So i will not tell you my great, great grandparents settled in 1850, or in 1860 my mother was born in what, because that is not quite gather. We gather for the sake of our nation, the state of the world, and for the sake of the country we will pass that too. We have to make sure donald trump is a one term president. It is more than that. It is soundly rejecting the behavior he is normalizing. Iver in my life did i think would utter you have a president that gives aid and comfort to insightses abroad and those who fight against decency at home come the lies, statements dividing us by race, gender, geography. We expect more out of our preschoolers now than the president of the united states. It is more than just that. It is rejecting the crony capitalism he has created. Who ever tears down the stage tonight will pay more in taxes than amazon, chevron, and 60 fortune 500 companies. Folks expect more. It is about making washington, d. C. Work for them and get rid of the corrupting influence of money in our elections. When Lindsey Graham says we have 44 of her donors happy, americans dont have 400 in the pockets in case of an emergency, we know something is wrong. Replacedion of workers by contract we know things wrong. When will companies are making record profits and they cant acknowledge Climate Change is real, we have to change the money in our system. That has been the fight of my career and the challenge of our time. This is all about making sure no matter where you are from, who your parents were, what the color of your skin is that everyone has a fair shot at a better future. I say that if someone raised by a single parent raised paychecktopaycheck. I only knew there was a governors house in town because i delivered newspapers to it. Everybody has to have a fair shot at that american dream, and that is not true now. We have to be donald trump and make sure our economy works for all of you. Look, first, we have to win. If we cant win back places we lost, change our strategy, give people reason to vote for us, donald trump will win again. I come from a place not unlike of truckhole lot voters. 2016, i was the only democrat in the country to get reelected in a state where trump won. Bytook montana by 20, by one by four. It goes through iowa, michigan, pennsylvania, whole places we need to win back. It is not just the white house. Went obama,unties obama, trump. We need to take back those counties as well, because it is not about the white house, it is about the state house and what the legislature and your republican governor is doing to you each and every day. [cheers and applause] i have only been in this race about eight weeks. I have listened and learned about that teacher that said to me, i had to take a second job to afford my insulin, or the farmer that said every time trump tweets, we lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or that retiree after the first debate who said, i heard a lot of voices, but i didnt hear my voice. I dont need a revolution. I just need someone to address the problems of here and now, the challenges we have. I have taken those voices as i have traveled all across the country. , prounion,prochoice populist democrat who won three elections in a red state, not by compromising values, but by getting stuff done, and that is how we win back the places we lost, showing up, listening to folks come everyday americans. I do believe government can work in government can work with you. My legislature is just a little more republican than yours, 6 republican, but we have been able to get meaningful stuff done, expanding health care for 100,000, increasing Mental Health availability for all, kicking dark money out of our election. Record investments in our Education System coming yet also tuition and fees by investing in Higher Education freezing tuition, but recognizing not everybody will go to college. Seven out of 10 americans dont have a college degree. What are we doing for them . Its not even about a degree, but a profession or apprenticeship where you can climb that ladder in the middle class. As a result, more folks are climbing the letter in the middle class and any other country or state internation. In our nation. I get stuff done by building relationships, not optimizing values. I get more vetoes than any governor in the state of montana. 25 states have made it harder to access a voting booth. I vetoed every attack on the writes box and workers to get yourworkerss rights to get your courthouse. I preserve our environment along the way as well. Every single attack on workers to roll back the effort to organize and collectively ive stopped. That is how you can gover and how you can win. And we can win this, but we cannot make it all about donald trump. We cannot just make it about plans and press releases offering everybody everything free, when what people want is a fair shot in this economy. If we dont spend the next year and a half, we could win this as long as we are not chasing every one of trumps tweets. We can make Health Care Accessible and affordable for all, but we dont have to disrupt 165 Million People on private insurance. We can have a public option, finally negotiate drug prices, gake those steps, endin surprise medical bills. 70 times republicans are try to repeal and replace obamacare. We can make College Affordable accessible, more taking the steps, cracking down on flybynights like trump university, increasing availability for pell grants. But we dont have to forget about 68 of americans who dont have a college degree, providing them a path to a better life as well. We can address Climate Change. Fire seasons are 78 days longer in montana than they were 40 years ago. Remember george h. W. Bush, the first one . He said we would a college the greenhouse effect. Republicans wont even admit Climate Change is real anymore. We can rejoin paris, invest in renewables, do what original conservationists, our farmers, are doing, investing in opportunities to get to the point where we are carbon neutral. As we do that, we dont have to leave communities behind. We can finally break the dark money stranglehold of the nra and address gun safety for all americans. Nobody should be afraid to go to their school or an outing like this. We can do all that and more. Look, this is the most important election certainly in my lifetime. It is about beating donald trump, but it is also about preserving the 200th th 243year experiment called representative democracy. It is about not accepting what is the normalized. It is about the kid growing up now who says i can do better than my parents, at a time when will he have americans are doing better than their parents were at that age. It is recognizing that 65 of americans have not had a pay increase in years and militants and they deserve every opportunity that a koch brother or millionaire has. It is about winning back places we lost in giving people reason to know that we will fight for their everyday lives. If for reporting their health care and education interests, they would sure as hell be voting for democrats. Make sure we run up the numbers in california, or make sure we win iowa . I will guarantee you, you make me the nominee, i will bring california, massachusetts, vermont. I dont know if those senators can make it same guarantee they will win montana, iowa, wisconsin, pennsylvania, places we have to win in order to get there to beat donald trump. [cheers and applause] know, ivek you learned from my time in iowa, not just because my greatgreatgrandparents were in henry county or my grandparents went to college here i have learned about iowa nice. We are 178 days from you all taking the big field, throw in the harry potter sorting hat, and narrow it down. I know you take this responsibility very, very seriously. Iowa nice says, georgia governor, you are somewhere on my list. List of 37 or top 3 . I want to earn your support. That is what i would like to hear. I want to earn your support. I have a 17yearold, a 15yearold, and a 12yearold. Yeah, this election is about being donald trump, but it is also about making sure what we hand off to the next generation is better than what we have. This is a tenuous time. [applause] gov. Bullock this is a very tenuous time in representative democracy. We can do better. Thanks so much for having me, thanks so much for being out. I would be willing to answer almost any question. Thanks. [applause] gov. Bullock so the question was, you referenced preschool earlier and preschool is so important, what would you do to ensure access to preschool . Quality preschool. Childs brain is developed before they enter kindergarten. If you are not a great level by third grade, you four times more likely to drop out by high school. Quality preschool Program Costs more than College Tuition most days now. The fate of a future should not be defined by the lottery of your life and my family were born into. I think the most important thing that we tend to get look, and teachers dont get paid enough. You look at places like this that are cutting back investment in Higher Education. Making sure that quality all,hool is universal for and that is where the federal government can step in. It is the smartest investment we make. In,every one dollar we put about a nine dollars return. Thanks so much for fighting for it. [applause] may i have your attention please gov. Bullock the question was what things historical what famous historical person that is not a president was my favorite. Can i say my greatgreatgrandfather who settled in henry county . [laughter] [applause] gov. Bullock because they had a store in lowell through both world wars. I mean, not a wellknown political figure, but i will throw out a woman named jeanette rankin. Jeanette rankin was the first woman ever to get elected to gas. She came from the great state of montana. 1900s. Was in the early she is one that is one of my favorites. Kicking i talk about dark money out of our elections. At one point every Single Office was controlled by these wealthy cost per desktop appearance. Mark twain talked wealthy copper barrens. Mark twain dr. Mudd about even by several corruption smells sweet in montana. The greatest issue confronting us is whether the corporation shall control of people or the people shall control corporations. Fastforward 100 years and that is what has happened. The greatest we never were regular folks pass this thing called the Current Practice act of 1912 that said, you know what, we are equal on one day, and that is election day, and our voice is stronger than any damn corporation. Thised to do it all across country if we are ever going to get this democracy back. Gov. Bullock the question was how do you address the shortage of Mental Health professionals and lack of Mental Health access in our state . It is something that i was struggling with every day. I knew when i got medicaid expanded, i knew i had not only saved rural hospitals that provide opportunities for the folks who get their health care throughthousand medicaid. 30,000 dot Mental Health treatment availability as well. This was in montana, and then we will take it bigger we started a program to address folks see their primary care doctor, so we go through screenings for Mental Health perspectives. Of the day,he end within 40 days of committing puicide algorithms come u and they will be connected with licensed psychologists. We have done more of telemedicine. We passed a law through the legislature so that Mental Health parity and physical Health Parity and insurance has to be the same. As a president , you need to lead and take both federal dollars and investing in the challenge of rural areas. If we dont have quality access to Mental Health care, you cant i as commanderinchief of national guard, i have lost nine soldiers in six years all to suicide. If we dont have access in rural areas as well, you cant live in those communities. Sir . Gov. Bullock the question is republicans always talk about the deficit until they get elected, then they get a 1. 6 trillion not tax cut, but tax loan. That next generation will pay for the trump tax debt. Democrats talk about a lot of social programs. What are you going to do about them . There is a different perspective coming from washington, d. C. , and out of washington, dc. Washington, dc, has not passed a budget in 22 years on time. If i did not do that once, i would be kicked out of office. And i have to balance my budget each and every time. When i look at what we need to do to make sure our kids and grandkids are not saddled with all the debt, i take a different perspective. That is why i talk about things like wishlist economics. If im going to talk about a plan, im going to fund it. If im going to talk about i think my plan on health care is much better and it will not cost 30 trillion over the next decade. We have to be responsible stewards, and every time we talk about here is something new, we have to talk about how we are going to fund it. I will close, because i have 47 seconds left when i got elected governor, my kids were young. My kids were six, eight, and 10, youngest in 40 years in the montana governors residence. We moved in, my sixyearold son kicks a soccer ball, bounces it off the painting. Someday said that painting is worth 200,000. Get rid of all the damn paintings, we have to live here. We are in a deeply divided time, two thirds Republican Legislature at the time. During my state of the state i said my name is steve i work for the state, but i also said you will be hearing different noises from the governors house. I think we as elected leaders need to learn that our kids learn from our words and our deeds. What we say is what we do. Our kids are watching today. [cheers and applause] gov. Bullock we need to make sure we give something for them t aspired to and be inspired by. At some point this president is going to have to answer that. We can build a better union bringing people together and not caring this country apart tearing this country apart. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Stevebullock. Com. Thanks for your iowa nice. It will take me to number one on the list. Gov. Bullock absolute. As a gun owner myself and someone who has had to lower the flag nine times since the vegas shooting, someone who has a child whose first week of school he had to learn where to go in case of an active shooter, gun owners want to make sure that families are kept safe. The majority of gun owners believe in universal background checks. The redflag laws. Removing guns where there is an order of protection. If we could ever get the nra out of this, because what they do when i was a kid it was a hunting, gun safety organization. If gun owners stand up, the vast majority of republican gun owners think we should have back graham universal background checks. I think we can make progress on this. Do i give you guys to questions first . How do you catch enough attention to be on the debate stage . Gov. Bullock if everybody goes ock. Com, that would help. I got in late because i still have a job to do. I had to get health care reauthorized for 100,000 montanans. Easiest decision i would make. But i will continue to do along the way is get out and talk to folks in iowa and across the country. Im the only one in this field who actually won in a trump state. I the only one who is been able am to demonstrate that even in a divided government you can get progressive things done. I cannot only bring democrats together but win this election. [indiscernible] gov. Bullock i do. Elections are about talking not necessarily to all of you. Elections are about talking to people. Right now campaigns are spending 80 online to get a one dollar donor. That is not what elections are about. I dont think that is the best policy. It is what i have got to live with, but i also recognize every other time, it really is these early states that take a big field and bring them down. I am counting on iowa. Trade is a huge issue here. What would you do differently on trade . Gov. Bullock trade is a big issue here and all across the country. I mean, when farmers here are planting soybeans and losing money for every single acre that they plant, or when they say to me, payment from the federal government is not going to get me the market share we lost. I think donald trump has taken America First and made it america alone. At the same time, he is jacking up tariffs that fit our farmers. It will hit every american. China is lowering its tariffs for the rest of the world. We have to be tough on china, but we cannot do it alone. I would bring in the Global Community and say our biggest fight right now is on tech. Lets fight about tech. Make sure that china cannot steal our tech. But lets also keep open markets. A farmer said to me, every time he tweets, we lose several thousand dollars. This president is not representing their needs, he represents himself. You say that with every day that passes, there is more likely that trump will get reelected. Is there something specifically problematic with the other candidates . Gov. Bullock well, no, i do have concerns peoples everyday challenges in their lives are not being addressed. They dont want to hear about a food fight of what happened 40 years ago. They dont want empty promises and plans. I did say in that speech as an example, it took us years and years to get to where we are with obamacare, which is the biggest, biggest step in health care since medicare and medicaid. It used to be republicans talking about repealing and replacing. Now it is democrats are saying that we have to start from square one. I dont think 165 million folks want that taken away from them. I want to make sure when we talk about the biggest problem in immigration is donald trump. He is ripping our country apart and he is ripping families apart. But we dont have to chase everything that he does. Yeah, we should have i have met folks in iowa yeah we , should protect dreamers. We should have a path to citizenship. We should have secure borders, but not by building a wall. We dont have to say that repealing a 90yearold law that makes it legal or illegal to make an unlawful entry in this country or providing health care to the undocumented. His obamas former Homeland Security person. Lets talk about things that will impact peoples lives each and every day. Lets not have just an academic discussion. [indiscernible] ice raided . Hat gov. Bullock it is problematic what ice is doing. Ice should be going after those who committed significant crimes. Again, i dont want to spend the next year and a half reacting to donald trump, and i dont think most of america does. We could have a sane and thoughtful immigration system. When this president , as an example on monday, says we have to speak with one voice when it comes to race and bigotry and white supremacy, he says that on a monday and he does not act what that for the last two and a half years and he cant even make it a day between el paso and dayton without continuing to divide people. I think we should expect more. I wanted to know, on these four congressmen that he is attacking, do you think that could help democrats including your colleagues by embracing them or energizing them . Or do you think it will split off voters . Gov. Bullock well, i think those were horrible statements. He is using race to divide us. We should stand up and condemn it. But recognize, at the same time, all of the media spent two and a half weeks talking about these tweets. This Justice Department was in federal court trying to rip away coverage for preexisting conditions for everyone in this country. Betsy devos was trying to privatize public education. He appointed someone to the bureau of Land Management that wants to privatize public lands. Lets make sure we dont make the same mistake of 2016. Media,idates, and as the condemn what he does, but also look at the other things that are being done that arent improving peoples lives. Elizabeth warren has come out and said donald trump is a white supremacist. Would you go as far as that . Gov. Bullock i would say that there are certainly White Supremacists that think donald trump has their back. I would say that he does continue to use race, gender, and geography to divide our country. I would say that the language of equivocating with what happened in richmond, virginia, that is not how we should have leaders act. How important is it to make the third debate stage for you . Do you think there is a viable strategy to focus on states like iowa . Gov. Bullock once you have your ck. Com,o to stevebullo it will be easy. I hope to be on that debate stage. But we are still also six months out. Iowans take this very seriously. Here, that is one thing that has been imprinted on my brain. It is a solemn responsibility that they have. This big field will not be narrowed down by the debate stage. It will be narrowed down by the voters of iowa, New Hampshire, south carolina, and nevada. [indiscernible] i will dock everything i can to get there. That does not mean i will be running around raising money to try to spend more money online. I will be talking to voters here in iowa. To think we should have mandatory buybacks . Gov. Bullock i dont. I think we should have voluntary buybacks. Lets look at this as a Public Health issue. You talk about iowa and New Hampshire winnowing the field [indiscernible] gov. Bullock you have to talk to the dnc about that. When i talk to iowans, they take this very seriously. That is where im going to be. I didnt write the rules. [indiscernible] do you support a ban on hollowpoint bullets . Gov. Bullock so i didnt see what the shooter said. We do need to overall look at this as a Public Health issue. I would give that consideration. As a hunter, i have never met another hunter who says you need 30 clips or a bump stock. Ive never seen a hunter say it is looking for someone on the nofly list [indiscernible] in 2008 bama said [indiscernible] 2018, medicare for all was a good, new idea. Is he wrong . Gov. Bullock oh, no, there is a bunch of great ideas. I have no problem with that conversation with great ideas. I think the gains we made, even if you talk about medicare, it took a long time to cover folks with disabilities under 65. It took a long time to cover Prescription Drugs. We close the doughnut hole for Prescription Drug prices. I dont think it will take another 65 years to get to where we were. I dont think the best way to go about it is to disrupt 180 Million People. Last question. Food . Orite fair gov. Bullock my favorite fair food i just got here. I so hope when my family arrives, i am going to eat everything fried. Thank you so much for being with me. A booth at the iowa state fair had fair folk for their favorite president ial candidate for 2020 by adding a corn kernel into a jar. President trump the republicans. On the democratic side, it was joe biden. The former Vice President was at the fair today and ran into governor bullock at the booth. Former Vice President joe biden moved on to make his case to voters