The speaker pro tempore the as are the 225, its nays are 187, one voting present. The journal stands approved. The chair announces the speakers appointment pursuant to section 5 of the Frederick Douglass bicentennial Commission Act 11577 and the order of the house january 3, 2017 on the part of the house to the Frederick Douglas s bicentennial commission. The clerk mr. Harris of maryland and from private life, mr. Joseph man and trotman. I ask unanimous consent to take Senate Concurrent Resolution 31 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the concurrent resolution. The clerk Senate Concurrent Resolution 31, authorizing the use of the rotunda of the capitol for a ceremony to award the congressional gold medal to bob dole. The speaker pro tempore is there objection to consideration of the concurrent resolution . Without objection, the concurrent resolution is goode to and the the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent that the committee on Armed Services be discharged from further consideration of h. R. 4641 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk a bill to authorize the president to award the medal a honor for john conley while member of the marine corps. The speaker pro tempore is there objection to consideration of the bill . Without objection, the bill is engrossed, read and a third time and passed and the the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 230, the chair will postponefurther proceedings today on motion to suspend the rules if a recorded vote of the yeas and nays are ordered. Or if the vote is objected to under clause 6 of rule 20. The house will resume proceedings on the postponed question at a later time. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass s. 1766, the safer act of 2017. The speaker pro tempore kwlort the title of the bill. The clerk senate 1766, an act to reauthorize the safer act of 2013, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from georgia, mrs. Handel, and the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from georgia. Mrs. Handel thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and tend their remarks and include extraneous material on senate 1766, currently under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Handel thank you. Mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. Senate bill 1766, the Sexual Assault forensic evidence reporting act of 2017, also known as the safer act, will strengthen state and local Law Enforcements ability to reduce the number of untested rape kits and help take more offenders off the street. Congress provides significant resources annually to the department of justice to help reduce backlogs of untested forensic evidence. Is legislation will the speaker pro tempore the house is not in order. Can the members take their conversation off the floor. The gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Handel thank you, mr. Speaker. This legislation will reauthorize the attorneys authority to allocate 5 to 7 of funds made available to carry out the debbie smith d. N. A. Backlog Grant Program to help communities audit their backlogs, which is an important first step in any effort to eliminate backlogs. Despite the cases analyzed and improvements made with our federal resources, backlogs do persist due to the ever increasing demand for evidence testing. According to the National Institute of justice, as the value of d. N. A. Evidence is increasingly recognized, more evidence gets collected and submitted to laboratories for analysis. Delays in the analysis of forensic evidence often result in delays of justice. Serial offenders can continue victimizing, and innocent individuals may be incarcerated. The safer act helps address this common impediment in response to rape and Sexual Assault at the state, local, and tribal levels. Importantly, the safer act also will clarify that pediatric forensic nurses are eligible for training and employment grants. This provision underscores the Critical Role that pediatric Sexual Assault nurse examiners can play in communities response to children who are the victims of abuse. Senate bill 1766 can help ensure that resources provided for d. N. A. Analysis are focused on grant recipients making a good faith effort to estimate and manage their backlog of untested samples and improve efforts to get sex offenders off our streets. I urge my colleagues to support this important measure. Mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from georgia reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise in support of s. 1766, the Sexual Assault forensic evidence reporting. This Bipartisan Legislation passed the senate on october 23, 2017. I am glad that this house is moving this legislation because it is about children. It is about the scourge that children and women and others find themselves victims of Sexual Assault. S. 1766 will reauthorize the d. N. A. Analysis backlog elimination act of 2000 through the year 2022. By amending the language in ction 2 c4 of the 34 u. S. C. 4701 c4. It also amends other sections of the d. N. A. Sexual assault justice act of 2004 by ensuring that role of forensic nurses pertains to both adult and pediatric care. The safer act also amends the statute by making a provision for the need se of nurse for the need of nurse examplers, particularly where there is the need for pediatric Sexual Assault nurse examiners, including such nurse examiners working the multidisciplinary setting in responding to the children and adolescence. Mr. Speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is correct. The house is not in order. Please take your conversations off the floor. The gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i thank you. As i indicated where there is the need for pediatric Sexual Assault nurse examiners, including such nurse examiners working in the multidisciplinary setting, responding to both abuse of children and adolescence. Timely, this legislation will sun set through 2023 by act. Ng the safer the safer act is act. The safer act is a Critical Program administered by the u. S. Department of justice that allows local lerment programs to obtain funding for programs to reduce the rape kit backlog in communities across the country. Victims get justice more quickly than in the past. 35 of Funds Available under the debbie smith act for grants to local Law Enforcement agencies to focus more resources on rape kit testing, 5 to 7 of the debbie smith act funding to be used by local jurisdictions to conduct oneyear audits of untested Sexual Assault evidence to identify serious areas of backlog, and forensic testing to be done by both pediatric and adult Sexual Assault nurse examiners. This is a very important measure that will address the large volume of cases that fester during the excessive backlog and our processing of rape kit. According to the National Institute of justice, multidisciplinary victims approach and standardized efficient evidence processing cases are the lt focus of its new report. The report and best practices for Sexual Assault kits signs 35 suggestions for laboratories and Law Enforcement to improve their investigations, tackling issues such as evidence collection and storage and maintenance, backlog tracking, and processing, victim advocacy and notification and sensitivity to trauma in Sexual Assault victim. The working group consisting of victims and stridge advocates, and medical examiners, forensics lacktories, Law Enforcement agencies, prosecutors, members of the judiciary developed the suggestion overs a twoyear period following the Sexual Assault forensic evidence safer act of 2013 a component of the violence against women act. We will soon reauthorize the violence against women act and we will be very happy to have this expansion included in this. A victim sensitive approach is the focus on the needs and concerns of the victim to ensure a compassionate and sensitive delivery in a nonjudgmental manner. A trauma informed approach considers the impact of trauma and victim safety consideration. Id like to thank my colleague from texas, congressman poe. I know congresswoman Carolyn Maloney have worked on a number of these issues. Also senator cornyn. This is a very important step. The days in our respective jurisdiction that we had mounting backlog of rape kits. Means, ow what that the days n mr. Speaker . Women and children do not get either their day in court or do not get justicement i believe that this is a timely and very important legislative initiative. I ask my colleagues to support the legislation. And i reserve the balance of my time. Means, the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas reserves. The gentlewoman from georgia is recognized. Mrs. Handel thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield two minutes to my colleague, the gentleman from texas, representative poe. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, one of the worst things that can happen to any of us is to lose our voice, and i have lost mine. But i want to try i know some of the democrats are glad about, that but i want to say this on behalf of safer. On e are in our country shelves and wear houses warehouses and Law Enforcement, office buildings, rape kits that have never been examined. That is shameful. Everybodys to blame from the federal government to local government. Its shameful because victims, i knew a lot of them at the courthouse as a judge, they dont know who committed this crime against them. And we have the ability to tell them. We dont. Because of bureaucratic incompetence. These havent been examined. They have the right to know we Sexual Assaulted them. Also there are criminals running loose who have never prosecuted because these rape kits have never been analyzed. And, yes, there are people pros incarcerated who are innocent and the rape kit can prove their incense. It is important that we pass this safer legislation. Get those Sexual Assault kits analyzed. There are no more excuses. And thats just the way it is. I ask unanimous consent to put my entire excellent speech into the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman from texas yields back. The gentlewoman from georgia reserves. The gentlewoman from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i ask the gentlelady from georgia if she has any other speakers and is she prepared to close . Mrs. Handel prepared to close. Ms. Jackson lee to my good friend from texas. Im just a measure above your loss. I am suffering from somewhat of the same thing but have a little bit of a voice. I can say thank you again for your very hard work on this legislation as a former judge in Harris County on the criminal bench, i know you saw injustices because rape kits had not been processed. I believe that as the chair and cochair of the congressional childrens caucus, the Ranking Member in the subcommittee on crime and terrorism, Homeland Security, that he we went through this as well. I was very pleased that the Justice Department understood the importance of grants to help our local Law Enforcement, but more importantly that the Judiciary Committee understood the importance of this legislation to really move forward to process kits. Can you imagine, mr. Speaker, children having a backlog of kits that have been subjected to Sexual Assault, most dastardly act and violation, not only against adults but against these children. Like 3montholds or toddlers. Sick people who sexually assault them. The development and implementation of policies and procedures that the National Institute that leads to more timely submission of evidence to forensic laboratories enhances communications and investigative procedures to most better inform prosecutorial consideration. As my friend said it helps the accused and accuser. These approaches are the most important because they get victim participation. Victims of Sexual Assault require justice that is swift, thorough, and expedient so they may begin to heal and attempt to put the pieces of their lives back together. They deserve the best efforts of Law Enforcement to help them along the way. When houston was trying to rebuild its rape testing structure, we utilized the f. B. I. I want to take a moment to thank the f. B. I. For its deep abiding integrity and honesty and how it comes to the rescue of so many local jurisdictions, local Law Enforcement. Let us be very clear on how important it is to maintain the integrity and the respect for the f. B. I. As opposed to demeaning the f. B. I. Today on the floor of the house i want to thank them for their service. This legislation would reauthorize the safer act, provide funding to conduct oneyear audits of untested Sexual Assault evidence, and ensure that Law Enforcement agencies across the country are trained and armed with the skills and tools they require to stand against Sexual Assault and stand for those individuals who might be victimized. Would also ensure that forensic nurses are eligible for training under the program. These professionals would also indespencible. Our citizens deserve to be protected and free from harm. Our children, women, and men who are sexually assaulted, they deserve to be protected, but their cases must move expeditiously. Accordingly, i urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this legislation as e continue to stand with those victims who are the victims of sexual crimes, for the victims and against the viciousness of sexual crimes of any kind and floget and bring the perpetrators to justice w that i yield back the balance of my time asking for vote for this legislation. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from texas yields back. The gentlewoman from georgia is recognized. Mrs. Handel thank you, mr. Speaker. Let me start by recognizing the tremendous leadership of my colleague, representative ted poe from texas, and representative i thank you for giving me the honor of being your wingwoman in presenting this important piece of legislation today. And indeed the safer act is an important piece of legislation to reinforce the efforts of our local and state Law Enforcement in their work to reduce the number of untested rape kits and help take these Sexual Assault predators off the street. At the same time, this legislation underscores that Critical Role that the pediatric Sexual Assault examiners play in this process and makes them eligible for key training. Again, i ask my colleagues to pass this bill. Mr. Speaker, with that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. He question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass senate 1766. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative the the gentlewoman from mrs. Handel i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and make a point of order a quorum is not present. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 , further proceedings on this uestion will be postponed. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Frelinghuysen i ask unanimous consent that members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on h. R. 4667. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Frelinghuysen pursuant to House Resolution 670, i call up the bill h. R. 4667, a bill making further supplemental appropriations for Disaster Assistance for hurricanes harry, irma, maria, for wildfires and for other purposes and ask for its immediate consideration. The clerk h. R. 4667 a bill making further supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year september 30, 2018 for Disaster Assistance for hurricanes and wildfires and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 670, the amendments printed in house report 115477 are adopted. The bill as amended contains an emergency designation pursuant to section 4g1 of the statutory payasyougo act of 2010. The question of consideration under section 4g23 of the statutory pay as you go act of 2010. The question is, will the house now consider the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The question of consideration is decided in the affirmative. The bill as amended is considered read and shall be debateed for one hour equally divided by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations. The gentleman from new jersey and the gentlewoman from new york will each control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i rise today to present h. R. 667 a bill making emergency appropriations for hurricane and wildfire recovery. Parts of our nation have been devastated by multiple backtoback hurricanes and wildfires that have caused tremendous loss of life, livelihoods and lives. The top three most expensive hurricanes in the last 25 years combined with the horrific wildfires that continue to rage in california, the toll that these disasters have taken is unprecedented. We must stand by our fellow americans and get them help the help and resources they need to recover. To this end, the legislation provides a total of 81 billion for crucial programs that support ongoing relief, recovery and rebuilding. This includes 27. 5 billion for fema to provide relief and recovery assistance. 26. 1 for the community and block grants for shelter, housing and Infrastructure Improvement and the means to help large and Small Businesses recover. Army 1 billion to the corps of engineers to repair and rebuild infrastructure projects. The bill also includes 3. 8 billion for the department of agriculture, which would support critical agriculture Disaster Assistance. Funding is included to repair federal highways and local transit systems to help children displaced by the storms in puerto rico get back to school. And for Small Business disaster loans which will allow businesses to reopen their doors as quickly as possible. Our committee will continue to monitor these efforts to ensure accountability, transparency and that every dollar is spent wisely. From florida and texas to puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands to california and all areas dealing with major disaster declarations, this congress is committed to helping you. Congress has already provided 5. 75 billion in two separate supplemental bills for these ongoing efforts. With this third emergency funding, we will bring total funding for fiscal year 2018 Emergency Response to 132 billion. Its funding is desperately needed by thousands of American Families, individuals and communities to restore electric power and Critical Infrastructure and to protect against further damage. It is the duty of congress to provide this help to our fellow americans in their times of need. Mr. Speaker, before i close, i would like to thank everyone who came to leadership and to the Appropriations Committee to make sure that congress is getting the assistance to those hurricane and wildfire victims that they urgently need. I would like to thank the clerks and professional staff and the chairs of the 12 Appropriations Committees for their work to bring this bill to the floor. May i say nearly 30 others this year. It is time to get this emergency aid to those who need it. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and this legislation. And i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york. Mrs. Lowey i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Lowey this legislation is a failure of both process and substance. When congress received the paltry and insufficient disaster request from the administration, the house and Senate Appropriation committees began a bipartisan and bicameral process to develop an Emergency Assistance package that would come closer to meeting the massive scale of need resulting from hurricanes and wildfires in summer and fall, 2017. I sincerely regret that majority leadership abandoned that process, choosing instead to disregard input from democrats and even from Senate Republicans and develop their own partisan supplemental. The result of that decision is a poor product that will not be enacted into law. Despite some robust funding levels, this bill fails to fix calamatous ly situation in puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands. Without help from congress, these programs will exhaust available funding within months. This bill also fails to waive unworkable and unjustifiable costshare requirements for fema and the army corps of engineers projects which could put federal funding out of reach. These and other serious shortcomings must be fixed before an emergency supplemental is enacted into law. Even if this supplemental passes today, the House Majority decision to exclude both democrats and Senate Republicans from this process means that it will not be enacted this year because it cannot pass the senate. Instead of a partisan product with no chance of advancement, we should be considering a responsible, bipartisan emergency supplemental that both the house and the senate could pass and enact into law. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield to the chairman of the commerce, justice and science committee, john culberson. Mr. Culberson i thank you and speaker ryan for rejecting the office of management and Budgets Office funding request. It is the job of the Appropriations Committee to write these emergency spending bills and we have done so. Im one of eight subcommittee chairmen who held public hearings. I thank the chairman for listening to all of us to changing the legislation to ensure that the state of texas, florida and puerto rico are a long beltway towards being made whole. This is a tremendous step in the right direction. We are debateful for the funding and the changes that the chairman and the committee have included. Weve 12 billion for army corps projects that will be targeted in areas that have suffered repeated floods over the last two years in areas that have been declared disasters. That will ensure that the people in texas in particular who had 53 inches in rain, the people of texas and southwest louisiana that suffered from hurricane harvey, those projects will receive priority consideration by the corps of engineers. Thats going to help us get that Third Reservoir built. This funding is sufficient to pay for, fully pay for all Flood Control projects in southeast texas. That means well have frontloaded funding to finish ut a buy ue. He army corps of engineers funding will open up ports to full capacity. Another important change that the chairman included we had a lot of people flooded because the corps opened the flood gates. They were flooded by the action f the government and the waterways. Chairman frelinghuysen included language that allows the governor of the state of texas to ask for a waiver of the prohibition against duplication of benefits may i have an additional 30 seconds . Important for the people of texas to know help is on the way. If you were flooded by the action of the government thrrks is a provision in this legislation today that will allow the governor to request that you be compensated and take out an s. B. A. Loan and receive a Community Block grant at the end to make you whole. We will be able to rebuild churches and synagogues, and that is important because we suffered so much damage in southeast tech as. Im proud to support this legislation and look forward to working with you and my colleagues if there is additional funding. We are debateful for the support of the congress and i urge members to support this vital legislation to help the people of texas, florida and puerto rico have a better christmas. Mrs. Lowey i yield five minutes to the distinguished the gentleman from new york, the Ranking Member of the commerce, justice science subcommittee, mr. Serrano. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Serrano i thank the gentlewoman. Rise to sadly oppose this supplemental, which does not do enough to help puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands. This is a bill created by republicans with little democratic input. At some point they decided to rather work in a bipartisan manner, they wanted to not take into account some of the most important democratic priorities. In particular, it does not address many issues crucial to puerto ricos recovery in the wake of hurricanes irma and maria. For instance, it does nothing to address the looming medicaid cliff which will devastate Health Care Access and delivery on the island early next year and does not waive local cost share requirements which will make it difficult for the government of puerto rico to access large parts of the federal funding made available here. It does not do enough to help states like new york and new jersey and others that have generously opened their arms to our fellow citizens displaced by these storms. And it expands the powers of the puerto rican fiscal Oversight Board giving them authority to approve the recovery plans of puerto ricos government. This is further delay in puerto ricos recovery. This is not the message we want to send to 3. 4 million american citizens this holiday season. As i look at my notes on this debate today, it comes down to one point, we as the United States congress, we as the u. S. Government, still have not come to grips with the fact that yes, we have territories, and yes we have colonies. If you ask the American People, or the are the people of puerto rico american citizen, youd be shocked before all this information went out on the hurricanes how many would say, i dont know. I served with some in the army but i dont know if theyre citizens. I think more and more we need to know that the Virgin Islands, guam, samoa, the northern mariana islands, puerto rico, are part of the american family. Listening as if a longbegun member of my party once told me when i said, what are we doing about puerto rico in this bill, he said, we have no money left over. I said did you have money left over for the 50 states . Well, they go first. Why do they go first . Why cant the whole family go together . So my plea that ive made for years, i continue to make. Theres a bigger issue than the one were discussing today. And thats the fact that we have territories, we have colonies, theyre part of the United States, they should be part of our family, we should treat them as such. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. He gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. I yield two minutes to the chairman of the homeland subcommittee, judge john carter of texas, two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Carter i thank the gentleman for yielding. I recently flew in a c130 with a gathering of my colleagues in the house and senate the length and breadth of florida, across the gulf of mexico, up and down the gulf coast of my home state of texas and looked at the devastation that had been that in one day we can see about a 12hour flight, we can see all the devastation that took place in these terrible storms. And thats why this supplemental is so very important, because this is not about numbers, this is not about anything, its about people, human beings. We helped move their ruined furniture out of of their houses on that trip. We saw the devastation, we saw the tears, and the pain that these people were dealing with. Chairman of the subcommittee, im proud to have a small part in working on this project. Let me explain that the supplement provides 28. 6 billion for the department of Homeland Security. 27. 5 billion is for Disaster Relief fund to provide the continued response and Recovery Efforts for all recent disasters. These funds will provide for the Recovery Efforts of all disasters that have been received a major disaster declaration, to include texas, florida, california, puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands. This money is needed to ensure food, water, temporary shelter is made available to disaster survivors. These funds are used for debris removal efforts. First step in recovery. These funds will also support the longterm Recovery Efforts to help rebuild utilities, bridge, roads and buildings. 4 billion of this can be used for Community Disaster loans. To help communities pay for essential services while they get back on their feet. The bill also includes 1. 1 illion to address damages mr. Frelinghuysen i yield the gentleman 30 seconds. Mr. Carter 1. 1 billion to address damages of important coast guard, border protection, transportation security administration. It provides 4. 4 billion more than requested but we looked at each project to ensure that funding was only going to projects that address damages, improve resiliency and increase disaster responsiveness. I thank chairman frelinghuysen for his leadership. Hes been right on top of this. We have got a good product here and i urge a yes vote on the supplemental. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlewoman from new york is ecognized. Mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield three minutes to the dits ting wished gentleman from new york, the chair of the democratic caucus, mr. Crowley. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Crowley i thank the gentlelady from new york for yielding me this time and i thank her for her work and i thank mr. Frelinghuysen for his work and my colleagues on the side. But i have reservations, strong reservations about this bill. I appreciate the very real needs of those still recovering, our american citizens and friends and family in florida an texas. And that concern is genuine. Ive always supported other parts of the country, even when some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle refused to help new york and left new york hanging after superstorm sandy. Ive never let that get in the way in my wanting to be helpful to my fellow citizens anywhere in this country who are under duress. But i cant in good conscience vote for this bill. It leaves some of the hardest hit and most vulnerable american, american citizens, without the help they need. It treats puerto rico and the Virgin Islands as sec class citizens. Not second class people, but second class citizens and will stall the effort there is to rebuild. I appreciate mr. Culbersons saying that the people of puerto rico and the Virgin Islands are a listening way from recovery, paraphrasing what he said. I to appreciate those words. I do hope that its an insight into my republican colleagues and the leadership of the other side of the aisle that more help will be on the way for the people of puerto rico but simply not enough is being done in this bill to help the men and women of puerto rico an the children of puerto rico today. Our fellow citizens of puerto rico and the Virgin Islands are no less american than those in any other 50 states. I wonder if anyone would argue that point as to whether they are citizens of the United States or not. I would argue theyre no less citizens of the United States than any other individuals in the rest of the 50 states. They should be treateded treated the same and with the same respect, the people of puerto rico and the Virgin Islands suffered direct hits not from one but two massive hurricanes, the likes of which we have never seen before, not in our modern history. Maybe have to go back to Alexander Hamilton and the hurricane that he wrote about back in the 1700s that rocketed him to stardom. But here we are, three months later, millions, not hundreds, not thousands but millions of our fell he citizens in puerto rico and of our fellow citizens in puerto rico and the Virgin Islands are without power. Far too many because theyre still without power lack clean drinking water. Thousands are unable to receive Adequate Health care. Earlier this week the governor of puerto rico ordered a recount of the storms death toll which could number now into the thousands. If thats not a sign of how neglectful the response has been to this disaster, then i dont know what would be. Mrs. Lowey yield another minute. Mr. Crowley i thank the gentlelady. We must provide the assistance that our territories need. It was fully we must fully Fund Medicaid as the islands recover. We must eliminate disparities in the law that are holding back that recovery. We must stand up for not the people of the Virgin Islands, not the people of puerto rico, but the United States citizens who have fought in our wars, defended our freedoms. For the United States citizens of the Virgin Islands and the United States citizen of puerto rico. They deserve no less than any other state is being treated after a disaster like this. They deserve no less. They deserve more than theyre getting in this bill. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield three minutes to the chairman of the entire subcommittee on appropriations, ken calvert of kale. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Calvert i rise in strong support of h. R. 3667 which provides 1 billion in federal Disaster Assistance to state states and territories recently devastated by natural resources. This is not a small amount of money. First the chairman of the interior environment appropriations subcommittee im pleased to enjoy 116. 4 million for repairs, cleanup and recovery at various agencies including the u. S. Fish and wildlife service, the e. P. A. , the National Park service and others. As chairman of the California Republican delegation, i have a particular interest in wildfire assistance in this bill, the coordination and collaboration between republicans and democrats on this bill to reflect the needs of california shows burnship is alive and well. Ill i would certainly like to thank congressman Mike Thompson for his tireless efforts in regards to the fires in northern california. Last month, i toured santa rosa, kale, which was absolutely decimated after a wildfire tore through the area. 40 people lost their lives, more than 14,000 home were destroyed or damaged. As a lifelong california resident ive seen a lot of fires and the resulting devastation, but i have never witnessed anything like what i saw in santa rosa. The stories of survival and heroics of our First Responders truly are incredible. Now in the aftermath, we must come together to recover and rebuild. This bill is a first step toward recovery and provides 27. 5 billion for Disaster Relief fund, 4. 5 billion increase from the request. A 90 federal cost share for wildfire disasters. 541 million for watershed and flood prevention efforts which will be vital as the rainy season begins in california. California will be eligible for nearly all sources of funding in this bill including crop losses, army corps of engineers projects, Small Business assistance, displaced employees and student assistance, among others. With my colleagues, ill continue to monitor the fire situation, respond as needed. The thomas fire in Ventura County has burned over 272,000 acres and is on track to be the largest wildfire in california history. Unfortunately the fire rages on. I especially wang to thank chairman frelinghuysen and the Appropriations Committee staff for their outreach and reness to the fires in california. We greatly appreciate your scenes and assistance and ongoing support. I would be remiss if i didnt thank all my staff, in particularly chief of staff, dave, and on the interior subcommittee, betsy, beth of whom went above and jond the delivery result to deliver results for california. Best wishes for betsy who is getting married today. With that, mr. Speaker, i urge passage of this emergency supplemental funding bill and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Jackson lee i want to thank the gentlelady from new york. I want to thank the chairman. But i do want to take a moment and particularly thank the gentlelady from new york for the kindness that she showed the first victims of this horrific hurricane season. I remember coming back to congress in the immediacy of hurricane harvey, many dont know but i left my home in a fire truck, not out of desperation but to go where my constituents were, and spent the st of the time with 14,000 homeless evacuees. In a shelter that had been set up immediately with the concern of the city of houston. We had meetings starting at 6 00 a. M. In the morning. In the evening as the waters started moving in different communities and different communities became flooded, we would see evacuees carrying their only belongings, pillows, just a paper bag, flooding into the Brown Convention center. This is serious for me. I remember seeing elderly persons being evacuated after released and as family members standing on what was now the shore waiting for those loved ones. I know the family and went to the funeral of the six family members that died in greens bayou in my congressional district. So i introduced a bill, h. R. 3686, which the gentlelady from new york was quite interested. It was for 174 billion. If we had that amount now id be more than happy to share that with puerto rico and the Virgin Islands. We dont have that and i am extremely disappointed that we have 81 billion. Not because of a lack of hard work of those who worked on the Appropriations Committee but because i know they wanted to do more. But there are other distractions. 1. 4 trillion tax cut. I want to thank my texas colleagues the speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The gentlewoman is recognized ms. Jackson lee i want to thank my texas colleagues and i truly appreciate it. Today, i indicated i have constituents who are down testifying in houston about their devastation. I want to make this point. I fought very hard for a billion dollar Grant Program for Small Businesses. I want to tell my constituents its in and tell the state of texas, you have to put that in your application that you want to give Small Businesses grants and not loans. Ere is 12 billion in cdbg programs. I want to make sure the elderly, families who have no resources have their homes rebuilt or fixed. I want to make sure that the watershed study under title 4 that the army corps is listening legislation shed and i want that study done and the army corps of engineers i hope will listen. There is a lot of work to be done. We have to get more money and im glad the puerto rico and u. S. Virgin islands and count on me. We will fight into the new year to ensure we get more flooding. These items have to be considered. With that, i yield back. And i thank the gentlelady. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield two. Inutes to the subcommittee mr. Diazbalart. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Diazbalart let me thank the chairman for his spectacular work on this bill. This bill provides much needed relief to texas, florida, u. S. Virgin islands and puerto rico. And i have heard a lot in this debate, lets be very clear this bill treats florida, the folks in florida, texas, puerto rico, u. S. Virgin islands and california exactly the same. Exactly the same. Significant portions in my district were hit hard by Hurricane Irma. Communities are still working to get back on their feet. Like temptation island, this bill helps meet our obligation to ensure that the financial commitment is there. For highways, this funds repairs for the 2017 storms and the housing side, this bill provides 26. 1 billion nor Community Development block grants. 13. 6 billion is provided to meet all remaining unmet, housing and business infrastructure needs for those hurricanes and yes that includes the Virgin Islands and puerto rico. The remaining 12. 5 billion is provided for mitigation grants, again also to puerto rico and the Virgin Islands and florida and california and texas, all of those are treated exactly the same. So again, these grants provide resources to our communities so they can rebuild. Im pleased that 3. 8 billion is allocated to the department of agriculture. This will help those affected farmers and the ag industry and the Citrus Industry in the state of florida. I urge a yes vote on this important supplemental and i thank the chairman. I thank you for your leadership and courage for bringing forward a good bill that helps the folks in our country and that treats everybody equally, equitably and fairly. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i yield two minutes to the gentleman from california, mr. Thompson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Ompson i thank you, speaker. This year has been the worst fire season in california history. The october fires included 21 major fires that were fought by over 11,000 firefighters and driven by powerful winds that reached speeds at 0 miles an hour and they moved as fast as 200 feet per second. That is 40 football fields in a minute. They forced over 100,000 people to evacuate their homes and they destroyed over 9,000 homes and structures. And most track igically, 44 people lost their lives. Our communities have been devastated, mr. Speaker. But they have also come together and supported each other in inspiring ways and now they begin the very long road to recovery. m pleased to see this funding package will deliver much needed funds for fire recovery. Calvert, gressman pelosi and have been working with us to make sure we get the funds we need. I thank the appropriators and the appropriation staff for their help as well. With the support of the entire california house delegation, the state of california has requested 4. 4 billion for firerelated Disaster Relief. These funds will be vital helping families rebuild their homes and lives and supporting our community as they rebuild Critical Infrastructure and restore essential services. It is critical that the federal government steps up and does its part. This funding package is an important first step in that effort. I have a picture of one of the devastated areas. This is over 3,000 homes in one swath burned down to the ground. Folks who experienced this terrible disaster need our help. I ask for an aye vote. The speaker pro tempore the the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield two minutes two minutes to mr. Shuster of pennsylvania. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Shuster i thank the chairman and the Appropriations Committee for bringing forward this extremely important legislation, which includes important fema reforms which were approved unanimously by the transportation and Infrastructure Committee partly in response to this years hurricane season. The bipartisan bicameral Disaster Recovery reform act addresses the rising cost of disasters and reforms programs to ensure our communities are more resilient and better prepared for the next hurricane, flood, earthquake, wildfire or other disasters. It focuses on predisaster planning. To speed recovery when disaster does strike. This will save lives and money. Putting our focus omit gation is good government. For every dollar we spend omit is not etween 4 and 8 spent later. This is good about beneficial. I thank many members who contributed but especially to my democratic colleagues who contributed to this effort, congressman johnson, defazio, and nadler and many others who contributed to this important reform legislation. Many americans are still recovering and california is still in the middle of a wildfire. I urge my colleagues to support it and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield two minutes to the chairman of the ater resource, mr. Graves from louisiana. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from louisiana is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Graves i want to thank the chairman for working with us on this and yielding time and i thank the chairman of the Transportation Committee and Ranking Member for their assistance. Mr. Speaker, this bill just doesnt just include money. It also includes language and changes that i would consider to be priceless. It includes things like applying Lessons Learned reducing isaster costs and speeding recovery. This is common sense and applying it how we handle disasters. Nd you can look back since 1980, we had over 200 disasters in this nation that cost over 1 pillion. When you add it up, 1. 3 trillion in disaster costs. As the chairman of the Transportation Committee said, this bill includes tax from h. R. 4460 that transforms this process instead of coming in and picking up the pieces but leaning forward and making sure our communities are resilient and making sure they are prepared for disasters and for the future. This bill includes very important provisions to the state of louisiana that addresses this duplication of benefit issues, some nonsenseical policy that a loan is duplicative of a grant. It eliminates these barriers on federally authorized army corps of engineers projects to prevent flooding and hurricane damage. It applies common sense. It ensures that the deficiency like the i12 barrier in louisiana, it will respond to the 20161,year flood. It provides flexibility for these housing programs type concepts that ensures we are not wasting money that is ripped out later on but provides longterm solutions. And finally, it addresses the deficiency in food banks and churches and makes them eligible. I urge adoption and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield two minutes to mr. Rodney davidson illinois mr. Bartlett of pennsylvania, two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for two minutes. Bart bart i rise in support of h. R. Disaster recovery act. In 2017, 8 of the United States population was affected by at least one diss as ter. This statistic highlights the importance in investing in mitigation infrastructure before tragedy strikes. Studies have shown that for every one dollar invested up front we can save between 4 and 8 in recovery costs. We can transform how we approach disaster funding. It would provide fema with the resources to help our communities plan for, mitigate against, respond to and recover from disasters. Every one of our districts republicans and democrats alike will be impacted by disaster at some point. In 2011, my own district was devastated from hurricane irene and Tropical Storm lee. And homes and businesses were completely wiped out. I visited with families and employers affected by this tragedy and made me realize that we need to help communities build better and smarter before disaster strikes. My bill the Disaster Recovery reform act will do just that. It will save lives, lessen damage and speed up recovery. I thank chairman shuster and my colleagues on the transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the senate for their work on this bipartisan and bicameral agreement. Again, i urge swift passage of h. R. 4667, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from illinois, mr. Rodney davis and apologize for momentary lapse. Mr. Davis my congratulations go out to you and chairman shuster for putting these fema reforms into law that were long overdue. I rise in support of h. R. 4667, the critical Disaster Assistance legislation to help those affected by the hurricanes this year. I said on the floor of this house i believe its important for congress to come together when disaster strikes to help those impacted, helping our americans after a disaster is the right thing to do. And you never know when a disaster may hit your state. Im thankful for chairman frelinghuysen and chairman shuster including language that is important to my state. My bill requires fema to place greater weight and consideration on the severe localized impact of the damage following a disaster. I want to thank my colleague, congresswoman bustos for working with me on this bill. Fema takes into account for determining the need of public and individual assistance. However, there is no determine what standard is more important an another which is a highly subjective process and leaves states like illinois without help from the federal government. Its because one major factor is the states population. Fema multiplies the states population by 1. 39 to use it as the threshold to determine need. For illinois to receive assistance, damages would have to be 18 million or more. That is more than or nearly double than that of our neighboring states. There have been multiple times that a storm hits that illinois is the only one denied assistance. Two years ago this christmas, flood damage throughout 16 counties cost 15 million in damages. Missouri who was also impacted received assistance, but illinois did not. This is wrong. My constituents pay into the Disaster Relief fund to help other states and should be when they need it. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york continues to reserve. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield to ms. Mimi walters of california. Mrs. Walters california is experiencing the worst fires in its history, its taken 46 lives, including one of our brave firefighters, cory iverson. The need for relief and assistance is immediate. Mr. Speaker, i support the swift pass pa passage of the emergency disaster aid package which includes legislation i introduced, the california wildfire Disaster Relief act of 2017. These specific provisions will allow victims to deduct property damages and access Retirement Funds without penalty as well as encourage charitable giving. Passage of this bill will help mitigate the burden of these devastating wildfires and allow people to begin rebuilding their lives. Mr. Speaker, kale faces a long road to recovery and rebuild from this devastating fire season. I urge my colleagues to aid in that recovery by voting for the emergency disaster aid package. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The yom from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield one minute to my league from new jersey, mr. Smith. Mr. Smith i thank my good friend for yielding on the tremendous bill, its a great, bipartisan speas of legislation. After superstorm sandy, i and others saw how leaders and volunteers at churches and synagogues and other religious creners helped feed, clothe, and shelter tens of thousands of victims but they were left out and left behind when it came to property. Heir own a correction for this but the policy continues to this day. I want to thank the chairman for including a vision to ensure churches and synagogues and houses of worship get the help they need along with other nonprofits. I also thank him for including language to get rid of the misnamed duplication of benefits clause. Imagine this, men and women victimized by sandy or orstorm. They go to fema and are admonished to take out a loan and then theyre told theres a h. U. D. Grant available and theyre precluded from getting that grant. To even pay off the s. B. A. Loan. Some people who acted in due diligence, wanted to keep black hold to the minimum the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expower has expired. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield one minute to mr. Rutherford of florida. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Rutherford thank you, mr. Chairman. Rise in strong support of this emergency supplemental bill. This emergency funding providse muchneeded and frankly overdue relief to my district in northeast florida. In september, Hurricane Irma caused flooding at the that the city of jacksonville had not seen in more than 150 years. Downtown was literally under water. Power was out for many days, homes and businesses were shuttered. In our more rural agricultural communities, crops were wiped out. Hurting our agriculture commun for months if not years to come. The city of jacksonville recently projected that Hurricane Irma will cost the city 85 million. I would be remiss if i did not commend the quick federal response, the leadership of our governor and the planning and coordination of local Emergency Management officials who saved lives and made our Community Safe and quickly back up and running. But the federal support in this bill provides the next phase in Emergency Response that we so desperately need. Id like to thank chairman frelinghuysen and his staff for their work to get this bill over the line and i urge my colleagues in the strongest way possible to support this bill. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished majority leader, kevin mccarthy. Of california. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mccarthy i thank the gentleman for yielding and for his work. Now, mr. Speaker, its only four days until christmas. I look forward to going home and being with my family. And i know every Single Member in this body looks forward to that too. I count my blessings that my family is safe and that i have a community and home to head back to. Because there are people in this country who dont have that. Their homes were destroyed by wind, flood, and fires. Their communities were torn apart by hurricane and flame. I had the somber privilege of traveling to these places. I went to texas and spend time with members on both sides of the aisle. Seing the flooded homes and streets filled with water. We visited nrg stadium to meet the people forced to evacuate their homes. I saw representatives like heila jackson lee, al green, ryan weber and bruce babin. We dont often agree on much but we all agreed to help the people in texas. I flew to the Virgin Islands with majority whip steny hoyer and id like to thank delegate Stacey Plaskett and resident jenniffer an gonzales. In the Virgin Islands we visited a hospital. The storm left half of it unusable. No dialysis machines. They had to come to the mainland. Nurses and doctors were work, doing the best they could to help people in the most difficult of circumstances. In puerto rico we were the first congressional delegation to visit the interior after the storm. We were with members like jeff denham, Anthony Brown and norma torres. We met people without power for weeks. Low on food. Low on medicine. We saw schools and home destroyed and completely washed away. We then went to florida to see the other towns hit by Hurricane Irma. Places that face storms year after year. And i returned to my home state of california with congressman Mike Thompson and jared hoffman. During the worst wildfire season our state has ever seen. We saw the fires rage up north where it destroyed entire communities. 46 people have lost their lives. In the fires in california this year. And you could see the devastation, block after block. Ash heap of homes and trees standing like barren pillars. I met with firefighters down south still battling what may become the largest wildfire in california history. And as it looks right now, they will still be standing on the front lines of those fires come christmas day. Every single place i went, democrats and republicans stood together. We saw the devastation together. We spoke to the suffering of the people that the people were having together. And together we made a promise that we would return here to washington and work hand in hand to help them as soon as possible. Thats why you heard minority whip steny hoyer on september 26, that he would quote, work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure congress provides all funding necessary to ensure that all americans affected by these storms can recover and rebuild. Thats why i said on why he said on november 2 he believes, quote, we can Work Together in a bipartisan way tone sure that the affected areas receive the resources they need from congress. Thats why i appreciated joining him in an oped piece in the Washington Post on november 8. Where we wrote, and i quote, we are determined to ensure that this is strong bipartisan support for the next supplemental emergency funding package so that affected areas such as those we visited have the resources they need. Now Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke similarly. She signed a letter with members across california saying to President Trump that we look forward to working with you to ensure that all americans who have been severely impacted by recent natural disasters across the United States receive the federal support they need and deserve. She told the Appropriations Committee that, quote, congress has an urgent responsibility to the california families whose lives have been upended by disastrous wildfires. I couldnt agree more. Agree more with these statements. In the past few weeks and months we did. We worked together. We analyzed the damage. We studied the requests with governors and legislators. We even made significant reforms to respond to disaster in the most effective and responsible way possible. The legislation today is the result. It provides funding for every single state and territory affected by natural disaster. I remind all my friends that eavel in california that this legislation accommodates exactly what our entire delegation requested. And in all this work, we did it together. In a bipartisan way. The way the American People expect this body to work. Now i know its the habit of this town to play politics. So mr. Speaker, i do want to tell my friends on there side, f you feel like you have to, play politics on tax cuts. Call it whatever you want to call it. Play politics on all the other legislation that comes to this floor. But if i can request one thing, please dont do it here. Dont play politics on a vote to give aid to the people of texas. To the people of puerto rico. And to the Virgin Islands. To the people of florida and to the people of california that are still fighting the fires. Dont play politics on a bill youre going to hope to maybe stop another. That would be the worst of any politics that could be played here. So mr. Speaker, i beg my friend on the other side please dont do what you did two weeks ago. When you whipped against the funding bill to shut the government down. You dont like tax cuts, i understand. Vote against them. You dont want to vote for the funding of government and you want to shut it down, fine, take that vote. But here and now, right before christmas, dont vote against aid for americans who just lost everything. They dont understand the politics of it. Dont vote against aid you promed to deliver. Dont vote against aid we worked so hard together to put on this floor. Washington, d. C. Can be far from our home. We may all be dream og o dreaming of being home with our kids, eating christmas dinner, opening presents and enjoying time with our family and friends. But what we do here and now has consequences. What we do here and now will either give tens of thousands of people something to hope for this christmas, or take that hope away. We can deliver that hope if those who stood with me on the floodplains of texas and on the burnt hills of california keep the promise they made. We can deliver that hope if those who worked with us for so long continue to work with us today. People need our help. So vote to give them the help they need. The help we all promised. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Members are reminded to address their comments to the chair. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey im very pleased to yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from the Virgin Islands, ms. Plaskett. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Thank you so much for yielding time to me and at this moment id like to speak on behalf of the people that i represent, the people of the Virgin Islands. Im thankful that this house has decided they wanted to work in a bipartisan manner on supplemental for the disasters that have occurred, the unprecedented disasters that have occurred in the Virgin Islands. And i did hear the voice of so many of my colleagues who said that they would be willing to do whatever is necessary to support the people of the Virgin Islands. But right now as i stand here, people of the Virgin Islands, almost 60 of them still do not have power. I have no power in my hone home and those of you in florida, and in texas, and in other places, would not stand for that. But you expect us to stand for it. Were supposed to muddle through. Were only supposed to have hope . This christmas of whats supposed to come . Well mr. Speaker, you can have hope at your christmas daner because youve got some lights on. My house, itll be cold and dark there until my husband or i crank up the generator and get it going for a couple of hours so maybe we can wash, cook some food and turn it back off again later in the day. Im urging my colleagues to vote no, not because i dont want supplemental support, not because the people of the Virgin Islands dont need but because i understand that i have said when this measure was unveiled that the funding in this bill is gin efficient and has not improved. This measure provides only 81 billion to be split between texas, florida, puerto rico, the Virgin Islands, other places and if history is any indication that money is not going to get to the people of the Virgin Islands because while the california delegation and texas delegation can lobby in late hours to get what they need in the bill, im the only person in the Virgin Islands. I do i not get invited, dont have have a floor when the bill comes to the floor to represent the people. One of the thing that is missing is funding for medicaid program, the same type of funding that was put in for the people of tech as and louisiana. The government of the Virgin Islands cannot shoulder the current burden for medicaid funding which the government has recently submitted to be 64 million and additional 50 million. The governor has requested that the medicaid provisions that the cap be removed, the arbitrary cap be removed for a period of time for us to be stabilized and 100 the same way it was for katrina and other places be given to us. Now the people of the Virgin Islands and people of puerto rico, i know it may be news to many people, but we are u. S. Citizens. We decide to live on an island because thats where we were brought. I ask for one additional minute. And because of that, we have been treated disproportionately and unfairly in the ways that some of this funding has come about. The bill does not include local cost share waivers and contains unnecessary limitations to use federal assistance to build with more resilience. The Virgin Islands cannot wait for the Community Development funds provided in this bill. H. U. D. Should immediately award Community Development funds to the Virgin Islands on the Damage Assessment that have been completed. Those are things i can get around. Those are real support in a real bill that is really working in a bipartisan way to help all americans, not just delegations who can get together in the heat of the night or cold of the night and make provisions for themselves. I have told my colleagues on this side of the aisle, they are going to pick off puerto rico and the Virgin Islands and we are going to be left out and some of you get what you want and vote for this. And once again the people who have no vote on this floor, the people who have no say in this county although they are u. S. Citizens are going to be left out. Im urging all of my colleagues to vote no. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Frelinghuysen he frelinghuysen i reserve mr. Frelinghuysen i reserve. I have the right to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i yield myself one minute to close. I would like to reiterate that the bill before us is insufficient to meet the needs of those living in puerto rico and the Virgin Islands. Months after hurricanes devastated the islands, hundreds, if not thousands of americans, have died. And far too many people are living without basic necessities that all americans should have. Id also like to ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from puerto ricos requests hich medicaid assistance and 100 federal costs for fema and army corps projects which are not included in the bill. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield myself the balance of the time. This bill put together after eight public hearings, input from all governors, all members f congress, all delegates, especially those that represent texas, florida, louisiana, puerto rico, the Virgin Islands and california, represents a fair and compassion nature treatment of all hurricane and fire victims. Like the first two emergency supplementals put together by our leadership, our committee and congress, we acted within days to help. I ask that we do it again this afternoon, without delay. Get this 81 billion disaster package into the hands of the states, the territories and the communities that continue to suffer. Let me associate myself with the remarks of our majority leader. Lets get the money into those communities that have been suffering. And that money is going to the Virgin Islands, its going to puerto rico, its going to florida, texas and california. Theres been no discrimination at all. And this bill has been put together with the cooperation of all the chairs and Ranking Members and it deserves to be acted on promptly. People are suffering. Lets get the money out the door to help them we have done in the past. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore all time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 670, the previous question is ordered on the bill as amended. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year september 302018 for Disaster Assistance from hurricanes and calendar 2017 wildfires and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 10 of rule 20, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings are postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Frelinghuysen i ask unanimous consent that members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman pursuant to House Resolution 670 i call up h. R. 1370 with the Senate Amendments thereto and i have a motion at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Senate Amendment and designate the motion. The clerk h. R. 1370 an act to amend the Homeland Security act of 2002 to require the secretary of Homeland Security to Issue Department of Homeland Security Training Programs as part of the department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign and for other purposes. Senate amendment, motion offered by mr. Frelinghuysen of new jersey. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 670, the motion shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by chair member on minority appropriations. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i rise and offer this amendment and yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i present house amendment to the Senate Amendment to h. R. 1370. This legislation keeps the government fully open, funds Important National Security Priorities and temporarily extends critical Government Programs like the Childrens Health Insurance Program, the National Flood Insurance Program and section 702 of the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. This is our duty to the American People to keep them secure and to ensure they have access to Government Programs and services they depend on. The house must pass this bill now, today, without action on this bill existing government funding will expire tomorrow and the government will shut down. This legislation provides a simple clean extension of current funding levels through january of 2018. This additional time will allow house and Senate Leadership to complete their negotiations on overall spending levels. Once thats determined my committee will complete negotiations on all 12 appropriation bills for the rest of the fiscal year 2018. In the meantime, it is essential that congress maintain Government Programs and services for our nations stability, the stability of our economy and for the security and wellbeing of the American People. This bill also supports National Security by providing an additional 4. 7 billion in emergency funding to bolster Missile Defense and protect against growing threats and repair damaged navy ships. The bill includes 2. 1 billion in mandatory funding for the v. A. Choice program. This funding will guarantee our veterans continue to have access to medical care they need and deserve. Along with important funding for our armed forces and veterans, this bill contains extensions to several Critical Programs that millions of americans rely on. This includes the Childrens Health Insurance Program, National Flood Insurance Program and section 702 of the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. I would like to thank the 12 appropriations chairs, the clerks and the very professional staff of the Appropriations Committee tore working overtime to bring this bill and others before the house today. We cannot delay in passing this critical legislation. Funding the government, protecting the nation and extending essential programs that hardworking americans rely on every day. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on the bill and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Chairman, i rise in opposition to this epic failure of governing. Nearly three months into the fiscal year, the republican majofert is advancing its third temporary continuing resolution with no foreseeable path forward on enacting full year appropriations and no urgency to address priorities that are critical to American Families and communities. Completely preoccupied with showering tax breaks on corporations and the wealthiest americans, the majority has failed to clear the extremely low bar of charting a course to keep the government open and meet deadlines they assessed for themselves. In short, the republican majority has made a complete mess of the very basics of governing. Now they want democrats to bail them out by caring a bill that negleggets our priorities. This continuing resolution should include the bipartisan dream act protecting from deportation young people who are brought to this country as small children and only know the United States as home. But this bill tells those facing deportation that their plight is not our concern. It should include a bipartisan reauthorization of the Childrens Health Insurance Program, providing longterm certainty for nine million children and families who depend on the program. Instead, this bill tells children and families their medical needs is not our priority. It should include an agreement to raise caps for defense and nondefense spending with parity so that appropriators can get to work on a full Year Spending package that keeps america secure and prosperous. Instead, the bill tries to make an end run around solely the defense cap by slipping in nearly 5 billion in new spending for the pentagon. And it should not clean up the mess the majority made triggering automatic reductions o medicare because the deficit busing tax bill. The majority wants to pass this bill and go home for the holidays. Somehow content with its performance on behalf of the americans they represent. In every sense, this bill fails to live up to our responsibilities as legislators and as representatives. Given these failures, i urge a no vote. And i resevere the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield two minutes to the chairman of the energy and commerce committee, greg walden from the great state of oregon. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Walden i want to thank mr. Frelinghuysen for his incredible and tenacious work to bring us this legislation and by the way, all 12 Appropriations Bills have been passed by the house and sent to the senate. A vet against the c. R. Is a vote to shut down the government. Its that simple. Today is the day we keep the government operate, were not going to take the irresponsible path of shutting it down. I stand in support of the continuing resolution this legislation before us today not only keeps the doors of the federal government open and the services to our constituents available but also provides shortterm funding for the state, children for the state Childrens Health Insurance Program, also known as chip. This Program Provides vital Health Coverage for approximately nine million children nationwide. So when my colleagues on the other side of the aisle vote no, no that know that theyre also voting against these nine million children who need access to Health Insurance. While im glad we have the shortterm funding, i too am disappointing to stand here today without congress having completed its work to fully fund chip for the next five years. We did that in the house on a bipartisan says by. This basis. This bill also provides funding for Community Health centers. In my district, 63 Different Centers take care of men, women, and children. It takes care of Teaching Health Center Graduate education and special Diabetes Program as well. A no vote today is a vote against all those programs. Its worth noting that the house passed a bill, championing the healthy the championing healthy kids act, in november. It will fund the chip program for five years and the Community Health centers would be funded for two years. It would prevent billions of dollars of cuts to our safety net hospitals. Those cuts will be triggered in january because of inaction in the senate. Unfortunately, our friends on the other side of the capitol have yet to vote on our bill or find other offsets. This is disappointing because it Means Congress hasnt been able to provide certainty to those across the country who rely on these programs. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield the gentleman an additional minute. Mr. Walden i thank the gentleman. We are well pastime when we should have had this done. The committee has acted this eu. S. House of representatives has acted. The Senate Finance committee has act. The full senate is yet to do. So i know chairman hatch and Ranking Member pallone believe this should be done as soon as possible. We have been working together along with my fellow oregonian to figure out how to get chip and others across the finish line. So while were frustrate wed wont complete our work today we are determined to continue to work with my colleagues to get this done early in january. With that, i urge my colleagues to support the c. R. And these necessary funding extensions and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from oregon yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from minnesota, the Ranking Member of the interior subcommittee, ms. Mccollum. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Mccollum i rise in opposition to this continuing resolution. The federal governments fiscal year started three months ago. The Republican Congress still hasnt passed a fullyear a full year of federal spending. Rather than protecting our nation and meeting the needs of the American People, we are now debating a third continuing resolution to kick the can into january. Republicans control this house, the senate, and the white house. But clearly they do not take their responsibility to fund the federal government seriously. Frankly, they should be embarrassed. For the past three months, democrats have sought to work with republicans to secure a budget agreement and responsibly pass appropriation bills. But republicans have been too busy to meet this basic responsibility. Instead, theyve spent months working in secret on their deficitbusting tax scam. Lets be clear. The republican tax scam is part of this c. R. As well. The c. R. Contains language to exempt the republicans lavish tax cuts for big corporations and billionaires from the statutory pay as you go act. Republicans pass their tax scam knowing it was fiscally irresponsible and that it would trigger cuts to medicare, the Crime Victims Fund and other vital programs and trigger an increase into the federal stunt loan. Now theyre asking democrats to help bail them out. Well, i didnt vote for the republican tax scam and im not going to paper over their mistakes so President Trump can sign it into law. But heres what i will do, mr. Speaker. As the Ranking Member of the interior environment appropriations subcommittee, i know republican appropriators are as frustrated as i am and i want to work with them to find Common Ground and responsibly fund our government. Its time for appropriators to do our job. Republicans and democrats to Work Together. It is time for us to get back to work and fund the federal government responsibly. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from minnesota yields back. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from ohio, the Ranking Member of the energy and water subcommittee, ms. Kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Kaptur i thank Ranking Member lowey for yielding me this time and rise in opposition to this continuing resolution that some might consider ridiculous. Because no matter how you look at it, republicans have control of all the reins of the federal government and yet we find ourselves again rock locked in an artificial crisis of their own creation. On the third punt to try to run this government for another couple of weeks. First in september, then again two weeks ago and now here again today, the government will be set on automatic pilot. Because President Trump and his fellow republicans refuse to pass a real budget under regular order so the Appropriations Committee can get its work done within strict budget parameters. These last three months, congress has been left to twiddle its thumbs while the list of unmet priorities for americans has steadily grown. Most notably, let me address the Childrens Health Insurance Program or chip that covers over nine million children in our country and more than 220,000 in ohio. In fact, that Insurance Program expired 81 days ago and covers half, yes, half the children in my district. How do you think it makes those families peel those families feel . What are they going to do after the end of march . Unfortunately this spending bill only provides enough funding for the chip program through march 31. Again, kicking the can down the oad. They serve more than 225 million patients and are the nations largest sort of source of comprehensive care for people in need. Dont they deserve full respect for this congress for the lifegiving work they do . Mr. Speaker, ill close with this. Up to 10 million private pensions are at risk across our country through no fault of the workers and Congress Must act. But where is the leadership. Our solution is the butch Lewis Pension act which ensures americas private pensioneers receive the benefits they earned. Whether its helping our retirees or caring for our children time and again, republicans are ignoring real middle class issues. Might i have an additional 15 seconds . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for 15 seconds. Ms. Kaptur yet the republicans have no problem finding trillions for billionaires who end up funding their campaigns too. Simply this prescription is bad medicine for america and i ask my colleagues to vote no, thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the the speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from ohio yields back, the gentlewoman from new york reserve the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield three minutes to dr. Phil roe of tennessee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Roe i rise in support of a provision in this legislation that would authorize and appropriate 2. 1 billion for the veterans Choice Program. Choice was created by congress in 2014 following a nation a nationwide department of Veterans Affairs access and accountability crisis. Make no mistake about it, choice is certainly not been without its faults in the last three years. However, the program is also resulted in millions of veterans receiving care they otherwise would have had to wait longer for or travel further or maybe ot have received at all. The program is expected to run out of money in early 2018 which would jeopardize the care veterans are receiving in their communities. This is totally unacceptable. The committee has been working diligently to replace and improve upon the choice and in fact i was proud to introduce h. R. 4242, the v. A. Care in the community act, last month. That legislation was favorably reported reported out of me just this week and i look forward to working with my colleagues on Community Care reform. In the meantime we cannot allow the care of our veterans received in the community through the Choice Program to be jeopardized by lack of funding. In fact, id like to submit a letter for the record secretary shulkin sent me earlier this month. In this letter he explicitly stated without additional funding before the end of the year there will be dramatic impact on the ability of the Veterans Affairs department to provide care for veterans. A vote against the continuing resolution is a vote against funding medical care for our nations heroes. The secretarys message is clear, mr. Speaker. I urge all of my colleagues to join me in supporting an additional 2. 1 billion for the Choice Program. With that, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Ms. Lee wee mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from california, a member of the Appropriations Committee, ms. Lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Lee thank you very much. I want to thank the gentlewoman for yielding and also once again for your tremendous leadership on so many issues as our Ranking Member. As a member of the appropriations and budget committee, i rise in strong opposition to this continuing resolution which really could be called the failure to govern resolution. This bill as my colleague from ohio said shamefully kicks the can down the road once again. This time until january 19. And why . Because republicans have been too busy passing the greatest tax scam in history rather than to responsibly fund the government. This reckless shortterm resolution ignore ours critical yearend priorities. Like passing a bipartisan, longterm reauthorization of the Childrens Health Insurance Program. A daca program. Because every day 122 young people, daca recipients, are losing their protection. Theyre afraid. Theyre fearful. Theres so much anxiety. We should not do this today without protecting them. This continuing resolution does not have honoring our testify rare protected status for imgrants. Raising the budgetary caps for e it does not for equally defense and nondefense spending. Much needed funding for opioids is not included. Nor are Community Health centers and our veterans in terms of funding for their needs. I could go on and on about the problems with the c. R. But i just have to tell you the reality is that this bill, like the tax giveaway, underscores the majoritys complete lack of regard for Everyday Americans and struggling families. Continuing resolutions leave the American People out on a limb with no confidence in their federal government. I guess we should not be surprised by this approach since really the playbook for this administration from day one has been as steve bannon said, may i have an additional 30 seconds . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for 30 seconds. Ms. Lee steve bannon said early on that their goal was deconstruction of the administrative state. That is exactly whats happening with this c. R. This is unacceptable. By passing a shortterm spending bill that entirely neglects urgent and vital needs and underfunds job training, Affordable Housing and education we really are selling the American People short. Unfortunately, this is another effort to disregard the lives of millions of people. It is totally irresponsible and it does nothing to help create jobs, better wages, or Better Future for our children and their families. I urge no on this bill and we need to begin to try to do our job here. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. Mrs. Lowey im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman if florida, the Ranking Member of the military construction v. A. Subcommittee, ms. Wasserman schultz. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Wasserman schultz thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise in strong opposition to this continuing resolution which is yet again a complete abdication of our responsibilities as members of congress. What we have before us today is evidence that the socalled Republican Leadership simply cannot deliver on the promises they made to the American People. Instead, this congress has decided to continue taking the ludicrous approach of funding the government for just a few weeks at a time while ignoring the pressing issues that demand our attention. Over the last few weeks, republicans in this congress decided to focus only on pushing through legislation designed to further enriche giant corporations while adding one and a half trillion dollars to the deficit. Yet for the dreamers who teach our children, care for our sick and serve our nation, republicans continue to say, you just have to wait. For millions of our most vulnerable, young kids suffering from illness and debilitating disease, who are reliant on the Childrens Health Insurance Program, republicans have made it clear their priorities lie elsewhere. To those who have served our country with dignity and pride, the majority has failed to provide resources to address dire shortfalls at the v. A. The dreamers cannot wait. The threat of deportation looms over these courageous individuals every single day. Sick children deserve our attention now. They should not be used as bargaining chips in this delay. We cant deny them the health care they have earned. Dont tell me we dont have the funds while this Congress Gave a handout to those who need it the least. This pathetic continuing resolution fails to address the needs of the people who sent us hire. It doesnt even come close. With that i urge my colleagues to join me in voting no and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from florida yields back the balance of her time. The gentlewoman from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i reserve, mr. Chairman. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from connecticut, the Ranking Member of the laborhhs subcommittee, ms. Delauro. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from connecticut is ecognized for two minutes. Ms. Delauro mr. Speaker, i strongly oppose this continuing resolution. Yet again we are punting one of our core obligations as members of Congress Funding Government Programs. The republican majority has failed to respond to the needs of the American People. They put services and investments that are critical to our families and our communities at risk. From apprenticeships to education for students with disabilities, childcare, afterschool programs that help working families make ends meet, and Financial Aid for students attending college. We should be negotiating spending levels for 2018 for both defense and nondefense spending. We should have spent the last two months fulfilling our responsibility as legislators by writing bipartisan bills to Fund Programs that help the middle class and the vulnerable, to put evidencebased, Scientific Research and help working people get the skills that they need to find good jobs with good wages. Instead the republican majority squandered the last two months focused on their tax scam, rewarding big corporations, millionaires and billionaires who wrote the rules to make government work for them. And our republican colleagues were their comrades in arms in rigging the game against he the middle class. Im horrified by the majoritys decision to put the future of the Childrens Health Insurance Program, or chip, in jeopardy. Kids checkups, their shots, prescriptions, dental and vision care, hospital care, the list goes on. They cut children off because of the majoritys delay. My own state of connecticut, the hardworking families who depend on chip deserve to know that it will be there for their children for the long term. How account majority go on vacation while millions of children worry about losing their Health Insurance . This is a disgrace. This bill also cuts 750 million from the prevention and Public Health fund which supports programs such as heart disease, stroke prevention, diabetes prevention, immunization, vaccination program. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for one additional minute. Ms. Delauro thank you. It was only yesterday, only yesterday that our republican colleagues voted to spend 1. 5 money, of taxpayers your money on tax cuts for millionaires. 83 of the tax cuts go to 1 of the people in this nation. Instead, they are cutting nearly 1 billion from Public Health programs that protect you and your family. I urge my colleagues, reject this continuing resolution because it fails to meet the obligation that we are entrusted with, the moral responsibility that we have to the American People, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from connecticut yields back the balance of her time. New york ady from reserves. The gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i yield three minutes to the gentleman from maryland, the democratic whip, for three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from maryland is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Hoyer thank you very much, mrs. Lowey. Here we are again, mr. Speaker. Two weeks ago the republican majority asked for another two weeks to write an appropriations package to fund the government. Now theyre asking to kick the can down the road one more time. We all knew that those two weeks were a pretense for getting the votes to pass their tax bill. We didnt make any progress on a bipartisan appropriation bill. Before that republicans asked or an additional 12 weeks in

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