Then at 9 00, syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin talks about her new book open Borders Incorporated who is funding americas destruction. [video clip] politicians offering thoughts and prayers does not cut it anymore. It is put up or shut up. Host Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer of new york on the floor last night calling on the majority leader to allow votes on preventing gun violence. The remarks came at the end of five hours of speeches by democrats demanding action on Gun Legislation. We will spend the first hour of todays washington journal getting your thoughts on ways to reduce gun violence in the United States. If you live in the eastern, central part of the country, 2027488000. Mountain, pacific area, 2027488001. If you are a gun owner, your line, 2027488002. You can also text us now if you put your name and city in the text at 2027488003. Also go to twitter at cspanwj everybody. Com cspan we will get your ideas on ways to reduce gun violence in a minute. Is a staff writer for roll call newspaper. Lets begin with the timing of last nights marathon speeches by democrats read how . Guest the effort was organized by chris murphy from connecticut who many people might recognize as a strong voice on the gun control issue, especially since hook,12 shooting in sandy which was in his home state that spurred his interest in the issue. He put together the list of people who spoke last night and patonse, basically and rightso now, senators are in a waiting game. Mitch mcconnell has said he would not put anything on the floor that the president has not. Aid he would sign that means right now everyone is waiting and as part of waiting, these democrats last night decided they needed to raise the issue on a louder scale and speak about the impact of gun violence on their communities, fears their communities are experiencing and also proposing solutions. They were talking about potential legislative fixes. Host what do the Democratic Senators, which piece of legislation do they want majority leader mcconnell to bring to the floor . Differentre are a few variations. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer spoke with trump over the weekend along with nancy pelosi and urged the president to approve a deal that includes the housepassed universal background checks legislation which would extend background checks to private firearm sales and give the fbi more time to do background checks on gun purchasers. Trump has said he would veto those if they passed through the senate and came to his desk. That is why there is this other group doing negotiating that includes chris murphy, joe manchin, and pat toomey of. Ennsylvania to see where they can get progress in their mind from the white house. I think they need to see background checks as part of a deal, but they are also willing to negotiate further to get something accomplished, even if it is not everything democrats would want. Barr was onday bill capitol hill talking to republicans. Do you know what he heard from them about what rankandfile could support if a bill is allowed to come to the senate floor . Guest what i heard about last nights meetings with bill barr was that everyone is still talking. No one has at least put their foot down and ended negotiations so for some on capitol hill, that is seen as progress. Last night he specifically visited at least two republicans, ted cruz and josh holly of texas and missouri. He is expected back on capitol hill today and later this week to have more conversations. Senate judiciary chairman Lindsey Graham said barr still of not have a clear answer where trump stands on background checks. They are basically work shopping ideas to bring to the president to see how he feels about them because there is anxiety among republicans in congress to pass anything that the president might not like because of his repeated strategy of hitting hard on republicans who do not walk the party line. A party line is what the. Resident wants if the president doesnt like it, they could feel the political heat. Host what do we know that the president will accept and when might we hear his proposal . Those two things are very much up in the air right now. Last week, chris murphy, to me, toomey, and mansion thought they would hear a 24,osal from trump within 48 hours. We have gotten only glimpses of gun trump would accept as control legislation and he has been variable. He moved his position. Immediately after shooting, he will come out in favor of background checks and all these things democrats support and then we see him walk that back and retreat a little bit usually after consultation with the nra and republicans in congress. That is part of the hold right now, that no one on capitol hill knows what trump will accept. Ist katherine tullymcmanus following all of this. You can follow her reporting if you go to rollcall. Com. While washington negotiates, it is your turn to tell lawmakers and decisionmakers your ideas for reducing gun violence. We will go to mark in new york, go ahead. Caller the best way to combat gun violence is to reinstitute the death penalty. Even the most confused, disturbed person will understand if you takes another persons life, your own life will be taken this is a huge, easy step to take. We need to ease restrictions for concealed carry. Hundreds of people are defending themselves using their own firearms. If you use background checks i dont trust the fbi to take their time to look into every single persons background. I dont trust the fbi due to what james comey and his staff has done to their investigation team. Host wayne in charleston south carolina. Caller good morning. I am personally for following which haslian method, a lot of moving parts. For this discussion, i will go this way. If i were king for a day and i caught you with an illegal orpon, it is a stolen weapon ial numbers are missing a problem with lawabiding citizens at all. Further, one more thing, yes, i highcapacity weapons. The ar15, anything that can carry a clip of 40, 50 rounds, those are combat weapons and not needed for protection at home unless you are a person that i dont know how do you make 100 people mad at you at one time, i dont know. The biggest thing to me, this is a breakdown of Law Enforcement and justice and we are seeing that not only with guns, but in the Political Class and wall street. It is time for the Law Enforcement people to step up. Lets use our prisons for what they are good for and start protecting the American People. Host have you evolved on the part oft of your last your comments banning assault weapons . Military. Am ex having owned one, they are a lot of fun when you dont have to ofoad one i get the fun it. After looking at it and after sandy hook and seeing people downdown in mass mowed in mass weather it is dynamite, hand grenades, any of this other method you cannot get this is another class of. Eapons you should not have these idiots and criminals cannot be trusted to do the right thing. Go one step further like bloomberg in new york. If it comes down to stop and frisk. I am tired of seeing everybody else getting mowed down because these people will a classification of weapons. Caller good morning. I am really now believing that the discussion now in the United States politicians might produce some results. Might save a lot of lives, but even if you save one persons life we should take it. Lets talk about it and do something for america because we cannot go on like that. Host you are encouraged by thee negotiations, seeing attorney general on capitol hill yesterday talking to republicans about what they can support. You are encouraged by this . Caller such an interest in beginning. Is is the i believe something is going to. E done we can check people, see about their Health Records to see if they have any problem. Banning is not real, but we can screen people. Is anfrank thorpe, who nbc producer noted the presence of the attorney general along with the white house legislative director on capitol hill yesterday meeting with senators to see weather or not there is a path forward on the legislation package in relation to nasa gun violence. The president asked us to engage with the hill. We have been doing that consistently and repeatedly for weeks, said the attorney general. The hill newspaper noted the attorney general and the white house legislative director met with senator ted cruz as we heard from katherine llymcmanus as well. Here is a quote from senator cruz, the president asked us to engage the hill. This is from the attorney general. Both sides of the capital as we work through Public Policy challenges to see weather or not there is a path forward on this. Egislative package we will see what comes out of that. Mitch mcconnell talking to reporters earlier this week said we are in a Holding Pattern until the president says what he will support. [video clip] i think it is no surprise to all of you that how you feel about various gun related issues depends on what part of the country you are from and there are very different views in Rural America and smalltown america from what you would find in big cities and suburbs. Those differences that have been perfectly apparent within the Republican Congress and the house and senate over the years are not new and that is why i have said repeatedly that we need some guidance from the president about what kind of proposal that would make a difference that he would actually sign into law. Multiple,iven the horrendous shootings in august, we owe it to the American People to act and to act means to pass the senate, past the house and be signed into law by the president. President has already indicated he would veto the bill that came over from the house that the speaker and the Democratic Senate leader called him about. That is obviously not about getting an outcome. I still await guidance from the white house as to what he thinks he is comfortable signing and if and when that happens, we will have the real possibility of hopefully law and making some progress. Host Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell on where republicans stand right now as negotiations continue in washington about Gun Legislation and weather or not a bipartisan package a deal can be reached between the two sides. We are getting your ideas for releasing gun violence. Bob says stop the revolving door of people who use guns to commit crimes. Mandatory prison sentences for repeat offenders and robert in mississippi, gun violence result from video games young people play, why isnt this source addressed . Here is another, somehow we have to get rid of hate, guns will always be here. 9 11 happened, not one shot fired, background checks are fine, but quit trying to take our guns. Says enforce existing laws. You can text us if you want at 2027488003. Remember to put your first name. Nd city and state francis in alabama, your ideas violence. Ng gun areer when they say guns not the problem, but the people are, i wanted to say i agree h many of the solutions resolutions, possibilities. Mitch mcconnell is disingenuous. He is not a good player. I think we need to look at the people we put in office again and quit letting them stonewall us on many of the issues. Allow my children to go up north those foures wheelers, whatever they would do. I have listened and watched through the years. My brothers have been attacked on the highway as they are going all kind of attacks at these black men. It is the white hate they continue to perpetuate. It is the country you are creating to have all of us miserable, this term account, and all of you arrogant republicans. Ost derek caller good morning. I think that taking away someones ak47 they play with is not going to stop the issue because you can still go ahead and shoot just as many people with a nine millimeter or shotgun. I take more of a liberal point of view on a lot of things, but owning a gun is a right and we need to teach people more tolerance. We have this division in this country that so many people feel they have no way out. They are angry at everybody else and they are going to shoot up a school. Banning guns and more background checks is not going to stop anybody from getting their hands on a gun. Duis. The same thing with. E have harsh laws it is a Mental Health issue and that is how we have to battle it out. Host how do you address the Mental Health issue . Caller part of the background check would be a Mental Health evaluation and having to renew that every two or three or four or five years to show you are knowle of being able to the difference between shooting a person and shooting an animal and that you are mentally capable of owning a firearm because it is something that can kill another person. Red how do you feel about flag laws that give the authorities the legal right to go and confiscate a gun from somebody they feel is mentally ill and should not have one . Or dangerous . Think government intrusion into peoples lives, there is a fine line in that. Who is making the decision that this individual is mentally ill . If they received a report as we have heard from the young lady that happened in oklahoma where there was a report she wanted to go to a school and kill people. Evaluate this person again and prosecute them t the full extent of the law. If it is a Police Officer on the side of the road and someone has got a license to conceal carry and they think i am going to see if this guy is mentally capable i am not a gun comfortable because you are intruding on someones freedom. Host there are state laws that deemed byrts to a judge to be a danger to each other and others. Suicidal thoughts or said just suggest shooting people can usually be extended only after another court hearing. How many states have them . At least 17 states have approved some version of a red state the 2018warning before mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman douglas parkland in florida, only five states had such laws. John in liverpool, new york. Caller how are you doing . Host i think it is i think it is pretty obvious we need to get rid of any gun made for the military. Guys say as far as products that you can purchase and take home with you, they should buy this product. We have heard all the excuses from the people it is Mental Illness, video games, these things arent on these peoples death certificates. The death certificates as they died by a bullet wound. You have to control the gun. Its about gun control, lets get organized in this country. The Second Amendment is not some absolute thing that entitles you to any gun you want. Same as freedom of speech and freedom of religion. These things should definitely be of the Second Amendment should be the most controlled of any of our amendments in this country, it should be very stringently controlled. That is my opinion. Host we had a conversation yesterday, it was Constitution Day and we were talking about how you might amend the constitution and there was an article about getting over the stalemate in our country over guns and one way to do that would be to amend the constitution to make it very clear if you are a hunter or own guns for that type of reason that you have that right to own that gun. In other words, amend the Second Amendment. Would you be in favor of that . Do you think you could see enough of the country supporting that . I really dont think the rest of the country would support an amendment. I think it has to be some law that comes from congress. It seems like it must be a very complicated thing to make an amendment. I think it might be easier to make a law. Host how do you respond to folks who say in response to Mass Shootings and having these guns, when you look at statistics like this, Mass Shootings account for a tiny portion of gun deaths. 2016, thereed in which 71 suicides, of died in Mass Shootings. Caller the keyword you mentioned was mass. You are never going to prevent shootings like two or three or four. You certainly could prevent mass andtings by reducing clips armaments made for the military. The only thing you can really control is Mass Shootings. There should never be anything like a mass shooting, that you can prevent. Gun we will go to steve, a owner in robbinsville, missouri. Your thoughts. Caller thanks for taking my call, greta. Good morning. I kind of stand in the middle of this thing. My first day of boot camp was march 19, 19 79. I think that was the first day of cspan. Host yeah, i think so. Caller i did not really know it until i started looking at my paperwork. They got us in the airport. We dont need these Assault Rifles. I have a semi automatic. 22, but they jam up on you. You dont need anything more than a 10 round clip. All these guys say i am not mine. You hadnd a guy yesterday who said he owns four machinegun. They have speed limits on cars, too. You cannot go 100 Miles Per Hour everywhere you go. Ae red flag laws, that is touchy situation. Who is to say somebody is really going to do something . It is like convicting you before you commit a crime. There are people that got caught with especially drug violations that it has nothing to do with owning a gun. Outdrug war was handing felony charges all over the place. That is a little touchy on that because you are convicting somebody before they even commit a crime. Assault rifles, i dont care if they are semi automatic or not. Your not going to eliminate hate altogether, but at least we can cut down on their firepower. Host we talked with the firearm policy coalitions director about this issue of gun violence. If youve missed it, you can go to our website. Today we will talk with Mike Thompson coming up. Democrat of california and he is the chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Task force, which is having a meeting today in the house and we are going to be covering that as well. Ont gathering happening capitol hill, lawmakers part of this task force. To christopher in grass valley, california. A few of my ideas, i dont know how repetitive they are. What i looked at in the past killed. E than four i find very little in the way of Mental Illness reported. What i did find is there were marriages that were broken up passionsematic and involved and very often ended in a suicide. I dont know that it was often. I think there is a relational problem that needs to be addressed, similar to suicides being addressed. There has been a high rate of suicide west of the rockies in Rural Communities with alcohol by firearms. Icides relationships, i think is something having healthier outcomes and marriages and families in general is that is not something to legislated by the federal government, i think that is more of a community matter. When you go in to buy a firearm, there should be some responsibility, as i believe there is. I went in and expressed interest in a firearm locally, the question was asked, what do you want to use it for . Being urban and in a city and not being a hunter, i said killing people, which may not have been the best answer. As far as selfdefense goes, i am not going to protect myself against a squirrel. Isn the other thing i expect controversial to get some of the. Uns taken or not taken sometimes i think we need a mandatory draft where everybody or somerom 18 to 20 such thing. You have a firearm in your home after the training. If you are invaded by the foreign country, you think twice ause host we are getting your ideas reducing gun violence. Statistics together about gun violence and they lead with this. After sandy hook Elementary School, the mass in connecticut, we said never again and we let happen. Washington is negotiating right now. Republicans and democrats and the white house on what sides could come together and agree on when it comes to preventing gun violence parade led by senator chris murphy, democrat of connecticut last night on the floor. Democrats spoke for five hours about what they want to see happen. Here is senator Kiersten Gillibrand. [video clip] the app the reality is have otings can or becoming the new normal in america. We happen to live in a country where Mass Shootings occur in our schools. Movie theaters, Community Gatherings and festivals nightclubs and that congress on your corners. Madam president , i am speaking to you and every other republican in this chamber because we all have a responsibility to do the right thing and stand up to the nra and the greed and corruption in this country today that makes every decision about weather we have a vote on common sense gun reform. Nra member iny america, do you support kground checks, banning leave them in the hands of villa terry members, not someone who walks into a store and buys it because he wants to shoot large numbers of people in minutes or seconds. Would like you to look up this is something all of us should be caring about. Especially from arizona. The time for turning a blind eye is over. Host senator Kiersten Gillibrand on the senate floor. Who she is talking to is the presiding president of the. Enate senator Martha Mcsally, republican of arizona, reminder addressingid not senator mcsally. We dont control the chamfers in the camera cameras in the chamber, they are controlled by the senate. According to the newspaper, her speech could be heard, she was audible outside the chamber, joined by several other senators yesterday as they came to the floor a little before 5 00 p. M. Eastern time. Your ideas for reducing gun violence. Allen in chicago, indiana. Good evening to you. Caller good morning. Is so pleasant to see meantr arms 200 years ago to form a militia for protection of the state. A second, i dont think we have a Mental Health issue as the statistics show up. Most people doing these shootings are perfectly sane until they shoot somebody. It like somebody said, we have a lot of domestic violence, road rage, something else. You cannot legislate how people feel. I feel right now donald trump is not going to sign anything because he is in the pocket of the nra. They are not going to do anything about gun violence right now. Host this is what the president. Ad to say monday night [video clip] leftwing democrats want to confiscate your guns and illuminate selfdefense eliminate selfdefense. You know that. As your president , i will never allow them to take away your yourty, your dignity, social your social security. I will never, ever allow them to take away your sacred right to keep and bear arms. Host the president is negotiating with democrats and republicans on capitol hill to see if they can come together on gunpartisan deal to address violence. Robin pennsylvania, good morning to you. Caller good morning. I am totally against any kind of regulations. We got a huge book about 8, 9. Nches thick we are at war right, i think we have been under attack and dont even realize. Kevin inwill go to north carolina. Caller how are you this morning . Host doing well. Caller i am going to go ahead and tell you i am going to classify myself as roadkill because i stand in the middle of the road on many of these issues. I make my old friends angry. I literally do straddle the fence on these issues of what is on the right and the left. I am going to give it to you as quickly as i can. I am going to tell you what we had a problem with when we had an assault weapons ban, nobody could find an assault weapon. It did it have a pistol grip . Did it have all these features on it . It is basically this, if a gun was designed for the military as a fully automatic weapon, then was redesigned as a semi automatic version for the public , that could be considered an assault weapon. Basically there is only two, the ak47 and the ar15. There is really nothing else on the market that falls into that category. Everything else comes from that. Reason why anyone needs clips. These gigantic i am a hunter, i have been all my life. If i want to hunt the biggest, most dangerous game in north america, i am still only allowed to carry five bullets in my gun. If i only need five to hunt those, why do i need five for anything else . Five is enough bullet for any bullets for anything to hunt. Host tina in pennsylvania, good morning to you, tina. Caller good morning. How are you . Lets get back to what we should do. I am in my 50s. I can remember being in Elementary School and having to i am a responsible we are not going to solve the problem until you stop letting these criminals out pennsylvania released 21 lifers. Do you not think they are going to get an illegal weapon . Put them in jail, keep them in jail. We have a very angry country right now. I own rifles and pistols and i will never shoot unless i am defending my family. We have got to be able to defend ourselves because with all the open borders, god only knows who. S over here teach your children right from wrong. That in itself would solve a lot of the problems. Host more of your calls coming up. St, the president tweeting democrats are hurting our country and getting nothing done, shameful. From yesterdays five hour hearing, the former Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski and the chairman, jerry nadler. [video clip] we have already established you were never employed by the white house or the executive branch. That is correct. I have never been employed by the executive branch. Did you ask the white House Counsel to be here . I have never spoken to anyone in the white House Counsels office. Was it your idea to not answer questions based on the claim of executive privilege . I have never had a conversation with someone from the white House Counsels office. Towas it your idea not answer these questions on the basis of executive privilege . Yes or no . It was not my idea to provide this letter. Did you ever suggest to the president or anyone else you thought your communications were official White House Communications . The white house has directed i not disclose the substance of conversations to protect confidentiality. I recognize this is not my privilege, but i am respecting the white houses decision. How many times has the president asked you to meet him in the white house . Directedite house has me not to disclose the substance of the discussions. How many times did you meet along with the president in 2017 . I dont know the answer to that. He ever discussed with you any concerns he may have committed a criminal offense . The white house has directed me not to disclose the substance of any discussion with the president or his advisors. If you missed yesterdays hearing, you can go to our website, cspan. Org, and find it there. Kenneth in georgia, we are talking about reducing gun violence in this country. What do you think needs to be done . Caller i will tell you quite frankly, i dont understand why congress is responsible for making and passing laws in this that is when i took my first airplane flight and i remember four stools set apart in that airport for nonsmokers. Want. S all we what are they going to do when it comes to cars . As far as i know, cars cannot do 100 when he Miles Per Hour on the highway. Host kenneths thoughts. We will go to grove, oklahoma. Richard is a gun owner. How many guns do you own . Caller good morning. I am sorry . Host i said how money guns do you own . Caller i own several rifles and pistols. My gun my dad taught me when i was young to respect the weapon. People seem to think the gun jumps off the shelf, loads it self, and commits a crime. The gun is in the hands of someone irresponsible. I am for background checks to weed out those who are mentally ill who should not be owning firearms, just like there are people who drive vehicles who should not be on the road. If you are going to take away guns from people who responsible gun owners, that is drawwhere i drove the line. What is next . They will take away freedom of speech . Freedom of religion . Where does the line stop in the sand . Until they stop putting away criminals for doing these horrendous crimes. Look at chicago, every weekend people die up there, but nothing go go after the ones who are criminally, mentally insane. Host lets listen to the minority leader, Chuck Schumer, democrat of new york. He closed out yesterdays five hour holding of the senate by democrats. Here is what he had to say. [video clip] a year and a half ago we watched in horror as tragedy struck the Parkland Community in florida. Safety, safety and security torn apart by the unthinkable. Almost immediately the students started speaking out, turning their immeasurable pain into courageous advocacy. It two weeks later, i welcomed these parkland teens into my office. My god, what courage, what fortitude, what strength. Even in the darkest of nights, some choose not to curse the darkness, but to light a candle. March forater change for these parkland teens three millions more americans did the same and now a little more than a year later, the senate, has the opportunity to universal8, background checks among several other pieces of legislation passed by the house to save lives from gun violence. Times have changed. People forget the brady bill was introduced in 1987, 6 years after jim brady and president reagan were wounded and more than 6 years before it was enacted into law. Now we are moving from tragedy to action in a year. The movement jim and sarah brady started in the 80s has reached a new era. The American People are no longer willing to wait months or years for change. Long gone are the days that Senate Republicans can bury their heads in the sand and ignore that more than 30,000 people, americans are killed by a gun every year. Politicians offering their thoughts and prayers does not cut it anymore. It is put up or shut up. Host senator schumer on the floor last night. Some gun statistics from 2017. There were 39,773 people that edrom gun related injuries u. S. On a per capita basis, there were 12 gun death per 100 thousand people. Suicides accounted for 60 of u. S. Gun deaths. 75 of all murders involved a firearm. On that last statistic, 75 involved a firearm. Compare that to other countries. In 2017, this is from the bbc. Killings , 75 of all gun related killings, this is the percentage that were homicide. 73 in the United States. England and wales, 3 . In canada, 30 8 and australia, 13 . In bristol, tennessee, good morning to you. Caller good morning. It host your ideas for reducing gun violence . Caller i have no Magic Solutions other than these gun shows and buybacks as far as i am concerned would be great. And they had the same problems before when they removed some of the guns. It sure changed things in australia. These gun people, what they will tell you, they will say the gangsters would do it anyway. If you get 10 guns off the street, by eliminating any, if you save lives at all, you have done a great thing. Host joe in woodbridge, virginia. Gun owner. Welcome to the conversation. Caller good morning. A lot of the stuff we are talking about is all reactionary, what do we do after the fact. About, essentially contracting the government for the availability for firearms. People are talking about flying cars, flying planes. We have access to Dangerous Things every day. Usually for some of the more Dangerous Things, cars, planes, you have some sort of a registration process or proof of capability weather it is drivers license. I am all for at the start, if you want to buy a gun, that is great, go through a full background check, but you should have to provide some sort of aptitude with the firearm you should you are trying to purchase and that should reduce the availability. You are never going to get guns out of the hands of criminals, that is inherent to being a criminal, breaking the law. You can try to increase the aptitude of everybody around and increase gun safety on that level. That is my thoughts. Host joe in woodbridge. We are taking Text Messages as well. That phone number is 2027488003. Data rates apply. Here is Kelly Jackson who tweets kelly in jackson, michigan, mark guns that can only fire if the owner is using it. It seems like that would be a good fit to retrofit guns to be smart guns. If you get a text message, put your first name and city and state. Joe in arkansas. Hello, joe. Caller yes, maam. Host good morning. Go ahead. Caller i am not the smartest guy in the world, but until we quit building motels for prisoners and put them to work, it will keep on. If we build motels for them to do nothing, put them to work. Host you are a gun owner . Caller yes, maam. Host how many guns do you own . Caller 2. Host what do you use them for . Caller to hunt. Host have you hunted your . Whole life . Caller yes, maam. Host what kind of guns are they . How many rounds do you have in your guns . Oneer 6 in my pistol and in my shotgun. Host what is your position of thoseault rifles type of guns for health hunting . Caller i dont think we need them. I dont believe we need those. Host would you agree to banning those . Caller yes, maam. Host joe in arkansas. The Giffords Campaign, Gabby Giffords, former congresswoman who was shot when she was delivering to her constituents years ago started a campaign against guns. The Giffords Campaign released a new video featuring president ial candidates talking about gun violence. [video clip] gun violence is literally lifeanddeath. Numbinglybecome so common. , learning about how to duck cover, hide. There is a mass shooter roaming the hallways in their school. That is a tragic reality that exists today. It is serious and it is wrong. We cannot allow this to be inevitable or be the expectation we set for kids. Children sitting in those classrooms afraid and in terror. Care less about weather we are democrats or republicans. We have accepted the unacceptable too long. We are going to stand up and we are going to fight. Push and push and push with every fiber in our being. With the urgency and solutions so parents and teachers and kids dont have to worry about this. The time has now come. Doing nothing is not acceptable. It is time for action. We have to act in a bold way. Save ousands of lives. This will be a moment of determination. The Difference Campaign behind that ad. We will go to gym, grand forks, north dakota, gun owner as well. Caller can you hear me . Host we can. Caller greetings from stalingrad. You have to have a gun out here. To have some kind of defense for my life. I dont have security teams like politicians or hollywood stars. I have to take care of myself. Dangerousit is a very state, but it is also filled with a lot of good people. The harvest is starting soon. I will be in the sugar being sugar bean harvest. Host why is it dangerous . Caller there is a lot of crazy people out here. Like the old days, people come out west. I ran away from pennsylvania and i have a warrant for my arrest back there. Just a little misdemeanor, but i cannot go back to my county. I dont want to go back. Oldering is, cspan is an demographic. I am at the younger end of it. I am 55. All these older people that call, they should know better. When we were young, we all had so many guns. Kids walked down the street in or shotgun. A 22 no cop bothered you. It never entered your mind to use that gun in your school. It was more social capital there is more social media but there was more social capital. People were connected more. People are always looking for a bandaid that will get rid of this one type of weapon and we will live in harmony. There is something wrong with these kids and i think it has to do with the family. My father was a marine from world war ii. All the mothers were at home in the 1970s and you did not pick up that weapon. In my closet when i was a little kid, there were shotgun shells in my lego box. My older brothers went to school and had shooting teams in school. You shotguns at school in the basement. We had archery teams, we had weapons out the you know what. What has changed, that is what we have to find out. Is it the psychotropic drugs . The ritalin, the adderall . We did not have video games. Alls not hollywood because these older guys, older than me remember every tv show from the 1950s to the 1970s was a shoot them up western. Guns were part of who we were and they are a part of who we are. I dont understand why we dont try a bandaid for a deeper wound. Something is wrong with these kids and what has caused these little boys mostly to be so angry. If you can figure that out, i think you can solve it. If you put me in a time machine and put took me from the 1970s until now and put me in this politically correct world, i would probably kill somebody, if i was a little boy. I understand what these little boys are going through. Ok, we will leave it there. We go to melanie from pennsylvania. Go ahead, melanie. , i have been trading about this for a couple of gentleman i heard the earlier, i really think the background check is good, but i think they should limit the number of bullets you can purchase. They do that already with our medicines, like certain medicines for colds. You can only get so many per month. I do not see any reason why they could not do that for bullets. I also think they should take away the Assault Rifles. I do also wanted to add, suffer from Mental Illness, and not once have i ever thought about taking another life. I thought about taking mine, i have been in the hospital a few times for that, but never have i thought about taking another life. Host ok, melanie there in pennsylvania. We will end it there, take a break from this conversation. We will discuss next saudi arabia, the oil supply. And then we will return to our conversation about gun violence. We will hear from california democrat Mike Thompson about preventing it and legislation in congress. We will be right back. Cspan is back in des moines, iowa this saturday for Live Campaign 2020 coverage at the whole county democrats annual 2 00 fry, beginning at p. M. Eastern where candidates will take the stage for speeches. Watch the pope county iowa steak fry on cspan, cspan. Org, or listen on the go using the free cspan radio app. I tell Bernie Sanders voters over time, i defy you to say you care more about poor people than i do, because you do not. I defy you to say you care more about access to health care than i do, because you dont. I defy you to say you care more about educating poor kids than i do, because you dont. But we have very Different Solutions about how to get there. James about her life and work as president of the Heritage Foundation think tank. Sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspans q a. Mugs arengton journal available on cspans new online store. Check out the washington journal mugs and see all of the cspan products. Washington journal continues. Host here to talk about security of the global oil , old newsbrian scheid Senior Editor for s p global platts. Thank you for being here. Guest thank you for having me. Host tell our viewers what exactly was struck in saudi arabia and how it impacted supply. Guest sure. Oil marketk ago, the was in a general malaise, there was an oversupply situation. There was not a lot happening with prices. It was a volatile market. A few weeks of stability, if you will, before the crisis. Then saturday morning, there is field,ck on the ad quake then the coup rayfield, the in saudirgest field arabia. There is still debate on what happened during the attacks and who is to blame. The u. S. Is already putting blame on iran. But what happened with the crisis is this knocked out 5. 7 Million Barrels a day of production, roughly 60 of the Global Supply. Supply the biggest applie disruption in the history of the world, and it happened in an instance. This happened when Global Oil Markets were closed. We had to wait until sunday m to reopen,r the and s p Global Analytics estimated about 75 per barrel. There is a new risk premium, obviously. It could go eventually to 80. We saw a massive increase, 19 increase. By the end of monday, the oil price settled. It went down it went up, excuse me, 69, a massive increase for this market. Yesterday, the new Saudi Energy Minister comes out and says we can have production back, you know, this is a massive loss, significant loss of production, but we can have everything pretty much back to normal in two weeks. Prices came back a little bit, still four dollars above where we were last week, but at the same time, a lot of analysts i talked to said we are not out of the woods yet. Global platts have a risk premium based on something geopolitical like this Going Forward. That is what analysts believe. We do not know what will happen next. Host that risk premium, does that stay, then, on the price Going Forward . Guest yes. Host when, if ever, does it get removed . Guest that is the expectation, and you saw President Trump hinting at will there be a military response . Increase obviously prices are you have an ongoing situation with the strait of hormuz with iran. And then i think just the size thehis event is what has oil market so weary of the moment, because 5. 7 Million Barrels per day was taken off without warning. It was not like something we could see coming down the road. This was always sort of a wildcard to analysts, something that might happen, modeled as a maybe. Now that this happened, there are all sorts of new wildcards that can be looked at, not just attacking a single pipeline, confiscating a single vessel. 6 of are talking about Global Supply can be affected, were talking about attacks on full oil fields. There are a lot of unknowns Going Forward. I should say, against all of this, the backdrop is u. S. Oil production. , we have increased about 3. 5 Million Barrels per day over the past three years, a of their host per day. The administration sees ts going above 13 Million Barrels a day. That is very surprising a decade ago from what you would expect. The increase over the past few years has been 3. 5 million. Put that into context. That is more than the country of kuwait produces. You look individually to the states, north dakota is now producing more than libya. You have new mexico now producing more than venezuela. And you have taxes, taxes, which is competing with the entire country of iraq, so the u. S. Oil supply is really balancing out what could be seen as this major rift. Platts analytics 4 , 5 , butiv that is the supply. If thehat would it be u. S. Was not producing at the rate we are producing . Runt you would see another up beyond 100 a barrel. We could even be looking at more. The big take away, i think, from this event if it could have been a lot worse in terms of pricing. I say worse, you know, there are winners and losers, no matter which direction price goes in the market. We could have been looking at five dollars gasoline. We could have been looking at 150 barrel oil. There were some analysts who said this is such a major event, we could be looking at, you know, 100, over 100 a barrel. Time, there was this glut, if you will, of supply. This has been a market that has been oversupplied for months, so that definitely did balance out the severity of the incident. Host how did the president reacts to the attack, to adjust, and didnt have to did he have to tap into our reserves . Guest on sunday night, before the asian markets opened, President Trump tweeted out i have authorized the release from the Strategic Oil reserves. In case the viewers do not know, the u. S. , since about 1975, and stored a lot of crude oil in four separate sites along the gulf coursed. Theres two sides in texas, two sitses in louisiana. About 34ently have Million Barrels between those two sides. After 9 11, there was discussion, maybe we should go to one billion barrels. That narrative has really flipped with the shale revolution, and they have been selling off a lot of of that crude, so now we are at 644 million. President trump says i am willing to sell up some of the it isfrom the spr, and going to be coordinated with the rest of the world. Think you could argue, didnt dampen this incident, as far as prices. Even though there is this glut of u. S. Supply, a release from the Strategic Petroleum reserve still does bear some weight. Not releasing anything, saying last night above air force one, the impact was not so bad, the saudis announcing we will be back to normal in about two weeks. What i am hearing from sources is it is no longer really being considered, but it does stress this idea of what purpose these Strategic Petroleum reserves serve now in the u. S. When we do have this recordbreaking production going on. Do we still need to store hundreds of millions of barrels of crude oil when we are producing at this rate . Host we want to get our viewers involved in the conversation as well. Your questions or comments about the Global Oil Supply and the market. That 7488000 for those live in the eastern part of the country. 202 7488001 for mountain pacific. Let me ask you also, let me tell viewers, you can also text us at 202 7488003. We have a text here from mickey in milwaukee. Really think that iran has the capabilities to destroy Saudi Oil Facilities with such precision and no human casualties . Perhaps we cannot answer that question, but this next 1 who benefited from the attack . Which is trying to pull us into a conflict with iran . Perhaps we cannot answer that, but who could this benefit . As toi will not speculate who caused the attack, but secretary pompeo is blaming iran. I will say the main beneficiaries of the attack are u. S. Civilians. They are now producing at this recordbreaking level, and there are a lot of questions, this decline in capital spending. Is there too much . Are we over supplying . Those were questions before the attack. Now they can continue to produce at recordbreaking levels with an increase in prices. The other thing we should point out, at the same time all of this is going on, this sort of happened, this come close of events, there is a new saudi oil minister. Two weeks ago,t opec and allies have just reaffirmed their commitment to this massive production, 1. 2 Million Barrels of production per day, and that happened before in abu dhabi. There were a lot of analysts who viewed u. S. Production as slowing down now, and then the abqaiqon happened. There have been more changes than i can count so far. Host i guess review with our viewers, what is opec . Also, what you said about this deal to cut production, and why were they talking about that in the first place . What is the impact of it . Guest so the organization of Petroleum Exporting countries, led by saudi arabia, unofficially, mostly middle east producers, but venezuela is in there as well. They get together couple of times a year and basically decide where should our production be . It has a lot of criticism on capitol hill that they are manipulating the price. Nopec bill that has been making the rounds in congress are several years. It has not gained much traction, but we will see if it might, if the Oil Prices Continue to go up. So they announced that they are cutting production, basically because they were are getting production. It was getting tough to compete, and prices caps on thing. Were not seeing 100 barrel oil anymore. Week of seeing a plan to cut about 1. 2 Million Barrels per day of their collective supply, and that we would get a little boost, which i think it has. And you could see this, you know, 55 and 65 Brent Oil Price range in the futures contract that lasted several weeks. And like i said, this is a very volatile market. I think you were seeing this period of very steady prices, where, you know, they could, you know, have well above breakeven prices for opec countries. So that cut continues. It is going to continue. At the mom iischeduled to continue until about march 2020. Again, we will see how does this abqaiq attack impact that at the moment. I should point out opec has not declared an emergency meeting or anything, which is something we would have seen a few years ago. Host brian scheid here to take your questions about the global oil market. Again, if you live in the Eastern Central part of the country, 202 7488000. Mountain pacific, 202 7488001. Also, text us at 202 7488003. Lets go to bill, who is in junction, pennsylvania. Good morning. [no audio] good morning. Caller good morning. I understand the impact has been so great, but gas prices in western pennsylvania have shot up over . 20 a gallon overnight area yet nobody addresses what i see to be gouging. Is stillpply relatively level, why have gas prices shot up so much . Host ok, we will work on your audio. Pricesll is asking is have shot up 20 caller . 20. . 20. Host i am sorry, . 20. What is your question about it . Caller that is the question, if oil is relatively stable, why have gas shut up . 20 overnight . Prices canline become located and can be regional, if you will. Nathan hamilton, who is an Excellent Petroleum analyst with the u. S. Energy administration, had a couple of tweets yesterday explaining what the impact would be of abqaiq, and he typically follows oil prices and it is usually 80 of the oil price is good when oil inease will be baked into the change in gasoline prices. The other thing is it takes weeks for the impact in the oil market to have an impact on the retail gasoline prices. Sees gasoline prices going from about 2. 60 to the moment, i cannot speak to the increase. It could be a variety of factors, but it could have been two weeks ago. This incident has not had much of an impact on gasoline prices. Host lets listen to what President Trump had to say when he was in new mexico about the u. S. Energy position. [video clip] pres. Trump the United States is now the number one producer and natural gas anywhere in the world, and this means more jobs, higher wages, energyrican independence, which is what we have. [cheers applause] pres. Trump you know, a few years ago, if we had a problem, like we saw todays go in the middle east, we would have been in a panic. Although not if i were your president. Panic. Ot want to pu whenever want to panic. But a few years ago, they would have been in a panic. Today, we have a lot of oil, we have got a lot of gas. Host brian scheid, we are not in a panic. What does that say about the oil influence . Guest the relationship between the u. S. And saudi arabia has changed significantly, and i think the abqaiq attack very clearly shows that. We have seen declines in overall imports of crude oil, that we are still not a net exporter at all, and we still do import a significant portion of our crude oil. Million barrels a day the u. S. Produces, we still consume about 20 Million Barrels a day, so it is still a significant difference between those two, which means supply and demand. What we are seeing from the putis, last week, the eia out their numbers and show that weekly imports of saudi arabia and oil to the u. S. Fell to the lowest point in record, on record. Our imports of saudi crude or falling to levels we have not seen since the mid1980s. Saudi oil,iance on at least u. S. Reliance on saudi oil, is not as high as it once was. Now, it still is there. Afiners are still importing significant amount, basically a lot from the west coast and a lot of mediumtype crude. There is still a reliance there, but it is not a total reliance. Produce could the u. S. More . Could the u. S. Meet its own demand . Guest this gets into a sort of thorny topic of, you know, what type of oil the u. S. Produces. The u. S. Produces a very light oil, and a lot of it is in demand relatively in asian refineries. At the same time, our refineries are geared toward processing more medium and heavy oil, so we still need to import those barrels. That is why the u. S. Is part of a global market. There is this idea of previously, we had this idea, you know, u. S. Oil independence. That is not even a remote possibility. Now what is this idea of u. S. Energy dominance. We can become the new saudi arabia. That is the thinking, at least. But i think more of what you are seeing is an integration into the global market, you know, we are seeing the u. S. Refineries continue to import these heavy crudes. The u. S. Producers continue to produce light crudes. You could have still a need out there. There could be a shortfall of supply, but the u. S. Producers may not produce as much, just because that demand for light does not match up with the demand for heavy crude or median crude. Host lets go to keith and fargo, north dakota, one of the states that brian scheid was talking about. Go ahead. Caller 29 years ago, when my uncle was in colorado, he was drilling for oil, and they were hitting gushers of oil, and they were just tapping it and looking for uranian. Our government is screwing us over. All of these hard lines we had the stations for gasoline, it is all a farce. And the client is ripping us off. Host what is the governments role . I cannot talk about that, but i could talk about peak oil, and the thinking was we are eventually going to run out of oil, and that was really the demand dynamics in driving up the prices. I do not think there is anyone who discusses the idea of peak oil anymore. It is peak demand. Fracking technology, all of the different changes you have in drilling, they are basically producing more than they ever thought was possible. Like,n have ideas of, stranded access now, where countries are abandoning im sorry, companies are abandoning exploration in countries simply because they do not have the money or the time to do it. They can do so elsewhere much more cheaply. So i think that is one of the dynamics. I think that is a major difference from the 1970s, the u. S. The increase in u. S. Oil supply has really changed the game in terms of supply and demand. We are no longer talking about peak supply. We are talking about when is the man going to run out . Host when is demand going to run out . Host we are talking to daniel and maryland. Caller can you hear me . Host yes, we can, go ahead. Caller who are the top consumers at this point . I know china was at one point. You mentioned the Strategic Oil reserves. Help me understand is it just sitting there . And how is it able to sit there, i dont know, with a long shelf life . I do not know much about it or it. I would love for you to explain that to me. Thank you. Guest the u. S. Remains the top consumer of crude oil. India are commonly pointed to as the fastestgrowing consumers of crude oil, and that is what we saw before. The abqaiq incident, we saw a lot of what was impacting prices with the u. S. China trade talks, because that could have impacted demand of oil from china, so your second question on the spr, theres four different sites along the gulf to a louisiana, two in texas, like i said. This is where crude oil is stored, and i have actually this question myself when i was in texas. Oil bought in the 1970s, for 40 plus years, is still there. There is a degradation of the cabin wall sometimes. They have to do some maintenance. There is tremendous cost involved in keeping this oil, which is there has been a push to sell off a lot of the oil, and that was the arguments against it. But, yeah, the shelf life, is still is the same oil that was bought originally. Host the u. S. Is the Largest Consumer of crude oil. Break down how it is used in the United States. Guest the exact percentages, i am not sure, but a significant portion of it goes into motor gasoline. There is also a big petrochemical component of it as well. That is an important point, too, we should talk about. You think about oil demand, and lists, carsriving are more efficient, we are switching to teslas, but the biggest increase in demand is coming from plastics, petrochemicals, and oil being a youreck there, so seeing a massive growth of petrochemical facilities, particularly in a i asia. That is one way crude oil demand is accounted for. Host aj in hawaii, good morning to you. Caller yes, good morning. Thank you, cspan, for your wonderful program. We thank you for the work you do. I wake up at 1 00 in the morning in honolulu, because i am a big fan of cspan. Host [laughs] that is dedication. Thank you. Caller [laughs] it is. I think i am your number one fan. My question is if it turns out that iran is responsible for this attack, and i am not sure that i trust the trump have liedtion they to us so much, i do not know that i trust what they have to say about it but if it turns out that iran was responsible for this attack, how would i ran benefit from the shift in the world oil markets . Host ok, thank you. Guest so, amazingly, we have been talking about oil prices for this long, we have not talked about sanctions on iran or venezuela. The u. S. Does have their a per very punitive sanctions on iran for oil exports. There is still some illicit trading going on, but the United States will sanction anyone currently that is trading oil with iran. So how would they benefit from this specific attack . I dont know. Depending on how the u. S. Makes the case, hypothetically, you could say there could be a coalition to further their sanctions, for the European Countries that are still in the jcpoa, the Nuclear Agreement that was agreed to during the obama administration, that the Trump Administration departed from, there could be a coalition to also leave that for more punitive action against iran. So i think, you know, some of these questions will be answered Going Forward. You should watch for all of the talks, last week, was whether or not President Trump and president rouhani would be meeting at the United Nations. The chances of that, i think, are from slim to none, as analysts tell me, but we will see what goes forward with these relations. Analystso not know if or answering, or if you can, but when will demand run out . Guest there is sort of a mixed bag on that. One is quite clear on that. We are talking about demand i ,ont think well ever run out to be honest, in my lifetime or our childrens lifetime. When will demand peak . A lot of analysts pointed within the next decade we may be peaking. But as i pointed to, it all depends on consumer behavior. What petrochemical demands look like. Plastic consumption . Theeffort going on, or Trump Administration today is going to be talking about their effort to roll back in missions standards emissions for automobiles. What impact will that have . There are a lot of questions way forward here think i want to pinp when demands will peak, but i think it will peak in the near future. S p brian scheid with global platts, you can follow them at spglobal. Com. We appreciate you joining us for this conversation. Guest thank you so much. Host when we return, we will talk about gun violence in this country. Representative Mike Thompson. And Michelle Malkin will be here , talking about her new book, open borders, inc. whos funding americas destruction . This weekend on American History tv, this weekend, saturday on the civil war, scott mingus talks about the importance of the Cumberland Valley railroad during the civil war. At 8 00 on lectures in history, a discussion on playwright August Wilson. The things that are motivating August Wilson or his desire to move black people from the margins to the center and say what is true about us . What matters to us . What is happening in our lives . And saturday at 4 00 p. M. The on reel amerco, film america, the 1919 water convoy. Convoy. Hoovers herbert world war i relief work. Its leader traveled freely through american lives, probably the only american citizen to do so during e entire war. Passedore our nations on American History tv, every weekend on cspan3. Washington journal continues. Our table this morning, congressman Mike Thompson, the chair of the gun violence prevention ta task force in the house. Democrat of california. Congressman, lets talk about a deal that could get through the senate. How confident did you feel . Guest right after any major tragedy, you hear a lot. You will hear out of the white house we will do something, this, that, and the other. Plan,en the time gets to they taper off. There is a rumor that something is going to come out of the white house this week. I sure hope it is true, but i am not holding my breath. Host what do you think could pass . I mean, what are you hearing that could get bipartisan support . Background, the check bill that i passed out of the house to the senate has bipartisan support. Coauthors, itan had a bipartisan votes, and is supported by over 90 of the American People. I believe that if the senators took that issue to their states and explain what it did and how it will keep their constituents safer, that could pass, but there does not seem to be a lot of interest on the part of many of my colleagues in the senate to want to do this. Host lets listen to the majority leader earlier this week talking to reporters about the prospects of legislation getting through that chamber. [video clip] sen. Mcconnell i think it is no surprise you that how you feel about various gun related issues depends on what part of the country you are from, and there are very different views in Rural America and smalltown america from what you will find in big cities and suburbs. So those differences that have been perfectly apparent within the republican conference, in both the house and the senate, andthe years are not new that is why i have said repeatedly that we need some guidance from the president about what kind of proposal would make a difference he would actually sign into law. Multiplegiven the orinda shootings in august, we owe it to the American People a registered in august, we owe it to the American People to and to act means pass the senate, passed the house, and be signed into law by the president. Alreadyident has indicated he will veto the bill that came over from the house that the speaker and the democratic speaker called him about. So that is obviously not about getting an outcome. So i still await guidance from the white house as to what he thinks he is comfortable signing, and if and when that happens, tn will have the real possibility of actually changing the law and hopefully making some progress. The president man, says he will veto that bill that you were just talking about. Guest well, the Senate Leader is part right. There are differences across the country. There are differences in urban and rural areas, but you cannot have over 90 of the American People supporting universal background checks and say that there is not the will of the people to pass that. He is the leader. He should lead. He should bring these issues up. He should bring the before his senate. He should bring them out to the American People and let them know that we are trying to do something about gun violence. Thisd more Mass Shootings year than we have had days this year. There are over 3000 kids who have been either killed or injured by someone using a gun. It is a problem. And even in areas where there havent been School Shootings or mall shootings that kids are involved in, it still has an impact on kids. They are having active shooter drills. I hear constantly from students, from their parents, from their teachers that it is a problem, and it is affecting the way our children act and the way our ildren will learn. Host how do universal background checks stop that . We have heard from viewers this morning that are skeptical that the fbi or that the government could do the job sufficiently enough, and that their information would be protected, and that it would not be used against people who are responsible with their guns. Guest well, we know it works. 170 felons every day are stopped from being able to buy a gun at licensed dealers. Usersday, 50 domestic every day our stop at licensed dealers from buying a gun, because the background check works. The tragedy is, in some states, you can be turned down at a licensed dealer, you can walk out the gun stores door, walked to a gun show or a computer store, go online and buy the same gun without a background check or go to some gun shows and by the same gun without a background check. We know it works. Willis stop everyone . Law that willo stop everyone, but it is our first line of defense against not be owninguld a gun having a gun. Host explain how it works. Give us the details. You go into a gun store, you say you want to buy a gun, they do a quick background check, that is not take long at all, and they will tell you if you are prohibited. They will tell the dealer if a potential buyer is prohibited. If they are, they are told they cannot buy a firearm. Host is a universal, these background checks . Guest no, the federal law requires only a licensed dealers. Some states have gone further. My home state of california requires a background check for gun transfers. It does not take much time ill. Legislation would be universal. Guest correct. They would be a lib take someones gun if they think someone might do something inappropriate with it. ,ost lets go to david democratic caller, in grand rapids, michigan. Go ahead. Yeah, i have a comment about i have three children. Was in 1994 was columbine, so he was 10. So what i have noticed, with my children, is they have got these socialnxieties, and it kind of stems from the way the world is right now, in the sense that i have Adult Children that are afraid to participate in this believe they are Walking Around with ptsd. And we have a whole society of children that are Walking Around, because all of a sudden, they were taught to be afraid to go to school. Now they are being taught to be afraid to go out in public. I have a fiveyearold grandson who is being taught shooting school drills. I am 55 years old. I never went through anything like this in my entire life. Guns are the problem. Guns, guns, guns. We need to control them. The people, not i get to own a gun. That does not make any sense. This. D to change when he did change our future, Mental Health stability. Guns are guns. We have got to get rid of the ones that are causing this. And it is not a Mental Health issue, like i said, it is a gun issue. Host ok, congressman, your thoughts. Guest i think the law is clear, the constitution is clear, individuals have the right to , but the court decision, u. S. Supreme court heller decision, also stated th the goverent hathe right to regulate that gun ownership. Nobody is saying we want to take everyones gone spirit we are merely saying if you are a danger to yourself or to others, if you are a criminal and are prohibited from owning a firearm, we should do Everything Possible to make sure you cannot get your hands on a firearm. Host i want to tell that viewer and our viewers that the Gun Violence Prevention Task force is holding a discussion today on capitol hill with guncontrol advocates to highlight the impact of gun violence on children and need to pass background check legislation. That will be at 1 00 p. M. Eastern, cspan3. We will have coverage of that. You can also watch online at cspan. Org, or if you download the free cspan radio app, you can listen to that conversation. Guest to clarify, it is not guncontrol advocates. It is a panel of experts. There is a researcher from the university of california davis that does Extensive Research on gun violence. There is a student that will talk about issues that the last caller just talked about, what kids are going through a school today. Teacher, someone from the pta, parentteacher association. There is also a chief of police from fairfax, virginia to talk about how background checks would help relieve some of that anxiety, make our schools, our Public Places more safe. Host we will go to john in north carolina, independent. You are next. Caller good morning. Have to dig issue with your current guest and his mischaracterization of purchases of a firearm. I have made several purchases of a firearm, and every time i have bought one, i could not have it shipped to my house, it had to a registered gun dealer, who then ran a background check on me. I am sick and tired of people distorting the facts and over the facility of guns on the internet. Argue,are going to please do not mischaracterize and lied to people about the facts, congressman. Host guest sure. It sounds like when he purchased firearms over the internet or where he bought them, he did it legally. But truth is, people that sell firearms on the internet fall into one of two categories. Licensedey are a dealer, and if you buy a gun from a licensed dealer over the internet, yes, you are subject to a background check. You have to get the gun shipped to a licensed dealer. You will get a background check, and you do everything according to the law. However, individual sellers sell firearms on the same internet lists, and if you contact one of them, you can there is no background check requirements, or it is easy to circumvent. You can contact them directly, say i want to buy your gun. I will meet you in the back alley to pick it up. Host wont that continue, even if you have universal background checks . Guest no, that is what this bill stops. Host how . Guest they will be required to get the background checks. Host how do you enforce it . Guest well, there is a criminal provision in the law . Host and what is the punishment . Guest i am not sure what the exact punishment is, but there is a punishment for it. Pleasant valley, new york, republican. Caller good morning. I know you had a couple callers before talking about their Adult Children that have ptsd, whatever it is that you call it. I member when i was in grammar theol running down to basement because we had an atom bomb scare. That went on for years of my Grammar School days. And also jumping under the desk for an air raid, so come on, folks. There is something wrong with our whole society. I went through it when i was a child, and i do not have pstd, or whatever you call it. And i live in new york state. A guntime there is shooting, mr. Cuomo stands up, you cannot have a gun with a my brother waited 12 months for a pistol. Forself have had a pistol 30 years. It took me 12 months 30 years ago to get a pistol from our local county sheriffs department. You are breaking up, so i will have the congressman jump in. Guest i went through duck and cover drills when i was growing up as well. The difference is, we did not one atom bombs dropped schools. Today we have Mass Shootings at schools. Kids are scared. Data, all of the experts tell us that there is an impact. If brad from new york is fine and did not suffer repercussions that he went through, the fact of the matter is, today is different, and we need to take into consideration the impact this is having on our young people. Ce and lexington, kentucky. Gun owner. Good morning. Welcome to the conversation. Caller good morning. I have a question for the senator. Anytime there is a mass shooting or something involved with a gun, the first thing they want all the convicted felon spared when you look at the Mass Shootings, they were not convicted felons, they went through the proper paperwork time i one day decided they wanted to kill a lot of people. Each time that happens, the first time they want to do it, they tighten up the rules for convicted felon spared convicted felons are only a drop in the ofket for those types crimes. Or does ban guns. Purpose of a man having an Assault Rifle in his house . It does not make sense. Ban guns. We are talking a lot today about Mass Shootings or School Shootings, but the fact is, 30 people are killed every day by someone using a gun, and it is not always the same type of gone. The fact is, someone has a gun who someone who should not have a gun gets a gun. If you factor in suicide than accidental deaths, it goes up about 100 at a command background checks can help lower the number, prevent many of those deaths. Host francis in venice, florida. Good morning. Caller yes, good morning to you. Host also a gun owner. Go ahead. Caller yes. I believe we have many, many gun laws as it is, and getting one more is one more that they will break, the bad people that use guns. I think we are aiming at the wrong thing. We keep aiming at the gun, and when anything happens, the first thing they blame is that g un. But i think, from kindergarten through college, children should be learning to handle adversity in their life. When they have a problem, they should not be reaching for a gun to kill a lot of people. That just makes more problems. Now, if they would just teach instead of ino classes, people, it is like everyone is a wonder now. Theres no losers. They nee to learn how, when something goes that or they lose something, how do we avoid that . Do that is positive . I think that might be the problem. When you get home, the parents are working, if there are two parents, a lot of single moms, and that is difficult, too, for people. But people have to learn who to go to. In the old days you had neighborhoods. Was not there, your neighbor down the street with tell her what was going on with the home. I think a lot of the problems, it is the home. Host ok, francis, we will take that point. Guest well, i dont disagree. We should do everything we possibly can to make kids ves better and give them the opportunities they need. , i should also let you know am a gun owner and have been for most of my life, and i have guns and use guns. This is not about putting laws on the books that is going to make life difficult for people. This is about expanding a law tot is already on the books ensure that everybody who transfers a gun gets a background check, or the purchaser gets a background check. It is only about making sure that people who should not have firearms dont get their hands on them. Host theres a hearing next week about banning assault weapons. What are your expectations of that getting through, eliminating highcapacity rifles . Guest i know there is a hearing, and i dont know i think theres two or three different bills, so i do not think it is necessarily banning assault weapons. There is one bill, that does do that. Thatinstitute the bans were on the books for a long time in the country. There is one that we deal with the regulation of assault weapons, and i think there is a third bill, but im not sure what it is. I am not on that committee, and my focus has been on background checks, making sure that before you buy a gun, you pass a background check to make sure you are not a criminal, or youre not a danger to yourself or someone else. Host do you support the ban on assault weapons . Guest i do not think we need so weapons in our community survey. I have experience with assault weapons. I carry one for a tour of duty in vietnam. There is really no good that will come out of having those on our streets. Host ray in syracuse, new york, a gun owner. Have a civics, we problem, but before i forget this, the gentleman just lied to you, and that is why it is so important to have physics or civics, because people do not know what the government is doing. They do not know why we have a Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is our founders idea that we, the people, before the government, before there was a government, have a right, it is a natural right, given by god. We have a number of them. So the government has no right saying anything about guns other than they already have. We have enough gun regulations guest what was the lie, ray . Caller the lie was there is such a thing as an assault weapon. That is a flat out lie, and it only works with people who are ignorant, and unfortunately, that falls on one side of the aisle, ok . You are not ignorant, but you are lying. Why are you lying . Guest what is the lie, ray . Caller the lie is that there is no such thing as an assault rep weapon. You said you carried one in the service. Not carry what we have available to us. You carried a machine gun. Those are bandned everywhere. Host ok, lets get a response. Guest first of all, ray, the rifle i carried in vietnam was a fully automatic weapon, when you have the selector switch on fully automatic. It was a semiautomatic assault weapon when you have the selector switch on semiautomatic. And machine guns are not banned and the United States of america. There is a higher requirement for buying them than regular firearms, but an individual, if they pass the bar and pay the fe e, can own a machine gun in the United States. Host we will go to hell city, alabama. Tina . Caller good morning, how are yall . Host good morning. A book by Samuel Rutherford written in 1620, Samuel Rutherford had to be run out of england because of his anarchy toward a king. His writing came out of structures. If people have it within themselves to govern themselves, they do not need a king. And it seems like the loss you are trying to pass is because of sin. Sin is the strength of the law. The more sin, the stronger the law has to be. And if youre going to register guns, are you going to register journalists . Host ok, did you hear the last part . She is afraid of losing liberty with these pieces of legislation. Guest i do not think there is any threat to liberty. If you are someone who should not have a gun, if youre a criminal, youre a Domestic Abuse or, if you are prohibited from owning a firearm, you should not be able to have a firearm. Host marie in pennsylvania, democratic caller. Caller hello. Whyst have one question arent you and Mitch Mcconnell talking about enough to override a president ial veto . Host enough votes to override a veto. Guest well, this bill that passed the house i dont think was a vetoproof vote. I the senate chambern, i do not think there is a vetoproof vote there on many things. As Senate Leader, Mitch Mcconnell, said, he is not willing to do anything that the president is not preapproved, so if that is does not preapprove, so if that is his standard, there will be no vetoes anyway. Mr. Congressman, i think we are looking at the whole problem in the wrong perspective, ok . Thirds of thistwo is a Mental Health problem. If we have twothirds suicides, that is Mental Health. We are left over with 12,000 homicides, ok . Out of these 12,000 homicides, we have 7500 blacks, African Americans every year due to gun violence, ok . And this is not being addressed, and this is the problem. Holistically, the problem is the welfare system, the fact that africanamericans and whites have all increased. Africanamericans, 75 singlefamily homes. Whites, 25 . I do not know what the hispanic number is, but these are ballpark numbers. You may not like this, but i think the democrats do not like to address this, because a lot of these people are on welfare, and with the Economy Today and i know im struggling theater there is a lot of stuff to unwrap here, a person can and make 60 an hour working as opposed to welfare. The whole system begets violence, and the drug trade, etc. Guest i dont know how you can respond to logic like that. If a life is lost, it is a tragedy. It does not matter where they live, what color they are, what gender they are. We need to be doing everything we can to keep people as safe as wea possibly can. Host martha in satellite beach, florida, republican. Caller yes, hello host good morning. Caller good morning. I just have one quick question for the gentlema. Is this a clean bill, or is there a catch ito it . Host is that a clean bill . Guest it as a clean bill that expands background checks. There is a provision in it that says nothing in the bill can be used to create a gun registry. Other than that, it is straightforward, expand background checks to ensure anyone who buys a firearms passes a background check. Host congressman, what is your take on the nra right now and its strength . How would you assess it after all of the turmoil that has been going on inside of the group . Guest well,. There has certainly been a lot of turmoil going on the difference today than 10 there are other organizations participating in the discussion on gun violence prevention. So it was just the nra who would lobby for this and who would raise money in these campaigns, and with a couple of outside groups, now you have major outside groups on the other side that are participating in campaigns, they are raising money, and they have a strong voice on this issue. Host tom in midway, utah, independent. Hi, thank you for taking my call. I am an independent. I used to be a democrat. I was a rising star in that party. But here is the problem, the democrat hypocrisy. Youwhat i mean by that is say if life is lost, it is tragedy. Well, anytime someone takes a gun and murder somebody, it is an natural act of a crazy at, what they do it, but you democrats do not seem to mind about these 3000 babies that are premeditatively murdered every day in america. You do not care about that choice a woman has toand thatsg people. You are hypocrites. Host do you care to respond . Guest no. Gun vleeir of the Prevention Task force, thank you very much for the conversation. We will take a break. When we come back, Michelle Malkin discusses her new book open borders inc. Whos funding americas destruction. For 40 years cspan has been providing america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the Supreme Court and Public Policy events from washington, d. C. And around the country. Cspan. Your unfiltered view of government. President trump and first lady welcome australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his wife. Toastsrrivals and dinner. Riday at 6 30 p. M. Eastern or listen on the free cspan radio app. Washington journal continues. Host Michelle Malkin joins us from new york city to talk about her new book, open borders inc. What is this book about . What ithe bk is about consider the global financiers of the migration crisis, the illegal alien caravans, the Refugee Resettlement racket that have all colluded together to undermine americas borders and sovereignty in the book is a must 500 pages with 1600 plus footnotes and identifies nearly 400 individuals and that i believe are behind this financing. Host who are they and what evidence did you find that confirms they are behind it . Guest as i said the book is heavily cited. People can do their own homework to fact check my facts. Thinkof which come from tank studies, original source documents. Reporting on this issue as an columnist. This is my seventh book. My third one that concentrates on immigration. And many of the groups and individuals identified are very familiar to people who have been researching and care about Immigration Enforcement. Soros ofre george course is probably the most favorite or infamous depending ofyour perspective financier many of the groups that have lobbied for illegal alien ofesty as well as expansion the sort of Permanent Foundation of things like the Refugee Resettlement program. But i also identifies some powerful forces and financial interests on the right. I think its always been my imperative as an independent blogger and journalist and whenrcher not to shy away there are special interests us tentatively on my side of the aisle that are responsible for the negative impacts of ilLegal Immigration. Host lets take george soros first. How has he financed these programs that you talked about and also what did you find that he was behind the caravans of people coming from Central America . That is one claim that has been made by viewers on this program that george soros was behind that. Soros guest george is billions ofth dollars. He said he was going to put 18 billion of that to his open society foundations. The foundation has crated an entire network of Legal Resources and volunteer what iations and consider radical identity politics groups that are out there undermining the enforcement of our laws and our american sovereignty. Its noju some sort of theory. Worke read George Soross using thates that organizations like the United Nations or the European Union or any number of nongovernmental organizations outside of the United States that dt have our own sovereignty in their interest. Copious appendices in the books that name many of these soros funded groups that are either allied with him or directly or indirectly funded by him. Important thats he couldnt do it alone and there are forces on the other the political spectrum. Probably would be surprised if they dont follow these issues closely that the Koch Brothers and of course david cook recently passed away. The Coke Institute and many of their organizations are also ideologically aligned with soros and his network because they have similar goals. Open borders also provide cheap labor for a lot of the big business interests that are on the same side as the amnesty profiteers. Nameswho are some other or politicians on your side of the aisle who also contribute to this . Are a number of andted members of congress some of them have recently come around to supporting the trumpet enforcement agenda. It wasnt long ago that they also were behind blanket amnesties or pardons for the upwards of 30 million illegal aliens that are here. Marco rubio was part of that. Lindsey graham at one point. I mentioned the u. S. Chamber of commerce. I also tread on somewhat dangerous ground because i talk about my own experience at cpac earlier this year which is run theeople who are part of close inner circle and they also have business interests and lobbying interests that show we should have more order and more limitations and in my view a moratorium on immigration until we can get some sort of control over the chaos. The deliberate chaos that has existed for the 25 plus years that ive been covering the issue. Johnson and heen was asked about the ways u. S. Connect can enact policies about ilLegal Immigration. You have a visa system that reflects the needs of the economies and the families that are here thats going to be the greatest incentive for people to come legally. If you give people an option come legally or illegally people are going to choose the legal way. The problem is that the legal pathways in the United States are incredibly difficult if not nonexistent for many categories. When we were building houses in the early 2000s at an incredible rate we needed construction workers to help build those houses. There is no visa available for construction workers. It takes 10 years for them to get a green card. We were daring immigrants to come to the United States to take jobs that we needed. Had this help wanted keep out sign at the border and you cant have that kind of schizophrenia. Thats what we dont want to fight in the immigration system is our own economy. Our economyeds of with legal ways for people to get here and you wont have to spend so much time enforcing immigration because people will come legally. Host your response. Guest let me unpack that. I dont believe that the almighty dollar and profits and low wages for workers should drive our immigration system. Anniversaryed the of the september 11 attacks and in large part it was because prioritizing the economy over our security and sovereignty lead to such catastrophic events and we have already the most generous system when it comes to Legal Immigration whether its the kind of work visas that the lawyer was talking about and a number of them that haveeen exploited to our detriment. One of the last books i wrote was called sold out and it was fascinating because when i appeared on cspan there was unanimity among the left, right and center colors that those kind of programs were being abused and were not protecting American Workers and resulting in i. T. Workers here in america of all backgrounds who were being forced to retrain their cheap foreign replacements before they got their pink slips. That is not the way that a sovereign nation should conduct its immigration system. We will go to calls. Art in michigan. Question or comment for Michelle Malkin . Caller you got me on the wrong one. I was calling in for the gun violence. Host let me go on to george in hudson, florida. Republican. Caller good morning. Michelle, you are my hero. You are the best conservative public pundit out there. Is thision to you hearing yesterday with Corey Lewandowski, the fake impeachment hearings. Its just a bunch of baloney. Im wondering whats your opinion of that hearing and whats going on with the House Judiciary Committee and especially jerry nadler and Sheila Jackson lee and johnson, that joker from georgia. No idea what hes talking about half the time. Its just crazy. You need to go in front of that. Ommittee guest i appreciate that. Thank you to the caller. It was quite a circus. I do have to give cdit to the democrats for having a laser focused and drumming their narratives over and over and over again. Looks like chaos, it is controlled chaos and they have incredible message discipline. If only many of the Establishment Republicans in the swamp could exhibit the same kind of discipline when it comes to issues of immigration and Immigration Enforcement. We should be having those one minute speeches in the house at do inht like we used to the midtolate 1990s hammering and dangerousy consequences of immigration chaos. I was in Montgomery County last 1000where nearly grassroots patriots were calling attention to how sanctuary city policies were endangering pearls and women. The republicans could be doing so much more to make this as much of a focus. Impeachmentrd, not invasion and how it has metastasized in every city in america. Host have you been to the southern border . What was your experience . Guest many times. I have 10 documentaries from their. To el paso. Private citizens who are doing what the government has failed courseor decades and of i started out my career in los angeles. Just the siege that has been played at the southern border but our northern border as well and the neglect, the National Security implications of basically having orange rubber cones protect us from any number of malefactors who could just traipse across the border. The problem is that every town now is a border town because of the spread into the interior and sanctuary policies that block local and state Law Enforcement officials from communicating with federal ice agents who have been increasingly demonized by the media, by hollywood and every mainstream democratic president ial candidate. Go to anthony next in new york. Democratic caller. I wanted to ask michelle about the open borders. With the open borders, the democrats are probably benefiting from it. Because of the drugs, the trafficking and all the Illegal Immigrants coming in. With that and the socialism. Will the Illegal Immigrants help them go from socialism to dictatorship . Guest there are a lot of special interest involved on both the left and the right and people always ask what to the democrats get out of this. Dont they care about the preservation of their country and the rule of law . There used to be democrats saying on this issue, Barbara Jordan who is an africanamerican texas congresswoman lead and immiation commission that talked about the importance of being able to debate rationally what the numbers of people should be that we bring into the country. Theyvalues, what traits have. And if they dont belong here, what kind of orderly process we have in place to remove people who dont belong here. And that part of the debate has been completely obliterated on the democrat party. Thats just ilLegal Immigration. A lot of open borders inc. Also talks about the Refugee Resettlement racket. We have resettled about 3 million refugees into the country, redistricted them in pockets all over flyover country and theres very little if any input among these communities who have their own domestic and and are beings hijacked by a small group of government subcontractors, mostly religious nonprofits that are making literally billions of dollars off of this scheme. We look at the transformation of places like the twin cities which has a massively Large Population of somalian muslims,. Any of them on assimilated and department of Homeland Security officials have now identified the twin cities as the terror recruiting capital of the world. How did this happen . Follow the money. Find the truth. You respond to the archbishop, joseph kurtz of louisville kentucky when he writes, we must call our elected officials, we must call our elected officials to live up to the ideals of this nation and welcoming and treating humanely those vulnerable persons fleeing violence and persecution. Guest i believe our asylum system is very precious and for legitimate claimants of ethnic, political persecution or otherwise, it is very imperative that we protect that system and make sure that we are discriminating and i mean that not in some sort of pejorative way about who we are allowed to benefit from it. The problem of course is that the asylum system has been deliberately exploited and unrmined by an entire system of people who manufacture claims because they know once they show up at the board and make such a claim cooked up and fraudulent and coached that they will turn around and be released never to be found again. Works inho actually the immigration system knows has the Asylum Program become a lottery basically. Also have a very important chapter on the role that the vatican and the Catholic Church have played themselves from profiting off of the Refugee Resettlement racket invoking scripture, providing it and i think diluting a lot of rankandfile catholics into thinking that the imperative should be to open the floodgates and the border to every last person outside the world when thats not what our country was poem and amhe thes a lazarus are not the guiding ourciples and law behind immigration system. E constitution is. Section fourour specifically says that it is the role of the federal government to protect states against invasion. Host larry is in madisonville, kentucky. Caller mine was mainly on the gun violence. Im 54 years old and i have been involved in finding some of the that for every 10 that are found theres 100 more being built. In high school i can remember deer season being in and every truck in the High School Parking lot had a shotgun or some kind of weapon and i said im 54 years old and we never had School Shootings when i was in school and there was a gun in every car in the parking lot. More of ak its cultural than it is done. Guest i definitely could come back and talk about guns. What i will do is recommend another book that was released by a man greatly in admirer. He is somebody who has been very vigilant about commemorating his daughters legacy by actually proposing a realitybased solutions to the problem that dont solely rely on gun control radicalism. Why meadow died is the book. Host independent caller. You are next for Michelle Malkin. Happy to see that you have expanded the undocumented in this country to 30 million. I wonder if you have some actual ,acts about or the employees what is the responsibility for employing illegal workers and how many times has that been the thirdr law create thing is could you describe the of that group that started in the 1960s and their actual agenda for everybody. Guest there is a very important section that i included in the and theen borders inc. Stagnant static estimate of the number of illegal aliens has always somehow been decidedly frozen at between 11 and 13 million which is an old figure from the pew research center. The really updated figure actually comes not from any rightwing group but from princeton researchers who had a much more accurate count of upwards of 30 million. And those figures are all footnoted if you want to check the sources on that. The second question was about employer sanctions and we have been very lousy. This is a failure of the federal government. You cant blame all of the illegal aliens who are simply responding to incentives and when there isnt full enforcement against employers who are breaking the law u. S. Code Chapter Eight section 1320 four and 1325 against aiding, abetting, harboring, employing and sheltering illegal aliens of course people are going to do what they are incentivized to do. Of targeteda number enforcement actions. Plans in coke complete the south but we need enforcement of everify as well. The third point was on the National Council and i talk a little bit about their history. Particularly their role in weaponizing language against anyone who criticizes open borders. They were at the heart of that which led to the Southern Poverty Law Center going after Immigration Enforcement patriots. Its a very important chapter because it talks about the confluence of the war on our borders and the increasing work on free speech being enabled by silicon valley. Host lets go to eric in fort myers, florida. Caller im a democrat and i have followed your career for about 10 years. I dont think very much of you but thats ok. The reason why im not thrilled about you is because most of the asian women that are your age all follow you which is kind of annoying. You always want to attack and you just said about five and its go in your program, how when you talk about immigration you go right to 9 11 and all these islamic attacks and you are wron about muslims and foreigners assimilating into this country. We are the number one country where people assimilate. You have been wrong out a lot of things like giving Unemployment Benefits would keep joblessness going. Our employment is doing really good even after obama paid everybody food stamps and welfare for a long period of time. My question is you keep on wanting to harp on muslims, terrorists and then say, immigration. Where do yonnect those two . Guest the first book i wrote in 2002 was called invasion and it talked about how tolerance for open borders paved the way for the 19 hijackers to blend in among these upwards of 30 million illegal aliens and i talk about the direct this in the beltway swamp where you had sanctuary cities and counties on both sides of the swamp in maryland and in Fairfax County and arlington were several of the hijackers intersected with illegal alien day laborers at 7elevens who took them to dmvs to obtain id that allowed them to board planes that were driven into the World Trade Center in shanksville pennsylvania and the pentagon. And the failure to learn those lessons endangers all of us. Have aa that we should strict Immigration Enforcement system is not because i hate muslims were because i hate people from Central America or mexico. I think its that sort of onomaniacal concentration redefining policy criticisms as quote and quote hate it has led to the paralysis that we have and this is very deliberate on the part of groups like media lab matters which labeled me a white nationalists without having a single specific criticism or reputation of anything in the nearly 500 pages of the book that i just anyed but alone evan of the seven total books that ive written including the others on immigration. Host mark. Independent. The problem we have in this country is that congress is not working. They cant do things bipartisan. Theyve got to fight each other. Withhis thats going on impeachment and on this other stuff is taking away from immigration issues. Nobody wants to work on anything. You cant just have open borders. Ms 13 is a very dangerous organization. Are out to take over the United States. Youve got these leftwing dont like us. T they are looking to harm us. They are going to send us all their garbage. Sending us the undesirables. We do need to increase our population in this country. We do have a shrinking population. Bottom line is weve got to know whos coming in this country. We have to fix this immigration system. These sides keep on fighting we are never going to have a resolution to this. Guest i totally agree. Yes. The lack of focus as i mentioned earlier is appalling when you think of just one issue where we should have complete agreement across the board. Criminal aliens do not belong in this country. And they are terrorizing not only american citizens and butabiding legal immigrants other people in the socalled Migrant Community who have no voice and my, co. Is a perfect example of that. We now have local Law Enforcement there leaking information that is being it wouldby the rather sacrifice 6yearoldyearolds and 11yearolds and 16yearolds who have been allegedly raped by at least 10 criminal alien suspects. People who have been through the revolving door of catch and release. Thats a deliberate policy of mug, county Montgomery County. You have these cities and counties and states that are colluding and in large part it is being supported by this infrastructure of open borders inc. Its not an accident that you 500 e spread nearly if we dont stop it we are going to end up in a sanctuary nation instead of a sovereign one. Host the book is open borders inc. , Michelle Malkin, thank you for the conversation. When we come back we will return to our question that we asked of all of you earlier this morning. Your ideas for reducing gun violence in the United States. Its your turn to tell washington what you think they should do as the president. Republicans and democrats continue to negotiate in hopes of finding some Bipartisan Legislation that could pass the senate and get approved by the president. There the phone numbers on your screen. We want to show you a little bit from last nights press versus politicians spelling bee. Yesterday on the program congressman jamie raskin was here. He said he was eliminated when he could not spell pinot grigio. Heres the word that was given to congressman raskin. Ok. This is a fake news round. These are news headlines. Exrisoner model Kim Kardashian west lingerie. Does she have west and east . I know as little about her as is possible to know. Kim kardashian west. The headline is x prisoner model Kim Kardashian west lingerie. Thats got to be true. Your word is lingerie. I already got a point for that. Lingerie. Washington journal continues. Host the president , republicans and democrats are negotiating over what could pass the senate. Has passed several pieces of legislation. Those negotiations continuing. Saying mitchse mcconnell saying nothing is coming to the floor until the president indicates what he would sign into law. In the meantime democrats came to the senate floor yesterday to protest overr in new action on Gun Legislation. Several Democratic Senators spoke. One of them is Kiersten Gillibrand. A democrat from new york who presidingthe print chair, Martha Mcsally of arizona. Mass shootingsis have happened in this country and all types of places. Gun violence is becoming the new normal in america. It certainly has happened in arizona. But we do not have to live in a country where Mass Shootings occur. Community gatherings and festivals and concerts and at congress on your corners. Madam president , im speaking to you and every other republican in this chamber. Have a we all responsibility to do the right thing and stand up to the nra and stand up to the greed and corruption that is in this country today that makes every decision about whether we have a vote on common sense gun reform. Every nra member in banning do you support large magazines. Leave them in the hands of military members. Thats whats happening in america debt today and i would like you to look up because i have to say this is something all of us should be caring about. Especially from arizona where my dear friend Gabby Giffords was shot for doing her job. Up toa young girl showed meet her congresswoman and died. Its not ok. The time for turning a blind eye is over. Host senator Kyrsten Sinema bran on the floor. One of several speeches by democrats as they held the senate floor in protest over no action on gun violence. She was addressing senator Martha Mcsally. The reason you didnt see her is cspan doesnt control the cameras in the chamber. Happened weiations are asking all of you to give lawmakers your ideas about ways to prevent gun violence in the United States. Morningident this making a couple of announcements on twitter. He says im pleased to announce that i will name Robert C Obrien currently serving as the very Successful Special president ial envoy for Hostage Affairs of the state department as our new National Security advisor. I have worked long and hard with robert. He will do a great job the president also earlier this morning saying i have just i have justhe instructed the secretary of the treasury to substantially increase sanctions on the country of iran. Back to a conversation here on gun violence. Good morning to you. Go ahead. Your ideas for reducing gun violence. Caller my ideas for reducing violence is not to remove the guns but to substantially increase penalties. I think if you increase penalties that would prevent a lot of people from using guns. Thats the simple solution. Thank you. Host robert, also a gun owner. Welcome to the conversation. What do you think . Individual who is very leery about hunting but i am a gun on in my family is much reach in the heritage of hunting for not sport but out of necessity for having food during wintertime. That being said my idea is to require high schools and middle schools to have at some point during that age span a requirement for hunter safety and i believe that would solve the problem of gun violence in youth. Adults, thats another story. Philip, a gun owner as well. Caller im a gun owner. I believe in background checks for unstable people. Its common sense that goes a long way. I believe in the right to own a gun but you have to be responsible. Thats my opinion. Host how do you use them . How do you store them . Caller a little bit of target practicing. Thats all i do. Host you are a gun owner as well. Why do you own a gun . Protections for against Home Invasion and thats it. I dont hunt or anything like that. For in caset there somebody breaks in. But what i think about the suggestion about what to do about this gun situation is number one i really donink that a panel of experienced police and hunters getting together with School Teachers have informed and out of that should be some short sort of really good recommendations and the nra also about the School Situation because most of these mass killings are involved with either very young people or people in the schools in colleges also. Make thed really mothers, the fathers and the institutionshese feel very calm and very safe. Plus you could teach the children what to do exactly and they would do it and they would feel as though i saved myself and i saved my friend. In maryland. From the majority leader early this week. Mitch mcconnell talking to reporters and what he had to say about the prospects of getting a bill on the senate floor. I think its no surprise to all of you that how you feel about various gun related issues depends on what part of the country you are from and there are very different views in Rural America and smalltown america from what you would find in big cities and suburbs. So those differences that have been perfectly apparent within the republican conference in both the house and senate over the years are not new and thats why ive said repeatedly that we need some guidance from the president about what kind of proposal that would make a difference he would actually sign into law. The multiple horrendous shootings in august we owe it to the American People to act. And to act means pass the senate, past the house and be signed into law by the president. The president has already indicated he would veto the bill that came over from the house that the speaker and the Democratic Senate leader called him about. About obviously not adding an outcome. So i still await guidance from the white house as to what he thinks hes comfortable signing and if and when that happens then we will have the real possibility of actually changing the law and hopefully making some progress. Senate majority leader saying they are in a Holding Pattern until the president decides what it is that he could support. We are asking all of you to call in and let the lawmakers know what you would like to see them do on this issue of gun violence. At 10 00 a. M. Eastern time on cspan3 we are covering a hearing about the Mental Health of Migrant Children being held in government custody. You can also listen along if you download the free cspan radio app. We are also covering the house Gun Violence Prevention Task force. They are having a discussion on capitol hill about the impact of gun violence on children and we will join that event in progress starting at 1 00 p. M. Eastern time on cspan3. You can also watch online at cspan. Org or listen live on the free cspan radio app. The Tea Party Patriots hold a press conference on capitol hill regarding gun control and protecting Second Amendment rights. We will have live coverage beginning at 3 30 p. M. Eastern time. You can also watch online at cspan. Org or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Lets get back to calls. Michael in penfield, new york. Caller you guys always have the left or the right on there. They all have their agenda. Do, i see ithat i totally. Fbi statistics or the government statistics, i think you as a moderator or the media should have statistics that ask these people that you have on what about this, what about that because they are giving us false information like the last guy you had over there. He said machine guns are legal. They are not. Muchare legal, it takes money to get them. Hardly any private citizen has machine guns. These are facts that you guys can get right to the fbi. You can go into the computer and find this or that and say how about this fact. Because they are all giving us their own agenda. Host the great part of the program is that all of you can call up as well. Thats why we have this twoway conversation. Caller yeah, but a lot of people dont go in the computer and find these statistics. They just believe the people you have on. Thats what im saying. Host ok. Caller good morning. I think i have an Engineering Solution to the problem. If you have a attached to the lower receiver it would eliminate that invincible change clip. They also have semi automatic pistols that you load the gun. So i think that would work. Host ok. Pennsylvania. Gun owner. Whats your idea . Im 58. Ive been hunting my whole life since 12. I just have a bolt action rifle for hunting and a shotgun. Totally against assault weapons. They are not necessary to be sold to the public at all. Pistols and rifles. First of all the parents should definitely have a gun safe. I have all my guns and ammo in the gun safe. None of my children have access to anything. Assault weapons not necessary to be sold to the public at all. Its ridiculous. 100 round checks should be at the shows. I dont understand why they dont get that done. Host a little bit more from last nights remarks by Senate Democrats as they held the floor. The effort was led by senator chris murphy, democrat of connecticut. Heres what he had to say. Wein my state of connecticut passed a law requiring all handgun buyers to pass a background check is part of the permit process. And studies show that there was a 40 reduction in the gun homicide rate after connecticut passed that law. Thats just one state. 40 , thats pretty serious. Thats a pretty big return on one change in the law. Give me another state. Ok. Lets take a look at missouri which did the opposite. A few years ago it repealed its purchase permit law that requires you to get a background inck with every sale weapon misery. And guess what happened. A year later gun homicides went up by 23 . Controlling for every other factor that could have explained it. During that time gun homicide rates were going down and they went up in misery and then they found out that in other states what did go up in those other states where the number of weapons used in crimes that came from missouri. Because all of a sudden you didnt need a background check in misery. Missouri. Across the board when you look at all of the states experiences you dont get everywhere 40 and 23 but on average states that have background checks have 15 rates than stateses that have them. And if we did this on a National Basis even states that have universal background checks would benefit because the crime guns being used in connecticut are coming from states with no universal background checks. The guns being used in chicago dont come from chicago. The gun being used for crimes in new york city dont come from new york city. 1 of guns used in crimes in new york city come from new jersey. Because new jersey has universal background checks. Those guns are coming up from places you can go to a gun show and get a whole truckload of guns without having to ever go through a background check. Background checks work. Are the most impactful Public Policy measure. Murphy withr chris his argument on the senate floor yesterday on universal background checks. You agree, disagree . You like to see lawmakers pass that legislation . It passed in the house and t speaker of the house in the minority leader has told the president they want to see it included in any sort of deal that would make its way to the senate floor. We are asking all of you to call in to also text. You can text us now if you put your first name, your city and state in your text message. We will read some of them on air. Heres one from don dawn in red bank, new jersey. All of these mass killings happen because of psychiatrists prescribing children drugs for adhd causing the biggest drug epidemic in history in the White Community with the help of the cdc and the government who want to use these incidents to take your drugs away your guns away. Lance in fort lauderdale, florida. All young people should be taught the dangers of abuse. Education should be the key. Of the Text Messages from our viewers this morning. We will go to zoe and glen bernie, marilyn. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my phone call. I am somebody who is progun. That anybelieve civilian absolutely needs to have the right to own and automate weapon. And theve licenses people who have proven without a doubt through extensive background checks and training and things of that nature, if they want to own it just like we have people who can drive semi automatic trucks than i would be perfectly fine knowing that people are allowed to own semiautomatic weapons but i really want to speak about the Mental Illness issue. About other countries like japan that dont have high rates of gun violence. It really isnt because they are addressing Mental Health. Its because of the culture. My license to go get which is how you purchase a gun legally in maryland, i had classmates talking about hypothetical situations in which they felt it was necessary and legal to use deadly force and some of the scenarios were as crazy as one girl thought if somebody was stealing her insulin because she lives as a diabetic that that should give her a right to use deadly force on that person. At that point the instructor should have asked her to leave and not issued the license that i can guarantee she got her license. That thatts like these facilities that are issuing licenses have to think to themselves is this somebody that we want to allow to purchase a gun. Feels that is justifiable. That was really shocking to me. Host robert in lamont, oklahoma. Caller my idea is to remove the gun from the word violence. Heres why. We concentrate on the gun portion of it and its not the gun. It is the person that is wielding a weapon whatever it is. Whether they are driving cars through crowds of people. Operationhe mode of that a person uses to try to gain infamy or kill a lot of people. They are going to use that avenue. The Mental Health issue is paramount. There is a tremendous stigma in this country with anything Mental Health and its a huge thing. I agree with the caller before. Amendment is an insurance against tyranny of government. Thats why its there. Host to limit tvaabity of guns to those with Mental Health problems, are you in support of universal background checks . Caller i am absolutely not in support of universal background checks. Im not in support of registering firearms whatsoever. Its no ones business whether a person possesses a gun. If we all assumed that everyone we came in contact with had a loaded gun on their person it would be a kinder, nicer, more civil. You wouldnt see things like the antifa riots. Host how do you stop people who have Mental Health problems from getting guns . Caller i think you cannot stop someone you cant just assume that the first 10 amendments of the constitution dont exist. Due process cannot be sacrificed. It cant. Host ok. Lets go on to kathy in albuquerque, new mexico. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to allow us to have our say. Athink everyone is missing huge obvious point with uncontrolled. Profile of who is andg these Mass Shootings we have an fbi that once we profile who is actually committing the crime then you design methods on how you can reduce that crime. Have a profile of young white males in this country that are committing these mass motors. And if this were any other demographic something would be done about it. But everyone stepping over the obvious and i do believe that if you would find these parents who are raising these children who are walking into these schools because no Gun Legislation, no background checks are going to stop High School Students from walking in and mass murdering other students. It is already proven that background checks would never have stopped the majority of these Mass Shootings. These peopleecks, would not even have fallen in the category of being checked. Host im going to go to joseph because we have just a couple minutes left. In houston, texas. Caller morning. Im for anything thats going to stop these senseless lives from being lost. Im a mental case. In 1987 as aed chemical imbalance. I have been dealing with this and seeing things when it comes to lives being lost because of the killings. First of all we all have godgiven rights to protect ourselves and our families. How we do that as a society is really up to us. Or fourlast three decades, things have gotten worse and worse. The branches of government cant seem to come together and do anything on a united front. Cant get anything done in the whole country for the last 30 or 40 years. We have just been kicking the can down the road. Forget begun color. Color has nothing to do with it. Its because of hate. Is in laurel, maryland. The house is about to come in if you could make it quick. Thing i guess the first is i think people should just be doing things on the Community Level and the state level as well. What works best for your community in terms of gun regulation. Like mcconnell said. The second thing is hes kind of acting like they cant get anything on the senate floor because they dont know if trump is going to sign it but its not really his job to be a branch an arm of the executive branch. I dont know what hes doing with his time if hes not bringing bills to the floor. The other thing thats important is to try and make progress by bringing things into congress and talking about them. Rather than waiting to see if the president is going to or not going to sign it. You can just figure that out when its on his desk. Int im going to try to get cabin in grafton, ohio. Caller im not a gun owner. Im not allowed to own a gun. I committed a crime 30 years ago and im not allowed to have a gun. The best form of gun control is everyone should be allowed to have a gun. Host including yourself. Caller yes. Absolutely. There should be a way that somebody who committed a crime can get a gun back after a certain amount of time without ever being in trouble. Because once you start gun control you can pick out any group of people and say you cant have a gun. Host we have to leave it there

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