[cheering] pres. Trump boy, oh boy. This is a group. So so, ive been doing this for a long time. That is the loudest ive ever heard anything in this room. [cheering] trump you just broke the record. Unbelievable. Well, i want to thank you all. And i have a lot of friends, but and this is a place. 1799 it was built. 1799. Started off with number six john adams, president. And so, its a long time. Its the white house, and we love it, and its an honor to have you. But you really did you broke the sound barrier. Ive never heard that. Ive never heard it quite like that, and i appreciate it. We love you. We love you. Audience member we love you pres. Trump thank you. And im honored to welcome everybody and these incredibly talented and unbelievable, patriotic, Young American leaders. Youre going to be the leaders. Somebody i would be almost willing to bet, maybe even willing to bet somebody in that audience, right here, right in front of me, is going to be standing here someday. [cheering] pres. Trump youve got a good shot. Youre going to have a good shot. Youve done incredible work to get to this position, and i have tremendous respect for it. Were glad to be joined by our terrific Vice President , mike pence. [cheering] pres. Trump and many of our cabinet members are here. They wanted to be here. I told a couple of them, dont have to. Dont worry about it. What the heck. These are my friends. They said, no, we want to be here. So we have a lot of our cabinet members here. And to every young person you represent americas future. You are the best and the brightest, the bravest and boldest, and someday you are going to be setting records like nobody before. Im telling you, i know it. I know wheres its at. I know where energy is, and you have the energy like very few people have the energy. So i just want to tell you, get out there. Prove me right, please. Okay . I have no doubt you will. Each of you has come to washington for the black leadership summit because you have what it takes to achieve real change on your campuses and in your communities, and thats what youve been doing, and thats actually why youre here. You speak out for the values and principles that have made america the most exceptional nation anywhere on earth. And i will say this today, its greater than it ever was before our military, our economy. We have the greatest economy in the world. We have the greatest economy weve ever had. Tremendous numbers just came out today. You heard that. But you stand up for the oppressive forces and you do. You stand right up to those forces in our country that demand conformity and control. You refuse to be censored, you refuse to be silenced, and you will never back down. And dont. Dont ever back down. Youre the champions for free thought and free speech. And i especially want to thank a friend of mine who is i mean, first of all, you think hes like 50, but hes about 25 or Something Like that. [laughter] pres. Trump hes a young guy. I cant i cant even imagine being so successful at such a young age. What hes done in so many ways and, really, more importantly, letting young people know that they have a voice. Charlie kirk, from turning point usa. [cheering] pres. Trump charlie, youve done a fantastic job. Fastestgrowing organization of thought of thought in the country. He is something. Thank you very much, charlie. I appreciate your being here. And were also joined by a friend of mine just got married just got married. And Candace Owens i watched her, and i saw her coming. I said you know, im pretty good at star power. I look, and i say, thats a star. [laughter] pres. Trump every once in a while, ill see somebody. You know, it happens about once every five years. Thats all it is. But ill be watching. I saw candace probably three, four years ago. How long would it be, charlie . Four . Maybe four. I saw this woman on television. I said, man, i dont want to mess with her. Shes tough. Shes tough. Now, im not allowed to say it you know that. Im not allowed to say it anymore, but shes also beautiful. So, ill say that, too. [applause] its true. under the metoo generation, were not allowed to say it. So, all of you young, brilliant guys, never ever call a woman beautiful, please. Youre not allowed to do it. [laughter] pres. Trump and ive kept doing it, and ive never been told by that woman never to do it. St say, thank you, sir candace, would you come up here, and say a few words . Do you mind . Come. [applause] thank you, candace. Thank you. Ms. Owens you know what . I was thinking every single , president that comes into office, after two years, they look so much older. He seems to be the only president thats getting younger. [applause] ms. Owens is he i mean, like, he has somehow found a fountain of youth. I think he gets up out of bed its the fight. He loves the fight. He really does. We are we are we are so blessed. And listen, let me say this, the media the audacity of them to think that theyre going to impeach our president. [booing] ms. Owens no. Its not happening. Its absolutely not happening. Not under our watch. We need to make sure we fight for this man the one man who is standing up for black america, we are going to fight for, guys. We have to keep it going. Pres. Trump thank you, candace. Thank you. Thats so nice. Outstanding person. Shes another one. Youre going to have to compete with her, too, for this position, i suspect. [laughter] pres. Trump thank you very much. You know, its sort of interesting. It is like do we have a choice . We have to fight, right . We have to fight. We have to fight for everything, whether we like it or not. Another man who has been so incredible jaron smith. Where is jaron . Is he around here . Jaron smith. [applause] pres. Trump man, have you done a job. Youve done such a great job, jaron. At least come up and shake my hand, will you, please . [applause] pres. Trump come here, jaron. You know, he works with us, and hes actually not i always say hes so elegant and so quiet and so nice. They say, you dont know the jaron. So i want to see that. [laughter] pres. Trump but what he does and the job hes done on outreach and so many other aspects of our lives is incredible. I want to thank you, jaron. Thank you very much. [applause] pres. Trump i want to thank you for that. I appreciate it. Thank you. And jaron knows what im about to do because a man who i met on twitter, or, as we would say, media, he is some piece of work, this guy he was hitting Debra Messing like she never got hit before. This crazy Debra Messing started messing with us. And all of a sudden, i see this man on twitter, and i see him all over. And he was hitting her and i never saw anything like it. [laughter] pres. Trump i felt so sorry for her. And then, i look and i say, who is terrenceis name williams. I look and i look and i said, well, you know, the way you , and the first thing i look is, how many followers does he have . And he had like 700,000 followers. I said, whoa. You know, oftentimes ill be impressed by somebody. Ill look and they have three followers, they say. [laughter] pres. Trump i say, we have to wait for him or her. But this guy has a following like very few people. And i want to just thank you because im a fan of yours, also. Youre a very successful guy. Say a few words. Please. Mr. Williams thank you, President Trump. Thank you. Yeah, let me yeah, this is a little too tall for me. First of all, i just want to say i love president donald j. Trump. [applause] mr. Williams the media is attacking him. But when they attack him, they are attacking us. Because he is out here fighting for us. And they are harassing you, mr. President , so they are harassing me. And i want to say one more thing here. A while back, President Trump said, when he was talking to the black community, if you vote for me, what do you have to lose . Because the donothing democrats have done nothing for the black community. 2020 is around the corner and we have a lot to lose now because president donald j. Trump has done so much for the black community. Thank you, President Trump. [applause] pres. Trump thank you. He is something. And hes a talented, talented guy. And when he started talking, i wasnt man, i watched it once. I watched it twice. And then i called the first lady over. I say, what do you think of this guy . [laughter] pres. Trump thank you very much, terrence. We appreciate it a lot. We come together at a time of extraordinary opportunity for our nation. Thanks to our proamerican agenda, the economy is booming, wages are rising, and poverty is plummeting. We have the best economy weve ever had, and believe me, were just getting started. We have such potential. Such potential. Last month, the Unemployment Rate dropped to the lowest level in over 51 years. [applause] pres. Trump 3. 5 . People didnt think they were going to see that a couple of years ago. If i wouldve said that, the fake news wouldve said, this guy is exaggerating. [laughter] wages are up by almost 3 in the last three years. When i was campaigning three years ago, and people were making less and less and less they were making less three years ago. You go back 20 years from then, they used to make more money with one job than they made with two or three jobs. And now, for the first time in many, many years, wages are rising again. [applause] the Unemployment Rate for African Americans is at the lowest its ever been in the history of our country. [applause] pres. Trump and African American youth unemployment young, African American talented people recently reached the lowest rate ever recorded. [applause] pres. Trump so how do we lose that debate . Well be up and somebody will say, i am going to do this. I say, folks, how old is your country . African american the best numbers youve ever, ever had. And i could go into plenty of other numbers. For the first time ever, as an example, the most new hires of prime working age are minorities and women. [applause] pres. Trump the African American poverty rate has reached its lowest level in the history of our country, so thats good. And theyre working hard, theyre finding jobs and theyre getting good jobs. And if you dont like that job, you can get another one because you have a lot of choice. Its like the military, we got them choice in the va. They can go find another doctor. They can go out you know, by the way, just because a lot of people are vets the vets were treated horribly. You dont hear that anymore. You dont hear it. Now, theyll go out and find some vet somewhere in this country that isnt happy. And that person will become a star overnight, right . [laughter] pres. Trump but you dont hear it anymore. But we did a thing called choice. And thats where people were waiting our great veterans were waiting for two days, five days, five weeks, months to get a doctor. Now they dont have to wait at all. They go outside, they get a good doctor of their choice, and the doctor gives us a bill, we pay the bill. And you know, the least important thing is it actually costs us less. Thats the least important. The most important thing is we take care of our vets. Our vets were dying waiting to see a doctor. Theyd go in think of this. I mean, many of you, you go see a doctor. Its not that big a deal. They would go see a doctor and theyd be waiting on line for weeks. And theyd be sick, but not bad. By the time they saw the doctor, theyd be terminally ill. And we dont do that anymore. So its a big thing. Theyve been trying to get this approved by for over, i guess, mike, over 45 years, and we got it done. Were good at getting things done. And how much sense does it make . So, its good. [applause] pres. Trump so you have choice, also. You have choice in your jobs. You dont like your job, you go out. We have a great economy. You go out, get another one. And its incredible how well youre doing. Our agenda is lifting up citizens of every background, race, religion, color, and creed. But while we are fighting every day to build up our nation, the farleft only wants to wreck, ruin, and destroy our nation. [booing] pres. Trump and you know better than anybody, for the last three years, democrat lawmakers, their deepstate cronies, the fake news media, theyve been colluding in their effort to overturn the president ial election. 63 Million People voted and to nullify the votes of the american people. And many African American people voted for trump even then. Now they like me more, because i said i was going to do it and now i did it. So you better vote. [applause] pres. Trump i said i was going to do it. I said, im going to do it. Years e four more pres. Trump but you remember, id make speeches and id go through a list. Id be talking about the African American community and id go through a list of worst poverty levels ever, worst crime ever, worst schools ever, worst this. Id go through 10 things. Id read off from a list. And at one big rally i had 25,000 people i said, go with me. What the hell do you have to lose . [applause] pres. Trump remember that, candace . I said, what do you have to lose . Youre doing the worst in every category. Youre getting just its terrible. What the hell do you have to lose . And ill never forget, i got off sir,and my people came, that wasnt very nice. Said, no, it is true. What do they have to lose . And you went with me, and i did get a good vote, i have to say. You went with me, and now you have the best employment numbers youve ever had, the best numbers, the best poverty numbers. So, its good. [applause] pres. Trump but the radical democrats are willing to do anything to smear anyone and to lie about everything in their craven quest for power and money and other things, i guess. [laughter] pres. Trump i dont want to tell you what those other things are, but theyre not good. Although, maybe when the cameras shut off, well talk. [laughter] pres. Trump theyre trying to steal your vote. Theyre trying to steal your voice and steal your country. Theyre trying to steal your country. And they dont have what it takes. Ff. Fty schi . Ow about shifty schiff [booing] pres. Trump he got four pinnochios today in the washington post. He lies like a son of a gun. Hes been lying for three years. [laughter] pres. Trump but we will never let that happen, where they take away your country. We will uphold the sacred principle of government by and for the people. Thats you. The corrupt forces in washington and they are corrupt and that includes the media, because large parts of the media not all of it. You have some great journalists, reporters. But large portions of the media are corrupt, perpetrating these hoaxes like never before. The very same people who have made a living selling out American Workers to foreign countries. They were closing the factories. Youre losing your jobs. They leave our country, they make the product, they sell the product in. No tax, no nothing. So we ended up with empty factories and no jobs, by the thousands, by the tens of thousands, and jobs by the millions. These are the same bought and paidfor politicians who let special interests write the laws, who push trade policies to enrich foreign nations, and who beg farleft judges to rewrite the constitution of the United States to impose their their own extreme ideology. No one in america has been hurt more as a result of the democrats corrupt leadership and socialist policies than our nations African American communities. Its true. Thats true. Its true. For a hundred years for a hundred years, African Americans have gone with the democrats. Has it worked . Audience no pres. Trump has it worked . For actually, i guess, candace, its even more but a hundred years. And you look at whats going on in the cities run by these crazy left democrats, and whats going on is not good. My administration is fighting with everyone, and all our heart , to reverse the pain inflicted by democrat leaders and to deliver hope and opportunity and prosperity for all americans, but for African American communities all throughout our land. Together, we will express the corruption, we will defeat the socialists, we will defraud. And i tell you what, we will do what we have to do, but we will stop defrauding all of the people in our country, because theyve defrauded the people in our country. Well defend democracy. And, yes, we will drain the swap. The swamp. But thats what were doing. [applause] pres. Trump African Americans built this nation you built this nation. You know, youre just starting to get real credit for that, okay . I dont know if you know that. Youre just starting to get you built the nation. We all built it. But you were such a massive part of it bigger than you were given credit for. Does that make sense . Right . [applause] pres. Trump but with candace around and terrence, thats not going to happen for long. [laughter] pres. Trump but through generations of blood, sweat, and tears and you deserve a government that defends your interests, protects your families, and cares for our own citizens first. [applause] you know, at the border, where they want the open policies they want open borders. They dont want walls. They actually do want walls, but because i want it you know, i know how i can get the wall. If i announce tomorrow, i dont want a wall, the democrats would come out in favor of the wall. [laughter] pres. Trump i shouldve thought of that two years ago. But the wall is being built. It wouldve been a lot easier. We dont want the wall. We want the wall. I say, all right, go ahead and build it o. [laughter] pres. Trump our philosophy is grounded in the sacred bonds of love and loyalty that unite all americans. And we really have been united. Its been an incredible thing. A lot of great things have been happening. You dont necessarily see it at the top of government, where the hatred is tremendous the hatred toward us. And a lot of it is because of the success. Were having such success. Were showing them whats going on when you look at your unemployment numbers, how great they are. The best in history. You look at your employment numbers. You look at the poverty numbers. You look at all of the things that have been so beneficial, its driving them crazy, because they never produced numbers like that. And theyre losing African American votes, and they cant do that. They just cant do that. They havent done anything for you. They havent done anything. A hundred years they havent done anything. At long last, you have a government that puts americans first, puts you first, puts your families and your communities first. Were adopting buy american trade policies to stand up for our workers. Our tax and regulatory reforms are stopping the outsourcing of jobs, where they outsource all your jobs to other countries, and keeping businesses in america where they belong. And keep your jobs where your jobs belong. Were fighting every day to secure our nations borders and to achieve an immigration system that prioritizes american families, wageearners, taxpayers, and people that can help you and can help our country. To keep our cities safe, were supporting the brave men and women of ice, and border patrol, and Law Enforcement. [applause] pres. Trump and youd be amazed at how many African American people come up, and they have People Living near them that are brutal killers. Theyre killers. But youre tough, you fight back. But sometimes you dont win those fights, because these guys are tough, too. They shouldnt be in our country. And its really amazing to see what some of our Law Enforcement does and how much they love you. And thats the fact. Thats the fact. And were lucky to have them. To revitalize distressed neighborhoods, we created something that im very proud of. Tim scott, south carolina. [applause] pres. Trump you know tim . Tim scott has to get a lot of credit. He came to me with jared, and he said, so, wed like to do opportunity zones. I said, whats that . That . But once he told me, i said, maybe that would work. And i think, jared, its one of the great its one of the great unknowns of the successes that we have. Thousands and thousands of zones in inner cities and poor neighborhoods. Tremendous investments going in. Tremendous jobs are happening. Revitalization is happening. Its been incredible for the African American community. I dont think theres ever been anything. Its early yet. Its a year and a half. But, jaron, i dont think weve ever had anything quite like it. And people dont like writing about it because they dont want to give the Trump Administration credit. But im used to that. Im used to it. You got to get used to it. You know who knows, though . The people know. The people know. Thank you. [laughter] pres. Trump because, really, no American Community is going to be left behind. Any community. To help former prisoners get a Second Chance at life [applause] pres. Trump we passed groundbreaking and this is with liberals and conservatives some of the most conservative people in the Republican Party were so in favor of it. Senator lee mike lee, of utah, great guy. Senator grassley, great guy iowa. So many people. Criminal justice reform. Everybody said it couldnt be done. And a group came to my office, sir, please. Please, would you help us . These were liberal people. And i said, i will. Van jones was one. Nice guy. I wouldnt say treats me too good, but thats okay. [laughter] pres. Trump van jones. And he said, sir, we need your help. We cant get five senators. We cant get this, we cant get that. We need your help. We need your help. Please, sir, help me, please help me. [laughter] pres. Trump i said, i can get you those five senators. And i called five or six or seven, to get the five. Sometimes you have to call a little more than the five if you want to get the five, right . Youll learn. [laughter] pres. Trump a couple said, could i take a pass on this, sir . But i got five people. Right, jared . And we got the vote, and people were shocked. And nobody else couldve done it. And theyve been trying to change this for the African American community, for the hispanic community, for other communities, but, really, the African American and hispanic communities, by far, benefitted the most. And theyve been trying to do this for decades. It started with the clintons. It was not good. Right . Remember when she ran no, remember when she ran and she had that young African American woman who was tough . Maybe it was candace. Could that have been you, candace . [laughter] pres. Trump but no, i dont think so. But i remember how she was so angry at hillary clinton. But they passed that. And it was horrible for the black community, for a lot of communities, but in particular black and hispanic and some others. And i said to a senator, its a great thing. We got to do it. People are in jail for 40, 50, 60 years for a crime that isnt even a crime today. Right . Isnt that right . Our friend, jared we have number of them, but we helped a couple of our friends a lot of our friends now. We pardoned certain people. Who you would say, jaron . Who would you say in particular . Go ahead. Give me a couple of names, because we had you know, who im talking about . Alice. Right . We had a woman alice johnson. We had a woman, alice johnson, who was this lovely woman, and she was in for about 22 years already. I mean, shes served 22 years, and i think she had another 25 or 26 to go for making a phone call. And, look, she admits she did wrong. But, today, it would be a slightly different like, maybe not enough, to be honest with you. But it would be very different. So she was in and she was a wonderful woman, and kanye west came and kim came, and they said, president , could you do this . I said, do what . [laughter] pres. Trump a woman has been in jail for 22 years. Shes got another 28 to serve, i think. Something like that. Think of that. And shes got another 28 to serve and shes a great woman and shes a wonderful woman. And i i get along with kanye for a long time. You saw the way he when he was with the white house. He puts the hat on. [laughter] pres. Trump i think for one day i went up through the polls like through the roof. Ill tell you. [laughter] pres. Trump he is with the African American community, they like kanye and they like kim kardashian. And we pardoned her and we worked it so that she was going to be able to get out a form of a pardon, where she could get out. And she came out. And i will never forget the scene. She comes out of this big prison mean, mean prison. Not too many of them are nice, right . [laughter] pres. Trump but she comes out through the doors, and there are her children, but her children are now very grown. Big strong guys, beautiful women, beautiful just a big family. And they just embraced. They just embraced. And it was on television all over. And the love, it was just incredible to see. And the tears and they were just like one. It was incredible to watch. And i said, we have to do it with others. And you called alice, i know that, jaron and jared. Come on. Give give those names. They are great audience member [indiscernible] pres. Trump right. Audience member but also, prosecutors are now sending them letter to try to overturn what youve done. Pres. Trump thats right. The prosecutors are doing things that they werent doing before, right . Thats right. Thank you very much. Thats great. Boy, that was a you have a good memory. Thats very good. Huh, because you work with it, right . Its from the heart. When its from the heart you always remember. Thats great. And we have many others. And were going like well going to alice, and well say, alice, who knows better because you cant let everybody out because, frankly, some are going to be there and they deserve to be there. But we say, alice, who else do you think in that prison you grew up, you were there for so long 22 years who else do you know that should be let out . And she gave us some names. And not even that many names, but she gave us four, five names. And i guarantee you those are great people. Theyve been in there also for many, many years. And they got to be friendly. And afterwards shes smart. After all those years, she knows the good. And i have no doubt that it will work out. And were getting them out now. Were in the process of getting them out to be with their families. [applause] pres. Trump so its great. Its great. Its been a great thing. But i did want to say so van jones was on about two weeks ago and he came to me and im telling you, he was so nice. He was sitting right there when i was doing it. And i said, thank you, van jones, thank you. This one, this one, that one, that one. And that was it. And he came up to me, thanked me. And that was it. Then, about three weeks ago, i saw him on television. I dont watch his show too much, neither do too many. [laughter] pres. Trump but im watching him and he gets up and he goes, i want to thank a number of people, because we did something this year that was undoable. They said it couldnt be done. We passed criminal justice reform. Okay . [applause] pres. Trump van jones said it. And i want to thank reverend al sharpton. Well, he wasnt nowhere. He was nowhere to be found. [booing] pres. Trump just so we know, ive known him for a long time. He used to love me. We used to go to fights together with don king. Don king is a friend of mine. Don king endorsed me. And don king and al sharpton get along. We used to go to fights together, and he liked me until i ran and succeeded in politics. Then it wasnt to his benefit. But, look, al is a con man. We all know that. [applause] pres. Trump just a con man. Hes a con man. And he scared nbc into giving him a show. You know, they dont want to have any trouble. But hes a just a, sort of a thirdrate con guy. But heres van jones. [laughter] pres. Trump heres van jones. Van jones, i want to thank al sharpton. I want to thank all of these people. Hes naming people i never heard of. The only one he didnt mention was me. And then it got worse. You ready . Candace, listen to this. [laughter] pres. Trump terrence, are you listening . [laughter] pres. Trump so he named these people a lot of people standing at the end of a show. I want to thank because this was the greatest year weve ever had. We got criminal justice reform. I want to thank this one and that one and that one and that one. I never heard of any of them. And i kept waiting for my name. I said, darling, come over here. Im going to have a great, really, little name mention. [laughter] yes, darling. The first lady how good is the first lady . So she came over. And i kept waiting, and i kept waiting, and then he named a lot of people. That was the end. I said i was a little embarrassed in front of my wife. I said, he didnt name me. Im the one that did it. [laughter] pres. Trump i called up jared. Right, jared . I said, what the hell is this . But before that he did have one other thing to say. This was three weeks ago. He said, and i have one thing to say that we have to do. We must defeat this president. We have to defeat President Trump. And we have to work 24 hours a day to defeat president donald trump. And i called jared, and i said, thats terrible. Right . Is that a true story . And then he spoke to jared and he apologized, didnt he . He apologized. But i dont accept those apologies, you know . All right. Should we get back onto script, okay . They say no. They dont want to go back onto this is much more interesting. We love you folks, okay . We love you. [applause] pres. Trump van jones. Van jones, hes another beauty. Thank you very much, van, for the wonderful acknowledgment. I appreciate it. [laughter] pres. Trump to give every american child the best chance to reach the american dream, we are fighting for school choice. Very important. [applause] pres. Trump sadly, democrat lawmakers care more about catering to lobbyists and powerful teachers unions than they do about improving our schools for our children. And democrats care more about Illegal Immigrants than about their own African American constituents. Its true. [applause] pres. Trump they want to give health care to people that just walked into the country. And for you, they dont care. The whole thing is crazy. These people have gone absolutely nuts. While were fighting for the american way of life, the hard left and the radical left is working to trample the rule of law, erode individual liberty, and exert a farreaching control over our lives. Leftwing censors have launched an allout campaign against free speech. That is why they are trying to silence, deplatform, cancel, punish all of the proud conservative voters, all of the proud African American voices that know whats happening and know how to become big, big, successful people, help other people. They want to silence you. But we know the patriots in this room will never be intimidated. I know that. [applause] pres. Trump i know that. So here, with us today, is kearyn bolin, president of the Texas State University thats a big deal turning point usa chapter, who has bravely defended the right to free speech. And, kearyn, would you please come up and say a few words . Please. Thank you. [applause] pres. Trump i thought so. I love her hair. Ms. Bolin so, last year at my college campus, they did try to ban turning point from our campus. So we fought strong and we prevailed. The piece of legislation was completely unconstitutional, and we are still fighting strong on our campus. So were still there. I just want to thank donald trump for everything you have done for us. We are so incredibly honored to be here. And youve done so much for this country, and thank you so much. Id also like to thank turning point for giving me the platform and the confidence to fight for a right for freedom of speech. [applause] it hasnt been easy and it will not be easy, but being a part of turning point and being able to see all of you accomplish so many of your goals and to help fight for the freedom of speech, its honestly amazing and it gives me so much hope. Our generation is playing a vital role in keeping our First Amendment rights, and we are going to continue to keep up that fight. So all of you on your campuses or in high school i know a lot of you are in high school continue to fight for your right for freedom of speech because you know where you stand, and everyone else can know where you stand too. So just keep up that fight. [applause] pres. Trump thank you. Thank you, kearyn. [laughter] pres. Trump i got to get the other cheek. Now i feel better. [applause] pres. Trump youve done a fantastic job. I appreciate it. In order to protect the rights of our students, i signed an executive order making clear that public colleges and universities shutting down free speech will risk losing all of the billions and billions of dollars that we give them. [applause] pres. Trump so well shut down their federal taxpayer dollars that go to them. And then they shut down speech. And they just choose whoever it is. Theyll let somebody speak, theyll tell other people you cant speak, and then were supposed to give them, individually, hundreds of millions of dollars. It doesnt work that way anymore. Ive also tasked my administration to explore every possible solution to stop social media giants from restricting your rights to speak your mind. And, candace, you had a problem with that, i know. And other people have had a problem. Some people in this room have had a problem. Terrence, have you had a problem with it . Huh . Terrence has had a problem. Its incredible. Its incredible. Yeah, no, a lot of people have. But not the other side of the world. The other side doesnt have that problem. Very rarely do they have it. We must preserve the fundamental american rights that generations of americans have sacrificed everything to secure. With us this afternoon is ben okereke. Thats a great name. I love that name. When ben was 14 years old, he legally immigrated to the United States after suffering many hardships in cameroon, which i hear is a beautiful, beautiful place. Cameroon. [cheering] pres. Trump oh. Wow. One person from cameroon. [laughter] pres. Trump to give back to our country, he joined the United States army and honorably served for four years as a very talented Field Artillery specialist. A lot of talent, they say. Ben, we salute your noble service. And please say a few words. Ben. [applause] mr. Okereke thank you. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you, mr. Vice president. And thank you, charlie kirk. First of all, mr. President , we would like to thank you for everything that youve done for the African American community so far. We thank you for criminal justice reform. We thank you for the lowest black Unemployment Rate in this country, sir. [applause] okereke and finally, most importantly, sir, thank you for saving america and thank you. [applause] mr. Okereke thank you. Thank you. Finally, sir, thank you for taking down the fake news media, sir. [applause] reke finally, we want you to build a wall, sir. [laughter] eke frankly, because we dont oppose immigration, but we oppose but we oppose illegal immigration. So we want you to come to this country legally, if youre going to come to this country. Thank you. [applause] thank you, ben. And thats from the heart. Thats from the heart. Thats what its all about. The Young Leaders in this room remind us that true power in our nation is not found in government or hallways or anywhere. Its found not in the media boardrooms. It really is where the strength is. Its in our people. Its in your hearts. Its in your courage, your spirit, your faith, and your pride. Together, we will defend the benefits and the beliefs that you want, and you have, and you are entitled to. The traditions and godgiven freedoms that make our country the greatest in the world and even, i think we can say, right now, the greatest in the history of the world. Just like your unemployment numbers greatest in history. Thats the greatest in history, also. You are my friends. Im never going to forget you. Youve been incredible. Youve been incredible. Whether its jaron the job you do, or charlie, i appreciated, or terrence or , candace, youre all special people. Very, very special people. And youre doing something very important. I dont even know if you know maybe you dont know. And, you know, sometimes youre so into something, and you just dont really feel how important it all is. What you are doing is so important for your community and for this country. We will renew the values that unite our people as one america. As one team, we will build up our nation, we will lift up our forgotten communities, and we will defeat any threat. We will beat any challenge, we will overcome every obstacle, and we will achieve a glorious future of american greatness beyond our wildest dreams. And thats what youre doing. To everyone here today, keep up the great work. And i just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, god bless you. God bless your families. And god bless america. Thank you. [applause] audience [chanting] usa [indiscernible yelling] [indiscernible] say thank you, mr. President , and i know we have clinical work here right now political work here right now but i believe it is spiritual as well. Mean, io make sure i know that americans are going to wake up and we are going to give back to looking to god instead of social media and we are going to give back to jesus, because jesus saved this country, the founding the constitution was founded on godly principles and we will fight for that. I encourage you guys to pray every day for this nation. I want you to pray and pray. I live in a beautiful city in indiana mike pence, i know you are from indiana. I have strong people able to raise me and i love god and i want to pray. All right . I dont know if you want about your head. All right. I just want to say thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to be in the white house. Thank you for giving us a great leader like donald trump, and i would like to thank you for waking up our nation. God protect us, god protect our president as he is going through so much right now, so much scrutiny. God, i believe you gave him to us and i believe that he is going to accomplish so much more. I know you have more for us. Protect usk you to and walk with us. In jesus name, the enemy tries to attack us every day and discourage us but he has no room. No more. That is all i have to say. [applause] pres. Trump thank you, everybody. Audience [chanting] usa [indiscernible conversations] [indiscernible conversations] sees fans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Saturday morning, wall street journal economic reporter sarah cheney discusses the september job report and slowdown in manufacturing. We talk about how House Democrats and teach meant push is affecting impeachment push is affecting campaign 20 20. And be sure to watch washington journal monday starting at 7 00 a. M. Eastern as cspan bus continues our battleground states tour. Monday morning, we will visit ohio. Federal reserve chair jerome