and chanting antisemitic bile, accompanied by white supremacist and the ku klux klan. It has been repeated and repeated. Folks, restoring the soul of america, that is what is at stake in 2020. That is why this election is so important. It is likely will not donald trump pick the democratic nominee for president , period. I will not let him get away with it. He has picked a fight with the wrong guy. [cheers and applause] mr. Biden i will not be distracted by all the his lies and smears and distortions. Everybody knows who donald trump is. They know me as well. One of these attacks i will stay focused on your lives. Its about you, not me. Its about your family, your children, your grandchildren. You cant wait for Affordable Health care. You cant wait to get paid a decent wage. You cant wait to have access to education. You cant wait for us to do something rational about guns. You cant wait for us to take on what is happening to our climate and the existential threat to the world. It cant wait. [applause] mr. Biden the world cant wait for america to lead a stable, peaceful international order. Without us we are all in trouble. The world is in trouble. I will say it again. Like jfk said when he spoke about taking america to the moon, he said i willing to postpone the work that has to be done for you, for america, for our possibilities are limitless. It takes vision and it takes plans. But that is not enough. It takes a Proven Ability to get big things done. No one in this race has had a stronger record of passing important, consequential legislation than i have, or promoting them when i was Vice President. From the Voting Rights act renewal to the ban on assault weapons to the violence against women act, obamacare, to the recovery act that cap us from sliding into a depression. I have been there. I know what it takes to get these things done. Let me finish with this. A lot of my primary opponents are good people. We have to do more than just defeat donald trump. I agree. We have to do more than beat donald trump. We have to beat him like a drum. That is what we have to do. Thank you for listening. God bless you all. May god protect our troops. Thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] [crowd talking] mr. Biden i like him a lot. It is the single biggest issue. [crowd talking] mr. Biden the angels in heaven are all nurses. They saved my life. My sons life. You have no idea. You really underestimate the impact you have on families and what you had on mine. Thank you for saying that. Mr. Biden i mean it from the bottom of my heart. [crowd talking] you are going to do it. [crowd talking] got it. Mr. Biden how are you . Can i get a picture with you . Mr. Biden sure. Let me grab one. Never go. Ready . You have my vote. Mr. Biden thank you. [crowd talking] thank you. Hi. Thank you. That was awesome. I missed work today to come see you. And see you. Thank you. [crowd talking] campaign 2020, watch our live coverage of residential candidate on the campaign trail, and make up your own mind. Cspan campaign 2020, you werent altered view of politics. President trump posts a rally in minneapolis, minnesota live thursday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Watch any time cspan. Org, and listen free anywhere with the free cspan radio app. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Thursday morning, the brookings institution. Then michael pillsbury, and outside advisor on china policy discusses the latest on trade talks. Between the nba and china. And the results of the most recent cspan ipsos poll. Watch washington journal, join the discussion. This columbus day weekend on American History tv, saturday at 10 00 eastern on real america, the film the whole world is watching, about the 1971 antiwar demonstration in washington which resulted in the largest mass arrest in u. S. History. A thousand swarmed onto washington circle. Over a thousand more hit georgetown. Eastern, at 2 00 p. M. The vision for the Upcoming National native American Veterans memorial on the national mall. In the middle is a 12 foot stainless steel circle, and at the base of that is a fire. You can use the fire to let your grass and your sage and things you use. You can touch the water, use the fire, and we call that the drum. Monday, columbus day at noon, Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg Justice Sotomayor discuss enter day oconnor. Sandra day oconnor. If you read between the lines, she is saying, if you want to improve the status of the women in the nursing profession, the best way to do it is to get men to want to do the job, because the pay inevitably will go up. Announcer explore the nations passed on American History tv every weekend on cspan3. Announcer

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