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Where democratic president ial candidate Elizabeth Warren is going to deliver a speech on corruption, one of her campaign themes. This is Washington Square park in manhattan and you are watching live coverage on cspan. I am so proud to be in new york where the working party was born. Today we are a National Organization for members across the country, but new york will always be home for us. Helped take back the state senate from the corrupt, independent democratic conference. Control intoown donald trump for nearly a decade. Give it up. We took back our democracy. In the past few months the working Families Party had a deliberative process that , membersstate chapters and supporters. To say not be prouder that this moment, this morning, we announced our support for senator Elizabeth Warren for the democratic nomination. [applause and cheers] warren has been a fprsonal hero to many w members. She helped lay the groundwork for occupy wall street and give it up. [applause and cheers] now they can hear you downtown. Give it up. [applause and cheers] the managers are not with warren. And she built the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau through sheer force of will. She has been one of the fiercest fighters for working folks and politics in politics today. My background is in social movements. Social movements like the movement for black lives for me wall streety emerged when Political Institutions are not responsive to or ignore the problem problems a significant segment of the people are facing. Today we have got a few pretty serious crises, am i right . Runaway inequality has thrown our economy offkilter. Violence against black folks, native folks, latina and other continue unabated. Burning,t is melting, flooding. This government is locking children in cages at the border and separating families. Kids inas locking juvenile detention in our city like new york. Our democracy seems captured by forces who are happy about all of that. Am i right . It is gametime, right . So Elizabeth Warren has proposed a host of solutions that meet the full scale of a crisis we housingom childcare to to taxing the super rich to a Green New Deal to create jobs and dave the planet. Save the planet. Elizabeth warren has a plan for it. [applause and cheers] but crucially senator warren realizes you need more than plans. We need to meet with the movement of working people. [applause and cheers] i came on as National Director wfp last year. Ambitionw director, my is also as big as the ambition of the war in campaign warren campaign. Our nationtransform with the politics rooted in dignity and solidarity and generosity and love. [applause and cheers] division and hate and extraction and war. A nation where every single one beus can thrive should common sense and our common goal. If you want to throw down with us, take yourself on out for a second. Your cell phone out for a second. Text to us. Our number is 738 674. Get your phones out in text the word and text the word wfp4 738674. O 738674. 4warren to because now is our moment. Our challenges are great, but i believe in my bones that 2020 can mark the beginning of a door of realignment in u. S. Politics and maybe World Politics where one day we will look back and say that was beginning of the end of the republican party. [applause and cheers] when racist appeals finally stopped winning elections. That was when we began to see our differences and still reached across them. That was when we realized we have just one planet and we are just one people. That was when we began to lift up to the true promise of a democracy that has yet to be fulfilled. That was when we began to replace the society we were born into with one rooted in love and crime this and kindness and solidarity and dignity and even sanctity for all people. The working Families Party is dedicated no more than ever to building the future now more than ever to building the future with Elizabeth Warren and her campaign. My word for it. Without further ado, u. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren. [applause and cheers] [applause and cheers] [chanting warren] thank you, maurice, and can we hear it for state senator biondi and the family woman and the assemblywoman . Hello, new york. [applause and cheers] some of you know this. I never thought i would get in the politics, not in one million years. But when i got into this fight, i quickly found out, nobody makes it on their own. If you are going to make any kind of progress in this country, you need allies who know how to fight and more importantly, you need allies who know how to win. Party hasg families been on the front lines of fighting for racial and Economic Justice and building a Grassroots Movement to elect the next iteration, and i am honored to have their support. [applause and cheers] tonight, with all of you as witnesses, i am going to make a promise. That is when i am in the white house, working families will have a champion. [applause and cheers] , and thanku, maurice you, working Families Party. When so many good people show up, i usually do a town hall followed by a selfie. Tonight it is a Little Something different. I want to tell you a story i havent had the chance to tell before. It is an important story about our past and about our future, but i will stay afterwards for as long as anyone wants just wants to take selfies. Some things were just dont mess with. I am especially glad to be here in Washington Square park. I wanted to give this speech right here, and not because of the arch behind me or the president that this square is named for. We are not here today because of famous arches or famous men. In fact we are not here because of men at all. [applause] we are here because of some hardworking women. [applause and cheers] women who more than 100 years ago worked large long hours in a 10 Story Building a block that way. Women who worked at the triangle shirtwaist factory. Hear. S what i want you to it was march 25, 1911, a saturday. At 4 45 in the afternoon, people walking through this park looked billowing black smoke into the sky. A fire had started in that building. Inside that building on the top from floors, deadly flames the oily floors and the floors to the walls sweeping across k rooms and traffic trapping the workers. Fighting for their lives, womens, girl, some as young as 14, racing to escape area the exit doors were locked. Others ran to the windows waving their arms screaming for help. No help was coming. The Fire Departments ladders could only reach to the sixth floor. The flames leapt higher and women started crawling out onto the ledges. People on the ground stood in shock silence. A woman jumped and then another and then another. With at the ground sickening thud. They died on impact. So many, so fast, the womens bottles bodies piled up, their blood ran into the gutters. Thousands, dozens more were trapped inside, because the door to the staircase was locked, locked by bosses who prayed the were afraid the workers might steal scraps of cloth. Firefighters would find a pile of burned bodies next to the locked door. For 14618 minutes people to die. Immigrants, mostly jewish and italian, mostly people who made as little as five dollars a week to get their shot at the attack the american dream. It was one of the worst industrial disasters in american history, but it should not have been a surprise. For years across the city, women factory workers and their allies had been sounding the alarm about dangerous and squalid conditions, fighting for shorter hours and higher pay. They broadcasted, went on strike, got coverage in the press. Everyone knew about these problems. But the profits were making new yorks factory owners rich, and they had no plans to give that up. Instead of changing conditions, the owners worked their political connections. They made Campaign Contributions and talked with friends in the legislature. They greased the State Government so thoroughly that nothing changed. Business owners got richer,oliticians got more powerful and working people paid the price. Does any of this sound familiar . Yes. [applause and cheers] sen. Warren take any big problem we have in America Today and you dont have to dig very deep to same to see the same system at work. Climate change, gun safety, health care. On the face of it, they are totally different issues. But despite our being the strongest and wealthiest country in the history of the world, our democracy is paralyzed. Why . Because giant corporations have bought off our government. Americans are killed by floods and fires in a rapidly warming planet. Because huge fossil fuel corporations have bought all of our government. [booing] sen. Warren americans are killed with unthinkable speed and efficiency in our streets and stores and schools. Hasuse the gun industry bought off our government. [booing] americans are dying because they cant afford to fill prescriptions or pay for treatment. Andth Insurance Companies Drug Companies have bought all of our government. [booing] sen. Warren now americans disagree on many things, but we dont want each others homes earned down by wildfire. We dont want each others children murdered at school, and we dont want each others families bankrupted by medical bills. We want our government to do something. [applause and cheers] yet our federal government is unable to act, to change the most basic steps to protect the American People. When you see a government that works great for those with money and connections and doesnt work for much of anyone else, that is corruption plain and simple and we need to call it out for what it is. [applause and cheers] corruption has put our planet at risk. Corruption has broken our economy and corruption is breaking our democracy. I know what is broken. I have got a plan to fix it. And that is why i am running the president of the United States. [applause and cheers] [chanting warren] ok so lets start with the obvious. Donald trump is corruption in the flesh. [applause and cheers] has sworn to serve the people of the United States, but he only serves his self and his partners in corruption. He tries to divide us, white against black, christians against muslims, straight against queer and trans and everyone against immigrants. Because if we are all busy fighting each other, no one will notice that he and his friends are stealing more and more of our countrys wealth and destroying the future for everyone else. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [applause and cheers] are, we have to recognize our problems didnt start with donald trump. He made them worse, but we need to take a deep breath and recognize that a country that elects donald trump is already in serious trouble. [applause and cheers] republican politicians sold out a long time ago, filling the courts with judges who expand the rights of corporations while they destroy the rights of citizens. Passing tax cuts for wealthy donors while doing nothing to help working families and sucking up corporate donations while lying about climate change, lying about guns and lying about health care. Politicians in both parties have convinced themselves that the money for influence game is the only way to get something done. So what has this corrupt business as usual gotten us . The extinction of one species after another, children slaughtered by assault weapons, the highest levels of inequality in a century, wages that barely budge, crippling student loan debt, shrinking opportunities for the next generation and the one after that. The American People get it, and they are sick of it. [applause and cheers] corruption has taken over our government and we are running out of time. We must route it out root it out and return democracy to the people and yes, i have got a plan for that. [applause and cheers] ok, so i got a lot of plans, but they all come back to one simple idea. Put economic and political power in the hands of the people. Now. And we start by rooting out corruption in government. No more business as usual. Lets attack corruption head on. Are you ready . [applause and cheers] endve got the biggest corruption plan since watergate. It is a plan to shut down the ability of the rich and powerful to use their money to tilt every decision in washington. I want to give you a sample of what we can do. End lobbying as we know it. [applause and cheers] we can do that. No highranking public official should be thinking about their next job while they are collecting a paycheck to represent the American People. So i have a lifetime ban on senators, congressmen [indiscernible] [applause and cheers] and no more hiring corporate lobbyists to staff up the federal government. [applause and cheers] person inof every this country to petition their government does not protect a multibillion dollar influence industry whose purpose is to undermine democracy and tilt every decision in favor of those who can pay. [applause and cheers] so lets shut this industry down and return our government to the people. [applause and cheers] and there is more. O more secret meetings every single meeting between a lobbyist and a public official should be a matter of public record. [applause and cheers] no more lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. [applause and cheers] and no more Campaign Contributions or bundling by lobbyists. Contributing to a campaign at the same time you are paying to influence those same elected officials is the definition of bribery and we are going to put a stop to it. [applause and cheers] here is another. Anyone, anyone who wants to run for federal office will have to put the tax return online. [applause and cheers] and there is more. President , cabinet members, members of congress will be barred from owning businesses on the side. Barred from trading in individual stocks. Take care of the peoples business or take care of your own business, but you cant do both at the same time. [applause and cheers] corruption and influence peddling has got into every corner of our government. So it is time for new plans for our regulators. Too many agencies act like whollyowned subsidiaries of the companies they are supposed to regulate. Captured some of the results are people who treat cheat while regulators look the other way. Enough is enough. [applause and cheers] we are going to take down the first sale signs hanging outside every Federal Building in washington. [applause and cheers] here is another one. It is also time to call out corruption in the federal judiciary. [applause and cheers] increasingly bigshot corporate lawyers are getting appointed as judges and turn out one decision after another in favor of corporations and against the interests of american consumers, unions and lloyd vulnerable thele who must pound on courts to protect their rights. Shadowy rightwing groups have spent millions to ram through aggressively unqualified nominees who are likely to advance their causes. No one should be surprised Public Confidence in our federal courts is at an alltime low, but we can fix it. [applause and cheers] we will rewrite the basic code of ethics for federal judges. And we will appoint a whole new generation of judges with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of legal experiences. Judges who actually believe in fundamental laws like equal rights and equal justice. [applause and cheers] and finally we will end the corruption of our Campaign Finance system. [applause and cheers]. Verturn Citizens United democracy is not for sale. [applause and cheers] pacs and super secret spending by the bigionaires and break the donor stranglehold by creating a system of public funding for our election. [applause and cheers] i get it. I know some people will always have more money. So they can own more shoes or more clothes than other people. But no one should own more of our democracy. [applause and cheers] corruption comes in other forms those. D i have plans for a plan to end the corrupt practice of selling fancy ambassadorships to wealthy donors because american diplomacy should not be for sale. [applause and cheers] a plan to abolish private prisons. [applause and cheers] no one should make a profit locking people up, and no one should have the financial incentive to Lobby Congress to lock up even more people. [applause and cheers] a plan to stop selling access to federal land and National Parks to giant polluters. [applause and cheers] and to break the stranglehold of the coal industry and the oil industry and Energy Production and transportation. [applause and cheers] and yeah, when we are talking corruption, we need to call it out in the oval office. [applause and cheers] i read all 448 pages of the mueller report. Law, not above the even the United States president. Impeachment is our constitutional duty. [applause and cheers] so there it is. Warren] so there it is, step one, tackle corruption head on. Two, transform our economy so that every person, no matter where they live, no matter who their parents are, no matter how much money they have, every person has real opportunity. The chance to work hard, to play by the same set of rules, to take care of themselves and the people they love. Corruption in washington has allowed the rich and the powerful to tilt the rules and grow richer and more powerful. Top,his slices at the hasnt just scooped up a chunk of the wealth that all of us have worked so hard to produce. They have gobbled up opportunity itself. The rich and the powerful in this country, they are the first, second and third chances to get ahead. But for a lot of americans, especially people of color, there is barely one or for some, no chance at all. We have the power to fix that. [applause and cheers] we are the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. [chanting warren] we can afford medicare for all to save our people and a Green New Deal to save our planet. [applause and cheers] investment ineal working people. So lets start with more power in the hands of workers, make it easier to join a union and give unions more power when they negotiated. [applause and cheers] and yes, it is time for a wealth tax. [applause and cheers] [chanting] yes, that is an impact on fortune 500 companies. The first 50 million you are in the clear. Million and 50 first dollar, you got to pitch cents and for every dollar after that. Just 4. 02. . 02. [chanting] this way. It you build a Great Fortune here in this country, worked hard, stayed up late, you worked hard, build a Great Fortune, or you inherited one, good for you. That any Great Fortune in america was built in least at least in part [indiscernible] [applause and cheers] built at least in part getting your goods to market on roads and bridges, all of us helped pay a bill. By policeprotected and firefighters, all of us pay their salary. And we are happy to do it. This is america. We are happy to invest in opportunities for everyone, but we are saying if you make it really, reallyg, 1 10 of 1 , pitch in two cents so everyone else gets the chance to make it. [applause and cheers] and what can we do with two cents . Universal childcare for every baby in this country. [applause and cheers] prek for every threeyearold and fouryearold in america. Everyise the wages of childcare worker and preschool teacher in this country. [applause and cheers] all of that for two cents and more. School,ake technical fouryear college, tuition free for everyone. [applause and cheers] and we can truly level the Playing Field and put 50 billion directly into our historically black colleges and universities. [applause and cheers] and we can cancel student debt for 95 . [applause and cheers] think what that means. Real opportunity, not just opportunity for people born into privilege. Opportunity for everyone. Real,portunity opportunity requires honesty. Working families across this country have been denied the opportunities they deserve, but the past for black and brown and native families has been even steeper. [applause and cheers] plans tacklehy my historical injustice had on. Here are a few examples injustice head on. Here are a few examples. My student plan will help close the gap between black and white families. [applause and cheers] my criminal justice lands will end the practice of plans will end the practice of mass incarceration. [applause and cheers] my housing plan will help families living in formerly redlined areas by a home and Start Building the kind of wealth the government sponsored discrimination denies their parents and grandparents. [applause and cheers] includes justice for the black and brown communities that have struggled with the impact of pollution. [applause and cheers] the rights respects of native americans to protect their land and be stewards of this earth. [applause and cheers] and on day one of my administration, i love the thought of what a president can do all by herself. [applause and cheers] on day one of my administration i will use my executive authority to start closing the pay gap between women of color and everyone else. It is about time [indiscernible] [applause and cheers] we must recognize the systemic discrimination that infects our economy, and we must work actively and deliberately to root it out and set this country on a better path. [applause and cheers] the time for holding back is over. We need big, structural change. [applause and cheers] i know what some of you are thinking. Too much. Too big, too hard. [applause and cheers] ok, nobody here but we know there is some people over there, way out. I know this change is possible and i know it because america has made big structural change before. [applause and cheers] let me take you back to the day of that fire. A woman was visiting friends who lived in a townhouse right behind me where the fire broke out. She hurried into the street, joined the crowd as they went to the triangle factory. When she got there, she stood and watched. She watched as women on the ledge vector help. She watched as they held each other. She watched as they jumped to their deaths. The woman watching was Frances Perkins. [applause and cheers] old and already a workers rights activist. That day set change in motion. A week later the womens trade communions organized a funeral march and a half Million People showed up to march on fifth avenue behind me. Half a Million People in 1911. And it wasnt their first march, but this time it was different. While the women of the trade unions kept pushing from the es pushed from the inside. She understood those women died because of the greed of their bosses and the corruption of elected officials. She went up to albany ready to fight. She worked to create a Commission Investigating factory conditions and then she served as a lead investigator. Everybody remember this was years before women could even vote let alone hold major roles in government. Es had a plan. [applause and cheers] activistsr fellow fought for fire safety and they got it. The next time you do a fire drill at school or at work, you see a plainly marked fire exit, think of francis and the triangle women because they are the reason the laws changed, but they didnt stop with fire safety. With frances working the system from the inside and women Workers Organizing and applying pressure from the outside, they labore new york states laws from top to bottom to protect workers. [applause and cheers] time Frances Perkins became the states leading expert on working conditions and later went and Clint Roosevelt was elected governor, he appointed her to head his department in albany. Four years after that, in the depths of the Great Depression when roosevelt became president , to come toances washington to be secretary of labor for the entire nation. [applause and cheers] the firstrkins became woman in history to serve in the cabinet. [applause and cheers] for whendid she push she got there . Big structural change. [applause and cheers] model she andame her friends had used after the triangle fire. She worked the political system relentlessly from the inside while a sustained movement applied pressure from the outside. It, Theis Perkins put crime of fire was the day the new deal was born. Here is what i want you to think about. What did one woman, one very persistent woman [applause and cheers] one woman backed up by millions of people across this country get done . Social security. Unemployment insurance. Labor. On of child minimum wage. The right to join a union. The very existence of the weekend. Egg structural change. One woman and millions of people to back her up. This story of the triangle shirt factory fire is a story about power, a story of what happens when the rich and powerful take control of government and use it to increase their own profit while they stick it to working people. But what happened in the aftermath of the fire is a different story about power, a story about our power. A story about what is possible when we fight together as one. Over and over throughout our history americans have been told that big structural change just wasnt possible. They should just give up. The abolitionists were told it is too hard. Give up now. The suffragettes were told it is too hard. Union organizers were told it is just too hard, give up now. Put soldiers in the Civil Rights Movement were told to hard, give up now. Lgbtq activists were told it is too hard, give up now. But they did not give up. [applause and cheers] they did not give up. They organized. They built a Grassroots Movement. They persisted. Changed the course of american history. [applause and cheers] [chanting warren] 2020 is about the direction america goes not just for four years but for generations to come. And there is a lot at stake in this election. I know people are scared. But we cant choose a candidate we dont believe in because we are too scared to do anything else. [applause and cheers] and democrats cant win if we are scared and looking backwards. [applause and cheers] need the moment. We win when we stand up for what is right. We win only get out there and fight. [applause and cheers] i am not afraid. [applause and cheers] and you cant be afraid either. [applause and cheers] fight,ou are ready to then join me. [applause and cheers] go to elizabethwarren. Com. Help us organize, donate five 2447. Rs, text fight to we need everyone, all in. [applause] because here is the truth. History. Ur moment in big, fightto dream hard and win. [applause and cheers] thank you. [applause and cheers] thank you. [applause and cheers] [signed, sealed, delivered] [indiscernible] Elizabeth Warren. [applause and cheers] all right. I know you are excited for this part. Kids, pleaseith make your way to the front. Stage left which is right over here. Please let families with children to the front of the line first. [speaking spanish] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] 2020,cer 1 campaign watch our coverage on the campaign trail and make up your own mind. Campaign 2020, your unfiltered view of politics. Our cspan campaign 2020 bus team is traveling across the country visiting key battleground states in the 2020 president ial race, asking voters what issues they want president of candidates to address during the campaign. A pressing issue i would like to see candidates talk about his health care because there is a lack of health care. Affordable health care some people arent going as far as i would like into the details of how they plan to handle it. General ideas. I would like to see where it goes. I would like for the candidates to discuss how we will normalize ourselves as a leader and not the leader in the free world and let the rest of the road catch up. World catch up. Cooperating with the rest of the world. I would like to ask candidates about Nuclear Energy investments in technology in every state of the country. I would like to know if they believe it is sustainable, reliable use for our nation. I am concerned about the Climate Crisis and gun safety legislation. Those are essential things that have to be addressed next year. I wish they would be addressed by congress before that but it doesnt appear the senate will move on that. We need to try to get back to constitution that whoever becomes president should obey the emoluments clause, should conduct business with integrity, should not ridicule minorities or handicapped people were aged or anything. Or aged. We need to restore service to all people. Announcer 2 voices from the campaign trail, part of cspans battleground states tour. Back in des moines, iowa this saturday for competing Campaign Coverage of the annual state drug, beginning at 2 00 drive at 2 00 eastern. Watch the full county iowa steak fry on cspan. Org or listen on the go using the radio and. The radio app. Announcer 1 President Trump is also holding a

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