Remind your government responsibility, on numerous occasions, end when mr. Dutton said just last week in regard to we are putting those options on the table. Is it still your intention to close the prison on first of october . What will you do with the many hundreds of our fellow human beings who have suffered so greatly at your hands and the hands of the labour party . Where will they sleep and will they have access to medical care after 31 october . The minister for employment, senator cash. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you for the question. Is the government going to close the Processing Center questio . The answer is yes. It will close by the 31st of october 2017. Alternative accommodations have been established. Refugees who have expressed an interest in u. S. Resettlement may also volunteer to transfer. Not refugee residents are expected to return home voluntarily and will be assisted to do so. Nonrefugee is not returning voluntarily will be involuntarily removed by the government. Thei again say though question that does continue to be asked or needs to be asked is why . Why is anybody on many silent in the first instance . It is not because labor and liberals put them there. As you know, when you are a coalition with the former labour government, you lost control of the borders and, as a result, to this day, it is those of us on this side of the chamber he continued to clean up your mess. , 1200 deaths of which we know. And lets not even get started on the thousands expired. Ime has im just feeling torture, mr. President. My followup question is this. Will you categorically throughout the use of force to remove refugees from the menace island prison . Categoricallyer rule out cutting off water and electricity from the mets prison in order to coerce people to leave from the menace prison in order to coerce people to leave . Whatne of it relates to this government is doing supporting the png government. Is not a prison it is not a prison. You know torture can never be used. It is an insult that you would raise that. The png government, with the support of the australian government, will close them in a silent Processing Center close the menace island Processing Center. The two questions were abundantly clear and specific. Will the minister rule out the use of force to remove people from the menace island Detention Center . Explicitlyhich she rule out cutting off water and cutting off electricity to coerce people out. Minister indicate the was addressing points in your preamble, but i will let the senator the minister answer. Anybody will be removed by lawful means. There was great alarm by the spread of isis fighters in the middle east and australians joining them as well. Abouttory is more australias role in the middle east. My question is to the minister. Reports of the liberation of raqqa and sydney,. The minister update the senate on the progress being made against sydney . The minister for defense, senator kaine. Thank you. Thank you senator mackenzie for her question. Australia welcomes the reports that Syrian Democratic versus, with the support of the international coalition, has retaken raqqa in syria. While the majority of the city has been liberated, there are pockets of different resistance remaining and areas of the city still remain unsafe for civilians to return home. This is important progress. The actions have been appalling. The use oppression and retaliate to rule their territories. When local forces came to 5 daeshfight daesh, indiscriminately used improvised explosive devices around the city. Victory in raqqa will worldwide. Aesh battles. E been tough many syrians have lost their lives fighting terrorists during these operations. The Syrian Democratic forces are also to be commended for their determination, and we acknowledge their losses also. After this fighting, the stabilization in raqqa will take some time. The reestablishment of both institutions and the Central Services is critical to ensure that citizens are able to return and to rebuild their lives. Thank you, minister. Could the minister provide the progress in iraq and the contribution of the estrone Defense Force the capacity of the Security Task force . Despite the liberations of places, itther represents the beginning of the ends of the entity that is daeish in iraq. Some of these strongholds in the river valley are in difficult terrain and present different tactical problems, from the urban fighting so far experienced in the towns and cities. Australia will continue to support iraq insecurity forces so that iraq is able to defeat daesh. We continue to train, advise, ss in airt the i support there are task group. Thank you, minister. Final supplementary question. Can the ministers to the senate how the government did something to combat the threat of terrorism . This is a very important aspect of this challenge. Daesh continues to be defeated in the middle east, foreign fighters continue to return to our region. We continue to work with our partners to prevent terrorism from gaining a foothold here. Since june, australia has been providing support to the philippines, following the seizure of malawi. Announcementthe that the city marawi is liberated. Been a very difficult fight over the past five months, very challenging for the forces. Ne armed terrorist actions have disrupted the lives of tens of thousands of civilians and destroyed a once thriving town. Our support of the philippines represents australias commitment to working with our regional partners to address these terrorism threats. Partiesof the major have gone through various contortions on energy and Climate Policy over the past decade. Lasts resulted in the couple of years in a skyrocketing Energy Prices. This is a big pocket issue for voters. Labor remain skeptical. The amendment for sydney. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My question is the Prime Minister. The liberals promised australians that power builds would drop by 150 per year. They did not. This year, the promised her promise willmbers on my right cease and ejecting. The treasure will cease in jecting. Office, theming to liberals promised us runs their power bills would drop by 150. They didnt. That household gas prices would halve. [laughter] [indiscernible] my only reduce the power bills of australians by . 50 a week in three years time. Why would the australian people believe anything this Prime Minister says about Energy Prices . Well, mr. Speaker, i think the member for her question. Ccc report. From an a as says the evolution of a carbon tax [indiscernible] householdsavings to is reasonable, mr. Speaker. So there we go, the labour party telling them its true, like the one that they repealed in this house with a 1000 increase which went against the advice of australian regulator and other agencies, which they have not had the courage to repeat. Verye have been successful, in not just abolishing the carbon tax, but also in [indiscernible] price for gas come down from 12 this year to seven dollars, as well as put in pressure on the queensland labor government to get n energy who in you engaged in bidding practices where we saw wholesale electricity prices in queensland fall by 25 , mr. Speaker. I can inform the house that he family of four in sydney, with electricity costs under 2800 a energyse the government made easy website, switched suppliers, and as a support as a result will say 150 a year. And a family of three students in melbourne with electricity costs of about 1420 a year. They use the victorian electricity website and they said 230 a year, mr. Speaker. And there is the family of three living in brisbane. They had electricity costs 850 a year. As a result of the promotion of the ability to switch retailers and contracts, they use the easynment made energy website, switch suppliers. As a result, they will save 630 a year, mr. Speaker. We know come under our proposal recommended to us by the Energy Security board, the savings to households will be better than the one promoted by the clean as a secondt option. The labour party is isolated. They are standing alone, standing alone in opposition to the recommendation from the experts, the industry, the big users, the industry organizations have all come around to support this initiative as well that will deliver real deliver reliable, 4 host some of the asylumseekers at matus island for more than four years are refusing to leave. The compound is being shut down. Some say they are unsafe. The government is urged to find a solution. We might just reset the clock. The clock will start. On the fourth of september this year, you told parliament at question to him that there would be 200 asylumseekers filenet to be refugees moved to another Detention Center in png. There are eight days. Until menace center closes. Can you tell us how many asylumseekers will be left behind after the 31st of october . What will happen to them . And will the government will carenue to provide medical , torture support, and Security Services . The minister for immigration and border protection. Mr. Speaker, i thank the honorable member for the question sincerely. I appreciate the opportunity to provide an update today in relation to the situation. Prime ministers own aon turbo inet Prime Ministers oneill and turnbull announced earlier this year that the compound would be closed in october. Dwindlede population quite dramatically, not as quick we haveuld want, but been given this difficult situation and we are in the process of reading it up cleaning it up. We have the ability to transfer some people to the [indiscernible] in the original Processing Center. The population is 606. , 141. Nrefugees we have the ability in the new facility at Hillside House to accommodate 198 people who have been found to be refugees. At the moment, in the regional Processing Center, theres 141. Those people will move into Hillside House. There is the ability for refugees, the balance of the 606, to move from the regional Processing Center into another facility. We want to do it as quickly as possible. Underage it with the United States was achieved to process 1200 people to move off naru. Noting there are no women and children on menace, we have already had an uptick of 53 people between menace and our room and naru. We need to make sure we do not get new arrivals. Those would be relocated to anru. To naru. We dont want any people in any circumstance to come to australia because we will not allow those people. Order. A point of my question is about relevance, particularly the health care, torture, services. That point. Ing to nothing was provided by labor. You put the people there. Im not going to be lectured by labour. The honorable member has a much more distinguished record in this area and has the ability to ask these questions of the services she speaks of. The services she speaks out will continue to be provided and there will be transport arrangements on a regular basis. Turned ton time also a couple of significant commemorations in terms of australias conservationist of the great war. This was known as the last of horse charges in a Successful Campaign with australians involved. The member for marara. For barara. We will see the hundredth anniversary of the battle of [indiscernible] will the minister of the house the government is doing to commemorate the significant events. The minister for veterans affairs. Thanks, mr. Speaker. Will to thank the member for his question. Today marks the anniversary of the second of three major battles that occurred around [indiscernible] november 1942, where the Australian Forces suffered almost 6000 casualties over a period a fivemonth. The battle proved to be the turning point of the war in north africa, where the army were repelled in the axis forces were subsequently driven from the continent. 23 veterans of the campaign i attended a reception. Later today, they will participate in a ceremony at the australian war memorial. I know the opposition will be represented at that as well. To welcomean honor those veterans to the war memorial on the 75th anniversary. To give an alley le ofn idea of the mett these meds, one of my constituents was going to come to the war memorial today. Hisrtunately, he is in mid90s and had a heart attack two weeks ago. My Electorate Office today wanted to apologize to the government because he would be there. That ily, the message get back was that he didnt need to apologize. It is us, all of us, and every australian that is to thank him and all those veterans who served in north africa. Next week, we will also commemorate the centenary of the charge of the light horse in what is now israel. It was one of the great cavalry charges. The australian white horse protect enemy lines, defending the town of the sheba. About 1200 australians were involved in the charge, suffering 31 deaths and 36 wounded. They captured more than 700 turkish soldiers and security vital water source for allied troops in the middle east. Some members in this parliament will travel to israel to commemorate this significant battle next weekend the service and sacrifice of the strategy participated. Asked the centennial, i all australians to pause and reflect on the sacrifice of the australians and all those who have served. As question time wrapped up, it was all of doubt raised by gastro in place on the Australian Workers Union and their offices. This looked like bad news. But when information came out about the senior ministers journalistsing off to make sure that they were there when the rates happened [indiscernible] ministere prime confirm the following events . By midday yesterday, senator castel the senate five times her office is not aware of in a minute of eminent police raids. Feed reported informed. S were she admitted she misled the senate. The Prime Minister has the court. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. It i can confirm is that defends the interest of trade union members. [indiscernible] mr. Speaker, lets look at this this bastion of the advocacy. He said, mr. Speaker, this is a letter to the opposition. The trade Union Movement to have Services Provided by union, paid for by [indiscernible] regrettably, it is, mr. Speaker. One of the services is trading away the penalty rights. Cats are they get paid for, mr. Speaker. Example after example. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. Awu by employers when the leader of the opposition was the secretary. Mr. Speaker, one payment after , that really worked out well for the numbers, didnt it . Is a long listal and one payment after another was found by the Royal Commission to have no benefit for members and indeed to compromise the interest of the members because it compromise the ability of the union to represent them. What we have done is part legislation to prevent those corrupt payments made, to prevent sigrid payments secret payments being made. They hated it. Worse than allowing members to know when the employer was actually paying money to their union. That what senator standardsdone is the of integrity are applied to the Union Movement. That is what she has done. [indiscernible] out trading away from employers. End becauseng to an of legislation we passed and they opposed. That is the end of this edition of question time wrapped. Thank you for watching. 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Tour he held a joint News Conference with the president of vietnam. President trump commented on his recent meeting with russian president vladimir putin. This is 25 minutes