The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 230. The nays are 189. The previous question is ordered. The question season adoption of the resolution. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed, no. He ayes have it. The gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall mr. Speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. Fiveminute vote, members. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 233, and the nays are 190. The resolution is adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Hoyer i hereby notice the house consider the following joint resolutions on wednesday, july 17, 2019. Senate joint resolution 36, Senate Joint Resolution 37, and Senate Joint Resolution 38. The speaker pro tempore the notice will appear in the ecord. Please take your conversations ff the floor. Members, members, we have some business to take care of. Would you please take your conversations off the floor. Please, please take your conversations off the floor. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Mr. Nadler mr. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 491, i call up the resolution, h. Res. 489, and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The clerk the clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 489, resolution condemning President Trumps racist comments directed at members of ongress. Soir purr r pursuant to House Resolution 491, the resolution is considered as read. The resolution shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on the judiciary. The gentleman from new york, mr. Nadler, and the gentleman from georgia, mr. Collins, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. Nadler. Mr. Nadler thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and insert remarks extraneous material on h. Res. 489. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Nadler thank you. Mr. Speaker, i yield myself three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Nadler mr. Speaker, the comments described in this resolution were not just offensive to our colleagues, they were inconsistent with the principles and values upon which this nation was founded. In urging four female members of congress of color to quote, go back where they came from, these comments are not only factually incorrect but they were also deeply hurtful and divisive. These were shocking comments, even from an administration that rips children from the arms of their parents and warehouses Asylum Seekers in facilities under inhumane conditions. We cannot let this moment pass without a forceful condemnation. Need i remind the speaker that this is the same president who defended the quote, very fine people at the neonazi march on charlottesville, who denounced the quote, shole countries in africa and the caribbean. Who claimed that haitian immigrants, quote, all have aids. And declared a Mexican American judge born in the United States had a quote inherent conflict of interest against him. At every turn democrats have denounced offensive comments that emanate from the white house. But the silence come interesting the other side of the aisle has been deafening. I hope that will finally change today. This Congress Must speak loudly and with one voice to condemn the president s words and more importantly to condemn the sentiments behind them. The United States should be a beacon of hope and refuge to those who need its protection, and it should welcome with open arms those who embody our values and ideals. From our earliest days as a nation we have welcomed people fleeing persecution and violence and those who seek Economic Opportunity and freedom in land whose diversity is one of its greatens strengths. But the president has pursued the Relentless Campaign to build both a literal and figurative wall around this nation. We must not turn our backs on our historic commitment to immigration and to refuge, and we must not fall prey to stereotypes and native fear mongering that think that some immigrants who came here heres ago are ok but those who come here today because they are from socalled shole countries, are not ok. It was Martin Luther king who told us that, quote, i have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their carketerks close quote. The offensive words by the president undermine that dream. They contradict that dream. I hope that all of my colleagues will join me in denouncing racism and in supporting this resolution. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from georgia is recognized for 30 minutes. Mr. Collins thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this is the third time that i have stood in this well this year on this floor about this subject. I have been clear at every juncture. Racism, bigtry, and antitism will find no refuge in the peoples house. We expect each other to speak flare, truthfully, respectfully of all our fell members of congress and the president. Not because we agree with each other but because we have Great Respect for the americans who elected us and represent them from one end of pennsylvania avenue to the other. I come here today, mr. Speaker, with much grief and many questions. The first may be procedural but it is not trivial. The democrats wrote a resolution last night. It is on the floor today. I just have a question. What happened to the 72hour rule ensuring members have an opportunity to review legislation, seek feedback from constituents before voting on it . What happened to regular order . This never came through committee. Why does the house have rules if the democratic majority only follows them when politically convenient . And also it was brought up in the rules debate that there was even no consultation with even others who would want to be a part of this. The president has every right to be frustrated with congress for the work we have failed to do on multiple fronts, including the border. I also understand his recent tweets make it hard for us to move forward. Attacks are like quicksand, they trap and they defeat us before we know it. They are distracting us from legislating, and that was true when the lawmaker implied last week that a member of the house leadership was singled out newly elected women of color. And when other representatives were accused of enabling a racist system. It is true when we, as we see little to no concern from my colleagues across the aisle when a foreign flag is raised over an american facility or terrorist firebombed another facility. It is true when the president of the United States out of frustration tweeted this weekend and it is true of many comments coming from lawmakers today. In fact, it is interesting for my chairman to say they have called out the president every time, but also many times and this is just a small listing every week they have not called out their own members for things that i cannot read on this floor. Unfortunately, mr. Speaker, we are too quick to allow political and justifiable procedural means. Thats not democracy routed in in our unalienable rights. The resolution is simply a lesson in political expeedency. Integrity is a prerequisite to govern by the consent of the people which this resolution affirms. We knew when we voted for the house rules this january we could not in this chamber use certain language about other democratically elect the leaders. We agreed to let ideas compete for our votes and use rhetoric as a tool to build bridges instead of a kindling to burn bridges down. Not a week goes by as we pointed out without members of this body issuing statements or tweets that i could not and will not read from this floor without violating our rules. It is amazing but not surprising some that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks colleagues are using this platform to call for impeachment since many have been making that call since november of 2016. No justification then, and definitely not now. You see, mr. Speaker, lawmakers who find themselves in the minority, the quorom is a sim to. A healthy and confident democracy. When we can debate ideas on this floor, decorum ensures every voice can be heard. I would like to lend my voices to the support of the law makers supporting the first clause of this resolution but for the fourth page of the resolution we could have a suspension vote. The house of representatives is committed america open to those seeking asylum. I agree. Everyone who will vote on this resolution will be on record to opposing this resolution. I heap hope we can address the border crisis. You dont need a vote on this resolution to do that. You have to look at the border and acknowledge the crisis. We will still have a problem with this resolution. We cannot and by our own house rules support a resolution that labels the president in this way. I will not. The rules that have governed this body since the first United States congress do not allow us to devolve in that way. It doesnt mean that we cant condemn racial or ethic prejudice. It doesnt mean we antireject antisemitism as we have on this floor. In my view we have not done it in this congress to that extent. We have failed on both times on the clarion call of that process failed. I know some colleagues on both sides of the aisle would join each other in that conviction. Our own standards of decorum empower us to welcome to america every person who respects our law. These standards give us a platform to admit we and those around us make mistakes. When we consider the power of this chamber to legislate for the common good, i wonder why my colleagues are eager to attack the president , they are willing to under cut the democratic processes. I wonder if the comments today are what some of my colleagues say themplet why this resolution they had to rephrase the resolution to make this point. The resolution condemns comments in a way that exposes the breathtaking partisanship of todays exercise. The resolution quotes only three words from the comment it rejects. The words go back and invaders. Beyond those three words, the resolution substitutes its own phrasing and editorializing for the words this resolution has in view. Again, partisan show. Thats why the todays resolution is more a political jab than anything else. It is therefore a signal for us to take a moment to look inward. I wonder if when we are tempted to accuse our sister, brother, fell american, political folk, or even this madam speaker of racism, do i not believe the president is a racist, do i not believe the speaker of this house is a racist, i do not believe the majority leader is a racist. We can go down this line. I do not believe that. Why we insist on using this floor to litigate the propriety of statements made outside these walls we have signed a lot of wicked intend to a lot of tweets even though 280 characters offers us the least context for making our points and endless potential for misunderstanding each other. To be fair a lot of political speech today seems to deepen our divide by highlighting our differences. That is a cause for sadness. That is why the rules of decorum in this body are designed to guard against. We have a choice this afternoon. We can pursue escalation against our fellow americans or pursue reconciliation on their behalf. Only one of those options make room for this body to do its job. The legislating of solutions for the challenges of the American People. Many of the members in this chamber are my friends and im thankful for the chance to work alongside each of them every day. But today we renew our commitment to democratic ideals of this chamber by voting against a flawed resolution, against a political statement, against something that could not even be written in a proper way without adding editorial and paraphrased comments. I would ask each of my friends on both sides of the aisle to evaluate what is before them. Evaluate what we have done. And evaluate what we dont take up for political convenience when its our side saying it. With that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from new york. Mr. Nadler i now yield one minute to the distinguished majority leader of the house. The speaker pro tempore the majority leader is recognized. Thank you, mr. Chairman, for yielding. I want to thank the gentleman from georgia, who is my friend. I want to respectfully say to him this resolution is not about partisanship. Ts about prejudice. And a necessity to confront it. Mr. Speaker, my father was from denmark. He was born and raised in copenhagen. And came here as an adult in his 20s. I have a large extended family in denmark. The president of the United States, mr. Speaker, did not tell me to go back to denmark. He did not tell the speaker of this house, a woman proud of her Italian American heritage, to go back to italy. He did not tell the Irish American members of this body to go back to ireland. Or tell those of german ancestry to go back to germany. No, he told four women of color , three of whom are natural born citizens, born and raised in their home country of to their go back countries. , mr. Their country speaker, i would tell the president. And it is the country of our colleagues who came here as a refugee from somalia. She endured hardships and arrived on our shores like so many others seeking freedom, safety, and opportunity. She is an american citizen. One who chose to give back to her community and our country through public service. This is her country. I will not speculate on this floor about the motives or intentions of the president , but no one can dispute that the words he said and wrote were racist words and have been called such by republicans. With a long history of being used to demean, dismiss, and denigrate some american citizens as less than others. As not fully belonging in our country. Because of the color of their skin or origin of their families. Mr. Speaker, to oppose this resolution is, in effect, saying the words were acceptable. They were not acceptable. Such words should never be acceptable from the leader of this country or, frankly, anybody else. They demean our declaration of independence. They demean our constitution. And they demean our pledge of allegiance, one nation, indivisible. So i urge this house to come together and support this resolution. No matter whether one supports this president or not, whether one believes hes a racist or not, vote for this resolution that condemns the words he spoke. They hurt. They are not american. They are not us. The sentiment was not one we ought toess spouse and i say to and i say to the me. Ident, say it to say it to all of us in this house. Say it to every deseasonedent of immigrants. Express the sentiment of the house of representatives that this is not the conversation that we have in america. E lift our lamp beside the golden door. Et us keep that flame bright i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Before we go any further, let me just remind members to refrain from engaging in personality, their remarks, towards the president. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins i yield to the gentleman from california, mr. Mcclintock. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mcclintock thank you, mr. Speaker. Unfortunately we have our rhetoric as hyper bollic just as our political views are becoming increasingly irreconcilable. We will all be well advised not to continue down this road. America, love it or leave it, is not a new sentiment nor a radical sentiment, and it certainly is not a racist sentiment. It should remind us of commonly held and enduring founding principles that ought to be uniting us as a free people. Respect for the rule of law. And for the uniquely american principles of individual liberty, constitutionally limited government, and personal responsibility that have produced the happiest, most productive, and most powerful nation in the history of the world. Every nation has a right to protect its culture, traditions, institutions, and principles. This fundamental consensus is what binds us together and unites us as a free people, and its what makes possible all of the compromises and accommodations required by democratic selfgovernment. We have entered into an era when that consensus is breaking down, where youve seen a growing hostility to our american founders, our american founding principles, and our proud american heritage. Legal immigration, immigrants who come to our country by obeying our laws, respecting our nations sovereignty, and bringing with them a sincere desire to embrace our constitution and the principles of liberty that animate and inform our form of government is integral to this process. Some of the most patriotic americans i know are legal immigrants who obeyed our laws, who waited patiently in line, who did everything our country asked of them. Some of the most unpatriotic americans i know were born here and have enjoyed all of the blessings of liberty without ever appreciating our even understanding the principles that produced our nations greatness and its goodness. Socialism and slavery spring from the same principle. In lincolns words, the same spirit that says you work and toil and make bread and i will eat it. He reminded us that a house divided against itself cannot stand. He said, i do not expect the house to fall, but i do expect it must cease to be divided, it must become all one thing or all the other. He understood that freedom and slavery were ant theycal antitheycal and though they might be held in temporary accommodation, they could not coexist for long. Today we face the conflict between freedom and socialism and it is time to choose. Now, i wish the president were more temp rate in the words he sometimes used and i agree that the tone of his recent remarks was unnecessarily provocative, but his Central Point is irrefutable. There is no requirement for those who hate our country to remain here. When there are so many other countries with different principles and values to choose from and that have in turn produced very different results. This is as true of those born here as those who have come here from abroad. This president spoke not of race but of patriotism. American patriotism. And to call that racist, fundamentally misunderstands and misrepresents the question before our country today. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from georgia reserves. The gentleman from new york is now recognized. Mr. Nadler mr. Speaker, i now yield three minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, the sponsor of the resolution, mr. Malinowski. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. The gentleman is recognized for 3 1 2 minutes. Mr. Malinowski mr. Speaker, when i saw the president s comments over the weekend, my first thought was, my politics may not always be the same as the Congress Women he was attacking congresswomen he was attacking but all are americans. Unlike most of them, i was born in a foreign country. I took the oath to support and defend the constitution of the United States when i was 10 years old with my mom. When i was sworn in to be a citizen five years after we came here from poland. Does the president think i should go back because im an immigrant who disagrees with his policies . There are 44 million of us american citizens who are born somewhere else, and we knew americans know what it means new americans know what it means to be american. We know the alternative. Many of us come from broken countries. Communist country, in my case. Broken by communism. In many cases, broken by leaders by using race and religion to divide people. The president may be doing it cynically. He wants the drama. He wants the reality show. In my district, we have to deal with the reality that these words are dangerous. Every synagogue in my district either has Armed Security or is struggling with the question of whether to have it. Every mosque has state Police Coming to friday prayers. We know that the words the president uses to drive up his ratings can be like sparks to the gasoline of disturbed minds in our country. That the man who massacred jews in pittsburgh was obsessed with migrant caravans and blamed jews for helping refugees, that he man who murdered muslims in Christchurch New Zealand believes immigrants are invaders who should go back to their countries. These frigid haters have been with us these fringed haters have been with us before. Legitimized. The neo nazi magazine said, this is the kind of White Nationalism we have voted for. Now we have to decide, is this the kind of politics we want in our country . Mr. Speaker, this resolution is not really about the president. We know who he is. My republican colleagues know who he is. The question is, the only question left to us is, who are we . Because this is not about him. This is about us. Are we still the country of immigrants and of laws that every Great American leader from ben franklin to f. D. R. To john kennedy to george bush believed in . Do we still believe what Ronald Reagan said, that americans lead the world because unique among nations we draw our people, our strength from every country and every corner of the world . New americans renew our pride and gratitude in the United States of america, the greatest, freest nation in the world. This is the choice that every member of the house will have to make tonight. Do we agree with president reagans hopeful, confident, patriotic vision of america or with President Trumps message of fear . Mr. Speaker, republicans and democrats cannot afford to can afford to disagree about many things in in house, but let us not be divided on decency of our fellow americans. At this defining moment for this country and this body, let us come together to support this resolution. Thank you and i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins thank you, mr. Speaker. At this time i yield three minutes to the gentleman from ohio, mr. Gonzalez. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Gonzalez thank you. I was one of the first republicans, i believe, to speak out once the comments came public on sunday. I did it sunday afternoon and i did it again monday. But i cannot in good faith support this resolution because i cant possibly overlook the partisan nature in which it was brought forward and the number of issues that we have control over in the house that were choosing to ignore and have continued to ignore since we were sworn in in january. We have members of this body who have called detention facilities concentration camps, have supported people who are labeling our Border Patrol agents and our i. C. E. Officers as nazis. The gentleman just mentioned some folks outside of this body of congress who may, he believes, been inspired by certain comments. Where is the condemnation of these . Where when are we going to stand up and condemn those who call americans who are doing their jobs, by the way, enforcing laws we enact, nazis . When are we going to push back on that . When are we going to push back on comments, and i quote, after one of our members was criticized, said after the comments, i got a text message from a friend who is like, hey, next time, really clarify. Maybe talk like a fourth grader because maybe the racist idiots will understand you better. Am i a racist idiot . Do i read at a fourth grade level . Do members of this body, have we gotten so broken as a congress where a simple disagreement results in us labeling one another racist idiots . Is that who we are . Wheres the condemnation . When are we going to speak out about that . And i dont have to remind this body about the last time we ere here for a similar process. When one of our members said, its all about the benjamins. Implying that members of both sides of the aisle are being purchased and bought by our jewish brothers and sisters. When are we going to stand up and speak out about that . Because i have been here for seven months now, and its the same thing over and over again. And the people who lose and we all know this are the constituents who are relying on us to actually work to solve problems. Weve done nothing to support usmca, to bring it up for a vote. Weve done nothing to bring down the cost of prescription drugs. We havent done anything since weve been here, and the reason is, because weve been focused on fighting each other online, fighting back and forth, rushing in front of the cameras, boosting our twitter followers and inciting the very provision that prevents us from seeking common ground. I, like i know most of my colleagues, came here to find common ground. We came here to fight for the ideals that make our nation great. I am the son of cuban immigrants, proudly. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman reserves. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. Nadler. Mr. Nadler thank you. I now yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from michigan. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Mr. Talib i want every Single Person in my district to know not only are they part of the squad but we are here to say. I want them to know that we see and hear them clear. Immore proud today, mr. Speaker, to be the daughter of palestinian immigrants, to be the first in my family to graduate high school and later college, to have grown up in the city that birth movements that fought and won against racism and inequality in our country. A city that taught me to never back down, to speak up when i see injustice and one that elected the first of two muslim women serving in the United States congress. This resolution chooses all of us. It chooses you. It chooses those who are marginalized and more importantly, it chooses the values we must all live up to. We cannot allow anyone, especially the president of the United States, to erode our core american values. I urge my colleagues to please choose our country, choose the American People and to support this resolution. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia, mr. Collins. Mr. Collins thank you. At this time i yield a minute. D a half thank you, mr. Collins. I rise in opposition to House Resolution 489, the latest legislative attack on the president. Much like most of the ideas and comments coming from the leading members of the socialist left, yesterdays press conference was at best political theater, and the last few days, Democrat Members of this house have attacked the president with claims of racism. Some have even said and then walked back similar comments referring to the democrat house speaker. None of those accusations are based on fact. As the representative of the people of ninth Congressional District of pennsylvania, i field its most important to address this matter and engage in the work that matters of real substance and importance to the people of this country rather than baseless namecalling and offensive lectures. The ongoing policy debate across this country will be socialism versus american exceptionalism. The people will decide our direction. What has really happened here is that the president and his supporters have been forced to endure months of allegations of racism and concentration camp accusations. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from mr. Collins i give the gentleman 30 more seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has an additional 30 seconds. Mr. Muser thank you, mr. Collins. This ridiculous slander does a disservice to our nation and the American People, and i, like many, am tired of it. I urge a no vote on the resolution aimed purely at harassing the president of the United States. I yield back. Mr. Collins reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york, mr. Nadler, is recognized. Mr. Nadler mr. Speaker, i now yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from texas, ms. Jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from texas, ms. Lee, is recognized for one minute. I thank the e gentleman. I said earlier today that i wish we were not here, but we are here, and now i wish to indicate that i am appalled at any commentary that demeans or hurts a fellow human being or fellow american or fellow world citizen. So the recounting of various statements i realize and recognize that comments were made about statements to ease the pain of those who are receiving it. Right now we are talking about comments that came from the highest office in the land which really does reflect what this little book, the constitution, says that this nation was organized to create a more perfect union. But yet, unfortunately, the officer in the white house, the president of the United States, took to tweeting and talked about the first africanamerican women from the seventh district. Talked about the first palestinian american woman. The youngest woman elected to congress. And the first somali american woman. Women of color. So it is imperative that today along with h. R. 4 h. Res. 494, my resolution, that we condemn this action and we do it together. I ask my republican colleagues to vote for the underlying resolution. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins thank you, mr. Speaker. At this time i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from West Virginia, mrs. Miller. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from West Virginia is recognized for three minutes. Mrs. Miller i rise today to speak in opposition to the resolution on the floor. For the past seven months the president has stated that there is a crisis on our border. Republican house leadership has said there is a crisis on the border. My colleagues have said there is a crisis on the border. And i have said there is a crisis on the border. Throughout, this the washington democrats have denied it again and again. From the Party Leadership and the committee chairs, in hearings, and even on the house floor many have said that the crisis is fake, phony, nonexistent, manufactured, imaginary, and false. They turned a blind eye to a crisis because of political opposition and a the media followed suit. A few weeks ago several of my colleagues across the aisle took a trip to our southern border bringing cameras and journalists along with them. They finally came to terms with what the republicans had been saying for months. However, instead of focusing on the root of the problem, underfunding and overcrowding, backlog cases, and unprecedented surges, they opposed funding and passed a bill to Ban Construction on the southern border. For seven months my colleagues across the aisle have denied a crisis and failed to act. They still havent acted. I want to Work Together to solve this crisis. Instead, we are here debating political nonsense. I have had enough talk about tweet, squads, infighting, labels, and petty disagreements. When we look at the content of the legislation brought up for discussion today, it is no surprise that the American People have such a low approval of congress. It is not a messaging bill to placate the activists. Its an advancement of the socialist agenda. A bill to handcuff our president or denouncement of the american val use. Values. I came to congress to create jobs, grow the economy, innovate our energy industry, and fix West Virginias infrastructure. I was sent here to move our country forward and to solve the problems that actually affect the lives of those we represent. To improve our communities, our country, that is why we are all here. This resolution is a waste of time. I urge my colleagues to oppose this legislation and any legislation that doesnt deliver the results for our country that our citizens deserve. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Nadler mr. Speaker, i now yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from tennessee, mr. Cohen. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee, mr. On, is recognized. One minute. Mr. Cohen i join in supporting this resolution. I felt that we should have had a stronger resolution that censured the president , h. Res. 490, because the conduct of which has been charged is beneath the office of the president. He should not disparage people and suggest they go back to where they were born. Ms. Ocasiocortez was born in the bronx and her parents were born in puerto rico. Mr. Trump should know puerto rico is the United States of america. From references to haiti and african countries as shole countries, to their fine people on both sides in charlottesville with neonazis and klansmen there, hes gone out of his way to find opportunities to besmirch hispanic americans, people of mexican descent, and africanamericans and african countries. This is wrong and beneath the office of the president. I yield back the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore let me remind members again to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. Or any other member. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins mr. Speaker, i ask for a time check on both sides please. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia has 12 2 minutes quarter minutes. The gentleman from new york has 20 minutes. Mr. Collins thank you. At this time i yield three minutes to the gentleman from wisconsin. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. I appreciate the gentleman for yielding. I thank you, mr. Speaker. I just want to note at the start of this resolution for the first three pages i agree with everything. We have great quotes in here of our founders and american president s who talk about the strength of this country that has come from immigrants and immigration. I wholeheartedly concur. As we get to page four, i have significant disagreement. I would note that on page 4 on the whereas, it is noted that trumps racist comments have legitimatized fear and hatred of new americans. I just want to make a point to my friends across the aisle because in paragraph 2 you note that its committed to keeping america open to those who lawfully seek refuge and asylum. Lawfully seek refuge and asylum. I note recently President Trump said those who have sought asylum had a hearing and have a deportation order, you are all offended by that. You didnt include in your resolution those who had deportation orders issued. Their opposition to them be removed. You agree with us and President Trump that those who have lawful orders of deportation should be sent out of the country to cite your resolution. I want to note, mr. Speaker, that i have looked closely at the chain of three tweets sent out by President Trump. And in those tweets i see nothing that references anybodys race, not a thing. I dont see anyones name being referenced in the tweets. But the president s referring to people, congresswomen, who are antiamerican. And lo and behold everybody in this chamber knows who hes talking about. Who are the antiamerican members of congress . He didnt say their names. He did not say their race. But he commented on what they view how they view america. We all know who hes talking about. I want immigrants to come to this country, but if you come to this contry, shouldnt you love this country . We all come here and see imperfection. We work every week trying to make our country better. But to say i wholeheartedly dislike the country, the fact im going to call the president an m. F. Er, good lord, what has the institution become . And come to this floor and chastise the president for a couple tweets. That is rich, mr. Speaker, that thats the language the left would use and then try to call out the president who didnt cite a race or he didnt cite a name. I look at this and i think we are all called to do better and be better. We should make this country better. When i look at some who say i believe that socialism is a pure form of government and better economic economy over capitalism that has given us the freest, most generous, most prosperous country thats ever existed on the face of the earth, we want to trade this in for a system thats always failed, i think youll see republicans push back against that and i think Many Democrats will push back against that. Thats what this argument comes down to. One other note, i look at some of my conservative colleagues, whether its diamond and silk, Justice Thomas the speaker pro tempore the gentleman please. Mr. Duffy i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized, mr. Nadler. Before you go, let me again say please direct your comments to the chair. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman will state her parliamentary. My inquiry is this. My colleague across the aisle just referred to members of congress as antiamerican. I believe that those words are defamatory and i would like to ask whether that is appropriate for a request for the gentleman o take down his words. The speaker pro tempore the chair will not issue an advisory opinion. I have directed both sides to please address the chair, number one. Number two, i have asked that members refrain from engaging in any personality base remarks. So the chair is not going to issue an advisory at this point. Ms. Jayapal a member can say that other members of congress are antiamerican and there is no there is no resolution for that . We would like to ask the gentleman to take down his words. The speaker pro tempore is the gentlewoman making a demand that the words be taken down . Ms. Jayapal i am asking that the gentlemans words be taken own. The speaker pro tempore in order for the words to be taken down, the objection has to be contemporary to the remarks. Ms. Jayapal i was trying to get the attention, mr. Speaker. Ok, mr. Speaker, i will relinquish the point. I just want to remind my colleagues that is completely inappropriate to tell any of us that we are antiamerican. The speaker pro tempore let me just say if any if the violation occurs again i will interrupt in sentence. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Nadler mr. Speaker, i now yield one minute to the distinguished speaker of the house. The speaker pro tempore the distinguished speaker of the house is recognized. The speaker thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. I thank him for his leadership andn so many ways in this congress, mr. Nadler. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I commend mr. Malinowski and mr. Raskin for bringing this important resolution to the floor. Mr. Speaker, i come to this floor prayerfully. Its really very, very sad. It was interesting to me and i spoke out about this, that on sunday in catholic masses, i dont want to go beyond that, that the gospel of the day was the gospel of the good samaritan. A person asked jesus what do i have to do to enter the kingdom of heaven . And christ replied, Love Thy Neighbor as thy self. Show mercy. That very same day then went on to talk, he said well, how do i do this . Jesus gave him the example of the good samaritan. Everyone is familiar with how a stranger helped another stranger, a foreigner, helped another foreigner. The good samaritan. Love thy neighbor as thy self, show mersy. On that very same day mercy. On that very same day, coincidentally, ironically, sadly, whatever you want to use the president was instituting raids into the homes of families. I went to spanish mass this weekend and saw the dignity of those families, the beauty of the children, and the fear that the president had struck in their hearts. As we were listening to the gospel of the good samaritan, Love Thy Neighbor. Unfortunately, that day, there were those that were not informed by that gospel. And so here we are later in that day, was stunning to hear the words that were used, go home, to some of our colleagues. The same words that were used to so many people in our country, whether because they werent born here or because they didnt look like some others here. Go home. As annoyed and insulted as we should be about the president saying this about our colleagues, its also not showing mercy for him to say that about so many people in our country as he wants to split up families. So i thank mr. Malinowski, mr. Raskin for the opportunity to speak to this statements that the president made later in the day of the gospel of the good samaritan. Mr. Malinowski was born abroad. Mr. Raskin, for his Firm Leadership in advancing this important resolution. The house, hopefully, has come together, standing as one to denounce the white houses zen phobic attack on our xenophobic attack on our members, on our people, and to defend the values of america. And what is america . America is many things. The land of a great constitution, which is under threat. A beautiful land that god has given us, which is being degraded. Values that we share that are being undermined. But america is also a nation largely but not totally, largely of immigrants. As this resolution so beautifully states, the founders conceived america as a haven for refuge, for people fleeing from religious and political persecution. Thomas jefferson, alexander hamilton, James Madison having opposite views on other subjects all emphasized that the nation gained as it attracted new people in search of freedom and livelihood for their families. The resolution quotes our most iconic president s who all recognize that immigrants are the constant reinvigoration of america, of hope, determination, optimism, and courage to make the future better. Those are american values. Those are american traits hope, optimism, courage, and many of these immigrants, when they come here with those values and those traits make america more american. Franklin roosevelt said, remember always that all of us and you and i especially are descendents of immigrants. President john f. Kennedy who wrote that the contribution of immigrants can be seen in every aspect of our national life. And president Ronald Reagan, he said it so beautifully in his last speech as president of the United States which is quoted in this resolution said, if we ever close the door to new americans, our leadership in the world will soon be lost. Yet, the president s comments about our colleagues this weekend showed he does not fear those american values. These comments from the white house are disgraceful and disgusting and those comments are racist. How shameful to hear him continue to defend those offensive words, words that we have all heard him repeat, not only about our members, but about countless others. Our caucus will continue to forcibly respond to those attacks on our members which reflect a fundamental disrespect for the beautiful diversity of america. There is no place anywhere for the president s words, which are not only divisive but dangerous, and have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new americans and people of color. Its so sad because you would think that there would be a given that we would universally of his body just say, course, of course, but there is no excuse for any response to those words but a swift and strong unified condemnation. Every Single Member of this institution, democratic and republican, should join us in condemning the president s racist tweets. To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American People. Urge a yes vote mr. Collins i would give the speaker to rephrase her comments. The speaker i cleared my remarks with the parliamentarian. Mr. Collins i make a point of order that the gentlewomans words are unparliamentary and ask they be taken down. The speaker pro tempore the chair will remind all members, please, please do not make comments toward personality personalitybased comments. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Collins i made a point of order that her words be taken down. The speaker pro tempore does the gentleman make a demand that the words be taken down . Mr. Collins i request that the gentlewomans words are unparliamentary and request they be taken down. The speaker pro tempore all members will suspend. The clerk will now report the words

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