Reaction towo, your the Second Democratic debate. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] the speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. June 27, 2019. I hereby appoint the honorable Veronica Escobar to act as speaker pro tempore on this at this. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Od, you reated us endowed with freedom. We give you thanks for giving us another day. As Congress Heads into a recess to celebrate the fourth of july, Americas National holiday, may all citizens be mindful of the wonder of our nations inception. Men and women of good will from various backgrounds and sexes of the colonies from sections of the colonies from tiss pratt faith conditions came together in prayer and united by a division of political and economic autonomy courageously placed their lives, their liberty, and their fortunes on the line to found these United States. May all americans be renewed in their commitment to our representative government. May peach american expect of them each american expect of themselves intelligent participation in the political process so that the members of congress they elect might be states men and women who are able to represent the interests of their constituents while also faithfully honoring their oath to tea fend the constitution to defend the constitution in doing what is best for our nation. In all the celebrations of this week to come, may all that is done be for your greater honor and glory. Aa men. Amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedingser and announces to the house her approval thereof. Journal. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the the gentlewoman from maine seek recognition . Ms. Pingree madam speaker, pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, i demand a vote on the speakers approval of the journal. The speaker pro tempore the question is on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the the gentlewoman from maine seek recognition . Ms. Pingree i request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will please rise. A a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 , further proceedings on this question are postponed. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from maryland, mr. Brown. Mr. Brown i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore the hair will entertain up to for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Mr. Mcgovern i send to the desk a privileged report from the committee on rules for filing under the rule. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. The clerk report to accompany House Resolution 466, resolution providing for consideration of the Senate Amendment to the bill h. R. 3401, making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2019, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore referred to the house calendar and ordered printed. The chair will entertain up to five requests for one minute speeches on each side of the aisle. For what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Brown mad wram chair, to address the house for one minute. Vise and extend madam chair, to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks if needed. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Brown its time to put Harriet Tubman on the 20 bill. Treasury has had the design in the works for years and now its backpedaling. 10 years to complete this work. 10 year period Harriet Tubman made 19 round trips on the underground railroad to lead over 300 slaves to freedom. In less time treasury cant put this American Hero on a piece of paper. How long must it take to reflect our nations rich diversity on our curncy. How long must it take to recognize an icon of freedom and courage. How long must it take to rightfully acknowledge the work of a woman who helped countless enslaved americans of africanamerican descent. How long must it take when the American People overwhelmingly selected her as the face of the new 20 bill. She embodies the american spirit, strength, and hope. Its time to put the woman on the 20. In this year the 100th anniversary of the womes suffrage, we want to guarantee treasury will follow through on this promise and commitment. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Thompson madam speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson i rise today to recognize the hardworking students, teachers, and staff at Dubois Area Middle School. Through the fourth consecutive time they were one of only 465 schools around the country named as schools to watch by the National Farm to accelerate middle grades row form. The school to watch recognition is based on a comprehensive three year review of the school. Only one other middle school in pennsylvania has remained at the top for their continuous designations. The students, teachers, and faculty members have joined together to create a learning community where everyone is supported. Every year the community is challenged to maintain their success by continuing to put their best food forward. This week they were recognized for their 12 years of excellence at the National Forums National Schools to watch conference here in washington, d. C. I look forward to meeting representatives from the Dubois Area Middle School later today. Madam speaker, the entire 15th district of pennsylvania is proud for their continuous success. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . To address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. This is not my america. This is not the values of our america. Ms. Speier look at this picture. Now, some critics think that this should not have been published. But i disagree. Because these people are not rapists or murderers or drug dealers. This murderers or drug dealers. This is Oscar Ramirez and his daughter. They died in the rio grande river. Angie clinging to oscars neck and tucked under his shirt in a desperate attempt to survive. Their story isnt unique. Last saturday a mother and three children were found dead on u. S. Soil. Children have been found freezing. We now know that many of them dont even have simple items of hygiene like soap and toothbrushes. A fwroup of women from my district, 20 of them group of women from my district, 20 of them, created a a nonprofit called bay area border relief. They took 490 boxes of clothes, it was actually reduced in less than two weeks. We need to address this issue now. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks as necessary. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Madam speaker, i rise today to recognize Lieutenant General Robert Scott Williams as he retires after 32 years of service in the United States air force. On june 20, general williams completed his tour as commander of air forces northern and First Air Force headquarters at Tindal Air Force base, capping a long and distinguished career. His service to the air force included a tour as commander of the 169th operations scoop and fighter wing at mcintyre, south carolina. General williams leadership during and after Hurricane Michael was top tear. He and his team at Tindal Air Force base overcame nume trust obstacles and ex numerous obstacles and exceeded expectations by opening the headquarters way ahead of schedule. This is only two short months after category storm michael testify stated the panhandle. Mr. Dunn i commend him. Madam speaker, please join me in sleuthing Lieutenant General Robert Scott Williams for his Great Service to the air force. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from maine seek recognition . Ms. Pingree to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Pingree thank you so much, madam speaker. I rise in recognition of july as the american grown flowers month. As cochair of the house cut flowers caucus, i know the buy local movement has encouraged customers to buy not only their food but also their flowers from local farmers. People want to support the small family farm down the road whether its lettuce or lilies. The cut flower industry creates jobs, benefits our local economies, and naturally encourages us to embrace our planets natural beauty. For farmers, cut flowers allow us to preserve open spaces, participate in sustainable agriculture, many times support women owned businesses. In my home state of maine where i represent many small farms, more than 250 farms sell cut flowers. This is an Industry Worth upwards of 1 million to our economy, and has seen such rapid growth in recent years we have many flowers for local customers. The new interest in locally sourced flowers has allowed farmers to diversify their crops and boost their income. In maine, naturally recognized as vacationland, cut flowers are essential to our tourism industry. 234r0uers decorated restaurants and Hotels Across our state. When you are celebrating something as a vacation or wedding, shouldnt everything down to the flowers on the table have meaning . I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Sorry, indiana. I seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Pence i rise today to recognize an individual from muncie, indiana, who has made her community and state proud. Lizzie smith, a pair wra olympic athlete who completed competed in the 2016 paralimbic games is now working toward her goal of william swimming in the 2020 Paralympic Games in tokyo. Shes already accomplished so much. She helped muncie central win a sectional in high school. Two world medals at the age of 17. She came away from the 2016 paralimbics with two medals. Just this year lizzie set the pan american record in the s. 10 100 meterer fly. Thank you for inspiring us to dream big and setting a strong example for young hoosiers and all americans. I wish you the best of luck on the road to tokyo. Bring home the gold. Madam speaker, i yield the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker. I rise today to acknowledge the end of dairy month, which is recognized throughout june. I also rise to highlight the usdas new program which is enrolling farmers right now. Mr. Delgado my district is home to hundreds of Dairy Farmers and way too many are struggling to survive with years of plummeting milk prices. Now at the mercy of not just a complex pricing system, but also trade wars, our farmers need real support. I encourage all Dairy Farmers in new york 19 to begin making coverage decisions. The Dairy Margin Coverage Program is retroactive until the beginning of the year with with applicable payments following soon after enrollment. As Dairy Farmers continue to face low prices and increased market consolidation, i hope this program will provide much needed support during this challenging farm economy. As a member of the ag committee, im deeply committed to supporting our Dairy Farmers and ill be closely following the coverage program. I will continue fighting to give our farmers the support and certainty they need. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. Revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Miss bilirakis today i rise to cognize trfment juli ginshaft, an outstanding leader and contributions as the sixth president of the United States of south florida have been unmatched, in my opinion. She has completely transformed u. S. F. By helping it aachieve elite status as a preeminent research university. The National Science foundation has ranked u. S. F. Was one of the nations as one of the nations top 25 research universities. Under her leadership, u. S. F. Has nearly quadrupled its Research Portfolio to expand lifesaving research and develop cuttingedge technologies. The schools success has attracted some of the brightest young minds to the tampa bay area of florida, growing enrollment by 40 . And u. S. F. s Graduation Rate has tripled with her at the helm. Summarizing the many accomplishments of president ginshaft in one minute is impossible. Shes a a remarkable a woman who has made the tampa bay region a better place. As she prepares to retire, it is my honor to say confwratlations to her. Go, bulls. Congratulations to her. Go, bulls. Thats come interesting a florida gator, thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for ne minute. Madam speaker, there is a gospel reading i like, matthew 25, for i was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drank, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, imprisoned and you visited me, that spirit of welcoming and compassion is a part of what defines us as americans. In fact, we enshrined it in our legal cold. Yet, right now children are imprisoned in appalling and unconscionable conditions. These children have not been welcomed in the spirit of matthew. Instead, they are in cages, in prison without adequate food, clean clothing, clean diapers, toothbrushes, access to showers, a comfortable place to lay their head. Whatever you did to the least of these, you did onto me. Madam speaker, we will be judged as a nation, as a government, as a people for our failure to look out for the least of these. May this imprisonment end. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california, ms. Lofgren, seek recognition . Ms. Lofgren pursuant to House Resolution 460, i call up h. R. 2722 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 94, h. R. 2722, a bill to protect elections for Public Office by providing Financial Support and enhanced security for the infrastructure used to carry out such elections and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 460, in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on House Administration printed in the bill, an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11620, modified by the amendment printed in part a of the house report 116126 is adopted, and the bill, as amended, is considered as read. The bill, as amended, shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on House Administration. The gentlewoman from california, ms. Lofgren, and the gentleman from illinois, mr. Davis, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california, ms. Lofgren. Ms. Lofgren thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and to nd their remarks and insert extraneous material on h. R. 2722. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Lofgren i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Lofgren i rise in strong support of h. R. 2722. Madam speaker, the safe act is critical legislation to invest in and upgrade the machinery of american democracy. It will help us combat the National Emergency facing our country. It will improve the resilience of election infrastructure used in federal elections. Aging equipment, underresourced jurisdictions, and the interference by foreign entities or nonstate actors leaves the system vulnerable to exploitation that can undermine confidence in Election Outcomes and ineffective and vulnerable equipment can also discourage participation in federal elections. It comes to the floor after the committee on House Administration held three hearings in the First Six Months of this year that addressed the integrity of our elections. In february, the Committee Held the for the people, our american democracy hearing, where the integrity of our democracy, including critical steps to improve the security and reliability of our election infrastructure was addressed. On may 8, the Committee Held an Election Security hearing where we heard testimony about the urgent need to upgrade election infrastructure and the lack of ongoing investment in the wake of new threats. On may 21, the Committee Held an oversight hearing on the of the Election Assistance Commission and agency that plays a central role in Election Administration in this country. I remind this house, earlier this year the director of National Intelligence published a report stating that our adversaries and strategic competitors, quote, probably already are looking to the 2020 u. S. Elections as an opportunity to advance their interests. They may also seek to use cyber means to directly manipulate or disrupt election systems, such as by tampering with federal registration or disrupting the vote tallying process, either to alter data, or to call into question our voting process, unquote. Last year he said that the warning lights are blinking red. Special Counsel Robert Mueller noted in volume 1 of his report that the Russian Military, quote, targeted individuals and entities involved in the administration of elections. Victims included u. S. State and local entities such as state boards of elections, secretaries of state and county governments, as well as individuals who work for those entities. They also targeted private Technology Firms responsible for manufacturing and administering electionrelated software and hardware, such as Voter Registration software and electronic polling stations, end quote. In april, f. B. I. Director Christopher Wray called russias interference a, quote, significant counterintelligence threat and said that the 2018 midterms were, quote, a dress rehearsal for the big show of the 2020 president ial elections. Early voters in georgia in 2018 saw machines deleting votes and switching them to other candidates. The machines where voters saw this occur were purchased in 2002. During early voting in texas in 2018, some electronic Voting Machines deleted votes and switched them between candidates. The machines were used in 78 of 254 texas counties. And in june of 2016, russian g. R. U. Compromised the Computer Network of the Illinois State board of elections by exploiting a exploiting a vulnerability in their website. They gave information on millions of illinois voters and extracted data on thousands before the activity was detected. H. R. 2722 responds to this emergency that we find ourselves in as a nation. We ought to be doing everything we can to bolster the security and integrity of our elections from interference and hacking. The bill section 102 requires that states transition to Voting Systems that use individual, durable voter verified paper ballots which means that paper ballot marked by a voter by hand or through the use of a nontabulating ballot marking device or system. Voter verified paper ballots are the best way to ensure that a voters ballot accurately reflects their choice and is counted as cast. Paper can be audit youed and in the past president ial election, approximately 20 of registered voters cast their ballot on Voting Machines that do not have any kind of paper backup. The National Academy of sciences, engineering and medicine, concluded that paperless systems, quote, should be removed from service as soon as possible. In at least 40 states, elections are carried out using machines that are at least a decade old. And like any technology, theyre susceptible to increasing failure with age. One witness at our Election Security hearing, lawrence norton, at n. Y. U. School of law, explained that some state officials had turned to ebay to find critical components like modems. Ix, analogue they rely on Unsupported Software like windows x. P. And 2000, which may not receive regular security patches and re thus more vulnerable to the latest cyberattacks. This bill addresses other cybersecurity best practices besides paperless systems. It authorizes 600 million Election Assistance Commission Grant Program to assist states in securing election infrastructure. States may use the money to replace their aging equipment with voter verified paper ballot Voting Systems but also ongoing maintenance of election infrastructure, enhanced cybersecurity, and operations of i. T. Infrastructure and enhanced cybersecurity of Voter Registration systems. Originally, the bill, as introduced, would have authorized 1 billion for this initial round of surge funding. However, during the committee on House Administrations markup, the Committee Approved an amendment in the nature of a substitute that authorized 600 million instead. Combined with the 280 million that congress appropriated last year in Election Security grants, this funding reaches the 1 billion that experiod of times have said is necessary experts have said is necessary to implement these necessary protections. The bill provides in section 111 175 million in biyou annual maintenance funding biannual maintenance funding. Cybersecurity threats will not dissipate. They will only evolve. State Election Officials have told us repeatedly they need more funding and a sustainable source of funding. Section 103 of the safe act fosters innovation for voters living with disabilities. It provides grant study for the development, testing of accessible paper ballot voting, verification and casting mechanisms and it expressly requires states to, quote, ensure that individuals with disabilities and others are given an equivalent opportunity to vote, including with privacy and independence in a manner that produces voter verified paper ballots as for other voters. It fosters accountability of election vendors. It would create a qualified election infrastructure vendor designation where the Election Assistance Commission, in coordination with the department of humanitarian, would craft criteria department of Homeland Security, would craft criteria for vendors. This would include reporting any known or suspected cybersecurity incidents involving infrastructure to both to the e. A. C. And d. H. S. As well as affected election agencies. The bill in sections 201 and 203 also includes open source provisions, requiring use of software and hardware for which information is disclosed by manufacturers. This will allow cybersecurity experts and the public to vet are the security of election systems regardless of the technology used. As made in the committee, the bill requires states to have risk limited audits. They are the Gold Standard to postelection audits. They involve hand counting of certain number of ballots used advanced statistical methods to determine with a high degree of confidence that the reported election outcome is accurate. The safe act requires states to implement risk limiting audits because they go hand in hand with paper ballots. We need audits to ensure ballot marking devices are or optical scanners were not hacked. Second, as amended in committee, the bill in section 201 includes specific cybersecurity standards to apply to optical scanneroting systems and another set of standards to apply to ballot marking devices. These will apply equally to current and future technology. For example, 2722 prohibits the use of wireless communication devices and Internet Connectivity in Voting Systems upon which ballots are marked by voters that otherwise mark and tabulate ballots. Madam speaker, h. R. 2722 is an essential step forward, ensuring up our election infrastructur and investing in election infrastructure. I ask this house to pass this election and bolster the trust and confidence in our system that all americans expect and deserve. Every american, no matter what their choice in politics, should know that their vote will be counted as cast. And i reserve the balance of my ime. The spker pro tempore the gentleman fromllinois is recognized. Mr. Davis thank you, madam speaker. In the 2016 election, we saw a very real threat to our nation when russia interfered in our elections by using a Misinformation Campaign through social media and attacking voter registratio databases. While this interference from russia is unacceptable, i feel its necessary to point out that there is no evidence that any Voting Machines were hacked in the 201 or even the 2018 elections. However, this 2016 or even the 2018 elections. However, this does not mean that is no need for improvements in state election systems. At this point, i know both sides of the aisle, i know my friends and colleagues on the otheride of the aisle including my distinguished chairperson of our committee of House Administration, we all agree that no one, and i mean no one should interfere with our elections. Every americans vote should be counted and protected. Last congress, 380 million were appropriated to states to upgrade their security. And it was designated as Critical Infrastructure in response to the u. S. Intelligence communitys reports that the russian government attacked. This allowed the department of Homeland Security to begin providing additional cybersecurity assistance to state and local Election Officials. Work has been done to help states improve their Election Security and more work must be done. This is why our Committee Republicans, all of us on the House Administration committee, introduced h. R. 3412, the Election Security assistance act, to assist states in their Election Security strengthening efforts. This realistic legislation provides 380 million in federal grants to states to update their aging and atrisk election infrastructure while also requiring state and local officials to have some skin in the game. We require a 25 match to ensure that they understand theyre getting the best equipment thats going to protect their voters rights, to have their votes counted and protected. In addition our bill is the only bill that creates the first ever election cyber assistance unit aimed at connecting our state and local Election Officials with leading Election Administration and Cyber Security experts from across the country. Our bill also empowers state officials by providing security clearances to our Election Officials to better facilitate the sharing of information and requiring the department of Homeland Security to notify state Election Officials of Cyber Attacks and any foreign threats within the state. Its common sense if there is an attempt to hack a state election that the state election official should be notified. But they are currently not able to let a state know if they have been attacked, if d. H. S. Is the one that sees this attack from a foreign country, they cant notify state Election Officials because in many cases they dont have security clearance. Our bill clears this up. Those state officials deserve the right to know who is trying to attack their elections in each state in this great nation. My good friend, congresswoman torres, stated at the rules Committee Hearing on monday night that she doesnt trust her state Election Officials in california to have security clearances. But i personally dont feel that way. I think other members of congress may agree with me. State officials should know that if there is a threat to their election system and d. H. S. Should be the one telling them. To sum up the Election Security assistance act, our solution provides much needed Election Security improvements and reenforcements for local Election Officials without overstepping the states authority to determine and maintain their own elections. Unfortunately, i cant say the same for the bill we are voting on today. With that, madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam speaker, i would like to yield a minute to a member of the House Administration committee, the gentlelady from california, mrs. Davis. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Davis thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i rise in support of the safe act. No matter what, my colleagues conclude about the Mueller Report, i think we can all agree it shows our elections are under foreign attack. What would happen if a Foreign Government actually succeeded in changing the results of a federal election . All bad actors have to do is break through the defenses of even one, even one of our over 10,000 Election Administration jurisdictions in our country. As we all know, questionable results in just one county can derail an entire president ial election and throw our country into a tailspin. Election security is National Security. Election machinery is the machinery of democracy. The safe act gives states what they need to upgrade and maintain safe and resilient election infrastructure. The House Administration committee, we debated whether paper ballots are the safest way to go. It does seem ironic that our answer to Cyber Security in fact is old school. But we know what works. As oregons secretary of state said, you cant hack paper. We can recount and audit paper ballots with a certainty we just dont have with machines. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Davis thank you, mam chair. Id now like to yield two minutes to my good friend from ndiana, mr. Barry. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from indiana is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Baird i thank the gentleman from illinois for yielding time. Keeping our elections safe and from Cyber Attacks and fraud is not and should not be a partisan priority. H. R. 2722 has been raced to the house floor without giving the science, space, and Technology Committee the opportunity to hold even a single hearing on the bill or the subject matter. The problem with rushing this bill through congress is that it will have a significant negative impact on its ability to work with state and local governments to identify standards and best practices for Election Security. Our priority in congress should be to develop useful tools that empower states and local officials to ensure their elections are secure, accessible, and accurate. Our secretary of state in indiana has done a remarkable job leading the effort to add safeguards to our election process, ensuring it is completed with integrity. Given the opportunity, i believe that our committee could come to an agreement in ipartisan manner to update this election and security activities. Congress should possess and focus on legislation that provides much needed improvements and reinforcements for local officials without overstepping the states authority to maintain their elections. Mr. Speaker, because of the lack of the following regular order, the committee has never been given the opportunity to ensure those issues are addressed. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Davis i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam speaker, i am pleased to yield one minute to a member of the House Administration committee, the gentleman from maryland, mr. Raskin. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Raskin thank you, madam chair. I rise in support of the safe act because Vladimir Putin conducted a sweeping and Systematic Campaign to disrupt and destabilize our president ial leaks in 2016. Some say we election in 2016. Some say we cant pass the safe act because of federalism we should let the states work it out on their own. We are not the fragmented, divided states of america, we are the United States of america. Thats the way we were designed. Article 4, section 4 of the constitution, madam chair, says Congress Shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion. What does it mean by republican form of government . It doesnt mean a Republican Party form of government, it means a representative form of government. But that means we must have a system which accurately translates the popular will into the election of a congress. This is a massive technical challenge in a country of hundreds of millions of people, 50 states, thousands of jurisdictions, especially in the computer age. We need voter certified paper ballot Voting Systems in every state in the union. We need risk reducing audits. We need real kibblet accountability for elections. I yield back. Thank you. Ms. Lofgren i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Davis thank you. I certainly hope my good friend from maryland, mr. Raskin, changes his mind and once more want more republican governments. I dont think thats going to happen even today on the house floor. With that, madam chair, id like to recognize my good friend from florida for one minute, mr. Ted yoho. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Mr. Yoho thank you, madam speaker. I thank my friend from illinois for yielding. I rise today as a member from the great state of florida. We all recall the 2000 president ial leaks. What happened in Palm Beach County turned into a National Punch line, the hanging chad. The hanging bill before us today would mandate paper ballots and make our elections a Technology Free zone. I, too, am worried about what maligned actors like russia and china when it comes to our Cyber Security effort. Let us not throw the baby out with the bath water. Many of my colleagues submitted commonsense amendments that would approve the bill. Amendments addressing ballot harvesting. Yet democrats under another closed rule are forcing passage on a onesided bill with no prospect in the senate and no chance of being signed by the president. I sincerely hope we address these issues in a bipartisan manner that reflects well on this body and the American People. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam speaker, im pleased to yield one minute to a new member of congress, the gentlelady from georgia, mrs. Mcbath. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from georgia is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Mcbath thank you, madam chairman. I rise in support of h. R. 2722. Our elections are the foundation of our democracy, but they face increasing threats. There is bipartisan agreement that we must do more to guard against these threats to our most fundamental democratic process. Our elections must allow us to truly hear the voices of every american voter. My home state of georgia has recently taken steps to safeguard its voting processes from Cyber Security threats. This bill would provide necessary funding to support these efforts in georgia and across our country. This legislation will strengthen the partnership of the Election Assistance Commission, the department of Homeland Security, and our safe Election Officials. Together we must modernize our election frastructure and ensure the security of our democracy. I urge my colleagues to support this critical measure. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Davis thank you, madam chair. Its my pleasure to introduce another good friend of mine from the great state of florida, id like to yield two him. S to him, the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized. Election security is especially significant to floridians, two florida counties were breached in the 2016 election as a result of russian spearfishing. And they were targeted at the that was also targeted county Election Officials. So as members of congress obviously we are not here to relitigate 2016, but work towards Bipartisan Solutions to defend the 2020 elections from foreign intrusion. Mr. Waltz i am disappointed the majority is rushing this partisan proposal to the floor this week and bypassed republicans that have shown interest in working on election surity. Just yesterday the science, space, and technology Committee Held a hearing on election vulnerabilities and potential solutions. That hearing occurred after, after this proposal had been introduced. And day before it will receive a vote on the house floor. This proposal throws 1. 3 billion at the problem. Without careful consideration by the authorizing committees, this proposal also excludes Bipartisan Solutions like the one i am drafting with representative Stephanie Murphy from florida. Our proposal, the alerts act, would require federal agencies to report to the department of Homeland Security if an election intrusion is identified and require d. H. S. To notify state and local officials of the breach unless the information is deemed to compromise intelligence. Federal, state, and local official vs. A duty to notify voters in florida and voters across the country impacted by electio attacks. A duty which is not upheld by the f. B. I. And was not upheld in the wake of the 2016 elections. And a due which the alerts act, this bipartisan proposal, would require. At yesterdays science Committee Hearing, the secretary of oklahomas state election board recommended a state and local reporting requirement like the alerts act. Testimony and a recommendation both were not considered by the authors of this bill. Mr. Speaker, madam speaker, i request my colleagues oppose this bill and immediately following this vote i ask democrats and republicans to coe together and work a for a biptisan election package. I yield backmy time. Mr. Davis i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam speaker, im pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois, mr. Caen. The spear pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Mr. Casten thank you. I rise today in support of h. R. 722 the safe act. Among the many disturbing revelations in the Mueller Report we learned that russian intelligence ofcers successfully infiltrated the Computer Network in my me state of illinois. They accessed the personal information of millions of voters and thousands of voter records before being etexted. As far as we know this breach has not affected the results of any subsequent elections but it underscores the need for much greater Election Security moving forth. Officials in my home state and others across the country have worked to secure these vulnerabilities. But without the help of the federal government they can only do so much. It is past time we step up, give states the resource that is they need to ensure elections and make sure our voters are safe in the upcoming election. Hour democratic system depends on the consent of thegoverned. That is far too fragile to take lightly. Our constituents trust and independence of that docracy depends on it. For these reasons i urge my lleagues to vote for the sa act. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from illinoiss recognized. Mr. Davis thank you, madam chair. Look, i respect and i agree with my good friend from illinois and my colleague, mr. Sten. We want to protect our hom state. We saw intrusion into our illinois stae board of elections, Voter Registration system. Its something that had to be addressed, ad im happy to report, after talking to the state board of Election Officials, and theyve been given resources aeady appropriated by aepublican Majority Congress and republicans in the senate and president rump last year to effectively ensure that that information is not vulnerable again, but what re debating here today is a bilthat will put more unfunded and underfunded mandates onto states like illinois. That is not what our local officials in illinois you asked for. And the reason that illinois was able to protect itself and ensure it didnt happen again in the extremely high turnout of a Midterm Election was because they were given the flexibility to spend funds that republicans in congress ensured that the state of illinois had. Leading leading to a democratic majority in the Midterm Elections. No ones questioning the safety and security of our midterm eleio. No one has told me that any foreign entity had hacked into any institution, Voter Registration system, or machines. Maybe im just maybe d. H. S. Hasnt called me even though i think i have the security cleance, they could, but ty cant call our local Election Officials under this billf it happens ain because they dont have serity clearance. Thats w ou bill, our bill is a better choice. The one thats o the floor today does not address the concerns for states like mine and certainly notor states like california, which im happy o yield to my good friend, mr. Calvert. The speaker pro tempore the gentlen from california is recognized for two mnutes. Mr. Calvt as a member fm california, ithard for me to believe that the majority could possib, possibly propose an Election Security bill that doesnt address the major vulnerilitie related to ballot harvesting. Ballot harvesting is where paid campaign operati collect up to hureds or even thousas of ballots, dro them off at polling places, election office, the practices ripe for fraud and a recipe for disaster. Any serious effor to secure elections would address it. Lets be clear, we want to give peoplewho need an opportunity to vote by mail or want to look for ways to make it easier for disabled or elderly americans elections. Pate in our my concern is inserting Campaign Operatives into the ballot handling ocess without any safeguards. In california, paid Campaign Staff can colct hundrs of ballots without having to discse who theyre working for and when they hand over those ballots to Election Officials, theres no requirement to even provide heir name. Some of my friends claim bad actors committing fraud, but its the pract harvesting being the problem. The reality is this process is open invitation for fraud. This is why most states have banned the practice. Ignoring the most notable threat to Election Security is unacceptable in a socalled Election Security bill. Madam speaker, American Voters deserve better. I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill until we can get serious about real threats to our democracy. With that i yield back to the gentleman. Mr. Davis reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam speaker, im pleased to yield a minute to the gentlelady from virginia, ms. Wexton. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from virginia is recognized for one minute. Ms. Wexton i thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Madam speaker, in 2016, Russian Hackers tried to break into virginias election system, and in response to this information, virginia took active steps to secure the integrity of our election. We sped up our transition to paper ballots to ensure that our elections were secure and the results could be verified and audited, but its not just about any one election or any one adversary. Passing the safe act is about securing our elections from all threats, foreign or otherwise, and these threats are coming for us in every state, red or blue, urban or rural. State election websites in illinois and arizona were hacked by intruders which downloaded malware. Electronic Voting Machines in georgia and texas deleted votes for certain candidates or switched votes from one candidate to another. And the johnson county, indiana, poll books failed in 2018, halting voting entirely for four hours with no extension to polling hours. Its clear Congress Must take action. Passage of the safe act will secure our elections by updating our election infrastructure, speeding up the transition to paper ballots, and making necessary investments in cybersecurity. Every member of Congress Took an oath to protect this nation from threats, foshe and domestic, and i foreign and domestic, and lets protect our democracy while we still have one. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Davis i thank you, madam chair. It gives me great pleasure to now yield three minutes to my fellow House Administration Committee Republican and one of my good friends here in congress, barry loudermilk. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Loudermilk thank you, madam speaker. I thank my good friend from illinois. An exceptional baseball player as well, for yielding this time. Look, this is something i am very passionate about and i am a bit surprised one of my colleagues from georgia would speak against this bill or even support this bill. Lets be frank. Yes, the russians are bad. Theyre very bad. They seek to do harm to america, and they have been attempting to influence our elections for many years. Yes, we need to be concerned about Election Security, but if you want to secure our election system, this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. The state of georgia has recognized this and just this year, our state Legislature Passed overwhelmingly a bill to spend 150 million to upgrade our electronic Voting Machines so that they will produce a verifiable ballot that represents the way the person voting at the machine. This is the direction we should be going. Its not eliminate electronic ballots, not eliminate the efficiency that you get when you can walk in and and the verifiable aspect of it, youre given a card after its verified who the voter is, when you walk into a voting precinct, you fill out the paperwork, you show your i. D. , youre given a card that identifies that you have been certified, you insert that card, you vote electronically and then it will produce a printed receipt that you can verify, that this is the way you voted. That receipt goes into a box. That is used for a recount. That is a secured Voting System that also embraces technology. This bill would take us back decades. Decades. Its like when you take your s. A. T. Exam, fill out the little bubbles and then it runs through an electronic counter. Look, even in our own hearing, the chief technologist at the center for democracy and technology agreed when i brought this scenario forward that we use the technology of the r. E. s that will print a verifiable ballot or receipt, he said those were absolutely safe. Now, heres the problem. When you go to paper ballots, and everyones going to fill out these paper ballots, youre talking long lines. You are talking about fewer people being able to get to the polls. Madam speaker, when we decide to vote on this bill, the last thing youre going from to say members hat rostrum, will cast their vote via electronic device. Its efficient. Its a verifiable way to see ow we vote on this board up or here. Can you imagine if we had to do paper ballot or voice vote on the many amendments on these appropriation bills . We would never go home. We would be here 24 hours a day. The American People expect us to live by the same laws we live by. We should embrace technology, make it secure, not revert back to decades to Old Technology look, the reality is, this bill would subject us to the problem of people walking up with boxes full of preprinted ballots all across the nation that could drop those in at the last minute. We need to verify that people voting are who they are, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Davis ill reserve the balance of my time, madam chair. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from california. Ms. Lofgren madam chair, i yield one minute to my colleague from the House Judiciary Committee and Homeland Security committee, the gentlelady from texas, ms. Jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for one minute. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentlelady from california, and i thank her for her leadership. Theres not a time that i go home that they dont ask me, how will we secure our election . I am proudly supporting securing americas federal elections, the safe act, and i am asking the question why our colleagues are is righting against americans is righting against the vote. It has 600 million for the Grant Program. It provides states with 175 million in biannual fund to help maintain infrastructure. Voting machines are required to be manufactured in the United States. States are mandated to conduct risklimited audits and as well, another very important feature of the safe act, it requires accountability for Election Technology vendors and sets cybersecurity standards. As a member of the subcommittee on cybersecurity, recognizing what happened in 2016, i want to make sure that the russian adversaries, the Russian Military are not out poll watchers, not our secretaries of state, not our vendors for machines. I want to make sure minorities, every vote counts, every american, every vote counts. I want to end Voter Suppression. The way you do this is to have safe elections. I am very proud of this legislation. I am proud of the speaker, proud of the leadership to say that were going to be first on the line to tell america we believe in safe and equal and Fair Elections. With that i ask my friends to support this legislation, and i yield back. Ms. Lofgren i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Davis well, thank you, madam chair. It gives me great pressure right now to yield two minutes to my good friend from the state of alabama, our republican conference policy chair, mr. Gary palmer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Palmer thank you, madam speaker. I thank the gentleman from illinois who is also a good friend, for the work hes doing on this, and try to bring some transparency of whats really going on here. There are numerous reasons that mandating paper ballots isnt workable. They are susceptible to fraud, theyre inefficient and theyre antiquated. I have seen over the years where the joke was, one man, one vote, where it was one suitcase, one vote where people were bringing in paper ballots and weve seen situations around the country where thats still a bit of a problem. Lets say paper ballots were foolproof and didnt come with their own set of problems, security concerns. Id still be concerned about the impact this bill would have on the majority of our states. The mandate in and of itself is troubling. 29 out of our 50 states, plus the district of columbia, would have to completely revamp their current election systems. In is both costly and time intensive. Theres nearly zero chance this can be adopted by the 2020 elections, and the funding in the bill makes it clear they realize this is not enough money to pay for this. And if its not, it would be on a pro rata share. It means its an Unfunded Mandate violation of the Unfunded Mandate reform act. Its easy for federal lawmakers in d. C. To gloss over the impact this federal mandate would have, but the numbers dont lie. Only 18 states currently use a paperonly Voting System, as the bill would mandate. Not to mention this bill would also impact those 18 states, including my home state of alabama. Just a few days ago, the House Committee on science, space, and Technology Held a hearing on Election Security voting vulnerabilities where oklahoma secretary of state pointed out this bill would require the use of recycled paper, which would be impossible to use with oklahomas current paper Ballot System because the fibers found in recycled paper would cause repeated false readings. While this may seem like a small or silly detail, this is one example the great impact this bill would have on all states with many considerationes that have yet to be vetted properly. My colleagues on the other side continue to offer radical, nonworkable policies. Mr. Davis id like to yield an additional 30 seconds. Mr. Palmer my colleagues on the other side continue to offer radical and unworkable policies to revamp our election system. Security risks do exist within our ballot boxes, but this bill is not the answer. This bill would just add to existing risk, and i cannot support it. I urge my colleagues to oppose the bill, and i yield back the remainder of my time. Mr. Davis ill reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam chair, may i inquire how much time remains on each side . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california has 14 minutes. The gentleman from illinois has 12 1 2. Ms. Lofgren thank you. I yield to the gentleman from maryland, mr. Sarbanes, three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Sarbanes thank you. I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. I very strongly support the safe act. This is something that the democrats have been focused on from day one. Day one meaning the day after the 2016 election when we saw the attacks that had come in against our democracy. We realized we were very exposed, and we needed to take action. This is our chance to stand up against interference from foreign adversaries who are rying to hack in, sow discord, undermine our elections, and create havoc here in our conetry. This is fundamental to protecting our democracy. We were on the case from the beginning. We convened an Election Security task force, which was led by zoe lofgren and bob brady and Bennie Thompson and others. They looked at all of the best practice that is we need to put in place to make sure that our elections are strong and sturdy and how do we fortify them . And they produced those recommendations. We then took those recommendations and put them into h. R. 1, the for the people act, and brought it to the floor and passed those on march 8 of this year because we knew that this was a priority and that there is no time to waste. Now, our republican colleagues, unfortunately, did not want to go along with those broad sweeping reforms that were contained in h. R. 1, including Election Security measures. So we made it easy for them. We said, ok, well start to break those things out. Well take the Election Security piece and well bring it as a separate bill to the floor of the house. Thats the safe act. But we still apparently dont have their support. This is their opportunity, this is their chance to stand up and show their patriotism to defend our democracy, to protect our constitution, to make sure our elections are going to be safe. Lets talk about what is in the safe act. The safeguarding americas federal elections act. We have significant resources that are going to be brought to bear to build up, to fortify the Election Security infrastructure of our country. This is what the public wants to see. They want to be ready for the 2020 election. We have risks limiting audits to make sure states across the country are figuring out whats going on. Where do we make changes . How do we protect ourselves . Paper ballots, we have had a lot of discussion about that today. Thats incredibly important in terms of boosting the confidence of the public that elections will be carried out a way that you can verify the tally, people have the confidence that when they go to the ballot box they put their ballot in that there that in there that that vote will be counted. We have no time to waste. We need to get this done now if we are going to be ready for the 2020 election. Bob mueller came along with his report and he said that the russian interference was sweeping and systematic in 2016. Every leader in our Intelligence Community has also echoed the fact that 2016 was the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Sarbanes we need to be ready. We need to protect our elections. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Davis thank you, madam chair. I do agree the russians tried to interfere in our election process. But i also point want to ask my colleagues on the other side of the aisle if their concentration on Election Security happened the day after the 2016 election, why in the world didnt the administration, who was in the white house at the time when the intelligence analysts were talking about how other foreign entities, including russia, were wanting to interfere in our elections, why dew point they do something about it . Why are we here today . Why didnt it happen before the 2016 election when our intelligence analysts said in fairous activity was movingsaid nefarious activity was moving against the United States of america. They did nothing. The Obama Administration did nothing. They let it go. And now we are here watching the democrat majority, new democrat majority that was elected in 2018, after explosive turnout in our Midterm Elections, their first bill, h. R. 1, that every member of the democratic majority cosponsored and supported, thats the solution . The solution to add millions of taxpayer dollars. Then the first ever corporate dollars into their own Congressional Campaign accounts. No one has ever said thats the solution to too much money in politics or to Election Security. Not one time have i had a constituent say that to me. Weve got to come together and do whats right, and we have yet to address we have yet to address any of the issues that were laid out in the Mueller Report. This bill we are debating today does not address any of them. This is a discussion about what happened in 2016 without a discussion of whats needed in our states and local election authorities. Thats whats wrong with this bill, too. Its hypocrisy at its greatest. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren thank you, madam chair, i yield now to the speaker of the house. One minute. The speaker pro tempore the speaker of the house is recognized for one minute. The speaker i thank the gentlelady for yielding. Thank you, madam speaker, for the recognition. Madam chair of the House Administration committee, congresswoman zoe lofgren, whom we are very proud in california, thank you, thank you for leading us on this path with great patriotism and respect the oath of office we take. Its just a joy to be having this opportunity to speak out for the sacred oath to vote, the sacred blessing, the right to vote as we leave to go on the fourth of july break. I thank you. The other members of the House Administration committee, mr. Butterfield, whom we heard from yesterday, mr. Raskin, mr. Aguilar, congresswoman susan davis who presented to us earlier. And to all of you. And to mr. Sarbanes. He has been the face of the future. Hes been speaking out against the misrepresentations that have happened, the prop began diesing propagandizing thats happened by Foreign Governments in our election. Yeah, we won the election. We won the election because the American People were sick and tired of what the republicans were putting forth. We won the election in the most gerrymandered, voter suppressed, political arena. You can political arena you can imagine. Yet the American People came forward. One of the biggest messages we had in the campaign was h. R. 1, to reduce the role of dark special interest money in politics. To stop the systemic intentional Voter Suppression of the republicans across the country. To stop local gerrymandering on all sides. Lets do it in a nonpartisan way, let the chips fall where they may. And to do so in a way that we are taking a piece of it today to talk about protecting our electoral system. A short while, well take up the Voting Rights act thats also part of h. R. 1. H. R. 1 was very supported by the democrats. They publicized to the American People. And part of our for the people agenda. Lower Health Care Costs by lowering the costs of prescription drugs and protecting the preexisting condition benefit. These are paychecks by Building Infrastructure of america in a greenway, cleaner government by passing h. R. 1, one of the Component Parts of what we are bringing together coming together around today. As we approach the fourth of july, we must remember the oath to support that we take to support and defend the constitution and protect the American People which demands that this house of representatives take urgent action. We must legislate. We must investigate. And we must litigate to protect our National Security, defend our democracy for the people. Special Counsel Robert Muellers report revealed an allout attack on our elections by the russians, concluding that they interfered in the 2016 president ial election in a weeping and systemic fashion. Top intelligence and Security Officials have made clear that these attacks continue. They are happening and they are happening now. This spring, f. B. I. Director 365 day warned of a a year threat from the russians explaining their attacks in our elections were simply a dress rehearsal for the big show in 2020. This house has a patriotic duty to protect our democracy from these attacks. This is a matter of National Security. That is why democrats first act in the majority was to advance, as i mentioned, h. R. 1, for the people act, to secure our elections. Today we are building on that progress with the securing americas federal elections act, which takes urgent needed action to further strengthen americas defenses. This bill closes dangerous gaps in our election systems and brings our security into the 21st century. I know that other members have spoken about the provisions of the bill, but i just would really like to know from my republican friends whats wrong with replacing outdated, vulnerable voting equipment . Whats wrong with requiring paper ballot Voting Systems to ensure the integrity of our election. Whats wrong with enacting strong Cyber Security requirements for Elections Technology vendors and Voting Systems . We must be relentless in the defense of our democracy. Fighting on all fronts to keep america safe. There is a reason why the russians are interfering in our elections, and other countries may be, too, but we can document with full confidence from the Intelligence Community that the russians are. Ts because they want to affect the outcome of the elections so they can affect thepolicy. I think it was really sad, i was sad to say and hopefully will be retracted that the president gave a green light to the russians to do it again. Really . Really . This week we are advancing appropriations legislation that provides 600 million for Election Security grants to states and increases funding for the Election Assistance Commission which has been starved for funding for years. Couple of dollars for every person in our country to honor the vision of our founders of a democracy where everyone who is eligible to vote can vote, and everyones vote is counted as cast. Next month we will advance further legislation to protect our National Security and prevent foreign interference in our elections, and i commend the distinguished chairman of the Homeland Security committee, mr. Bennie thompson, for the great work that he has been doing with his task force and his committee and other members who are working with him as we go forward. And we are pleased that the administration has agreed to provide an all member briefing on Election Security, that will happen in july. So we can get the facts. We have been trying to get the facts. Some people around here may think that its ok to just make policy without the facts. We are evidencebased, scientifically oriented, truth and Knowledge Based on how we go forward. We look forward to that briefing. And we also look forward to july 17 when special counsel os testimony on july 17, the special counsel, robber muellers testimony, to come forward. Our National Security is being threatened and the American People need answers. This is not to be fear mongering. This is to be smart and anticipate a known challenge that exists and to do something about it. We cant just talk about the Mueller Report and saying what it says about the russian interference in our elections unless we are ready to do something about it. Today we are thanks to our distinguished chair chairwoman lofgren. There is a need for bipartisan support for our critical commonsense action to secure or elections. Unfortunately, senator mcconnell, self described, has vowed to kill our bills in the senate while the president openly declares he sees no problem with foreign intervention interference in our elections. The g. O. P. Senate and the white house are giving Foreign Countries the green light to attack our country, but the house will do our patriotic duty to protect america. As we approach the fourth of july holiday, i urge my colleagues to remember the oath we take and the democracy we defend and to join me in a strong bipartisan vote to defend americas security. This is about this isnt about politics, its about patriotism. As our founders said at the beginning of the constitution in its preamble, we do this for the people. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california reserves. The gentleman from illinois. Mr. Davis i agree with my distinguished colleague from california we do need to have the ability for the department of Homeland Security and intelligence officials to notify our state and local Election Officials if they see nefarious activity. Right now under the bill we are debating today that would not be the case. Because many cases d. H. S. Wont talk to local Election Officials or state Election Officials because they dont have security clearances. Our bill, our bill pushed by the republicans on House Administration would allow the communication to take place. We hear a lot of talk about patriotism coming up on fourth of july. I believe we are all patriots in this institution. But i believe also we have to govern together. And we were working on a bipartisan solution to Election Security, and all of a sudden we were told no more negotiations. Thats not how i thought this institution worked. I thought we would Work Together. I do want to respond to a couple of comments my colleague from california made. She made mention of h. R. 1. H. R. 1 was the democrats attempt to address, not only too much money in politics, they said, they also wanted to address Election Security. Clearly, clearly what h. R. 1 did was do nothing to affect the money thats coming in politics, and its not doing enough to ensure that our elections are not impacted by foreign entities with nefarious intentions. Our bill, today, that we hoped could have been debated but was voted down on a Party Line Vote in the House Administration Committee Last week, earlier this week, just a few days ago, we hoped we could have come up with that, and thats a bipartisan solution that would have worked. What works, our last speaker says, was this. Clearly thats not what works. What works isnt voting for a bill like h. R. 1 that votes to put the firstever corporate money directly into every member of Congress Campaign accounts. What works, clearly, is not taxpayer money to fix that problem when theres not enough corporate malfeasance funds. Thats not what the American People wanted. What would have worked was the last administration, the Obama Administration listening to their intelligence agencies and doing something about nefarious activities before the 2016 elections, not the day after when democrats decided to take this issue on. And then, all i ever hear is, they are going to blame Mitch Mcconnell. Well, i had no idea before 2016 that the Obama Administration ceded president ial authority to the Senate Majority leader. I had no idea that happened. Everythings Mitch Mcconnells fault, right . Hes the one who told the intelligence agencies to stand down, are you kidding me . And now we hear we should have done something. You darn right we should have done something. You darn right the Obama Administration should have done something. You darn right they should have done it when they first heard about it before the 2016 election, and now we are here to fix it, and todays bill clearly is not a fix. Weve got some issues and its really interesting to see my colleagues from california come up and not want to address a practice like ballot harvesting thats illegal in the state of North Carolina where a republican who did it is likely to go to jail for it. But the same process is legal n the state of california. Disastrous. You want to talk about trying to determine the outcome of elections, we have put forth amendment after amendment to address ballot harvesting with complete Party Line Votes against making sure the process thats illegal in North Carolina, that a republican operative will likely go to jail for is completely legal in states like california. And you want to talk about determining the outcome of an election, come on. I want to yield a minute to my good friend from georgia, mr. Loudermilk. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Loudermilk i thank you, madam speaker. I thank my friend from illinois minute. Ing this the distinguished member talked about misinformation. I agree, theres a lot of misinformation about election, Election Security, and a lot that goes around here. Lets be factual here. There has been zero solid evidence of Voter Suppression during the last election, which had the largest turnout in the history of this nation. Our own committee committed held seven field hearings across the nation with zero solid evidence of Voter Suppression, but the only acts of Voter Suppression that they tried to bring up had to deal with purging voter rolls. And we actually had one hearing in Broward County. Whats Broward County known for . Voter irregularities. Why . Because of paper ballots. But, yet, this is the direction were going in. The distinguished speaker said were taking it in the 21st century. Show me how. How is this taking in the 21st century . Its taking us back decades. Look, if the russians were physically invading our nation with bombers and tanks, this bill would be the equivalent of giving our military pellet guns and paper aerospace to thwart the a airplanes to thwart the attack. This is taking us away from Election Security. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam speaker, im pleased to yield a minute to the valued member of the House Administration committee, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Butterfield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Mr. Butterfield i thank the chair of our committee for yielding time this morning. Madam speaker, i rise this morning in strong support of h. R. 2722. It is past time that this congress act boldly in response to the foreign interference that took place in our 2016 elections, and that is exactly what this bill does. The gentleman from ohio, the Ranking Member of the committee, i say to you, sir, this is disingenuous to point the finger at the Obama Administration that may or may not be accurate, but let uts look forward. This let us look forward. This bill provides 600 million in grants to state and local officials to replace aging Voting Machines with voter verified paper ballot Voting Machines. 175 million to states every two years to maintain election infrastructure. It requires states to implement risklimiting audits. It prohibits internet accessibility or connectivity for devices on which ballots are marked or tap lated. And it sets longneeded cybersecurity standards for vendors. I ask my colleagues, let us look forward. Lets protect the right to vote. Lets protect the ballot of every american citizen. I yield back. Ms. Lofgren i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california reserves. The gentleman from illinois. Mr. Davis thank you, madam chair. I really respect my colleague from North Carolina, and i do want to correct him a little bit. I am from illinois, not ohio. I would never, never mistake the gentleman from North Carolina being from someplace like south carolina. But the gentleman from North Carolinas a good friend. Look, we all we have disagreements on this house floor, but that doesnt mean were disagreeable when it comes to having good friendships. Thank you for your kurt cisand thank you for your friendship. Look, the state of North Carolina is a great example of why we need to do better, why we ought to go back to the drawing board. Lets take this bill off the floor, lets get back to bipartisan negotiations because its states like North Carolina and states like illinois where local Election Officials have bought machines. They bought machines. Maybe they have current of optical scan machines, but the requirement in this bill is the oklahoma secretary as the oklahoma secretary of state said, the requirement of this bill to have recycled paper for ballots, many of the optical scanning machines that would be required for every local and state Election Officials to purchase after the year 2022, they may not be able to read the ballots on recycled paper. So youre going to have to reinvest hardearned tax dollars where many local communities in our great states have already invested in updating nair Election Security with the most secure election equipment that they felt was going to protect them. Washington should not be telling our local officials what to buy, especially when there are provisions in this bill that would make some illegal to use or interoperable even if they purchased it. We got to do better. We all want to protect this great nation. We all want free and Fair Elections so that every vote is counted and protected. Lets do it together. Lets do it right. Lets make sure we address some d. H. S. Concerns. Lets put a cybersecurity assistance unit together, like we tried to do. Lets outlaw ballot harvesting, because i know we got bipartisan support in working together on that issue, especially with my good friend from North Carolina, mr. Butterfield. I look forward to working with you on this. I know you and i both have concerns about this process, and thank you for your willingness to sit down and talk. We can do better. The bill on the floor today is not better. Lets do it. Lets Work Together. Pull this bill off the floor. We have a lot of other issues to debate today, and ill reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois reserves. The gentlewoman from california. Ms. Lofgren we have no additional speakers, so if the gentleman would like to yield back, ill close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Davis how much time do i have left . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois has 2 3 4 remaining. The gentlewoman from california has nine minutes remaining. Mr. Davis well, clearly the timekeeper is wrong. I obviously thought i had you more. I am not able to debate that today. Ill gid ill go ahead and close. I do want to thank my colleague from california and also the members of the House Administration committee where we have you know, we have an opportunity to come together, but this bill is just simply another partisan bill by the majority aimed at federally mandating election standards. Like mandating that states exclusively use paper ballots, effectively banning any type of digital recording device that would have a verified paper backup. We even had one hearing on this issue with commissioners from the e. A. C. Remember, that agency that one speaker earlier said was getting pittance of dollars, small amounts of dollars over the last few years. Only in this institution is 380 million given by the republican majorities here in the house in the last congress and signed into law by the president of the United States, only in this institution is 380 million a little bit. A lot of that money still hasnt even been spent by our local Election Officials. So here we are today debating a bill thats going to basically mmit 1. 3 billion taxpayer dollars toward socalled Election Security. We still have not addressed the problem that if d. H. S. , if our same intelligence officials who told the Obama Administration that there was foreign interference in our 2016 elections, and the Obama Administration did nothing about it because, why, because Mitch Mcconnell its Mitch Mcconnells fault. Serious . Come on. Get real here. Were legislators. We are an equal branch of government. Theres absolutely no way any administration cedes authority to anybody in this legislative institution. The Obama Administration failed you to address the problem of election interference in 2016. Here we are today trying to make sure that we fix it. This attempt to fix it is a partisan attempt at ensuring that our elections authorities in our states and our local Election Officials have a topdown federally mandated approach thats going to potentially cost them millions of taxpayer dollars that they have already inserted into their own budgets over the last few years. Our local officials have told us they want flexibility. Cybersecurity concerns are where theyve invested many of their 380 million that we put forth in the last congress. Lets make sure we spend the money that we already appropriated. Lets make sure we take a commonsense approach, and lets give our Election Officials, republicans and democrats from throughout this great nation, the ability to address the concerns where they know are weakest in their own system. Lets not have some bureaucrat here in a concrete building determine what will work best in the state of texas, the state of illinois, the state of california, or anywhere else, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Davis and i yield back nothing because i have no time. The speaker pro tempore i thank the gentleman. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Lofgren madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized for such time as she may consume. Ms. Lofgren i think its important to address a few of the issues that have been raised in the course of this debate. First, we are moving forward with the safe act because of the sense of urgency we have about the 2020 election. That sense of urgency was fueled by the director of National Intelligence, and it was fueled by the director of the f. B. I. Who told us that red lights, warning lights were flashing and that the 2016 election was just a prelude to what the russians were going to do in the 2020 election. We feel a sense of urgency. As has been mentioned by others, h. R. 1 included provisions about ballot security, but i introduced this bill, the safe act, on may 14 because it was specifically addressing Election Security, but also we made some additional enhancements to h. R. 1 relative to cybersecurity and the like. We drafted the bill with the assistance of the parliamentarians so that it was entirely within the jurisdiction of the House Administration committee with one exception. There was a line on page 11 of the Committee Mark that authorized a study by the n. S. F. , and the Science Committee waived jurisdiction on markup because it was just a study, that was very clear. This bill has proceeded in the regular order. It has been noticed according to our rules, and it brings us here today to test whether we are going to meet the challenge that faces us in ballot security, whether we are going to allow the russians to attack our country by trying to steal our election next year or not. Mention has been made about the need for bipartisanship. I work often on a bipartisan basis with members of the other party, and we did try, i will say we tried in vain to have the republican members to buy into the need to require best practices for next years election, and we couldnt Reach Agreement and we decided its our responsibility to move forward if forward. That is why we are here today. Just mention on Unfunded Mandates. We are authorizing about 1 billion. 380 appropriated last year. S the speaker mentioned we are appropriating this year an additional 600 million for ballot security. This bill authorizes the 600 billion that we are appropriating. We think its important that that money flow to the states to harden our systems so the election cannot be stolen by our enemies. Its ironic that some on the other side of the aisle have complained about Unfunded Mandates. At the same time they try to impose a 25 match requirement on states for receiving these funds that they need to get to harden our system. Just a comment on d. R. A. s. D. R. E. s. D. R. E. s is not as uncy of as pure electronic voting, but they are not best practices. Much has been mentioned about the state of georgia. Its worth noting that the Georgia Legislature ignored the advice they got from computer scientists that what they were doing did not meet best practices for ballot security. A study published by georgia most voters d that did not actually look at the receipt when it was printed. And they also point out that even though printed ballots when voters do look at it, include the name of can dates votes would be encoded in bar codes that humans cant authenticate and that are cyber hacking. Quote, there is nothing sec laive about these vulnerabilities speculative about these vulnerabilities said a former chief Technology Officer for hewlettpackard. If exploited it would affect the election. Its not a secure system. We need to fix these things not because its partisan but because we need to protect america. The idea that we would allow this just to be decided at a local level is wrongheaded. If the russians launched United States, at the counties of the United States, we wouldnt say thats just a local issue. We would say, no, thats an attack on the United States of america. We need to harden our systems and protect our country. I strongly urge the adoption of this measure, and id like to read from a letter that we received just yesterday from the Network Lobby for catholic social justice. In their last paragraph, the catholics say, and i quote, in a secular democracy, elections are the closest thing we have to a sack amount. We know that sacrement. We know actors continue to medal middle in our democratic systems and we have been meddle in our democratic systems and we have been put on notice. The Network Lobby for catholic social justice considers our elections to be sacrosanct and Congress Must pass the safe act to protect them. This bill is supported by a sector of civil and civil rights groups, including the naacp and common cause. It deserves all of our support. And i would urge my colleagues to support h. R. 2722 and ensure the security of our nations election infrastructure. With that, madam chairman, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. All time having been expired the debate having been expired, pursuant to House Resolution 460, the previous question is ordered on the bill as amended. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to protect elections for Public Office by providing Financial Support and enhanced security for the infrastructure used to carry out such elections, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 1c of rule 19, further consideration of. R. 2722 is postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Mr. Mcgovern by direction of the committee on rules i call up House Resolution 466 and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 34, House Resolution 466, resolved, that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to take from the speakers table the bill, h. R. 3401, making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2019, and for other purposes. With the Senate Amendment thereto and to consider in the house without intervention of any point of order a motion offered by the chair of the committee on appropriations or her designee that the house concur in the Senate Amendment with an amendment consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11621. The Senate Amendment and the motion shall be considered as read. The motion shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the motion to its adoption without ntervening motion. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from oklahoma mr. Cole pursuant to section 426 of the congressional budget and empowerment control act of 1974, i make a point of order against consideration of the rule, House Resolution 466. Section 426 of the budget act specifically states that the rules committee may not waive the point of order prescribed in section 425 of that same act. House resolution 466 makes in order a motion without intervention of any point of order. Therefore i make a point of order pursuant to section 426 of the congressional budget act that this rule may not be considered. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma makes a point of order that the resolution violates section 426a of the congressional budget act of 1974. The gentleman has met the threshold burden under the rule and the gentleman from oklahoma and a member opposed each will control 10 minutes of debate on the question of consideration. Following debate, the chair will put the question of consideration as a statutory means of disposing of the point of order. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. The bill before us today, madam speaker, provides no c. B. O. Cost estimate. So we literally had no idea as to whether or not there are additional Unfunded Mandates being imposed on the states. We do know that the states are already having to use their scarce resources to deal with this border crisis and the legislation before us today does nothing to alleviate that. My colleague, mr. Burgess from texas, made that very point and offered an amendment which was rejected by the committee to consider reimbursing the state of texas over 800 million for their expenses. Those same kinds of expenses probably not to that magnitude have been undertaken by other states. So we dont think, madam speaker, we should proceed until we have that information and the house has a chance to consider that. With that, madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma had 10 minutes. He now reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts rise . Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i claim time in opposition. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for 10 minutes. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, what we are trying to do here is bring a bill to the floor to help alleviate the suffering of children who, in my opinion, have been abused under u. S. Custody at our border. Everybody has read the news articles. Everybody has seen the pictures. We have a moral obligation to move forward. And to try to delay consideration of a bill to help our these children i think is a mistake. With that i reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves his time. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Actually on that we have a great deal in common with one another. We, too, think we ought to address this matter quickly. Im sure my friend recalls we have tried on 16 different occasions over the last eight weeks to bring this legislation to the floor. Legislation that would alleviate this problem. Our friends rejected that every single time. We also have a bill thats been passed by the senate 847, a bill where 35 democrats, about 3 4 of the number of democrats, supported a bill we know a bill if we would bring to this floor we could pass immediately and it would go to the president s desk. Wouldnt have to go back to the senate. So my friends by not accepting an overwhelmingly bipartisan bill by the senate and simply moving it on, are the one that is are actually opposing and delay here. What we have in front of us that well consider later today if they are successful, frankly, is something we know the senate is unlikely to accept. I have not heard from the president but given the scope of the changes inside the bill, there is every reason these are all changes that failed in some cases failed yesterday in the senate. And reductions in spending for the military and for the Border Patrol that the administration has already signaled they will reject. There is a simple solution here. We could simply take the senate bill up thats passed 847, overwhelming support on both sides of the aisle. Get that money bill down to the president and the money could start flowing immediately. If we proceed as my friends want to proceed, we are simply going to be playing pingpong back and forth. With that, madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, im surprised at my colleagues on the republican side hold this institution in such low esteem. We are the house of representatives. Our Voice Matters. And on this issue with the house voted first on a measure to help provide some assistance to these children at the border, then the Senate Passed a different version, and the way its supposed to work is we have a negotiation. And we try to come to agreement and come up with a compromise bill. So the idea that somehow we dont matter in the house, that we shouldnt matter in the house, that we should just accept whatever the senate does, to me i find that disrespectful of the house of representatives. What we are doing is we are sending the senate basically all that they want plus we are adding things to help protect children and to provide for more transparency. We are strengthening requirements for Childrens Health. We are tightening restrictions for childrens safety. We are supporting nonprofits and communities caring for childrens wellbeing. We are embracing compassionate processing for childrens comfort. Again, we are enhancing accountability and transparency and mandating fiscal responsibility. I mean who could possibly be opposed to those things . That is what we are trying to do. We are trying to insist that the houses Voice Matters and e are trying to make a bill, the senate bill even better. Again what motivates us here is the wellbeing of these children. We are here because we are for the children. We are here because we are outraged at the way they have been mistreated by this administration. And we are tired of excuses as to why we cant protect the children. We are moving forward with legislation that will protect the children against any abuse at our border, with that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves the balance of his time the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole i dont doubt my friends sincerity and compassion and concern for these young people for one minute. I know him well as a person, value him as a friend. I must say this would have been much nicer eight weeks ago when the Administration First asked for it. While my friend lays out some of the changes in the house bill, he neglected to mention that this actually house bill cuts the administration request for reimbursement to the military by 124 million. It cuts the administration request for money to the Border Patrol which is probably where the most difficult part is by i think 89 million. We have substantive disagreements. Again, weve got a bill that has passed overwhelmingly. Many of the items my friends want to add have already been considered by the senate and rejected by the senate. It seems to us when we got a bipartisan when we have a bipartisan product, that has got substantial support on both sides, and that the house has signaled it would accept, thats the way we should go. With that, madam speaker, i would like to yield two minutes to my good friend, the rppinging republican member of the budget committee, mr. Womack of arkansas. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arkansas is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Womack i want to thank my friend from oklahoma for leading in this discussion. Madam speaker, i rise in support of the question of consideration. We should be taking up the senatepassed bill. Its already been mentioned that it passed 848. We dont have a c. B. O. Score for the changes made by the house amendments to the bill. Without a c. B. O. Score, we dont know the cost this bill will have on state and local governments. Yesterday, in a Budget Hearing on matters of immigration, we heard testimony from the mayor of yuma, arizona, which clearly demonstrates the Economic Impact and cost that states and local governments are incurring due to the crisis at the border. My friend just said, changes made by the house on this senatepassed bill takes tens of millions of dollars away from the department of defense for reimbursement and limits the ability of customs and Border Protection to adequately occurred e services as a result of this crisis. Madam speaker, democrats had many opportunities to advance bipartisan solutiones that would provide the kind of relief to these communities and begin to address the crisis at the border. For nearly two months, theyve refused to act. This week has been an unfortunate loss of precious time. This is a situation where congress clearly needs to come together and act swiftly. Im sorry to say were falling short in this basic obligation of the duties of the congress of the United States of america. So, again, i rise in support of the question that we have under consideration. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i am a little confused. My republican friends say they want to delay things have a c. B. O. Score. Then, they want to say they want to get something to the president s desk right away. They can talk all they want about a c. B. O. Score. We need to talk about the children. Whats happening to the children on the boreder is unconscionable. It should weigh heavy on the hearts of every Single Person in this chamber, democrats and republicans alike. Enough is enough. We need to not only provide the necessary resources to alleviate this crisis but we need to make sure resources we provide are provided in a way they go to the purposes we want them to go to. As far as the department of defense money, i mean, the bottom line is this administration has been diverting funds from the department of defense for the stupid wall and they have created that crisis. But the bottom line is we are here for the children. Again, i urge my colleagues to stopped the bickering and get down to business. Let us pass this rule. Let us go on to the pass the legislation, and let us get a deal with the senate that is better than what is on the table right now. I reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Id like to yield two minutes to my very good friend, the gentleman from georgia, a distinguished member of the rules committee, mr. Woodall. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Underwood thank you, madam speaker. Mr. Woodall thank you, madam speaker. I think folks are having trouble to contain their emotions. We met. Their fuse were running short. Enough is enough. We had an amendment offered in the rules committee this morning. I dont think most folks in this body know because folks werent at the rules committee. We had an amendment offered in the rules committee that said if the gentleman wants to do this new bill thats been crafted by the democratic majority, bring that new bill to the floor, but lets at least consider the bipartisan bill that passed the senate resoundingly 848 yesterday. I agree with my friend from massachusetts, enough is enough, madam speaker. We could send a bill to the white house today to start the money going today. My friend from massachusetts said let the republicans talk if they want to. We want to talk about the children. Im tired of talking about the children. Lets serve the children. Lets do it. Lets do it. Lets stop talking about it. Its been almost 60 days that weve been talking about it with one tragic picture after another rolling across the national headline. Lets stop talking about it. Folks have an alternative view, share your alternative view as you have but allow us to vote on what the senate after roundly rejecting the previously housepassed language, was an opportunity to serve the children today. Madam speaker, i dont believe the members of this institution know what happened in the rules committee this morning. I dont believe the members of this institution know we rejected that bipartisan opportunity this morning. With this point of order, we will bring the members of this institution down here to the house floor where they will hear it themselves. We have an opportunity to act now, as my friend from oklahoma has offered. The question is, are we going to take yes for an answer, or are we just going to continue to talk about the children . I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern im really puzzled here. Why is it the senate can say no but the house cant say no to something . Why is it we have to do what the senate wants . If the gentleman is so enamored with the senate, maybe he should work in the senate. The bottom line is, those of us in the house deserve to have our voices heard. What we are saying here is that we want to provide a bill that will alleviate this crisis, that will help the children. Mr. Woodall if the gentleman will yield . If the gentleman will yield . Mischaracterized my statement, if the gentleman will yield . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts has the time. Mr. Mcgovern i would like us to make sure we provide resources to the border that actually alleviate the crisis. I do not want to be part of an effort to send money to the border to be diverted for whatever this president wants. Hes shown us where he is on this issue of the children and on the issue of immigration, and quite frankly, many of us on this side of the aisle and i think some on the other side of the aisle are offended by that. So we want to make sure when we say we are providing relief to this crisis that is affecting so many children that in fact we are providing relief to those children. And that is all we are saying here. I mean, strengthening requirements for Childrens Health, why is why would anybody in the senate want to be opposed to that . Tightening restrictions for children safety. I mean, people are dying in our custody. We should want to prevent that from ever occurring again. Supporting nonprofits and Community Caring for childrens wellbeing. I mean, this stuff, madam speaker, is something that should not be controversial no matter how you look at it. And yet it is, for my republican friends, and i regret that very much and i reserve my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves his time. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Im puzzled as well. Im puzzled why this wasnt dealt with eight weeks ago when the administration asked. Im puzzled why for 16 times when we tried to bring this matter up on the floor our friends in the majority rejected that. Now, were in a hurry. If were in a hurry, the way to act is take the vehicle thats actually passed the United States senate in an overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion and send it to the president of the United States. Thats not what my friends want to do. They want to prolong the debate. You prolonged it for two months, for eight weeks by not taking the matter up. Youre prolonging it today by not taking whats already been passed and moving along. So obviously we oppose this rule and we want to move on. Well be happy to work with you to move on the senate legislation. I think you it would pass in an overwhelmingly bipartisan way. The president would sign it, and that aid would begin flowing. What my friends are proposing is quite the opposite. Its a prolonged back and forthwith the United States senate. I have deep forth with the United States senate. I have deep respect for here. Whats going to come out of here wont be signed by the president. What is going to come has come out of the United States senate will be. So if you are in a hurry to get the money moving, thats the way we should proceed. With that, madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, let me remind my colleagues, this is not the house bill that passed. I mean, this is a compromise that we have move forward. Again, heres what my friends are saying is partisan. That we put into this bill that, you know, for Childrens Health that we must ensure a higher standard for medical care, nutrition, and hygiene. Thats what theyre calling partisan. Thats what theyre saying, oh, its awful. We cant move forward on that. The bill we are putting forward, this compromised bill, will meet the needs of the children. That is all that it does. So i dont i dont know why we in the house cant in a bipartisan way stand together and say, look, we want to improve on what the senate did. And we want to guarantee that the moneys we send actually go to help the children and not get diverted to other things like we know this administration has a habit of doing. I mean, anybody who has seen the pictures of in the newspapers recently, anybody thats read the news articles, again, our hearts should ache. This is not america. This is not what our country is about. We can do much, much better, and that is why we should move forward with consideration. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves his time. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole madam speaker, may i inquire as to how much time is remaining . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma has a minute and a half. And the gentleman from massachusetts has 3 1 4. The gentleman. Mr. Cole i remind my friend. Im prepared to close so ill yield back at the conclusion of my remarks. Madam speaker, we dont think the house bill is a better bill. We dont think reducing the amount that the senate gave to the military by 124 million is a good idea. We dont think reducing the amount of money thats going to the Border Patrol, which is one of the areas of problem, by 89 million is a good idea. We dont think a lot of this effort to micromanage a crisis thats thousands of miles away from us by this body here are good suggestions. We want some flexibility. We think the senate bill does take care of the needs on the border in terms of unaccompanied minors whove crossed over into our territory. So we just dont think this does it. And we think this prolong the process. We have a bipartisan bill. Perfect bill, no. Is our bill is a perfect bill . No. As a matter of fact, we like the senate bill on our side better than this bill. Regardless, that one can pass. That one can pass on this floor. That one can be signed into law. This one that my friends have embarked on, they think its an improvement, ill tell them politically, not passing the senate. Not likely to be signed by the president. So we want to get help there immediately. We have a way to do it and the senate bill in the senate bill. We think it leads us to a political dead end. With that i would press for my motion and yield back the balance of my time, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, my colleagues have seen the pictures and theyve heard the stories. And if that is not convincing to them to move forward to increase protections for children who are held in our custody, then i dont know what else to say. I mean, what we are asking for here in this compromise bill that we are moving forward is to make sure that there are stronger protections in here, to make sure the abuse that we have all read about and we have all seen stops and never, ever happens again. I mean, thats what this is all about. So i im at a loss because to me, the evidence is overwhelming that we need to provide stronger protections for these children. But if my colleagues disagree, then they can vote against the bill and against consideration, but i would urge all of my colleagues to vote yes so we can move forward with this rule and consideration of this bill, get this passed as soon as possible and get on to either urging the senate to pass it or continuing in negotiation, but we can do better than the senate bill. Ith that i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has yielded back. All time for debate has expired. The question is will the house now consider the resolution. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The question of consideration is mr. Cole on that id like the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Id request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore is the gentleman requesting a recorded vote . Mr. Cole i do. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This will be a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] s u. S. Houreestas. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the ayes are 226. The nays are 188. The question of consideration is decided in the affirmative. Without objection, the the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. Members, could we have order. Members, please take your conversations out of the well. Embers members, please carry your onversations off the well. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized for one hour. Mr. Mcgovern mr. Speaker, for the purposes of debate only, i yield the customary 30 minutes to the gentleman from oklahoma, the ranking minority member of the rules committee, mr. Cole, pending which i yield myself uch time as i may consume. During consideration of this resolution all time is yielded for purposes of debate only. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. , mcgovern mr. Speaker today the rules committee met and reported a rule, House Resolution 466, providing for consideration of the Senate Amendment to h. R. 3401. One hour of general debate has been provided, controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations. Mr. Speaker, i think by now we all have seen the horrific images showing the bodies of Martinez Ramirez the speaker pro tempore members, members, please carry your conversations off the floor. Members. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern mr. Speaker, i think by now we all have seen the horrific images showing the bodies of Oscar Alberto ramirez and his nearly 2yearold daughter. They were taken on monday as these salvadoran migrants tried to cross the rio grande after leaving a mexican migrant camp. Like so many others they were exercising their legal right to seek asylum here in the ubs United States. They wanted to be free from the violence, gangs, poverty, and inequality that is rampant in el salvador, just as it does all across central america. I visited el salvador and honduras recently. Mr. Speaker, i saw the unbearable conditions with my own eyes. It is no wonder that organizations like the United Nations office on drugs and crime have said this and other Central American countries are more dangerous than afghanistan and only slightly better than syria. Syria, mr. Speaker. The site of an ongoing civil war. Let that sink in for a moment. But unfortunately alberto and have a lara valaria didnt survive. His wife was forced to watch in horror as her current washed her family away. Im telling their story today because this is what migrants face as they risk their lives to come to this country. Not to transport drugs, not to commit crimes as the president suggests, but to find refuge, raise their daughter in a safe place, and have a chance at building a better life. A life that they can only find in america. Isnt this what each of us wants for our own families . They came to present themselves at a legal port of entry and to seek legal asylum as is their right under u. S. Law. They werent the only ones to die. Just this past weekend Border Patrol agents found four more bodies in the river west of brownsville, texas. Three more Young Children and a young woman in her 20s. Every single week people drown in the river, perish in the deserts, invisible and unknown. It wasnt too long ago that we celebrated how immigration made our country stronger, whether it was a democratic or republican administration. Im reminded of president reagans final speech in office where he said, and i quote, anybody from any corner of the world can come to america to live and become an american. This i believe is one of the most important sources of americas greatness, end quote. Mr. Speaker, the Trump Administration apparently has the complete opposite view of immigration. They dont celebrate it. They demonize it. Consider what may have happened to oscar and his family if they did make it to our border. Forced to sleep on concrete floors with the lights on 24 hours a day. No soap. No medicine. Maybe not even a toothbrush. Valaria separated from her parents. Because that is what migrants are forced to endure at border facilities under this president. A physician who visited one recently said, i quote, the conditions within which they are held could be compared to torture facilities, end quote. Mr. Speaker, when lady liberty encourages us to give her our poor huddled masses, dont think she means so the administration can turn around and throw them in a cage. I dont think she lifts her torch so their legal play could be criminalized and crying children could be ripped from the arms of their parents. But that is what is happening under this president. Mr. Speaker, it is sickening. It should tear at the hearts of every Single Member of this house whether democrats or republicans. This week the house passed bipartisan emergency legislation to address this humanitarian crisis at the border. The senate had its own ideas. So today we are back with a compromise to get a bill quickly signed into law. This is a compromise that lives up to our core values and protects children and families. It adds critical Protection Force children that were included in the house version of the bill. That includes language to improve care for children by forcing influx facilities to comply with the flores settlement and capping at 90 days the amount of time a child can spend in such a facility. We are also reducing funding for i. C. E. While rejecting additional and unnecessary dollars for the pentagon. This is the crisis, mr. Speaker. We cannot treat compromise as a dirty word, not when migrants are losing their lifes in unsafe, unhealth y. Conditions. And children are being torn apart from their families. The horrors at Detention Centers shouldnt get loss in the latest tweetathon by the president. Just as the plight of migrants shouldnt go unseen by the American People. This should shake our conscience and make clear the urgent need to act. I urge all my colleagues to support this rule and underlying bill and lets send a message to the president that the world lets send a message to the president and to the world that america is better than this. This is not who we are. What is happening at our border. Ill just say one final thing. In the compromise hackage today that seems to bother so many people are merely items that would protect the wellbeing of these children. That would provide more transparency. For the life of me i dont understand the controversy. I dont understand why we cant make the senate bill better. Why we cant do more for these children. I know my colleagues on the other side of the aisle feel as we do that what is happening is unacceptable. Let us strengthen that bill, let us actually give a bill to the president that we all know will help these children. With that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves the balance of his time. The chair would receive a message from the senate. The messenger the messenger mr. Speaker, a message from the senate. The secretary mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore madam secretary. The secretary i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has passed, s. 528, the fairness for breastfeeding act of 2019, in which the concurrence of the house is requested. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I want to begin by thanking my good friend, the gentleman from massachusetts, chairman mcgovern, for yielding me the customary 30 minutes. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you, mr. Speaker. Well, we are here for the third time this week, mr. Speaker. And the second time on a supplemental appropriations bill for the southern border. Earlier this week i spoke on this floor and expressed my concerns about the house bill. Make no mistake, we need emergency funding for the crisis on the southern border. We needed it two months ago. And we need it even more desperately today. But two days ago i warned that the bill the house was considering would not pass the senate and would not become law. And i was proven direct. The house bill failed in the senate. In fact, it only received 37 votes in support. In contrast, the Senate Amendment passed in a bipartisan vote of 848. If the democratic leadership would allow a vote on the senate text, i believe it would pass this chamber today and be on its way to the president s desk. Today. But instead we are here considering a rule that would further amend the bill, bringing back in provision that is have already failed to garner support in the senate. If this bill, too, fails if this bill fails to pass the senate, as i expect will happen, then well be leaving town for a week without actually having passed anything to deal with the crisis. I do remind my friends on the other side we have attempted on our side 16 times to bring up legislation to deal with this, and the president asked for this money two months ago. So im glad they have a sense of urgency now because we have not seen it in the past. My sense is that this is more about maintaining the unity of the Democratic Caucus than it is about pressing legislation that can be enacted into law. But thats been true for this entire congress. Its why my friends have so far failed to enact any significant legislation during their tenure in the majority. Mr. Speaker, we are out of time. We desperately need to get these emergency funds to the federal agencies responsible for managing this crisis. They are out of money and need Additional Resources to take care of people. Many of them innocent children who are affected by this crisis. We do not have the luxury of time in responding to this emergency. My friends on the other side of the aisle are about to make the exact same mistake that they made on tuesday when they pushed forward a partisan bill that would not pass the senate and that the president would not sign into law. What i dont understand, mr. Speaker, is why the majority is so resistant to acting in a bipartisan manner here. Both republicans and democrats agree that we need additional funding to address the crisis on the southern border. There is a real chance to send a bipartisan bill to the president that will become law. And instead of doing what will immediately help children and families at the border, the majority is attempting to cut the needed funding from the senate bill and add partisan riders back into it and then send it back to the senate where it can fail again. Mr. Speaker, we do not have time to waste on purely political exercises. There is still an opportunity to correct that mistake, mr. Speaker, and i would urge the majority to take that opportunity seriously. Mr. Speaker, i would like to take this opportunity to yield one minute to the distinguished republican leader, mr. Mccarthy. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. I thank the entleman for yielding. 58 days. 58 days the amount of time the administration asked and said there was a crisis on the border that they needed funding. 18 times, 18 times we had the opportunity to take a vote on this floor and we did not come to a solution and it did not pass. Two times, two times the New York Times wrote editorials in those 58 days calling upon this body to put politics aside. That this crisis on the border was greater than the politics that we want to play. The Mexican Government realizes there is a crisis on the border and just sent 5,000 troops. We have seen the pictures 15,000 troops. We have seen the pictures, we heard the words on either side we talk of it. We were in this well just a few days ago having a debate. Many of us said on this time why would we take this moment to do a political maneuver that will not go anywhere in the senate . Dont take our word for it, take the votes for it. The bill did not pass. There is a time for every season. The season to continue to play politics is over. The season to put people before politics is now. Dont take my word for it. Take the example of the chamber thats just across the way. Its not far, you can see it if you look out those doors. You can walk it without taking much breath. You can understand what bipartisanship looks like, mr. Speaker. The senate took up a bill to take up this crisis. The vote was 848. Mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is correct. The house is not in order. We ask members to take their conversations off the floor. The gentleman is recognized. 848, theres been a historic legislation thats passed with much less. But theres been very few thats ever been defeated that has gone 848. But today we are going to take hours to learn the exact same experience that we had just a short few hours ago. The 848, when i listen to the other side and the Democratic Party wants to do. This let me read the names of some of those who want to who voted for this bill to understand what bipartisan sounds like. Senator chuck schumer. Senator dick durbin. Senator tim kaine. Senator patty murray. And senator diane feinstein. All voted yes. Every Single Member of the Senate Democratic leadership voted yes to end the crisis on the border. But why, madam speaker, are we on this floor now . Why does the democratic leadership on this side want to continue to play politics when the democratic leadership in the senate says no . 58 days is enough, 18 votes over there are too many. But yes, people are dying. But yes, the money is out. Weve acknowledged it on this floor. Madam speaker, it makes me begin to wonder how can a few control so many . On that opening day when were on this floor we all raise our hand individually. We all swear to uphold the constitution. Our names are individually on the ballot when were voted to come in here. This is not a moment to let somebody else control your name or your voting card. This is not a moment to say my party tells me to go here because thats not the case. Chuck schumer is a leader of the Democratic Party. Dick durbin is a leader of the democrats when it comes to immigration. I have spent hours an months with dick durbin in a room trying to come to an immigration agreement and we have seen places far, far apart. We have spent months trying to trying to come to a conclusion. But you know what . We have this time. We have found a more Perfect Union that we found bipartisanship. Are we going to allow a few to continue to deny it . 58 days. You do not have more. The money is gone. The time is now. You know and i know that we are better than this. I do not accuse anybody on either side of what they truly believe about a crisis. I have heard. Ive heard people on the other side of the aisle, madam speaker that said they want to vote for the senate bill. Can we allow them to vote for the senate bill . Can we allow them to join with the 84 senators out of 100 on the other side that said yes to it . Or do we have a few that control what can come to the floor . Now i heard in this rules debate there are amendments that smu theyre going to make it better. What makes it better . That we do not fund to pay any overtime costs for immigration and Customs Enforcement officers or provide funding for the active duty of the National Guard troops working with them on the frontline in the crisis at the border . Is that making it better. Is that really what you want to stake your political career on . Is that really what you want to stand up against bipartisanship for . Madam speaker, ive heard a lot of names on the other side say they would vote for it. I think everybody in this body knows that that senate bill will pass. I think everybody in their heart knows thats where were going to end up. But do we have to go through it one more time . You do not have to worry about what the outcome will be, the leader of the senate has already said what will happen. Because i will promise you this, on this side of the aisle, we will stay here until this is one. We will not leave. And we will stand with the bipartisan vote in the senate. If youre worried about getting to 218, do not worry. Put that bill on suspension, i romise you it will pass. I call upon all of our better angels for this one moment, for this one time when america is watching, that we rise to the occasion. That we put the partisanship aside. The senate has given us the adult supervision to show us, we had that fight, we tried to make it, didnt make it, but there is something better. Theres a window, theres an opportunity. Is madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the senate eat amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. The speaker pro tempore the chair would advites vise all time has been yielded for the pup of debate only. Does the gentleman from massachusetts yield for the purpose of the unanimous consent request. Mr. Mcgovern i do not yield for that purpose, all time yielded is for debate only. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts does not yield, therefore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertain thsmed egentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern i want to assure the distinguished minority leader i am not asking members of congress to vote for what we are bringing before the house today based on their party. Im asking members to vote their conscience. And to be totally frank, we want to make sure there are protections built into this legislation so that funds are not misused as they have been in the past. So we done see any more children being abused. So we dont see the mismanagement that we have witnessed. With all due respect to the senate jothe leader an many of my friends on the other side of the aisle, when children were being ripped apart from their parent we heard silence. When we read about the terrible conditions that these children were in, being denied soap and toothpaste and toothbrushes and being uncared for, we heard silence. We saw the picture of oscar and valeria, dead, trying to seek asylum in this country, theres nothing. So bottom line is, we want to get this done and we will stay here as long as it takes. I assure the minority leader. Were not going anywhere. But were going to stand for the children. And that is what our purpose is here today. Madam speaker, at this time i would like to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, the distinguished member of the rule committees, ms. Scanlon. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Scanlon thank you. Im so glad that our colleagues across the aisle agree that the conditions at the boarderer intolerable because they are. A few months ago, i had the opportunity to go to the southern border, meet with border pale to agents and advocates on this eground, including a woman who had been separated from her children, and we toured the detention facilities. The humanitarian crisis then, in february, undeniable and its only gotten worse. But the cause of this crisis has raised serious questions, particularly why its escalated. In addition to suspending critical aid designed to relieve conditions causing desperate families to flee their home the Trump Administration is failing to use long standing lawful processes and available resources to provide relief to children and refugees at the southern border. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is are correct. The house is not in order. Members will take their conversation off the floor. The gentlelady deserve yours attention. The gentlelady from pennsylvania is recognized. Ms. Scan listen thank you, madam speaker. The trump wradmrgs policies are not making our border safer but are worsening the situation at the expense of the health and well being of desperate children and families. There are unused beds at facilities in my home state of pennsylvania and in texas. And many refugee children have sponsor, family members, available here. But theyre being denied access. Prior to coming to congress, i represented immigrants and Asylum Seeker who by definition lawfully enter this country seeking refuge. I can confidently say that International Law is being violated on a daily basis by this administration and it has abandoned longstanding legal norms for processing asylees with the apparent purpose of exacerbating the crisis for political gain. I agree we need to send Additional Resources to relieve the inhumane conditions affecting refugees at our border but we also have a responsibility to make sure those resources are not misused to worsen, rather than relieve, this crisis. Therefore i urge that we support the border relief bill that is before us, which will provide resources to relieve the crisis and improve the health and well being innocent children while allowing transparency and oversight. Mr. Mcgon i yield the gentlelady 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Scanlon its important to allow transparency and oversight on how the funds are used. To our republican colleagues in the senate, especially majority leader mcconnell if you fail to work with us to diminish this crisis not only will your legacy be the legislative graveyard in the senate but the deaths of these children and families. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole i yield to the gentlelady from texas, ms. Granger, for the pup of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for unanimous consent. Ms. Granger i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair understands that the gentleman from massachusetts has not yielded for that purpose. Therefore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to the distinguished gentleman from new york, mr. Katko, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for unanimous consent. Mr. Katko i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the Senate Overwhelmingly 10 times more senators voted for this bill than voted against it. That is the essence of bipartisanship. I ask that we make this house proud, i ask that we make our colleagues proud and i ask that we pass this bill and send it to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair understands that the gentleman from massachusetts has not yielded for that purpose, therefore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The chair would advise members that even though a unanimous consent request to consider a measure is not entertained, embellished accompanying such requests constitute debate and will become an imposition on the time of the member who yielded for that purpose. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to the gentlelady from missouri, my friend ms. Wagner, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. Mrs. Wagner i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. We must not adjourn. We will stay and do the people ears work and take care of the humanitarian crisis on the border. Send this to the president s desk immediately, today. For signature. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair understands that the gentleman from massachusetts has not yielded for that purpose, therefore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. He gentleman has not yielded for that purpose this time will be deducted from the gentleman from oklahoma. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to the gentleman from pennsylvania for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognize. Mr. I worked on the border understanding it all too well, i ask thams consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment, this bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair understands that the gentleman from massachusetts has not yielded for that purpose and therefore the snams consent request cannot be entertained. This gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to the distinguished gentleman from south dakota, mr. Johnson, for the purpose of a annapolis consent qusm the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Johnson i ask unanimous consent to take from the speak s table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and to concur with the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair understands that the gentleman from massachusetts has not yielded for that purpose, therefore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to the gentlelady, my good friend, the distinguished gentlelady from indiana, mrs. Brooks for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. Mrs. Brooks i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the senate america. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. We must show the American People that bipartisanship is about solving the childrens problems. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentlewoman has the gentleman has not yielded for that purpose. Time will be deducted from the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Walker, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Walker i ask unanimous consent request to take from the speakers table h. R. 401 and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate 848 and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from michigan, my friend, mr. Walberg for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore gentleman. Mr. Walberg i ask unanimous consent to take from the smears table h. R. 3401, with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from michigan, mr. Mitchell, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore gentleman. Mr. Mitchell i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from florida, my friend, mr. Mast. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida. Mr. Mast i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my good friend the distinguished the gentleman from minnesota, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from minnesota. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my good friend, the gentlelady from missouri, mrs. Hartzler for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mrs. Hartzler i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to the distinguished the entleman from oklahoma,. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for signature today. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my good friend, distinguished the gentleman from nebraska, mr. Smith. The speaker pro tempore gentleman. Mr. Smith i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the amendment amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be sbraped. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from ohio, mr. Gibbs, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Gibbs madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be combrained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my good friend, the distinguished the gentleman from texas, mr. Babyip for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Babin i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Oklahoma madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, distinguished the gentleman from texas, judge carter, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Carter madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401, with Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes. It could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, unanimous consent cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my good friend to the gentleman from texas for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Wright i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my good friend, distinguished the gentleman from arkansas, mr. Westerman for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized can pros. Mr. Westerman i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my friend from the great state of tennessee for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Burchett i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the senate thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment, the bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole pad a. M. Speaker, i yield to my good friend, distinguished the gentleman from indiana, mr. Baird for the purpose of unanimous consent request. I ask nor unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, the distinguished the gentleman from washington, mr. Newhouse for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Newhouse madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, the gentleman from kansas, mr. Marshalll for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Marshall i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the pennsylvania, mr. Joyce for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Joyce i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, distinguished the gentleman from from alabama, mr. Palmer, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from alabama. Mr. Palmer i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the gentleman from florida, mr. Spano. Mr. Spano i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend from the great state of pennsylvania, mr. Meuser for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Meuser i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole on madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the great state of wisconsin for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Steil i ask to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature toot. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my very good friend from pennsylvania, reshen that willer. Mr. Reschenthaler thank you madam speaker and tamping you. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This is a bipartisan bill that passed the senate with 84 votes. This could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my friend from the great state of texas, mr. Weber, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Weber for the love of god and this country, i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401, with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes. And could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. So help us god. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts has not yielded for the purpose. Time will be deducted from the gentleman from oklahoma. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to insert in the record two articles one from the New York Times entitled, there was a stench, soiled clothes and no baths for Migrant Children at a texas center. D former captives contrast treatment of Child Migrants and i would like two minutes to the the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Escobar. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from texas is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Escobar thank you for the opportunity and ask for order, the order we gave to them. The speaker pro tempore the the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is correct. The house is not in order. The gentlelady may continue. Ms. Est cowar bar thank you, madam speaker. The last thing id want to see is a repeat of the other night when any colleagues on the other side of the aisle laughed and jeered as adescribed the situation at the border and what is happening to the children in our custody. The minority the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady deserves respect. The house is not in order. Members need to take their onversation off the floor. The gentlelady from texas is recognized. Ms. Escobar thank you, madam speaker. The minority leader earlier asked why are we here again . One word. Oversight. Oversight. We have seen as members of congress too often our desire to provide oversight which is a fundamental responsibility, a fundamental duty of ours, we have seen it thwarted and we have seen it obstructed. There is no one in this chamber right now who feels more of a sense of urgency than the representative from texas 16, el paso, where we have had a front row to the atrocities occurring at the hands of this government. I will tell you, part of the challenge for many of us who have worked with good will and charity has been witnessing the fact that congress has not been able to provide fundamental guardrailers in treatment of these kids. What is the main difference between the senate bill and the house bill . Ours is far more humane. Ours ensures that money will not be diverted for things that have turned a challenge into a crisis. A few examples, ripping children from the arms of their parents. Or sending vulnerable populations back into mexico. In fact, madam speaker, in my district, one of the individuals sent back to mexico under this administrations policy was kidnapped and raped. We have also seen people legally blocked at our ports of entry, sent to more treacherous crossings, thats why oscar and valeria died. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Ms. Escobar spak thats why our bill is the better bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. I yield to the distinguished gentleman from arkansas, my very good friend, mr. Hill, for the pup of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from arkansas. Mr. Hill i thank the chairman for his time. I thank the speaker for her timism ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401, with the Senate Amendment thereto, and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill was passed in the senate with 84 votes, madam speaker. And could be sent today to the president s desk for his signature. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has priestly advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, mr. Comer, from the great state of kentucky, for a annapolis consent qusm the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky. Mr. Comer i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained at this time. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend from the great ,tate of montana, mr. Gianforte for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Gianforte i ask unanimous consent to take from the speaks table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and con kir in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the house by 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, the unanimous consent cannot be entertained at this time. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to the gentleman from idaho, mr. Full cher, for a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from idaho. Mr. Full cher i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 and the Senate Amendment thereto. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has priestly advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my good friend from the great state of texas, mr. Con in a what, for the purpose of a mr. Conaway, for a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Conaway i ask unanimous don sent to take from the speakers table h r. 3401 and the Senate Amendment thereto and condition cur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the house with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advied the unanimous consent request cannot be provesly entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my good friend from the great state of pennsylvania, mr. Thompson, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Thompson i ask unanimous consent to take enter the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, we cannot entertain the unanimous consent request at this time. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my friend and newest member of the house of representatives, mr. Keller, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Keller i ask for unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes. And could be sent directly to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advied the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend from the great state of illinois, mr. Boston, for the pup of a mr. Bost for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Bost i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, we cannot entertain a request for unanimous consent. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend the distinguished gentleman from fle, mr. Rutherford, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida. Mr. Rutherford thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This burn bill passed the senate with 84 votes. And could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has peevesly advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield the distinguished gentleman from virginia, mymy good friend, mr. Riggleman, for the pup of a unanimous consent request. The Vice President the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Riggleman i ask unanimous consent to take from the peek ear speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed with 4 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair has previously advised a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The wrelt from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my good mr. Rose. M tennessee, the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair has previously advised that a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the great state of illinois, mr. Lahood, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Lahood i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, we cannot entertain the unanimous consent request at this time. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the great state of south carolina, mr. Norman, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. Mr. Norman i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers desk h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair has previously advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend from the great state of ohio, mr. Stivers, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio. Mr. Stivers thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur with the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes. An it could be sent to the president for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the great state of virginia, mr. Kline, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Kline thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, the unanimous consent request can in the be entertained. The gentleman from yk. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, mr. Moolenaar, from the great state of michigan, for the pup of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan. Mr. Moolenaar thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto. And concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my good friend the gentlelady from the great state of west virginia, mrs. Millering for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from west virginia. Mrs. Miller thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 4 votes and could be sent to the president s desk today for his signature. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, the gentleman from the great state of kansas, mr. Estes, for the purpose of a nam consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kansas. Mr. Estes thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur with the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the hair has previously advised, a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the great state of ohio, mr. Baldson, for the if you were of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h r. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto. This burn bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the hair has previously advised, a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, the distinguished gentlelady from North Carolina, ms. Foxx, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from North Carolina. Ms. Foxx thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. The this bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair has previously advised, a unanimous consent request the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my friend from tennessee, dr. Roe. Mr. Roe i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and should be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair beliefsly advised, the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my very good friend from the great state of tennessee, mr. Fleischmann for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Fleischmann i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. The bipartisan bill passed United States senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his immediate signature today. The speaker pro tempore as the chair previously advised the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend from the great state of maryland, mr. Harris. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland. Mr. Harris i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair previously advised that the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield my good friend to the great state of ohio, mr. Gibbs, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Gibbs i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate 848 and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature. Lets vote on it. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, distinguished the gentleman from state of illinois. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be september to the president s desk immediately for his signature. The speaker pro tempore the chair previously advised that a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend, mr. Mooney, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman. Mr. Mooney i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair has previously advised that a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. I yield to my very good friend from the great state of alabama, mr. Byrne, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. Mr. Byrne i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair previously advised that a unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from ohio, mr. Wenstrup, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Wenstrup i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk for his signature today. The speaker pro tempore the chair previously advised that the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my friend, the gentleman from florida, mr. Dunn, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida. Did you know did you know i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table house rule 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the senates amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be sent to the president s desk today. The speaker pro tempore the chair previously advised that the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, very much, madam speaker, i yield to my good friend from the state of texas for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with only six ney votes. There is overwhelming support for this in the senate and i urge my colleagues to pa send this the president. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be sprained. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i yield to my very good friend from the great state of louisiana, mr. Johnson, for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Johnson i ask we do the right thing here i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and concur in the Senate Amendment. This bipartisan bill passed the senate with 84 votes and could be september to the president s desk significance in a tur to solve this crisis. The speaker pro tempore the unanimous consent request cannot be entertained. The gentleman will state his point of order. Has the gentleman from massachusetts yielded the floor y taking his seat . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has not yielded his time. The gentleman from massachusetts controls the debate and he has not yielded his time. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield to my good friend, distinguished the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Armstrong for the purpose of unanimous consent request. Mr. Armstrong i ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table h. R. 3401 with the Senate Amendment thereto and if we would like to talk about accountability and like to talk about oversight, i prefer we start right here. Let your members vote. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts has not yielded for the purpose. Time will be deducted to the the gentleman from oklahoma. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole madam speaker, i think you will be delighted to hear i yield three minutes to my good friend from the great state of michigan, mr. Mitchell. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Mitchell thank you, madam speaker and tamping you, mr. Cole. Nice to know that our colleagues recognize this is a crisis. We asked 58 days ago. It was ignored. We tried 18 times to bring up a bill on the floor to deal with supplemental appropriations for humanitarian aid at the border and it was ignored. My friends on the other side of the aisle said they want to improve the bill. They want to ignore the fact that the senate took up the house bill and overwhelmingly rejected it on a bipartisan basis. Then they passed a bipartisan bill 848 which doesnt happen over there very often. We have gone through the list that voted in favor, senator schumer, senator durbin, yet somehow the house wants to ignore it. At least the majority in the house want to ignore it. How they want to improve the bill, you may ask . Lets by eliminating Border Security that appears to be optional to my colleagues and take a hatchet to i. C. E. , even Law Enforcement personnel. My son is a police officer, he puts on a vest every day. If you were going to withhold payroll or overtime when they are doing the scob, i would be offended and im disgusted. Let me ask how many over there would put on a v emp st. Do i see any hands raised . I doubt it. Law enforcement is struggling to do a job, an extraordinarily tough job and we want to make it harder. So let me suggest as the u. C. Request was made that we take up the bill that was passed by the senate and i ask for your attention over there, sir. Unless, of course, you decided that policy is being made by a frag metropolitan of your caucus, unless you decide that you are going to turn over the gravel to a fragment of your caucus to make decisions for you. Lets be honest and tell them a small portion of your conference is now functioning as the speaker of the house. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern what we just witnessed was really interesting. In the amount of time that it took my friends on the other side of the aisle to get through those antics, we could have passed this bill. That is what urgency looks like. Not political thetter. These kids that we are here to try to protect deserve more than grand standing and deserve things like medicine, soap and clothing. And my republican friends say they dont want to waste time, but they wasted a hell of a lot of time with what we just saw happen. One other observation and in all the editorial comments that were made, i didnt hear the word children mentioned once. Its telling, because thats what this debate is about. Not about grand standing or more money for cages to put kids in, its about the children. Im sorry that the children, who are suffering under u. S. Custody, are such an afterthought. To the gentleman from michigan, im outraged, too. Im outraged that the terrible conditions these kids have been forced to experience happened under u. S. Custody. Im outraged that would happen in the United States of america. I yield three minutes to the the , ntlewoman from connecticut ms. Delauro. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for three minutes. Ms. Delauro i rise in support of this emergency supplemental bill. The principles guiding this bill were clear from the outset. It is a response to a humanitarian crisis. By increasing the housing capacity at health and human services, moving these Vulnerable Children from the Detention Centers at customs and Border Protection as quickly as possible to health and human services, because we know what the conditions are at c. B. P. They are deplorable. D in fact, governmentsponsored child abuse. We wanted to build in the protections for children that have been nonexistent in the past and we uncovered those abuses. They have been reported in the press. The miami herald recently said they are prisonlike conditions at homestead. And we wanted to place children with the sponsor in a safe place, a safe environment as expeditiously as possible to reverse the administrations policy of frightening sponsors to come forward. This bill includes strong protection and safeguards for these Vulnerable Children. It extends to the influx shelters enhanced standards of care. And my friend, its for the First Time Ever these protections have never been required of these influx shelters. It continues to prevent the waving of protections after six months and continues to hold influx shelters accountable by requiring h. H. S. To remove an operator if they do not comply with these core standards. If the shelter is not in compliance, then h. H. S. Is required to award the contract to a new Service Provider and the bill continues to protect sponsors and potential sponsors by extending a provision that prohibits funds from being used to put anyone into a removal proceeding based on information rom h. H. S. s sponsor vetting process. The bill continues to require h. H. S. To maintain the directives that they issued in december that removed bureaucratic barriers and helped to place these children with sponsors as expeditiously as possible. And the bill continues to require h. H. S. To report to congress within 24 hours if an unaccompanied child dies in h. H. S. Custody. My friends, a child did die in h. H. S. Custody. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for an additional min. Ms. Delauro achild did die in h. H. S. Custody, no one knew about this for eight months. And it was only the news media that uncovered it. A child tied. This bill continues to ensure that members of congress can conduct oversight visits of shelters without being required to provide advance notice and the bill continues to protect Taxpayer Fund big prohibiting funds from being diverted to programs outside of health and human services. This bill provides clear direction. Legal guardrails about how our emergency funds should be used. And this bill wages the battle for the vulnerable. And i urge every member of this house to support this bill and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for such time as he may consume. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. If we defeat the previous question, ill offer an amendment to the rule to concur in the Senate Amendment without further amendment. This will immediately send the bill to the president and deliver the necessary resources needed to respond to this humanitarian crisis. Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to insert the text of my amendment in the record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Let me say again, we can solve this problem now. I respect my friends have strong feelings about their legislation. We all do. Reality is, that legislation is not going to get through the senate. Its not going to be signed by the president. We have a vehicle thats already gotten through the senate. 5 of the democrats in the chamber voted for, including the entire democratic leadership. And that could go, this house would act on it, straight to the president s desk and be signed into law. My friends are, i know, concerned about resources. Again, its nice that they are. Would have been nice if in the 18th 18 previous times we have tried to bring this matter up before this house they would have helped. It would have been nice if two months ago we had seen them respond. We their share we share their concern for the young people. Thats why we asked for extra resources, the administration asked for extra resources, 5 days ago. Again, it ought to be pretty easy to resolve here. My friends, with all due respect, have a partisan bill that will pass along partisan lines in this house that will not be enacted by the senate. Will not be signed by the president. The senate has a bill, theyve already patsdzed in a bipartisan fashion, it, frankly, has more money to help the people that are being paid overtime in the rder patrol the speaker pro tempore the chair notes a disturbance in the gallery in contravention of the law and rule os they have house. The sergeant at arms will remove those person responseable for the disturbance and restore rder to the gallery. Rder to the gallery. The gentleman may continue. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, just to resume my point, we have a vehicle, it could literally pass on this floor in less than an hour. It could head to the president. It satisfies almost all, not all, but almost all of my friends concerns. And i would just ask them in all seriousness to just consider political reality here and lets get this done and get this resource get these resources to where theyre needed. We can do that we can do it in a bipartisan fashion. With that, madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgon i want to ask madam speaker consent to insert in the record two articles. One from vox, entitled the horrifying conditions facing kids in border detention and one from time magazine, children are living in horrible conditions. Before i yield, i would like to urge my colleagues, i just would like to remind my colleagues that a vote to defeat the previous question really isnt a vote to bring up the senate bill. Its a vote to give control of the house floor to the republicans. They say they would bring up the senate bill but theres absolutely no guarantee that they would. They could bring up a bill to fund a wall for all we know. To e are here to find a way alleviate the suffering of these children at our border. And not to play political games. I would urge my colleagues to make sure they vote yes on the previous question. And by the way, i just say to my colleague from oklahoma, a lot of us arent satisfied with the senate bill the way its been drafted because there are protections that we want to see in that bill. Because quite frankly, speaking for myself, edont trust this administration. I dont trust this administration to do the right thing. An administration that separated, knowingly, deliberately, separated children from their parents at the border. An administration that tolerated the conditions that have horrified the entire country. So i want it clear that the moneys that we are appropriating are going to help children, not to continue this same inhumane policy that has horrified this nation. I wouldnt trust this administration to tell me the correct time at this particular point. So no, were not satisfiedle we want more protections in there for the children. We want more transparency. The American People i think expect that. We should provide them that information. At this time, madam speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from california, a distinguished member of the rules committee, mrs. Torres. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized for two minutes. Mrs. Torres madam speaker, i rise in support of the rule. Yes, indeed, we have a responsibility to act. As Speaker Pelosi has said we must do this for the sake of the children. And i thank her for not capitulating to the Senate Demands for a blank check. When i reflect on the number of deaths that we have seen at the border, when i reflect on the horrific conditions in facilities where children are , ing held in ice cold cells with no one to care for them but stranger child. Conditions in these facilities are horrificful i ask myself, is this the america that i came as a young child . Is this the america that my son swore to protect when he joined he u. S. Air force . This surely isnt the country that welcomed me as a young child. From guatemala. But we must work toward that american ideal that we all share. We cannot simply allocate funds agencies where we have seen numerous children die in their custody. No blank checks. No more torturing of by bys. No more separating infants from their mothers. This legislation brings funds to the children that are urgently needed. Mr. Mcgovern i yield 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Mrs. Torres it brings more transparency to c. B. P. And i. C. E. And h. H. S. And it contains important provisions to protect children. And it ensures that the emergency funding that congress provides is spent on what it is intended and not the president s deportation force. So i look forward to supporting this rule and i urge all of my colleagues to join me in doing so. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. Madam speaker, i would like to yield tree minutes to my very good friend, the disting westerned gentlelady from arizona, a distinguished member of the rule committees. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for three minutes. Thank you very much, madam speaker. Well, here we are again, having talked on this before, im from the state of arizona. So Border Security is top and center of the discussion in arizona and it has, quite frankly, been for years. And weve all known theres been a crisis at our border for many, many years. And thats why im at least hopeful and inspired a little bit that my democratic colleagues are actually admitting, finally, that theres a crisis at our border. Mrs. Lesko so thats good. The thing thats bad about this ule today is that i just dont understand, i guess, some of my kem democratic colleagues are just being spub born because on the one hand, you have the senate that already passed an overwhelmingly bipartisan bill where senator schumer voted for it. We have a president that said, were not going to were not in favor of this house version of the bill. So here you have a president that seemingly is willing to sign the senate bill. You have a senate bill that has vast bipartisan support, even with the top leadership in the democrat part. Democrat party. But yet here we are in the house and you know, i guess members just want to make sure they have what they want in their bill even if its not going to pass and even if the money isnt going to actually get to solving the problem. So i ask my democrat colleagues to put your stubbornness a little bit aside because if we all have the goal as has been said on both sides to help solve this problem, to help with the children that are dying at the border, just what was it yesterday, we saw the picture of daughter and the then june 14 we had a story in arizona of a young 7yearold girl who died in the arizona National Guard air force National Guard air National Guard helped find and rescue other members of the party. I think were united in trying to solve the problem and im glad that my democrats finally say there is a crisis, they have acknowledged it. But if you really want to help, lets stop this. Lets stop what youre doing because i dont think youre going to win. You have the president on one side, the senate on one side work bipartisan support including mr. Schumer, and yet were here today right before the july 4 recess, and instead of giving in and saying lets just put up the senate bill we know is going to pass, that we know is going to help, you continue to i guess mr. Cole i yield the gentlelady 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Mrs. Lesko with that, madam speaker, and members, i sincerely hope you made your point, youve made your talking points, now lets get down to the business of doing what were supposed to do in congress, pass a bill, pass the Bipartisan Senate bill, but also lets Work Together on actually reforming our immigration laws. At the root of this problem, the root of the problem that is causing this problem, so were not back here in six months or one year doing this again. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern thank you, madam speaker. I would like to remind the gentlelady that were members of the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party and i appreciate it if we were characterized correctly. At this point, madam speaker, id like to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from florida, ms. Mucarselpowell. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognize for one minute. Ms. Mucarselpowell thank you, madam speaker. I rise today in support of this rule. Right now, there are thousands of children detained in temporary facilities. Facilities like the ones in homestead which is right in the middle of my district. We have no answers, we have no idea of when these kids are going to be released. It is an overcrowded facility with kids that are sleeping in warehouse areas with bunk beds of more than 144 kids. Have been there for ny months. Hese kids months. These kids should not be detained without their freedom and their rights. What we are asking from the senate are reasonable requests. Nd therefore, the safety and wellbeing of children, we have to pass these provisions put forth by the house. We must put in writing that no child can be held and detained in a temporary facility like homestead for more than 90 days. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Mucarselpowell many of the children have families living right here in the United States that they could be reunited with, but those running the facilities have no incentive of reuniting them. The senate bill is inadequate and must pass the house bill. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole thank you very much, madam speaker. I know my friends are aware of this, but the senate bill i certainly would vote for it and it would have overwhelming support on our side. The president has expressed concerns. The senate has worked through a lot of these differences. The bill that we would like to put on this floor and would pass is a product of compromise, souch compromise that the entire democratic leadership felt comfortable voting for it. Their bill is not the product of compromise and not going to get Many Republican votes here if any. I would be surprised if it did, its not going to get accepted by the United States senate and absolutely wont be signed by the president of the United States. We are all concerned about the conditions. We have been expressing that concern for eight weeks. We never called this a manufactured crisis or this was made up for political purposes. The administration recognized it eight weeks ago and we tried multiple times to get this house focused on it and im pleased that both sides are focusing on it. But we ought to focus on what is possible to achieve in a limited time frame. We know were running out of money. We know there are real live consequences to that and starting to unfold right now. There are services being cut back. A lot of these conditions we ought to look in the mirror as congress and say why didnt we get these resources here a lon time ago. The house bill the rule we are discussing, that bill actually reduces resources at the border and doesnt expand them. Reduces them and also for the american military. The senate bill is much superior. But it has one virtue, all we have to do is put it on the floor and pass it and it goes to the president of the United States to be signed immediately. Resources begin to move where they are desperately needed immediately. Thats not true with my friends bill. It reopens the dialogue with the senate and has little prospect of passing and if it did pass, not likely, it would be vetoed. Im befeud willed they are pursuing a goal that will not work. But we have seen this time and again. More important to get a bill across the floor in a partisan fashion than it is to put something on the floor that is bipartisan that can pass the senate and again. More become law. Now my friends know we live in an era of divided government and we have wasted six months in my view dealing with a lot of things we knew wouldnt pass. But i respect my friends right to bring the ageppeda to the floor. This is different. This is a National Emergency. It has to pass. Help could go immediately. We have my friends vehicle that they believe in passionately, but it cant pass. So pretty simple, sooner or later, i hope we get to the obvious answer and pass the senate bill and send it to the president. With that, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts. Gomb mr. Mcgovern i yield one minute to the gentlewoman from michigan. Ms. Tlaib i take offense from my colleague here from arizona saying we are not going to win. This is not a gym. These are peoples libes. When my colleague says we need to try, we have tried. Im asking them to try harder because we are creating a generation of children who will remember what we did and that we caged them up like analysis and ripped them away and pumped them with drugs to make them stop crying for their mothers. No amount of debating in this chamber will make it better. Im asking my colleagues to be more humane to ask us actually debate real policy change that will address the crisis at the border. We must do better for these children. Again, no amount of apology, no amount of debating, no amount of politicing will make it better. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole ill make the same point i have been making for days on end, we have something that can pass versus something that cant. And i dont doubt for a minute, again my friends are sincere in their concerns, but i also respect my colleagues on the other side of the rotunda, i think they are sincere and they worked through something to get 84 votes. Threequarters of the democratic minority in the senate voted for it. The entire democratic leadership voted for it. The president has signaled he will sign it. We can continue debate on these things at a later point and may want to come back with another piece of legislation addressing concerns that they think are not appropriately addressed in the senate bill. But the reality is thats the bill that can pass. The bill they want to bring to this floor cannot. We agree there is a crisis. We are all prepared and i think my friends know if they would put the senate bill on the floor, it would pass and it would go to the president. We can continue to have this debate. We can end it, launch some vehicle over to the senate and waste more time. And thats all it will be, a waste of time. I hope we all had our say and feel strongly, but lets agree on the one thing we know can pass and the president will sign and get us resources immediately on the border where we desperately need it. I resench. Mr. Mcgovern i yield one minute to the the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentleman for yielding and i appreciate the gentleman from oklahoma, but im an optimist and i stand here in the name of mr. Ramirez and his little baby girl, found them on the shores of the rio grande and the question is how did they wind up there . They wound up there because of this administrations policies that rejected them as they stood on the bridge. There was no reason to say the bridge was closed. They had legal right to claim asylum. But they could not stand there. So this is their end. I am supporting this bill because i believe we should not settle for just anything. This bill particularly provides for the requirements that have Additional Resources for these children so that they dont die, so they do have toothpace and living in clean places and acknowledges that children cannot be held like cattle in one place beyond 90 days, that you must find their family members and yes there are family members. This is a process that has been the law of the land and the International Law for decades. It is an asylum can be sought and the nation can address it. It does nothing to hurt this nation. I support the underlying legislation because in the name we r. Ramirez and his child must pass this. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. The gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. Mr. Cole i just want to yield myself such time as i may consume and personally thank my good friend, the gentlelady from texas, for the professional manner in which she handled the chair and presided over this body. I want to recognize that. I would like yield two minutes to the distinguished the gentleman from new york, mr. Katko. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Katko i recognize my texas, she has the coolest scaffer in the house. 848 the Senate Passed h. R. 3401. Bipartisanship has broken out on the floor of the house of representatives. For right now im announcing that 23 democrats and 23 republicans from the Problem Solvers Caucus issued the following statement. Give yep the humanitarian crisis at the border, the Problem Solvers Caucus is asking for immediate consideration on the house floor today of h. R. 3401 as amended by the senate. We now are certain that h. R. 3401 will pass. I ask us to let the bipartisanship spread to the rest of this house and put an end to this now once and for all and get the help to the border that is so badly needed. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern can i inquire how uch time is remaining . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from massachusetts has four minutes remaining and the gentleman from oklahoma has 8 1 4. Mr. Mcgovern i yield to the gentleman from california, one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I have the honor and privilege to be born as an american citizen and there are people around the world who dont have ta honor and blessing. I get to exercise my privilege to bring my two grandchildren age one and three to the house of representatives. It is a very emotional moment because when i see their beautiful brown eyes, i see their grandparents born in other country just like many people on this floor with whether they came from germany, guatemala or mexico or any other place on the planet. We are fighting to do what is right, to do what is right, the United States of america, a place of hope for people who are fleeing persecution for religious reasons or otherwise, come to this country and kiss the ground they walk on and start anew. My beautiful grandkids get to be american citizens because somebody made the journey sometime before them. Could i have 30 seconds. Mr. Mcgovern i yield 30 seconds. Mr. Cardenas the United States of america has been the Gold Standard and that is the argument that we are making here today. This is not a game. We are fighting for the lives of human beings who should have the opportunity to be like every person on this floor, to be allowed the freedom, to be who they choose to be, who god made them to be to be on the greatest place on the planet and thats why we are fighting today. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma. Mr. Cole i yield two minutes to my good friend, distinguished the gentleman from ohio, mr. Stivers. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Stivers i would like to thank the gentleman for yielding. We have a crisis in our southern border and h. R. 3 01 gets resources to give humanitarian assistance to those seeking asylum but adds judges and judge teams to hear the claims of asylum. Many people have to wait up to three years to get their hearing heard. That is too long. I have twice in the last two weeks attempted to offer an amendment to add judge teams. Both times the rules committee has failed to include it. My amendment would have included the amount that is in the senate bill but its now in the bill because we got the senate bill sitting at the speakers desk. I just want to urge my colleagues to take up the bill with the Senate Amendments that include judge teams. Thats the only way to solve this crisis, adjudicate the claims of people who want asylum and reunite families and stop people from being held in detention for so long. Mr. Gonzalez from texas and i worked foge on this. Its a bipartisan effort. This is a nobrainer. We need to add judges. The senate bill does that. I hope we can take up the senate bill and make it happen. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts. Gomp govern i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma. Cole im prepared to close whenever my mr. Cole im prepared to close whenever my friend is. Mr. Mcgovern were expecting another speaker but theyre not here. Mr. Cole i can also use time if youre waiting on something. Somebody. Madam speaker, in closing, i want urge to opposition to this rule. Once again, the majority is making the exact same mistake it made earlier this week. We have a bipartisan bill already approved by the senate, the house should simply take it up and work its will on that bill. Frankly, we all know if that bill were allowed to come to the floor, it would pass overwhelmingly, with a majority of each side voting in favor of it. And then it wouldnt have to go back to the senate, it would go immediately to the president of the United States. He could sign it. These resources would begin to flow. Again, weve had a robust debate today and i respect the passions on both sides and every point of view about this. And i actually see a great deal of common agreement. We agree, which we did not eight weeks ago, that theres an emergency on the southern border. We agree its a humanitarian crisis. We agree there need to be resources that go there immediately. And we agree that time is short. Were also all elected officials that are privileged to be in this chamber and most of my experience with my friends on both sides of the aisle is theyre basically pretty practical people. They came here to solve problems. Have different viewpoints, but theyre almost always very practical in trying to get something done. We know that this bill is not everything the senate bill is not everything that my side would want. We certainly know its not everything that my friends friends side would want. But we know its bipartisan. We know 3 4 of the democrats and the other chamber voted for it. We know it will pass. With all due respect to my friends, theyve clung so tightly to their bill, which i know they believe in, it will pass here, but it wont pass the senate. And it certainly wont be signed by the president. And so where will we be if we continue down the road that theyre laying out in front of us . I know theyre sincerely concerned about children on the border. But youre better off with a bill that passes, and we have billions of dollars moving to where theyre supposed to go, and a bill that, again, the entire democratic leadership thought was appropriate, that was good enough. Lets not sit here and make the perfect the enemy of the good. Lets be practical and deliver to the American People what they want, which is a solution. A solution that both parties will vote for. A solution that the president will sign. How many times do we go home and hear that from our own constituents . Cant you guys get together and do anything . Cant you Work Together . Cabinet you put aside your deference cant you put aside your differences and put the American People first . It pains me as a house member to admit it, i suppose, but the United States senate did that in this case before we did. We can accept that and move on, and my friends can continue to fight for the things they believe. Its not as if these things are in this bill that the administration combept they cant wrap them up again and except they cant wrap them up again and put them in another bill and start the process. What will not happen, if we do not act, the resources will not get to the border where theyre needed. These conditions that concern us all will continue. So i would just urge us to step back a little bit, in this case the senate has a bipartisan solution that will work, and for goodness sake, just put it on the floor and seek what happens. And see what happens. We know what will happen. My friends will vote for it in overwhelming numbers. My friends on my side of the aisle will vote for it in overwhelming numbers. It will go straight to the president of the United States. That doesnt solve the problem, but thats going to ease the problem and thats going to move us in the right direction and provide our very hardpressed people that are working this problem, that are both caring for the migrants, trying to protect our borders, trying to provide justice, it will give them the resources they need to continue to work on this problem while, frankly, we continue to try to arrive at legislative solutions. So, madam speaker, i want to begin with a point i made or end with a point i made just a little bit earlier. I want to thank the chair for the patient and profession almanar in which she has professional manner in which she has allowed us to conduct this debate. I want to thank her very much for making sure when we had an outside disturbance it was quickly dealt with. And i want to urge my friends to reconsider and hopefully come together around a bill that neither of us think is perfect, but both of us could probably vote for. And the president could sign. So with that, madam speaker, i want to thank, too, my good friend, chairman of the rules committee, for his participation , hes te, always helpful a good friend. With that, madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oklahoma yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. Mr. Mcgovern madam speaker, thank you. And i think what is so frustrating to so many of us is hat theres controversy around language to guarantee the protection of these children. And the reason why we think thats important is because this administration has ignored all the warnings. Weve had whistleblowers talk about the abuse at the border, how these children were being mistreated. And they did nothing. This administration oversaw a policy of literally tearing children away from their parents. As a dad, i cant imagine what that must be like for any of those parents. And yet this administration thought it was fine. We have a crisis at the border. Largely as a result of this president s policies. And we need to deal with it. And we need to deal with it now. We want to make sure were actually dealing with the crisis and not giving him more money to create other crises. But i appreciate what the gentleman from oklahoma said about the need for us to continue to Work Together. And while these negotiations are continuing, madam speaker, i withdraw the resolution. The speaker pro tempore the resolution is withdrawn. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess subject to the call of the chair

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