Good afternoon. Welcome. I am deputy manager editor and politico and president of the National Press club and board member of the journalism institute. For todays headline or event, we are pleased to welcome any parker. Hopefully joining us by phone is the director of the Georgetown Universitys civil rights clinic. They are here to discuss and his campaign to get google to tape video off of its platforms and to take your questions. I will take as many questions as time permits. Please wait for the handheld and when i call on you, state your name and affiliation prior to asking the question. And his daughter thousand parker was a an Award Winning journalist tragically murdered reporting the morning news from a live location august y 6, 2015. Her father has been advocating for changes in gun laws and lately and tech policy. His efficacy can be found in his book and his oped testimony before congress and state houses. To tell us where things stand in his battle with google and what future steps he believes should be taken. Parker in welcoming any in the National Press club. Thank you. I am allisons dad. I find myself standing at the confluence of gun and google. They have a symbiotic relationship. I have been profoundly affected by both. As all of you know and as angela mentioned, your fellow journalists and my daughter, allison, was murdered. You probably also know about i fight for sensible Gun Legislation that has been thwarted by republican lawmakers in the pockets of the nra. Even in the face of seemingly nonstop Mass Shootings, tools which we just witnessed this past weekend. These cowards can only offer us thoughts and prayers. Ants most disturbing is that the perpetrators of these acts are being spurred on by the racist rhetoric coming from the white house. You have heard many times, words have consequences. Trump has fomented a climate where domestic terror is occurring with alarming regularity. Wouldf Trump Supporters never carry out the atrocities we witnessed. There was the 1 like the el paso shooter the field felt the president was calling him to act. These pieces of human garbage were encouraged by trump and enabled by the media. Congressman Kevin Mccarthy said the problem with is with violent video games. Im sorry but, we dont have a monopoly on violence video games or mental illness. We have a monopoly on guns with more guns than people in the country. Republicans are grasping at straws and are doing everything they can to place blame everywhere other than where it logs. Perhaps one day soon, this will not be part a partisan issue but im not holding my breath. Which brings us to why were here. Twitters facebook and have been, google has been worse, forming immunity protection under section 230 of the decency act. Have refused to sell police their own terms of service with regard to violent and harassing intent on platforms especially on youtube. Also said hehooter was inspired by the christchurch massacre in new zealand. That of views video from person still are on youtube. The video of allisons murder have inspired others to do evil, including the shooter of a Community College in oregon who professes admiration for allisons killer. He said he was acting in retaliation for the charleston shooting. Google helps prefetch away this evil chain. Year, and theis company of the Georgetown University civil rights law clinic, france walk, who will hopefully be able to join us, i had a videoconference with lance youtubes counsel, jennifer down, chief of Google Global strategy, and alexandria walden, google director of global human rights, whatever that is, regardings sister content. Their response was come were really trying. Lance kavanaughs were up and lance kavanaughs were up and down swore up andnaugh down raw video or wpg murder. It was not as if they were in summits some obscure way. They were in plain sight. Since the meeting, there have been nothing but silence until the morning of my Senate Judiciary committee testimony. Walden reached out to us. France live responded, and i quote, my client has reached the point where he does not believe it is productive to continue this conversation when google has not only failed to take meaningful steps addressing his concerns, but also failed to timely respond to communications from georgetown. Until and unless google tells us concrete steps it tends to take to make certain the videos are automatically taking down taken down in the manner that file is the rights of copyright holders, my client is not see the point in continuing a conversation that has lasted for years. I testified weeks ago in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. As a company with a virtual monopoly on video search, google has a duty to make sure the information they make accessible to the world is based on facts and not harmful conspiracy theories. I am for both google and youtube to take down the footage of the murder and the related conspiratorial content. Their response was to suggest i view and flagged the content i found offensive, instead of self policing, they put the onus on me. In essence, they wanted me to watch my daughters murder and the lane to a robot why it should be removed. I never have nor ever will watch any of it for obvious reasons. 2017, i reached out to any, whose son was murdered and sandy hook. On the network who were long hours flag in the videos so i was spared. Though hundreds of video to have been taken down due to their diligence, they are often stymied even with an enforceable copyright. As person who replaced susan googles Vice President of Government Affairs policy preceded my testimony. Abouthe senator asked him related content and video of allisons murder, he replied it had already all been little all been removed from the platforms with the exception of of what theyd considered newsworthy content. I contend with that answer my he perjured him elf. Sadly, it does not surprise me. Ever since my first conversation two years ago and subsequent conversations with Jennifer Downes and other google contacts, i have included that google executives lie as easily as they breathe. The day after my testimony, the centers office submitted 48 lines, links to fannie googles liaison. I can the videos which fighting to have removed for three years, were taken down, not because of the flagging done , but because they were coerced through congressional scrutiny. Stafffalls to the senate to remove objectionable content, that is a real problem. But google couldnt care less. Introduce to frannie williams will give insight on this. Thanks. Prostitution of the Judiciary Committee if you act now. Through that relationship, i would more about the difficulty he has had on getting some of the videos down. We have had some back and forth since thens on google. Willing when flagged by us to take the videos down. As andy said, we dont think that is the right approach. Were trying to work with andy and others to put together a more efficient processing google takes a little more ownership of this. Continuing down the process. We submitted questions down the record recently for google to explain the process a little more. We are hoping to get more clarification on that and better answers as to why they cannot seem to solve the problem. A list of those questions, we will pass those out momentarily. As i said in my testimony, google has complete immunity. Therefore has no incentive to respond. That is why they sandbagged, lie, and otherwise opt to kate high thete truth. The next day. There was a look of seeming innocent the wilderness. Either feigned or ingrained. They were a modernday version of the stepford wives or androids. It was as if they watched Mark Zuckerbergs testimony a while back and said we need to be like this guy. Demeanor and responses were completely offputting and totally disingenuous. As i told senator cruz in my theres not much you and i cancel softly agree on the week and agree that google must deregulated. After my testimony, i get the sense there is Common Ground here to craft legislation both parties can agree on, and i in thehe coverage aftermath from some conservative outlets such as fox news and the daily caller would confirm that observation. Google should not be allowed to publish, much less profit, from targeted harassment and murder videos. There are far too many new members of the club that no one wants to join after this weekend. Unless we have congressional action, they will find themselves revictimized at the hands of other social media platforms and, in particular, google. The solution is simple. Section 230 of the cda was amended to restrict online sex trafficking and child pornography, restricting targeted harassment, incitement, and murder videos should be an extension of this. Thousandscall this law. For the parkland kids, the sandy hook families, all of us who those yetaffected and to be, i urge legislators from both sides of the aisle to adopt and pass allisons law. I want to thank jeff and the Senators Office for being a good shepherd. On that note, we have that list followup questions jeff was referring to. These were prepared by jeff in his Office Consent and sent. I encourage every member of the press to reach out to the google executives i mentioned to see what kinds of responses you get. Thank you i will turn it over to angela. Thank you. Stay here and i will kickoff questions. Section 230 is back in the news thewith the discussion of host of 8chan, the Online Platform where the el paso shooter posted his rant. Say that thes section 230 is precisely what they need so they are able to voluntarily police some of the objectionable content out there. How do you respond . . My understanding is that facebook has been one of the most egregious offenders and has been very helpful in removing content. It comes down immediately. Much more difficulty with google. With theire, platform called blogger, he cannot even get a response. Up asner network is set Google Trusted flagger. They make decisions on arbitrary basis. There are pieces of legislation and discussions that eitherarget section 230 broadly or specifically, if you are making some amendments you are asked for. Have you endorsed uses of legislation that are out there . Have not seen a lot other than, i know there is a push, i think the original premise of the subcommittee hearing was to address bias by social media companies, against conservative viewpoints. It was clear to me they talked about it. Thanks to the senator, he isnted out the real issue that you name it. The what theyre trying cruz, they want to make the bill a lot broader it will necessity facilitate its passage. Take a narrowe approach, with what i have suggested with thousands law, it is Common Ground. Addressthat done and the other stuff later. You alluded to the fact that havelegislators who legislation already introduced to target section 230 are republicans looking at it through a different lens. There are lawmakers who are against increasing them control measures, as you also asked for. How do you align your two interests working with people who are addressing the 230 topic on capitol hill . Andy i think those two issues are not mutually exclusive. There is Common Ground here. As i mentioned to senator cruz, i know he is not where i am on gun control but he is where i am on removing this kind of content that no human being, or no person with any decency would want to see. I think again, if we could narrow the focus and make that , i think there is Common Ground. The platform where it is currently posted, but youre ok with other platforms also . Andy again, as i mentioned earlier, i have never seen this video and dont want to see it. Volunteersriends and to monitor this stuff. They should not have to be doing this. The onus should not be on me or them or anybody here the onus should be on google. Whether the video lives on in other platforms. Yes. Blogger is one of the google platforms i mentioned is rampant. They will not do anything about it. I dont visit that that is according to any. There is nothing that could be done. My name is eric feinberg. I am with a Cyber Intelligence company. Probably over the last five years, we have earned tens of millions of dollars because we have exposed youtube, google, instagram, for nefarious content. My firm was responsible back in 2017 for the you too bad we cut. Look that up. What he is saying is all the have to do in addition to youtube is basically do a Google Search and you will see that because it lives on other life forms, it is not only on youtube but also exists when you do a web search. Me doing this with andy, no one in andy or anyones edition would be in this situation. Section 230,ine of that it is protecting big tech but leaving citizens being vulnerable. Im responsible around the world alerting media and government of christchurch videos still up on youtube, facebook, and instagram. As of today and saturday on the el paso attack, you can still find dozens of these videos even though we have received and media around the world exposing this. Google, facebook, said tell us, meaning me, i have to tell them how to take these down. Because they have 230 protection. Danny sullivan, who i a google earlier, contact i had, he is at least last year, the head of Google Search. Another instance of the communications i had was we have taken this all down. That is just a lot. Again, they just lie. Before we take audience georgetownwe have and law center on the phone now. Question, your daughter was a journalist. We stand for access to information. How do you address the tough and for tough issue of drawing a line between access to taking extremely objectionable content off the internet . I do not know if there is a conflict there. I dont think that showing a upder and having that violate the first amendment. Continuing to have it up know, if you take it down, itll violate the first amendment. I do not think that would either case for multiple reasons. It is just human decency. Here in front, you have a microphone. Thank you for being here. My name is victoria and i just moved back home to america after working five years as a journalist. I was there when the christchurch massacre happened. Something about being in new zealand with that video versus how we respond to things like in america. In new zealand, immediately, everybody, whether you are a government official, everybody made an allout effort to get rid of the video. It was on facebook, i remember i mediately got rid of it. One thing that was different there was the threat of prosecution. Actually did prosecute people over that. Im wondering what are your thoughts about that here in america . What is so different that we dont jump to that call like new zealanders did . Will back this lawsy understanding is our , the u. S. Laws supersede anything because it is an areican company, our laws in International Community to her because they wanted it taken down, doesnt mean google had to theyre going by our laws instead of theirs. It is a shame. Eddiename is roger coach and betty executive and the 1990s and was responsible for in congress and other countries around the world. It may be of interest to you edt i recently posted an op andelp what it looked like what we thought we were doing and the title of the article is these are the four big things we missed. I guess my question and comment the worldanding how looked 30 years ago when that waswas written because this decades before youtube, decades before google and therefore big things we missed. Check out the hill article and you will see. Of when the analogy framers of the constitution wrote the second amendment, they were dealing with muskets and they do not envision automatic weapons that had taken over. It is the same thing. 230, apose of section great and everyone said it is perfect. Davis did not receive the dark side of it that would take place. It reminds me of the founders of google. The two guys that originally found it, their original motto then it be evil and guess about for five years ago they changed it to do the right thing and that was my final piece of the testimony. Hey dont do either now dont you think to keep the memory of your daughter alive most last two or three days and then go away, its a good idea that you can see what has been happening and taking it out of the public . Removing, think that i dont think that is going to help preserve her memory. Here are other ways it is unique unlike soistchurch, it is there, isping that up, that video not going to preserve her legacy. I run cyber safety charities and several of us were around in the olden days. How can we help . Once jeff point, craft legislation, just like with the gun issue, call your congressman and help get this sed. Pas i would like to ask a followup question. You like to talk about the work. Ith the senate grown as office what are your next steps . Are you looking to broaden the coalition . Im going to lean on jeff and derek and im going to keep onng this and rely heavily my friends in congress to craft this legislation and once we get it up and running, i will be roaming the halls of capitol , which you guys can do too. As soon as it becomes part of the dialogue in congress, then we need to roam the halls and knock on doors to support it. Part of this bigger coalition that is coming. Ogether the violentst videos. Onave seen other forms social media. What we are working on proposing is bringing survivors or people who have died from opioid or drug or drug overdoses. Post showed that on instagram you can find you can buy opioids. There are other illegal forms of drugs that are available on the social media platforms. Scene for these companies to license, they turned us down because in order to do it, i have to get inside the body. By doing it, we can prevent these videos or content from going up because there is no license myor them to content. Foradvocating for two 230. We can save lives. Can you harass . Anything you would like to add . Does anyone have any questions . We are on the civil rights clinic and Voting Rights clinic. I would like to make a point. [inaudible] took on theson we to be active in its argument advocacy. Anever met anyone who is defender, so i dont understand the fight against google to be antifreespeech. Was never meant to be unlimited. It has at least two builtin some at least two builtin stipulations. To considerasking is the human one aspect that should we give google complete immunity . Make is point i want to videos such as those showing murder violate the terms of service their own terms of service. The moment of death videos should not be on their platform and yet it is the unwillingness service. Their own well said. They violate their own terms of. Ervice what are the penalties . Hat exactly what it do . Im going to give it to them 3000 feet because i dont know the nuts and bolts of it. Im going to leave it to jeff. Nd his office essentially, its going to anyve in the community for kind of targeted harassment and hate speech and moment of death. Focus. Ly fairly narrow again, that is kind of what i would like to see. It im going to leave it to the experts to crash the exact language of it. Essentially, that is what i like to see. 40 penalties for the lations to demonstrate what are the penalties for the violations . Lynda cruz said if they sent you the you tube, you could sue them for everything they are worth. Essentially, that was the gist of it. It wouldnt and itll someone like me to litigate them without the protections they currently have. I would think there needs to be some criminal penalty as well. I would like to see that. President trump signed into law for sex trafficking last year. Have you had any conversations about the concept . No. This is the unveiling of the idea, so we have not. Opportunity. Me the we were talking about this before. Ot a to 230 solution you would think there was a five person team who could respond. They know how to go there and remove it and come back to the initial report. If not a very expensive solution. How to being about done practically, when they are saying there is nothing that could be done, there are a bunch of things that could be done that would not necessarily be universal and would help families. Back to the onus should not be on the family and that is where we stand now. Senator Mccain Office let me to a conversation with jennifer. Ownes when the whole thing came up, all of a sudden the first thing that came up was a and it was anail scam for him to make money. I was like your ego. I went to youtube and type in Allison Parker and there were pages and pages. Actually, there was no auto going. Autoplay i knew the titles were folks related. I could go on. It is not like you can call Google Customer service and say i need help. I was able to do it, but before videos,en i saw these we had a Gmail Account tied to the foundation and i called her account. Or the gmail here is what i have got here. The guy actually said let me get back with you. He was the one that said we have this moment of death certificate and they will be taking out and they said that is great. They said they have to apply to each one and that is how i ended up contacting it. I said i cannot do this. Video,nt me to flag each and explain to them the moment of deficits of the get and why it should be taken down. This should have a lot more than a handful of people monitoring this. That is one of the questions jeff proposed. What is a process, how many people the have . Think we will find out questions there. It is not like hire people to monitor. Let me add one thing. Contrast the last few years with respect to allisons murder to copyrighted materials that makes its way onto youtube. Efficientaordinarily at removing it. It is in your interest to make sure he does not make its way onto the platform. Never for the remove videosr to that come up. [inaudible] its interesting that youtube thenever tried, even in specific incidents of their own videos. Not any and all videos, we are talking about specific videos that show the moment of death that lead to adopt the the videosto remove on a daily basis, on an hourly basis, a minute by minute basis. Reason in my opinion is we monetize. They say we dont monetize death, but the reality is that they do. Every time you click on a video and one of these videos had over a hundred thousand views, that makes money for google. Runningoint, they were banner ads on the murder video. Unsuspected advertises advertisers were having their ads run on an execution. The reason they wont do it because it is a Profit Center for them. You very much for bringing this to the forefront. I know there is a new charity being formed that this will fall on the purview of. It is horrific that it is still happening and i appreciate you are stepping up after everything you have gone through. Thank you very much. I i have said over and over will not accept it, i will not tolerate. I will not stop until we fix it because otherwise thank you. Otherwise, she would be pissed. Question in the back . Impact would larger scale impact would allisons law have . We dont have any sensible gun laws on the books yet. It is coming. There will be tragedies as we have seen this weekend. They keep coming at a horrific pace, so every time one of these somebody is going to throw some conspiracy. That bothereding me most is google making money off my daughters murder. That is what bothered me the most, but there are parents with kids that go online and ultimately, they are going to see this kind of garbage out there. Hoag getsed harassed constantly. This will take care of a lot. I want to have allison the face of this, but im not just doing it for her, but the parking kids, the people in virginia beach. It is on and on they get harassed. That would be the impact. There would be an immediate forced togoogle were control its content and have a control over this editorial control over this. I want to ask if you had a chance to speak about the issues utside the u. S. You have all you think about, just because about it. I have spoken to some foreign again, itt this, but has not been formalized. We have not brought it to this something. It is. Hat is a great idea google hasong as international protection, they are going to continue to do what they are doing. From abroad would be greatly appreciated. In the other audience questions any other audience questions . Do you have any commitments from congressional offices to introduce a bill. I have talked to the chief of staff. That everyoneated is gone and there are going to start working on and partnering up to come up with some legislation. Welle asked to weigh in as. We have a good team working on it and we can come up with the right language that pass. Ast any last questions before we wrap up . Let me give you the mikes first. Let me give you the mike first mic first. When you think the legislation will be wrapped up would you think the legislation will be wrapped up when do you think the legislation will be wrapped up . I think that is premature to talk about. [inaudible] we need to have a conversation and see where things go. Drafted provide me with a caveat that things tend to move slowly on capitol hill. E will get there eventually on this piece, i think the broader it gets, the less likely it will succeed, so i think as narrow as we could make it and it, i thinkpiece of that is the greatest path to having it come to fruition. I run stop Cyber Bullying and stop cyber stalking. Thisnyone in your scope of been reaching out to educate consumers . I think right of people understand what to 30 years and when they reach out to try to all ofCyber Bullying for these other things and says it does not violate our Community Standards but it does, people dont understand that. Got itthink that they wrong. Is there a way to get everyone incensed about us to understand what is truly going on . People and people find out that i have been harassed, called a crisis actor, called a hoax, they are shocked. They dont believe it and so when you tell them this act happened, that part is hard enough for them to believe, but they are not as deep in the weeds on section 230. Hopefully with what im trying to accomplish, they will be. Is easier to, it andthis is allisons law ,ave a face and a hook to it but if you say allisons law, they are going whats that . And then you can introduce heres what it is. We have time for one less question. Important. Ry not we do know is that industry given immunity [inaudible] industry, so gun that is one reason we need to think very carefully. Second, it was extended to the platform that would give us back fact this platform is policeling to themselves, in the instance that someone is shown to be noticed, how can we trust them. , itou really think about it. S a pretty pretty low standard that is a pretty low bar to ask. Before you rap up, i would like to tell the audience about future speakers we have. We have former Virginia GovernorTerry Mcauliffe will be talking about his new book the on charlottesville. August, we have Steve Bullock in the morning and representative andah cummings at lunchtime august 8, we have the wife of a chineseamerican who has been the fored in iran since the conviction of espionage. Thank you and he for being here in joining us on the phone for a thank you. Ne. [inaudible] the questions have been submitted. Thank you for coming. We are adjourned. Thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] tonight on cspan, former white supremacist talks about story. Talks about her story to a at the age of 14, i was grappling with identity and who i was the world and who i chose to be. I felt certain that mentioned culture was never going to be a place where i could the first place that i really looked, one of favorite books was an autobiography. The power and the revolutionary nature in which they were presented. Punkwould go to the movement and shortly after before i turned 15, i went to a party where i was raped by two men and because of my childhood andew i could not, parents having been drinking at that party, they would be more angry about that and upset i have been sexually assaulted. That, shoved it down, consumed with rage over the course of about six months. Existedulture where i with the neonazi, white supremacist skinheads. The rage i felt resonated deeply. I spent more time with them and started listening to wipe our music. It broke down the barriers of languageially charged and some of the talking points in my vernacular. Thegan to read some of editor that part of the movement and over time i would have echoed chamber that was only about this movement on the time when i passed out drunk at the end of the night. You can hear miss martinez entire story on how to handle extremism and how people become radicalized tonight at 9 00 eastern. Cummingsrrow, elijah reacts to dons comments on the Mass Shootings in el paso and ohio. You can also watch online at cspan. Org and use our free cspan radio app. Next, it looked at working towards eliminating weapons of mass destruction in the middle east. Forjames Martin Center nonproliferation studies hosted this event. Thank you and good afternoon. Here to to discuss the issue of weapons of mass destruction. It was first put forth in iran, inbe expended that are on of masss and the web hason proposal has been been proposed for