The u. S. , mexico, and canada. Speaker pelosi 18 years after the terrorist attacks of 9 11, we remember the heroism that we saw that day. Renew our solemn commitment to support our men and women who sacrificed to keep america safe. In the military service and our first responders. We will never forget their valor. At that time and every day. Here we are. The president s decision to 3. 6 billion for military 3. 6 billion for military Construction Initiative makes us less safe by undermining our national security. It dishonors the constitution. The president negates the constitutions most fundamental principle. It is assault on congresses power. For thesion is bad security of our border and the security of our nation and the wellbeing of our children. President said that mexico would pay for the wall. That is not happening. Instead, who is paying . A middle school in fort campbell, kentucky. Take that money and spend it on the wall. An air force base in maryland. Spend it on the wall. A fire station at an air force that was destroyed during hurricane michael. 17 million for the president s wall. A European Deterrence Initiative to combat russian aggression. Million. Taking money to deter russian aggression and spending it on the wall. The list goes on and on. It is appalling. Dangerous. It is not right for our children. It dishonors the constitution. It undermines our security. It takes investment away from our children. We will be fighting that again and again. It is silly. Just when you think you have seen it all. The children will pay for the president s wall. This week, a coalition of education, labor, and veterans organizations wrote to the president to profess their profound concern about this decision. They wrote, our troops and our families deserve much better for their sacrifices. While these brave men and women stand at the ready to defend and protect our nation, they should not be distracted by any concern that their children are being subjected to sub optimal learning environments that could limit their opportunities. The president and mexico will pay for his wall. Not military families. In my view, we should not be having a wall. Egothis is some kind of wall for the president and he will pay make anybody pay the price to get his wall. Coming week in the to terminate the Emergency Declaration the president is using to steal military funding to pay for his wasteful wall. Once the Senate Passes that resolution, the house will take it up. Another subject of safety for democrats are hard at work to keep the American People safe by action to end gun violence. This is about commonsense legislation. If passed the house in a bipartisan way in february. Many lives could have been saved if the bill would have become the law of the land. One of the first ask of our majority was to pass the bipartisan background checks. It was eight years from the time , meetingy giffords with her constituents in a grocery store, was assaulted. People died. She survived. She is an inspiration to us all. We have celebrated the drumbeat of action. We are not stopping until the job is done. Leader mcconnell has refused to join us in saving lives. But the beat will go on until the law is passed. Every day that the republicans in the senate refused to take up this legislation, an estimated 100 people are killed in gun violence. A large number of them children,. Ncluding teenagers we came back from our work. Determined to own august. To talk about are for the people agenda. Cost of health care by lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Preserving preexisting condition benefits. Building the infrastructure of america and a green way. We hope to be able to do that with the partisan in a bipartisan way. Were still wanting to hear how he will make that investment. Health care, bigger paychecks, cleaner government. Hope thatve too much they will join us in the cleaner government initiative. Ourill work to protect system from all enemies, foreign and domestic, as we protect our constitution and that same way. We are in conversations back and forth with the administration on the u. S. Mexico having canada agreement. We are waiting for language about enforceability. If you cannot enforce the provisions in any treaty, you are not protecting American Workers. I am hopeful. We want to be on the path to yes. I supported nafta the first time around. Those who didnt even more eager to make it better now. It has to be improved greatly in terms of enforcement. Forwardimistic as we go that we can come to terms. Of you are urging us to put it on the floor. There is nothing to put on the floor. We dont have a bill. We dont have an agreement. We are hopeful that we will have one. Any questions . Have you not paid attention to what we have been talking about . We are legislating. Even what we did this week to protect our environment. We are investigating. As the six committees have been doing. And we are litigating. We are taking the work of the committees into the courts. We are waiting for those decisions. We wait for decisions with other litigation based on what our investigation and the congress has called for. I stand by what we have been doing all along. I support what is happening in the judiciary committee. That enables them to do their process of interrogation and their investigation. I salute them for that work. I also salute them for what they did earlier this week. Y marked up three bells to three bills to make america safer. Legislate, investigate, litigate. That is the path we have been on and that is the path we will continue on. How should the American People understand . You are the only ones. Rep. Pelosi it is true. Look, i travel the entire country. Come with me sometime and youll hear what the American People are saying. They understand that impeachment is a very divisive measure, but if we have to go there, well have to go there. But we cant go there unless we have the facts. And we will follow the facts and we will follow the obstruction that the president is making of us getting the facts and make our decision when were ready. Thats the only thing im going to say about the subject and theres nothing different from one day to the next. Were still on the same path. Reporter we have heard many of the members of your caucus who have been very open in saying that theyre getting mixed messages and those mixed messages sometimes translate to the American Public and that youve long said that public sentiment is an important factor in deciding what you are going to do there. So shouldnt you set the Record Record straight . Rep. Pelosi i have said what im going to say on the subject. Thats it. We are legislating and focusing on the work that were here to do for the American People. And part of our responsibility is to honor our oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. And in doing so, we are getting seeking the facts. Im not answering any more questions on this subject. That is what we have said all along. That is what we continue to do. And again, the American Public, when i go out there, people are saying its good to be careful about how we proceed. And when we make a decision about this, whatever it may be, we want the American People to respect that we were careful, that we were methodical, that we were accommodating of the needs of the courts as we proceeded and of the ability of the president to exonerate himself. If you have exculpatory information that proves youre proves your innocence, let us see it. Its not youre obstructing our access to what that information may be. And that is where we are. Next question on any other subject . Reporter on the Election Results from rep. Pelosi and by the way, im very pleased that the path were on and the progress that our committees have made. Not just the judiciary committee, but the other committees. So we are, from a timing standpoint, where we need to be. Yes, maam. Reporter thats a second question. If i might come on if i might, on the timing standpoint on that, is there a deadline on the investigations . But what i also wanted to ask you was about the Election Results from tuesday night. Rep. Pelosi what is your question. Reporter on what you just said about the timing rep. Pelosi im not answering any more questions on possible inquiries, investigations and the rest. Ive said what im going to say. Im proud of our members, theyve gone out there and expressed themselves for what they believe in on the basis of what they know. Im proud of our Committee Work and people are inpatient about it moving more quickly. We cant go any faster than the facts. Did you have a question on another subject . Reporter thank you, maam. I did. On the Election Results from tuesday night, do you have any concern about the gains that the republicans seem to be making in the rural areas . Rep. Pelosi no, i think they should have concerns about the gains were making in suburban areas. That was not a good news night for the republicans. Im very proud of dan mccready. Hes a good patriot and an independent voice for the district that he would have represented. Its too bad hes not coming here. But he did a great job. Actually, he came out ten points higher than our president last president ial candidates. So he won the campaign, he didnt win the election. But he won the campaign and he really reinforced and energized a force out there that made that district much more democratic for any statewide or local purposes. Reporter but any concern that your message is not resonating . Rep. Pelosi no, not at all. Not at all. As i said, we fully intend to win this election by this november, that republicans did not have a happy day on tuesday. And as i said, i think the results indicate that in the pockets that you have to look at that are very useful to us across the country, the democratic enthusiasm was high, as was the turnout. Its a very, very tough district. President obama got, what, 44 point something percent, one time, 45 the other time. Secretary clinton got lost by 12 points and that is not to put down what they were able to do in the district, but to praise what he was able to do. Rep. Pelosi madam speaker, on trade, could you spell out you talked about your vote in 1993 for nafta. Could you talk about what would be different about the sdrukt ofcon construct of the usmca, what that would look like and do you think that youre in a better position now that the administration could build that . You say youre waiting for the letter to come back. That that could be in that. Rep. Pelosi let me say its not a question of waiting for the letter. We have to finish our back and forth. Weve made an offer, theyve made an offer. Now we sit down and see where we can find common ground. Yeah, i voted for nafta then and had my own disappointments about how it was implemented. All trade agreements need to have strict enforcement or else youre just having a conversation. Youre just having a press release. Youre not having any progress for americas working families. So i appreciate your question, because what ive said is this cannot be the old nafta with a little sugar on top and say weve renegotiated it if its not going to make the difference it needs to make in the lives of americas working families. And thats what our priority is. But americas working families are not served well by the suppression of workers in other countries, because that just draws facilities to the other countries if the other workers are not respected or paid. So in any case, we think were making progress. Reporter what does that enforcement look like . Rep. Pelosi youll see when we come to it, but it has to be enforcement within the agreement. The difference is, if you have a side bar letter that says were going to have enforcement, that does not have the force of a treaty. You have to have enforcement in the body of the treaty, and that may it may require not opening it up for any and all, but surgically having more clarity and more standing on what the enforcement is within the agreement. I feel confident that it is possible to do so. I dont think its fair to American Workers to pretend that we did Something Different when we just have good things to say and theyre good things to say about the agreement, but not if theyre not enforceable. So theres one word, enforceability, and i think that it can be achieved. Yes, sir. Reporter there was a Washington Post poll out this week that showed the five top democratic contenders all beating President Trump in a headtohead race. Tonight, weve got the top ten contenders all on the same stage for the first time. What are you hoping to hear more from these candidates . Do you want them to focus on the issues that are foremost in your agenda, or do you think that they should focus on whats happening to the president . Rep. Pelosi well, i appreciate your question. Were very proud of our candidates, all of them, on the stage and those who didnt make the cut this time. I admire their stamina and courage and confidence and their humility to put themselves forth in a debate or a competition or whatever, about who will be the next president of the united states. Were very proud of each and every one of them. I, myself, would say theyre not asking for any advice, theyre running for president of the united states. They have the competence about their why, why they are running. What they need about their subjects, how they intend to achieve them. So what im looking for is how these leaders will emerge as the list perhaps gets smaller. Maybe it wont, but as we proceed, who among them will connect, not just meaning one person, who among them will connect with the American People. Because the election is always about the future and what that future means to americas working families. If they were to ask for advice, which they havent, but if they were, i would say the model that we used in 2018, the for the people agenda, Lower Health Care costs, bigger paychecks, cleaner government was a very successful model. We won 40 seats in the most gerrymandered, volker suppressed voter suppressed political arena that you could find. So it worked. I, myself, did not encourage any of our members in fact, i discouraged members and candidates from mentioning the president s name. So i know that part of the debate is who can contend with him, but i think more importantly for the American People, its who can really connect with them, identify with their hopes and dreams and aspirations, and apprehensions, and that they all of this vision, knowledge, judgment, Strategic Thinking are here, but they have to show people what is in their hearts and how they connect with the American People. So thats what ill be watching. Reporter do you have a personal favorite . Rep. Pelosi do i have a personal favorite . 10 or 20. No, theyre all great. But my favorite button that i see across the country is democrat for president. That seems to have blossomed across the country, which i travel extensively. Yes . Reporter the House Minority leader said the other day theres not much difference between government officials staying or eating at a trump property or a marriott, for instance. What is your view on whether government officials should be spending money at Trump Properties . Rep. Pelosi you know, mr. Raskin has his legislation on emoluments. You probably know the committee on which he serves chaired by mr. Cummings that theres an investigation of federal dollars being spent at trumpowned properties. This is beyond appalling, but how can anybody be appalled . Weve seen it all. In terms of integrity, it seems the administration is having a limbo contest with itself to see how low it can go to divert transportation, whether its the Vice President or military and the rest, to trumpowned properties, this is not right. And then for it to be from foreigners, which is prohibited by the constitution. Thats really what mr. Raskins legislation is about, is about the money that is coming to trumpowned properties from foreigners as an emolument that is forbidden by the constitution unless congress approves. And i dont know if our republicans in Congress Want to approve of foreign money going into the pockets of the trump family. Reporter just to follow up, are you uncomfortable with the term impeachment inquiry . Is there another term we should be using . Rep. Pelosi thank you all very much. We are on our path. Where it takes us is where we will follow the facts. Thats what it is. Why dont we spend some time going over to see Mitch Mcconnell and asking him why he doesnt want to save lives, why he will let every day go by where at least 100 people, a large number of them children or teenagers, die from gun violence . Why is it that youre hung up on a word over here when lives are at stake over there . Thank you, all. Watch our exclusive interview with House Speaker nancy pelosi now online at cspan. Org as she discusses her relationship with President Trump and Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. Right now, it is not about senator mcconnell. Senator mcconnell has been clear. He is not doing anything the doesnt want, so thats where we are. I dont know why a leader in the senate would abdicate his responsibilities, we can institution which he leads because a president doesnt want it. An interview with House Speaker nancy pelosi. Atch it now online cspan. Org or at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. House republicans are meeting in baltimore this week for their annual policy retreat. To kick things off, Kevin Mccarthy held a News Conference to discuss the agenda and take questions from reporters on a including impeachment procedures. Congressman mccarthy was joined by the ranking members of the judiciary and oversight committees as well as representative elect dan bishop won a special election in north carolinas ninth congressional district

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