In this place, and help us process the information to be respectful toward one another. We thank you for the respect people should give unto you in christs name, amen. All right. Thank you. We will let mr. Brown convened with his question and then go to the lady here. Ok. Look. The mayor came out to listen to us. We are not here to scream and complain. Everybody, just calm down. In 2017, i was just as frustrated as you are. But i did not scream at the mayor or congress. I want you to know what the police go through. That is how we should deal with this, they are human beings. There are things that need to be changed. But giveet it done, them a chance to listen to our complaints. Do not scream at them. I went through their eight weeks of training at the police academy, and i understood a lot. He came personally. He did not send nobody. He came personally. Give him a chance. Pete buttigieg is a good mayor. Give him a chance. Give him a chance. Give him a chance. [applause] look. I am frustrated, i am frustrated. We are killing each other. But guess what . We are going to get this straight if you give him a chance. [applause] thank you. There is a young lady who has been waiting. Thank you. I do not understand how you expect anyone to talk about respect and an oppressive society. [applause] what is respect in an oppressed society . How can you blame the victim of last night in an oppressed society . , i what you can do today have two minutes. Today, what you can do there are ways to assess the way people think. Do you understand . Racistspeople who are off the street. Reorganize your department. [applause] you can do that by friday. Let me calm down because i need you to hear me. You can do this by friday of next week, this week, whatever. Each of the people in and inventory, you will get data back. Polarization gets off the streets. Intercultural development inventory. It,ou do not want me to do dr. Hammer is the person that created the scientific tool that is used at Police Departments. Reorganize your reorganize your department by friday of next week, and based on data, get the races off the street. It is disrespectful that i wake up every day scared. [screaming] get them off the streets. Desk and make the them do paperwork. Make the people who want to make a difference be the ones on the street. Thank you. May i respond to that . You might stay around long enough for me to respond. First of all, thank you for that. I appreciate the way you said it, specific, actionable, constructive. Anyone who ist if on patrol is shown to be a racistor to do something in a way that is substantiated, that is their last day on the street. Love to be able to finish my reply, if that is ok. I would appreciate being able to finish my reply. I believe you have described a specific tool that can be used in order to identify indications of racism. It is not familiar to me, so i think you for bringing it up and i will research it right away. [applause] any tool that can help the city make good on a promise i just made is a tool i want to know about. Thank you. You have the microphone. Yes. The truth never wants to get heard, but the truth must go forward. Since we want to have church for our churchgoers, go on. In the book of proverbs, Chapter Eight verse 21, we are going to take it on in. Out at the city gates and, you fools, how long would you be foolish . Fun ofg would you make wisdom . I have been in this game standing in spirit and truth. I have an army behind me, believe that. You just never gave me a spotlight. You all threw me under the bus. I am going to ask mayor pete, are you going to leave me up under their under there . Aint reallyut i like that. I heard you call me a bitch. [shouting] all right. Ladies. F you only had listened [shouting] ladies. I appreciate that. Lets be respectful. I called and you refused to listen and you held out i held up my hand and you refused to take it. This is a proverb. In 2012, my son was accused of murder. This is why the this is what the devils of south bend say. Black do nothe like wheeler, because i am talking to black supremacist, not just white supremacist. Black on black crime has destroyed any officer and we are being destroyed by our own black community to get to the people to handle the problem. That is why the black community do not like wheeler. That is why my childrens lives have been endangered in the city. That is why i went out, even though i was the lowest of the that wase was a group put in place for black on black crime by these two individuals appear. Up here. Came out the call came out for single mothers in the black community that were experiencing difficulty with our africanamerican sons of south bend. It is not our fault that some parents fail to utilize what is put in place, so we can have a conductive way of handling black on black crime, but you did not want to listen. But i did. So if anybody is not at what i got to say, i am not hard to find. Thank you. But can say thank you your time is up. I really appreciate your question. Thank you so much. Would you give the microphone up, please . Would you all clap your hands . Would you give the microphone up . We appreciate you. Shouting] [shouting over each other] if i may, ladies and gentlemen, let me reintroduce the rules of tonight. I know we have a lot of people that want to make remarks and add questions. But the questions, let them beat what we are here for tonight. I know a lot of people let them be what we are here for tonight. For those who cannot hear me in the back, if we can make sure that there is no line forming out of safety, because we want to make sure everyone feels safe in this environment. Ladies. Ladies. Ladies. [shouting] can we have an office or come over to this area, please can we have an officer come over to this area, please . I know emotions are high, but i want to make sure we have a productive conversation. I get it. We all have a stake in this. But please, let the questions be asked. Thank you. And please, stay in your seats. We will get to you. There were cards that were handed out. I have questions with names, as well, and i know there are people who have been waiting who have questions. So please know you are not being ignored. I just want to make sure that people get a chance to have their questions. We as a city have been hearing the concerns and questions about this particular case, and i want to make sure we create a space where everyone can listen to those questions and the answers, because we have answers. Not all of the answers, but answers about the process. I know there have been questions that are asked of us. O please, give us the space please, give us the space. To share that information with you. I want to continue with the questions you have and then we will go back to the qi day. Q and a. Thank you for bringing us up to date and positioning us where we are now. Lets ask a about resources. Lets talk about trust. How do we bring trust back to our police force . Fire the chief. Why are you asking them . Mayor pete, if we could address that . It is going to be important, as i look at our community, obviously, our Police Department is here to serve and protect, but if we cannot trust the Police Department, it is difficult for them to do, and it is difficult for us to have a relationship of any kind when there is no trust. Trust has beenat broken in our community, and we have to do something about it to regain the trust. We cannot just have this kind of a meeting, and we walk away and not commit ourselves to a process that will bridge this gap. So i believe that question is critical. Let me tell you some things i think might help, but let me also acknowledge that the entire community has to feel empowered. I have shared some of the things when i spoke earlier that we have done up until now. It is also clear that we have a long way to go. Clarify the chief has my confidence. [applause] no [shouting] mayor buttigieg let me mention a few things that i think are examples of areas we could work on together. I would love to hear more, either tonight or in the weeks to come. There are several areas where we know there are a lot of concern in the community, whether it is a policy, practice, or both that the community might not have confidence in, and that we could invite the community to help us reshape. I will mention six. One is the use of force. There is a written policy around the use of force. Is it the right one . Could it be improved . We could have a process look at that. Cameras. O, obviously, there was a lot of concern about what it takes to have the confidence that body worn cameras are doing what we intend them to do. Third, the process for investigating an officer involved shooting. We have described the process. The way it works. He goes to metro homicide, prosecutors decide if charges should be followed before anything goes to the police. That is not the only process we could have. Process,is another that Community Members believe could lead to more trust, we should explore that. Number four, investigative process more generally. When there is a complaint about an officer, who do you complain to . How do we determine if that complaint is valid . There is a process for that. We can explain and describe the process. Perhaps, we could also improve it. The board of safety, it is in state law. It does but that does not mean there is all to the story. We could do things before, after, or around it. [applause] including different forms of civilian review. We could even engage the state about whether if state law is serving us well here in south bend. [shouting] isor buttigieg since there a lot of interest in the board of safety, before we move on if ithat topic, forgive me am missing or misremembering something, because i do not remember fully everyones full career backgrounds. But there were five seats on the board. One is vacant. I will be making an appointment soon. The professional background of the others include a former pastor, a former Police Officer, and one businessperson. Ok. The fifth out of the sixth is training. Policy does not mean much if people are not trained well. Case that there are other things we can do around training to empower residents to have a role in how we shape that. On the sixth out of the sixth, an area where i will accept responsibility for the fact that we have not met our goals is recruiting more diverse members of the Police Department to begin with. I do not know if those six things is all it would take to deliver trust, but what i will say is those are examples of very important things in this community and in policing that we could work in a collaborative process as a community to review and perhaps revise. And if there are others, i promise that any specific suggestion about an action that will increase trust will be taken seriously. That i or these chief or counsel or anyone will all agree on what the right thing to do is, but i promise we will find a way to have Community Voices heard, to have good ideas taken seriously, and to move in the direction of greater trust. [applause] thank you. Ourselveswill offer to help you build trust. We have dr. Moss, who is a phd and is part of our Community Share leadership role. We have dr. Regina hill and we have cara, who is a lawyer. We will offer our services to assist in helping to build trust with you, the Police Department, and our community. And we look forward to be engaged in that process. Mayor buttigieg we would welcome involvement from naacp and other community organizations. Thank you. [applause] last question i have, what resources exist for people affected by officer involved shooting . This is important, our community is grieving. Certainly, there is pain, especially from the incident on sunday. There are people, as we have seen tonight, friday, thursday, and other parts of the week, there are some challenges. And certainly, the raw resources that are community could participate in or understand that they have an opportunity to utilize the resources that you would offer. So, any family that is impacted by an officer involved shooting, we know there are certain things people need. Not all of which can come from the city. There is the desire for answers. That is why we seek to get information out as accurately and quickly as possible. Invariably comes lower than what is desired. There is a desire for justice. Thats what these investigative processes are about. It is one of the reasons why i am taking care not to say would fill my nose at those processes. Thumb my also nose at those processes. There is also a question of resources. Impacted couldy use help with the costs of things. This that is an Area Community [indiscernible] [shouting] mayor buttigieg may i finish . Lying generoustigieg a Community Like ours might be able to do something to help in that regard, as well. Ok. Thank you. [shouting] lets move back into question and answer. Do you want one more . [shouting] i have one more question to raise. ,hen we talk about the process there are a lot of folks involved in the process of addressing challenges, especially when we talk about, and procedures with the Police Department. Fopave the board of safety, lot ofometimes having a folks to answer to can become cumbersome and slow the process down. Can we speak, you made mention of a review board that would add to what we already have, which, now, even being in the military, and air force veteran myself, sometimes the process is cumbersome because you add to bring people into an agreement for a situation, and that became somewhat difficult, because you had different personalities at each table. So we talk about fop, the board of safety, we talk about the chief and the process that works with him, and then your process. How do we make this all work when we have so many people making decisions at the table . Mind,re unity, oneness of can you speak to those type of things . No [laughter] mayor buttigieg one of the things you said before that i want to address, i am looking at everybody sitting out here, and advocates,lked about the prosecutors have people. When they call, when somebody is a victim of something, to help them out. But what is never known is what did they do it for . I will tell you nothing. I look around here and see many people. Reverends, priests, rabbis, they come out without being asked to try to help with whatever the situation is. The smallest ones to the ones we are seeing now have come out. But itas remiss on that, was much appreciated in our department. Nobody ever gets recognized, and i am just telling you, i want to send out a personal appreciation. You know who you are who are in here. It means a lot to see you out there, not taking sides, but doing what is right. [applause] thank you. Much. Nk you so [shouting] dealing with fop on the board of safety and the process of our chief and your process, pete, can you share some things in regards to that . Good buttigieg it is a question. Perhaps the process can be improved, but to the extent that it is what it is, the next best thing we can do is provide as much information as we can about it. I do think we can find other ways to structure the process, or add to it or simplify it. This is convoluted, i get that. I that is Something Else would Welcome Community input on to improve. Ok. Thank you so much. And thank you for inviting us in. I appreciate you staying in the way that you have, you are wanting to invite the community and to be part of the process, and we believe we can help with this process. So i think we have a win, is that right . All right. We are not going to go back to question and answer. Going to go back to question and answer. We are going to take a few more questions. People. To the i am the founder and president of the black Power Movement in south bend. I am a shooting victim from mothers day. I was shot at 16 times. I caught two of them. I worked with the city on numerous occasions. This, everything i am saying, it is not biased at all. , and chief, we have had conversations on the worktable. We just heard all of this and i wish, as much as i love my city, lord knows they help me saying, but like i was like i was saying, like i was saying, i want to say i love this city so much and i want to support you, but i refuse to lay down my respect for these people out here that are hurting. Itsounds meaningful, but aint. How can we trust this process . How can we ask another black man to be part of the Police Department when you all have Sexual Harassment and you will promote the bad officers and demote the good ones and dont shut down racism in your department. How can we trust you . When that young man got ran over at the stoplight, what did you say, mayor . You stood there and blamed him. How are we supposed to trust you . You partnered with a lot of the stuff we dont deal with in my organization, and i understand that, but when the city messes up, our people are hurt. Dr. King everybody out here wants to be Martin Luther king scholars, right . Unheard and was that is why you are getting the reaction you are here. Samee been fighting the fight with these people for six years. I got retaliated against for trying to fight. Taked down bygot police. Peopletaliate against who fight back against them. How can we trust you all . I told you friday to do your jobs. If you want our votes, you have to have a moral compass and do your job so you can sleep at night. All right, we appreciate you and your time. Minutes orhat two three minutes is not enough and i apologize for the lack of time we have, but, esther geithner, were you able to ask mr. Geiger, were you able to ask your question . [shouting] Money Council approved for the body cameras, right, years ago . A number of people had brought this up. I want to know why, according to the companies that produce the body cameras, they say that once a shot is fired, it is supposed to record. The family was speaking on the air about this, councilman oliver read the article from the south bend tribune that reported that you said the body camera, this is what it is for. Conversation, a News Reporter who was conversing with a Police Officer, you all said it did not have that sensor , so it would not go off. And we want to know why. It was paid for in full. And you wrote the policy, right . And the duty manual . Were going to talk about that, right . There are all of these loopholes. It is at the officers discretion if the cameras turned on or off, you have to flip the switch, all of this stuff. So maybe they could, if its bad enough, they could record the situation. Why was it not already mandatory in the policy that you record every interaction with citizens . It makes no sense. It is paid for. You already knew people were upset about it, and it should have been dealt with. One last thing. Thee you fired boykins for , withl investigations federal investigations, yourself you should be fired. [applause] thank you. Mayor buttigieg let me try to respond to the question. Go ahead, mayor pete. Mayor buttigieg if i understand your question correctly, it is about a feature when a gun is removed from the holster, the camera is automatically activated . [shouting] mayor buttigieg i cannot hear jordan speak if you are shouting over him. When a shot is fired. Mayor buttigieg jordan, good question. That technology is exists, but it is not implemented. [shouting] mayor buttigieg i have the same questions you did, and i called the company myself and i talked to them myself, and their best , they do not even have it testable yet. It will not be out until this coming spring, that is what the company told me. Call and check. Same thing i did. Call and ask them. Mayor buttigieg it is going to be really hard to respond if we cannot hear. Onwe are going to move unless you have anything else you want to add, chief or mayor, we are going to move on to the next resident. [shouting] you are the policy expert, right . Mayor buttigieg the policy was approved by the board of safety. I do not know who drafted it. I believe it was drawn from model policies from around the country. [shouting] mayor buttigieg per the general view is that under the current policy, when an officer on a call encounters a civilian, a camera should be activated. [shouting] . Maam [shouting] ok. Mayor pete, does it for your answer, correct . We have the microphone going to the next person. I want to give a very specific recommendation that you might be able to embrace. , i am an elected official representing the district in which the tragedy occurred. , it isit hard to believe hard for me to step up here and take the microphone. I think one of the problems we are experiencing here today is that when i first came on the council, we had the meeting a referenced earlier, about policing. It was about some of the officers that are currently we are addressing right now. It has been four years. There is no action. In fact, there is a problem still with those specific officers. , my specificnk recommendation is that you begin to think about ways, and those ways have been over the last four years brought to you by the same people that i see speaking here tonight, and yelling tonight. Y are yelling now [shouting] they are yelling now because they have not had the opportunity to speak to you in a way that gives you information. And i am hearing that. So this is my specific suggestion. When i see you in front of the cameras or when i see who was on the list to come to the table for conversation, i see the same black people over and over and over again. Year after year. And yet, the people who are in the audience when you have these public forums, are the same black people. But they are not invited to the table. I think it is time for you to rethink who you think the leaders are in this black community. [applause] say that the people you chose for the board of Public Safety are not leaders and their opinions are not valid, not to say that the esteemed president of the naacp does not have an opinion, but when you continue to go to the same people because you have anointed them as the voice of the black community, you are leaving an entire group of people out. [applause] and so, my specific recommendation is that you investigate ways to be more inclusive, and i do not think it is too hard. Because Everybody Knows jordan. Everybody knows jordan. He has been on the frontline of this since he returned to this community after graduate school. There needs to be more meaningful conversation with a more diverse group. Because what you see tonight is that africanamericans are not monolithic. We do not have the same ideas, thoughts, and opinions, and we do not have the same experiences across the country, or especially in a community. So whereas we can choose a group to stand behind us, and then it looks like, black people endorse this or that, but i think it is really important for you to figure out ways to connect with the jordans, with all of these people who are out here. Earlierwho spoke to you with a specific example, she has been doing that work for i dont know how long. And it is a specific example we have been trying to bring to you. We spent four years, even before i was on the council, the citizens review board was actually put in a resolution by the town council to say lets investigate that. [shouting] so this specific example, look at those things, go back, and we do not wait. Because my question is, how long . How long before you take action . And you respond to what the community has been asking for for years, a citizens review board . Thank you. [applause] due to the interest of time, they are, would you like to respond to that . We have a few more questions. Mayor buttigieg i will be brief. First of all, i welcome the spirit of that suggestion. I am always trying to get more voices heard. Defensive, butm we have taken a lot of steps that clearly have not been enough, but i cannot accept the suggestion that we did nothing. If it were not for the conversations we had, we might not have done what we did on bias training, civil rights training, introducing the cameras for online transparency. But i do acknowledge it has not been enough. I would like as many different voices to be in the process as possible. That is why we do mayors night i mayorswe are here night out, and why we are here. Say to activists who want to be heard who have not felt part of the process, please accept the invitations when you are invited. Some of the specific individuals you have named in your commentary were invited to my office and decided not to join. At the table, i want people to know that the seat at the table is waiting for you and i would welcome more input from you on how i can do a better job at making people feel that they are absolutely welcome when invited to the table. Next question is from a resident of south bend. Hello. I have two questions. One for the police chief, and one for mayor pete. Bend paidns of south for the Police Cameras, correct . Millions of tax dollars for those cameras. And when you rolled them out for us, when you have the big news, the press conference and said how good they were and they were going to work, they failed. And we do not get our refund. [applause] two, the second question is, what is the standard procedure for transporting a gunshot went victim to the hospital after he is shot by a Police Officer and transported by Police Officers after the ambulance has been called . I want to know the procedure for the transport and when will we get our refund for the defunct Police Cameras that are not working for our community. Because i am raising a sevenyearold grandson and when he sees the police, he is afraid. That is not what is supposed to happen in america. In 2019. Diana please address the two specific questions i have asked, and thank you for your time. [cheers and applause] let me aspire let me start with the transport. Whenever absolutely whatever officer can do that they believe is right to save someones life [shouting] please. I need to hear this. Please tell me. I need to hear it. I want to be informed on what the policy is. Please let me hear his answer. Specifically,cy, i do no one to say the two doctors name i spoke to, they will only come forward somewhere in the future and talk about, it is called load and go. As quick as we can get somebody within that golden hour to the operating room, not just the er, the operating room, it is the most optimal time we have to save someones life. I do not know if those are the exact circumstances that happened sunday. Will you know so you can inform us . Is that investigation still ongoing . Everything is still with the prosecutors. Video, body camera, in car camera video, of all of the things that happened. All of the officers that responded. I would look forward, and hope i would receive that from the prosecutors. They are using it as evidence in a criminal case. We would use that in our eternal internal case. Ok. Thank you for answering me. Happened in 2014 in chicago. They said there was no camera, and there was. And once everything started rolling downhill and it was leaked that there was dashcam video, people started getting fired and resigning and the mayor quit being the neighbor being the mayor because of the coverup. So i want to make sure we are looking for no coverup. We want total transparency. , my condolences to his family, he did not deserve to be treated like this. [applause] mayor buttigieg yes. A few things i want to mention. I know people do not want to hear this. But i need to tell you something that is truthful. And i am not commenting on this case, because we are waiting for the facts on this case. In some cases, it has been recommended that when waiting for an ambulance, it is better to just have a Police Officer take them in, there is a better chance of them saving their lives. I am not talking about this case. We will research that. I know it is important. Secondly, about the cameras. Look, we havesay, to wait for the prosecutors. That theyen notified did not find body camera footage from the officer at the moment of the shooting. Be other footage to work with. Dashcams from afterwards. I do not know what it might tell us. But i want you to know that as that emerges, there will be transparency. Is, you wereg asking if the city could get its money back. Because we bought technology and the public was given a certain set of expectations and those expectations were not met. If the failure was a failure of the technology, you could hold the Company Accountable and ask for your money back. [shouting] mayor buttigieg can i please continue . It is possible the technology worked as it was supposed to, and the failure was somewhere else. There could be a failure in the policy, there could be a failure on the part of an individual to adhere to the policy. Again, i cannot speak to the specifics of sunday because it is under review. But i guess my point is, it could be any of those things. A failure of an event a failure of individual, policy, or technology. We will find out. But if anyone is trying to figure out who to hold responsible, the administration bought the technology, hired the officer, and wrote the policy. So at the end of the day, i am responsible. Lastly, what you said i think is really important and it is what is at stake today and i know we have to wrap up for now, but obviously, this is the beginning of a conversation that will continue. When you say [shouting] ladies and gentlemen. Please. Mayor buttigieg when you say that your grandson is afraid when police pull up, that is the biggest thing we have to change. Hopefully when he is old enough to be mayor, he will look back at these moments as when we found a way to start moving toward a day that i want him to see. I want to see it, too. Where a black child and a white child or a black adult and white adult, when they see or hear a Police Officer or vehicle, feel exactly the same thing and feel safety. There. Just not i am doing everything i know how to fix it. And the chief would not be the chief if i did not have confidence he is doing everything he knows how to do. Yet. Usly, we are not there we cannot do it alone. We cannot do it without the community. But i believe in this community. And places all over the country are trying to get a handle on this. Than the can do better rest of the country, if any community can fix it or at least make more progress than others, i believe that south bend can be that community, with your help. [applause] thank you, mayor. We are going to go to another question. I have a question for the mayor and the pastor up there. First of all, trust has to be earned. Askndly, how can a pastor police chief console people who have been hurt . You go to church for that. Have you been out to comfort them . I have. Have you been to other churches, to cover the to comfort them . Dont look to the world to do your job. It is a spiritual thing. Mayor buttigieg, i heard you say the cameras were working and the police said they turned on the cameras for certain situations, you can get a 911 call, is not that the time to turn on the camera . Now isuation we are in [indiscernible] i apologize. Eg i was not able to hear the question. King cutter is the biggest liar in south bend. He cannot be trusted. I know for a fact. So when you tell us what we need you get out there and comfort those families. Mayor buttigieg i am out there every day. I have been meeting with the families. Eric logans family and other families in the community. Since you did not know that i wanted to make you aware of the things i have been doing, i have pastorsith pastors, pastor their own church and give them spiritual guidance. I appreciate you giving me time to respond to your question. If you asked me a question, give me time to respond. Thank you. Help fromy, with those who have been collecting questions, we have been going over with some of the question so at least i want to get a few in. The first is, since you mentioned that fail efforts to diversify the Police Department, what will you be doing next . That is both to the mayor and chief, if you wouldnt mind. Mayor buttigieg one idea is we have a cte with the Fire Department and some have said can we have a cte program with the Police Department for the same purpose to get more people interested in Law Enforcement. The reason it has not been possible yet is you have to be 21 to be on the Police Department, verses 18 years old for fire. But because we have been pressing the issue, the Police Department leadership has come up with the idea of having a joint cte that gives people a career in Law Enforcement or with the county, short of being a Police Officer, to bridge the three years until they are old enough to become a Police Officer. It is an example of a measure that would help create a pipeline. Promise is one where, i you, we have tried everything we can think of. Dataen placed online the about how many applicants of each racial background, and then fall out of each background come and then fall out of each stage of the program. We need the help of people in the room and in the city, because we can we cannot expect to have the Comfort Level we need unless the Police Department actually reflects the diversity of the community. Shouting] what the mayor is referring to, through our diversity and beension, spear hating has spearheading everything, you cannot become a police until you are 21. But at the sheriffs department, you can start at age 18. But the important part is called homegrown. Our neighborhoods bringing their recommendations to us and through us in the Homegrown Program is how we start to make the change. I do not know if it will work. We are just now trying it. We have tried everything. Anyone who knows me in this room has heard me say this a one million times. Community in reach. We have done outreach after outreach and we get pushed away. We open our arms for the in reach. You, please help us change what needs to be changed. Thank you. One more question from a fellow resident, and then mayor pete will make closing remarks. Say,rst of all, i want to everybody in here may have different views. We allurt, but we all hurt, but we have different views. We have to remember that if we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem. If i were to fall right now, i would scream, because i am in pain. But after that, i need to put a bandaid, there is a healing process. First of all, i want to take the time to thank everybody who has been here for voicing their opinions. They are hurt and voicing it. Without your words, change will not come. Without your pain being expressed, there would be no change. A closed mouth does not get fed. So i thank you for coming and voicing your opinion. Like i said, there is a process to it. The pain has been heard. The remarks have been heard. Sitting, are here, waiting for a plan. Waiting for judgment waiting for suggestions on how to achieve this. One last thing i want to say. Say, everybody hears boarding a cause, what kind of friend are . Ou to because i want to say it like this. I have a friend whos getting ready to make a decision. He might make a decision because he is hurting, he is in pain. A good friend would change the direction of that pain and say i know you are hurt, but instead of contributing to what you are about to do, this is the real way to solve it. Not many of us can do that. We have a lot of friends that. Re going to go the wrong path thats not the way you do it, as a friend. Im telling you this is a better way. Thats the same way out want to apply this to this cause. We can come here and we can get loud. But unless we educate ourselves and the people we care about on how to bundle the process, we wont have any change. Thats all i got to say. Mayor, if you wouldnt mind making some remarks. This is the beginning of the conversation, not the end. I need everyone to participate in stay involved, and i cannot promise you you will be happy with every choice we make, but i promise you that every piece of input will be taken seriously. Every voice will be heard. I believe the city can do this. I believe the city can break new ground and what it takes to deal with the crisis that so many communities are feeling. So you can decide whether or not you believe in me, but i believe in this city. I believe in you, and this is part of it, and we will keep it up. And i thank everyone for caring enough to be part of this, and i thank everyone for believing there is a way forward in our community because this is our home. So thank you. The south bend, indiana tribune following up the town hall with the story. The citys police union accuse the mayor of playing politics with the shooting of eric logan and driving a wedge between officers and residents. In a release date monday, the south bend fraternal order of supports Sergeant Brian oneill, the officer who fatally shot logan in her Apartment Building parking lot. Police said logan was breaking into cars and approached oneill with a knife. The statement said the actions have been divisive and solely for his political gain and not for the health of the city he serves. You can watch the entire town hall at www. Cspan. Org. Heres a look at our live coverage tuesday. On cspan, the house is back at 10 00 a. M. Eastern for general speeches. With legislative business at noon. Members will finish work on a 2020 spending package that includes the v. A. , justice department, transportation and housing. They will also consider a bill that provides 4. 5 billion in Emergency Assistance at the u. S. Southern border. , the senate is back at 10 00 a. M. , the head of the Transportation Security Administration testifies on capitol hill about potential vulnerabilities and other priorities for the agency. Later in the day, we will hear from federal and state Emergency Management officials about Natural Disaster preparedness efforts at a House Oversight and reform subcommittee hearing. Cspans washington journal, live every day, with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up tuesday morning, to members of the House Foreign Affairs committee discussed the ongoing tensions between the u. S. And iran. First, Pennsylvania Republican congressman scott perry. They were joined by congresswoman abigail spanberger. Public policys institute, a new report on specialty per square specialty Prescription Drug prices and how the increases have affected consumers and employers. Be sure to watch thursday and friday following the first democratic president ial debates of the 2020 race. Join the conversation both mornings with your phone calls, facebook comments, and tweets. Saturday, several president ial candidate spoke at the South Carolina Democratic Party convention, one of several Large Campaign related events of the state in the state over the weekend. South carolina has the largest electorate of the for early nominating states. This democratic primary is followed by super tuesday voting that includes other southern states, with hundreds of delegates at stake. Here are some of the Convention Speeches beginning with california senator kamala harris. Whats up, South Carolina . Be in the palmetto state. Thank you all. Thank you, thank you. I just want to start by thanking you, South Carolina democrats. You all have been holding it down

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