People. But they are here illegally. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Now live to the floor of the house. Expected to vote shortly on the senates shortterm government funding bill. Pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2h of rule 2 of the rules of the u. S. Of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on january 22, 2018, at 5 06 p. M. That the senate agreed to the amendment of the house of representatives to the senate wan amendment. H. R. 195. That the senate agreed to Senate Concurrent Resolution 33. Signed sincerely, karen l. Haas. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Sessions mr. Speaker, i ask that it be in order at any time to take from the speakers table h. R. 195 to the Senate Amendment to the house amendment to the Senate Amendment thereto, and to consider in approximate the house without intervention of any point of order a motion offered by the majority leader or his designee that the house concur in the Senate Amendment to the house amendment to the Senate Amendment. That the Senate Amendment and the motion be considered as read. That the motion be debatable for 10 minutes equally divided and controlled by the majority leader and the minority leader or their respective designees. And that the previous question be considered as ordered on the motion to its adoption without intervening motion. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, pursuant to the order of the house of today, i call up the bill h. R. 195 with the house amendment to the Senate Amendment to the house amendment thereto and i have a motion at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill, designate the Senate Amendment to the house amendment to the Senate Amendment and designate the motion. The clerk h. R. 195, an act to amend title 44 United States code to restrict the distribution of free printed copies of the federal register to members of congress and other officers and employees of the United States and for other purposes, Senate Amendment. Motion offered by mr. Mccarthy of california. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house today, the motion shall be debatable for 10 minutes equally divided and controlled by the majority leader and minority leader or their respective designees. The gentleman from california, mr. Mccarthy, and the gentleman from maryland, mr. Hoyer, each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california. Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, i yield myself four minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, for three days the nation has watched as tens of thousands of federal employees were forced to stay home. As our men and women in uniform went without pay, as Opioid Treatment Centers got cut off, and as parents faced the harrowing prospect that their children would lose their health insurance. The American People never wanted this to happen. Republicans in the congress did not want this to happen and we did everything in our power to make sure this didnt happen. The house passed a clean bill, a bipartisan majority in the senate voted to pass that clean bill, but Senate Democrats shut it down. We were told it was about immigration, but republicans always said that we would sit at the table. We already were at the table every single day before this shutdown. Negotiating in good faith. Despite this Political Drama mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. I am having trouble hearing the gentleman. The speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. Members will remove themselves from the aisles and remove their conversations from the house. The house will come to order. Members will remove their conversations from the house nd clear the aisles. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Mccarthy we were told this was about immigration, but republicans already said we would sit at the table. We already were at the table every single day before this shutdown, negotiating in good faith. Now, despite this Political Drama, i remain eager to get back to the table and put this all behind us. So i must ask, what was gained here at the expense of the American People . What was gained at the expense of our nations reputation as a great and deliberative republic . Every policy in the house original bill, the Senate Passed today. Every single policy is the same. If the senate had passed this same bill on friday, all this disgraceful political theater would have never happened. Now as it always should have been, our government will open. Our troops will be paid, and our children will have health insurance. But thats not enough. We cannot continue to repeat the same mistakes again. Now, as my father used to tell me, its not your mistakes that define you, its what you learn from them. So lets commit to each other and to the American Public that we will not continue to fund our government through these shortterm c. R. s. Lets commit that we will pass through both houses every appropriation bill with full funding for our troops, full funding for our defense, and full funding for every service our government owes to its people. We all know this shutdown was an embarrassment. It didnt need to happen. It should have never happened, and it will not happen again. That, mr. Speaker, is the government the people want, the government the people need, and the government the American People deserve. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, i yield myself three minutes and 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes and 30 seconds. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, as i said this morning, the reason why the government shut down is because the republican majority has failed to fund the government. They have the majority of the house, the majority of the senate, and the presidency of the United States. And with all due respect to my friend, the majority leader, five previous shutdowns were purposefully perpetrated by my republican friends, the last for 16 days. The continuing resolution on the floor today reflects that failure. It does not nine months after we should have been done establish the level of spending for this fiscal year. Nine months late. As a result, another continuing resolution may be inevitable, and in this resolution we will extend the harmful effects of another c. R. To both defense and nondefense agencies for another 17 days. That means the congress will be more than four whole months into the fiscal year without a budget agreement. This is dangerous, mr. Speaker, both to our military and to our civilian agencies, each of which require budget certainty. Before february 8, republicans must work with democrats to resolve the issues at hand. This means working together to lift the budget caps in accordance with the principle of parity which speaker ryan agreed to over the past four years and should continue till today and in the future. It also means working in a bipartisan, bicameral way to address the status of dreamers. Now that President Trump created a crisis with his ending of the daca program. Congress should act responseably to allow these young people responsibly to allow these young people to say as more than 80 of americans believe should be done. And, mr. Speaker, it requires reauthorizing Community Health centers and other Critical Health programs, essential to complement the passage of the chip reauthorization, which is included in this c. R. We also, my colleagues, have a responsibility to help those impacted by the devastating hurricanes in texas, florida, puerto rico, and the u. S. Virgin islands. Those affected by the wilderness fires in california. And communities struggling to combat opioid abuse. Congress must not waste the next 17 days as it has the last 114. I will be voting no, mr. Speaker, on this continuing resolution, not because i dont want to see it pass, but because it does not guarantee that the congress will address the issues that have been referenced. I pray that neither i nor the congress will be in this same position come february 8. I hope we will address in a positive manner the issues before us and i am now pleased, mr. Speaker, to yield one minute to the minority leader. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Pelosi thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding, and associate myself fully with his remarks. Thank you, mr. Hoyer, for your great leadership. Mr. Speaker, i rise in opposition to the republicans latest stopgap funding bill. I take great pride in House Democrats overwhelmingly supporting the first continuing resolution in september to give the majority a chance to get the job done. But after months of republicans excuses and extensions, i refuse to be an enabler to the republicans failures any longer. This past week once again exposed the utter incompetence of the republicancontrolled government. Here we are ending the trump shutdown with republicans fourth stopgap shortterm bill, the fourth republicans have failed to get their act together, the fourth time to fund the government for a full year. In august, defense secretary an is asked what would be effect with another shortterm stopgap mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The gentlewoman will withhold. The house shall come together. Remove your conversation from the house and remove keep the aisles open. The gentlewoman will resume. Ms. Pelosi thank you, mr. Speaker. In august, defense secretary mattis was asked what would be the effect of another stopgap shortterm spending bill on the military. You all know he replied, it just creates unpredictability, he said. It makes us rigid. We cannot deal with new and revealing threats. We know our enemies are not standing still, so its as unwise as it can be. Ill submit other statements to the record from the navy secretary, etc. Now the trump shutdown will end but the republicans wasteful incompetence will continue. There is a dark cloud over the capitol, mr. Speaker. The g. O. P. Tax scam which added nearly 2 trillion to the national debt. Republicans have made their choice. Tax breaks for corporations and the wealthiest are more important than certainty for our military. Republicans control the house, senate, the white house. We could have brought up a longterm bill long before now. We have placed our suggestions on the table as to what would be on the domestic side of that. Resources for Opioid Epidemic that kills 94 people every day in our country. Funding for veterans infrastructure and services. Saving millions of americans pensions in crisis today. For funding Community Health centers and lifesaving research at the n. I. H. , childcare for hardworking parents, protecting patriotic young dreamers. And as our distinguished whip said earlier, making sure we have the resources for those affected by hurricanes, for fires, and especially our folks in puerto rico and the virgin islands. Im going to submit some of that for the record. Because of the republicans majoritys weakness, we still dont have a longterm spending bill to that funds the military and the domestic investments that keep our america strong. We take an oath of office to protect and defend. Now we have to fund that. We have not delivered strong Disaster Recovery funding for puerto rico, the virgin islands, and other victims of hurricanes. Congressional democrats continue to propose bipartisan solutions, but republicans refuse to take yes for an answer. We have not yet protected our courageous young dreamers. Not only should we protect them, we should embrace them. Value them. We should be grateful for the inspiration they are to america. This is about meeting the needs of the American People. It is also about honoring the values that have made our nation a beacon to the world. Today we end the trump shutdown, but it does not diminish our leverage or our determination on the democratic side to meet the needs of the American People. Democrats are united in our determination to get the job done. We are unified for a better deal, better jobs, better pay, and a better future. I urge a no vote and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from maryland is recognized. Has 30 seconds remaining. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, and my colleagues. E have 10 1 2 days left before we have another crisis in funding our government. Let us try to use these days, those are legislative days, we have more calendar days, let us try to use every one of those days to Reach Agreement on funding the government. So we dont have another c. R. Which all of us believe is bad fiscal policy and substantive policy. I urge us to come together so that we can avoid another crisis like this. Address the issues that we know need to be addressed. And i thank the speaker for the time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the speaker of the house, paul ryan. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. The speaker thank you. I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks and address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. The speaker i thank the gentleman for yielding. My colleagues, i want to say a few words about the last couple of days. I know theres great relief that this episode is coming to an end. This shutdown did not need to happen. However brief, it inflicted needless costs on the country. There are no winners here today. I want to make that clear. No winners except perhaps the millions of families who depend on the Childrens HealthInsurance Program. Soon the longest reauthorization in the programs history is about to become law. But this is not a moment to pat ourselves on the back. Not even close. We very much need to heed the lessons what have just happened here. We need to move forward in good faith. Yes. On daca and immigration. Yes, on funding our military so that it gets the resources that our military so badly needs. Lets address these urgent challenges. Finally, i think all of us want to join in thanking the men and women who served in our farmed armed forces and serve in our government, around the ountry and around the globe. You see, they and their families are the ones who kind of get caught up in things like. This for them, these arent political debates. Their livelihoods, the countrys safety and security depend on responsible governing. That is why i sincerely hope that we never find ourselves in this position again. And i thank all of our members for their patience this week. I yield. The speaker pro tempore all time for debate has expired. Pursuant to the order of the house of today, the previous question is ordered. The question is on the motion by the gentleman from california, mr. Mccarthy. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, on that i ask for a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. All those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. A sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 266 and the nays are 150. The motion is adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to take from the speakers table senate concurrent 33 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the concurrent resolution. The clerk Senate Concurrent Resolution 33, providing for a direction in the enrollment of h. R. 195. The speaker pro tempore is there objection to the consideration of the concurrent resolution . Without objection, the concurrent resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider s laid on the table. The chair lays before the house a communication. The clerk the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, pursuant to my election as Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee i write to inform you i am resigning from the house transportation and infrastruck sure committee in compliance with the rules of the democratic caucus. Signed, sincerely, jerrold nadler, member of congress. The speaker pro tempore without objection the resignation is accepted. The house will come to order. Members will clear the aisles and remove their conversations from the house. He house will come to order. For what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Hoyer i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Hoyer i thank the speaker. I yield to my friend, mr. Mccarthy, the majority leader. Mr. Mccarthy i thank the gentleman for yielding. I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Mccarthy on monday, the house will neat at noon for morning hour and 2 00 p. M. For legislative business. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. Members will remove their considerations from the house and clear the aisles. He house will come to order. The gentleman will resume. Mr. Mccarthy on monday the house will meet at noon for morning hour and 2 00 p. M. For legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6 30 p. M. On tuesday the house will meet at noon for morning hour and 2 00 p. M. For legislative business. Later e will recess no at 5 30 p. M. And return session ofor a joint congress. Votes are no longer expected on wednesday. The house will once again take up legislation to fund the department of defense for its fiscal year this bill will be fully consistent with the National Defense authorization act. Mr. Hoyer i still cant fully hear the majority leader. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is correct. Members will remove their conversations from the house and clear the aisles. Members will clear the aisles. Members will remove their conversations from the house. Members will clear the aisles and remove their conversations from the house. The gentleman will resume. Mr. Mccarthy this bill will be fully consistent with the National Defense authorization act which passed the house and Senate Last Year on a bipartisan basis and was signed into law by President Trump. Mr. Speaker, this house has shown we stand ready to rebuild americas military and give our men and women in uniform the resources they need. I will now encourage our Senate Colleagues to do the same. With that, i thank my friend and yield back. Mr. Hoyer i thank the gentleman for that information. Today, both chambers have passed the c. R. That takes us to february 8. That leaves 17 calendar days, i was going to say, 6 1 2 legislative days but the gentleman has given up probably a half day as i understand it which is wednesday of the retreat, so essentially, mr. Speaker, we have six days between now and february 8 in which we will be in session. That makes it incumbent upon us that we come together, cooperate with one another, compromise, and send legislation from here to the house, excuse me, to the senate, that the senate can agree to. I want i didnt know the gentleman was going to mention that, but i want to see the Defense Department fully funded, but i also want to see fully funded the departments that take care of the health of our people and the education of our children. And domestic Law Enforcement and the relations between ourselves and the rest of the world and the state department, and so many other agencies of government that are in the nondefense part of the budget. So i would tell my friend, i would hope we would come to agreement very, very shortly on the overall spending levels so we can pass both defense and nondefense priority issues. And i would say to my friend, all were asking for in that context, as the gentleman knows, is what we have done over the last four years as result of agreements between speaker ryan and senator murray. I would hope we could proceed on that. Secondly, and there is so much to bring up, but second thing i want to mention is, clearly, one of the issues that we have been how ncerned about has been we are going to treat the dreamers in our country. As the gentleman knows, its my view based upon polls that i have read, 85 of americans agree we ought not to send those young people, for the most part, out of the country away from their home to places they did do not know, particularly when they are making such a positive contribution to our country. Now wlile i said there was five 1 2 days left between now and the 8th, there are 9 1 2 days in which to deal with the issue of the dreamers. The gentleman and i and senator cornyn and senator durbin have been working. I look forward to working on that and i hope we work on it every day, every calendar we are available. We arent in session, but i hope to come to an agreement so that those young people, the American People think ought to stay here and continue to be productive citizens, contributing individuals to our country, uld be allowed to stay here, give them a path to citizenship. And i would hope we would work toward that end and i yield. Mr. Mccarthy i thank the gentleman. This body has passed all 12 appropriation bills and we do need a budget agreement and we make progress. Once we get that budget agreement, we could fund this year and next year Going Forward and what we need to get our jobs done. We have met numerous times. I thought they have been productive times dealing with daca. Im excited to have the Government Back open and we can be back at the table to solve this problem. We have a short time period. We have a week left after the c. R. That was just passed and working together we can get this done. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, im hopeful that we can agree on the underlying issue which led to the necessity for a c. R. And the temporary closing of government. And that is the underlying agreement on what budget numbers will be, what our caps will be, how much discretionary funds we will have to spend on defense and nondefense. That is at the core. When you fail to do that, you fail to pass appropriation bills and you therefore have to go to c. R. s which everybody on this floor agrees is bad fiscal policy and should not be the way we do business. Secondly, i appreciate the majority leaders leadership and engagement on the issue of solving the problem or the challenge and the opportunity, i should say, not so much a problem, but the opportunity of dreamers. It is what the president asked us to do and hopefully we can, in fact, working in good faith with one another get that done. Anything further . Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for ne minute. Mr. Payne mr. Speaker, the chaos presidency has spawned a chaos congress. Now that they control the white house as well, they still cant govern. No more excuse, no more booingy man obama in the white house. Instead of governing, my esteemed republican colleagues spent the last year trying to Rip Health Care away from children and families in order to give billionaire friends a tax break. Thats the only thing they have accomplished, giving to the rich. Then at 12 01 saturday morning, republicans told the American People that the United States is closed for business. This is the fifth time in 30 years that republicans have shut down the federal government and first time that a single party has controlled the entire federal government but still refused to keep the country running. Mr. Speaker, let us govern, let them govern. If my republican colleagues want to enter into good faith negotiations for a budget that fully funds the federal government and pursues bipartisanship such as federal Community Health centers and providing Disaster Relief and dreamers, then you know where to reach me. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. As the former police chief, i have seen the effects of Good Government and i have seen the effects of bad government and what we have seen over the last few days is bad government. The party in charge of the senate, house and white house, he republican majority has the responsibility to sustain critical services. They passed a 1. 5 trillion tax giveaway and chose to ignore critical concerns and push an antiimmigrant agenda. I have seen the outcomes of making one group of people afraid of another. I have seen the results of ignoring the real dangers to american like racism, gun violence and poverty and lack of opportunity. We are a nation of immigrants. Mrs. Demings we have a responsibility to build a nation with compassion for people, but this shutdown was about more than immigration, it was about our military, our veterans, our seniors, our children and adequate Disaster Relief. Mr. Speaker, i will not support a complete absence of leadership but will continue to fight for real solutions. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from ohio seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. I rise today to say that yes, i support keeping government open. However, i cannot support the continuing resolution that came before this house today. And let me just say to america, i want you to understand it is not about not supporting our military. Mrs. Beatty it has placed us in a position that we have to understand that we need to do both, just as democrats and republicans should Work Together. Because on this continuing resolution, it makes us, yes, give six years to chip, but what about the communingt Health Centers . What good is it to give chip and not support Community Health centers . What good is it not to support our Teaching Hospitals . I say to you with republicans in charge of the house, the senate and the white house, we could do better. And today, i proudly say to all those women who marched across this nation, i stand with you today because you marched for Better Health care, you marched that we have equality and equal treatment and that is why i proudly cast my vote as a no. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new mexico seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise nd extend. Mr. Pearce i cast a vote to open the Government Back up. Coming into the capitol tonight they have members and staff all kind of the car lines and i barely made that vote. I heard we should be funding the government for the full year and doing it right. In fact, we in the house have passed all 12 appropriation bills and sitting over in the senate. If the Senate Schumer shutdown was designed not to occur, then all they could bring up those full funding bills and come them to the floor and fund the op yoids and every single thing that would require them working together. And we saw today. Today it happened. But we are facing the same problem, we need nine democrats to help the 60vote majority. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, thousands marched in every city across america for racial justice, gender equality and a moral vision of america. Today, we let them down. Mr. Khanna this was not complicated. Citizens wanted a guaranteed vote in this chamber about whether we would keep our word to the dreamers and we failed to deliver. Now i have no doubt that most democrats, senators and congressmen care about the dreamers staying in this country, but citizens expect more. They want us not to look at generic poll numbers or battleground districts, they want us to lead with our hearts because they are leading with their hearts. And so the question today, mr. Speaker, is when will the elected representatives be worthy of the courage of our citizens and the grassroots . I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Smith mr. Gohmert we had a vote to ensure the military gets the money they deserve. But they certainly do not deserve to have their funding cut, not holding our military hostage in the demands for people thatville come into the country illegally. The American Public made clear the wholedid not want country to suffer because they were being held hostage while some folks demanded legality for people who came in illegally. Lets keep things separate. Lets keep our military Going Forward. And lets go about the business of the country. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i come to the mike tonight just in the way of Fact Checking all of the inaccuracies that we hear. Mr. Richmond if you listen to the white house, they pretend this shutdown was over Illegal Immigrants versus american citizens. Our dreamers, who came here as children, through no fault of their own were legal until the president decided to withdraw their legality and their documentation. He made them here undocumented. The second part of all of this, it was general mattis who said a ding the troops with continuing resolution was a continuing resolution was debilitating. The one thing we owe to the american citizens is the truth. Whether its on our side or not. The truth is they have well over 230 member, they could pass a budget if they wanted to. If they would work with both sides we could continue to do what the black caucus has done since the beginning of time, make this country a more perfect union. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. For three years we have waited for the moment here for exposing the fallacious argument that you can hold hostage unrelated bills before passing spending bills. We called on them to pass bills to fully fund the government through september, we in this body passed all 12 separate Appropriations Bills fully funding the military and other government functions all the way through september of this year. That needs to happen in the next three weeks because we have only a threeweek extension we voted for. But i am proud that the American Public saw the false arguments being used, particularly on the other side of the aisle, where the Minority Party holds hostage funding bills and commands concessions and other nonrelated legislation. If they want to filibuster stuff over there, make them do it where the American Public can see it and make it relate to the bill on the floor at the time. So thank you, mr. Speaker, for this time and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i wish to explain to the American People exactly why i voted no on this continuing resolution earlier today. Mr. Clyburn if you look at all thats been said about the Childrens HealthInsurance Program what you are going to find is that we extended that program in the c. R. For six years with a savings of 1 billion. Its a slight of hand. Because we did not fund Community Health centers. The d not fund disproportionate share hospitals. We did not fund adequately the Teaching Hospitals. So if you wanted to really be honest with the American People, we could have extended the Community HealthChildrens HealthInsurance Program by permanently and saved 6 billion and would have had enough money in the savings to expand our Community Health centers to fund disproportionate share hospitals and to fund Teaching Hospitals that which we did not do and i voted no. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from washington seek regular recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Thank you. I am so glad we are now here back with the government open. Aye been here these last few days over the weekend with my staff, working hard to make sure that we get our government open and working for its people, for its military families. Today i was over on the senate floor when the senate closed its vote in support of reopening our government. So now we can complete the work at hand. This is incredibly important. I just wanted to mention this, i too also, as a previous speaker talked about being detained in security lines, i was unavoidably detained in those security lines but wanted to come here and make sure folks know we are here, hard at work, and were going to move forward from this and i look forward to addressing the issues at hand and making sure we get a longterm solution. Im pleased with the chip funding we were able to put through. This is something weve been put forward now. The house is voting in support of this ive supported it many times now. As an appropriator we got these bills funded months ago, im looking forward to a permanent solution here so we can get about doing the peoples work. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Ok, the shut down is over, at least temporarily. Mr. Rohrabacher the American People should Pay Attention to what this was all about how come the government shut down . The issue at hand which made sure there was a separation, an opinion that shut down the government was the following. Should we be legalizing the status of 850,000 young people who were brought here illegally, came here illegally . The bottom line is were talking about tens not tens of, but hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars that would be siphoned away from that fund that we have here in washington aimed at helping the American People. That money, the money that we have available for the veterans, available for seniors, available for our own young people, would be drained in order to give, yes, hundreds of millions of dollars to people who come here illegally. And of course 850,000 young people would then be given the right to bring in their relatives. Were talking about millions of people being brought here because you have 850,000 illegal young people here. The American People, whose side are we on . That was the question about this shutdown. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Rohrabacher Pay Attention, is the American People, will they have to have all their resources drained away in order to take care of people who come here illegally . No. I hope the American People pay close attention whose side and who is siding with the American People versus who is siding with foreigners who have come here illegally and the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Pursuant to section 2b of House Resolution 694, the house stands adjourned until 4 00 p. M. On thursday, january 25, 2018. You name it. Something like this, we have to Pay Attention and have to make up amendments to the constitution. There is no way. Ost we are taking a call from point of rocks, maryland. Ller im a federal employee for 10 years so im a total 30 year employee. I dont believe nothings going to get done because its going to take some the last day to do something about it. We need to have both house and senate and the house to grow up. They have acted like children and this is not the way to help the people that work for the government to be treated. We have families. We have bills. We have payments to make. And this is not right. Ut yet, the legislature can be paid during a shutdown . Is that correct . We need to do something and need to have longterm. St Gerald Connolly said federal workers will be repaid for the three days presumably if you work over the weekend or one day today being the First Official work day when the government was shutdown. Back to work tomorrow and the legislation going to the white house will sign it. The hill newspaper, the staff is trying to stop the president with striking a deal with the democrats. The president has expressed his willingness to reach a deal with the deferred action for childhood arrivalals. But two aides that an agreement requires harsher agreement rules. Chief of staff john kelly and Stephen Miller have pushed for a tougher immigration policy. Some of that reporting before the vote in the senate and house and the next step is the republicans will bring to the senate floor. The question is whether or not it will pass in the house of representatives. Bill is joining us from los angeles. Democrats line. Caller good evening. Im wondering when we will have a mandatory compromise in congress. Think it is time. They have to compromise on every piece of legislation moving forward or they get expeled from congress. There are no exceptions, pass we have to holding their feet to the fire. They play too much. Come up with so many excuses and dont know who is lying or telling the truth. Lets get to the bottom of it. We serned them to washington, d. C. , to do a job, not to posture, not to share all kind of coded messages. Put the bill before them. Make them compromise or make hem get out. We are fired. They should be held to the same account. Its time for mandatory compromise in congress, senate side and house of representatives. We will have a Better Congress and better nation for it. Host the president was scheduled to travel tore switzerland. No official announcement from the white house, but if it does so, air force one will depart andrews on wednesday. Republican line. O ahead, please. Caller im from the great start of South Carolina. About the fight about this daca situation the democrats are so perplexed on the Daca Recipients like the gentleman from california said. Its costing this country millions and millions, probably up in the billions for health care, for the schools and just look the welfare they get. And you know its not right. These people, they are pulling for them but they have to go up in the appalachia mountains and cities around everywhere, plaque, white, legal mexicans, look at the poverty level. And here they are wanting to put all that money to make them legal. In my opinion, they want to make them illegal because they will know that there is 850,000 votes in the next election. Host jimmy is next from minnesota. Our line for independents. Jimmy, youre on the air. You are next. Caller im from california and why there is so much bickering and all that stuff blaming when america is supposed to be the most richest. Why cant we do everything for everybody . Host alan, you are next, a federal employee from fort lauderdale. Caller it amazes me with this country of strong ethics of promoting good citizens and good candidates and we have that, we find other reasons to fight about it and not focus on the importance of what our civic responsibilitiesr which is to promote new citizens that have the right background, ethics, which apparently these people, there is no dispute about that. I think we really ought to think it over again and get this matter over as quickly as possible. Host the vote on the senate floor earlier today was 8118. Senator john mccain, who departed washington, d. C. , right before christmas not back in town to vote. After the vote was completed, this from the Senate Republican leader, Mitch Mcconnell of kentucky. For three days, a bipartisan majority has brought the leaders filibuster to an end and passed the bipartisan bill to reopen the federal government. As i have said repeatedly over the past week, shutting down the government is an irresponsible way to do business and does not reflect the seriousness which i know my colleagues on both sides would like to approach the peoples business here in the senate. All our important work for the American People had to be put on hold while this manufactured crisis was dealt with. We made no substantive progress, not one inch, on the serious bipartisan negotiations that will take to solve issues such as immigration and Border Security, health care, defense spending and many other matters. So im glad we can get back to manship e and the game has highlighted my colleagues commitment to honest and bipartisan work. I would like to thank senator graham, senator collins and senator flake and several of our democratic colleagues who brought this impasse to a conclusion. Since federal operations will be getting back to normal for the American People, we all know what comes next, a challenging negotiations on a host of serious issues. The weeks ahead will require the best from all of us. I hope we can remember some ssues from this. Branchingsmanship does not work and makes progress harder, not easier to achieve. Senators must focus on the common good of the American People, not the warped priorities, the warped priorities of extreme voices, no matter how loudly they shout at us to do otherwise. With the pointless damaging theatrics of this Government Shutdown behind us, serious bipartisan negotiations can resume. We have been talking for months about how to address military spending, Disaster Relief, immigration, Border Security and the rest of congress unfinished business. The talks can get going again and whether they bear fruit is up toll all of us. Host that was the Senate Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell. We will continue for another 10, 12 minutes after this Government Shutdown after the weekend and one work day. David in philadelphia. Democrats line. Good evening. Caller i thank you for taking the call. I want to get to the straight of this, it is unbelievable to me that the republican leadership, especially the republican leadership, they are liars, they are valueless and everyone out there listening who has an opposing view, if democrats and republicans had a bipartisan deal. They brought to this flake of a president who has no values and wants to kick children out of the country. These are children and american citizens that have the most incredible values of what america stands for and they continue to blame, blame, plame the democrats. It is the republicans in congress have no values and they are liars. Not all of the republicans but most of them. They are lying and blame everything on the democrats and it is really pathetic. Host fred, did you know lap, tennessee, go ahead, please. Caller the previous caller shows you what is wrong with this count try right there. Democrats think that you give up everything that you want and go along with them. Thats what compromise is to a democrat. The democrats that brought the socalled plan to the president republicans twing and that same type of democrat. That was not compromise and the poor fellow before me is a typical demonstrate of the demagogry that goes around. The reason we are seeing the problem in the military is the same problems we have at walmart. When sam walton was alive you had people who were happy to work at walmart and customers were happy to go in. Now three people have a job of what 20 people used to do. Thats the same thing that happened in the military because of military cuts. It has to take honesty and true honest willingness to give up some things, mr. Democrat. Host this tweet at politico, how did dems get a win on chip when they voted. This was a loss for the dems. No way to spin with one otherwise. Tim, colonial beach, virginia. You are next. Caller as a federal employee, i just think this is disgraceful and until the American Public gets together and fires every one of these senators and these congressmen that are current, we are going to keep on having this. They forget where they came from. They are not looking out for our country on any of those issues. If they were, they would be working together and they dont Work Together and will no Work Together after people been in there all these years and made a career of it. All they care about is themselves. I really hope that the American Public will wake up and fire the democrats and the republicans and get rid of every one of them and get new ones. Host another tweet from politico. House democrats unhappy with chuck schumer. Senate democrats were quote screwing us with this shut down deal. Independent line. Caller im upset with the whole mess. We have tax cuts for the richest billionaires, 1. 5 to 3. 2 trillion but we are talking about extending health care for our kids. How about they send health care for our kids permanently and making sure these tax relationshipoffs for the wealthy is limited. This is absurd. I have called on the independent line but i voted republican but im disgusted with the idea that everything now is now for the very, very rich to the benefit of who . Just the very rich. We can fund the richest billionaires with permanent tax advantages, how come we cant have permanent chips. The priority we have is billionaires over our children. Host this is from the l. A. Times, five House Democrat crossing the party lines. Well go to richard who is joining us from california, democrats line. Caller what we are seeing is the result of obstruction of house members and senate. Thats why he started using executive orders. We now by the smallest margins in the electoral college, we get trump, the most erratic and most corrupt and disgraceful president we have ever had. The slimmest margins of vote which they should have was a superrich tax cut at the expense of the middle class and the poor of which i am one. What we are seeing in this thing, chip, they could have done four months ago and had these things settled. Democrats extension where they havent been part of the legislative process and havent been part of the Decision Making and take some kind of stand. We are getting a little bit of it but see what happens on february 8, because we could have another shutdown. Democrats dont want to shut down the government. But republicans are corrupt. This is not for the good of the American People. They arent thinking fw the middle class person like me struggling from month to month and pay their mortgage. And what we are seeing is the result of incompetent and unqualified obstructionist, not knowing how to govern republicans and thats the reason we are at this point now. Well see what happens on february 8 because i i dont hink it will be much better. 30 mature republicans and democrats and tried to do compromise which should have been happening all along. Host we heard that from senator collins and senator mampin. Caller i was upset with Susan Collins but she was given promises. And they cut the mandate out of the tax plan which is going to have disastrous effects and that hasnt happened for her either. You had cooler people and i hope the senate will do compromise and come up with a plan that makes sense. And i hope trump does the right thing. He might have to have a spiritual intervention for that to happen. And pass sensible immigration. The dreamers are productive, educated, they are he the best of immigrants coming into this country even if they are illegal. Host we have a tweet from ryan grimm, the Intelligence Community could extend funds as it sees fit and that is the statement from senator burr, who is the chair of the Senate Intelligence committee and we carried it on live. Christine, you get the last word, republican line, your reaction to today eye developments. Caller well, i feel like this. Send all them immigrants back over there and our jobs come back open and quick penalizing our children and our elders and our military. Thats how i feel. Host again to recap, the house earlier today and the Senate Passing a bill that will keep the federal government in operation through february 8 and the house is now in recess and meet for a pro forma session on thursday. The