That our nation was conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. [applause] us that thosed who sacrifice all on that battlefield are best honored by ensuring that our nation has a new birth of freedom with the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. A wise man,poken by but that is not what we have today. Instead what we have is a government of, by, and for the rich and powerful. We the people get left behind. You deserve a president that will put your interests ahead of the rich and powerful, ahead of selfserving politicians, head of the few who are holding onto that power with all that they have. As your president , i will crackdown on big pharma and Insurance Companies who are exploiting the sick and putting their profits ahead of the health and wellbeing of the american people. [applause] i will workident, to pass medicare for all who want it so every single american can get the health care that they need when they need it. [applause] unfortunately, as into many states, new hampshires vastly underfunded when it comes to education. Underpaid,s remain under resourced, without the tools they need to serve our kids. I will make education a top priority, paying our teachers what they deserve and empowering them to do with they do best. [applause] as president , i will end the federal marijuana prohibition in the war on drugs, the war that has ruined so many peoples lives, torn families apart, overcrowded our prisons. I will reform our broken criminal justice system. And part of that is Holding Big Pharma and those responsible for our Opioid Epidemic responsible and accountable, prosecuting we asand making sure that a country are providing the necessary resources toward those who have fallen victim to this epidemic. Help them on this path toward treatment, in the long path of recovery towards a Better Future and a new beginning. [applause] i will protect our freedom. We have overreaching intelligence agencies who are undermining our Civil Liberties and freedoms in the name of National Security and corporate greed. I will protect our constitutional right to privacy and are free speech. State,from a beautiful as do you, here in new hampshire. I will protect the environment by ushering in a green century. Foring taxpayer subsidies fossil fuels, corporations, and multinational agribusiness, and harnessing the best technology and innovation we have to offer. Creating a Green Economy with good paying jobs and making sure that every single american has clean air to breathe in clean water to drink. [applause] there is one issue that is central to every one of the domestic challenges that we face, and that is the cost of war. 4419. 4419 of my brothers and sisters in uniform never came home from iraq. Their families saw them come home in coffins. 2524 of my brothers and sisters in uniform were killed in afghanistan. Their families and their loved ones never had the opportunity to say their final goodbyes. Others injured in combat came home with visible and invisible wounds, paying the price for a war that would last their lives. These are not just numbers and statistics, headlines we see every now and then, these are our friends. Those who we laughed within trained within served with. These are our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, our moms and dads. Price forpaid the these wasteful boards, but every single american pays the price, everyone here pays the price whether you realize it or not. Since 9 11 alone, over 6 trillion have been spent on these wasteful wars to overthrow authoritarian regimes in other countries like iraq and libya and syria, undermining our National Security, strengthening terrorist groups like isis and al qaeda, taking a toll on american lives and causing destruction in the countries where we wage these wars. Dollar wastedle on these counterproductive wars is a dollar out of our pockets, a dollar out of our schools. A dollar coming out of our health care system, infrastructure, out of serving the needs of our people. I currently serve as a soldier in the Army National guard and have served for over 16 years, and have been deployed twice to the middle east. [applause] and in congress now for nearly seven years, i have served on the Armed Services committee, the Foreign Affairs committee, the Homeland Security committee. I know the importance of our National Security, having a trained and ready military capable of fulfilling their i alsof keeping us know the cost of war. And i have seen it firsthand. I also know the most important responsibility the president has is to serve as commanderinchief. Asant you to know that president i will stop warmongers from both parties, neocons and neolives, from dragging us from one bad war into the next. Stop those who are hyping up a new war right now. Be far moreould costly and devastating than stop those ever saw, who are escalating a new cold war and arms race, escalating tensions with other Nuclear Armed countries like russia and china, pushing us closer and closer to the brink of nuclear catastrophe. As president and commanderinchief, i will end these wasteful wars, work to end this new cold war and arms race, and lead our nation with a Foreign Policy is focused on cooperation rather than conflict. Ending that policy [applause] ending that policy of being working witholice, both adversaries and friends in the pursuit of peace and National Security, understanding the only alternative to talking in negotiation and diplomacy is war. I will take the trillions of dollars, trillions of dollars that was continued to be wasted on these wars and dedicate them toward serving the own, protecting our environment, strengthening our economy, investing in education, and so much more. Principlesg these with the heart of every servicemember and soldier, restoring the values of honor and integrity and respect to the presidency. [applause] so i am asking you to join me because i know that when we stand united by our love of country, our love for freedom and for each other, there is no obstacle we cannot overcome. United we stand, divided we fall. Togethere as we gather to defend the arc of history away from war, and work toward that future of peace, prosperity, opportunity, and justice for all. Thank you so much for being here and for all that you are doing to strengthen our democracy and move us forward together. Thank you so much. Great to see you. Aloha. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you, thank you. Admiral sestak thank you. I am joe sestak from pennsylvania. I wore the cloth of our country for 31 years in war and peace. It is where i learned the value of serving country above self anco

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