Consider a twoweek government funding extension while negotiations continue on federal spending past december 22. Current Spending Authority runs out friday night. Also changes to the Small Business Merger Acquisition. Live coverage here on cspan. T. Today, we remember the lives lost at pearl harbor and the young men and woman who served today. In these troubled times of fires, floods, terror attacks, mass chootings, help us to rely on your strength to envision and build a stronger, more secure america. Give us more visionaries like father Edward Flanagan who founded on december 12, 100 years ago. He was an irish immigrant who lived the American Dream and taught us all that the troubled child can grow up to be a useful citizen if given half the chance. He saw the best in the kids that others rejected as useless. Help us. Especially each of our representatives to see the best in those that have different political or social views so we can together build an america that enables and calls for the best in its citizens. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Purn to clause 1, rule 1, the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Wilson i demand a vote on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. The speaker those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it, the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Wilson i demand the yeas and nays. The speaker the yeas and nays are requested. A sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. Pledge of allegiance will be led by mr. Davidson. Mr. Davidson i ask our guests to rise and join us in the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. The speaker without objection, the gentleman from nebraska, mr. Bacon, is recognized for one minute. Mr. Bacon thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to thank and recognize father steven e. Boes who joined us today to deliver the opening prayer. Hes the fifth executive director of boys town which is in nebraskas second Congressional District and is celebrating the 100th birthday this month. He was ordained in 1985 for the archdiocese in omaha. He regularly attends School Events at boys town schools. I have joined. The number of children served through boys town on campus family style care and programs serving children in their homes and community has doubled. The family hope project started in 1974 and served 36,000 to date. The boys town Foster Program has cared for 9,000 youth to date. And the Inhome Services program has helped 102,600 youth without having to remove them from their homes. Boys town has Emergency Services and has served over 45,000 youth. The man who started all this 100 years ago, father Edward Flanagan, was truly a visionary for changing how america cared for families and children. He worked for reformtories where children were abused and opening the father flanagans boys home which became boys town. Hes made an impact upon thousands and thousands. Boys town has nine locations including nevada, louisiana, north florida, central florida, south florida, washington, d. C. , england, iowa and nebraska. For father flanagan to father boes, many lives have been impacted. I recognize boys town for 100 years of service to the community and america. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The chair will entertain up to 15 further oneminute speeches on each side of the aisle. For what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Roslehtinen thank you ms. Roslehtinen thank you very much. Today we bid farewell to my senior Foreign Policy advisor and subcommittee staff director eddie acevedo. A miami native boy and a part nicaraguan american. For over a decade eddy and i have worked he hadie and i have worked side by side. Eddies depth of knowledge in political ackuemen is only eclipsed by his passion and kindings. Hes a bulldog when it comes to advancing our core ideals like the respect for human rights and the promotion of democratic principles. That is why hes an ideal fit for his next role as Deputy Assistant administrator and chief legislative strategist with usaid. I have no doubt that we will hear many great things from eddie in the future. Mr. Speaker, eddie is more than my most trusted advisor, hes my dear friend and he will be very much missed. So our staff and our family wish him and his wife, luli, all the best as they enter this next new exciting chapter of their life together. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Green mr. Speaker, members, this Holiday Season the republican majority has been working overtime on a tax plan that gives permanent tax cuts to wealthy families and corporations and funded by raising taxes on middle class families. As the republican majority tries to disguise this tax plan as beautifully wrapped gift, the American People need to know there are negative health care effects hidden inside the plan. By passing the tax plan, there will be automatic cuts in medicare to the tune of 25 billion a year. In addition, this plan could cause an extra 13 Million People to become uninsured. The tax bill will explode our debt or will cut medicare and medicaid. Its been more than two months since congress have reauthorized the Childrens Health Insurance Program and the federally provided health centers. This is the first time in history these programs have been held hostage to the legislative process. Instead of racing to reauthorize these bipartisan programs, the republicans have neglected children across the country solely to provide tax cuts to corporations and wealthy individuals. Mr. Speaker, this plan is not for the many but only for the few. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Wilson mr. Speaker, im grateful President Donald Trump and ambassador haley, South Carolinas former governor, for the announcement the United States will recognize jerusalem as the capital city of israel and relocate the American Embassy to the holy city which protects all religions. As President Trump said at the white house, quote, this long overdue recognition of reality is in the best interest of both the United States and the pursuit of peace between israel and the palestinians, end of quote. Americas bond with israel is unique and the strength through peace through stability for all the middle east providing for prosperity for all countries. The president s announcement strengthens that alliance and i appreciate him honoring another of his campaign commitments. Friends of israel know they have a true friend in the white house which was heartfelt when i met last month with sheldon and marion he haddleson at the Washington Convention eddleson at the Washington Convention center. Peace is not beyond the grasp for those willing to reach for it. In conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never forget september 11 and the global war on december. Just as america resolved december 7, 1941. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mcgovern mr. Speaker, yesterday my dear friend and olleague from maine, ms. Pingree, hosted a forum on the ruits and vegetable program. Many briefed Congressional Staff how we can improve Health Outcomes for those living in poverty by increasing access to healthy, fresh produce. Currently Health Care Providers at 34 clinics across 10 states provide individuals and Family Members with prescriptions for fruits and vegetables and 1 per day per Family Member to purchase these nutritious food. The program has significantly increased Food Security among its participants and has enabled these families to increase their vegetable consumption by an astounding 206 . I ask my colleagues to join me in supporting the local farms act, h. R. 3941, representative pingrees bipartisan legislation, to expand this important effort and let us all Work Together to end hunger now. I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, today on this ay that lives in infamy we recall mcarthurs message from the philippines. He said famously, from the far east i send you one single thought, one sole idea written in red from each bed head, there is no substitute for victory. I ask the core cadets at the military academy to remember that on the football field saturday. Go, army. Beat navy. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise to recognize the great contributions of ducks, unlimited, for 80 years, ducks, unlimited has played an Important Role in the Wetland Conservation process fighting for critical conservation polls pol cis. Mr. Thompson conducting outreach to bring the next generation of sports men and women into play. They raised bills of dollars to conserve more than 14 million acres, and they have biologists on the groundworking with local partners to bring these projects across the finish line. Ducks, unlimited has had Great Success in making critical habitat improvements to wetlands and support healthy fly way populations, clean air and water and strong local economies. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize mr. Darren of ohio county in the First District of kentucky. Darren was named the 2017 farmer of the year by the Kentucky Farm bureau at their 98th annual meeting held in louisville, kentucky. Throughout an extensive interview process, darrens steadfast commitment to agricultural modernization, education and Community Involvement shown through every facet of his career and personal life. Mr. Comer during his decades of experience in Farm Management and Agricultural Technology sales, darren has not only doubled the size of his family farming operations but has been an outstanding leader in the Ohio County Farm Bureau and his local chamber of commerce. Nown to the students as farmer luctrell, hes inspired the next generation of agriculture leaders through his involvement with local schools. Im thankful for darrens advocacy for kentucky agriculture and i thank those darren has served throughout his career and wishing him the best of luck as he competes with the sunbelt ag expo farmer of the year competition in georgia in 2018. I yield back. Foip the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentlelady from ohio seek recognition . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentlelady from ohio seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Kaptur mr. Speaker, the International Olympic committee has banned russia from the 2018 Winter Olympics due to rampant and statebacked doping. The Olympic Committee says that russias scale of cheating is unprecedented. Unfortunately, this is yet another example that the enemy of democracy knows no limits under the putin regime. Russias government and its corruption, some say depreviousity, it tarnishes the tradition of the olympic games. They dishonor athletes around the world who give their blood, sweat and tears to compete. While this decision rightly penalizes russia, russia is looking ahead to host the 2018 world cup in soccer. Putin will relish this Global Platform to spew out his propaganda to the world while thousands of ukrainians are killed and millions more throughout Central Europe are stifled under his repressive thumb. The Global Community must be on alert. We must stand for liberty. We must counter russias corruption, interference and aggression in all its form, and as the 2018 world cup nears, i call upon the International Community to choose, again, an honorable field on which the worlds athletes can compete. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Thompson mr. Speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson mr. Speaker, 76 years ago today our nation witnessed the devastating attack at a naval base in pearl harbor, hawaii. That event hastened our entry into world war ii. The surprise attack by the japanese on the morning of december 7, 1941, left 2,403 people dead. Among them were members of the u. S. Navy, army, marine and also civilians. It was one of the deadliest attacks in american history. President franklin d. Roosevelt described it as a, quote, date which will live in infamy. On this solemn day of commemoration we remember and we reflect. Flags throughout our country are flown at half staff in honor of pearl harbor remembrance day. Mr. Speaker, let us remember and honor the lives of those brave americans who perished on this day 76 years ago. As president roosevelt said, quote, no matter how long it will take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American People and their righteous might will win through to absolute victory and we did. God bless the pearl harbor victims and survivors and god bless america. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentlelady from nevada the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from nevada seek recognition snr without objection, the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Rosen republicans are working behind closed doors to put provisions that hill hurt people in nevada and across this country. Lets be clear. This monstrosity of a bill would lam many of nevadas hardworking families and adding 1 trillion to our National Debt. The Senate Version of this bill will spike Health Care Premiums and cause millions to Lose Health Care coverage and billionaires and giant corporations can receive an unnecessary tax cut. Mr. Speaker, americans can clearly see this is a bill just to give away to wealthy Campaign Donors at the expense of hardworking families. We need a tax code that puts money back in the pockets of american families. And certainly not one that puts profits before people. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. I rise today to congratulate the penn manor Field Hockey Team on 2017 state championship victory. It was a remarkable season for these young women. The state championship victory capped off a perfect 280 season. And 23 of those victories were shutouts. They scored 148 goals and only allowed five. Leading scorers, gabby and ebbonny combined for 64 goals and 54 assists. What is special about this team is their combined g. P. A. At 3. 63. Speaks volumes about the team and also about their coaches, their parents because we know that success like this isnt achieved alone. I couldnt be prouder to represent these young women and i look forward to the continued success of this program, congratulations to the penn manor Field Hockey Team, coaches, the faculty and students that helped make this championship possible. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from hawaii seek recognition . Permission to address the house. Mr. Gabbard we are commemorating the 76th anniversary of the attacks on pearl harbor and those who paid the price on that day and the millions of americans who were called to serve including two of our former our senators. Remember the famed go for broke 42nd infantry regular meant, made up of young men despite being friends and Family Members being sent off into internment camps still volunteered to serve putting their lives on the line for their country. They became the most highly decorated unit in all of the u. S. Armys history. We must never forget what happened at pearl harbor, the Lessons Learned and the sacrifices of those who served. The greatest generation will live on forever in the hearts of a grateful nation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Permission to address the ouse for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Poe it was a calm, cool, sunday morning sunrise when the planes came over from the horizon. They were carrying the emblem of the rising sun, the symbol of the imperialist regime of the kingdom of japan and headed for a surprise attack on a place called pearl harbor. It was december 7, 1941. Meanwhile here in washington, d. C. , hypocritical diplomats from japan were talking peace with the United States. The japanese planes bombed American Battle ships in the harbor. They bombed american aircraft on the ground. And after the destruction was ver, 2,403 americans laid dead murdered by the imperialist kingdom. It was the beginning of americas entry into world war ii. Over 116,000 americans were killed in the second world war. Victory over japan happened on august 14, 1945. We honor and remember pearl harbor and all the men and women of the greatest generation who served in that war. And thats just the way it is. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlelady is recognized. I rise to sound the alarm against the federal Communications Commission proposal to repeal Net Neutrality rules. Ms. Lee it protects americans access to a free, open and fair nternet. Repealing them would be undemocratic and very dangerous. Whats worse, we know gutting Net Neutrality would have a detrimental impact from entrepreneurs to social justice advocates. The internet has been a faufrl tool for communities of color to help draw attention to injustices in our society. But this new proposal will essentially kill this Free Expression and innovation. Its ridiculous. We cant allow democracy and access to the internet to be restricted in the name of corporate profits. Reject this plan and stand with the vast majority of americans who want to keep the internet open and free. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. I rise today in remembrance of the attack on pearl harbor and memorial of those who gave their lives. Today marks 76 years since the surprise attack on perlt harbor. Mr. Yoder many years have passed since that day and there are fewer and fewer survivors of the attack left with us. We must not let their memory fade. A group of viewer siferse have dedicated themselves of preserving the memory. The city of mission, kansas observes a memorial. One of my constituents is a pearl harbor survivor and played a key role. I have attended this ceremony in the past and i applaud on continuing on this important tradition. Let us never forget the fallen and the survivors and work to honor their memory and sacrifice. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Kildee thank you, mr. Speaker, well the republicans continue to rush their tax scam through congress raising taxes on tens of millions of people, borrowing over a trillion dollars just to give massive tax breaks to the people at the very top of the economy. And for the last three months since we passed the temporary spending bill, what has been their focus . Has it been to deal with the lack of reauthorization and full funding for Childrens Health . Nope. Ave they focused at all on the need to deal with the dream act with those dreamers who are here and know no other place than the United States . Have they done anything on that . Nope. Obsession on one thing, tax cuts for the wealthiest. Have they done anything at all to deal with this Opioid Crisis . The president talked about it and declared an emergency. What have we seen from the other side . Nothing. Nothing except an obsession to give tax breaks to the people at the top. For three months since we passed that temporary spending bill, thats been the singular obsession of the republican majority. That is not what the American People are looking for. Thats not what they sent us here to do. We should do the work of the American People. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Permission to address the house. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, the republican Corporate Tax cut bill is a massive takeaway from middle away toand massive give corporate america. Mr. Higgins news flash for the treasury secretary, tax cuts dont pay for themselves, they never have not once in human history. What does pay for itself are federal historic tax credits and historic tax credits are used to renew Historic Buildings, 1. 20 of every dollar that is generated. When Historic Buildings are renewed, main streets across america are restored, jobs are created, no business, income and property tax receive news are generated. And the federal tax credit does in fact pay for itself and more by helping cities and communities to become economically independent and selfsufficient. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition . Permission to address the ouse for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Schakowsky the author of oys of yiddikh defines chutzpah who rose himself on the mercy of the court. Yesterday, speaker ryan reconfirmed after pushing through a tax scam that has 1. 5 trillion to the deficit by giving tax cuts to the richest, republicans will insist on slashing medicare and medicaid to reduce the deficit. He said we have to get back next year at entitlement reform which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit, unquote. This is not just chutzpah, but actually cruelty and carelessness so i ask my republican colleagues did you really come to congress to take health care and longterm care from children, pregnant women, from disabilities, from families and seniors, who are you . And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, our republican colleagues who control the house, the senate and the white house are on the verge of another Government Shutdown that brought us to that brink and now they are asking for more time to get their work done. Why . We have seen this coming and granted one extension, but instead of working with democrats to avoid a shutdown, they have been rushing through a tax scam. They have been obsessed with this reverse robin hood scheme to take money from the middle class and give it to the top 1 . We need to keep the v. A. Open and restore Childrens Health insurance and community centers. We need to provide wildfire victims in california and the victims of disastrous hurricanes. The support they need to rebuild their lives. Each of these priorities has bipartisan support. Instead of working together on these bipartisan solutions, a unified republican government has been focused solely on further rigging the system to benefit special interests and billionaires. No more extensions. Lets Work Together to keep the government open and address real priorities of the American People. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from North Carolina from michigan seek recognition . Permission to address the minute. One the speaker pro tempore without objection. I come down here again finding myself in a position not planning on speaking. I came down here to speak on a bipartisan bill i have on the floor but cant help address what im hearing from the other side. You are hearing this is getting rushed through, we need to slow this down, we need to be thoughtful. I ran in 2010 talking about tax reform. Many of my colleagues ran in 010, 2012, 2014, 2016, talking about tax reform and the need for it. Mr. Huizenga even president obama talked about this when he said we need to lower the corporate rate to 20 , why, because we are uncompetitive as a country and you are hearing the other side saying we have to slow the whole train down. They want to protect the status quo, which i believe is unacceptable. We know that theres great agreement between the house version and the Senate Version, delivering 24,000 on a standard deduction, which is going to bring real tax relief to working families and making sure the Small Businesses and S Corporations and l. L. C. And sole proportionate tore ship. And here we are on the cusp that we advance. And i appreciate the opportunity. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from North Carolina rise . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for ne minute. Ms. Adams protesters have taken to the halls of congress. Ive never seen anything like this. The americans know the g. O. P. Tax scam is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation to come before this body. This legislation adds trillions to the deficit, cuts medicaid and increases Health Care Premiums. Its an unpopular bill pushed by an unpopular president and an unpopular congress. Mr. President , the American People dont want your bill. They want health care, medicaid, medicare. They want chip and Community Health centers. Trumpryanmcconnell, theyre bankrupting the american priorities to keep tax cuts for the wealthy. Their bill is welfare for wall street. In the past year republicans have attacked our health care, ignored our gun crisis, abandoned our dreamers, failed to pass a longterm budget, and now this. Enough is enough. Time for republicans to start working for their constituents, not their donors. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The chair would ask members to address their remarks to the chair. For what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized 1. The gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Waters thank you very much, mr. Speaker, and members. I just heard a member from the opposite side of the aisle come to the floor to talk about what we are talking about. Im only talking about tax and spend republicans. Can you believe the republicans who have been singing the song of conservatism for years, they called us old tax and spend liberals and they talk about the deficit . Think even run signs talking about how much its costing the American Public every minute. But guess what, they are creating a deficit of 1. 5 trillion in this tax scam that theyre passing. I rise to express my outrage over this harmful tax scam legislation passed by taxandspend republicans. Thats what im saying. Taxandspend republicans. Both the house and senate bills explode the deficit by over 1 trillion, and raise taxes on the middle class in order to spend on tax cuts for the wealthy. After 10 years, those making 75,000 or less would see a tax increase, while those making 1 million or more would see their taxes decrease. Under the house bill, tens of millions of working families nationwide would experience a tax increase by 2027. I hope that the tax and spend republicans on the other side of the aisle will come to their senses before sending a final ill to the president s desk. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Ms. Waters over a 1 trillion, can you believe it . I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania eek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise again in strong opposition to h. R. 1, the socalled tax cut and jobs act. Mr. Evans this what happens when they exert their rule. This should be calling the job killing tax cut act. A program fighting to combat hunger, feeding americans, have said that h. R. 1 would undermine efforts to assist those struggling to get adequate food access. The g. O. P. Leadership has yet to take up the chip bill. This is wrong. Lets stop the game and get something done. We shouldnt have to sacrifice the health and wellness for one of the populations over another. Thats what this divisive g. O. P. Bill does. Seniors ur children, at risk by putting their needs against one another. Health care is not a choice, its a right. The kids in our commonwealth of pennsylvania who rely on chip for their basic Health Care Needs deserves more than this foolish game of politics. We need to come together, roll up our sleeves and do the right thing for our kids and not engage in the sham version of this tax scam. Im asking my colleagues on the other side to engage in truth in advertising calling the bill a true tax scam. I oppose this bill because its unnecessary. Growing the National Debt thats giving to big corporations and the wealthy and take away the speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Evans keep in mind we need jobs. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from new york seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in opposition to this deficit exploding tax cut for the wealthy and big corporations. This bill will raise taxes on middleclass families in my district on long island and add trillions to the deficit, and my republican colleagues want to pay for it with cuts to education, health care and Social Security. Miss rice they seem to think the biggest problem in america is that corporations and millionaires are struggling to pay their taxes, but thats not what im hearing from my constituents. My constituents are asking, when will take action to protect the dreamers . When will we reauthorize chip . When will we take up the infrastructure bill that the president promised would be a priority . Instead of solving those real urgent problems, republicans spent the first nine months of the year trying to take away Peoples Health care and the next three trying to cut taxes for corporations on the backs of the middle class. I urge my colleagues once again to reject this ridiculous trickled down fantasy, stop the back door assaults on health care and Social Security and work with us to solve real problems for the people we serve. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The chair lays before the house an enrolled bill. The clerk senate 1266, an act to authorize the secretary of Veterans Affairs to enter into contracts with nonprofit organizations to investigate medical centers of the department of Veterans Affairs. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Woodall mr. Speaker, by the direction of the committee on rules, i call up House Resolution 647 and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 108. House resolution 647, resolved, that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill h. R. 477, to amend the Securities Exchange act of 1934 to exempt from registration brokers performing services in connection with the transfer of ownership of smaller privately held companies. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11543 shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on Financial Services, two, the further amendment printed in part a of the report of the committee on rules accompanying this resolution, if offered by the member designated in the report, which shall be in order without intervention of any point of order, shall be considered as read, shall be separately debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, and shall not be subject to a demand for a division of the question, and three, one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Section 2, upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill h. R. 3971, to amend the truth in lending act and the real estate settlement procedures act of 1974 to modify the requirements for Community Financial institutions with respect to certain rules relating to mortgage loans, and for other purposes. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11544 shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on Financial Services, two, the further amendment printed in part b of the report of the committee on rules accompanying this resolution, if offered by the member designated in the report, which shall be in order without intervention of any point of order, shall be considered as read, shall be separately debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, and shall not be subject to a demand for a division of the question, and three, one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Section 3, upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the joint resolution, house joint resolution 123, making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes. All points of order against consideration of the joint resolution are waived. The joint resolution shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the joint resolution are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the joint resolution and on any amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations, and two, one motion to ecommit. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one hour. Mr. Woodall i thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, during consideration of this resolution, all time is yielded for the purpose of debate only. Id like to yield the customary 30 minutes to my friend from new york, ms. Slaughter, pending which i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Woodall mr. Speaker, id also like to ask unanimous consent that all of my colleagues who speak on this rule have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Woodall thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i hope you were listening as the reading clerk was going through this rule, because there was a lot of meat in this rule today. Ordinarily, and in fact historically we will do a bill and well do a rule, well do a rule and well do a bill, this rule food makes three bills in order, three important bills in order, and im proud to be carry to carry this able to carry this rule today. The rule provides a structured rule for the debate of two bills out of the Financial Services committee. One is h. R. 477, mr. Speaker, the Small Business mergers, acquisitions, sales and broke radges act of 2017. The other is the Community Institution mortgage relief act. The rule also provides for consideration of a continuing resolution, h. J. Res. 123, which provides appropriations through december 22 as final year decisionmaking and negotiating goes on. It also allows the center for medicare services, c. M. S. , to reallocate existing funds for the chip program through december 31, 2017. Mr. Speaker, i want to start off talking about the Financial Services bills. Well have some members from the Financial Services committee come down, and they can talk about it in details that i cannot, but it was a fascinating hearing we had in the rules Committee Last night, mr. Speaker. We had the chairman, mr. Hensarling, out of texas. We had the Ranking Member, ms. Waters, and it was a conversation about how we protect people, how do we serve people better. Now, the Community Institution mortgage relief act, mr. Speaker, is the result of Small Community banks, local Credit Unions saying were having a tough time providing mortgages to our members because the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has created rules designed to protect consumers that are protecting them right out of access to a mortgage at all. Mr. Speaker, it is a legitimate disagreement that we have here from time to time about how to protect people best, about how to love people best, but its the right kind of conversation to be having. If we pass this rule today, well be able to get into debate on that underlying bill. The debate will not be about, should we protect people, bus we all agree that we should. The debate will be about, how should we protect those people, an issue which legitimate, wellintentioned, thoughtful men and women can disagree. I look forward to this body working its will. The second bill, mr. Speaker, from the Financial Services committee, h. R. 477, was introduced by a classmate of mine, and thats the big class of 2011, mr. Huizenga from michigan, and hes worked this bill through the process, one step at a time trying to build consensus so that, mr. Speaker, as we were in the rules Committee Last night, the conversation between the chairman and the Ranking Member was, hey, if we can make one more amendment in order, one more amendment that mr. Huizenga and mr. Sherman have worked out together, if we can make one more round of changes, we believe we can get this through on a big bipartisan majority coming out of the Financial Services committee. Mr. Speaker, services committee. The newspaper will be filled with discord coming out of this city tomorrow morning but it gives me great provided bringing forward these bills that are not going to change the world overnight, but make a big difference for real people facing real challenges across this country. My experience is if we do a little bit today, little bit tomorrow, the next day, we wake up a year from now finding out we have done a whole lot together on behalf of the American People. The continuing resolution, im not a fan of continuing resolutions. I want to tell you, i have to talk to you about my enthusiastic part of this rule. We arent supposed to be in the continuing resolution business and you know from your leadership and the two gentlemen from michigan here on the floor, aheadouse passed on time, of schedule the funding bills to fund the priorities of the American People for fiscal year 2018. Folks said we couldnt get it done. Folks said we couldnt do it all. We did and we did. And we sent that to the senate, mr. Speaker, before the end of the fiscal year, which is back on september 30. The senate hasnt been able to take it up yet, mr. Speaker. The senate hasnt been able to debate it yet, mr. Speaker. I dont know if the senate is going to get it done in the next two weeks. But there are folks in this institution who say we couldnt get it done in the senate over the last two months so lets go ahead and pass a continuing resolution for all of fiscal 2018 and continuing resolution for folks who dont follow the appropriations process, well, if it worked last year, do the same thing next year. That is awful public policy. We came together debating almost 500 amendments having moved every single appropriations bill through the Appropriations Committee. We came together not just in a bipartisan way in the committee. We came together here on the house floor, debated these issues, grappled with these issues and produced a work product which the American People can take provided. I dont want to give up or settle for the way things have been. I believe we can do better. So bypassing a twoweek resolution today, we ensure that agencies continue to function and we provide another window for the senate to come together and pass those Appropriations Bills as we have done here in the house. Im optimistic about that coming to fruition. I believe we can get that done. We can take up these bipartisan efforts from the Financial Services committee. We can take up this important effort to continue the funding of the government if we pass this rule today. With that, mr. Speaker, i urge my colleagues to support the rule and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia reserves. For what purpose does the gentlelady from new york seek recognition . Ms. Slaughter i thank the gentleman for yielding me the customary 30 minutes and yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Slaughter thank you very much. I have great fondness for mr. Woodal, he is one of the most pleasant persons on the rules committee and but i have to take issue with him. I have to take issue with the claim that republicans completed their appropriation work on time. I have a timetable of the budget process that came from the web site of the Budget Committee majority on which my colleague, mr. Woodall serves. Lets review the most important deadlines. First, the president must submit his budget to congress by the first monday in february. Truth, this year, the administration released what they called a skinny budget on march 16 and didnt release the full budget until may 23. From our reckoning, thats four months late. Second, the Congress Must complete action on the budget by april 15. The truth, this year, republicans werent able to get the fiscal year 2018 budget through congress until october 26, over six months late and nearly a month into the new fiscal year. Heres another deadline, again available on the republican Budget Committees website. The Appropriations Committee is supposed to complete their work by june 10. The truth, this year, they didnt report out any Appropriations Bills until after that deadline had passed. Another deadline, the house is supposed to complete action on annual Appropriations Bills by june 30. The truth, not only did the republican majority fail to meet that deadline, they werent able to pass any of them, not any of them separately at all. Instead, they lumped four bills together and passed them on july 27 and then passed an omnibus with all 12 bills together on september 14, leaving two weeks only for the house and senate to work out their differences, but the law said they should have three months to do it. So i wouldnt bring this up but i know mr. Woodall believes what he is saying is right. That leads me to the final deadline. Fiscal year 2018 began october 1. Here we are, more than two months later on december 7, republican majority has still failed to fund the government because they have been too busy working to kill the Affordable Care act and give big tax breaks to corporations and billionaires. On time, mr. Speaker . Any school child would tell you that you dont get credit for an assignment thats two months late. So, mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record the timetable of the budget process from the web site of the house Budget Committee majority. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Slaughter the majority stood before us today, twoweek continuing resolution to fund the government through december 22. I have heard some question why anyone would take issue with this approach. Mr. Speaker, the question that should be asked is what is the majority actually willing to get done over the next two weeks . Because it has now been more than two months since Vital National priorities have lapsed under their leadership. The Childrens Health Insurance Program, which provides health care to more than nine million children across this nation expired on september 30. So did the Community Health centers, which serve more than 25 Million People. Now this expiration has put 2,800 centers in danger of closure and nine Million People at risk for losing their access to their health care. The perkins loan program, which many lowincome students rely on for their education was allowed to expire by the majority with no reauthorization in sight. This despite a broad bipartisan support for a bill to do just that. Unfortunately, the majority has been unwilling even to bring it up for a vote. Are they now ready to take meaningful action to protect our children, our students and our Public Health and our nation . Democrats havent been fighting to reauthorize programs that expired two months ago, but we are trying to address the priorities that we know our nation will face in the weeks ahead. That includes Hurricane Relief funding to help the families that are recoveringing from this horrendous Hurricane Season and all of us are fearful of and sad about, california is burning once again and reauthorizing section 702 of the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act, which is due to expire at the end of this month, the fisa court helps to keep our country safe. If past is prologue, this majority will be missing in action two weeks from now. Just consider for a moment how they have squandered this year trying to repeal the Affordable Care act until persuaded by their constituents that they did not want that done. It remains the law of the land today after the public overwhelmingly demanded the majority stop that crusade and now trying to pass a tax cut for the wealthy to represent one of the largest transfers of wealth from working families to the wealthy that our nation has ever seen. I want everybody to please Pay Attention to this because it is Proof Positive of what is happening with this majority. According to the joint committee on taxation and the congressional budget office, under the majoritys plan, those making 40,000 to 50,000 would pay an additional 5. 3 billion in taxes combined over the next decade. Now remember, they are going to pay more to the tune of 5. 3 billion. At the same time, attention, america, at the same time, those earning a million or more would ay a zwhrrs 5. 8 billion cut. Have you ever seen anything as cut and dry . They want to take from the poor to give to the rich, robin hood in reverse. So we are two months into the fiscal year and the majority has been preoccupied with the special interests that we havent passed a fuel year appropriation. This is robbing our economy the certainty it needs. The majority still cant get anything done. When democrats see a continuing resolution for two weeks, we dont see a simple expansion of the status quo, we say it is for what it is, kicking the can down the road in order to pursue reckless politics and not tackle the major issues that face the nation today. Let me remind our colleagues how important it is for both parties to Work Together because in this process in the c. R. And tax bill, there are no democrat fingerprints on any of it. A lot of this has been no Committee Action. But democrats have helped the majority pass every major funding bill, every one, since they assumed control in 2011. That is the result of bipartisanship. But this time the majority decided not to compromise with us to reach a deal. Lets see if they can cobble together the votes over the finish line. Even if it passes, we will be back here later this month to consider another shortterm resolution and we have no idea whether this bill could even pass the senate. This is no way to run the United States of america. The lives of our countrymen are hanging in the balance and all we do under this majority is to lurch from one selfinflicted crisis to the next. Our constituents deserve much better than this. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from georgia. Mr. Woodall i yield myself such time as i may consume. Dont disagree with wra a lot my colleague had to say. When it comes to the facts, i disagree with the conclusions that are reached there, mr. Speaker. We do need to do a better job of working together. Now sometimes that means republicans and democrats and that means the house and the senate and that means the white house and the congress. We need to hold each other accountable, but we also need to give each other credit for our successes. The gentlelady talked about important issues relating to education and improving work force. We passed together in this institution a continuation of career and Technical Education funding. We reauthorized that program ed by mr. Thompson and chair foxx and Ranking Member scott. We grappled with that issue together and we did it together because it was the right thing for the American People and now it sits in the United States Senate Without action. We came together and we funded the government. We grappled line by line, section by section, we did it together and now it sits in the United States senate. Mr. Speaker, what needs to be id, one can describe it as republican incompetence, one can escribe it as democrat incompetence. And why the senate cannot because it requires 60 votes. In order to have 60 votes, you have to have democrat votes. If the senate changed its rules and made it a republican majority institution, they could move all of these bills without delay. Far, far from being a reflection of incompetence but a reflection to a commitment of bipartisan effort on the senate side. And we can poke them and poke them and poke them and folks may get their wish and might make it a republican streamline process over there. But be careful what you wish for. We dont have to kick each other in the shinnings over here, we have success after success after success. Among those successes is the bill i mentioned earlier from the gentleman, mr. Huizenga. With that, i yield the gentleman four minutes to talk about the hard work and effort and the success hes been able to accomplish in a bipartisan way. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has fur minutes. Mr. Huizenga id like to thank my friend and classmate from georgia, mr. Woodall, for the opportunity to be here. More an more baby boomers retire every day. Its been estimated that 10 trillion, trillion with a t, dollars of small and privately owned family owned businesses will be closed or sold to a new generation of entrepreneurs in the coming years. Brokers pay a Critical Role in transferring ownership of these smaller, privately held companies. However todays one size fits ll regulation of broke of brokerdealer regulation burdens them with passthrough of heavy Regulatory Compliance costs that do not provide incremental benefits in m. N. A. Transactions. Today, federal securities regulations require local mergers and acquisitions brokers to be registered and regulated by the same boards as wall Street Investment bankers. Those bankers are trying to sell or buy publicly traded companies. Any brokering the sale of a small town business in your district or mine must be federally registered and regulated as a Securities Broker dealer. In addition to state law requirements, regardless of the size of the business or the sale transaction. Federal securities regulation was primarily designed to protect passive investors in public securities markets. Privately negotiated mergers and acquisitions transactions facilitated by Small Business brokers are vastly different and do not typically relate to the transactions meant to be protected by the f. C. C. And fin rah registration and and finra registration. Thats why i continued to introduce Small Business acquisition simplification act, create a simplity fied system for brokers performing transfer of ownership of smaller, privately held companies. Id like to thank representatives sherman and maloney along with sharme hensarling and Ranking Member waters. As my friend from georgia pointed out, not every day do we have to keep kicking each other in the shins, we can Work Together. This is an example of doing that so this impact of this legislation would significantly reduce transaction costs, promote Competition Among Small Business brokers and facilitate private businesses and acquisitions of these small town businesses. This initiative promotes Economic Growth and development through these sales and there is really substantial relief of regulatory burdens on Small Business professionals who serve these smaller business owners. Business Brokerage Services are critically important to entrepreneurs who start, build, an eventually want to sell their private companies. Similarly the services help new entrepreneurs acquire these businesses while helping existing companies grow. Thus preserving and creating jobs in the communities we all serve. We worked very closely with our colleagues across the aisle and this has been a multi, not just multiyear but multicongress effort over the last few different congresses and im just pleased today that we can show the American People positive and effective bipartisan work that is coming together. Its legislation like h r. 477 that demonstrates frankly that congress can act in a bipartisan manner to positively impact the lives of americans. I urge swift consideration of passage of this important bill and with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from georgia reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Ms. Slaughter im pleased to yield five minutes to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Kildee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Kildee thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank my friend, the gentlelady, the Ranking Member r yielding and i thank mr. Woodall for his comments. He and i worked together on issues in the past, we workled together to try to protect our solar manufacturers in this country. So there are areas of agreement we come to. I think we also agree, i now hear, on this question of continuing resolutions. We both dont like them. And i think we do have to keep in mind that today, were 48 hours from government closing so i wont address any other subject than that question and the process that has led us to this moment where were looking at another continuing resolution for two weeks. I wont address the Small Business mergers acquisition sales and brokerage simplification act, while it may be an important piece of legislation, its difficult to forget what has brought us to this moment where were 48 hours from the government shutting down. Whats interesting to me about it is, it is true that the republicans hold the majority in this house and set the agenda here. Hold the majority in the senate, set the agenda there. You have your republican president. The leader of your party, your leader, who sets the agenda from the white house. Youve had the entire year to get a package of spending bills to the floor and through to the president. And here we are, two days away from a shutdown because two and a half months ago, after nearly a year, the process came to a 2lt in this body to approve a 1 2 month extension because we couldnt get the work done. Now instead of over the last two and a half months coming up with a full plan to fund the government and provide the certainty and security the American People and our economy depend upon after two and a half month, best we can do is promise the people of the country and ur economy 14 more days. Why are we here . In the last two and a half months have we seen any action . No. Not on Disaster Relief for those places that are struggling. Through the worst moments theyve experienced. In the to make sure that we have health care, Health Insurance, which was a bipartisan program, the Childrens Health insurance plan. Anything. No. So the dreamers arent deported, people who only know this country . And think about this. Since the president himself, and this is an area where we have some agreement, declared that we have a national emergency, our people, our children, are dying due to this Opioid Crisis, where is the solution there . Where is the debate there . Where is the effort on the floor of the house to deal with these big, pressing problems that our country faces . Weve had the last two and a half months we could have done it in that period. What has been the focus . A singular obsession. Around a piece of legislation that is purported to be tax reform but a close examination by just about any significant economist, democrats, republicans and independents, is the greatest, most significant massive shift of hardearned wealth from working americans to people who make more than 900,000 a year. The notion that with all the difficulty were facing in this country, with all the struggles were having, with disasters yet to be corrected, with an open yid crisis yet to be attacked, with dreamers who have uncertainty, with children, with no certainty of health care, that the most significant priority is not funding the government but ensuring that people who make more than those suffering people who make more , n 900,000 a year get more thats not a reflection of the priorities of the American People. And that is why it is so difficult for us who are ready, honestly ready to work hand in glove, knowing were not going to win every fight, give us a chance to sit at the table and have a conversation about where we might find some common ground. And we do from time to time. Its not impossible. Even with my friends in this chamber right now, we have found way tots Work Together. But we cannot do it. We cannot do it unless theres a commitment to do the work of the American People. We have not seen that. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlelady reserves and the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Woodall thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. Id be interested sometime, mr. Speaker, in having a Team Building expert take a look at some of our proceedings on the house floor and see if they think the conversations that happen here bring us closer to working together on Serious Solutions or push us further away. I afry i agree with my friend from michigan, we need to get about the business of the American People. That is not figuring out who to blame but figuring out how to fix thicks. To continue to put out the message that we dont collaborate on those issues is to do our bosses, the American People, a disservice. On bill after bill to combat the opioid epidemic, we have come together. Weve sent them to the United States senate. On bill after bill on Human Trafficking we have come together, weve passed those bills, sent those thth senate. Ive been in this Congress Since 2011, i got to vote for the very first time on funding the centers for disease control, which sits right in my backyard in the great state of georgia, i got to vote for the very first time on funding the National Institutes of health which do such Amazing Research beth for our seniors and for our children. The kind of talent that we have there, mr. Speaker, boggles the mind. We came together and we funded those institutions in the annual appropriations bill for the first time ever. Now we can spend our time together talking about who hates children and who hates old people and why it is everybody an untalented buffoon or we can recognize that on issue after issue we come together and get about the business that our bosses sent us to get about. I dont think any of us are going to be rewarded by figuring out who to blame. I think were going to be rewarded by getting it fixed. With that, mr. Speaker, i want to yield four minutes to my friend from new york, ms. Tenney, who has worked through the Financial Services committee again in a bipartisan way to deal with local, Community Financial institutions and local home buyers who are getting shut out of the process by an overly burdensome Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. With that, four minutes to the gentlelady from new york, ms. Tenney. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Tenney i thank the gentleman for yielding and his great comments about bipartisanship. Over the last 10 year, eCommunity Financial Institution Industry has undergone a dramatic transformation. Since 2006, more than 1,500 banks have failed. Have been acquired, or have merged due to economic factors and the overwhelmingly expensive regulation brought forth by the passage of doddfrank. During that same period theres been a drought in de novo banks. In fact, only five new Bank Charters and 16 new Credit Unions have chartered since that time. Today, for the first time in 125 years, there are fewer than 6,000 banks and roughly 6,000 Credit Unions serving all consumers in the United States. This is proof that Community Financial institutions need smart, commonsense regulatory relief so they can properly serve local communities by assisting them with Small Business startup and consumer credit, particularly in a region like mine in upstate new york. Its important we pass this rule today to consider my bill h. R. 3971, the Community Institution mortgage relief act. This bipartisan measure would offer real erelief for institutions that are barely surviving in an excessively regulatory environment. And i thank my colleague, mr. Sherman, for assisting us in a bipartisan way to bring this bill forward and to make it even better than we originally conceived it. H. R. 3971, which would exempt small Community Institutions from mandatory escrow requirements and would provide relief from new regulations that have nearly doubled the cost of servicing with direct impact on the consumer for the cost of mortgage credit. I know the i know institutions wish to provide services to their consumers. Under this provision, they are welcome to do that. However, for the smaller institutions like g. P. O. Federal credit union, that rely on relationship banking, customers that walk in the door and know who your neighbors are and know who your friends are and whose children serve on the sports teams and go to the same schools, this bill will greatly help them and help our consumers continue with that relationship. By mandating that all institutions follow escrow requirements, it raises the cost of credit to borrowers who can least afford it and harms small local institutions who can barely afford to stay alive. This is a great commonsense bill and bipartisan since any bill i have proposed. And i urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this bill. And i thank my colleague from georgia. And i urge everyone to support this commonsense bill to help our Small Community banks and Credit Unions. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from new york is recognized. Ms. Slaughter i yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from california, ms. Lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Lee let me thank the gentlewoman for yielding and your tremendous leadership on so many issues especially on the rules committee. As a member of the appropriations and Budget Committee, i rise in strong opposition to this rule and the the lying bill, h h. J. Res. 2017 continuing resolution. This bill kicks the can down the road for two weeks just so republicans can continuing focus on the greatest tax scam in history. Now as Ranking Member lowey has said, what do republicans think they can accomplish in the next two weeks that they havent accomplished in the last two months . Well, i say, except, of course, trying to give tax breaks to their wealthy donors, millionaires, billionaires and corporations and raising taxes on middleincome and lowincome families. Thats what this is about. This reckless shortterm resolution ignores many of our critical yearend priorities like passing a clean dream act, a temporary protective status provision we need in the c. R. Raising budgetary caps and emergency funding disaster for hurricanes and wildfires. Childrens Health Insurance programs, Community Health centers. I could go on and on. Thats what we should be debating and should be in this resolution. Now is not the time for congress to be asleep at the wheel. We need action, mr. Speaker and need it now. Despite the fact that republicans control the house, the senate and the white house, once again, they refuse to do their jobs. It is so wrong to string people and communities out, not knowing whether their government will function or stay open. How irresponsible can you get . We need to fully fund the government. Across the country, millions of people are living on the edge. 40 million americans are living in poverty. Millions more are struggling to keep a roof over their head. May i have an additional one minute . Ms. Slaughter you can have an additional two minutes. Ms. Lee this is unacceptable. We are passing a shortterm funding bill that underfunds education and Work Force Training at a time that americans need it the most. Instead, once again, what are you doing . You are taking time to give tax cuts to corporations to send jobs overseas. The American People expect us to create jobs, to strengthen our economy, to provide a basic standard of living for all. And with the sequester cuts looming, its past time that we focus on our spending here at home and stop these increases to a bloated military budget which really does nothing for our National Security. Instead of bringing our nation to the brink of selfinflicted crises, republicans should work with us to meet the need of our nation and a Strong National security which requires resisting these cuts to our state department and foreign assistance. Unfortunately, this twoweek continuing resolution, this does just the opposite. I urge my colleagues to vote no on this rule and no on the underlying bill and lets do our job and lets do what the American People expect us to do and that is fully fund the government and look out for them in terms of not giving tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires and raising taxes. They deserve. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Woodall i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Woodall i opened with a discussion about how we all care about these american homeowners who are trying to get into their first homes and how it is that we protect them better. We disagreed about how to protect them. You do it through the cfpb and federal regulation or hometown institutions being governed by their neighbors. We agreed on what the need was. We disagreed on how to get there. What is so frustrating to me, i still feel like a new member of this institution, i guess im not any longer, but we seem to have one standard when we are in the majority and completely different standard when the other guy takes over the institution. Principles should be principles irrespective of who sits in your chair. The very first big vote that i took when i got here in 2011 was to fund the United States government in february. Why . Because when democrats ran every single facet of government, they controlled the house, they controlled the senate and they controlled the white house, they didnt get it done. And couldnt get it done. Its hard to do, mr. Speaker. Ill take you back, you werent in this institution, the year is 2010, the first c. R. They passed went from october 1 to december 3, about the same length of time that we passed. Werent up to anything nefarious nd i resent the application. They needed extra time. They then went and passed a twoweek c. R. , a twoweek c. R. From december 4 to december 18. They passed one for two more weeks to give themselves a little more time. They still werent able to get it done in those two weeks. So their next c. R. Went from december 19 to december 21. Three days is what they found to be the right number to extend funding of the federal government so they could continue to get their work done, mr. Speaker. And when that didnt work, they then punted all together and when my freshman class came in 2011 and we took over and funded the government instead. Mr. Speaker, we can describe what happened when my friends last controlled this institution as an abominable failure or we can describe it as a frustrating failure but something that happens in this institution, it happens when my friends ran it, we need on behalf of the American People to get on a better track. Let me ask my friends to stipulate that for the first time in a long time we are on a better track because we came together in this institution and we got our work done. The senate hasnt and im frustrated by it. But i want to give them more time. And for my friend from michigan who asked the question what difference does two weeks make . I would ask anyone who has that question to google continuing resolution and department of defense. If you think continuing to fund the government one day at a time with the pending resolution or 12 months of the time, if you think that is the definition of success, google continuing resolution and department of defense. Every single day we fail to take up in the United States senate the large full year funding appropriations bill, we do a disservice to every single man and woman in uniform. And if we have a choice here between doing that disservice to those men and women for two weeks, six weeks, eight weeks, i choose two. If you wonder what difference it makes, ask any man or woman in uniform. Theres a reason, mr. Speaker, as hard as the appropriations process is, you and i took up the defense portion, the Homeland Security portion, the National Security portion, all the way back in the summer and passed it out of this house before the end of july because we knew how important it was and how Mission Critical it was and give the senate the most time we possibly could. I am frustrated, too. But let us not describe these failures as partisan failures, as an effort by one side or another to subvert the process. These are failures. But two weeks, mr. Speaker, is going to be less of a failure for our men and women in uniform than would be three weeks, four weeks, or 12 months. Im sorry we are here, but this is the best circumstance that we can create to allow our senate time to succeed. And they cannot succeed alone. Republicans cant succeed alone. It requires a bipartisan majority. Let us not pretend this is a partisan problem. This is an american challenge and i believe were up for it. I have no further speakers remaining and am prepared to close when she is. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is prepared to close and reserves. Ms. Slaughter i must take for a second of time or minute and a half to address the last statement that you made, because you said you need the democrats. You must be aware that you only need us when the votes come. There is not a democrat fingerprint on that tax bill. We had nothing to say about any of it. And while we have begged almost on our hands and knees to be a part of what youre doing, were not. And it always sounds good when we hear on the floor, bipartisanship, look, we want to work, but oftentimes, as you know, bills that come to the rules committee with no Committee Action whatsoever and no possible description to be bipartisan. But let me go into my closing or for years we endured relentless republican attacks on the Affordable Care act including just last week in the senates disastrous tax bill. By repealing the individual mandate, the senate bill has knocked off 13 Million People from their Health Insurance. I must have asked 20 times when we were doing those 60 times to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act, why do you want to take Health Care Away from people . I have never to this day gotten an answer that so much that they despise, a Health Care Bill that is working and literally insured more americans than have ever been insured before. And suddenly on a whim, one Party Decides that the one that has been fighting over and over again decides that they will come at it piecemeal and by taking away to say its time to sign up again, i thought it would do grievous harm. And millions of people came out to sign up again because health care is one of the most critical needs for any american family. So to make matters worse, the bill also repeals most of the state and local tax deductions. Thats a deduction that helps middleclass families in my state of new york. New york on average gives back to the federal government of the United States 40 billion. Money that we send to washington and get nothing back for it. And the way we are rewarded for that, i dont think that will be happening anymore since the taxes are going to go up so much higher on the people in my state unless they do away with what is absolutely one of the most atrocious things i ever seen them do. Mr. Speaker, its evident this was not designed to help middleclass families put food on their table but to line the pockets of their share holders. I have yet to see the Senate Tax Bill but i understand there are gifts in there who own jet planes pfment taking care of the rich and the figures that i supported in my speech a while go, just short of 60 pillion, people making 40,000 to the rich people, almost the same amount of money dollar for dollar. But you dont need to hear it from me. Republican congressman mark sanford recently said, in a moment of great candor, from a truth and advertising standpoint, it would have been a lot simpler if we just acknowledged reality on this bill, which is it is fundamentally a Corporate Tax reduction and a restructuring bill, period. End quote. There is no tiny sin tilla of reform in this bill. It is simple as a way to lower the Corporate Tax and take care of extraordinarily wealthy in this country who dont need it. Mr. Speaker, i wish we could provide help for the middle class families. Which i think is what the president think he is did. He keeps saying theres nothing in there that will help him. If we defeat the previous question, ill bring forth an amendment that prohibits any bill that prohibits or repeals the a. C. A. And i ask unanimous consent to insert insert the text of my amendment in the record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Slaughter thank you, mr. Speaker. Let me take a moment and remind everyone watching of the impacts of the majoritys last shutdown in 2013. The impacts on our economy were significant. We lost 24 billion in those just two weeks. The impacts on our economy as i said were very significant. Federal loans to Small Businesses, homeowners, and families were brought to a halt. Banks and other lenders were unable to access Government Verification Services which delayed private sector lending to Small Businesses and individuals alike. Federal permitting was brought to a standstill, which delayed jobcreating projects in the transportation and energy sectors. Experts have estimated that all told, the 16day shutdown cost our economy an estimated 24 billion. So during this shutdown, again, Vital Services were put on hold. At the National Institutes of health, hundreds of patients were unable to enroll in possibly lifesaving clinical trials. Federal agencies like the food and drug administration, Environmental Protection agency werent able to conduct health and safety inspections. Federal Scientific Research was halted and we lost a lot of scientists. Scientists in this country because of all that. Five noble prize winning scientists who worked for the ,ederal government at that time the shutdown laid off four of the five. This is all according to a report issued by the office of management and budget. The public know house devastating another shutdown could be. According to a poll conducted by Morning Consult and politico, released this week, theres bipartisan opposition. 68 of democrats, 62 of republicans, 61 of independents oppose a Government Shutdown. And i forgot to mention Social Security checks and the Veterans Administration that came to a halt. So thats what make this is frustrating. I agree with mr. Woodall,s that frustrating part of what were trying to do here. Every day, it seems, we get up and we face some kind of new disaster. We could have crafted a bipartisan bill. We sure could have. That would have removed any question of whether a continuing resolution would pass the house and senate. Just as we could have reauthorized the Childrens Health Insurance Program, Community Health centers, perkins loans and more. Months ago. If only the majority was willing to work with democrats. Instead, bipartisanship is all too open, often become the dirty word under the majority. And i sadly say it is the American People left to pay the price. So i urge a no vote on the previous question, the rule, and the bill and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Woodall thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank my friend from new york for helping me to bring the rule today. Mr. Speaker, i believe in truth in advertising. And of all the things that you heard the reading clerk read when he went through word for word for word from this rule you heard not one word about taxes today. Why . Because were not talking about taxes today at all. Because nothing that were doing today has anything to do with taxes at all. Because of all the successes that were down here to partner on today, tax is not one of them. What son the list today . Well in the spirit of truth in advertising, shutdowns arent on the list either. In fact, the opposite is true. If we pass this rule today, we will fund the government. We will prioritize keeping the doors open. Mr. Speaker, habits are hard things to break. Theyre hard things to break. Were in two very bad habits in this institution. Ne is failing to see the merit in what the other side is offering. We have two Financial Services bills today that break that pattern, that see the merit in working together, in collaborating together, bring two bills to the floor that this entire institution can be proud of. We have another bad habit of ascribing to the other side motives that i believe are not worthy of this institution at all. Government shutdown would be one of those things. We are in good faith working together, republicans and democrats, house and senate, congress and white house, to get about the business of the American People and its hard. Its hard. But its worth doing and worth doing right. If i have to choose between fast and right, i choose right. Weve got a chance today with the passage of this rule to bring up two bills that our colleagues in bipartisan ways have worked through on the Financial Services committee that will make a big difference to families and businesses across this nation. And we have an opportunity today if we pass this rule to bring up a continuing resolution that guarantees to every single american that the doors are open, the lights are on, and we continue and have an opportunity for the senate to move final legislation. I want my colleagues to support this rule. I want my colleagues to support the underlying bill. Mr. Speaker, more than anything, i want my colleagues to take pride in the successes that we have achieved here today. Chip funding, Childrens Health insurance funding, is at risk but not because we havent succeeded, we have. All we need is one more signature from the senate. C. D. C. Funding may be at risk but not because we havent succeeded, we have, we just need the bill to get across the floor to the senate. Our troops are on the cusp of receiving a welldeserved pay raise. Why . We came together and passed it here, we need to get across the floor of the senate. And theres not one of those items or a dozen more i could list, mr. Speaker, that will move across the floor of the senate . Anything but a bipartisan way. You want bipartisanship, if you want cooperation, if you want success, we have our chance today. Oh vote yes on this rule, mr. Speaker. Vote yes on the underlying bills. And lets get together and get the senate across the finish line as well. With that, i yield back the balance of my time and i move the previous question. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Ms. Slaughter on that, i request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having risen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes y electronic device. Pursuant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule 20, this 15minute vote on ordering the previous question will be followed by fiveminute votes on adopting resolution House Resolution 647 if ordered, suspending the rules and adopting House Resolution 259, and agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 238 the nays are 188. The resolution is adopted. Without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from california, mr. Royce, suspend the rules and agree to House Resolution 259 as amended on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 259, resolution expressing concern and condemnation of the political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis in venezuela. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and agree to the resolution aeand as amended . Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 419. The nays are eight. 2 3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the resolution is agreed to and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the question on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal, on which the yeas and nays were ordered. The question is on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 212 and the nays are 205. We have two present. The journal stands approved. Please take your communications outside. Rder in the house. He house will be in order. Members, please take your communications outside or in the lakecook room. Outside or in the cloakroom. Please take your conversations n the cloakroom. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and their remarks include extraneous material in the consideration of h. J. Res. 123. The speaker pro tempore without objection. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, pursuant to House Resolution 647, i call up house joint resolution 123 and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the joint resolution. The clerk house joint resolution 123, joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the House Resolution 647, the joint resolution is considered as read. The gentleman from new jersey, mr. Frelinghuysen, and the gentlewoman from new york, mrs. Lowey, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, i rise today to present h. J. Resolution 123, a continuing resolution that maintains funding for federal Government Operations and prevents a shutdown. Current funding legislation expires tomorrow, friday, december 8. Congress must act now to prevent a Government Shutdown and preserve vital federal programs that americans rely on. This action is critical to our nations stability, our National Security, our economic health, and the wellbeing of the American People. This simple clean extension of Funding Provides the fiscal year 2018 funding for Government Programs through december 22. An additional two weeks, and will allow time for the leadership to reach a deal on an overall top line spending levels for the 2018 fiscal year. I would note that the executive branch supports adoption of this continuing resolution. Yesterdays statement of Administration Policy says, and i quote, this legislation funds the federal government at current spending levels without extraneous provisions, end of quotation marks, and concludes, advisors would recommend the president sign the bill into law. Mr. Chairman, i ask consent to submit december 6 statement of Administration Policy regarding house joint resolution 123 for the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The house completed our appropriations work over 80 dayings ago mr. Frelinghuysen passing all fiscal bills for the first time in nearly a decade this included important funding for National Defense and other important matters. Unfortunately, the Appropriations Committee could not proceed without an agreement with the senate on overall funding levels. The reality is were running into a deadline this week and this resolution is our best and only option at this time. Once a broader budget agreement has been reached, which i hope will be shoon will be soon, the committee will continue its work to complete final negotiations with the senate on all 12 regular Appropriations Bills that will fully fund the federal government through september of next year. In our committee our committee is also moving quickly to move on a third emergency supplemental funding bill to help communities across the nation recover from recent major disasters. In the meantime, Congress Must do its job and pass the continuing resolution. And then another one into the new year to keep the government open and ensure that all important federal services are available to all americans. I urge support of this necessary and responsible legislation and reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Ms. Slaughter mr. Chairman, i yield myself such time as i may consume. It is extremely regrettable that today rselves here mr. Chairman, it is extremely egreatable that we find ourselves here today. Epublicans have defense and nondefense priorities are critical to our safety and prosperity. Mrs. Lowey the majority failed to engage all year, choosing instead to pass partisan appropriation bills that can never be signed into law. More than two months ago, President Trump and Democratic Congressional leaders struck an agreement to avoid a Government Shutdown. And buy time for negotiations on new spending caps that would make it possible to enact a responsible, bipartisan, fullYear Spending law. Precious little has been accomplished since then. Now here we are again with the majority asking for support for a twoweek stopgap continuing resolution. So i ask the majority, what do you expect to accomplish in the next two weeks that we have been unable to accomplish in the last two months . I want to repeat that. Id really like to know what you expect to accomplish in the next two weeks when we havent been able to accomplish anything in the last two months. The rationale to support a shortterm, stopgap continuing resolution is that the parties are engaged in good faith negotiations to develop a responsible, bipartisan spending package. Negotiations are on a positive trajectory and additional time is simply needed to seal a deal. And anyone can anyone in this chamber claim that this is the case today . The president continues to irresponsibly threaten a Government Shutdown and launch add hominem attacks. And launch ad hominem attacks. Majority leadership is playing games with this and future continuing resolutions. Negotiations on new spending caps for defense and nondefense investment are stalled an the majority is grasping for excuses as to why they have failed to protect 700,000 Young Americans from deportation. Reauthorize the Childrens Health Insurance Program or move expeditiously on critical disaster assistance. Is there any evidence whatsoever that this majority intends to fulfill these vital responsibilities to the American People. Given these failure, i believe it is incumbent on members of congress to say, enough is enough. The American People are sick of the games, they want results. Its time for the Republican Leadership and President Trump to get serious, engage with democrats. We stand ready and willing to help develop a framework for responsible, bipartisan spending agreement and to negotiate the details of a full Year Spending package. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. New jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield two minutes to the distinguished chairman of the state foreign operations subcommittee, my colleague, mr. Hal rogers of kentucky. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Rogers i thank the gentleman for yielding me time. I rise in full support of the second fiscal year 2018 continuing resolution this year, which will fund the federal government through december 22 of this year. This bill is a necessary measure to continue vital Government Programs and services. It also prevents uncertainty and harm in a shutdown. This year, the committee worked at a historic pace to produce and then pass all 12 bills to fund the government. And chairman frelinghuysen should be recognized for this feat of leadership. Its important that we eventually send these bills to the president s desk. As chairman of the state and foreign operations subcommittee, i want to highlight that the funding provided in our bill supports continued leadership by the u. S. And advances our National Security and economic interests. This funding is critical to addressing the many challenges that we face around the world. Mr. Speaker, while c. R. s are never our preferred course of action, the bill before us today will give us more time to complete our work with the senate and put together a final bill that will support the American People. Our current continuing resolution expires tomorrow so we must act today. I urge my colleagues to vote yes on the c. R. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognize the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from ohio, the Ranking Member of the energy and water subcommittee, ms. Kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Kaptur i thank the Ranking Member, congresswoman lowey of new york, for the phenomenal job shes done this year and commend chairman frelinghuysen for trying to herd cattle on a very vast range. Here we are again, mere hours away from a needless shutdown, a cliff created by the republican majority. Already we are three month into the 2018 fiscal year and congress is no closer to finalizing among our chief constitutional responsibilities, and that is funding the departments of our nation to do their job. For a nation at war, the department of defense, Largest Department in this bill, cant et contracts because of this adolescent dallying by congress. I rise with frustration today as the Appropriations Committee subcommittee did their job over the last year. They toiled away for months, chipping away in each subcommittee bill. But that proved to be a fruitless effort since we had no agreed upon budget caps within which to make those decisions because the republican majority produced no budget. Theres simply no good reason why we are here again kicking decisions down the road and for two weeks . Let me remind my colleagues, we were over seven months late last fiscal year before we fully funded our government. This fits and starts, fits and starts, surely, is not what the American People deserve. For example well, know a million our fellow citizens in puerto rico, still dont have energy and power and vast, vast numbers this disruption for managing health care as an unnecessary burden you should the circumstances they confront daily. Many states are preparing to shut down their chip program in Case Congress doesnt act. How is that for a christmas or hanukkah present to the children of america. The republican majorities majoritys are out of line, no working with no leadership to finalize government funding for the entire 2018 fiscal year which began three months ago. Unacceptable. Instead republicans choose to avoid doing what is critical and rather than pass a tax bill that rewards the wealthiest in our country and wreaks havoc on americas hardworking class, they ought to do the dutiful work of managing the funds to operate the departments that serve the people of the United States. The American People are worried, mr. Speaker. And the majority has abdicated their leadership. I urge my colleagues to keep their on any hasty vote on this bill and demand the majority come to the table to finalize the f. Y. 2018 spending plan. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield two minutes to the chairman of the agriculture subcommittee on appropriations, mr. Aderholt of alabama. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Aderholt i rise also in support of the house joint resolution 123, which obviously would extend funding for the federal government for the next two weeks. We have had a highly condensed schedule this year, but the Appropriations Committee has made pretremendous progress in an open and as head tremendous progress in an open and deliberate process as we moved forward. The agriculture spropingses appropriations subcommittee which i have the privilege to chair received input from over 350 individual members and we produced our bill in less than two months. Just a few months ago, as most of my colleagues here in the house know, we the house took up and took up and we passed 12 Appropriations Bills. The chairman delivered on the promise they would do. So now were coming to the end of the year. Theres final negotiations to be done and i and my colleagues agree that a c. R. Is not the best option, however, i would ask my colleagues to support this resolution, to ensure that we have basic services that continue for our constituents until we have the final time to pleat our work. With that, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im very pleased to yield four minutes to the gentlewoman from florida, the Ranking Member of the military construction and Veterans Affair committee, ms. Wasserman schultz. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Wasserman schultz i thank the gentlewoman for yielding. I rise in strong opposition to this continuing resolution, which is yet again a complete abdication of our responsibilities. Instead of adopting fully funded Appropriations Bills or an omnibus with an actual chance of passing this congress, we remine remain mired in this unbreakable habit of passing continuing resolutions. This not only creates needless uncertainty, it cost ours government billions in wasted taxpayer dollars. Moreover, this abdication reflects the leaderships abandonment and needs of our constituents. For one, we have yet to pass the dream act desm spite widespread support nationally and the growing fear of deportations this congress has ignored the 122 dreamers who lose their protected status every day. These are americans. By any definition. And this is their home. I will not stand by as this president cruelly threatens to send these brave young people back to countries about which they have no memory. And when will this body fully address the disasters that have ravaged florida, texas, puerto rico, the Virgin Islands an california . Countless communities including my own are anxiously awaiting vie call recovery assistance that only the federal government can provide. These abdications are simply immoral. And it doesnt end there. Congress has failed to renew the Childrens Health Insurance Program. States and families across america are scrambling to find replacement funds and Health Care Alternatives for their children. When did chip and protecting the health of our children become a partisan issue . My republican colleagues want to add more than 1 trillion to the deficit for tax cuts for big corporations and the top 1 . But then they say we cant afford to spend a fraction of that on health care for children . These priorities are backward and morally indefensible. And instead of protecting americans from the scourge of gun violence, republicans are weakening our already feeble gun laws by passing legislation that ensures more deadly gun violence in our tun towns and cities. We need to pass an omnibus budget that doesnt threaten programs for our veterans and children or make drastic cuts to the medicare and Medicaid Programs that our seniors rely upon. Instead of handing mass i tax cuts to millionaires, we should pass a budget that supports education, expands Womens Health and provide provides real Economic Relief to the middle class. In short, we have to break this bodys obsession with promoting the interest of the welloff and special interests and ignoring the needs of children, dreamers, seniors the middle class this continuing resolution does nothing more than provide another shortterm fix for the Republican Leaderships unhealthy addiction. It is a i bomb nabble, it is irresponse it is abominable, it is irresponsible and we should set it aside and focus on making longterm decisions for the American People. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves, the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield to ms. Granger from texas. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Granger i thank the chairman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of this continuing resolution. Our most solemn responsibility as members of congress is to provide for our nations security. The world is more dangerous and unstable than at any time in recent history. The threat from north korea grows each day. Russia continues to create nstability in the ukraine, the balkans. China is militarizing the South China Sea and meanwhile issa and al qaeda continue to spread their perverted version of islam across europe, africa, asia and the middle east. We must send a clear message to our adversaries that our military is prepared to confront anyone who threatens us at anytime. A shutdown of the department of defense will only embolden our adversaries and threaten our National Security. Our military needs stable, predictable and timely funding to ensure it is prepared to meet the threats we face now and in the future. Members demonstrated their commitment to rebuilding our military this past summer by passing the make america secure appropriations act, which included the defense appropriations bill for fiscal year 2018. Only a budget agreement that gives our men and women in uniform the funding they need and removes the threat of sequestration will provide them that certainty. The house must pass this continuing resolution to allow time for our agreement to be reached that will fully fund our nations defense. Shutting down the government is not an option. I urge all members to support this very important legislation. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlelady from new york. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, i yield four minutes to the gentlewoman from connecticut, the Ranking Member of the labor h subcommittee, ms. Delauro. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. I thank the gentlelady. Mr. Speaker, i rise to comment on this continuing resolution and on the past year of this congress. The biggest economic challenge of our time is that people are in jobs that do not pay them enough to live on. Wages are not keeping up with rising costs for health care, childcare and housing, and too many families struggle to make ends meet. Let alone put money in a college fund or go on vacation. That is what we should be focused on. We ought to be creating jobs and raising wages. Yet, for the first nine months of this year, this congress attempted again and again to repeal the Affordable Care act, which would have raised premiums and deductibles, throw millions off insurance and made health care unaffordable. Then, we spent our entire fall on the republican tax scam. Big corporations, millionaires, illionaires write write this to make the government work for them. And the republicans are rigging senator orrin hatch said, and i quote, i have a rough time spending billions and billions and trillions and trillions to help people that wont help themselves, wont lift a finger and expect the federal government to do everything. Get out of the senate chamber. Understand what peoples lives are about today. Walk in their shoes and understand their struggle. But this is the ugly truth of the republican tax bill. This is what the vote was about. These are their values on display. This tax scam is going to raise the deficit, and the republicans will use it as an excuse to cut vital social safety net programs, medicare, medicaid, Social Security, liheap, tanf, education programs, snap, food snaps. Right now funding is insufficient to provide childcare assistance to all who is eligible. Yet, if we pass this tax bill we will be under intense pressure to cut this assistance. That is what they want to do. This is wrong. Now we are punting one of our core obligations as a congress. Funding our Government Programs. This is unacceptable. Its a disturbing pattern and its unsustainable. We should be negotiating spending levels for 2018. The majority can never again speak about regular order. This year has been one partisan attempt after another to harm working class and middle class americans so they could fulfill their campaign promises. We have no budget agreement. We have no resolve on childrens Insurance Program. We have no resolve on a myriad of programs that people rely on, to live their lives every day. Theres no resolve on the dreamers. Why would we need another two weeks when theyve had all this time to work on these issues . The American People deserve better. I say shame on this congress and vote no on this continuing resolution extension. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Speaker, im pleased to two minutes to mike simpson of idaho. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Simpson thank you, mr. Chairman. First, i want to thank the chairman of the Appropriations Committee, mr. Frelinghuysen. Under his leadership the committee reported and the whole house considered and passed all 12 Appropriations Bills for fiscal year 2018. This year is the First Time Since 2010 that the house passed all 12 appropriation bills. I would hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle would listen for just a minute. In 2010, the democrats controlled both the house, the senate and the white house. Guess what, they passed all the appropriation bills on time. You know what they also did . They passed a c. R. Until january 19 until february excuse me until december 19 when they hadnt completed their work yet even though they had passed all 12 appropriation bills in the house. They passed another c. R. Until the 22nd. When they had completed their work, they passed a c. R. In january. When we got the majority we finished up the appropriation process. So their outrage is a little bit misplaced. Now we need to finish the final details with our colleagues in the senate and we must do this to ensure this government stays open. Continuing resolutions of any length is not anyones ideal solution to funding our government. Ideally that appropriation bills would be passed by october. It provides the most stability for agencies to carry out these programs in an efficient and effective manner. But when we need more time to complete those negotiations supporting a c. R. To keep our government functioning is the only responsible vote for National Security, for our economy and for the general welfare of the American People. As chairman of the energy and water subcommittee, i am aware of the positive impact the federal government has in each of these areas. Whether its the department of energys maintaining our Nuclear Weapons stockpile, the corps of engineering dredging our ports and waterways so goods and materials can move freely or the bureau of reclamation providing tens of millions of people with water. We must avoid disruptions. Will we get all our work done by january 22 . I dont know. But one thing i can guarantee, we will not get it done by tomorrow. And a vote against this resolution is a vote to shut down the government. So if my colleagues on the other side of the aisle want to shut down the government, all they have to do is vote no. I urge my colleagues to vote yes, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlelady from new york is recognized. Mrs. Lowey mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i thank you. You know, mr. Speaker, i really rise on behalf of the American People, and all it takes is a simple pen and cooperation between appropriators to get the job done. Just a few days ago i listened to representatives from the city of houston. Theyre only a sample of the hurting people who have suffered after hurricanes, one of the toughest Hurricane Seasons in the history of the United States. They indicated that there are 300,000 Single Family homes and multifamily homes still under. In my district alone, among other districts, from one part of the state to the next, there are People Living in shells of a house. We have yet had a response to be able to help those individuals whove either maxed out, dont have the insurance because they were not in a flood zone. That requires us to not do a c. R. But to work on the appropriation. Ive got Health Clinics who are coming to me every day and the texas Childrens Hospital wondering about the Childrens Health Insurance Program because people are hurting. You know, im not trying to oppose a bill for myself. Im opposing a bill that doesnt have the needs of the American People. It doesnt have health care in it. It doesnt have the hurricane funding in it. It doesnt have the funding we need for the army corps for pending projects to stop the major catastrophic flooding in houston, harris county. And it has low, nondefense spending, and let me be very clear. I want a prepared military. I want them to have the training and the equipment that they need. It doesnt have that as well. So, frankly, i believe that we have to stand against a war on the American People. A tax bill thats moving along but the appropriations is not. 1. 4 trillion taken out of the fat that does not exist so the bones of the American Peoples budget so that a tax cut can go to the top 62 and 80 but we cant have the funding the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Jackson lee this is a war on the American People. And for one, mr. Speaker, i have the speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Jackson lee fight for the American People. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, im pleased to yield two minutes to mr. Culberson from texas. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Culberson thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank congresswoman jackson lee and look forward to having her vote in support of this continuing resolution because she is committed, as i am, to everyone in texas is committed to make sure the money continues to flow, to the victims of Hurricane Harvey to Hurricane Irma and maria. As congresswoman jackson lee knows, if this c. R. , if this continuing resolution is defeated, if she votes against it, shes voting to stop the flow of money to the hurricane victims in houston and i know she doesnt want that to happen. Thats one of the many reasons why i rise today in this continuing resolution, for this continuing resolution, because we need to make sure the military has the funds it needs to operate. I want to ensure the f. B. I. And the department of justice have the funds they need to continue to protect the people of america against terrorism, to protect children and women against violence. To stop the scourge of opioid trafficking and abuse. And to stop the International Drug cartels from pouring their drugs into this country. I am proud of the work of my subcommittee, the justice, science, justice appropriations subcommittee, to ensure Law Enforcement agencies in this country have the funds they need, to ensure the department of commerce, National Science foundation, and nasa have the funds they need to make sure america continues to be the world leader in scientific and space exploration. My colleagues on the Appropriations Committee working along with the houston delegation, including ms. Jackson lee, were working together arm in arm with the florida delegation to create a Hurricane Relief package that will ensure that the people of texas and florida and puerto rico are adequately compensated for their losses, that we repair the damage to our Flood Control infrastructure, but this is going to take time, mr. Speaker. The senate has not passed any Appropriations Bills. While the has house has passed all 12 of them. We have not agreed for defense spending levels. We must continue the hurricane package. I urge ms. Jackson lee and the entire house to vote in support of the c. R. To make sure our hurricane victims are taken care of and the federal government continues. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from new york. Mrs. Lowey i yield one minute to ms. Jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee my friend has spoken on the floor of the house and i look forward to working with him and standing against any legislation that does not provide Hurricane Harvey funding and the c. R. Does not. Theres nothing in the c. R. That has anything to do with those who are suffering with houses that are in disrepair or destroyed and as well other items, army corps of engineer items and thats why i stand ready, not to be in a dispute, but to really raise the issue with my colleagues of how urgent it is to move to the appropriations process. I mentioned in my remarks that im concerned as much about military preparedness as i am about nondefense Discretionary Spending. I want everybody to be helped. I want the American People to be helped. And so my vote, whatever it might be, is going to be to drive this engine forward to make sure resources get down to harris county, houston, corpus, and all the parts of texas that are in need and my fellow brothers and sisters in puerto rico, the u. S. Virgin islands and florida. I think thats what we want to do by working together. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from new york reserves. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen mr. Chairman, i yield two minutes to the chair of the Homeland Security subcommittee, judge john carter from texas. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Carter i thank the gentleman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise in support of this twoweek continuing resolution. This shortterm c. R. Is a necessary stopgap to keep the government operating until we finalize an agreement for the top line numbers and finish our work on all 12 Appropriations Bills. As some of my colleagues have noted, the house Appropriations Committee completed its work several months ago, passing all 12 of the bills out of this chamber back in september. About 80 days ago. The other chamber has not made the same progress. And the resolution before us today will buy us a little time to negotiate with our counterparts who are behind. Once we our budget deal is done, we will be able to begin those negotiations and im confident well be able to quickly finish our work. I cannot overstate the importance of getting all 12 Appropriations Bills conferenced across the line. But i would be remiss if i did not emphasize the critical things funded in my bill. The final f. Y. 2018 bill for the department of Homeland Security is necessary to ensure our nation is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other threats. The American People count on us to get the job done. I urge my colleagues to support the shortterm c. R. , to avert a Government Shutdown to allow us to complete our work. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The chair recognizes the gentlelady from new york. Mrs. Lowey i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield two minutes to mr. Calvert of california. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Calvert i rise in support of the continuing resolution of the c. R. I want to commend chairman frelinghuysen and the staff for they work on this which provides for continuity through december 22. This will provide time to work on a comprehensive budget agreement which is necessary for kuok to complete its work on the fiscal year 2018 budget. The house propings committee has worked tirelessly this year. Each of the subcommittees held numerous oversight hearings, marked up individual bills in subcommittee and full committee and each of those bills came to the house floor where they are they were amended and passed in the full house. In the case of interior committee, which i have the privilege to serve as chairman, 80 amendments were offer by both republicans and democrats prior to final passage. This is a demonstration that the House Appropriation Committee continues to be the workhorse committee in the house. Even with all this work completed a great deal of work remains. This c. R. Provides a bridge necessary to give our leadership the time it needs to determine the top line number in both defense and nondefense Discretionary Spending for fiscal year 2018. Once that agreement is in place, my interior subcommittee and other subcommittees will get to work negotiating a comprehensive, fiscal year 2018 budget. Its important we complete this work. Another reason why i support this shortterm continuing resolution is so we have time oto determine the needs to ensure the sufficient funds are available to respond to fires burning in my home state of california. There are three major fires burning today, los angeles, Ventura County terk the thomas fire already burned 96,000 acres. Early this morning it was only 5 contained. All californians know about the infamous santa ana winds. They are blowing now. These hot winds mixed with high temperatures, low humidity, we are experiencing in Southern California they make for dangerous conditions. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield 15 seconds to the gentleman. Mr. Calvert just one spark can result in devastating wildfire, putting life and property at risk. With that, mr. Speaker, i urge passage of the continuing resolution and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield two minutes to the chairman of the laborhhshealth subcommittee from oklahoma. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I rise to urge support for the shortterm continuing resolution. I want to begin my remarks by congratulating the chairman. Mr. Cole his leadership and my friend on the other side they put together the bill in april thats funding the government today. A majority of democrats voted for that in the house and senate, a majority of republicans voted for it, the president signed it. Under the chairmans leadership, all 12 passed well before the deadline to fund the government of september 30. Hes been prepared to negotiate for 80 days. He hasnt been sitting around in those 80 days. He also passed two Disaster Relief bills and is working on a third one now. I think we have the hardest working chairman and committee in congress. The rest of the government, the senate in particular, need to catch up with us. To their credit, they are sitting down with the president today and were beginning to see some progress. We need this additional time to allow us to fund the government. My friends who oppose it, whats your alternative . Shutting down the government . I know they dont want to do that. Theyve always argued against it, i always thought they were right when they argd against it. If we follow their advice and reject this amendment, the government will shut down on friday that doesnt do any american any good the chairman offered the responsible alternative here. I urge its passage and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman reserves. The gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield two minutes to the chairman of the transportation and h. U. D. Subcommittee, mr. Diazbalart from florida. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Diazbalart i want to first thank the chairman for bringing the 12 bills once again. This is just a shortterm continuing resolution. Its a clean, date extension. This c. R. Will give an opportunity to continue to move forward quickly, by the way, toward finalizing Appropriations Bills. Its important to note that for example in the transportation and h. U. D. Bill we considered 22 amendments in committee, 39 amendments here on the floor. You see this has been an open and fair process the entire way. But now we must. We must move quickly to finish the job and conference all 12 of these bills. In the meantime, however, we must keep the government open and funded. This is especially, by the way, important, now this our communities are pulling together to recover from three devastating hurricanes as well as thousands of families threatened by raging wildfires in california. We cant take the risk of shortchanging our first responders. Our military. Given the natural disasters at home and the threats from our adversaries abroad. A vote against this c. R. Would do just that. So again, just for the transportation and housing, segment this will support ongoing transportation and safety missions, air traffic control, housing for as a rule commercial vulnerable citizens including our veterans. I strongly urge a yes vote on the c. R. , we cannot let those folks down, we cannot shut the federal government. It allows us to finish the job and i thank the chairman for his steadfast leadership. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlelady from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield two minutes to the chairman of this the Veterans Affairs subcommittee, mr. Dent of pennsylvania. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Dent i too rise to join my colleagues in urging the house to pass the continuing resolution before us. This is not the course of action any of us would prefer obviously but the house passed all 12 Appropriations Bills and it was on the path to complete action on appropriations before the start of fiscal year 2018 but our ambition was overtake bin events. Whether you want to blame the ponderous pace of the senate or time devoted to important issues like obamacare or tax reform, in any event we need to pass this shortterm continuing resolution to prevent disruption of important governmental programs and create a window in which budget cap discussions can occur. All of us stand ready to conference our Appropriations Bills once the debate on budget caps is resolved. I want to emphasize how important it is for us to pass each of the 12 Appropriations Bills. Its prnt that each be enacted rather than cherry picking a few that may have the broadest support. Its dangerous to allow any part of the government to run on a c. R. , or auto pilot for a full year when we have worked hard to include oversight provisions and targeted funding reductions in our bills. All these would be lost with a yearlong c. R. Speaking about the programs and military construction, v. A. Bill, which i chair a full year c. R. Prevents d. O. D. From starting 204 new projects. S the core of our milcon program. Each year we appropriate funding for hundreds of new projects. D. O. D. Can manage in a shortterm c. R. But a fullyear c. R. Would be destating. While some programs are advance funded to prevent cutting off services to veterans, there are new activities that would be blocked by a fullyear c. R. , like the new Electronic Health record for its successor for care outside the v. A. System. I urge members to vote yes for this shortterm measure to give us time and tools we need to move forward on passage of all 12 Appropriations Bills and also to avert a Government Shutdown. So again, i urge an affirmative vote on the c. R. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlelady from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield two minutes to the distinguished chairman of the energy and Commerce Committee, mr. Walden of oregon. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Walden thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you to the distinguished chairman of the Appropriations Committee from new jersey for his great work on this and so many other issues. I rise to support the continuing resolution and highlight a very important shortterm provision in here that provides certainty for children, families, and states that rely on the Childrens Health Insurance Program known as chip. This adjustment, which was introduced by mr. Costello of pennsylvania, mr. Emmer of minnesota, will provide the centers for medicare and Medicaid Services with greater flexibility of existing dollars so they can assure chip programs across the country including now in my home state of oregon can continue to have vital federal funding they need this month to continue chip. This emergency funding will help families and states while congress finishes the job of providing funding for Childrens Health insurance. Public health priorities. Our Community Health centers. Medicare extenders that seepors rely on. All that work needs to get done. Its prnt to note, we did not arrive at this place of needing a stopgap funding resolution because this house failed to act. We acted. We did our part. We did our part. Im disappointed that the house has passed championing healthy kids act, passed this house with bipartisan support, yet to be hammered out in the senate. Over there they need 60 votes to get anything done. A minority of the minority can lock things up, which theyve done. What makes the inaction on chip even more frustrating is the housepassed bill mir mor mirror anywhere rors the bipartisan policy framework vetted voted out of the Senate Committee two months ago. Unfortunately, though, again, democrats over there fail tide gree on how to fund these programs. Thats different than what we did. Here in the house a championing healthy kids act delivers high Quality Health care, peace of mind to millions of americans, providing five years of funding for the Childrens Health Insurance Programs, one of the longest extensions ever for the program. It would mean continued access to health care for approximately nine million children across the country that are enrolled in chip, another 122,700 in oregon alone. Our house bill was fully funded. We did the heavy lift. We funded it through responsible reforms like asking seniors who make 40,000 a month, 480,000 a year, to pay about 135 more for their medicare. Rich seniors pay a little more. Im sure these grandmothers and grandfathers would do that to help kids afford their Health Insurance. We paid it. Its ready to go. We need the senate to act. I commend the Appropriations Committee and the leadership there for putting this provision in so we wont let kids fall through the gap. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentlelady from new york reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman in the health and commerce subcommittee, dr. Burgess of texas. Two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Burgess i thank the chairman for yielding. I must confess, mr. Speaker, i must confess, today i was astonished to read an article in one of the online magazines, House Democratic leadership asked their members to vote against this stopgap funding bill because of the stalemate over the funding on the state Childrens Health Insurance Program we just heard the chairman of the energy and Commerce Committee detail the work that has been done on this bill and let me assure this congress, there are probably people in here saying, what do you mean . We voted on this bill. We voted this bill out of the house weeks ago. It was offset, it was everything the senate asked for. They were delivered the fiveyear time frame, the funding levels the senate asked for, they got everything they wanted. Yes it was offset in a responsible fashion but now were told House Democratic leadership says vote no on this continuing resolution because we dont like the stopgap funding for the state Childrens Health Insurance Program. What in the devil do they want to happen . We did our work. We did our work and did our legislative work. We did delay things unfortunately, there was a shooting at the house baseball game that caused us some delay and came back two weeks later and got our work done and responsible bill and reflective of everything requested by the senate and was offset as requested by a number of members of this body and languished in the senate since the early part of october. It is time for the senate to take up and pass that bill so we dont have to have this continued discussion. This continuing resolution is important because it stops a problem that some of our states are going to face. The other body could fix it and they should. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from new york reserves. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i yield to the gentleman from minnesota. I thank the distinguished chair of the Appropriations Committee. In my home state of minnesota, the Childrens Health Insurance Program known as chip provides coverage for thousands of lowincome pregnant women and new mothers and their children. When funds for my states chip program ran out, they were wondering the fate of their health care. We teamed up with representative ryan costello, chairman walden and subcommittee chair burgess to introduce the chip stability act to bring certainty and stability to millions of families across the country. Im so grateful that our solution is incorporated into this continuing resolution today. Let me be clear, this is not enough. When the house passed the championing the healthy kids act, we put politics aside and americas most vulnerable first. It is my hope that the senate will do the same very soon. I encourage all my colleagues to support this continuing resolution so chip recipients are able to receive the coverage they need. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from minnesota yields back. The gentleman from new jersey reserves. E gentlelady from new york reserves. Mr. Frelinghuysen i have the right to close. Does the gentlewoman have any further speakers . The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Lowey i yield myself such time as i may consume to close. I reiterate the democrats have said all year, there must be a deal to raise spending caps in order to enact appropriation bills. Instead of heeding that advice, the majority is once again stumbling from crisis to crisis trying to fund the government two weeks at a time. Without a path forward to keep our country secure and make investments to grow our economy, we should immediately lift the caps on defense and nondefense spending. I yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Frelinghuysen i urge my colleagues to vote yes on this responsible and necessary legislation. Lets keep the federal government open for business to serve our constituents across the nation. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. All time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 647, the previous question is ordered. The question is, on engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018 and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the joint resolution. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it mr. Frelinghuysen i request a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman requests the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, the the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8, rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Hensarling i call up h. R. 477 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 477, a bill to amend the Securities Exchange act of 1934 to exempt from registration brokers performing services in connection with the transfer of ownership of privatelyheld companies the speaker pro tempore the text of rules Committee Print 11514 is adopted and the bill as adopted is considered read and shall be debatable for one hour equally divided by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee. After one hour, it shall be in order to consider further amendments printed in part a of house report 115143 if offered by the member designated in the report which shall be considered read and separately debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the pro in the event and not subject to a demand for the division of the question. The gentleman from texas, mr. Hensarling, and the gentlewoman from california, ms. Waters, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas. Mr. Hensarling i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and submit ex trainous on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Hensarling i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Hensarling if it wasnt for the last moment, a lot of things wouldnt get done in life, but last evening, the Ranking Member and i came to a meeting of the minds on a path forward for h. R. 477, so for efficiency of time for the house, i thank the Ranking Member for her willingness to work on a bipartisan basis to move this bill forward. Unfortunately, mr. Speaker, our Small Businesses labor under a ton of regulations, some of which are quite good and quite helpful but they can be very heavy burden and cost upon our Small Businesses. One is an unnecessary Registration System for Small Business brokers and so i want to thank the gentleman from michigan, mr. Huizenga, for his leadership to make sure they have a simplified registration regime and help our Small Businesses as they are engaging in sales. Its a good bipartisan piece of legislation and i thank him for his leadership and i thank the Ranking Member for working on a bipartisan basis. And i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentlelady from california. Thank you very much i yield myself five minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Waters this seeks to provide a statutory exemption with the securities and Exchange Commission for certain brokers who facilitate the merger or acquisition of Small Businesses known as m a brokers. When Congress First considered this exemption during the 113th congress, our goal was to prompt regular. To provide brokers designed for persons helping persons to facilitate capital. We succeeded. Two weeks after the house passed hat bill, the s. E. C. Had staffs view if an m. A. A. Broker complied it would recommend that the s. E. C. Not take enforcement action against that broker for failing to register with the commission. Specifically, the no action letter required the m a broker to abide by restrictions to provide such an exemption from being misused to raise capital or being abused by bad actors. H. R. 477 is Still Necessary to provide Legal Certainty since the no action letter is merely the nonbinding opinion of s. E. C. Staff. I understand their concerns. However the bill owe myths several of the conditions contained in the no action letter that protects Small Businesses and their investors. Im pleased that this Congress Representatives sherman and huizenga have worked on a bipartisan basis to add these protections back and through an amendment. If so amended, i will support h. R. 477, which would strike the right balance between regulatory relief and the protection of Small Companies and their investors. In particular, the amended bill uld require an m a broker to provide them with clear written disclosures and contain their consent to their conflicts of interest, prohibit mmp and a brokers to raise capital rather than transfer ownership of Small Businesses, prohibit shell ompanies for using it as a backdoorway to foster other bad actors from using the exemption. The bill would not change the statutory definition of probinger and preserving the s. E. C. s ability to bring Enforcement Actions for violations of the antifraud provisions. The bill would limit the relief to mergers and acquisitions involving companies involving less than 250 million in annual gross receive news which is the total income of the company or 25 million in annual earnings which is the amount of income minus expenses. The amendment would provide the s. E. C. To modify these thresholds as necessary or appropriate in the public interests for the protection of investors. As our nations baby boomers head into retirement and look to sell their businesses to a new generation of flowers. It is important they are able to do it. If amended h. R. 477 would allow them to do just that. And so i would support the bill. With that, i would like to thank my colleagues and thank mr. Hensarling and thank mr. Sherman. This is an important bill for all of us. We are all so supportive of our businesses and want them to do will and not be hindered by unnecessary regulations and with that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas. Mr. Hensarling im pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished chairman of the Small Business committee, the gentleman from ohio, mr. Chabot. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Chabot i rise in support of h. R. 477 and i want to thank chairman hensarling and chairman huizenga. While we are seeing improvements in our economy, we will not experience its full potential until we fully unleash Small Businesses. As chairman of the Small Business committee, i hear from Small Business owners that regulations are preventing their growth and expansion. The bill before us today addresses one of the many regulatory hurdles that stand in the way of development. This would decrease the burdens on Small Businesses that are going through the next phase of their growth including transitions in ownership. This should be a time of expansion and increased opportunities, not higher costs and bureaucratic red tape. Lets Work Together on behalf of our nations Small Businesses so they can continue to grow today and create the jobs of tomorrow. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio reserves. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas. Mr. Hensarling mr. Speaker, i yield three minutes to the gentleman from michigan, the sponsor of the legislation and the chairman of the Financial Services subcommittee on markets, securities and investment, mr. Huizenga. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Huizenga mr. Chairman, i appreciate your hard work on this. The mission of the securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors and maintain orderly markets and facility market formation. It was mandated by law to conduct a forum focusing on Small Business capital formation. The Government Forum has highlighted the merger and acquisition broker proposal as one of its top recommendations to help Small Businesses. The proposal would address Business Brokers and merger and acquisition advisers in the business of facilitating the purchase and sale of privately held Small Companies. The proposal would reduce the federal regulation compliance cost which can exceed 150,000 for a broker and after that costs 75,000 per additional year. The s. E. C. Has never acted on this despite the recommendation. And as we see baby boomers retire, there is an estimated 10 trillion of equity locked up in these small familyowned businesses. The federal securities regulations require a broker to be registered and regulated by the s. E. C. Like a wall Street Investment banker publicly trading. Anyone who is selling a business like a hardware store, a Jewelry Store or pizza parlor has to be treated they are being sold or bought by a wall Street Investment bank. Egardless of their size. We dont think thats right. Is legislation reduces costs and facilitates private business Merger Acquisitions and sales of Small Businesses this Small Business initiative promotes Economic Growth and development. So weve worked very closely across the aisle with our colleagues and i want to say thank you even in todays politically charged environment that we have, its nice to show the American People that we can actually do some positive, efficient, effective initiatives with bipartisan support. And id like to thank my colleagues, representative posey, higgins, sherman, maloney, as well as chairman hensarling and Ranking Member waters for their efforts to reach a bipartisan consensus and get the important legislation across the finish line. Ive been working on this now for three congresses. We believe that we have a very positive spot here where we can all support this and i want to encourage my colleagues to support and vote for h. R. 477, demonstrate that congress can actually work in a bipartisan manner and get some things done for the American People. So i urge swift consideration. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Hensarling time, mr. Speaker . The speaker pro tempore 25 minutes. Mr. Hensarling i will conclude by saying that again this is a commonsense reform, it is a balanced reform, its good for Small Business, it is bipartisan, i urge all of my colleagues to adopt h. R. 477 and again, thank you Ranking Member and the gentleman from california for their leadership to work on a bipartisan basis. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. All time for debate on the bill has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I have an amendment at the desk. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number one printed in part a of house report 115444, offered by mr. Sherman of california. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 647, the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman, and the member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california. Mr. Sherman thank you. I yield myself such time as i may consume. I rise to offer an amendment to h. R. 477, the Small Business Mergers Acquisitions simplification act of 2017. I want to thank the gentleman from michigan, its been a pleasure to work with him on this bill over a period of three congresses. And with the adoption of this amendment, the bill will be in a forum a form that will secure support from both sides of the aisle, not only my support, but more importantly the Ranking Members support. In the 113th congress, the house of representatives unanimously supported a similar bill to provide relief to the m a community for providing that in certain circumstances, a Small Business merger or acquisition broker would not have to register. As a result of that action by the house, which was not matched by action in the senate, the securities and Exchange Commission understood the wisdom of this house and introduced a no action letter dated january, 2014, provide the same level of relief requested by the house. In their no action letter, however, the s. E. C. Placed several limitations on the exemption from legislation that were not included in the house bill but with this amendment will be included in this years bill. These limitations provided additional pr teches for investors and Small Businesses. It excluded bad actors and shell companies, prohibited passive buyers in an m a transaction to assure they cant use this exemption as a Capital Raising mechanism. Prohibited an m a broker for providing financing for the transfer. Prohibited m a brokers from binding a party to a transfer of ownership and i think this is most important requiring that to be eligible eligible, a broker would have to disclose to both parties and get their consent if theyre being paid by both parties. So theres both a sillers commission and buyers commission, you have to tell the buyer, you have to tell the seller. Now, those who want to step outside the safe harbor can simply register. But those will be exempt from registration need to comply with this with these six elements. The Small Business mergers acquisition sales and brokerage simplification act will codify the s. E. A. No action letter and provide certainty to the Small Business and Merger Acquisition brokers. In the last congress i opposed the bill because it included only two of the six restrictions included by the s. E. C. With this amendment the bill will include all restrictions. S that bipartisan amendment and includes all the limitations of the s. E. C. No action letter, its been a pleasure to work with the gentleman from michigan on it. In addition, our amendment provides that the s. E. C. Has the Rule Making Authority to determine the correct thresholds of gross revenues and of ebitda, earnings of a company before interest, taxes, depretionuation and amortization, in determining whether a company qualifies thurn bill. The s. E. C. Is the agency with the expertise to do this. I encourage nem to examine this issue closely and ensure that any threshold in place is evidencebased. And i encourage them in future years to inflation adjust whatever limitation dollar figures they have in their regulations. I am pleased to offer this amendment with my colleague, mr. Huizenga, who i may have previously identified as the gentleman from michigan. And i offer it also with the support of the Ranking Member. I urge the passage of this amendment as it will assure bipartisan support for the bill and reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . I rise to claim time in opposition to the amendment even though i am not opposed. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I appreciate the opportunity to address the amendment and the work of mr. Sherman, mrs. Maloney, Ranking Member and obviously our chairman as well. Mr. Huizenga i do agree and accept this amendment as a friendly amendment. It does confirm what the no action letter has put in place. I believe it properly makes sure that the s. E. C. s role is preserved but they but that congress has its imprimatur on this as well and it aligns the bill with the principles in the no action letter. I think this is a good amendment. Reasonable amendment. And pleased to work with the gentleman from california as well and glad that we could get timelyttled and out in a. Nner with that, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california. Mr. Sherman i thank the gentleman from michigan and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the previous question is on the bill as as amended and on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman. The squone the amendment offered by the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The amendment is adopt agreed. The question is on the engrossment and third reading of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to amend the Securities Exchange act of 1934 to exempt from registration brockers working n with the transfer of smaller, privately held companies. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The bill is passed. Without objection on that, i request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having risen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess subject to the call of the chair

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