His own stationery to hoover. Tonight, on it got eastern on the cspans q a. And meansse wanes committee spent most of the week revealing the house of a begin tax reform plan. In this portion from wednesday, members considered an amendment to repeal the socalled cadillac tax on Health Insurance plans and to restore the minimum tax for corporations, and went to illuminate the carried deductions. This portion is about one hour and 15 minutes. The result is that youll see 10 or 12 amendments for the rest of the markup. We would like to know if the deliberations that appear to be going on outside the committee include a change to the mandate in the Affordable Care act. Are there further amendments . Mr. Chairman. Welcome mr. Camp. I want to finish what i said earlier. Mr. Chairman, i would like to reserve order . I will not duplicate what i said earlier. I will get to the back end. You recognize on the amendment . I have the amendment at the desk. Will be general and suspend while it is being distracted . Sure. The questions have been made, mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, this goes to every disaster that has occurred recently. Out whent winding this the challenge came to the amendment. We have a corrected that. All that needed to be corrected was that there was a deadline for the medicare act here we have taken that out so there is no question. Not file Puerto Ricans federal taxes . On the inlandgh to file federal taxes. They do not make enough. Taxes ricans pay payroll and pay into Social Security and paid local tax and sales taxes. This is a simple matter of fairness. It would bring needed Economic Relief to families struggling to relief from hurricane maria. It ensures, residents of puerto rico can receive the full Child Tax Credit as residents of the mainland do. These are the greatest antipoverty measures administered today. Riggins are left out. As many of my colleagues learned the heart Puerto Ricans are left out. Natural disasters can hit anywhere at any time. If my colleagues want to ensure tax relief will be there with their constituents, whether it be fire, water, whatever, they find themselves in need. They should report support my amendment. I yield back to mr. Chairman. Lets see what we have. People are very supportive of this that has come for mr. Pas grell. There are people on the island to still dont have our. It is a very important. I would like to associate my remarks. Ricans, butrto americans in general who are concerned about what is happening to their fellow american citizens. The amendment is much needed and empathetic and caring in the way that americans normally respond when americans are in trouble and in need of assistance. Mr. Thompson . I want to speak in favor of what has been provided. As you know from my earlier comments, i experienced one of the worst disasters in the , the fires in california. They devastated entire neighborhoods. Who had totituents run out of their house as her house was on fire. They did not have time to grab medicines or important papers. This is not just about my this is about everyone of us. Everyone of our colleagues in the house and every single constituent that we represent. Next disaster. He there will be a next disaster. Opportunity to make sure that with this amendment that survivors of natural disasters are treated equally and that we can make sure individuals and businesses are able to recover and to rebuild. The provisions of this amendment are important to the victims of a disaster. Theireople try to pick up lives after a disaster, they should not face more obstacles, and they certainly should not from the obstacles federal government. We should support measures to help them get back on their feet and get back to work and help them rebuild. Us a greatt makes nation. We come together with a history of coming together to help our communities. We should leave no american alone to pick up the pieces. I urge that this amendment be adopted. I urge that we stand with those we represent and who are experiencing devastation brought on by a disaster. I yield back to the house. The gentleman yield back. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I also want to support the amendment. It is really important that all of us really show what our colleagues are going through. When i first got elected him up my district, the university of alabama, tuscaloosa, alabama, got struck with tornadoes pick his body helped us out. Congress came to the rescue and really helped us recover from that. Oflso wanted to make mention the amendment would not only rico but the puerto also other u. S. Territories. That is important to make that point because the american citizens in the Virgin Islands were dramatically affected by the hurricane as well. Echo my support for this amendment and ask for its passage. The gentlelady yields back. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Obviously, when people are in disaster situations, we want to be there for them, especially when they are lifethreatening, but also to help people get back on their feet. We are, after all, a nation of people who look after one another. We were founded upon that principle, and we continue to do that. In these circumstances and i have been here, i do not recall there being a time when we didnt respond when there was a natural disaster. Congress didyear, advance the disaster tax and relief and the extension act of 2017 that it just the devastation that was caused by harvey, irma, and maria, which we have not seen in a very long time. That legislation was targeted. It really is the right approach because then all of the situations are not the same and not the same amount of money is needed. Ana matter of fact, i had opportunity to be with the new Surgeon General the other day. We were chatting about what had occurred in puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands. One of the things he talked about in his observation was not necessarily when there are tools there that can be used, but just the coordination of the tools was a real problem because there were supplies and people willing to help, but because of a lack of coordination, some areas were not getting the kinds of services they necessarily needed. I believe we really need to take a look at our response and making sure we are well prepared. I know it was extraordinary to three class five hurricanes in this. Of time and in different parts of the nation. It really distressed the situation. However, i would say that we should determine the right relief that is necessary to exercise with respect to the new situation. Will the gentlelady yields . No, i will not do i have 30 seconds. We should focus on struck pharrell tax reform legislation structural tax reform registration and to work toward this. I would be happy to work on a copper heads a plan, not just for the dollars, but to make sure we are having a conference of planned for these types of disasters that care occur. I yield my time. The gentlelady yields are time. I make a point that the city of chicago has a circled the wagon on puerto rico. For the last two weeks or more and some of the churches, synagogues and other entities have had rallies. Is led by the reverend Jesse Jackson and operation push. I now yield the rest of my time to mr. Pascrell. The youngt believe lady, who i have had a lot of respect for, is making a statement that everybody is treated the same. Let me tell her what happened in sandys case. 180 republicans voted no on sandy. That is not to add insult to injury, not only do they vote no , but sandy never got the aid specific that came from katrina in terms of property damage, insurance, and all of that. We are all different how can you sit there and say . You obviously did not read the the the amendment, and second of all there are so many instances i could point out where people got treated differently. Will the general and yield . We just got this amendment put in front of us. It is a lot to read. If you want to have us maybe recess and we will read the bill. I hope you extended us the same courtesy to read your bill. What is good for one is good for all. That is all i am saying. Without to try it once in a while. It exists or doesnt exist. All i am saying is treat everybody the same. The very people who i went to their district when they had a catastrophe still voted no. You call that equality . Oh, so what is good for this group is not good for that group. Who are we kidding here . Read the faqs. Facts. Where not secondclass citizens in this country. No one is. I yield. Mr. Kelly on the amendment. Thank you, chairman. I was actually here for sandy, and when you talk about people who voted against that piece, they didnt vote because they didnt want to help sandy victims. What bothered more than anything else was that all the other 49 states that i will vote for if you build something in there for me to. I remember it very clearly because my concern was for the folks that lived under the specific situation that would have been hurt. Then i saw that we take a disaster we try to tap into it on a lot of different issues in the other 49 states or other areas that werent affected to get our hands into a pot of cash that is supplied by hardworking american taxpayers. I dont think there is anybody in here that would ever say we didnt want to help the people in puerto rico or in texas or in california. We do, and we do it specifically for when that happens and when it occurs. Right now, we are involved in a terminus effort to change our tax code so we get positive growth and get a huge lift in , and we have a dynamic situation that america has always been known for. I understand why you want to put these things in. I get all that. I dont disagree. We want to help people, but can we keep it specific to what we are working on today. Excuse me mr. Pascrell, it is my time. I was just asking a question. Do you mind . It is my time, mr. Pascrell. You have interrupted me while i speak. When am i going to speak . Mr. Pascrell, you are out of order. I am glad this is on tv so everyone can see what is going on here. Saying you cant believe that we didnt want to help them in turn our backs, no we didnt care we turned our , but, we try to help out everybody else saw it as a freeforall and wanted to grab it. We can keep going on ad nausea to about what we are trying do. Comprehensive tax reform is what we are working on right now to make sure every american has more takehome pay, that we can be globally i tell you this, a dynamic economy, and economy that is going on eight cylinders and turning out and really capturing what it is we are as americans. I understand your concern. Yes, i would love to help these people. I cant tell you how many times my heart has been willing but my wallet has been weak. Lets make sure we get the wallets healthy so we have the revenue to get there. I will gladly get with you anytime there is a disaster to help those folks directly impacted. Thank you, and i yield back. The question on agreeing with mr. Pascrell. All say i. Almost say no. Committee role 19 for the proceedings of the amendment will be posted. Mr. Chairman, could i ask unanimous consent to have this read into the record . It is from a double Taxation Group and talking about the negative impact of the state and local text eduction being removed. Numerous members of the Republican Party and commerce are listed here speaking out against what you are trying to do in this bill and try to talk about their districts and states. Are there any other amendments in the nature . Mr. Chairman, on the last i want to enter into record a crs report that determined that every provision was justified in hurricane sandy. Have the amendment at the desk. I reserve. Mr. Reichert reserves the right of order. When you suspend while it is being distributed . I withdraw myn, reservation. Ms. Of any is recognize on the amendment. Ms. O benny a bill that i supported. Said, as we all know too well, how our country manage its tax code makes absolutely no sense. How can families and local businesses count on tax relief each year as long as congress cant decide what is permanent and what is not . He also said americans will never have to worry each december if congress will take action to extend certain tax relief measures that they have come to rely on. , just about two years after that Bipartisan Legislation passed with the chairmans praises for delivering certainty to families , staring down and we are staring a partisan bill with provisions that will expire, leaving working families with a tax increase, their piece of the bill for massive Corporate Tax cut. Meanwhile, we are doing nothing at all to address the inside the cadillac tax, the permanent apeal of which has been bipartisan goal for at least as long as i have meant in congress. Design of the cadillac tax was intended to be narrowly targeted on the most extravagant plans. Instead, it will hit working families because of a variety of factors at out of their control like a juror occupation. That is why it might amendment will once and for all repeal the tax that both republicans and democrats have agreed on and give American Families some certainty so they can plan. This plaques on hardworking americans disproportionally impacts people like the brave First Responders who have been battling wildfires out west and delivering lifesaving aid to have been impacted who have been impacted by the hurricanes. The cadillac tax would also hit family plans to times as harshly as individual plans. We have learned over time that families cost are more than two times of individuals. By leaving this tax in place, we are conceding to allowing children and families to care an outside share of the tax burden, and that is exactly the kind of unfairness that comprehensive tax reform should be about. We should be fixing these things in the cold. Yet, maybe i shouldnt be surprised, as countless economists have said since this was released, this bill is not tax reform. It is tax cuts for the very top. This amendment is an opportunity to help our children, firefighters, seniors, and working families and opportunity to ensure 200,000 more americans , according to estimates by cbo and gct, that 200,000 more would have insurance. Many of us agree on the need for this reform. I urge my colleagues to vote yes to protecting working families from yet another tax increase on top of those that they were already face under this bill. I yield back. Mr. Kelly on the amendment. Thank you, chairman. The gentlelady from washington, you and i are in agreement on this. , bys too bad that only you the way, on that side, every Single Member on that side voted for this cadillac tax being included in the Affordable Care act. But, as an employer, and summoning does supply insurance for his employees or associates, i believe in what you are doing. I believe in that 100 . We have delayed this several times. We delayed it to 2020 and we voted to delay in 2025. I am going to object, not because i dont believe in what you are saying, this never had to be an issue. This all goes back to the Affordable Care act. What i dont understand is, we are saying you all dont want to help out on this. We do want to help out. I dont think this is the time we had a conversation when we were doing the markup on the Health Care Bill a few months ago. I brought up an amendment to repeal the cadillac tax, and you said you agreed with me and we should work on this, and yet nothing has happened. I am cleaning my time, excuse me, excuse me. We have done nothing. We have hr 173 that has 271 cosponsors and members from the other side who are cosponsoring that with me. I will go back to it never had to be repealed. If it had not been placed in the afford will care act to begin with will the gentleman yield . It was never enforced. That is part of the problem. I will yield, but i just do not think what we are talking about today. This should go into the health care peace but it does not need to go in today. We have a tax plan right here , we have an opportunity to do something bipartisan and an amendment that does it. I am confused. Are you saying you are supporting that . For claiming my time, neither one of us was here at the time, and we know it was terrible policy at the time and became part of the afford will care act. Affordable care act. It was not a disagreement between you and i, this was put in thew and past majority. I think it is odd that we all say today is the day we will take care of that. We have voted twice. I will reject your amendment because i do not think today is the time or place for it, but i would be glad to work on you with this. Work on this with you. An interesting theme, which is we will be glad to work with that on you, but we cannot vote with you today. The time to do that work was prior to hr one being introduced in this committee, but we did not have hearings and subcommittee hearings and markups there. We simply got a closeddoor process in which democrats were completely shut out and we now have a tax bill before us that wants to give these huge giveaways to wealthy families and corporations and literally take it out of the hide of hardworking americans. I believe it is that process of working together that should have happened prior to this week, there was a good chance we could have had a bipartisan agreement on repealing the cadillac tax. I know many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle support that notion. We can go back and relitigate aca forever, but we have a chance to move forward and to make the necessary fixes, and yet every time we bring that up, she gets shutdown and you vote no against it. We should act now to repeal the 40 tax on working Families Health benefits, because it is a problem we need to address now. Employers have already started workers insts to the anticipation of the tax by increasing workers deductibles, copays, and their insurance. Why now, when we have a chance to fix it, what members of this want to make this situation even worse . We should help working people, middleclass families in california and across the avoid facing a massive penalty on the benefit they have earned just to give tax breaks , wealthyy individuals families, and corporations. Hasn, repealing this tax long enjoyed bipartisan support. It is another common sense tweak to the tax code that you apparently are not going to include in this bill, and i urge my colleagues to stand with working americans and support congresswoman dell bennys to repeal this tax instead of offering the same platitude over and over, happy to work on that with you, but not before we produce a piece of legislation with life altering consequences. I wish we could take your word face value, as a prophet as an offer that you are interested in working with us, but the progress of giving the tax bill to the committee has proved otherwise. Your actions have proved otherwise to your and he and hollow words. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. On the amendment . Thank you visitor chairman, i yield my time to mr. Kelly. I appreciate the gentleladys comments, but let me be perfectly clear on this. For an employer who has always used his own money, not taxpayer money, to provide health care for my associates, i find it an insult to say you did not care, and if you had your heart and it you would do it why in the world would you vote for it to begin with and the Affordable Care act and voted against it in the America Health care act when you could have done it then . To come here today and somehow try to paint us as a horrible group of people that do not want to do this it is your Health Care Bill, not our Health Care Bill. As an employer, i have supplied this for a long time. I have never looked to the government to say you know what, i think you want to pick up the tab on this. Taxpayer not to pick up the tab on it. I do not think it is fair that i should have to pick up the tab on it, and to try and say we do not care about these folks . Are you kidding me . Of you at that diocese voted for the Affordable Care and this was in it. The Obama Administration refused to enforce it because you knew it was bad policy. Maybe you should have read the bill before you pass it, and to come in today and say you do not care about folks you do not want to do this, i love the fact you used the term cadillac because i happen to be a cadillac dealer, and most people in my life aspired to drive a cadillac, and when we have an insurance piece, we say this is a Cadillac Health care peace, you know why . It is the best you can possibly buy. But then we saito, people are not entitled to that. It is too generous. We have to scale it back, and ton you say you do not want reveal the tax . Absolutely. I have been fighting against it since it first came out, but to try to put a spin on it that somehow it is not who we are, i would remind you, again, in coaching and parenting you better use repetition, repetition, repetition. If you had not passed that Health Care Act to begin with we would not be facing this today . I would suggest you look at how you voted not committee. I yield back my time. It is great to be here today with people who have a different view of the past. Let me make a suggestion. We have a lot of work to do. We have a lot of journeys together over this next several hours, and i suggestion my suggestion is we be forward leaning and forwardlooking and talk about the bill in front of us. There will be a lot of temptations to run in all over about ae, to be talking lot of other things. I think we would all be well if we all do our best to focus in on what is before us. With that admonition, lets see how long it lasts. An invitation. Esther larson, can you lead us mr. Larson, can you lead us in this renewed effort to focus this . Amazing grace how sweet thou are [laughter] for theink the majority comedy they are providing us now. I want to say to my good friend from pennsylvania, because he always leads with his heart. He is indeed the author of a letter along with the original sponsor of this bill, joe courtney. That is why i strongly support missile bennys effort mrs. The bennys effort, and reason we are going through this frustration is because we are order, and we have not, as mr. Roscoe has indicated, allowed the opportunity for one another to go back and forth. That mr. Kelly, who has led the effort on the republican side, who has gotten 79 cosponsors 201. Democrats, 100 plus but you lead that effort to bring your colleagues along. I commend you for that. What has happened here and as you indicated and i think you are illustrating our frustration as well. Is the same kind of amendment process that mr. Neil asked the very poignant question just before we were about to begin, that we have a dark and abiding suspicion that we may be reveals offurther the Affordable Care act because as we have been meeting here and people have been meeting elsewhere behind closed doors instead of in regular order, we are told that what we are going to do is fall or regular order follow regular order throughout this regular order only means bundling people during a time or not being able to get the full details, never having expert witnesses, etc. That is what this has come down to. I will yield. Clarification,of i would have gladly use joes name. He asked me in the future not to do that unless i had his permission first. It was his bill, i just want to understand. Im sure he knows that. He is an honorable man and so are you. Whatr with the chairman the chairman is saying and that we should go forward on this, but there should be a full understanding by the American People you are talking about regular order this is not regular order. , and the kinder that should never take place in this committee. That is where the frustration stems from. \ i support ms. Delbene. The gentleman yield back. I yield back. Davis . Thank you, mr. Chairman. I am one of those people who voted for the Affordable Care act, and i did so proudly. But i am also an individual who will recognize that there are times of change, and i hope, just as i support repealing the cadillac tax, some of my colleagues will look at the deduction that you have put into the tax bill, and you might say the same thing to it that i am saying about the cadillac plan, and that is it is not going to work, it has not worked, just as i think some of the deductions are going to work. I would yield the balance of my if she wouldelbene like to comment further. Thank you, mr. Davis. This is not a healthcare bill, we would like to do this during a Health Care Bill, and that was not the right time in another marker of where we got a bill dropped and were doing a markup through the night. I heard mr. Kelly and others say they supported this, but this was not the right time. Have another bill, a tax bill, and it is not the right time. The American People want to see is actually get things done. For us to opportunity do that. This is the time we should be bringing these this use up these issues up and actually do something bipartisan to make it happen. Unanimoust to ask consent, mr. Chairman, to enter into the record two letters in support of the amendment from the afl, cio, and the brotherhood of electrical workers. Without objection. Does the gentlelady yield back . I yield back. On the amendment . I strongly support the amendment to repeal the cadillac tax. This will have it is reported a disproportionate income impact on families. Cia found thatl if this tax were to go into effect, 25 of workers with single coverage in my home state would be impacted in the next decade. That would be especially harmful for many workplaces with robust labor unions who have negotiated lower salaries in exchange for more comprehensive health care plans. We should not allow antiunion sentiment in washington to the used to undermine the men and women who worked hard to make ends meet and put food on the table. This tax hits right at the heart of medical america middle america, and we need to make sure that working families are made whole. We need to repeal this tax. The gentlelady yield back. The question is not agreeing to the amendment offered by representative delbene. Although saying i . Saying no any proceedings of the amendment will be postponed. Is there any additional amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute . Mr. Higgins . Thank you mr. Chairman. My amendment is a very simple one. It would require that as the White House Council of economic advisers have said that each byricans income will rise 40009000 dollars a year directly attributable to this Corporate Tax cut, reducing the statutory rate from 35 20 . Standld i invite you to for a minute . Mr. Chairman, i reserve a point of order. Mr. Riker . Reserves the point of order. [inaudible] mr. Higgins, you are recognized on the amendment. As i was saying, if that goal is not achieved, the corporate rate revert back to 35 . Mr. Chairman, the treasury secretary says the Corporate Tax cuts will pay for themselves, and additionally will generate 2 trillion in new Economic Growth through the magic of dynamic scoring. This is a lie. It is only the first lie. , fromn sachs economists which the treasury secretary came, the university of pennsylvania wharton school, the test policy center have all categorically and unequivocally rejected the treasury secretary dynamic scoring fantasy. In fact, they indicate there will be virtually no growth, there will be big deficits, and the treasury secretary is off by about 6 trillion in his estimate. As i mentioned previously, the White House Council of economic advisors issued a report arguing that the 1. 5 trillion Corporate Tax cut will accrue to the benefit of middle americans. They actually said this. Fromare cutting the rate 40 to 25 will get an annual ofrease for every american between 400 one 4000 to 9,000 a year when fully in effect. That is line number two. The only thing worse than these lies in the presumption of their current on their part of the American People believe this and are stupid. That is why they do not have the guts to come before this committee, and i think it is shameful to defend the things they have said. Corporate america contributes about 9 in federal revenues. It was, at one point, about 30 . Corporate america makes reference profits record profits today and hires expensive lawyers and accountants to hide the cash they are reporting in foreign accounts to avoid paying taxation and also u. S. Treasury bonds. Has not beenrica living up to their responsibility to help move this economy in an efficient way. Do not tell me that Corporate Americans are the job creators. The American People are the job creators. The American Economy is the strongest economy in human history. It is 70 consumption. Clearlyrd will show that when there are high wages, there is high demand. When there is high demand in the economy, there is high growth in the economy. When there is high growth in the economy, we do not have budgetary deficits. We have budgetary surpluses. We know this. Had nearly 4 , we Economic Growth sustained over an eight year period. America invested in cancer research, rebuilding the roads and bridges of this nation, and pushing out innovation to fuel Corporate Americas rise to , and we expected that Corporate America would do the right thing and pay their fair share. Today, general electric, over 20 st five years, paid may 20 8 billion in profits and paid made 28 billion in profits and pay no taxes. Mr. Chairman, this tax cut will not do what the proponents of its say they will. Your time has expired. We need to do better. Mr. Riker . I made a point of order to the amendment because it is not germane to the amendment they are substituting. This violates house rule 16, clause seven. It requires the secretary of labor to issue a report, which is beyond the scope of this bill. It is also outside of the committees jurisdiction. Does the gentleman offering the amendment wish to speak on the point of order . I think it is pretty clear that these assertions are the basis from which these tax cuts are being advanced. They are not only germane, they are fundamentally important toward the goal of accumulating the information that is necessary in order to make us possible positions responsible decisions about the items before us. Prepared to rule the amendment is not germane to the amendment in the nature of the substitute because it violates house rule 16, clause seven by directing the secretary of labor to make a report. Point of order is sustained. The amendment is not in order. I would ask for a recorded vote on the ruling . Wrecks mr. Higgins, you will appeal the ruling to the chair . Yes sir. I moved to table, mr. Chairman. The question is on the motion to appeal the ruling of the chair. All those in favor, signified by saying i . Aye. In the opinion of the chair, the eyes have it, and the motion to table is agreed to. Roll . Kirk will call the roll. [inaudible] mr. Johnson . Ye. Johnson, a mr. Nunez . Mr. T very, aye. Mr. Roskam . Aye. Mr. Began in buchanan. R. Smith of nebraska, aye aye. Enkins, this black . Aye. Mr. Kelly . Aye. Ye. Renee c, a mr. Holding, aye. Mr. Smith of missouri, aye. Mr. Rice. E. Schweikert, ay ms. Kohler ski. Aye. Mr. Bishop, aye. Mr. Neil, no. Mr. 11, no. Mr. Lewis, no. Mr. Doggett, no. Mr. Thompson, no. Mr. Larson, no. Mr. Blumenauer, no. No. Kind, mr. Pas grau past grell, no. R. Davis, no ms. Sanchez, no. Mr. Higgins, no. No. Sewall, ms. Delbene, no. R. Nunez, aye buchanan. In mr. Rice. , aye. Rvalho chairman brady, aye. Did you want to do the amt . Sandy, what do you want to do . You can go first. He can come in if he wants to. Yay,ss, 16 nos. The motion to table is agreed to. Amendment . Ditional yes, i will go. Mr. Doggett . It is being distributed. Mr. Reiger . I will suspend, but i want to make it clear, as i have informally, i saw mr. Brady come in. Im discussing an abridgment and amendment, mr. Brady, i wanted to have full notice, as i believe he does, that i will be discussing his amendment, number one in this amendment. I do not want to be unfair in any way and i wanted to have an opportunity to respond. I have recognize you for the purpose of stating an amendment. Are you going to suspend while it is being distributed . Mr. Reiger is observing a point of order and is on pause until it is a street it. Distributed. I withdraw my point of order. Withdraws his point of order. Mr. Doggett, you recognize on the amendment. This restores the alternative for wealthy individuals that the bill reveals. What we need to do much more than this amendment to make sure that the wealthiest few and Large Companies pay their share of our security cost, repealing the amt would be a gift directly , and it wouldrump have saved him 31 million in one year alone. Like the Panama Papers on which for investigatory hearings, the Paradise Papers show that major corporations and individuals like members of the trumps cabinet like to stash their millions in offshore tax havens. Terry cohen, the president s designated leader on this very tax bill, has been the president or Vice President 22 separate bermuda tax shelter entities. We need to talk stop the corporate giveaways. But how have republicans responded to the startling revelations this week in the Paradise Papers . The same way they have responded to those corporations who cares so little for our countrys future that they renounced their Corporate Citizenship charter in order to avoid taxes. They defend and enable these tax daughters. Dodgers. A halfay, at five and hours into this hearing, the committee was presented by the chairman with a 33 page amendment that no democrat had ever seen. Was ind not tell us what it, what its cost was, or would permit us nearly five minutes to review this amendment outside. He committee i believe that he was correct then when he called this process andckery of the committee put us under authoritarian rule. I have reviewed that the prize amendments and the joint tax of it. S it is a multimillion dollar gift dodgers,ational tax particularly wall street banks and the koch brothers, who have lobbied against it. 157 billion of the cost of this amendment, number one, presented from secret endeavors and 95 of theout Republican Base erosion promises in the original bill have now been eroded by them in amendment. Umber one casting one vote after another as your constituents will oppose do not care about people. I believe you do care about people. The people you care about are a little different than the ones that i view as our priorities. The gentlemans time has expired. Theneil . I support amendment that mr. Doggett has offered. I think it was corrective action that was taken American Opportunity tax credit. All of those could be included in this new food this bill. The whole approach of amendment by ambush which is what is going on right now unwarranted chairman is not in his seat to come up with additional amendments to try and patched together what been presented. The debate on the entire bill for we ever have the cost analysis of the full implications of what any of these lastminute changes to. We need to adopt this amendment. Am going to oppose this amendment. Everything its an entirely unfair burden for the government your to impose them o and. Takes from thousands and honestds of Hardworking Taxpayers who are very far from being wealthy. The most powerful the most in the country. Americans are chipping in a little bit as far as the tax code is concerned. We all benefit from a Strong Defense and a strong nation. Thats what this amendment really addresses. And higgins or even when its right here in this country because of how the code is skewed. I think this is an important amendment just for the sanctity of our revenue to in the confidence of the American People to know they are not being taken to the cleaners by multibillionaires in this country. 30,000 of my constituents are impacted by this. This tax relief for illinois and skyscrapers and jets may be. I havent seen a lot of them. Agreeing to is on the amendment. The opinion of the chair of the nose have it. Further proceedings on the will be postponed. Are there additional amendments to the nature of the substitute. Please deliver to each of us the package. Will the clerk please distribute the amendment. Reserves the point of order. Ester levanon are recognized on the amendment. 10 years ago tomorrow the house approved legislation that carried interest loophole. People who provide services not on their own money but other peoples money pay Capital Gains tax instead of an ordinary tax like other people who provide services. It was passed three times after that. This bill is the same as the bill that was introduced in 2015. When the manager provided his and the reason we were so upset was it came out of the werent able to look through the clouds to see what it was all about. It turned out the managers essentially was a fake lease and later on we received a score. Raised 1. 2 billion when the bill that i introduced with many others in 2015 and this bill is the same as that raised 15. 6 billion. This has become the prominent loophole. It symbolizes the failure. To understand that those who provide services often about big money. Should not be in a different position from those who provide services. This bill now has bipartisan and i just want to read releaseeptember 28 report and white house economic adviser gary . As we continue to involve on the framework president has made it clear to the tax writers in congress. Carried interest is one of those loopholes we talk about when we talk about getting rid of loopholes that affect wealthy americans. Thats what this is all about. A few on the Minority Side are not willing to get up to the whereand eliminate this ellis are you going to step up to the plate. I think instead you are going to managersu do the amendment. I strongly urge support for this amendment. The chairman and guilt. Quirks i withdraw my point of order. Mr. Nunez withdraws the point of order. The goal of tax reform is Economic Growth and theres nothing more important to Economic Growth and entrepreneurism. Embodieseurism exceptionalism. Encourages patient longterm of all sizes across all industries. Create Economic Growth. Equity fund. With got 14. 1 billion in longterm private equity investment. In north carolina. Private equity has some 13. 3 billion dollars in investments 161,000 people. 11. 3chigan the nationwide are employedcans by companies. Her on the amendment i think is a very responsible step. Through the interest preserving integrity and usefulness of this provision by lengthening the holder period. Ecessary quirks mr. Lewis on the amendment. Thank you mr. Lewis. I hope everybodys listening because this gets to the fundamental issue of what we do about loopholes. Nunez says the managers amendment made a fundamental change. That simply is not true. Its a fake belief. It isnt and this isnt a bill that makes any significant in the loop orbit the president of the United States. I want to talk about equity. There is equity to code in other peoples money. Many is sweat equity and other parts of services. That is simply grossly unfair. This isnt a partisan issue. I would like to present for the record. I want to finish. Dont they embrace the feet belief big leaf when thats a fake leaf you can see through. If you cant address this loophole. Let me describe where we are procedurally. Mr. Kind is thought to be recognized on this amendment. Recognize and proceed to a vote. Mr. Lewis has an amendment. He will speak. We have one on the other side that speaks. Ill try to be quickened and to the point. Start improving this legislation in a bipartisan fashion. Mr. Trumpiend and have a lot in common. They both have great hair and they both believe in and in the carried interest loophole. The Campaign Trump called for closing that loophole and called Hedge Fund Managers paper pushers who were getting away. Ith murder because of we are looking for some commonality as far as bipartisan amendments. All those in favor signify by saying odd. Those opposed to say no. In the opinion of the chair the nose have it. Rule 19 to committee the proceedings will be posed on. Are there additional amendments in the nature of the substitute. Mr. Lewis. Quirks mr. Chairman i have an amendment. Will you suspend while its been deleted quickly. I will reserve a point of order. Lewis proceed while its being distributed. My amendment would delay the tax cut in this bill until the United States armed forces have withdrawn from the longest wars in our nations history. For 16 years we buried our heads in the sand. Sisters and brothers. Mothers and fathers lost their lives on the battlefield. Put their lives on the lines and their families on hold to protect our freedom. Mr. Chairman veterans day is this week and how does this committee respond to pass a tax cut bill to pay for these wars on a credit card. Just this Morning Report found is 5. 6 current bill trillion. This was more than 23,000 per taxpayer. There will be no money for people trying to miss food on the table. Never before have we passed a dead of this size. Today i asked my colleagues to be brave

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