Vice President Biden will repair and revitalize our relationships with allies and neighbors to restore leadership. These relationships are vital to our national security. As someone working on the front lines to mitigate the suicide and Substance Use epidemics, i can say americas veterans, first responders, and their families cannot afford to start over. We must improve on the Affordable Care act. Vice President Biden has the experience to do that. As a veteran, i know vice President Biden appreciates the costs of the sacrifices of serving our country. Both of his sons served this country. On a personal level, vice President Biden and president toma made it possible for me serve our nation openly and without fear. Do when ii cannot first started my military career. I am forever grateful for that. We cannot move backwards on civil liberties. It is the honor of a lifetime to introduce Vice President joe biden. [cheers and applause] thank you, thank you, thank you. Hello. That i love you too. I love this town. Backs my danger of coming to often. I might not leave. This is gods country. Thinking madam president. That there are a things that i want to talk about today, but i have a tradition that i have honored, and most people do since i have been involved in national politics. I never criticize the president s foreignpolicy when he is abroad. I mean this sincerely. I have a lot more to things thao talk about say about the president s foreignpolicy and what is going on at the g7 and what is going on with russia. I am not going to take the time today. Is an omission by intention because i dont think it is appropriate for me to be criticizing an american president while they are abroad engaging in foreignpolicy. As it relates to foreignpolicy. Eric, you areto doing a great job for an awful lot of warriors that come home in tough shape. Dayrry my schedule every for the last 407 years. 12the back for the last Little Black Box on the bottom. Morningy staff every contact the defense department. I want to know exactly the angels thatllen have died or been wounded. As of today, yesterday when i spoke, it was 6883. Today it is 6885. 52,886. Ound i hate it when people say we are over 5000 or 6000. Every one of these women and men have left an entire Community Behind and deserve to be remembered. Is workings doing with these folks. Eric is not on this list. There are roughly 300,000 soldiers as a consequence of iraq and afghanistan since we went in who are coming home with ptsd. More people are dying of suicide. More military personnel are dying of suicide than are being killed in action. We have to Pay Attention to it. It relates to Mental Health straight through to drug abuse, which in many cases is a Mental Health problem. In actions and activities that are almost beyond their control. We have an obligation. Thank you for your commitment as a lieutenant in the u. S. Navy to continue to fight for these women and men. [applause] there are many things to talk about today, and i am not going to trespass on too much of your time because it could keep you standing for hours. Let me begin by saying what i am not going to talk about. But just mentioned briefly. Now as what is happening of yesterday, the Trump Administration has filed a brief and gone to the Supreme Court of the u. S. To say that otb take you people have no civil rights it is he is already challenging the right to marry, to dan Transgender Service members, removing title ix protections from students. We have to pass the equality act. Under my administration, we will get it passed. You know, when i launched my campaign, i made my stop here right after my announcement. I said you would be seeing a lot of money. The bad news is you will be seeing a lot of me. The two hold one of keys to the gate. This is i get in trouble with my staff when i say this, but this is gods country here. You guys are lucky to be where you are. Launched, this morning, there is something that is truly frightening for not only our nation but the world. This administration is actually falling apart. Economicpressure of and the economy teetering on recession, i think we are all concerned about their ability to handle not just the economics but the emotional consequences. The trade war with china is blowing up. We just learned the u. S. Created 500,000 fewer jobs than it thought last year. Warning signs from an inverted bond market to complex manufacturing are around us. We are only going to make this administration more erratically. There is a lot to say about international relations. Im going to keep that for another day. President trump is in trouble, and he knows it. We are going to have to fight even harder and push back against the worst instincts to come out of this administration. To diminish. Going they are going to increase. I have said it many times. We can overcome for years. Can you hear me in the back . Ofcan overcome for years this administration, but if we give it another four years, this white house will fundamentally and forever change the character of this country. Which brings me to the point, we cannot just be a campaign about beating president donald trump. Trafficking in some of the ugliest and darkest forces that have run through this nations history. A Simple Campaign is not enough to beat him. It has to be a movement. It has to be a movement grounded on the values and ideals that define us as a nation. America is unique in all the world. No other nation was founded the way we are. We hold these truths selfevident. No nation has ever been founded on that. We the people in order to form a more Perfect Union it is unique in history. No tyrant can take us down. Only america can itself apart. This has to be a movement to stand up for who we are and what we believe. Democrats have a special responsibility. I think an obligation to do more than just win. President wilson said the party is worth no more than that for which it stands. We have to stand for the country. We have to repair the moral fabric in this country. The conservative columnist talks about an invisible moral fabric that holds up society that is being ripped. It has to be restored. We have to reach beyond our party. We have to unify the country. We have to restore the soul of the nation. We have to be what we once were again. We never fully lived up to our obligations. We walked away from them before. We never abandoned them completely. Values to be a nation of , treating everyone with respect and dignity. Giving everyone a fair shot. Leaving nobody behind. Giving hate no safe harbor. Demonizing no one. Lending the power of our example , not just the example of our power. As a begin for the we are part of something bigger than ourselves. This electionat is different. Not because i am running. We know it is different. We know. The words that president s say matter. They can move markets. They can send our brave men and women to war. They can bring peace. They can appeal to our better thels, or they can unleash deepest darkest forces in this nation. Ladies and gentlemen, we are in a battle the soul or america. That is why i am running for president. Runningnd reason i am [applause] by the way, can you think of any president when you saw what happened in charlottesville said there are good people on both sides . No president has ever said anything like that. The closest you could come is before the war with andrew johnson. There is a second reason i am running. We have to restore the backbone of this country. The middle class. Wall street did not build america. You built america. My mother and father built america. It was built by hardworking ordinary people doing extraordinary things. That is the journey of the history of this country. My dad used to have an expression. He said it all the time after he lost a job in scranton. My dad was a salesperson. There was no work. It would only say, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It is about your dignity. It is about respect. It is about your place in the community. Look about being able to at your child and say it is going to be ok and mean it. A lot of people, maybe some of you have had to do it from the Great Recession we had. A lot of you have had to make the longest walk a parent can make to tell your son or daughter you cannot go back to the same school. Mommy or daddy lost their job. Today, when my dad made that long walk when i was a kid, he said it was going to be ok. He meant it. He thought it could happen, and it happened. Today, many people dont believe that. They cant do that. We have to change this. The majority of middleclass people think their kids will never have the chance they had. We are no longer the wealthiest middleclass in the world. I know i am called middleclass joe. It is not meant as a compliment. Im pretty sophisticated about what we need as a nation. The reason why we need a strong middle class is the middleclass does well, everybody does well. The poor have a way out, and the wealthy do very well. The reason for americas social, political, and economic stability through difficult times has been a strong middle class. We are losing that now. My northstar as president will be rebuilding the middleclass and training everybody along. Way, i have a number of brilliant economists who work for me. We asked them to define middleclass. They will give you a number. It is not a number. It is a value set. Being able to own your own home and not rent it. Kid toble to send your the park and know they will come home safely. Being able to send your kid to the local public school, and if they do well, they will be able go beyond. You have a little breathing room. It is a value set. Every american in order to be of the have that value set, it matters to every family that there is good education and Economic Opportunity and access to Affordable Health care. A climate that you can breathe the air and drink the water. [applause] i dont have a middle ground. [crowd person yelling] you can talk with me later. Im happy to talk with you about it. I agree with her. Heres the deal. In order for people to maintain their dignity, you have to be able to have the ability to have a Health Care Plan that is affordable and decent. You have as when sick child with a preexisting condition, and there is nothing you can do about it. It deprives you of your dignity. You are being told somewhere along the line that you have a husband or son and daughter who has terminal cancer. How many of you have lost and or arecancer dealing with it . It is the same in every single crowd i speak to. You know what i am talking about. I cannot imagine what it would be like when my son coming home from the war in afghanistan iraq for a year and two years later contracting terminal cancer. It only gave him months to live. He outlived the months, but he did not outlive the prognosis. He was attorney general in the state of delaware. He was determined to finish his job. I cannot imagine my daughterinlaw and might grandchildren lying there in bed and to have an Insurance Company say your time is up. You have outlived your coverage. You are finished. About not only the but what our families is the worst thing for a parent . To look at a child with an opportunity or problem and know there is nothing you can do to help them. That doesnt have to be this way. That is why we need to finish the job on health care. When we passed the Affordable Care act, i told president obama it was a big deal or something to that effect. I did not know. Thank god my mom wasnt around. Anyway. He made historic progress in extending Health Insurance to 20 Million People, americans who did not have it before. Providing protections for 100 Million People with preexisting conditions. We now have to finish that job. We have to make health care a right, not a privilege. Give everyone the peace of mind they deserve. For me that means a public option. It is the most Cost Effective way to get universal coverage by protecting and building obamacare while increasing access and reducing costs. When it comes to education, my wife is a teacher. She is back in the classroom at a Community College where she teaches in northern virginia. She says any country that out educates us will outcompete us. We have to make sure every child that gets an education regardless of their zip code. We have to eliminate the funding gap that exists between rich and poor districts. That is why i put a plan in to take title i funding for distressed schools and districts and triple the amount of money we spend from 15 to 45 billion. Climate,o invest in investing 400 million as no one else has suggested to accelerate innovation, partnering with farmers and ranchers to develop the next generation of biofuels and working with farmers to capture carbon. Building Clean Energy Infrastructure from a nationwide infrastructure to have them all in place by 2030 for the 21st Century Railroad system. You need one here in your state by the way. Course toerica on a net zero commissions and clean energy economy. I am running for president because i believe we need to unify this nation. By some of myld 300 opponents. I am only joking. There are a lot of qualified people running. I know i am being attacked for being naive about being able to pull the nation together. If we cannot pull the nation together, we are in deep trouble. We are not going to get anything done. Were just going to engage in the greater abuse of power by a president by executive order. The only way we are going to get anything done is by working together. The president has decided to be president of his days. I will be president for every american. Everybody knows who donald trump is. We have to let him know who we are. We choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division. Truth overlies and science over fiction. Look, i am you standing for too long. And the pressed is probably tired of hearing me say this. I get frustrated with democrats and republicans walking with their heads down. Thingis not a single beyond this nations capacity. When i got elected one is 29 years old to the senate, they said i was a young idealist and optimist. I am more optimistic about americas chances in the 21st century than i have ever been in my entire life. We have to first get rid of donald trump to do it. Think about it, we have the largest economy in the world. We have more Great Research universities in the u. S. And the rest of the world combined, and you own them. Ourre in a position where workers are three times as productive as they are in asia. About . E we worried it is time to remember who we are. Why do we set up darpa, advanced research projects. Why arent we doing the same thing in health care . Overould be putting away the next four years 100 billion to deal with alzheimers, diabetes, cancer. No other group can do that. We can do it. We can get it done. This young manes standing here in the front, his generation is going to see more incredible change if we move forward and are able to take back this country in the next 10 years than the rest of you have seen in the last 50 years. We are on the verge of so much that can be done. I really mean it. This is a genuine opportunity to not only take out donald trump, the president of the United States, but to unite the country in a common purpose. Is thet of the matter vast majority of the american people, democrat and republican. Gree on the issues it is our politics that are broken. They are ugly. They are mean. They are directed by a white house that is now preaching division based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation. It is just wrong. We have to bring it back together. Into greatoing detail, and im happy to do it and provide for all of you the ability to know my position on all of these issues. One thing for certain. , promise you, i promise you the United States of america will own the 21st century if we invest in our people, remember who we are, and remember it is we the people. Godbless you all, and may protect our troops. Thank you for eating here. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Which way am i going . [applause] [indistinct conversations] would you write a letter to my wife and tell her that . Oh, youre not going anywhere. I need you. I love you. Thank you. No. Whats your name . So good to see you. Okay. Good to see you. I go by joe. I know. I have to tell you sometimes i think i get a picture with you . Sure, give me your camera. Thats alright. You can stand right there. Hes alright. Just leave him. Stay hydrated. Mr. Biden sure. Fire away, man. I know it is true. Thank you and good luck. It is a pleasure to meet you. Please tell me you will be running with president obama. Wouldnt that be something . Mr. Biden we have to double the amount of money we spend and focus on it. Please tell me you will be running with president obama. You ought to get the number of my staffer. You will . That would be fantastic. Mr. Biden thank you. Thank you. I hope you are right. Good to see it. You give me the camera and i will take the picture. That is all right. There you go. God love you. Thank you. All the other candidates are doing it. Mr. Biden i dont care about the other candidates. I take better [indiscernible] you have five of them now. One second and i will be happy to do it. Thank you. Thank you so much. Mr. Biden is the number on here . Is there a number for me to reply . You are the next president. Thank you. Mr. Biden there you go. Where are you from . I am irish. 80,000 people showed up. Yeah. In county loughlin. Nice to meet you. Mr. Biden what is your name . Im wendy. Good to see you. Mr. Biden how are you doing . Good to see you. Very very excited to be here. Mr. Biden are you ready . Thank you. Mr. Biden pleasure meeting you. And my family, thats a very big deal. Its a huge deal. That is what we need. Mr. Biden thank you, pal. Thanks for being here. [indiscernible] obamacare. Are you aware of that . Mr. Biden say that again . Covered under obamacare. It is like car insurance. Mr. Biden it is because of the governor. Obamacare covers you nationwide. Unless they pull back. It would be a mistake. Give me your name, i will give you a call. Hey, good to see you, man. How are you . My lord. God love you. It has been a long time. It has been a long time. My irish friend. Ready . Yeah. Thank you. Mr. Biden there you go, man. [indiscernible] the environment. We can get a lot of people. Mr. Biden we have. We have already done it. Part of the farm policy. [indiscernible] mr. Biden good to see you, pal. God love you. I will be honest. I will be there. Mr. Biden by the way, bill is the cochairman of my campaign. Is there anything i can do . Mr. Biden there is a lot you can do. By the way, we need more staff. We have a phone number. Good to see you, man. Thank you. What is your name . Jenniffer. Mr. Biden tell me about you, jennifer. This is my daughter. Mr. Biden howard how are you . Im great, how are you . We are trying to get out to meet all the candidates. Mr. Biden good. We very much enjoyed today. Thank you very much. Trying to get out of the way. I go to school here. I was wondering if you could tell me while i am standing here [indiscernible] mr. Biden i put three kids through college and graduate school. I ended up with a debt of over 285,000. I get it. Here is the deal. The question is, we should be in a position where the college is a public service. Private university, should be completely free. We should have four years clean and free. There are a lot of things we can do. A lot of things that you can do. The other thing is we are going to cut down on the private colleges. No interest on accumulating debt when you get beyond 30,000. You will do fine. You will do fine. It is really important. In your parents and your parents are making a great sacrifice. It is a public university. Mr. Biden you are in. You are in. Fantastic. Unfortunately, my kids picked private universities. I went to a great public university. How are you . Thank you. Good luck to you. Mr. Biden is this yours . All right. The team. All right. [laughter] wonderful. Mr. Biden what is your name . Lorraine. Mr. Biden would you like a picture . Please. Mr. Biden ok. All right, man. Ok. You got it. Thank you. Mr. Biden thank you. Thanks for your help, guys. Thank you. I know much more now than i ever did. Mr. Biden volunteered with the obama campaign. Ready . Hoping to be able to call you mr. President. Mr. Biden thank you. I really appreciate that. God bless you. [indiscernible] can we join . Mr. Biden where did she go to school . She went to nyu. Thank you very much. I appreciate your battle with cancer with beau. I have cancer. Everything you battled. And the moonshot and everything. Keep fighting. I just appreciate everything. Cancer is personal with me. Thank you. Thank you. I will keep fighting. I hope to see you in the general election. I really appreciate it. My name is gene. Mr. Biden let me give you a phone number. Your battle means a lot to me. I am worried about the next generation and the artificial intelligence. I hope they have prospects. Mr. Biden they do. By the way, the World Economic forum we have to Start Talking about it. That is why i talk a lot about it. Thanks very much. Good luck on the trail. Mr. Biden is that right . God love you. I have two friends that ran away from california because of the fires. I want you to meet them. Mr. Biden by the way, i spent a lot of time. Fireis where the National Association is working. I raised a lot of money for them. I lived in california for 25 years. Mr. Biden where . In san francisco. Mr. Biden it is the climate. The climate. I was in idaho and montana. You can see it is turning red. [indiscernible] mr. Biden what a great school. Thank you so much. Mr. Biden a pleasure. Not at all. Im happy. By the way, i have a daughter and son awesome. Mr. Biden what is your name . Jacob. Mr. Biden good to see you, jacob. Are you a student here . No. Thank you. Mr. Biden thank you. Sure, man. Let us do it. How are you . Thank you. We love new hampshire. It is hard not to love. Thank you, joe. Mr. Biden god bless you. Can we get a selfie . Mr. Biden sure. Sunglasses and ice cream. After all these years. Thank you. Thank you. What is your name . Roland. I came up from massachusetts. Mr. Biden thank you. Good to meet you, roland. What is your name . Larra. Mr. Biden how are you . Good to see you. How are you . I tell you, i know a few people here. Do you know jim connor . Mr. Biden sure i do. All right, man. Almost home. I work here on the ground. Mr. Biden you work here . Yes. Mr. Biden sure you can. How are you and what is your name . My name is jillian. I didnt know you were here today. I just came here to tour the college. Mr. Biden pretty cool college. Yeah, pretty cool. Mr. Biden where are you from . Im from connecticut. We have been touring colleges all weekend. Mr. Biden where did you go . A lot of schools in boston. Mr. Biden i know those schools in boston. How about a photo . I am not with them. Mr. Biden i am sorry. Know, im by myself. Thank you so much. Mr. Biden lets get a picture. You are a senior this year. I am. Mr. Biden i need your help, man. Hello, how are you . What is your name . You me, kid. Sure. Kidding all right. Thank you for the help. Is that right . What do you teach . [indiscernible] mr. Biden what is your name . They have a great medical school. You have to take a look at my plan. By 2020. We can make massive progress right now. Find me one person [indiscernible] the pipeline. Mr. Biden no, no. And i agree. The world is on fire. Mr. Biden it is. Literally on fire. Heres the deal. What we should be doing 500,000 [indiscernible] my friends are interested in what you have to say. Mr. Biden i understand that. If we have 500 recharging stations. Guess what . I have a plan for it. We should be doubling offshore winds now. How long [indiscernible] 2040, 2045 . Until 2035. T least find me some scientists. Hour thebout 25 an minimum wage and Renewal Energy . Mr. Biden but that is what we are doing. Come on. Take a look at the plan we have put together. You dont know a Single Person in the world that knows about this. No one believed the early sign is 2040. Know the science. How are you . May i have a picture . Mr. Biden who is that guy . You know him. My sister. [laughter] mr. Biden your mom . Oh, ok, mom. You just got my vote. [laughter] thank you, joe mr. Biden 20 years 260 billion a year. That and cancer are things we have to deal with now. Have to deal with now. I have been very involved. Look at my record. God love you. The National Organization as well. I wish we could talk more. Give me your number. I will call you. We can talk on the phone. A difficult thing to do. Give them a number. My name is jack. Mr. Biden caden, can i do it . How do you spell that . My wife and i are here from nantucket. Mr. Biden good to see you. God bless you. Im a retired manager. You and i met in 1977. You were the speaker at a university where i was the chairman of the speakers committee. Following your career. Mr. Biden i thought i knew you. Pell grants. K12. We dont have to worry about being evicted or homeless. Mr. Biden children have to have secure housing. Ok, that is why we have to get back into the communities. There is no one there. We only have one School Psychologist for every 1700 kids. Anyway. God bless you. I really appreciate you. [indiscernible] mr. Biden i have been to puerto rico many, many times. Where in puerto rico . San juan. Mr. Biden you can vote there too. You can tell them i know. What is your name . My wife and i came from washington. Josh is a good friend of mine that just got engaged. Mr. Biden josh and christine, i understand you are a good couple. I hope you are as happy as i am in my marriage. God love you. What is your name . Denali. Denali, where are you from . Are you in school still . I am going next year. Mr. Biden where . Emmanuel college. Mr. Biden i know emmanuel. Good for you. You are the first president i get to vote for. Thank you. Mr. Biden there is a lot we can do. That is why we talk about it. Number one, Pay Attention. That is what my dad would say. You have to show up. I show up. You have to show up. In the last campaign, she got suckered into a place she did not want to be in. A lot of good jobs, and they are getting scared. I have a friend that is a trucker. And then there is automated trucking. What are we going to do . We have to let them know that we hear them. I promise, that is what i do. God love you. What is your name . Sandy. Kevin. Mr. Biden hello, kev. How are you . Can i get a picture . Mr. Biden do you have a camera . Come along, man. Man. N, come on, man. Hi. Hello, i am sophie. Mr. Biden tell me about you guys . Im here with my mom. Mr. Biden want a picture . Ready . Yeah. Much~you so thank you so much mr. Biden thank you. God love you, man. Cant wait to vote for you. Nice to meet you. Hi. Mr. Biden what is your first name . Thank you so much. Mr. Biden hey come here. Come here how are you doing . Good to see you. Do you like dancing . Shes ready. Thank you. Thank you so much. See you later. High five . All right thank you so much. Ive been a democrat longer than you. I was born a democrat. Mr. Biden you are kidding me . You are kidding me thats my name. I was born a democrat. Mr. Biden the word born a you were born a democrat. God love you. So was i. Thank you, man. We got to win. Definitely. [laughter] make America Great again . Mr. Biden oh, no, it is already great. Keep America Great. Husband. My i may donor. I am a donor. God bless you. Mr. Biden thank you. Whats your name . Much. You so whats your name . Daniel. Im definitely going to vote for you. Mr. Biden can i sign and bring it back out . I got the picture. Thank you. Can i get a photo . You. Iden tell me about im irish too. Im from ireland. I went back home. Where you from . Good to see you, man. You too. Mr. Biden i didnt know why my family ever left. Can i get a photo . Thank you, pal. I loved obama, and i love you. I know you will be great. Mr. Biden thank you. Sorry. Im awfully sorry, man. You are holding on. Thank you. I liked what you set about finding the soul of america again. Mr. Biden it is who we are. What is your name . Ben. Mr. Biden good to see you, ben. I want to shake your hand. Mr. Biden happy birthday. Old guys rule 47 years old in the majors. How are you . Want to do a picture . Sure, lets do it quick. Mr. Biden ready . Got it. Thank you, man. How are you . I tell you what [indiscernible] whats your name . Dan. Thank you, joe. Mr. Biden thank you. Thanks very much. Hi. I want to give you a hug and thank you for giving us hope. We appreciate it. Mr. Biden thank you, man. What is your name . Cooper. Cooper. Noah. Mr. Biden good to see you, noah. [indiscernible] joe for president. Thank you. Thank you so much. Mr. Biden hi, how are you . Want a picture . Ready . 5, 4, 3. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time. Thank you, joe. This or Vice President , how are you . Mr. Vice president , how are you . Mr. Biden i remember. Jack once was supposed to give it to you. Did he give it to you . Mr. Biden im going to check that out. People dont know what it means. Mr. Biden you have 20 Million People. Sent you an email the day before you campaigned about sarah palin. I said you have to call her out on this. And you did. And you got it into medicare. Not getting paid they were not doing it. I will speak to him later. If i walked by, im sorry. Let me have your camera. Who are we doing . Lets turn this way then. Thank you. Mr. Biden who else . Come on. Im on your campaign. Mr. Biden thank you. Ready . So nice to meet you in person. Im really pleased. Mr. Biden well, thank you. Is this yours . I tell you what, we will get it to you. Thank you. Thanks for being here. Mr. Biden how are you . Careful. Ready . Thank you. Mr. Biden thank you so much. Thank you for being here. Hi. We have to come together. Mr. Biden we do. Thank you. Mr. Biden what is your name . Gabby. I just want to shake your hand. Mr. Biden whats your name . Erin. Mr. Biden thank you very much. Whats your name . Quinn. Mr. Biden i know. Can i ask you a question . You do to make sure russia does not interfere in our elections . Mr. Biden [indiscernible] thank you. Mr. Biden lets get another picture. When does school start . Im not in school. Good to meet you. Im pat. Mr. Biden nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Mr. Biden thank you, pat. Thank you for coming. Im glad you are running. Dont step on him. Mr. Biden you can step on me, thats all right. Whats your name . Hi. Hi. Mr. Biden let me be clear good to see you. Great speech. Mr. Biden thank you. Whats your name . Caleb. Mr. Biden that is a great name. Thats from delaware. Thank you so much. Mr. Biden thank you. I work at the college. Im going to do everything i can. Mr. Biden how old are you . 11. Mr. Biden getting old. Yep. I work in higher education. By the way, there are 60,000, and that is the problem. I do it all the time. Everybody else wants to talk too. It i went to a public higher education. You have my support more than anybody who is running. Too. Good. Mr. Biden i have that support all the time. New hampshire is real tough. Your stay doesnt do anything for public hiring education. You guys have to change it. We do. We are trying. Mr. Biden ok. Good. Mr. Biden i understand that. Mr. Biden that is happening all across america. Institution. C i went to one, and i have an interest in one. The university of delaware. Thank you. There is no moderation. There is nothing about my plan. Will you commit to pledge to not take money [indiscernible] mr. Biden i have there are all these rumors look at my plan. Look at my plan and see how i spend it. But is because other folks out there are not telling the truth. At every debate, it is what they do. I know that. Mr. Biden i have not taken money and i have never taken money. Thank you very much. Mr. Biden it is important what you are doing. It is an honor to be here. Mr. Biden how are you . Im great, how are you . Mr. Biden and ask the others what they are going to do to help negotiate. Ask them whether or not they know how to pull the world together. We only make up 15 of all the problems. The rest of the world is 85 . I know how to deal with the rest of the world. I ask everybody. Mr. Biden good to see you. Immediately, the dreamers are in. 70 of those people are overstaying their visas. We are not going to separate families. It will change the nation of their country. How are you . Fire away. [indiscernible] above and beyond that. After you pay medicare. Mr. Biden i can tell you the whole thing. Number one, change social security. It is up right now. It will make it more solvent for years and years to come. Change the way in which we are able to subsidize. We will send you the whole thing. I love it. Thank you so much. We have got to do it. Good to see you, man. Any messages for my colleagues . [indiscernible] mr. Biden it is real simple. It is not complicated. Stay strong. You have got my vote in november. Mr. Biden thank you. God love you. My daughter is a social worker. Are you kidding me . I get to take one home with me. Ive got one. Youve got one . Mr. Biden how are you . Whats your name . Aiden it is a pleasure to meet you, pal. Young lady, love your shoes. Thank you. Mr. Biden ready . Here we go. Holy mackerel ready . Cheese mr. Biden ok. Ready . Right here. 1, 2, 3. Got it. Beautiful. Mr. Biden hayden, youve got a lot of work to do, man. Sure. President. To be the mr. Biden you will be. Here we go. Ready . Ready . Say cheese thank you so much. Mr. Biden remember me when you are president , ok . Dont say joe who . Youve got my support. Mr. Biden whats your name . My name is mariah. Mr. Biden mariah . Yeah. Ian. Thank you. Mr. Biden hi. Ready . You gave us hope. God love you. How are you, man . Thank you so much. Mr. Biden good to see you. Thank you. Do you mind taking a picture with me . Mr. Biden sure you can. How are you . All right. Ready . Thank you so much. Mr. Biden thank you so much. I like that hat. I would not stand for anyone else. So nice to meet you. Im from massachusetts. Mr. Biden oh great. I drove my car all the way up here to see you. Mr. Biden god love you. I wanted a picture. Mr. Biden it will work behind us. Ready . Thank you. Good luck. We will be with you. Mr. Biden i dont blame them. Waiting a long time. I apologize. Im sorry. Nice to meet you, sir. Mr. Biden how are you . Im a principal. Mr. Biden god love you. I liked your message about bringing Mental Health into schools. Mr. Biden as i said, i married a teacher. She taught for 22 years. Tell her thank you very much, it is an honorable job. Thank you for doing this, for the country. Mr. Biden thank you. Can we get a picture . Mr. Biden sure. It is an honor to meet you, sir. Thank you very much. Im isla, im a student here. Mr. Biden what year . Im a freshman. Mr. Biden all right. Where you from . Im from maine. Mr. Biden freight school. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Hello, im ethan. Im also a student here. Mr. Biden good to meet you. Thank you. Have a good year. Thank you. Mr. Biden you ready . Thank you. Im julia. Mr. Biden hi, julia. My favorite name. Really . Mr. Biden yup. I wanted a julia. I lost the fight in the family. Thank you so much. Sam. Mr. Biden hi, sam, good to see you. I wanted to ask you a question. [indiscernible] mr. Biden i do. We have to work that out together. I dont think that should be the way we go. I appreciate it. Teach . En what do you science. Thank you for being with unions. Thank you, sir. Mr. Biden how are you . Thank you so much. God love you. Here we go. Woo hoo [laughter] mr. Biden whats your name . Sandra. I saw you when you wouldnt i saw you when you were with barack. Thank you. Mr. Biden god love you. Thank you. Come on, i dont have all day, lots of people standing inside. Whats your question . As a new voter and a college student, im going to be taking on a lot of debt. Mr. Biden believe me, i know. Over 300,000. I wanted to know what we are going to do to decrease the overwhelming student debt problem . 1. 3 billion of student debt. Bottom line is states have to ante up. Your state is terrible. What is happening here in this state, they are not supporting this university. It is down 9 or something. Eight use to be states supported their universities. It used to be states supported their universities. Youent debt is something should not have to pay back unless you graduate and are making more than 20,000, 30,000. It should not be 10 on, it should be 5 . If you go into public service, your debt should be forgiven. We can afford it. 6 billion a year. We can do it. We can pay for it all. Just retired from teaching. You to know despite what trump said [indiscernible] absolutely. I dont know where he comes up with that. Have a good day, sir. Mr. Biden thank you how are you . Lets get all three of us in. Thank you so much. What is your name . Mckenzie. Mr. Biden how are you doing . On ancer here we are live beautiful sunday afternoon i