Its where this body has the most control over those 12 appropriation bills. When i had to hand the gavel back to the current speaker, nancy pelosi, we were actually sending less than when she handed the gavel in 2011 to john boehner. Thats a record i am aproud of, but the real thats a record the real roud of, but thing is we have the same desire. When we were in the majority we passed a budget that actually balanced. I know the first part was passing a budget. We said to the American Public we were serious about this. This bill gives us stability for the next two years. It helps build the military and gives protections for those that the republicans would care about thats sitting in law today. No, its not the bill id write by myself. Its a compromise as we move forward, but it actually allows this process to work. For too long, the American Public has watched a continuing resolution after a shutdown after a continuing resolution. One of the biggest goals that we had being in the majority was actually get the appropriation process working again and we did. Were proud of the fact of moving that forward. If i was to look at the appropriation process on the democratic side they started to write without having a budget first, without having an agreement first, i knew those bills would not become law, a lot of time wasted. If i look at those bills and what passed on the floor and look whats in this compromised deal, its spending less money. So did we succeed on turning it back some . Yes, we did, but not enough. So today is a movement forward, but we have much more work to do, and given the opportunity, if our friend, who is the lead republican on budget became the chair, i know wed have a budget. I know wed have an appropriation process, and i know that budget would be balanced, but until that day comes, we will continue to watch to make sure we spend less, we build our military, and we make tomorrow better than today. Yield back. Mr. Womack may i inquire as to how much time i have remaining . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arkansas has 3 1 2 minutes remaining. Mr. Womack and im assuming the gentleman from louisville over there has got the right to close. Does the gentleman have any further speakers . Mr. Yarmuth mr. Speaker, we have no additional speakers. We would be prepared to close. Mr. Womack mr. Speaker, im prepared to close, so i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Its not the most deal situation to be in, and as i reflect back on the many days i spend in my district, and im about to go back there for the august recess and im going to circulate around my district and have some town Hall Meetings and engage in conversation, i know this subjects going to come up. And i already know that most people are going to say, look, you guys have a spending problem up there in washington. I hear that a lot, and i would agree with that. Very few people say we have a revenue problem. We do have a spending problem. Mr. Speaker, you can bet your Bottom Dollar that im going to be carrying this chart with me that i brought up earlier that shows the big difference between the mandatory side of federal spending and what were discussing here today. About a 1. 37 trillion discretionary budget. And for all of the reasons that have been mentioned today by my colleagues, namely, National Security, the ability to give our pentagon certainty over the next two years as we continue to rebuild the readiness of the men and women who, on a voluntary basis, might i add, put their hand up and say that ill go anywhere anytime to defend the principles of freedom. They make that pledge willingly. Theyre not conscripted into the service. They make it on a voluntary basis, and the least that we should be able to do is to make sure that the resources are there that properly man the force, train the force, and equip the force so that we a fight that ce is fair. We should always have the advantage. And so for these reasons, mr. Speaker, and with kind of a measure of hope that going through this process, as we have today, maybe it will inspire both sides of the aisle here and at the other end of this building to Work Together to improve our processes so that its the house and the senate collectively doing the work thats prescribed as our fundamental duty in article 1, section 8 of the United States constitution. So today, mr. Speaker, i encourage a yes vote on this bill. Lets put this issue behind us. Lets move on to the more important things of our country to include deficits and debt and the drivers that actually are making the situation much worse, and with that, mr. Speaker, i will yield the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arkansas yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from kentucky is recognized. Mr. Yarmuth mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Yarmuth mr. Speaker, i think anyone watching this debate today and certainly those of us who are in the house would say this is a very unusual moment. We have a lot of debates in this body in which theres a great deal of unanimity and agreement and usually thats over naming a post office or something, doing something thats totally noncontroversial. But today is very different because today we have truly, i think, respected the legacy, the highest legacies of this body, that this body is supposed to be a chamber where you bring very diverse opinions and perspectives to try and find Common Solutions to this countrys needs. I think the compromise that we are hopefully going to approve today will serve as a model for what is possible in this body and in this congress. Because it truly is, in my you 13 years, this is i think a watershed moment. Were in a very, very divisive, polarized environment. We have come together to move this country forward, and i want to thank and commend the Ranking Member and my friend, mr. Womack. I cant imagine having a better relationship than i have with the Ranking Member, and i hope he feels when he was chairman and i was Ranking Member it was exactly the same way. Mr. Womack is a total class act and a distinguished member and its an honor to work with him. Mr. Womack if the gentleman will yield for just a moment . Mr. Yarmuth ill yield. Mr. Womack let me just say, mr. Speaker, for the record, the feeling is mutual. I admire and appreciate the great relationship that mr. Yarmuth and i have. Mr. Yarmuth i thank the gentleman. I also want to compliment and thank the Budget Committee staff, both the majority and minority, for the work done on this very important piece of legislation. Mr. Speaker, our country is facing an infrastructure deficit. We face a skills and education deficit. We face a growing income inequality crisis. A failure by congress to make the necessary investments to promote growth and opportunity will leave our communities and country vulnerable. Instead of the extreme cuts outlined in the president s 2020 budget proposal, we need to be making bold investments in research and development, educating and training a strong workforce, improving public health, caring for our veterans, ensuring an accurate 2020 census, and protecting our homeland. The United States did not become an economic powerhouse and world leader by accident. Throughout our history, we have made strong investments in our people, our economy and our security that have allowed us to innovate and grow while promoting broadbased economic opportunity. This agreement will build on that legacy by raising the caps and lifting the debt ceiling, allowing congress to move our nation forward without leaving our communities behind. I look forward to passing this bill in the house, and i encourage both the senate and the white house to join us in ensuring that we meet our obligations to our nation and to the American People. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky yields back the balance of his time. All time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 519, the previous question is ordered on the bill. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to amend the balanced budget and emergency deficit control act of 1985, to establish a congressional budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, to temporarily suspend the debt limit, and for other purposes. Mr. Yarmuth i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The ayes have it. Mr. Yarmuth mr. Speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman the yeas and nays are requested from the gentleman from kentucky. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california, mrs. Love green seek recognition . Ms. Lofgren pursuant to House Resolution 519, i call up h. R. 49 the venezuela t. P. S. Act of 2019 and ask for its immediate consideration. The clerk Union Calendar number 128, h. R. 549 a bill to designate venezuela under section 244 of the immigration and nationality act to permit people of venezuela for protected status and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on the judiciary, an amendment consisting of the rules Committee Print 116128 and the bill as adopted is considered read. The bill shall be debatable for 30 minutes of the committee of the judiciary. The gentlewoman from california, mrs. Love green and the gentleman from georgia, mr. Collins, each will control 15 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. Ms. Lofgren i ask unanimous consent that members may insert extraneous material on h. R. 549. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Lofgren i yield myself such time as i may consume. This should not be a partisan issue. Both democrats and republicans in both houses of congress support temporary protective status and when the venezuela t. P. S. Act of 2019 was brought up on a suspension vote on tuesday, it did not pass because most republicans voted against it. President trump has repeatedly expressed alarm about the situation in venezuela and support for the people. But he refuses to exercise his authority to designate venezuela for t. P. S. Today we vote again on this to protect the people of venezuela who are already in the United States. And i do hope my republican colleagues will vote in support of it. T. P. S. Is designed to provide safe haven to people in the United States and unable to return to their home country. Venezuela one of latin americas most prosperous country is in the throes of a political crisis and deserving of t. P. S. Designation. Four millian people of venezuela are out of hair home country. 7 Million People need humanitarian assistance to stay alive and one in five has no access to clean water. This is the type of humanitarian crisis the t. P. S. Was designed to address. For this reason alone, we should stand in support of venezuela t. P. S. Two weeks ago acting commissioner of u. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services informed senator durbin by letter that the administration was quote continuing to monitor the situation instead of designating venezuela for t. P. S. Even more surprising, the United States is still deporting the people of venezuela. And 2018, they deported more venzuelans. In other words, the Trump Administration venezuela policy is incowherpt at best. As members of congress we can act consistently with our concerns for the people of venezuela by supporting this bill. His provides us a neck nism to oofer temporary refuge. Designating venezuela for t. P. S. Will not only ensure the safety and security of thousands of venzuelans but our bipartisan support of a legitimate democratic transition in venezuela. I commend my colleagues for their work and commitment to the vends wail an people and i ask you to support the venezuela t. P. S. Act of 2019 and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore mr. Collins i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia reserves. Ms. Lofgren i would be pleased to yield three minutes to the sponsor of the bill, the gentleman from florida, mr. Soto. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Soto thank you, mr. Speaker and i thank the chairwoman from california for her time and leadership on this issue. I think the congress understands at this point that venezuela is in crisis and its people are in risis under the evil fist of a tyrannical dictator who has stayed in power through fraudulent electrics. Thats why the United States recognized the interim president in a bipartisan fashion from President Trump and leaders in the senate to leaders in the house including our speaker, nancy pelosi. And thats why we have come together in a bipartisan fashion to file and pursue the passage of the venezuela t. P. S. Act which was cointroduced with bipartisanship. With congressman diazbalart, who has joined me here today, cointroducing it to try to get the job done and to get everybody together. We have been joined by such amazing leaders like congresswoman shalala who helped on rules or the help of Debbie Wasserman schultz who worked th leadership and Debbie Powell and representative lofgren. The administration has said positive statements about this. Just this past week, secretary pompeo said this could happen and we had Vice President in florida saying we need to agget to help the venezuela wail an people. We are going to have a Second Chance and vote on this where we wont need a 2 3 vote, but it uld say a lot about saying that the socialist regime that touro has in venezuela needs go and we need to stand together as democrats and republicans to condemn that and allow people who are here over 170,000 in florida to have a Second Chance. Over a million throughout the United States, to have a Second Chance. I hope the house can come together and show our very best tonight with the vote. According to a study, venzuelans are applying for receive new jersey in the u. S. , the largest group. Venzuelans made up onethird of all asylum claims ahead of china and all other countries and that is significant considering the humanitarian crisis that all parties recognized are at the border. Only venzuelans in the United States who pose no risk to the safety or security are eligible for t. P. S. The program contains the stringent criminal bars in all of immigration law. We will make sure that only those worthy. Mporary protective status the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins i yield to the gentleman from florida, mr. Diazbalart. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Diazbalart i thank the Ranking Member for allowing me this time. And i want to start by commending the gentleman from florida, mr. Soto, for his relentless leadership on this issue. He has a tradition of working in a bipartisan way. And has a tradition of working on things that are important to the people of florida and this is important not only to the people of florida, but when you talk about venezuela this is important to the National Security of the United States. Mr. Soto mentioned about the reality in venezuela today. The reality of what we have seen ecause of this socialist regime. And venzuelans dont have access to food, medicine. The most important thing is the repression they are suffering day in and day out. The people are doing everything they can to recover their freedom. I am proud of what this Trump Administration has done in support and solidarity and in support of the cause of freedom. While thats going on, a lot of us believe that it would ub general acceptable to return venzuelans to the situation that the gentleman, my colleague from florida just mentioned, what i just mentioned as well. And thats what this legislation is all about. We know that the real solution, the permanent real solution for venezuela is very simple and can be boiled down to one word, freedom. The freedom of the people. And we are working and the administration has done an ofzing job, again solidarity the freedom of the venzuelans. So again, i want to thank mr. Soto and thank my florida colleagues. You mentioned a number of them. I see congresswoman shalala is here and so many others who have been working on this, not only working on this but helping in the cause of freedom of the venzuelans. This is not to be confused with issues dealing with immigration. This is to deal with a specific case of the venzuelans who are struggling under this oppressive regime and we should not return people back. I urge a favorable vote and with that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia reserves. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren im honored to reckfies the gentlelady from florida, donna shalala, for two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Shalala thank you. Mr. Speaker, i rise in strong support of h. R. 549, the venezuela t. P. S. Act of 2019 and i thank my distinguished colleague from south florida, congressman Mario Diazbalart for his comments and for his coaching during my first year. Venezuela was once the richest country in latin america, the economy, health care and Education System and every Democratic Institution is in ruins because of the socialist policies of the evil madurereeg em. It is experiencing the largest refugee crisis in the western hemisphere. There are tens of thousands born residents in south florida. 17,000 in my district alone. My constituents cannot safely return to a country in chaos. This is why t. P. S. Was created. As the vote on tuesday demonstrated, this congress is ready to allow venzuelans apply for t. P. S. T. P. S. Has bipartisan support in the house and senate. Time for the senate to take this bill up. T. P. S. Is a fundamental component to the crisis in venezuela but it will not solve the crisis. The United States and International Community must continue to put pressure on the regime to facilitate a peaceful change in leadership because our ultimate goal is to secure a stable and peaceful transition of power for the venzuelans. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from georgia reserves . Ms. Lofgren i would like to yield to mr. Soto an additional 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. Soto i thank the gentlelady from california. I wanted to make appoint that the temporary protective Status Program is the current law of the land. The program was created for this exact purpose to help People Living under dire conditions who fear for their lives and allows them to stay in the u. S. Until the situation changes in their home country. In this broader date over immigration and over t. P. S. , let us not sacrifice the venzuelans in the process but come together in a bipartisan fashion to show the very best in this chamber in the interest of freedom not only in this country but around the globe. Ms. Lofgren i reserve. Mr. Collins does the gentlelady have any more speakers . Ms. Lofgren may i ask how much time is remaining . The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from california has 6 1 2 minutes. The gentleman from georgia has 12 1 2 minutes. Ms. Lofgren i would yield myself two minutes just to make a couple of additional comments. First, venezuela, which was a perfectly happy country has been trashed by their government. 10 are now experiencing a million annual increase in inflation. 85 of the medicines need for the causes are unavailable in the pharmacies. They are in terrible shape. I went to the colombiavenezuela border a short time ago, and i want to tell you what i saw. I saw, first, the skinniest refugees ive ever seen. People who were coming offer for the day to get something to eat. The Catholic Church had organized food for people who have no food and who came across the river just to get a meal with their children. It was a tragic situation. And to think that we would send someone whos temporarily here back to that catastrophe is really unthinkable. As mr. Soto has mentioned, t. P. S. Was devised precisely for this type of situation, where we have chaos in the native country of someone whos here temporarily and its unconscionable to send them back. So we do know that the ultimate answer in venezuela is not t. P. S. Its for the venezuelan people to gain control of their government, to have a functioning democracy, to get rid of the socialist policies that have trashed the country. But meanwhile, we do need to have this protection for the venezuelans who are here. I would note without a word of complaint, the colombians have and id yield myself an additional 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Lofgren the colombians have accommodated four million venezuelans, have left venezuela and gone into colombia, and there has not been a big turmoil in colombia about accepting those refugees while this disaster is going on. Its surely the estimated 300,000 venezuelans who are in the u. S. Today, would not pose a burden. They are able to support themselves. We should not be sending them back to a terrible fate. With that id reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins could i ask what times left . Ms. Lofgren pardon me . Mr. Collins i was asking for the time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia has 12 1 2 minutes. The gentlewoman from california has 4 1 2 minutes. Excuse me, four minutes. Mr. Collins so i have 12 minutes, is that correct . Has your speaker arrived . Ms. Lofgren were still waiting. Mr. Collins so i have 12 minutes and she has four minutes, is that correct . I reserve for a minute. Reclaiming my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Collins i think the interesting thing here im not ready to close but at this point in time one of the issues said today, it should be noted that d. H. S. Has actually no mechanism to send anyone back to venezuela right now. The channels for getting people back to venezuela is not there. Deportation is not happening, especially after they have no mechanism to do that. Hats something later on ms. Lofgren well mr. Collins im not want a colloquy. I want to make sure you have your speaker here. Ms. Lofgren no. I think given the time and the other bills, if the gentleman would yield, why dont you close and i will close and we will go to a vote . Mr. Collins outstanding. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins thank you, mr. Speaker. I oppose there are legislation which validates venezuela for t. P. S. T. P. S. Designation means nationals of a designated country inside the u. S. On the date of designation legally or illegally may be here. D. H. S. Estimated 370,000 venezuelans in the country and 123,000 is here illegally. If the country no longer meets the country for t. P. S. Designation, the secretary must terminate the designation. Despite the fact congress intended d. P. S. To be a temporary protection has become a permanent and automatically renewed. Contrary to congress intent, some countries have been designated for t. P. S. For decades. The Current Administration has followed the law and terminated t. P. S. For certain nations, but, of course, that is not been left to its been stymied in the courts. I oppose h. R. 549, but the venezuelan people are in dire situations. Hanks to the socialists chavez and maduro, i pray for change. We should not ensure renewal is automatic. If we do if we do not do that, we can continue the same broken t. P. S. Designation process. No future administration will terminate the designations and 25 years from now members will call for the green cards for those who are here on t. P. S. I must also point out the hypocrisy of designating a country for temporary protected status. Majority recently passed legislation to create green card path for 417,000 aliens in the country on a temporary protective status, some of which were 20 years for a volcano. Not exactly something that is permanent. We also we may remove the word temporary from t. P. S. Statute and hand over the green cards right now. I oppose this bill and i yield i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren mr. Speaker, i would hope that everyone will vote for this bill. You know, it is unfortunately the case that the United States has deported venezuelans in late 2018. More venezuelans were deported than were resettled. It is important that while this country, venezuela, is really in meltdown that we dont take Vulnerable People and send them back there. Thats what t. P. S. Is all about. This bill is simple. Thank mr. Soto, ms. Shalala, ms. Debbie warswars, ms. Marcusal powell, for their effort and many others and i ask you to support this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore all time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 519, the previous question is ordered on the bill, as amended. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to designate venezuela under section 244 of the immigration and nationality act to permit nationals of venezuela to be eligible for temporary protected status under such section, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 1c of rule 19, further consideration of 549 5491 excuse me s postponed. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or votes objected to under clause 6 of rule 20. The house will resume proceedings on the postponed questions at a later time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Mr. Engel mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3352, the department of state authorization act of 2019, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3352, a bill to provide for certain authorities of the department of state, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from new york, mr. Engel, and the gentleman from texas, mr. Mccaul, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. Mr. Engel thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and tend their remarks and include extraneous material on h. R. 3352. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Engel i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Engel let me first of all thank our Ranking Member on the Foreign Affairs committee, mr. Mccaul of texas, for working with me, closely to bring this bipartisan piece of legislation forward. Mr. Speaker, one of our Top Priorities on the Foreign Affairs committee is making sure that diplomacy is a pillar of American Foreign policy. Diplomacy is the tool, mr. Speaker, that we use around the world to diffuse crises, to prevent conflicts, to help build peace and stability and prosperity. We use diplomacy along with development to strengthen friendships and to bridge divides. We invest in these efforts because they help us project our values around the world. Support for democracy and human rights, our countrys spirit of compassion and generosity, we invest in diplomacy and development because they enhance our security. Countries and regions that are more stable, governments that are more transparent, and accountable mean that we have better partners on the world stage. They mean fewer places where conflict may erupt or extremism may take root. The violence we can forestall through diplomacy means one less place where we need to put American Service members in harms way. Mr. Speaker, with all the tremendous dividends we see from diplomacy and development, the congress would make sure that our agencies and our personnel responsible for this work always have the support and resources they need, that we are working constantly to provide the tools to meet 21st Century Global challenges. Thats why its so amazing, mr. Speaker that the last time a state Department Authorization was signed into law was the year 2002. Just think of all the issues were grappling with around the world that we would not have envisioned 17 years ago. Were asking the state department to Counter Terrorist propaganda on social media, but the last Time Congress gave the state department its legislative due was two years before facebook was invented. Right around the time the first smartphones were coming on the market. Let me be clear. Our diplomats have done a great job dealing with the challenges america faces and our inability to get a state Department Authorization signed into law is not the lack of trying. The Foreign Affairs committee and the house have passed a number of bills that just did not make it across the finish line. With the bill were considering today, i hope were starting a new trend. It contains a wealth of good provisions. I view it as an important start in breathing new life into the regular authorizing Work Congress should do to support americas diplomacy and development efforts. It will help the department recruit and retain a Diverse Workforce so that our diplomats ook like the theyre representing. It will look like that theyre representing. It will keep our Public Servants safe. It will authorize absolutely essential investments in embassy security, construction, and maintenance. It will help to streamline the departments management structure, strip out duplication and cut away the dead wood of outdated reports. This will make sure the agency is flexible and nimble in a rapidly changing world. It will focus on smart planning and rigorous evaluation so we know were being effective in our diplomatic efforts. And beyond whats in the bill, mr. Speaker, im especially proud of what this bill stands for. I have tremendous respect for our colleagues on the Armed Services and intelligence committees, and i salute their work in regularly passing authorizing legislation for the agencies they oversee. If were serious about diplomacy and development, its critical parts of our Foreign Policy and essential to our National Security, then theres absolutely no reason that a state Department Authorization bill should not be part of congress regular work. Our committee has shown again and again that we can Work Together in a bipartisan way you to advance our countrys security. We pass a lot of legislation, often small fixes around the edges to get a particular challenge. With an authorization bill, were sending a stronger message to our diplomats. As you carry out your critical and often dangerous work, were going to have your backs. So im pleased were advancing this bill today, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Mccaul thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i rise in strong support of the state Department Authorization act of 2019, which i was proud to draft with my friend, chairman eliot engel, and i thank him for his strong bipartisanship. The last state Department Authorization was signed into law in 2002. Imagine that. 2002, one year after 9 11, and the 16 years since that authority lapsed, weve seen too many taxpayer dollars wasted on inefficient hiring and procurements and expanding bureaucracy and outdated i. T. System that left us vulnerable to cyberattacks from foreign nation states and hackers. Its a fundamental duty of the Foreign Affairs committee to pass an annual authorization bill. This is necessary to fulfill our constitutional article 1 oversight responsibilities and our obligation to be good stewards of the peoples money. Im proud of the bipartisan bill that our committee produced. I will will address long standing difficulties and afford the diplomats with the tools they need to fulfill their missions and enhance our National Security. Among other important reforms. It will modernize the work force, eliminate outdated reports. Prohibit expensive and unnecessary construction practices and impose rigorous monitoring metrics and save taxpayer dollars and reassert our article prerogatives of congress. As the United States faces challenges from russia, china, iran, north korea, we need our diplomats to know that congress fully supports them. And this bill does just that. I thank chairman engel again and his team for working with my staff and our members to ensure that this is a strongly bipartisan product. Otherwise it could not pass house, senate and be signed into law. The chairman knows that. And i thank the chairman for working with me on this important legislation that we really havent seen in over a decade. This type of collaboration has been a hallmark of our work on this committee. Im very proud of that work and i know chairman engel is as well. I ask my colleagues to vote in favor of this bill which deserves our unanimous support and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Engel i thank the gentleman for his kind words and hard work the yield two minutes to gentleman from virginia. Mr. Spano mr. Spano i rise in support of this bill. I thank chairman engel and Ranking Member. We are overdue. As a former Intelligence Officer who served abroad i can attest to the vital contributions of the state department and work forces in keeping our American Families safe and secure. Need to our Civil Service officers the tools, resources and training as they protect and uphold u. S. Interests. I am proud to my see amendment passed committee to keep the state Department Work force safe from Sexual Harassment and assault. I urge my colleagues to approve the coordination between the department of state and department of defense. This amendment would help congress and the American People better understand how our military deployments support our diplomatic priorities. I encourage my colleagues to support this important bill and recognize and reinforce our appreciation for the tireless work for our diplomatic and Civil Service corps. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The gentleman from new york reserves. The gentleman from texas is reckfiesed. Mr. Mccaul i recognize the entleman from florida. My good friend and colleague, mr. Mccaul, i cant tell you how important this bill is. Mr. Yoho i rise in support of the department of state authorization act of 2019. You heard how long it has been since it passed. It passed out of the Foreign Affairs committee with wide bipartisan support. It shows the good work that is done and how important this is and ta is why the Foreign Affairs committee is the most Important Committee in the house. This legislation helped support the important work that the state department does and its diplomats that they do to protect our National Security. I have had the honor to travel on codels that are so important because it strengthens americans Foreign Policy, our engagement and it leaves a belief that those other countries that america is here to be allies. What im amazed at is the hard work of our state Department Employees and not reauthorizing the bill and gives them the ability to work affects their morale. Despite the need for an operational department, this is the first time in six years there has been a comprehensive department of state authorization bill. It is the duty of the house Foreign Affairs committee and the congress as a whole to provide our departments with the necessary tools to advance United StatesForeign Policy. I would like to thank chairman engel and Ranking Member mccaul for including the language from my bill from h. R. 1677 which repeals certain reporting requirements within the state department. This provision will repeal the unnecessary redundant requirements ta are outdated and no longer needed. I commend my colleagues on the Foreign Affairs committee, the staff in supporting a bipartisan bill that will protect americas National Security. We must not let partisan divide continue to handicap our diplomats and their mission. I encourage my colleagues to support passage of this bill and i thank you and yield become. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york. Mr. Engel i yield two minutes to the gentleman from virginia, mr. Connolly. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Connolly i ry today in support of h. R. 3352 the department of state reauthorization act of 2019. This puts missions on firm footing by updating neglected authorities and strengthen the state departments work force. This is a unique source of this strength and for our economy and National Security. We must ensure that our federal work force reflects the American People it serves. Im grateful this bill includes the bulk of my National Security diversity and work force inclusion act, h. R. 2979 promoting diversity. That bill and the authorization bill before us today requires regular reporting to state departments work force and Diversity Efforts and encourages state to expand recruitment programs to facilitate a work force that looks like america. I want to thank the chairman in particular and the Ranking Member for including this amendment. And incentivize our Senior Leaders to posture a program for senior positions and encouraging diverse participation. I have collaborated with federal employee groups to promote diversity within federal agencies and i welcome the opportunity to take a comprehensive approach in this bill. I want to say, i was a staff member on the Senate ForeignRelations Committee for 10 years. I helped write the last bill and it was 1985. It has been 17 years to full force in law. And credit goes to chairman engel and Ranking Member mccaul and their staffs for bringing us to this point and frankly without any controversy. It was the smoothest markup of a state department bill i ever recall. And my hats off to them. They deserve congratulations. It is a good model for this body. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new york . Mr. Engel i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Mccaul i yield three minutes to the gentleman from texas. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Wright i rise in support of this bill. It is critical for us to revisit the resources and responsibilities of each department from time to time. As everyone has noted but its worth repeating, it has been 17 years since we enacted an authorization bill for the state department. H. R. 3352 which enjoys broad bipartisan support will bring our diplomacy into the future and save tax dollars which reasserting congressional authority, streamlining programs and requiring measurements of a programs success. I also want to thank chairman engel and Ranking Member mccaul to include my bill in h. R. 3352. Since 1977, when congress formerly gave the sending of state primary authority over energyrelated Foreign Policy, there have been significant changes in the Global Energy landscape. The United States is now the worlds top producer of Petroleum Natural gas and seen increased womenization of energy by russia, transforming energy into a critical National Security issue. This new challenge requires afffirmed dedication and focus. The Energy Diplomacy act does just that by authorizing an assist ant secretary of state for Energy Resources and defining our Energy Security and diplomatic priorities. This will ensure that the state department has personnel to carry out its mandate and protect in advance the Energy Interests as well as of our allies abroad. This will advance u. S. Energy exports by instructing our diplomats to work with u. S. Energy Companies Operating abroad. Russias influence has been at the forefront of the Foreign AffairsCommittee Agenda and pushing back must be part of our strategy. I thank you again, mr. Chairman nd representative mccaul for including my bill. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new york. Mr. Engel i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york reserves. Mr. Mccaul i have no additional speakers, mr. Speaker and am prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mccaul i yield myself such time as i may consume. Mr. Speaker, i just want to say at the beginning how proud i am to work with chairman engel to draft this critical and overdue authorization bill. I think as was mentioned previously, i think this is the most Bipartisan Committee on the hill and should be because matters of National Security should not shouldnt bring partisanship to this body on issues of importance like this. I want to thank the staff on the majority staff for working with my staff on the Minority Side. And i want to thank grant on my staff for his excellent work on this bill. This doesnt happen by accident. It happens by design and happens when the staff can Work Together because the chair and the Ranking Member send a message, message of leadership and a tone that we want to get this done in a bipartisan way. And the beauty of that is, mr. Speaker, that that will give this bill, this authorization, the first one we have seen since 2002, the best opportunity to pass the senate and be signed into law. Mr. Chairman, this will be a hallmark of this congress, i believe, when that happens. It is exercising our constitutional prerogatives under article 1 and oversight role on the Foreign Affairs committee. And with that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas yields back. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Engel i yield myself such time as i may consume for the purpose of closing. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Engel mr. Speaker, let me thank my friend and partner, mr. Mccaul, for his partnership. This legislation really does represent the product of close bipartisan work on this committee since the start of this congress. I wish to thank mr. Mccaul and other members of the committee, both democrats and republicans. And again, i hope with this bills passage today the house is turning over a new leaf. Im committed to making sure authorizing legislation for the state department is something we do regularly and is something that this body considers as mustpass. Im proud of our work on this bill. I want to thank my staff and tank the staff on the Minority Side as well. Im very proud of us working together as a team. I urge all members to support this. Again, thank you, mr. Mccaul. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york yields back. The time for debate has expired. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3352 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Hose opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from michigan seek recognition . I move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3670 as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3670, a bill to amend the hemland security act of 2002 to pr provide access to appropriate temporary shelter for individuals apprehended by u. S. Customs and Border Protection and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the ms. Man from michigan, slat kin, and the gentleman each control 20 minutes. Ms. Slotkin i yield myself uch time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Slotkin i rise in support of my bill h. R. 3670, the shortterm detention standards act. This legislation is very simple. It requires humane conditions for migrants detained in shortterm detention facilities at our ports of entry. This legislation is premised on a very simple idea, that defending our countrys security and upholding humanitarian standards are not mutually exclusive and anyone who believes that you can have only one or the other misunderstands americas core alues. T currently only requires that immigrants have adequate access to food and water but we know from images we have seen on tv and news reports and from findings of the departments own inspector general, the immigrants are going without necessities. They released two management alerts detailing poor conditions and overcrowding in el paso and the Rio Grande Valley of texas where i just visited. Thats why i introduced this bill which expands the current requirement under law so that customs and Border Protection must also provide migrants not only food and water but bathroom and shower facilities, appropriate nutrition, hygiene, personal grooming items, and sanitation needs. Based on the reports we have all seen and the outcries from constituents in my district, i traveled to the southern border last week in one of the only bipartisan trips to have made it to the border. What i saw from beginning to end was tragedy and misery for every link in the chain. It was misery for migrants who were fearing death and persecution at home and they risked their lives to walk 1,000 miles often with their children in the heat to seek asylum in the United States. It was misery for the thousands of additional migrants, who were just seeking a better life and to come and work in this country but have no easy legal way to do that. It was misery for the customs and Border Protection officials and the Border Patrol officials who were not stood up and set up to do this, who have been demonized in the press, many of which many of whom are first generation americans in a situation they were never trained for. Its misery top to bottom. And that misery for me turned to anger because it is because of the inability of washington to produce comprehensive Immigration Reform that that misery is happening. There is so much more to do to alleviate the crisis at our southern border and i and i think all of my bipartisan colleagues when we traveled to the border felt that it was our duty to actually work on Bipartisan Legislation so that we can create is situation where people who we need in this country can come here legally. People seeking asylum can do it legally. And we do not have to put our customs and border officials in this kind of situation. I thank my republican colleagues in the Homeland Security committee who voted unanimously with me on this bill. I believe this is the first bill on standards at our southern border to be bipartisan. Im very proud of that. Its a commonsense proposal that i think democrats, republicans, independents can all support. To my colleagues who have not yet made up their mind, the standards outlined in this bill are simply the same standards for our inmates in our prisons that the bureau of prisons upholds. It is the same standards under the je knee video conventions that any u. S. Soldier must uphold when we take in a prisoner of war. Those are the bare minimum that represent our values and i offer they should be the exact same standards we afford people coming over our southern border. The number of my grans coming over our southern boarder is overwhelming. It would overwhelm any administration, any political affiliation. But it does not abrogate our responsibility to maintain basic humanitarian standards in alignment with our values. The department of Homeland Security must do better and from my own trip last week, i know they want to do better. As i said, im marly grateful to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle who voiced support nor bill and came on as cosponsors. I urge my colleagues to do the right thing, help our country aspire to higher standards, and support h. R. 376 3670. Thank you and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Higgins i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Higgins thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i appreciate the gentlewoman from michigans efforts on this bill. I admire her for her compassion. I respect her intent. The spirit behind this bill. And i hope that we can Work Together to move forward. My concern is with the letter of the law written within this bill. I know firsthand that showers are being provided and that personal Hygiene Products are immediately available to the unprecedented number of people in customs and Border Protection custody both from visits to the border myself and from regular communication with brothers and sisters of Law Enforcement that work the border, that are tasked with securing our border. I see regular emails, messages, videos, etc. My concern with this bill is that it does not solve the problem, in my opinion. S and Border Protection processing facilities are outdated. Many, many were built decades ago. They were not designed to process children and families nor the massive numbers of Illegal Immigrants arriving at our border on a daily basis. Without providing funding for new customs and Border Protection facilities, im concerned that this bill would not fix the real problem despite its obvious compassionate intent. Instead of forcing customs and Border Protection to provide a long list of amenities to illegal immigrant, we should be focused on quickly processing my grants and moving them out of customs and Border Protection custody. Unfortunately, many of my colleagues across the aisle have resisted providing funding for additional immigrations and Customs Enforcement bed space. People are being held at c. B. P. Much longer than was ever envisioned. My colleagues across the aisle have supported policies that in my opinion have exacerbated the crisis by refusing to provide i. C. E. With the resources it needs to get people out of shortterm detention and into more suitable facilities for longterm holding. This bill is attempting to solve problems that some would argue are caused by democrat policy decisions to restrain funding for i. C. E. And degrade their ability to hold Illegal Immigrants. We should provide i. C. E. The resources it needs to conduct its mission, rather than imposing those responsibilities on customs and Border Protection. Men and women who are taxed with the completely different mission. Thank you, madam speaker, thank you, mr. Speaker, thank you, gentlewoman. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlelady from michigan is recognized. Ms. Slotkin thank you, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Slotkin i want to address the specific points raised by the gentleman across the aisle. Youre right this bill is not meant to fix everything. It doesnt get to the root of the problem. What it does is establish a very basic humanitarian standard, similar to what we have, almost exactly to what we have for our prisoners of war and our prisoners. That is taken from the geneva convention, the international standard. I want to meet those standards. In many cases, the men and women of the customs and Border Protection and Border Patrol are absolutely meeting those standards. I think probably at this point most areas are. It shouldnt be a problem to enshrine it in actual law. I also think that i agree that we have a major problem in our immigration system. I believe that strongly and even more strongly after i went to the board they are past week. I look forward to my colleague working with us on bipartisan immigration control reform, excuse me. But i think this is a minimum standard. Its a humanitarian standard in line with our values. Its what our Law Enforcement officers and our uniform military already have to provide whenever theyre in a position of detention. Thing is isnt difficult if youre already achieving in most cases these standards across the border. And i think the complaint that it doesnt solve every problem, it was never meant to. Lets focus on the bill at hand. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from louisiana is recognized. Mr. Higgins i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Higgins i would like to share with the gentlewoman, who i have deep respect for, i believe that the humanitarian standards you refer to are alive in the heart os they have men and women, the american men and women who serve in customs and Border Protection on the border. And these americans struggle to accomplish their mission, despite overwhelming, almost impossible, conditions and situations. Masses of humanity, wave after wave of children of god. The role of this body as envisioned by our founders and supported through the generations is to allow the american spirit to manifest tself without regulation and enforced traditions and principles that are exhibited by the very americans whom we serve. I deeply respect the intent of this bill, although i have voiced my concern regarding the letter of the language of this bill, the purposes of my concern. Id like to share with the congresswoman id like to share with congresswoman slotkin, im prepared to close, i have no further speakers, but i do deeply respect her effort. I stand in opposition. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlewoman from michigan is recognized. Ms. Slotkin thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. In closing, i appreciate the gentlemans comments and the spirit with which they were delivered, let me just say as someone who is from michigan, we depend on our customs and Border Protection agents, our Border Patrol agents, every single day for our own security. For just awareness of whats coming over our border. We are a border state. Youre never going to find a bigger fan of customs and Border Protection and Border Patrol. We i was visiting with them in the past 10 days, they are doing yeomans work and i asked for their advice before i went to the southern border. But we know that despite their best efforts, the overwhelming number of people combined with the complete inability to be prepared for such numbers means that people were going without showers. People were going without access to medical care. People were going out. That is not what anyone wanted. I do not believe at all that people wanted that. But that was the reality. I felt it was important to lay down a clear standard. I think the vast majority are adhering to that standard. I think its the bare minimum. With that, i yield back the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3670 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, e rules are the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on he table. For what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition . Mr. Cicilline mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2336, the family farmer relief act of 2019, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 2336, a bill to amend title xi, United States code, with respect to the definition of family farmer. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Cicilline, and the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Sensenbrenner, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from rhode island. Mr. Cicilline mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Cicilline i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cicilline mr. Speaker, h. R. 2336, the family farmer relief act of 2019, would increase the current debt limit used to determine whether a family farmer is eligible for relief under chapter 12 of the bankruptcy code. A specialized form of bankruptcy relief specifically intended for family farmers from approximately 4. 4 million to 4. 4 million to 10 million. This is a family farmer that satisfies certain Eligibility Criteria to reorganize his or her debt pursuant to repayment plan under the supervision of a bankruptcy trustee. The special attributes of chapter 12 make it better suited to meet the particular needs of family farmers in financial distress than other forms of bankruptcy relief. Under chapter 7, for example, the family farm and its assets would have to be liquidated to pay the claims of creditors. Thus depriving the family farmer of his or her livelihood, which is completely unacceptable. The chapter 11 process for reorganization, which is typically used by large corporations in economic distress, to reorganize complex financial transactions, is also inappropriate. Due to its costly and timeconsuming process that does not work for our nations small farming operations. In life these concerns, with other avenues for reorganization on the bankruptcy code, congress created chapter 12 during the farm crisis of the mid 1980s, in response to a series of economic catastrophes facing small farms. From grain embargos to high Interest Rates to consolidation and megafarms. Unfortunately many similar economic pressures are impacting family farmers today. Who are also facing the devastating effect of climate change, including unprecedented weather events and catastrophic flooding, as well as stagnant or falling returns on investment. H. R. 2336 takes into consideration the fact that modern farming operations entail greater costs and resulting debt than when chapter 12 was enfirst enacted. By raise was first enacted. By raising the threshold to a level more consistent with todays operations, accordingly i support h. R. 2336 and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. Mr. Sensenbrenner mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Sensenbrenner mr. Speaker, i rise in support of the bill. The family farm relief act of 2019 brings urgently needed help to a Critical Link in americas economy, and vital part of American Community life, the family farmer. In 2005, congress permanently enacted chapter 12 of the bankruptcy code. Chapter 12 is specially designed to help family farmers reorganize their debts in a time of need and to keep their farms going. In the years since chapter 12 and its stream chapter 12, its streamlined procedures have worked well. Theres been one problem. As time has passed, the cost of running a family farm have rapidly increased. The ceiling on chapter 12 on how much debt a family farm can reorganize has lagged behind. Especially with the advent of modern, highen this tech farming equipment, the chapter 12 ceiling is no longer high enough to let many farms with typical amounts of debt go into chapter 12. The family farmer relief act of 2019 fixes this problem. It raises the ceiling from the old roughly 4. 5 million limit to a more reasonable 10 million limit. This means that more family farmers will be able to successfully reorganize when they need to, to the benefit of the economy and local communities across the land. Im proud to be an original cosponsor of this bill. I urge my colleagues to support the bill and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from rhode island is recognized. Mr. Cicilline mr. Speaker, i now have the pleasure of yielding five minutes to the gentleman who is the author of the bill and who has been a relentless advocate for this legislation, a distinguished member of the freshman class, mr. Delgado. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Recognized for five minutes. Mr. Delgado and thank you thank you and thank you to my friend for those kind words. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in strong support of my bill, the family farmer relief act. I rise to urge bipartisan support for a bipartisan priority. Relief for family farmers. Passing the h. R. 2336 will make our nations bankruptcy laws for farmers reflective of todays economy and better represent experiences of our nations farmers. Im proud to represent new yorks 19th congressional district, which stretches nearly 8,000 square miles, is made up of 11 counties and includes the beautiful Hudson Valley and mountains, new york 19 is the eighth most rural district in the country and the third most rural represented by a democrat. Its also home to nearly 5,000 farms and over 8,000 farm operators. The last usda census found that 96 of the farms in my district are familyowned. These familyowned farms both in new york 19 and across the country are facing alarming rates of foreclosure during this downfarm economy. This is the fifth year on record of declining net farm income. Prices are low, inputs are high, and current trade policies make the future of farms unknown. 2018 marked the fourth Consecutive Year of rising bankruptcy rates as a proportion of the farm population. This farm economy is exacerbated by an outdated bankruptcy filing cap that leaves farmers without options to restructure or repair their repay their debt. Chapter 12 was created to provide repayment flexibility and reorganizational advantages for family farms during poor economic times. Unfortunately this outdated debt cap has rendered chapter 12 an inaccessible tool for thousands of farm families. Mr. Speaker, the numbers tell the story here. According to the National Farm bureau last year, just 498 farms filed for chapter 12 bankruptcy. By comparison, 766,000 consumers filed under chapter 7 and 13. Over the last 10 years, chapter 7 and chapter 13 have been seen have seen 10 million total filings compared to just 5,000 chapter 12 filings. Mr. Speaker, we must do more. The family farmer relief act solution is simple. My onesentence bill would adjust the debt cap to align with todays land values and the cost of doing business for todays farmers. Our legislation modifies chapter 12 bankruptcy rules to raise the debt cap to 10 million. This will provide farmers additional options to manage the current farm economy and allows farmers to retain assets and remain operational. Allowing farmers increased flexibility is critical to their health and wellness of our family farmers and upstate economy at large. I thank house leadership for bringing this important bill to the floor and also subcommittee chairman cicilline for his support and leadership on the judiciary committee. In addition, i want to thank senator grassley for his ongoing leadership on this issue in the senate, and lastly i want to thank my bipartisan house coleads, judiciary subcommittee Ranking Member jim sensenbrenner, House Ag Committee chairman collin peterson, and reps cox, armstrong and dusty johnson. I look forward to seeing this bill move forward so we can give our farmers and growers the support and flexibility they need in these hard times. And with that, i yield back to the chairman. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. Mr. Sensenbrenner mr. Speaker, i have no further speakers. If the gentleman from rhode island has none, i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Cicilline im prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Mr. Cicilline again, mr. Speaker, h. R. 2336 is a commonsense, bipartisan solution. I applaud the gentleman from new york, mr. Delgado, for his leadership on this bill, to help our nations familyowned farms. This legislation is supported by the nonpartisan american bankruptcy institute, as well as the American College of bankruptcy. It currently has more than 27 bipartisan cosponsors, including our distinguished colleague, the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Sensenbrenner. I encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass h. R. 2336, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h. R. 2336, as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid n the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on passage of h. R. 3877, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3877, a bill to amend the balanced budget and emergency deficit control act of 1985, to establish a congressional budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, to temporarily suspend the debt limit, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ]