Morning. Students can call in at 202 7488000. Parents and teachers, 202 7488001. Phone lines were members of Law Enforcement, four members of Law Enforcement, 202 7488002. All others can call in at 202 7488003. You can catch up with us on social media. Twitter, cspanwj. Facebook. Com cspan. Which are you the president at the white house yesterday, talking about these upcoming meetings with those who have been impacted by School Shootings and what he hopes to get from those meetings. [video clip] do more to protect our children. This week i will be holding a number of discussions with students, local leaders, and Law Enforcement to develop concrete steps that we can take to secure our schools, safeguard our students, and protect our communities. School safety is a top priority for my administration. That is why, when governors from across the nation visit the white house next week, we will be discussing at great length what the federal and State Governments can do to keep our students safe. This includes implementing commonsense security measures and addressing Mental Health , including better coordination between federal and state Law Enforcement to take swift action when there are warning signs. That was the president yesterday. We want to hear from you. If you had the chance to be in one of these meetings, what would you tell the president . Him would your message to being . Ahead of those meetings that the alsodent talked about, announcing his move to ban stocked stock bump accessories. Heres more from the president at the white house yesterday. [video clip] after the deadly shooting in las vegas, i directed attorney clarify whether certain bump stock devices, like the one used in las vegas, are illegal under current law. The process began in december. Signedoments ago, i just a memorandum directing the to proposeneral regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns. I expect that these critical egulations will be finalized finalize, jeff, very soon. In my remarks the day after the shooting, we cannot merely take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. We must actually make a difference. Cliches and past ed debates and focused on focus on evidencebased solutions and security measures that actually work, and that make it easier for men and women of Law Enforcement to protect our children and to protect our safety. Host you can see the president hishat clip referring to attorney general, jeff sessions, saying that the final regulations on bump stocks are expected to be finalized very soon. Reaction from capitol hill yesterday to that specific announcement from the president. Republican james lankford, i a member of the republican leadership, calling it good news. An outspoken advocate for more gun control, saying sign after sign this week that we have hit a fullgrown point where politicians are, for the first time, scared of the political consequences of inaction on guns. A small but vital step in the history of our movement. Atual Richard Blumenthal little more skeptical, saying President Trump knows asking the department of justice to act on gun violence under current law is a recipe for more deadly toays and an affront demanding real reform. Democrat from the house, republican president just ignored there are sensible limits to gun rights that do not violate the Second Amendment and can save lives. He says he hopes his colleagues in congress are taking note. One republican member of ofgress, Carlos Cabello florida, saying a good first step, but Congress Must also act. I teamed up to introduce the Bipartisan Legislation to ban bump stocks. Bring it to the floor. We want to hear your thoughts this morning. If you had a chance to be in one of those meetings the president is having over the next several days, what would your message to him be on this issue of schools earnings School Shootings. Rich, rockville, maryland, a parent. Good morning. Caller how are you this morning . Host doing well. Caller being a parent and believing in the Second Amendment, i understand there is a balance between protecting your children from weapons and completely banning them altogether, which seems to be the only choices nowadays. What i do not understand is why our homes are more protected than our weapons. We have Fingerprint Technology that prevents people from being and to get on your phone activate your phone. We can use the same technology on weapons. That would not only prevents children from using parents weapons, but that would prevent andns, weapons being stolen illegally sold. We have technology available. I do not understand why we do not push legislation to use the technology. What should we do with the guns out there already that do not have the Smart Gun Technology that you are talking about . With a have to be retrofitted . Do you think that is the and so here answer here . Would say yes, because there are aftermarket locks that you can put on triggers. An aftermarketke locks that has Fingerprint Technology, so that only the person who purchases the weapon could use it. I would go a step further and say that the user would not be allowed like our phones, we can get our phone and put a fingerprint in it, i would go a step further and say only the person purchasing the weapon from has an ability to set your fingerprint to it. Once you get checked and have the background check, they put your fingerprint into that. If you want to change it, sell your weapon to someone else, you have to go back to a dealer and have them switch your fingerprint to the other person that you are trying to sell the weapon to, to make sure the other person is also checked and able to have a weapon. Host thanks for the call. Philip, and educator in orlando. Good morning. Caller good morning. The bottom line, i think, is that children come from a miry at myriad of health issues, from physical to mental to emotional. I deal with a lot of kids over the years, and i have had kids that have really showed signs when they are out of touch with the reality of what they are indicating that they would like to do to teachers and to others. This always bothered me a little take an i see somebody finger and pointed at a person like it is going to be a gun. That they dont like. I have noticed on another scale, following up with the gentleman you spoke to before me and someone who made a point yesterday, i think we have to stop creating a culture of violence. That one manng said yesterday on the show, he said over the years, people do not realize that it has been that hasm and violence produced what we take as the norm, what we have in our society. I we can start making know we have stun weaponry and things like that, but things that will put people to sleep. The way we are going, we have a violent streak of mass destruction, dont you think . Host we want to hear what you think this morning. We have phone lines for students, 202 7488000. Parents and teachers, 202 7488001. Law enforcement, 202 7488002. All others can join the conversation on 202 7488003. We will go to the line for students. Dana, los angeles, good morning. Are you a high school or College Student . But i amm in college, also a parent to has a kid in school. People call in and talk about putting finger print technology on guns. Give me a break. You are not going to get rid of in the United States. In one million years it is not going to happen. Copsave to put caught in schools with guns, not fat dudes who can get to emergencies and time, and give them guns. They will just shooting much of kids. That is a huge school where that last shooting was. Cops on campusee 75 grand apiece . Nothing . What Safety Measures are in place at the college you attend . S oner they have three cop city college. I just take classes for fun. Listen, i know violence. The only thing that ever stops it is a good guy with a gun. If you get rid of guns, that is a fantasyland. There arethere one trillion rounds of ammunition in this country. One trillion rounds of ammunition and private ownership, and 300 something million guns out there. Never, ever in a million years are you going to get rid of them. You have to get rid of a good guy you have to have a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy. Host ryan, oak lawn, illinois. Go ahead. Caller good morning john, thank you for cspan. About that last caller, saying it is a fantasy land to get rid of guns, i do not think that is necessarily true. I think that right now, we are driven to think that more swords will cancel out the swords, when we should be thinking about the shield. At one of those meetings with trump, i would tell him instead of building a wall, maybe we can make bulletproof desks for every child in america. It seems like it would equal out to about the same amount of ort, 1800 miles of wall bulletproof desks for the kids. Why cant we get a military Contracting Company to build bulletproof backpacks . In an active shooter situation, notfirst responders, it is so cut and dry as people think it is. You do not know who the shooter is, what he looks like, he is just known as a shooter in a building. You can have 3, 10, 15 cops at the university that i worked at. We had to call l. A. County fire, we had to call the police, and wait for the Sheriffs Department to get there before anyone armed can even make a response into the building if there was an active shooter. We have to think about protecting these kids. Host what was the reasoning behind those rules . Caller the reasoning being because the l. A. County sheriff jurisdiction. I worked in malibu, california. Theyounty sheriff had the jurisdiction. If anything happened under arrest power, lethal power, anything like that, it had to be done by the l. A. County sheriff. Host thanks for that call, the line for Law Enforcement. That line is 202 7488002. Parents and teachers, 202 7488001. Students, 202 7488000. All others, 202 7488003. The question, what would you say to President Trump if you were in one of those meetings he is having today and tomorrow, talking with students, parents, and teachers about School Safety of thiswake latest mass shooting. He is also meeting with Law Enforcement officials tomorrow. The president speaking quite a bit yesterday at the white house. Ontalked about what he said it new rules to essentially banned bump stock devices. The president also saying yesterday on twitter that he is thisto more movement on issue of background checks. The white house said monday that President Trump generally supports that bill in congress that would promote greater compliance with a federal database that tracks individual criminal records to prevent them from purchasing firearms. Esther trump tweeted yesterday night whether we are republican or democrat, we must now focus on strengthening background checks. S in recent days for more gunpport legislation. 60 percent of americans support stricter gun laws, and in abc Washington Post poll found that 70 americans 77 of voters believe that congress is not doing enough, and 62 say the president is not either. We will talk more about this and what your message to the president would be on this issue. Gloria, maryland. Good morning. Caller hi, i answered incorrectly. If i was lady asked me a parent, and my heart is with hurting. Ts who are what i would say to the president of i had the opportunity is that if safety is , why has heiority rolled back so many protections that might have mitigated this troubled individuals . Pportunity to do such harm if safety is his priority, then he can stop making everything about him and even using this togedy as an opportunity push back on an investigation that needs to happen so that the American People understand where we stand in many, many areas of safety. There has to come a time when this country admits that intelligent gun control is necessary. He needs to wipe the blood off his hands and become human. Host william as a parent in houston. Good morning. , john, good morning morning, cspan. Be for thewould ,resident, focus on the laws but also focus on the parents. Pay attention to their children and what they are doing. You had a gentleman yesterday, i was going to a school when i with a white flag and an ar15 on the back. [inaudible] most disturbing was, when i called the local police, who had a policeman on site, their first words to me was that it was not illegal. Yesterday, the kid had another flag on the back of his truck with a cannon. That was a perfect reason to search that truck on campus of a student, and not only that, what parent would have their child flying down the rolled with a huge flag like that in this culture . So there are no laws in the world that can replace what a parent should teach their children. In alexandria, minnesota, a member of Law Enforcement. Go ahead. Caller thanks for taking my call. I would like to bring up the point that back in the late 1960s, president nixon actually tried to ban handguns because of all of the assassinations, political, violence, the antiwar movement. Of funny if you look back at it, congress had hearings and decided to ban some andhe violent television, the show that fell on its sword was the old wild, wild west show, which is kind of a silly batman show. We have a lot of violence out there. Violent kids, the videos they are watching on their phones, the kids doing silly stuff. I work in Law Enforcement. We know a lot of people are on edge that we keep eyes on, but the laws are you cannot change the laws when we start in prison in everybody. A lot of stuff starts at home with the parents. It starts with the teachers at school. Teachers may be need to be less involved in political stuff and doing political stunts in class, and working with the parents to raise the children the best they can. But no gun law is going to change what is going to happen in any of these things. Our culture, but violence is a part of our culture. If we start going away from that, with the comic book type movies that are endless two hours of killing, nothing is going to change. Ant have you ever had incident in alexandria, minnesota at a school that you have been involved in . Buter not in the school, there are issues. There are issues all the time. People going through divorce. You can go back to nofault divorces, singleparent households, the way we adjudicate things we have so that we plead down Violent Crimes to nothing. There are a lot of people out there that probably should not be able to buy guns, but are able to buy guns because of the court system that is overloaded. Their cases had to be pleaded down. Domestic abuse is another thing. There is a lot of domestic abuse. Allowed to buye firearms. Until we figure this stuff out, it is going to continue. Can dosident all he is reassure people, but then again, the attack dogs will be attacking the president. Bush. Tack trump, obama, our culture is about violence. Until we actually look in the mirror and realize our culture is based on violence, a lot of people make a lot of money on violent movies and all of our media. About the shootings 24 hours a day, and now we are going after the people who had this kid. One day, maybe we have to show some more feelgood stories. Mike in minnesota this morning. A few tweets as we have been having this conversation. Between says ive taught in Broward County for 13 years. We had a fence surrounding the school and metal detectors everyand free room room. We never had a shooting, so it works. It works. This man says the sandy hook students are doing what the the parkland students are doing what the sandy hook students could not do, standing up. Thatcandidate, you stated donors expected favors what they give money to a campaign. The an array give you 30 million. What they get for their money . And the nra, a twopage ad in the New York Times from monster band action moms demand action in america. We are children, you guys are the adults get something done. On the right, you can see the list of the members of congress and how much money they have received from the nra. It also includes the phone number of the Congressional Office of each member of congress, calling on those that read the article to call in. It says it is up to us to elect leaders that will if they will not act. You can see the various donation numbers from various members of congress. We will keep showing you that as we go to mike, wyoming. A parent. Go ahead. Caller hello . Host go ahead, sir. Caller hello, good morning. Host good morning, mike. Caller how are you doing this morning. Doing well. What would be your message to the president if you were in one of these meetings on School Shootings . Caller i would just recommend stiffer background checks. I am an avid hunter. Kids parent, i taught properly, how to hunt with my kids, and my grandkids are now coming up. Ar15 is nott the something to be allowed im a vietnam vet, also. Is not sending to be allowed in peoples hands. I would not ban the gun, but i sure that only make they have trigger locks, like that one person. There are background checks. [no audio] [inaudible] [inaudible] host so you say people should not only ar15, but you should ban it. What would you do with that . Owner of the ar15, but it should be banned. What would you do with it then . Caller i would not own one myself, because the accuracy of an ar15 i shot both. I am a vietnam that, i shot both. Accuracy only comes out in the first bullet, are using aess you bump stock. This memorandum that President Trump said should have been sent right away, for the bump stock legalization. The nra wanted it legal, taken off to market. Some reaction from the nra when it comes to bump stocks. This is from the reporting of the Washington Times on the president s announcement yesterday. Potential of all the solutions that are on the table in washington, banning bump stocks in washington is the one that has the most consensus. The National Rifle association said in october that the us victories assessor is should be subject to additional regulations, but an nra tuesday thataid the Gun Rights Group cannot comment until a rule is published with specifics for review. Have automatic weapons been heavily regulated since the 1930s. Banning semi automatic firearms and assessor he has been shown time and again not to prevent simplyl activity, and punishes the law abiding for the criminal acts of others. Jamie in maryland, a parent. Good morning. Caller i just wanted to say that im a parent, and i am also [inaudible] these shootings are not common. In the last two years, i have lost two nephews 118, and 127, and that is within two years. Who is 18, and one who is 27, and that is within two years. Things are not going to change until we care about each others issues. What i mean by that is in the city, we have a problem with individual shootings. You get one or two here, two a week, Something Like that. Some of the other parts of the country, you have a mass shooting, like this one here,. Here 17 people died until we learn until the people in suburbia learn how to care about what is going on in the innercity and vice versa, that is the only way to have changed. This does not only go with gun violence, but the problem with opioids. The Community Calls their drug issues and Opioid Crisis, and we have a heron crisis heroin crisis. Until things reach a certain level, nobody really cares to do anything. Sad, sadis a situation. It is insane. For folks that are making the argument of the only thing the only way to stop a bad guy gun is an with is good guy with a gun maybe in the wild, wild west. Maybe back in the 1930s and the 1940s that was an argument to be had, but not today. There are so many Different Things that we can do. I think first of all, like every driver has to have a license, you have to have insurance to operate a car. Why can you have that why cant you have that for a gun . I am for guns, actually, but to be a responsible gun owner and fair across the board, if you somea gun, you should have kind of insurance or liability, yourmeone gets injured by weapon, whether kids stole it from you or whatever it may be, the family can be compensated some kind of way and you can be held accountable. The way the laws are, if a child steals your gun, you could just put it up on the shelf in your cause it closet. If they take it to school and Something Like this happens, your apology does not mean much. Jamie in maryland. Brian is a parent in toby, kansas. If you were in one of these , what would you tell the president . Good morning, cspan. What i would tell him is to look back on all the School Shootings, starting from columbine. They were all planned. They are planned out. It is not i am going to grab my gun and go to school, they plan. They have to monitor these kids and look for erratic behavior. Saidarlier caller something about hiring ex police and ex military when it is planned out, all they will be is a bullseye. They will be the first shot. It is ridiculous. Erratic to watch for behavior. This is america. It is the way it is now. You have to watch out for the person next to you because you have no idea, no idea at all. Numbers ofe shootings in this country, this from a column today in usa today. It is by the president of third also jim kessler, the Senior Vice President for third way, a moderate think tank in washington. About 4000 gun crimes are mitted every year with 100 400,000 gun crimes committed 0 every 12 with 130,00 hours 130,000 people being killed. That run checks for all. Irearm sales and gun shows releasing the lethality of certain firearms, such as semiautomatic rifles, bump stocks, and the large capacity magazines that they use. Weighings, drafted by equities held by gun owners and nongun owners in moral, urban, and suburban areas could be broadly popular. That seems like a private dream if that seems like it i, that is how the brady law passed in 1993, giving gun control advocates the background check they needed but making it instant. About 7 30 on the east coast, asking this question before President Trumps meeting with parents, students, and teachers. Tomorrow, the president will meet with Law Enforcement officers on the same subject. We want to hear what your message would be to the president if you were in one of those meetings. Parents and teachers, 202 7488001. Aw enforcement, 202 7488002 students, 202 7488000. All others, 202 7488003. Coming up later on washington journal, at about 9 30, our cspan bus tour is set to continue. Stick around for that conversation. We will be in Oklahoma City, oklahoma, stop number 20. Oklahoma city is currently the largest city in the state, with a population of 1. 3 million. The state population, 4 million. We will be joined on the bus by the governor of that state, mary fallin. She is the first woman governor of oklahoma, and will be here at about 9 30. If you want to join a conversation, stick around, but we will continue this discussion about what your residence message to the president would be on School Shootings. James, fort worth, texas, a teacher. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Been a substitute teacher. I have a daughter who is a fulltime teacher and a granddaughter who is a fulltime , and i have spoken to you before on weapons with veterans issues. My message to the president is that the Second Amendment gives us the right to have guns, but not an arsenal and rapid fire military weapons and powered weapons. If you want a hunting rifle, you can use a hunting rifle if it has a clip that holds seven or nine bullets, and every time you want to put another in the chamber, you have to manually ejected. Home protection, small shotgun is perfect for home protection. It does not require a huge amount of expertise, and it is less lethal. I would think we could satisfy them i am a gun owner but we could satisfy the Second Amendment and even the extremists if we have a reasonable hunting rifle, but we that hold moreps than nine bullets. We do not need rapidfire weapons and military style weapons. It is a simple answer. That is my message. Host what do you mean by a Lethal Weapon military style . Caller rapidfire, like every time you pull the trigger it puts a bullet out and automatically ejects. Host so semi automatic weapons . Semi automatic weapons. If you are a hunter and have a clip with nine rounds in it, you do not need rapid fire to kill a deer or a squirrel. You can inject it with a bold. That would bolt. This means this guy would not have been able to shot all those people in the span of three minutes. Handguns,rotection, you can have one. But you cannot have an arsenal. It is absolutely insane in this country for this guy in las vegas to have more guns than the military im not trying to say the civilian guard, the National Guard arsenal. This guy had more weapons, more bullets, in more clips then every one of those. He did not need that. If you want guns, you can have a few guns. You cannot have an arsenal or rapidfire semi automatic. Host ernest, massachusetts, a parent. Go ahead. Grandparent i am a in them very concerned about what has been happening. Large problem. The immediate thing that needs to be done is we need infrastructure in the schools to protect the children. Things like book bags does this individual get his weapons through the school in a book back . Do we need book bags . In boston, when we had the bombing, that was done by concealing something in a book bag. We also looked at the violence. A lot of the hollywood people are against gun violence and guns. That is good. That is understandable. But they participate in a violent culture in the movies today and television. And we have to look at that. We are in a perpetual war. Andre a violent society, this is going to take a long time. We have to take care of the schools with proper infrastructure, with security people in there. We put young people in their to to protectin there the schools. We have a lot of trained military people. We could employ them in the schools. They are properly trained with weapons. We need that to protect these kids. Mentioned hollywood. Here is a story from the New York Times this morning. Hisactor George Clooney and wife, human rights lawyer amal clooney, said they would donate 500,000 to the nationwide protest against bond that length gun violence lands next month by the survivors of the Florida High School shooting, inspiring other gifts from similar hollywood names. The couple said they were so inspired by the courage and students, rom these caller wasller a few minutes ago talking about military style weapons, the term assault weapons has also been thrown. Round in the past week yesterday at the White House Press briefing, white house spokeswoman Sarah Sanders was asked about the president of the past comments president s pass comments were more control on assault weapons. Here is that exchange. [video clip] supported an assault weapons ban in 2011. What is his position now . I do not have any specific announcements, but we have not closed the door on any fronts. That is what the next several days and weeks will be, to have conversations and see what this process looks like, and see what areas we can help make changes to and in what places we could do better. Physically, i know background checks or something that the ofsident is supportive making more efficient and looking at better ways to improve that process. We will continue doing that and looking at a number of other factors as well. It is about 7 40 on the east coast, 20 minutes left on this segment of the washington journal. We want to hear from you ahead of those meetings that the president is having with units, parents, and teachers on School Shootings. We want to hear what your message would be. You can keep calling in this morning as we show you a bit of other news from around the country today. Stories we have been tracking, new stories from yesterday, including this from overseas. Vice president mike pence was scheduled to hold a historic meeting with north korean officials during the Winter Olympics in south korea, but the North Koreans canceled at the last minute, according to the Vice President s office. This from the Washington Times. Mr. Pence was ready to meet with the younger sister of north Korean Leader kim jongun and the communist countrys nominal head of state. However, the North Koreans scrapped the meeting hours before it was set to start. This administration will stand kims desire to whitewash their murderous regime with photo ops at the olympics, said the Vice President s chief of staff. That is why they never wanted to sit down. The meeting was two weeks in the making and started, according to news reports, with the Central Intelligence Agency Getting word that the North Koreans did want to meet with mr. Pence. A second official said the initiative for the meeting came korea, which had acted as an intermediary between the two sides. More on that story in the Washington Times today. We have been covering the efforts to redistrict the congressional map in pennsylvania, and the new map that has since been released in that effort. This one from the wall street journal focusing on what will upcoming special election, congressional special election outside of pittsburgh. Whoever wins the congressional special election next month will likely find himself drawn out of that district by november. The Pennsylvania Congressional district maps that were imposed monday by the state Supreme Court placed the homes of both republican mexico and democrat connor lamp outside the new putting aoundaries, short political shelf life on both men campaigning for the march 13 special election. The new pennsylvania map boosts democrats chances of living a half dozen in november, but diminishes the importance to the party of mr. Lambs race in the special election. Now if he wins a surprise victory march 13 in the republican leaning district currently a republican leaning district you would likely run madevember of a district up of new constituents, though it does share the pittsburgh media market he is running in. If you want to read more on that, it is in todays wall street journal. Back to your calls. Dean, hot springs, arkansas. The line for all others. If you were in one of these meetings that the president is having, what would you say . I would suggest to the president that his secret service has bullet resistant vests and blankets with them all the time. I would say to buy those. They are 2000 each. With three of them in each classroom, and the bullet the secretshields service have, put them next to the fire extent which are. Instead of Arming Teachers with weapons, why dont we arm them with tasers . That way they can be trained with tasers. It is not just a gun, knives, everything else. Lets give the teachers that protection to shield students. Bullets to get the funds. Throw another tax on the bullets to pay for all of this. Way way, the teacher has a to protect and shield their students. Host jim, missouri, line for all others. Go ahead. Caller good morning. A few points. The Second Amendment reads the right to bear arms in order to form a well regulated militia. This is a protection against dictatorship type governments. It does not mean that everybody can run around with a gun. The police cannot protect you. You can make every school a fortress, where you wait for the kids to get out of the school, and then you shoot. A good guy with a gun. You have a Washington Post story where lawd christmas, enforcement, at that point, had killed 962 people. That was before the swat team was called out and they shot that man on his porch. Myself, i am a gun owner. I have a couple of deer rifles, a shotgun, never in my 62 years have i felt the need to point a ,eapon at another human being and i do not foresee that happening in the future. Checks, asackground long as there is a gun show loophole, there are no background checks. As far as mental hygiene, i have sincere concerns about our president having the nuclear codes. Of what is and isnt allowed under the second was innt, one case that the process of being reviewed by the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court declining on tuesday to hear a challenge to californias 10 day waiting. For guny waiting period theys, as the courts criticize it as a surrender of core constitutional protections. Congress and state look at adding more restriction in the wake of yet another mass shooting. Tuesdays decision lets stand a ruling by the ninth Circuit Court of appeals upholding the tenday waiting period. Gun Rights Groups said it should people who already own a firearm or concealed carry license. In a 14 page dissent, Justice Justice thomas said this does not put the Second Amendment on equal footing with other provisions in the bill of rights. Elaine, missouri, teacher. Go ahead. Caller thank you, john, for yet another thoughtprovoking discussion. I am having a fantastic morning listening. Mustteacher, i think we realize that teachers are there to build character, and trustworthiness and honesty. The ideal of a teacher having a gun, i do not think that will solve the problem. Think that we should have a stronger system of counseling. To put money where it is needed. Happy heents i am is still alive. I wish we could pick his brain. Did you not seek stronger support . Whited that family not realize that the child needed support . I think there are some common sense things that everybody has said this morning. Send this tape to trump. The ideal to increase the age to have a gun, the ideals that everybody has had, some great ideas. But the parents that let the child come into their home, and they had no inkling that is what we need to discuss. Elaine, we will wait to see what more we can find out about the shooters background and certainly, we do not want to ahead of what we expect plenty of information to come out on his background and what months, in the weeks, and year leading up to last weeks shooting at that high school in florida. Is in indiana, pennsylvania, a parent. Go ahead. Caller good morning. One of the points i wanted to make, to reinforce what a caller said, the only thing needed to stop a bad guy is a gun is a good guy with a gun if that was true, there would be no Police Officers killed in the line of duty. Trumpd tell president that follow the constitution, and the Second Amendment wants to establish a well regulated militia. The only people that should be using military style weapons are people in the military. Patrols at schools or armed teachers once bullets start flying, you have heard the term friendly fire. Once the chaos of bullets start flying, you do not know who is going to be shot. Putting more guns into the situation, it adds more potential for students to be hurt by friendly fire. Also, all of these afterthefact solutions, like bulletproof vest said all that kind of stuff, that is the same thing as giving narcan to an overdose victim. Why dont we try to prevent it before this even happens . And to use the reasoning that bad people will still get guns, if that is your logic, why do we ,ave laws against drunk driving or widen we legalize drugs . People still get drugs. Why dont we legalize drugs . People still get drugs. I do not believe a private citizen should own a military style weapons, and that is what i will tell trump. Host a few scenes from the Washington Times story on the effort by students from the high school who went to tallahassee to help advocate for an Assault Rifle ban for the lawmakers rejecting that Assault Rifle ban. The students who came to the State Capitol on tuesday urged lawmakers to prevent another massacre within with a gun for the legislator had halted any possibility of banning Assault Rifles. The story noting in the state house, democratic representatives had asked for a procedural vote that would have allowed the republicancontrolled house to consider a ban on large capacity magazines and Assault Rifles such as the ar15 that was wielded by the 19yearold suspect. The bill had been assigned to three committees, but was not scheduled for a hearing. The house quickly nixed democratic motion, and the boat broke down along party lines because the committees will not the party lines. Because the committees will not meet again before the end of the sessions, one of the pictures this thewing students overcome with emotion in the gallery of the house of the representatives after that vote took place. Ohio, a parent. What would your message be to the president if you were to sit down to him today . Caller my message today for President Trump and those that are listening is this. The gun issues we face today will be handled by the children it is affecting today, and their children. Children are smarter and more knowledgeable today, and so it goes with each generation becoming more knowledgeable than the next. My grandchildren teach me how to use myself on. When i was a child, we had party lines. The grandchildren of todays with their increased knowledge, will solve the issues we are unable to solve today. It does not matter what you think or reason. You will not be around when our children and grandchildren are making these decisions. Handsssue is now in their. Think god. Thank you, john. Host bob, tyler, texas. A teacher. What would you say to the president . Caller thank you very much. The answer to this problem is the same answer to almost every problem that you have on cspan. Rules not following the and we have the best rules in the world. How chaotic would we be if we play the super bowl and did not follow the rules . Amendment, it might protect gun rights, it just reiterates the godgiven, tolienable rights to be able have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We were given the right by god to protect ourselves, and that orht is not for militia hunting, it is to use whatever we can to protect ourselves and our families, and our schoolchildren. When we start following the constitution, we will have less chaos and everybody will understand the rules. We have showed you a few clips from the white house yesterday, both the president speaking on this issue and Sarah Sanders, the White House Press secretary, taking questions on it. Also of note yesterday, the first time that Sarah Sanders took questions about the Mueller Investigation since the indictment last week of 13 russians by the special counsel investigation. In that press briefing, she was asked whether the president now it knowledges now acknowledges that the russians had interfered with 2016 election. Here is that back and forth. [video clip] absolutely, and he has a knowledge that multiple times acknowledged that multiple times before. He and knowledge did acknowledged it on the campaign trail, and acknowledged it several times in poland. One place you seem to get very confused it seems to happen regularly the president had not said that russia did not didl, he was saying that it not have an impact and it was not with help from the trunk campaign. It is very clear that russia meddled in the election, it is also clear that it did not have an impact on the election, and a Trump Campaign did not collude with the russians in any way for this process to take place. Host if you missed the press briefing, you can go back and watch it at www. Cspan. Org. About 10 minutes left in the segment, and we want to get to as many calls as we can ahead of todayesidents meetings with parents, students, teachers, administrators on this issue of School Shootings. Wisconsin, a parent. If you were in that meeting, what would you say . Caller what i would suggest to the president is since the country and the congress are so deadlocked, we are only going to get small changes. Bump stocks, background checks, the background checks would not have stopped the killer in florida. He was 19. He did not have time to build up a criminal record. I think what we should do is. Hink about stopping the killer stopping the killer as soon as possible. Nonlethal stun guns, metal detectors, but if we do nothing else, we think i think our teachers should have pepper spray. , andr spray is nonlethal for the coach that shielded the children, if you would have he would have had a 20 foot range pepper spray, he might have been able to stop this guy. Those are things we can do now. I love cspan, and it has been a great morning. You are all very intelligent. Thank you. Bob, oxford, pennsylvania. Go ahead. Caller good morning, and thank you for cspan. What i would say to President Trump is words matter, and i would advise him to make a National Statement on television to all americans and young americans, and tell them i am sorry i said i could kill someone on the streets of new york city and get away with it. Tom sorry i told someone knock the out of another human being. I am sorry i mocked a handicapped person. I was wrong, i apologize. Your spokesperson, i speak for america, and he needs to realize that words matter. And if i Say Something about the news conference, nobody knows how much the russians meddled in the election because they do not know how many people took the messages that were given out. So words do matter, and i really think he needs to start realizing that he is the spokesman of the free world. Thank you so much. Host connecticut is right next door to newtown, connecticut, sandy hook. John in south berry. Good morning. Morning, thank you for having me. I just want to say that i do agree on most of the things that donald trump has been proposing, the ban on bump stocks as well as the increase background checks. I do feel that it may not be enough as far as this, but i am progun. I think every citizen deserves to own a weapon, should they choose to. However, it is not as simple as just banning guns or putting on them. Ulations if you look at the majority of these mass shootings, it has to deal with a lot of mental things. And it seems like there is also a connection between the drugs they are being administered. When you have a drug that is creating mood swings like ritalin, or any uppers or downers of the sort, you are going to have mood swings constantly. So when you are taken off of them, i feel that also, trying to regulate your mentality is going to be big trouble. Host as i noted, you are right next door to new town in connecticut. Do you think we would be in a different place on the gun debate in this country this many years since new town . Caller no, i did not. I feel as though the things we are discussing now should have been talked about years ago, right after that happened. It was astonishing to me. I cannot actually believe that it happened so close to me. That is really when i started following this big gun debate, is right after that happened. I do not want to put down these ofple with mental disorders that sort, but you have to really take the time to look at those things, and even people that are not diagnosed with a mental disability or disorder sorry if im using the wrong i also saw onbut tv someone saying that america has a gun culture. I wouldutely do, but like to point out that the gun culture of 50 years ago is not the same as today. Our Entertainment Industry has brought a lot of gun violence into our lives, such as the videogame grand theft auto. You are not just stealing cars, you are doing a lot of violence. Of the time, you are stealing cars, 90 of the time you are shooting up people, whether they are civilians or Police Officers. That is one of the most widely played video games, at least in this country, or what i know of. Also, the music. I am not just pointing at rap, but any kind of aggressive music that is inciting violence. He will say it blatantly, and people suggest it metaphorically. Either way, we are kind of bombarded with entertainment that gives us all of these violent mentalities, whether we agree with it or not. We are hearing it. In the cases of someone actually having aggression, that might pop into their heads. One concept in our brain leads to another. The mighty connecting the entertainment to what their motives are already. Host can i ask how old you are . Caller i am 23 years old. For your callu from southbury, connecticut. Be joined byill former Obama Administration state department official, Jake Sullivan. He will be here to discuss his recent piece in Foreign Affairs on International Relations during and after the Trump Administration. Later, associated builders and ceo Michael Bellovin will join us to discuss the new infrastructure plan. Coming up today at 9 30, our tour of all 50 state capitals continues with a stop in Oklahoma City, where governor mary fallin will join us aboard the cspan bus. Stick around for that cspans history series, hasdmark cases season two a look at mcculloch v maryland. Exploring this case is an associate law professor at the university of virginia, and a law professor at the university of arkansas. Watch live monday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Or listen with the free cspan radio app. Order a copy of the landmark cases companion book. Is available at cspan. Org landmark cases. There is a link on your website to the interactive constitution. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. Created as aan was today, wevice and continue to bring you unfiltered coverage of congress, the white ande, the Supreme Court, Public Policy around the country. Cspan is brought to you by your cable provider. Washington journal continues. Host Jake Sullivan joins us now. He previously served in the Obama Administration and he recently released the world after trump. First, explain what we mean when we are talking about the international order. What does that include . Guest it is not world government, a group of people calling the shots for the United States or anyone else. It is a group of sovereign states, the world and fall, led by the United States, who built the world after the end of the aroundworld war alliances, the United Nations system, a system to deal with international and comics and finance, and the basic purpose of this set of institutions and partnerships is to manage disputes so we do not get into wars, to mobilize cooperation to do with challenges like Climate Change and nuclear floor affiliation, and set standards around aviation or Maritime Security so that we are all working off of the same page in a world where there is so much interconnection in the country. It is changing. In the years after the second world war, the locusts of cooperation centered around the nato, theions like world bank. Today because things are so much messier and more complicated, there is a much more informal and diverse set of institutions. You have the paris climate agreement on nuclear nonproliferation, you have world powers coming together in an informal way to deal with the nuclear challenge. Global health, it is no longer just the world health organization, but now publicprivate like Global Alliance and vaccines. Of what today and part the United States has done is taken ingenuity and flexibility and created a set of institutions. The march april issue of Foreign Affairs, the world after trump. You say there is no doubt trump represents a meaningful threat to the health of the american democracy and the international system. How so . American democracy, what trump as basically suggested over the year and the office is that Traditional Democratic institutions, normal checks and balances, those are inconvenient to him and obstacles he ought to be able to push over. Basicain set of democratic norms, starting with fundamental, which is that truth matters and the sense that you have got to make an argument based on facts, it is something he has attacked on a daily basis, suggesting that everyone can have their own reality, very hard to have a ineffective democracy in a case like that. What trump has argued over time is a world in which everybody basic he just looks out number one and no one looks out for their neighbor, that the united globalshould think of problems in zerosum terms. If we are gaining in someone elses losing, that is good even if over all, everyone is getting relatively worse off. What i thinkway has been the most important principle of American Leadership , which is the United States can do better and other countries can do better and that we, uniquely among Global Leaders in the past few centuries are committed to a principal in which we rebuilt our vanquished enemies. We did not just leave them there in the rubble. Interest in our self per trump sees self interest but does not see the enlightened part. Host you have a lot of confidence in the article in the resilience of the national order. What is it based on . Guest three things. First, as much as it is commonplace now for International Relations experts to say the rest of the world is moving on and leaving the united United States to decide and they want something new and different, the fact is most countries in the world have seen that they have in a fitted from a global order the United States has led, and they bought into it and continue to even now. That applies to china, who makes a lot of noise about wanting to take things in a different direction but is fundamentally committed to the rest of these principles and institutions i have laid out. We have managed the transition from the formal institutions to more flexible and practical approaches. Better than people think. On climate, proliferation, trade, things like managing the outcome of the Global Economic crisis and making sure the recession did not turn into a global depression, this has worked better than people think. Finally, trump himself has not been able to do that level of damage that he threatened to do on the campaign trail because he found himself constrained by congress, his own National Security team, and sometimes reality. Host we have got about 25 minutes to unpack it. Us, aullivan is with senior fellow at the endowment for international peace, former nationalist National Security adviser to Vice President biden, served in the Obama Administration is director of policy planning at the state department, and he penned the world after trump in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs. As folks are calling in, i want to point to another part of your essay. You specifically say the world order can survive one term of trump, but you go on to say President Trump must not be handed another term. The difference might not be one time versus to, but one time versus 10 times. The reelection would confirm trumpism is the new normal the how do you see that . Guest i think a world in which the United States lays a key leadership role in which we are mobilizing cooperation around major issues and driving the conversation about the rules in benefits that world america and americans and that is what we have to fight for. What concerns me about going from one to two terms of trumps right now, many of our allies and friends around the world are demo attic partners, countries that share our values and worldview, they are putting their heads down and say maybe we will get back to an america that leads from purpose to principle. If trump is reelected, many of those countries will say things have radically changed and it is a different ball game and they have decided they will no longer play the decisive leadership role in the world and now we have to look elsewhere, maybe to , to ourselves, to take matters into our own hands. That isthe u. S. Say fine, let everyone else still their own problems for a while but when it comes to it, if you do not help set the table, you are likely on the menu. Think the United States should play the leadership role at the head of the table. Why it is important we do not tell the rest of the world trumpism is the new normal. In lancaster, california, go ahead. Caller good morning. They start of the storm in libya and egypt where they were throwing rocks, and then you armed them. You created isis out of it. Moneywondering, how much in you lose over there supplies, 6 billion that you left over there, buying new military equipment and supplies fourof that crisis isis . For isis . Wasnt the United States, the state department or the Obama Administration starting the arab revolutions you refer to. It was just arab citizens pulling out into the streets in huge numbers. Thousands, tos of protest governments and dictatorships. Led to the overthrow in egypt and it led to other significant changes in the region. Some positives, many negatives. I do not think the u. S. Approach to the aftermath was by any means perfect. We made mistakes to be sure. At the end of the day, i believe the United States should stand up for principle that people around the world have the right to selfdetermination. What Ronald Reagan believed, what Franklin Roosevelt believed. That has not been a democratic or republican principle but an american one. We can learn from our mistakes in the middle east. ,he most fundamental of which was fighting that war in iraq, which we should not have done. We are still dealing with the aftermath of that today. I think prudent, sensible policymaking should involve the United States not putting as much of its own money and personnel and material into the region, but rather trying to drive Diplomatic Solutions to the problems in the region. Host providence, rhode island, jack is a democrat. Caller im a conservative democrat. Leftist elitist like this sullivan. Host lets not call names. What is your question . Caller all right. Here it comes to my wife is chinese and i will talk about the Korean Peninsula here. You know the obama and Clinton Administrations were perfect when they doubt with north korea. Nowave got a problem right thanks to bill clinton giving them billions of dollars. The north korean government, conned the Clinton Administration, giving them all that money, and they put it in their pockets and then they built nuclear forces. Coinhey are almost out of or they could talk cities in the country. Months away, ok . Thanks to the clinton and obama and the bushns, administration. Host what is the question . This and menstruation will have to do with it because they do not want them to target u. S. Cities. Guest thank you. I appreciate that. My view on the United States being a Global Leader and playing an Important Role in the world and being the one to help set the agenda and drive out positive outcomes for our people, it came from growing up in a middleclass how household. I grew up in the cold work turn Ronald Reagan and i agreed with him when he said america could be a shining city on a hill. I believe that still. I do not think there is anything elitist about a proposition that the United States can have a principled and effective Foreign Policy in the world in which we are rallying our friends and allies to solve the great problems of our time. Nothing inconsistent with that and wanted to stand up first and foremost for the interests of the American People p or north korea specifically, i think you are partially right actually, that the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration did not succeed in solving the problem. The Trump Administration has had to take on a challenge that three prior president s could not solve. I have great sympathy for them because it is a difficult issue. I disagree in that i do not think the north korea cant bill clinton in 1994. I think they have a diplomatic framework that could work. We lost that during the Bush Administration. Was the time north korea began to finally test weapons. We have to get back that blueprint. It will not be a perfect diplomatic outcome but we need a figure out how to avoid catastrophic war on the Korean Peninsula on the one hand or north korea having the capability as you just said to be able to effectively target American Cities with nuclear weapons. The third path will require diplomacy and the diplomatic totallynot of us are but that is what i hope the Trump Administration is working on. Host your home state, we will take you to minnesota, independent, go ahead. But that is what i hope the Trump Administration is working on. Host caller good morning cspad america. I was born in many net in minneapolis. I am calling on a couple fronts. One is, jake, i have seen you all over the place. If you know anything about being a statesman, you would understand you do not go around all over, with the kind of bad talk you are talking about our president here that is my first point. My second point is you probably the that button with russians. That is just a side note. What happened in libya . How many beheadings happened in libya . Hillary clinton said we came, we died. If that is leadership, bullying and violence, you should not be a part of our state department or any Foreign Affairs. Thank you. Yout first of all, thank for a fellow minnesota and, for your views. I think of we sat down and had a cup of coffee in minneapolis or somewhere else, you would find we agree a lot more than we disagree on all of these issues. Degree tod with the which i should be directed my views and concerns about this president. I believe deeply in bipartisanship in this country. I do not think we will solve anything without democrats and republicans worked together but i believe donald trump represents a unique threat to our institutions and democracy so i cannot stay silent on that weird i would like to get back to a place where there can be a republican president in the toure who i would be happy not fully support as a democrat but to stand behind and want to step up for. , notis about trump generally about republicans. On libya, i would say what we faced in 2011, when the crisis started, was a combination of factors. Number one, qaddafi was heading toward benghazi where he was threatening to engage in mass slaughter. Our closest allies in the world were asking us to bring our unique capabilities to bear to help and protect civilians. The entire arab world was saying not just what you help us but we are willing to participate and put our skin in the game. For the american president to decide not that we would take a ,entral spot in the conflict and in fact, we handed over operational controls in just a few days, but that the u. S. Would participate. I thought that was appropriate. A comment from secretary clinton was an offhand comment. Could do it over again, she would not repeat that. Her view is not that the United States should be going around the world bullying or that we should be leading with our military. We should be leading with diplomacy and cooperation and should only use our military when we have to end we should use it decisively to achieve outcomes that work for the American People. What was your role working on the Hillary Clinton campaign . Guest senior policy advisor. I advised the campaign and candidates on a range of issues as we try to work out what the nintendo might look like. Pieceyou talked in your and hear about the resiliency of world order when it am sue what you call trumpism. You also talk about the internal constraint, the internal members of the trump servo that are constraints on the trumpism you describe. Who are you specifically referring to . Guest constraint, the internal s of the trump servo virtually eve leader in his administration, National Security adviser, even senior members of his they are notunity, working against donald trump but working overtime to convince him believeake actions they are undermining nato, like trying to remove sanctions on russia that were put in place and the new ones added by congress, like pulling out of examplesese are some of where it has really been not as much outside pressure that the people in the room with the president that have kept him from taking some of these steps. Who would you be most concerned about leaving the administration now . Guest it is hard to say because i do not know is who is will who is doing what on any given dam would you be most concerned about leaving the administration now . Guest the in the room. , secretary ofttis defense, whether youre a republican or democrat or independent, a trump fan or a trump opponent, it is hard not to look at a guy with his ability his abilities and integrity and say gosh, we would be fine with him leaving. Think everyone has to see him as a National Treasure who is playing a pivotal role. About thedo you feel job nikki haley is doing in the u. N. . I have my quarrels with this administrations north korea policy, though i am sympathetic to the difficulties they are facing, but i have to say with respect to nikki haley, i haveon north korea policy, ss done some really effective work. She has produced two different sanctions resolutions. Way. Is america leaving the that has tightened the screws on north korea, applied pressure to a level greater than any Previous Administration was able to. She hasings, i think not been as effective, the way she responded on the vote with the question about recognizing jerusalem in israel, but i would give her credit for what she has done a north korea. Democrat. York, john, caller good morning. Im glad to hear jake talk about this. Aboutly i have read renewed violence in syria and how the assad regime is , and theyhospitals have lost hundreds of women and children in the witnesses are ongoing with ae constant bombardment with safety zones. I would like to know what he thinks about it. , we sometimescies find ourselves backing aside. I just wanted to see what he has to say about that. Host walk us through that. Guest what has been happening is a moral and humanitarian catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives and millions of people lost their homes and were forced to flee the country. Starvationhas used as a weapon of war trying to literally starve people out. As you mentioned, they renewed a campaign, because they have been doing this throughout the course hospitals, to bomb knowlinics where they women and children are gathering to get food and medical attention. In eastern damascus damascus, they previously did it, and they a disregardve shown for any basic principles of for the sanctity of any human life. The United States response to this has been frankly inadequate. I do not think we need to start our own war in syria or invade toh a massive ground force more effectively apply pressure on the assad regime and the russians and iranians to get them to curb some of the practices leaving tens of tens and hundreds of thousands of people dead. My view is the United States for a long time now should have pressurep with greater to stop this violence and that would lead to a future in syria where the country was able to move the on to the assad regime. You talked about the iran. Uclear sanctions President Trump tweeted about it, saying on saturday, never gotten over the fact that obama was able to send 1. 7 billion dollars in cash to iran and no one in congress, the fbi, called for an investigation. I want you to respond to that. A classics is misdirection from a president who is under pressure on the , so hisnvestigation first instinct is to find a way to blame obama for something. Sometimes russia related things, other times, things like iran. What he is actually referring to is a longstanding International Legal dispute between the United States and iran for the u. S. Actually exposed to having to a way wheredeals in they would have to pay much less. It. Hey paid it has nothing to do with the fbi, Congress Asked 1000 questions on this subject at a hearing on the issue and came to conclusion that this was a normal diplomatic protocol of working out a final settlement on a legal case that was before thatribunal conclusion in thisa somehow the administration was buying the nuclear deal were buying hostages i think is wrong. A decadelong dispute, it came up with a number of people do with contracts or anything else in the country, and they worked it out. Host if the Obama Administration could do it again, should it not have happened around the same time the nuclear deal was being negotiated . There isdo not think anything untoward about the nuclear deal and trying to get american citizens out of iran, saying lets try to do with as many issues as possible now, that you use leverage and momentum and diplomatic context to produce that outcome. I think that is fairly common in american diplomacy and the people who cry foul, i think deep down they understood that. I think it was to score political points. In massachusetts, republican, go ahead. You with us . Oh ahead. This gentleman, when he first came on, the first thing he said was, we want a seat in all of these countries and our proposed here and everywhere. That half of our own country does not like the way our values are put out there. Were doing the same thing as russia, with propaganda all over the place. Our value do not want spirit we do not wanted half the time the way youre messing with everything. You should get hillary a big box of reset buttons. You guys have some really bad ideas. Raise a think you really important point, one i becauseuggled with effective american Foreign Policy has to rest on a foundation of a common vision of the country for democracy and society here at home and you are right that we are a divided country and that is impairing our ability to speak with one voice internationally. We are divided in part politically but also in other ways. Theme inequality is at highest it has been in memory. There is a sense we are not all in a common way and not all rowing in the same direction. Is a sense american democracy are not delivering for a large number of people. I have heard this over the country in the last few years as i traveled around. That is not just a domestic policy issue but a foreignpolicy issue for the reason you raise. If we do not understand exactly what american stance stands for, it is hard to tell others that this is what america stands for. I am not arguing for interfering in the Domestic Affairs of other countries. I am not arguing that we go around and push other countries around. I argue that the United States historically has had a unique set of assets, a unique set of values we can bring to bear to help partners around the world, andcare and deter enemies to deliver more peace, prosperity, and progress in the United States. I think stepping back and saying none of these problems are our problems and we do not deal with them, this is the point. A terrorist getting their hand on the nuclear bomb or Climate Change ravaging our communities, things are happening other parts us andworld matter for we should be putting investment and effort into solving the problems. Host last call, virginia, independent. Caller with respect to comment about syria, the way i look at why we arent doing anything constructive to help people on the ground, it is because we lost our moral standing completely in the world when we under false pretenses and we are directly responsible for the deaths of at least a half million innocent people. As a country, every 9 11, i get upset because we mourn the 3000 people who died. I mourn them as well. As a country, how do you expect us to have any feelings for what is happening to the people of syria when we as a country have not come to terms and expressed remorse for invading a country, destroying it, and killing at least half a Million People . Host got your point. Guest i think the war in iraq cast a long shadow on american Foreign Policy and i believe president obama believed that. He spent eight years trying to get invested to the maximum extent we can, in rectifying that mistake. It is not an easy thing to do. I believe one thing that stuck sets the United States apart as we have the capacity to look in the mirror and say we screwed things up, we will do better and self correct and improve. That capacity for self correction is not something that is common in a lot of places and we are sometimes not that good at it that we have the wherewithal to do it. It makes us innovative. When we take one step back and figure out a way to take two steps forward. I think we should remember the history ever of iraq and remember the lessons but not be paralyzed by it, try to operate a more effective and principled and humane foreignpolicy Going Forward based on the lessons of the past. Host Jake Sullivan is a senior fellow for international peace. His piece is in the march april issue of Foreign Affairs. The rolled after trump, how the system kennedy and or, if you want to see it. Endure, if you want to see it. Up next, Michael Bellaman. Later, the cspan bus is in Oklahoma City today. Number 20 on the city state capitals tour. We will be joined at about 9 30 this morning. Stick around for the discussion. Sunday on cspans q a, duke scholar talksl about her memoir, everything. Appens for a reason reflections on being diagnosed with stage four cancer at the age of 35. I saw the presence of god, the love of other people, people pouring in, the prayers. Together community got in a chapel like marathon runners for me. Reflecting back to me love and a sense that like, my hope is that i was having to make reparations something needed to there and i felt that way. Cspans history series, landmark cases season two, starts monday at 9 00 eastern with a look at decisions exploring the case with us is dirk peterson, associated law professor and mark kila beck, law professor at the university of arkansas, securing a nation. Cspan. Org. Were listening with the cspan radio app. The Landmark Book is available plus shipping and handling. There is a link on our website to the National Constitution centers in the constitution. Washington journal continues. We return for 30 minutes on the topic of infrastructure appeared were joined by Michael Bellaman. We will talk about President Trumps infrastructure proposal. For viewers who are not familiar, who are the associated elders and contractors . Guest about 21,000 construction related firms, 72 chapters across the United States of america. We believe in the philosophy the individuals have unique strengths they bring to the table and Companies Bring unique value to the industry. Based on that philosophy, there is a lot of work to help our members develop and educate them. Workhelp them deliver the safely and ethically for the betterment of the communities they work within. Host your work in d. C. Involves lobbying . Guest yes. Lobbying and a lot of work with the department of labor and the createory epa to help regulations that are favorable to the industry and help make it safe and productive. We do a lot of that, yes. Host for viewers who are not familiar, it is an easier website to find on the internet, abc. Org. How is the contractor funded . Member dues based on revenues of companies. Host your lobbying work, where you consulted at all in the infrastructure proposal that came out last week . There has been a lot of input and we played a role in having that along with other interested parties in washington. Of the proposal can we see your fingerprint on . Guest Workforce Development, we have a significant challenge in our industry and we estimate we have about 500,000 jobs open right now. At the end of the day, high school dread graduates, 30 do not go to college. Only about 59 end up with degrees. Andee construction professionalism is a wonderful career path that leads to entrepreneurship. The advocates expandingentrepre. Programs, the advocates for making access to pell grant grants and workstudy programs that are accessible to College Students and students who want to go into the trades and the quality careers and Technical Education. Host the numbers from the infrastructure polls look 200 billion in funds to create 1. 5 trillion in investment in the country. Before that, how much of the money is targeted toward Workforce Development . How much of that . Put init is kind of place within the Overall Program and the overall guidelines. I do not know if you could target specific numbers to it. They want to expand the bills and double that, 1 billion. They want to do other things. Is makingant thing pell grants that are available to people who want to get a College Education and those who want to go to trade. They also do things around credentials. If im an individual that happens to be, have a craft credential or a plumbing credential in one state, it is to go to another state. That is obviously important. If you want to join the conversation theael bellaman guest about investment. I see three areas and i try to relate this to the project. The first thing we want to do is make it affordable. Then we want to create value out of that. That leads to affordability and it leads to finance ability. In the guidelines of they have done a lot to eliminate federal provideacy and alternative delivery methods, modeling and technology to make provide alternativethat project more af. Eliminate the waste. Also things on the value side. We created an Infrastructure Project. There is value that could be created out of that. Income streams are possible, as well as whenever you put an Infrastructure Project in place, you will create more value out of the land around it and therefore, you have got a situation where you will create value. You want to finance it, and this is where the 20 comes into place with 200 billion to leverage. That is the toughest money to get. Host would you like to see the number higher in the proposal . Guest when you take a look at trillion, and from itt perspective, i think needs it. Host not infrastructure plan but fantasy. That is their headline. It says covered 80 of major financial projects. Will the numbers work . Guest i think it will in certain situations and not in others. These are projects in the country. Investment might be really farreaching. Host the breakdown in federal 100 billion in incentives. Financing the projects, go through the what each of those mean. As we were having the discussion, associated builders, rachel is up first. Are used to live in illinois for a good 3. 5 years. The entire years i lived in my small illinois town, they were paving a threequarter mile stretch of road. Something kind of funny was going on. A kind of system for accountability for the use of localderal, state, and funds, should there be for this so that projects are fulfilled and nonwasteful . I think it is a great question. A key element i like about the this is a is performancebased grant process. I think with the guidelines are trying to do is drive toward projects to create the best value for the taxpayer. The grants will be awarded on a performance basis, they will have milestones attached that, if met, the grants are actually funded. Guidelines incentivize projects to be affordable and then actually financial in the marketplace. The project was a tagline we had before. They will create value for the riders and there will be ridership. Host are there lessons the Trump Administration can learn from the Obama Administration efforts on infrastructure . I look at this as more forwardlooking. The stimulus package before was a different time economically. I think it served a different purpose and that is my personal opinion. This particular effort is meant to be an investment in the the stimulus package before was a different time economically. Future, where it is needed. In infrastructure that will create value. Based upon a real bona fide need. The projects that havethe projee will be the ones that get the grants. Host future california, dave isa democrat. Caller good morning. Hopet want to say i prevailing wages is also a part of this. It means so much to people actually building these kinds of projects i was wondering if you like thee someone on cio to talk about this. Thank you. Can you explain what that means . At thea prevailing wage federal level is wrapped up in the law which was enacted in 1931. Various states have prevailing wage laws as well. The concept the prevailing wage, the wages to workers are paid a prevailing wage in the local market so people are not underpaid. And paid wages below what the value is. I think those concepts are important. The challenge with prevailing is they are cumbersome and burdensome and the cost to comply with the barrierk is sometimes a of entry. 90 employ less than 100 people. These are small businesses. While the concept of paying a valid living wage is something very important, making sure the barrier of entry that burdens can be streamlined. There are other factors prevailing wage laws that i think the view of debt. Ratios to be evaluated through these opportunities and people that do more than one, provide more than one Value Proposition on a construction project provides more flexibility. Host mike is in ohio, independent, good morning. Caller good morning, gentlemen. Im a retired operating engineer in the state of ohio, local 18. To inform everyone that you are an organization, one of the largest unionbusting organizations in the country trying to institute right to work. I can tell you we already have training sites called trade unions. The people you hate the most. We are afforded a decent living and we are taxpayers. The less money we make, the less taxes paid. As a retired member, i can tell you i was allowed to retire with , health careion for my wife and myself, and as we disappear, the middle class disappears. I am surprised you do not have someone across the table from the cio or any other trade what mr. O counter bellovin says. Keep watching for it we have those groups on this program and have in the future. I want you to get a chance to respond to the caller. We are advocates for all americans and we believe it is big enough for all companies in all aspects. Workforce breaks down 86 nonunion, 14 union. We actually have members that use union labor. We advocate for fair wages for high productivity, and we like to give the opportunity for individuals to achieve career dreams. We have something that allows workers to work different skills and were a believers and competencybased training. We like to we have solid work and great work and all workers having the opportunity to build america. About theing Construction Workforce in this country, how important our immigrant workers to the Construction Workforce . Guest lets take a look at the numbers. ,he visa, a temporary work visa cap that about 60,000. That is a very small piece. Where we cannot find an American Worker interested, we go through a process of advertising available to us. That work inkers our Construction Industry that have now in here for a number of years and very awesome team members of the industry, very and ofe employees, course, dreamers as well. We are keen on the rule of law and meritbased immigrations systems. We recognize the Construction Industry fluctuates and is fairly volatile when you think about workforce. It can fluctuate millions of workers over a real estate industry. An economic, marketbased Foreign Worker visa program would probably something we would be interested in having a conversation about. Host are you supportive of the president s four pillars guest . Broadly. We are not offended by that. We are working with congress and actually the industry wrote bipartisan leadership on this particular topic and hit the items that i mentioned were important to our industry. Host we talk a lot about the everify and the usage of various industries to be a member of contractors. Is that something you have to be doing . What percentage of members incorporate that system . Guest we would like to see everify as a requirement. Our members want to follow the rules of law. Host is it a requirement to be a member of abc . Guest it is not the law does not make it mandatory. We would like it to be a requirement, a safe harbor. Host marshall, north carolina, independent. Go ahead. Caller oh. Uh, yes. For the reason they are not abundant Government Funds remaining for not only infrastructure but universal health care as well, just being search 9 trillion missing under obama. That is all i have to say. Host do you have a question . Well, not really. David inll go to kansas city, missouri, democrat, go ahead. Caller good day. I know a young man that works for a Construction Company and he normally makes 18 an hour. When he has a good contract, he makes 32 an hour. In all of the money that you can screw the company out of, they do not care because they will pay whatever they want. The disparity is unbelievable. Michael bellaman. Guest sometimes, there are discrepancies between a stated by thee prevailing wage law and the market rate. The difference is significant. The problem sometimes exists. In fredericksburg, virginia, a republican, go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. I was out on the hard pavement and the group of sub contractors , became good acquaintances with them. He said they had been hired and got more done in the last week and a half than a. Had done in five years. That was disturbing for me. I cd. Around all the time. There is one person working, sitting in cars and writing up and down and im coming to my question. What can we do about all of this . A speed limit sign on one of the running myous roads son off the road at 16, but they passed that sign for two years and that road is a road where all employees should go to the sign wasand that away and not put up. Unless you some people to hold them accountable, the gentleman, god bless his soul, who spoke three times ago, three people ago, i think, and said he found a good retirement, i am glad that unless we do subcontracting and get rid of State Government arenas, were always going to be taken down. Call you for addressing my. Guest this is why we are passionate about value creation. We like to reward individuals that have the desire to grow in skills. Unique valueward and innovative ideas to create more value for the taxpayer to the table. This. S why we believe in proposal,m patricia one thing we have not talked about yet is Regulatory Reform to t comes can you explain what it means for new members . It means a lot. Construction is about mobilizing significant workforce as well as significant materials to and beg able to have dark states is critical so we can plan accordingly. When we have to mobilize and demobilize, it creates waste that is generally a root cause of cost overrun. That is critical. The average process is about seven years, shortening to one or two years would be unbelievable. Host what is causing that to be seven years . What is the biggest holdup . Think there are good intentions but at the end of the day, the federal government putting the lead agency in place , that would be to maneuver you through the entire process, for anyone who is actually pulled a permit, whether for the house or a building, it is very difficult to understand exactly what you need to do and who you need to see. Every time you identify youthing you need to do, find out that you need to go and see someone else. See who are they going to the most . Where the state consist take over, lets let the states take ver and the let the federal government out of it, at the federal government level, lets ave a lead Agency Responsible with single point of responsibility that will layout the schedule so it is transparent, predictable and there is accountability there. Colleagues at cnbc, permitting t the process while continuing to protect sensible, environmental regulations. What is a sensible environmental industry . N in your guest anything that doesnt, hat makes sure it confines erosion to the site, so that rosion doesnt affect adjacent lands, stormwater runoff, noise a, any kind of pollution, field pollution or anything like that needs to be ell contained and taken care of. Host time for a couple more calls with Michael Bellaman of associated builders and contractors. Ithica, new york, good morning. Caller good morning. Im calling about the fact that understand germanys program or apprenticeship and vocational aprentishships costs 4 billion and they have a Robust Program of prenticesh apprenticeship for people and i believe trump proposed 200 million. As dave from wendys would say, wheres the beef . 200 yeah, i think billion versus million for the package. Nfrastructure so investments in training and Workforce Development apprenticeship is something were onboard with. That expanding industrywide apprenticeship and industryrecognized apprenticeships is important. Construction of industry does train and educate the workforce. Competencybased training, timebased training and so expanding that, encouraging that the high school level, at the moment, one of our biggest that we have taken took , and shop class i out of high school. That is where i learned how to wood i learned how to cut and bend steel and stuff. So that doesnt exist. Actual ly believe what is happening now with executive order apprenticeship bringing careers and Technical Education back to the high chools, make it promote apprenticeship, help people understand that a career in Technical Education is an awesome career. Its a limitless career. Nce again, i go back to the Construction Industry, create a 98 ,er of small businesses, less than 100, employ less than deliver 71 of the work and many, many individuals into our industry to turn a wrench end up leading their own businesses. Beach. Ony myrtle go ahead. Caller you speak a good game reality is, g, the it aint that at all. Ive been in the construction and i have totally een and you talk about apprenticeships and views of people, they have been here, a long time jobs ago here in myrtle beach. S far as all this Infrastructure Projects and things like that, this guys a conduit n is just for money to get to politicians lifetime, theyve had the same Asphalt Company in myrtle 40 or 50 the last years. Its unfair and it is not true youre talking. It used to be you could go get a a painting, now they want College Education for you to be a painter here. Joke. Host Michael Bellaman, last minute. Uest having to get a College Education, as i mentioned before, 30 of High School Graduates dont go to college. Interest high level of in the in career necessary Technical Education, we need to people that opportunity. Pell grants will help them get scholarships to get that. Career necessary Technical Education will find its way more youllcommunity college, be able to get these lifelong earning skills and then our industry, we create the opportunity for people to on inuously learn and build competence and he credentials to achieve career dreams. Michael bellaman, president and c. E. O. Of associated builders and contractors. Abc. Org, to check them out on the internet. Thanks for your michael bellam president time. My pleasure. Thanks to the viewers and callers, that was great. Oklahoma l head to 50 states s our, continues, well be joined by governor mary fallin to take your questions. Until then, we return to the we asked at the top of the program. Your message to President Trump of it comes to the issue School Shootings on the day hes eeting with parents, students and administrators. Phone lines on the screen. Start call nothing now, well be right back. Landmark cases season two starts with mcculloch v. Exploring the case with us are sarah peterson, professor, w university of virginia and Mark Killenbeck at university of and author of mcculloch v. Maryland, securing a nation, landmark cases on cspan, cspan. Org or listen radio ap p,e cspan for background order a copy of companion book available for 8. 95 at cspan. Org landmark cases. For additional resource, there s a link to National Constitution centers interactive constitution. Sunday, on cspans q a duke School Assistant bueller, her te memoir everything happens for a with being lecting diagnoseed with stage iv colon cancer at age 35. I felt the presence of god, just people pouring in, all the intense prayers, the second i got sick, my whole community got together in the diagnoseed with stage iv colon cancer at age 35. I chapel and marathon runners for me, like handing off throughout my whole surgery. Reflecting back to the and my hope, if im having g to die, i was to make preparations someone or something needed to there, i that way. Q a sunday night 8 eastern on cspan. Washington journal continues. Host in the next halfhour, of want toton journal, we hear your message to President Trump on the issue of school asking this question on the day that the president is et to meet with parents, teachers, students, including some impacted by that shooting week in florida. To hear about their ideas when schools saferking and tomorrow the president is set to meet with Law Enforcement the same subject. We split the phone lines up segment. Ly in the if you are a student, 2027488000 is the number to call in. Teacher, 2027488001. Ember of Law Enforcement, 2027488002. 2027488003. Were asking, if you were in one of the meetings with the resident, what would you say, what would you tell him when it comes to School Shootings and safety . Parent, up first, elk creek, nebraska. Good morning. Caller good morning. Id like to i than theyll it, but you t do that got killed, when they killed 32 people over colleges on of the the east coast. How he was pe of to reated and it caused him ill all those College Students and timothy mcveigh, they got he could tell re why he did that horrible thing. Own there in Oklahoma City are you still listening . Host yes, sir. Caller okay. Get tired of the last several the s, i cant get past gal, she doesnt want me to get you, but i talk to enjoy listening to you. Snowden, hes kind of my hero, you think heck do hillary, when she was secretary f state, she landed his plane in russia and heck, if russia any help host try to stay on this topic of School Shootings and your president on the day hes having these meetings, mississippi, line for all others, joanne, go ahead. Is admiral ink it what the students are trying to do. I also believe the School System needs to teach how laws are made. Whoever he may be, cannot pass the law, it takes and senators, n locally and nationally, to do something. That are e ones responsible and also, if they at the tape with the on that t was going someone videoed of this young it was not l notice one boy and one against one. Was him against about four or five boys. He was being bullied and they to have forgotten that. And you used to show that very beginning of the fight that they talked about, all of a sudden, they quit. He was not fighting oneonone. Joanne, your point, you mention it is admiral what many udents are doing, students at that high school in lorida went, took a trip yesterday to tallahassee to advocate for an assault weapons ban. Is the front page of the tallahassee democrat today. Even as survivors from the Stoneman Douglas massacre roam demanding to stop mass killings, Florida House refused debate, the vote was along party line in the g. O. P. Controlled chamber, 3671. Here is a few other front pages floridaund the state of this morning. The miami herald with the story, changed tings havent state laws yet. Also a picture of students oarding the buses to head to the State Capitol. Ne student holding a sign saying gun reform now. One more front page from the the sun sentinel, also focusing on the students heading to tallahassee. Anger into action is the headline they went with, a ovement in motion, students heading to tallahassee. Mike in monroe, georgia, a parent. Would your advice be, your message to the president if you were in a meeting today . Hey, john, how you doing this morning . Host doing well. Off, i want you to go over and hug your lady that she says she one, does it by herself, i cant imagine that. To start with, you aint going o stop it, you cant stop it, there is no way to stop this. You cant regulate it out, there is five million weapons in this country right now that people own f. They quit selling them today, still five million out there. And ive heard people talk about, put an age limit on it. Would invite them people arlington, ough cemetery because there is a whole bunch of 18 year olds that the united give them same uns to thats died for this country. And one other thing, why dont on your eorge clooney show and tell him to keep his and swear s pocket that he wont never make another gun in it. Has a you know, tell him that would be money where his mouth is. Host mike referring to the earlier, mentioned George Clooney and his wife donating half a Million Dollars the efforts by some adicate for nts to more gun control. Appreciate your comments about room, we he control appreciate those folks everyday on this program. Appreciate the call. To sydney in baltimore, maryland. Student. The meetingoure in with the president , what would you say to him . Headlines wereour a great segueway into this. Ask President Trump, what are you going to do to give people more viable option than shooting people. Like there has to be something, like like the reason you give guns to you dont see them shooting up schools and movie theaters, they have been told they have a voice the entire how much the r military is institutionalized and no matter how much they are told in lines, they are they have a voice and they are doing this for a reason, but who is so many students feel like they are just going to school and coming home and not with anything else to do their life. Thats my question, what would you do to make them feel like voice . Ve a host sydney a student. One note, sunday morning on this to have one xpect of those students from marjory in eman Douglas High School florida, david hogg, join us to talk about his efforts in the shooting last week, the efforts of other students down there. He will be here to take your calls, as well. On the day the president is meeting with some students, and administrators and holding a town hall this evening called stand up, students of Stoneman Douglas demand action smchlt eporting from cnn, National Rifle association will participate in that nationally televised town hall. Cnns accepted to participate in the town hall and National Spokeswoman dana loche will represent the organization, that tonight on cnn. Basking ridge, new jersey. Parent. Caller how are you doing today . Host doing well. Aller the end of the day, i think our government officials are not dealing with this conundrum at all very well. Easy to point fingers at everything wrong, it is also one to put my finger on fullproof solution to issues at hand. It is great people are speaking fine and dandy, it is important to hear people impacted most by this, that the students. I do consider myself a democrat, it is not hard to tell mr. Trump is talking about [laughter] brenda in manchester, washington, a teacher. Brenda, go ahead. Caller good morning, im a volunteer in an elementary chool, i told your screener, volunteer and have a metropolitmentor child. Say, guns dont people ople, people kill people with guns can kill a hell of a lot of people. He Second Amendment does not address privacy rights, it doesnt say you have a right to privacy to own your gun. Doesnt identify the type of weaponry you are allowed to have amendment. Econd the Second Amendment needs to be reflect todays times. As a volunteer, please dont ask guns. Eachers to carry think this through, teachers, how do they keep a gun, if they ready so that they are ready to handle a shooter that in, cant students get that gun . If they have it locked up kthey a timely manner . Im so tired of this debate all about what can we do further to show that guns are than people. T it is about people. Its about love. Im sor theis emotional for me, me being in school, our expected to be social workers, caregivers, nurturers, let them teach dochlt what is necessary to stop the problem. Is kind of crass, i will say it, we dont fight rape by wearing a chaftity belt, thank you. Host brenda in washington. Terms of debate over who should and should not be allowed in schools. Eapon vicki hartsman, republican from tweeted about this yesterday. Ashlyn glad to hear that School District in missouri, here she is from, placing additional mreem in school for safety. Protecting ers childrens act would also allow law ed and offduty enforcement officers to protect students at school. Hartszler talks about that offduty and retired be in officers to schools. She says she got the idea for he bill from one of her constituents, 30year veteran Police Officer who brought the despite her attention, decades of work protecting his community and requalification firearm, once he clocked out of work, hes prohibited he using his training when isits his grandchildren at school. They cant as soon as they get off duty, she writes. Consulted with groups such fraternal order of police in drafting her legislation. Again, the legislation is thefr drafting her protecting children act, Police Officers protecting children ct, if you want to read more about it. Leslie, santa rosa, california, student. Good morning. Caller hi, good morning, can you hear me . Host yep. Hey, yeah. I think some people who are is about love and really the lack of love and voice that our students have nowadays. Children who ny are diagnosed with depression nd anxiety after they get done with high school, if theyre. Inished with high school 50 years ago, you know, guns available, s readily more readily available. Machine gun could be purchased, kinds didnt have these of shootings, but our students, children, are distressed and so much weight is put on them day in and lied to day out by maybe, there are there really are, but we have access to firearms for a good reason and it is unfortunate that the politicians ill take this and try and turn this into their own wellsuited agenda. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, it has a with hunting, o really it is about protection government thats overriding its own boundaries its own g to defeat citizenry. You know, i dont think adults really feel represented and so it is a act, it is a sick, desperate act and it is a of collective Mental Illness in the United States. Host got your point. About 9 20 on the east coast, about 10 minutes left in this having, ion that were your message to President Trump n this issue of School Shootings and about 5 or 10 minutes well be taking you to Oklahoma City, oklahoma for stop number 20 of cspans 50 capitals tour, keep calling in you a live shot of he cspan bus outside of the state capital. Governor mary fallin will join five the bus coming up in or 10 minutes. The et out just now from tweeting about the news this morning that billy graham, the famed evangelical pastor has died at age 99. Saying the great billy graham is dead, there is obody like him, he will be missed, by christians and all religions, a very special man. Died at his home wednesday morning from natural family according to spokesperson, talking to abc news. Years old. As 99 north n salisbury, carolina, a parent. The u were in one of meetings the president is having today, what would you say . Caller good morning. Would you sign a deal to allow people with illness to be able to purchase a gun. I would also say, why did that ar15 . Choice is the y understanding that even when las vegas shooting, the man had thember of guns with him in room, but the weapon of choice that he decided to use was an ar15. A lot of shooting and killing, young kids, was killed by ar15. I dont understand why it is a problem concerning the ar15. Know we have the rights to particular hat weapon, if you look at it, used to massacre people, a number of people, no matter what color, race or anything you may affiliated with. You have no discrimination. Should be banned in the United States, that weapon melted down and make crosses and give to people a weapon that i believe the United States definitely can do without. I have two daughters, they made it through school, made it it ugh high school and made through college, thank god, but understand infatuation a person would want particular weapon and call it i want to go hunting, and you mention the las vegas shooting, the shooter in that rifles withping his th ocks, theac aeszry is used to y that turn automatic gun intoes semiautomatic weapon. Ban bump ent moved to stocks, saying he directed Justice Department to finalize that would ban such items. The president speaking about that from the white house yesterday. If you missed the president s comments yesterday, you can go their d watch them in entirety at cspan. Org. Donald is in paris, illinois, on the line for all others. Donald, good morning. Good morning. Hello. Host go ahead. Caller yeah. Make a suggestion about detector for metal necessary school, seeing how the nra and gun lobbyists and people that are, you know, inad ertantly to blame for shootings, i would say put 10 tariff on each gun sale and then donate that money to the detector f like metal necessary school, but not raise price of guns and not hit the price, make it come out of the people that make maybe use the same stance on drug centers, you know, throughout the country. You know, put a levee on each rescription and also pay for drug centers throughout the country. Is my suggestion for like, you know, part of the this gun e care of problem. Host elk grove village, is a parent. Rence good morning. Caller good morning. Trump would age to be i guess listen to a lot of calling and all the to ins mostly about how prevent things from happening, i understand people are concerned often forgethat we is the tailend of our judicial ystem, the same way the bible is broken down into law, judgments, meaning if you do certain good things, good judgments, if you dont laws, these will be bad judgments. Our judicial system is based on principles, we have laws, statutes, ordinance and judgments, we dont talk about judgments, the bible says when people commit premeditated like de, rape, things that, those people need to be removed from the community, from the community nd needs to see these people may have been executed and these to happen. Cease we need to have laws in this country for people who use these weapons, these automatic weapons that, you know what, were going speedup the process, okay, to remove you from society. Host news out of Supreme Court yesterday, Supreme Court denied 10day challenge for waiting period for gun purchases. Which Justice Clarence thomas fiercely riticized as surrender of core constitutional protection come as congress and states take a restrictionsg more in the wake of that shooting in florida. Before that ler caller just now mentioned the a , the gun lobby, here is twopage spread in todays new the members showing of congress who take money from the nra, sponsored by moms action for gun sense in america and every town for gun gun y, two of the larger control groups in this country, list every member of congress and how much money they have given by the nra, and also the phone number of that member say figure they wont act, it is up to us to elect leaders who will. That twopage spread coming in the middle of the a section of the New York Times today. Connie is in brooklyn, wisconsin, line for all others, ahead. Go caller hi. I enjoy your program very much, things from it. Fortunately i have cable t. V. , gives me cnn, and msnbc, ones, and also the fact that spam, your program, good information, as far go, im about s 75 years old and i think ive and ihead on my shoulders think ive got common sense. Was aa motherinlaw that dame county sheriff, a fatherinlaw that was a lawyer father, im firstborn sicily, but in my job working with student loans, we had to point where create a lockin, what we did is most kids, most school kids have hese cards they swipe to get lunch, theyre plastic. They have their picture on it. Had at exactly what we our job. We had a picture, our name and ould swipe a Little Black Box outside the door and then it is could enterr and we the building and if the person not swipe their card, you had to stop them enter. They could they had to swipe their card, it computer system. Host connie, more physical ecurity at the schools themselves . Caller oh, definitely. Because i experienced this had no qualms about our it was very to protect us from an angry student loan person. Were not concerned would be that angry, but then these school all shootings. Host to karen in lakeview, parent. A karen, go ahead. Caller i just want to say im hillary didnt win, had she won, we would have saw some control. Gun i just want to know where is the comments about the f. B. I. And failing toll followup on the leads they got. F. B. I. If the same agents who use the dossier to if on the Trump Campaign, they dont want gun control and allowing things to happen because we see this all the time, they get these leads, they only 2 llowup on them, or 3 of the mentally ill commit Democrats Use the the same scenario when they want to keep illegals here, they say illegals 3 of the commit crimes therefore all of them stay. Hey dont use the same premise when it comes to guns and we are people are lot of talking approximate, you shouldnt have this gun, ar15, for hunting. Well, our Founding Fathers didnt give us rights to own because of hunting, it was to keep the government from people and the taking away our rights. Karen, you mention the red flags that were raised about the shooter. Ere is editorial cartoon, the editorial page of the u. S. A. Red flags in h of a trash can labeled f. B. I. , with shooter and he various red flags that were raised, including social media a phone tip, youtube postings and guns, as well. William, minneapolis, minnesota, enforcement, go ahead, sir. Caller thanks, very much. 13 year necessary juvenile Justice System and i do have a kid in high school and i im terrified. I look at the pressure shes under everyday, im scared for her. I wish i wouldnt have had a kid during this time. Callers, ning to your all talking about love and the said, something detectors. L listen, people, its the guns. Hy you think they got security and deputies stripping people down before they go into court tsa why you think they got agents searching people before they go on planes . Shootings ine mass courtrooms and on planes and places like that, its the guns, okay. Dont need an ar15, that is an assault weapon. Back in those days, they were about muskets, give them muskets if they want a gun, you ar15, that is an Assault Rifle, to go hunting or anything else. Of view. Y point i have a kid in high school, if someone was helping me kid, i could go on living, i cant imagine the heartache these parents are suffering through right now. I dont understand how america be so insensitive, more guns, more guns. Host you mentioned your child school, as member of law anyrcement, do you give her advice about what to do in a situation like this, what do you tell her . What kind of advice can i give her . There is no advice. Hey, you pray. I hope you make it home today, you know. Can you do . That is no advice, what kind of you give a child to go to school and learn and try to get through high school, what advice . Duck, wear a pulletproof dress, dont know what kind of advice you can give her. Host tony, student in new york city. Tony, go ahead. Caller yes, good morning, cspan. Question is for the president , donald trump. Spending for ut Mental Health students in order it toward this wall . Mental Health Students need to afford the medication because this way they will not go against the shootings. Host and tony, tell me a little you and your school in new york. Caller my school here in new ork city, were we have ecurity at all ends, we have metal y as far as detectors in my college and we problem. Ve this host you feel safe, tony, going to school . Especially i do, with the metal detectors and the we have on duty at school and at the college in itself. Thanks for the call. Tony. Robert is in alabama, a parent, morning. Caller good morning. Yeah. Police officer has ar, telling else they cant, real good. No, gun control is causing mass baseball game, congressional baseball game proved, as soon as he pulled his trigger, you the start shooting back at him and murderer. Ss attempted dont farm teachers, stop disarming them. To nt want to handguns out people who dont know how to use them. Stocks, as he bump was just proven cuts kill ratio makes gun 0 to 10 , safer as far as liberals are concerned. Any otherrt, is there thing that would make a gun safer that you would support . Caller there is nothing dangerous about a gun. Nly thing dangerous about a gun, when one person has it and hes not crazy, hes not people with a twinkie, picked seamy effective weapon killed what y and he shouldnt have, that is not crazy, i dont know why they keep saying it is. Robert in alabama, our last caller in this segment of washington journal. Is stop number 20 at cspans tour across the u. S. States, well be taking you to Oklahoma City, oklahoma wrshgs join or mary fallin will us on the bus for the remainder of todays show. Well be right back. Duke Divinity School and bowler talks about her book everything happens for discussing being colon ed with stage 4 cancer at age 35. I felt the love of other people, all the intense prayers, my whole community got together chapel and just prayed like marathon runners to me, anding off throughout my whole surgery. Part of it was reflecting back o life and also a sense of like, my hope is as you are preparing to die, like i was preparations that someone or something there and i that way. Q a sunday night, 8 eastern on cspan. Washington journal continues. Today the cspan bus is in stop 20 on 50 capitals tour, Oklahoma City, opulation 1. 3 million out of state population of 4 million and the state Capital Building actually has a working oil well on its grounds. He city holds a few firsts, including the First Parking meters and one other first is ary fallin, she is the first woman governor of the state and she joins us now on the bus to facing ut some issues her sooner state and to take your calls. Fallin, before we talk about some state issues, from our perspective, out there in oklahoma, how are the congress and President Trump doing . Governor fallin wed like to see congress do more things, things, not have so much bickering and fighting and have a more bipartisan congress. Used to be a of congress from left there to d come back to be governor of oklahoma. I think general frustration with congress. Oklahoma did vote for President Trump and has been a pretty supporter of conservative values in the state. President pports trump, for the most part. Host it is budget season in twa ma, budget of about billion for the state. This was a recent headline, fallin, on npr, tax cuts put oklahoma in a bind, now fallin wants to raise taxes, is that accurate . Governor fallin weve been through five years of budget shortfalls because of the decline in the Energy Sector. Revenue failures over the past of years and we still will have a small shortfall that 167 million. Last year, 880 million, the 1. 2 billion. Heir its been a tough go with our surely slowly, but turning around, the Energy Sector is coming back, price of coming up and weve been able to diversify the economy and create jobs and unemployment and rate 4 , and as i said, seeing now and weur economy have a lot of room to make up for over the last several years. Have proposed this past year, raise cigarette talking tually been about three or four years now to be able to improve health of oklahoma, reduce smoking rates and we have improved smoking ates, one of the highest smoking rates faced in the nation, about 26 , now down to about 19. So that was an issue that we hope would improve the health by had to cigarette tax, we t gasoline and dicel diesel taxes in 30 years, lowest of the ax in the region United States and surrounding states, we have proposed raising cents, a lot of states did over the last many years, states raise the gasoline taxes recently. Then of course a lot of debate gross production gases in our state. Back in 2009, we went through recession, the state of oklahoma had lowered tax at various times, been many different levels, but earlier had been 7 , we lowered it down to 1 to raised e drilling, couple years ago up to 2 and now talking about raising gross to 4 , some wanted 5 , but we have Energy Sector that is recovering right now. To make sure we dont kill jobs, kill investment, but reasonable rate that is taxpayers think the energy to or should pay to be able support schools and our government services. That is debate weve had this year, how do we stop chronic budget crisis, chronic budget shortfall . Weve cut state agencies, probably all of us had some type over the last seven years ive been in office. Ut on the average, state agencies have been cut around 25 because the last five years shortfall. A budget we made cuts, create efficiencies, weve taken, we agencies that were appropriated by the legislator, took it down to about 65. So we have unappropriated have to but we still solve the budget crisis and pay for teacher pay raises, central corrections, public safety, healthcare, those the of things important to state. Host numbers are on the screen, if you live in oklahoma, and to talk to your governor, others 8000, all 2027488001. Governor fallin, one of the to schoolstfalls led being closed three days a week. Status . The governor fallin well, actually weve had some school necessary areas that have gone to fourday school weeks instead of fiveday school weeks. Small percentage, about 20 of schools, which i dont particularly support and dont but our little schools that had trouble finding like it teachers felt could attract more teachers, fourday school weeks, same hours and course work, not as days, they felt recruiting tool for them. The problem is, even though the be teaching four days a week, they still are open teachers to day for be able to come in and prepare and parents ooshg didnt have a place to bring children, they bring their to school on the fifth day, friday, we were still occurring expenses. Get everybody to go back to fiveday school weeks, up to local school board to do that, we think from an image standpoint, it is operatet for schools to five days a week, have quality and ers in the classroom during this legislative session, e had a vigorous debate about giving School Teachers a 5000 pay raise and Coalition Group of sector Business People from across the state, democrat, republicans from urban schools rural schools to big towns, little towns, big business, mall business, industry came together to help us find way to end our budget crisis and to be teachers a our 5000 pay raise and make sure we are funding core, essential services, that unfortunately did not pass this year. Vote on it a week ago, it fell by margin of votes so. T 13 votes or so now were making adjustments budget, got to make cuts for this past fiscal year we still have budget gap on. But anyway, were still working on schools, trying to get raise, fund appropriate level have fiveday school week. Host your last year as governor, are you going to be this done . Governor fallin were fighting hard, a lot of governors in the kind of , usually quisxet preparing to transition out, weve had a vigorous year. Actually in what is called concurrent special session last year after we budget in may, the upreme court kicked out 214 revenue sources, we come back in theirst special session, at end of september, around the month of october or november, the special session, legislature was not able to come to an agreement and i vetoed the budget n of agreement and five sections in core health and Human Services, i brought them back to a special second session december, a week before christmas, we were still in that Second Special session during now regular season that we just started trying to address ur bucket needs in our state and as i said, give teachers pay raise. My last year has been very busy, not letting up, the other issues in my last year criminal reform, been very important to our state, weve been passing legislative on crime,o be smarter to deal with people who have addition abuse and issues and even Mental Health issues trying to find core people keep elp them out of prison or they have an addiction issue to get them need fochlt cussing on education, workforce, e have a great new program on apprenticeship to dual track or high school seniors, to not only have High School Graduation courses, hopefully go to career ech or college and get apprenticeship with a business, learn some work skills, so we going on, of things some government reform were trying to do to consolidate said agency, reduce spending, trying to find way forward to end shortfall we had as Energy Sector continues to recover. Throughout our state capitals tour with the cspan bus, weve heard from every and every state official about the cost of the pioid crisis in the u. S. , what are some of the costs to oklahoma . We know we have debt in our state. With the correction system, one of the highest rates of incarceration in the nation, the toughest laws on the books in the nation. In fact, number one in the not something i like to brag about, in incarcerating omen and overall member one in incarcerating men and women. A lot of incarcerations are because people have addiction issues, they get busted for selling drugs or maybe had drugs or they commit a crime because they are high on something or certainly reasons, Mental Health or flatout criminals, our ne thing we found with Opioid Crisis is that if we can et more Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment for individuals, hopefully can prisonthem from going to in the first place, get them the help they need, because once to correctional facility, if you have children, your children go into department custody, they es end up in foster care or maybe if parent is on drug, you have child abuse or may be live may not be rty, employed, they cant keep a job ecause of Substance Abuse issues, certainly raised on amilies, and just has a circle effect on a society. If we can keep people from being drugs and get them help once they are, keep them out of prison, keep families them be ther, help parents that can take care of children, that go in state be a y and help them taxpayer and make a living, that oklahoma e a stronger and of course rethink a stronger nation. Calls, glen in e greenville, texas, you are on the air. You . Er how are host please go ahead, sir. Caller yes, governor mary, im todering why everybody wants cigarettes, on gas, why dont people raise taxes on liquor, beer, all these mexicans drink out of mexico all beer, they will spend their money, get money, why raise gas, that just hurts middle class. Host that is glen in texas. Go ahead. Governor fallin hi, glen. I appreciate that question. Adjustments in tax last couple years, gasoline i said, we have the lowest in the region, including exas, missouri, kansas, louisiana, arkansas, all the surrounding states around us, we below what certainly the National Average is, but below the regional average. You want good roads and good bridges, texas and oklahoma have and other highways that come through corridor between have ate, if you want to good roads and bridges and texas has good roads and bridges, we those things in our state. E have small adjustment we are proposing on gasoline tax that did not pass in our state. That is something we think we invest in, infrastructure to keep people afe on our roads, in state of oklahoma, we were ranked in top five and having deficient over the seven years ive been governor, we have put ore money into transportation and now going to finish, in fact bridges that of were structurally deficient and hope to leave by time i leave year, the number started out 706 bridges will be own to zero that are structurally deficient. You have to pay for those types to use s if were going them, that is oklahomas ecision, to invest in infrastructure. Host helen calling from yukon, oklahoma. Hi, helen. Caller hi. Governor fallin hi, helen. Caller hi. Concerned ve been about for so, so, so many years, corporations and we dont ask anything back from us through the hard times, instead we ask, you know, our state to accept the cuts to mental cuts for o accept the babies and children, to accept that ts for the teachers have passed over all these years dont in the good times we get help from people and use hat money wisely because we know there is always going to be times, we always go to the people that need the most help and say, we need to cut your services. Helen. Hat is governor fallin yes, i couldnt hear part of that, i think the have cuts why do we of essential services, Core Services at the state of said, weve as i been through five years of revenue shortfalls, two revenue years ago that were tough with Energy Sector downturn and the Energy Sector downturn it affects all other energies, whether it is sales,rants, hotels, auto income tax, corporate tax, all those types of things. Adjustments o make in our state budget and cutting some services, the things ive protect has been department of Human Services, takes care of our children that or abandoned, put more money toward the department of Human Services. Added thousand new foster homes per year, goal i said we add a thousand homes every single year, we have over 8000 foster homes in the whole system, we have more than that, in the whole system since ive been governor and Mental Health and Human Services in mental added new money since ive been governor, increased that budget, there in the back years as weve had revenue short falls education, weurse tried to hold harmless over the last couple years, with revenue shortfalls weve had, that is has been challengeing and weve ried over the years to protect corrections, health, Human Services, Mental Health, those that are dicaid, essential to people who are lower income, people who are may be people who abused in our state, that is why ver the past year we had this coalition, private sector Business People who organize a some of our use taxes per se, gasoline, cigarette tax and gross tax, with the Energy Companies to try to close that be able to fund Core Services to give teacher pay raise, make sure we can fund corrections, department of Human Services, Mental Health, ealthcare, the kinds of things you were mentioning. Ost randall, you are on with governor fallin. Caller good fallin, we havent had randall. Fallin hi, caller hello. State employees havent had a teacher, i ncluding believe in 12 years, i think 2006. You think that is going to be legacy . What do you think your legacy is now . G to be governor fallin randall, thank you for that question. I as a state employee when first got out of college and both my parents worked for the state. A social worker and my dad worked for employment commission, state employees are important to our state. Couple years ago, i think back early in my term, we actually study of pay of the state employees. E found that we had some areas we had some of the lowest paid, especially in corrections and patrol and did give quarter of state employees a pay raise during that time period. Stepup plan i was talking about, to help balance close the budget gap and end chronic budget crisis weve been in over the last years, that stepup plan would have gone to help provide for our state, the areas i just discussed, which to being would lead able to give teachers a pay raise. Teachers had a pay raise had during lan we the special session, we talk about during this past couple of weeks being able to give the state employees pay raise and of raise, but ers pay unfortunately, the house, the senate, actually the republicans democrats, the senate didnt have a chance to vote, the republicans or democrats an agreement on that and unfortunately, the would plan failed f. It have passed, we had great opportunity to have revenue we employees, state which i agree, there are state employees that need raises, costs that althcare increased, all of us felt that, oo, as premiums increase, more money taken out of our check paycheck, so those are some hoping to address, but we are still in session, got hopefully willy, find agreement on things to address core issues ive been about. Host the Oklahoma State budget billion, 40 wo goes to education, 34 of that udget comes from the federal government. Governor fallin, i want to switch gears a little bit, here a headline after florida hooting, Oklahoma School armed staff keeps school safe. Im sure you have heard about this, in the o. K. Public school in wagner, oklahoma, sign out be aware Certain Armed staff k school safe. Im sure you teachers at o. K. Public schools be legally armd and may use whatever force is necessary to students. R on that . Our take governor fallin i havent seen that article, but certainly weve all been just horrified at in florida anded other schools around the nation with School Shootings. And parents have to be able to take their children to school, go to school and feel safe at school. Happened this past week in florida, was just a horrible tragedy, should never happen. No child should ever go to child being afraid, no should ever drop their child off not knowing if they will ever see them again because some an issue. Of course, i really think, this is what i think is important for we have a lively discussion about Mental Health. Can we do to help people, shot s the young man that the students and teachers in florida, to get help they need is so far in Mental Health condition they are parents, sayrol, as how can we help that family get the help they need to be able to keep people safe. So, im hoping we can continue o have a vivid discussion and an active discussion about how we can improve the Mental Health f our citizens and that is something certainly that came out loud and clear after the florida shooting. Ost what do you think about Arming School officials . Permit, that oklahomans have supported. From robert inr greenville, north carolina. Good morning. Caller good morning. Governor, my biggest problem in the white house, the white house is our biggest enemy. How you feel about what is going on in the white house . I dont know what youre talking about, the biggest enemy, i have Great Respect for anyone who holds the president ial office. There is always a lot of bickering that goes on to, a lot of things on social media between parties, real news or fake news, as we have to sort through as americans and individuals. If there is ever any question such as the russian issue we have been talking about, there is an appropriate channel for that to be looked into and that is what is happening in our nation. It has to be factual, truth. Getting to the truth is something americans want to see. Host what is next for you after this year am a governor . , governor . Gov. Fallin im not sure yet. I have 10 more months in office. I will be very active in oklahoma, continue to be engaged in our state. I hope to be able to help more on Economic Development projects. Ive had a great time being able to create new jobs and investment in our state. Our investment has doubled in the past year. Number of investments, new jobs, new opportunities coming to our state has been very vigorous. International trade has doubled over the last couple years. People who are moving International Companies to our state, importing, exporting, exciting, i hope i can continue to work on as a former governor of the state of oklahoma, consult on various interests. Active on the criminal justice issues, educational issues that have been important to me. Im open to see what the future holds. We have six children between myself and my husband. We will certainly enjoy our time with our children and hopefully take a vacation with my husband. See what the future holds. Host randall who called in earlier from Oklahoma City asking you what you thought your legacy would be what u. S. Would gone better that you had done what do you wish would have gone better that you have done . Gov. Fallin i know i will leave the state in a better position than when it was when i came into office. Had under 7 n, we unemployment, we are now 4 unemployment. 2. 03 in our state account, when i finished we will have 370 million in our savings account. The savings rainy day account up to over 550 million. We will more savings, lower Unemployment Rate, population has grown, as you started talking about at the beginning of your segment. More people moving to oklahoma, diversified our economy. Era spaces the second largest industry in our state, we diversified, new businesses, that will be my legacy. Education has been important to me. Moreve worked on getting degree completion, more college certificates, Associates Degree or four year degree or vocational certificates, to establish partnership programs. Pension systems, liability cut by one half. It is down to 8 billion, financially we are in a better position as a state. We focused on criminal justice reform, smarter on crime and Mental Health. We fixed ourd, infrastructure. Hopefully those will be legacy issues that i will carry forth. What i wish could have happened differently . Would when i came into office we had 7 Unemployment Rate. Two dollars in our savings account. By 2014, job Unemployment Rate to 3 , hovered around that percentage. Able to get the rainy day account, 550 million in three years. The Energy Sector took a downturn in 2014, which led through a prolonged budget crisis we have experienced. As well as revenue failures. We have grown the economy, close that gap. At one point in time, we had a budget shortfall of 1. 2 billion. Last year it was 800 million plus, shortfall for the coming year. Slowly but surely, we have been able to cut expenses, eliminate waste, create more efficiency, balance the budget every year, and also, be able to close the gap. What i wished that happened if only, i wish we would not have had a Energy Downturn that lasted so long but it did. We powered through. I know we will be in a better place when i leave office, having a lower Unemployment Rate, a lot more money in savings and a better educated workforce in our state. , first womanllin governor of oklahoma, in her eighth year of government as governor. 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